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UNCLE TOM'S CABIN or Life among the Lowly By Harriet Beecher Stowe

VOLUME I CHA TE! I In "hich the !ea#er I$ Intro#%ce# to a Man of H%manity Late in the afternoon of a chilly #ay in &e'r%ary( two gentlemen were $itting alone o)er their wine( in a well*f%rni$he# #ining +arlor( in the town of ****( in ,ent%c-y. There were no $er)ant$ +re$ent( an# the gentlemen( with chair$ clo$ely a++roaching( $eeme# to 'e #i$c%$$ing $ome $%'/ect with great earne$tne$$. &or con)enience $a-e( we ha)e $ai#( hitherto( two 0gentlemen0. One of the +artie$( howe)er( when critically e1amine#( #i# not $eem( $trictly $+ea-ing( to come %n#er the $+ecie$. He wa$ a $hort( thic-*$et man( with coar$e( common+lace feat%re$( an# that $waggering air of +reten$ion which mar-$ a low man who i$ trying to el'ow hi$ way %+war# in the worl#. He wa$ m%ch o)er*#re$$e#( in a ga%#y )e$t of many color$( a 'l%e nec-erchief( 'e#ro++e# gayly with yellow $+ot$( an# arrange# with a fla%nting tie( 2%ite in -ee+ing with the general air of the man. Hi$ han#$( large an# coar$e( were +lentif%lly 'e#ec-e# with ring$3 an# he wore a hea)y gol# watch*chain( with a '%n#le of $eal$ of +ortento%$ $i4e( an# a great )ariety of color$( attache# to it(**which( in the ar#or of con)er$ation( he wa$ in the ha'it of flo%ri$hing an# /ingling with e)i#ent $ati$faction. Hi$ con)er$ation wa$ in free an# ea$y #efiance of M%rray'$ 5rammar(6 an# wa$ garni$he# at con)enient inter)al$ with )ario%$ +rofane e1+re$$ion$( which not e)en the #e$ire to 'e gra+hic in o%r acco%nt $hall in#%ce %$ to tran$cri'e. 6 Engli$h 5rammar 789:;<( 'y Lin#ley M%rray 789=;*8>?@<( the mo$t a%thoritati)e American grammarian of hi$ #ay. Hi$ com+anion( Mr. Shel'y( ha# the a++earance of a gentleman3 an# the arrangement$ of the ho%$e( an# the general air of the ho%$e-ee+ing( in#icate# ea$y( an# e)en o+%lent circ%m$tance$. A$ we 'efore $tate#( the two were in the mi#$t of an earne$t con)er$ation. AThat i$ the way I $ho%l# arrange the matter(A $ai# Mr. Shel'y. AI can't ma-e tra#e that way**I +o$iti)ely can't( Mr. Shel'y(A $ai# the other( hol#ing %+ a gla$$ of wine 'etween hi$ eye an# the light.

A"hy( the fact i$( Haley( Tom i$ an %ncommon fellow3 he i$ certainly worth that $%m anywhere(**$tea#y( hone$t( ca+a'le( manage$ my whole farm li-e a cloc-.A ABo% mean hone$t( a$ nigger$ go(A $ai# Haley( hel+ing him$elf to a gla$$ of 'ran#y. ANo3 I mean( really( Tom i$ a goo#( $tea#y( $en$i'le( +io%$ fellow. He got religion at a cam+*meeting( fo%r year$ ago3 an# I 'elie)e he really 0#i#0 get it. I')e tr%$te# him( $ince then( with e)erything I ha)e(**money( ho%$e( hor$e$(**an# let him come an# go ro%n# the co%ntry3 an# I alway$ fo%n# him tr%e an# $2%are in e)erything.A ASome fol-$ #on't 'elie)e there i$ +io%$ nigger$ Shel'y(A $ai# Haley( with a can#i# flo%ri$h of hi$ han#( A'%t 0I #o0. I ha# a fellow( now( in thi$ yer la$t lot I too- to Orlean$**'t wa$ a$ goo# a$ a meetin( now( really( to hear that critter +ray3 an# he wa$ 2%ite gentle an# 2%iet li-e. He fetche# me a goo# $%m( too( for I 'o%ght him chea+ of a man that wa$ ''lige# to $ell o%t3 $o I reali4e# $i1 h%n#re# on him. Be$( I con$i#er religion a )aleya'le thing in a nigger( when it'$ the gen%ine article( an# no mi$ta-e.A A"ell( Tom'$ got the real article( if e)er a fellow ha#(A re/oine# the other. A"hy( la$t fall( I let him go to Cincinnati alone( to #o '%$ine$$ for me( an# 'ring home fi)e h%n#re# #ollar$. 'Tom(' $ay$ I to him( 'I tr%$t yo%( 'eca%$e I thin- yo%'re a Chri$tian**I -now yo% wo%l#n't cheat.' Tom come$ 'ac-( $%re eno%gh3 I -new he wo%l#. Some low fellow$( they $ay( $ai# to him**Tom( why #on't yo% ma-e trac-$ for Cana#aC' 'Ah( ma$ter tr%$te# me( an# I co%l#n't('**they tol# me a'o%t it. I am $orry to +art with Tom( I m%$t $ay. Bo% o%ght to let him co)er the whole 'alance of the #e't3 an# yo% wo%l#( Haley( if yo% ha# any con$cience.A A"ell( I')e got /%$t a$ m%ch con$cience a$ any man in '%$ine$$ can affor# to -ee+(**/%$t a little( yo% -now( to $wear 'y( a$ 't were(A $ai# the tra#er( /oc%larly3 Aan#( then( I'm rea#y to #o anything in rea$on to ''lige frien#$3 '%t thi$ yer( yo% $ee( i$ a leetle too har# on a fellow**a leetle too har#.A The tra#er $ighe# contem+lati)ely( an# +o%re# o%t $ome more 'ran#y. A"ell( then( Haley( how will yo% tra#eCA $ai# Mr. Shel'y( after an %nea$y inter)al of $ilence. A"ell( ha)en't yo% a 'oy or gal that yo% co%l# throw in with TomCA AH%mD**none that I co%l# well $+are3 to tell the tr%th( it'$ only har# nece$$ity ma-e$ me willing to $ell at all. I #on't li-e +arting with any of my han#$( that'$ a fact.A Here the #oor o+ene#( an# a $mall 2%a#roon 'oy( 'etween fo%r an# fi)e year$ of age( entere# the room. There wa$ $omething in hi$ a++earance remar-a'ly 'ea%tif%l an# engaging. Hi$ 'lac- hair( fine a$ flo$$ $il-( h%ng in glo$$y c%rl$ a'o%t hi$ ro%n#( #im+le# face( while a +air of large #ar- eye$( f%ll of fire an# $oftne$$( loo-e# o%t from 'eneath the rich( long la$he$( a$ he +eere# c%rio%$ly into the a+artment. A gay ro'e

of $carlet an# yellow +lai#( caref%lly ma#e an# neatly fitte#( $et off to a#)antage the #ar- an# rich $tyle of hi$ 'ea%ty3 an# a certain comic air of a$$%rance( 'len#e# with 'a$hf%lne$$( $howe# that he ha# 'een not %n%$e# to 'eing +ette# an# notice# 'y hi$ ma$ter. AH%lloa( Eim CrowDA $ai# Mr. Shel'y( whi$tling( an# $na++ing a '%nch of rai$in$ towar#$ him( A+ic- that %+( nowDA The chil# $cam+ere#( with all hi$ little $trength( after the +ri4e( while hi$ ma$ter la%ghe#. ACome here( Eim Crow(A $ai# he. The chil# came %+( an# the ma$ter +atte# the c%rly hea#( an# ch%c-e# him %n#er the chin. ANow( Eim( $how thi$ gentleman how yo% can #ance an# $ing.A The 'oy commence# one of tho$e wil#( grote$2%e $ong$ common among the negroe$( in a rich( clear )oice( accom+anying hi$ $inging with many comic e)ol%tion$ of the han#$( feet( an# whole 'o#y( all in +erfect time to the m%$ic. ABra)oDA $ai# Haley( throwing him a 2%arter of an orange. ANow( Eim( wal- li-e ol# Uncle C%#/oe( when he ha$ the rhe%mati$m(A $ai# hi$ ma$ter. In$tantly the fle1i'le lim'$ of the chil# a$$%me# the a++earance of #eformity an# #i$tortion( a$( with hi$ 'ac- h%m+e# %+( an# hi$ ma$ter'$ $tic- in hi$ han#( he ho''le# a'o%t the room( hi$ chil#i$h face #rawn into a #olef%l +%c-er( an# $+itting from right to left( in imitation of an ol# man. Both gentlemen la%ghe# %+roario%$ly. ANow( Eim(A $ai# hi$ ma$ter( A$how %$ how ol# El#er !o''in$ lea#$ the +$alm.A The 'oy #rew hi$ ch%''y face #own to a formi#a'le length( an# commence# toning a +$alm t%ne thro%gh hi$ no$e( with im+ert%r'a'le gra)ity. AH%rrahD 'ra)oD what a yo%ng '%nDA $ai# Haley3 Athat cha+'$ a ca$e( I'll +romi$e. Tell yo% what(A $ai# he( $%##enly cla++ing hi$ han# on Mr. Shel'y'$ $ho%l#er( Afling in that cha+( an# I'll $ettle the '%$ine$$**I will. Come( now( if that ain't #oing the thing %+ a'o%t the righte$tDA At thi$ moment( the #oor wa$ +%$he# gently o+en( an# a yo%ng 2%a#roon woman( a++arently a'o%t twenty*fi)e( entere# the room. There nee#e# only a glance from the chil# to her( to i#entify her a$ it$ mother. There wa$ the $ame rich( f%ll( #ar- eye( with it$ long la$he$3 the $ame ri++le$ of $il-y 'lac- hair. The 'rown of her com+le1ion ga)e way on the chee- to a +erce+ti'le fl%$h( which #ee+ene# a$ $he $aw the ga4e of the $trange man fi1e# %+on her in 'ol# an# %n#i$g%i$e# a#miration. Her #re$$ wa$ of the neate$t +o$$i'le fit( an# $et off to a#)antage her finely mo%l#e# $ha+e3**a #elicately forme# han# an# a trim foot an# an-le were item$ of a++earance that #i# not e$ca+e the 2%iceye of the tra#er( well %$e# to r%n %+ at a glance the +oint$ of a fine

female article. A"ell( Eli4aCA $ai# her ma$ter( a$ $he $to++e# an# loo-e# he$itatingly at him. AI wa$ loo-ing for Harry( +lea$e( $ir3A an# the 'oy 'o%n#e# towar# her( $howing hi$ $+oil$( which he ha# gathere# in the $-irt of hi$ ro'e. A"ell( ta-e him away then(A $ai# Mr. Shel'y3 an# ha$tily $he with#rew( carrying the chil# on her arm. ABy E%+iter(A $ai# the tra#er( t%rning to him in a#miration( Athere'$ an article( nowD Bo% might ma-e yo%r fort%ne on that ar gal in Orlean$( any #ay. I')e $een o)er a tho%$an#( in my #ay( +ai# #own for gal$ not a 'it han#$omer.A AI #on't want to ma-e my fort%ne on her(A $ai# Mr. Shel'y( #ryly3 an#( $ee-ing to t%rn the con)er$ation( he %ncor-e# a 'ottle of fre$h wine( an# a$-e# hi$ com+anion'$ o+inion of it. ACa+ital( $ir(**fir$t cho+DA $ai# the tra#er3 then t%rning( an# $la++ing hi$ han# familiarly on Shel'y'$ $ho%l#er( he a##e#** ACome( how will yo% tra#e a'o%t the galC**what $hall I $ay for her**what'll yo% ta-eCA AMr. Haley( $he i$ not to 'e $ol#(A $ai# Shel'y. AMy wife wo%l# not +art with her for her weight in gol#.A AAy( ayD women alway$ $ay $%ch thing$( ca%$e they ha'nt no $ort of calc%lation. E%$t $how 'em how many watche$( feather$( an# trin-et$( one'$ weight in gol# wo%l# '%y( an# that alter$ the ca$e( 0I0 rec-on.A AI tell yo%( Haley( thi$ m%$t not 'e $+o-en of3 I $ay no( an# I mean no(A $ai# Shel'y( #eci#e#ly. A"ell( yo%'ll let me ha)e the 'oy( tho%gh(A $ai# the tra#er3 Ayo% m%$t own I')e come #own +retty han#$omely for him.A A"hat on earth can yo% want with the chil#CA $ai# Shel'y. A"hy( I')e got a frien# that'$ going into thi$ yer 'ranch of the '%$ine$$**want$ to '%y %+ han#$ome 'oy$ to rai$e for the mar-et. &ancy article$ entirely**$ell for waiter$( an# $o on( to rich '%n$( that can +ay for han#$ome '%n$. It $et$ off one of yer great +lace$**a real han#$ome 'oy to o+en #oor( wait( an# ten#. They fetch a goo# $%m3 an# thi$ little #e)il i$ $%ch a comical( m%$ical concern( he'$ /%$t the articleD' AI wo%l# rather not $ell him(A $ai# Mr. Shel'y( tho%ghtf%lly3 Athe fact i$( $ir( I'm a h%mane man( an# I hate to ta-e the 'oy from hi$ mother( $ir.A AO( yo% #oC**LaD ye$**$omething of that ar nat%r. I %n#er$tan#( +erfectly. It i$ mighty on+lea$ant getting on with women( $ometime$( I

al'ay$ hate$ the$e yer $creechin(' $creamin' time$. They are 0mighty0 on+lea$ant3 '%t( a$ I manage$ '%$ine$$( I generally a)oi#$ 'em( $ir. Now( what if yo% get the girl off for a #ay( or a wee-( or $o3 then the thing'$ #one 2%ietly(**all o)er 'efore $he come$ home. Bo%r wife might get her $ome ear*ring$( or a new gown( or $ome $%ch tr%c-( to ma-e %+ with her.A AI'm afrai# not.A ALor 'le$$ ye( ye$D The$e critter$ ain't li-e white fol-$( yo% -now3 they get$ o)er thing$( only manage right. Now( they $ay(A $ai# Haley( a$$%ming a can#i# an# confi#ential air( Athat thi$ -in# o' tra#e i$ har#ening to the feeling$3 '%t I ne)er fo%n# it $o. &act i$( I ne)er co%l# #o thing$ %+ the way $ome feller$ manage the '%$ine$$. I')e $een 'em a$ wo%l# +%ll a woman'$ chil# o%t of her arm$( an# $et him %+ to $ell( an# $he $creechin' li-e ma# all the time3**)ery 'a# +olicy**#amage$ the article**ma-e$ 'em 2%ite %nfit for $er)ice $ometime$. I -new a real han#$ome gal once( in Orlean$( a$ wa$ entirely r%ine# 'y thi$ $ort o' han#ling. The fellow that wa$ tra#ing for her #i#n't want her 'a'y3 an# $he wa$ one of yo%r real high $ort( when her 'loo# wa$ %+. I tell yo%( $he $2%ee4e# %+ her chil# in her arm$( an# tal-e#( an# went on real awf%l. It -in#er ma-e$ my 'loo# r%n col# to thin- of 't3 an# when they carrie# off the chil#( an# loc-e# her %+( $he /e$t went ra)in' ma#( an# #ie# in a wee-. Clear wa$te( $ir( of a tho%$an# #ollar$( /%$t for want of management(**there'$ where 't i$. It'$ alway$ 'e$t to #o the h%mane thing( $ir3 that'$ 'een 0my0 e1+erience.A An# the tra#er leane# 'ac- in hi$ chair( an# fol#e# hi$ arm( with an air of )irt%o%$ #eci$ion( a++arently con$i#ering him$elf a $econ# "il'erforce. The $%'/ect a++eare# to intere$t the gentleman #ee+ly3 for while Mr. Shel'y wa$ tho%ghtf%lly +eeling an orange( Haley 'ro-e o%t afre$h( with 'ecoming #iffi#ence( '%t a$ if act%ally #ri)en 'y the force of tr%th to $ay a few wor#$ more. AIt #on't loo- well( now( for a feller to 'e +rai$in' him$elf3 '%t I $ay it /e$t 'eca%$e it'$ the tr%th. I 'elie)e I'm rec-one# to 'ring in a'o%t the fine$t #ro)e$ of nigger$ that i$ 'ro%ght in(**at lea$t( I')e 'een tol# $o3 if I ha)e once( I rec-on I ha)e a h%n#re# time$(**all in goo# ca$e(**fat an# li-ely( an# I lo$e a$ few a$ any man in the '%$ine$$. An# I lay$ it all to my management( $ir3 an# h%manity( $ir( I may $ay( i$ the great +illar of 0my0 management.A Mr. Shel'y #i# not -now what to $ay( an# $o he $ai#( AIn#ee#DA ANow( I')e 'een la%ghe# at for my notion$( $ir( an# I')e 'een tal-e# to. They an't +o+'lar( an# they an't common3 '%t I $t%c- to 'em( $ir3 I')e $t%c- to 'em( an# reali4e# well on 'em3 ye$( $ir( they ha)e +ai# their +a$$age( I may $ay(A an# the tra#er la%ghe# at hi$ /o-e. There wa$ $omething $o +i2%ant an# original in the$e el%ci#ation$ of h%manity( that Mr. Shel'y co%l# not hel+ la%ghing in com+any. erha+$ yo% la%gh too( #ear rea#er3 '%t yo% -now h%manity come$ o%t in a )ariety of $trange form$ now*a*#ay$( an# there i$ no en# to the o## thing$ that h%mane +eo+le will $ay an# #o.

Mr. Shel'y'$ la%gh enco%rage# the tra#er to +rocee#. AIt'$ $trange( now( '%t I ne)er co%l# 'eat thi$ into +eo+le'$ hea#$. Now( there wa$ Tom Lo-er( my ol# +artner( #own in Natche43 he wa$ a cle)er fellow( Tom wa$( only the )ery #e)il with nigger$(**on +rinci+le 't wa$( yo% $ee( for a 'etter hearte# feller ne)er 'ro-e 'rea#3 't wa$ hi$ 0$y$tem0( $ir. I %$e# to tal- to Tom. '"hy( Tom(' I %$e# to $ay( 'when yo%r gal$ ta-e$ on an# cry( what'$ the %$e o' crac-in on' em o)er the hea#( an# -noc-in' on 'em ro%n#C It'$ ri#ic%lo%$(' $ay$ I( 'an# #on't #o no $ort o' goo#. "hy( I #on't $ee no harm in their cryin'(' $ay$ I3 'it'$ nat%r(' $ay$ I( 'an# if nat%r can't 'low off one way( it will another. Be$i#e$( Tom(' $ay$ I( 'it /e$t $+ile$ yo%r gal$3 they get $ic-ly( an# #own in the mo%th3 an# $ometime$ they get$ %gly(**+artic%lar yallow gal$ #o(**an# it'$ the #e)il an# all gettin' on 'em 'ro-e in. Now(' $ay$ I( 'why can't yo% -in#er coa1 'em %+( an# $+ea- 'em fairC Fe+en# on it( Tom( a little h%manity( thrown in along( goe$ a hea+ f%rther than all yo%r /awin' an# crac-in'3 an# it +ay$ 'etter(' $ay$ I( '#e+en# on 't.' B%t Tom co%l#n't get the hang on 't3 an# he $+ile# $o many for me( that I ha# to 'rea- off with him( tho%gh he wa$ a goo#*hearte# fellow( an# a$ fair a '%$ine$$ han# a$ i$ goin'.A AAn# #o yo% fin# yo%r way$ of managing #o the '%$ine$$ 'etter than Tom'$CA $ai# Mr. Shel'y. A"hy( ye$( $ir( I may $ay $o. Bo% $ee( when I any way$ can( I ta-e$ a leetle care a'o%t the on+lea$ant +art$( li-e $elling yo%ng %n$ an# that(**get the gal$ o%t of the way**o%t of $ight( o%t of min#( yo% -now(**an# when it'$ clean #one( an# can't 'e hel+e#( they nat%rally get$ %$e# to it. 'Tan't( yo% -now( a$ if it wa$ white fol-$( that'$ 'ro%ght %+ in the way of '$+ectin' to -ee+ their chil#ren an# wi)e$( an# all that. Nigger$( yo% -now( that'$ fetche# %+ +ro+erly( ha'n't no -in# of '$+ectation$ of no -in#3 $o all the$e thing$ come$ ea$ier.A AI'm afrai# mine are not +ro+erly 'ro%ght %+( then(A $ai# Mr. Shel'y. AS'+o$e not3 yo% ,ent%c-y fol-$ $+ile yo%r nigger$. Bo% mean well 'y 'em( '%t 'tan't no real -in#ne$$( arter all. Now( a nigger( yo% $ee( what'$ got to 'e hac-e# an# t%m'le# ro%n# the worl#( an# $ol# to Tom( an# Fic-( an# the Lor# -now$ who( 'tan't no -in#ne$$ to 'e gi)in' on him notion$ an# e1+ectation$( an# 'ringin' on him %+ too well( for the ro%gh an# t%m'le come$ all the har#er on him arter. Now( I )ent%re to $ay( yo%r nigger$ wo%l# 'e 2%ite cho+*fallen in a +lace where $ome of yo%r +lantation nigger$ wo%l# 'e $inging an# whoo+ing li-e all +o$$e$$e#. E)ery man( yo% -now( Mr. Shel'y( nat%rally thin-$ well of hi$ own way$3 an# I thin- I treat nigger$ /%$t a'o%t a$ well a$ it'$ e)er worth while to treat 'em.A AIt'$ a ha++y thing to 'e $ati$fie#(A $ai# Mr. Shel'y( with a $light $hr%g( an# $ome +erce+ti'le feeling$ of a #i$agreea'le nat%re. A"ell(A $ai# Haley( after they ha# 'oth $ilently +ic-e# their n%t$ for a $ea$on( Awhat #o yo% $ayCA AI'll thin- the matter o)er( an# tal- with my wife(A $ai# Mr. Shel'y.

AMeantime( Haley( if yo% want the matter carrie# on in the 2%iet way yo% $+ea- of( yo%'# 'e$t not let yo%r '%$ine$$ in thi$ neigh'orhoo# 'e -nown. It will get o%t among my 'oy$( an# it will not 'e a +artic%larly 2%iet '%$ine$$ getting away any of my fellow$( if they -now it( I'll +romi$e yo%.A AOD certainly( 'y all mean$( m%mD of co%r$e. B%t I'll tell yo%. I'm in a #e)il of a h%rry( an# $hall want to -now( a$ $oon a$ +o$$i'le( what I may #e+en# on(A $ai# he( ri$ing an# +%tting on hi$ o)ercoat. A"ell( call %+ thi$ e)ening( 'etween $i1 an# $e)en( an# yo% $hall ha)e my an$wer(A $ai# Mr. Shel'y( an# the tra#er 'owe# him$elf o%t of the a+artment. AI'# li-e to ha)e 'een a'le to -ic- the fellow #own the $te+$(A $ai# he to him$elf( a$ he $aw the #oor fairly clo$e#( Awith hi$ im+%#ent a$$%rance3 '%t he -now$ how m%ch he ha$ me at a#)antage. If any'o#y ha# e)er $ai# to me that I $ho%l# $ell Tom #own $o%th to one of tho$e ra$cally tra#er$( I $ho%l# ha)e $ai#( 'I$ thy $er)ant a #og( that he $ho%l# #o thi$ thingC' An# now it m%$t come( for a%ght I $ee. An# Eli4a'$ chil#( tooD I -now that I $hall ha)e $ome f%$$ with wife a'o%t that3 an#( for that matter( a'o%t Tom( too. So m%ch for 'eing in #e't(**heighoD The fellow $ee$ hi$ a#)antage( an# mean$ to +%$h it.A erha+$ the mil#e$t form of the $y$tem of $la)ery i$ to 'e $een in the State of ,ent%c-y. The general +re)alence of agric%lt%ral +%r$%it$ of a 2%iet an# gra#%al nat%re( not re2%iring tho$e +erio#ic $ea$on$ of h%rry an# +re$$%re that are calle# for in the '%$ine$$ of more $o%thern #i$trict$( ma-e$ the ta$- of the negro a more healthf%l an# rea$ona'le one3 while the ma$ter( content with a more gra#%al $tyle of ac2%i$ition( ha$ not tho$e tem+tation$ to har#hearte#ne$$ which alway$ o)ercome frail h%man nat%re when the +ro$+ect of $%##en an# ra+i# gain i$ weighe# in the 'alance( with no hea)ier co%nter+oi$e than the intere$t$ of the hel+le$$ an# %n+rotecte#. "hoe)er )i$it$ $ome e$tate$ there( an# witne$$e$ the goo#*h%more# in#%lgence of $ome ma$ter$ an# mi$tre$$e$( an# the affectionate loyalty of $ome $la)e$( might 'e tem+te# to #ream the oft*fa'le# +oetic legen# of a +atriarchal in$tit%tion( an# all that3 '%t o)er an# a'o)e the $cene there 'roo#$ a +ortento%$ $ha#ow**the $ha#ow of 0law0. So long a$ the law con$i#er$ all the$e h%man 'eing$( with 'eating heart$ an# li)ing affection$( only a$ $o many 0thing$0 'elonging to a ma$ter(**$o long a$ the fail%re( or mi$fort%ne( or im+r%#ence( or #eath of the -in#e$t owner( may ca%$e them any #ay to e1change a life of -in# +rotection an# in#%lgence for one of ho+ele$$ mi$ery an# toil(**$o long it i$ im+o$$i'le to ma-e anything 'ea%tif%l or #e$ira'le in the 'e$t reg%late# a#mini$tration of $la)ery. Mr. Shel'y wa$ a fair a)erage -in# of man( goo#*nat%re# an# -in#ly( an# #i$+o$e# to ea$y in#%lgence of tho$e aro%n# him( an# there ha# ne)er 'een a lac- of anything which might contri'%te to the +hy$ical comfort of the negroe$ on hi$ e$tate. He ha#( howe)er( $+ec%late# largely an# 2%ite loo$ely3 ha# in)ol)e# him$elf #ee+ly( an# hi$ note$ to a large amo%nt ha# come into the han#$ of Haley3 an# thi$ $mall +iece of information i$ the -ey to the +rece#ing con)er$ation.

Now( it ha# $o ha++ene# that( in a++roaching the #oor( Eli4a ha# ca%ght eno%gh of the con)er$ation to -now that a tra#er wa$ ma-ing offer$ to her ma$ter for $ome'o#y. She wo%l# gla#ly ha)e $to++e# at the #oor to li$ten( a$ $he came o%t3 '%t her mi$tre$$ /%$t then calling( $he wa$ o'lige# to ha$ten away. Still $he tho%ght $he hear# the tra#er ma-e an offer for her 'oy3**co%l# $he 'e mi$ta-enC Her heart $welle# an# thro''e#( an# $he in)ol%ntarily $traine# him $o tight that the little fellow loo-e# %+ into her face in a$toni$hment. AEli4a( girl( what ail$ yo% to#ayCA $ai# her mi$tre$$( when Eli4a ha# %+$et the wa$h*+itcher( -noc-e# #own the wor-$tan#( an# finally wa$ a'$tracte#ly offering her mi$tre$$ a long nightgown in +lace of the $il#re$$ $he ha# or#ere# her to 'ring from the war#ro'e. Eli4a $tarte#. AO( mi$$i$DA $he $ai#( rai$ing her eye$3 then( '%r$ting into tear$( $he $at #own in a chair( an# 'egan $o''ing. A"hy( Eli4a chil#( what ail$ yo%CA $ai# her mi$tre$$. AOD mi$$i$( mi$$i$(A $ai# Eli4a( Athere'$ 'een a tra#er tal-ing with ma$ter in the +arlorD I hear# him.A A"ell( $illy chil#( $%++o$e there ha$.A AO( mi$$i$( 0#o0 yo% $%++o$e ma$'r wo%l# $ell my HarryCA An# the +oor creat%re threw her$elf into a chair( an# $o''e# con)%l$i)ely. ASell himD No( yo% fooli$h girlD Bo% -now yo%r ma$ter ne)er #eal$ with tho$e $o%thern tra#er$( an# ne)er mean$ to $ell any of hi$ $er)ant$( a$ long a$ they 'eha)e well. "hy( yo% $illy chil#( who #o yo% thin- wo%l# want to '%y yo%r HarryC Fo yo% thin- all the worl# are $et on him a$ yo% are( yo% goo$ieC Come( cheer %+( an# hoo- my #re$$. There now( +%t my 'ac- hair %+ in that +retty 'rai# yo% learnt the other #ay( an# #on't go li$tening at #oor$ any more.A A"ell( '%t( mi$$i$( 0yo%0 ne)er wo%l# gi)e yo%r con$ent**to**to**A ANon$en$e( chil#D to 'e $%re( I $ho%l#n't. "hat #o yo% tal- $o forC I wo%l# a$ $oon ha)e one of my own chil#ren $ol#. B%t really( Eli4a( yo% are getting altogether too +ro%# of that little fellow. A man can't +%t hi$ no$e into the #oor( '%t yo% thin- he m%$t 'e coming to '%y him.A !ea$$%re# 'y her mi$tre$$' confi#ent tone( Eli4a +rocee#e# nim'ly an# a#roitly with her toilet( la%ghing at her own fear$( a$ $he +rocee#e#. Mr$. Shel'y wa$ a woman of high cla$$( 'oth intellect%ally an# morally. To that nat%ral magnanimity an# genero$ity of min# which one often mar-$ a$ characteri$tic of the women of ,ent%c-y( $he a##e# high moral an# religio%$ $en$i'ility an# +rinci+le( carrie# o%t with great energy an# a'ility into +ractical re$%lt$. Her h%$'an#( who ma#e no +rofe$$ion$ to any +artic%lar religio%$ character( ne)erthele$$ re)erence# an#

re$+ecte# the con$i$tency of her$( an# $too#( +erha+$( a little in awe of her o+inion. Certain it wa$ that he ga)e her %nlimite# $co+e in all her 'ene)olent effort$ for the comfort( in$tr%ction( an# im+ro)ement of her $er)ant$( tho%gh he ne)er too- any #eci#e# +art in them him$elf. In fact( if not e1actly a 'elie)er in the #octrine of the efficiency of the e1tra goo# wor-$ of $aint$( he really $eeme# $omehow or other to fancy that hi$ wife ha# +iety an# 'ene)olence eno%gh for two**to in#%lge a $ha#owy e1+ectation of getting into hea)en thro%gh her $%+era'%n#ance of 2%alitie$ to which he ma#e no +artic%lar +reten$ion. The hea)ie$t loa# on hi$ min#( after hi$ con)er$ation with the tra#er( lay in the fore$een nece$$ity of 'rea-ing to hi$ wife the arrangement contem+late#(**meeting the im+ort%nitie$ an# o++o$ition which he -new he $ho%l# ha)e rea$on to enco%nter. Mr$. Shel'y( 'eing entirely ignorant of her h%$'an#'$ em'arra$$ment$( an# -nowing only the general -in#line$$ of hi$ tem+er( ha# 'een 2%ite $incere in the entire incre#%lity with which $he ha# met Eli4a'$ $%$+icion$. In fact( $he #i$mi$$e# the matter from her min#( witho%t a $econ# tho%ght3 an# 'eing occ%+ie# in +re+aration$ for an e)ening )i$it( it +a$$e# o%t of her tho%ght$ entirely.

CHA TE! II The Mother Eli4a ha# 'een 'ro%ght %+ 'y her mi$tre$$( from girlhoo#( a$ a +ette# an# in#%lge# fa)orite. The tra)eller in the $o%th m%$t often ha)e remar-e# that +ec%liar air of refinement( that $oftne$$ of )oice an# manner( which $eem$ in many ca$e$ to 'e a +artic%lar gift to the 2%a#roon an# m%latto women. The$e nat%ral grace$ in the 2%a#roon are often %nite# with 'ea%ty of the mo$t #a44ling -in#( an# in almo$t e)ery ca$e with a +er$onal a++earance +re+o$$e$$ing an# agreea'le. Eli4a( $%ch a$ we ha)e #e$cri'e# her( i$ not a fancy $-etch( '%t ta-en from remem'rance( a$ we $aw her( year$ ago( in ,ent%c-y. Safe %n#er the +rotecting care of her mi$tre$$( Eli4a ha# reache# mat%rity witho%t tho$e tem+tation$ which ma-e 'ea%ty $o fatal an inheritance to a $la)e. She ha# 'een marrie# to a 'right an# talente# yo%ng m%latto man( who wa$ a $la)e on a neigh'oring e$tate( an# 'ore the name of 5eorge Harri$. Thi$ yo%ng man ha# 'een hire# o%t 'y hi$ ma$ter to wor- in a 'agging factory( where hi$ a#roitne$$ an# ingen%ity ca%$e# him to 'e con$i#ere# the fir$t han# in the +lace. He ha# in)ente# a machine for the cleaning of the hem+( which( con$i#ering the e#%cation an# circ%m$tance$ of the in)entor( #i$+laye# 2%ite a$ m%ch mechanical geni%$ a$ "hitney'$ cotton*gin.6 6 A machine of thi$ #e$cri+tion wa$ really the in)ention of a yo%ng colore# man in ,ent%c-y. GMr$. Stowe'$ note.H

He wa$ +o$$e$$e# of a han#$ome +er$on an# +lea$ing manner$( an# wa$ a general fa)orite in the factory. Ne)erthele$$( a$ thi$ yo%ng man wa$ in the eye of the law not a man( '%t a thing( all the$e $%+erior 2%alification$ were $%'/ect to the control of a )%lgar( narrow*min#e#( tyrannical ma$ter. Thi$ $ame gentleman( ha)ing hear# of the fame of 5eorge'$ in)ention( too- a ri#e o)er to the factory( to $ee what thi$ intelligent chattel ha# 'een a'o%t. He wa$ recei)e# with great enth%$ia$m 'y the em+loyer( who congrat%late# him on +o$$e$$ing $o )al%a'le a $la)e. He wa$ waite# %+on o)er the factory( $hown the machinery 'y 5eorge( who( in high $+irit$( tal-e# $o fl%ently( hel# him$elf $o erect( loo-e# $o han#$ome an# manly( that hi$ ma$ter 'egan to feel an %nea$y con$cio%$ne$$ of inferiority. "hat '%$ine$$ ha# hi$ $la)e to 'e marching ro%n# the co%ntry( in)enting machine$( an# hol#ing %+ hi$ hea# among gentlemenC He'# $oon +%t a $to+ to it. He'# ta-e him 'ac-( an# +%t him to hoeing an# #igging( an# A$ee if he'# $te+ a'o%t $o $mart.A Accor#ingly( the man%fact%rer an# all han#$ concerne# were a$to%n#e# when he $%##enly #eman#e# 5eorge'$ wage$( an# anno%nce# hi$ intention of ta-ing him home. AB%t( Mr. Harri$(A remon$trate# the man%fact%rer( Ai$n't thi$ rather $%##enCA A"hat if it i$C**i$n't the man 0mine0CA A"e wo%l# 'e willing( $ir( to increa$e the rate of com+en$ation.A ANo o'/ect at all( $ir. I #on't nee# to hire any of my han#$ o%t( %nle$$ I')e a min# to.A AB%t( $ir( he $eem$ +ec%liarly a#a+te# to thi$ '%$ine$$.A AFare $ay he may 'e3 ne)er wa$ m%ch a#a+te# to anything that I $et him a'o%t( I'll 'e 'o%n#.A AB%t only thin- of hi$ in)enting thi$ machine(A inter+o$e# one of the wor-men( rather %nl%c-ily. AO ye$D a machine for $a)ing wor-( i$ itC He'# in)ent that( I'll 'e 'o%n#3 let a nigger alone for that( any time. They are all la'or*$a)ing machine$ them$el)e$( e)ery one of 'em. No( he $hall tram+DA 5eorge ha# $too# li-e one tran$fi1e#( at hearing hi$ #oom th%$ $%##enly +rono%nce# 'y a +ower that he -new wa$ irre$i$ti'le. He fol#e# hi$ arm$( tightly +re$$e# in hi$ li+$( '%t a whole )olcano of 'itter feeling$ '%rne# in hi$ 'o$om( an# $ent $tream$ of fire thro%gh hi$ )ein$. He 'reathe# $hort( an# hi$ large #ar- eye$ fla$he# li-e li)e coal$3 an# he might ha)e 'ro-en o%t into $ome #angero%$ e'%llition( ha# not the -in#ly man%fact%rer to%che# him on the arm( an# $ai#( in a low tone( A5i)e way( 5eorge3 go with him for the +re$ent. "e'll try to hel+ yo%( yet.A The tyrant o'$er)e# the whi$+er( an# con/ect%re# it$ im+ort( tho%gh he

co%l# not hear what wa$ $ai#3 an# he inwar#ly $trengthene# him$elf in hi$ #etermination to -ee+ the +ower he +o$$e$$e# o)er hi$ )ictim. 5eorge wa$ ta-en home( an# +%t to the meane$t #r%#gery of the farm. He ha# 'een a'le to re+re$$ e)ery #i$re$+ectf%l wor#3 '%t the fla$hing eye( the gloomy an# tro%'le# 'row( were +art of a nat%ral lang%age that co%l# not 'e re+re$$e#(**in#%'ita'le $ign$( which $howe# too +lainly that the man co%l# not 'ecome a thing. It wa$ #%ring the ha++y +erio# of hi$ em+loyment in the factory that 5eorge ha# $een an# marrie# hi$ wife. F%ring that +erio#(**'eing m%ch tr%$te# an# fa)ore# 'y hi$ em+loyer(**he ha# free li'erty to come an# go at #i$cretion. The marriage wa$ highly a++ro)e# of 'y Mr$. Shel'y( who( with a little womanly com+lacency in match*ma-ing( felt +lea$e# to %nite her han#$ome fa)orite with one of her own cla$$ who $eeme# in e)ery way $%ite# to her3 an# $o they were marrie# in her mi$tre$$' great +arlor( an# her mi$tre$$ her$elf a#orne# the 'ri#e'$ 'ea%tif%l hair with orange*'lo$$om$( an# threw o)er it the 'ri#al )eil( which certainly co%l# $carce ha)e re$te# on a fairer hea#3 an# there wa$ no lac- of white glo)e$( an# ca-e an# wine(**of a#miring g%e$t$ to +rai$e the 'ri#e'$ 'ea%ty( an# her mi$tre$$' in#%lgence an# li'erality. &or a year or two Eli4a $aw her h%$'an# fre2%ently( an# there wa$ nothing to interr%+t their ha++ine$$( e1ce+t the lo$$ of two infant chil#ren( to whom $he wa$ +a$$ionately attache#( an# whom $he mo%rne# with a grief $o inten$e a$ to call for gentle remon$trance from her mi$tre$$( who $o%ght( with maternal an1iety( to #irect her nat%rally +a$$ionate feeling$ within the 'o%n#$ of rea$on an# religion. After the 'irth of little Harry( howe)er( $he ha# gra#%ally 'ecome tran2%illi4e# an# $ettle#3 an# e)ery 'lee#ing tie an# thro''ing ner)e( once more entwine# with that little life( $eeme# to 'ecome $o%n# an# healthf%l( an# Eli4a wa$ a ha++y woman %+ to the time that her h%$'an# wa$ r%#ely torn from hi$ -in# em+loyer( an# 'ro%ght %n#er the iron $way of hi$ legal owner. The man%fact%rer( tr%e to hi$ wor#( )i$ite# Mr. Harri$ a wee- or two after 5eorge ha# 'een ta-en away( when( a$ he ho+e#( the heat of the occa$ion ha# +a$$e# away( an# trie# e)ery +o$$i'le in#%cement to lea# him to re$tore him to hi$ former em+loyment. ABo% nee#n't tro%'le yo%r$elf to tal- any longer(A $ai# he( #ogge#ly3 AI -now my own '%$ine$$( $ir.A AI #i# not +re$%me to interfere with it( $ir. I only tho%ght that yo% might thin- it for yo%r intere$t to let yo%r man to %$ on the term$ +ro+o$e#.A AO( I %n#er$tan# the matter well eno%gh. I $aw yo%r win-ing an# whi$+ering( the #ay I too- him o%t of the factory3 '%t yo% #on't come it o)er me that way. It'$ a free co%ntry( $ir3 the man'$ 0mine0( an# I #o what I +lea$e with him(**that'$ itDA An# $o fell 5eorge'$ la$t ho+e3**nothing 'efore him '%t a life of toil an# #r%#gery( ren#ere# more 'itter 'y e)ery little $marting )e1ation an# in#ignity which tyrannical ingen%ity co%l# #e)i$e.

A )ery h%mane /%ri$t once $ai#( The wor$t %$e yo% can +%t a man to i$ to hang him. No3 there i$ another %$e that a man can 'e +%t to that i$ "O!SED

CHA TE! III The H%$'an# an# &ather Mr$. Shel'y ha# gone on her )i$it( an# Eli4a $too# in the )eran#ah( rather #e/ecte#ly loo-ing after the retreating carriage( when a han# wa$ lai# on her $ho%l#er. She t%rne#( an# a 'right $mile lighte# %+ her fine eye$. A5eorge( i$ it yo%C How yo% frightene# meD "ell3 I am $o gla# yo% '$ comeD Mi$$i$ i$ gone to $+en# the afternoon3 $o come into my little room( an# we'll ha)e the time all to o%r$el)e$.A Saying thi$( $he #rew him into a neat little a+artment o+ening on the )eran#ah( where $he generally $at at her $ewing( within call of her mi$tre$$. AHow gla# I amD**why #on't yo% $mileC**an# loo- at Harry**how he grow$.A The 'oy $too# $hyly regar#ing hi$ father thro%gh hi$ c%rl$( hol#ing clo$e to the $-irt$ of hi$ mother'$ #re$$. AI$n't he 'ea%tif%lCA $ai# Eli4a( lifting hi$ long c%rl$ an# -i$$ing him. AI wi$h he'# ne)er 'een 'ornDA $ai# 5eorge( 'itterly. AI wi$h I'# ne)er 'een 'orn my$elfDA S%r+ri$e# an# frightene#( Eli4a $at #own( leane# her hea# on her h%$'an#'$ $ho%l#er( an# '%r$t into tear$. AThere now( Eli4a( it'$ too 'a# for me to ma-e yo% feel $o( +oor girlDA $ai# he( fon#ly3 Ait'$ too 'a#I O( how I wi$h yo% ne)er ha# $een me**yo% might ha)e 'een ha++yDA A5eorgeD 5eorgeD how can yo% tal- $oC "hat #rea#f%l thing ha$ ha++ene#( or i$ going to ha++enC I'm $%re we')e 'een )ery ha++y( till lately.A ASo we ha)e( #ear(A $ai# 5eorge. Then #rawing hi$ chil# on hi$ -nee( he ga4e# intently on hi$ glorio%$ #ar- eye$( an# +a$$e# hi$ han#$ thro%gh hi$ long c%rl$. AE%$t li-e yo%( Eli4a3 an# yo% are the han#$ome$t woman I e)er $aw( an# the 'e$t one I e)er wi$h to $ee3 '%t( oh( I wi$h I'# ne)er $een yo%( nor yo% meDA AO( 5eorge( how can yo%DA ABe$( Eli4a( it'$ all mi$ery( mi$ery( mi$eryD My life i$ 'itter a$ wormwoo#3 the )ery life i$ '%rning o%t of me. I'm a +oor( mi$era'le(

forlorn #r%#ge3 I $hall only #rag yo% #own with me( that'$ all. "hat'$ the %$e of o%r trying to #o anything( trying to -now anything( trying to 'e anythingC "hat'$ the %$e of li)ingC I wi$h I wa$ #ea#DA AO( now( #ear 5eorge( that i$ really wic-e#D I -now how yo% feel a'o%t lo$ing yo%r +lace in the factory( an# yo% ha)e a har# ma$ter3 '%t +ray 'e +atient( an# +erha+$ $omething**A A atientDA $ai# he( interr%+ting her3 Aha)en't I 'een +atientC Fi# I $ay a wor# when he came an# too- me away( for no earthly rea$on( from the +lace where e)ery'o#y wa$ -in# to meC I'# +ai# him tr%ly e)ery cent of my earning$(**an# they all $ay I wor-e# well.A A"ell( it 0i$0 #rea#f%l(A $ai# Eli4a3 A'%t( after all( he i$ yo%r ma$ter( yo% -now.A AMy ma$terD an# who ma#e him my ma$terC That'$ what I thin- of**what right ha$ he to meC I'm a man a$ m%ch a$ he i$. I'm a 'etter man than he i$. I -now more a'o%t '%$ine$$ than he #oe$3 I am a 'etter manager than he i$3 I can rea# 'etter than he can3 I can write a 'etter han#(**an# I')e learne# it all my$elf( an# no than-$ to him(**I')e learne# it in $+ite of him3 an# now what right ha$ he to ma-e a #ray*hor$e of meC**to ta-e me from thing$ I can #o( an# #o 'etter than he can( an# +%t me to wor- that any hor$e can #oC He trie$ to #o it3 he $ay$ he'll 'ring me #own an# h%m'le me( an# he +%t$ me to /%$t the har#e$t( meane$t an# #irtie$t wor-( on +%r+o$eDA AO( 5eorgeD 5eorgeD yo% frighten meD "hy( I ne)er hear# yo% tal- $o3 I'm afrai# yo%'ll #o $omething #rea#f%l. I #on't won#er at yo%r feeling$( at all3 '%t oh( #o 'e caref%l**#o( #o**for my $a-e**for Harry'$DA AI ha)e 'een caref%l( an# I ha)e 'een +atient( '%t it'$ growing wor$e an# wor$e3 fle$h an# 'loo# can't 'ear it any longer3**e)ery chance he can get to in$%lt an# torment me( he ta-e$. I tho%ght I co%l# #o my worwell( an# -ee+ on 2%iet( an# ha)e $ome time to rea# an# learn o%t of wor- ho%r$3 '%t the more he $ee I can #o( the more he loa#$ on. He $ay$ that tho%gh I #on't $ay anything( he $ee$ I')e got the #e)il in me( an# he mean$ to 'ring it o%t3 an# one of the$e #ay$ it will come o%t in a way that he won't li-e( or I'm mi$ta-enDA AO #earD what $hall we #oCA $ai# Eli4a( mo%rnf%lly. AIt wa$ only ye$ter#ay(A $ai# 5eorge( Aa$ I wa$ '%$y loa#ing $tone$ into a cart( that yo%ng Ma$'r Tom $too# there( $la$hing hi$ whi+ $o near the hor$e that the creat%re wa$ frightene#. I a$-e# him to $to+( a$ +lea$ant a$ I co%l#(**he /%$t -e+t right on. I 'egge# him again( an# then he t%rne# on me( an# 'egan $tri-ing me. I hel# hi$ han#( an# then he $creame# an# -ic-e# an# ran to hi$ father( an# tol# him that I wa$ fighting him. He came in a rage( an# $ai# he'# teach me who wa$ my ma$ter3 an# he tie# me to a tree( an# c%t $witche$ for yo%ng ma$ter( an# tol# him that he might whi+ me till he wa$ tire#3**an# he #i# #o itD If I #on't ma-e him remem'er it( $ome timeDA an# the 'row of the yo%ng man grew #ar-( an# hi$ eye$ '%rne# with an e1+re$$ion that ma#e hi$ yo%ng wife trem'le. A"ho ma#e thi$ man my ma$terC That'$ what I want to -nowDA he $ai#.

A"ell(A $ai# Eli4a( mo%rnf%lly( AI alway$ tho%ght that I m%$t o'ey my ma$ter an# mi$tre$$( or I co%l#n't 'e a Chri$tian.A AThere i$ $ome $en$e in it( in yo%r ca$e3 they ha)e 'ro%ght yo% %+ li-e a chil#( fe# yo%( clothe# yo%( in#%lge# yo%( an# ta%ght yo%( $o that yo% ha)e a goo# e#%cation3 that i$ $ome rea$on why they $ho%l# claim yo%. B%t I ha)e 'een -ic-e# an# c%ffe# an# $worn at( an# at the 'e$t only let alone3 an# what #o I oweC I')e +ai# for all my -ee+ing a h%n#re# time$ o)er. I 0won't0 'ear it. No( I 0won't0DA he $ai#( clenching hi$ han# with a fierce frown. Eli4a trem'le#( an# wa$ $ilent. She ha# ne)er $een her h%$'an# in thi$ moo# 'efore3 an# her gentle $y$tem of ethic$ $eeme# to 'en# li-e a ree# in the $%rge$ of $%ch +a$$ion$. ABo% -now +oor little Carlo( that yo% ga)e me(A a##e# 5eorge3 Athe creat%re ha$ 'een a'o%t all the comfort that I')e ha#. He ha$ $le+t with me night$( an# followe# me aro%n# #ay$( an# -in# o' loo-e# at me a$ if he %n#er$too# how I felt. "ell( the other #ay I wa$ /%$t fee#ing him with a few ol# $cra+$ I +ic-e# %+ 'y the -itchen #oor( an# Ma$'r came along( an# $ai# I wa$ fee#ing him %+ at hi$ e1+en$e( an# that he co%l#n't affor# to ha)e e)ery nigger -ee+ing hi$ #og( an# or#ere# me to tie a $tone to hi$ nec- an# throw him in the +on#.A AO( 5eorge( yo% #i#n't #o itDA AFo itC not ID**'%t he #i#. Ma$'r an# Tom +elte# the +oor #rowning creat%re with $tone$. oor thingD he loo-e# at me $o mo%rnf%l( a$ if he won#ere# why I #i#n't $a)e him. I ha# to ta-e a flogging 'eca%$e I wo%l#n't #o it my$elf. I #on't care. Ma$'r will fin# o%t that I'm one that whi++ing won't tame. My #ay will come yet( if he #on't loo- o%t.A A"hat are yo% going to #oC O( 5eorge( #on't #o anything wic-e#3 if yo% only tr%$t in 5o#( an# try to #o right( he'll #eli)er yo%.A AI an't a Chri$tian li-e yo%( Eli4a3 my heart'$ f%ll of 'itterne$$3 I can't tr%$t in 5o#. "hy #oe$ he let thing$ 'e $oCA AO( 5eorge( we m%$t ha)e faith. Mi$tre$$ $ay$ that when all thing$ go wrong to %$( we m%$t 'elie)e that 5o# i$ #oing the )ery 'e$t.A AThat'$ ea$y to $ay for +eo+le that are $itting on their $ofa$ an# ri#ing in their carriage$3 '%t let 'em 'e where I am( I g%e$$ it wo%l# come $ome har#er. I wi$h I co%l# 'e goo#3 '%t my heart '%rn$( an# can't 'e reconcile#( anyhow. Bo% co%l#n't in my +lace(**yo% can't now( if I tell yo% all I')e got to $ay. Bo% #on't -now the whole yet.A A"hat can 'e coming nowCA A"ell( lately Ma$'r ha$ 'een $aying that he wa$ a fool to let me marry off the +lace3 that he hate$ Mr. Shel'y an# all hi$ tri'e( 'eca%$e they are +ro%#( an# hol# their hea#$ %+ a'o)e him( an# that I')e got +ro%# notion$ from yo%3 an# he $ay$ he won't let me come here any more( an# that I $hall ta-e a wife an# $ettle #own on hi$ +lace. At fir$t he

only $col#e# an# gr%m'le# the$e thing$3 '%t ye$ter#ay he tol# me that I $ho%l# ta-e Mina for a wife( an# $ettle #own in a ca'in with her( or he wo%l# $ell me #own ri)er.A A"hy**'%t yo% were marrie# to 0me0( 'y the mini$ter( a$ m%ch a$ if yo%'# 'een a white manDA $ai# Eli4a( $im+ly. AFon't yo% -now a $la)e can't 'e marrie#C There i$ no law in thi$ co%ntry for that3 I can't hol# yo% for my wife( if he choo$e$ to +art %$. That'$ why I wi$h I'# ne)er $een yo%(**why I wi$h I'# ne)er 'een 'orn3 it wo%l# ha)e 'een 'etter for %$ 'oth(**it wo%l# ha)e 'een 'etter for thi$ +oor chil# if he ha# ne)er 'een 'orn. All thi$ may ha++en to him yetDA AO( '%t ma$ter i$ $o -in#DA ABe$( '%t who -now$C**he may #ie**an# then he may 'e $ol# to no'o#y -now$ who. "hat +lea$%re i$ it that he i$ han#$ome( an# $mart( an# 'rightC I tell yo%( Eli4a( that a $wor# will +ierce thro%gh yo%r $o%l for e)ery goo# an# +lea$ant thing yo%r chil# i$ or ha$3 it will ma-e him worth too m%ch for yo% to -ee+.A The wor#$ $mote hea)ily on Eli4a'$ heart3 the )i$ion of the tra#er came 'efore her eye$( an#( a$ if $ome one ha# $tr%c- her a #ea#ly 'low( $he t%rne# +ale an# ga$+e# for 'reath. She loo-e# ner)o%$ly o%t on the )eran#ah( where the 'oy( tire# of the gra)e con)er$ation( ha# retire#( an# where he wa$ ri#ing tri%m+hantly %+ an# #own on Mr. Shel'y'$ wal-ing*$tic-. She wo%l# ha)e $+o-en to tell her h%$'an# her fear$( '%t chec-e# her$elf. ANo( no(**he ha$ eno%gh to 'ear( +oor fellowDA $he tho%ght. ANo( I won't tell him3 'e$i#e$( it an't tr%e3 Mi$$i$ ne)er #ecei)e$ %$.A ASo( Eli4a( my girl(A $ai# the h%$'an#( mo%rnf%lly( A'ear %+( now3 an# goo#*'y( for I'm going.A A5oing( 5eorgeD 5oing whereCA ATo Cana#a(A $ai# he( $traightening him$elf %+3 Aan# when I'm there( I'll '%y yo%3 that'$ all the ho+e that'$ left %$. Bo% ha)e a -in# ma$ter( that won't ref%$e to $ell yo%. I'll '%y yo% an# the 'oy3**5o# hel+ing me( I willDA AO( #rea#f%lD if yo% $ho%l# 'e ta-enCA AI won't 'e ta-en( Eli4a3 I'll 0#ie0 fir$tD I'll 'e free( or I'll #ieDA ABo% won't -ill yo%r$elfDA ANo nee# of that. They will -ill me( fa$t eno%gh3 they ne)er will get me #own the ri)er ali)eDA AO( 5eorge( for my $a-e( #o 'e caref%lD Fon't #o anything wic-e#3 #on't lay han#$ on yo%r$elf( or any'o#y el$eD Bo% are tem+te# too m%ch**too m%ch3 '%t #on't**go yo% m%$t**'%t go caref%lly( +r%#ently3 +ray 5o# to

hel+ yo%.A A"ell( then( Eli4a( hear my +lan. Ma$'r too- it into hi$ hea# to $en# me right 'y here( with a note to Mr. Symme$( that li)e$ a mile +a$t. I 'elie)e he e1+ecte# I $ho%l# come here to tell yo% what I ha)e. It wo%l# +lea$e him( if he tho%ght it wo%l# aggra)ate 'Shel'y'$ fol-$(' a$ he call$ 'em. I'm going home 2%ite re$igne#( yo% %n#er$tan#( a$ if all wa$ o)er. I')e got $ome +re+aration$ ma#e(**an# there are tho$e that will hel+ me3 an#( in the co%r$e of a wee- or $o( I $hall 'e among the mi$$ing( $ome #ay. ray for me( Eli4a3 +erha+$ the goo# Lor# will hear 0yo%0.A AO( +ray yo%r$elf( 5eorge( an# go tr%$ting in him3 then yo% won't #o anything wic-e#.A A"ell( now( 0goo#*'y0(A $ai# 5eorge( hol#ing Eli4a'$ han#$( an# ga4ing into her eye$( witho%t mo)ing. They $too# $ilent3 then there were la$t wor#$( an# $o'$( an# 'itter wee+ing(**$%ch +arting a$ tho$e may ma-e who$e ho+e to meet again i$ a$ the $+i#er'$ we'(**an# the h%$'an# an# wife were +arte#.

CHA TE! IV An E)ening in Uncle Tom'$ Ca'in The ca'in of Uncle Tom wa$ a $mall log '%il#ing( clo$e a#/oining to Athe ho%$e(A a$ the negro 0+ar e1cellence0 #e$ignate$ hi$ ma$ter'$ #welling. In front it ha# a neat gar#en*+atch( where( e)ery $%mmer( $traw'errie$( ra$+'errie$( an# a )ariety of fr%it$ an# )egeta'le$( flo%ri$he# %n#er caref%l ten#ing. The whole front of it wa$ co)ere# 'y a large $carlet 'ignonia an# a nati)e m%ltiflora ro$e( which( entwi$ting an# interlacing( left $carce a )e$tige of the ro%gh log$ to 'e $een. Here( al$o( in $%mmer( )ario%$ 'rilliant ann%al$( $%ch a$ marigol#$( +et%nia$( fo%r*o'cloc-$( fo%n# an in#%lgent corner in which to %nfol# their $+len#or$( an# were the #elight an# +ri#e of A%nt Chloe'$ heart. Let %$ enter the #welling. The e)ening meal at the ho%$e i$ o)er( an# A%nt Chloe( who +re$i#e# o)er it$ +re+aration a$ hea# coo-( ha$ left to inferior officer$ in the -itchen the '%$ine$$ of clearing away an# wa$hing #i$he$( an# come o%t into her own $n%g territorie$( to Aget her ole man'$ $%++erA3 therefore( #o%'t not that it i$ her yo% $ee 'y the fire( +re$i#ing with an1io%$ intere$t o)er certain fri44ling item$ in a $tew*+an( an# anon with gra)e con$i#eration lifting the co)er of a 'a-e*-ettle( from whence $team forth in#%'ita'le intimation$ of A$omething goo#.A A ro%n#( 'lac-( $hining face i$ her$( $o glo$$y a$ to $%gge$t the i#ea that $he might ha)e 'een wa$he# o)er with white of egg$( li-e one of her own tea r%$-$. Her whole +l%m+ co%ntenance 'eam$ with $ati$faction an# contentment from %n#er her well*$tarche# chec-e# t%r'an( 'earing on it( howe)er( if we m%$t confe$$ it( a little of that tinge of $elf*con$cio%$ne$$ which 'ecome$ the fir$t coo- of the neigh'orhoo#( a$ A%nt Chloe wa$ %ni)er$ally hel# an# ac-nowle#ge# to 'e.

A coo- $he certainly wa$( in the )ery 'one an# centre of her $o%l. Not a chic-en or t%r-ey or #%c- in the 'arn*yar# '%t loo-e# gra)e when they $aw her a++roaching( an# $eeme# e)i#ently to 'e reflecting on their latter en#3 an# certain it wa$ that $he wa$ alway$ me#itating on tr%$$ing( $t%ffing an# roa$ting( to a #egree that wa$ calc%late# to in$+ire terror in any reflecting fowl li)ing. Her corn*ca-e( in all it$ )arietie$ of hoe*ca-e( #o#ger$( m%ffin$( an# other $+ecie$ too n%mero%$ to mention( wa$ a $%'lime my$tery to all le$$ +racti$e# com+o%n#er$3 an# $he wo%l# $ha-e her fat $i#e$ with hone$t +ri#e an# merriment( a$ $he wo%l# narrate the fr%itle$$ effort$ that one an# another of her com+eer$ ha# ma#e to attain to her ele)ation. The arri)al of com+any at the ho%$e( the arranging of #inner$ an# $%++er$ Ain $tyle(A awo-e all the energie$ of her $o%l3 an# no $ight wa$ more welcome to her than a +ile of tra)elling tr%n-$ la%nche# on the )eran#ah( for then $he fore$aw fre$h effort$ an# fre$h tri%m+h$. E%$t at +re$ent( howe)er( A%nt Chloe i$ loo-ing into the 'a-e*+an3 in which congenial o+eration we $hall lea)e her till we fini$h o%r +ict%re of the cottage. In one corner of it $too# a 'e#( co)ere# neatly with a $nowy $+rea#3 an# 'y the $i#e of it wa$ a +iece of car+eting( of $ome con$i#era'le $i4e. On thi$ +iece of car+eting A%nt Chloe too- her $tan#( a$ 'eing #eci#e#ly in the %++er wal-$ of life3 an# it an# the 'e# 'y which it lay( an# the whole corner( in fact( were treate# with #i$ting%i$he# con$i#eration( an# ma#e( $o far a$ +o$$i'le( $acre# from the mara%#ing inroa#$ an# #e$ecration$ of little fol-$. In fact( that corner wa$ the 0#rawing*room0 of the e$ta'li$hment. In the other corner wa$ a 'e# of m%ch h%m'ler +reten$ion$( an# e)i#ently #e$igne# for 0%$e0. The wall o)er the fire+lace wa$ a#orne# with $ome )ery 'rilliant $cri+t%ral +rint$( an# a +ortrait of 5eneral "a$hington( #rawn an# colore# in a manner which wo%l# certainly ha)e a$toni$he# that hero( if e)er he ha++ene# to meet with it$ li-e. On a ro%gh 'ench in the corner( a co%+le of woolly*hea#e# 'oy$( with gli$tening 'lac- eye$ an# fat $hining chee-$( were '%$y in $%+erinten#ing the fir$t wal-ing o+eration$ of the 'a'y( which( a$ i$ %$%ally the ca$e( con$i$te# in getting %+ on it$ feet( 'alancing a moment( an# then t%m'ling #own(**each $%cce$$i)e fail%re 'eing )iolently cheere#( a$ $omething #eci#e#ly cle)er. A ta'le( $omewhat rhe%matic in it$ lim'$( wa$ #rawn o%t in front of the fire( an# co)ere# with a cloth( #i$+laying c%+$ an# $a%cer$ of a #eci#e#ly 'rilliant +attern( with other $ym+tom$ of an a++roaching meal. At thi$ ta'le wa$ $eate# Uncle Tom( Mr. Shel'y'$ 'e$t han#( who( a$ he i$ to 'e the hero of o%r $tory( we m%$t #ag%erreoty+e for o%r rea#er$. He wa$ a large( 'roa#*che$te#( +owerf%lly*ma#e man( of a f%ll glo$$y 'lac-( an# a face who$e tr%ly African feat%re$ were characteri4e# 'y an e1+re$$ion of gra)e an# $tea#y goo# $en$e( %nite# with m%ch -in#line$$ an# 'ene)olence. There wa$ $omething a'o%t hi$ whole air $elf*re$+ecting an# #ignifie#( yet %nite# with a confi#ing an# h%m'le $im+licity. He wa$ )ery '%$ily intent at thi$ moment on a $late lying 'efore him( on which he wa$ caref%lly an# $lowly en#ea)oring to accom+li$h a co+y

of $ome letter$( in which o+eration he wa$ o)erloo-e# 'y yo%ng Ma$'r 5eorge( a $mart( 'right 'oy of thirteen( who a++eare# f%lly to reali4e the #ignity of hi$ +o$ition a$ in$tr%ctor. ANot that way( Uncle Tom(**not that way(A $ai# he( 'ri$-ly( a$ Uncle Tom la'orio%$ly 'ro%ght %+ the tail of hi$ 0g0 the wrong $i#e o%t3 Athat ma-e$ a 020( yo% $ee.A ALa $a-e$( now( #oe$ itCA $ai# Uncle Tom( loo-ing with a re$+ectf%l( a#miring air( a$ hi$ yo%ng teacher flo%ri$hingly $crawle# 020'$ an# 0g0'$ inn%mera'le for hi$ e#ification3 an# then( ta-ing the +encil in hi$ 'ig( hea)y finger$( he +atiently recommence#. AHow ea$y white fol-$ al'%$ #oe$ thing$DA $ai# A%nt Chloe( +a%$ing while $he wa$ grea$ing a gri##le with a $cra+ of 'acon on her for-( an# regar#ing yo%ng Ma$ter 5eorge with +ri#e. AThe way he can write( nowD an# rea#( tooD an# then to come o%t here e)ening$ an# rea# hi$ le$$on$ to %$(**it'$ mighty intere$tin'DA AB%t( A%nt Chloe( I'm getting mighty h%ngry(A $ai# 5eorge. AI$n't that ca-e in the $-illet almo$t #oneCA AMo$e #one( Ma$'r 5eorge(A $ai# A%nt Chloe( lifting the li# an# +ee+ing in(**A'rowning 'ea%tif%l**a real lo)ely 'rown. AhD let me alone for #at. Mi$$i$ let Sally try to ma-e $ome ca-e( t' other #ay( /e$ to 0larn0 her( $he $ai#. 'O( go way( Mi$$i$(' $ai# I3 'it really h%rt$ my feelin'$( now( to $ee goo# )ittle$ $+ilt #at ar wayD Ca-e ri$ all to one $i#e**no $ha+e at all3 no more than my $hoe3 go wayDA An# with thi$ final e1+re$$ion of contem+t for Sally'$ greenne$$( A%nt Chloe whi++e# the co)er off the 'a-e*-ettle( an# #i$clo$e# to )iew a neatly*'a-e# +o%n#*ca-e( of which no city confectioner nee# to ha)e 'een a$hame#. Thi$ 'eing e)i#ently the central +oint of the entertainment( A%nt Chloe 'egan now to '%$tle a'o%t earne$tly in the $%++er #e+artment. AHere yo%( Mo$e an# eteD get o%t #e way( yo% nigger$D 5et away( Meric-y( honey(**mammy'll gi)e her 'a'y $ome fin( 'y an# 'y. Now( Ma$'r 5eorge( yo% /e$t ta-e off #em 'oo-$( an# $et #own now with my ol# man( an# I'll ta-e %+ #e $a%$age$( an# ha)e #e fir$t gri##le f%ll of ca-e$ on yo%r +late$ in le$$ #an no time.A AThey wante# me to come to $%++er in the ho%$e(A $ai# 5eorge3 A'%t I -new what wa$ what too well for that( A%nt Chloe.A ASo yo% #i#**$o yo% #i#( honey(A $ai# A%nt Chloe( hea+ing the $mo-ing 'atter*ca-e$ on hi$ +late3 Ayo% -now'# yo%r ol# a%nty'# -ee+ the 'e$t for yo%. O( let yo% alone for #atD 5o wayDA An#( with that( a%nty ga)e 5eorge a n%#ge with her finger( #e$igne# to 'e immen$ely facetio%$( an# t%rne# again to her gri##le with great 'ri$-ne$$. ANow for the ca-e(A $ai# Ma$'r 5eorge( when the acti)ity of the gri##le #e+artment ha# $omewhat $%'$i#e#3 an#( with that( the yo%ng$ter flo%ri$he# a large -nife o)er the article in 2%e$tion. ALa 'le$$ yo%( Ma$'r 5eorgeDA $ai# A%nt Chloe( with earne$tne$$(

catching hi$ arm( Ayo% wo%l#n't 'e for c%ttin' it wi# #at ar great hea)y -nifeD Sma$h all #own**$+ile all #e +retty ri$e of it. Here( I')e got a thin ol# -nife( I -ee+$ $har+ a +%r+o$e. Far now( $eeD come$ a+art light a$ a featherD Now eat away**yo% won't get anything to 'eat #at ar.A ATom Lincon $ay$(A $ai# 5eorge( $+ea-ing with hi$ mo%th f%ll( Athat their Einny i$ a 'etter coo- than yo%.A AFem Lincon$ an't m%ch co%nt( no wayDA $ai# A%nt Chloe( contem+t%o%$ly3 AI mean( $et along $i#e 0o%r0 fol-$. They '$ '$+ecta'le fol-$ eno%gh in a -in#er +lain way3 '%t( a$ to gettin' %+ anything in $tyle( they #on't 'egin to ha)e a notion on 't. Set Ma$'r Lincon( now( along$i#e Ma$'r Shel'yD 5oo# LorD an# Mi$$i$ Lincon(**can $he -in#er $wee+ it into a room li-e my mi$$i$(**$o -in#er $+len#i#( yer -nowD O( go wayD #on't tell me nothin' of #em Lincon$DA**an# A%nt Chloe to$$e# her hea# a$ one who ho+e# $he #i# -now $omething of the worl#. A"ell( tho%gh( I')e hear# yo% $ay(A $ai# 5eorge( Athat Einny wa$ a +retty fair coo-.A ASo I #i#(A $ai# A%nt Chloe(**AI may $ay #at. 5oo#( +lain( common coo-in'( Einny'll #o3**ma-e a goo# +one o' 'rea#(**'ile her tater$ 0far0(**her corn ca-e$ i$n't e1tra( not e1tra now( Einny'$ corn ca-e$ i$n't( '%t then they'$ far(**'%t( Lor( come to #e higher 'ranche$( an# what 0can0 $he #oC "hy( $he ma-e$ +ie$**$artin $he #oe$3 '%t what -in#er cr%$tC Can $he ma-e yo%r real flec-y +a$te( a$ melt$ in yo%r mo%th( an# lie$ all %+ li-e a +%ffC Now( I went o)er thar when Mi$$ Mary wa$ gwine to 'e marrie#( an# Einny $he /e$t $howe# me #e we##in' +ie$. Einny an# I i$ goo# frien#$( ye -now. I ne)er $ai# nothin'3 '%t go 'long( Ma$'r 5eorgeD "hy( I $ho%l#n't $lee+ a win- for a wee-( if I ha# a 'atch of +ie$ li-e #em ar. "hy( #ey wan't no 'co%nt 't all.A AI $%++o$e Einny tho%ght they were e)er $o nice(A $ai# 5eorge. ATho%ght $oD**#i#n't $heC Thar $he wa$( $howing em( a$ innocent**ye $ee( it'$ /e$t here( Einny 0#on't -now0. Lor( the family an't nothingD She can't 'e $+ecte# to -nowD 'Ta'nt no fa%lt o' hem. Ah( Ma$'r 5eorge( yo% #oe$n't -now half 'yo%r +ri)ilege$ in yer family an# 'ringin' %+DA Here A%nt Chloe $ighe#( an# rolle# %+ her eye$ with emotion. AI'm $%re( A%nt Chloe( I %n#er$tan# I my +ie an# +%##ing +ri)ilege$(A $ai# 5eorge. AA$- Tom Lincon if I #on't crow o)er him( e)ery time I meet him.A A%nt Chloe $at 'ac- in her chair( an# in#%lge# in a hearty g%ffaw of la%ghter( at thi$ wittici$m of yo%ng Ma$'r'$( la%ghing till the tear$ rolle# #own her 'lac-( $hining chee-$( an# )arying the e1erci$e with +layf%lly $la++ing an# +o-ing Ma$'r 5eorgey( an# telling him to go way( an# that he wa$ a ca$e**that he wa$ fit to -ill her( an# that he $artin wo%l# -ill her( one of the$e #ay$3 an#( 'etween each of the$e $ang%inary +re#iction$( going off into a la%gh( each longer an# $tronger than the other( till 5eorge really 'egan to thin- that he wa$ a )ery #angero%$ly witty fellow( an# that it 'ecame him to 'e caref%l how he tal-e# Aa$ f%nny a$ he co%l#.A

AAn# $o ye telle# Tom( #i# yeC O( LorD what yo%ng %n$ will 'e %+ terD Be crowe# o)er TomC O( LorD Ma$'r 5eorge( if ye wo%l#n't ma-e a horn'%g la%ghDA ABe$(A $ai# 5eorge( AI $ay$ to him( 'Tom( yo% o%ght to $ee $ome of A%nt Chloe'$ +ie$3 they're the right $ort(' $ay$ I.A A ity( now( Tom co%l#n't(A $ai# A%nt Chloe( on who$e 'ene)olent heart the i#ea of Tom'$ 'enighte# con#ition $eeme# to ma-e a $trong im+re$$ion. ABe o%ghter /%$t a$- him here to #inner( $ome o' the$e time$( Ma$'r 5eorge(A $he a##e#3 Ait wo%l# loo- 2%ite +retty of ye. Be -now( Ma$'r 5eorge( ye o%ghtenter feel ''o)e no'o#y( on 'co%nt yer +ri)ilege$( 'ca%$e all o%r +ri)ilege$ i$ gi'n to %$3 we o%ght al'ay$ to 'mem'er that(A $ai# A%nt Chloe( loo-ing 2%ite $erio%$. A"ell( I mean to a$- Tom here( $ome #ay ne1t wee-(A $ai# 5eorge3 Aan# yo% #o yo%r +rettie$t( A%nt Chloe( an# we'll ma-e him $tare. "on't we ma-e him eat $o he won't get o)er it for a fortnightCA ABe$( ye$**$artin(A $ai# A%nt Chloe( #elighte# Ayo%'ll $ee. LorD to thin- of $ome of o%r #inner$D Ber min# #at ar great chic-en +ie I ma#e when we g%) #e #inner to 5eneral ,no1C I an# Mi$$i$( we come +retty near 2%arrelling a'o%t #at ar cr%$t. "hat #oe$ get into la#ie$ $ometime$( I #on't -now3 '%t( $ometime$( when a 'o#y ha$ #e hea)ie$t -in# o' '$+on$i'ility on 'em( a$ ye may $ay( an# i$ all -in#er 0'$eri$'0 an# ta-en %+( #ey ta-e$ #at ar time to 'e hangin' ro%n# an# -in#er interferin'D Now( Mi$$i$( $he wante# me to #o #i$ way( an# $he wante# me to #o #at way3 an#( finally( I got -in#er $arcy( an#( $ay$ I( 'Now( Mi$$i$( #o /i$t loo- at #em 'ea%tif%l white han#$ o' yo%rn with long finger$( an# all a $+ar-ling with ring$( li-e my white lilie$ when #e #ew '$ on 'em3 an# loo- at my great 'lac- $t%m+in han#$. Now( #on't ye thin- #at #e Lor# m%$t ha)e meant 0me0 to ma-e #e +ie*cr%$t( an# yo% to $tay in #e +arlorC FarD I wa$ /i$t $o $arcy( Ma$'r 5eorge.A AAn# what #i# mother $ayCA $ai# 5eorge. ASayC**why( $he -in#er larfe# in her eye$**#em great han#$ome eye$ o' hern3 an#( $ay$ $he( '"ell( A%nt Chloe( I thin- yo% are a'o%t in the right on 't(' $ay$ $he3 an# $he went off in #e +arlor. She o%ghter crac-e# me o)er #e hea# for 'ein' $o $arcy3 '%t #ar'$ whar 't i$**I can't #o nothin' with la#ie$ in #e -itchenDA A"ell( yo% ma#e o%t well with that #inner(**I remem'er e)ery'o#y $ai# $o(A $ai# 5eorge. AFi#n't IC An# wan't I 'ehin# #e #inin'*room #oor #at 'ery #ayC an# #i#n't I $ee #e 5eneral +a$$ hi$ +late three time$ for $ome more #at 'ery +ieC**an#( $ay$ he( 'Bo% m%$t ha)e an %ncommon coo-( Mr$. Shel'y.' LorD I wa$ fit to $+lit my$elf. AAn# #e 5ineral( he -now$ what coo-in' i$(A $ai# A%nt Chloe( #rawing her$elf %+ with an air. ABery nice man( #e 5ineralD He come$ of one of #e 'ery 0f%$te$t0 familie$ in Ol# VirginnyD He -now$ what'$ what( now( a$ well a$ I #o**#e 5ineral. Be $ee( there'$ 0+int$0 in all +ie$( Ma$'r 5eorge3 '%t tan't e)ery'o#y -now$ what they i$( or a$ orter 'e. B%t the

5ineral( he -now$3 I -new 'y hi$ 'mar-$ he ma#e. Be$( he -now$ what #e +int$ i$DA By thi$ time( Ma$ter 5eorge ha# arri)e# at that +a$$ to which e)en a 'oy can come 7%n#er %ncommon circ%m$tance$( when he really co%l# not eat another mor$el<( an#( therefore( he wa$ at lei$%re to notice the +ile of woolly hea#$ an# gli$tening eye$ which were regar#ing their o+eration$ h%ngrily from the o++o$ite corner. AHere( yo% Mo$e( ete(A he $ai#( 'rea-ing off li'eral 'it$( an# throwing it at them3 Ayo% want $ome( #on't yo%C Come( A%nt Chloe( 'a-e them $ome ca-e$.A An# 5eorge an# Tom mo)e# to a comforta'le $eat in the chimney*corner( while A%nte Chloe( after 'a-ing a goo#ly +ile of ca-e$( too- her 'a'y on her la+( an# 'egan alternately filling it$ mo%th an# her own( an# #i$tri'%ting to Mo$e an# ete( who $eeme# rather to +refer eating their$ a$ they rolle# a'o%t on the floor %n#er the ta'le( tic-ling each other( an# occa$ionally +%lling the 'a'y'$ toe$. AOD go long( will yeCA $ai# the mother( gi)ing now an# then a -ic-( in a -in# of general way( %n#er the ta'le( when the mo)ement 'ecame too o'$tre+ero%$. ACan't ye 'e #ecent when white fol-$ come$ to $ee yeC Sto+ #at ar( now( will yeC Better min# yer$el)e$( or I'll ta-e ye #own a '%tton*hole lower( when Ma$'r 5eorge i$ goneDA "hat meaning wa$ co%che# %n#er thi$ terri'le threat( it i$ #iffic%lt to $ay3 '%t certain it i$ that it$ awf%l in#i$tinctne$$ $eeme# to +ro#%ce )ery little im+re$$ion on the yo%ng $inner$ a##re$$e#. ALa( nowDA $ai# Uncle Tom( Athey are $o f%ll of tic-le all the while( they can't 'eha)e their$el)e$.A Here the 'oy$ emerge# from %n#er the ta'le( an#( with han#$ an# face$ well +la$tere# with mola$$e$( 'egan a )igoro%$ -i$$ing of the 'a'y. A5et along wi# yeDA $ai# the mother( +%$hing away their woolly hea#$. ABe'll all $tic- together( an# ne)er get clar( if ye #o #at fa$hion. 5o long to #e $+ring an# wa$h yer$el)e$DA $he $ai#( $econ#ing her e1hortation$ 'y a $la+( which re$o%n#e# )ery formi#a'ly( '%t which $eeme# only to -noc- o%t $o m%ch more la%gh from the yo%ng one$( a$ they t%m'le# +reci+itately o)er each other o%t of #oor$( where they fairly $creame# with merriment. AFi# ye e)er $ee $%ch aggra)ating yo%ng %n$CA $ai# A%nt Chloe( rather com+lacently( a$( +ro#%cing an ol# towel( -e+t for $%ch emergencie$( $he +o%re# a little water o%t of the crac-e# tea*+ot on it( an# 'egan r%''ing off the mola$$e$ from the 'a'y'$ face an# han#$3 an#( ha)ing +oli$he# her till $he $hone( $he $et her #own in Tom'$ la+( while $he '%$ie# her$elf in clearing away $%++er. The 'a'y em+loye# the inter)al$ in +%lling Tom'$ no$e( $cratching hi$ face( an# '%rying her fat han#$ in hi$ woolly hair( which la$t o+eration $eeme# to affor# her $+ecial content. AAint $he a +eart yo%ng %nCA $ai# Tom( hol#ing her from him to ta-e a

f%ll*length )iew3 then( getting %+( he $et her on hi$ 'roa# $ho%l#er( an# 'egan ca+ering an# #ancing with her( while Ma$'r 5eorge $na++e# at her with hi$ +oc-et*han#-erchief( an# Mo$e an# ete( now ret%rne# again( roare# after her li-e 'ear$( till A%nt Chloe #eclare# that they Afairly too- her hea# offA with their noi$e. A$( accor#ing to her own $tatement( thi$ $%rgical o+eration wa$ a matter of #aily occ%rrence in the ca'in( the #eclaration no whit a'ate# the merriment( till e)ery one ha# roare# an# t%m'le# an# #ance# them$el)e$ #own to a $tate of com+o$%re. A"ell( now( I ho+e$ yo%'re #one(A $ai# A%nt Chloe( who ha# 'een '%$y in +%lling o%t a r%#e 'o1 of a tr%n#le*'e#3 Aan# now( yo% Mo$e an# yo% ete( get into thar3 for we'$ goin' to ha)e the meetin'.A AO mother( we #on't wanter. "e want$ to $it %+ to meetin'(**meetin'$ i$ $o c%ri$. "e li-e$ 'em.A ALa( A%nt Chloe( $ho)e it %n#er( an# let 'em $it %+(A $ai# Ma$'r 5eorge( #eci$i)ely( gi)ing a +%$h to the r%#e machine. A%nt Chloe( ha)ing th%$ $a)e# a++earance$( $eeme# highly #elighte# to +%$h the thing %n#er( $aying( a$ $he #i# $o( A"ell( me''e 't will #o 'em $ome goo#.A The ho%$e now re$ol)e# it$elf into a committee of the whole( to con$i#er the accommo#ation$ an# arrangement$ for the meeting. A"hat we'$ to #o for cheer$( now( 0I0 #eclar I #on't -now(A $ai# A%nt Chloe. A$ the meeting ha# 'een hel# at Uncle Tom'$ wee-ly( for an in#efinite length of time( witho%t any more Acheer$(A there $eeme# $ome enco%ragement to ho+e that a way wo%l# 'e #i$co)ere# at +re$ent. AOl# Uncle eter $%ng 'oth #e leg$ o%t of #at ol#e$t cheer( la$t wee-(A $%gge$te# Mo$e. ABo% go longD I'll 'o%n' yo% +%lle# 'em o%t3 $ome o' yo%r $hine$(A $ai# A%nt Chloe. A"ell( it'll $tan#( if it only -ee+$ /am %+ agin #e wallDA $ai# Mo$e. AFen Uncle eter m%$'n't $it in it( ca%$e he al'ay$ hitche$ when he get$ a $inging. He hitche# +retty nigh acro$$ #e room( t' other night(A $ai# ete. A5oo# LorD get him in it( then(A $ai# Mo$e( Aan# #en he'# 'egin( 'Come $aint$**an# $inner$( hear me tell(' an# #en #own he'# go(A**an# Mo$e imitate# +reci$ely the na$al tone$ of the ol# man( t%m'ling on the floor( to ill%$trate the $%++o$e# cata$tro+he. ACome now( 'e #ecent( can't yeCA $ai# A%nt Chloe3 Aan't yer $hame#CA Ma$'r 5eorge( howe)er( /oine# the offen#er in the la%gh( an# #eclare# #eci#e#ly that Mo$e wa$ a A'%$ter.A So the maternal a#monition $eeme# rather to fail of effect. A"ell( ole man(A $ai# A%nt Chloe( Ayo%'ll ha)e to tote in them ar

'ar'l$.A AMother'$ 'ar'l$ i$ li-e #at ar wi##er'$( Ma$'r 5eorge wa$ rea#ing ''o%t( in #e goo# 'oo-(**#ey ne)er fail$(A $ai# Mo$e( a$i#e to eter. AI'm $%re one on 'em ca)e# in la$t wee-(A $ai# ete( Aan# let 'em all #own in #e mi##le of #e $ingin'3 #at ar wa$ failin'( warnt itCA F%ring thi$ a$i#e 'etween Mo$e an# ete( two em+ty ca$-$ ha# 'een rolle# into the ca'in( an# 'eing $ec%re# from rolling( 'y $tone$ on each $i#e( 'oar#$ were lai# acro$$ them( which arrangement( together with the t%rning #own of certain t%'$ an# +ail$( an# the #i$+o$ing of the ric-ety chair$( at la$t com+lete# the +re+aration. AMa$'r 5eorge i$ $%ch a 'ea%tif%l rea#er( now( I -now he'll $tay to rea# for %$(A $ai# A%nt Chloe3 A'+ear$ li-e 't will 'e $o m%ch more intere$tin'.A 5eorge )ery rea#ily con$ente#( for yo%r 'oy i$ alway$ rea#y for anything that ma-e$ him of im+ortance. The room wa$ $oon fille# with a motley a$$em'lage( from the ol# gray*hea#e# +atriarch of eighty( to the yo%ng girl an# la# of fifteen. A little harmle$$ go$$i+ en$%e# on )ario%$ theme$( $%ch a$ where ol# A%nt Sally got her new re# hea#-erchief( an# how AMi$$i$ wa$ a going to gi)e Li44y that $+otte# m%$lin gown( when $he'# got her new 'erage ma#e %+3A an# how Ma$'r Shel'y wa$ thin-ing of '%ying a new $orrel colt( that wa$ going to +ro)e an a##ition to the glorie$ of the +lace. A few of the wor$hi++er$ 'elonge# to familie$ har# 'y( who ha# got +ermi$$ion to atten#( an# who 'ro%ght in )ario%$ choice $cra+$ of information( a'o%t the $aying$ an# #oing$ at the ho%$e an# on the +lace( which circ%late# a$ freely a$ the $ame $ort of $mall change #oe$ in higher circle$. After a while the $inging commence#( to the e)i#ent #elight of all +re$ent. Not e)en all the #i$a#)antage of na$al intonation co%l# +re)ent the effect of the nat%rally fine )oice$( in air$ at once wil# an# $+irite#. The wor#$ were $ometime$ the well*-nown an# common hymn$ $%ng in the ch%rche$ a'o%t( an# $ometime$ of a wil#er( more in#efinite character( +ic-e# %+ at cam+*meeting$. The chor%$ of one of them( which ran a$ follow$( wa$ $%ng with great energy an# %nctionI 0AFie on the fiel# of 'attle( Fie on the fiel# of 'attle( 5lory in my $o%l.A0 Another $+ecial fa)orite ha# oft re+eate# the wor#$** 0AO( I'm going to glory(**won't yo% come along with meC Fon't yo% $ee the angel$ 'ec-'ning( an# a calling me awayC Fon't yo% $ee the gol#en city an# the e)erla$ting #ayCA0 There were other$( which ma#e ince$$ant mention of AEor#an'$ 'an-$(A an# ACanaan'$ fiel#$(A an# the ANew Eer%$alem3A for the negro min#(

im+a$$ione# an# imaginati)e( alway$ attache$ it$elf to hymn$ an# e1+re$$ion$ of a )i)i# an# +ictorial nat%re3 an#( a$ they $%ng( $ome la%ghe#( an# $ome crie#( an# $ome cla++e# han#$( or $hoo- han#$ re/oicingly with each other( a$ if they ha# fairly gaine# the other $i#e of the ri)er. Vario%$ e1hortation$( or relation$ of e1+erience( followe#( an# intermingle# with the $inging. One ol# gray*hea#e# woman( long +a$t wor-( '%t m%ch re)ere# a$ a $ort of chronicle of the +a$t( ro$e( an# leaning on her $taff( $ai#**A"ell( chil'enD "ell( I'm mighty gla# to hear ye all an# $ee ye all once more( 'ca%$e I #on't -now when I'll 'e gone to glory3 '%t I')e #one got rea#y( chil'en3 '+ear$ li-e I'# got my little '%n#le all tie# %+( an# my 'onnet on( /e$t a waitin' for the $tage to come along an# ta-e me home3 $ometime$( in the night( I thinI hear the wheel$ a rattlin'( an# I'm loo-in' o%t all the time3 now( yo% /e$t 'e rea#y too( for I tell ye all( chil'en(A $he $ai# $tri-ing her $taff har# on the floor( A#at ar 0glory0 i$ a mighty thingD It'$ a mighty thing( chil'en(**yo% #on'no nothing a'o%t it(**it'$ 0won#erf%l0.A An# the ol# creat%re $at #own( with $treaming tear$( a$ wholly o)ercome( while the whole circle $tr%c- %+** 0AO Canaan( 'right Canaan I'm 'o%n# for the lan# of Canaan.A0 Ma$'r 5eorge( 'y re2%e$t( rea# the la$t cha+ter$ of !e)elation( often interr%+te# 'y $%ch e1clamation$ a$ AThe 0$a-e$0 nowDA AOnly hear thatDA AEe$t thin- on 'tDA AI$ all that a comin' $%re eno%ghCA 5eorge( who wa$ a 'right 'oy( an# well traine# in religio%$ thing$ 'y hi$ mother( fin#ing him$elf an o'/ect of general a#miration( threw in e1+o$ition$ of hi$ own( from time to time( with a commen#a'le $erio%$ne$$ an# gra)ity( for which he wa$ a#mire# 'y the yo%ng an# 'le$$e# 'y the ol#3 an# it wa$ agree#( on all han#$( that Aa mini$ter co%l#n't lay it off 'etter than he #i#3 that 't wa$ reely 'ma4in'DA Uncle Tom wa$ a $ort of +atriarch in religio%$ matter$( in the neigh'orhoo#. Ha)ing( nat%rally( an organi4ation in which the 0morale0 wa$ $trongly +re#ominant( together with a greater 'rea#th an# c%lti)ation of min# than o'taine# among hi$ com+anion$( he wa$ loo-e# %+ to with great re$+ect( a$ a $ort of mini$ter among them3 an# the $im+le( hearty( $incere $tyle of hi$ e1hortation$ might ha)e e#ifie# e)en 'etter e#%cate# +er$on$. B%t it wa$ in +rayer that he e$+ecially e1celle#. Nothing co%l# e1cee# the to%ching $im+licity( the chil#li-e earne$tne$$( of hi$ +rayer( enriche# with the lang%age of Scri+t%re( which $eeme# $o entirely to ha)e wro%ght it$elf into hi$ 'eing( a$ to ha)e 'ecome a +art of him$elf( an# to #ro+ from hi$ li+$ %ncon$cio%$ly3 in the lang%age of a +io%$ ol# negro( he A+raye# right %+.A An# $o m%ch #i# hi$ +rayer alway$ wor- on the #e)otional feeling$ of hi$ a%#ience$( that there $eeme# often a #anger that it wo%l# 'e lo$t altogether in the a'%n#ance of the re$+on$e$ which 'ro-e o%t e)erywhere aro%n# him. "hile thi$ $cene wa$ +a$$ing in the ca'in of the man( one 2%ite otherwi$e +a$$e# in the hall$ of the ma$ter.

The tra#er an# Mr. Shel'y were $eate# together in the #ining room afore*name#( at a ta'le co)ere# with +a+er$ an# writing %ten$il$. Mr. Shel'y wa$ '%$y in co%nting $ome '%n#le$ of 'ill$( which( a$ they were co%nte#( he +%$he# o)er to the tra#er( who co%nte# them li-ewi$e. AAll fair(A $ai# the tra#er3 Aan# now for $igning the$e yer.A Mr. Shel'y ha$tily #rew the 'ill$ of $ale towar#$ him( an# $igne# them( li-e a man that h%rrie$ o)er $ome #i$agreea'le '%$ine$$( an# then +%$he# them o)er with the money. Haley +ro#%ce#( from a well*worn )ali$e( a +archment( which( after loo-ing o)er it a moment( he han#e# to Mr. Shel'y( who too- it with a ge$t%re of $%++re$$e# eagerne$$. A"al( now( the thing'$ 0#one0DA $ai# the tra#er( getting %+. AIt'$ 0#one0DA $ai# Mr. Shel'y( in a m%$ing tone3 an#( fetching a long 'reath( he re+eate#( 0AIt'$ #oneDA0 ABer #on't $eem to feel m%ch +lea$e# with it( '+ear$ to me(A $ai# the tra#er. AHaley(A $ai# Mr. Shel'y( AI ho+e yo%'ll remem'er that yo% +romi$e#( on yo%r honor( yo% wo%l#n't $ell Tom( witho%t -nowing what $ort of han#$ he'$ going into.A A"hy( yo%')e /%$t #one it $ir(A $ai# the tra#er. ACirc%m$tance$( yo% well -now( 0o'lige#0 me(A $ai# Shel'y( ha%ghtily. A"al( yo% -now( they may ''lige 0me0( too(A $ai# the tra#er. AHow$ome)er( I'll #o the )ery 'e$t I can in gettin' Tom a goo# 'erth3 a$ to my treatin' on him 'a#( yo% nee#n't 'e a grain afear#. If there'$ anything that I than- the Lor# for( it i$ that I'm ne)er noway$ cr%el.A After the e1+o$ition$ which the tra#er ha# +re)io%$ly gi)en of hi$ h%mane +rinci+le$( Mr. Shel'y #i# not feel +artic%larly rea$$%re# 'y the$e #eclaration$3 '%t( a$ they were the 'e$t comfort the ca$e a#mitte# of( he allowe# the tra#er to #e+art in $ilence( an# 'etoo- him$elf to a $olitary cigar.

CHA TE! V Showing the &eeling$ of Li)ing ro+erty on Changing Owner$ Mr. an# Mr$. Shel'y ha# retire# to their a+artment for the night. He wa$ lo%nging in a large ea$y*chair( loo-ing o)er $ome letter$ that ha# come in the afternoon mail( an# $he wa$ $tan#ing 'efore her mirror( 'r%$hing o%t the com+licate# 'rai#$ an# c%rl$ in which Eli4a ha# arrange# her hair3 for( noticing her +ale chee-$ an# haggar# eye$( $he ha# e1c%$e# her atten#ance that night( an# or#ere# her to 'e#. The em+loyment( nat%rally eno%gh( $%gge$te# her con)er$ation with the girl in the

morning3 an# t%rning to her h%$'an#( $he $ai#( carele$$ly( ABy the 'y( Arth%r( who wa$ that low*'re# fellow that yo% l%gge# in to o%r #inner*ta'le to#ayCA AHaley i$ hi$ name(A $ai# Shel'y( t%rning him$elf rather %nea$ily in hi$ chair( an# contin%ing with hi$ eye$ fi1e# on a letter. AHaleyD "ho i$ he( an# what may 'e hi$ '%$ine$$ here( +rayCA A"ell( he'$ a man that I tran$acte# $ome '%$ine$$ with( la$t time I wa$ at Natche4(A $ai# Mr. Shel'y. AAn# he +re$%me# on it to ma-e him$elf 2%ite at home( an# call an# #ine here( ayCA A"hy( I in)ite# him3 I ha# $ome acco%nt$ with him(A $ai# Shel'y. AI$ he a negro*tra#erCA $ai# Mr$. Shel'y( noticing a certain em'arra$$ment in her h%$'an#'$ manner. A"hy( my #ear( what +%t that into yo%r hea#CA $ai# Shel'y( loo-ing %+. ANothing(**only Eli4a came in here( after #inner( in a great worry( crying an# ta-ing on( an# $ai# yo% were tal-ing with a tra#er( an# that $he hear# him ma-e an offer for her 'oy**the ri#ic%lo%$ little goo$eDA AShe #i#( heyCA $ai# Mr. Shel'y( ret%rning to hi$ +a+er( which he $eeme# for a few moment$ 2%ite intent %+on( not +ercei)ing that he wa$ hol#ing it 'ottom %+war#$. AIt will ha)e to come o%t(A $ai# he( mentally3 Aa$ well now a$ e)er.A AI tol# Eli4a(A $ai# Mr$. Shel'y( a$ $he contin%e# 'r%$hing her hair( Athat $he wa$ a little fool for her +ain$( an# that yo% ne)er ha# anything to #o with that $ort of +er$on$. Of co%r$e( I -new yo% ne)er meant to $ell any of o%r +eo+le(**lea$t of all( to $%ch a fellow.A A"ell( Emily(A $ai# her h%$'an#( A$o I ha)e alway$ felt an# $ai#3 '%t the fact i$ that my '%$ine$$ lie$ $o that I cannot get on witho%t. I $hall ha)e to $ell $ome of my han#$.A ATo that creat%reC Im+o$$i'leD Mr. Shel'y( yo% cannot 'e $erio%$.A AI'm $orry to $ay that I am(A $ai# Mr. Shel'y. AI')e agree# to $ell Tom.A A"hatD o%r TomC**that goo#( faithf%l creat%reD**'een yo%r faithf%l $er)ant from a 'oyD O( Mr. Shel'yD**an# yo% ha)e +romi$e# him hi$ free#om( too(**yo% an# I ha)e $+o-en to him a h%n#re# time$ of it. "ell( I can 'elie)e anything now(**I can 'elie)e 0now0 that yo% co%l# $ell little Harry( +oor Eli4a'$ only chil#DA $ai# Mr$. Shel'y( in a tone 'etween grief an# in#ignation. A"ell( $ince yo% m%$t -now all( it i$ $o. I ha)e agree# to $ell Tom

an# Harry 'oth3 an# I #on't -now why I am to 'e rate#( a$ if I were a mon$ter( for #oing what e)ery one #oe$ e)ery #ay.A AB%t why( of all other$( choo$e the$eCA $ai# Mr$. Shel'y. A"hy $ell them( of all on the +lace( if yo% m%$t $ell at allCA ABeca%$e they will 'ring the highe$t $%m of any(**that'$ why. I co%l# choo$e another( if yo% $ay $o. The fellow ma#e me a high 'i# on Eli4a( if that wo%l# $%it yo% any 'etter(A $ai# Mr. Shel'y. AThe wretchDA $ai# Mr$. Shel'y( )ehemently. A"ell( I #i#n't li$ten to it( a moment(**o%t of regar# to yo%r feeling$( I wo%l#n't3**$o gi)e me $ome cre#it.A AMy #ear(A $ai# Mr$. Shel'y( recollecting her$elf( Aforgi)e me. I ha)e 'een ha$ty. I wa$ $%r+ri$e#( an# entirely %n+re+are# for thi$3**'%t $%rely yo% will allow me to interce#e for the$e +oor creat%re$. Tom i$ a no'le*hearte#( faithf%l fellow( if he i$ 'lac-. I #o 'elie)e( Mr. Shel'y( that if he were +%t to it( he wo%l# lay #own hi$ life for yo%.A AI -now it(**I #are $ay3**'%t what'$ the %$e of all thi$C**I can't hel+ my$elf.A A"hy not ma-e a +ec%niary $acrificeC I'm willing to 'ear my +art of the incon)enience. O( Mr. Shel'y( I ha)e trie#**trie# mo$t faithf%lly( a$ a Chri$tian woman $ho%l#**to #o my #%ty to the$e +oor( $im+le( #e+en#ent creat%re$. I ha)e care# for them( in$tr%cte# them( watche# o)er them( an# -now all their little care$ an# /oy$( for year$3 an# how can I e)er hol# %+ my hea# again among them( if( for the $a-e of a little +altry gain( we $ell $%ch a faithf%l( e1cellent( confi#ing creat%re a$ +oor Tom( an# tear from him in a moment all we ha)e ta%ght him to lo)e an# )al%eC I ha)e ta%ght them the #%tie$ of the family( of +arent an# chil#( an# h%$'an# an# wife3 an# how can I 'ear to ha)e thi$ o+en ac-nowle#gment that we care for no tie( no #%ty( no relation( howe)er $acre#( com+are# with moneyC I ha)e tal-e# with Eli4a a'o%t her 'oy**her #%ty to him a$ a Chri$tian mother( to watch o)er him( +ray for him( an# 'ring him %+ in a Chri$tian way3 an# now what can I $ay( if yo% tear him away( an# $ell him( $o%l an# 'o#y( to a +rofane( %n+rinci+le# man( /%$t to $a)e a little moneyC I ha)e tol# her that one $o%l i$ worth more than all the money in the worl#3 an# how will $he 'elie)e me when $he $ee$ %$ t%rn ro%n# an# $ell her chil#C**$ell him( +erha+$( to certain r%in of 'o#y an# $o%lDA AI'm $orry yo% feel $o a'o%t it(**in#ee# I am(A $ai# Mr. Shel'y3 Aan# I re$+ect yo%r feeling$( too( tho%gh I #on't +reten# to $hare them to their f%ll e1tent3 '%t I tell yo% now( $olemnly( it'$ of no %$e**I can't hel+ my$elf. I #i#n't mean to tell yo% thi$ Emily3 '%t( in +lain wor#$( there i$ no choice 'etween $elling the$e two an# $elling e)erything. Either they m%$t go( or 0all0 m%$t. Haley ha$ come into +o$$e$$ion of a mortgage( which( if I #on't clear off with him #irectly( will ta-e e)erything 'efore it. I')e ra-e#( an# $cra+e#( an# 'orrowe#( an# all '%t 'egge#(**an# the +rice of the$e two wa$ nee#e# to ma-e %+ the 'alance( an# I ha# to gi)e them %+. Haley fancie# the chil#3 he agree# to $ettle the matter that way( an# no other. I wa$ in hi$ +ower( an# 0ha#0 to #o

it. If yo% feel $o to ha)e them $ol#( wo%l# it 'e any 'etter to ha)e 0all0 $ol#CA Mr$. Shel'y $too# li-e one $tric-en. &inally( t%rning to her toilet( $he re$te# her face in her han#$( an# ga)e a $ort of groan. AThi$ i$ 5o#'$ c%r$e on $la)eryD**a 'itter( 'itter( mo$t acc%r$e# thingD**a c%r$e to the ma$ter an# a c%r$e to the $la)eD I wa$ a fool to thin- I co%l# ma-e anything goo# o%t of $%ch a #ea#ly e)il. It i$ a $in to hol# a $la)e %n#er law$ li-e o%r$(**I alway$ felt it wa$(**I alway$ tho%ght $o when I wa$ a girl(**I tho%ght $o $till more after I /oine# the ch%rch3 '%t I tho%ght I co%l# gil# it o)er(**I tho%ght( 'y -in#ne$$( an# care( an# in$tr%ction( I co%l# ma-e the con#ition of mine 'etter than free#om**fool that I wa$DA A"hy( wife( yo% are getting to 'e an a'olitioni$t( 2%ite.A AA'olitioni$tD if they -new all I -now a'o%t $la)ery( they 0might0 tal-D "e #on't nee# them to tell %$3 yo% -now I ne)er tho%ght that $la)ery wa$ right**ne)er felt willing to own $la)e$.A A"ell( therein yo% #iffer from many wi$e an# +io%$ men(A $ai# Mr. Shel'y. ABo% remem'er Mr. B.'$ $ermon( the other S%n#ayCA AI #on't want to hear $%ch $ermon$3 I ne)er wi$h to hear Mr. B. in o%r ch%rch again. Mini$ter$ can't hel+ the e)il( +erha+$(**can't c%re it( any more than we can(**'%t #efen# itD**it alway$ went again$t my common $en$e. An# I thin- yo% #i#n't thin- m%ch of that $ermon( either.A A"ell(A $ai# Shel'y( AI m%$t $ay the$e mini$ter$ $ometime$ carry matter$ f%rther than we +oor $inner$ wo%l# e1actly #are to #o. "e men of the worl# m%$t win- +retty har# at )ario%$ thing$( an# get %$e# to a #eal that i$n't the e1act thing. B%t we #on't 2%ite fancy( when women an# mini$ter$ come o%t 'roa# an# $2%are( an# go 'eyon# %$ in matter$ of either mo#e$ty or moral$( that'$ a fact. B%t now( my #ear( I tr%$t yo% $ee the nece$$ity of the thing( an# yo% $ee that I ha)e #one the )ery 'e$t that circ%m$tance$ wo%l# allow.A AO ye$( ye$DA $ai# Mr$. Shel'y( h%rrie#ly an# a'$tracte#ly fingering her gol# watch(**AI ha)en't any /ewelry of any amo%nt(A $he a##e#( tho%ghtf%lly3 A'%t wo%l# not thi$ watch #o $omethingC**it wa$ an e1+en$i)e one( when it wa$ 'o%ght. If I co%l# only at lea$t $a)e Eli4a'$ chil#( I wo%l# $acrifice anything I ha)e.A AI'm $orry( )ery $orry( Emily(A $ai# Mr. Shel'y( AI'm $orry thi$ ta-e$ hol# of yo% $o3 '%t it will #o no goo#. The fact i$( Emily( the thing'$ #one3 the 'ill$ of $ale are alrea#y $igne#( an# in Haley'$ han#$3 an# yo% m%$t 'e than-f%l it i$ no wor$e. That man ha$ ha# it in hi$ +ower to r%in %$ all(**an# now he i$ fairly off. If yo% -new the man a$ I #o( yo%'# thin- that we ha# ha# a narrow e$ca+e.A AI$ he $o har#( thenCA A"hy( not a cr%el man( e1actly( '%t a man of leather(**a man ali)e to nothing '%t tra#e an# +rofit(**cool( an# %nhe$itating( an# %nrelenting(

a$ #eath an# the gra)e. He'# $ell hi$ own mother at a goo# +ercentage**not wi$hing the ol# woman any harm( either.A AAn# thi$ wretch own$ that goo#( faithf%l Tom( an# Eli4a'$ chil#DA A"ell( my #ear( the fact i$ that thi$ goe$ rather har# with me3 it'$ a thing I hate to thin- of. Haley want$ to #ri)e matter$( an# ta-e +o$$e$$ion tomorrow. I'm going to get o%t my hor$e 'right an# early( an# 'e off. I can't $ee Tom( that'$ a fact3 an# yo% ha# 'etter arrange a #ri)e $omewhere( an# carry Eli4a off. Let the thing 'e #one when $he i$ o%t of $ight.A ANo( no(A $ai# Mr$. Shel'y3 AI'll 'e in no $en$e accom+lice or hel+ in thi$ cr%el '%$ine$$. I'll go an# $ee +oor ol# Tom( 5o# hel+ him( in hi$ #i$tre$$D They $hall $ee( at any rate( that their mi$tre$$ can feel for an# with them. A$ to Eli4a( I #are not thin- a'o%t it. The Lor# forgi)e %$D "hat ha)e we #one( that thi$ cr%el nece$$ity $ho%l# come on %$CA There wa$ one li$tener to thi$ con)er$ation whom Mr. an# Mr$. Shel'y little $%$+ecte#. Comm%nicating with their a+artment wa$ a large clo$et( o+ening 'y a #oor into the o%ter +a$$age. "hen Mr$. Shel'y ha# #i$mi$$e# Eli4a for the night( her fe)eri$h an# e1cite# min# ha# $%gge$te# the i#ea of thi$ clo$et3 an# $he ha# hi##en her$elf there( an#( with her ear +re$$e# clo$e again$t the crac- of the #oor( ha# lo$t not a wor# of the con)er$ation. "hen the )oice$ #ie# into $ilence( $he ro$e an# cre+t $tealthily away. ale( $hi)ering( with rigi# feat%re$ an# com+re$$e# li+$( $he loo-e# an entirely altere# 'eing from the $oft an# timi# creat%re $he ha# 'een hitherto. She mo)e# ca%tio%$ly along the entry( +a%$e# one moment at her mi$tre$$' #oor( an# rai$e# her han#$ in m%te a++eal to Hea)en( an# then t%rne# an# gli#e# into her own room. It wa$ a 2%iet( neat a+artment( on the $ame floor with her mi$tre$$. There wa$ a +lea$ant $%nny win#ow( where $he ha# often $at $inging at her $ewing3 there a little ca$e of 'oo-$( an# )ario%$ little fancy article$( range# 'y them( the gift$ of Chri$tma$ holi#ay$3 there wa$ her $im+le war#ro'e in the clo$et an# in the #rawer$I**here wa$( in $hort( her home3 an#( on the whole( a ha++y one it ha# 'een to her. B%t there( on the 'e#( lay her $l%m'ering 'oy( hi$ long c%rl$ falling negligently aro%n# hi$ %ncon$cio%$ face( hi$ ro$y mo%th half o+en( hi$ little fat han#$ thrown o%t o)er the 'e#clothe$( an# a $mile $+rea# li-e a $%n'eam o)er hi$ whole face. A oor 'oyD +oor fellowDA $ai# Eli4a3 Athey ha)e $ol# yo%D '%t yo%r mother will $a)e yo% yetDA No tear #ro++e# o)er that +illow3 in $%ch $trait$ a$ the$e( the heart ha$ no tear$ to gi)e(**it #ro+$ only 'loo#( 'lee#ing it$elf away in $ilence. She too- a +iece of +a+er an# a +encil( an# wrote( ha$tily( AO( Mi$$i$D #ear Mi$$i$D #on't thin- me %ngratef%l(**#on't thin- har# of me( any way(**I hear# all yo% an# ma$ter $ai# tonight. I am going to try to $a)e my 'oy**yo% will not 'lame meD 5o# 'le$$ an# rewar# yo% for all yo%r -in#ne$$DA

Ha$tily fol#ing an# #irecting thi$( $he went to a #rawer an# ma#e %+ a little +ac-age of clothing for her 'oy( which $he tie# with a han#-erchief firmly ro%n# her wai$t3 an#( $o fon# i$ a mother'$ remem'rance( that( e)en in the terror$ of that ho%r( $he #i# not forget to +%t in the little +ac-age one or two of hi$ fa)orite toy$( re$er)ing a gayly +ainte# +arrot to am%$e him( when $he $ho%l# 'e calle# on to awa-en him. It wa$ $ome tro%'le to aro%$e the little $lee+er3 '%t( after $ome effort( he $at %+( an# wa$ +laying with hi$ 'ir#( while hi$ mother wa$ +%tting on her 'onnet an# $hawl. A"here are yo% going( motherCA $ai# he( a$ $he #rew near the 'e#( with hi$ little coat an# ca+. Hi$ mother #rew near( an# loo-e# $o earne$tly into hi$ eye$( that he at once #i)ine# that $omething %n%$%al wa$ the matter. AH%$h( Harry(A $he $ai#3 Am%$tn't $+ea- lo%#( or they will hear %$. A wic-e# man wa$ coming to ta-e little Harry away from hi$ mother( an# carry him 'way off in the #ar-3 '%t mother won't let him**$he'$ going to +%t on her little 'oy'$ ca+ an# coat( an# r%n off with him( $o the %gly man can't catch him.A Saying the$e wor#$( $he ha# tie# an# '%ttone# on the chil#'$ $im+le o%tfit( an#( ta-ing him in her arm$( $he whi$+ere# to him to 'e )ery $till3 an#( o+ening a #oor in her room which le# into the o%ter )eran#ah( $he gli#e# noi$ele$$ly o%t. It wa$ a $+ar-ling( fro$ty( $tarlight night( an# the mother wra++e# the $hawl clo$e ro%n# her chil#( a$( +erfectly 2%iet with )ag%e terror( he cl%ng ro%n# her nec-. Ol# Br%no( a great Newfo%n#lan#( who $le+t at the en# of the +orch( ro$e( with a low growl( a$ $he came near. She gently $+o-e hi$ name( an# the animal( an ol# +et an# +laymate of her$( in$tantly( wagging hi$ tail( +re+are# to follow her( tho%gh a++arently re)ol)ing m%ch( in thi$ $im+le #og'$ hea#( what $%ch an in#i$creet mi#night +romena#e might mean. Some #im i#ea$ of im+r%#ence or im+ro+riety in the mea$%re $eeme# to em'arra$$ him con$i#era'ly3 for he often $to++e#( a$ Eli4a gli#e# forwar#( an# loo-e# wi$tf%lly( fir$t at her an# then at the ho%$e( an# then( a$ if rea$$%re# 'y reflection( he +attere# along after her again. A few min%te$ 'ro%ght them to the win#ow of Uncle Tom'$ cottage( an# Eli4a $to++ing( ta++e# lightly on the win#ow*+ane. The +rayer*meeting at Uncle Tom'$ ha#( in the or#er of hymn*$inging( 'een +rotracte# to a )ery late ho%r3 an#( a$ Uncle Tom ha# in#%lge# him$elf in a few lengthy $olo$ afterwar#$( the con$e2%ence wa$( that( altho%gh it wa$ now 'etween twel)e an# one o'cloc-( he an# hi$ worthy hel+meet were not yet a$lee+. A5oo# Lor#D what'$ thatCA $ai# A%nt Chloe( $tarting %+ an# ha$tily #rawing the c%rtain. AMy $a-e$ ali)e( if it an't Li4yD 5et on yo%r clothe$( ol# man( 2%ic-D**there'$ ol# Br%no( too( a +awin ro%n#3 what on airthD I'm gwine to o+en the #oor.A

An# $%iting the action to the wor#( the #oor flew o+en( an# the light of the tallow can#le( which Tom ha# ha$tily lighte#( fell on the haggar# face an# #ar-( wil# eye$ of the f%giti)e. ALor# 'le$$ yo%D**I'm $-eere# to loo- at ye( Li4yD Are ye t%c- $ic-( or what'$ come o)er yeCA AI'm r%nning away**Uncle Tom an# A%nt Chloe**carrying off my chil#**Ma$ter $ol# himDA ASol# himCA echoe# 'oth( lifting %+ their han#$ in #i$may. ABe$( $ol# himDA $ai# Eli4a( firmly3 AI cre+t into the clo$et 'y Mi$tre$$' #oor tonight( an# I hear# Ma$ter tell Mi$$i$ that he ha# $ol# my Harry( an# yo%( Uncle Tom( 'oth( to a tra#er3 an# that he wa$ going off thi$ morning on hi$ hor$e( an# that the man wa$ to ta-e +o$$e$$ion to#ay.A Tom ha# $too#( #%ring thi$ $+eech( with hi$ han#$ rai$e#( an# hi$ eye$ #ilate#( li-e a man in a #ream. Slowly an# gra#%ally( a$ it$ meaning came o)er him( he colla+$e#( rather than $eate# him$elf( on hi$ ol# chair( an# $%n- hi$ hea# #own %+on hi$ -nee$. AThe goo# Lor# ha)e +ity on %$DA $ai# A%nt Chloe. AOD it #on't $eem a$ if it wa$ tr%eD "hat ha$ he #one( that Ma$'r $ho%l# $ell 0him0CA AHe ha$n't #one anything(**it i$n't for that. Ma$ter #on't want to $ell( an# Mi$$i$ $he'$ alway$ goo#. I hear# her +lea# an# 'eg for %$3 '%t he tol# her 't wa$ no %$e3 that he wa$ in thi$ man'$ #e't( an# that thi$ man ha# got the +ower o)er him3 an# that if he #i#n't +ay him off clear( it wo%l# en# in hi$ ha)ing to $ell the +lace an# all the +eo+le( an# mo)e off. Be$( I hear# him $ay there wa$ no choice 'etween $elling the$e two an# $elling all( the man wa$ #ri)ing him $o har#. Ma$ter $ai# he wa$ $orry3 '%t oh( Mi$$i$**yo% o%ght to ha)e hear# her tal-D If $he an't a Chri$tian an# an angel( there ne)er wa$ one. I'm a wic-e# girl to lea)e her $o3 '%t( then( I can't hel+ it. She $ai#( her$elf( one $o%l wa$ worth more than the worl#3 an# thi$ 'oy ha$ a $o%l( an# if I let him 'e carrie# off( who -now$ what'll 'ecome of itC It m%$t 'e rightI '%t( if it an't right( the Lor# forgi)e me( for I can't hel+ #oing itDA A"ell( ol# manDA $ai# A%nt Chloe( Awhy #on't yo% go( tooC "ill yo% wait to 'e tote# #own ri)er( where they -ill nigger$ with har# wor- an# $tar)ingC I'# a hea+ rather #ie than go there( any #ayD There'$ time for ye(**'e off with Li4y(**yo%')e got a +a$$ to come an# go any time. Come( '%$tle %+( an# I'll get yo%r thing$ together.A Tom $lowly rai$e# hi$ hea#( an# loo-e# $orrowf%lly '%t 2%ietly aro%n#( an# $ai#( ANo( no**I an't going. Let Eli4a go**it'$ her rightD I wo%l#n't 'e the one to $ay no**'tan't in 0nat%r0 for her to $tay3 '%t yo% hear# what $he $ai#D If I m%$t 'e $ol#( or all the +eo+le on the +lace( an# e)erything go to rac-( why( let me 'e $ol#. I $'+o$e I can 'ar it a$ well a$ any on 'em(A he a##e#( while $omething li-e a $o' an# a $igh $hoo- hi$ 'roa#( ro%gh che$t con)%l$i)ely. AMa$'r alway$ fo%n# me on the $+ot**he

alway$ will. I ne)er ha)e 'ro-e tr%$t( nor %$e# my +a$$ no way$ contrary to my wor#( an# I ne)er will. It'$ 'etter for me alone to go( than to 'rea- %+ the +lace an# $ell all. Ma$'r an't to 'lame( Chloe( an# he'll ta-e care of yo% an# the +oor**A Here he t%rne# to the ro%gh tr%n#le 'e# f%ll of little woolly hea#$( an# 'ro-e fairly #own. He leane# o)er the 'ac- of the chair( an# co)ere# hi$ face with hi$ large han#$. So'$( hea)y( hoar$e an# lo%#( $hoo- the chair( an# great tear$ fell thro%gh hi$ finger$ on the floor3 /%$t $%ch tear$( $ir( a$ yo% #ro++e# into the coffin where lay yo%r fir$t*'orn $on3 $%ch tear$( woman( a$ yo% $he# when yo% hear# the crie$ of yo%r #ying 'a'e. &or( $ir( he wa$ a man(**an# yo% are '%t another man. An#( woman( tho%gh #re$$e# in $il- an# /ewel$( yo% are '%t a woman( an#( in life'$ great $trait$ an# mighty grief$( ye feel '%t one $orrowD AAn# now(A $ai# Eli4a( a$ $he $too# in the #oor( AI $aw my h%$'an# only thi$ afternoon( an# I little -new then what wa$ to come. They ha)e +%$he# him to the )ery la$t $tan#ing +lace( an# he tol# me( to#ay( that he wa$ going to r%n away. Fo try( if yo% can( to get wor# to him. Tell him how I went( an# why I went3 an# tell him I'm going to try an# fin# Cana#a. Bo% m%$t gi)e my lo)e to him( an# tell him( if I ne)er $ee him again(A $he t%rne# away( an# $too# with her 'ac- to them for a moment( an# then a##e#( in a h%$-y )oice( Atell him to 'e a$ goo# a$ he can( an# try an# meet me in the -ing#om of hea)en.A ACall Br%no in there(A $he a##e#. ASh%t the #oor on him( +oor 'ea$tD He m%$tn't go with meDA A few la$t wor#$ an# tear$( a few $im+le a#ie%$ an# 'le$$ing$( an# cla$+ing her won#ering an# affrighte# chil# in her arm$( $he gli#e# noi$ele$$ly away.

CHA TE! VI Fi$co)ery Mr. an# Mr$. Shel'y( after their +rotracte# #i$c%$$ion of the night 'efore( #i# not rea#ily $in- to re+o$e( an#( in con$e2%ence( $le+t $omewhat later than %$%al( the en$%ing morning. AI won#er what -ee+$ Eli4a(A $ai# Mr$. Shel'y( after gi)ing her 'ell re+eate# +%ll$( to no +%r+o$e. Mr. Shel'y wa$ $tan#ing 'efore hi$ #re$$ing*gla$$( $har+ening hi$ ra4or3 an# /%$t then the #oor o+ene#( an# a colore# 'oy entere#( with hi$ $ha)ing*water. AAn#y(A $ai# hi$ mi$tre$$( A$te+ to Eli4a'$ #oor( an# tell her I ha)e r%ng for her three time$. oor thingDA $he a##e#( to her$elf( with a $igh. An#y $oon ret%rne#( with eye$ )ery wi#e in a$toni$hment.

ALor( Mi$$i$D Li4y'$ #rawer$ i$ all o+en( an# her thing$ all lying e)ery which way3 an# I 'elie)e $he'$ /%$t #one clare# o%tDA The tr%th fla$he# %+on Mr. Shel'y an# hi$ wife at the $ame moment. He e1claime#( AThen $he $%$+ecte# it( an# $he'$ offDA AThe Lor# 'e than-e#DA $ai# Mr$. Shel'y. AI tr%$t $he i$.A A"ife( yo% tal- li-e a foolD !eally( it will 'e $omething +retty aw-war# for me( if $he i$. Haley $aw that I he$itate# a'o%t $elling thi$ chil#( an# he'll thin- I conni)e# at it( to get him o%t of the way. It to%che$ my honorDA An# Mr. Shel'y left the room ha$tily. There wa$ great r%nning an# e/ac%lating( an# o+ening an# $h%tting of #oor$( an# a++earance of face$ in all $ha#e$ of color in #ifferent +lace$( for a'o%t a 2%arter of an ho%r. One +er$on only( who might ha)e $he# $ome light on the matter( wa$ entirely $ilent( an# that wa$ the hea# coo-( A%nt Chloe. Silently( an# with a hea)y clo%# $ettle# #own o)er her once /oyo%$ face( $he +rocee#e# ma-ing o%t her 'rea-fa$t 'i$c%it$( a$ if $he hear# an# $aw nothing of the e1citement aro%n# her. Very $oon( a'o%t a #o4en yo%ng im+$ were roo$ting( li-e $o many crow$( on the )eran#ah railing$( each one #etermine# to 'e the fir$t one to a++ri4e the $trange Ma$'r of hi$ ill l%c-. AHe'll 'e rael ma#( I'll 'e 'o%n#(A $ai# An#y. A0"on't0 he $warDA $ai# little 'lac- Ea-e. ABe$( for he 0#oe$0 $war(A $ai# woolly*hea#e# Man#y. AI hearn him ye$ter#ay( at #inner. I hearn all a'o%t it then( 'ca%$e I got into the clo$et where Mi$$i$ -ee+$ the great /%g$( an# I hearn e)ery wor#.A An# Man#y( who ha# ne)er in her life tho%ght of the meaning of a wor# $he ha# hear#( more than a 'lac- cat( now too- air$ of $%+erior wi$#om( an# $tr%tte# a'o%t( forgetting to $tate that( tho%gh act%ally coile# %+ among the /%g$ at the time $+ecifie#( $he ha# 'een fa$t a$lee+ all the time. "hen( at la$t( Haley a++eare#( 'oote# an# $+%rre#( he wa$ $al%te# with the 'a# ti#ing$ on e)ery han#. The yo%ng im+$ on the )eran#ah were not #i$a++ointe# in their ho+e of hearing him A$war(A which he #i# with a fl%ency an# fer)ency which #elighte# them all ama4ingly( a$ they #%c-e# an# #o#ge# hither an# thither( to 'e o%t of the reach of hi$ ri#ing*whi+3 an#( all whoo+ing off together( they t%m'le#( in a +ile of immea$%ra'le giggle( on the withere# t%rf %n#er the )eran#ah( where they -ic-e# %+ their heel$ an# $ho%te# to their f%ll $ati$faction. AIf I ha# the little #e)il$DA m%ttere# Haley( 'etween hi$ teeth. AB%t yo% ha'nt got 'em( tho%ghDA $ai# An#y( with a tri%m+hant flo%ri$h( an# ma-ing a $tring of in#e$cri'a'le mo%th$ at the %nfort%nate tra#er'$ 'ac-( when he wa$ fairly 'eyon# hearing.

AI $ay now( Shel'y( thi$ yer '$ a mo$t e1tro'rnary '%$ine$$DA $ai# Haley( a$ he a'r%+tly entere# the +arlor. AIt $eem$ that gal '$ off( with her yo%ng %n.A AMr. Haley( Mr$. Shel'y i$ +re$ent(A $ai# Mr. Shel'y. AI 'eg +ar#on( ma'am(A $ai# Haley( 'owing $lightly( with a $till lowering 'row3 A'%t $till I $ay( a$ I $ai# 'efore( thi$ yer'$ a $ing'lar re+ort. I$ it tr%e( $irCA ASir(A $ai# Mr. Shel'y( Aif yo% wi$h to comm%nicate with me( yo% m%$t o'$er)e $omething of the #ecor%m of a gentleman. An#y( ta-e Mr. Haley'$ hat an# ri#ing*whi+. Ta-e a $eat( $ir. Be$( $ir3 I regret to $ay that the yo%ng woman( e1cite# 'y o)erhearing( or ha)ing re+orte# to her( $omething of thi$ '%$ine$$( ha$ ta-en her chil# in the night( an# ma#e off.A AI #i# e1+ect fair #ealing in thi$ matter( I confe$$(A $ai# Haley. A"ell( $ir(A $ai# Mr. Shel'y( t%rning $har+ly ro%n# %+on him( Awhat am I to %n#er$tan# 'y that remar-C If any man call$ my honor in 2%e$tion( I ha)e '%t one an$wer for him.A The tra#er cowere# at thi$( an# in a $omewhat lower tone $ai# that Ait wa$ +lag%y har# on a fellow( that ha# ma#e a fair 'argain( to 'e g%lle# that way.A AMr. Haley(A $ai# Mr. Shel'y( Aif I #i# not thin- yo% ha# $ome ca%$e for #i$a++ointment( I $ho%l# not ha)e 'orne from yo% the r%#e an# %nceremonio%$ $tyle of yo%r entrance into my +arlor thi$ morning. I $ay th%$ m%ch( howe)er( $ince a++earance$ call for it( that I $hall allow of no in$in%ation$ ca$t %+on me( a$ if I were at all +artner to any %nfairne$$ in thi$ matter. Moreo)er( I $hall feel 'o%n# to gi)e yo% e)ery a$$i$tance( in the %$e of hor$e$( $er)ant$( Jc.( in the reco)ery of yo%r +ro+erty. So( in $hort( Haley(A $ai# he( $%##enly #ro++ing from the tone of #ignifie# coolne$$ to hi$ or#inary one of ea$y fran-ne$$( Athe 'e$t way for yo% i$ to -ee+ goo#*nat%re# an# eat $ome 'rea-fa$t( an# we will then $ee what i$ to 'e #one.A Mr$. Shel'y now ro$e( an# $ai# her engagement$ wo%l# +re)ent her 'eing at the 'rea-fa$t*ta'le that morning3 an#( #e+%ting a )ery re$+ecta'le m%latto woman to atten# to the gentlemen'$ coffee at the $i#e*'oar#( $he left the room. AOl# la#y #on't li-e yo%r h%m'le $er)ant( o)er an# a'o)e(A $ai# Haley( with an %nea$y effort to 'e )ery familiar. AI am not acc%$tome# to hear my wife $+o-en of with $%ch free#om(A $ai# Mr. Shel'y( #ryly. ABeg +ar#on3 of co%r$e( only a /o-e( yo% -now(A $ai# Haley( forcing a la%gh. ASome /o-e$ are le$$ agreea'le than other$(A re/oine# Shel'y.

AFe)ili$h free( now I')e $igne# tho$e +a+er$( c%$$ himDA m%ttere# Haley to him$elf3 A2%ite gran#( $ince ye$ter#ayDA Ne)er #i# fall of any +rime mini$ter at co%rt occa$ion wi#er $%rge$ of $en$ation than the re+ort of Tom'$ fate among hi$ com+eer$ on the +lace. It wa$ the to+ic in e)ery mo%th( e)erywhere3 an# nothing wa$ #one in the ho%$e or in the fiel#( '%t to #i$c%$$ it$ +ro'a'le re$%lt$. Eli4a'$ flight**an %n+rece#ente# e)ent on the +lace**wa$ al$o a great acce$$ory in $tim%lating the general e1citement. Blac- Sam( a$ he wa$ commonly calle#( from hi$ 'eing a'o%t three $ha#e$ 'lac-er than any other $on of e'ony on the +lace( wa$ re)ol)ing the matter +rofo%n#ly in all it$ +ha$e$ an# 'earing$( with a com+rehen$i)ene$$ of )i$ion an# a $trict loo-o%t to hi$ own +er$onal well*'eing( that wo%l# ha)e #one cre#it to any white +atriot in "a$hington. AIt'$ an ill win# #at 'low nowhar(**#at ar a fact(A $ai# Sam( $ententio%$ly( gi)ing an a##itional hoi$t to hi$ +antaloon$( an# a#roitly $%'$tit%ting a long nail in +lace of a mi$$ing $%$+en#er*'%tton( with which effort of mechanical geni%$ he $eeme# highly #elighte#. ABe$( it'$ an ill win# 'low$ nowhar(A he re+eate#. ANow( #ar( Tom'$ #own**wal( co%r$e #er'$ room for $ome nigger to 'e %+**an# why not #i$ niggerC**#at'$ #e i#ee. Tom( a ri#in' ro%n# #e co%ntry**'oot$ 'lac-e#**+a$$ in hi$ +oc-et**all gran# a$ C%ffee**'%t who heC Now( why $ho%l#n't SamC**#at'$ what I want to -now.A AHalloo( Sam**O SamD Ma$'r want$ yo% to cotch Bill an# Eerry(A $ai# An#y( c%tting $hort Sam'$ $olilo2%y. AHighD what'$ afoot now( yo%ng %nCA A"hy( yo% #on't -now( I $'+o$e( that Li4y'$ c%t $tic-( an# clare# o%t( with her yo%ng %nCA ABo% teach yo%r grannyDA $ai# Sam( with infinite contem+t3 A-nowe# it a hea+ $ight $ooner than yo% #i#3 thi$ nigger an't $o green( nowDA A"ell( anyhow( Ma$'r want$ Bill an# Eerry geare# right %+3 an# yo% an# I '$ to go with Ma$'r Haley( to loo- arter her.A A5oo#( nowD #at'$ #e time o' #ayDA $ai# Sam. AIt'$ Sam #at'$ calle# for in #e$e yer time$. He'$ #e nigger. See if I #on't cotch her( now3 Ma$'r'll $ee what Sam can #oDA AAhD '%t( Sam(A $ai# An#y( Ayo%'# 'etter thin- twice3 for Mi$$i$ #on't want her cotche#( an# $he'll 'e in yer wool.A AHighDA $ai# Sam( o+ening hi$ eye$. AHow yo% -now #atCA AHear# her $ay $o( my own $elf( #i$ 'le$$e# mornin'( when I 'ring in Ma$'r'$ $ha)ing*water. She $ent me to $ee why Li4y #i#n't come to #re$$

her3 an# when I telle# her $he wa$ off( $he /e$t ri$ %+( an# $e$ $he( 'The Lor# 'e +rai$e#3' an# Ma$'r( he $eeme# rael ma#( an# $e$ he( '"ife( yo% tal- li-e a fool.' B%t LorD $he'll 'ring him toD I -now$ well eno%gh how that'll 'e(**it'$ aller$ 'e$t to $tan# Mi$$i$' $i#e the fence( now I tell yer.A Blac- Sam( %+on thi$( $cratche# hi$ woolly +ate( which( if it #i# not contain )ery +rofo%n# wi$#om( $till containe# a great #eal of a +artic%lar $+ecie$ m%ch in #eman# among +olitician$ of all com+le1ion$ an# co%ntrie$( an# )%lgarly #enominate# A-nowing which $i#e the 'rea# i$ '%ttere#3A $o( $to++ing with gra)e con$i#eration( he again ga)e a hitch to hi$ +antaloon$( which wa$ hi$ reg%larly organi4e# metho# of a$$i$ting hi$ mental +er+le1itie$. AFer an't no $aying'**ne)er**''o%t no -in# o' thing in 0#i$0 yer worl#(A he $ai#( at la$t. Sam $+o-e li-e a +hilo$o+her( em+ha$i4ing 0thi$0**a$ if he ha# ha# a large e1+erience in #ifferent $ort$ of worl#$( an# therefore ha# come to hi$ concl%$ion$ a#)i$e#ly. ANow( $artin I'# a $ai# that Mi$$i$ wo%l# a $co%re# the )ar$al worl# after Li4y(A a##e# Sam( tho%ghtf%lly. ASo $he wo%l#(A $ai# An#y3 A'%t can't ye $ee thro%gh a la##er( ye 'lacniggerC Mi$$i$ #on't want #i$ yer Ma$'r Haley to get Li4y'$ 'oy3 #at'$ #e goDA AHighDA $ai# Sam( with an in#e$cri'a'le intonation( -nown only to tho$e who ha)e hear# it among the negroe$. AAn# I'll tell yer more 'n all(A $ai# An#y3 AI $+ec$ yo%'# 'etter 'e ma-ing trac-$ for #em ho$$e$(**mighty $%##en( too(***for I hearn Mi$$i$ '2%irin' arter yer(**$o yo%')e $too# foolin' long eno%gh.A Sam( %+on thi$( 'egan to 'e$tir him$elf in real earne$t( an# after a while a++eare#( 'earing #own glorio%$ly towar#$ the ho%$e( with Bill an# Eerry in a f%ll canter( an# a#roitly throwing him$elf off 'efore they ha# any i#ea of $to++ing( he 'ro%ght them %+ along$i#e of the hor$e*+o$t li-e a torna#o. Haley'$ hor$e( which wa$ a $-itti$h yo%ng colt( wince#( an# 'o%nce#( an# +%lle# har# at hi$ halter. AHo( hoDA $ai# Sam( A$-eery( ar yeCA an# hi$ 'lac- )i$age lighte# %+ with a c%rio%$( mi$chie)o%$ gleam. AI'll fi1 ye nowDA $ai# he. There wa$ a large 'eech*tree o)er$ha#owing the +lace( an# the $mall( $har+( triang%lar 'eech*n%t$ lay $cattere# thic-ly on the gro%n#. "ith one of the$e in hi$ finger$( Sam a++roache# the colt( $tro-e# an# +atte#( an# $eeme# a++arently '%$y in $oothing hi$ agitation. On +retence of a#/%$ting the $a##le( he a#roitly $li++e# %n#er it the $har+ little n%t( in $%ch a manner that the lea$t weight 'ro%ght %+on the $a##le wo%l# annoy the ner)o%$ $en$i'ilitie$ of the animal( witho%t lea)ing any +erce+ti'le gra4e or wo%n#. AFarDA he $ai#( rolling hi$ eye$ with an a++ro)ing grin3 Ame fi1 'emDA At thi$ moment Mr$. Shel'y a++eare# on the 'alcony( 'ec-oning to him.

Sam a++roache# with a$ goo# a #etermination to +ay co%rt a$ #i# e)er $%itor after a )acant +lace at St. Eame$' or "a$hington. A"hy ha)e yo% 'een loitering $o( SamC I $ent An#y to tell yo% to h%rry.A ALor# 'le$$ yo%( Mi$$i$DA $ai# Sam( Ahor$e$ won't 'e cotche# all in a minit3 they'# #one clare# o%t way #own to the $o%th +a$t%re( an# the Lor# -now$ wharDA ASam( how often m%$t I tell yo% not to $ay 'Lor# 'le$$ yo%( an# the Lor# -now$(' an# $%ch thing$C It'$ wic-e#.A AO( Lor# 'le$$ my $o%lD I #one forgot( Mi$$i$D I won't $ay nothing of #e $ort no more.A A"hy( Sam( yo% /%$t 0ha)e0 $ai# it again.A AFi# IC O( Lor#D I mean**I #i#n't go f%r to $ay it.A ABo% m%$t 'e 0caref%l0( Sam.A AE%$t let me get my 'reath( Mi$$i$( an# I'll $tart fair. I'll 'e 'ery caref%l.A A"ell( Sam( yo% are to go with Mr. Haley( to $how him the roa#( an# hel+ him. Be caref%l of the hor$e$( Sam3 yo% -now Eerry wa$ a little lame la$t wee-3 0#on't ri#e them too fa$t0.A Mr$. Shel'y $+o-e the la$t wor#$ with a low )oice( an# $trong em+ha$i$. ALet #i$ chil# alone for #atDA $ai# Sam( rolling %+ hi$ eye$ with a )ol%me of meaning. ALor# -now$D HighD Fi#n't $ay #atDA $ai# he( $%##enly catching hi$ 'reath( with a l%#icro%$ flo%ri$h of a++rehen$ion( which ma#e hi$ mi$tre$$ la%gh( $+ite of her$elf. ABe$( Mi$$i$( I'll loo- o%t for #e ho$$e$DA ANow( An#y(A $ai# Sam( ret%rning to hi$ $tan# %n#er the 'eech*tree$( Ayo% $ee I wo%l#n't 'e 't all $%r+ri$e# if #at ar gen'lman'$ critt%r $ho%l# gi' a fling( 'y an# 'y( when he come$ to 'e a gettin' %+. Bo% -now( An#y( critt%r$ 0will0 #o $%ch thing$3A an# therewith Sam +o-e# An#y in the $i#e( in a highly $%gge$ti)e manner. AHighDA $ai# An#y( with an air of in$tant a++reciation. ABe$( yo% $ee( An#y( Mi$$i$ want$ to ma-e time(**#at ar'$ clar to #er mo$t or'nary ''$er)er. I /i$ ma-e a little for her. Now( yo% $ee( get all #e$e yer ho$$e$ loo$e( ca+erin' +ermi$c%$ ro%n# #i$ yer lot an# #own to #e woo# #ar( an# I $+ec Ma$'r won't 'e off in a h%rry.A An#y grinne#. ABer $ee(A $ai# Sam( Ayer $ee( An#y( if any $%ch thing $ho%l# ha++en a$ that Ma$'r Haley'$ hor$e 0$ho%l#0 'egin to act contrary( an# c%t %+( yo% an# I /i$t let$ go of o%r'n to hel+ him( an# 0we'll hel+ him0**oh ye$DA An# Sam an# An#y lai# their hea#$ 'ac- on their $ho%l#er$( an# 'ro-e

into a low( immo#erate la%gh( $na++ing their finger$ an# flo%ri$hing their heel$ with e12%i$ite #elight. At thi$ in$tant( Haley a++eare# on the )eran#ah. Somewhat mollifie# 'y certain c%+$ of )ery goo# coffee( he came o%t $miling an# tal-ing( in tolera'ly re$tore# h%mor. Sam an# An#y( clawing for certain fragmentary +alm*lea)e$( which they were in the ha'it of con$i#ering a$ hat$( flew to the hor$e+o$t$( to 'e rea#y to Ahel+ Ma$'r.A Sam'$ +alm*leaf ha# 'een ingenio%$ly #i$entangle# from all +reten$ion$ to 'rai#( a$ re$+ect$ it$ 'rim3 an# the $li)er$ $tarting a+art( an# $tan#ing %+right( ga)e it a 'la4ing air of free#om an# #efiance( 2%ite e2%al to that of any &e/ee chief3 while the whole 'rim of An#y'$ 'eing #e+arte# 'o#ily( he ra++e# the crown on hi$ hea# with a #e1tero%$ th%m+( an# loo-e# a'o%t well +lea$e#( a$ if to $ay( A"ho $ay$ I ha)en't got a hatCA A"ell( 'oy$(A $ai# Haley( Aloo- ali)e now3 we m%$t lo$e no time.A ANot a 'it of him( Ma$'rDA $ai# Sam( +%tting Haley'$ rein in hi$ han#( an# hol#ing hi$ $tirr%+( while An#y wa$ %ntying the other two hor$e$. The in$tant Haley to%che# the $a##le( the mettle$ome creat%re 'o%n#e# from the earth with a $%##en $+ring( that threw hi$ ma$ter $+rawling( $ome feet off( on the $oft( #ry t%rf. Sam( with frantic e/ac%lation$( ma#e a #i)e at the rein$( '%t only $%ccee#e# in 'r%$hing the 'la4ing +alm*leaf afore*name# into the hor$e'$ eye$( which 'y no mean$ ten#e# to allay the conf%$ion of hi$ ner)e$. So( with great )ehemence( he o)ert%rne# Sam( an#( gi)ing two or three contem+t%o%$ $nort$( flo%ri$he# hi$ heel$ )igoro%$ly in the air( an# wa$ $oon +rancing away towar#$ the lower en# of the lawn( followe# 'y Bill an# Eerry( whom An#y ha# not faile# to let loo$e( accor#ing to contract( $+ee#ing them off with )ario%$ #iref%l e/ac%lation$. An# now en$%e# a mi$cellaneo%$ $cene of conf%$ion. Sam an# An#y ran an# $ho%te#(**#og$ 'ar-e# here an# there(**an# Mi-e( Mo$e( Man#y( &anny( an# all the $maller $+ecimen$ on the +lace( 'oth male an# female( race#( cla++e# han#$( whoo+e#( an# $ho%te#( with o%trageo%$ officio%$ne$$ an# %ntiring 4eal. Haley'$ hor$e( which wa$ a white one( an# )ery fleet an# $+irite#( a++eare# to enter into the $+irit of the $cene with great g%$to3 an# ha)ing for hi$ co%r$ing gro%n# a lawn of nearly half a mile in e1tent( gently $lo+ing #own on e)ery $i#e into in#efinite woo#lan#( he a++eare# to ta-e infinite #elight in $eeing how near he co%l# allow hi$ +%r$%er$ to a++roach him( an# then( when within a han#'$ 'rea#th( whi$- off with a $tart an# a $nort( li-e a mi$chie)o%$ 'ea$t a$ he wa$ an# career far #own into $ome alley of the woo#*lot. Nothing wa$ f%rther from Sam'$ min# than to ha)e any one of the troo+ ta-en %ntil $%ch $ea$on a$ $ho%l# $eem to him mo$t 'efitting(**an# the e1ertion$ that he ma#e were certainly mo$t heroic. Li-e the $wor# of Coe%r Fe Lion( which alway$ 'la4e# in the front an# thic-e$t of the 'attle( Sam'$ +alm*leaf wa$ to 'e $een e)erywhere when there wa$ the lea$t #anger that a hor$e co%l# 'e ca%ght3 there he wo%l# 'ear #own f%ll tilt( $ho%ting( ANow for itD cotch himD cotch himDA in a way that wo%l# $et e)erything to in#i$criminate ro%t in a moment.

Haley ran %+ an# #own( an# c%r$e# an# $wore an# $tam+e# mi$cellaneo%$ly. Mr. Shel'y in )ain trie# to $ho%t #irection$ from the 'alcony( an# Mr$. Shel'y from her cham'er win#ow alternately la%ghe# an# won#ere#(**not witho%t $ome in-ling of what lay at the 'ottom of all thi$ conf%$ion. At la$t( a'o%t twel)e o'cloc-( Sam a++eare# tri%m+hant( mo%nte# on Eerry( with Haley'$ hor$e 'y hi$ $i#e( ree-ing with $weat( '%t with fla$hing eye$ an# #ilate# no$tril$( $howing that the $+irit of free#om ha# not yet entirely $%'$i#e#. AHe'$ cotche#DA he e1claime#( tri%m+hantly. AIf 't ha#n't 'een for me( they might a '%$t them$el)e$( all on 'em3 '%t I cotche# himDA ABo%DA growle# Haley( in no amia'le moo#. AIf it ha#n't 'een for yo%( thi$ ne)er wo%l# ha)e ha++ene#.A ALor# 'le$$ %$( Ma$'r(A $ai# Sam( in a tone of the #ee+e$t concern( Aan# me that ha$ 'een racin' an# cha$in' till the $weat /e$t +o%r$ off meDA A"ell( wellDA $ai# Haley( Ayo%')e lo$t me near three ho%r$( with yo%r c%r$e# non$en$e. Now let'$ 'e off( an# ha)e no more fooling.A A"hy( Ma$'r(A $ai# Sam( in a #e+recating tone( AI 'elie)e yo% mean to -ill %$ all clar( hor$e$ an# all. Here we are all /%$t rea#y to #ro+ #own( an# the critter$ all in a ree- of $weat. "hy( Ma$'r won't thin- of $tartin' on now till arter #inner. Ma$'r$' ho$$ want$ r%''en #own3 $ee how he $+la$he# hi$$elf3 an# Eerry lim+$ too3 #on't thin- Mi$$i$ wo%l# 'e willin' to ha)e %$ $tart #i$ yer way( no how. Lor# 'le$$ yo%( Ma$'r( we can -etch %+( if we #o $to+. Li4y ne)er wa$ no great of a wal-er.A Mr$. Shel'y( who( greatly to her am%$ement( ha# o)erhear# thi$ con)er$ation from the )eran#ah( now re$ol)e# to #o her +art. She came forwar#( an#( co%rteo%$ly e1+re$$ing her concern for Haley'$ acci#ent( +re$$e# him to $tay to #inner( $aying that the coo- $ho%l# 'ring it on the ta'le imme#iately. Th%$( all thing$ con$i#ere#( Haley( with rather an e2%i)ocal grace( +rocee#e# to the +arlor( while Sam( rolling hi$ eye$ after him with %n%ttera'le meaning( +rocee#e# gra)ely with the hor$e$ to the $ta'le*yar#. AFi# yer $ee him( An#yC 0#i#0 yer $ee himCA $ai# Sam( when he ha# got fairly 'eyon# the $helter of the 'arn( an# fa$tene# the hor$e to a +o$t. AO( Lor( if it warn't a$ goo# a$ a meetin'( now( to $ee him a #ancin' an# -ic-in' an# $warin' at %$. Fi#n't I hear himC Swar away( ole fellow 7$ay$ I to my$elf <3 will yer ha)e yer ho$$ now( or wait till yo% cotch himC 7$ay$ I<. Lor( An#y( I thin- I can $ee him now.A An# Sam an# An#y leane# %+ again$t the 'arn an# la%ghe# to their heart$' content. ABer o%ghter $een how ma# he loo-e#( when I 'ro%ght the ho$$ %+. Lor#( he'# a -ille# me( if he #%r$' to3 an# there I wa$ a $tan#in' a$ innercent an# a$ h%m'le.A ALor( I $ee# yo%(A $ai# An#y3 Aan't yo% an ol# ho$$( SamCA

A!ather $+ec-$ I am(A $ai# Sam3 A#i# yer $ee Mi$$i$ %+ $tar$ at the win#erC I $ee# her la%ghin'.A AI'm $%re( I wa$ racin' $o( I #i#n't $ee nothing(A $ai# An#y. A"ell( yer $ee(A $ai# Sam( +rocee#ing gra)ely to wa$h #own Haley'$ +ony( AI '$e '2%ire# what yer may call a ha'it 0o' 'o'$er)ation0( An#y. It'$ a )ery '+ortant ha'it( An#y3 an# I 'commen# yer to 'e c%lti)atin' it( now yer yo%ng. Hi$t %+ that hin# foot( An#y. Ber $ee( An#y( it'$ 0'o'$er)ation0 ma-e$ all #e #ifference in nigger$. Fi#n't I $ee which way the win# 'lew #i$ yer mornin'C Fi#n't I $ee what Mi$$i$ wante#( tho%gh $he ne)er let onC Fat ar'$ 'o'$er)ation( An#y. I '$+ect$ it'$ what yo% may call a fac%lty. &ac%ltie$ i$ #ifferent in #ifferent +eo+le$( '%t c%lti)ation of 'em goe$ a great way.A AI g%e$$ if I ha#n't hel+e# yo%r 'o'$er)ation #i$ mornin'( yer wo%l#n't ha)e $een yo%r way $o $mart(A $ai# An#y. AAn#y(A $ai# Sam( Ayo%'$ a +romi$in' chil#( #er an't no manner o' #o%'t. I thin-$ lot$ of yer( An#y3 an# I #on't feel no way$ a$hame# to ta-e i#ee$ from yo%. "e o%ghtenter o)erloo- no'o#y( An#y( ca%$e the $marte$t on %$ get$ tri++e# %+ $ometime$. An# $o( An#y( let'$ go %+ to the ho%$e now. I'll 'e 'o%n' Mi$$i$'ll gi)e %$ an %ncommon goo# 'ite( #i$ yer time.A

CHA TE! VII The Mother'$ Str%ggle It i$ im+o$$i'le to concei)e of a h%man creat%re more wholly #e$olate an# forlorn than Eli4a( when $he t%rne# her foot$te+$ from Uncle Tom'$ ca'in. Her h%$'an#'$ $%ffering an# #anger$( an# the #anger of her chil#( all 'len#e# in her min#( with a conf%$e# an# $t%nning $en$e of the ri$- $he wa$ r%nning( in lea)ing the only home $he ha# e)er -nown( an# c%tting loo$e from the +rotection of a frien# whom $he lo)e# an# re)ere#. Then there wa$ the +arting from e)ery familiar o'/ect(**the +lace where $he ha# grown %+( the tree$ %n#er which $he ha# +laye#( the gro)e$ where $he ha# wal-e# many an e)ening in ha++ier #ay$( 'y the $i#e of her yo%ng h%$'an#(**e)erything( a$ it lay in the clear( fro$ty $tarlight( $eeme# to $+ea- re+roachf%lly to her( an# a$- her whither co%l# $he go from a home li-e thatC B%t $tronger than all wa$ maternal lo)e( wro%ght into a +aro1y$m of fren4y 'y the near a++roach of a fearf%l #anger. Her 'oy wa$ ol# eno%gh to ha)e wal-e# 'y her $i#e( an#( in an in#ifferent ca$e( $he wo%l# only ha)e le# him 'y the han#3 '%t now the 'are tho%ght of +%tting him o%t of her arm$ ma#e her $h%##er( an# $he $traine# him to her 'o$om with a con)%l$i)e gra$+( a$ $he went ra+i#ly forwar#. The fro$ty gro%n# crea-e# 'eneath her feet( an# $he trem'le# at the

$o%n#3 e)ery 2%a-ing leaf an# fl%ttering $ha#ow $ent the 'loo# 'ac-war# to her heart( an# 2%ic-ene# her foot$te+$. She won#ere# within her$elf at the $trength that $eeme# to 'e come %+on her3 for $he felt the weight of her 'oy a$ if it ha# 'een a feather( an# e)ery fl%tter of fear $eeme# to increa$e the $%+ernat%ral +ower that 'ore her on( while from her +ale li+$ '%r$t forth( in fre2%ent e/ac%lation$( the +rayer to a &rien# a'o)e**ALor#( hel+D Lor#( $a)e meDA If it were 0yo%r0 Harry( mother( or yo%r "illie( that were going to 'e torn from yo% 'y a 'r%tal tra#er( tomorrow morning(**if yo% ha# $een the man( an# hear# that the +a+er$ were $igne# an# #eli)ere#( an# yo% ha# only from twel)e o'cloc- till morning to ma-e goo# yo%r e$ca+e(**how fa$t co%l# 0yo%0 wal-C How many mile$ co%l# yo% ma-e in tho$e few 'rief ho%r$( with the #arling at yo%r 'o$om(**the little $lee+y hea# on yo%r $ho%l#er(**the $mall( $oft arm$ tr%$tingly hol#ing on to yo%r nec-C &or the chil# $le+t. At fir$t( the no)elty an# alarm -e+t him wa-ing3 '%t hi$ mother $o h%rrie#ly re+re$$e# e)ery 'reath or $o%n#( an# $o a$$%re# him that if he were only $till $he wo%l# certainly $a)e him( that he cl%ng 2%ietly ro%n# her nec-( only a$-ing( a$ he fo%n# him$elf $in-ing to $lee+( AMother( I #on't nee# to -ee+ awa-e( #o ICA ANo( my #arling3 $lee+( if yo% want to.A AB%t( mother( if I #o get a$lee+( yo% won't let him get meCA ANoD $o may 5o# hel+ meDA $ai# hi$ mother( with a +aler chee-( an# a 'righter light in her large #ar- eye$. ABo%'re 0$%re0( an't yo%( motherCA ABe$( 0$%re0DA $ai# the mother( in a )oice that $tartle# her$elf3 for it $eeme# to her to come from a $+irit within( that wa$ no +art of her3 an# the 'oy #ro++e# hi$ little weary hea# on her $ho%l#er( an# wa$ $oon a$lee+. How the to%ch of tho$e warm arm$( the gentle 'reathing$ that came in her nec-( $eeme# to a## fire an# $+irit to her mo)ement$D It $eeme# to her a$ if $trength +o%re# into her in electric $tream$( from e)ery gentle to%ch an# mo)ement of the $lee+ing( confi#ing chil#. S%'lime i$ the #ominion of the min# o)er the 'o#y( that( for a time( can ma-e fle$h an# ner)e im+regna'le( an# $tring the $inew$ li-e $teel( $o that the wea- 'ecome $o mighty. The 'o%n#arie$ of the farm( the gro)e( the woo#*lot( +a$$e# 'y her #i44ily( a$ $he wal-e# on3 an# $till $he went( lea)ing one familiar o'/ect after another( $lac-ing not( +a%$ing not( till re##ening #aylight fo%n# her many a long mile from all trace$ of any familiar o'/ect$ %+on the o+en highway. She ha# often 'een( with her mi$tre$$( to )i$it $ome connection$( in the little )illage of T****( not far from the Ohio ri)er( an# -new the roa# well. To go thither( to e$ca+e acro$$ the Ohio ri)er( were the fir$t h%rrie# o%tline$ of her +lan of e$ca+e3 'eyon# that( $he co%l# only ho+e in 5o#.

"hen hor$e$ an# )ehicle$ 'egan to mo)e along the highway( with that alert +erce+tion +ec%liar to a $tate of e1citement( an# which $eem$ to 'e a $ort of in$+iration( $he 'ecame aware that her hea#long +ace an# #i$tracte# air might 'ring on her remar- an# $%$+icion. She therefore +%t the 'oy on the gro%n#( an#( a#/%$ting her #re$$ an# 'onnet( $he wal-e# on at a$ ra+i# a +ace a$ $he tho%ght con$i$tent with the +re$er)ation of a++earance$. In her little '%n#le $he ha# +ro)i#e# a $tore of ca-e$ an# a++le$( which $he %$e# a$ e1+e#ient$ for 2%ic-ening the $+ee# of the chil#( rolling the a++le $ome yar#$ 'efore them( when the 'oy wo%l# r%n with all hi$ might after it3 an# thi$ r%$e( often re+eate#( carrie# them o)er many a half*mile. After a while( they came to a thic- +atch of woo#lan#( thro%gh which m%rm%re# a clear 'roo-. A$ the chil# com+laine# of h%nger an# thir$t( $he clim'e# o)er the fence with him3 an#( $itting #own 'ehin# a large roc- which conceale# them from the roa#( $he ga)e him a 'rea-fa$t o%t of her little +ac-age. The 'oy won#ere# an# grie)e# that $he co%l# not eat3 an# when( +%tting hi$ arm$ ro%n# her nec-( he trie# to we#ge $ome of hi$ ca-e into her mo%th( it $eeme# to her that the ri$ing in her throat wo%l# cho-e her. ANo( no( Harry #arlingD mother can't eat till yo% are $afeD "e m%$t go on**on**till we come to the ri)erDA An# $he h%rrie# again into the roa#( an# again con$traine# her$elf to wal- reg%larly an# com+o$e#ly forwar#. She wa$ many mile$ +a$t any neigh'orhoo# where $he wa$ +er$onally -nown. If $he $ho%l# chance to meet any who -new her( $he reflecte# that the well*-nown -in#ne$$ of the family wo%l# 'e of it$elf a 'lin# to $%$+icion( a$ ma-ing it an %nli-ely $%++o$ition that $he co%l# 'e a f%giti)e. A$ $he wa$ al$o $o white a$ not to 'e -nown a$ of colore# lineage( witho%t a critical $%r)ey( an# her chil# wa$ white al$o( it wa$ m%ch ea$ier for her to +a$$ on %n$%$+ecte#. On thi$ +re$%m+tion( $he $to++e# at noon at a neat farmho%$e( to re$t her$elf( an# '%y $ome #inner for her chil# an# $elf3 for( a$ the #anger #ecrea$e# with the #i$tance( the $%+ernat%ral ten$ion of the ner)o%$ $y$tem le$$ene#( an# $he fo%n# her$elf 'oth weary an# h%ngry. The goo# woman( -in#ly an# go$$i++ing( $eeme# rather +lea$e# than otherwi$e with ha)ing $ome'o#y come in to tal- with3 an# acce+te#( witho%t e1amination( Eli4a'$ $tatement( that $he Awa$ going on a little +iece( to $+en# a wee- with her frien#$(A**all which $he ho+e# in her heart might +ro)e $trictly tr%e. An ho%r 'efore $%n$et( $he entere# the )illage of T****( 'y the Ohio ri)er( weary an# foot*$ore( '%t $till $trong in heart. Her fir$t glance wa$ at the ri)er( which lay( li-e Eor#an( 'etween her an# the Canaan of li'erty on the other $i#e. It wa$ now early $+ring( an# the ri)er wa$ $wollen an# t%r'%lent3 great ca-e$ of floating ice were $winging hea)ily to an# fro in the t%r'i# water$. Owing to the +ec%liar form of the $hore on the ,ent%c-y $i#e( the lan# 'en#ing far o%t into the water( the ice ha# 'een lo#ge# an# #etaine# in great 2%antitie$( an# the narrow channel which $we+t ro%n#

the 'en# wa$ f%ll of ice( +ile# one ca-e o)er another( th%$ forming a tem+orary 'arrier to the #e$cen#ing ice( which lo#ge#( an# forme# a great( %n#%lating raft( filling %+ the whole ri)er( an# e1ten#ing almo$t to the ,ent%c-y $hore. Eli4a $too#( for a moment( contem+lating thi$ %nfa)ora'le a$+ect of thing$( which $he $aw at once m%$t +re)ent the %$%al ferry*'oat from r%nning( an# then t%rne# into a $mall +%'lic ho%$e on the 'an-( to ma-e a few in2%irie$. The ho$te$$( who wa$ '%$y in )ario%$ fi44ing an# $tewing o+eration$ o)er the fire( +re+aratory to the e)ening meal( $to++e#( with a for- in her han#( a$ Eli4a'$ $weet an# +lainti)e )oice arre$te# her. A"hat i$ itCA $he $ai#. AI$n't there any ferry or 'oat( that ta-e$ +eo+le o)er to B****( nowCA $he $ai#. ANo( in#ee#DA $ai# the woman3 Athe 'oat$ ha$ $to++e# r%nning.A Eli4a'$ loo- of #i$may an# #i$a++ointment $tr%c- the woman( an# $he $ai#( in2%iringly( AMay 'e yo%'re wanting to get o)erC**any'o#y $ic-C Be $eem mighty an1io%$CA AI')e got a chil# that'$ )ery #angero%$(A $ai# Eli4a. AI ne)er hear# of it till la$t night( an# I')e wal-e# 2%ite a +iece to#ay( in ho+e$ to get to the ferry.A A"ell( now( that'$ onl%c-y(A $ai# the woman( who$e motherly $ym+athie$ were m%ch aro%$e#3 AI'm re'lly con$arne# for ye. SolomonDA $he calle#( from the win#ow( towar#$ a $mall 'ac- '%il#ing. A man( in leather a+ron an# )ery #irty han#$( a++eare# at the #oor. AI $ay( Sol(A $ai# the woman( Ai$ that ar man going to tote them 'ar'l$ o)er tonightCA AHe $ai# he $ho%l# try( if 't wa$ any way +r%#ent(A $ai# the man. AThere'$ a man a +iece #own here( that'$ going o)er with $ome tr%c- thi$ e)ening( if he #%r$' to3 he'll 'e in here to $%++er tonight( $o yo%'# 'etter $et #own an# wait. That'$ a $weet little fellow(A a##e# the woman( offering him a ca-e. B%t the chil#( wholly e1ha%$te#( crie# with wearine$$. A oor fellowD he i$n't %$e# to wal-ing( an# I')e h%rrie# him on $o(A $ai# Eli4a. A"ell( ta-e him into thi$ room(A $ai# the woman( o+ening into a $mall 'e#*room( where $too# a comforta'le 'e#. Eli4a lai# the weary 'oy %+on it( an# hel# hi$ han#$ in her$ till he wa$ fa$t a$lee+. &or her there wa$ no re$t. A$ a fire in her 'one$( the tho%ght of the +%r$%er %rge#

her on3 an# $he ga4e# with longing eye$ on the $%llen( $%rging water$ that lay 'etween her an# li'erty. Here we m%$t ta-e o%r lea)e of her for the +re$ent( to follow the co%r$e of her +%r$%er$. Tho%gh Mr$. Shel'y ha# +romi$e# that the #inner $ho%l# 'e h%rrie# on ta'le( yet it wa$ $oon $een( a$ the thing ha$ often 'een $een 'efore( that it re2%ire# more than one to ma-e a 'argain. So( altho%gh the or#er wa$ fairly gi)en o%t in Haley'$ hearing( an# carrie# to A%nt Chloe 'y at lea$t half a #o4en /%)enile me$$enger$( that #ignitary only ga)e certain )ery gr%ff $nort$( an# to$$e$ of her hea#( an# went on with e)ery o+eration in an %n%$%ally lei$%rely an# circ%m$tantial manner. &or $ome $ing%lar rea$on( an im+re$$ion $eeme# to reign among the $er)ant$ generally that Mi$$i$ wo%l# not 'e +artic%larly #i$o'lige# 'y #elay3 an# it wa$ won#erf%l what a n%m'er of co%nter acci#ent$ occ%rre# con$tantly( to retar# the co%r$e of thing$. One l%c-le$$ wight contri)e# to %+$et the gra)y3 an# then gra)y ha# to 'e got %+ 0#e no)o0( with #%e care an# formality( A%nt Chloe watching an# $tirring with #ogge# +reci$ion( an$wering $hortly( to all $%gge$tion$ of ha$te( that $he Awarn't a going to ha)e raw gra)y on the ta'le( to hel+ no'o#y'$ catching$.A One t%m'le# #own with the water( an# ha# to go to the $+ring for more3 an# another +reci+itate# the '%tter into the +ath of e)ent$3 an# there wa$ from time to time giggling new$ 'ro%ght into the -itchen that AMa$'r Haley wa$ mighty onea$y( an# that he co%l#n't $it in hi$ cheer no way$( '%t wa$ a wal-in' an# $tal-in' to the win#er$ an# thro%gh the +orch.A ASar)e$ him rightDA $ai# A%nt Chloe( in#ignantly. AHe'll get w%$ nor onea$y( one of the$e #ay$( if he #on't men# hi$ way$. 0Hi$0 ma$ter'll 'e $en#ing for him( an# then $ee how he'll loo-DA AHe'll go to torment( an# no mi$ta-e(A $ai# little Ea-e. AHe #e$ar)e$ itDA $ai# A%nt Chloe( grimly3 Ahe'$ 'ro-e a many( many( many heart$(**I tell ye allDA $he $ai#( $to++ing( with a for- %+lifte# in her han#$3 Ait'$ li-e what Ma$'r 5eorge rea#$ in !a)elation$(**$o%l$ a callin' %n#er the altarD an# a callin' on the Lor# for )engeance on $ichD**an# 'y an# 'y the Lor# he'll hear 'em**$o he willDA A%nt Chloe( who wa$ m%ch re)ere# in the -itchen( wa$ li$tene# to with o+en mo%th3 an#( the #inner 'eing now fairly $ent in( the whole -itchen wa$ at lei$%re to go$$i+ with her( an# to li$ten to her remar-$. ASich'll 'e '%rnt %+ fore)er( an# no mi$ta-e3 won't therCA $ai# An#y. AI'# 'e gla# to $ee it( I'll 'e 'o%n'(A $ai# little Ea-e. AChil'enDA $ai# a )oice( that ma#e them all $tart. It wa$ Uncle Tom( who ha# come in( an# $too# li$tening to the con)er$ation at the #oor. AChil'enDA he $ai#( AI'm afear# yo% #on't -now what ye're $ayin'. &ore)er i$ a 0#re'f%l0 wor#( chil'en3 it'$ awf%l to thin- on 't. Bo%

o%ghtenter wi$h that ar to any h%man critt%r.A A"e wo%l#n't to any'o#y '%t the $o%l*#ri)er$(A $ai# An#y3 Ano'o#y can hel+ wi$hing it to them( they '$ $o awf%l wic-e#.A AFon't nat%r her$elf -in#er cry o%t on 'emCA $ai# A%nt Chloe. AFon't #ey tear #er $%c-in' 'a'y right off hi$ mother'$ 'rea$t( an# $ell him( an# #er little chil#ren a$ i$ crying an# hol#ing on 'y her clothe$(**#on't #ey +%ll 'em off an# $ell$ 'emC Fon't #ey tear wife an# h%$'an# a+artCA $ai# A%nt Chloe( 'eginning to cry( Awhen it'$ /e$t ta-in' the )ery life on 'emC**an# all the while #oe$ they feel one 'it( #on't #ey #rin- an# $mo-e( an# ta-e it oncommon ea$yC Lor( if the #e)il #on't get them( what'$ he goo# forCA An# A%nt Chloe co)ere# her face with her chec-e# a+ron( an# 'egan to $o' in goo# earne$t. A ray for them that '$+itef%lly %$e yo%( the goo# 'oo- $ay$(A $ay$ Tom. A ray for 'emDA $ai# A%nt Chloe3 ALor( it'$ too to%ghD I can't +ray for 'em.A AIt'$ nat%r( Chloe( an# nat%r '$ $trong(A $ai# Tom( A'%t the Lor#'$ grace i$ $tronger3 'e$i#e$( yo% o%ghter thin- what an awf%l $tate a +oor critt%r'$ $o%l '$ in that'll #o them ar thing$(**yo% o%ghter than5o# that yo% an't 0li-e0 him( Chloe. I'm $%re I'# rather 'e $ol#( ten tho%$an# time$ o)er( than to ha)e all that ar +oor critt%r'$ got to an$wer for.A ASo '# I( a hea+(A $ai# Ea-e. ALor( 0$ho%l#n't0 we cotch it( An#yCA An#y $hr%gge# hi$ $ho%l#er$( an# ga)e an ac2%ie$cent whi$tle. AI'm gla# Ma$'r #i#n't go off thi$ morning( a$ he loo-e# to(A $ai# Tom3 Athat ar h%rt me more than $ellin'( it #i#. Me''e it might ha)e 'een nat%ral for him( '%t 't wo%l# ha)e come #e$+'t har# on me( a$ ha$ -nown him from a 'a'y3 '%t I')e $een Ma$'r( an# I 'egin ter feel $ort o' reconcile# to the Lor#'$ will now. Ma$'r co%l#n't hel+ hi$$elf3 he #i# right( '%t I'm feare# thing$ will 'e -in#er goin' to rac-( when I'm gone Ma$'r can't 'e $+ecte# to 'e a +ryin' ro%n# e)erywhar( a$ I')e #one( a -ee+in' %+ all the en#$. The 'oy$ all mean$ well( '%t they '$ +owerf%l car'le$$. That ar tro%'le$ me.A The 'ell here rang( an# Tom wa$ $%mmone# to the +arlor. ATom(A $ai# hi$ ma$ter( -in#ly( AI want yo% to notice that I gi)e thi$ gentleman 'on#$ to forfeit a tho%$an# #ollar$ if yo% are not on the $+ot when he want$ yo%3 he'$ going to#ay to loo- after hi$ other '%$ine$$( an# yo% can ha)e the #ay to yo%r$elf. 5o anywhere yo% li-e( 'oy.A AThan- yo%( Ma$'r(A $ai# Tom. AAn# min# yo%r$elf(A $ai# the tra#er( Aan# #on't come it o)er yo%r ma$ter with any o' yer nigger tric-$3 for I'll ta-e e)ery cent o%t of him( if yo% an't thar. If he'# hear to me( he wo%l#n't tr%$t any on ye**$li++ery a$ eel$DA

AMa$'r(A $ai# Tom(**an# he $too# )ery $traight(**AI wa$ /i$t eight year$ ol# when ole Mi$$i$ +%t yo% into my arm$( an# yo% wa$n't a year ol#. 'Thar(' $ay$ $he( 'Tom( that'$ to 'e 0yo%r0 yo%ng Ma$'r3 ta-e goo# care on him(' $ay$ $he. An# now I /i$t a$- yo%( Ma$'r( ha)e I e)er 'ro-e wor# to yo%( or gone contrary to yo%( '$+ecially $ince I wa$ a Chri$tianCA Mr. Shel'y wa$ fairly o)ercome( an# the tear$ ro$e to hi$ eye$. AMy goo# 'oy(A $ai# he( Athe Lor# -now$ yo% $ay '%t the tr%th3 an# if I wa$ a'le to hel+ it( all the worl# $ho%l#n't '%y yo%.A AAn# $%re a$ I am a Chri$tian woman(A $ai# Mr$. Shel'y( Ayo% $hall 'e re#eeme# a$ $oon a$ I can any 'ring together mean$. Sir(A $he $ai# to Haley( Ata-e goo# acco%nt of who yo% $ell him to( an# let me -now.A ALor( ye$( for that matter(A $ai# the tra#er( AI may 'ring him %+ in a year( not m%ch the w%$$ for wear( an# tra#e him 'ac-.A AI'll tra#e with yo% then( an# ma-e it for yo%r a#)antage(A $ai# Mr$. Shel'y. AOf co%r$e(A $ai# the tra#er( Aall '$ e2%al with me3 li')e$ tra#e 'em %+ a$ #own( $o I #oe$ a goo# '%$ine$$. All I want i$ a li)in'( yo% -now( ma'am3 that'$ all any on %$ want$( I( $'+o$e.A Mr. an# Mr$. Shel'y 'oth felt annoye# an# #egra#e# 'y the familiar im+%#ence of the tra#er( an# yet 'oth $aw the a'$ol%te nece$$ity of +%tting a con$traint on their feeling$. The more ho+ele$$ly $or#i# an# in$en$i'le he a++eare#( the greater 'ecame Mr$. Shel'y'$ #rea# of hi$ $%ccee#ing in reca+t%ring Eli4a an# her chil#( an# of co%r$e the greater her moti)e for #etaining him 'y e)ery female artifice. She therefore gracio%$ly $mile#( a$$ente#( chatte# familiarly( an# #i# all $he co%l# to ma-e time +a$$ im+erce+ti'ly. At two o'cloc- Sam an# An#y 'ro%ght the hor$e$ %+ to the +o$t$( a++arently greatly refre$he# an# in)igorate# 'y the $cam+er of the morning. Sam wa$ there new oile# from #inner( with an a'%n#ance of 4ealo%$ an# rea#y officio%$ne$$. A$ Haley a++roache#( he wa$ 'oa$ting( in flo%ri$hing $tyle( to An#y( of the e)i#ent an# eminent $%cce$$ of the o+eration( now that he ha# Afarly come to it.A ABo%r ma$ter( I $'+o$e( #on't -ee+ no #og$(A $ai# Haley( tho%ghtf%lly( a$ he +re+are# to mo%nt. AHea+$ on 'em(A $ai# Sam( tri%m+hantly3 Athar'$ Br%no**he'$ a roarerD an#( 'e$i#e$ that( ''o%t e)ery nigger of %$ -ee+$ a +%+ of $ome nat%r or %ther.A A ohDA $ai# Haley(**an# he $ai# $omething el$e( too( with regar# to the $ai# #og$( at which Sam m%ttere#( AI #on't $ee no %$e c%$$in' on 'em( no way.A

AB%t yo%r ma$ter #on't -ee+ no #og$ 7I +retty m%ch -now he #on't< for trac-in' o%t nigger$.A Sam -new e1actly what he meant( '%t he -e+t on a loo- of earne$t an# #e$+erate $im+licity. AO%r #og$ all $mell$ ro%n# con$i#a'le $har+. I $+ect they'$ the -in#( tho%gh they han't ne)er ha# no +ractice. They '$ 0far0 #og$( tho%gh( at mo$t anything( if yo%'# get 'em $tarte#. Here( Br%no(A he calle#( whi$tling to the l%m'ering Newfo%n#lan#( who came +itching t%m%lt%o%$ly towar# them. ABo% go hangDA $ai# Haley( getting %+. ACome( t%m'le %+ now.A Sam t%m'le# %+ accor#ingly( #e1tero%$ly contri)ing to tic-le An#y a$ he #i# $o( which occa$ione# An#y to $+lit o%t into a la%gh( greatly to Haley'$ in#ignation( who ma#e a c%t at him with hi$ ri#ing*whi+. AI '$ '$toni$he# at yer( An#y(A $ai# Sam( with awf%l gra)ity. AThi$ yer'$ a $eri$ 'i$ne$$( An#y. Ber m%$tn't 'e a ma-in' game. Thi$ yer an't no way to hel+ Ma$'r.A AI $hall ta-e the $traight roa# to the ri)er(A $ai# Haley( #eci#e#ly( after they ha# come to the 'o%n#arie$ of the e$tate. AI -now the way of all of 'em(**they ma-e$ trac-$ for the %n#ergro%n#.A ASartin(A $ai# Sam( A#at'$ #e i#ee. Ma$'r Haley hit$ #e thing right in #e mi##le. Now( #er'$ two roa#$ to #e ri)er(**#e #irt roa# an# #er +i-e(**which Ma$'r mean to ta-eCA An#y loo-e# %+ innocently at Sam( $%r+ri$e# at hearing thi$ new geogra+hical fact( '%t in$tantly confirme# what he $ai#( 'y a )ehement reiteration. ACa%$e(A $ai# Sam( AI'# rather 'e 'cline# to 'magine that Li4y '# ta-e #e #irt roa#( 'ein' it'$ the lea$t tra)elle#.A Haley( notwith$tan#ing that he wa$ a )ery ol# 'ir#( an# nat%rally incline# to 'e $%$+icio%$ of chaff( wa$ rather 'ro%ght %+ 'y thi$ )iew of the ca$e. AIf yer warn't 'oth on yer $%ch c%$$e# liar$( nowDA he $ai#( contem+lati)ely a$ he +on#ere# a moment. The +en$i)e( reflecti)e tone in which thi$ wa$ $+o-en a++eare# to am%$e An#y +ro#igio%$ly( an# he #rew a little 'ehin#( an# $hoo- $o a$ a++arently to r%n a great ri$- of failing off hi$ hor$e( while Sam'$ face wa$ immo)a'ly com+o$e# into the mo$t #olef%l gra)ity. ACo%r$e(A $ai# Sam( AMa$'r can #o a$ he'# r%ther( go #e $traight roa#( if Ma$'r thin-$ 'e$t(**it'$ all one to %$. Now( when I $t%#y '+on it( I thin- #e $traight roa# #e 'e$t( 0#eri#e#ly0.A AShe wo%l# nat%rally go a lone$ome way(A $ai# Haley( thin-ing alo%#( an# not min#ing Sam'$ remar-.

AFar an't no $ayin'(A $ai# Sam3 Agal$ i$ +ec%lar3 they ne)er #oe$ nothin' ye thin-$ they will3 mo$e gen'lly the contrary. 5al$ i$ nat'lly ma#e contrary3 an# $o( if yo% thin-$ they')e gone one roa#( it i$ $artin yo%'# 'etter go t' other( an# then yo%'ll 'e $%re to fin# 'em. Now( my +ri)ate '+inion i$( Li4y too- #er roa#3 $o I thin- we'# 'etter ta-e #e $traight one.A Thi$ +rofo%n# generic )iew of the female $e1 #i# not $eem to #i$+o$e Haley +artic%larly to the $traight roa#( an# he anno%nce# #eci#e#ly that he $ho%l# go the other( an# a$-e# Sam when they $ho%l# come to it. AA little +iece ahea#(A $ai# Sam( gi)ing a win- to An#y with the eye which wa$ on An#y'$ $i#e of the hea#3 an# he a##e#( gra)ely( A'%t I')e $t%##e# on #e matter( an# I'm 2%ite clar we o%ght not to go #at ar way. I ne''er 'een o)er it no way. It'$ #e$+it lone$ome( an# we might lo$e o%r way(**whar we'# come to( #e Lor# only -now$.A ANe)erthele$$(A $ai# Haley( AI $hall go that way.A ANow I thin- on 't( I thin- I hearn 'em tell that #at ar roa# wa$ all fence# %+ an# #own 'y #er cree-( an# thar( an't it( An#yCA An#y wa$n't certain3 he'# only Ahearn tellA a'o%t that roa#( '%t ne)er 'een o)er it. In $hort( he wa$ $trictly noncommittal. Haley( acc%$tome# to $tri-e the 'alance of +ro'a'ilitie$ 'etween lie$ of greater or le$$er magnit%#e( tho%ght that it lay in fa)or of the #irt roa# afore$ai#. The mention of the thing he tho%ght he +ercei)e# wa$ in)ol%ntary on Sam'$ +art at fir$t( an# hi$ conf%$e# attem+t$ to #i$$%a#e him he $et #own to a #e$+erate lying on $econ# tho%ght$( a$ 'eing %nwilling to im+licate Li4a. "hen( therefore( Sam in#icate# the roa#( Haley +l%nge# 'ri$-ly into it( followe# 'y Sam an# An#y. Now( the roa#( in fact( wa$ an ol# one( that ha# formerly 'een a thoro%ghfare to the ri)er( '%t a'an#one# for many year$ after the laying of the new +i-e. It wa$ o+en for a'o%t an ho%r'$ ri#e( an# after that it wa$ c%t acro$$ 'y )ario%$ farm$ an# fence$. Sam -new thi$ fact +erfectly well(**in#ee#( the roa# ha# 'een $o long clo$e# %+( that An#y ha# ne)er hear# of it. He therefore ro#e along with an air of #%tif%l $%'mi$$ion( only groaning an# )ociferating occa$ionally that 't wa$ A#e$+'t ro%gh( an# 'a# for Eerry'$ foot.A ANow( I /e$t gi)e yer warning(A $ai# Haley( AI -now yer3 yer won't get me to t%rn off thi$ roa#( with all yer f%$$in'**$o yo% $het %+DA AMa$'r will go hi$ own wayDA $ai# Sam( with r%ef%l $%'mi$$ion( at the $ame time win-ing mo$t ortento%$ly to An#y( who$e #elight wa$ now )ery near the e1+lo$i)e +oint. Sam wa$ in won#erf%l $+irit$(**+rofe$$e# to -ee+ a )ery 'ri$loo-o%t(**at one time e1claiming that he $aw Aa gal'$ 'onnetA on the to+ of $ome #i$tant eminence( or calling to An#y Aif that thar wa$n't 'Li4y'

#own in the hollow3A alway$ ma-ing the$e e1clamation$ in $ome ro%gh or craggy +art of the roa#( where the $%##en 2%ic-ening of $+ee# wa$ a $+ecial incon)enience to all +artie$ concerne#( an# th%$ -ee+ing Haley in a $tate of con$tant commotion. After ri#ing a'o%t an ho%r in thi$ way( the whole +arty ma#e a +reci+itate an# t%m%lt%o%$ #e$cent into a 'arn*yar# 'elonging to a large farming e$ta'li$hment. Not a $o%l wa$ in $ight( all the han#$ 'eing em+loye# in the fiel#$3 '%t( a$ the 'arn $too# con$+ic%o%$ly an# +lainly $2%are acro$$ the roa#( it wa$ e)i#ent that their /o%rney in that #irection ha# reache# a #eci#e# finale. A"an't #at ar what I telle# Ma$'rCA $ai# Sam( with an air of in/%re# innocence. AHow #oe$ $trange gentleman $+ect to -now more a'o%t a co%ntry #an #e nati)e$ 'orn an# rai$e#CA ABo% ra$calDA $ai# Haley( Ayo% -new all a'o%t thi$.A AFi#n't I tell yer I 0-now#0( an# yer wo%l#n't 'elie)e meC I telle# Ma$'r 't wa$ all $het %+( an# fence# %+( an# I #i#n't $+ect we co%l# get thro%gh(**An#y hear# me.A It wa$ all too tr%e to 'e #i$+%te#( an# the %nl%c-y man ha# to +oc-et hi$ wrath with the 'e$t grace he wa$ a'le( an# all three face# to the right a'o%t( an# too- %+ their line of march for the highway. In con$e2%ence of all the )ario%$ #elay$( it wa$ a'o%t three*2%arter$ of an ho%r after Eli4a ha# lai# her chil# to $lee+ in the )illage ta)ern that the +arty came ri#ing into the $ame +lace. Eli4a wa$ $tan#ing 'y the win#ow( loo-ing o%t in another #irection( when Sam'$ 2%ic- eye ca%ght a glim+$e of her. Haley an# An#y were two yar#$ 'ehin#. At thi$ cri$i$( Sam contri)e# to ha)e hi$ hat 'lown off( an# %ttere# a lo%# an# characteri$tic e/ac%lation( which $tartle# her at once3 $he #rew $%##enly 'ac-3 the whole train $we+t 'y the win#ow( ro%n# to the front #oor. A tho%$an# li)e$ $eeme# to 'e concentrate# in that one moment to Eli4a. Her room o+ene# 'y a $i#e #oor to the ri)er. She ca%ght her chil#( an# $+rang #own the $te+$ towar#$ it. The tra#er ca%ght a f%ll glim+$e of her /%$t a$ $he wa$ #i$a++earing #own the 'an-3 an# throwing him$elf from hi$ hor$e( an# calling lo%#ly on Sam an# An#y( he wa$ after her li-e a ho%n# after a #eer. In that #i44y moment her feet to her $carce $eeme# to to%ch the gro%n#( an# a moment 'ro%ght her to the water'$ e#ge. !ight on 'ehin# they came3 an#( ner)e# with $trength $%ch a$ 5o# gi)e$ only to the #e$+erate( with one wil# cry an# flying lea+( $he )a%lte# $heer o)er the t%r'i# c%rrent 'y the $hore( on to the raft of ice 'eyon#. It wa$ a #e$+erate lea+**im+o$$i'le to anything '%t ma#ne$$ an# #e$+air3 an# Haley( Sam( an# An#y( in$tincti)ely crie# o%t( an# lifte# %+ their han#$( a$ $he #i# it. The h%ge green fragment of ice on which $he alighte# +itche# an# crea-e# a$ her weight came on it( '%t $he $tai# there not a moment. "ith wil# crie$ an# #e$+erate energy $he lea+e# to another an# $till another ca-e3 $t%m'ling**lea+ing**$li++ing**$+ringing %+war#$ againD Her $hoe$ are gone**her $toc-ing$ c%t from her feet**while 'loo# mar-e# e)ery $te+3

'%t $he $aw nothing( felt nothing( till #imly( a$ in a #ream( $he $aw the Ohio $i#e( an# a man hel+ing her %+ the 'an-. ABer a 'ra)e gal( now( whoe)er ye arDA $ai# the man( with an oath. Eli4a recogni4e# the )oice an# face for a man who owne# a farm not far from her ol# home. AO( Mr. Symme$D**$a)e me**#o $a)e me**#o hi#e meDA $ai# Elia. A"hy( what'$ thi$CA $ai# the man. A"hy( if 'tan't Shel'y'$ galDA AMy chil#D**thi$ 'oyD**he'# $ol# himD There i$ hi$ Ma$'r(A $ai# $he( +ointing to the ,ent%c-y $hore. AO( Mr. Symme$( yo%')e got a little 'oyDA ASo I ha)e(A $ai# the man( a$ he ro%ghly( '%t -in#ly( #rew her %+ the $tee+ 'an-. ABe$i#e$( yo%'re a right 'ra)e gal. I li-e grit( where)er I $ee it.A "hen they ha# gaine# the to+ of the 'an-( the man +a%$e#. AI'# 'e gla# to #o $omething for ye(A $ai# he3 A'%t then there'$ nowhar I co%l# ta-e ye. The 'e$t I can #o i$ to tell ye to go 0thar0(A $ai# he( +ointing to a large white ho%$e which $too# 'y it$elf( off the main $treet of the )illage. A5o thar3 they're -in# fol-$. Thar'$ no -in# o' #anger '%t they'll hel+ yo%(**they're %+ to all that $ort o' thing.A AThe Lor# 'le$$ yo%DA $ai# Eli4a( earne$tly. ANo 'ca$ion( no 'ca$ion in the worl#(A $ai# the man. A"hat I')e #one'$ of no 'co%nt.A AAn#( oh( $%rely( $ir( yo% won't tell any oneDA A5o to th%n#er( galD "hat #o yo% ta-e a feller forC In co%r$e not(A $ai# the man. ACome( now( go along li-e a li-ely( $en$i'le gal( a$ yo% are. Bo%')e arnt yo%r li'erty( an# yo% $hall ha)e it( for all me.A The woman fol#e# her chil# to her 'o$om( an# wal-e# firmly an# $wiftly away. The man $too# an# loo-e# after her. AShel'y( now( me''e won't thin- thi$ yer the mo$t neigh'orly thing in the worl#3 '%t what'$ a feller to #oC If he catche$ one of my gal$ in the $ame fi1( he'$ welcome to +ay 'ac-. Somehow I ne)er co%l# $ee no -in# o' critter a $tri)in' an# +antin'( an# trying to clar their$el)e$( with the #og$ arter 'em an# go agin 'em. Be$i#e$( I #on't $ee no -in# of 'ca$ion for me to 'e h%nter an# catcher for other fol-$( neither.A So $+o-e thi$ +oor( heatheni$h ,ent%c-ian( who ha# not 'een in$tr%cte# in hi$ con$tit%tional relation$( an# con$e2%ently wa$ 'etraye# into acting in a $ort of Chri$tiani4e# manner( which( if he ha# 'een 'etter $it%ate# an# more enlightene#( he wo%l# not ha)e 'een left to #o. Haley ha# $too# a +erfectly ama4e# $+ectator of the $cene( till Eli4a

ha# #i$a++eare# %+ the 'an-( when he t%rne# a 'lan-( in2%iring loo- on Sam an# An#y. AThat ar wa$ a tola'le fair $tro-e of '%$ine$$(A $ai# Sam. AThe gal '$ got $e)en #e)il$ in her( I 'elie)eDA $ai# Haley. AHow li-e a wil#cat $he /%m+e#DA A"al( now(A $ai# Sam( $cratching hi$ hea#( AI ho+e Ma$'r'll '$c%$e %$ trying #at ar roa#. Fon't thin- I feel $+ry eno%gh for #at ar( no wayDA an# Sam ga)e a hoar$e ch%c-le. A0Bo%0 la%ghDA $ai# the tra#er( with a growl. ALor# 'le$$ yo%( Ma$'r( I co%l#n't hel+ it now(A $ai# Sam( gi)ing way to the long +ent*%+ #elight of hi$ $o%l. AShe loo-e# $o c%ri'$( a lea+in' an# $+ringin'**ice a crac-in'**an# only to hear her(**+l%m+D -er ch%n-D -er $+la$hD S+ringD Lor#D how $he goe$ itDA an# Sam an# An#y la%ghe# till the tear$ rolle# #own their chee-$. AI'll ma-e ye la%gh t' other $i#e yer mo%th$DA $ai# the tra#er( laying a'o%t their hea#$ with hi$ ri#ing*whi+. Both #%c-e#( an# ran $ho%ting %+ the 'an-( an# were on their hor$e$ 'efore he wa$ %+. A5oo#*e)ening( Ma$'rDA $ai# Sam( with m%ch gra)ity. AI 'erry m%ch $+ect Mi$$i$ 'e an1io%$ ''o%t Eerry. Ma$'r Haley won't want %$ no longer. Mi$$i$ wo%l#n't hear of o%r ri#in' the critter$ o)er Li4y'$ 'ri#ge tonight3A an#( with a facetio%$ +o-e into An#y'$ ri'$( he $tarte# off( followe# 'y the latter( at f%ll $+ee#(**their $ho%t$ of la%ghter coming faintly on the win#.

CHA TE! VIII Eli4a'$ E$ca+e Eli4a ma#e her #e$+erate retreat acro$$ the ri)er /%$t in the #%$of twilight. The gray mi$t of e)ening( ri$ing $lowly from the ri)er( en)elo+e# her a$ $he #i$a++eare# %+ the 'an-( an# the $wollen c%rrent an# flo%n#ering ma$$e$ of ice +re$ente# a ho+ele$$ 'arrier 'etween her an# her +%r$%er. Haley therefore $lowly an# #i$contente#ly ret%rne# to the little ta)ern( to +on#er f%rther what wa$ to 'e #one. The woman o+ene# to him the #oor of a little +arlor( co)ere# with a rag car+et( where $too# a ta'le with a )ery $hining 'lac- oil*cloth( $%n#ry lan-( high*'ac-e# woo# chair$( with $ome +la$ter image$ in re$+len#ent color$ on the mantel*$helf( a'o)e a )ery #imly*$mo-ing grate3 a long har#*woo# $ettle e1ten#e# it$ %nea$y length 'y the chimney( an# here Haley $at him #own to me#itate on the in$ta'ility of h%man ho+e$ an# ha++ine$$ in general. A"hat #i# I want with the little c%$$( now(A he $ai# to him$elf( Athat

I $ho%l# ha)e got my$elf tree# li-e a coon( a$ I am( thi$ yer wayCA an# Haley relie)e# him$elf 'y re+eating o)er a not )ery $elect litany of im+recation$ on him$elf( which( tho%gh there wa$ the 'e$t +o$$i'le rea$on to con$i#er them a$ tr%e( we $hall( a$ a matter of ta$te( omit. He wa$ $tartle# 'y the lo%# an# #i$$onant )oice of a man who wa$ a++arently #i$mo%nting at the #oor. He h%rrie# to the win#ow. ABy the lan#D if thi$ yer an't the neare$t( now( to what I')e hear# fol-$ call ro)i#ence(A $ai# Haley. AI #o ''lie)e that ar'$ Tom Lo-er.A Haley ha$tene# o%t. Stan#ing 'y the 'ar( in the corner of the room( wa$ a 'rawny( m%$c%lar man( f%ll $i1 feet in height( an# 'roa# in +ro+ortion. He wa$ #re$$e# in a coat of '%ffalo*$-in( ma#e with the hair o%twar#( which ga)e him a $haggy an# fierce a++earance( +erfectly in -ee+ing with the whole air of hi$ +hy$iognomy. In the hea# an# face e)ery organ an# lineament e1+re$$i)e of 'r%tal an# %nhe$itating )iolence wa$ in a $tate of the highe$t +o$$i'le #e)elo+ment. In#ee#( co%l# o%r rea#er$ fancy a '%ll*#og come %nto man'$ e$tate( an# wal-ing a'o%t in a hat an# coat( they wo%l# ha)e no %na+t i#ea of the general $tyle an# effect of hi$ +hy$i2%e. He wa$ accom+anie# 'y a tra)elling com+anion( in many re$+ect$ an e1act contra$t to him$elf. He wa$ $hort an# $len#er( lithe an# catli-e in hi$ motion$( an# ha# a +eering( mo%$ing e1+re$$ion a'o%t hi$ -een 'lac- eye$( with which e)ery feat%re of hi$ face $eeme# $har+ene# into $ym+athy3 hi$ thin( long no$e( ran o%t a$ if it wa$ eager to 'ore into the nat%re of thing$ in general3 hi$ $lee-( thin( 'lachair wa$ $t%c- eagerly forwar#( an# all hi$ motion$ an# e)ol%tion$ e1+re$$e# a #ry( ca%tio%$ ac%tene$$. The great man +o%re# o%t a 'ig t%m'ler half f%ll of raw $+irit$( an# g%l+e# it #own witho%t a wor#. The little man $too# ti+toe( an# +%tting hi$ hea# fir$t to one $i#e an# then the other( an# $n%ffing con$i#erately in the #irection$ of the )ario%$ 'ottle$( or#ere# at la$t a mint /%le+( in a thin an# 2%i)ering )oice( an# with an air of great circ%m$+ection. "hen +o%re# o%t( he too- it an# loo-e# at it with a $har+( com+lacent air( li-e a man who thin-$ he ha$ #one a'o%t the right thing( an# hit the nail on the hea#( an# +rocee#e# to #i$+o$e of it in $hort an# well*a#)i$e# $i+$. A"al( now( who'# a tho%ght thi$ yer l%c- 'a# come to meC "hy( Lo-er( how are yeCA $ai# Haley( coming forwar#( an# e1ten#ing hi$ han# to the 'ig man. AThe #e)ilDA wa$ the ci)il re+ly. A"hat 'ro%ght yo% here( HaleyCA The mo%$ing man( who 'ore the name of Mar-$( in$tantly $to++e# hi$ $i++ing( an#( +o-ing hi$ hea# forwar#( loo-e# $hrew#ly on the new ac2%aintance( a$ a cat $ometime$ loo-$ at a mo)ing #ry leaf( or $ome other +o$$i'le o'/ect of +%r$%it. AI $ay( Tom( thi$ yer'$ the l%c-ie$t thing in the worl#. I'm in a #e)il of a ho''le( an# yo% m%$t hel+ me o%t.A AUghC awD li-e eno%ghDA gr%nte# hi$ com+lacent ac2%aintance. AA 'o#y may 'e +retty $%re of that( when 0yo%'re0 gla# to $ee 'em3 $omething to 'e ma#e off of 'em. "hat'$ the 'low nowCA

ABo%')e got a frien# hereCA $ai# Haley( loo-ing #o%'tf%lly at Mar-$3 A+artner( +erha+$CA ABe$( I ha)e. Here( Mar-$D here'$ that ar feller that I wa$ in with in Natche4.A AShall 'e +lea$e# with hi$ ac2%aintance(A $ai# Mar-$( thr%$ting o%t a long( thin han#( li-e a ra)en'$ claw. AMr. Haley( I 'elie)eCA AThe $ame( $ir(A $ai# Haley. AAn# now( gentlemen( $eein' a$ we')e met $o ha++ily( I thin- I'll $tan# %+ to a $mall matter of a treat in thi$ here +arlor. So( now( ol# coon(A $ai# he to the man at the 'ar( Aget %$ hot water( an# $%gar( an# cigar$( an# +lenty of the 0real $t%ff0 an# we'll ha)e a 'low*o%t.A Behol#( then( the can#le$ lighte#( the fire $tim%late# to the '%rning +oint in the grate( an# o%r three worthie$ $eate# ro%n# a ta'le( well $+rea# with all the acce$$orie$ to goo# fellow$hi+ en%merate# 'efore. Haley 'egan a +athetic recital of hi$ +ec%liar tro%'le$. Lo-er $h%t %+ hi$ mo%th( an# li$tene# to him with gr%ff an# $%rly attention. Mar-$( who wa$ an1io%$ly an# with m%ch fi#geting com+o%n#ing a t%m'ler of +%nch to hi$ own +ec%liar ta$te( occa$ionally loo-e# %+ from hi$ em+loyment( an#( +o-ing hi$ $har+ no$e an# chin almo$t into Haley'$ face( ga)e the mo$t earne$t hee# to the whole narrati)e. The concl%$ion of it a++eare# to am%$e him e1tremely( for he $hoo- hi$ $ho%l#er$ an# $i#e$ in $ilence( an# +er-e# %+ hi$ thin li+$ with an air of great internal en/oyment. ASo( then( ye'r fairly $ewe# %+( an't yeCA he $ai#3 AheD heD heD It'$ neatly #one( too.A AThi$ yer yo%ng*%n '%$ine$$ ma-e$ lot$ of tro%'le in the tra#e(A $ai# Haley( #olef%lly. AIf we co%l# get a 'ree# of gal$ that #i#n't care( now( for their yo%ng %n$(A $ai# Mar-$3 Atell ye( I thin- 't wo%l# 'e ''o%t the greate$t mo#'rn im+ro)ement I -now$ on(A**an# Mar-$ +atroni4e# hi$ /o-e 'y a 2%iet intro#%ctory $niggle. AEe$ $o(A $ai# Haley3 AI ne)er co%l#n't $ee into it3 yo%ng %n$ i$ hea+$ of tro%'le to 'em3 one wo%l# thin-( now( they'# 'e gla# to get clar on 'em3 '%t they arn't. An# the more tro%'le a yo%ng %n i$( an# the more goo# for nothing( a$ a gen'l thing( the tighter they $tic-$ to 'em.A A"al( Mr. Haley(A $ai# Mar-$( A'e$t +a$$ the hot water. Be$( $ir( yo% $ay 'e$t what I feel an# all'%$ ha)e. Now( I 'o%ght a gal once( when I wa$ in the tra#e(**a tight( li-ely wench $he wa$( too( an# 2%ite con$i#era'le $mart(**an# $he ha# a yo%ng %n that wa$ mi$'a'le $ic-ly3 it ha# a croo-e# 'ac-( or $omething or other3 an# I /e$t gin 't away to a man that tho%ght he'# ta-e hi$ chance rai$ing on 't( 'eing it #i#n't co$t nothin'3**ne)er tho%ght( yer -now( of the gal'$ ta-ing' on a'o%t it(**'%t( Lor#( yer o%ghter $een how $he went on. "hy( re'lly( $he #i# $eem to me to )alley the chil# more 'ca%$e 0't wa$0 $ic-ly an# cro$$( an# +lag%e# her3 an# $he warn't ma-ing ''lie)e( neither(**crie# a'o%t it( $he #i#( an# lo++e# ro%n#( a$ if $he'# lo$t e)ery frien# $he ha#.

It re'lly wa$ #roll to thin- on 't. Lor#( there ain't no en# to women'$ notion$.A A"al( /e$t $o with me(A $ai# Haley. ALa$t $%mmer( #own on !e# ri)er( I got a gal tra#e# off on me( with a li-ely loo-in' chil# eno%gh( an# hi$ eye$ loo-e# a$ 'right a$ yo%rn3 '%t( come to loo-( I fo%n# him $tone 'lin#. &act**he wa$ $tone 'lin#. "al( ye $ee( I tho%ght there warn't no harm in my /e$t +a$$ing him along( an# not $ayin' nothin'3 an# I'# got him nicely $wa++e# off for a -eg o' whi$-ey3 '%t come to get him away from the gal( $he wa$ /e$t li-e a tiger. So 't wa$ 'efore we $tarte#( an# I ha#n't got my gang chaine# %+3 $o what $ho%l# $he #o '%t %+$ on a cotton*'ale( li-e a cat( -etche$ a -nife from one of the #ec- han#$( an#( I tell ye( $he ma#e all fly for a minit( till $he $aw 't wan't no %$e3 an# $he /e$t t%rn$ ro%n#( an# +itche$ hea# fir$t( yo%ng %n an# all( into the ri)er(**went #own +l%m+( an# ne)er ri$.A ABahDA $ai# Tom Lo-er( who ha# li$tene# to the$e $torie$ with ill*re+re$$e# #i$g%$t(**A$hif'le$$( 'oth on yeD 0my0 gal$ #on't c%t %+ no $%ch $hine$( I tell yeDA AIn#ee#D how #o yo% hel+ itCA $ai# Mar-$( 'ri$-ly. AHel+ itC why( I '%y$ a gal( an# if $he'$ got a yo%ng %n to 'e $ol#( I /e$t wal-$ %+ an# +%t$ my fi$t to her face( an# $ay$( 'Loo- here( now( if yo% gi)e me one wor# o%t of yo%r hea#( I'll $ma$h yer face in. I won't hear one wor#**not the 'eginning of a wor#.' I $ay$ to 'em( 'Thi$ yer yo%ng %n'$ mine( an# not yo%rn( an# yo%')e no -in# o' '%$ine$$ with it. I'm going to $ell it( fir$t chance3 min#( yo% #on't c%t %+ none o' yer $hine$ a'o%t it( or I'll ma-e ye wi$h ye'# ne)er 'een 'orn.' I tell ye( they $ee$ it an't no +lay( when I get$ hol#. I ma-e$ 'em a$ whi$t a$ fi$he$3 an# if one on 'em 'egin$ an# gi)e$ a yel+( why(**A an# Mr. Lo-er 'ro%ght #own hi$ fi$t with a th%m+ that f%lly e1+laine# the hiat%$. AThat ar'$ what ye may call 0em+ha$i$0(A $ai# Mar-$( +o-ing Haley in the $i#e( an# going into another $mall giggle. AAn't Tom +ec%liarC heD heD I $ay( Tom( I $'+ect yo% ma-e 'em 0%n#er$tan#0( for all nigger$' hea#$ i$ woolly. They #on't ne)er ha)e no #o%'t o' yo%r meaning( Tom. If yo% an't the #e)il( Tom( yo% '$ hi$ twin 'rother( I'll $ay that for yeDA Tom recei)e# the com+liment with 'ecoming mo#e$ty( an# 'egan to looa$ affa'le a$ wa$ con$i$tent( a$ Eohn B%nyan $ay$( Awith hi$ #oggi$h nat%re.A Haley( who ha# 'een im'i'ing )ery freely of the $ta+le of the e)ening( 'egan to feel a $en$i'le ele)ation an# enlargement of hi$ moral fac%ltie$(**a +henomenon not %n%$%al with gentlemen of a $erio%$ an# reflecti)e t%rn( %n#er $imilar circ%m$tance$. A"al( now( Tom(A he $ai#( Aye re'lly i$ too 'a#( a$ I al'ay$ ha)e tol# ye3 ye -now( Tom( yo% an# I %$e# to tal- o)er the$e yer matter$ #own in Natche4( an# I %$e# to +ro)e to ye that we ma#e f%ll a$ m%ch( an# wa$ a$ well off for thi$ yer worl#( 'y treatin' on 'em well( 'e$i#e$ -ee+in' a 'etter chance for comin' in the -ing#om at la$t( when w%$t come$ to w%$t( an# thar an't nothing el$e left to get( ye -now.A

ABohDA $ai# Tom( A0#on't0 I -nowC**#on't ma-e me too $ic- with any yer $t%ff(**my $tomach i$ a leetle rile# now3A an# Tom #ran- half a gla$$ of raw 'ran#y. AI $ay(A $ai# Haley( an# leaning 'ac- in hi$ chair an# ge$t%ring im+re$$i)ely( AI'll $ay thi$ now( I al'ay$ meant to #ri)e my tra#e $o a$ to ma-e money on 't 0f%$t an# foremo$t0( a$ m%ch a$ any man3 '%t( then( tra#e an't e)erything( an# money an't e)erything( 'ca%$e we '$ all got $o%l$. I #on't care( now( who hear$ me $ay it(**an# I thin- a c%$$e# $ight on it(**$o I may a$ well come o%t with it. I ''lie)e in religion( an# one of the$e #ay$( when I')e got matter$ tight an# $n%g( I calc%late$ to ten# to my $o%l an# them ar matter$3 an# $o what'$ the %$e of #oin' any more wic-e#ne$$ than '$ re'lly nece$$aryC**it #on't $eem to me it'$ 't all +r%#ent.A ATen# to yer $o%lDA re+eate# Tom( contem+t%o%$ly3 Ata-e a 'right loo-o%t to fin# a $o%l in yo%(**$a)e yo%r$elf any care on that $core. If the #e)il $ift$ yo% thro%gh a hair $ie)e( he won't fin# one.A A"hy( Tom( yo%'re cro$$(A $ai# Haley3 Awhy can't ye ta-e it +lea$ant( now( when a feller'$ tal-ing for yo%r goo#CA ASto+ that ar /aw o' yo%rn( there(A $ai# Tom( gr%ffly. AI can $tan# mo$t any tal- o' yo%rn '%t yo%r +io%$ tal-(**that -ill$ me right %+. After all( what'$ the o##$ 'etween me an# yo%C 'Tan't that yo% care one 'it more( or ha)e a 'it more feelin'**it'$ clean( $heer( #og meanne$$( wanting to cheat the #e)il an# $a)e yo%r own $-in3 #on't I $ee thro%gh itC An# yo%r 'gettin' religion(' a$ yo% call it( arter all( i$ too +'i$in mean for any critt%r3**r%n %+ a 'ill with the #e)il all yo%r life( an# then $nea- o%t when +ay time come$D Bo'DA ACome( come( gentlemen( I $ay3 thi$ i$n't '%$ine$$(A $ai# Mar-$. AThere'$ #ifferent way$( yo% -now( of loo-ing at all $%'/ect$. Mr. Haley i$ a )ery nice man( no #o%'t( an# ha$ hi$ own con$cience3 an#( Tom( yo% ha)e yo%r way$( an# )ery goo# one$( too( Tom3 '%t 2%arrelling( yo% -now( won't an$wer no -in# of +%r+o$e. Let'$ go to '%$ine$$. Now( Mr. Haley( what i$ itC**yo% want %$ to %n#erta-e to catch thi$ yer galCA AThe gal'$ no matter of mine(**$he'$ Shel'y'$3 it'$ only the 'oy. I wa$ a fool for '%ying the mon-eyDA ABo%'re generally a foolDA $ai# Tom( gr%ffly. ACome( now( Lo-er( none of yo%r h%ff$(A $ai# Mar-$( lic-ing hi$ li+$3 Ayo% $ee( Mr. Haley '$ a +%ttin' %$ in a way of a goo# /o'( I rec-on3 /%$t hol# $till**the$e yer arrangement$ i$ my forte. Thi$ yer gal( Mr. Haley( how i$ $heC what i$ $heCA A"alD white an# han#$ome**well 'ro%ght %+. I'# a gin Shel'y eight h%n#re# or a tho%$an#( an# then ma#e well on her.A A"hite an# han#$ome**well 'ro%ght %+DA $ai# Mar-$( hi$ $har+ eye$( no$e an# mo%th( all ali)e with enter+ri$e. ALoo- here( now( Lo-er( a 'ea%tif%l o+ening. "e'll #o a '%$ine$$ here on o%r own acco%nt3**we #oe$ the catchin'3 the 'oy( of co%r$e( goe$ to Mr. Haley(**we ta-e$ the gal

to Orlean$ to $+ec%late on. An't it 'ea%tif%lCA Tom( who$e great hea)y mo%th ha# $too# a/ar #%ring thi$ comm%nication( now $%##enly $na++e# it together( a$ a 'ig #og clo$e$ on a +iece of meat( an# $eeme# to 'e #ige$ting the i#ea at hi$ lei$%re. ABe $ee(A $ai# Mar-$ to Haley( $tirring hi$ +%nch a$ he #i# $o( Aye $ee( we ha$ /%$tice$ con)enient at all +'int$ along $hore( that #oe$ %+ any little /o'$ in o%r line 2%ite rea$ona'le. Tom( he #oe$ the -noc-in' #own an# that ar3 an# I come in all #re$$e# %+**$hining 'oot$**e)erything fir$t cho+( when the $wearin' '$ to 'e #one. Bo% o%ghter $ee( now(A $ai# Mar-$( in a glow of +rofe$$ional +ri#e( Ahow I can tone it off. One #ay( I'm Mr. Twic-em( from New Orlean$3 'nother #ay( I'm /%$t come from my +lantation on earl ri)er( where I wor-$ $e)en h%n#re# nigger$3 then( again( I come o%t a #i$tant relation of Henry Clay( or $ome ol# coc- in ,ent%c-. Talent$ i$ #ifferent( yo% -now. Now( Tom'$ roarer when there'$ any th%m+ing or fighting to 'e #one3 '%t at lying he an't goo#( Tom an't(**ye $ee it #on't come nat%ral to him3 '%t( Lor#( if thar'$ a feller in the co%ntry that can $wear to anything an# e)erything( an# +%t in all the circ%m$tance$ an# flo%ri$he$ with a long face( an# carry 't thro%gh 'etter 'n I can( why( I'# li-e to $ee him( that'$ allD I ''lie)e my heart( I co%l# get along an# $na-e thro%gh( e)en if /%$tice$ were more +artic%lar than they i$. Sometime$ I rather wi$h they wa$ more +artic%lar3 't wo%l# 'e a hea+ more reli$hin' if they wa$(**more f%n( yer -now.A Tom Lo-er( who( a$ we ha)e ma#e it a++ear( wa$ a man of $low tho%ght$ an# mo)ement$( here interr%+te# Mar-$ 'y 'ringing hi$ hea)y fi$t #own on the ta'le( $o a$ to ma-e all ring again( 0AIt'll #oDA0 he $ai#. ALor# 'le$$ ye( Tom( ye nee#n't 'rea- all the gla$$e$DA $ai# Mar-$3 A$a)e yo%r fi$t for time o' nee#.A AB%t( gentlemen( an't I to come in for a $hare of the +rofit$CA $ai# Haley. AAn't it eno%gh we catch the 'oy for yeCA $ai# Lo-er. A"hat #o ye wantCA A"al(A $ai# Haley( Aif I gi)e$ yo% the /o'( it'$ worth $omething(**$ay ten +er cent. on the +rofit$( e1+en$e$ +ai#.A ANow(A $ai# Lo-er( with a tremen#o%$ oath( an# $tri-ing the ta'le with hi$ hea)y fi$t( A#on't I -now 0yo%0( Fan HaleyC Fon't yo% thin- to come it o)er meD S%++o$e Mar-$ an# I ha)e ta-en %+ the catchin' tra#e( /e$t to 'commo#ate gentlemen li-e yo%( an# get nothin' for o%r$el)e$C**Not 'y a long chal-D we'll ha)e the gal o%t an# o%t( an# yo% -ee+ 2%iet( or( ye $ee( we'll ha)e 'oth(**what'$ to hin#erC Han't yo% $how'# %$ the gameC It'$ a$ free to %$ a$ yo%( I ho+e. If yo% or Shel'y want$ to cha$e %$( loo- where the +artri#ge$ wa$ la$t year3 if yo% fin# them or %$( yo%'re 2%ite welcome.A AO( wal( certainly( /e$t let it go at that(A $ai# Haley( alarme#3 Ayo% catch the 'oy for the /o'3**yo% aller$ #i# tra#e 0far0 with me( Tom( an# wa$ %+ to yer wor#.A

ABe -now that(A $ai# Tom3 AI #on't +reten# none of yo%r $ni)elling way$( '%t I won't lie in my 'co%nt$ with the #e)il him$elf. "hat I $e$ I'll #o( I will #o(**yo% -now 0that0( Fan Haley.A AEe$ $o( /e$ $o(**I $ai# $o( Tom(A $ai# Haley3 Aan# if yo%'# only +romi$e to ha)e the 'oy for me in a wee-( at any +oint yo%'ll name( that'$ all I want.A AB%t it an't all I want( 'y a long /%m+(A $ai# Tom. ABe #on't thin- I #i# '%$ine$$ with yo%( #own in Natche4( for nothing( Haley3 I')e learne# to hol# an eel( when I catch him. Bo%')e got to for- o)er fifty #ollar$( flat #own( or thi$ chil# #on't $tart a +eg. I -now yer.A A"hy( when yo% ha)e a /o' in han# that may 'ring a clean +rofit of $omewhere a'o%t a tho%$an# or $i1teen h%n#re#( why( Tom( yo%'re onrea$ona'le(A $ai# Haley. ABe$( an# ha$n't we '%$ine$$ 'oo-e# for fi)e wee-$ to come(**all we can #oC An# $%++o$e we lea)e$ all( an# goe$ to '%$h*whac-ing ro%n# arter yer yo%ng %n$( an# finally #oe$n't catch the gal(**an# gal$ aller$ i$ the #e)il 0to0 catch(**what'$ thenC wo%l# yo% +ay %$ a cent**wo%l# yo%C I thin- I $ee yo% a #oin' it**%ghD No( no3 fla+ #own yo%r fifty. If we get the /o'( an# it +ay$( I'll han# it 'ac-3 if we #on't( it'$ for o%r tro%'le(**that'$ 0far0( an't it( Mar-$CA ACertainly( certainly(A $ai# Mar-$( with a conciliatory tone3 Ait'$ only a retaining fee( yo% $ee(**heD heD heD**we lawyer$( yo% -now. "al( we m%$t all -ee+ goo#*nat%re#(**-ee+ ea$y( yer -now. Tom'll ha)e the 'oy for yer( anywhere ye'll name3 won't ye( TomCA AIf I fin# the yo%ng %n( I'll 'ring him on to Cincinnati( an# lea)e him at 5ranny Belcher'$( on the lan#ing(A $ai# Lo-er. Mar-$ ha# got from hi$ +oc-et a grea$y +oc-et*'oo-( an# ta-ing a long +a+er from thence( he $at #own( an# fi1ing hi$ -een 'lac- eye$ on it( 'egan m%m'ling o)er it$ content$I ABarne$**Shel'y Co%nty**'oy Eim( three h%n#re# #ollar$ for him( #ea# or ali)e. AE#war#$**Fic- an# L%cy**man an# wife( $i1 h%n#re# #ollar$3 wench olly an# two chil#ren**$i1 h%n#re# for her or her hea#. AI'm /e$t a r%nnin' o)er o%r '%$ine$$( to $ee if we can ta-e %+ thi$ yer han#ily. Lo-er(A he $ai#( after a +a%$e( Awe m%$t $et A#am$ an# S+ringer on the trac- of the$e yer3 they')e 'een 'oo-e# $ome time.A AThey'll charge too m%ch(A $ai# Tom. AI'll manage that ar3 they '$ yo%ng in the '%$ine$$( an# m%$t $+ect to wor- chea+(A $ai# Mar-$( a$ he contin%e# to rea#. ATher'$ three on 'em ea$y ca$e$( 'ca%$e all yo%')e got to #o i$ to $hoot 'em( or $wear they i$ $hot3 they co%l#n't( of co%r$e( charge m%ch for that. Them other ca$e$(A he $ai#( fol#ing the +a+er( Awill 'ear +%ttin' off a $+ell. So now let'$ come to the +artic%lar$. Now( Mr. Haley( yo% $aw thi$ yer gal when $he lan#e#CA

ATo 'e $%re(**+lain a$ I $ee yo%.A AAn# a man hel+in' on her %+ the 'an-CA $ai# Lo-er. ATo 'e $%re( I #i#.A AMo$t li-ely(A $ai# Mar-$( A$he'$ too- in $omewhere3 '%t where( '$ a 2%e$tion. Tom( what #o yo% $ayCA A"e m%$t cro$$ the ri)er tonight( no mi$ta-e(A $ai# Tom. AB%t there'$ no 'oat a'o%t(A $ai# Mar-$. AThe ice i$ r%nning awf%lly( Tom3 an't it #angero%$CA AFon'no nothing ''o%t that(**only it'$ got to 'e #one(A $ai# Tom( #eci#e#ly. AFear me(A $ai# Mar-$( fi#geting( Ait'll 'e**I $ay(A he $ai#( wal-ing to the win#ow( Ait'$ #ar- a$ a wolf'$ mo%th( an#( Tom**A AThe long an# $hort i$( yo%'re $care#( Mar-$3 '%t I can't hel+ that(**yo%')e got to go. S%++o$e yo% want to lie 'y a #ay or two( till the gal '$ 'een carrie# on the %n#ergro%n# line %+ to San#%$-y or $o( 'efore yo% $tart.A AO( no3 I an't a grain afrai#(A $ai# Mar-$( Aonly**A AOnly whatCA $ai# Tom. A"ell( a'o%t the 'oat. Ber $ee there an't any 'oat.A AI hear# the woman $ay there wa$ one coming along thi$ e)ening( an# that a man wa$ going to cro$$ o)er in it. Nec- or nothing( we m%$t go with him(A $ai# Tom. AI $'+o$e yo%')e got goo# #og$(A $ai# Haley. A&ir$t rate(A $ai# Mar-$. AB%t what'$ the %$eC yo% han't got nothin' o' her$ to $mell on.A ABe$( I ha)e(A $ai# Haley( tri%m+hantly. AHere'$ her $hawl $he left on the 'e# in her h%rry3 $he left her 'onnet( too.A AThat ar'$ l%c-y(A $ai# Lo-er3 Afor- o)er.A ATho%gh the #og$ might #amage the gal( if they come on her %nawar$(A $ai# Haley. AThat ar'$ a con$i#eration(A $ai# Mar-$. AO%r #og$ tore a feller half to +iece$( once( #own in Mo'ile( 'fore we co%l# get 'em off.A A"ell( ye $ee( for thi$ $ort that'$ to 'e $ol# for their loo-$( that ar won't an$wer( ye $ee(A $ai# Haley. AI #o $ee(A $ai# Mar-$. ABe$i#e$( if $he'$ got too- in( 'tan't no go(

neither. Fog$ i$ no 'co%nt in the$e yer %+ $tate$ where the$e critter$ get$ carrie#3 of co%r$e( ye can't get on their trac-. They only #oe$ #own in +lantation$( where nigger$( when they r%n$( ha$ to #o their own r%nning( an# #on't get no hel+.A A"ell(A $ai# Lo-er( who ha# /%$t $te++e# o%t to the 'ar to ma-e $ome in2%irie$( Athey $ay the man'$ come with the 'oat3 $o( Mar-$**A That worthy ca$t a r%ef%l loo- at the comforta'le 2%arter$ he wa$ lea)ing( '%t $lowly ro$e to o'ey. After e1changing a few wor#$ of f%rther arrangement( Haley( with )i$i'le rel%ctance( han#e# o)er the fifty #ollar$ to Tom( an# the worthy trio $e+arate# for the night. If any of o%r refine# an# Chri$tian rea#er$ o'/ect to the $ociety into which thi$ $cene intro#%ce$ them( let %$ 'eg them to 'egin an# con2%er their +re/%#ice$ in time. The catching '%$ine$$( we 'eg to remin# them( i$ ri$ing to the #ignity of a lawf%l an# +atriotic +rofe$$ion. If all the 'roa# lan# 'etween the Mi$$i$$i++i an# the acific 'ecome$ one great mar-et for 'o#ie$ an# $o%l$( an# h%man +ro+erty retain$ the locomoti)e ten#encie$ of thi$ nineteenth cent%ry( the tra#er an# catcher may yet 'e among o%r ari$tocracy. "hile thi$ $cene wa$ going on at the ta)ern( Sam an# An#y( in a $tate of high felicitation( +%r$%e# their way home. Sam wa$ in the highe$t +o$$i'le feather( an# e1+re$$e# hi$ e1%ltation 'y all $ort$ of $%+ernat%ral howl$ an# e/ac%lation$( 'y #i)er$ o## motion$ an# contortion$ of hi$ whole $y$tem. Sometime$ he wo%l# $it 'ac-war#( with hi$ face to the hor$e'$ tail an# $i#e$( an# then( with a whoo+ an# a $omer$et( come right $i#e %+ in hi$ +lace again( an#( #rawing on a gra)e face( 'egin to lect%re An#y in high*$o%n#ing tone$ for la%ghing an# +laying the fool. Anon( $la++ing hi$ $i#e$ with hi$ arm$( he wo%l# '%r$t forth in +eal$ of la%ghter( that ma#e the ol# woo#$ ring a$ they +a$$e#. "ith all the$e e)ol%tion$( he contri)e# to -ee+ the hor$e$ %+ to the to+ of their $+ee#( %ntil( 'etween ten an# ele)en( their heel$ re$o%n#e# on the gra)el at the en# of the 'alcony. Mr$. Shel'y flew to the railing$. AI$ that yo%( SamC "here are theyCA AMa$'r Haley '$ a*re$tin' at the ta)ern3 he'$ #reff%l fatig%e#( Mi$$i$.A AAn# Eli4a( SamCA A"al( $he'$ clar 'cro$$ Eor#an. A$ a 'o#y may $ay( in the lan# o' Canaan.A A"hy( Sam( what 0#o0 yo% meanCA $ai# Mr$. Shel'y( 'reathle$$( an# almo$t faint( a$ the +o$$i'le meaning of the$e wor#$ came o)er her. A"al( Mi$$i$( #e Lor# he +er$ar)e$ hi$ own. Li4y'$ #one gone o)er the ri)er into 'Hio( a$ 'mar-a'ly a$ if #e Lor# too- her o)er in a charrit of fire an# two ho$$e$.A

Sam'$ )ein of +iety wa$ alway$ %ncommonly fer)ent in hi$ mi$tre$$' +re$ence3 an# he ma#e great ca+ital of $cri+t%ral fig%re$ an# image$. ACome %+ here( Sam(A $ai# Mr. Shel'y( who ha# followe# on to the )eran#ah( Aan# tell yo%r mi$tre$$ what $he want$. Come( come( Emily(A $ai# he( +a$$ing hi$ arm ro%n# her( Ayo% are col# an# all in a $hi)er3 yo% allow yo%r$elf to feel too m%ch.A A&eel too m%chD Am not I a woman(**a motherC Are we not 'oth re$+on$i'le to 5o# for thi$ +oor girlC My 5o#D lay not thi$ $in to o%r charge.A A"hat $in( EmilyC Bo% $ee yo%r$elf that we ha)e only #one what we were o'lige# to.A AThere'$ an awf%l feeling of g%ilt a'o%t it( tho%gh(A $ai# Mr$. Shel'y. AI can't rea$on it away.A AHere( An#y( yo% nigger( 'e ali)eDA calle# Sam( %n#er the )eran#ah3 Ata-e the$e yer ho$$e$ to #er 'arn3 #on't ye hear Ma$'r a callin'CA an# Sam $oon a++eare#( +alm*leaf in han#( at the +arlor #oor. ANow( Sam( tell %$ #i$tinctly how the matter wa$(A $ai# Mr. Shel'y. A"here i$ Eli4a( if yo% -nowCA A"al( Ma$'r( I $aw her( with my own eye$( a cro$$in' on the floatin' ice. She cro$$e# mo$t 'mar-a'ly3 it wa$n't no le$$ nor a miracle3 an# I $aw a man hel+ her %+ the 'Hio $i#e( an# then $he wa$ lo$t in the #%$-.A ASam( I thin- thi$ rather a+ocry+hal(**thi$ miracle. Cro$$ing on floating ice i$n't $o ea$ily #one(A $ai# Mr. Shel'y. AEa$yD co%l#n't no'o#y a #one it( witho%t #e Lor#. "hy( now(A $ai# Sam( A't wa$ /i$t #i$ yer way. Ma$'r Haley( an# me( an# An#y( we come$ %+ to #e little ta)ern 'y the ri)er( an# I ri#e$ a leetle ahea#(**7I'$ $o 4ealo%$ to 'e a cotchin' Li4y( that I co%l#n't hol# in( no way<(**an# when I come$ 'y the ta)ern win#er( $%re eno%gh there $he wa$( right in +lain $ight( an# #ey #iggin' on 'ehin#. "al( I lo$e$ off my hat( an# $ing$ o%t n%ff to rai$e the #ea#. Co%r$e Li4y $he har$( an# $he #o#ge$ 'ac-( when Ma$'r Haley he goe$ +a$t the #oor3 an# then( I tell ye( $he clare# o%t #e $i#e #oor3 $he went #own #e ri)er 'an-3**Ma$'r Haley he $ee# her( an# yelle# o%t( an# him( an# me( an# An#y( we too- arter. Fown $he come to the ri)er( an# thar wa$ the c%rrent r%nning ten feet wi#e 'y the $hore( an# o)er t' other $i#e ice a $awin' an# a /iggling %+ an# #own( -in#er a$ 't were a great i$lan#. "e come right 'ehin# her( an# I tho%ght my $o%l he'# got her $%re eno%gh(**when $he gin $ich a $creech a$ I ne)er hearn( an# thar $he wa$( clar o)er t' other $i#e of the c%rrent( on the ice( an# then on $he went( a $creeching an# a /%m+in'(**the ice went crac-D c'wallo+D crac-ingD ch%n-D an# $he a 'o%n#in' li-e a '%c-D Lor#( the $+ring that ar gal'$ got in her an't common( I'm o' '+inion.A Mr$. Shel'y $at +erfectly $ilent( +ale with e1citement( while Sam tol# hi$ $tory. A5o# 'e +rai$e#( $he i$n't #ea#DA $he $ai#3 A'%t where i$ the +oor chil#

nowCA AFe Lor# will +er)i#e(A $ai# Sam( rolling %+ hi$ eye$ +io%$ly. AA$ I')e 'een a $ayin'( #i$ yer '$ a +ro)i#ence an# no mi$ta-e( a$ Mi$$i$ ha$ aller$ 'een a in$tr%ctin' on %$. Thar'$ aller$ in$tr%ment$ ri$ %+ to #o #e Lor#'$ will. Now( if 't ha#n't 'een for me to#ay( $he'# a 'een tooa #o4en time$. "arn't it I $tarte# off #e ho$$e$( #i$ yer morning' an# -e+t 'em cha$in' till nigh #inner timeC An# #i#n't I car Ma$'r Haley night fi)e mile$ o%t of #e roa#( #i$ e)ening( or el$e he'# a come %+ with Li4y a$ ea$y a$ a #og arter a coon. The$e yer '$ all +ro)i#ence$.A AThey are a -in# of +ro)i#ence$ that yo%'ll ha)e to 'e +retty $+aring of( Ma$ter Sam. I allow no $%ch +ractice$ with gentlemen on my +lace(A $ai# Mr. Shel'y( with a$ m%ch $ternne$$ a$ he co%l# comman#( %n#er the circ%m$tance$. Now( there i$ no more %$e in ma-ing 'elie)e 'e angry with a negro than with a chil#3 'oth in$tincti)ely $ee the tr%e $tate of the ca$e( thro%gh all attem+t$ to affect the contrary3 an# Sam wa$ in no wi$e #i$heartene# 'y thi$ re'%-e( tho%gh he a$$%me# an air of #olef%l gra)ity( an# $too# with the corner$ of hi$ mo%th lowere# in mo$t +enitential $tyle. AMa$'r 2%ite right(**2%ite3 it wa$ %gly on me(**there'$ no #i$+%tin' that ar3 an# of co%r$e Ma$'r an# Mi$$i$ wo%l#n't enco%rage no $%ch wor-$. I'm $en$i'le of #at ar3 '%t a +oor nigger li-e me '$ 'ma4in' tem+te# to act %gly $ometime$( when feller$ will c%t %+ $%ch $hine$ a$ #at ar Ma$'r Haley3 he an't no gen'l'man no way3 any'o#y'$ 'een rai$e# a$ I')e 'een can't hel+ a $eein' #at ar.A A"ell( Sam(A $ai# Mr$. Shel'y( Aa$ yo% a++ear to ha)e a +ro+er $en$e of yo%r error$( yo% may go now an# tell A%nt Chloe $he may get yo% $ome of that col# ham that wa$ left of #inner to#ay. Bo% an# An#y m%$t 'e h%ngry.A AMi$$i$ i$ a hea+ too goo# for %$(A $ai# Sam( ma-ing hi$ 'ow with alacrity( an# #e+arting. It will 'e +ercei)e#( a$ ha$ 'een 'efore intimate#( that Ma$ter Sam ha# a nati)e talent that might( %n#o%'te#ly( ha)e rai$e# him to eminence in +olitical life(**a talent of ma-ing ca+ital o%t of e)erything that t%rne# %+( to 'e in)e$te# for hi$ own e$+ecial +rai$e an# glory3 an# ha)ing #one %+ hi$ +iety an# h%mility( a$ he tr%$te#( to the $ati$faction of the +arlor( he cla++e# hi$ +alm*leaf on hi$ hea#( with a $ort of ra-i$h( free*an#*ea$y air( an# +rocee#e# to the #ominion$ of A%nt Chloe( with the intention of flo%ri$hing largely in the -itchen. AI'll $+eechify the$e yer nigger$(A $ai# Sam to him$elf( Anow I')e got a chance. Lor#( I'll reel it off to ma-e 'em $tareDA It m%$t 'e o'$er)e# that one of Sam'$ e$+ecial #elight$ ha# 'een to ri#e in atten#ance on hi$ ma$ter to all -in#$ of +olitical gathering$( where( roo$te# on $ome rail fence( or +erche# aloft in $ome tree( he wo%l# $it watching the orator$( with the greate$t a++arent g%$to( an# then( #e$cen#ing among the )ario%$ 'rethren of hi$ own color( a$$em'le# on the $ame erran#( he wo%l# e#ify an# #elight them with the mo$t l%#icro%$

'%rle$2%e$ an# imitation$( all #eli)ere# with the mo$t im+ert%r'a'le earne$tne$$ an# $olemnity3 an# tho%gh the a%#itor$ imme#iately a'o%t him were generally of hi$ own color( it not infre2%ently ha++ene# that they were fringe# +retty #ee+ly with tho$e of a fairer com+le1ion( who li$tene#( la%ghing an# win-ing( to Sam'$ great $elf*congrat%lation. In fact( Sam con$i#ere# oratory a$ hi$ )ocation( an# ne)er let $li+ an o++ort%nity of magnifying hi$ office. Now( 'etween Sam an# A%nt Chloe there ha# e1i$te#( from ancient time$( a $ort of chronic fe%#( or rather a #eci#e# coolne$$3 '%t( a$ Sam wa$ me#itating $omething in the +ro)i$ion #e+artment( a$ the nece$$ary an# o')io%$ fo%n#ation of hi$ o+eration$( he #etermine#( on the +re$ent occa$ion( to 'e eminently conciliatory3 for he well -new that altho%gh AMi$$i$' or#er$A wo%l# %n#o%'te#ly 'e followe# to the letter( yet he $ho%l# gain a con$i#era'le #eal 'y enli$ting the $+irit al$o. He therefore a++eare# 'efore A%nt Chloe with a to%chingly $%'#%e#( re$igne# e1+re$$ion( li-e one who ha$ $%ffere# immea$%ra'le har#$hi+$ in 'ehalf of a +er$ec%te# fellow*creat%re(**enlarge# %+on the fact that Mi$$i$ ha# #irecte# him to come to A%nt Chloe for whate)er might 'e wanting to ma-e %+ the 'alance in hi$ $oli#$ an# fl%i#$(**an# th%$ %ne2%i)ocally ac-nowle#ge# her right an# $%+remacy in the coo-ing #e+artment( an# all thereto +ertaining. The thing too- accor#ingly. No +oor( $im+le( )irt%o%$ 'o#y wa$ e)er ca/ole# 'y the attention$ of an electioneering +olitician with more ea$e than A%nt Chloe wa$ won o)er 'y Ma$ter Sam'$ $%a)itie$3 an# if he ha# 'een the +ro#igal $on him$elf( he co%l# not ha)e 'een o)erwhelme# with more maternal 'o%ntif%lne$$3 an# he $oon fo%n# him$elf $eate#( ha++y an# glorio%$( o)er a large tin +an( containing a $ort of 0olla +o#ri#a0 of all that ha# a++eare# on the ta'le for two or three #ay$ +a$t. Sa)ory mor$el$ of ham( gol#en 'loc-$ of corn*ca-e( fragment$ of +ie of e)ery concei)a'le mathematical fig%re( chic-en wing$( gi44ar#$( an# #r%m$tic-$( all a++eare# in +ict%re$2%e conf%$ion3 an# Sam( a$ monarch of all he $%r)eye#( $at with hi$ +alm*leaf coc-e# re/oicingly to one $i#e( an# +atroni4ing An#y at hi$ right han#. The -itchen wa$ f%ll of all hi$ com+eer$( who ha# h%rrie# an# crow#e# in( from the )ario%$ ca'in$( to hear the termination of the #ay'$ e1+loit$. Now wa$ Sam'$ ho%r of glory. The $tory of the #ay wa$ rehear$e#( with all -in#$ of ornament an# )arni$hing which might 'e nece$$ary to heighten it$ effect3 for Sam( li-e $ome of o%r fa$hiona'le #ilettanti( ne)er allowe# a $tory to lo$e any of it$ gil#ing 'y +a$$ing thro%gh hi$ han#$. !oar$ of la%ghter atten#e# the narration( an# were ta-en %+ an# +rolonge# 'y all the $maller fry( who were lying( in any 2%antity( a'o%t on the floor( or +erche# in e)ery corner. In the height of the %+roar an# la%ghter( Sam( howe)er( +re$er)e# an immo)a'le gra)ity( only from time to time rolling hi$ eye$ %+( an# gi)ing hi$ a%#itor$ #i)er$ ine1+re$$i'ly #roll glance$( witho%t #e+arting from the $ententio%$ ele)ation of hi$ oratory. ABer $ee( fellow*co%ntrymen(A $ai# Sam( ele)ating a t%r-ey'$ leg( with energy( Ayer $ee( now what #i$ yer chile '$ %+ ter( for fen#in' yer all(**ye$( all on yer. &or him a$ trie$ to get one o' o%r +eo+le i$ a$ goo# a$ tryin' to get all3 yer $ee the +rinci+le '$ #e $ame(**#at ar'$ clar. An# any one o' the$e yer #ri)er$ that come$ $melling ro%n# arter

any o%r +eo+le( why( he'$ got 0me0 in hi$ way3 0I'm0 the feller he'$ got to $et in with(**I'm the feller for yer all to come to( 're#ren(**I'll $tan# %+ for yer right$(**I'll fen# 'em to the la$t 'reathDA A"hy( '%t Sam( yer telle# me( only thi$ mornin'( that yo%'# hel+ thi$ yer Ma$'r to cotch Li4y3 $eem$ to me yer tal- #on't hang together(A $ai# An#y. AI tell yo% now( An#y(A $ai# Sam( with awf%l $%+eriority( A#on't yer 'e a tal-in' ''o%t what yer #on't -now nothin' on3 'oy$ li-e yo%( An#y( mean$ well( '%t they can't 'e $+ecte# to coll%$itate the great +rinci+le$ of action.A An#y loo-e# re'%-e#( +artic%larly 'y the har# wor# coll%$itate( which mo$t of the yo%ngerly mem'er$ of the com+any $eeme# to con$i#er a$ a $ettler in the ca$e( while Sam +rocee#e#. AFat ar wa$ 0con$cience0( An#y3 when I tho%ght of gwine arter Li4y( I railly $+ecte# Ma$'r wa$ $ot #at way. "hen I fo%n# Mi$$i$ wa$ $ot the contrar( #at ar wa$ con$cience 0more yet0(**ca%$e feller$ aller$ get$ more 'y $tic-in' to Mi$$i$' $i#e(**$o yer $ee I '$ +er$i$tent either way( an# $tic-$ %+ to con$cience( an# hol#$ on to +rinci+le$. Be$( 0+rinci+le$0(A $ai# Sam( gi)ing an enth%$ia$tic to$$ to a chic-en'$ nec-(**Awhat'$ +rinci+le$ goo# for( if we i$n't +er$i$tent( I wanter -nowC Thar( An#y( yo% may ha)e #at ar 'one(**tan't +ic-e# 2%ite clean.A Sam'$ a%#ience hanging on hi$ wor#$ with o+en mo%th( he co%l# not '%t +rocee#. AFi$ yer matter ''o%t +er$i$tence( feller*nigger$(A $ai# Sam( with the air of one entering into an a'$tr%$e $%'/ect( A#i$ yer '$i$tency '$ a thing what an't $ee# into )ery clar( 'y mo$t any'o#y. Now( yer $ee( when a feller $tan#$ %+ for a thing one #ay an# night( #e contrar #e ne1t( fol-$ $e$ 7an# nat'rally eno%gh #ey $e$<( why he an't +er$i$tent(**han# me #at ar 'it o' corn*ca-e( An#y. B%t let'$ loo- inter it. I ho+e the gen'lmen an# #er fair $e1 will $c%$e my %$in' an or'nary $ort o' '+ari$on. HereD I'm a trying to get to+ o' #er hay. "al( I +%t$ %+ my lar#er #i$ yer $i#e3 'tan't no go3**#en( ca%$e I #on't try #ere no more( '%t +%t$ my lar#er right #e contrar $i#e( an't I +er$i$tentC I'm +er$i$tent in wantin' to get %+ which ary $i#e my lar#er i$3 #on't yo% $ee( all on yerCA AIt'$ the only thing ye e)er wa$ +er$i$tent in( Lor# -now$DA m%ttere# A%nt Chloe( who wa$ getting rather re$ti)e3 the merriment of the e)ening 'eing to her $omewhat after the Scri+t%re com+ari$on(**li-e A)inegar %+on nitre.A ABe$( in#ee#DA $ai# Sam( ri$ing( f%ll of $%++er an# glory( for a clo$ing effort. ABe$( my feller*citi4en$ an# la#ie$ of #e other $e1 in general( I ha$ +rinci+le$(**I'm +ro%# to 'oon 'em(**they '$ +er2%i$ite to #e$e yer time$( an# ter 0all0 time$. I ha$ +rinci+le$( an# I $tic-$ to 'em li-e forty(**/e$t anything that I thin-$ i$ +rinci+le( I goe$ in to 't3**I wo%l#n't min# if #ey '%rnt me 'li)e(**I'# wal- right %+ to #e $ta-e( I wo%l#( an# $ay( here I come$ to $he# my la$t 'loo# f%r my +rinci+le$( f%r my co%ntry( f%r #e gen'l intere$t$ of $ociety.A

A"ell(A $ai# A%nt Chloe( Aone o' yer +rinci+le$ will ha)e to 'e to get to 'e# $ome time tonight( an# not 'e a -ee+in' e)ery'o#y %+ till mornin'3 now( e)ery one of yo% yo%ng %n$ that #on't want to 'e crac-e#( ha# 'etter 'e $ca$e( mighty $%##en.A ANigger$D all on yer(A $ai# Sam( wa)ing hi$ +alm*leaf with 'enignity( AI gi)e yer my 'le$$in'3 go to 'e# now( an# 'e goo# 'oy$.A An#( with thi$ +athetic 'ene#iction( the a$$em'ly #i$+er$e#.

CHA TE! IK In "hich It A++ear$ That a Senator I$ B%t a Man The light of the cheerf%l fire $hone on the r%g an# car+et of a co$ey +arlor( an# glittere# on the $i#e$ of the tea*c%+$ an# well*'rightene# tea*+ot( a$ Senator Bir# wa$ #rawing off hi$ 'oot$( +re+aratory to in$erting hi$ feet in a +air of new han#$ome $li++er$( which hi$ wife ha# 'een wor-ing for him while away on hi$ $enatorial to%r. Mr$. Bir#( loo-ing the )ery +ict%re of #elight( wa$ $%+erinten#ing the arrangement$ of the ta'le( e)er an# anon mingling a#monitory remar-$ to a n%m'er of frolic$ome /%)enile$( who were effer)e$cing in all tho$e mo#e$ of %ntol# gam'ol an# mi$chief that ha)e a$toni$he# mother$ e)er $ince the floo#. ATom( let the #oor*-no' alone(**there'$ a manD MaryD MaryD #on't +%ll the cat'$ tail(**+oor +%$$yD Eim( yo% m%$tn't clim' on that ta'le(**no( noD**Bo% #on't -now( my #ear( what a $%r+ri$e it i$ to %$ all( to $ee yo% here tonightDA $ai# $he( at la$t( when $he fo%n# a $+ace to $ay $omething to her h%$'an#. ABe$( ye$( I tho%ght I'# /%$t ma-e a r%n #own( $+en# the night( an# ha)e a little comfort at home. I'm tire# to #eath( an# my hea# ache$DA Mr$. Bir# ca$t a glance at a cam+hor*'ottle( which $too# in the half*o+en clo$et( an# a++eare# to me#itate an a++roach to it( '%t her h%$'an# inter+o$e#. ANo( no( Mary( no #octoringD a c%+ of yo%r goo# hot tea( an# $ome of o%r goo# home li)ing( i$ what I want. It'$ a tire$ome '%$ine$$( thi$ legi$latingDA An# the $enator $mile#( a$ if he rather li-e# the i#ea of con$i#ering him$elf a $acrifice to hi$ co%ntry. A"ell(A $ai# hi$ wife( after the '%$ine$$ of the tea*ta'le wa$ getting rather $lac-( Aan# what ha)e they 'een #oing in the SenateCA Now( it wa$ a )ery %n%$%al thing for gentle little Mr$. Bir# e)er to tro%'le her hea# with what wa$ going on in the ho%$e of the $tate( )ery wi$ely con$i#ering that $he ha# eno%gh to #o to min# her own. Mr. Bir#( therefore( o+ene# hi$ eye$ in $%r+ri$e( an# $ai#(

ANot )ery m%ch of im+ortance.A A"ell3 '%t i$ it tr%e that they ha)e 'een +a$$ing a law for'i##ing +eo+le to gi)e meat an# #rin- to tho$e +oor colore# fol-$ that come alongC I hear# they were tal-ing of $ome $%ch law( '%t I #i#n't thinany Chri$tian legi$lat%re wo%l# +a$$ itDA A"hy( Mary( yo% are getting to 'e a +olitician( all at once.A ANo( non$en$eD I wo%l#n't gi)e a fi+ for all yo%r +olitic$( generally( '%t I thin- thi$ i$ $omething #ownright cr%el an# %nchri$tian. I ho+e( my #ear( no $%ch law ha$ 'een +a$$e#.A AThere ha$ 'een a law +a$$e# for'i##ing +eo+le to hel+ off the $la)e$ that come o)er from ,ent%c-y( my #ear3 $o m%ch of that thing ha$ 'een #one 'y the$e rec-le$$ A'olitioni$t$( that o%r 'rethren in ,ent%c-y are )ery $trongly e1cite#( an# it $eem$ nece$$ary( an# no more than Chri$tian an# -in#( that $omething $ho%l# 'e #one 'y o%r $tate to 2%iet the e1citement.A AAn# what i$ the lawC It #on't for'i# %$ to $helter tho$e +oor creat%re$ a night( #oe$ it( an# to gi)e 'em $omething comforta'le to eat( an# a few ol# clothe$( an# $en# them 2%ietly a'o%t their '%$ine$$CA A"hy( ye$( my #ear3 that wo%l# 'e ai#ing an# a'etting( yo% -now.A Mr$. Bir# wa$ a timi#( 'l%$hing little woman( of a'o%t fo%r feet in height( an# with mil# 'l%e eye$( an# a +each*'low com+le1ion( an# the gentle$t( $weete$t )oice in the worl#3**a$ for co%rage( a mo#erate*$i4e# coc-*t%r-ey ha# 'een -nown to +%t her to ro%t at the )ery fir$t go''le( an# a $to%t ho%$e*#og( of mo#erate ca+acity( wo%l# 'ring her into $%'/ection merely 'y a $how of hi$ teeth. Her h%$'an# an# chil#ren were her entire worl#( an# in the$e $he r%le# more 'y entreaty an# +er$%a$ion than 'y comman# or arg%ment. There wa$ only one thing that wa$ ca+a'le of aro%$ing her( an# that +ro)ocation came in on the $i#e of her %n%$%ally gentle an# $ym+athetic nat%re3**anything in the $ha+e of cr%elty wo%l# throw her into a +a$$ion( which wa$ the more alarming an# ine1+lica'le in +ro+ortion to the general $oftne$$ of her nat%re. 5enerally the mo$t in#%lgent an# ea$y to 'e entreate# of all mother$( $till her 'oy$ ha# a )ery re)erent remem'rance of a mo$t )ehement cha$ti$ement $he once 'e$towe# on them( 'eca%$e $he fo%n# them leag%e# with $e)eral gracele$$ 'oy$ of the neigh'orhoo#( $toning a #efencele$$ -itten. AI'll tell yo% what(A Ma$ter Bill %$e# to $ay( AI wa$ $care# that time. Mother came at me $o that I tho%ght $he wa$ cra4y( an# I wa$ whi++e# an# t%m'le# off to 'e#( witho%t any $%++er( 'efore I co%l# get o)er won#ering what ha# come a'o%t3 an#( after that( I hear# mother crying o%t$i#e the #oor( which ma#e me feel wor$e than all the re$t. I'll tell yo% what(A he'# $ay( Awe 'oy$ ne)er $tone# another -ittenDA On the +re$ent occa$ion( Mr$. Bir# ro$e 2%ic-ly( with )ery re# chee-$( which 2%ite im+ro)e# her general a++earance( an# wal-e# %+ to her h%$'an#( with 2%ite a re$ol%te air( an# $ai#( in a #etermine# tone(

ANow( Eohn( I want to -now if yo% thin- $%ch a law a$ that i$ right an# Chri$tianCA ABo% won't $hoot me( now( Mary( if I $ay I #oDA AI ne)er co%l# ha)e tho%ght it of yo%( Eohn3 yo% #i#n't )ote for itCA AE)en $o( my fair +olitician.A ABo% o%ght to 'e a$hame#( EohnD oor( homele$$( ho%$ele$$ creat%re$D It'$ a $hamef%l( wic-e#( a'omina'le law( an# I'll 'rea- it( for one( the fir$t time I get a chance3 an# I ho+e I 0$hall0 ha)e a chance( I #oD Thing$ ha)e got to a +retty +a$$( if a woman can't gi)e a warm $%++er an# a 'e# to +oor( $tar)ing creat%re$( /%$t 'eca%$e they are $la)e$( an# ha)e 'een a'%$e# an# o++re$$e# all their li)e$( +oor thing$DA AB%t( Mary( /%$t li$ten to me. Bo%r feeling$ are all 2%ite right( #ear( an# intere$ting( an# I lo)e yo% for them3 '%t( then( #ear( we m%$tn't $%ffer o%r feeling$ to r%n away with o%r /%#gment3 yo% m%$t con$i#er it'$ a matter of +ri)ate feeling(**there are great +%'lic intere$t$ in)ol)e#(**there i$ $%ch a $tate of +%'lic agitation ri$ing( that we m%$t +%t a$i#e o%r +ri)ate feeling$.A ANow( Eohn( I #on't -now anything a'o%t +olitic$( '%t I can rea# my Bi'le3 an# there I $ee that I m%$t fee# the h%ngry( clothe the na-e#( an# comfort the #e$olate3 an# that Bi'le I mean to follow.A AB%t in ca$e$ where yo%r #oing $o wo%l# in)ol)e a great +%'lic e)il**A AO'eying 5o# ne)er 'ring$ on +%'lic e)il$. I -now it can't. It'$ alway$ $afe$t( all ro%n#( to 0#o a$ He0 'i#$ %$. ANow( li$ten to me( Mary( an# I can $tate to yo% a )ery clear arg%ment( to $how**A AO( non$en$e( EohnD yo% can tal- all night( '%t yo% wo%l#n't #o it. I +%t it to yo%( Eohn(**wo%l# 0yo%0 now t%rn away a +oor( $hi)ering( h%ngry creat%re from yo%r #oor( 'eca%$e he wa$ a r%nawayC 0"o%l#0 yo%( nowCA Now( if the tr%th m%$t 'e tol#( o%r $enator ha# the mi$fort%ne to 'e a man who ha# a +artic%larly h%mane an# acce$$i'le nat%re( an# t%rning away any'o#y that wa$ in tro%'le ne)er ha# 'een hi$ forte3 an# what wa$ wor$e for him in thi$ +artic%lar +inch of the arg%ment wa$( that hi$ wife -new it( an#( of co%r$e wa$ ma-ing an a$$a%lt on rather an in#efen$i'le +oint. So he ha# reco%r$e to the %$%al mean$ of gaining time for $%ch ca$e$ ma#e an# +ro)i#e#3 he $ai# Aahem(A an# co%ghe# $e)eral time$( too- o%t hi$ +oc-et*han#-erchief( an# 'egan to wi+e hi$ gla$$e$. Mr$. Bir#( $eeing the #efencele$$ con#ition of the enemy'$ territory( ha# no more con$cience than to +%$h her a#)antage. AI $ho%l# li-e to $ee yo% #oing that( Eohn**I really $ho%l#D T%rning a woman o%t of #oor$ in a $now$torm( for in$tance3 or may 'e yo%'# ta-e her %+ an# +%t her in /ail( wo%l#n't yo%C Bo% wo%l# ma-e a great han# at

thatDA AOf co%r$e( it wo%l# 'e a )ery +ainf%l #%ty(A 'egan Mr. Bir#( in a mo#erate tone. AF%ty( EohnD #on't %$e that wor#D Bo% -now it i$n't a #%ty**it can't 'e a #%tyD If fol-$ want to -ee+ their $la)e$ from r%nning away( let 'em treat 'em well(**that'$ my #octrine. If I ha# $la)e$ 7a$ I ho+e I ne)er $hall ha)e<( I'# ri$- their wanting to r%n away from me( or yo% either( Eohn. I tell yo% fol-$ #on't r%n away when they are ha++y3 an# when they #o r%n( +oor creat%re$D they $%ffer eno%gh with col# an# h%nger an# fear( witho%t e)ery'o#y'$ t%rning again$t them3 an#( law or no law( I ne)er will( $o hel+ me 5o#DA AMaryD MaryD My #ear( let me rea$on with yo%.A AI hate rea$oning( Eohn(**e$+ecially rea$oning on $%ch $%'/ect$. There'$ a way yo% +olitical fol-$ ha)e of coming ro%n# an# ro%n# a +lain right thing3 an# yo% #on't 'elie)e in it yo%r$el)e$( when it come$ to +ractice. I -now 0yo%0 well eno%gh( Eohn. Bo% #on't 'elie)e it'$ right any more than I #o3 an# yo% wo%l#n't #o it any $ooner than I.A At thi$ critical /%nct%re( ol# C%#/oe( the 'lac- man*of*all*wor-( +%t hi$ hea# in at the #oor( an# wi$he# AMi$$i$ wo%l# come into the -itchen3A an# o%r $enator( tolera'ly relie)e#( loo-e# after hi$ little wife with a whim$ical mi1t%re of am%$ement an# )e1ation( an#( $eating him$elf in the arm*chair( 'egan to rea# the +a+er$. After a moment( hi$ wife'$ )oice wa$ hear# at the #oor( in a 2%ic-( earne$t tone(**AEohnD EohnD I #o wi$h yo%'# come here( a moment.A He lai# #own hi$ +a+er( an# went into the -itchen( an# $tarte#( 2%ite ama4e# at the $ight that +re$ente# it$elfI**A yo%ng an# $len#er woman( with garment$ torn an# fro4en( with one $hoe gone( an# the $toc-ing torn away from the c%t an# 'lee#ing foot( wa$ lai# 'ac- in a #ea#ly $woon %+on two chair$. There wa$ the im+re$$ of the #e$+i$e# race on her face( yet none co%l# hel+ feeling it$ mo%rnf%l an# +athetic 'ea%ty( while it$ $tony $har+ne$$( it$ col#( fi1e#( #eathly a$+ect( $tr%c- a $olemn chill o)er him. He #rew hi$ 'reath $hort( an# $too# in $ilence. Hi$ wife( an# their only colore# #ome$tic( ol# A%nt Finah( were '%$ily engage# in re$torati)e mea$%re$3 while ol# C%#/oe ha# got the 'oy on hi$ -nee( an# wa$ '%$y +%lling off hi$ $hoe$ an# $toc-ing$( an# chafing hi$ little col# feet. AS%re( now( if $he an't a $ight to 'ehol#DA $ai# ol# Finah( com+a$$ionately3 A'+ear$ li-e 't wa$ the heat that ma#e her faint. She wa$ tol'a'le +eart when $he c%m in( an# a$-e# if $he co%l#n't warm her$elf here a $+ell3 an# I wa$ /%$t a*a$-in' her where $he c%m from( an# $he fainte# right #own. Ne)er #one m%ch har# wor-( g%e$$( 'y the loo-$ of her han#$.A A oor creat%reDA $ai# Mr$. Bir#( com+a$$ionately( a$ the woman $lowly %nclo$e# her large( #ar- eye$( an# loo-e# )acantly at her. S%##enly an e1+re$$ion of agony cro$$e# her face( an# $he $+rang %+( $aying( AO( my HarryD Ha)e they got himCA

The 'oy( at thi$( /%m+e# from C%#/oe'$ -nee( an# r%nning to her $i#e +%t %+ hi$ arm$. AO( he'$ hereD he'$ hereDA $he e1claime#. AO( ma'amDA $ai# $he( wil#ly( to Mr$. Bir#( A#o +rotect %$D #on't let them get himDA ANo'o#y $hall h%rt yo% here( +oor woman(A $ai# Mr$. Bir#( enco%ragingly. ABo% are $afe3 #on't 'e afrai#.A A5o# 'le$$ yo%DA $ai# the woman( co)ering her face an# $o''ing3 while the little 'oy( $eeing her crying( trie# to get into her la+. "ith many gentle an# womanly office$( which none -new 'etter how to ren#er than Mr$. Bir#( the +oor woman wa$( in time( ren#ere# more calm. A tem+orary 'e# wa$ +ro)i#e# for her on the $ettle( near the fire3 an#( after a $hort time( $he fell into a hea)y $l%m'er( with the chil#( who $eeme# no le$$ weary( $o%n#ly $lee+ing on her arm3 for the mother re$i$te#( with ner)o%$ an1iety( the -in#e$t attem+t$ to ta-e him from her3 an#( e)en in $lee+( her arm encircle# him with an %nrela1ing cla$+( a$ if $he co%l# not e)en then 'e 'eg%ile# of her )igilant hol#. Mr. an# Mr$. Bir# ha# gone 'ac- to the +arlor( where( $trange a$ it may a++ear( no reference wa$ ma#e( on either $i#e( to the +rece#ing con)er$ation3 '%t Mr$. Bir# '%$ie# her$elf with her -nitting*wor-( an# Mr. Bir# +reten#e# to 'e rea#ing the +a+er. AI won#er who an# what $he i$DA $ai# Mr. Bir#( at la$t( a$ he lai# it #own. A"hen $he wa-e$ %+ an# feel$ a little re$te#( we will $ee(A $ai# Mr$. Bir#. AI $ay( wifeDA $ai# Mr. Bir# after m%$ing in $ilence o)er hi$ new$+a+er. A"ell( #earDA AShe co%l#n't wear one of yo%r gown$( co%l# $he( 'y any letting #own( or $%ch matterC She $eem$ to 'e rather larger than yo% are.A A 2%ite +erce+ti'le $mile glimmere# on Mr$. Bir#'$ face( a$ $he an$were#( A"e'll $ee.A Another +a%$e( an# Mr. Bir# again 'ro-e o%t( AI $ay( wifeDA A"ellD "hat nowCA A"hy( there'$ that ol# 'om'a4in cloa-( that yo% -ee+ on +%r+o$e to +%t o)er me when I ta-e my afternoon'$ na+3 yo% might a$ well gi)e her that(**$he nee#$ clothe$.A At thi$ in$tant( Finah loo-e# in to $ay that the woman wa$ awa-e( an# wante# to $ee Mi$$i$.

Mr. an# Mr$. Bir# went into the -itchen( followe# 'y the two el#e$t 'oy$( the $maller fry ha)ing( 'y thi$ time( 'een $afely #i$+o$e# of in 'e#. The woman wa$ now $itting %+ on the $ettle( 'y the fire. She wa$ loo-ing $tea#ily into the 'la4e( with a calm( heart*'ro-en e1+re$$ion( )ery #ifferent from her former agitate# wil#ne$$. AFi# yo% want meCA $ai# Mr$. Bir#( in gentle tone$. AI ho+e yo% feel 'etter now( +oor womanDA A long*#rawn( $hi)ering $igh wa$ the only an$wer3 '%t $he lifte# her #ar- eye$( an# fi1e# them on her with $%ch a forlorn an# im+loring e1+re$$ion( that the tear$ came into the little woman'$ eye$. ABo% nee#n't 'e afrai# of anything3 we are frien#$ here( +oor womanD Tell me where yo% came from( an# what yo% want(A $ai# $he. AI came from ,ent%c-y(A $ai# the woman. A"henCA $ai# Mr. Bir#( ta-ing %+ the interogatory. ATonight.A AHow #i# yo% comeCA AI cro$$e# on the ice.A ACro$$e# on the iceDA $ai# e)ery one +re$ent. ABe$(A $ai# the woman( $lowly( AI #i#. 5o# hel+ing me( I cro$$e# on the ice3 for they were 'ehin# me**right 'ehin#**an# there wa$ no other wayDA ALaw( Mi$$i$(A $ai# C%#/oe( Athe ice i$ all in 'ro-en*%+ 'loc-$( a $winging an# a tetering %+ an# #own in the waterDA AI -now it wa$**I -now itDA $ai# $he( wil#ly3 A'%t I #i# itD I wo%l#n't ha)e tho%ght I co%l#(**I #i#n't thin- I $ho%l# get o)er( '%t I #i#n't careD I co%l# '%t #ie( if I #i#n't. The Lor# hel+e# me3 no'o#y -now$ how m%ch the Lor# can hel+ 'em( till they try(A $ai# the woman( with a fla$hing eye. A"ere yo% a $la)eCA $ai# Mr. Bir#. ABe$( $ir3 I 'elonge# to a man in ,ent%c-y.A A"a$ he %n-in# to yo%CA ANo( $ir3 he wa$ a goo# ma$ter.A AAn# wa$ yo%r mi$tre$$ %n-in# to yo%CA ANo( $ir**noD my mi$tre$$ wa$ alway$ goo# to me.A

A"hat co%l# in#%ce yo% to lea)e a goo# home( then( an# r%n away( an# go thro%gh $%ch #anger$CA The woman loo-e# %+ at Mr$. Bir#( with a -een( $cr%tini4ing glance( an# it #i# not e$ca+e her that $he wa$ #re$$e# in #ee+ mo%rning. AMa'am(A $he $ai#( $%##enly( Aha)e yo% e)er lo$t a chil#CA The 2%e$tion wa$ %ne1+ecte#( an# it wa$ thr%$t on a new wo%n#3 for it wa$ only a month $ince a #arling chil# of the family ha# 'een lai# in the gra)e. Mr. Bir# t%rne# aro%n# an# wal-e# to the win#ow( an# Mr$. Bir# '%r$t into tear$3 '%t( reco)ering her )oice( $he $ai#( A"hy #o yo% a$- thatC I ha)e lo$t a little one.A AThen yo% will feel for me. I ha)e lo$t two( one after another(**left 'em '%rie# there when I came away3 an# I ha# only thi$ one left. I ne)er $le+t a night witho%t him3 he wa$ all I ha#. He wa$ my comfort an# +ri#e( #ay an# night3 an#( ma'am( they were going to ta-e him away from me(**to 0$ell0 him(**$ell him #own $o%th( ma'am( to go all alone(**a 'a'y that ha# ne)er 'een away from hi$ mother in hi$ lifeD I co%l#n't $tan# it( ma'am. I -new I ne)er $ho%l# 'e goo# for anything( if they #i#3 an# when I -new the +a+er$ the +a+er$ were $igne#( an# he wa$ $ol#( I too- him an# came off in the night3 an# they cha$e# me(**the man that 'o%ght him( an# $ome of Ma$'r'$ fol-$(**an# they were coming #own right 'ehin# me( an# I hear# 'em. I /%m+e# right on to the ice3 an# how I got acro$$( I #on't -now(**'%t( fir$t I -new( a man wa$ hel+ing me %+ the 'an-.A The woman #i# not $o' nor wee+. She ha# gone to a +lace where tear$ are #ry3 '%t e)ery one aro%n# her wa$( in $ome way characteri$tic of them$el)e$( $howing $ign$ of hearty $ym+athy. The two little 'oy$( after a #e$+erate r%mmaging in their +oc-et$( in $earch of tho$e +oc-et*han#-erchief$ which mother$ -now are ne)er to 'e fo%n# there( ha# thrown them$el)e$ #i$con$olately into the $-irt$ of their mother'$ gown( where they were $o''ing( an# wi+ing their eye$ an# no$e$( to their heart$' content3**Mr$. Bir# ha# her face fairly hi##en in her +oc-et*han#-erchief3 an# ol# Finah( with tear$ $treaming #own her 'lac-( hone$t face( wa$ e/ac%lating( ALor# ha)e mercy on %$DA with all the fer)or of a cam+*meeting3**while ol# C%#/oe( r%''ing hi$ eye$ )ery har# with hi$ c%ff$( an# ma-ing a mo$t %ncommon )ariety of wry face$( occa$ionally re$+on#e# in the $ame -ey( with great fer)or. O%r $enator wa$ a $tate$man( an# of co%r$e co%l# not 'e e1+ecte# to cry( li-e other mortal$3 an# $o he t%rne# hi$ 'ac- to the com+any( an# loo-e# o%t of the win#ow( an# $eeme# +artic%larly '%$y in clearing hi$ throat an# wi+ing hi$ $+ectacle*gla$$e$( occa$ionally 'lowing hi$ no$e in a manner that wa$ calc%late# to e1cite $%$+icion( ha# any one 'een in a $tate to o'$er)e critically. AHow came yo% to tell me yo% ha# a -in# ma$terCA he $%##enly e1claime#( g%l+ing #own )ery re$ol%tely $ome -in# of ri$ing in hi$ throat( an# t%rning $%##enly ro%n# %+on the woman.

ABeca%$e he 0wa$0 a -in# ma$ter3 I'll $ay that of him( any way3**an# my mi$tre$$ wa$ -in#3 '%t they co%l#n't hel+ them$el)e$. They were owing money3 an# there wa$ $ome way( I can't tell how( that a man ha# a hol# on them( an# they were o'lige# to gi)e him hi$ will. I li$tene#( an# hear# him telling mi$tre$$ that( an# $he 'egging an# +lea#ing for me(**an# he tol# her he co%l#n't hel+ him$elf( an# that the +a+er$ were all #rawn3**an# then it wa$ I too- him an# left my home( an# came away. I -new 't wa$ no %$e of my trying to li)e( if they #i# it3 for 't '+ear$ li-e thi$ chil# i$ all I ha)e.A AHa)e yo% no h%$'an#CA ABe$( '%t he 'elong$ to another man. Hi$ ma$ter i$ real har# to him( an# won't let him come to $ee me( har#ly e)er3 an# he'$ grown har#er an# har#er %+on %$( an# he threaten$ to $ell him #own $o%th3**it'$ li-e I'll ne)er $ee 0him0 againDA The 2%iet tone in which the woman +rono%nce# the$e wor#$ might ha)e le# a $%+erficial o'$er)er to thin- that $he wa$ entirely a+athetic3 '%t there wa$ a calm( $ettle# #e+th of ang%i$h in her large( #ar- eye( that $+o-e of $omething far otherwi$e. AAn# where #o yo% mean to go( my +oor womanCA $ai# Mr$. Bir#. ATo Cana#a( if I only -new where that wa$. I$ it )ery far off( i$ Cana#aCA $ai# $he( loo-ing %+( with a $im+le( confi#ing air( to Mr$. Bir#'$ face. A oor thingDA $ai# Mr$. Bir#( in)ol%ntarily. AI$ 't a )ery great way off( thin-CA $ai# the woman( earne$tly. AM%ch f%rther than yo% thin-( +oor chil#DA $ai# Mr$. Bir#3 A'%t we will try to thin- what can 'e #one for yo%. Here( Finah( ma-e her %+ a 'e# in yo%r own room( clo$e 'y the -itchen( an# I'll thin- what to #o for her in the morning. Meanwhile( ne)er fear( +oor woman3 +%t yo%r tr%$t in 5o#3 he will +rotect yo%.A Mr$. Bir# an# her h%$'an# reentere# the +arlor. She $at #own in her little roc-ing*chair 'efore the fire( $waying tho%ghtf%lly to an# fro. Mr. Bir# $tro#e %+ an# #own the room( gr%m'ling to him$elf( A i$hD +$hawD confo%n#e# aw-war# '%$ine$$DA At length( $tri#ing %+ to hi$ wife( he $ai#( AI $ay( wife( $he'll ha)e to get away from here( thi$ )ery night. That fellow will 'e #own on the $cent 'right an# early tomorrow morningI if 't wa$ only the woman( $he co%l# lie 2%iet till it wa$ o)er3 '%t that little cha+ can't 'e -e+t $till 'y a troo+ of hor$e an# foot( I'll warrant me3 he'll 'ring it all o%t( +o++ing hi$ hea# o%t of $ome win#ow or #oor. A +retty -ettle of fi$h it wo%l# 'e for me( too( to 'e ca%ght with them 'oth here( /%$t nowD No3 they'll ha)e to 'e got off tonight.A ATonightD How i$ it +o$$i'leC**where toCA

A"ell( I -now +retty well where to(A $ai# the $enator( 'eginning to +%t on hi$ 'oot$( with a reflecti)e air3 an#( $to++ing when hi$ leg wa$ half in( he em'race# hi$ -nee with 'oth han#$( an# $eeme# to go off in #ee+ me#itation. AIt'$ a confo%n#e# aw-war#( %gly '%$ine$$(A $ai# he( at la$t( 'eginning to t%g at hi$ 'oot*$tra+$ again( Aan# that'$ a factDA After one 'oot wa$ fairly on( the $enator $at with the other in hi$ han#( +rofo%n#ly $t%#ying the fig%re of the car+et. AIt will ha)e to 'e #one( tho%gh( for a%ght I $ee(**hang it allDA an# he #rew the other 'oot an1io%$ly on( an# loo-e# o%t of the win#ow. Now( little Mr$. Bir# wa$ a #i$creet woman(**a woman who ne)er in her life $ai#( AI tol# yo% $oDA an#( on the +re$ent occa$ion( tho%gh +retty well aware of the $ha+e her h%$'an#'$ me#itation$ were ta-ing( $he )ery +r%#ently for'ore to me##le with them( only $at )ery 2%ietly in her chair( an# loo-e# 2%ite rea#y to hear her liege lor#'$ intention$( when he $ho%l# thin- +ro+er to %tter them. ABo% $ee(A he $ai#( Athere'$ my ol# client( Van Trom+e( ha$ come o)er from ,ent%c-y( an# $et all hi$ $la)e$ free3 an# he ha$ 'o%ght a +lace $e)en mile$ %+ the cree-( here( 'ac- in the woo#$( where no'o#y goe$( %nle$$ they go on +%r+o$e3 an# it'$ a +lace that i$n't fo%n# in a h%rry. There $he'# 'e $afe eno%gh3 '%t the +lag%e of the thing i$( no'o#y co%l# #ri)e a carriage there tonight( '%t 0me0.A A"hy notC C%#/oe i$ an e1cellent #ri)er.A AAy( ay( '%t here it i$. The cree- ha$ to 'e cro$$e# twice3 an# the $econ# cro$$ing i$ 2%ite #angero%$( %nle$$ one -now$ it a$ I #o. I ha)e cro$$e# it a h%n#re# time$ on hor$e'ac-( an# -now e1actly the t%rn$ to ta-e. An# $o( yo% $ee( there'$ no hel+ for it. C%#/oe m%$t +%t in the hor$e$( a$ 2%ietly a$ may 'e( a'o%t twel)e o'cloc-( an# I'll ta-e her o)er3 an# then( to gi)e color to the matter( he m%$t carry me on to the ne1t ta)ern to ta-e the $tage for Col%m'%$( that come$ 'y a'o%t three or fo%r( an# $o it will loo- a$ if I ha# ha# the carriage only for that. I $hall get into '%$ine$$ 'right an# early in the morning. B%t I'm thin-ing I $hall feel rather chea+ there( after all that'$ 'een $ai# an# #one3 '%t( hang it( I can't hel+ itDA ABo%r heart i$ 'etter than yo%r hea#( in thi$ ca$e( Eohn(A $ai# the wife( laying her little white han# on hi$. ACo%l# I e)er ha)e lo)e# yo%( ha# I not -nown yo% 'etter than yo% -now yo%r$elfCA An# the little woman loo-e# $o han#$ome( with the tear$ $+ar-ling in her eye$( that the $enator tho%ght he m%$t 'e a #eci#e#ly cle)er fellow( to get $%ch a +retty creat%re into $%ch a +a$$ionate a#miration of him3 an# $o( what co%l# he #o '%t wal- off $o'erly( to $ee a'o%t the carriage. At the #oor( howe)er( he $to++e# a moment( an# then coming 'ac-( he $ai#( with $ome he$itation. AMary( I #on't -now how yo%'# feel a'o%t it( '%t there'$ that #rawer f%ll of thing$**of**of**+oor little Henry'$.A So $aying( he t%rne# 2%ic-ly on hi$ heel( an# $h%t the #oor after him. Hi$ wife o+ene# the little 'e#*room #oor a#/oining her room an#( ta-ing

the can#le( $et it #own on the to+ of a '%rea% there3 then from a $mall rece$$ $he too- a -ey( an# +%t it tho%ghtf%lly in the loc- of a #rawer( an# ma#e a $%##en +a%$e( while two 'oy$( who( 'oy li-e( ha# followe# clo$e on her heel$( $too# loo-ing( with $ilent( $ignificant glance$( at their mother. An# ohD mother that rea#$ thi$( ha$ there ne)er 'een in yo%r ho%$e a #rawer( or a clo$et( the o+ening of which ha$ 'een to yo% li-e the o+ening again of a little gra)eC AhD ha++y mother that yo% are( if it ha$ not 'een $o. Mr$. Bir# $lowly o+ene# the #rawer. There were little coat$ of many a form an# +attern( +ile$ of a+ron$( an# row$ of $mall $toc-ing$3 an# e)en a +air of little $hoe$( worn an# r%''e# at the toe$( were +ee+ing from the fol#$ of a +a+er. There wa$ a toy hor$e an# wagon( a to+( a 'all(**memorial$ gathere# with many a tear an# many a heart*'rea-D She $at #own 'y the #rawer( an#( leaning her hea# on her han#$ o)er it( we+t till the tear$ fell thro%gh her finger$ into the #rawer3 then $%##enly rai$ing her hea#( $he 'egan( with ner)o%$ ha$te( $electing the +laine$t an# mo$t $%'$tantial article$( an# gathering them into a '%n#le. AMamma(A $ai# one of the 'oy$( gently to%ching her arm( Ayo% going to gi)e away 0tho$e0 thing$CA AMy #ear 'oy$(A $he $ai#( $oftly an# earne$tly( Aif o%r #ear( lo)ing little Henry loo-$ #own from hea)en( he wo%l# 'e gla# to ha)e %$ #o thi$. I co%l# not fin# it in my heart to gi)e them away to any common +er$on**to any'o#y that wa$ ha++y3 '%t I gi)e them to a mother more heart*'ro-en an# $orrowf%l than I am3 an# I ho+e 5o# will $en# hi$ 'le$$ing$ with themDA There are in thi$ worl# 'le$$e# $o%l$( who$e $orrow$ all $+ring %+ into /oy$ for other$3 who$e earthly ho+e$( lai# in the gra)e with many tear$( are the $ee# from which $+ring healing flower$ an# 'alm for the #e$olate an# the #i$tre$$e#. Among $%ch wa$ the #elicate woman who $it$ there 'y the lam+( #ro++ing $low tear$( while $he +re+are$ the memorial$ of her own lo$t one for the o%tca$t wan#erer. After a while( Mr$. Bir# o+ene# a war#ro'e( an#( ta-ing from thence a +lain( $er)icea'le #re$$ or two( $he $at #own '%$ily to her wor-*ta'le( an#( with nee#le( $ci$$or$( an# thim'le( at han#( 2%ietly commence# the Aletting #ownA +roce$$ which her h%$'an# ha# recommen#e#( an# contin%e# '%$ily at it till the ol# cloc- in the corner $tr%c- twel)e( an# $he hear# the low rattling of wheel$ at the #oor. AMary(A $ai# her h%$'an#( coming in( with hi$ o)ercoat in hi$ han#( Ayo% m%$t wa-e her %+ now3 we m%$t 'e off.A Mr$. Bir# ha$tily #e+o$ite# the )ario%$ article$ $he ha# collecte# in a $mall +lain tr%n-( an# loc-ing it( #e$ire# her h%$'an# to $ee it in the carriage( an# then +rocee#e# to call the woman. Soon( arraye# in a cloa-( 'onnet( an# $hawl( that ha# 'elonge# to her 'enefactre$$( $he a++eare# at the #oor with her chil# in her arm$. Mr. Bir# h%rrie# her into the carriage( an# Mr$. Bir# +re$$e# on after her to the carriage $te+$. Eli4a leane# o%t of the carriage( an# +%t o%t her han#(**a han# a$ $oft an# 'ea%tif%l a$ wa$ gi)en in ret%rn. She fi1e# her large( #areye$( f%ll of earne$t meaning( on Mr$. Bir#'$ face( an# $eeme# going

to $+ea-. Her li+$ mo)e#(**$he trie# once or twice( '%t there wa$ no $o%n#(**an# +ointing %+war#( with a loo- ne)er to 'e forgotten( $he fell 'ac- in the $eat( an# co)ere# her face. The #oor wa$ $h%t( an# the carriage #ro)e on. "hat a $it%ation( now( for a +atriotic $enator( that ha# 'een all the wee- 'efore $+%rring %+ the legi$lat%re of hi$ nati)e $tate to +a$$ more $tringent re$ol%tion$ again$t e$ca+ing f%giti)e$( their har'orer$ an# a'ettor$D O%r goo# $enator in hi$ nati)e $tate ha# not 'een e1cee#e# 'y any of hi$ 'rethren at "a$hington( in the $ort of elo2%ence which ha$ won for them immortal renownD How $%'limely he ha# $at with hi$ han#$ in hi$ +oc-et$( an# $co%te# all $entimental wea-ne$$ of tho$e who wo%l# +%t the welfare of a few mi$era'le f%giti)e$ 'efore great $tate intere$t$D He wa$ a$ 'ol# a$ a lion a'o%t it( an# Amightily con)ince#A not only him$elf( '%t e)ery'o#y that hear# him3**'%t then hi$ i#ea of a f%giti)e wa$ only an i#ea of the letter$ that $+ell the wor#(**or at the mo$t( the image of a little new$+a+er +ict%re of a man with a $tic- an# '%n#le with A!an away from the $%'$cri'erA %n#er it. The magic of the real +re$ence of #i$tre$$(**the im+loring h%man eye( the frail( trem'ling h%man han#( the #e$+airing a++eal of hel+le$$ agony(**the$e he ha# ne)er trie#. He ha# ne)er tho%ght that a f%giti)e might 'e a ha+le$$ mother( a #efencele$$ chil#(**li-e that one which wa$ now wearing hi$ lo$t 'oy'$ little well*-nown ca+3 an# $o( a$ o%r +oor $enator wa$ not $tone or $teel(**a$ he wa$ a man( an# a #ownright no'le*hearte# one( too(**he wa$( a$ e)ery'o#y m%$t $ee( in a $a# ca$e for hi$ +atrioti$m. An# yo% nee# not e1%lt o)er him( goo# 'rother of the So%thern State$3 for we ha)e $ome in-ling$ that many of yo%( %n#er $imilar circ%m$tance$( wo%l# not #o m%ch 'etter. "e ha)e rea$on to -now( in ,ent%c-y( a$ in Mi$$i$$i++i( are no'le an# genero%$ heart$( to whom ne)er wa$ tale of $%ffering tol# in )ain. Ah( goo# 'rotherD i$ it fair for yo% to e1+ect of %$ $er)ice$ which yo%r own 'ra)e( honora'le heart wo%l# not allow yo% to ren#er( were yo% in o%r +laceC Be that a$ it may( if o%r goo# $enator wa$ a +olitical $inner( he wa$ in a fair way to e1+iate it 'y hi$ night'$ +enance. There ha# 'een a long contin%o%$ +erio# of rainy weather( an# the $oft( rich earth of Ohio( a$ e)ery one -now$( i$ a#mira'ly $%ite# to the man%fact%re of m%#**an# the roa# wa$ an Ohio railroa# of the goo# ol# time$. AAn# +ray( what $ort of a roa# may that 'eCA $ay$ $ome ea$tern tra)eller( who ha$ 'een acc%$tome# to connect no i#ea$ with a railroa#( '%t tho$e of $moothne$$ or $+ee#. ,now( then( innocent ea$tern frien#( that in 'enighte# region$ of the we$t( where the m%# i$ of %nfathoma'le an# $%'lime #e+th( roa#$ are ma#e of ro%n# ro%gh log$( arrange# tran$)er$ely $i#e 'y $i#e( an# coate# o)er in their +ri$tine fre$hne$$ with earth( t%rf( an# what$oe)er may come to han#( an# then the re/oicing nati)e calleth it a roa#( an# $traightway e$$ayeth to ri#e there%+on. In +roce$$ of time( the rain$ wa$h off all the t%rf an# gra$$ afore$ai#( mo)e the log$ hither an# thither( in +ict%re$2%e +o$ition$( %+( #own an# cro$$wi$e( with #i)er$ cha$m$ an# r%t$ of 'lac- m%# inter)ening.

O)er $%ch a roa# a$ thi$ o%r $enator went $t%m'ling along( ma-ing moral reflection$ a$ contin%o%$ly a$ %n#er the circ%m$tance$ co%l# 'e e1+ecte#(**the carriage +rocee#ing along m%ch a$ follow$(**'%m+D '%m+D '%m+D $l%$hD #own in the m%#D**the $enator( woman an# chil#( re)er$ing their +o$ition$ $o $%##enly a$ to come( witho%t any )ery acc%rate a#/%$tment( again$t the win#ow$ of the #own*hill $i#e. Carriage $tic-$ fa$t( while C%#/oe on the o%t$i#e i$ hear# ma-ing a great m%$ter among the hor$e$. After )ario%$ ineffect%al +%lling$ an# twitching$( /%$t a$ the $enator i$ lo$ing all +atience( the carriage $%##enly right$ it$elf with a 'o%nce(**two front wheel$ go #own into another a'y$$( an# $enator( woman( an# chil#( all t%m'le +romi$c%o%$ly on to the front $eat(**$enator'$ hat i$ /amme# o)er hi$ eye$ an# no$e 2%ite %nceremonio%$ly( an# he con$i#er$ him$elf fairly e1ting%i$he#3**chil# crie$( an# C%#/oe on the o%t$i#e #eli)er$ animate# a##re$$e$ to the hor$e$( who are -ic-ing( an# flo%n#ering( an# $training %n#er re+eate# crac-$ of the whi+. Carriage $+ring$ %+( with another 'o%nce(**#own go the hin# wheel$(**$enator( woman( an# chil#( fly o)er on to the 'ac$eat( hi$ el'ow$ enco%ntering her 'onnet( an# 'oth her feet 'eing /amme# into hi$ hat( which flie$ off in the conc%$$ion. After a few moment$ the A$lo%ghA i$ +a$$e#( an# the hor$e$ $to+( +anting3**the $enator fin#$ hi$ hat( the woman $traighten$ her 'onnet an# h%$he$ her chil#( an# they 'race them$el)e$ for what i$ yet to come. &or a while only the contin%o%$ '%m+D '%m+D intermingle#( /%$t 'y way of )ariety( with #i)er$ $i#e +l%nge$ an# com+o%n# $ha-e$3 an# they 'egin to flatter them$el)e$ that they are not $o 'a#ly off( after all. At la$t( with a $2%are +l%nge( which +%t$ all on to their feet an# then #own into their $eat$ with incre#i'le 2%ic-ne$$( the carriage $to+$(**an#( after m%ch o%t$i#e commotion( C%#/oe a++ear$ at the #oor. A lea$e( $ir( it'$ +owerf%l 'a# $+ot( thi$' yer. I #on't -now how we'$ to get clar o%t. I'm a thin-in' we'll ha)e to 'e a gettin' rail$.A The $enator #e$+airingly $te+$ o%t( +ic-ing gingerly for $ome firm foothol#3 #own goe$ one foot an immea$%ra'le #e+th(**he trie$ to +%ll it %+( lo$e$ hi$ 'alance( an# t%m'le$ o)er into the m%#( an# i$ fi$he# o%t( in a )ery #e$+airing con#ition( 'y C%#/oe. B%t we for'ear( o%t of $ym+athy to o%r rea#er$' 'one$. "e$tern tra)eller$( who ha)e 'eg%ile# the mi#night ho%r in the intere$ting +roce$$ of +%lling #own rail fence$( to +ry their carriage$ o%t of m%# hole$( will ha)e a re$+ectf%l an# mo%rnf%l $ym+athy with o%r %nfort%nate hero. "e 'eg them to #ro+ a $ilent tear( an# +a$$ on. It wa$ f%ll late in the night when the carriage emerge#( #ri++ing an# 'e$+attere#( o%t of the cree-( an# $too# at the #oor of a large farmho%$e. It too- no incon$i#era'le +er$e)erance to aro%$e the inmate$3 '%t at la$t the re$+ecta'le +ro+rietor a++eare#( an# %n#i# the #oor. He wa$ a great( tall( 'ri$tling Or$on of a fellow( f%ll $i1 feet an# $ome inche$ in hi$ $toc-ing$( an# arraye# in a re# flannel h%nting*$hirt. A )ery hea)y mat of $an#y hair( in a #eci#e#ly to%$le# con#ition( an# a 'ear# of $ome #ay$' growth( ga)e the worthy man an a++earance( to $ay the

lea$t( not +artic%larly +re+o$$e$$ing. He $too# for a few min%te$ hol#ing the can#le aloft( an# 'lin-ing on o%r tra)eller$ with a #i$mal an# my$tifie# e1+re$$ion that wa$ tr%ly l%#icro%$. It co$t $ome effort of o%r $enator to in#%ce him to com+rehen# the ca$e f%lly3 an# while he i$ #oing hi$ 'e$t at that( we $hall gi)e him a little intro#%ction to o%r rea#er$. Hone$t ol# Eohn Van Trom+e wa$ once 2%ite a con$i#era'le lan#*owner an# $la)e*owner in the State of ,ent%c-y. Ha)ing Anothing of the 'ear a'o%t him '%t the $-in(A an# 'eing gifte# 'y nat%re with a great( hone$t( /%$t heart( 2%ite e2%al to hi$ gigantic frame( he ha# 'een for $ome year$ witne$$ing with re+re$$e# %nea$ine$$ the wor-ing$ of a $y$tem e2%ally 'a# for o++re$$or an# o++re$$e#. At la$t( one #ay( Eohn'$ great heart ha# $welle# altogether too 'ig to wear hi$ 'on#$ any longer3 $o he /%$t too- hi$ +oc-et*'oo- o%t of hi$ #e$-( an# went o)er into Ohio( an# 'o%ght a 2%arter of a town$hi+ of goo#( rich lan#( ma#e o%t free +a+er$ for all hi$ +eo+le(**men( women( an# chil#ren(**+ac-e# them %+ in wagon$( an# $ent them off to $ettle #own3 an# then hone$t Eohn t%rne# hi$ face %+ the cree-( an# $at 2%ietly #own on a $n%g( retire# farm( to en/oy hi$ con$cience an# hi$ reflection$. AAre yo% the man that will $helter a +oor woman an# chil# from $la)e*catcher$CA $ai# the $enator( e1+licitly. AI rather thin- I am(A $ai# hone$t Eohn( with $ome con$i#era'le em+ha$i$. AI tho%ght $o(A' $ai# the $enator. AIf there'$ any'o#y come$(A $ai# the goo# man( $tretching hi$ tall( m%$c%lar form %+war#( Awhy here I'm rea#y for himI an# I')e got $e)en $on$( each $i1 foot high( an# they'll 'e rea#y for 'em. 5i)e o%r re$+ect$ to 'em(A $ai# Eohn3 Atell 'em it'$ no matter how $oon they call(**ma-e no -in#er #ifference to %$(A $ai# Eohn( r%nning hi$ finger$ thro%gh the $hoc- of hair that thatche# hi$ hea#( an# '%r$ting o%t into a great la%gh. "eary( /a#e#( an# $+iritle$$( Eli4a #ragge# her$elf %+ to the #oor( with her chil# lying in a hea)y $lee+ on her arm. The ro%gh man hel# the can#le to her face( an# %ttering a -in# of com+a$$ionate gr%nt( o+ene# the #oor of a $mall 'e#*room a#/oining to the large -itchen where they were $tan#ing( an# motione# her to go in. He too- #own a can#le( an# lighting it( $et it %+on the ta'le( an# then a##re$$e# him$elf to Eli4a. ANow( I $ay( gal( yo% nee#n't 'e a 'it afear#( let who will come here. I'm %+ to all that $ort o' thing(A $ai# he( +ointing to two or three goo#ly rifle$ o)er the mantel*+iece3 Aan# mo$t +eo+le that -now me -now that 't wo%l#n't 'e healthy to try to get any'o#y o%t o' my ho%$e when I'm agin it. So 0now0 yo% /i$t go to $lee+ now( a$ 2%iet a$ if yer mother wa$ a roc-in' ye(A $ai# he( a$ he $h%t the #oor. A"hy( thi$ i$ an %ncommon han#$ome %n(A he $ai# to the $enator. AAh( well3 han#$ome %n$ ha$ the greate$t ca%$e to r%n( $ometime$( if they ha$ any -in# o' feelin( $%ch a$ #ecent women $ho%l#. I -now all a'o%t that.A

The $enator( in a few wor#$( 'riefly e1+laine# Eli4a'$ hi$tory. AOD o%D awD now( I want to -nowCA $ai# the goo# man( +itif%lly3 A$hoD now $hoD That'$ nat%r now( +oor critt%rD h%nte# #own now li-e a #eer(**h%nte# #own( /e$t for ha)in' nat%ral feelin'$( an# #oin' what no -in# o' mother co%l# hel+ a #oin'D I tell ye what( the$e yer thing$ ma-e me come the nighe$t to $wearin'( now( o' mo$t anything(A $ai# hone$t Eohn( a$ he wi+e# hi$ eye$ with the 'ac- of a great( frec-le#( yellow han#. AI tell yer what( $tranger( it wa$ year$ an# year$ 'efore I'# /ine the ch%rch( 'ca%$e the mini$ter$ ro%n# in o%r +art$ %$e# to +reach that the Bi'le went in for the$e ere c%tting$ %+(**an# I co%l#n't 'e %+ to 'em with their 5ree- an# He'rew( an# $o I too- %+ agin 'em( Bi'le an# all. I ne)er /ine# the ch%rch till I fo%n# a mini$ter that wa$ %+ to 'em all in 5ree- an# all that( an# he $ai# right the contrary3 an# then I too- right hol#( an# /ine# the ch%rch(**I #i# now( fact(A $ai# Eohn( who ha# 'een all thi$ time %ncor-ing $ome )ery fri$-y 'ottle# ci#er( which at thi$ /%nct%re he +re$ente#. ABe'# 'etter /e$t +%t %+ here( now( till #aylight(A $ai# he( heartily( Aan# I'll call %+ the ol# woman( an# ha)e a 'e# got rea#y for yo% in no time.A AThan- yo%( my goo# frien#(A $ai# the $enator( AI m%$t 'e along( to ta-e the night $tage for Col%m'%$.A AAhD well( then( if yo% m%$t( I'll go a +iece with yo%( an# $how yo% a cro$$ roa# that will ta-e yo% there 'etter than the roa# yo% came on. That roa#'$ mighty 'a#.A Eohn e2%i++e# him$elf( an#( with a lantern in han#( wa$ $oon $een g%i#ing the $enator'$ carriage towar#$ a roa# that ran #own in a hollow( 'ac- of hi$ #welling. "hen they +arte#( the $enator +%t into hi$ han# a ten*#ollar 'ill. AIt'$ for her(A he $ai#( 'riefly. AAy( ay(A $ai# Eohn( with e2%al conci$ene$$. They $hoo- han#$( an# +arte#.

CHA TE! K The ro+erty I$ Carrie# Off The &e'r%ary morning loo-e# gray an# #ri44ling thro%gh the win#ow of Uncle Tom'$ ca'in. It loo-e# on #ownca$t face$( the image$ of mo%rnf%l heart$. The little ta'le $too# o%t 'efore the fire( co)ere# with an ironing*cloth3 a coar$e '%t clean $hirt or two( fre$h from the iron( h%ng on the 'ac- of a chair 'y the fire( an# A%nt Chloe ha# another $+rea# o%t 'efore her on the ta'le. Caref%lly $he r%''e# an# irone# e)ery fol# an# e)ery hem( with the mo$t $cr%+%lo%$ e1actne$$( e)ery now an# then rai$ing her han# to her face to wi+e off the tear$ that were

co%r$ing #own her chee-$. Tom $at 'y( with hi$ Te$tament o+en on hi$ -nee( an# hi$ hea# leaning %+on hi$ han#3**'%t neither $+o-e. It wa$ yet early( an# the chil#ren lay all a$lee+ together in their little r%#e tr%n#le*'e#. Tom( who ha#( to the f%ll( the gentle( #ome$tic heart( which woe for themD ha$ 'een a +ec%liar characteri$tic of hi$ %nha++y race( got %+ an# wal-e# $ilently to loo- at hi$ chil#ren. AIt'$ the la$t time(A he $ai#. A%nt Chloe #i# not an$wer( only r%''e# away o)er an# o)er on the coar$e $hirt( alrea#y a$ $mooth a$ han#$ co%l# ma-e it3 an# finally $etting her iron $%##enly #own with a #e$+airing +l%nge( $he $at #own to the ta'le( an# Alifte# %+ her )oice an# we+t.A AS'+o$e we m%$t 'e re$igne#3 '%t oh Lor#D how -en IC If I -now'# anything whar yo% '$ goin'( or how they'# $ar)e yo%D Mi$$i$ $ay$ $he'll try an# '#eem ye( in a year or two3 '%t LorD no'o#y ne)er come$ %+ that goe$ #own tharD They -ill$ 'emD I')e hearn 'em tell how #ey wor-$ 'em %+ on #em ar +lantation$.A AThere'll 'e the $ame 5o# there( Chloe( that there i$ here.A A"ell(A $ai# A%nt Chloe( A$'+o$e #ere will3 '%t #e Lor# let$ #reff%l thing$ ha++en( $ometime$. I #on't $eem to get no comfort #at way.A AI'm in the Lor#'$ han#$(A $ai# Tom3 Anothin' can go no f%r#er than he let$ it3**an# thar'$ 0one0 thing I can than- him for. It'$ 0me0 that'$ $ol# an# going #own( an# not yo% n%r the chil'en. Here yo%'re $afe3**what come$ will come only on me3 an# the Lor#( he'll hel+ me(**I -now he will.A Ah( 'ra)e( manly heart(**$mothering thine own $orrow( to comfort thy 'elo)e# one$D Tom $+o-e with a thic- %tterance( an# with a 'itter cho-ing in hi$ throat(**'%t he $+o-e 'ra)e an# $trong. ALet'$ thin- on o%r marcie$DA he a##e#( trem%lo%$ly( a$ if he wa$ 2%ite $%re he nee#e# to thin- on them )ery har# in#ee#. AMarcie$DA $ai# A%nt Chloe3 A#on't $ee no marcy in 'tD 'tan't rightD tan't right it $ho%l# 'e $oD Ma$'r ne)er o%ght ter left it $o that ye 0co%l#0 'e too- for hi$ #e't$. Be')e arnt him all he get$ for ye( twice o)er. He owe# ye yer free#om( an# o%ght ter gin 't to yer year$ ago. Me''e he can't hel+ him$elf now( '%t I feel it'$ wrong. Nothing can't 'eat that ar o%t o' me. Sich a faithf%l critt%r a$ ye')e 'een(**an# aller$ $ot hi$ '%$ine$$ 'fore yer own e)ery way(**an# rec-one# on him more than yer own wife an# chil'enD Them a$ $ell$ heart'$ lo)e an# heart'$ 'loo#( to get o%t thar $cra+e$( #e Lor#'ll 'e %+ to 'emDA AChloeD now( if ye lo)e me( ye won't tal- $o( when +erha+$ /e$t the la$t time we'll e)er ha)e togetherD An# I'll tell ye( Chloe( it goe$ agin me to hear one wor# agin Ma$'r. "an't he +%t in my arm$ a 'a'yC**it'$ nat%r I $ho%l# thin- a hea+ of him. An# he co%l#n't 'e $+ecte# to thin- $o

m%ch of +oor Tom. Ma$'r$ i$ %$e# to ha)in' all the$e yer thing$ #one for 'em( an# nat'lly they #on't thin- $o m%ch on 't. They can't 'e $+ecte# to( no way. Set him 'long$i#e of other Ma$'r$**who'$ ha# the treatment an# li)in' I')e ha#C An# he ne)er wo%l# ha)e let thi$ yer come on me( if he co%l# ha)e $ee# it aforehan#. I -now he wo%l#n't.A A"al( any way( thar'$ wrong a'o%t it 0$omewhar0(A $ai# A%nt Chloe( in whom a $t%''orn $en$e of /%$tice wa$ a +re#ominant trait3 AI can't /e$t ma-e o%t whar 't i$( '%t thar'$ wrong $omewhar( I'm 0clar0 o' that.A ABer o%ght ter loo- %+ to the Lor# a'o)e**he'$ a'o)e all**thar #on't a $+arrow fall witho%t him.A AIt #on't $eem to comfort me( '%t I $+ect it orter(A $ai# A%nt Chloe. AB%t #ar'$ no %$e tal-in'3 I'll /e$ wet %+ #e corn*ca-e( an# get ye one goo# 'rea-fa$t( 'ca%$e no'o#y -now$ when yo%'ll get another.A In or#er to a++reciate the $%ffering$ of the negroe$ $ol# $o%th( it m%$t 'e remem'ere# that all the in$tincti)e affection$ of that race are +ec%liarly $trong. Their local attachment$ are )ery a'i#ing. They are not nat%rally #aring an# enter+ri$ing( '%t home*lo)ing an# affectionate. A## to thi$ all the terror$ with which ignorance in)e$t$ the %n-nown( an# a## to thi$( again( that $elling to the $o%th i$ $et 'efore the negro from chil#hoo# a$ the la$t $e)erity of +%ni$hment. The threat that terrifie$ more than whi++ing or tort%re of any -in# i$ the threat of 'eing $ent #own ri)er. "e ha)e o%r$el)e$ hear# thi$ feeling e1+re$$e# 'y them( an# $een the %naffecte# horror with which they will $it in their go$$i++ing ho%r$( an# tell frightf%l $torie$ of that A#own ri)er(A which to them i$ 0AThat %n#i$co)ere# co%ntry( from who$e 'o%rn No tra)eller ret%rn$.A06 6 A $lightly inacc%rate 2%otation from 0Hamlet0( Act III( $cene I( line$ L@:*L9M. A mi$$ionary fig%re among the f%giti)e$ in Cana#a tol# %$ that many of the f%giti)e$ confe$$e# them$el)e$ to ha)e e$ca+e# from com+arati)ely -in# ma$ter$( an# that they were in#%ce# to 'ra)e the +eril$ of e$ca+e( in almo$t e)ery ca$e( 'y the #e$+erate horror with which they regar#e# 'eing $ol# $o%th(**a #oom which wa$ hanging either o)er them$el)e$ or their h%$'an#$( their wi)e$ or chil#ren. Thi$ ner)e$ the African( nat%rally +atient( timi# an# %nenter+ri$ing( with heroic co%rage( an# lea#$ him to $%ffer h%nger( col#( +ain( the +eril$ of the wil#erne$$( an# the more #rea# +enaltie$ of reca+t%re. The $im+le morning meal now $mo-e# on the ta'le( for Mr$. Shel'y ha# e1c%$e# A%nt Chloe'$ atten#ance at the great ho%$e that morning. The +oor $o%l ha# e1+en#e# all her little energie$ on thi$ farewell fea$t(**ha# -ille# an# #re$$e# her choice$t chic-en( an# +re+are# her corn*ca-e with $cr%+%lo%$ e1actne$$( /%$t to her h%$'an#'$ ta$te( an# 'ro%ght o%t certain my$terio%$ /ar$ on the mantel*+iece( $ome +re$er)e$ that were ne)er +ro#%ce# e1ce+t on e1treme occa$ion$.

ALor( ete(A $ai# Mo$e( tri%m+hantly( Ahan't we got a '%$ter of a 'rea-fa$tDA at the $ame time catching at a fragment of the chic-en. A%nt Chloe ga)e him a $%##en 'o1 on the ear. AThar nowD crowing o)er the la$t 'rea-fa$t yer +oor #a##y'$ gwine to ha)e to homeDA AO( ChloeDA $ai# Tom( gently. A"al( I can't hel+ it(A $ai# A%nt Chloe( hi#ing her face in her a+ron3 AI '$ $o to$$e# a'o%t it( it ma-e$ me act %gly.A The 'oy$ $too# 2%ite $till( loo-ing fir$t at their father an# then at their mother( while the 'a'y( clim'ing %+ her clothe$( 'egan an im+erio%$( comman#ing cry. ATharDA $ai# A%nt Chloe( wi+ing her eye$ an# ta-ing %+ the 'a'y3 Anow I'$ #one( I ho+e(**now #o eat $omething. Thi$ yer'$ my nice$t chic-en. Thar( 'oy$( ye $hall ha)e $ome( +oor critt%r$D Ber mammy'$ 'een cro$$ to yer.A The 'oy$ nee#e# no $econ# in)itation( an# went in with great 4eal for the eata'le$3 an# it wa$ well they #i# $o( a$ otherwi$e there wo%l# ha)e 'een )ery little +erforme# to any +%r+o$e 'y the +arty. ANow(A $ai# A%nt Chloe( '%$tling a'o%t after 'rea-fa$t( AI m%$t +%t %+ yer clothe$. Ee$t li-e a$ not( he'll ta-e 'em all away. I -now thar way$**mean a$ #irt( they i$D "al( now( yer flannel$ for rh%mati$ i$ in thi$ corner3 $o 'e caref%l( 'ca%$e there won't no'o#y ma-e ye no more. Then here'$ yer ol# $hirt$( an# the$e yer i$ new one$. I toe# off the$e yer $toc-ing$ la$t night( an# +%t #e 'all in 'em to men# with. B%t LorD who'll e)er men# for yeCA an# A%nt Chloe( again o)ercome( lai# her hea# on the 'o1 $i#e( an# $o''e#. ATo thin- on 'tD no critt%r to #o for ye( $ic- or wellD I #on't railly thin- I o%ght ter 'e goo# nowDA The 'oy$( ha)ing eaten e)erything there wa$ on the 'rea-fa$t*ta'le( 'egan now to ta-e $ome tho%ght of the ca$e3 an#( $eeing their mother crying( an# their father loo-ing )ery $a#( 'egan to whim+er an# +%t their han#$ to their eye$. Uncle Tom ha# the 'a'y on hi$ -nee( an# wa$ letting her en/oy her$elf to the %tmo$t e1tent( $cratching hi$ face an# +%lling hi$ hair( an# occa$ionally 'rea-ing o%t into clamoro%$ e1+lo$ion$ of #elight( e)i#ently ari$ing o%t of her own internal reflection$. AAy( crow away( +oor critt%rDA $ai# A%nt Chloe3 Aye'll ha)e to come to it( tooD ye'll li)e to $ee yer h%$'an# $ol#( or me''e 'e $ol# yer$elf3 an# the$e yer 'oy$( they'$ to 'e $ol#( I $'+o$e( too( /e$t li-e a$ not( when #ey get$ goo# for $omethin'3 an't no %$e in nigger$ ha)in' nothin'DA Here one of the 'oy$ calle# o%t( AThar'$ Mi$$i$ a*comin' inDA AShe can't #o no goo#3 what'$ $he coming forCA $ai# A%nt Chloe. Mr$. Shel'y entere#. A%nt Chloe $et a chair for her in a manner #eci#e#ly gr%ff an# cr%$ty. She #i# not $eem to notice either the action

or the manner. She loo-e# +ale an# an1io%$. ATom(A $he $ai#( AI come to**A an# $to++ing $%##enly( an# regar#ing the $ilent gro%+( $he $at #own in the chair( an#( co)ering her face with her han#-erchief( 'egan to $o'. ALor( now( Mi$$i$( #on't**#on'tDA $ai# A%nt Chloe( '%r$ting o%t in her t%rn3 an# for a few moment$ they all we+t in com+any. An# in tho$e tear$ they all $he# together( the high an# the lowly( melte# away all the heart*'%rning$ an# anger of the o++re$$e#. O( ye who )i$it the #i$tre$$e#( #o ye -now that e)erything yo%r money can '%y( gi)en with a col#( a)erte# face( i$ not worth one hone$t tear $he# in real $ym+athyC AMy goo# fellow(A $ai# Mr$. Shel'y( AI can't gi)e yo% anything to #o yo% any goo#. If I gi)e yo% money( it will only 'e ta-en from yo%. B%t I tell yo% $olemnly( an# 'efore 5o#( that I will -ee+ trace of yo%( an# 'ring yo% 'ac- a$ $oon a$ I can comman# the money3**an#( till then( tr%$t in 5o#DA Here the 'oy$ calle# o%t that Ma$'r Haley wa$ coming( an# then an %nceremonio%$ -ic- +%$he# o+en the #oor. Haley $too# there in )ery ill h%mor( ha)ing ri##en har# the night 'efore( an# 'eing not at all +acifie# 'y hi$ ill $%cce$$ in reca+t%ring hi$ +rey. ACome(A $ai# he( Aye nigger( ye'r rea#yC Ser)ant( ma'amDA $ai# he( ta-ing off hi$ hat( a$ he $aw Mr$. Shel'y. A%nt Chloe $h%t an# cor#e# the 'o1( an#( getting %+( loo-e# gr%ffly on the tra#er( her tear$ $eeming $%##enly t%rne# to $+ar-$ of fire. Tom ro$e %+ mee-ly( to follow hi$ new ma$ter( an# rai$e# %+ hi$ hea)y 'o1 on hi$ $ho%l#er. Hi$ wife too- the 'a'y in her arm$ to go with him to the wagon( an# the chil#ren( $till crying( traile# on 'ehin#. Mr$. Shel'y( wal-ing %+ to the tra#er( #etaine# him for a few moment$( tal-ing with him in an earne$t manner3 an# while $he wa$ th%$ tal-ing( the whole family +arty +rocee#e# to a wagon( that $too# rea#y harne$$e# at the #oor. A crow# of all the ol# an# yo%ng han#$ on the +lace $too# gathere# aro%n# it( to 'i# farewell to their ol# a$$ociate. Tom ha# 'een loo-e# %+ to( 'oth a$ a hea# $er)ant an# a Chri$tian teacher( 'y all the +lace( an# there wa$ m%ch hone$t $ym+athy an# grief a'o%t him( +artic%larly among the women. A"hy( Chloe( yo% 'ar it 'etter 'n we #oDA $ai# one of the women( who ha# 'een wee+ing freely( noticing the gloomy calmne$$ with which A%nt Chloe $too# 'y the wagon. AI'$ #one 0my0 tear$DA $he $ai#( loo-ing grimly at the tra#er( who wa$ coming %+. AI #oe$ not feel to cry 'fore #at ar ol# lim'( no howDA A5et inDA $ai# Haley to Tom( a$ he $tro#e thro%gh the crow# of $er)ant$( who loo-e# at him with lowering 'row$. Tom got in( an# Haley( #rawing o%t from %n#er the wagon $eat a hea)y +air of $hac-le$( ma#e them fa$t aro%n# each an-le.

A $mothere# groan of in#ignation ran thro%gh the whole circle( an# Mr$. Shel'y $+o-e from the )eran#ah(**AMr. Haley( I a$$%re yo% that +reca%tion i$ entirely %nnece$$ary.A AFon' -now( ma'am3 I')e lo$t one fi)e h%n#re# #ollar$ from thi$ yer +lace( an# I can't affor# to r%n no more ri$-$.A A"hat el$e co%l# $he $+ect on himCA $ai# A%nt Chloe( in#ignantly( while the two 'oy$( who now $eeme# to com+rehen# at once their father'$ #e$tiny( cl%ng to her gown( $o''ing an# groaning )ehemently. AI'm $orry(A $ai# Tom( Athat Ma$'r 5eorge ha++ene# to 'e away.A 5eorge ha# gone to $+en# two or three #ay$ with a com+anion on a neigh'oring e$tate( an# ha)ing #e+arte# early in the morning( 'efore Tom'$ mi$fort%ne ha# 'een ma#e +%'lic( ha# left witho%t hearing of it. A5i)e my lo)e to Ma$'r 5eorge(A he $ai#( earne$tly. Haley whi++e# %+ the hor$e( an#( with a $tea#y( mo%rnf%l loo-( fi1e# to the la$t on the ol# +lace( Tom wa$ whirle# away. Mr. Shel'y at thi$ time wa$ not at home. He ha# $ol# Tom %n#er the $+%r of a #ri)ing nece$$ity( to get o%t of the +ower of a man whom he #rea#e#(**an# hi$ fir$t feeling( after the con$%mmation of the 'argain( ha# 'een that of relief. B%t hi$ wife'$ e1+o$t%lation$ awo-e hi$ half*$l%m'ering regret$3 an# Tom'$ manly #i$intere$te#ne$$ increa$e# the %n+lea$antne$$ of hi$ feeling$. It wa$ in )ain that he $ai# to him$elf that he ha# a 0right0 to #o it(**that e)ery'o#y #i# it(**an# that $ome #i# it witho%t e)en the e1c%$e of nece$$ity3**he co%l# not $ati$fy hi$ own feeling$3 an# that he might not witne$$ the %n+lea$ant $cene$ of the con$%mmation( he ha# gone on a $hort '%$ine$$ to%r %+ the co%ntry( ho+ing that all wo%l# 'e o)er 'efore he ret%rne#. Tom an# Haley rattle# on along the #%$ty roa#( whirling +a$t e)ery ol# familiar $+ot( %ntil the 'o%n#$ of the e$tate were fairly +a$$e#( an# they fo%n# them$el)e$ o%t on the o+en +i-e. After they ha# ri##en a'o%t a mile( Haley $%##enly #rew %+ at the #oor of a 'lac-$mith'$ $ho+( when( ta-ing o%t with him a +air of han#c%ff$( he $te++e# into the $ho+( to ha)e a little alteration in them. AThe$e yer '$ a little too $mall for hi$ '%il#(A $ai# Haley( $howing the fetter$( an# +ointing o%t to Tom. ALorD now( if thar an't Shel'y'$ Tom. He han't $ol# him( nowCA $ai# the $mith. ABe$( he ha$(A $ai# Haley. ANow( ye #on'tD well( reely(A $ai# the $mith( Awho'# a tho%ght itD "hy( ye nee#n't go to fetterin' him %+ thi$ yer way. He'$ the faithf%lle$t( 'e$t critt%r**A ABe$( ye$(A $ai# Haley3 A'%t yo%r goo# feller$ are /%$t the critt%r$ to

want ter r%n off. Them $t%+i# one$( a$ #oe$n't care whar they go( an# $hifle$$( #r%n-en one$( a$ #on't care for nothin'( they'll $tic- 'y( an# li-e a$ not 'e rather +lea$e# to 'e tote# ro%n#3 '%t the$e yer +rime feller$( they hate$ it li-e $in. No way '%t to fetter 'em3 got leg$(**they'll %$e 'em(**no mi$ta-e.A A"ell(A $ai# the $mith( feeling among hi$ tool$( Athem +lantation$ #own thar( $tranger( an't /e$t the +lace a ,ent%c- nigger want$ to go to3 they #ie$ thar tol'a'le fa$t( #on't theyCA A"al( ye$( tol'a'le fa$t( ther #ying i$3 what with the 'climating an# one thing an# another( they #ie$ $o a$ to -ee+ the mar-et %+ +retty 'ri$-(A $ai# Haley. A"al( now( a feller can't hel+ thin-in' it'$ a mighty +ity to ha)e a nice( 2%iet( li-ely feller( a$ goo# %n a$ Tom i$( go #own to 'e fairly gro%n# %+ on one of them ar $%gar +lantation$.A A"al( he'$ got a fa'r chance. I +romi$e# to #o well 'y him. I'll get him in ho%$e*$er)ant in $ome goo# ol# family( an# then( if he $tan#$ the fe)er an# 'climating( he'll ha)e a 'erth goo# a$ any nigger o%ght ter a$- for.A AHe lea)e$ hi$ wife an# chil'en %+ here( $'+o$eCA ABe$3 '%t he'll get another thar. Lor#( thar'$ women eno%gh e)erywhar(A $ai# Haley. Tom wa$ $itting )ery mo%rnf%lly on the o%t$i#e of the $ho+ while thi$ con)er$ation wa$ going on. S%##enly he hear# the 2%ic-( $hort clic- of a hor$e'$ hoof 'ehin# him3 an#( 'efore he co%l# fairly awa-e from hi$ $%r+ri$e( yo%ng Ma$ter 5eorge $+rang into the wagon( threw hi$ arm$ t%m%lt%o%$ly ro%n# hi$ nec-( an# wa$ $o''ing an# $col#ing with energy. AI #eclare( it'$ real meanD I #on't care what they $ay( any of 'emD It'$ a na$ty( mean $hameD If I wa$ a man( they $ho%l#n't #o it(**they $ho%l# not( 0$o0DA $ai# 5eorge( with a -in# of $%'#%e# howl. AOD Ma$'r 5eorgeD thi$ #oe$ me goo#DA $ai# Tom. AI co%l#n't 'ar to go off witho%t $eein' yeD It #oe$ me real goo#( ye can't tellDA Here Tom ma#e $ome mo)ement of hi$ feet( an# 5eorge'$ eye fell on the fetter$. A"hat a $hameDA he e1claime#( lifting hi$ han#$. AI'll -noc- that ol# fellow #own**I willDA ANo yo% won't( Ma$'r 5eorge3 an# yo% m%$t not tal- $o lo%#. It won't hel+ me any( to anger him.A A"ell( I won't( then( for yo%r $a-e3 '%t only to thin- of it**i$n't it a $hameC They ne)er $ent for me( nor $ent me any wor#( an#( if it ha#n't 'een for Tom Lincon( I $ho%l#n't ha)e hear# it. I tell yo%( I 'lew 'em %+ well( all of 'em( at homeDA AThat ar wa$n't right( I'm 'fear#( Ma$'r 5eorge.A

ACan't hel+ itD I $ay it'$ a $hameD Loo- here( Uncle Tom(A $ai# he( t%rning hi$ 'ac- to the $ho+( an# $+ea-ing in a my$terio%$ tone( 0AI')e 'ro%ght yo% my #ollarDA0 AOD I co%l#n't thin- o' ta-in' on 't( Ma$'r 5eorge( no way$ in the worl#DA $ai# Tom( 2%ite mo)e#. AB%t yo% 0$hall0 ta-e itDA $ai# 5eorge3 Aloo- here**I tol# A%nt Chloe I'# #o it( an# $he a#)i$e# me /%$t to ma-e a hole in it( an# +%t a $tring thro%gh( $o yo% co%l# hang it ro%n# yo%r nec-( an# -ee+ it o%t of $ight3 el$e thi$ mean $cam+ wo%l# ta-e it away. I tell ye( Tom( I want to 'low him %+D it wo%l# #o me goo#DA ANo( #on't Ma$'r 5eorge( for it won't #o 0me0 any goo#.A A"ell( I won't( for yo%r $a-e(A $ai# 5eorge( '%$ily tying hi$ #ollar ro%n# Tom'$ nec-3 A'%t there( now( '%tton yo%r coat tight o)er it( an# -ee+ it( an# remem'er( e)ery time yo% $ee it( that I'll come #own after yo%( an# 'ring yo% 'ac-. A%nt Chloe an# I ha)e 'een tal-ing a'o%t it. I tol# her not to fear3 I'll $ee to it( an# I'll tea$e father'$ life o%t( if he #on't #o it.A AOD Ma$'r 5eorge( ye m%$tn't tal- $o ''o%t yer fatherDA ALor( Uncle Tom( I #on't mean anything 'a#.A AAn# now( Ma$'r 5eorge(A $ai# Tom( Aye m%$t 'e a goo# 'oy3 'mem'er how many heart$ i$ $ot on ye. Al'ay$ -ee+ clo$e to yer mother. Fon't 'e gettin' into any of them fooli$h way$ 'oy$ ha$ of gettin' too 'ig to min# their mother$. Tell ye what( Ma$'r 5eorge( the Lor# gi)e$ goo# many thing$ twice o)er3 '%t he #on't gi)e ye a mother '%t once. Be'll ne)er $ee $ich another woman( Ma$'r 5eorge( if ye li)e to 'e a h%n#re# year$ ol#. So( now( yo% hol# on to her( an# grow %+( an# 'e a comfort to her( thar'$ my own goo# 'oy(**yo% will now( won't yeCA ABe$( I will( Uncle Tom(A $ai# 5eorge $erio%$ly. AAn# 'e caref%l of yer $+ea-ing( Ma$'r 5eorge. Bo%ng 'oy$( when they come$ to yo%r age( i$ wilf%l( $ometime$**it i$ nat%r they $ho%l# 'e. B%t real gentlemen( $%ch a$ I ho+e$ yo%'ll 'e( ne)er let$ fall on wor#$ that i$n't '$+ectf%l to thar +arent$. Be an't 'fen#e#( Ma$'r 5eorgeCA ANo( in#ee#( Uncle Tom3 yo% alway$ #i# gi)e me goo# a#)ice.A AI'$ ol#er( ye -now(A $ai# Tom( $tro-ing the 'oy'$ fine( c%rly hea# with hi$ large( $trong han#( '%t $+ea-ing in a )oice a$ ten#er a$ a woman'$( Aan# I $ee$ all that'$ 'o%n# %+ in yo%. O( Ma$'r 5eorge( yo% ha$ e)erything(**l'arnin'( +ri)ilege$( rea#in'( writin'(**an# yo%'ll grow %+ to 'e a great( learne#( goo# man an# all the +eo+le on the +lace an# yo%r mother an# father'll 'e $o +ro%# on yeD Be a goo# Ma$'r( li-e yer father3 an# 'e a Chri$tian( li-e yer mother. 'Mem'er yer Creator in the #ay$ o' yer yo%th( Ma$'r 5eorge.A AI'll 'e 0real0 goo#( Uncle Tom( I tell yo%(A $ai# 5eorge. AI'm going to 'e a 0fir$t*rater03 an# #on't yo% 'e #i$co%rage#. I'll ha)e yo% 'ac- to

the +lace( yet. A$ I tol# A%nt Chloe thi$ morning( I'll '%il# o%r ho%$e all o)er( an# yo% $hall ha)e a room for a +arlor with a car+et on it( when I'm a man. O( yo%'ll ha)e goo# time$ yetDA Haley now came to the #oor( with the han#c%ff$ in hi$ han#$. ALoo- here( now( Mi$ter(A $ai# 5eorge( with an air of great $%+eriority( a$ he got o%t( AI $hall let father an# mother -now how yo% treat Uncle TomDA ABo%'re welcome(A $ai# the tra#er. AI $ho%l# thin- yo%'# 'e a$hame# to $+en# all yo%r life '%ying men an# women( an# chaining them( li-e cattleD I $ho%l# thin- yo%'# feel meanDA $ai# 5eorge. ASo long a$ yo%r gran# fol-$ want$ to '%y men an# women( I'm a$ goo# a$ they i$(A $ai# Haley3 A'tan't any meaner $ellin' on 'em( that 't i$ '%yin'DA AI'll ne)er #o either( when I'm a man(A $ai# 5eorge3 AI'm a$hame#( thi$ #ay( that I'm a ,ent%c-ian. I alway$ wa$ +ro%# of it 'efore3A an# 5eorge $at )ery $traight on hi$ hor$e( an# loo-e# ro%n# with an air( a$ if he e1+ecte# the $tate wo%l# 'e im+re$$e# with hi$ o+inion. A"ell( goo#*'y( Uncle Tom3 -ee+ a $tiff %++er li+(A $ai# 5eorge. A5oo#*'y( Ma$'r 5eorge(A $ai# Tom( loo-ing fon#ly an# a#miringly at him. A5o# Almighty 'le$$ yo%D AhD ,ent%c-y han't got many li-e yo%DA he $ai#( in the f%lne$$ of hi$ heart( a$ the fran-( 'oyi$h face wa$ lo$t to hi$ )iew. Away he went( an# Tom loo-e#( till the clatter of hi$ hor$e'$ heel$ #ie# away( the la$t $o%n# or $ight of hi$ home. B%t o)er hi$ heart there $eeme# to 'e a warm $+ot( where tho$e yo%ng han#$ ha# +lace# that +recio%$ #ollar. Tom +%t %+ hi$ han#( an# hel# it clo$e to hi$ heart. ANow( I tell ye what( Tom(A $ai# Haley( a$ he came %+ to the wagon( an# threw in the han#c%ff$( AI mean to $tart fa'r with ye( a$ I gen'ally #o with my nigger$3 an# I'll tell ye now( to 'egin with( yo% treat me fa'r( an# I'll treat yo% fa'r3 I an't ne)er har# on my nigger$. Calc%late$ to #o the 'e$t for 'em I can. Now( ye $ee( yo%'# 'etter /e$t $ettle #own comforta'le( an# not 'e tryin' no tric-$3 'eca%$e nigger'$ tric-$ of all $ort$ I'm %+ to( an# it'$ no %$e. If nigger$ i$ 2%iet( an# #on't try to get off( they ha$ goo# time$ with me3 an# if they #on't( why( it'$ thar fa%lt( an# not mine.A Tom a$$%re# Haley that he ha# no +re$ent intention$ of r%nning off. In fact( the e1hortation $eeme# rather a $%+erfl%o%$ one to a man with a great +air of iron fetter$ on hi$ feet. B%t Mr. Haley ha# got in the ha'it of commencing hi$ relation$ with hi$ $toc- with little e1hortation$ of thi$ nat%re( calc%late#( a$ he #eeme#( to in$+ire cheerf%lne$$ an# confi#ence( an# +re)ent the nece$$ity of any %n+lea$ant $cene$. An# here( for the +re$ent( we ta-e o%r lea)e of Tom( to +%r$%e the fort%ne$ of other character$ in o%r $tory.

CHA TE! KI In "hich ro+erty 5et$ into an Im+ro+er State of Min# It wa$ late in a #ri44ly afternoon that a tra)eler alighte# at the #oor of a $mall co%ntry hotel( in the )illage of N****( in ,ent%c-y. In the 'arroom he fo%n# a$$em'le# 2%ite a mi$cellaneo%$ com+any( whom $tre$$ of weather ha# #ri)en to har'or( an# the +lace +re$ente# the %$%al $cenery of $%ch re%nion$. 5reat( tall( raw*'one# ,ent%c-ian$( attire# in h%nting*$hirt$( an# trailing their loo$e /oint$ o)er a )a$t e1tent of territory( with the ea$y lo%nge +ec%liar to the race(**rifle$ $tac-e# away in the corner( $hot*+o%che$( game*'ag$( h%nting*#og$( an# little negroe$( all rolle# together in the corner$(**were the characteri$tic feat%re$ in the +ict%re. At each en# of the fire+lace $at a long*legge# gentleman( with hi$ chair ti++e# 'ac-( hi$ hat on hi$ hea#( an# the heel$ of hi$ m%##y 'oot$ re+o$ing $%'limely on the mantel*+iece(**a +o$ition( we will inform o%r rea#er$( #eci#e#ly fa)ora'le to the t%rn of reflection inci#ent to we$tern ta)ern$( where tra)eller$ e1hi'it a #eci#e# +reference for thi$ +artic%lar mo#e of ele)ating their %n#er$tan#ing$. Mine ho$t( who $too# 'ehin# the 'ar( li-e mo$t of hi$ co%ntry men( wa$ great of $tat%re( goo#*nat%re# an# loo$e*/ointe#( with an enormo%$ $hocof hair on hi$ hea#( an# a great tall hat on the to+ of that. In fact( e)ery'o#y in the room 'ore on hi$ hea# thi$ characteri$tic em'lem of man'$ $o)ereignty3 whether it were felt hat( +alm*leaf( grea$y 'ea)er( or fine new cha+ea%( there it re+o$e# with tr%e re+%'lican in#e+en#ence. In tr%th( it a++eare# to 'e the characteri$tic mar- of e)ery in#i)i#%al. Some wore them ti++e# ra-i$hly to one $i#e**the$e were yo%r men of h%mor( /olly( free*an#*ea$y #og$3 $ome ha# them /amme# in#e+en#ently #own o)er their no$e$**the$e were yo%r har# character$( thoro%gh men( who( when they wore their hat$( 0wante#0 to wear them( an# to wear them /%$t a$ they ha# a min# to3 there were tho$e who ha# them $et far o)er 'ac-**wi#e*awa-e men( who wante# a clear +ro$+ect3 while carele$$ men( who #i# not -now( or care( how their hat$ $at( ha# them $ha-ing a'o%t in all #irection$. The )ario%$ hat$( in fact( were 2%ite a Sha-e$+earean $t%#y. Fi)er$ negroe$( in )ery free*an#*ea$y +antaloon$( an# with no re#%n#ancy in the $hirt line( were $c%ttling a'o%t( hither an# thither( witho%t 'ringing to +a$$ any )ery +artic%lar re$%lt$( e1ce+t e1+re$$ing a generic willingne$$ to t%rn o)er e)erything in creation generally for the 'enefit of Ma$'r an# hi$ g%e$t$. A## to thi$ +ict%re a /olly( crac-ling( rollic-ing fire( going re/oicingly %+ a great wi#e chimney(**the o%ter #oor an# e)ery win#ow 'eing $et wi#e o+en( an# the calico win#ow*c%rtain flo++ing an# $na++ing in a goo# $tiff 'ree4e of #am+ raw air(**an# yo% ha)e an i#ea of the /ollitie$ of a ,ent%c-y ta)ern. Bo%r ,ent%c-ian of the +re$ent #ay i$ a goo# ill%$tration of the #octrine of tran$mitte# in$tinct$ an# +ec%laritie$. Hi$ father$ were

mighty h%nter$(**men who li)e# in the woo#$( an# $le+t %n#er the free( o+en hea)en$( with the $tar$ to hol# their can#le$3 an# their #e$cen#ant to thi$ #ay alway$ act$ a$ if the ho%$e were hi$ cam+(**wear$ hi$ hat at all ho%r$( t%m'le$ him$elf a'o%t( an# +%t$ hi$ heel$ on the to+$ of chair$ or mantel+iece$( /%$t a$ hi$ father rolle# on the green $war#( an# +%t hi$ %+on tree$ an# log$(**-ee+$ all the win#ow$ an# #oor$ o+en( winter an# $%mmer( that he may get air eno%gh for hi$ great l%ng$(**call$ e)ery'o#y A$tranger(A with nonchalant 0'onhommie0( an# i$ altogether the fran-e$t( ea$ie$t( mo$t /o)ial creat%re li)ing. Into $%ch an a$$em'ly of the free an# ea$y o%r tra)eller entere#. He wa$ a $hort( thic-*$et man( caref%lly #re$$e#( with a ro%n#( goo#*nat%re# co%ntenance( an# $omething rather f%$$y an# +artic%lar in hi$ a++earance. He wa$ )ery caref%l of hi$ )ali$e an# %m'rella( 'ringing them in with hi$ own han#$( an# re$i$ting( +ertinacio%$ly( all offer$ from the )ario%$ $er)ant$ to relie)e him of them. He loo-e# ro%n# the 'arroom with rather an an1io%$ air( an#( retreating with hi$ )al%a'le$ to the warme$t corner( #i$+o$e# them %n#er hi$ chair( $at #own( an# loo-e# rather a++rehen$i)ely %+ at the worthy who$e heel$ ill%$trate# the en# of the mantel*+iece( who wa$ $+itting from right to left( with a co%rage an# energy rather alarming to gentlemen of wea- ner)e$ an# +artic%lar ha'it$. AI $ay( $tranger( how are yeCA $ai# the afore$ai# gentleman( firing an honorary $al%te of to'acco*/%ice in the #irection of the new arri)al. A"ell( I rec-on(A wa$ the re+ly of the other( a$ he #o#ge#( with $ome alarm( the threatening honor. AAny new$CA $ai# the re$+on#ent( ta-ing o%t a $tri+ of to'acco an# a large h%nting*-nife from hi$ +oc-et. ANot that I -now of(A $ai# the man. AChawCA $ai# the fir$t $+ea-er( han#ing the ol# gentleman a 'it of hi$ to'acco( with a #eci#e#ly 'rotherly air. ANo( than- ye**it #on't agree with me(A $ai# the little man( e#ging off. AFon't( ehCA $ai# the other( ea$ily( an# $towing away the mor$el in hi$ own mo%th( in or#er to -ee+ %+ the $%++ly of to'acco*/%ice( for the general 'enefit of $ociety. The ol# gentleman %niformly ga)e a little $tart whene)er hi$ long*$i#e# 'rother fire# in hi$ #irection3 an# thi$ 'eing o'$er)e# 'y hi$ com+anion( he )ery goo#*nat%re#ly t%rne# hi$ artillery to another 2%arter( an# +rocee#e# to $torm one of the fire*iron$ with a #egree of military talent f%lly $%fficient to ta-e a city. A"hat'$ thatCA $ai# the ol# gentleman( o'$er)ing $ome of the com+any forme# in a gro%+ aro%n# a large han#'ill. ANigger a#)erti$e#DA $ai# one of the com+any( 'riefly. Mr. "il$on( for that wa$ the ol# gentleman'$ name( ro$e %+( an#( after

caref%lly a#/%$ting hi$ )ali$e an# %m'rella( +rocee#e# #eli'erately to ta-e o%t hi$ $+ectacle$ an# fi1 them on hi$ no$e3 an#( thi$ o+eration 'eing +erforme#( rea# a$ follow$I A!an away from the $%'$cri'er( my m%latto 'oy( 5eorge. Sai# 5eorge $i1 feet in height( a )ery light m%latto( 'rown c%rly hair3 i$ )ery intelligent( $+ea-$ han#$omely( can rea# an# write( will +ro'a'ly try to +a$$ for a white man( i$ #ee+ly $carre# on hi$ 'ac- an# $ho%l#er$( ha$ 'een 'ran#e# in hi$ right han# with the letter H. AI will gi)e fo%r h%n#re# #ollar$ for him ali)e( an# the $ame $%m for $ati$factory +roof that he ha$ 'een 0-ille#.A0 The ol# gentleman rea# thi$ a#)erti$ement from en# to en# in a low )oice( a$ if he were $t%#ying it. The long*legge# )eteran( who ha# 'een 'e$ieging the fire*iron( a$ 'efore relate#( now too- #own hi$ c%m'ro%$ length( an# rearing aloft hi$ tall form( wal-e# %+ to the a#)erti$ement an# )ery #eli'erately $+it a f%ll #i$charge of to'acco*/%ice on it. AThere'$ my min# %+on thatDA $ai# he( 'riefly( an# $at #own again. A"hy( now( $tranger( what'$ that forCA $ai# mine ho$t. AI'# #o it all the $ame to the writer of that ar +a+er( if he wa$ here(A $ai# the long man( coolly re$%ming hi$ ol# em+loyment of c%tting to'acco. AAny man that own$ a 'oy li-e that( an# can't fin# any 'etter way o' treating on him( 0#e$er)e$0 to lo$e him. S%ch +a+er$ a$ the$e i$ a $hame to ,ent%c-y3 that'$ my min# right o%t( if any'o#y want$ to -nowDA A"ell( now( that'$ a fact(A $ai# mine ho$t( a$ he ma#e an entry in hi$ 'oo-. AI')e got a gang of 'oy$( $ir(A $ai# the long man( re$%ming hi$ attacon the fire*iron$( Aan# I /e$t tell$ 'em**'Boy$(' $ay$ I(**'0r%n0 nowD #igD +%tD /e$t when ye want toD I ne)er $hall come to loo- after yo%D' That'$ the way I -ee+ mine. Let 'em -now they are free to r%n any time( an# it /e$t 'rea-$ %+ their wanting to. More 'n all( I')e got free +a+er$ for 'em all recor#e#( in ca$e I get$ -eele# %+ any o' the$e time$( an# they -now it3 an# I tell ye( $tranger( there an't a fellow in o%r +art$ get$ more o%t of hi$ nigger$ than I #o. "hy( my 'oy$ ha)e 'een to Cincinnati( with fi)e h%n#re# #ollar$' worth of colt$( an# 'ro%ght me 'ac- the money( all $traight( time an# agin. It $tan#$ to rea$on they $ho%l#. Treat 'em li-e #og$( an# yo%'ll ha)e #og$' wor-$ an# #og$' action$. Treat 'em li-e men( an# yo%'ll ha)e men'$ wor-$.A An# the hone$t #ro)er( in hi$ warmth( en#or$e# thi$ moral $entiment 'y firing a +erfect 0fe% #e /oi0 at the fire+lace. AI thin- yo%'re altogether right( frien#(A $ai# Mr. "il$on3 Aan# thi$ 'oy #e$cri'e# here 0i$0 a fine fellow**no mi$ta-e a'o%t that. He wor-e# for me $ome half*#o4en year$ in my 'agging factory( an# he wa$ my 'e$t han#( $ir. He i$ an ingenio%$ fellow( tooI he in)ente# a machine for

the cleaning of hem+**a really )al%a'le affair3 it'$ gone into %$e in $e)eral factorie$. Hi$ ma$ter hol#$ the +atent of it.A AI'll warrant ye(A $ai# the #ro)er( Ahol#$ it an# ma-e$ money o%t of it( an# then t%rn$ ro%n# an# 'ran#$ the 'oy in hi$ right han#. If I ha# a fair chance( I'# mar- him( I rec-on $o that he'# carry it 0one0 while.A AThe$e yer -nowin' 'oy$ i$ aller$ aggra)atin' an# $arcy(A $ai# a coar$e*loo-ing fellow( from the other $i#e of the room3 Athat'$ why they get$ c%t %+ an# mar-e# $o. If they 'eha)e# them$el)e$( they wo%l#n't.A AThat i$ to $ay( the Lor# ma#e 'em men( an# it'$ a har# $2%ee4e gettin 'em #own into 'ea$t$(A $ai# the #ro)er( #ryly. ABright nigger$ i$n't no -in# of ')antage to their ma$ter$(A contin%e# the other( well entrenche#( in a coar$e( %ncon$cio%$ o't%$ene$$( from the contem+t of hi$ o++onent3 Awhat'$ the %$e o' talent$ an# them thing$( if yo% can't get the %$e on 'em yo%r$elfC "hy( all the %$e they ma-e on 't i$ to get ro%n# yo%. I')e ha# one or two of the$e feller$( an# I /e$t $ol# 'em #own ri)er. I -new I'# got to lo$e 'em( fir$t or la$t( if I #i#n't.A ABetter $en# or#er$ %+ to the Lor#( to ma-e yo% a $et( an# lea)e o%t their $o%l$ entirely(A $ai# the #ro)er. Here the con)er$ation wa$ interr%+te# 'y the a++roach of a $mall one*hor$e '%ggy to the inn. It ha# a genteel a++earance( an# a well*#re$$e#( gentlemanly man $at on the $eat( with a colore# $er)ant #ri)ing. The whole +arty e1amine# the new comer with the intere$t with which a $et of loafer$ in a rainy #ay %$%ally e1amine e)ery newcomer. He wa$ )ery tall( with a #ar-( S+ani$h com+le1ion( fine( e1+re$$i)e 'lac- eye$( an# clo$e*c%rling hair( al$o of a glo$$y 'lac-ne$$. Hi$ well*forme# a2%iline no$e( $traight thin li+$( an# the a#mira'le conto%r of hi$ finely*forme# lim'$( im+re$$e# the whole com+any in$tantly with the i#ea of $omething %ncommon. He wal-e# ea$ily in among the com+any( an# with a no# in#icate# to hi$ waiter where to +lace hi$ tr%n-( 'owe# to the com+any( an#( with hi$ hat in hi$ han#( wal-e# %+ lei$%rely to the 'ar( an# ga)e in hi$ name a$ Henry B%tter( Oa-lan#$( Shel'y Co%nty. T%rning( with an in#ifferent air( he $a%ntere# %+ to the a#)erti$ement( an# rea# it o)er. AEim(A he $ai# to hi$ man( A$eem$ to me we met a 'oy $omething li-e thi$( %+ at Beman'$( #i#n't weCA ABe$( Ma$'r(A $ai# Eim( Aonly I an't $%re a'o%t the han#.A A"ell( I #i#n't loo-( of co%r$e(A $ai# the $tranger with a carele$$ yawn. Then wal-ing %+ to the lan#lor#( he #e$ire# him to f%rni$h him with a +ri)ate a+artment( a$ he ha# $ome writing to #o imme#iately. The lan#lor# wa$ all o'$e2%io%$( an# a relay of a'o%t $e)en negroe$( ol# an# yo%ng( male an# female( little an# 'ig( were $oon whi44ing a'o%t( li-e a co)ey of +artri#ge$( '%$tling( h%rrying( trea#ing on each other'$

toe$( an# t%m'ling o)er each other( in their 4eal to get Ma$'r'$ room rea#y( while he $eate# him$elf ea$ily on a chair in the mi##le of the room( an# entere# into con)er$ation with the man who $at ne1t to him. The man%fact%rer( Mr. "il$on( from the time of the entrance of the $tranger( ha# regar#e# him with an air of #i$t%r'e# an# %nea$y c%rio$ity. He $eeme# to him$elf to ha)e met an# 'een ac2%ainte# with him $omewhere( '%t he co%l# not recollect. E)ery few moment$( when the man $+o-e( or mo)e#( or $mile#( he wo%l# $tart an# fi1 hi$ eye$ on him( an# then $%##enly with#raw them( a$ the 'right( #ar- eye$ met hi$ with $%ch %nconcerne# coolne$$. At la$t( a $%##en recollection $eeme# to fla$h %+on him( for he $tare# at the $tranger with $%ch an air of 'lanama4ement an# alarm( that he wal-e# %+ to him. AMr. "il$on( I thin-(A $ai# he( in a tone of recognition( an# e1ten#ing hi$ han#. AI 'eg yo%r +ar#on( I #i#n't recollect yo% 'efore. I $ee yo% remem'er me(**Mr. B%tler( of Oa-lan#$( Shel'y Co%nty.A ABe**ye$**ye$( $ir(A $ai# Mr. "il$on( li-e one $+ea-ing in a #ream. E%$t then a negro 'oy entere#( an# anno%nce# that Ma$'r'$ room wa$ rea#y. AEim( $ee to the tr%n-$(A $ai# the gentleman( negligently3 then a##re$$ing him$elf to Mr. "il$on( he a##e#**AI $ho%l# li-e to ha)e a few moment$' con)er$ation with yo% on '%$ine$$( in my room( if yo% +lea$e.A Mr. "il$on followe# him( a$ one who wal-$ in hi$ $lee+3 an# they +rocee#e# to a large %++er cham'er( where a new*ma#e fire wa$ crac-ling( an# )ario%$ $er)ant$ flying a'o%t( +%tting fini$hing to%che$ to the arrangement$. "hen all wa$ #one( an# the $er)ant$ #e+arte#( the yo%ng man #eli'erately loc-e# the #oor( an# +%tting the -ey in hi$ +oc-et( face# a'o%t( an# fol#ing hi$ arm$ on hi$ 'o$om( loo-e# Mr. "il$on f%ll in the face. A5eorgeDA $ai# Mr. "il$on. ABe$( 5eorge(A $ai# the yo%ng man. AI co%l#n't ha)e tho%ght itDA AI am +retty well #i$g%i$e#( I fancy(A $ai# the yo%ng man( with a $mile. AA little waln%t 'ar- ha$ ma#e my yellow $-in a genteel 'rown( an# I')e #ye# my hair 'lac-3 $o yo% $ee I #on't an$wer to the a#)erti$ement at all.A AO( 5eorgeD '%t thi$ i$ a #angero%$ game yo% are +laying. I co%l# not ha)e a#)i$e# yo% to it.A AI can #o it on my own re$+on$i'ility(A $ai# 5eorge( with the $ame +ro%# $mile. "e remar-( 0en +a$$ant0( that 5eorge wa$( 'y hi$ father'$ $i#e( of white #e$cent. Hi$ mother wa$ one of tho$e %nfort%nate$ of her race( mar-e#

o%t 'y +er$onal 'ea%ty to 'e the $la)e of the +a$$ion$ of her +o$$e$$or( an# the mother of chil#ren who may ne)er -now a father. &rom one of the +ro%#e$t familie$ in ,ent%c-y he ha# inherite# a $et of fine E%ro+ean feat%re$( an# a high( in#omita'le $+irit. &rom hi$ mother he ha# recei)e# only a $light m%latto tinge( am+ly com+en$ate# 'y it$ accom+anying rich( #ar- eye. A $light change in the tint of the $-in an# the color of hi$ hair ha# metamor+ho$e# him into the S+ani$h*loo-ing fellow he then a++eare#3 an# a$ gracef%lne$$ of mo)ement an# gentlemanly manner$ ha# alway$ 'een +erfectly nat%ral to him( he fo%n# no #iffic%lty in +laying the 'ol# +art he ha# a#o+te#**that of a gentleman tra)elling with hi$ #ome$tic. Mr. "il$on( a goo#*nat%re# '%t e1tremely fi#gety an# ca%tio%$ ol# gentleman( am'le# %+ an# #own the room( a++earing( a$ Eohn B%nyan hath it( Am%ch t%m'le# %+ an# #own in hi$ min#(A an# #i)i#e# 'etween hi$ wi$h to hel+ 5eorge( an# a certain conf%$e# notion of maintaining law an# or#erI $o( a$ he $ham'le# a'o%t( he #eli)ere# him$elf a$ follow$I A"ell( 5eorge( I $'+o$e yo%'re r%nning away**lea)ing yo%r lawf%l ma$ter( 5eorge**7I #on't won#er at it<**at the $ame time( I'm $orry( 5eorge(**ye$( #eci#e#ly**I thin- I m%$t $ay that( 5eorge**it'$ my #%ty to tell yo% $o.A A"hy are yo% $orry( $irCA $ai# 5eorge( calmly. A"hy( to $ee yo%( a$ it were( $etting yo%r$elf in o++o$ition to the law$ of yo%r co%ntry.A A0My0 co%ntryDA $ai# 5eorge( with a $trong an# 'itter em+ha$i$3 Awhat co%ntry ha)e I( '%t the gra)e(**an# I wi$h to 5o# that I wa$ lai# thereDA A"hy( 5eorge( no**no**it won't #o3 thi$ way of tal-ing i$ wic-e#**%n$cri+t%ral. 5eorge( yo%')e got a har# ma$ter**in fact( he i$**well he con#%ct$ him$elf re+rehen$i'ly**I can't +reten# to #efen# him. B%t yo% -now how the angel comman#e# Hagar to ret%rn to her mi$tre$$( an# $%'mit her$elf %n#er the han#36 an# the a+o$tle $ent 'acOne$im%$ to hi$ ma$ter.A66 6 5en. 8@. The angel 'a#e the +regnant Hagar ret%rn to her mi$tre$$ Sarai( e)en tho%gh Sarai ha# #ealt har$hly with her. 66 hil. 8I8M. One$im%$ went 'ac- to hi$ ma$ter to 'ecome no longer a $er)ant '%t a A'rother 'elo)e#.A AFon't 2%ote Bi'le at me that way( Mr. "il$on(A $ai# 5eorge( with a fla$hing eye( A#on'tD for my wife i$ a Chri$tian( an# I mean to 'e( if e)er I get to where I can3 '%t to 2%ote Bi'le to a fellow in my circ%m$tance$( i$ eno%gh to ma-e him gi)e it %+ altogether. I a++eal to 5o# Almighty3**I'm willing to go with the ca$e to Him( an# a$- Him if I #o wrong to $ee- my free#om.A AThe$e feeling$ are 2%ite nat%ral( 5eorge(A $ai# the goo#*nat%re# man( 'lowing hi$ no$e. ABe$( they're nat%ral( '%t it i$ my #%ty not to

enco%rage 'em in yo%. Be$( my 'oy( I'm $orry for yo%( now3 it'$ a 'a# ca$e**)ery 'a#3 '%t the a+o$tle $ay$( 'Let e)eryone a'i#e in the con#ition in which he i$ calle#.' "e m%$t all $%'mit to the in#ication$ of ro)i#ence( 5eorge(**#on't yo% $eeCA 5eorge $too# with hi$ hea# #rawn 'ac-( hi$ arm$ fol#e# tightly o)er hi$ 'roa# 'rea$t( an# a 'itter $mile c%rling hi$ li+$. AI won#er( Mr. "il$on( if the In#ian$ $ho%l# come an# ta-e yo% a +ri$oner away from yo%r wife an# chil#ren( an# want to -ee+ yo% all yo%r life hoeing corn for them( if yo%'# thin- it yo%r #%ty to a'i#e in the con#ition in which yo% were calle#. I rather thin- that yo%'# thin- the fir$t $tray hor$e yo% co%l# fin# an in#ication of ro)i#ence**$ho%l#n't yo%CA The little ol# gentleman $tare# with 'oth eye$ at thi$ ill%$tration of the ca$e3 '%t( tho%gh not m%ch of a rea$oner( he ha# the $en$e in which $ome logician$ on thi$ +artic%lar $%'/ect #o not e1cel(**that of $aying nothing( where nothing co%l# 'e $ai#. So( a$ he $too# caref%lly $tro-ing hi$ %m'rella( an# fol#ing an# +atting #own all the crea$e$ in it( he +rocee#e# on with hi$ e1hortation$ in a general way. ABo% $ee( 5eorge( yo% -now( now( I alway$ ha)e $too# yo%r frien#3 an# whate)er I')e $ai#( I')e $ai# for yo%r goo#. Now( here( it $eem$ to me( yo%'re r%nning an awf%l ri$-. Bo% can't ho+e to carry it o%t. If yo%'re ta-en( it will 'e wor$e with yo% than e)er3 they'll only a'%$e yo%( an# half -ill yo%( an# $ell yo% #own the ri)er.A AMr. "il$on( I -now all thi$(A $ai# 5eorge. AI 0#o0 r%n a ri$-( '%t**A he threw o+en hi$ o)ercoat( an# $howe# two +i$tol$ an# a 'owie*-nife. AThereDA he $ai#( AI'm rea#y for 'emD Fown $o%th I ne)er 0will0 go. NoD if it come$ to that( I can earn my$elf at lea$t $i1 feet of free $oil(**the fir$t an# la$t I $hall e)er own in ,ent%c-yDA A"hy( 5eorge( thi$ $tate of min# i$ awf%l3 it'$ getting really #e$+erate 5eorge. I'm concerne#. 5oing to 'rea- the law$ of yo%r co%ntryDA AMy co%ntry againD Mr. "il$on( 0yo%0 ha)e a co%ntry3 '%t what co%ntry ha)e 0I0( or any one li-e me( 'orn of $la)e mother$C "hat law$ are there for %$C "e #on't ma-e them(**we #on't con$ent to them(**we ha)e nothing to #o with them3 all they #o for %$ i$ to cr%$h %$( an# -ee+ %$ #own. Ha)en't I hear# yo%r &o%rth*of*E%ly $+eeche$C Fon't yo% tell %$ all( once a year( that go)ernment$ #eri)e their /%$t +ower from the con$ent of the go)erne#C Can't a fellow 0thin-0( that hear$ $%ch thing$C Can't he +%t thi$ an# that together( an# $ee what it come$ toCA Mr. "il$on'$ min# wa$ one of tho$e that may not %na+tly 'e re+re$ente# 'y a 'ale of cotton(**#owny( $oft( 'ene)olently f%44y an# conf%$e#. He really +itie# 5eorge with all hi$ heart( an# ha# a $ort of #im an# clo%#y +erce+tion of the $tyle of feeling that agitate# him3 '%t he #eeme# it hi$ #%ty to go on tal-ing 0goo#0 to him( with infinite +ertinacity. A5eorge( thi$ i$ 'a#. I m%$t tell yo%( yo% -now( a$ a frien#( yo%'# 'etter not 'e me##ling with $%ch notion$3 they are 'a#( 5eorge( )ery

'a#( for 'oy$ in yo%r con#ition(**)ery3A an# Mr. "il$on $at #own to a ta'le( an# 'egan ner)o%$ly chewing the han#le of hi$ %m'rella. ASee here( now( Mr. "il$on(A $ai# 5eorge( coming %+ an# $itting him$elf #eterminately #own in front of him3 Aloo- at me( now. Fon't I $it 'efore yo%( e)ery way( /%$t a$ m%ch a man a$ yo% areC Loo- at my face(**loo- at my han#$(**loo- at my 'o#y(A an# the yo%ng man #rew him$elf %+ +ro%#ly3 Awhy am I 0not0 a man( a$ m%ch a$ any'o#yC "ell( Mr. "il$on( hear what I can tell yo%. I ha# a father**one of yo%r ,ent%c-y gentlemen**who #i#n't thin- eno%gh of me to -ee+ me from 'eing $ol# with hi$ #og$ an# hor$e$( to $ati$fy the e$tate( when he #ie#. I $aw my mother +%t %+ at $heriff'$ $ale( with her $e)en chil#ren. They were $ol# 'efore her eye$( one 'y one( all to #ifferent ma$ter$3 an# I wa$ the yo%nge$t. She came an# -neele# #own 'efore ol# Ma$'r( an# 'egge# him to '%y her with me( that $he might ha)e at lea$t one chil# with her3 an# he -ic-e# her away with hi$ hea)y 'oot. I $aw him #o it3 an# the la$t that I hear# wa$ her moan$ an# $cream$( when I wa$ tie# to hi$ hor$e'$ nec-( to 'e carrie# off to hi$ +lace.A A"ell( thenCA AMy ma$ter tra#e# with one of the men( an# 'o%ght my ol#e$t $i$ter. She wa$ a +io%$( goo# girl(**a mem'er of the Ba+ti$t ch%rch(**an# a$ han#$ome a$ my +oor mother ha# 'een. She wa$ well 'ro%ght %+( an# ha# goo# manner$. At fir$t( I wa$ gla# $he wa$ 'o%ght( for I ha# one frien# near me. I wa$ $oon $orry for it. Sir( I ha)e $too# at the #oor an# hear# her whi++e#( when it $eeme# a$ if e)ery 'low c%t into my na-e# heart( an# I co%l#n't #o anything to hel+ her3 an# $he wa$ whi++e#( $ir( for wanting to li)e a #ecent Chri$tian life( $%ch a$ yo%r law$ gi)e no $la)e girl a right to li)e3 an# at la$t I $aw her chaine# with a tra#er'$ gang( to 'e $ent to mar-et in Orlean$(**$ent there for nothing el$e '%t that(**an# that'$ the la$t I -now of her. "ell( I grew %+(**long year$ an# year$(**no father( no mother( no $i$ter( not a li)ing $o%l that care# for me more than a #og3 nothing '%t whi++ing( $col#ing( $tar)ing. "hy( $ir( I')e 'een $o h%ngry that I ha)e 'een gla# to ta-e the 'one$ they threw to their #og$3 an# yet( when I wa$ a little fellow( an# lai# awa-e whole night$ an# crie#( it wa$n't the h%nger( it wa$n't the whi++ing( I crie# for. No( $ir( it wa$ for 0my mother0 an# 0my $i$ter$0(**it wa$ 'eca%$e I ha#n't a frien# to lo)e me on earth. I ne)er -new what +eace or comfort wa$. I ne)er ha# a -in# wor# $+o-en to me till I came to wor- in yo%r factory. Mr. "il$on( yo% treate# me well3 yo% enco%rage# me to #o well( an# to learn to rea# an# write( an# to try to ma-e $omething of my$elf3 an# 5o# -now$ how gratef%l I am for it. Then( $ir( I fo%n# my wife3 yo%')e $een her(**yo% -now how 'ea%tif%l $he i$. "hen I fo%n# $he lo)e# me( when I marrie# her( I $carcely co%l# 'elie)e I wa$ ali)e( I wa$ $o ha++y3 an#( $ir( $he i$ a$ goo# a$ $he i$ 'ea%tif%l. B%t now whatC "hy( now come$ my ma$ter( ta-e$ me right away from my wor-( an# my frien#$( an# all I li-e( an# grin#$ me #own into the )ery #irtD An# whyC Beca%$e( he $ay$( I forgot who I wa$3 he $ay$( to teach me that I am only a niggerD After all( an# la$t of all( he come$ 'etween me an# my wife( an# $ay$ I $hall gi)e her %+( an# li)e with another woman. An# all thi$ yo%r law$ gi)e him +ower to #o( in $+ite of 5o# or man. Mr. "il$on( loo- at itD There i$n't 0one0 of all the$e thing$( that ha)e 'ro-en the heart$ of my mother an# my $i$ter( an# my wife an# my$elf( '%t yo%r law$ allow( an# gi)e e)ery man +ower to

#o( in ,ent%c-y( an# none can $ay to him nayD Fo yo% call the$e the law$ of 0my0 co%ntryC Sir( I ha)en't any co%ntry( anymore than I ha)e any father. B%t I'm going to ha)e one. I #on't want anything of 0yo%r0 co%ntry( e1ce+t to 'e let alone(**to go +eacea'ly o%t of it3 an# when I get to Cana#a( where the law$ will own me an# +rotect me( 0that0 $hall 'e my co%ntry( an# it$ law$ I will o'ey. B%t if any man trie$ to $to+ me( let him ta-e care( for I am #e$+erate. I'll fight for my li'erty to the la$t 'reath I 'reathe. Bo% $ay yo%r father$ #i# it3 if it wa$ right for them( it i$ right for meDA Thi$ $+eech( #eli)ere# +artly while $itting at the ta'le( an# +artly wal-ing %+ an# #own the room(**#eli)ere# with tear$( an# fla$hing eye$( an# #e$+airing ge$t%re$(**wa$ altogether too m%ch for the goo#*nat%re# ol# 'o#y to whom it wa$ a##re$$e#( who ha# +%lle# o%t a great yellow $il- +oc-et*han#-erchief( an# wa$ mo++ing %+ hi$ face with great energy. ABla$t 'em allDA he $%##enly 'ro-e o%t. AHa)en't I alway$ $ai# $o**the infernal ol# c%$$e$D I ho+e I an't $wearing( now. "ellD go ahea#( 5eorge( go ahea#3 '%t 'e caref%l( my 'oy3 #on't $hoot any'o#y( 5eorge( %nle$$**well**yo%'# 0'etter0 not $hoot( I rec-on3 at lea$t( I wo%l#n't 0hit0 any'o#y( yo% -now. "here i$ yo%r wife( 5eorgeCA he a##e#( a$ he ner)o%$ly ro$e( an# 'egan wal-ing the room. A5one( $ir gone( with her chil# in her arm$( the Lor# only -now$ where3**gone after the north $tar3 an# when we e)er meet( or whether we meet at all in thi$ worl#( no creat%re can tell.A AI$ it +o$$i'leD a$toni$hingD from $%ch a -in# familyCA A,in# familie$ get in #e't( an# the law$ of 0o%r0 co%ntry allow them to $ell the chil# o%t of it$ mother'$ 'o$om to +ay it$ ma$ter'$ #e't$(A $ai# 5eorge( 'itterly. A"ell( well(A $ai# the hone$t ol# man( f%m'ling in hi$ +oc-etI AI $'+o$e( +erha+$( I an't following my /%#gment(**hang it( I 0won't0 follow my /%#gmentDA he a##e#( $%##enly3 A$o here( 5eorge(A an#( ta-ing o%t a roll of 'ill$ from hi$ +oc-et*'oo-( he offere# them to 5eorge. ANo( my -in#( goo# $irDA $ai# 5eorge( Ayo%')e #one a great #eal for me( an# thi$ might get yo% into tro%'le. I ha)e money eno%gh( I ho+e( to ta-e me a$ far a$ I nee# it.A ANo3 '%t yo% m%$t( 5eorge. Money i$ a great hel+ e)erywhere3**can't ha)e too m%ch( if yo% get it hone$tly. Ta-e it(**0#o0 ta-e it( 0now0(**#o( my 'oyDA AOn con#ition( $ir( that I may re+ay it at $ome f%t%re time( I will(A $ai# 5eorge( ta-ing %+ the money. AAn# now( 5eorge( how long are yo% going to tra)el in thi$ wayC**not long or far( I ho+e. It'$ well carrie# on( '%t too 'ol#. An# thi$ 'lacfellow(**who i$ heCA AA tr%e fellow( who went to Cana#a more than a year ago. He hear#( after he got there( that hi$ ma$ter wa$ $o angry at him for going off that

he ha# whi++e# hi$ +oor ol# mother3 an# he ha$ come all the way 'ac- to comfort her( an# get a chance to get her away.A AHa$ he got herCA ANot yet3 he ha$ 'een hanging a'o%t the +lace( an# fo%n# no chance yet. Meanwhile( he i$ going with me a$ far a$ Ohio( to +%t me among frien#$ that hel+e# him( an# then he will come 'ac- after her. AFangero%$( )ery #angero%$DA $ai# the ol# man. 5eorge #rew him$elf %+( an# $mile# #i$#ainf%lly. The ol# gentleman eye# him from hea# to foot( with a $ort of innocent won#er. A5eorge( $omething ha$ 'ro%ght yo% o%t won#erf%lly. Bo% hol# %+ yo%r hea#( an# $+ea- an# mo)e li-e another man(A $ai# Mr. "il$on. ABeca%$e I'm a 0freeman0DA $ai# 5eorge( +ro%#ly. ABe$( $ir3 I')e $ai# Ma$'r for the la$t time to any man. 0I'm freeDA0 ATa-e careD Bo% are not $%re(**yo% may 'e ta-en.A AAll men are free an# e2%al 0in the gra)e0( if it come$ to that( Mr. "il$on(A $ai# 5eorge. AI'm +erfectly #%m'*fo%n#e# with yo%r 'ol#ne$$DA $ai# Mr. "il$on(**Ato come right here to the neare$t ta)ernDA AMr. "il$on( it i$ 0$o0 'ol#( an# thi$ ta)ern i$ $o near( that they will ne)er thin- of it3 they will loo- for me on ahea#( an# yo% yo%r$elf wo%l#n't -now me. Eim'$ ma$ter #on't li)e in thi$ co%nty3 he i$n't -nown in the$e +art$. Be$i#e$( he i$ gi)en %+3 no'o#y i$ loo-ing after him( an# no'o#y will ta-e me %+ from the a#)erti$ement( I thin-.A AB%t the mar- in yo%r han#CA 5eorge #rew off hi$ glo)e( an# $howe# a newly*heale# $car in hi$ han#. AThat i$ a +arting +roof of Mr. Harri$' regar#(A he $ai#( $cornf%lly. AA fortnight ago( he too- it into hi$ hea# to gi)e it to me( 'eca%$e he $ai# he 'elie)e# I $ho%l# try to get away one of the$e #ay$. Loo-$ intere$ting( #oe$n't itCA he $ai#( #rawing hi$ glo)e on again. AI #eclare( my )ery 'loo# r%n$ col# when I thin- of it(**yo%r con#ition an# yo%r ri$-$DA $ai# Mr. "il$on. AMine ha$ r%n col# a goo# many year$( Mr. "il$on3 at +re$ent( it'$ a'o%t %+ to the 'oiling +oint(A $ai# 5eorge. A"ell( my goo# $ir(A contin%e# 5eorge( after a few moment$' $ilence( AI $aw yo% -new me3 I tho%ght I'# /%$t ha)e thi$ tal- with yo%( le$t yo%r $%r+ri$e# loo-$ $ho%l# 'ring me o%t. I lea)e early tomorrow morning( 'efore #aylight3 'y tomorrow night I ho+e to $lee+ $afe in Ohio. I $hall

tra)el 'y #aylight( $to+ at the 'e$t hotel$( go to the #inner*ta'le$ with the lor#$ of the lan#. So( goo#*'y( $ir3 if yo% hear that I'm ta-en( yo% may -now that I'm #ea#DA 5eorge $too# %+ li-e a roc-( an# +%t o%t hi$ han# with the air of a +rince. The frien#ly little ol# man $hoo- it heartily( an# after a little $hower of ca%tion( he too- hi$ %m'rella( an# f%m'le# hi$ way o%t of the room. 5eorge $too# tho%ghtf%lly loo-ing at the #oor( a$ the ol# man clo$e# it. A tho%ght $eeme# to fla$h acro$$ hi$ min#. He ha$tily $te++e# to it( an# o+ening it( $ai#( AMr. "il$on( one wor# more.A The ol# gentleman entere# again( an# 5eorge( a$ 'efore( loc-e# the #oor( an# then $too# for a few moment$ loo-ing on the floor( irre$ol%tely. At la$t( rai$ing hi$ hea# with a $%##en effort**AMr. "il$on( yo% ha)e $hown yo%r$elf a Chri$tian in yo%r treatment of me(**I want to a$- one la$t #ee# of Chri$tian -in#ne$$ of yo%.A A"ell( 5eorge.A A"ell( $ir(**what yo% $ai# wa$ tr%e. I 0am0 r%nning a #rea#f%l ri$-. There i$n't( on earth( a li)ing $o%l to care if I #ie(A he a##e#( #rawing hi$ 'reath har#( an# $+ea-ing with a great effort(**AI $hall 'e -ic-e# o%t an# '%rie# li-e a #og( an# no'o#y'll thin- of it a #ay after(**0only my +oor wifeD0 oor $o%lD $he'll mo%rn an# grie)e3 an# if yo%'# only contri)e( Mr. "il$on( to $en# thi$ little +in to her. She ga)e it to me for a Chri$tma$ +re$ent( +oor chil#D 5i)e it to her( an# tell her I lo)e# her to the la$t. "ill yo%C 0"ill0 yo%CA he a##e#( earne$tly. ABe$( certainly**+oor fellowDA $ai# the ol# gentleman( ta-ing the +in( with watery eye$( an# a melancholy 2%i)er in hi$ )oice. ATell her one thing(A $ai# 5eorge3 Ait'$ my la$t wi$h( if $he 0can0 get to Cana#a( to go there. No matter how -in# her mi$tre$$ i$(**no matter how m%ch $he lo)e$ her home3 'eg her not to go 'ac-(**for $la)ery alway$ en#$ in mi$ery. Tell her to 'ring %+ o%r 'oy a free man( an# then he won't $%ffer a$ I ha)e. Tell her thi$( Mr. "il$on( will yo%CA ABe$( 5eorge. I'll tell her3 '%t I tr%$t yo% won't #ie3 ta-e heart(**yo%'re a 'ra)e fellow. Tr%$t in the Lor#( 5eorge. I wi$h in my heart yo% were $afe thro%gh( tho%gh(**that'$ what I #o.A A0I$0 there a 5o# to tr%$t inCA $ai# 5eorge( in $%ch a tone of 'itter #e$+air a$ arre$te# the ol# gentleman'$ wor#$. AO( I')e $een thing$ all my life that ha)e ma#e me feel that there can't 'e a 5o#. Bo% Chri$tian$ #on't -now how the$e thing$ loo- to %$. There'$ a 5o# for yo%( '%t i$ there any for %$CA AO( now( #on't**#on't( my 'oyDA $ai# the ol# man( almo$t $o''ing a$ he $+o-e3 A#on't feel $oD There i$**there i$3 clo%#$ an# #ar-ne$$ are aro%n# a'o%t him( '%t righteo%$ne$$ an# /%#gment are the ha'itation of

hi$ throne. There'$ a 05o#0( 5eorge(**'elie)e it3 tr%$t in Him( an# I'm $%re He'll hel+ yo%. E)erything will 'e $et right(**if not in thi$ life( in another.A The real +iety an# 'ene)olence of the $im+le ol# man in)e$te# him with a tem+orary #ignity an# a%thority( a$ he $+o-e. 5eorge $to++e# hi$ #i$tracte# wal- %+ an# #own the room( $too# tho%ghtf%lly a moment( an# then $ai#( 2%ietly( AThan- yo% for $aying that( my goo# frien#3 I'll 0thin- of that0.A

CHA TE! KII Select Inci#ent of Lawf%l Tra#e AIn !amah there wa$ a )oice hear#(**wee+ing( an# lamentation( an# great mo%rning3 !achel wee+ing for her chil#ren( an# wo%l# not 'e comforte#.A6 6 Eer. L8I8;. Mr. Haley an# Tom /ogge# onwar# in their wagon( each( for a time( a'$or'e# in hi$ own reflection$. Now( the reflection$ of two men $itting $i#e 'y $i#e are a c%rio%$ thing(**$eate# on the $ame $eat( ha)ing the $ame eye$( ear$( han#$ an# organ$ of all $ort$( an# ha)ing +a$$ 'efore their eye$ the $ame o'/ect$(**it i$ won#erf%l what a )ariety we $hall fin# in the$e $ame reflection$D A$( for e1am+le( Mr. HaleyI he tho%ght fir$t of Tom'$ length( an# 'rea#th( an# height( an# what he wo%l# $ell for( if he wa$ -e+t fat an# in goo# ca$e till he got him into mar-et. He tho%ght of how he $ho%l# ma-e o%t hi$ gang3 he tho%ght of the re$+ecti)e mar-et )al%e of certain $%++o$ititio%$ men an# women an# chil#ren who were to com+o$e it( an# other -in#re# to+ic$ of the '%$ine$$3 then he tho%ght of him$elf( an# how h%mane he wa$( that wherea$ other men chaine# their Anigger$A han# an# foot 'oth( he only +%t fetter$ on the feet( an# left Tom the %$e of hi$ han#$( a$ long a$ he 'eha)e# well3 an# he $ighe# to thin- how %ngratef%l h%man nat%re wa$( $o that there wa$ e)en room to #o%'t whether Tom a++reciate# hi$ mercie$. He ha# 'een ta-en in $o 'y Anigger$A whom he ha# fa)ore#3 '%t $till he wa$ a$toni$he# to con$i#er how goo#*nat%re# he yet remaine#D A$ to Tom( he wa$ thin-ing o)er $ome wor#$ of an %nfa$hiona'le ol# 'oo-( which -e+t r%nning thro%gh hi$ hea#( again an# again( a$ follow$I A"e ha)e here no contin%ing city( '%t we $ee- one to come3 wherefore 5o# him$elf i$ not a$hame# to 'e calle# o%r 5o#3 for he hath +re+are# for %$ a city.A The$e wor#$ of an ancient )ol%me( got %+ +rinci+ally 'y Aignorant an# %nlearne# men(A ha)e( thro%gh all time( -e+t %+( $omehow( a $trange $ort of +ower o)er the min#$ of +oor( $im+le fellow$( li-e Tom. They $tir %+ the $o%l from it$ #e+th$( an# ro%$e( a$ with tr%m+et call( co%rage( energy( an# enth%$ia$m( where 'efore wa$ only the 'lac-ne$$ of #e$+air.

Mr. Haley +%lle# o%t of hi$ +oc-et $%n#ry new$+a+er$( an# 'egan loo-ing o)er their a#)erti$ement$( with a'$or'e# intere$t. He wa$ not a remar-a'ly fl%ent rea#er( an# wa$ in the ha'it of rea#ing in a $ort of recitati)e half*alo%#( 'y way of calling in hi$ ear$ to )erify the #e#%ction$ of hi$ eye$. In thi$ tone he $lowly recite# the following +aragra+hI AEKECUTO!'S SALE(**NE5!OESD**Agreea'ly to or#er of co%rt( will 'e $ol#( on T%e$#ay( &e'r%ary ?M( 'efore the Co%rt*ho%$e #oor( in the town of "a$hington( ,ent%c-y( the following negroe$I Hagar( age# @M3 Eohn( age# LM3 Ben( age# ?83 Sa%l( age# ?;3 Al'ert( age# 8=. Sol# for the 'enefit of the cre#itor$ an# heir$ of the e$tate of Ee$$e Bl%tchfor#( ASAMUEL MO!!IS( THOMAS &LINT( 0E1ec%tor$0.A AThi$ yer I m%$t loo- at(A $ai# he to Tom( for want of $ome'o#y el$e to tal- to. ABe $ee( I'm going to get %+ a +rime gang to ta-e #own with ye( Tom3 it'll ma-e it $ocia'le an# +lea$ant li-e(**goo# com+any will( ye -now. "e m%$t #ri)e right to "a$hington fir$t an# foremo$t( an# then I'll cla+ yo% into /ail( while I #oe$ the '%$ine$$.A Tom recei)e# thi$ agreea'le intelligence 2%ite mee-ly3 $im+ly won#ering( in hi$ own heart( how many of the$e #oome# men ha# wi)e$ an# chil#ren( an# whether they wo%l# feel a$ he #i# a'o%t lea)ing them. It i$ to 'e confe$$e#( too( that the nai)e( off*han# information that he wa$ to 'e thrown into /ail 'y no mean$ +ro#%ce# an agreea'le im+re$$ion on a +oor fellow who ha# alway$ +ri#e# him$elf on a $trictly hone$t an# %+right co%r$e of life. Be$( Tom( we m%$t confe$$ it( wa$ rather +ro%# of hi$ hone$ty( +oor fellow(**not ha)ing )ery m%ch el$e to 'e +ro%# of3**if he ha# 'elonge# to $ome of the higher wal-$ of $ociety( he( +erha+$( wo%l# ne)er ha)e 'een re#%ce# to $%ch $trait$. Howe)er( the #ay wore on( an# the e)ening $aw Haley an# Tom comforta'ly accommo#ate# in "a$hington(**the one in a ta)ern( an# the other in a /ail. A'o%t ele)en o'cloc- the ne1t #ay( a mi1e# throng wa$ gathere# aro%n# the co%rt*ho%$e $te+$(**$mo-ing( chewing( $+itting( $wearing( an# con)er$ing( accor#ing to their re$+ecti)e ta$te$ an# t%rn$(**waiting for the a%ction to commence. The men an# women to 'e $ol# $at in a gro%+ a+art( tal-ing in a low tone to each other. The woman who ha# 'een a#)erti$e# 'y the name of Hagar wa$ a reg%lar African in feat%re an# fig%re. She might ha)e 'een $i1ty( '%t wa$ ol#er than that 'y har# woran# #i$ea$e( wa$ +artially 'lin#( an# $omewhat cri++le# with rhe%mati$m. By her $i#e $too# her only remaining $on( Al'ert( a 'right*loo-ing little fellow of fo%rteen year$. The 'oy wa$ the only $%r)i)or of a large family( who ha# 'een $%cce$$i)ely $ol# away from her to a $o%thern mar-et. The mother hel# on to him with 'oth her $ha-ing han#$( an# eye# with inten$e tre+i#ation e)ery one who wal-e# %+ to e1amine him. AFon't 'e fear#( A%nt Hagar(A $ai# the ol#e$t of the men( AI $+o-e to Ma$'r Thoma$ ''o%t it( an# he tho%ght he might manage to $ell yo% in a lot 'oth together.A

AFey nee#n't call me worn o%t yet(A $ai# $he( lifting her $ha-ing han#$. AI can coo- yet( an# $cr%'( an# $co%r(**I'm w%th a '%ying( if I #o come chea+3**tell em #at ar(**yo% 0tell0 em(A $he a##e#( earne$tly. Haley here force# hi$ way into the gro%+( wal-e# %+ to the ol# man( +%lle# hi$ mo%th o+en an# loo-e# in( felt of hi$ teeth( ma#e him $tan# an# $traighten him$elf( 'en# hi$ 'ac-( an# +erform )ario%$ e)ol%tion$ to $how hi$ m%$cle$3 an# then +a$$e# on to the ne1t( an# +%t him thro%gh the $ame trial. "al-ing %+ la$t to the 'oy( he felt of hi$ arm$( $traightene# hi$ han#$( an# loo-e# at hi$ finger$( an# ma#e him /%m+( to $how hi$ agility. AHe an't gwine to 'e $ol# wi#o%t meDA $ai# the ol# woman( with +a$$ionate eagerne$$3 Ahe an# I goe$ in a lot together3 I '$ rail $trong yet( Ma$'r an# can #o hea+$ o' wor-(**hea+$ on it( Ma$'r.A AOn +lantationCA $ai# Haley( with a contem+t%o%$ glance. ALi-ely $toryDA an#( a$ if $ati$fie# with hi$ e1amination( he wal-e# o%t an# loo-e#( an# $too# with hi$ han#$ in hi$ +oc-et( hi$ cigar in hi$ mo%th( an# hi$ hat coc-e# on one $i#e( rea#y for action. A"hat thin- of 'emCA $ai# a man who ha# 'een following Haley'$ e1amination( a$ if to ma-e %+ hi$ own min# from it. A"al(A $ai# Haley( $+itting( AI $hall +%t in( I thin-( for the yo%ngerly one$ an# the 'oy.A AThey want to $ell the 'oy an# the ol# woman together(A $ai# the man. A&in# it a tight +%ll3**why( $he'$ an ol# rac- o' 'one$(**not worth her $alt.A ABo% wo%l#n't thenCA $ai# the man. AAny'o#y '# 'e a fool 't wo%l#. She'$ half 'lin#( croo-e# with rhe%mati$( an# fooli$h to 'oot.A ASome '%y$ %+ the$e yer ol# critt%r$( an# $e$ there'$ a $ight more wear in 'em than a 'o#y '# thin-(A $ai# the man( reflecti)ely. ANo go( 't all(A $ai# Haley3 Awo%l#n't ta-e her for a +re$ent(**fact(**I')e 0$een0( now.A A"al( 't i$ -in#er +ity( now( not to '%y her with her $on(**her heart $eem$ $o $ot on him(**$'+o$e they fling her in chea+.A AThem that'$ got money to $+en# that ar way( it'$ all well eno%gh. I $hall 'i# off on that ar 'oy for a +lantation*han#3**wo%l#n't 'e 'othere# with her( no way( not if they'# gi)e her to me(A $ai# Haley. AShe'll ta-e on #e$+'t(A $ai# the man. ANat'lly( $he will(A $ai# the tra#er( coolly.

The con)er$ation wa$ here interr%+te# 'y a '%$y h%m in the a%#ience3 an# the a%ctioneer( a $hort( '%$tling( im+ortant fellow( el'owe# hi$ way into the crow#. The ol# woman #rew in her 'reath( an# ca%ght in$tincti)ely at her $on. A,ee+ clo$e to yer mammy( Al'ert(**clo$e(**#ey'll +%t %$ %+ toge##er(A $he $ai#. AO( mammy( I'm fear# they won't(A $ai# the 'oy. AFey m%$t( chil#3 I can't li)e( no way$( if they #on'tA $ai# the ol# creat%re( )ehemently. The $tentorian tone$ of the a%ctioneer( calling o%t to clear the way( now anno%nce# that the $ale wa$ a'o%t to commence. A +lace wa$ cleare#( an# the 'i##ing 'egan. The #ifferent men on the li$t were $oon -noc-e# off at +rice$ which $howe# a +retty 'ri$- #eman# in the mar-et3 two of them fell to Haley. ACome( now( yo%ng %n(A $ai# the a%ctioneer( gi)ing the 'oy a to%ch with hi$ hammer( A'e %+ an# $how yo%r $+ring$( now.A A %t %$ two %+ toge##er( toge##er(**#o +lea$e( Ma$'r(A $ai# the ol# woman( hol#ing fa$t to her 'oy. ABe off(A $ai# the man( gr%ffly( +%$hing her han#$ away3 Ayo% come la$t. Now( #ar-ey( $+ring3A an#( with the wor#( he +%$he# the 'oy towar# the 'loc-( while a #ee+( hea)y groan ro$e 'ehin# him. The 'oy +a%$e#( an# loo-e# 'ac-3 '%t there wa$ no time to $tay( an#( #a$hing the tear$ from hi$ large( 'right eye$( he wa$ %+ in a moment. Hi$ fine fig%re( alert lim'$( an# 'right face( rai$e# an in$tant com+etition( an# half a #o4en 'i#$ $im%ltaneo%$ly met the ear of the a%ctioneer. An1io%$( half*frightene#( he loo-e# from $i#e to $i#e( a$ he hear# the clatter of conten#ing 'i#$(**now here( now there(**till the hammer fell. Haley ha# got him. He wa$ +%$he# from the 'loc- towar# hi$ new ma$ter( '%t $to++e# one moment( an# loo-e# 'ac-( when hi$ +oor ol# mother( trem'ling in e)ery lim'( hel# o%t her $ha-ing han#$ towar# him. AB%y me too( Ma$'r( for #e #ear Lor#'$ $a-eD**'%y me(**I $hall #ie if yo% #on'tDA ABo%'ll #ie if I #o( that'$ the -in- of it(A $ai# Haley(**AnoDA An# he t%rne# on hi$ heel. The 'i##ing for the +oor ol# creat%re wa$ $%mmary. The man who ha# a##re$$e# Haley( an# who $eeme# not #e$tit%te of com+a$$ion( 'o%ght her for a trifle( an# the $+ectator$ 'egan to #i$+er$e. The +oor )ictim$ of the $ale( who ha# 'een 'ro%ght %+ in one +lace together for year$( gathere# ro%n# the #e$+airing ol# mother( who$e agony wa$ +itif%l to $ee. ACo%l#n't #ey lea)e me oneC Ma$'r aller$ $ai# I $ho%l# ha)e one(**he #i#(A $he re+eate# o)er an# o)er( in heart*'ro-en tone$.

ATr%$t in the Lor#( A%nt Hagar(A $ai# the ol#e$t of the men( $orrowf%lly. A"hat goo# will it #oCA $ai# $he( $o''ing +a$$ionately. AMother( mother(**#on'tD #on'tDA $ai# the 'oy. AThey $ay yo% '$ got a goo# ma$ter.A AI #on't care(**I #on't care. O( Al'ertD oh( my 'oyD yo% '$ my la$t 'a'y. Lor#( how -en ICA ACome( ta-e her off( can't $ome of yeCA $ai# Haley( #ryly3 A#on't #o no goo# for her to go on that ar way.A The ol# men of the com+any( +artly 'y +er$%a$ion an# +artly 'y force( loo$e# the +oor creat%re'$ la$t #e$+airing hol#( an#( a$ they le# her off to her new ma$ter'$ wagon( $tro)e to comfort her. ANowDA $ai# Haley( +%$hing hi$ three +%rcha$e$ together( an# +ro#%cing a '%n#le of han#c%ff$( which he +rocee#e# to +%t on their wri$t$3 an# fa$tening each han#c%ff to a long chain( he #ro)e them 'efore him to the /ail. A few #ay$ $aw Haley( with hi$ +o$$e$$ion$( $afely #e+o$ite# on one of the Ohio 'oat$. It wa$ the commencement of hi$ gang( to 'e a%gmente#( a$ the 'oat mo)e# on( 'y )ario%$ other merchan#i$e of the $ame -in#( which he( or hi$ agent( ha# $tore# for him in )ario%$ +oint$ along $hore. The La Belle !i)iere( a$ 'ra)e an# 'ea%tif%l a 'oat a$ e)er wal-e# the water$ of her name$a-e ri)er( wa$ floating gayly #own the $tream( %n#er a 'rilliant $-y( the $tri+e$ an# $tar$ of free America wa)ing an# fl%ttering o)er hea#3 the g%ar#$ crow#e# with well*#re$$e# la#ie$ an# gentlemen wal-ing an# en/oying the #elightf%l #ay. All wa$ f%ll of life( '%oyant an# re/oicing3**all '%t Haley'$ gang( who were $tore#( with other freight( on the lower #ec-( an# who( $omehow( #i# not $eem to a++reciate their )ario%$ +ri)ilege$( a$ they $at in a -not( tal-ing to each other in low tone$. ABoy$(A $ai# Haley( coming %+( 'ri$-ly( AI ho+e yo% -ee+ %+ goo# heart( an# are cheerf%l. Now( no $%l-$( ye $ee3 -ee+ $tiff %++er li+( 'oy$3 #o well 'y me( an# I'll #o well 'y yo%.A The 'oy$ a##re$$e# re$+on#e# the in)aria'le ABe$( Ma$'r(A for age$ the watchwor# of +oor Africa3 '%t it'$ to 'e owne# they #i# not loo+artic%larly cheerf%l3 they ha# their )ario%$ little +re/%#ice$ in fa)or of wi)e$( mother$( $i$ter$( an# chil#ren( $een for the la$t time(**an# tho%gh Athey that wa$te# them re2%ire# of them mirth(A it wa$ not in$tantly forthcoming. AI')e got a wife(A $+o-e o%t the article en%merate# a$ AEohn( age# thirty(A an# he lai# hi$ chaine# han# on Tom'$ -nee(**Aan# $he #on't -now a wor# a'o%t thi$( +oor girlDA A"here #oe$ $he li)eCA $ai# Tom.

AIn a ta)ern a +iece #own here(A $ai# Eohn3 AI wi$h( now( I 0co%l#0 $ee her once more in thi$ worl#(A he a##e#. oor EohnD It 0wa$0 rather nat%ral3 an# the tear$ that fell( a$ he $+o-e( came a$ nat%rally a$ if he ha# 'een a white man. Tom #rew a long 'reath from a $ore heart( an# trie#( in hi$ +oor way( to comfort him. An# o)er hea#( in the ca'in( $at father$ an# mother$( h%$'an#$ an# wi)e$3 an# merry( #ancing chil#ren mo)e# ro%n# among them( li-e $o many little '%tterflie$( an# e)erything wa$ going on 2%ite ea$y an# comforta'le. AO( mamma(A $ai# a 'oy( who ha# /%$t come %+ from 'elow( Athere'$ a negro tra#er on 'oar#( an# he'$ 'ro%ght fo%r or fi)e $la)e$ #own there.A A oor creat%re$DA $ai# the mother( in a tone 'etween grief an# in#ignation. A"hat'$ thatCA $ai# another la#y. ASome +oor $la)e$ 'elow(A $ai# the mother. AAn# they')e got chain$ on(A $ai# the 'oy. A"hat a $hame to o%r co%ntry that $%ch $ight$ are to 'e $eenDA $ai# another la#y. AO( there'$ a great #eal to 'e $ai# on 'oth $i#e$ of the $%'/ect(A $ai# a genteel woman( who $at at her $tate*room #oor $ewing( while her little girl an# 'oy were +laying ro%n# her. AI')e 'een $o%th( an# I m%$t $ay I thin- the negroe$ are 'etter off than they wo%l# 'e to 'e free.A AIn $ome re$+ect$( $ome of them are well off( I grant(A $ai# the la#y to who$e remar- $he ha# an$were#. AThe mo$t #rea#f%l +art of $la)ery( to my min#( i$ it$ o%trage$ on the feeling$ an# affection$(**the $e+arating of familie$( for e1am+le.A AThat 0i$0 a 'a# thing( certainly(A $ai# the other la#y( hol#ing %+ a 'a'y'$ #re$$ $he ha# /%$t com+lete#( an# loo-ing intently on it$ trimming$3 A'%t then( I fancy( it #on't occ%r often.A AO( it #oe$(A $ai# the fir$t la#y( eagerly3 AI')e li)e# many year$ in ,ent%c-y an# Virginia 'oth( an# I')e $een eno%gh to ma-e any one'$ heart $ic-. S%++o$e( ma'am( yo%r two chil#ren( there( $ho%l# 'e ta-en from yo%( an# $ol#CA A"e can't rea$on from o%r feeling$ to tho$e of thi$ cla$$ of +er$on$(A $ai# the other la#y( $orting o%t $ome wor$te#$ on her la+. AIn#ee#( ma'am( yo% can -now nothing of them( if yo% $ay $o(A an$were# the fir$t la#y( warmly. AI wa$ 'orn an# 'ro%ght %+ among them. I -now they 0#o0 feel( /%$t a$ -eenly(**e)en more $o( +erha+$(**a$ we #o.A The la#y $ai# AIn#ee#DA yawne#( an# loo-e# o%t the ca'in win#ow(

an# finally re+eate#( for a finale( the remar- with which $he ha# 'eg%n(**AAfter all( I thin- they are 'etter off than they wo%l# 'e to 'e free.A AIt'$ %n#o%'te#ly the intention of ro)i#ence that the African race $ho%l# 'e $er)ant$(**-e+t in a low con#ition(A $ai# a gra)e*loo-ing gentleman in 'lac-( a clergyman( $eate# 'y the ca'in #oor. A'C%r$e# 'e Canaan3 a $er)ant of $er)ant$ $hall he 'e(' the $cri+t%re $ay$.A6 6 5en. :I?;. Thi$ i$ what Noah $ay$ when he wa-e$ o%t of #r%n-enne$$ an# reali4e$ that hi$ yo%nge$t $on( Ham( father of Canaan( ha$ $een him na-e#. AI $ay( $tranger( i$ that ar what that te1t mean$CA $ai# a tall man( $tan#ing 'y. AUn#o%'te#ly. It +lea$e# ro)i#ence( for $ome in$cr%ta'le rea$on( to #oom the race to 'on#age( age$ ago3 an# we m%$t not $et %+ o%r o+inion again$t that.A A"ell( then( we'll all go ahea# an# '%y %+ nigger$(A $ai# the man( Aif that'$ the way of ro)i#ence(**won't we( S2%ireCA $ai# he( t%rning to Haley( who ha# 'een $tan#ing( with hi$ han#$ in hi$ +oc-et$( 'y the $to)e an# intently li$tening to the con)er$ation. ABe$(A contin%e# the tall man( Awe m%$t all 'e re$igne# to the #ecree$ of ro)i#ence. Nigger$ m%$t 'e $ol#( an# tr%c-e# ro%n#( an# -e+t %n#er3 it'$ what they'$ ma#e for. ' ear$ li-e thi$ yer )iew '$ 2%ite refre$hing( an't it( $trangerCA $ai# he to Haley. AI ne)er tho%ght on 't(A $ai# Haley( AI co%l#n't ha)e $ai# a$ m%ch( my$elf3 I ha'nt no larning. I too- %+ the tra#e /%$t to ma-e a li)ing3 if 'tan't right( I calc%late# to '+ent on 't in time( ye -now.A AAn# now yo%'ll $a)e yer$elf the tro%'le( won't yeCA $ai# the tall man. ASee what 't i$( now( to -now $cri+t%re. If ye'# only $t%#ie# yer Bi'le( li-e thi$ yer goo# man( ye might ha)e -now'# it 'efore( an# $a)e# ye a hea+ o' tro%'le. Be co%l# /i$t ha)e $ai#( 'C%$$e# 'e'**what'$ hi$ nameC**'an# 't wo%l# all ha)e come right.'A An# the $tranger( who wa$ no other than the hone$t #ro)er whom we intro#%ce# to o%r rea#er$ in the ,ent%c-y ta)ern( $at #own( an# 'egan $mo-ing( with a c%rio%$ $mile on hi$ long( #ry face. A tall( $len#er yo%ng man( with a face e1+re$$i)e of great feeling an# intelligence( here 'ro-e in( an# re+eate# the wor#$( A'All thing$ what$oe)er ye wo%l# that men $ho%l# #o %nto yo%( #o ye e)en $o %nto them.' I $%++o$e(A he a##e#( A0that0 i$ $cri+t%re( a$ m%ch a$ 'C%r$e# 'e Canaan.'A A"al( it $eem$ 2%ite 0a$0 +lain a te1t( $tranger(A $ai# Eohn the #ro)er( Ato +oor fellow$ li-e %$( now3A an# Eohn $mo-e# on li-e a )olcano. The yo%ng man +a%$e#( loo-e# a$ if he wa$ going to $ay more( when $%##enly the 'oat $to++e#( an# the com+any ma#e the %$%al $team'oat r%$h( to $ee where they were lan#ing.

ABoth them ar cha+$ +ar$on$CA $ai# Eohn to one of the men( a$ they were going o%t. The man no##e#. A$ the 'oat $to++e#( a 'lac- woman came r%nning wil#ly %+ the +lan-( #arte# into the crow#( flew %+ to where the $la)e gang $at( an# threw her arm$ ro%n# that %nfort%nate +iece of merchan#i$e 'efore en%merate**AEohn( age# thirty(A an# with $o'$ an# tear$ 'emoane# him a$ her h%$'an#. B%t what nee#$ tell the $tory( tol# too oft(**e)ery #ay tol#(**of heart*$tring$ rent an# 'ro-en(**the wea- 'ro-en an# torn for the +rofit an# con)enience of the $trongD It nee#$ not to 'e tol#3**e)ery #ay i$ telling it(**telling it( too( in the ear of One who i$ not #eaf( tho%gh he 'e long $ilent. The yo%ng man who ha# $+o-en for the ca%$e of h%manity an# 5o# 'efore $too# with fol#e# arm$( loo-ing on thi$ $cene. He t%rne#( an# Haley wa$ $tan#ing at hi$ $i#e. AMy frien#(A he $ai#( $+ea-ing with thic%tterance( Ahow can yo%( how #are yo%( carry on a tra#e li-e thi$C Looat tho$e +oor creat%re$D Here I am( re/oicing in my heart that I am going home to my wife an# chil#3 an# the $ame 'ell which i$ a $ignal to carry me onwar# towar#$ them will +art thi$ +oor man an# hi$ wife fore)er. Fe+en# %+on it( 5o# will 'ring yo% into /%#gment for thi$.A The tra#er t%rne# away in $ilence. AI $ay( now(A $ai# the #ro)er( to%ching hi$ el'ow( Athere'$ #ifference$ in +ar$on$( an't thereC 'C%$$e# 'e Canaan' #on't $eem to go #own with thi$ '%n( #oe$ itCA Haley ga)e an %nea$y growl. AAn# that ar an't the wor$t on 't(A $ai# Eohn3 Ama''ee it won't go #own with the Lor#( neither( when ye come to $ettle with Him( one o' the$e #ay$( a$ all on %$ m%$t( I rec-on.A Haley wal-e# reflecti)ely to the other en# of the 'oat. AIf I ma-e +retty han#$omely on one or two ne1t gang$(A he tho%ght( AI rec-on I'll $to+ off thi$ yer3 it'$ really getting #angero%$.A An# he too- o%t hi$ +oc-et*'oo-( an# 'egan a##ing o)er hi$ acco%nt$(**a +roce$$ which many gentlemen 'e$i#e$ Mr. Haley ha)e fo%n# a $+ecific for an %nea$y con$cience. The 'oat $we+t +ro%#ly away from the $hore( an# all went on merrily( a$ 'efore. Men tal-e#( an# loafe#( an# rea#( an# $mo-e#. "omen $ewe#( an# chil#ren +laye#( an# the 'oat +a$$e# on her way. One #ay( when $he lay to for a while at a $mall town in ,ent%c-y( Haley went %+ into the +lace on a little matter of '%$ine$$. Tom( who$e fetter$ #i# not +re)ent hi$ ta-ing a mo#erate circ%it( ha#

#rawn near the $i#e of the 'oat( an# $too# li$tle$$ly ga4ing o)er the railing. After a time( he $aw the tra#er ret%rning( with an alert $te+( in com+any with a colore# woman( 'earing in her arm$ a yo%ng chil#. She wa$ #re$$e# 2%ite re$+ecta'ly( an# a colore# man followe# her( 'ringing along a $mall tr%n-. The woman came cheerf%lly onwar#( tal-ing( a$ $he came( with the man who 'ore her tr%n-( an# $o +a$$e# %+ the +lan- into the 'oat. The 'ell r%ng( the $teamer whi44e#( the engine groane# an# co%ghe#( an# away $we+t the 'oat #own the ri)er. The woman wal-e# forwar# among the 'o1e$ an# 'ale$ of the lower #ec-( an#( $itting #own( '%$ie# her$elf with chirr%+ing to her 'a'y. Haley ma#e a t%rn or two a'o%t the 'oat( an# then( coming %+( $eate# him$elf near her( an# 'egan $aying $omething to her in an in#ifferent %n#ertone. Tom $oon notice# a hea)y clo%# +a$$ing o)er the woman'$ 'row3 an# that $he an$were# ra+i#ly( an# with great )ehemence. AI #on't 'elie)e it(**I won't 'elie)e itDA he hear# her $ay. ABo%'re /i$t a foolin with me.A AIf yo% won't 'elie)e it( loo- hereDA $ai# the man( #rawing o%t a +a+er3 Athi$ yer'$ the 'ill of $ale( an# there'$ yo%r ma$ter'$ name to it3 an# I +ai# #own goo# $oli# ca$h for it( too( I can tell yo%(**$o( nowDA AI #on't 'elie)e Ma$'r wo%l# cheat me $o3 it can't 'e tr%eDA $ai# the woman( with increa$ing agitation. ABo% can a$- any of the$e men here( that can rea# writing. HereDA he $ai#( to a man that wa$ +a$$ing 'y( A/i$t rea# thi$ yer( won't yo%D Thi$ yer gal won't 'elie)e me( when I tell her what 't i$.A A"hy( it'$ a 'ill of $ale( $igne# 'y Eohn &o$#ic-(A $ai# the man( Ama-ing o)er to yo% the girl L%cy an# her chil#. It'$ all $traight eno%gh( for a%ght I $ee.A The woman'$ +a$$ionate e1clamation$ collecte# a crow# aro%n# her( an# the tra#er 'riefly e1+laine# to them the ca%$e of the agitation. AHe tol# me that I wa$ going #own to Lo%i$)ille( to hire o%t a$ coo- to the $ame ta)ern where my h%$'an# wor-$(**that'$ what Ma$'r tol# me( hi$ own $elf3 an# I can't 'elie)e he'# lie to me(A $ai# the woman. AB%t he ha$ $ol# yo%( my +oor woman( there'$ no #o%'t a'o%t it(A $ai# a goo#*nat%re# loo-ing man( who ha# 'een e1amining the +a+er$3 Ahe ha$ #one it( an# no mi$ta-e.A AThen it'$ no acco%nt tal-ing(A $ai# the woman( $%##enly growing 2%ite calm3 an#( cla$+ing her chil# tighter in her arm$( $he $at #own on her 'o1( t%rne# her 'ac- ro%n#( an# ga4e# li$tle$$ly into the ri)er. A5oing to ta-e it ea$y( after allDA $ai# the tra#er. A5al'$ got grit( I $ee.A

The woman loo-e# calm( a$ the 'oat went on3 an# a 'ea%tif%l $oft $%mmer 'ree4e +a$$e# li-e a com+a$$ionate $+irit o)er her hea#(**the gentle 'ree4e( that ne)er in2%ire$ whether the 'row i$ #%$-y or fair that it fan$. An# $he $aw $%n$hine $+ar-ling on the water( in gol#en ri++le$( an# hear# gay )oice$( f%ll of ea$e an# +lea$%re( tal-ing aro%n# her e)erywhere3 '%t her heart lay a$ if a great $tone ha# fallen on it. Her 'a'y rai$e# him$elf %+ again$t her( an# $tro-e# her chee-$ with hi$ little han#$3 an#( $+ringing %+ an# #own( crowing an# chatting( $eeme# #etermine# to aro%$e her. She $traine# him $%##enly an# tightly in her arm$( an# $lowly one tear after another fell on hi$ won#ering( %ncon$cio%$ face3 an# gra#%ally $he $eeme#( an# little 'y little( to grow calmer( an# '%$ie# her$elf with ten#ing an# n%r$ing him. The chil#( a 'oy of ten month$( wa$ %ncommonly large an# $trong of hi$ age( an# )ery )igoro%$ in hi$ lim'$. Ne)er( for a moment( $till( he -e+t hi$ mother con$tantly '%$y in hol#ing him( an# g%ar#ing hi$ $+ringing acti)ity. AThat'$ a fine cha+DA $ai# a man( $%##enly $to++ing o++o$ite to him( with hi$ han#$ in hi$ +oc-et$. AHow ol# i$ heCA ATen month$ an# a half(A $ai# the mother. The man whi$tle# to the 'oy( an# offere# him +art of a $tic- of can#y( which he eagerly gra''e# at( an# )ery $oon ha# it in a 'a'y'$ general #e+o$itory( to wit( hi$ mo%th. A!%m fellowDA $ai# the man A,now$ what'$ whatDA an# he whi$tle#( an# wal-e# on. "hen he ha# got to the other $i#e of the 'oat( he came acro$$ Haley( who wa$ $mo-ing on to+ of a +ile of 'o1e$. The $tranger +ro#%ce# a match( an# lighte# a cigar( $aying( a$ he #i# $o( AFecenti$h -in# o' wench yo%')e got ro%n# there( $tranger.A A"hy( I rec-on $he 0i$0 tol'a'le fair(A $ai# Haley( 'lowing the $mo-e o%t of hi$ mo%th. ATa-ing her #own $o%thCA $ai# the man. Haley no##e#( an# $mo-e# on. A lantation han#CA $ai# the man. A"al(A $ai# Haley( AI'm fillin' o%t an or#er for a +lantation( an# I thin- I $hall +%t her in. They telle# me $he wa$ a goo# coo-3 an# they can %$e her for that( or $et her at the cotton*+ic-ing. She'$ got the right finger$ for that3 I loo-e# at 'em. Sell well( either way3A an# Haley re$%me# hi$ cigar. AThey won't want the yo%ng '%n on the +lantation(A $ai# the man. AI $hall $ell him( fir$t chance I fin#(A $ai# Haley( lighting another cigar.

AS'+o$e yo%'# 'e $elling him tol'a'le chea+(A $ai# the $tranger( mo%nting the +ile of 'o1e$( an# $itting #own comforta'ly. AFon't -now ''o%t that(A $ai# Haley3 Ahe'$ a +retty $mart yo%ng '%n( $traight( fat( $trong3 fle$h a$ har# a$ a 'ric-DA AVery tr%e( '%t then there'$ the 'other an# e1+en$e of rai$in'.A ANon$en$eDA $ai# Haley3 Athey i$ rai$e# a$ ea$y a$ any -in# of critter there i$ going3 they an't a 'it more tro%'le than +%+$. Thi$ yer cha+ will 'e r%nning all aro%n#( in a month.A AI')e got a goo# +lace for rai$in'( an# I tho%ght of ta-in' in a little more $toc-(A $ai# the man. AOne coo- lo$t a yo%ng '%n la$t wee-(**got #rown#e# in a wa$ht%'( while $he wa$ a hangin' o%t the clothe$(**an# I rec-on it wo%l# 'e well eno%gh to $et her to rai$in' thi$ yer.A Haley an# the $tranger $mo-e# a while in $ilence( neither $eeming willing to 'roach the te$t 2%e$tion of the inter)iew. At la$t the man re$%me#I ABo% wo%l#n't thin- of wantin' more than ten #ollar$ for that ar cha+( $eeing yo% 0m%$t0 get him off yer han#( any howCA Haley $hoo- hi$ hea#( an# $+it im+re$$i)ely. AThat won't #o( no way$(A he $ai#( an# 'egan hi$ $mo-ing again. A"ell( $tranger( what will yo% ta-eCA A"ell( now(A $ai# Haley( AI 0co%l#0 rai$e that ar cha+ my$elf( or get him rai$e#3 he'$ oncommon li-ely an# healthy( an# he'# fetch a h%n#re# #ollar$( $i1 month$ hence3 an#( in a year or two( he'# 'ring two h%n#re#( if I ha# him in the right $+ot3 I $han't ta-e a cent le$$ nor fifty for him now.A AO( $trangerD that'$ re#ic%lo%$( altogether(A $ai# the man. A&actDA $ai# Haley( with a #eci$i)e no# of hi$ hea#. AI'll gi)e thirty for him(A $ai# the $tranger( A'%t not a cent more.A ANow( I'll tell ye what I will #o(A $ai# Haley( $+itting again( with renewe# #eci$ion. AI'll $+lit the #ifference( an# $ay forty*fi)e3 an# that'$ the mo$t I will #o.A A"ell( agree#DA $ai# the man( after an inter)al. AFoneDA $ai# Haley. A"here #o yo% lan#CA AAt Lo%i$)ille(A $ai# the man. ALo%i$)ille(A $ai# Haley. AVery fair( we get there a'o%t #%$-. Cha+ will 'e a$lee+(**all fair(**get him off 2%ietly( an# no $creaming(**ha++en$

'ea%tif%l(**I li-e to #o e)erything 2%ietly(**I hate$ all -in# of agitation an# fl%$ter.A An# $o( after a tran$fer of certain 'ill$ ha# +a$$e# from the man'$ +oc-et*'oo- to the tra#er'$( he re$%me# hi$ cigar. It wa$ a 'right( tran2%il e)ening when the 'oat $to++e# at the wharf at Lo%i$)ille. The woman ha# 'een $itting with her 'a'y in her arm$( now wra++e# in a hea)y $lee+. "hen $he hear# the name of the +lace calle# o%t( $he ha$tily lai# the chil# #own in a little cra#le forme# 'y the hollow among the 'o1e$( fir$t caref%lly $+rea#ing %n#er it her cloa-3 an# then $he $+r%ng to the $i#e of the 'oat( in ho+e$ that( among the )ario%$ hotel*waiter$ who thronge# the wharf( $he might $ee her h%$'an#. In thi$ ho+e( $he +re$$e# forwar# to the front rail$( an#( $tretching far o)er them( $traine# her eye$ intently on the mo)ing hea#$ on the $hore( an# the crow# +re$$e# in 'etween her an# the chil#. ANow'$ yo%r time(A $ai# Haley( ta-ing the $lee+ing chil# %+( an# han#ing him to the $tranger. AFon't wa-e him %+( an# $et him to crying( now3 it wo%l# ma-e a #e)il of a f%$$ with the gal.A The man too- the '%n#le caref%lly( an# wa$ $oon lo$t in the crow# that went %+ the wharf. "hen the 'oat( crea-ing( an# groaning( an# +%ffing( ha# loo$e# from the wharf( an# wa$ 'eginning $lowly to $train her$elf along( the woman ret%rne# to her ol# $eat. The tra#er wa$ $itting there(**the chil# wa$ goneD A"hy( why(**whereCA $he 'egan( in 'ewil#ere# $%r+ri$e. AL%cy(A $ai# the tra#er( Ayo%r chil#'$ gone3 yo% may a$ well -now it fir$t a$ la$t. Bo% $ee( I -now'# yo% co%l#n't ta-e him #own $o%th3 an# I got a chance to $ell him to a fir$t*rate family( that'll rai$e him 'etter than yo% can.A The tra#er ha# arri)e# at that $tage of Chri$tian an# +olitical +erfection which ha$ 'een recommen#e# 'y $ome +reacher$ an# +olitician$ of the north( lately( in which he ha# com+letely o)ercome e)ery h%mane wea-ne$$ an# +re/%#ice. Hi$ heart wa$ e1actly where yo%r$( $ir( an# mine co%l# 'e 'ro%ght( with +ro+er effort an# c%lti)ation. The wil# looof ang%i$h an# %tter #e$+air that the woman ca$t on him might ha)e #i$t%r'e# one le$$ +racti$e#3 '%t he wa$ %$e# to it. He ha# $een that $ame loo- h%n#re#$ of time$. Bo% can get %$e# to $%ch thing$( too( my frien#3 an# it i$ the great o'/ect of recent effort$ to ma-e o%r whole northern comm%nity %$e# to them( for the glory of the Union. So the tra#er only regar#e# the mortal ang%i$h which he $aw wor-ing in tho$e #ar- feat%re$( tho$e clenche# han#$( an# $%ffocating 'reathing$( a$ nece$$ary inci#ent$ of the tra#e( an# merely calc%late# whether $he wa$ going to $cream( an# get %+ a commotion on the 'oat3 for( li-e other $%++orter$ of o%r +ec%liar in$tit%tion( he #eci#e#ly #i$li-e# agitation. B%t the woman #i# not $cream. The $hot ha# +a$$e# too $traight an# #irect thro%gh the heart( for cry or tear. Fi44ily $he $at #own. Her $lac- han#$ fell lifele$$ 'y her $i#e. Her eye$ loo-e# $traight forwar#( '%t $he $aw nothing. All the noi$e an# h%m of the 'oat( the groaning of the machinery( mingle# #reamily to her 'ewil#ere# ear3 an# the +oor( #%m'*$tric-en heart ha# neither cry not

tear to $how for it$ %tter mi$ery. She wa$ 2%ite calm. The tra#er( who( con$i#ering hi$ a#)antage$( wa$ almo$t a$ h%mane a$ $ome of o%r +olitician$( $eeme# to feel calle# on to a#mini$ter $%ch con$olation a$ the ca$e a#mitte# of. AI -now thi$ yer come$ -in#er har#( at fir$t( L%cy(A $ai# he3 A'%t $%ch a $mart( $en$i'le gal a$ yo% are( won't gi)e way to it. Bo% $ee it'$ 0nece$$ary0( an# can't 'e hel+e#DA AOD #on't( Ma$'r( #on'tDA $ai# the woman( with a )oice li-e one that i$ $mothering. ABo%'re a $mart wench( L%cy(A he +er$i$te#3 AI mean to #o well 'y ye( an# get ye a nice +lace #own ri)er3 an# yo%'ll $oon get another h%$'an#(**$%ch a li-ely gal a$ yo%**A AOD Ma$'r( if yo% 0only0 won't tal- to me now(A $ai# the woman( in a )oice of $%ch 2%ic- an# li)ing ang%i$h that the tra#er felt that there wa$ $omething at +re$ent in the ca$e 'eyon# hi$ $tyle of o+eration. He got %+( an# the woman t%rne# away( an# '%rie# her hea# in her cloa-. The tra#er wal-e# %+ an# #own for a time( an# occa$ionally $to++e# an# loo-e# at her. ATa-e$ it har#( rather(A he $olilo2%i4e#( A'%t 2%iet( tho'3**let her $weat a while3 $he'll come right( 'y an# 'yDA Tom ha# watche# the whole tran$action from fir$t to la$t( an# ha# a +erfect %n#er$tan#ing of it$ re$%lt$. To him( it loo-e# li-e $omething %n%ttera'ly horri'le an# cr%el( 'eca%$e( +oor( ignorant 'lac- $o%lD he ha# not learne# to generali4e( an# to ta-e enlarge# )iew$. If he ha# only 'een in$tr%cte# 'y certain mini$ter$ of Chri$tianity( he might ha)e tho%ght 'etter of it( an# $een in it an e)ery*#ay inci#ent of a lawf%l tra#e3 a tra#e which i$ the )ital $%++ort of an in$tit%tion which an American #i)ine6 tell$ %$ ha$ 0Ano e)il$ '%t $%ch a$ are in$e+ara'le from any other relation$ in $ocial an# #ome$tic life0.A B%t Tom( a$ we $ee( 'eing a +oor( ignorant fellow( who$e rea#ing ha# 'een confine# entirely to the New Te$tament( co%l# not comfort an# $olace him$elf with )iew$ li-e the$e. Hi$ )ery $o%l 'le# within him for what $eeme# to him the 0wrong$0 of the +oor $%ffering thing that lay li-e a cr%$he# ree# on the 'o1e$3 the feeling( li)ing( 'lee#ing( yet immortal 0thing0( which American $tate law coolly cla$$e$ with the '%n#le$( an# 'ale$( an# 'o1e$( among which $he i$ lying. 6 Fr. Eoel ar-er of hila#el+hia. GMr$. Stowe'$ note.H re$'yterian clergyman 789::*8>9L<( a frien# of the Beecher family. Mr$. Stowe attem+te# %n$%cce$$f%lly to ha)e thi$ i#entifying note remo)e# from the $tereoty+e*+late of the fir$t e#ition. Tom #rew near( an# trie# to $ay $omething3 '%t $he only groane#. Hone$tly( an# with tear$ r%nning #own hi$ own chee-$( he $+o-e of a heart of lo)e in the $-ie$( of a +itying Ee$%$( an# an eternal home3 '%t the ear wa$ #eaf with ang%i$h( an# the +al$ie# heart co%l# not feel.

Night came on(**night calm( %nmo)e#( an# glorio%$( $hining #own with her inn%mera'le an# $olemn angel eye$( twin-ling( 'ea%tif%l( '%t $ilent. There wa$ no $+eech nor lang%age( no +itying )oice or hel+ing han#( from that #i$tant $-y. One after another( the )oice$ of '%$ine$$ or +lea$%re #ie# away3 all on the 'oat were $lee+ing( an# the ri++le$ at the +row were +lainly hear#. Tom $tretche# him$elf o%t on a 'o1( an# there( a$ he lay( he hear#( e)er an# anon( a $mothere# $o' or cry from the +ro$trate creat%re(**AOD what $hall I #oC O Lor#D O goo# Lor#( #o hel+ meDA an# $o( e)er an# anon( %ntil the m%rm%r #ie# away in $ilence. At mi#night( Tom wa-e#( with a $%##en $tart. Something 'lac- +a$$e# 2%ic-ly 'y him to the $i#e of the 'oat( an# he hear# a $+la$h in the water. No one el$e $aw or hear# anything. He rai$e# hi$ hea#(**the woman'$ +lace wa$ )acantD He got %+( an# $o%ght a'o%t him in )ain. The +oor 'lee#ing heart wa$ $till( at la$t( an# the ri)er ri++le# an# #im+le# /%$t a$ 'rightly a$ if it ha# not clo$e# a'o)e it. atienceD +atienceD ye who$e heart$ $well in#ignant at wrong$ li-e the$e. Not one thro' of ang%i$h( not one tear of the o++re$$e#( i$ forgotten 'y the Man of Sorrow$( the Lor# of 5lory. In hi$ +atient( genero%$ 'o$om he 'ear$ the ang%i$h of a worl#. Bear tho%( li-e him( in +atience( an# la'or in lo)e3 for $%re a$ he i$ 5o#( Athe year of hi$ re#eeme# 0$hall0 come.A The tra#er wa-e# %+ 'right an# early( an# came o%t to $ee to hi$ li)e $toc-. It wa$ now hi$ t%rn to loo- a'o%t in +er+le1ity. A"here ali)e i$ that galCA he $ai# to Tom. Tom( who ha# learne# the wi$#om of -ee+ing co%n$el( #i# not feel calle# %+on to $tate hi$ o'$er)ation$ an# $%$+icion$( '%t $ai# he #i# not -now. AShe $%rely co%l#n't ha)e got off in the night at any of the lan#ing$( for I wa$ awa-e( an# on the loo-o%t( whene)er the 'oat $to++e#. I ne)er tr%$t the$e yer thing$ to other fol-$.A Thi$ $+eech wa$ a##re$$e# to Tom 2%ite confi#entially( a$ if it wa$ $omething that wo%l# 'e $+ecially intere$ting to him. Tom ma#e no an$wer. The tra#er $earche# the 'oat from $tem to $tern( among 'o1e$( 'ale$ an# 'arrel$( aro%n# the machinery( 'y the chimney$( in )ain. ANow( I $ay( Tom( 'e fair a'o%t thi$ yer(A he $ai#( when( after a fr%itle$$ $earch( he came where Tom wa$ $tan#ing. ABo% -now $omething a'o%t it( now. Fon't tell me(**I -now yo% #o. I $aw the gal $tretche# o%t here a'o%t ten o'cloc-( an# ag'in at twel)e( an# ag'in 'etween one an# two3 an# then at fo%r $he wa$ gone( an# yo% wa$ a $lee+ing right there all the time. Now( yo% -now $omething(**yo% can't hel+ it.A A"ell( Ma$'r(A $ai# Tom( Atowar#$ morning $omething 'r%$he# 'y me( an# I -in#er half wo-e3 an# then I hearn a great $+la$h( an# then I clare wo-e %+( an# the gal wa$ gone. That'$ all I -now on 't.A

The tra#er wa$ not $hoc-e# nor ama4e#3 'eca%$e( a$ we $ai# 'efore( he wa$ %$e# to a great many thing$ that yo% are not %$e# to. E)en the awf%l +re$ence of Feath $tr%c- no $olemn chill %+on him. He ha# $een Feath many time$(**met him in the way of tra#e( an# got ac2%ainte# with him(**an# he only tho%ght of him a$ a har# c%$tomer( that em'arra$$e# hi$ +ro+erty o+eration$ )ery %nfairly3 an# $o he only $wore that the gal wa$ a 'aggage( an# that he wa$ #e)ili$h %nl%c-y( an# that( if thing$ went on in thi$ way( he $ho%l# not ma-e a cent on the tri+. In $hort( he $eeme# to con$i#er him$elf an ill*%$e# man( #eci#e#ly3 '%t there wa$ no hel+ for it( a$ the woman ha# e$ca+e# into a $tate which 0ne)er will0 gi)e %+ a f%giti)e(**not e)en at the #eman# of the whole glorio%$ Union. The tra#er( therefore( $at #i$contente#ly #own( with hi$ little acco%nt*'oo-( an# +%t #own the mi$$ing 'o#y an# $o%l %n#er the hea# of 0lo$$e$D0 AHe'$ a $hoc-ing creat%re( i$n't he(**thi$ tra#erC $o %nfeelingD It'$ #rea#f%l( reallyDA AO( '%t no'o#y thin-$ anything of the$e tra#er$D They are %ni)er$ally #e$+i$e#(**ne)er recei)e# into any #ecent $ociety.A B%t who( $ir( ma-e$ the tra#erC "ho i$ mo$t to 'lameC The enlightene#( c%lti)ate#( intelligent man( who $%++ort$ the $y$tem of which the tra#er i$ the ine)ita'le re$%lt( or the +oor tra#er him$elfC Bo% ma-e the +%'lic $tatement that call$ for hi$ tra#e( that #e'a%che$ an# #e+ra)e$ him( till he feel$ no $hame in it3 an# in what are yo% 'etter than heC Are yo% e#%cate# an# he ignorant( yo% high an# he low( yo% refine# an# he coar$e( yo% talente# an# he $im+leC In the #ay of a f%t%re /%#gment( the$e )ery con$i#eration$ may ma-e it more tolera'le for him than for yo%. In concl%#ing the$e little inci#ent$ of lawf%l tra#e( we m%$t 'eg the worl# not to thin- that American legi$lator$ are entirely #e$tit%te of h%manity( a$ might( +erha+$( 'e %nfairly inferre# from the great effort$ ma#e in o%r national 'o#y to +rotect an# +er+et%ate thi$ $+ecie$ of traffic. "ho #oe$ not -now how o%r great men are o%t#oing them$el)e$( in #eclaiming again$t the 0foreign0 $la)e*tra#e. There are a +erfect ho$t of Clar-$on$ an# "il'erforce$6 ri$en %+ among %$ on that $%'/ect( mo$t e#ifying to hear an# 'ehol#. Tra#ing negroe$ from Africa( #ear rea#er( i$ $o horri#D It i$ not to 'e tho%ght ofD B%t tra#ing them from ,ent%c-y(**that'$ 2%ite another thingD 6 Thoma$ Clar-$on 789@M*8>=@< an# "illiam "il'erforce 789;:* 8>LL<( Engli$h +hilanthro+i$t$ an# anti*$la)ery agitator$ who hel+e# to $ec%re +a$$age of the Emanci+ation Bill 'y arliament in 8>LL.


The N%a-er Settlement A 2%iet $cene now ri$e$ 'efore %$. A large( roomy( neatly*+ainte# -itchen( it$ yellow floor glo$$y an# $mooth( an# witho%t a +article of #%$t3 a neat( well*'lac-e# coo-ing*$to)e3 row$ of $hining tin( $%gge$ti)e of %nmentiona'le goo# thing$ to the a++etite3 glo$$y green woo# chair$( ol# an# firm3 a $mall flag*'ottome# roc-ing*chair( with a +atch*wor- c%$hion in it( neatly contri)e# o%t of $mall +iece$ of #ifferent colore# woollen goo#$( an# a larger $i4e# one( motherly an# ol#( who$e wi#e arm$ 'reathe# ho$+ita'le in)itation( $econ#e# 'y the $olicitation of it$ feather c%$hion$(**a real comforta'le( +er$%a$i)e ol# chair( an# worth( in the way of hone$t( homely en/oyment( a #o4en of yo%r +l%$h or 0'rochetelle0 #rawing*room gentry3 an# in the chair( gently $waying 'ac- an# forwar#( her eye$ 'ent on $ome fine $ewing( $at o%r fine ol# frien# Eli4a. Be$( there $he i$( +aler an# thinner than in her ,ent%c-y home( with a worl# of 2%iet $orrow lying %n#er the $ha#ow of her long eyela$he$( an# mar-ing the o%tline of her gentle mo%thD It wa$ +lain to $ee how ol# an# firm the girli$h heart wa$ grown %n#er the #i$ci+line of hea)y $orrow3 an# when( anon( her large #ar- eye wa$ rai$e# to follow the gam'ol$ of her little Harry( who wa$ $+orting( li-e $ome tro+ical '%tterfly( hither an# thither o)er the floor( $he $howe# a #e+th of firmne$$ an# $tea#y re$ol)e that wa$ ne)er there in her earlier an# ha++ier #ay$. By her $i#e $at a woman with a 'right tin +an in her la+( into which $he wa$ caref%lly $orting $ome #rie# +eache$. She might 'e fifty*fi)e or $i1ty3 '%t her$ wa$ one of tho$e face$ that time $eem$ to to%ch only to 'righten an# a#orn. The $nowy li$$e cra+e ca+( ma#e after the $trait N%a-er +attern(**the +lain white m%$lin han#-erchief( lying in +laci# fol#$ acro$$ her 'o$om(**the #ra' $hawl an# #re$$(**$howe# at once the comm%nity to which $he 'elonge#. Her face wa$ ro%n# an# ro$y( with a healthf%l #owny $oftne$$( $%gge$ti)e of a ri+e +each. Her hair( +artially $il)ere# 'y age( wa$ +arte# $moothly 'ac- from a high +laci# forehea#( on which time ha# written no in$cri+tion( e1ce+t +eace on earth( goo# will to men( an# 'eneath $hone a large +air of clear( hone$t( lo)ing 'rown eye$3 yo% only nee#e# to loo- $traight into them( to feel that yo% $aw to the 'ottom of a heart a$ goo# an# tr%e a$ e)er thro''e# in woman'$ 'o$om. So m%ch ha$ 'een $ai# an# $%ng of 'ea%tif%l yo%ng girl$( why #on't $ome'o#y wa-e %+ to the 'ea%ty of ol# womenC If any want to get %+ an in$+iration %n#er thi$ hea#( we refer them to o%r goo# frien# !achel Halli#ay( /%$t a$ $he $it$ there in her little roc-ing*chair. It ha# a t%rn for 2%ac-ing an# $2%ea-ing(**that chair ha#(**either from ha)ing ta-en col# in early life( or from $ome a$thmatic affection( or +erha+$ from ner)o%$ #erangement3 '%t( a$ $he gently $w%ng 'ac-war# an# forwar#( the chair -e+t %+ a -in# of $%'#%e# Acreechy crawchy(A that wo%l# ha)e 'een intolera'le in any other chair. B%t ol# Simeon Halli#ay often #eclare# it wa$ a$ goo# a$ any m%$ic to him( an# the chil#ren all a)owe# that they wo%l#n't mi$$ of hearing mother'$ chair for anything in the worl#. &or whyC for twenty year$ or more( nothing '%t lo)ing wor#$( an# gentle moralitie$( an# motherly lo)ing -in#ne$$( ha# come from that chair3**hea#*ache$ an# heart*ache$ inn%mera'le ha# 'een c%re# there(**#iffic%ltie$ $+irit%al an# tem+oral $ol)e# there(**all 'y one goo#( lo)ing woman( 5o# 'le$$ herD

AAn# $o thee $till thin-$ of going to Cana#a( Eli4aCA $he $ai#( a$ $he wa$ 2%ietly loo-ing o)er her +eache$. ABe$( ma'am(A $ai# Eli4a( firmly. AI m%$t go onwar#. I #are not $to+.A AAn# what'll thee #o( when thee get$ thereC Thee m%$t thin- a'o%t that( my #a%ghter.A AMy #a%ghterA came nat%rally from the li+$ of !achel Halli#ay3 for her$ wa$ /%$t the face an# form that ma#e AmotherA $eem the mo$t nat%ral wor# in the worl#. Eli4a'$ han#$ trem'le#( an# $ome tear$ fell on her fine wor-3 '%t $he an$were#( firmly( AI $hall #o**anything I can fin#. I ho+e I can fin# $omething.A AThee -now$ thee can $tay here( a$ long a$ thee +lea$e$(A $ai# !achel. AO( than- yo%(A $ai# Eli4a( A'%tA**$he +ointe# to Harry**AI can't $lee+ night$3 I can't re$t. La$t night I #reame# I $aw that man coming into the yar#(A $he $ai#( $h%##ering. A oor chil#DA $ai# !achel( wi+ing her eye$3 A'%t thee m%$tn't feel $o. The Lor# hath or#ere# it $o that ne)er hath a f%giti)e 'een $tolen from o%r )illage. I tr%$t thine will not 'e the fir$t.A The #oor here o+ene#( an# a little $hort( ro%n#( +in*c%$hiony woman $too# at the #oor( with a cheery( 'looming face( li-e a ri+e a++le. She wa$ #re$$e#( li-e !achel( in $o'er gray( with the m%$lin fol#e# neatly acro$$ her ro%n#( +l%m+ little che$t. A!%th Ste#man(A $ai# !achel( coming /oyf%lly forwar#3 Ahow i$ thee( !%thC $he $ai#( heartily ta-ing 'oth her han#$. ANicely(A $ai# !%th( ta-ing off her little #ra' 'onnet( an# #%$ting it with her han#-erchief( #i$+laying( a$ $he #i# $o( a ro%n# little hea#( on which the N%a-er ca+ $at with a $ort of /a%nty air( #e$+ite all the $tro-ing an# +atting of the $mall fat han#$( which were '%$ily a++lie# to arranging it. Certain $tray loc-$ of #eci#e#ly c%rly hair( too( ha# e$ca+e# here an# there( an# ha# to 'e coa1e# an# ca/ole# into their +lace again3 an# then the new comer( who might ha)e 'een fi)e*an#*twenty( t%rne# from the $mall loo-ing*gla$$( 'efore which $he ha# 'een ma-ing the$e arrangement$( an# loo-e# well +lea$e#(**a$ mo$t +eo+le who loo-e# at her might ha)e 'een(**for $he wa$ #eci#e#ly a whole$ome( whole*hearte#( chirr%+ing little woman( a$ e)er gla##ene# man'$ heart withal. A!%th( thi$ frien# i$ Eli4a Harri$3 an# thi$ i$ the little 'oy I tol# thee of.A AI am gla# to $ee thee( Eli4a(**)ery(A $ai# !%th( $ha-ing han#$( a$ if Eli4a were an ol# frien# $he ha# long 'een e1+ecting3 Aan# thi$ i$ thy #ear 'oy(**I 'ro%ght a ca-e for him(A $he $ai#( hol#ing o%t a little heart to the 'oy( who came %+( ga4ing thro%gh hi$ c%rl$( an# acce+te# it

$hyly. A"here'$ thy 'a'y( !%thCA $ai# !achel. AO( he'$ coming3 '%t thy Mary ca%ght him a$ I came in( an# ran off with him to the 'arn( to $how him to the chil#ren.A At thi$ moment( the #oor o+ene#( an# Mary( an hone$t( ro$y*loo-ing girl( with large 'rown eye$( li-e her mother'$( came in with the 'a'y. AAhD haDA $ai# !achel( coming %+( an# ta-ing the great( white( fat fellow in her arm$( Ahow goo# he loo-$( an# how he #oe$ growDA ATo 'e $%re( he #oe$(A $ai# little '%$tling !%th( a$ $he too- the chil#( an# 'egan ta-ing off a little 'l%e $il- hoo#( an# )ario%$ layer$ an# wra++er$ of o%ter garment$3 an# ha)ing gi)en a twitch here( an# a +%ll there( an# )ario%$ly a#/%$te# an# arrange# him( an# -i$$e# him heartily( $he $et him on the floor to collect hi$ tho%ght$. Ba'y $eeme# 2%ite %$e# to thi$ mo#e of +rocee#ing( for he +%t hi$ th%m' in hi$ mo%th 7a$ if it were 2%ite a thing of co%r$e<( an# $eeme# $oon a'$or'e# in hi$ own reflection$( while the mother $eate# her$elf( an# ta-ing o%t a long $toc-ing of mi1e# 'l%e an# white yarn( 'egan to -nit with 'ri$-ne$$. AMary( thee'# 'etter fill the -ettle( ha#n't theeCA gently $%gge$te# the mother. Mary too- the -ettle to the well( an# $oon rea++earing( +lace# it o)er the $to)e( where it wa$ $oon +%rring an# $teaming( a $ort of cen$er of ho$+itality an# goo# cheer. The +eache$( moreo)er( in o'e#ience to a few gentle whi$+er$ from !achel( were $oon #e+o$ite#( 'y the $ame han#( in a $tew*+an o)er the fire. !achel now too- #own a $nowy mo%l#ing*'oar#( an#( tying on an a+ron( +rocee#e# 2%ietly to ma-ing %+ $ome 'i$c%it$( fir$t $aying to Mary(**AMary( ha#n't thee 'etter tell Eohn to get a chic-en rea#yCA an# Mary #i$a++eare# accor#ingly. AAn# how i$ A'igail eter$CA $ai# !achel( a$ $he went on with her 'i$c%it$. AO( $he'$ 'etter(A $ai# !%th3 AI wa$ in( thi$ morning3 ma#e the 'e#( ti#ie# %+ the ho%$e. Leah Hill$ went in( thi$ afternoon( an# 'a-e# 'rea# an# +ie$ eno%gh to la$t $ome #ay$3 an# I engage# to go 'ac- to get her %+( thi$ e)ening.A AI will go in tomorrow( an# #o any cleaning there may 'e( an# loo- o)er the men#ing(A $ai# !achel. AAhD that i$ well(A $ai# !%th. AI')e hear#(A $he a##e#( Athat Hannah Stanwoo# i$ $ic-. Eohn wa$ %+ there( la$t night(**I m%$t go there tomorrow.A AEohn can come in here to hi$ meal$( if thee nee#$ to $tay all #ay(A $%gge$te# !achel.

AThan- thee( !achel3 will $ee( tomorrow3 '%t( here come$ Simeon.A Simeon Halli#ay( a tall( $traight( m%$c%lar man( in #ra' coat an# +antaloon$( an# 'roa#*'rimme# hat( now entere#. AHow i$ thee( !%thCA he $ai#( warmly( a$ he $+rea# hi$ 'roa# o+en han# for her little fat +alm3 Aan# how i$ EohnCA AOD Eohn i$ well( an# all the re$t of o%r fol-$(A $ai# !%th( cheerily. AAny new$( fatherCA $ai# !achel( a$ $he wa$ +%tting her 'i$c%it$ into the o)en. A eter Ste''in$ tol# me that they $ho%l# 'e along tonight( with 0frien#$0(A $ai# Simeon( $ignificantly( a$ he wa$ wa$hing hi$ han#$ at a neat $in-( in a little 'ac- +orch. AIn#ee#DA $ai# !achel( loo-ing tho%ghtf%lly( an# glancing at Eli4a. AFi# thee $ay thy name wa$ Harri$CA $ai# Simeon to Eli4a( a$ he reentere#. !achel glance# 2%ic-ly at her h%$'an#( a$ Eli4a trem%lo%$ly an$were# Aye$3A her fear$( e)er %++ermo$t( $%gge$ting that +o$$i'ly there might 'e a#)erti$ement$ o%t for her. AMotherDA $ai# Simeon( $tan#ing in the +orch( an# calling !achel o%t. A"hat #oe$ thee want( fatherCA $ai# !achel( r%''ing her flo%ry han#$( a$ $he went into the +orch. AThi$ chil#'$ h%$'an# i$ in the $ettlement( an# will 'e here tonight(A $ai# Simeon. ANow( thee #oe$n't $ay that( fatherCA $ai# !achel( all her face ra#iant with /oy. AIt'$ really tr%e. eter wa$ #own ye$ter#ay( with the wagon( to the other $tan#( an# there he fo%n# an ol# woman an# two men3 an# one $ai# hi$ name wa$ 5eorge Harri$3 an# from what he tol# of hi$ hi$tory( I am certain who he i$. He i$ a 'right( li-ely fellow( too.A AShall we tell her nowCA $ai# Simeon. ALet'$ tell !%th(A $ai# !achel. AHere( !%th(**come here.A !%th lai# #own her -nitting*wor-( an# wa$ in the 'ac- +orch in a moment. A!%th( what #oe$ thee thin-CA $ai# !achel. A&ather $ay$ Eli4a'$ h%$'an# i$ in the la$t com+any( an# will 'e here tonight.A A '%r$t of /oy from the little N%a-ere$$ interr%+te# the $+eech. She ga)e $%ch a 'o%n# from the floor( a$ $he cla++e# her little han#$( that two $tray c%rl$ fell from %n#er her N%a-er ca+( an# lay 'rightly on her white nec-erchief.

AH%$h thee( #earDA $ai# !achel( gently3 Ah%$h( !%thD Tell %$( $hall we tell her nowCA ANowD to 'e $%re(**thi$ )ery min%te. "hy( now( $%++o$e 't wa$ my Eohn( how $ho%l# I feelC Fo tell her( right off.A AThee %$e$ thy$elf only to learn how to lo)e thy neigh'or( !%th(A $ai# Simeon( loo-ing( with a 'eaming face( on !%th. ATo 'e $%re. I$n't it what we are ma#e forC If I #i#n't lo)e Eohn an# the 'a'y( I $ho%l# not -now how to feel for her. Come( now #o tell her(**#oDA an# $he lai# her han#$ +er$%a$i)ely on !achel'$ arm. ATa-e her into thy 'e#*room( there( an# let me fry the chic-en while thee #oe$ it.A !achel came o%t into the -itchen( where Eli4a wa$ $ewing( an# o+ening the #oor of a $mall 'e#*room( $ai#( gently( ACome in here with me( my #a%ghter3 I ha)e new$ to tell thee.A The 'loo# fl%$he# in Eli4a'$ +ale face3 $he ro$e( trem'ling with ner)o%$ an1iety( an# loo-e# towar#$ her 'oy. ANo( no(A $ai# little !%th( #arting %+( an# $ei4ing her han#$. ANe)er thee fear3 it'$ goo# new$( Eli4a(**go in( go inDA An# $he gently +%$he# her to the #oor which clo$e# after her3 an# then( t%rning ro%n#( $he ca%ght little Harry in her arm$( an# 'egan -i$$ing him. AThee'll $ee thy father( little one. Foe$ thee -now itC Thy father i$ coming(A $he $ai#( o)er an# o)er again( a$ the 'oy loo-e# won#eringly at her. Meanwhile( within the #oor( another $cene wa$ going on. !achel Halli#ay #rew Eli4a towar# her( an# $ai#( AThe Lor# hath ha# mercy on thee( #a%ghter3 thy h%$'an# hath e$ca+e# from the ho%$e of 'on#age.A The 'loo# fl%$he# to Eli4a'$ chee- in a $%##en glow( an# went 'ac- to her heart with a$ $%##en a r%$h. She $at #own( +ale an# faint. AHa)e co%rage( chil#(A $ai# !achel( laying her han# on her hea#. AHe i$ among frien#$( who will 'ring him here tonight.A ATonightDA Eli4a re+eate#( AtonightDA The wor#$ lo$t all meaning to her3 her hea# wa$ #reamy an# conf%$e#3 all wa$ mi$t for a moment. "hen $he awo-e( $he fo%n# her$elf $n%gly t%c-e# %+ on the 'e#( with a 'lan-et o)er her( an# little !%th r%''ing her han#$ with cam+hor. She o+ene# her eye$ in a $tate of #reamy( #elicio%$ lang%or( $%ch a$ one who ha$ long 'een 'earing a hea)y loa#( an# now feel$ it gone( an# wo%l# re$t. The ten$ion of the ner)e$( which ha# ne)er cea$e# a moment $ince the fir$t ho%r of her flight( ha# gi)en way( an# a $trange feeling of $ec%rity an# re$t came o)er her3 an# a$ $he lay( with her large( #areye$ o+en( $he followe#( a$ in a 2%iet #ream( the motion$ of tho$e a'o%t her. She $aw the #oor o+en into the other room3 $aw the $%++er*ta'le(

with it$ $nowy cloth3 hear# the #reamy m%rm%r of the $inging tea*-ettle3 $aw !%th tri++ing 'ac-war# an# forwar#( with +late$ of ca-e an# $a%cer$ of +re$er)e$( an# e)er an# anon $to++ing to +%t a ca-e into Harry'$ han#( or +at hi$ hea#( or twine hi$ long c%rl$ ro%n# her $nowy finger$. She $aw the am+le( motherly form of !achel( a$ $he e)er an# anon came to the 'e#$i#e( an# $moothe# an# arrange# $omething a'o%t the 'e#clothe$( an# ga)e a t%c- here an# there( 'y way of e1+re$$ing her goo#*will3 an# wa$ con$cio%$ of a -in# of $%n$hine 'eaming #own %+on her from her large( clear( 'rown eye$. She $aw !%th'$ h%$'an# come in(**$aw her fly %+ to him( an# commence whi$+ering )ery earne$tly( e)er an# anon( with im+re$$i)e ge$t%re( +ointing her little finger towar# the room. She $aw her( with the 'a'y in her arm$( $itting #own to tea3 $he $aw them all at ta'le( an# little Harry in a high chair( %n#er the $ha#ow of !achel'$ am+le wing3 there were low m%rm%r$ of tal-( gentle tin-ling of tea*$+oon$( an# m%$ical clatter of c%+$ an# $a%cer$( an# all mingle# in a #elightf%l #ream of re$t3 an# Eli4a $le+t( a$ $he ha# not $le+t 'efore( $ince the fearf%l mi#night ho%r when $he ha# ta-en her chil# an# fle# thro%gh the fro$ty $tarlight. She #reame# of a 'ea%tif%l co%ntry(**a lan#( it $eeme# to her( of re$t(**green $hore$( +lea$ant i$lan#$( an# 'ea%tif%lly glittering water3 an# there( in a ho%$e which -in# )oice$ tol# her wa$ a home( $he $aw her 'oy +laying( free an# ha++y chil#. She hear# her h%$'an#'$ foot$te+$3 $he felt him coming nearer3 hi$ arm$ were aro%n# her( hi$ tear$ falling on her face( an# $he awo-eD It wa$ no #ream. The #aylight ha# long fa#e#3 her chil# lay calmly $lee+ing 'y her $i#e3 a can#le wa$ '%rning #imly on the $tan#( an# her h%$'an# wa$ $o''ing 'y her +illow. The ne1t morning wa$ a cheerf%l one at the N%a-er ho%$e. AMotherA wa$ %+ 'etime$( an# $%rro%n#e# 'y '%$y girl$ an# 'oy$( whom we ha# $carce time to intro#%ce to o%r rea#er$ ye$ter#ay( an# who all mo)e# o'e#iently to !achel'$ gentle AThee ha# 'etter(A or more gentle AHa#n't thee 'etterCA in the wor- of getting 'rea-fa$t3 for a 'rea-fa$t in the l%1%rio%$ )alley$ of In#iana i$ a thing com+licate# an# m%ltiform( an#( li-e +ic-ing %+ the ro$e*lea)e$ an# trimming the '%$he$ in ara#i$e( a$-ing other han#$ than tho$e of the original mother. "hile( therefore( Eohn ran to the $+ring for fre$h water( an# Simeon the $econ# $ifte# meal for corn*ca-e$( an# Mary gro%n# coffee( !achel mo)e# gently( an# 2%ietly a'o%t( ma-ing 'i$c%it$( c%tting %+ chic-en( an# #iff%$ing a $ort of $%nny ra#iance o)er the whole +rocee#ing generally. If there wa$ any #anger of friction or colli$ion from the ill*reg%late# 4eal of $o many yo%ng o+erator$( her gentle AComeD comeDA or AI wo%l#n't( now(A wa$ 2%ite $%fficient to allay the #iffic%lty. Bar#$ ha)e written of the ce$t%$ of Ven%$( that t%rne# the hea#$ of all the worl# in $%cce$$i)e generation$. "e ha# rather( for o%r +art( ha)e the ce$t%$ of !achel Halli#ay( that -e+t hea#$ from 'eing t%rne#( an# ma#e e)erything go on harmonio%$ly. "e thin- it i$ more $%ite# to o%r mo#ern #ay$( #eci#e#ly. "hile all other +re+aration$ were going on( Simeon the el#er $too# in hi$ $hirt*$lee)e$ 'efore a little loo-ing*gla$$ in the corner( engage# in the anti*+atriarchal o+eration of $ha)ing. E)erything went on $o $ocia'ly( $o 2%ietly( $o harmonio%$ly( in the great -itchen(**it $eeme# $o +lea$ant to e)ery one to #o /%$t what they were #oing( there wa$ $%ch an atmo$+here of m%t%al confi#ence an# goo# fellow$hi+ e)erywhere(**e)en

the -ni)e$ an# for-$ ha# a $ocial clatter a$ they went on to the ta'le3 an# the chic-en an# ham ha# a cheerf%l an# /oyo%$ fi44le in the +an( a$ if they rather en/oye# 'eing coo-e# than otherwi$e3**an# when 5eorge an# Eli4a an# little Harry came o%t( they met $%ch a hearty( re/oicing welcome( no won#er it $eeme# to them li-e a #ream. At la$t( they were all $eate# at 'rea-fa$t( while Mary $too# at the $to)e( 'a-ing gri##le*ca-e$( which( a$ they gaine# the tr%e e1act gol#en*'rown tint of +erfection( were tran$ferre# 2%ite han#ily to the ta'le. !achel ne)er loo-e# $o tr%ly an# 'enignly ha++y a$ at the hea# of her ta'le. There wa$ $o m%ch motherline$$ an# f%ll*hearte#ne$$ e)en in the way $he +a$$e# a +late of ca-e$ or +o%re# a c%+ of coffee( that it $eeme# to +%t a $+irit into the foo# an# #rin- $he offere#. It wa$ the fir$t time that e)er 5eorge ha# $at #own on e2%al term$ at any white man'$ ta'le3 an# he $at #own( at fir$t( with $ome con$traint an# aw-war#ne$$3 '%t they all e1hale# an# went off li-e fog( in the genial morning ray$ of thi$ $im+le( o)erflowing -in#ne$$. Thi$( in#ee#( wa$ a home(**0home0(**a wor# that 5eorge ha# ne)er yet -nown a meaning for3 an# a 'elief in 5o#( an# tr%$t in hi$ +ro)i#ence( 'egan to encircle hi$ heart( a$( with a gol#en clo%# of +rotection an# confi#ence( #ar-( mi$anthro+ic( +ining athei$tic #o%'t$( an# fierce #e$+air( melte# away 'efore the light of a li)ing 5o$+el( 'reathe# in li)ing face$( +reache# 'y a tho%$an# %ncon$cio%$ act$ of lo)e an# goo# will( which( li-e the c%+ of col# water gi)en in the name of a #i$ci+le( $hall ne)er lo$e their rewar#. A&ather( what if thee $ho%l# get fo%n# o%t againCA $ai# Simeon $econ#( a$ he '%ttere# hi$ ca-e. AI $ho%l# +ay my fine(A $ai# Simeon( 2%ietly. AB%t what if they +%t thee in +ri$onCA ACo%l#n't thee an# mother manage the farmCA $ai# Simeon( $miling. AMother can #o almo$t e)erything(A $ai# the 'oy. AB%t i$n't it a $hame to ma-e $%ch law$CA AThee m%$tn't $+ea- e)il of thy r%ler$( Simeon(A $ai# hi$ father( gra)ely. AThe Lor# only gi)e$ %$ o%r worl#ly goo#$ that we may #o /%$tice an# mercy3 if o%r r%ler$ re2%ire a +rice of %$ for it( we m%$t #eli)er it %+. A"ell( I hate tho$e ol# $la)ehol#er$DA $ai# the 'oy( who felt a$ %nchri$tian a$ 'ecame any mo#ern reformer. AI am $%r+ri$e# at thee( $on(A $ai# Simeon3 Athy mother ne)er ta%ght thee $o. I wo%l# #o e)en the $ame for the $la)ehol#er a$ for the $la)e( if the Lor# 'ro%ght him to my #oor in affliction.A Simeon $econ# 'l%$he# $carlet3 '%t hi$ mother only $mile#( an# $ai#(

ASimeon i$ my goo# 'oy3 he will grow ol#er( 'y an# 'y( an# then he will 'e li-e hi$ father.A AI ho+e( my goo# $ir( that yo% are not e1+o$e# to any #iffic%lty on o%r acco%nt(A $ai# 5eorge( an1io%$ly. A&ear nothing( 5eorge( for therefore are we $ent into the worl#. If we wo%l# not meet tro%'le for a goo# ca%$e( we were not worthy of o%r name.A AB%t( for 0me0(A $ai# 5eorge( AI co%l# not 'ear it.A A&ear not( then( frien# 5eorge3 it i$ not for thee( '%t for 5o# an# man( we #o it(A $ai# Simeon. AAn# now tho% m%$t lie 'y 2%ietly thi$ #ay( an# tonight( at ten o'cloc-( hinea$ &letcher will carry thee onwar# to the ne1t $tan#(**thee an# the re$t of they com+any. The +%r$%er$ are har# after thee3 we m%$t not #elay.A AIf that i$ the ca$e( why wait till e)eningCA $ai# 5eorge. ATho% art $afe here 'y #aylight( for e)ery one in the $ettlement i$ a &rien#( an# all are watching. It ha$ 'een fo%n# $afer to tra)el 'y night.A

CHA TE! KIV E)angeline AA yo%ng $tarD which $hone O'er life**too $weet an image( for $%ch gla$$D A lo)ely 'eing( $carcely forme# or mo%l#e#3 A ro$e with all it$ $weete$t lea)e$ yet fol#e#.A The Mi$$i$$i++iD How( a$ 'y an enchante# wan#( ha)e it$ $cene$ 'een change#( $ince Chatea%'rian# wrote hi$ +ro$e*+oetic #e$cri+tion of it(6 a$ a ri)er of mighty( %n'ro-en $olit%#e$( rolling ami# %n#reame# won#er$ of )egeta'le an# animal e1i$tence. 6 0In Atala3 or the Lo)e an# Con$tantcy of Two Sa)age$ in the Fe$ert0 78>M8< 'y &rancoi$ A%g%$te !ene( Vicomte #e Chatea%'rian# 789@>*8>=><. B%t a$ in an ho%r( thi$ ri)er of #ream$ an# wil# romance ha$ emerge# to a reality $carcely le$$ )i$ionary an# $+len#i#. "hat other ri)er of the worl# 'ear$ on it$ 'o$om to the ocean the wealth an# enter+ri$e of $%ch another co%ntryC**a co%ntry who$e +ro#%ct$ em'race all 'etween the tro+ic$ an# the +ole$D Tho$e t%r'i# water$( h%rrying( foaming( tearing along( an a+t re$em'lance of that hea#long ti#e of '%$ine$$ which i$ +o%re# along it$ wa)e 'y a race more )ehement an# energetic than any the ol# worl# e)er $aw. AhD wo%l# that they #i# not al$o 'ear along a more fearf%l freight(**the tear$ of the o++re$$e#( the $igh$ of the hel+le$$( the 'itter +rayer$ of +oor( ignorant heart$ to an %n-nown 5o#**%n-nown( %n$een an# $ilent( '%t who will yet Acome o%t of hi$ +lace to $a)e all

the +oor of the earthDA The $lanting light of the $etting $%n 2%i)er$ on the $ea*li-e e1+an$e of the ri)er3 the $hi)ery cane$( an# the tall( #ar- cy+re$$( h%ng with wreath$ of #ar-( f%nereal mo$$( glow in the gol#en ray( a$ the hea)ily*la#en $team'oat marche$ onwar#. ile# with cotton*'ale$( from many a +lantation( %+ o)er #ec- an# $i#e$( till $he $eem$ in the #i$tance a $2%are( ma$$i)e 'loc- of gray( $he mo)e$ hea)ily onwar# to the nearing mart. "e m%$t loo- $ome time among it$ crow#e# #ec-$ 'efore we $hall fin# again o%r h%m'le frien# Tom. High on the %++er #ec-( in a little noo- among the e)erywhere +re#ominant cotton*'ale$( at la$t we may fin# him. artly from confi#ence in$+ire# 'y Mr. Shel'y'$ re+re$entation$( an# +artly from the remar-a'ly inoffen$i)e an# 2%iet character of the man( Tom ha# in$en$i'ly won hi$ way far into the confi#ence e)en of $%ch a man a$ Haley. At fir$t he ha# watche# him narrowly thro%gh the #ay( an# ne)er allowe# him to $lee+ at night %nfettere#3 '%t the %ncom+laining +atience an# a++arent contentment of Tom'$ manner le# him gra#%ally to #i$contin%e the$e re$traint$( an# for $ome time Tom ha# en/oye# a $ort of +arole of honor( 'eing +ermitte# to come an# go freely where he +lea$e# on the 'oat. E)er 2%iet an# o'liging( an# more than rea#y to len# a han# in e)ery emergency which occ%rre# among the wor-men 'elow( he ha# won the goo# o+inion of all the han#$( an# $+ent many ho%r$ in hel+ing them with a$ hearty a goo# will a$ e)er he wor-e# on a ,ent%c-y farm. "hen there $eeme# to 'e nothing for him to #o( he wo%l# clim' to a nooamong the cotton*'ale$ of the %++er #ec-( an# '%$y him$elf in $t%#ying o)er hi$ Bi'le(**an# it i$ there we $ee him now. &or a h%n#re# or more mile$ a'o)e New Orlean$( the ri)er i$ higher than the $%rro%n#ing co%ntry( an# roll$ it$ tremen#o%$ )ol%me 'etween ma$$i)e le)ee$ twenty feet in height. The tra)eller from the #ec- of the $teamer( a$ from $ome floating ca$tle to+( o)erloo-$ the whole co%ntry for mile$ an# mile$ aro%n#. Tom( therefore( ha# $+rea# o%t f%ll 'efore him( in +lantation after +lantation( a ma+ of the life to which he wa$ a++roaching. He $aw the #i$tant $la)e$ at their toil3 he $aw afar their )illage$ of h%t$ gleaming o%t in long row$ on many a +lantation( #i$tant from the $tately man$ion$ an# +lea$%re*gro%n#$ of the ma$ter3**an# a$ the mo)ing +ict%re +a$$e# on( hi$ +oor( fooli$h heart wo%l# 'e t%rning 'ac-war# to the ,ent%c-y farm( with it$ ol# $ha#owy 'eeche$(**to the ma$ter'$ ho%$e( with it$ wi#e( cool hall$( an#( near 'y( the little ca'in o)ergrown with the m%ltiflora an# 'ignonia. There he $eeme# to $ee familiar face$ of comra#e$ who ha# grown %+ with him from infancy3 he $aw hi$ '%$y wife( '%$tling in her +re+aration$ for hi$ e)ening meal$3 he hear# the merry la%gh of hi$ 'oy$ at their +lay( an# the chirr%+ of the 'a'y at hi$ -nee3 an# then( with a $tart( all fa#e#( an# he $aw again the cane'ra-e$ an# cy+re$$e$ an# gli#ing +lantation$( an# hear# again the crea-ing an#

groaning of the machinery( all telling him too +lainly that all that +ha$e of life ha# gone 'y fore)er. In $%ch a ca$e( yo% write to yo%r wife( an# $en# me$$age$ to yo%r chil#ren3 '%t Tom co%l# not write(**the mail for him ha# no e1i$tence( an# the g%lf of $e+aration wa$ %n'ri#ge# 'y e)en a frien#ly wor# or $ignal. I$ it $trange( then( that $ome tear$ fall on the +age$ of hi$ Bi'le( a$ he lay$ it on the cotton*'ale( an#( with +atient finger( threa#ing hi$ $low way from wor# to wor#( trace$ o%t it$ +romi$e$C Ha)ing learne# late in life( Tom wa$ '%t a $low rea#er( an# +a$$e# on la'orio%$ly from )er$e to )er$e. &ort%nate for him wa$ it that the 'oo- he wa$ intent on wa$ one which $low rea#ing cannot in/%re(**nay( one who$e wor#$( li-e ingot$ of gol#( $eem often to nee# to 'e weighe# $e+arately( that the min# may ta-e in their +ricele$$ )al%e. Let %$ follow him a moment( a$( +ointing to each wor#( an# +rono%ncing each half alo%#( he rea#$( ALet**not**yo%r**heart**'e**tro%'le#. In**my **&ather'$**ho%$e**are**many**man$ion$. I**go**to**+re+are**a**+lace**for**yo%.A Cicero( when he '%rie# hi$ #arling an# only #a%ghter( ha# a heart a$ f%ll of hone$t grief a$ +oor Tom'$(**+erha+$ no f%ller( for 'oth were only men3**'%t Cicero co%l# +a%$e o)er no $%ch $%'lime wor#$ of ho+e( an# loo- to no $%ch f%t%re re%nion3 an# if he 0ha#0 $een them( ten to one he wo%l# not ha)e 'elie)e#(**he m%$t fill hi$ hea# fir$t with a tho%$an# 2%e$tion$ of a%thenticity of man%$cri+t( an# correctne$$ of tran$lation. B%t( to +oor Tom( there it lay( /%$t what he nee#e#( $o e)i#ently tr%e an# #i)ine that the +o$$i'ility of a 2%e$tion ne)er entere# hi$ $im+le hea#. It m%$t 'e tr%e3 for( if not tr%e( how co%l# he li)eC A$ for Tom'$ Bi'le( tho%gh it ha# no annotation$ an# hel+$ in margin from learne# commentator$( $till it ha# 'een em'elli$he# with certain way*mar-$ an# g%i#e*'oar#$ of Tom'$ own in)ention( an# which hel+e# him more than the mo$t learne# e1+o$ition$ co%l# ha)e #one. It ha# 'een hi$ c%$tom to get the Bi'le rea# to him 'y hi$ ma$ter'$ chil#ren( in +artic%lar 'y yo%ng Ma$ter 5eorge3 an#( a$ they rea#( he wo%l# #e$ignate( 'y 'ol#( $trong mar-$ an# #a$he$( with +en an# in-( the +a$$age$ which more +artic%larly gratifie# hi$ ear or affecte# hi$ heart. Hi$ Bi'le wa$ th%$ mar-e# thro%gh( from one en# to the other( with a )ariety of $tyle$ an# #e$ignation$3 $o he co%l# in a moment $ei4e %+on hi$ fa)orite +a$$age$( witho%t the la'or of $+elling o%t what lay 'etween them3**an# while it lay there 'efore him( e)ery +a$$age 'reathing of $ome ol# home $cene( an# recalling $ome +a$t en/oyment( hi$ Bi'le $eeme# to him all of thi$ life that remaine#( a$ well a$ the +romi$e of a f%t%re one. Among the +a$$enger$ on the 'oat wa$ a yo%ng gentleman of fort%ne an# family( re$i#ent in New Orlean$( who 'ore the name of St. Clare. He ha# with him a #a%ghter 'etween fi)e an# $i1 year$ of age( together with a la#y who $eeme# to claim relation$hi+ to 'oth( an# to ha)e the little one e$+ecially %n#er her charge.

Tom ha# often ca%ght glim+$e$ of thi$ little girl(**for $he wa$ one of tho$e '%$y( tri++ing creat%re$( that can 'e no more containe# in one +lace than a $%n'eam or a $%mmer 'ree4e(**nor wa$ $he one that( once $een( co%l# 'e ea$ily forgotten. Her form wa$ the +erfection of chil#i$h 'ea%ty( witho%t it$ %$%al ch%''ine$$ an# $2%arene$$ of o%tline. There wa$ a'o%t it an %n#%lating an# aerial grace( $%ch a$ one might #ream of for $ome mythic an# allegorical 'eing. Her face wa$ remar-a'le le$$ for it$ +erfect 'ea%ty of feat%re than for a $ing%lar an# #reamy earne$tne$$ of e1+re$$ion( which ma#e the i#eal $tart when they loo-e# at her( an# 'y which the #%lle$t an# mo$t literal were im+re$$e#( witho%t e1actly -nowing why. The $ha+e of her hea# an# the t%rn of her nec- an# '%$t wa$ +ec%liarly no'le( an# the long gol#en*'rown hair that floate# li-e a clo%# aro%n# it( the #ee+ $+irit%al gra)ity of her )iolet 'l%e eye$( $ha#e# 'y hea)y fringe$ of gol#en 'rown(**all mar-e# her o%t from other chil#ren( an# ma#e e)ery one t%rn an# loo- after her( a$ $he gli#e# hither an# thither on the 'oat. Ne)erthele$$( the little one wa$ not what yo% wo%l# ha)e calle# either a gra)e chil# or a $a# one. On the contrary( an airy an# innocent +layf%lne$$ $eeme# to flic-er li-e the $ha#ow of $%mmer lea)e$ o)er her chil#i$h face( an# aro%n# her '%oyant fig%re. She wa$ alway$ in motion( alway$ with a half $mile on her ro$y mo%th( flying hither an# thither( with an %n#%lating an# clo%#*li-e trea#( $inging to her$elf a$ $he mo)e# a$ in a ha++y #ream. Her father an# female g%ar#ian were ince$$antly '%$y in +%r$%it of her(**'%t( when ca%ght( $he melte# from them again li-e a $%mmer clo%#3 an# a$ no wor# of chi#ing or re+roof e)er fell on her ear for whate)er $he cho$e to #o( $he +%r$%e# her own way all o)er the 'oat. Alway$ #re$$e# in white( $he $eeme# to mo)e li-e a $ha#ow thro%gh all $ort$ of +lace$( witho%t contracting $+ot or $tain3 an# there wa$ not a corner or noo-( a'o)e or 'elow( where tho$e fairy foot$te+$ ha# not gli#e#( an# that )i$ionary gol#en hea#( with it$ #ee+ 'l%e eye$( fleete# along. The fireman( a$ he loo-e# %+ from hi$ $weaty toil( $ometime$ fo%n# tho$e eye$ loo-ing won#eringly into the raging #e+th$ of the f%rnace( an# fearf%lly an# +ityingly at him( a$ if $he tho%ght him in $ome #rea#f%l #anger. Anon the $teer$man at the wheel +a%$e# an# $mile#( a$ the +ict%re*li-e hea# gleame# thro%gh the win#ow of the ro%n# ho%$e( an# in a moment wa$ gone again. A tho%$an# time$ a #ay ro%gh )oice$ 'le$$e# her( an# $mile$ of %nwonte# $oftne$$ $tole o)er har# face$( a$ $he +a$$e#3 an# when $he tri++e# fearle$$ly o)er #angero%$ +lace$( ro%gh( $ooty han#$ were $tretche# in)ol%ntarily o%t to $a)e her( an# $mooth her +ath. Tom( who ha# the $oft( im+re$$i'le nat%re of hi$ -in#ly race( e)er yearning towar# the $im+le an# chil#li-e( watche# the little creat%re with #aily increa$ing intere$t. To him $he $eeme# $omething almo$t #i)ine3 an# whene)er her gol#en hea# an# #ee+ 'l%e eye$ +eere# o%t %+on him from 'ehin# $ome #%$-y cotton*'ale( or loo-e# #own %+on him o)er $ome ri#ge of +ac-age$( he half 'elie)e# that he $aw one of the angel$ $te++e# o%t of hi$ New Te$tament. Often an# often $he wal-e# mo%rnf%lly ro%n# the +lace where Haley'$ gang of men an# women $at in their chain$. She wo%l# gli#e in among them( an# loo- at them with an air of +er+le1e# an# $orrowf%l earne$tne$$3 an#

$ometime$ $he wo%l# lift their chain$ with her $len#er han#$( an# then $igh wof%lly( a$ $he gli#e# away. Se)eral time$ $he a++eare# $%##enly among them( with her han#$ f%ll of can#y( n%t$( an# orange$( which $he wo%l# #i$tri'%te /oyf%lly to them( an# then 'e gone again. Tom watche# the little la#y a great #eal( 'efore he )ent%re# on any o)ert%re$ towar#$ ac2%aintance$hi+. He -new an a'%n#ance of $im+le act$ to +ro+itiate an# in)ite the a++roache$ of the little +eo+le( an# he re$ol)e# to +lay hi$ +art right $-ilf%lly. He co%l# c%t c%nning little 'a$-et$ o%t of cherry*$tone$( co%l# ma-e grote$2%e face$ on hic-ory*n%t$( or o##*/%m+ing fig%re$ o%t of el#er*+ith( an# he wa$ a )ery an in the man%fact%re of whi$tle$ of all $i4e$ an# $ort$. Hi$ +oc-et$ were f%ll of mi$cellaneo%$ article$ of attraction( which he ha# hoar#e# in #ay$ of ol# for hi$ ma$ter'$ chil#ren( an# which he now +ro#%ce#( with commen#a'le +r%#ence an# economy( one 'y one( a$ o)ert%re$ for ac2%aintance an# frien#$hi+. The little one wa$ $hy( for all her '%$y intere$t in e)erything going on( an# it wa$ not ea$y to tame her. &or a while( $he wo%l# +erch li-e a canary*'ir# on $ome 'o1 or +ac-age near Tom( while '%$y in the little art$ afore*name#( an# ta-e from him( with a -in# of gra)e 'a$hf%lne$$( the little article$ he offere#. B%t at la$t they got on 2%ite confi#ential term$. A"hat'$ little mi$$y'$ nameCA $ai# Tom( at la$t( when he tho%ght matter$ were ri+e to +%$h $%ch an in2%iry. AE)angeline St. Clare(A $ai# the little one( Atho%gh +a+a an# e)ery'o#y el$e call me E)a. Now( what'$ yo%r nameCA AMy name'$ Tom3 the little chil'en %$e# to call me Uncle Tom( way 'acthar in ,ent%c-.A AThen I mean to call yo% Uncle Tom( 'eca%$e( yo% $ee( I li-e yo%(A $ai# E)a. ASo( Uncle Tom( where are yo% goingCA AI #on't -now( Mi$$ E)a.A AFon't -nowCA $ai# E)a. ANo( I am going to 'e $ol# to $ome'o#y. I #on't -now who.A AMy +a+a can '%y yo%(A $ai# E)a( 2%ic-ly3 Aan# if he '%y$ yo%( yo% will ha)e goo# time$. I mean to a$- him( thi$ )ery #ay.A AThan- yo%( my little la#y(A $ai# Tom. The 'oat here $to++e# at a $mall lan#ing to ta-e in woo#( an# E)a( hearing her father'$ )oice( 'o%n#e# nim'ly away. Tom ro$e %+( an# went forwar# to offer hi$ $er)ice in woo#ing( an# $oon wa$ '%$y among the han#$. E)a an# her father were $tan#ing together 'y the railing$ to $ee the 'oat $tart from the lan#ing*+lace( the wheel ha# ma#e two or three re)ol%tion$ in the water( when( 'y $ome $%##en mo)ement( the little one

$%##enly lo$t her 'alance an# fell $heer o)er the $i#e of the 'oat into the water. Her father( $carce -nowing what he #i#( wa$ +l%nging in after her( '%t wa$ hel# 'ac- 'y $ome 'ehin# him( who $aw that more efficient ai# ha# followe# hi$ chil#. Tom wa$ $tan#ing /%$t %n#er her on the lower #ec-( a$ $he fell. He $aw her $tri-e the water( an# $in-( an# wa$ after her in a moment. A 'roa#*che$te#( $trong*arme# fellow( it wa$ nothing for him to -ee+ afloat in the water( till( in a moment or two the chil# ro$e to the $%rface( an# he ca%ght her in hi$ arm$( an#( $wimming with her to the 'oat*$i#e( han#e# her %+( all #ri++ing( to the gra$+ of h%n#re#$ of han#$( which( a$ if they ha# all 'elonge# to one man( were $tretche# eagerly o%t to recei)e her. A few moment$ more( an# her father 'ore her( #ri++ing an# $en$ele$$( to the la#ie$' ca'in( where( a$ i$ %$%al in ca$e$ of the -in#( there en$%e# a )ery well*meaning an# -in#*hearte# $trife among the female occ%+ant$ generally( a$ to who $ho%l# #o the mo$t thing$ to ma-e a #i$t%r'ance( an# to hin#er her reco)ery in e)ery way +o$$i'le. It wa$ a $%ltry( clo$e #ay( the ne1t #ay( a$ the $teamer #rew near to New Orlean$. A general '%$tle of e1+ectation an# +re+aration wa$ $+rea# thro%gh the 'oat3 in the ca'in( one an# another were gathering their thing$ together( an# arranging them( +re+aratory to going a$hore. The $tewar# an# cham'ermai#( an# all( were '%$ily engage# in cleaning( f%r'i$hing( an# arranging the $+len#i# 'oat( +re+aratory to a gran# entree. On the lower #ec- $at o%r frien# Tom( with hi$ arm$ fol#e#( an# an1io%$ly( from time to time( t%rning hi$ eye$ towar#$ a gro%+ on the other $i#e of the 'oat. There $too# the fair E)angeline( a little +aler than the #ay 'efore( '%t otherwi$e e1hi'iting no trace$ of the acci#ent which ha# 'efallen her. A gracef%l( elegantly*forme# yo%ng man $too# 'y her( carele$$ly leaning one el'ow on a 'ale of cotton while a large +oc-et*'oo- lay o+en 'efore him. It wa$ 2%ite e)i#ent( at a glance( that the gentleman wa$ E)a'$ father. There wa$ the $ame no'le ca$t of hea#( the $ame large 'l%e eye$( the $ame gol#en*'rown hair3 yet the e1+re$$ion wa$ wholly #ifferent. In the large( clear 'l%e eye$( tho%gh in form an# color e1actly $imilar( there wa$ wanting that mi$ty( #reamy #e+th of e1+re$$ion3 all wa$ clear( 'ol#( an# 'right( '%t with a light wholly of thi$ worl#I the 'ea%tif%lly c%t mo%th ha# a +ro%# an# $omewhat $arca$tic e1+re$$ion( while an air of free*an#*ea$y $%+eriority $at not %ngracef%lly in e)ery t%rn an# mo)ement of hi$ fine form. He wa$ li$tening( with a goo#*h%more#( negligent air( half comic( half contem+t%o%$( to Haley( who wa$ )ery )ol%'ly e1+atiating on the 2%ality of the article for which they were 'argaining. AAll the moral an# Chri$tian )irt%e$ 'o%n# in 'lac- Morocco( com+leteDA he $ai#( when Haley ha# fini$he#. A"ell( now( my goo# fellow( what'$ the #amage( a$ they $ay in ,ent%c-y3 in $hort( what'$ to 'e +ai# o%t for thi$ '%$ine$$C How m%ch are yo% going to cheat me( nowC O%t with itDA A"al(A $ai# Haley( Aif I $ho%l# $ay thirteen h%n#re# #ollar$ for that ar

fellow( I $ho%l#n't '%t /%$t $a)e my$elf3 I $ho%l#n't( now( re'ly.A A oor fellowDA $ai# the yo%ng man( fi1ing hi$ -een( moc-ing 'l%e eye on him3 A'%t I $%++o$e yo%'# let me ha)e him for that( o%t of a +artic%lar regar# for me.A A"ell( the yo%ng la#y here $eem$ to 'e $ot on him( an# nat'lly eno%gh.A AOD certainly( there'$ a call on yo%r 'ene)olence( my frien#. Now( a$ a matter of Chri$tian charity( how chea+ co%l# yo% affor# to let him go( to o'lige a yo%ng la#y that'$ +artic%lar $ot on himCA A"al( now( /%$t thin- on 't(A $ai# the tra#er3 A/%$t loo- at them lim'$(**'roa#*che$te#( $trong a$ a hor$e. Loo- at hi$ hea#3 them high forra#$ allay$ $how$ calc%latin nigger$( that'll #o any -in# o' thing. I')e( mar-e# that ar. Now( a nigger of that ar heft an# '%il# i$ worth con$i#era'le( /%$t a$ yo% may $ay( for hi$ 'o#y( $%++o$in he'$ $t%+i#3 '%t come to +%t in hi$ calc%latin fac%ltie$( an# them which I can $how he ha$ oncommon( why( of co%r$e( it ma-e$ him come higher. "hy( that ar fellow manage# hi$ ma$ter'$ whole farm. He ha$ a $trornary talent for '%$ine$$.A ABa#( 'a#( )ery 'a#3 -now$ altogether too m%chDA $ai# the yo%ng man( with the $ame moc-ing $mile +laying a'o%t hi$ mo%th. ANe)er will #o( in the worl#. Bo%r $mart fellow$ are alway$ r%nning off( $tealing hor$e$( an# rai$ing the #e)il generally. I thin- yo%'ll ha)e to ta-e off a co%+le of h%n#re# for hi$ $martne$$.A A"al( there might 'e $omething in that ar( if it warnt for hi$ character3 '%t I can $how recommen#$ from hi$ ma$ter an# other$( to +ro)e he i$ one of yo%r real +io%$(**the mo$t h%m'le( +rayin( +io%$ critt%r ye e)er #i# $ee. "hy( he'$ 'een calle# a +reacher in them +art$ he came from.A AAn# I might %$e him for a family cha+lain( +o$$i'ly(A a##e# the yo%ng man( #ryly. AThat'$ 2%ite an i#ea. !eligion i$ a remar-a'ly $carce article at o%r ho%$e.A ABo%'re /o-ing( now.A AHow #o yo% -now I amC Fi#n't yo% /%$t warrant him for a +reacherC Ha$ he 'een e1amine# 'y any $yno# or co%ncilC Come( han# o)er yo%r +a+er$.A If the tra#er ha# not 'een $%re( 'y a certain goo#*h%more# twin-le in the large eye( that all thi$ 'anter wa$ $%re( in the long r%n( to t%rn o%t a ca$h concern( he might ha)e 'een $omewhat o%t of +atience3 a$ it wa$( he lai# #own a grea$y +oc-et*'oo- on the cotton*'ale$( an# 'egan an1io%$ly $t%#ying o)er certain +a+er$ in it( the yo%ng man $tan#ing 'y( the while( loo-ing #own on him with an air of carele$$( ea$y #rollery. A a+a( #o '%y himD it'$ no matter what yo% +ay(A whi$+ere# E)a( $oftly( getting %+ on a +ac-age( an# +%tting her arm aro%n# her father'$ nec-. ABo% ha)e money eno%gh( I -now. I want him.A A"hat for( +%$$yC Are yo% going to %$e him for a rattle*'o1( or a

roc-ing*hor$e( or whatC AI want to ma-e him ha++y.A AAn original rea$on( certainly.A Here the tra#er han#e# %+ a certificate( $igne# 'y Mr. Shel'y( which the yo%ng man too- with the ti+$ of hi$ long finger$( an# glance# o)er carele$$ly. AA gentlemanly han#(A he $ai#( Aan# well $+elt( too. "ell( now( '%t I'm not $%re( after all( a'o%t thi$ religion(A $ai# he( the ol# wic-e# e1+re$$ion ret%rning to hi$ eye3 Athe co%ntry i$ almo$t r%ine# with +io%$ white +eo+le3 $%ch +io%$ +olitician$ a$ we ha)e /%$t 'efore election$(**$%ch +io%$ going$ on in all #e+artment$ of ch%rch an# $tate( that a fellow #oe$ not -now who'll cheat him ne1t. I #on't -now( either( a'o%t religion'$ 'eing %+ in the mar-et( /%$t now. I ha)e not loo-e# in the +a+er$ lately( to $ee how it $ell$. How many h%n#re# #ollar$( now( #o yo% +%t on for thi$ religionCA ABo% li-e to 'e /o-in( now(A $ai# the tra#er3 A'%t( then( there'$ 0$en$e0 %n#er all that ar. I -now there'$ #ifference$ in religion. Some -in#$ i$ mi$'ra'leI there'$ yo%r meetin +io%$3 there'$ yo%r $ingin( roarin +io%$3 them ar an't no acco%nt( in 'lac- or white3**'%t the$e rayly i$3 an# I')e $een it in nigger$ a$ often a$ any( yo%r rail $oftly( 2%iet( $ti##y( hone$t( +io%$( that the h%ll worl# co%l#n't tem+t 'em to #o nothing that they thin-$ i$ wrong3 an# ye $ee in thi$ letter what Tom'$ ol# ma$ter $ay$ a'o%t him.A ANow(A $ai# the yo%ng man( $too+ing gra)ely o)er hi$ 'oo- of 'ill$( Aif yo% can a$$%re me that I really can '%y 0thi$0 -in# of +io%$( an# that it will 'e $et #own to my acco%nt in the 'oo- %+ a'o)e( a$ $omething 'elonging to me( I wo%l#n't care if I #i# go a little e1tra for it. How #'ye $ayCA A"al( raily( I can't #o that(A $ai# the tra#er. AI'm a thin-in that e)ery man'll ha)e to hang on hi$ own hoo-( in them ar 2%arter$.A A!ather har# on a fellow that +ay$ e1tra on religion( an# can't tra#e with it in the $tate where he want$ it mo$t( an't it( nowCA $ai# the yo%ng man( who ha# 'een ma-ing o%t a roll of 'ill$ while he wa$ $+ea-ing. AThere( co%nt yo%r money( ol# 'oyDA he a##e#( a$ he han#e# the roll to the tra#er. AAll right(A $ai# Haley( hi$ face 'eaming with #elight3 an# +%lling o%t an ol# in-horn( he +rocee#e# to fill o%t a 'ill of $ale( which( in a few moment$( he han#e# to the yo%ng man. AI won#er( now( if I wa$ #i)i#e# %+ an# in)entorie#(A $ai# the latter a$ he ran o)er the +a+er( Ahow m%ch I might 'ring. Say $o m%ch for the $ha+e of my hea#( $o m%ch for a high forehea#( $o m%ch for arm$( an# han#$( an# leg$( an# then $o m%ch for e#%cation( learning( talent( hone$ty( religionD Ble$$ meD there wo%l# 'e $mall charge on that la$t( I'm thin-ing. B%t come( E)a(A he $ai#3 an# ta-ing the han# of hi$ #a%ghter( he $te++e# acro$$ the 'oat( an# carele$$ly +%tting the ti+ of

hi$ finger %n#er Tom'$ chin( $ai#( goo#*h%more#ly( ALoo-*%+( Tom( an# $ee how yo% li-e yo%r new ma$ter.A Tom loo-e# %+. It wa$ not in nat%re to loo- into that gay( yo%ng( han#$ome face( witho%t a feeling of +lea$%re3 an# Tom felt the tear$ $tart in hi$ eye$ a$ he $ai#( heartily( A5o# 'le$$ yo%( Ma$'rDA A"ell( I ho+e he will. "hat'$ yo%r nameC TomC N%ite a$ li-ely to #o it for yo%r a$-ing a$ mine( from all acco%nt$. Can yo% #ri)e hor$e$( TomCA AI')e 'een allay$ %$e# to hor$e$(A $ai# Tom. AMa$'r Shel'y rai$e# hea+$ of 'em.A A"ell( I thin- I $hall +%t yo% in coachy( on con#ition that yo% won't 'e #r%n- more than once a wee-( %nle$$ in ca$e$ of emergency( Tom.A Tom loo-e# $%r+ri$e#( an# rather h%rt( an# $ai#( AI ne)er #rin-( Ma$'r.A AI')e hear# that $tory 'efore( Tom3 '%t then we'll $ee. It will 'e a $+ecial accommo#ation to all concerne#( if yo% #on't. Ne)er min#( my 'oy(A he a##e#( goo#*h%more#ly( $eeing Tom $till loo-e# gra)e3 AI #on't #o%'t yo% mean to #o well.A AI $artin #o( Ma$'r(A $ai# Tom. AAn# yo% $hall ha)e goo# time$(A $ai# E)a. A a+a i$ )ery goo# to e)ery'o#y( only he alway$ will la%gh at them.A A a+a i$ m%ch o'lige# to yo% for hi$ recommen#ation(A $ai# St. Clare( la%ghing( a$ he t%rne# on hi$ heel an# wal-e# away.

CHA TE! KV Of Tom'$ New Ma$ter( an# Vario%$ Other Matter$ Since the threa# of o%r h%m'le hero'$ life ha$ now 'ecome interwo)en with that of higher one$( it i$ nece$$ary to gi)e $ome 'rief intro#%ction to them. A%g%$tine St. Clare wa$ the $on of a wealthy +lanter of Lo%i$iana. The family ha# it$ origin in Cana#a. Of two 'rother$( )ery $imilar in tem+erament an# character( one ha# $ettle# on a flo%ri$hing farm in Vermont( an# the other 'ecame an o+%lent +lanter in Lo%i$iana. The mother of A%g%$tine wa$ a H%g%enot &rench la#y( who$e family ha# emigrate# to Lo%i$iana #%ring the #ay$ of it$ early $ettlement. A%g%$tine an# another 'rother were the only chil#ren of their +arent$. Ha)ing inherite# from hi$ mother an e1cee#ing #elicacy of con$tit%tion( he wa$( at the in$tance of +hy$ician$( #%ring many year$ of hi$ 'oyhoo#( $ent to the care of hi$ %ncle in Vermont( in or#er that hi$ con$tit%tion might( 'e $trengthene# 'y the col# of a more 'racing climate. In chil#hoo#( he wa$ remar-a'le for an e1treme an# mar-e# $en$iti)ene$$

of character( more a-in to the $oftne$$ of woman than the or#inary har#ne$$ of hi$ own $e1. Time( howe)er( o)ergrew thi$ $oftne$$ with the ro%gh 'ar- of manhoo#( an# '%t few -new how li)ing an# fre$h it $till lay at the core. Hi$ talent$ were of the )ery fir$t or#er( altho%gh hi$ min# $howe# a +reference alway$ for the i#eal an# the ae$thetic( an# there wa$ a'o%t him that re+%gnance to the act%al '%$ine$$ of life which i$ the common re$%lt of thi$ 'alance of the fac%ltie$. Soon after the com+letion of hi$ college co%r$e( hi$ whole nat%re wa$ -in#le# into one inten$e an# +a$$ionate effer)e$cence of romantic +a$$ion. Hi$ ho%r came(**the ho%r that come$ only once3 hi$ $tar ro$e in the hori4on(**that $tar that ri$e$ $o often in )ain( to 'e remem'ere# only a$ a thing of #ream$3 an# it ro$e for him in )ain. To #ro+ the fig%re(**he $aw an# won the lo)e of a high*min#e# an# 'ea%tif%l woman( in one of the northern $tate$( an# they were affiance#. He ret%rne# $o%th to ma-e arrangement$ for their marriage( when( mo$t %ne1+ecte#ly( hi$ letter$ were ret%rne# to him 'y mail( with a $hort note from her g%ar#ian( $tating to him that ere thi$ reache# him the la#y wo%l# 'e the wife of another. St%ng to ma#ne$$( he )ainly ho+e#( a$ many another ha$ #one( to fling the whole thing from hi$ heart 'y one #e$+erate effort. Too +ro%# to $%++licate or $ee- e1+lanation( he threw him$elf at once into a whirl of fa$hiona'le $ociety( an# in a fortnight from the time of the fatal letter wa$ the acce+te# lo)er of the reigning 'elle of the $ea$on3 an# a$ $oon a$ arrangement$ co%l# 'e ma#e( he 'ecame the h%$'an# of a fine fig%re( a +air of 'right #ar- eye$( an# a h%n#re# tho%$an# #ollar$3 an#( of co%r$e( e)ery'o#y tho%ght him a ha++y fellow. The marrie# co%+le were en/oying their honeymoon( an# entertaining a 'rilliant circle of frien#$ in their $+len#i# )illa( near La-e ontchartrain( when( one #ay( a letter wa$ 'ro%ght to him in 0that0 well*remem'ere# writing. It wa$ han#e# to him while he wa$ in f%ll ti#e of gay an# $%cce$$f%l con)er$ation( in a whole room*f%ll of com+any. He t%rne# #ea#ly +ale when he $aw the writing( '%t $till +re$er)e# hi$ com+o$%re( an# fini$he# the +layf%l warfare of 'a#inage which he wa$ at the moment carrying on with a la#y o++o$ite3 an#( a $hort time after( wa$ mi$$e# from the circle. In hi$ room( alone( he o+ene# an# rea# the letter( now wor$e than i#le an# %$ele$$ to 'e rea#. It wa$ from her( gi)ing a long acco%nt of a +er$ec%tion to which $he ha# 'een e1+o$e# 'y her g%ar#ian'$ family( to lea# her to %nite her$elf with their $onI an# $he relate# how( for a long time( hi$ letter$ ha# cea$e# to arri)e3 how $he ha# written time an# again( till $he 'ecame weary an# #o%'tf%l3 how her health ha# faile# %n#er her an1ietie$( an# how( at la$t( $he ha# #i$co)ere# the whole fra%# which ha# 'een +racti$e# on them 'oth. The letter en#e# with e1+re$$ion$ of ho+e an# than-f%lne$$( an# +rofe$$ion$ of %n#ying affection( which were more 'itter than #eath to the %nha++y yo%ng man. He wrote to her imme#iatelyI AI ha)e recei)e# yo%r$(**'%t too late. I 'elie)e# all I hear#. I wa$ #e$+erate. 0I am marrie#0( an# all i$ o)er. Only forget(**it i$ all that remain$ for either of %$.A An# th%$ en#e# the whole romance an# i#eal of life for A%g%$tine St. Clare. B%t the 0real0 remaine#(**the 0real0( li-e the flat( 'are( oo4y ti#e*m%#( when the 'l%e $+ar-ling wa)e( with all it$ com+any of gli#ing 'oat$ an# white*winge# $hi+$( it$ m%$ic of oar$ an# chiming water$( ha$ gone #own( an# there it lie$( flat( $limy( 'are(**e1cee#ingly real.

Of co%r$e( in a no)el( +eo+le'$ heart$ 'rea-( an# they #ie( an# that i$ the en# of it3 an# in a $tory thi$ i$ )ery con)enient. B%t in real life we #o not #ie when all that ma-e$ life 'right #ie$ to %$. There i$ a mo$t '%$y an# im+ortant ro%n# of eating( #rin-ing( #re$$ing( wal-ing( )i$iting( '%ying( $elling( tal-ing( rea#ing( an# all that ma-e$ %+ what i$ commonly calle# 0li)ing0( yet to 'e gone thro%gh3 an# thi$ yet remaine# to A%g%$tine. Ha# hi$ wife 'een a whole woman( $he might yet ha)e #one $omething**a$ woman can**to men# the 'ro-en threa#$ of life( an# wea)e again into a ti$$%e of 'rightne$$. B%t Marie St. Clare co%l# not e)en $ee that they ha# 'een 'ro-en. A$ 'efore $tate#( $he con$i$te# of a fine fig%re( a +air of $+len#i# eye$( an# a h%n#re# tho%$an# #ollar$3 an# none of the$e item$ were +reci$ely the one$ to mini$ter to a min# #i$ea$e#. "hen A%g%$tine( +ale a$ #eath( wa$ fo%n# lying on the $ofa( an# +lea#e# $%##en $ic-*hea#ache a$ the ca%$e of hi$ #i$tre$$( $he recommen#e# to him to $mell of hart$horn3 an# when the +alene$$ an# hea#ache came on wee- after wee-( $he only $ai# that $he ne)er tho%ght Mr. St. Clare wa$ $ic-ly3 '%t it $eem$ he wa$ )ery lia'le to $ic-*hea#ache$( an# that it wa$ a )ery %nfort%nate thing for her( 'eca%$e he #i#n't en/oy going into com+any with her( an# it $eeme# o## to go $o m%ch alone( when they were /%$t marrie#. A%g%$tine wa$ gla# in hi$ heart that he ha# marrie# $o %n#i$cerning a woman3 '%t a$ the glo$$e$ an# ci)ilitie$ of the honeymoon wore away( he #i$co)ere# that a 'ea%tif%l yo%ng woman( who ha$ li)e# all her life to 'e care$$e# an# waite# on( might +ro)e 2%ite a har# mi$tre$$ in #ome$tic life. Marie ne)er ha# +o$$e$$e# m%ch ca+a'ility of affection( or m%ch $en$i'ility( an# the little that $he ha#( ha# 'een merge# into a mo$t inten$e an# %ncon$cio%$ $elfi$hne$$3 a $elfi$hne$$ the more ho+ele$$( from it$ 2%iet o't%$ene$$( it$ %tter ignorance of any claim$ '%t her own. &rom her infancy( $he ha# 'een $%rro%n#e# with $er)ant$( who li)e# only to $t%#y her ca+rice$3 the i#ea that they ha# either feeling$ or right$ ha# ne)er #awne# %+on her( e)en in #i$tant +er$+ecti)e. Her father( who$e only chil# $he ha# 'een( ha# ne)er #enie# her anything that lay within the com+a$$ of h%man +o$$i'ility3 an# when $he entere# life( 'ea%tif%l( accom+li$he#( an# an heire$$( $he ha#( of co%r$e( all the eligi'le$ an# non*eligi'le$ of the other $e1 $ighing at her feet( an# $he ha# no #o%'t that A%g%$tine wa$ a mo$t fort%nate man in ha)ing o'taine# her. It i$ a great mi$ta-e to $%++o$e that a woman with no heart will 'e an ea$y cre#itor in the e1change of affection. There i$ not on earth a more mercile$$ e1actor of lo)e from other$ than a thoro%ghly $elfi$h woman3 an# the more %nlo)ely $he grow$( the more /ealo%$ly an# $cr%+%lo%$ly $he e1act$ lo)e( to the %ttermo$t farthing. "hen( therefore( St. Clare 'egan to #ro+ off tho$e gallantrie$ an# $mall attention$ which flowe# at fir$t thro%gh the ha'it%#e of co%rt$hi+( he fo%n# hi$ $%ltana no way rea#y to re$ign her $la)e3 there were a'%n#ance of tear$( +o%ting$( an# $mall tem+e$t$( there were #i$content$( +ining$( %+'rai#ing$. St. Clare wa$ goo#*nat%re# an# $elf*in#%lgent( an# $o%ght to '%y off with +re$ent$ an# flatterie$3 an# when Marie 'ecame mother to a 'ea%tif%l #a%ghter( he really felt awa-ene#( for a time( to $omething li-e ten#erne$$. St. Clare'$ mother ha# 'een a woman of %ncommon ele)ation an# +%rity of character( an# he ga)e to hi$ chil# hi$ mother'$ name( fon#ly fancying that $he wo%l# +ro)e a re+ro#%ction of her image. The thing ha# 'een

remar-e# with +et%lant /ealo%$y 'y hi$ wife( an# $he regar#e# her h%$'an#'$ a'$or'ing #e)otion to the chil# with $%$+icion an# #i$li-e3 all that wa$ gi)en to her $eeme# $o m%ch ta-en from her$elf. &rom the time of the 'irth of thi$ chil#( her health gra#%ally $%n-. A life of con$tant inaction( 'o#ily an# mental(**the friction of cea$ele$$ enn%i an# #i$content( %nite# to the or#inary wea-ne$$ which atten#e# the +erio# of maternity(**in co%r$e of a few year$ change# the 'looming yo%ng 'elle into a yellow fa#e#( $ic-ly woman( who$e time wa$ #i)i#e# among a )ariety of fancif%l #i$ea$e$( an# who con$i#ere# her$elf( in e)ery $en$e( the mo$t ill*%$e# an# $%ffering +er$on in e1i$tence. There wa$ no en# of her )ario%$ com+laint$3 '%t her +rinci+al forte a++eare# to lie in $ic-*hea#ache( which $ometime$ wo%l# confine her to her room three #ay$ o%t of $i1. A$( of co%r$e( all family arrangement$ fell into the han#$ of $er)ant$( St. Clare fo%n# hi$ menage anything '%t comforta'le. Hi$ only #a%ghter wa$ e1cee#ingly #elicate( an# he feare# that( with no one to loo- after her an# atten# to her( her health an# life might yet fall a $acrifice to her mother'$ inefficiency. He ha# ta-en her with him on a to%r to Vermont( an# ha# +er$%a#e# hi$ co%$in( Mi$$ O+helia St. Clare( to ret%rn with him to hi$ $o%thern re$i#ence3 an# they are now ret%rning on thi$ 'oat( where we ha)e intro#%ce# them to o%r rea#er$. An# now( while the #i$tant #ome$ an# $+ire$ of New Orlean$ ri$e to o%r )iew( there i$ yet time for an intro#%ction to Mi$$ O+helia. "hoe)er ha$ tra)elle# in the New Englan# State$ will remem'er( in $ome cool )illage( the large farmho%$e( with it$ clean*$we+t gra$$y yar#( $ha#e# 'y the #en$e an# ma$$i)e foliage of the $%gar ma+le3 an# remem'er the air of or#er an# $tillne$$( of +er+et%ity an# %nchanging re+o$e( that $eeme# to 'reathe o)er the whole +lace. Nothing lo$t( or o%t of or#er3 not a +ic-et loo$e in the fence( not a +article of litter in the t%rfy yar#( with it$ cl%m+$ of lilac '%$he$ growing %+ %n#er the win#ow$. "ithin( he will remem'er wi#e( clean room$( where nothing e)er $eem$ to 'e #oing or going to 'e #one( where e)erything i$ once an# fore)er rigi#ly in +lace( an# where all ho%$ehol# arrangement$ mo)e with the +%nct%al e1actne$$ of the ol# cloc- in the corner. In the family A-ee+ing*room(A a$ it i$ terme#( he will remem'er the $tai#( re$+ecta'le ol# 'oo-*ca$e( with it$ gla$$ #oor$( where !ollin'$ Hi$tory(6 Milton'$ ara#i$e Lo$t( B%nyan'$ ilgrim'$ rogre$$( an# Scott'$ &amily Bi'le(66 $tan# $i#e 'y $i#e in #ecoro%$ or#er( with m%ltit%#e$ of other 'oo-$( e2%ally $olemn an# re$+ecta'le. There are no $er)ant$ in the ho%$e( '%t the la#y in the $nowy ca+( with the $+ectacle$( who $it$ $ewing e)ery afternoon among her #a%ghter$( a$ if nothing e)er ha# 'een #one( or were to 'e #one(**$he an# her girl$( in $ome long*forgotten fore +art of the #ay( A0#i# %+ the wor-0(A an# for the re$t of the time( +ro'a'ly( at all ho%r$ when yo% wo%l# $ee them( it i$ A0#one %+0.A The ol# -itchen floor ne)er $eem$ $taine# or $+otte#3 the ta'le$( the chair$( an# the )ario%$ coo-ing %ten$il$( ne)er $eem #erange# or #i$or#ere#3 tho%gh three an# $ometime$ fo%r meal$ a #ay are got there( tho%gh the family wa$hing an# ironing i$ there +erforme#( an# tho%gh +o%n#$ of '%tter an# chee$e are in $ome $ilent an# my$terio%$ manner there 'ro%ght into e1i$tence. 6 0The Ancient Hi$tory0( ten )ol%me$ 789LM*89L><( 'y the &rench hi$torian Charle$ !ollin 78@@8*89=8<.

66 0Scott'$ &amily Bi'le0 789>>*89:?<( e#ite# with note$ 'y the Engli$h Bi'lical commentator( Thoma$ Scott 789=9*8>?8<. On $%ch a farm( in $%ch a ho%$e an# family( Mi$$ O+helia ha# $+ent a 2%iet e1i$tence of $ome forty*fi)e year$( when her co%$in in)ite# her to )i$it hi$ $o%thern man$ion. The el#e$t of a large family( $he wa$ $till con$i#ere# 'y her father an# mother a$ one of Athe chil#ren(A an# the +ro+o$al that $he $ho%l# go to 0Orlean$0 wa$ a mo$t momento%$ one to the family circle. The ol# gray*hea#e# father too- #own Mor$e'$ Atla$6 o%t of the 'oo-*ca$e( an# loo-e# o%t the e1act latit%#e an# longit%#e3 an# rea# &lint'$ Tra)el$ in the So%th an# "e$t(66 to ma-e %+ hi$ own min# a$ to the nat%re of the co%ntry. 6 0The Cerogra+hic Atla$ of the Unite# State$0 78>=?*8>=;<( 'y Si#ney E#war#$ Mor$e 789:=*8>98<( $on of the geogra+her( Ee#i#iah Mor$e( an# 'rother of the +ainter*in)entor( Sam%el &. B. Mor$e. 66 0!ecollection$ of the La$t Ten Bear$0 78>?@< 'y Timothy &lint 789>M*8>=M<( mi$$ionary of re$'yteriani$m to the tran$*Allegheny "e$t. The goo# mother in2%ire#( an1io%$ly( Aif Orlean$ wa$n't an awf%l wic-e# +lace(A $aying( Athat it $eeme# to her mo$t e2%al to going to the San#wich I$lan#$( or anywhere among the heathen.A It wa$ -nown at the mini$ter'$ an# at the #octor'$( an# at Mi$$ ea'o#y'$ milliner $ho+( that O+helia St. Clare wa$ Atal-ing a'o%tA going away #own to Orlean$ with her co%$in3 an# of co%r$e the whole )illage co%l# #o no le$$ than hel+ thi$ )ery im+ortant +roce$$ of 0ta-ing a'o%t0 the matter. The mini$ter( who incline# $trongly to a'olitioni$t )iew$( wa$ 2%ite #o%'tf%l whether $%ch a $te+ might not ten# $omewhat to enco%rage the $o%therner$ in hol#ing on to their $la)e$3 while the #octor( who wa$ a $tanch coloni4ationi$t( incline# to the o+inion that Mi$$ O+helia o%ght to go( to $how the Orlean$ +eo+le that we #on't thin- har#ly of them( after all. He wa$ of o+inion( in fact( that $o%thern +eo+le nee#e# enco%raging. "hen howe)er( the fact that $he ha# re$ol)e# to go wa$ f%lly 'efore the +%'lic min#( $he wa$ $olemnly in)ite# o%t to tea 'y all her frien#$ an# neigh'or$ for the $+ace of a fortnight( an# her +ro$+ect$ an# +lan$ #%ly can)a$$e# an# in2%ire# into. Mi$$ Mo$eley( who came into the ho%$e to hel+ to #o the #re$$*ma-ing( ac2%ire# #aily acce$$ion$ of im+ortance from the #e)elo+ment$ with regar# to Mi$$ O+helia'$ war#ro'e which $he ha# 'een ena'le# to ma-e. It wa$ cre#i'ly a$certaine# that S2%ire Sinclare( a$ hi$ name wa$ commonly contracte# in the neigh'orhoo#( ha# co%nte# o%t fifty #ollar$( an# gi)en them to Mi$$ O+helia( an# tol# her to '%y any clothe$ $he tho%ght 'e$t3 an# that two new $il- #re$$e$( an# a 'onnet( ha# 'een $ent for from Bo$ton. A$ to the +ro+riety of thi$ e1traor#inary o%tlay( the +%'lic min# wa$ #i)i#e#(**$ome affirming that it wa$ well eno%gh( all thing$ con$i#ere#( for once in one'$ life( an# other$ $to%tly affirming that the money ha# 'etter ha)e 'een $ent to the mi$$ionarie$3 '%t all +artie$ agree# that there ha# 'een no $%ch +ara$ol $een in tho$e +art$ a$ ha# 'een $ent on from New Bor-( an# that $he ha# one $il- #re$$ that might fairly 'e tr%$te# to $tan# alone( whate)er

might 'e $ai# of it$ mi$tre$$. There were cre#i'le r%mor$( al$o( of a hem$titche# +oc-et*han#-erchief3 an# re+ort e)en went $o far a$ to $tate that Mi$$ O+helia ha# one +oc-et*han#-erchief with lace all aro%n# it(**it wa$ e)en a##e# that it wa$ wor-e# in the corner$3 '%t thi$ latter +oint wa$ ne)er $ati$factorily a$certaine#( an# remain$( in fact( %n$ettle# to thi$ #ay. Mi$$ O+helia( a$ yo% now 'ehol# her( $tan#$ 'efore yo%( in a )ery $hining 'rown linen tra)elling*#re$$( tall( $2%are*forme#( an# ang%lar. Her face wa$ thin( an# rather $har+ in it$ o%tline$3 the li+$ com+re$$e#( li-e tho$e of a +er$on who i$ in the ha'it of ma-ing %+ her min# #efinitely on all $%'/ect$3 while the -een( #ar- eye$ ha# a +ec%liarly $earching( a#)i$e# mo)ement( an# tra)elle# o)er e)erything( a$ if they were loo-ing for $omething to ta-e care of. All her mo)ement$ were $har+( #eci#e#( an# energetic3 an#( tho%gh $he wa$ ne)er m%ch of a tal-er( her wor#$ were remar-a'ly #irect( an# to the +%r+o$e( when $he #i# $+ea-. In her ha'it$( $he wa$ a li)ing im+er$onation of or#er( metho#( an# e1actne$$. In +%nct%ality( $he wa$ a$ ine)ita'le a$ a cloc-( an# a$ ine1ora'le a$ a railroa# engine3 an# $he hel# in mo$t #eci#e# contem+t an# a'omination anything of a contrary character. The great $in of $in$( in her eye$(**the $%m of all e)il$(**wa$ e1+re$$e# 'y one )ery common an# im+ortant wor# in her )oca'%lary**A$hiftle$$ne$$.A Her finale an# %ltimat%m of contem+t con$i$te# in a )ery em+hatic +ron%nciation of the wor# A$hiftle$$3A an# 'y thi$ $he characteri4e# all mo#e$ of +roce#%re which ha# not a #irect an# ine)ita'le relation to accom+li$hment of $ome +%r+o$e then #efinitely ha# in min#. eo+le who #i# nothing( or who #i# not -now e1actly what they were going to #o( or who #i# not ta-e the mo$t #irect way to accom+li$h what they $et their han#$ to( were o'/ect$ of her entire contem+t(**a contem+t $hown le$$ fre2%ently 'y anything $he $ai#( than 'y a -in# of $tony grimne$$( a$ if $he $corne# to $ay anything a'o%t the matter. A$ to mental c%lti)ation(**$he ha# a clear( $trong( acti)e min#( wa$ well an# thoro%ghly rea# in hi$tory an# the ol#er Engli$h cla$$ic$( an# tho%ght with great $trength within certain narrow limit$. Her theological tenet$ were all ma#e %+( la'elle# in mo$t +o$iti)e an# #i$tinct form$( an# +%t 'y( li-e the '%n#le$ in her +atch tr%n-3 there were /%$t $o many of them( an# there were ne)er to 'e any more. So( al$o( were her i#ea$ with regar# to mo$t matter$ of +ractical life(**$%ch a$ ho%$e-ee+ing in all it$ 'ranche$( an# the )ario%$ +olitical relation$ of her nati)e )illage. An#( %n#erlying all( #ee+er than anything el$e( higher an# 'roa#er( lay the $tronge$t +rinci+le of her 'eing**con$cientio%$ne$$. Nowhere i$ con$cience $o #ominant an# all*a'$or'ing a$ with New Englan# women. It i$ the granite formation( which lie$ #ee+e$t( an# ri$e$ o%t( e)en to the to+$ of the highe$t mo%ntain$. Mi$$ O+helia wa$ the a'$ol%te 'on#*$la)e of the A0o%ght0.A Once ma-e her certain that the A+ath of #%ty(A a$ $he commonly +hra$e# it( lay in any gi)en #irection( an# fire an# water co%l# not -ee+ her from it. She

wo%l# wal- $traight #own into a well( or %+ to a loa#e# cannon'$ mo%th( if $he were only 2%ite $%re that there the +ath lay. Her $tan#ar# of right wa$ $o high( $o all*em'racing( $o min%te( an# ma-ing $o few conce$$ion$ to h%man frailty( that( tho%gh $he $tro)e with heroic ar#or to reach it( $he ne)er act%ally #i# $o( an# of co%r$e wa$ '%r#ene# with a con$tant an# often hara$$ing $en$e of #eficiency3**thi$ ga)e a $e)ere an# $omewhat gloomy ca$t to her religio%$ character. B%t( how in the worl# can Mi$$ O+helia get along with A%g%$tine St. Clare(**gay( ea$y( %n+%nct%al( %n+ractical( $ce+tical(**in $hort(**wal-ing with im+%#ent an# nonchalant free#om o)er e)ery one of her mo$t cheri$he# ha'it$ an# o+inion$C To tell the tr%th( then( Mi$$ O+helia lo)e# him. "hen a 'oy( it ha# 'een her$ to teach him hi$ catechi$m( men# hi$ clothe$( com' hi$ hair( an# 'ring him %+ generally in the way he $ho%l# go3 an# her heart ha)ing a warm $i#e to it( A%g%$tine ha#( a$ he %$%ally #i# with mo$t +eo+le( mono+oli4e# a large $hare of it for him$elf( an# therefore it wa$ that he $%ccee#e# )ery ea$ily in +er$%a#ing her that the A+ath of #%tyA lay in the #irection of New Orlean$( an# that $he m%$t go with him to ta-e care of E)a( an# -ee+ e)erything from going to wrec- an# r%in #%ring the fre2%ent illne$$e$ of hi$ wife. The i#ea of a ho%$e witho%t any'o#y to ta-e care of it went to her heart3 then $he lo)e# the lo)ely little girl( a$ few co%l# hel+ #oing3 an# tho%gh $he regar#e# A%g%$tine a$ )ery m%ch of a heathen( yet $he lo)e# him( la%ghe# at hi$ /o-e$( an# for'ore with hi$ failing$( to an e1tent which tho$e who -new him tho%ght +erfectly incre#i'le. B%t what more or other i$ to 'e -nown of Mi$$ O+helia o%r rea#er m%$t #i$co)er 'y a +er$onal ac2%aintance. There $he i$( $itting now in her $tate*room( $%rro%n#e# 'y a mi1e# m%ltit%#e of little an# 'ig car+et*'ag$( 'o1e$( 'a$-et$( each containing $ome $e+arate re$+on$i'ility which $he i$ tying( 'in#ing %+( +ac-ing( or fa$tening( with a face of great earne$tne$$. ANow( E)a( ha)e yo% -e+t co%nt of yo%r thing$C Of co%r$e yo% ha)en't(**chil#ren ne)er #oI there'$ the $+otte# car+et*'ag an# the little 'l%e 'an#*'o1 with yo%r 'e$t 'onnet(**that'$ two3 then the In#ia r%''er $atchel i$ three3 an# my ta+e an# nee#le 'o1 i$ fo%r3 an# my 'an#*'o1( fi)e3 an# my collar*'o13 an# that little hair tr%n-( $e)en. "hat ha)e yo% #one with yo%r $%n$ha#eC 5i)e it to me( an# let me +%t a +a+er ro%n# it( an# tie it to my %m'rella with my $ha#e3**there( now.A A"hy( a%nty( we are only going %+ home3**what i$ the %$eCA ATo -ee+ it nice( chil#3 +eo+le m%$t ta-e care of their thing$( if they e)er mean to ha)e anything3 an# now( E)a( i$ yo%r thim'le +%t %+CA A!eally( a%nty( I #on't -now.A A"ell( ne)er min#3 I'll loo- yo%r 'o1 o)er(**thim'le( wa1( two $+ool$( $ci$$or$( -nife( ta+e*nee#le3 all right(**+%t it in here. "hat #i# yo% e)er #o( chil#( when yo% were coming on with only yo%r +a+a. I $ho%l# ha)e tho%ght yo%'# a lo$t e)erything yo% ha#.A A"ell( a%nty( I #i# lo$e a great many3 an# then( when we $to++e#

anywhere( +a+a wo%l# '%y $ome more of whate)er it wa$.A AMercy on %$( chil#(**what a wayDA AIt wa$ a )ery ea$y way( a%nty(A $ai# E)a. AIt'$ a #rea#f%l $hiftle$$ one(A $ai# a%nty. A"hy( a%nty( what'll yo% #o nowCA $ai# E)a3 Athat tr%n- i$ too f%ll to 'e $h%t #own.A AIt 0m%$t0 $h%t #own(A $ai# a%nty( with the air of a general( a$ $he $2%ee4e# the thing$ in( an# $+r%ng %+on the li#3**$till a little ga+ remaine# a'o%t the mo%th of the tr%n-. A5et %+ here( E)aDA $ai# Mi$$ O+helia( co%rageo%$ly3 Awhat ha$ 'een #one can 'e #one again. Thi$ tr%n- ha$ 0got to 'e0 $h%t an# loc-e#**there are no two way$ a'o%t it.A An# the tr%n-( intimi#ate#( #o%'tle$$( 'y thi$ re$ol%te $tatement( ga)e in. The ha$+ $na++e# $har+ly in it$ hole( an# Mi$$ O+helia t%rne# the -ey( an# +oc-ete# it in tri%m+h. ANow we're rea#y. "here'$ yo%r +a+aC I thin- it time thi$ 'aggage wa$ $et o%t. Fo loo- o%t( E)a( an# $ee if yo% $ee yo%r +a+a.A AO( ye$( he'$ #own the other en# of the gentlemen'$ ca'in( eating an orange.A AHe can't -now how near we are coming(A $ai# a%nty3 Aha#n't yo% 'etter r%n an# $+ea- to himCA A a+a ne)er i$ in a h%rry a'o%t anything(A $ai# E)a( Aan# we ha)en't come to the lan#ing. Fo $te+ on the g%ar#$( a%nty. Loo-D there'$ o%r ho%$e( %+ that $treetDA The 'oat now 'egan( with hea)y groan$( li-e $ome )a$t( tire# mon$ter( to +re+are to +%$h %+ among the m%lti+lie# $teamer$ at the le)ee. E)a /oyo%$ly +ointe# o%t the )ario%$ $+ire$( #ome$( an# way*mar-$( 'y which $he recogni4e# her nati)e city. ABe$( ye$( #ear3 )ery fine(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia. AB%t mercy on %$D the 'oat ha$ $to++e#D where i$ yo%r fatherCA An# now en$%e# the %$%al t%rmoil of lan#ing**waiter$ r%nning twenty way$ at once**men t%gging tr%n-$( car+et*'ag$( 'o1e$**women an1io%$ly calling to their chil#ren( an# e)ery'o#y crow#ing in a #en$e ma$$ to the +lantowar#$ the lan#ing. Mi$$ O+helia $eate# her$elf re$ol%tely on the lately )an2%i$he# tr%n-( an# mar$halling all her goo#$ an# chattel$ in fine military or#er( $eeme# re$ol)e# to #efen# them to the la$t. AShall I ta-e yo%r tr%n-( ma'amCA AShall I ta-e yo%r 'aggageCA ALet me 'ten# to yo%r 'aggage( Mi$$i$CA AShan't I carry o%t the$e yer( Mi$$i$CA

raine# #own %+on her %nhee#e#. She $at with grim #etermination( %+right a$ a #arning*nee#le $t%c- in a 'oar#( hol#ing on her '%n#le of %m'rella an# +ara$ol$( an# re+lying with a #etermination that wa$ eno%gh to $tri-e #i$may e)en into a hac-man( won#ering to E)a( in each inter)al( Awhat %+on earth her +a+a co%l# 'e thin-ing of3 he co%l#n't ha)e fallen o)er( now(**'%t $omething m%$t ha)e ha++ene#3A**an# /%$t a$ $he ha# 'eg%n to wor- her$elf into a real #i$tre$$( he came %+( with hi$ %$%ally carele$$ motion( an# gi)ing E)a a 2%arter of the orange he wa$ eating( $ai#( A"ell( Co%$in Vermont( I $%++o$e yo% are all rea#y.A AI')e 'een rea#y( waiting( nearly an ho%r(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia3 AI 'egan to 'e really concerne# a'o%t yo%. AThat'$ a cle)er fellow( now(A $ai# he. A"ell( the carriage i$ waiting( an# the crow# are now off( $o that one can wal- o%t in a #ecent an# Chri$tian manner( an# not 'e +%$he# an# $ho)e#. Here(A he a##e# to a #ri)er who $too# 'ehin# him( Ata-e the$e thing$.A AI'll go an# $ee to hi$ +%tting them in(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia. AO( +$haw( co%$in( what'$ the %$eCA $ai# St. Clare. A"ell( at any rate( I'll carry thi$( an# thi$( an# thi$(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia( $ingling o%t three 'o1e$ an# a $mall car+et*'ag. AMy #ear Mi$$ Vermont( +o$iti)ely yo% m%$tn't come the 5reen Mo%ntain$ o)er %$ that way. Bo% m%$t a#o+t at lea$t a +iece of a $o%thern +rinci+le( an# not wal- o%t %n#er all that loa#. They'll ta-e yo% for a waiting*mai#3 gi)e them to thi$ fellow3 he'll +%t them #own a$ if they were egg$( now.A Mi$$ O+helia loo-e# #e$+airingly a$ her co%$in too- all her trea$%re$ from her( an# re/oice# to fin# her$elf once more in the carriage with them( in a $tate of +re$er)ation. A"here'$ TomCA $ai# E)a. AO( he'$ on the o%t$i#e( %$$y. I'm going to ta-e Tom %+ to mother for a +eace*offering( to ma-e %+ for that #r%n-en fellow that %+$et the carriage.A AO( Tom will ma-e a $+len#i# #ri)er( I -now(A $ai# E)a3 Ahe'll ne)er get #r%n-.A The carriage $to++e# in front of an ancient man$ion( '%ilt in that o## mi1t%re of S+ani$h an# &rench $tyle( of which there are $+ecimen$ in $ome +art$ of New Orlean$. It wa$ '%ilt in the Moori$h fa$hion(**a $2%are '%il#ing enclo$ing a co%rt*yar#( into which the carriage #ro)e thro%gh an arche# gateway. The co%rt( in the in$i#e( ha# e)i#ently 'een arrange# to gratify a +ict%re$2%e an# )ol%+t%o%$ i#eality. "i#e gallerie$ ran all aro%n# the fo%r $i#e$( who$e Moori$h arche$( $len#er +illar$( an# ara'e$2%e ornament$( carrie# the min# 'ac-( a$ in a #ream( to the reign of oriental romance in S+ain. In the mi##le of the co%rt( a

fo%ntain threw high it$ $il)ery water( falling in a ne)er*cea$ing $+ray into a mar'le 'a$in( fringe# with a #ee+ 'or#er of fragrant )iolet$. The water in the fo%ntain( +ell%ci# a$ cry$tal( wa$ ali)e with myria#$ of gol# an# $il)er fi$he$( twin-ling an# #arting thro%gh it li-e $o many li)ing /ewel$. Aro%n# the fo%ntain ran a wal-( +a)e# with a mo$aic of +e''le$( lai# in )ario%$ fancif%l +attern$3 an# thi$( again( wa$ $%rro%n#e# 'y t%rf( $mooth a$ green )el)et( while a carriage*#ri)e enclo$e# the whole. Two large orange*tree$( now fragrant with 'lo$$om$( threw a #elicio%$ $ha#e3 an#( range# in a circle ro%n# %+on the t%rf( were mar'le )a$e$ of ara'e$2%e $c%l+t%re( containing the choice$t flowering +lant$ of the tro+ic$. H%ge +omegranate tree$( with their glo$$y lea)e$ an# flame*colore# flower$( #ar-*lea)e# Ara'ian /e$$amine$( with their $il)ery $tar$( gerani%m$( l%1%riant ro$e$ 'en#ing 'eneath their hea)y a'%n#ance of flower$( gol#en /e$$amine$( lemon*$cente# )er'en%m( all %nite# their 'loom an# fragrance( while here an# there a my$tic ol# aloe( with it$ $trange( ma$$i)e lea)e$( $at loo-ing li-e $ome ol# enchanter( $itting in weir# gran#e%r among the more +eri$ha'le 'loom an# fragrance aro%n# it. The gallerie$ that $%rro%n#e# the co%rt were fe$toone# with a c%rtain of $ome -in# of Moori$h $t%ff( an# co%l# 'e #rawn #own at +lea$%re( to e1cl%#e the 'eam$ of the $%n. On the whole( the a++earance of the +lace wa$ l%1%rio%$ an# romantic. A$ the carriage #ro)e in( E)a $eeme# li-e a 'ir# rea#y to '%r$t from a cage( with the wil# eagerne$$ of her #elight. AO( i$n't it 'ea%tif%l( lo)elyD my own #ear( #arling homeDA $he $ai# to Mi$$ O+helia. AI$n't it 'ea%tif%lCA A'T i$ a +retty +lace(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia( a$ $he alighte#3 Atho%gh it loo-$ rather ol# an# heatheni$h to me.A Tom got #own from the carriage( an# loo-e# a'o%t with an air of calm( $till en/oyment. The negro( it m%$t 'e remem'ere#( i$ an e1otic of the mo$t gorgeo%$ an# $%+er' co%ntrie$ of the worl#( an# he ha$( #ee+ in hi$ heart( a +a$$ion for all that i$ $+len#i#( rich( an# fancif%l3 a +a$$ion which( r%#ely in#%lge# 'y an %ntraine# ta$te( #raw$ on them the ri#ic%le of the col#er an# more correct white race. St. Clare( who wa$ in heart a +oetical )ol%+t%ary( $mile# a$ Mi$$ O+helia ma#e her remar- on hi$ +remi$e$( an#( t%rning to Tom( who wa$ $tan#ing loo-ing ro%n#( hi$ 'eaming 'lac- face +erfectly ra#iant with a#miration( he $ai#( ATom( my 'oy( thi$ $eem$ to $%it yo%.A ABe$( Ma$'r( it loo-$ a'o%t the right thing(A $ai# Tom. All thi$ +a$$e# in a moment( while tr%n-$ were 'eing h%$tle# off( hac-man +ai#( an# while a crow#( of all age$ an# $i4e$(**men( women( an# chil#ren(**came r%nning thro%gh the gallerie$( 'oth a'o)e an# 'elow to $ee Ma$'r come in. &oremo$t among them wa$ a highly*#re$$e# yo%ng m%latto man( e)i#ently a )ery 0#i$ting%e0 +er$onage( attire# in the %ltra e1treme of the mo#e( an# gracef%lly wa)ing a $cente# cam'ric

han#-erchief in hi$ han#. Thi$ +er$onage ha# 'een e1erting him$elf( with great alacrity( in #ri)ing all the floc- of #ome$tic$ to the other en# of the )eran#ah. ABac-D all of yo%. I am a$hame# of yo%(A he $ai#( in a tone of a%thority. A"o%l# yo% intr%#e on Ma$ter'$ #ome$tic relation$( in the fir$t ho%r of hi$ ret%rnCA All loo-e# a'a$he# at thi$ elegant $+eech( #eli)ere# with 2%ite an air( an# $too# h%##le# together at a re$+ectf%l #i$tance( e1ce+t two $to%t +orter$( who came %+ an# 'egan con)eying away the 'aggage. Owing to Mr. A#ol+h'$ $y$tematic arrangement$( when St. Clare t%rne# ro%n# from +aying the hac-man( there wa$ no'o#y in )iew '%t Mr. A#ol+h him$elf( con$+ic%o%$ in $atin )e$t( gol# g%ar#*chain( an# white +ant$( an# 'owing with ine1+re$$i'le grace an# $%a)ity. AAh( A#ol+h( i$ it yo%CA $ai# hi$ ma$ter( offering hi$ han# to him3 Ahow are yo%( 'oyCA while A#ol+h +o%re# forth( with great fl%ency( an e1tem+orary $+eech( which he ha# 'een +re+aring( with great care( for a fortnight 'efore. A"ell( well(A $ai# St. Clare( +a$$ing on( with hi$ %$%al air of negligent #rollery( Athat'$ )ery well got %+( A#ol+h. See that the 'aggage i$ well 'e$towe#. I'll come to the +eo+le in a min%te3A an#( $o $aying( he le# Mi$$ O+helia to a large +arlor that o+ene# on the )eran#ah. "hile thi$ ha# 'een +a$$ing( E)a ha# flown li-e a 'ir#( thro%gh the +orch an# +arlor( to a little 'o%#oir o+ening li-ewi$e on the )eran#ah. A tall( #ar-*eye#( $allow woman( half ro$e from a co%ch on which $he wa$ reclining. AMammaDA $ai# E)a( in a $ort of a ra+t%re( throwing her$elf on her nec-( an# em'racing her o)er an# o)er again. AThat'll #o(**ta-e care( chil#(**#on't( yo% ma-e my hea# ache(A $ai# the mother( after $he ha# lang%i#ly -i$$e# her. St. Clare came in( em'race# hi$ wife in tr%e( ortho#o1( h%$'an#ly fa$hion( an# then +re$ente# to her hi$ co%$in. Marie lifte# her large eye$ on her co%$in with an air of $ome c%rio$ity( an# recei)e# her with lang%i# +olitene$$. A crow# of $er)ant$ now +re$$e# to the entry #oor( an# among them a mi##le*age# m%latto woman( of )ery re$+ecta'le a++earance( $too# foremo$t( in a tremor of e1+ectation an# /oy( at the #oor. AO( there'$ MammyDA $ai# E)a( a$ $he flew acro$$ the room3 an#( throwing her$elf into her arm$( $he -i$$e# her re+eate#ly. Thi$ woman #i# not tell her that $he ma#e her hea# ache( '%t( on the contrary( $he h%gge# her( an# la%ghe#( an# crie#( till her $anity wa$ a thing to 'e #o%'te# of3 an# when relea$e# from her( E)a flew from one

to another( $ha-ing han#$ an# -i$$ing( in a way that Mi$$ O+helia afterwar#$ #eclare# fairly t%rne# her $tomach. A"ellDA $ai# Mi$$ O+helia( Ayo% $o%thern chil#ren can #o $omething that 0I0 co%l#n't.A A"hat( now( +rayCA $ai# St. Clare. A"ell( I want to 'e -in# to e)ery'o#y( an# I wo%l#n't ha)e anything h%rt3 '%t a$ to -i$$ing**A ANigger$(A $ai# St. Clare( Athat yo%'re not %+ to(**heyCA ABe$( that'$ it. How can $heCA St. Clare la%ghe#( a$ he went into the +a$$age. AHalloa( here( what'$ to +ay o%t hereC Here( yo% all**Mammy( Eimmy( olly( S%-ey**gla# to $ee Ma$'rCA he $ai#( a$ he went $ha-ing han#$ from one to another. ALoo- o%t for the 'a'ie$DA he a##e#( a$ he $t%m'le# o)er a $ooty little %rchin( who wa$ crawling %+on all fo%r$. AIf I $te+ %+on any'o#y( let 'em mention it.A There wa$ an a'%n#ance of la%ghing an# 'le$$ing Ma$'r( a$ St. Clare #i$tri'%te# $mall +iece$ of change among them. ACome( now( ta-e yo%r$el)e$ off( li-e goo# 'oy$ an# girl$(A he $ai#3 an# the whole a$$em'lage( #ar- an# light( #i$a++eare# thro%gh a #oor into a large )eran#ah( followe# 'y E)a( who carrie# a large $atchel( which $he ha# 'een filling with a++le$( n%t$( can#y( ri''on$( lace$( an# toy$ of e)ery #e$cri+tion( #%ring her whole homewar# /o%rney. A$ St. Clare t%rne# to go 'ac- hi$ eye fell %+on Tom( who wa$ $tan#ing %nea$ily( $hifting from one foot to the other( while A#ol+h $too# negligently leaning again$t the 'ani$ter$( e1amining Tom thro%gh an o+era*gla$$( with an air that wo%l# ha)e #one cre#it to any #an#y li)ing. A %hD yo% +%++y(A $ai# hi$ ma$ter( $tri-ing #own the o+era gla$$3 Ai$ that the way yo% treat yo%r com+anyC Seem$ to me( Fol+h(A he a##e#( laying hi$ finger on the elegant fig%re# $atin )e$t that A#ol+h wa$ $+orting( A$eem$ to me that'$ 0my0 )e$t.A AOD Ma$ter( thi$ )e$t all $taine# with wine3 of co%r$e( a gentleman in Ma$ter'$ $tan#ing ne)er wear$ a )e$t li-e thi$. I %n#er$too# I wa$ to ta-e it. It #oe$ for a +oor nigger*fellow( li-e me.A An# A#ol+h to$$e# hi$ hea#( an# +a$$e# hi$ finger$ thro%gh hi$ $cente# hair( with a grace. ASo( that'$ it( i$ itCA $ai# St. Clare( carele$$ly. A"ell( here( I'm going to $how thi$ Tom to hi$ mi$tre$$( an# then yo% ta-e him to the -itchen3 an# min# yo% #on't +%t on any of yo%r air$ to him. He'$ worth two $%ch +%++ie$ a$ yo%.A AMa$ter alway$ will ha)e hi$ /o-e(A $ai# A#ol+h( la%ghing. AI'm

#elighte# to $ee Ma$ter in $%ch $+irit$.A AHere( Tom(A $ai# St. Clare( 'ec-oning. Tom entere# the room. He loo-e# wi$tf%lly on the )el)et car+et$( an# the 'efore %nimagine# $+len#or$ of mirror$( +ict%re$( $tat%e$( an# c%rtain$( an#( li-e the N%een of She'a 'efore Solomon( there wa$ no more $+irit in him. He loo-e# afrai# e)en to $et hi$ feet #own. ASee here( Marie(A $ai# St. Clare to hi$ wife( AI')e 'o%ght yo% a coachman( at la$t( to or#er. I tell yo%( he'$ a reg%lar hear$e for 'lac-ne$$ an# $o'riety( an# will #ri)e yo% li-e a f%neral( if yo% want. O+en yo%r eye$( now( an# loo- at him. Now( #on't $ay I ne)er thin- a'o%t yo% when I'm gone.A Marie o+ene# her eye$( an# fi1e# them on Tom( witho%t ri$ing. AI -now he'll get #r%n-(A $he $ai#. ANo( he'$ warrante# a +io%$ an# $o'er article.A A"ell( I ho+e he may t%rn o%t well(A $ai# the la#y3 Ait'$ more than I e1+ect( tho%gh.A AFol+h(A $ai# St. Clare( A$how Tom #own $tair$3 an#( min# yo%r$elf(A he a##e#3 Aremem'er what I tol# yo%.A A#ol+h tri++e# gracef%lly forwar#( an# Tom( with l%m'ering trea#( went after. AHe'$ a +erfect 'ehemothDA $ai# Marie. ACome( now( Marie(A $ai# St. Clare( $eating him$elf on a $tool 'e$i#e her $ofa( A'e gracio%$( an# $ay $omething +retty to a fellow.A ABo%')e 'een gone a fortnight 'eyon# the time(A $ai# the la#y( +o%ting. A"ell( yo% -now I wrote yo% the rea$on.A AS%ch a $hort( col# letterDA $ai# the la#y. AFear meD the mail wa$ /%$t going( an# it ha# to 'e that or nothing.A AThat'$ /%$t the way( alway$(A $ai# the la#y3 Aalway$ $omething to ma-e yo%r /o%rney$ long( an# letter$ $hort.A ASee here( now(A he a##e#( #rawing an elegant )el)et ca$e o%t of hi$ +oc-et( an# o+ening it( Ahere'$ a +re$ent I got for yo% in New Bor-.A It wa$ a #ag%erreoty+e( clear an# $oft a$ an engra)ing( re+re$enting E)a an# her father $itting han# in han#. Marie loo-e# at it with a #i$$ati$fie# air. A"hat ma#e yo% $it in $%ch an aw-war# +o$itionCA $he $ai#.

A"ell( the +o$ition may 'e a matter of o+inion3 '%t what #o yo% thin- of the li-ene$$CA AIf yo% #on't thin- anything of my o+inion in one ca$e( I $%++o$e yo% wo%l#n't in another(A $ai# the la#y( $h%tting the #ag%erreoty+e. AHang the womanDA $ai# St. Clare( mentally3 '%t alo%# he a##e#( ACome( now( Marie( what #o yo% thin- of the li-ene$$C Fon't 'e non$en$ical( now.A AIt'$ )ery incon$i#erate of yo%( St. Clare(A $ai# the la#y( Ato in$i$t on my tal-ing an# loo-ing at thing$. Bo% -now I')e 'een lying all #ay with the $ic-*hea#ache3 an# there'$ 'een $%ch a t%m%lt ma#e e)er $ince yo% came( I'm half #ea#.A ABo%'re $%'/ect to the $ic-*hea#ache( ma'amDA $ai# Mi$$ O+helia( $%##enly ri$ing from the #e+th$ of the large arm*chair( where $he ha# $at 2%ietly( ta-ing an in)entory of the f%rnit%re( an# calc%lating it$ e1+en$e. ABe$( I'm a +erfect martyr to it(A $ai# the la#y. AE%ni+er*'erry tea i$ goo# for $ic-*hea#ache(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia3 Aat lea$t( A%g%$te( Feacon A'raham erry'$ wife( %$e# to $ay $o3 an# $he wa$ a great n%r$e.A AI'll ha)e the fir$t /%ni+er*'errie$ that get ri+e in o%r gar#en 'y the la-e 'ro%ght in for that $+ecial +%r+o$e(A $ai# St. Clare( gra)ely +%lling the 'ell a$ he #i# $o3 Ameanwhile( co%$in( yo% m%$t 'e wanting to retire to yo%r a+artment( an# refre$h yo%r$elf a little( after yo%r /o%rney. Fol+h(A he a##e#( Atell Mammy to come here.A The #ecent m%latto woman whom E)a ha# care$$e# $o ra+t%ro%$ly $oon entere#3 $he wa$ #re$$e# neatly( with a high re# an# yellow t%r'an on her hea#( the recent gift of E)a( an# which the chil# ha# 'een arranging on her hea#. AMammy(A $ai# St. Clare( AI +%t thi$ la#y %n#er yo%r care3 $he i$ tire#( an# want$ re$t3 ta-e her to her cham'er( an# 'e $%re $he i$ ma#e comforta'le(A an# Mi$$ O+helia #i$a++eare# in the rear of Mammy.

CHA TE! KVI Tom'$ Mi$tre$$ an# Her O+inion$ AAn# now( Marie(A $ai# St. Clare( Ayo%r gol#en #ay$ are #awning. Here i$ o%r +ractical( '%$ine$$*li-e New Englan# co%$in( who will ta-e the whole '%#get of care$ off yo%r $ho%l#er$( an# gi)e yo% time to refre$h yo%r$elf( an# grow yo%ng an# han#$ome. The ceremony of #eli)ering the -ey$ ha# 'etter come off forthwith.A Thi$ remar- wa$ ma#e at the 'rea-fa$t*ta'le( a few morning$ after Mi$$ O+helia ha# arri)e#. AI'm $%re $he'$ welcome(A $ai# Marie( leaning her hea# lang%i#ly on her

han#. AI thin- $he'll fin# one thing( if $he #oe$( an# that i$( that it'$ we mi$tre$$e$ that are the $la)e$( #own here.A AO( certainly( $he will #i$co)er that( an# a worl# of whole$ome tr%th$ 'e$i#e$( no #o%'t(A $ai# St. Clare. ATal- a'o%t o%r -ee+ing $la)e$( a$ if we #i# it for o%r 0con)enience0(A $ai# Marie. AI'm $%re( if we con$%lte# 0that0( we might let them all go at once.A E)angeline fi1e# her large( $erio%$ eye$ on her mother'$ face( with an earne$t an# +er+le1e# e1+re$$ion( an# $ai#( $im+ly( A"hat #o yo% -ee+ them for( mammaCA AI #on't -now( I'm $%re( e1ce+t for a +lag%e3 they are the +lag%e of my life. I 'elie)e that more of my ill health i$ ca%$e# 'y them than 'y any one thing3 an# o%r$( I -now( are the )ery wor$t that e)er any'o#y wa$ +lag%e# with.A AO( come( Marie( yo%')e got the 'l%e$( thi$ morning(A $ai# St. Clare. ABo% -now 't i$n't $o. There'$ Mammy( the 'e$t creat%re li)ing(**what co%l# yo% #o witho%t herCA AMammy i$ the 'e$t I e)er -new(A $ai# Marie3 Aan# yet Mammy( now( i$ $elfi$h**#rea#f%lly $elfi$h3 it'$ the fa%lt of the whole race.A ASelfi$hne$$ 0i$0 a #rea#f%l fa%lt(A $ai# St. Clare( gra)ely. A"ell( now( there'$ Mammy(A $ai# Marie( AI thin- it'$ $elfi$h of her to $lee+ $o $o%n# night$3 $he -now$ I nee# little attention$ almo$t e)ery ho%r( when my wor$t t%rn$ are on( an# yet $he'$ $o har# to wa-e. I a'$ol%tely am wor$e( thi$ )ery morning( for the effort$ I ha# to ma-e to wa-e her la$t night.A AHa$n't $he $at %+ with yo% a goo# many night$( lately( mammaCA $ai# E)a. AHow $ho%l# yo% -now thatCA $ai# Marie( $har+ly3 A$he'$ 'een com+laining( I $%++o$e.A AShe #i#n't com+lain3 $he only tol# me what 'a# night$ yo%'# ha#(**$o many in $%cce$$ion.A A"hy #on't yo% let Eane or !o$a ta-e her +lace( a night or two(A $ai# St. Clare( Aan# let her re$tCA AHow can yo% +ro+o$e itCA $ai# Marie. ASt. Clare( yo% really are incon$i#erate. So ner)o%$ a$ I am( the lea$t 'reath #i$t%r'$ me3 an# a $trange han# a'o%t me wo%l# #ri)e me a'$ol%tely frantic. If Mammy felt the intere$t in me $he o%ght to( $he'# wa-e ea$ier(**of co%r$e( $he wo%l#. I')e hear# of +eo+le who ha# $%ch #e)ote# $er)ant$( '%t it ne)er wa$ 0my0 l%c-3A an# Marie $ighe#. Mi$$ O+helia ha# li$tene# to thi$ con)er$ation with an air of $hrew#( o'$er)ant gra)ity3 an# $he $till -e+t her li+$ tightly com+re$$e#( a$

if #etermine# f%lly to a$certain her longit%#e an# +o$ition( 'efore $he committe# her$elf. ANow( Mammy ha$ a 0$ort0 of goo#ne$$(A $ai# Marie3 A$he'$ $mooth an# re$+ectf%l( '%t $he'$ $elfi$h at heart. Now( $he ne)er will 'e #one fi#geting an# worrying a'o%t that h%$'an# of her$. Bo% $ee( when I wa$ marrie# an# came to li)e here( of co%r$e( I ha# to 'ring her with me( an# her h%$'an# my father co%l#n't $+are. He wa$ a 'lac-$mith( an#( of co%r$e( )ery nece$$ary3 an# I tho%ght an# $ai#( at the time( that Mammy an# he ha# 'etter gi)e each other %+( a$ it wa$n't li-ely to 'e con)enient for them e)er to li)e together again. I wi$h( now( I'# in$i$te# on it( an# marrie# Mammy to $ome'o#y el$e3 '%t I wa$ fooli$h an# in#%lgent( an# #i#n't want to in$i$t. I tol# Mammy( at the time( that $he m%$tn't e)er e1+ect to $ee him more than once or twice in her life again( for the air of father'$ +lace #oe$n't agree with my health( an# I can't go there3 an# I a#)i$e# her to ta-e %+ with $ome'o#y el$e3 '%t no**$he wo%l#n't. Mammy ha$ a -in# of o'$tinacy a'o%t her( in $+ot$( that e)ery'o#y #on't $ee a$ I #o.A AHa$ $he chil#renCA $ai# Mi$$ O+helia. ABe$3 $he ha$ two.A AI $%++o$e $he feel$ the $e+aration from themCA A"ell( of co%r$e( I co%l#n't 'ring them. They were little #irty thing$**I co%l#n't ha)e them a'o%t3 an#( 'e$i#e$( they too- %+ too m%ch of her time3 '%t I 'elie)e that Mammy ha$ alway$ -e+t %+ a $ort of $%l-ine$$ a'o%t thi$. She won't marry any'o#y el$e3 an# I #o 'elie)e( now( tho%gh $he -now$ how nece$$ary $he i$ to me( an# how fee'le my health i$( $he wo%l# go 'ac- to her h%$'an# tomorrow( if $he only co%l#. I 0#o0( in#ee#(A $ai# Marie3 Athey are /%$t $o $elfi$h( now( the 'e$t of them.A AIt'$ #i$tre$$ing to reflect %+on(A $ai# St. Clare( #ryly. Mi$$ O+helia loo-e# -eenly at him( an# $aw the fl%$h of mortification an# re+re$$e# )e1ation( an# the $arca$tic c%rl of the li+( a$ he $+o-e. ANow( Mammy ha$ alway$ 'een a +et with me(A $ai# Marie. AI wi$h $ome of yo%r northern $er)ant$ co%l# loo- at her clo$et$ of #re$$e$(**$il-$ an# m%$lin$( an# one real linen cam'ric( $he ha$ hanging there. I')e wor-e# $ometime$ whole afternoon$( trimming her ca+$( an# getting her rea#y to go to a +arty. A$ to a'%$e( $he #on't -now what it i$. She ne)er wa$ whi++e# more than once or twice in her whole life. She ha$ her $trong coffee or her tea e)ery #ay( with white $%gar in it. It'$ a'omina'le( to 'e $%re3 '%t St. Clare will ha)e high life 'elow*$tair$( an# they e)ery one of them li)e /%$t a$ they +lea$e. The fact i$( o%r $er)ant$ are o)er*in#%lge#. I $%++o$e it i$ +artly o%r fa%lt that they are $elfi$h( an# act li-e $+oile# chil#ren3 '%t I')e tal-e# to St. Clare till I am tire#.A AAn# I( too(A $ai# St. Clare( ta-ing %+ the morning +a+er. E)a( the 'ea%tif%l E)a( ha# $too# li$tening to her mother( with that

e1+re$$ion of #ee+ an# my$tic earne$tne$$ which wa$ +ec%liar to her. She wal-e# $oftly ro%n# to her mother'$ chair( an# +%t her arm$ ro%n# her nec-. A"ell( E)a( what nowCA $ai# Marie. AMamma( co%l#n't I ta-e care of yo% one night**/%$t oneC I -now I $ho%l#n't ma-e yo% ner)o%$( an# I $ho%l#n't $lee+. I often lie awa-e night$( thin-ing**A AO( non$en$e( chil#**non$en$eDA $ai# Marie3 Ayo% are $%ch a $trange chil#DA AB%t may I( mammaC I thin-(A $he $ai#( timi#ly( Athat Mammy i$n't well. She tol# me her hea# ache# all the time( lately.A AO( that'$ /%$t one of Mammy'$ fi#get$D Mammy i$ /%$t li-e all the re$t of them**ma-e$ $%ch a f%$$ a'o%t e)ery little hea#ache or finger*ache3 it'll ne)er #o to enco%rage it**ne)erD I'm +rinci+le# a'o%t thi$ matter(A $ai# $he( t%rning to Mi$$ O+helia3 Ayo%'ll fin# the nece$$ity of it. If yo% enco%rage $er)ant$ in gi)ing way to e)ery little #i$agreea'le feeling( an# com+laining of e)ery little ailment( yo%'ll ha)e yo%r han#$ f%ll. I ne)er com+lain my$elf**no'o#y -now$ what I en#%re. I feel it a #%ty to 'ear it 2%ietly( an# I #o.A Mi$$ O+helia'$ ro%n# eye$ e1+re$$e# an %n#i$g%i$e# ama4ement at thi$ +eroration( which $tr%c- St. Clare a$ $o $%+remely l%#icro%$( that he '%r$t into a lo%# la%gh. ASt. Clare alway$ la%gh$ when I ma-e the lea$t all%$ion to my ill health(A $ai# Marie( with the )oice of a $%ffering martyr. AI only ho+e the #ay won't come when he'll remem'er itDA an# Marie +%t her han#-erchief to her eye$. Of co%r$e( there wa$ rather a fooli$h $ilence. &inally( St. Clare got %+( loo-e# at hi$ watch( an# $ai# he ha# an engagement #own $treet. E)a tri++e# away after him( an# Mi$$ O+helia an# Marie remaine# at the ta'le alone. ANow( that'$ /%$t li-e St. ClareDA $ai# the latter( with#rawing her han#-erchief with $omewhat of a $+irite# flo%ri$h when the criminal to 'e affecte# 'y it wa$ no longer in $ight. AHe ne)er reali4e$( ne)er can( ne)er will( what I $%ffer( an# ha)e( for year$. If I wa$ one of the com+laining $ort( or e)er ma#e any f%$$ a'o%t my ailment$( there wo%l# 'e $ome rea$on for it. Men #o get tire#( nat%rally( of a com+laining wife. B%t I')e -e+t thing$ to my$elf( an# 'orne( an# 'orne( till St. Clare ha$ got in the way of thin-ing I can 'ear anything.A Mi$$ O+helia #i# not e1actly -now what $he wa$ e1+ecte# to an$wer to thi$. "hile $he wa$ thin-ing what to $ay( Marie gra#%ally wi+e# away her tear$( an# $moothe# her +l%mage in a general $ort of way( a$ a #o)e might 'e $%++o$e# to ma-e toilet after a $hower( an# 'egan a ho%$ewifely chat with Mi$$ O+helia( concerning c%+'oar#$( clo$et$( linen*+re$$e$(

$tore*room$( an# other matter$( of which the latter wa$( 'y common %n#er$tan#ing( to a$$%me the #irection(**gi)ing her $o many ca%tio%$ #irection$ an# charge$( that a hea# le$$ $y$tematic an# '%$ine$$*li-e than Mi$$ O+helia'$ wo%l# ha)e 'een %tterly #i44ie# an# confo%n#e#. AAn# now(A $ai# Marie( AI 'elie)e I')e tol# yo% e)erything3 $o that( when my ne1t $ic- t%rn come$ on( yo%'ll 'e a'le to go forwar# entirely( witho%t con$%lting me3**only a'o%t E)a(**$he re2%ire$ watching.A AShe $eem$ to 'e a goo# chil#( )ery(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia3 AI ne)er $aw a 'etter chil#.A AE)a'$ +ec%liar(A $ai# her mother( A)ery. There are thing$ a'o%t her $o $ing%lar3 $he i$n't li-e me( now( a +article3A an# Marie $ighe#( a$ if thi$ wa$ a tr%ly melancholy con$i#eration. Mi$$ O+helia in her own heart $ai#( AI ho+e $he i$n't(A '%t ha# +r%#ence eno%gh to -ee+ it #own. AE)a alway$ wa$ #i$+o$e# to 'e with $er)ant$3 an# I thin- that well eno%gh with $ome chil#ren. Now( I alway$ +laye# with father'$ little negroe$**it ne)er #i# me any harm. B%t E)a $omehow alway$ $eem$ to +%t her$elf on an e2%ality with e)ery creat%re that come$ near her. It'$ a $trange thing a'o%t the chil#. I ne)er ha)e 'een a'le to 'rea- her of it. St. Clare( I 'elie)e( enco%rage$ her in it. The fact i$( St. Clare in#%lge$ e)ery creat%re %n#er thi$ roof '%t hi$ own wife.A Again Mi$$ O+helia $at in 'lan- $ilence. ANow( there'$ no way with $er)ant$(A $ai# Marie( A'%t to 0+%t them #own0( an# -ee+ them #own. It wa$ alway$ nat%ral to me( from a chil#. E)a i$ eno%gh to $+oil a whole ho%$e*f%ll. "hat $he will #o when $he come$ to -ee+ ho%$e her$elf( I'm $%re I #on't -now. I hol# to 'eing 0-in#0 to $er)ant$**I alway$ am3 '%t yo% m%$t ma-e 'em 0-now their +lace0. E)a ne)er #oe$3 there'$ no getting into the chil#'$ hea# the fir$t 'eginning of an i#ea what a $er)ant'$ +lace i$D Bo% hear# her offering to ta-e care of me night$( to let Mammy $lee+D That'$ /%$t a $+ecimen of the way the chil# wo%l# 'e #oing all the time( if $he wa$ left to her$elf.A A"hy(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia( 'l%ntly( AI $%++o$e yo% thin- yo%r $er)ant$ are h%man creat%re$( an# o%ght to ha)e $ome re$t when they are tire#.A ACertainly( of co%r$e. I'm )ery +artic%lar in letting them ha)e e)erything that come$ con)enient(**anything that #oe$n't +%t one at all o%t of the way( yo% -now. Mammy can ma-e %+ her $lee+( $ome time or other3 there'$ no #iffic%lty a'o%t that. She'$ the $lee+ie$t concern that e)er I $aw3 $ewing( $tan#ing( or $itting( that creat%re will go to $lee+( an# $lee+ anywhere an# e)erywhere. No #anger '%t Mammy get$ $lee+ eno%gh. B%t thi$ treating $er)ant$ a$ if they were e1otic flower$( or china )a$e$( i$ really ri#ic%lo%$(A $ai# Marie( a$ $he +l%nge# lang%i#ly into the #e+th$ of a )ol%mino%$ an# +illowy lo%nge( an# #rew towar#$ her an elegant c%t*gla$$ )inaigrette. ABo% $ee(A $he contin%e#( in a faint an# la#y*li-e )oice( li-e the la$t

#ying 'reath of an Ara'ian /e$$amine( or $omething e2%ally ethereal( Ayo% $ee( Co%$in O+helia( I #on't often $+ea- of my$elf. It i$n't my 0ha'it03 't i$n't agreea'le to me. In fact( I ha)en't $trength to #o it. B%t there are +oint$ where St. Clare an# I #iffer. St. Clare ne)er %n#er$too# me( ne)er a++reciate# me. I thin- it lie$ at the root of all my ill health. St. Clare mean$ well( I am 'o%n# to 'elie)e3 '%t men are con$tit%tionally $elfi$h an# incon$i#erate to woman. That( at lea$t( i$ my im+re$$ion.A Mi$$ O+helia( who ha# not a $mall $hare of the gen%ine New Englan# ca%tion( an# a )ery +artic%lar horror of 'eing #rawn into family #iffic%ltie$( now 'egan to fore$ee $omething of thi$ -in# im+en#ing3 $o( com+o$ing her face into a grim ne%trality( an# #rawing o%t of her +oc-et a'o%t a yar# an# a 2%arter of $toc-ing( which $he -e+t a$ a $+ecific again$t what Fr. "att$ a$$ert$ to 'e a +er$onal ha'it of Satan when +eo+le ha)e i#le han#$( $he +rocee#e# to -nit mo$t energetically( $h%tting her li+$ together in a way that $ai#( a$ +lain a$ wor#$ co%l#( ABo% nee#n't try to ma-e me $+ea-. I #on't want anything to #o with yo%r affair$(A**in fact( $he loo-e# a'o%t a$ $ym+athi4ing a$ a $tone lion. B%t Marie #i#n't care for that. She ha# got $ome'o#y to tal- to( an# $he felt it her #%ty to tal-( an# that wa$ eno%gh3 an# reinforcing her$elf 'y $melling again at her )inaigrette( $he went on. ABo% $ee( I 'ro%ght my own +ro+erty an# $er)ant$ into the connection( when I marrie# St. Clare( an# I am legally entitle# to manage them my own way. St. Clare ha# hi$ fort%ne an# hi$ $er)ant$( an# I'm well eno%gh content he $ho%l# manage them hi$ way3 '%t St. Clare will 'e interfering. He ha$ wil#( e1tra)agant notion$ a'o%t thing$( +artic%larly a'o%t the treatment of $er)ant$. He really #oe$ act a$ if he $et hi$ $er)ant$ 'efore me( an# 'efore him$elf( too3 for he let$ them ma-e him all $ort$ of tro%'le( an# ne)er lift$ a finger. Now( a'o%t $ome thing$( St. Clare i$ really frightf%l**he frighten$ me**goo#*nat%re# a$ he loo-$( in general. Now( he ha$ $et #own hi$ foot that( come what will( there $hall not 'e a 'low $tr%c- in thi$ ho%$e( e1ce+t what he or I $tri-e3 an# he #oe$ it in a way that I really #are not cro$$ him. "ell( yo% may $ee what that lea#$ to3 for St. Clare wo%l#n't rai$e hi$ han#( if e)ery one of them wal-e# o)er him( an# I**yo% $ee how cr%el it wo%l# 'e to re2%ire me to ma-e the e1ertion. Now( yo% -now the$e $er)ant$ are nothing '%t grown*%+ chil#ren.A AI #on't -now anything a'o%t it( an# I than- the Lor# that I #on'tDA $ai# Mi$$ O+helia( $hortly. A"ell( '%t yo% will ha)e to -now $omething( an# -now it to yo%r co$t( if yo% $tay here. Bo% #on't -now what a +ro)o-ing( $t%+i#( carele$$( %nrea$ona'le( chil#i$h( %ngratef%l $et of wretche$ they are.A Marie $eeme# won#erf%lly $%++orte#( alway$( when $he got %+on thi$ to+ic3 an# $he now o+ene# her eye$( an# $eeme# 2%ite to forget her lang%or. ABo% #on't -now( an# yo% can't( the #aily( ho%rly trial$ that 'e$et a ho%$e-ee+er from them( e)erywhere an# e)ery way. B%t it'$ no %$e to com+lain to St. Clare. He tal-$ the $trange$t $t%ff. He $ay$ we ha)e ma#e them what they are( an# o%ght to 'ear with them. He $ay$ their

fa%lt$ are all owing to %$( an# that it wo%l# 'e cr%el to ma-e the fa%lt an# +%ni$h it too. He $ay$ we $ho%l#n't #o any 'etter( in their +lace3 /%$t a$ if one co%l# rea$on from them to %$( yo% -now.A AFon't yo% 'elie)e that the Lor# ma#e them of one 'loo# with %$CA $ai# Mi$$ O+helia( $hortly. ANo( in#ee# not ID A +retty $tory( tr%lyD They are a #egra#e# race.A AFon't yo% thin- they')e got immortal $o%l$CA $ai# Mi$$ O+helia( with increa$ing in#ignation. AO( well(A $ai# Marie( yawning( Athat( of co%r$e**no'o#y #o%'t$ that. B%t a$ to +%tting them on any $ort of e2%ality with %$( yo% -now( a$ if we co%l# 'e com+are#( why( it'$ im+o$$i'leD Now( St. Clare really ha$ tal-e# to me a$ if -ee+ing Mammy from her h%$'an# wa$ li-e -ee+ing me from mine. There'$ no com+aring in thi$ way. Mammy co%l#n't ha)e the feeling$ that I $ho%l#. It'$ a #ifferent thing altogether(**of co%r$e( it i$(**an# yet St. Clare +reten#$ not to $ee it. An# /%$t a$ if Mammy co%l# lo)e her little #irty 'a'ie$ a$ I lo)e E)aD Bet St. Clare once really an# $o'erly trie# to +er$%a#e me that it wa$ my #%ty( with my wea- health( an# all I $%ffer( to let Mammy go 'ac-( an# ta-e $ome'o#y el$e in her +lace. That wa$ a little too m%ch e)en for 0me0 to 'ear. I #on't often $how my feeling$( I ma-e it a +rinci+le to en#%re e)erything in $ilence3 it'$ a wife'$ har# lot( an# I 'ear it. B%t I #i# 'rea- o%t( that time3 $o that he ha$ ne)er all%#e# to the $%'/ect $ince. B%t I -now 'y hi$ loo-$( an# little thing$ that he $ay$( that he thin-$ $o a$ m%ch a$ e)er3 an# it'$ $o trying( $o +ro)o-ingDA Mi$$ O+helia loo-e# )ery m%ch a$ if $he wa$ afrai# $he $ho%l# $ay $omething3 '%t $he rattle# away with her nee#le$ in a way that ha# )ol%me$ of meaning in it( if Marie co%l# only ha)e %n#er$too# it. ASo( yo% /%$t $ee(A $he contin%e#( Awhat yo%')e got to manage. A ho%$ehol# witho%t any r%le3 where $er)ant$ ha)e it all their own way( #o what they +lea$e( an# ha)e what they +lea$e( e1ce+t $o far a$ I( with my fee'le health( ha)e -e+t %+ go)ernment. I -ee+ my cowhi#e a'o%t( an# $ometime$ I #o lay it on3 '%t the e1ertion i$ alway$ too m%ch for me. If St. Clare wo%l# only ha)e thi$ thing #one a$ other$ #o**A AAn# how'$ thatCA A"hy( $en# them to the cala'oo$e( or $ome of the other +lace$ to 'e flogge#. That'$ the only way. If I wa$n't $%ch a +oor( fee'le +iece( I 'elie)e I $ho%l# manage with twice the energy that St. Clare #oe$.A AAn# how #oe$ St. Clare contri)e to manageCA $ai# Mi$$ O+helia. ABo% $ay he ne)er $tri-e$ a 'low.A A"ell( men ha)e a more comman#ing way( yo% -now3 it i$ ea$ier for them3 'e$i#e$( if yo% e)er loo-e# f%ll in hi$ eye( it'$ +ec%liar(**that eye(**an# if he $+ea-$ #eci#e#ly( there'$ a -in# of fla$h. I'm afrai# of it( my$elf3 an# the $er)ant$ -now they m%$t min#. I co%l#n't #o a$ m%ch 'y a reg%lar $torm an# $col#ing a$ St. Clare can 'y one t%rn of hi$ eye( if once he i$ in earne$t. O( there'$ no tro%'le a'o%t St. Clare3 that'$

the rea$on he'$ no more feeling for me. B%t yo%'ll fin#( when yo% come to manage( that there'$ no getting along witho%t $e)erity(**they are $o 'a#( $o #eceitf%l( $o la4yA. AThe ol# t%ne(A $ai# St. Clare( $a%ntering in. A"hat an awf%l acco%nt the$e wic-e# creat%re$ will ha)e to $ettle( at la$t( e$+ecially for 'eing la4yD Bo% $ee( co%$in(A $ai# he( a$ he $tretche# him$elf at f%ll length on a lo%nge o++o$ite to Marie( Ait'$ wholly ine1c%$a'le in them( in the light of the e1am+le that Marie an# I $et them(**thi$ la4ine$$.A ACome( now( St. Clare( yo% are too 'a#DA $ai# Marie. AAm I( nowC "hy( I tho%ght I wa$ tal-ing goo#( 2%ite remar-a'ly for me. I try to enforce yo%r remar-$( Marie( alway$.A ABo% -now yo% meant no $%ch thing( St. Clare(A $ai# Marie. AO( I m%$t ha)e 'een mi$ta-en( then. Than- yo%( my #ear( for $etting me right.A ABo% #o really try to 'e +ro)o-ing(A $ai# Marie. AO( come( Marie( the #ay i$ growing warm( an# I ha)e /%$t ha# a long 2%arrel with Fol+h( which ha$ fatig%e# me e1ce$$i)ely3 $o( +ray 'e agreea'le( now( an# let a fellow re+o$e in the light of yo%r $mile.A A"hat'$ the matter a'o%t Fol+hCA $ai# Marie. AThat fellow'$ im+%#ence ha$ 'een growing to a +oint that i$ +erfectly intolera'le to me. I only wi$h I ha# the %n#i$+%te# management of him a while. I'# 'ring him #ownDA A"hat yo% $ay( my #ear( i$ mar-e# with yo%r %$%al ac%tene$$ an# goo# $en$e(A $ai# St. Clare. AA$ to Fol+h( the ca$e i$ thi$I that he ha$ $o long 'een engage# in imitating my grace$ an# +erfection$( that he ha$( at la$t( really mi$ta-en him$elf for hi$ ma$ter3 an# I ha)e 'een o'lige# to gi)e him a little in$ight into hi$ mi$ta-e.A AHowCA $ai# Marie. A"hy( I wa$ o'lige# to let him %n#er$tan# e1+licitly that I +referre# to -ee+ 0$ome0 of my clothe$ for my own +er$onal wearing3 al$o( I +%t hi$ magnificence %+on an allowance of cologne*water( an# act%ally wa$ $o cr%el a$ to re$trict him to one #o4en of my cam'ric han#-erchief$. Fol+h wa$ +artic%larly h%ffy a'o%t it( an# I ha# to tal- to him li-e a father( to 'ring him ro%n#.A AOD St. Clare( when will yo% learn how to treat yo%r $er)ant$C It'$ a'omina'le( the way yo% in#%lge themDA $ai# Marie. A"hy( after all( what'$ the harm of the +oor #og'$ wanting to 'e li-e hi$ ma$ter3 an# if I ha)en't 'ro%ght him %+ any 'etter than to fin# hi$ chief goo# in cologne an# cam'ric han#-erchief$( why $ho%l#n't I gi)e them to himCA AAn# why ha)en't yo% 'ro%ght him %+ 'etterCA $ai# Mi$$ O+helia( with

'l%nt #etermination. AToo m%ch tro%'le(**la4ine$$( co%$in( la4ine$$(**which r%in$ more $o%l$ than yo% can $ha-e a $tic- at. If it weren't for la4ine$$( I $ho%l# ha)e 'een a +erfect angel( my$elf. I'm incline# to thin- that la4ine$$ i$ what yo%r ol# Fr. Botherem( %+ in Vermont( %$e# to call the 'e$$ence of moral e)il.' It'$ an awf%l con$i#eration( certainly.A AI thin- yo% $la)ehol#er$ ha)e an awf%l re$+on$i'ility %+on yo%(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia. AI wo%l#n't ha)e it( for a tho%$an# worl#$. Bo% o%ght to e#%cate yo%r $la)e$( an# treat them li-e rea$ona'le creat%re$(**li-e immortal creat%re$( that yo%')e got to $tan# 'efore the 'ar of 5o# with. That'$ my min#(A $ai# the goo# la#y( 'rea-ing $%##enly o%t with a ti#e of 4eal that ha# 'een gaining $trength in her min# all the morning. AOD come( come(A $ai# St. Clare( getting %+ 2%ic-ly3 Awhat #o yo% -now a'o%t %$CA An# he $at #own to the +iano( an# rattle# a li)ely +iece of m%$ic. St. Clare ha# a #eci#e# geni%$ for m%$ic. Hi$ to%ch wa$ 'rilliant an# firm( an# hi$ finger$ flew o)er the -ey$ with a ra+i# an# 'ir#*li-e motion( airy( an# yet #eci#e#. He +laye# +iece after +iece( li-e a man who i$ trying to +lay him$elf into a goo# h%mor. After +%$hing the m%$ic a$i#e( he ro$e %+( an# $ai#( gayly( A"ell( now( co%$in( yo%')e gi)en %$ a goo# tal- an# #one yo%r #%ty3 on the whole( I thin- the 'etter of yo% for it. I ma-e no manner of #o%'t that yo% threw a )ery #iamon# of tr%th at me( tho%gh yo% $ee it hit me $o #irectly in the face that it wa$n't e1actly a++reciate#( at fir$t.A A&or my +art( I #on't $ee any %$e in $%ch $ort of tal-(A $ai# Marie. AI'm $%re( if any'o#y #oe$ more for $er)ant$ than we #o( I'# li-e to -now who3 an# it #on't #o 'em a 'it goo#(**not a +article(**they get wor$e an# wor$e. A$ to tal-ing to them( or anything li-e that( I'm $%re I ha)e tal-e# till I wa$ tire# an# hoar$e( telling them their #%ty( an# all that3 an# I'm $%re they can go to ch%rch when they li-e( tho%gh they #on't %n#er$tan# a wor# of the $ermon( more than $o many +ig$(**$o it i$n't of any great %$e for them to go( a$ I $ee3 '%t they #o go( an# $o they ha)e e)ery chance3 '%t( a$ I $ai# 'efore( they are a #egra#e# race( an# alway$ will 'e( an# there i$n't any hel+ for them3 yo% can't ma-e anything of them( if yo% try. Bo% $ee( Co%$in O+helia( I')e trie#( an# yo% ha)en't3 I wa$ 'orn an# 're# among them( an# I -now.A Mi$$ O+helia tho%ght $he ha# $ai# eno%gh( an# therefore $at $ilent. St. Clare whi$tle# a t%ne. ASt. Clare( I wi$h yo% wo%l#n't whi$tle(A $ai# Marie3 Ait ma-e$ my hea# wor$e.A AI won't(A $ai# St. Clare. AI$ there anything el$e yo% wo%l#n't wi$h me to #oCA AI wi$h yo% 0wo%l#0 ha)e $ome -in# of $ym+athy for my trial$3 yo% ne)er ha)e any feeling for me.A AMy #ear acc%$ing angelDA $ai# St. Clare. AIt'$ +ro)o-ing to 'e tal-e# to in that way.A

AThen( how will yo% 'e tal-e# toC I'll tal- to or#er(**any way yo%'ll mention(**only to gi)e $ati$faction.A A gay la%gh from the co%rt rang thro%gh the $il-en c%rtain$ of the )eran#ah. St. Clare $te++e# o%t( an# lifting %+ the c%rtain( la%ghe# too. A"hat i$ itCA $ai# Mi$$ O+helia( coming to the railing. There $at Tom( on a little mo$$y $eat in the co%rt( e)ery one of hi$ '%tton*hole$ $t%c- f%ll of ca+e /e$$amine$( an# E)a( gayly la%ghing( wa$ hanging a wreath of ro$e$ ro%n# hi$ nec-3 an# then $he $at #own on hi$ -nee( li-e a chi+*$+arrow( $till la%ghing. AO( Tom( yo% loo- $o f%nnyDA Tom ha# a $o'er( 'ene)olent $mile( an# $eeme#( in hi$ 2%iet way( to 'e en/oying the f%n 2%ite a$ m%ch a$ hi$ little mi$tre$$. He lifte# hi$ eye$( when he $aw hi$ ma$ter( with a half*#e+recating( a+ologetic air. AHow can yo% let herCA $ai# Mi$$ O+helia. A"hy notCA $ai# St. Clare. A"hy( I #on't -now( it $eem$ $o #rea#f%lDA ABo% wo%l# thin- no harm in a chil#'$ care$$ing a large #og( e)en if he wa$ 'lac-3 '%t a creat%re that can thin-( an# rea$on( an# feel( an# i$ immortal( yo% $h%##er at3 confe$$ it( co%$in. I -now the feeling among $ome of yo% northerner$ well eno%gh. Not that there i$ a +article of )irt%e in o%r not ha)ing it3 '%t c%$tom with %$ #oe$ what Chri$tianity o%ght to #o(**o'literate$ the feeling of +er$onal +re/%#ice. I ha)e often notice#( in my tra)el$ north( how m%ch $tronger thi$ wa$ with yo% than with %$. Bo% loathe them a$ yo% wo%l# a $na-e or a toa#( yet yo% are in#ignant at their wrong$. Bo% wo%l# not ha)e them a'%$e#3 '%t yo% #on't want to ha)e anything to #o with them yo%r$el)e$. Bo% wo%l# $en# them to Africa( o%t of yo%r $ight an# $mell( an# then $en# a mi$$ionary or two to #o %+ all the $elf*#enial of ele)ating them com+en#io%$ly. I$n't that itCA A"ell( co%$in(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia( tho%ghtf%lly( Athere may 'e $ome tr%th in thi$.A A"hat wo%l# the +oor an# lowly #o( witho%t chil#renCA $ai# St. Clare( leaning on the railing( an# watching E)a( a$ $he tri++e# off( lea#ing Tom with her. ABo%r little chil# i$ yo%r only tr%e #emocrat. Tom( now i$ a hero to E)a3 hi$ $torie$ are won#er$ in her eye$( hi$ $ong$ an# Metho#i$t hymn$ are 'etter than an o+era( an# the tra+$ an# little 'it$ of tra$h in hi$ +oc-et a mine of /ewel$( an# he the mo$t won#erf%l Tom that e)er wore a 'lac- $-in. Thi$ i$ one of the ro$e$ of E#en that the Lor# ha$ #ro++e# #own e1+re$$ly for the +oor an# lowly( who get few eno%gh of any other -in#.A AIt'$ $trange( co%$in(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia( Aone might almo$t thin- yo%

were a 0+rofe$$or0( to hear yo% tal-.A AA +rofe$$orCA $ai# St. Clare. ABe$3 a +rofe$$or of religion.A ANot at all3 not a +rofe$$or( a$ yo%r town*fol-$ ha)e it3 an#( what i$ wor$e( I'm afrai#( not a 0+racti$er0( either.A A"hat ma-e$ yo% tal- $o( thenCA ANothing i$ ea$ier than tal-ing(A $ai# St. Clare. AI 'elie)e Sha-e$+eare ma-e$ $ome'o#y $ay( 'I co%l# $ooner $how twenty what were goo# to 'e #one( than 'e one of the twenty to follow my own $howing.'6 Nothing li-e #i)i$ion of la'or. My forte lie$ in tal-ing( an# yo%r$( co%$in( lie$ in #oing.A 6 0The Merchant of Venice0( Act 8( $cene ?( line$ 89*8>. In Tom'$ e1ternal $it%ation( at thi$ time( there wa$( a$ the worl# $ay$( nothing to com+lain of Little E)a'$ fancy for him**the in$tincti)e gratit%#e an# lo)eline$$ of a no'le nat%re**ha# le# her to +etition her father that he might 'e her e$+ecial atten#ant( whene)er $he nee#e# the e$cort of a $er)ant( in her wal-$ or ri#e$3 an# Tom ha# general or#er$ to let e)erything el$e go( an# atten# to Mi$$ E)a whene)er $he wante# him(**or#er$ which o%r rea#er$ may fancy were far from #i$agreea'le to him. He wa$ -e+t well #re$$e#( for St. Clare wa$ fa$ti#io%$ly +artic%lar on thi$ +oint. Hi$ $ta'le $er)ice$ were merely a $inec%re( an# con$i$te# $im+ly in a #aily care an# in$+ection( an# #irecting an %n#er*$er)ant in hi$ #%tie$3 for Marie St. Clare #eclare# that $he co%l# not ha)e any $mell of the hor$e$ a'o%t him when he came near her( an# that he m%$t +o$iti)ely not 'e +%t to any $er)ice that wo%l# ma-e him %n+lea$ant to her( a$ her ner)o%$ $y$tem wa$ entirely ina#e2%ate to any trial of that nat%re3 one $n%ff of anything #i$agreea'le 'eing( accor#ing to her acco%nt( 2%ite $%fficient to clo$e the $cene( an# +%t an en# to all her earthly trial$ at once. Tom( therefore( in hi$ well*'r%$he# 'roa#cloth $%it( $mooth 'ea)er( glo$$y 'oot$( fa%ltle$$ wri$t'an#$ an# collar( with hi$ gra)e( goo#*nat%re# 'lac- face( loo-e# re$+ecta'le eno%gh to 'e a Bi$ho+ of Carthage( a$ men of hi$ color were( in other age$. Then( too( he wa$ in a 'ea%tif%l +lace( a con$i#eration to which hi$ $en$iti)e race wa$ ne)er in#ifferent3 an# he #i# en/oy with a 2%iet /oy the 'ir#$( the flower$( the fo%ntain$( the +erf%me( an# light an# 'ea%ty of the co%rt( the $il-en hanging$( an# +ict%re$( an# l%$tre$( an# $tat%ette$( an# gil#ing( that ma#e the +arlor$ within a -in# of Ala##in'$ +alace to him. If e)er Africa $hall $how an ele)ate# an# c%lti)ate# race(**an# come it m%$t( $ome time( her t%rn to fig%re in the great #rama of h%man im+ro)ement.**life will awa-e there with a gorgeo%$ne$$ an# $+len#or of which o%r col# we$tern tri'e$ faintly ha)e concei)e#. In that far*off my$tic lan# of gol#( an# gem$( an# $+ice$( an# wa)ing +alm$( an# won#ro%$ flower$( an# mirac%lo%$ fertility( will awa-e new form$ of art( new $tyle$ of $+len#or3 an# the negro race( no longer #e$+i$e#

an# tro##en #own( will( +erha+$( $how forth $ome of the late$t an# mo$t magnificent re)elation$ of h%man life. Certainly they will( in their gentlene$$( their lowly #ocility of heart( their a+tit%#e to re+o$e on a $%+erior min# an# re$t on a higher +ower( their chil#li-e $im+licity of affection( an# facility of forgi)ene$$. In all the$e they will e1hi'it the highe$t form of the +ec%liarly 0Chri$tian life0( an#( +erha+$( a$ 5o# cha$teneth whom he lo)eth( he hath cho$en +oor Africa in the f%rnace of affliction( to ma-e her the highe$t an# no'le$t in that -ing#om which he will $et %+( when e)ery other -ing#om ha$ 'een trie#( an# faile#3 for the fir$t $hall 'e la$t( an# the la$t fir$t. "a$ thi$ what Marie St. Clare wa$ thin-ing of( a$ $he $too#( gorgeo%$ly #re$$e#( on the )eran#ah( on S%n#ay morning( cla$+ing a #iamon# 'racelet on her $len#er wri$tC Mo$t li-ely it wa$. Or( if it wa$n't that( it wa$ $omething el$e3 for Marie +atroni4e# goo# thing$( an# $he wa$ going now( in f%ll force(**#iamon#$( $il-( an# lace( an# /ewel$( an# all(**to a fa$hiona'le ch%rch( to 'e )ery religio%$. Marie alway$ ma#e a +oint to 'e )ery +io%$ on S%n#ay$. There $he $too#( $o $len#er( $o elegant( $o airy an# %n#%lating in all her motion$( her lace $carf en)elo+ing her li-e a mi$t. She loo-e# a gracef%l creat%re( an# $he felt )ery goo# an# )ery elegant in#ee#. Mi$$ O+helia $too# at her $i#e( a +erfect contra$t. It wa$ not that $he ha# not a$ han#$ome a $il- #re$$ an# $hawl( an# a$ fine a +oc-et*han#-erchief3 '%t $tiffne$$ an# $2%arene$$( an# 'olt*%+rightne$$( en)elo+e# her with a$ in#efinite yet a++recia'le a +re$ence a$ #i# grace her elegant neigh'or3 not the grace of 5o#( howe)er(**that i$ 2%ite another thingD A"here'$ E)aCA $ai# Marie. AThe chil# $to++e# on the $tair$( to $ay $omething to Mammy.A An# what wa$ E)a $aying to Mammy on the $tair$C Li$ten( rea#er( an# yo% will hear( tho%gh Marie #oe$ not. AFear Mammy( I -now yo%r hea# i$ aching #rea#f%lly.A ALor# 'le$$ yo%( Mi$$ E)aD my hea# aller$ ache$ lately. Bo% #on't nee# to worry.A A"ell( I'm gla# yo%'re going o%t3 an# here(A**an# the little girl threw her arm$ aro%n# her(**AMammy( yo% $hall ta-e my )inaigrette.A A"hatD yo%r 'ea%tif%l gol# thing( thar( with them #iamon#$D Lor( Mi$$( 't wo%l#n't 'e +ro+er( no way$.A A"hy notC Bo% nee# it( an# I #on't. Mamma alway$ %$e$ it for hea#ache( an# it'll ma-e yo% feel 'etter. No( yo% $hall ta-e it( to +lea$e me( now.A AFo hear the #arlin tal-DA $ai# Mammy( a$ E)a thr%$t it into her 'o$om( an# -i$$ing her( ran #own $tair$ to her mother. A"hat were yo% $to++ing forCA AI wa$ /%$t $to++ing to gi)e Mammy my )inaigrette( to ta-e to ch%rch

with her.A AE)aA $ai# Marie( $tam+ing im+atiently(**Ayo%r gol# )inaigrette to 0MammyD0 "hen will yo% learn what'$ 0+ro+er0C 5o right an# ta-e it 'acthi$ momentDA E)a loo-e# #ownca$t an# aggrie)e#( an# t%rne# $lowly. AI $ay( Marie( let the chil# alone3 $he $hall #o a$ $he +lea$e$(A $ai# St. Clare. ASt. Clare( how will $he e)er get along in the worl#CA $ai# Marie. AThe Lor# -now$(A $ai# St. Clare( A'%t $he'll get along in hea)en 'etter than yo% or I.A AO( +a+a( #on't(A $ai# E)a( $oftly to%ching hi$ el'ow3 Ait tro%'le$ mother.A A"ell( co%$in( are yo% rea#y to go to meetingCA $ai# Mi$$ O+helia( t%rning $2%are a'o%t on St. Clare. AI'm not going( than- yo%.A AI #o wi$h St. Clare e)er wo%l# go to ch%rch(A $ai# Marie3 A'%t he ha$n't a +article of religion a'o%t him. It really i$n't re$+ecta'le.A AI -now it(A $ai# St. Clare. ABo% la#ie$ go to ch%rch to learn how to get along in the worl#( I $%++o$e( an# yo%r +iety $he#$ re$+ecta'ility on %$. If I #i# go at all( I wo%l# go where Mammy goe$3 there'$ $omething to -ee+ a fellow awa-e there( at lea$t.A A"hatD tho$e $ho%ting Metho#i$t$C Horri'leDA $ai# Marie. AAnything '%t the #ea# $ea of yo%r re$+ecta'le ch%rche$( Marie. o$iti)ely( it'$ too m%ch to a$- of a man. E)a( #o yo% li-e to goC Come( $tay at home an# +lay with me.A AThan- yo%( +a+a3 '%t I'# rather go to ch%rch.A AI$n't it #rea#f%l tire$omeCA $ai# St. Clare. AI thin- it i$ tire$ome( $ome(A $ai# E)a( Aan# I am $lee+y( too( '%t I try to -ee+ awa-e.A A"hat #o yo% go for( thenCA A"hy( yo% -now( +a+a(A $he $ai#( in a whi$+er( Aco%$in tol# me that 5o# want$ to ha)e %$3 an# he gi)e$ %$ e)erything( yo% -now3 an# it i$n't m%ch to #o it( if he want$ %$ to. It i$n't $o )ery tire$ome after all.A ABo% $weet( little o'liging $o%lDA $ai# St. Clare( -i$$ing her3 Ago along( that'$ a goo# girl( an# +ray for me.A ACertainly( I alway$ #o(A $ai# the chil#( a$ $he $+rang after her mother

into the carriage. St. Clare $too# on the $te+$ an# -i$$e# hi$ han# to her( a$ the carriage #ro)e away3 large tear$ were in hi$ eye$. AO( E)angelineD rightly name#(A he $ai#3 Ahath not 5o# ma#e thee an e)angel to meCA So he felt a moment3 an# then he $mo-e# a cigar( an# rea# the icay%ne( an# forgot hi$ little go$+el. "a$ he m%ch %nli-e other fol-$C ABo% $ee( E)angeline(A $ai# her mother( Ait'$ alway$ right an# +ro+er to 'e -in# to $er)ant$( '%t it i$n't +ro+er to treat them 0/%$t0 a$ we wo%l# o%r relation$( or +eo+le in o%r own cla$$ of life. Now( if Mammy wa$ $ic-( yo% wo%l#n't want to +%t her in yo%r own 'e#.A AI $ho%l# feel /%$t li-e it( mamma(A $ai# E)a( A'eca%$e then it wo%l# 'e han#ier to ta-e care of her( an# 'eca%$e( yo% -now( my 'e# i$ 'etter than her$.A Marie wa$ in %tter #e$+air at the entire want of moral +erce+tion e)ince# in thi$ re+ly. A"hat can I #o to ma-e thi$ chil# %n#er$tan# meCA $he $ai#. ANothing(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia( $ignificantly. E)a loo-e# $orry an# #i$concerte# for a moment3 '%t chil#ren( l%c-ily( #o not -ee+ to one im+re$$ion long( an# in a few moment$ $he wa$ merrily la%ghing at )ario%$ thing$ which $he $aw from the coach*win#ow$( a$ it rattle# along. 66666 A"ell( la#ie$(A $ai# St. Clare( a$ they were comforta'ly $eate# at the #inner*ta'le( Aan# what wa$ the 'ill of fare at ch%rch to#ayCA AO( Fr. 5**** +reache# a $+len#i# $ermon(A $ai# Marie. AIt wa$ /%$t $%ch a $ermon a$ yo% o%ght to hear3 it e1+re$$e# all my )iew$ e1actly.A AIt m%$t ha)e 'een )ery im+ro)ing(A $ai# St. Clare. AThe $%'/ect m%$t ha)e 'een an e1ten$i)e one.A A"ell( I mean all my )iew$ a'o%t $ociety( an# $%ch thing$(A $ai# Marie. AThe te1t wa$( 'He hath ma#e e)erything 'ea%tif%l in it$ $ea$on3' an# he $howe# how all the or#er$ an# #i$tinction$ in $ociety came from 5o#3 an# that it wa$ $o a++ro+riate( yo% -now( an# 'ea%tif%l( that $ome $ho%l# 'e high an# $ome low( an# that $ome were 'orn to r%le an# $ome to $er)e( an# all that( yo% -now3 an# he a++lie# it $o well to all thi$ ri#ic%lo%$ f%$$ that i$ ma#e a'o%t $la)ery( an# he +ro)e# #i$tinctly that the Bi'le wa$ on o%r $i#e( an# $%++orte# all o%r in$tit%tion$ $o con)incingly. I only wi$h yo%'# hear# him.A AO( I #i#n't nee# it(A $ai# St. Clare. AI can learn what #oe$ me a$ m%ch goo# a$ that from the icay%ne( any time( an# $mo-e a cigar 'e$i#e$3

which I can't #o( yo% -now( in a ch%rch.A A"hy(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia( A#on't yo% 'elie)e in the$e )iew$CA A"ho(**IC Bo% -now I'm $%ch a gracele$$ #og that the$e religio%$ a$+ect$ of $%ch $%'/ect$ #on't e#ify me m%ch. If I wa$ to $ay anything on thi$ $la)ery matter( I wo%l# $ay o%t( fair an# $2%are( '"e're in for it3 we')e got 'em( an# mean to -ee+ 'em(**it'$ for o%r con)enience an# o%r intere$t3' for that'$ the long an# $hort of it(**that'$ /%$t the whole of what all thi$ $anctifie# $t%ff amo%nt$ to( after all3 an# I thinthat it will 'e intelligi'le to e)ery'o#y( e)erywhere.A AI #o thin-( A%g%$tine( yo% are $o irre)erentDA $ai# Marie. AI thinit'$ $hoc-ing to hear yo% tal-.A AShoc-ingD it'$ the tr%th. Thi$ religio%$ tal- on $%ch matter$(**why #on't they carry it a little f%rther( an# $how the 'ea%ty( in it$ $ea$on( of a fellow'$ ta-ing a gla$$ too m%ch( an# $itting a little too late o)er hi$ car#$( an# )ario%$ +ro)i#ential arrangement$ of that $ort( which are +retty fre2%ent among %$ yo%ng men3**we'# li-e to hear that tho$e are right an# go#ly( too.A A"ell(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia( A#o yo% thin- $la)ery right or wrongCA AI'm not going to ha)e any of yo%r horri# New Englan# #irectne$$( co%$in(A $ai# St. Clare( gayly. AIf I an$wer that 2%e$tion( I -now yo%'ll 'e at me with half a #o4en other$( each one har#er than the la$t3 an# I'm not a going to #efine my +o$ition. I am one of the $ort that li)e$ 'y throwing $tone$ at other +eo+le'$ gla$$ ho%$e$( '%t I ne)er mean to +%t %+ one for them to $tone.A AThat'$ /%$t the way he'$ alway$ tal-ing(A $ai# Marie3 Ayo% can't get any $ati$faction o%t of him. I 'elie)e it'$ /%$t 'eca%$e he #on't li-e religion( that he'$ alway$ r%nning o%t in thi$ way he'$ 'een #oing.A A!eligionDA $ai# St. Clare( in a tone that ma#e 'oth la#ie$ loo- at him. A!eligionD I$ what yo% hear at ch%rch( religionC I$ that which can 'en# an# t%rn( an# #e$cen# an# a$cen#( to fit e)ery croo-e# +ha$e of $elfi$h( worl#ly $ociety( religionC I$ that religion which i$ le$$ $cr%+%lo%$( le$$ genero%$( le$$ /%$t( le$$ con$i#erate for man( than e)en my own %ngo#ly( worl#ly( 'lin#e# nat%reC NoD "hen I loo- for a religion( I m%$t loo- for $omething a'o)e me( an# not $omething 'eneath.A AThen yo% #on't 'elie)e that the Bi'le /%$tifie$ $la)ery(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia. AThe Bi'le wa$ my 0mother'$0 'oo-(A $ai# St. Clare. ABy it $he li)e# an# #ie#( an# I wo%l# 'e )ery $orry to thin- it #i#. I'# a$ $oon #e$ire to ha)e it +ro)e# that my mother co%l# #rin- 'ran#y( chew to'acco( an# $wear( 'y way of $ati$fying me that I #i# right in #oing the $ame. It wo%l#n't ma-e me at all more $ati$fie# with the$e thing$ in my$elf( an# it wo%l# ta-e from me the comfort of re$+ecting her3 an# it really i$ a comfort( in thi$ worl#( to ha)e anything one can re$+ect. In $hort( yo% $ee(A $ai# he( $%##enly re$%ming hi$ gay tone( Aall I want i$ that #ifferent thing$ 'e -e+t in #ifferent 'o1e$. The whole frame*wor- of

$ociety( 'oth in E%ro+e an# America( i$ ma#e %+ of )ario%$ thing$ which will not $tan# the $cr%tiny of any )ery i#eal $tan#ar# of morality. It'$ +retty generally %n#er$too# that men #on't a$+ire after the a'$ol%te right( '%t only to #o a'o%t a$ well a$ the re$t of the worl#. Now( when any one $+ea-$ %+( li-e a man( an# $ay$ $la)ery i$ nece$$ary to %$( we can't get along witho%t it( we $ho%l# 'e 'eggare# if we gi)e it %+( an#( of co%r$e( we mean to hol# on to it(**thi$ i$ $trong( clear( well*#efine# lang%age3 it ha$ the re$+ecta'ility of tr%th to it3 an#( if we may /%#ge 'y their +ractice( the ma/ority of the worl# will 'ear %$ o%t in it. B%t when he 'egin$ to +%t on a long face( an# $n%ffle( an# 2%ote Scri+t%re( I incline to thin- he i$n't m%ch 'etter than he $ho%l# 'e.A ABo% are )ery %ncharita'le(A $ai# Marie. A"ell(A $ai# St. Clare( A$%++o$e that $omething $ho%l# 'ring #own the +rice of cotton once an# fore)er( an# ma-e the whole $la)e +ro+erty a #r%g in the mar-et( #on't yo% thin- we $ho%l# $oon ha)e another )er$ion of the Scri+t%re #octrineC "hat a floo# of light wo%l# +o%r into the ch%rch( all at once( an# how imme#iately it wo%l# 'e #i$co)ere# that e)erything in the Bi'le an# rea$on went the other wayDA A"ell( at any rate(A $ai# Marie( a$ $he recline# her$elf on a lo%nge( AI'm than-f%l I'm 'orn where $la)ery e1i$t$3 an# I 'elie)e it'$ right(**in#ee#( I feel it m%$t 'e3 an#( at any rate( I'm $%re I co%l#n't get along witho%t it.A AI $ay( what #o yo% thin-( %$$yCA $ai# her father to E)a( who came in at thi$ moment( with a flower in her han#. A"hat a'o%t( +a+aCA A"hy( which #o yo% li-e the 'e$t(**to li)e a$ they #o at yo%r %ncle'$( %+ in Vermont( or to ha)e a ho%$e*f%ll of $er)ant$( a$ we #oCA AO( of co%r$e( o%r way i$ the +lea$ante$t(A $ai# E)a. A"hy $oCA $ai# St. Clare( $tro-ing her hea#. A"hy( it ma-e$ $o many more ro%n# yo% to lo)e( yo% -now(A $ai# E)a( loo-ing %+ earne$tly. ANow( that'$ /%$t li-e E)a(A $ai# Marie3 A/%$t one of her o## $+eeche$.A AI$ it an o## $+eech( +a+aCA $ai# E)a( whi$+eringly( a$ $he got %+on hi$ -nee. A!ather( a$ thi$ worl# goe$( %$$y(A $ai# St. Clare. AB%t where ha$ my little E)a 'een( all #inner*timeCA AO( I')e 'een %+ in Tom'$ room( hearing him $ing( an# A%nt Finah ga)e me my #inner.A AHearing Tom $ing( heyCA

AO( ye$D he $ing$ $%ch 'ea%tif%l thing$ a'o%t the New Eer%$alem( an# 'right angel$( an# the lan# of Canaan.A AI #are $ay3 it'$ 'etter than the o+era( i$n't itCA ABe$( an# he'$ going to teach them to me.A ASinging le$$on$( heyC**yo% 0are0 coming on.A ABe$( he $ing$ for me( an# I rea# to him in my Bi'le3 an# he e1+lain$ what it mean$( yo% -now.A AOn my wor#(A $ai# Marie( la%ghing( Athat i$ the late$t /o-e of the $ea$on.A ATom i$n't a 'a# han#( now( at e1+laining Scri+t%re( I'll #are $wear(A $ai# St. Clare. ATom ha$ a nat%ral geni%$ for religion. I wante# the hor$e$ o%t early( thi$ morning( an# I $tole %+ to Tom'$ c%'ic%l%m there( o)er the $ta'le$( an# there I hear# him hol#ing a meeting 'y him$elf3 an#( in fact( I ha)en't hear# anything 2%ite $o $a)ory a$ Tom'$ +rayer( thi$ $ome time. He +%t in for me( with a 4eal that wa$ 2%ite a+o$tolic.A A erha+$ he g%e$$e# yo% were li$tening. I')e hear# of that tric'efore.A AIf he #i#( he wa$n't )ery +olite3 for he ga)e the Lor# hi$ o+inion of me( +retty freely. Tom $eeme# to thin- there wa$ #eci#e#ly room for im+ro)ement in me( an# $eeme# )ery earne$t that I $ho%l# 'e con)erte#.A AI ho+e yo%'ll lay it to heart(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia. AI $%++o$e yo% are m%ch of the $ame o+inion(A $ai# St. Clare. A"ell( we $hall $ee(**$han't we( E)aCA

CHA TE! KVII The &reeman'$ Fefence There wa$ a gentle '%$tle at the N%a-er ho%$e( a$ the afternoon #rew to a clo$e. !achel Halli#ay mo)e# 2%ietly to an# fro( collecting from her ho%$ehol# $tore$ $%ch nee#ment$ a$ co%l# 'e arrange# in the $malle$t com+a$$( for the wan#erer$ who were to go forth that night. The afternoon $ha#ow$ $tretche# ea$twar#( an# the ro%n# re# $%n $too# tho%ghtf%lly on the hori4on( an# hi$ 'eam$ $hone yellow an# calm into the little 'e#*room where 5eorge an# hi$ wife were $itting. He wa$ $itting with hi$ chil# on hi$ -nee( an# hi$ wife'$ han# in hi$. Both loo-e# tho%ghtf%l an# $erio%$ an# trace$ of tear$ were on their chee-$. ABe$( Eli4a(A $ai# 5eorge( AI -now all yo% $ay i$ tr%e. Bo% are a goo# chil#(**a great #eal 'etter than I am3 an# I will try to #o a$ yo% $ay. I'll try to act worthy of a free man. I'll try to feel li-e a Chri$tian. 5o# Almighty -now$ that I')e meant to #o well(**trie# har# to #o

well(**when e)erything ha$ 'een again$t me3 an# now I'll forget all the +a$t( an# +%t away e)ery har# an# 'itter feeling( an# rea# my Bi'le( an# learn to 'e a goo# man.A AAn# when we get to Cana#a(A $ai# Eli4a( AI can hel+ yo%. I can #o #re$$*ma-ing )ery well3 an# I %n#er$tan# fine wa$hing an# ironing3 an# 'etween %$ we can fin# $omething to li)e on.A ABe$( Eli4a( $o long a$ we ha)e each other an# o%r 'oy. OD Eli4a( if the$e +eo+le only -new what a 'le$$ing it i$ for a man to feel that hi$ wife an# chil# 'elong to 0him0D I')e often won#ere# to $ee men that co%l# call their wi)e$ an# chil#ren 0their own0 fretting an# worrying a'o%t anything el$e. "hy( I feel rich an# $trong( tho%gh we ha)e nothing '%t o%r 'are han#$. I feel a$ if I co%l# $carcely a$- 5o# for any more. Be$( tho%gh I')e wor-e# har# e)ery #ay( till I am twenty*fi)e year$ ol#( an# ha)e not a cent of money( nor a roof to co)er me( nor a $+ot of lan# to call my own( yet( if they will only let me alone now( I will 'e $ati$fie#(**than-f%l3 I will wor-( an# $en# 'ac- the money for yo% an# my 'oy. A$ to my ol# ma$ter( he ha$ 'een +ai# fi)e time$ o)er for all he e)er $+ent for me. I #on't owe him anything.A AB%t yet we are not 2%ite o%t of #anger(A $ai# Eli4a3 Awe are not yet in Cana#a.A ATr%e(A $ai# 5eorge( A'%t it $eem$ a$ if I $melt the free air( an# it ma-e$ me $trong.A At thi$ moment( )oice$ were hear# in the o%ter a+artment( in earne$t con)er$ation( an# )ery $oon a ra+ wa$ hear# on the #oor. Eli4a $tarte# an# o+ene# it. Simeon Halli#ay wa$ there( an# with him a N%a-er 'rother( whom he intro#%ce# a$ hinea$ &letcher. hinea$ wa$ tall an# lathy( re#*haire#( with an e1+re$$ion of great ac%tene$$ an# $hrew#ne$$ in hi$ face. He ha# not the +laci#( 2%iet( %nworl#ly air of Simeon Halli#ay3 on the contrary( a +artic%larly wi#e*awa-e an# 0a% fait0 a++earance( li-e a man who rather +ri#e$ him$elf on -nowing what he i$ a'o%t( an# -ee+ing a 'right loo-o%t ahea#3 +ec%liaritie$ which $orte# rather o##ly with hi$ 'roa# 'rim an# formal +hra$eology. AO%r frien# hinea$ hath #i$co)ere# $omething of im+ortance to the intere$t$ of thee an# thy +arty( 5eorge(A $ai# Simeon3 Ait were well for thee to hear it.A AThat I ha)e(A $ai# hinea$( Aan# it $how$ the %$e of a man'$ alway$ $lee+ing with one ear o+en( in certain +lace$( a$ I')e alway$ $ai#. La$t night I $to++e# at a little lone ta)ern( 'ac- on the roa#. Thee remem'er$ the +lace( Simeon( where we $ol# $ome a++le$( la$t year( to that fat woman( with the great ear*ring$. "ell( I wa$ tire# with har# #ri)ing3 an#( after my $%++er I $tretche# my$elf #own on a +ile of 'ag$ in the corner( an# +%lle# a '%ffalo o)er me( to wait till my 'e# wa$ rea#y3 an# what #oe$ I #o( '%t get fa$t a$lee+.A A"ith one ear o+en( hinea$CA $ai# Simeon( 2%ietly.

ANo3 I $le+t( ear$ an# all( for an ho%r or two( for I wa$ +retty well tire#3 '%t when I came to my$elf a little( I fo%n# that there were $ome men in the room( $itting ro%n# a ta'le( #rin-ing an# tal-ing3 an# I tho%ght( 'efore I ma#e m%ch m%$ter( I'# /%$t $ee what they were %+ to( e$+ecially a$ I hear# them $ay $omething a'o%t the N%a-er$. 'So(' $ay$ one( 'they are %+ in the N%a-er $ettlement( no #o%'t(' $ay$ he. Then I li$tene# with 'oth ear$( an# I fo%n# that they were tal-ing a'o%t thi$ )ery +arty. So I lay an# hear# them lay off all their +lan$. Thi$ yo%ng man( they $ai#( wa$ to 'e $ent 'ac- to ,ent%c-y( to hi$ ma$ter( who wa$ going to ma-e an e1am+le of him( to -ee+ all nigger$ from r%nning away3 an# hi$ wife two of them were going to r%n #own to New Orlean$ to $ell( on their own acco%nt( an# they calc%late# to get $i1teen or eighteen h%n#re# #ollar$ for her3 an# the chil#( they $ai#( wa$ going to a tra#er( who ha# 'o%ght him3 an# then there wa$ the 'oy( Eim( an# hi$ mother( they were to go 'ac- to their ma$ter$ in ,ent%c-y. They $ai# that there were two con$ta'le$( in a town a little +iece ahea#( who wo%l# go in with 'em to get 'em ta-en %+( an# the yo%ng woman wa$ to 'e ta-en 'efore a /%#ge3 an# one of the fellow$( who i$ $mall an# $mooth*$+o-en( wa$ to $wear to her for hi$ +ro+erty( an# get her #eli)ere# o)er to him to ta-e $o%th. They')e got a right notion of the trac- we are going tonight3 an# they'll 'e #own after %$( $i1 or eight $trong. So now( what'$ to 'e #oneCA The gro%+ that $too# in )ario%$ attit%#e$( after thi$ comm%nication( were worthy of a +ainter. !achel Halli#ay( who ha# ta-en her han#$ o%t of a 'atch of 'i$c%it( to hear the new$( $too# with them %+rai$e# an# flo%ry( an# with a face of the #ee+e$t concern. Simeon loo-e# +rofo%n#ly tho%ghtf%l3 Eli4a ha# thrown her arm$ aro%n# her h%$'an#( an# wa$ loo-ing %+ to him. 5eorge $too# with clenche# han#$ an# glowing eye$( an# loo-ing a$ any other man might loo-( who$e wife wa$ to 'e $ol# at a%ction( an# $on $ent to a tra#er( all %n#er the $helter of a Chri$tian nation'$ law$. A"hat 0$hall0 we #o( 5eorgeCA $ai# Eli4a faintly. AI -now what 0I0 $hall #o(A $ai# 5eorge( a$ he $te++e# into the little room( an# 'egan e1amining +i$tol$. AAy( ay(A $ai# hinea$( no##ing hi$ hea# to Simeon3 Atho% $ee$t( Simeon( how it will wor-.A AI $ee(A $ai# Simeon( $ighing3 AI +ray it come not to that.A AI #on't want to in)ol)e any one with or for me(A $ai# 5eorge. AIf yo% will len# me yo%r )ehicle an# #irect me( I will #ri)e alone to the ne1t $tan#. Eim i$ a giant in $trength( an# 'ra)e a$ #eath an# #e$+air( an# $o am I.A AAh( well( frien#(A $ai# hinea$( A'%t thee'll nee# a #ri)er( for all that. Thee'$ 2%ite welcome to #o all the fighting( thee -now$3 '%t I -now a thing or two a'o%t the roa#( that thee #oe$n't.A AB%t I #on't want to in)ol)e yo%(A $ai# 5eorge. AIn)ol)e(A $ai# hinea$( with a c%rio%$ an# -een e1+re$$ion of face(

A"hen thee #oe$ in)ol)e me( +lea$e to let me -now.A A hinea$ i$ a wi$e an# $-ilf%l man(A $ai# Simeon. AThee #oe$ well( 5eorge( to a'i#e 'y hi$ /%#gment3 an#(A he a##e#( laying hi$ han# -in#ly on 5eorge'$ $ho%l#er( an# +ointing to the +i$tol$( A'e not o)er ha$ty with the$e(**yo%ng 'loo# i$ hot.A AI will attac- no man(A $ai# 5eorge. AAll I a$- of thi$ co%ntry i$ to 'e let alone( an# I will go o%t +eacea'ly3 '%t(A**he +a%$e#( an# hi$ 'row #ar-ene# an# hi$ face wor-e#(**AI')e ha# a $i$ter $ol# in that New Orlean$ mar-et. I -now what they are $ol# for3 an# am I going to $tan# 'y an# $ee them ta-e my wife an# $ell her( when 5o# ha$ gi)en me a +air of $trong arm$ to #efen# herC No3 5o# hel+ meD I'll fight to the la$t 'reath( 'efore they $hall ta-e my wife an# $on. Can yo% 'lame meCA AMortal man cannot 'lame thee( 5eorge. &le$h an# 'loo# co%l# not #o otherwi$e(A $ai# Simeon. A"oe %nto the worl# 'eca%$e of offence$( '%t woe %nto them thro%gh whom the offence cometh.A A"o%l# not e)en yo%( $ir( #o the $ame( in my +laceCA AI +ray that I 'e not trie#(A $ai# Simeon3 Athe fle$h i$ wea-.A AI thin- my fle$h wo%l# 'e +retty tolera'le $trong( in $%ch a ca$e(A $ai# hinea$( $tretching o%t a +air of arm$ li-e the $ail$ of a win#mill. AI an't $%re( frien# 5eorge( that I $ho%l#n't hol# a fellow for thee( if thee ha# any acco%nt$ to $ettle with him.A AIf man $ho%l# 0e)er0 re$i$t e)il(A $ai# Simeon( Athen 5eorge $ho%l# feel free to #o it nowI '%t the lea#er$ of o%r +eo+le ta%ght a more e1cellent way3 for the wrath of man wor-eth not the righteo%$ne$$ of 5o#3 '%t it goe$ $orely again$t the corr%+t will of man( an# none can recei)e it $a)e they to whom it i$ gi)en. Let %$ +ray the Lor# that we 'e not tem+te#.A AAn# $o 0I0 #o(A $ai# hinea$3 A'%t if we are tem+te# too m%ch**why( let them loo- o%t( that'$ all.A AIt'$ 2%ite +lain thee wa$n't 'orn a &rien#(A $ai# Simeon( $miling. AThe ol# nat%re hath it$ way in thee +retty $trong a$ yet.A To tell the tr%th( hinea$ ha# 'een a hearty( two*fi$te# 'ac-woo#$man( a )igoro%$ h%nter( an# a #ea# $hot at a '%c-3 '%t( ha)ing wooe# a +retty N%a-ere$$( ha# 'een mo)e# 'y the +ower of her charm$ to /oin the $ociety in hi$ neigh'orhoo#3 an# tho%gh he wa$ an hone$t( $o'er( an# efficient mem'er( an# nothing +artic%lar co%l# 'e allege# again$t him( yet the more $+irit%al among them co%l# not '%t #i$cern an e1cee#ing lac- of $a)or in hi$ #e)elo+ment$. A&rien# hinea$ will e)er ha)e way$ of hi$ own(A $ai# !achel Halli#ay( $miling3 A'%t we all thin- that hi$ heart i$ in the right +lace( after all.A A"ell(A $ai# 5eorge( Ai$n't it 'e$t that we ha$ten o%r flightCA

AI got %+ at fo%r o'cloc-( an# came on with all $+ee#( f%ll two or three ho%r$ ahea# of them( if they $tart at the time they +lanne#. It i$n't $afe to $tart till #ar-( at any rate3 for there are $ome e)il +er$on$ in the )illage$ ahea#( that might 'e #i$+o$e# to me##le with %$( if they $aw o%r wagon( an# that wo%l# #elay %$ more than the waiting3 '%t in two ho%r$ I thin- we may )ent%re. I will go o)er to Michael Cro$$( an# engage him to come 'ehin# on hi$ $wift nag( an# -ee+ a 'right loo-o%t on the roa#( an# warn %$ if any com+any of men come on. Michael -ee+$ a hor$e that can $oon get ahea# of mo$t other hor$e$3 an# he co%l# $hoot ahea# an# let %$ -now( if there were any #anger. I am going o%t now to warn Eim an# the ol# woman to 'e in rea#ine$$( an# to $ee a'o%t the hor$e. "e ha)e a +retty fair $tart( an# $tan# a goo# chance to get to the $tan# 'efore they can come %+ with %$. So( ha)e goo# co%rage( frien# 5eorge3 thi$ i$n't the fir$t %gly $cra+e that I')e 'een in with thy +eo+le(A $ai# hinea$( a$ he clo$e# the #oor. A hinea$ i$ +retty $hrew#(A $ai# Simeon. AHe will #o the 'e$t that can 'e #one for thee( 5eorge.A AAll I am $orry for(A $ai# 5eorge( Ai$ the ri$- to yo%.A AThee'll m%ch o'lige %$( frien# 5eorge( to $ay no more a'o%t that. "hat we #o we are con$cience 'o%n# to #o3 we can #o no other way. An# now( mother(A $ai# he( t%rning to !achel( Ah%rry thy +re+aration$ for the$e frien#$( for we m%$t not $en# them away fa$ting.A An# while !achel an# her chil#ren were '%$y ma-ing corn*ca-e( an# coo-ing ham an# chic-en( an# h%rrying on the 0et cetera$0 of the e)ening meal( 5eorge an# hi$ wife $at in their little room( with their arm$ fol#e# a'o%t each other( in $%ch tal- a$ h%$'an# an# wife ha)e when they -now that a few ho%r$ may +art them fore)er. AEli4a(A $ai# 5eorge( A+eo+le that ha)e frien#$( an# ho%$e$( an# lan#$( an# money( an# all tho$e thing$ 0can't0 lo)e a$ we #o( who ha)e nothing '%t each other. Till I -new yo%( Eli4a( no creat%re ha# lo)e# me( '%t my +oor( heart*'ro-en mother an# $i$ter. I $aw +oor Emily that morning the tra#er carrie# her off. She came to the corner where I wa$ lying a$lee+( an# $ai#( ' oor 5eorge( yo%r la$t frien# i$ going. "hat will 'ecome of yo%( +oor 'oyC' An# I got %+ an# threw my arm$ ro%n# her( an# crie# an# $o''e#( an# $he crie# too3 an# tho$e were the la$t -in# wor#$ I got for ten long year$3 an# my heart all withere# %+( an# felt a$ #ry a$ a$he$( till I met yo%. An# yo%r lo)ing me(**why( it wa$ almo$t li-e rai$ing one from the #ea#D I')e 'een a new man e)er $inceD An# now( Eli4a( I'll gi)e my la$t #ro+ of 'loo#( '%t they 0$hall not0 ta-e yo% from me. "hoe)er get$ yo% m%$t wal- o)er my #ea# 'o#y.A AO( Lor#( ha)e mercyDA $ai# Eli4a( $o''ing. AIf he will only let %$ get o%t of thi$ co%ntry together( that i$ all we a$-.A AI$ 5o# on their $i#eCA $ai# 5eorge( $+ea-ing le$$ to hi$ wife than +o%ring o%t hi$ own 'itter tho%ght$. AFoe$ he $ee all they #oC "hy #oe$ he let $%ch thing$ ha++enC An# they tell %$ that the Bi'le i$ on their $i#e3 certainly all the +ower i$. They are rich( an# healthy( an# ha++y3 they are mem'er$ of ch%rche$( e1+ecting to go to hea)en3 an# they get along $o ea$y in the worl#( an# ha)e it all their own way3 an# +oor(

hone$t( faithf%l Chri$tian$(**Chri$tian$ a$ goo# or 'etter than they(**are lying in the )ery #%$t %n#er their feet. They '%y 'em an# $ell 'em( an# ma-e tra#e of their heart'$ 'loo#( an# groan$ an# tear$(**an# 5o# 0let$0 them.A A&rien# 5eorge(A $ai# Simeon( from the -itchen( Ali$ten to thi$ $alm3 it may #o thee goo#.A 5eorge #rew hi$ $eat near the #oor( an# Eli4a( wi+ing her tear$( came forwar# al$o to li$ten( while Simeon rea# a$ follow$I AB%t a$ for me( my feet were almo$t gone3 my $te+$ ha# well*nigh $li++e#. &or I wa$ en)io%$ of the fooli$h( when I $aw the +ro$+erity of the wic-e#. They are not in tro%'le li-e other men( neither are they +lag%e# li-e other men. Therefore( +ri#e com+a$$eth them a$ a chain3 )iolence co)ereth them a$ a garment. Their eye$ $tan# o%t with fatne$$3 they ha)e more than heart co%l# wi$h. They are corr%+t( an# $+eawic-e#ly concerning o++re$$ion3 they $+ea- loftily. Therefore hi$ +eo+le ret%rn( an# the water$ of a f%ll c%+ are wr%ng o%t to them( an# they $ay( How #oth 5o# -nowC an# i$ there -nowle#ge in the Mo$t HighCA AI$ not that the way thee feel$( 5eorgeCA AIt i$ $o in#ee#(A $ai# 5eorge(**Aa$ well a$ I co%l# ha)e written it my$elf.A AThen( hear(A $ai# SimeonI A"hen I tho%ght to -now thi$( it wa$ too +ainf%l for me %ntil I went %nto the $anct%ary of 5o#. Then %n#er$too# I their en#. S%rely tho% #i#$t $et them in $li++ery +lace$( tho% ca$te#$t them #own to #e$tr%ction. A$ a #ream when one awa-eth( $o( oh Lor#( when tho% awa-e$t( tho% $halt #e$+i$e their image. Ne)erthele$$ I am contin%ally with thee3 tho% ha$t hol#en me 'y my right han#. Tho% $halt g%i#e me 'y thy co%n$el( an# afterwar#$ recei)e me to glory. It i$ goo# for me to #raw near %nto 5o#. I ha)e +%t my tr%$t in the Lor# 5o#.A6 6 $. 9L( AThe En# of the "ic-e# contra$te# with that of the !ighteo%$.A The wor#$ of holy tr%$t( 'reathe# 'y the frien#ly ol# man( $tole li-e $acre# m%$ic o)er the hara$$e# an# chafe# $+irit of 5eorge3 an# after he cea$e#( he $at with a gentle an# $%'#%e# e1+re$$ion on hi$ fine feat%re$. AIf thi$ worl# were all( 5eorge(A $ai# Simeon( Athee might( in#ee#( a$where i$ the Lor#C B%t it i$ often tho$e who ha)e lea$t of all in thi$ life whom he choo$eth for the -ing#om. %t thy tr%$t in him an#( no matter what 'efall$ thee here( he will ma-e all right hereafter.A If the$e wor#$ ha# 'een $+o-en 'y $ome ea$y( $elf*in#%lgent e1horter( from who$e mo%th they might ha)e come merely a$ +io%$ an# rhetorical flo%ri$h( +ro+er to 'e %$e# to +eo+le in #i$tre$$( +erha+$ they might not ha)e ha# m%ch effect3 '%t coming from one who #aily an# calmly ri$-e# fine an# im+ri$onment for the ca%$e of 5o# an# man( they ha# a weight that co%l# not '%t 'e felt( an# 'oth the +oor( #e$olate f%giti)e$ fo%n# calmne$$ an# $trength 'reathing into them from it.

An# now !achel too- Eli4a'$ han# -in#ly( an# le# the way to the $%++er*ta'le. A$ they were $itting #own( a light ta+ $o%n#e# at the #oor( an# !%th entere#. AI /%$t ran in(A $he $ai#( Awith the$e little $toc-ing$ for the 'oy(**three +air( nice( warm woollen one$. It will 'e $o col#( thee -now$( in Cana#a. Foe$ thee -ee+ %+ goo# co%rage( Eli4aCA $he a##e#( tri++ing ro%n# to Eli4a'$ $i#e of the ta'le( an# $ha-ing her warmly 'y the han#( an# $li++ing a $ee#*ca-e into Harry'$ han#. AI 'ro%ght a little +arcel of the$e for him(A $he $ai#( t%gging at her +oc-et to get o%t the +ac-age. AChil#ren( thee -now$( will alway$ 'e eating.A AO( than- yo%3 yo% are too -in#(A $ai# Eli4a. ACome( !%th( $it #own to $%++er(A $ai# !achel. AI co%l#n't( any way. I left Eohn with the 'a'y( an# $ome 'i$c%it$ in the o)en3 an# I can't $tay a moment( el$e Eohn will '%rn %+ all the 'i$c%it$( an# gi)e the 'a'y all the $%gar in the 'owl. That'$ the way he #oe$(A $ai# the little N%a-ere$$( la%ghing. ASo( goo#*'y( Eli4a3 goo#*'y( 5eorge3 the Lor# grant thee a $afe /o%rney3A an#( with a few tri++ing $te+$( !%th wa$ o%t of the a+artment. A little while after $%++er( a large co)ere#*wagon #rew %+ 'efore the #oor3 the night wa$ clear $tarlight3 an# hinea$ /%m+e# 'ri$-ly #own from hi$ $eat to arrange hi$ +a$$enger$. 5eorge wal-e# o%t of the #oor( with hi$ chil# on one arm an# hi$ wife on the other. Hi$ $te+ wa$ firm( hi$ face $ettle# an# re$ol%te. !achel an# Simeon came o%t after them. ABo% get o%t( a moment(A $ai# hinea$ to tho$e in$i#e( Aan# let me fi1 the 'ac- of the wagon( there( for the women*fol-$ an# the 'oy.A AHere are the two '%ffaloe$(A $ai# !achel. AMa-e the $eat$ a$ comforta'le a$ may 'e3 it'$ har# ri#ing all night.A Eim came o%t fir$t( an# caref%lly a$$i$te# o%t hi$ ol# mother( who cl%ng to hi$ arm( an# loo-e# an1io%$ly a'o%t( a$ if $he e1+ecte# the +%r$%er e)ery moment. AEim( are yo%r +i$tol$ all in or#erCA $ai# 5eorge( in a low( firm )oice. ABe$( in#ee#(A $ai# Eim. AAn# yo%')e no #o%'t what yo% $hall #o( if they comeCA AI rather thin- I ha)en't(A $ai# Eim( throwing o+en hi$ 'roa# che$t( an# ta-ing a #ee+ 'reath. AFo yo% thin- I'll let them get mother againCA F%ring thi$ 'rief collo2%y( Eli4a ha# 'een ta-ing her lea)e of her -in# frien#( !achel( an# wa$ han#e# into the carriage 'y Simeon( an#( cree+ing into the 'ac- +art with her 'oy( $at #own among the '%ffalo*$-in$. The ol# woman wa$ ne1t han#e# in an# $eate# an# 5eorge an# Eim +lace# on a ro%gh 'oar# $eat front of them( an# hinea$ mo%nte# in front.

A&arewell( my frien#$(A $ai# Simeon( from witho%t. A5o# 'le$$ yo%DA an$were# all from within. An# the wagon #ro)e off( rattling an# /olting o)er the fro4en roa#. There wa$ no o++ort%nity for con)er$ation( on acco%nt of the ro%ghne$$ of the way an# the noi$e of the wheel$. The )ehicle( therefore( r%m'le# on( thro%gh long( #ar- $tretche$ of woo#lan#(**o)er wi#e #reary +lain$(**%+ hill$( an# #own )alley$(**an# on( on( on they /ogge#( ho%r after ho%r. The chil# $oon fell a$lee+( an# lay hea)ily in hi$ mother'$ la+. The +oor( frightene# ol# woman at la$t forgot her fear$3 an#( e)en Eli4a( a$ the night wane#( fo%n# all her an1ietie$ in$%fficient to -ee+ her eye$ from clo$ing. hinea$ $eeme#( on the whole( the 'ri$-e$t of the com+any( an# 'eg%ile# hi$ long #ri)e with whi$tling certain )ery %n2%a-er*li-e $ong$( a$ he went on. B%t a'o%t three o'cloc- 5eorge'$ ear ca%ght the ha$ty an# #eci#e# clicof a hor$e'$ hoof coming 'ehin# them at $ome #i$tance an# /ogge# hinea$ 'y the el'ow. hinea$ +%lle# %+ hi$ hor$e$( an# li$tene#. AThat m%$t 'e Michael(A he $ai#3 AI thin- I -now the $o%n# of hi$ gallo+3A an# he ro$e %+ an# $tretche# hi$ hea# an1io%$ly 'ac- o)er the roa#. A man ri#ing in hot ha$te wa$ now #imly #e$crie# at the to+ of a #i$tant hill. AThere he i$( I #o 'elie)eDA $ai# hinea$. 5eorge an# Eim 'oth $+rang o%t of the wagon 'efore they -new what they were #oing. All $too# inten$ely $ilent( with their face$ t%rne# towar#$ the e1+ecte# me$$enger. On he came. Now he went #own into a )alley( where they co%l# not $ee him3 '%t they hear# the $har+( ha$ty tram+( ri$ing nearer an# nearer3 at la$t they $aw him emerge on the to+ of an eminence( within hail. ABe$( that'$ MichaelDA $ai# hinea$3 an#( rai$ing hi$ )oice( AHalloa( there( MichaelDA A hinea$D i$ that theeCA ABe$3 what new$**they comingCA A!ight on 'ehin#( eight or ten of them( hot with 'ran#y( $wearing an# foaming li-e $o many wol)e$.A An#( /%$t a$ he $+o-e( a 'ree4e 'ro%ght the faint $o%n# of gallo+ing hor$emen towar#$ them. AIn with yo%(**2%ic-( 'oy$( 0inD0A $ai# hinea$. AIf yo% m%$t fight( wait till I get yo% a +iece ahea#.A An#( with the wor#( 'oth /%m+e# in( an# hinea$ la$he# the hor$e$ to a r%n( the hor$eman -ee+ing clo$e 'e$i#e them. The wagon rattle#( /%m+e#( almo$t flew( o)er the fro4en gro%n#3 '%t +lainer( an# $till +lainer( came the noi$e of +%r$%ing

hor$emen 'ehin#. The women hear# it( an#( loo-ing an1io%$ly o%t( $aw( far in the rear( on the 'row of a #i$tant hill( a +arty of men looming %+ again$t the re#*$trea-e# $-y of early #awn. Another hill( an# their +%r$%er$ ha# e)i#ently ca%ght $ight of their wagon( who$e white cloth*co)ere# to+ ma#e it con$+ic%o%$ at $ome #i$tance( an# a lo%# yell of 'r%tal tri%m+h came forwar# on the win#. Eli4a $ic-ene#( an# $traine# her chil# clo$er to her 'o$om3 the ol# woman +raye# an# groane#( an# 5eorge an# Eim clenche# their +i$tol$ with the gra$+ of #e$+air. The +%r$%er$ gaine# on them fa$t3 the carriage ma#e a $%##en t%rn( an# 'ro%ght them near a le#ge of a $tee+ o)erhanging roc-( that ro$e in an i$olate# ri#ge or cl%m+ in a large lot( which wa$( all aro%n# it( 2%ite clear an# $mooth. Thi$ i$olate# +ile( or range of roc-$( ro$e %+ 'lacan# hea)y again$t the 'rightening $-y( an# $eeme# to +romi$e $helter an# concealment. It wa$ a +lace well -nown to hinea$( who ha# 'een familiar with the $+ot in hi$ h%nting #ay$3 an# it wa$ to gain thi$ +oint he ha# 'een racing hi$ hor$e$. ANow for itDA $ai# he( $%##enly chec-ing hi$ hor$e$( an# $+ringing from hi$ $eat to the gro%n#. AO%t with yo%( in a twin-ling( e)ery one( an# %+ into the$e roc-$ with me. Michael( thee tie thy hor$e to the wagon( an# #ri)e ahea# to Amariah'$ an# get him an# hi$ 'oy$ to come 'ac- an# talto the$e fellow$.A In a twin-ling they were all o%t of the carriage. AThere(A $ai# hinea$( catching %+ Harry( Ayo%( each of yo%( $ee to the women3 an# r%n( 0now0 if yo% e)er 0#i#0 r%nDA They nee#e# no e1hortation. N%ic-er than we can $ay it( the whole +arty were o)er the fence( ma-ing with all $+ee# for the roc-$( while Michael( throwing him$elf from hi$ hor$e( an# fa$tening the 'ri#le to the wagon( 'egan #ri)ing it ra+i#ly away. ACome ahea#(A $ai# hinea$( a$ they reache# the roc-$( an# $aw in the mingle# $tarlight an# #awn( the trace$ of a r%#e '%t +lainly mar-e# foot*+ath lea#ing %+ among them3 Athi$ i$ one of o%r ol# h%nting*#en$. Come %+DA hinea$ went 'efore( $+ringing %+ the roc-$ li-e a goat( with the 'oy in hi$ arm$. Eim came $econ#( 'earing hi$ trem'ling ol# mother o)er hi$ $ho%l#er( an# 5eorge an# Eli4a 'ro%ght %+ the rear. The +arty of hor$emen came %+ to the fence( an#( with mingle# $ho%t$ an# oath$( were #i$mo%nting( to +re+are to follow them. A few moment$' $cram'ling 'ro%ght them to the to+ of the le#ge3 the +ath then +a$$e# 'etween a narrow #efile( where only one co%l# wal- at a time( till $%##enly they came to a rift or cha$m more than a yar# in 'rea#th( an# 'eyon# which lay a +ile of roc-$( $e+arate from the re$t of the le#ge( $tan#ing f%ll thirty feet high( with it$ $i#e$ $tee+ an# +er+en#ic%lar a$ tho$e of a ca$tle. hinea$ ea$ily lea+e# the cha$m( an# $at #own the 'oy on a $mooth( flat +latform of cri$+ white mo$$( that co)ere# the to+ of the roc-. AO)er with yo%DA he calle#3 A$+ring( now( once( for yo%r li)e$DA $ai# he( a$ one after another $+rang acro$$. Se)eral fragment$ of loo$e $tone forme# a -in# of 'rea$t*wor-( which $heltere# their +o$ition from the

o'$er)ation of tho$e 'elow. A"ell( here we all are(A $ai# hinea$( +ee+ing o)er the $tone 'rea$t*wor- to watch the a$$ailant$( who were coming t%m%lt%o%$ly %+ %n#er the roc-$. ALet 'em get %$( if they can. "hoe)er come$ here ha$ to wal- $ingle file 'etween tho$e two roc-$( in fair range of yo%r +i$tol$( 'oy$( #'ye $eeCA AI #o $ee(A $ai# 5eorgeD Aan# now( a$ thi$ matter i$ o%r$( let %$ ta-e all the ri$-( an# #o all the fighting.A AThee'$ 2%ite welcome to #o the fighting( 5eorge(A $ai# hinea$( chewing $ome chec-er'erry*lea)e$ a$ he $+o-e3 A'%t I may ha)e the f%n of loo-ing on( I $%++o$e. B%t $ee( the$e fellow$ are -in#er #e'ating #own there( an# loo-ing %+( li-e hen$ when they are going to fly %+ on to the roo$t. Ha#n't thee 'etter gi)e 'em a wor# of a#)ice( 'efore they come %+( /%$t to tell 'em han#$omely they'll 'e $hot if they #oCA The +arty 'eneath( now more a++arent in the light of the #awn( con$i$te# of o%r ol# ac2%aintance$( Tom Lo-er an# Mar-$( with two con$ta'le$( an# a +o$$e con$i$ting of $%ch row#ie$ at the la$t ta)ern a$ co%l# 'e engage# 'y a little 'ran#y to go an# hel+ the f%n of tra++ing a $et of nigger$. A"ell( Tom( yer coon$ are farly tree#(A $ai# one. ABe$( I $ee 'em go %+ right here(A $ai# Tom3 Aan# here'$ a +ath. I'm for going right %+. They can't /%m+ #own in a h%rry( an# it won't ta-e long to ferret 'em o%t.A AB%t( Tom( they might fire at %$ from 'ehin# the roc-$(A $ai# Mar-$. AThat wo%l# 'e %gly( yo% -now.A AUghDA $ai# Tom( with a $neer. AAlway$ for $a)ing yo%r $-in( Mar-$D No #angerD nigger$ are too +lag%y $care#DA AI #on't -now why I 0$ho%l#n't0 $a)e my $-in(A $ai# Mar-$. AIt'$ the 'e$t I')e got3 an# nigger$ 0#o0 fight li-e the #e)il( $ometime$.A At thi$ moment( 5eorge a++eare# on the to+ of a roc- a'o)e them( an#( $+ea-ing in a calm( clear )oice( $ai#( A5entlemen( who are yo%( #own there( an# what #o yo% wantCA A"e want a +arty of r%naway nigger$(A $ai# Tom Lo-er. AOne 5eorge Harri$( an# Eli4a Harri$( an# their $on( an# Eim Sel#en( an# an ol# woman. "e')e got the officer$( here( an# a warrant to ta-e 'em3 an# we're going to ha)e 'em( too. F'ye hearC An't yo% 5eorge Harri$( that 'elong$ to Mr. Harri$( of Shel'y co%nty( ,ent%c-yCA AI am 5eorge Harri$. A Mr. Harri$( of ,ent%c-y( #i# call me hi$ +ro+erty. B%t now I'm a free man( $tan#ing on 5o#'$ free $oil3 an# my wife an# my chil# I claim a$ mine. Eim an# hi$ mother are here. "e ha)e arm$ to #efen# o%r$el)e$( an# we mean to #o it. Bo% can come %+( if yo% li-e3 '%t the fir$t one of yo% that come$ within the range of o%r

'%llet$ i$ a #ea# man( an# the ne1t( an# the ne1t3 an# $o on till the la$t.A AO( comeD comeDA $ai# a $hort( +%ffy man( $te++ing forwar#( an# 'lowing hi$ no$e a$ he #i# $o. ABo%ng man( thi$ an't no -in# of tal- at all for yo%. Bo% $ee( we're officer$ of /%$tice. "e')e got the law on o%r $i#e( an# the +ower( an# $o forth3 $o yo%'# 'etter gi)e %+ +eacea'ly( yo% $ee3 for yo%'ll certainly ha)e to gi)e %+( at la$t.A AI -now )ery well that yo%')e got the law on yo%r $i#e( an# the +ower(A $ai# 5eorge( 'itterly. ABo% mean to ta-e my wife to $ell in New Orlean$( an# +%t my 'oy li-e a calf in a tra#er'$ +en( an# $en# Eim'$ ol# mother to the 'r%te that whi++e# an# a'%$e# her 'efore( 'eca%$e he co%l#n't a'%$e her $on. Bo% want to $en# Eim an# me 'ac- to 'e whi++e# an# tort%re#( an# gro%n# #own %n#er the heel$ of them that yo% call ma$ter$3 an# yo%r law$ 0will0 'ear yo% o%t in it(**more $hame for yo% an# themD B%t yo% ha)en't got %$. "e #on't own yo%r law$3 we #on't own yo%r co%ntry3 we $tan# here a$ free( %n#er 5o#'$ $-y( a$ yo% are3 an#( 'y the great 5o# that ma#e %$( we'll fight for o%r li'erty till we #ie.A 5eorge $too# o%t in fair $ight( on the to+ of the roc-( a$ he ma#e hi$ #eclaration of in#e+en#ence3 the glow of #awn ga)e a fl%$h to hi$ $warthy chee-( an# 'itter in#ignation an# #e$+air ga)e fire to hi$ #areye3 an#( a$ if a++ealing from man to the /%$tice of 5o#( he rai$e# hi$ han# to hea)en a$ he $+o-e. If it ha# 'een only a H%ngarian yo%th( now 'ra)ely #efen#ing in $ome mo%ntain fa$tne$$ the retreat of f%giti)e$ e$ca+ing from A%$tria into America( thi$ wo%l# ha)e 'een $%'lime heroi$m3 '%t a$ it wa$ a yo%th of African #e$cent( #efen#ing the retreat of f%giti)e$ thro%gh America into Cana#a( of co%r$e we are too well in$tr%cte# an# +atriotic to $ee any heroi$m in it3 an# if any of o%r rea#er$ #o( they m%$t #o it on their own +ri)ate re$+on$i'ility. "hen #e$+airing H%ngarian f%giti)e$ ma-e their way( again$t all the $earch*warrant$ an# a%thoritie$ of their lawf%l go)ernment( to America( +re$$ an# +olitical ca'inet ring with a++la%$e an# welcome. "hen #e$+airing African f%giti)e$ #o the $ame thing(**it i$**what 0i$0 itC Be it a$ it may( it i$ certain that the attit%#e( eye( )oice( manner( of the $+ea-er for a moment $tr%c- the +arty 'elow to $ilence. There i$ $omething in 'ol#ne$$ an# #etermination that for a time h%$he$ e)en the r%#e$t nat%re. Mar-$ wa$ the only one who remaine# wholly %nto%che#. He wa$ #eli'erately coc-ing hi$ +i$tol( an#( in the momentary $ilence that followe# 5eorge'$ $+eech( he fire# at him. ABe $ee ye get /i$t a$ m%ch for him #ea# a$ ali)e in ,ent%c-y(A he $ai# coolly( a$ he wi+e# hi$ +i$tol on hi$ coat*$lee)e. 5eorge $+rang 'ac-war#(**Eli4a %ttere# a $hrie-(**the 'all ha# +a$$e# clo$e to hi$ hair( ha# nearly gra4e# the chee- of hi$ wife( an# $tr%cin the tree a'o)e. AIt'$ nothing( Eli4a(A $ai# 5eorge( 2%ic-ly. AThee'# 'etter -ee+ o%t of $ight( with thy $+eechifying(A $ai# hinea$3

Athey're mean $cam+$.A ANow( Eim(A $ai# 5eorge( Aloo- that yo%r +i$tol$ are all right( an# watch that +a$$ with me. The fir$t man that $how$ him$elf I fire at3 yo% ta-e the $econ#( an# $o on. It won't #o( yo% -now( to wa$te two $hot$ on one.A AB%t what if yo% #on't hitCA AI 0$hall0 hit(A $ai# 5eorge( coolly. A5oo#D now( there'$ $t%ff in that fellow(A m%ttere# hinea$( 'etween hi$ teeth. The +arty 'elow( after Mar-$ ha# fire#( $too#( for a moment( rather %n#eci#e#. AI thin- yo% m%$t ha)e hit $ome on 'em(A $ai# one of the men. AI hear# a $2%ealDA AI'm going right %+ for one(A $ai# Tom. AI ne)er wa$ afrai# of nigger$( an# I an't going to 'e now. "ho goe$ afterCA he $ai#( $+ringing %+ the roc-$. 5eorge hear# the wor#$ #i$tinctly. He #rew %+ hi$ +i$tol( e1amine# it( +ointe# it towar#$ that +oint in the #efile where the fir$t man wo%l# a++ear. One of the mo$t co%rageo%$ of the +arty followe# Tom( an#( the way 'eing th%$ ma#e( the whole +arty 'egan +%$hing %+ the roc-(**the hin#ermo$t +%$hing the front one$ fa$ter than they wo%l# ha)e gone of them$el)e$. On they came( an# in a moment the '%rly form of Tom a++eare# in $ight( almo$t at the )erge of the cha$m. 5eorge fire#(**the $hot entere# hi$ $i#e(**'%t( tho%gh wo%n#e#( he wo%l# not retreat( '%t( with a yell li-e that of a ma# '%ll( he wa$ lea+ing right acro$$ the cha$m into the +arty. A&rien#(A $ai# hinea$( $%##enly $te++ing to the front( an# meeting him with a +%$h from hi$ long arm$( Athee i$n't wante# here.A Fown he fell into the cha$m( crac-ling #own among tree$( '%$he$( log$( loo$e $tone$( till he lay 'r%i$e# an# groaning thirty feet 'elow. The fall might ha)e -ille# him( ha# it not 'een 'ro-en an# mo#erate# 'y hi$ clothe$ catching in the 'ranche$ of a large tree3 '%t he came #own with $ome force( howe)er(**more than wa$ at all agreea'le or con)enient. ALor# hel+ %$( they are +erfect #e)il$DA $ai# Mar-$( hea#ing the retreat #own the roc-$ with m%ch more of a will than he ha# /oine# the a$cent( while all the +arty came t%m'ling +reci+itately after him(**the fat con$ta'le( in +artic%lar( 'lowing an# +%ffing in a )ery energetic manner. AI $ay( feller$(A $ai# Mar-$( Ayo% /i$t go ro%n# an# +ic- %+ Tom( there( while I r%n an# get on to my hor$e to go 'ac- for hel+(**that'$ yo%3A

an#( witho%t min#ing the hooting$ an# /eer$ of hi$ com+any( Mar-$ wa$ a$ goo# a$ hi$ wor#( an# wa$ $oon $een gallo+ing away. A"a$ e)er $%ch a $nea-ing )armintCA $ai# one of the men3 Ato come on hi$ '%$ine$$( an# he clear o%t an# lea)e %$ thi$ yer wayDA A"ell( we m%$t +ic- %+ that feller(A $ai# another. AC%$$ me if I m%ch care whether he i$ #ea# or ali)e.A The men( le# 'y the groan$ of Tom( $cram'le# an# crac-le# thro%gh $t%m+$( log$ an# '%$he$( to where that hero lay groaning an# $wearing with alternate )ehemence. ABe -ee+ it agoing +retty lo%#( Tom(A $ai# one. ABe m%ch h%rtCA AFon't -now. 5et me %+( can't yeC Bla$t that infernal N%a-erD If it ha#n't 'een for him( I'# a +itche# $ome on 'em #own here( to $ee how they li-e# it.A "ith m%ch la'or an# groaning( the fallen hero wa$ a$$i$te# to ri$e3 an#( with one hol#ing him %+ %n#er each $ho%l#er( they got him a$ far a$ the hor$e$. AIf yo% co%l# only get me a mile 'ac- to that ar ta)ern. 5i)e me a han#-erchief or $omething( to $t%ff into thi$ +lace( an# $to+ thi$ infernal 'lee#ing.A 5eorge loo-e# o)er the roc-$( an# $aw them trying to lift the '%rly form of Tom into the $a##le. After two or three ineffect%al attem+t$( he reele#( an# fell hea)ily to the gro%n#. AO( I ho+e he i$n't -ille#DA $ai# Eli4a( who( with all the +arty( $too# watching the +rocee#ing. A"hy notCA $ai# hinea$3 A$er)e$ him right.A ABeca%$e after #eath come$ the /%#gment(A $ai# Eli4a. ABe$(A $ai# the ol# woman( who ha# 'een groaning an# +raying( in her Metho#i$t fa$hion( #%ring all the enco%nter( Ait'$ an awf%l ca$e for the +oor critt%r'$ $o%l.A AOn my wor#( they're lea)ing him( I #o 'elie)e(A $ai# hinea$. It wa$ tr%e3 for after $ome a++earance of irre$ol%tion an# con$%ltation( the whole +arty got on their hor$e$ an# ro#e away. "hen they were 2%ite o%t of $ight( hinea$ 'egan to 'e$tir him$elf. A"ell( we m%$t go #own an# wal- a +iece(A he $ai#. AI tol# Michael to go forwar# an# 'ring hel+( an# 'e along 'ac- here with the wagon3 '%t we $hall ha)e to wal- a +iece along the roa#( I rec-on( to meet them. The Lor# grant he 'e along $oonD It'$ early in the #ay3 there won't 'e m%ch tra)el afoot yet a while3 we an't m%ch more than two mile$ from o%r $to++ing*+lace. If the roa# ha#n't 'een $o ro%gh la$t night( we co%l# ha)e o%tr%n 'em entirely.A

A$ the +arty neare# the fence( they #i$co)ere# in the #i$tance( along the roa#( their own wagon coming 'ac-( accom+anie# 'y $ome men on hor$e'ac-. A"ell( now( there'$ Michael( an# Ste+hen an# Amariah(A e1claime# hinea$( /oyf%lly. ANow we 0are0 ma#e**a$ $afe a$ if we'# got there.A A"ell( #o $to+( then(A $ai# Eli4a( Aan# #o $omething for that +oor man3 he'$ groaning #rea#f%lly.A AIt wo%l# 'e no more than Chri$tian(A $ai# 5eorge3 Alet'$ ta-e him %+ an# carry him on.A AAn# #octor him %+ among the N%a-er$DA $ai# hinea$3 A+retty well( thatD "ell( I #on't care if we #o. Here( let'$ ha)e a loo- at him3A an# hinea$( who in the co%r$e of hi$ h%nting an# 'ac-woo#$ life ha# ac2%ire# $ome r%#e e1+erience of $%rgery( -neele# #own 'y the wo%n#e# man( an# 'egan a caref%l e1amination of hi$ con#ition. AMar-$(A $ai# Tom( fee'ly( Ai$ that yo%( Mar-$CA ANo3 I rec-on 'tan't frien#(A $ai# hinea$. AM%ch Mar-$ care$ for thee( if hi$ own $-in'$ $afe. He'$ off( long ago.A AI 'elie)e I'm #one for(A $ai# Tom. AThe c%$$e# $nea-ing #og( to lea)e me to #ie aloneD My +oor ol# mother alway$ tol# me 't wo%l# 'e $o.A ALa $a-e$D /i$t hear the +oor critt%r. He'$ got a mammy( now(A $ai# the ol# negre$$. AI can't hel+ -in#er +ityin' on him.A ASoftly( $oftly3 #on't thee $na+ an# $narl( frien#(A $ai# hinea$( a$ Tom wince# an# +%$he# hi$ han# away. AThee ha$ no chance( %nle$$ I $to+ the 'lee#ing.A An# hinea$ '%$ie# him$elf with ma-ing $ome off*han# $%rgical arrangement$ with hi$ own +oc-et*han#-erchief( an# $%ch a$ co%l# 'e m%$tere# in the com+any. ABo% +%$he# me #own there(A $ai# Tom( faintly. A"ell if I ha#n't thee wo%l# ha)e +%$he# %$ #own( thee $ee$(A $ai# hinea$( a$ he $too+e# to a++ly hi$ 'an#age. AThere( there(**let me fi1 thi$ 'an#age. "e mean well to thee3 we 'ear no malice. Thee $hall 'e ta-en to a ho%$e where they'll n%r$e thee fir$t rate( well a$ thy own mother co%l#.A Tom groane#( an# $h%t hi$ eye$. In men of hi$ cla$$( )igor an# re$ol%tion are entirely a +hy$ical matter( an# oo4e o%t with the flowing of the 'loo#3 an# the gigantic fellow really loo-e# +iteo%$ in hi$ hel+le$$ne$$. The other +arty now came %+. The $eat$ were ta-en o%t of the wagon. The '%ffalo*$-in$( #o%'le# in fo%r$( were $+rea# all along one $i#e( an# fo%r men( with great #iffic%lty( lifte# the hea)y form of Tom into it. Before he wa$ gotten in( he fainte# entirely. The ol# negre$$( in the a'%n#ance of her com+a$$ion( $at #own on the 'ottom( an# too- hi$ hea#

in her la+. Eli4a( 5eorge an# Eim( 'e$towe# them$el)e$( a$ well a$ they co%l#( in the remaining $+ace an# the whole +arty $et forwar#. A"hat #o yo% thin- of himCA $ai# 5eorge( who $at 'y hinea$ in front. A"ell it'$ only a +retty #ee+ fle$h*wo%n#3 '%t( then( t%m'ling an# $cratching #own that +lace #i#n't hel+ him m%ch. It ha$ 'le# +retty freely(**+retty m%ch #raine# him o%t( co%rage an# all(**'%t he'll get o)er it( an# may 'e learn a thing or two 'y it.A AI'm gla# to hear yo% $ay $o(A $ai# 5eorge. AIt wo%l# alway$ 'e a hea)y tho%ght to me( if I'# ca%$e# hi$ #eath( e)en in a /%$t ca%$e.A ABe$(A $ai# hinea$( A-illing i$ an %gly o+eration( any way they'll fi1 it(**man or 'ea$t. I')e $een a '%c- that wa$ $hot #own an# a #ying( loothat way on a feller with hi$ eye( that it reely mo$t ma#e a feller feel wic-e# for -illing on him3 an# h%man creat%re$ i$ a more $erio%$ con$i#eration yet( 'ein'( a$ thy wife $ay$( that the /%#gment come$ to 'em after #eath. So I #on't -now a$ o%r +eo+le'$ notion$ on the$e matter$ i$ too $trict3 an#( con$i#erin' how I wa$ rai$e#( I fell in with them +retty con$i#era'ly.A A"hat $hall yo% #o with thi$ +oor fellowCA $ai# 5eorge. AO( carry him along to Amariah'$. There'$ ol# 5ran#mam Ste+hen$ there(**Forca$( they call her(**$he'$ mo$t an ama4in' n%r$e. She ta-e$ to n%r$ing real nat%ral( an# an't ne)er 'etter $%ite# than when $he get$ a $ic- 'o#y to ten#. "e may rec-on on t%rning him o)er to her for a fortnight or $o.A A ri#e of a'o%t an ho%r more 'ro%ght the +arty to a neat farmho%$e( where the weary tra)eller$ were recei)e# to an a'%n#ant 'rea-fa$t. Tom Lo-er wa$ $oon caref%lly #e+o$ite# in a m%ch cleaner an# $ofter 'e# than he ha#( e)er 'een in the ha'it of occ%+ying. Hi$ wo%n# wa$ caref%lly #re$$e# an# 'an#age#( an# he lay lang%i#ly o+ening an# $h%tting hi$ eye$ on the white win#ow*c%rtain$ an# gently*gli#ing fig%re$ of hi$ $icroom( li-e a weary chil#. An# here( for the +re$ent( we $hall ta-e o%r lea)e of one +arty.

CHA TE! KVIII Mi$$ O+helia'$ E1+erience$ an# O+inion$ O%r frien# Tom( in hi$ own $im+le m%$ing$( often com+are# hi$ more fort%nate lot( in the 'on#age into which he wa$ ca$t( with that of Eo$e+h in Egy+t3 an#( in fact( a$ time went on( an# he #e)elo+e# more an# more %n#er the eye of hi$ ma$ter( the $trength of the +arallel increa$e#. St. Clare wa$ in#olent an# carele$$ of money. Hitherto the +ro)i#ing an# mar-eting ha# 'een +rinci+ally #one 'y A#ol+h( who wa$( to the f%ll( a$ carele$$ an# e1tra)agant a$ hi$ ma$ter3 an#( 'etween them 'oth( they ha#

carrie# on the #i$+er$ing +roce$$ with great alacrity. Acc%$tome#( for many year$( to regar# hi$ ma$ter'$ +ro+erty a$ hi$ own care( Tom $aw( with an %nea$ine$$ he co%l# $carcely re+re$$( the wa$tef%l e1+en#it%re of the e$ta'li$hment3 an#( in the 2%iet( in#irect way which hi$ cla$$ often ac2%ire( wo%l# $ometime$ ma-e hi$ own $%gge$tion$. St. Clare at fir$t em+loye# him occa$ionally3 '%t( $tr%c- with hi$ $o%n#ne$$ of min# an# goo# '%$ine$$ ca+acity( he confi#e# in him more an# more( till gra#%ally all the mar-eting an# +ro)i#ing for the family were intr%$te# to him. ANo( no( A#ol+h(A he $ai#( one #ay( a$ A#ol+h wa$ #e+recating the +a$$ing of +ower o%t of hi$ han#$3 Alet Tom alone. Bo% only %n#er$tan# what yo% want3 Tom %n#er$tan#$ co$t an# come to3 an# there may 'e $ome en# to money( 'ye an# 'ye if we #on't let $ome'o#y #o that.A Tr%$te# to an %nlimite# e1tent 'y a carele$$ ma$ter( who han#e# him a 'ill witho%t loo-ing at it( an# +oc-ete# the change witho%t co%nting it( Tom ha# e)ery facility an# tem+tation to #i$hone$ty3 an# nothing '%t an im+regna'le $im+licity of nat%re( $trengthene# 'y Chri$tian faith( co%l# ha)e -e+t him from it. B%t( to that nat%re( the )ery %n'o%n#e# tr%$t re+o$e# in him wa$ 'on# an# $eal for the mo$t $cr%+%lo%$ acc%racy. "ith A#ol+h the ca$e ha# 'een #ifferent. Tho%ghtle$$ an# $elf*in#%lgent( an# %nre$traine# 'y a ma$ter who fo%n# it ea$ier to in#%lge than to reg%late( he ha# fallen into an a'$ol%te conf%$ion a$ to 0me%m t%%m0 with regar# to him$elf an# hi$ ma$ter( which $ometime$ tro%'le# e)en St. Clare. Hi$ own goo# $en$e ta%ght him that $%ch a training of hi$ $er)ant$ wa$ %n/%$t an# #angero%$. A $ort of chronic remor$e went with him e)erywhere( altho%gh not $trong eno%gh to ma-e any #eci#e# change in hi$ co%r$e3 an# thi$ )ery remor$e reacte# again into in#%lgence. He +a$$e# lightly o)er the mo$t $erio%$ fa%lt$( 'eca%$e he tol# him$elf that( if he ha# #one hi$ +art( hi$ #e+en#ent$ ha# not fallen into them. Tom regar#e# hi$ gay( airy( han#$ome yo%ng ma$ter with an o## mi1t%re of fealty( re)erence( an# fatherly $olicit%#e. That he ne)er rea# the Bi'le3 ne)er went to ch%rch3 that he /e$te# an# ma#e free with any an# e)ery thing that came in the way of hi$ wit3 that he $+ent hi$ S%n#ay e)ening$ at the o+era or theatre3 that he went to wine +artie$( an# cl%'$( an# $%++er$( oftener than wa$ at all e1+e#ient(**were all thing$ that Tom co%l# $ee a$ +lainly a$ any'o#y( an# on which he 'a$e# a con)iction that AMa$'r wa$n't a Chri$tian3A**a con)iction( howe)er( which he wo%l# ha)e 'een )ery $low to e1+re$$ to any one el$e( '%t on which he fo%n#e# many +rayer$( in hi$ own $im+le fa$hion( when he wa$ 'y him$elf in hi$ little #ormitory. Not that Tom ha# not hi$ own way of $+ea-ing hi$ min# occa$ionally( with $omething of the tact often o'$er)a'le in hi$ cla$$3 a$( for e1am+le( the )ery #ay after the Sa''ath we ha)e #e$cri'e#( St. Clare wa$ in)ite# o%t to a con)i)ial +arty of choice $+irit$( an# wa$ hel+e# home( 'etween one an# two o'cloc- at night( in a con#ition when the +hy$ical ha# #eci#e#ly attaine# the %++er han# of the intellect%al. Tom an# A#ol+h a$$i$te# to get him com+o$e# for the night( the latter in high $+irit$( e)i#ently regar#ing the matter a$ a goo# /o-e( an# la%ghing heartily at the r%$ticity of Tom'$ horror( who really wa$ $im+le eno%gh to lie awa-e mo$t of the re$t of the night( +raying for hi$ yo%ng ma$ter.

A"ell( Tom( what are yo% waiting forCA $ai# St. Clare( the ne1t #ay( a$ he $at in hi$ li'rary( in #re$$ing*gown an# $li++er$. St. Clare ha# /%$t 'een entr%$ting Tom with $ome money( an# )ario%$ commi$$ion$. AI$n't all right there( TomCA he a##e#( a$ Tom $till $too# waiting. AI'm 'frai# not( Ma$'r(A $ai# Tom( with a gra)e face. St. Clare lai# #own hi$ +a+er( an# $et #own hi$ coffee*c%+( an# loo-e# at Tom. A"hy Tom( what'$ the ca$eC Bo% loo- a$ $olemn a$ a coffin.A AI feel )ery 'a#( Ma$'r. I allay$ ha)e tho%ght that Ma$'r wo%l# 'e goo# to e)ery'o#y.A A"ell( Tom( ha)en't I 'eenC Come( now( what #o yo% wantC There'$ $omething yo% ha)en't got( I $%++o$e( an# thi$ i$ the +reface.A AMa$'r allay$ 'een goo# to me. I ha)en't nothing to com+lain of on that hea#. B%t there i$ one that Ma$'r i$n't goo# to.A A"hy( Tom( what'$ got into yo%C S+ea- o%t3 what #o yo% meanCA ALa$t night( 'etween one an# two( I tho%ght $o. I $t%#ie# %+on the matter then. Ma$'r i$n't goo# to 0him$elf0.A Tom $ai# thi$ with hi$ 'ac- to hi$ ma$ter( an# hi$ han# on the #oor*-no'. St. Clare felt hi$ face fl%$h crim$on( '%t he la%ghe#. AO( that'$ all( i$ itCA he $ai#( gayly. AAllDA $ai# Tom( t%rning $%##enly ro%n# an# falling on hi$ -nee$. AO( my #ear yo%ng Ma$'r3 I'm 'frai# it will 'e 0lo$$ of all**all0**'o#y an# $o%l. The goo# Boo- $ay$( 'it 'iteth li-e a $er+ent an# $tingeth li-e an a##erD' my #ear Ma$'rDA Tom'$ )oice cho-e#( an# the tear$ ran #own hi$ chee-$. ABo% +oor( $illy foolDA $ai# St. Clare( with tear$ in hi$ own eye$. A5et %+( Tom. I'm not worth crying o)er.A B%t Tom wo%l#n't ri$e( an# loo-e# im+loring. A"ell( I won't go to any more of their c%r$e# non$en$e( Tom(A $ai# St. Clare3 Aon my honor( I won't. I #on't -now why I ha)en't $to++e# long ago. I')e alway$ #e$+i$e# 0it0( an# my$elf for it(**$o now( Tom( wi+e %+ yo%r eye$( an# go a'o%t yo%r erran#$. Come( come(A he a##e#( Ano 'le$$ing$. I'm not $o won#erf%lly goo#( now(A he $ai#( a$ he gently +%$he# Tom to the #oor. AThere( I'll +le#ge my honor to yo%( Tom( yo% #on't $ee me $o again(A he $ai#3 an# Tom went off( wi+ing hi$ eye$( with great $ati$faction. AI'll -ee+ my faith with him( too(A $ai# St. Clare( a$ he clo$e# the #oor.

An# St. Clare #i# $o(**for gro$$ $en$%ali$m( in any form( wa$ not the +ec%liar tem+tation of hi$ nat%re. B%t( all thi$ time( who $hall #etail the tri'%lation$ manifol# of o%r frien# Mi$$ O+helia( who ha# 'eg%n the la'or$ of a So%thern ho%$e-ee+erC There i$ all the #ifference in the worl# in the $er)ant$ of So%thern e$ta'li$hment$( accor#ing to the character an# ca+acity of the mi$tre$$e$ who ha)e 'ro%ght them %+. So%th a$ well a$ north( there are women who ha)e an e1traor#inary talent for comman#( an# tact in e#%cating. S%ch are ena'le#( with a++arent ea$e( an# witho%t $e)erity( to $%'/ect to their will( an# 'ring into harmonio%$ an# $y$tematic or#er( the )ario%$ mem'er$ of their $mall e$tate(**to reg%late their +ec%liaritie$( an# $o 'alance an# com+en$ate the #eficiencie$ of one 'y the e1ce$$ of another( a$ to +ro#%ce a harmonio%$ an# or#erly $y$tem. S%ch a ho%$e-ee+er wa$ Mr$. Shel'y( whom we ha)e alrea#y #e$cri'e#3 an# $%ch o%r rea#er$ may remem'er to ha)e met with. If they are not common at the So%th( it i$ 'eca%$e they are not common in the worl#. They are to 'e fo%n# there a$ often a$ anywhere3 an#( when e1i$ting( fin# in that +ec%liar $tate of $ociety a 'rilliant o++ort%nity to e1hi'it their #ome$tic talent. S%ch a ho%$e-ee+er Marie St. Clare wa$ not( nor her mother 'efore her. In#olent an# chil#i$h( %n$y$tematic an# im+ro)i#ent( it wa$ not to 'e e1+ecte# that $er)ant$ traine# %n#er her care $ho%l# not 'e $o li-ewi$e3 an# $he ha# )ery /%$tly #e$cri'e# to Mi$$ O+helia the $tate of conf%$ion $he wo%l# fin# in the family( tho%gh $he ha# not a$cri'e# it to the +ro+er ca%$e. The fir$t morning of her regency( Mi$$ O+helia wa$ %+ at fo%r o'cloc-3 an# ha)ing atten#e# to all the a#/%$tment$ of her own cham'er( a$ $he ha# #one e)er $ince $he came there( to the great ama4ement of the cham'ermai#( $he +re+are# for a )igoro%$ on$la%ght on the c%+'oar#$ an# clo$et$ of the e$ta'li$hment of which $he ha# the -ey$. The $tore*room( the linen*+re$$e$( the china*clo$et( the -itchen an# cellar( that #ay( all went %n#er an awf%l re)iew. Hi##en thing$ of #ar-ne$$ were 'ro%ght to light to an e1tent that alarme# all the +rinci+alitie$ an# +ower$ of -itchen an# cham'er( an# ca%$e# many won#ering$ an# m%rm%ring$ a'o%t A#e$e yer northern la#ie$A from the #ome$tic ca'inet. Ol# Finah( the hea# coo-( an# +rinci+al of all r%le an# a%thority in the -itchen #e+artment( wa$ fille# with wrath at what $he con$i#ere# an in)a$ion of +ri)ilege. No fe%#al 'aron in 0Magna Charta0 time$ co%l# ha)e more thoro%ghly re$ente# $ome inc%r$ion of the crown. Finah wa$ a character in her own way( an# it wo%l# 'e in/%$tice to her memory not to gi)e the rea#er a little i#ea of her. She wa$ a nati)e an# e$$ential coo-( a$ m%ch a$ A%nt Chloe(**coo-ing 'eing an in#igeno%$ talent of the African race3 '%t Chloe wa$ a traine# an# metho#ical one(

who mo)e# in an or#erly #ome$tic harne$$( while Finah wa$ a $elf*ta%ght geni%$( an#( li-e geni%$e$ in general( wa$ +o$iti)e( o+inionate# an# erratic( to the la$t #egree. Li-e a certain cla$$ of mo#ern +hilo$o+her$( Finah +erfectly $corne# logic an# rea$on in e)ery $ha+e( an# alway$ too- ref%ge in int%iti)e certainty3 an# here $he wa$ +erfectly im+regna'le. No +o$$i'le amo%nt of talent( or a%thority( or e1+lanation( co%l# e)er ma-e her 'elie)e that any other way wa$ 'etter than her own( or that the co%r$e $he ha# +%r$%e# in the $malle$t matter co%l# 'e in the lea$t mo#ifie#. Thi$ ha# 'een a conce#e# +oint with her ol# mi$tre$$( Marie'$ mother3 an# AMi$$ Marie(A a$ Finah alway$ calle# her yo%ng mi$tre$$( e)en after her marriage( fo%n# it ea$ier to $%'mit than conten#3 an# $o Finah ha# r%le# $%+reme. Thi$ wa$ the ea$ier( in that $he wa$ +erfect mi$tre$$ of that #i+lomatic art which %nite$ the %tmo$t $%'$er)ience of manner with the %tmo$t infle1i'ility a$ to mea$%re. Finah wa$ mi$tre$$ of the whole art an# my$tery of e1c%$e*ma-ing( in all it$ 'ranche$. In#ee#( it wa$ an a1iom with her that the coo- can #o no wrong3 an# a coo- in a So%thern -itchen fin#$ a'%n#ance of hea#$ an# $ho%l#er$ on which to lay off e)ery $in an# frailty( $o a$ to maintain her own immac%latene$$ entire. If any +art of the #inner wa$ a fail%re( there were fifty in#i$+%ta'ly goo# rea$on$ for it3 an# it wa$ the fa%lt %n#enia'ly of fifty other +eo+le( whom Finah 'erate# with %n$+aring 4eal. B%t it wa$ )ery $el#om that there wa$ any fail%re in Finah'$ la$t re$%lt$. Tho%gh her mo#e of #oing e)erything wa$ +ec%liarly mean#ering an# circ%ito%$( an# witho%t any $ort of calc%lation a$ to time an# +lace(**tho%gh her -itchen generally loo-e# a$ if it ha# 'een arrange# 'y a h%rricane 'lowing thro%gh it( an# $he ha# a'o%t a$ many +lace$ for each coo-ing %ten$il a$ there were #ay$ in the year(**yet( if one wo%l# ha)e +atience to wait her own goo# time( %+ wo%l# come her #inner in +erfect or#er( an# in a $tyle of +re+aration with which an e+ic%re co%l# fin# no fa%lt. It wa$ now the $ea$on of inci+ient +re+aration for #inner. Finah( who re2%ire# large inter)al$ of reflection an# re+o$e( an# wa$ $t%#io%$ of ea$e in all her arrangement$( wa$ $eate# on the -itchen floor( $mo-ing a $hort( $t%m+y +i+e( to which $he wa$ m%ch a##icte#( an# which $he alway$ -in#le# %+( a$ a $ort of cen$er( whene)er $he felt the nee# of an in$+iration in her arrangement$. It wa$ Finah'$ mo#e of in)o-ing the #ome$tic M%$e$. Seate# aro%n# her were )ario%$ mem'er$ of that ri$ing race with which a So%thern ho%$ehol# a'o%n#$( engage# in $helling +ea$( +eeling +otatoe$( +ic-ing +in*feather$ o%t of fowl$( an# other +re+aratory arrangement$(**Finah e)ery once in a while interr%+ting her me#itation$ to gi)e a +o-e( or a ra+ on the hea#( to $ome of the yo%ng o+erator$( with the +%##ing*$tic- that lay 'y her $i#e. In fact( Finah r%le# o)er the woolly hea#$ of the yo%nger mem'er$ with a ro# of iron( an# $eeme# to con$i#er them 'orn for no earthly +%r+o$e '%t to A$a)e her $te+$(A a$ $he +hra$e# it. It wa$ the $+irit of the $y$tem %n#er which $he ha# grown %+( an# $he carrie# it o%t to it$ f%ll e1tent.

Mi$$ O+helia( after +a$$ing on her reformatory to%r thro%gh all the other +art$ of the e$ta'li$hment( now entere# the -itchen. Finah ha# hear#( from )ario%$ $o%rce$( what wa$ going on( an# re$ol)e# to $tan# on #efen$i)e an# con$er)ati)e gro%n#(**mentally #etermine# to o++o$e an# ignore e)ery new mea$%re( witho%t any act%al o'$er)a'le conte$t. The -itchen wa$ a large 'ric-*floore# a+artment( with a great ol#*fa$hione# fire+lace $tretching along one $i#e of it(**an arrangement which St. Clare ha# )ainly trie# to +er$%a#e Finah to e1change for the con)enience of a mo#ern coo-*$to)e. Not $he. No %$eyite(6 or con$er)ati)e of any $chool( wa$ e)er more infle1i'ly attache# to time*honore# incon)enience$ than Finah. 6 E#war# Bo%)erie %$ey 78>MM*8>>?<( cham+ion of the ortho#o1y of re)eale# religion( #efen#er of the O1for# mo)ement( an# !egi%$ +rofe$$or of He'rew an# Canon of Chri$t Ch%rch( O1for#. "hen St. Clare ha# fir$t ret%rne# from the north( im+re$$e# with the $y$tem an# or#er of hi$ %ncle'$ -itchen arrangement$( he ha# largely +ro)i#e# hi$ own with an array of c%+'oar#$( #rawer$( an# )ario%$ a++arat%$( to in#%ce $y$tematic reg%lation( %n#er the $ang%ine ill%$ion that it wo%l# 'e of any +o$$i'le a$$i$tance to Finah in her arrangement$. He might a$ well ha)e +ro)i#e# them for a $2%irrel or a mag+ie. The more #rawer$ an# clo$et$ there were( the more hi#ing*hole$ co%l# Finah ma-e for the accommo#ation of ol# rag$( hair*com'$( ol# $hoe$( ri''on$( ca$t*off artificial flower$( an# other article$ of 0)ert%0( wherein her $o%l #elighte#. "hen Mi$$ O+helia entere# the -itchen Finah #i# not ri$e( '%t $mo-e# on in $%'lime tran2%illity( regar#ing her mo)ement$ o'li2%ely o%t of the corner of her eye( '%t a++arently intent only on the o+eration$ aro%n# her. Mi$$ O+helia commence# o+ening a $et of #rawer$. A"hat i$ thi$ #rawer for( FinahCA $he $ai#. AIt'$ han#y for mo$t anything( Mi$$i$(A $ai# Finah. So it a++eare# to 'e. &rom the )ariety it containe#( Mi$$ O+helia +%lle# o%t fir$t a fine #ama$- ta'le*cloth $taine# with 'loo#( ha)ing e)i#ently 'een %$e# to en)elo+ $ome raw meat. A"hat'$ thi$( FinahC Bo% #on't wra+ %+ meat in yo%r mi$tre$$' 'e$t ta'le*cloth$CA AO Lor( Mi$$i$( no3 the towel$ wa$ all a mi$$in'**$o I /e$t #i# it. I lai# o%t to wa$h that a(**that'$ why I +%t it thar.A AShif'le$$DA $ai# Mi$$ O+helia to her$elf( +rocee#ing to t%m'le o)er the #rawer( where $he fo%n# a n%tmeg*grater an# two or three n%tmeg$( a Metho#i$t hymn*'oo-( a co%+le of $oile# Ma#ra$ han#-erchief$( $ome yarn an# -nitting*wor-( a +a+er of to'acco an# a +i+e( a few crac-er$( one or two gil#e# china*$a%cer$ with $ome +oma#e in them( one or two thin ol# $hoe$( a +iece of flannel caref%lly +inne# %+ enclo$ing $ome $mall white

onion$( $e)eral #ama$- ta'le*na+-in$( $ome coar$e cra$h towel$( $ome twine an# #arning*nee#le$( an# $e)eral 'ro-en +a+er$( from which $%n#ry $weet her'$ were $ifting into the #rawer. A"here #o yo% -ee+ yo%r n%tmeg$( FinahCA $ai# Mi$$ O+helia( with the air of one who +raye# for +atience. AMo$t anywhar( Mi$$i$3 there'$ $ome in that crac-e# tea*c%+( %+ there( an# there'$ $ome o)er in that ar c%+'oar#.A AHere are $ome in the grater(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia( hol#ing them %+. ALaw$( ye$( I +%t 'em there thi$ morning(**I li-e$ to -ee+ my thing$ han#y(A $ai# Finah. ABo%( Ea-eD what are yo% $to++ing forD Bo%'ll cotch itD Be $till( tharDA $he a##e#( with a #i)e of her $tic- at the criminal. A"hat'$ thi$CA $ai# Mi$$ O+helia( hol#ing %+ the $a%cer of +oma#e. ALaw$( it'$ my har 0grea$e03**I +%t it thar to ha)e it han#y.A AFo yo% %$e yo%r mi$tre$$' 'e$t $a%cer$ for thatCA ALawD it wa$ ca%$e I wa$ #ri)( an# in $ich a h%rry3**I wa$ gwine to change it thi$ )ery #ay.A AHere are two #ama$- ta'le*na+-in$.A AThem ta'le*na+-in$ I +%t thar( to get 'em wa$he# o%t( $ome #ay.A AFon't yo% ha)e $ome +lace here on +%r+o$e for thing$ to 'e wa$he#CA A"ell( Ma$'r St. Clare got #at ar che$t( he $ai#( for #at3 '%t I li-e$ to mi1 %+ 'i$c%it an# he) my thing$ on it $ome #ay$( an# then it an't han#y a liftin' %+ the li#.A A"hy #on't yo% mi1 yo%r 'i$c%it$ on the +a$try*ta'le( thereCA ALaw( Mi$$i$( it get$ $ot $o f%ll of #i$he$( an# one thing an# another( #er an't no room( noway**A AB%t yo% $ho%l# 0wa$h0 yo%r #i$he$( an# clear them away.A A"a$h my #i$he$DA $ai# Finah( in a high -ey( a$ her wrath 'egan to ri$e o)er her ha'it%al re$+ect of manner3 Awhat #oe$ la#ie$ -now ''o%t wor-( I want to -nowC "hen '# Ma$'r e)er get hi$ #inner( if I )a$ to $+en# all my time a wa$hin' an# a +%ttin' %+ #i$he$C Mi$$ Marie ne)er telle# me $o( nohow.A A"ell( here are the$e onion$.A ALaw$( ye$DA $ai# Finah3 Athar 0i$0 whar I +%t 'em( now. I co%l#n't 'mem'er. Them '$ +artic%lar onion$ I wa$ a $a)in' for #i$ yer )ery $tew. I'# forgot they wa$ in #at ar ol# flannel.A

Mi$$ O+helia lifte# o%t the $ifting +a+er$ of $weet her'$. AI wi$h Mi$$i$ wo%l#n't to%ch #em ar. I li-e$ to -ee+ my thing$ where I -now$ whar to go to 'em(A $ai# Finah( rather #eci#e#ly. AB%t yo% #on't want the$e hole$ in the +a+er$.A AThem '$ han#y for $iftin' on 't o%t(A $ai# Finah. AB%t yo% $ee it $+ill$ all o)er the #rawer.A ALaw$( ye$D if Mi$$i$ will go a t%m'lin' thing$ all %+ $o( it will. Mi$$i$ ha$ $+ilt lot$ #at ar way(A $ai# Finah( coming %nea$ily to the #rawer$. AIf Mi$$i$ only will go %+ $tar$ till my clarin' %+ time come$( I'll ha)e e)erything right3 '%t I can't #o nothin' when la#ie$ i$ ro%n#( a hen#erin'. Bo%( Sam( #on't yo% gi' the 'a'y #at ar $%gar*'owlD I'll crac- ye o)er( if ye #on't min#DA AI'm going thro%gh the -itchen( an# going to +%t e)erything in or#er( 0once0( Finah3 an# then I'll e1+ect yo% to 0-ee+0 it $o.A ALor( nowD Mi$$ helia3 #at ar an't no way for la#ie$ to #o. I ne)er #i# $ee la#ie$ #oin' no $ich3 my ol# Mi$$i$ nor Mi$$ Marie ne)er #i#( an# I #on't $ee no -in#er nee# on 't3A an# Finah $tal-e# in#ignantly a'o%t( while Mi$$ O+helia +ile# an# $orte# #i$he$( em+tie# #o4en$ of $cattering 'owl$ of $%gar into one rece+tacle( $orte# na+-in$( ta'le*cloth$( an# towel$( for wa$hing3 wa$hing( wi+ing( an# arranging with her own han#$( an# with a $+ee# an# alacrity which +erfectly ama4e# Finah. ALor nowD if #at ar #e way #em northern la#ie$ #o( #ey an't la#ie$( nohow(A $he $ai# to $ome of her $atellite$( when at a $afe hearing #i$tance. AI ha$ thing$ a$ $traight a$ any'o#y( when my clarin' %+ time$ come$3 '%t I #on't want la#ie$ ro%n#( a hen#erin'( an# getting my thing$ all where I can't fin# 'em.A To #o Finah /%$tice( $he ha#( at irreg%lar +erio#$( +aro1ym$ of reformation an# arrangement( which $he calle# Aclarin' %+ time$(A when $he wo%l# 'egin with great 4eal( an# t%rn e)ery #rawer an# clo$et wrong $i#e o%twar#( on to the floor or ta'le$( an# ma-e the or#inary conf%$ion $e)en*fol# more confo%n#e#. Then $he wo%l# light her +i+e( an# lei$%rely go o)er her arrangement$( loo-ing thing$ o)er( an# #i$co%r$ing %+on them3 ma-ing all the yo%ng fry $co%r mo$t )igoro%$ly on the tin thing$( an# -ee+ing %+ for $e)eral ho%r$ a mo$t energetic $tate of conf%$ion( which $he wo%l# e1+lain to the $ati$faction of all in2%irer$( 'y the remar- that $he wa$ a Aclarin' %+.A AShe co%l#n't he) thing$ a gwine on $o a$ they ha# 'een( an# $he wa$ gwine to ma-e the$e yer yo%ng one$ -ee+ 'etter or#er3A for Finah her$elf( $omehow( in#%lge# the ill%$ion that $he( her$elf( wa$ the $o%l of or#er( an# it wa$ only the 0yo%ng %n$0( an# the e)ery'o#y el$e in the ho%$e( that were the ca%$e of anything that fell $hort of +erfection in thi$ re$+ect. "hen all the tin$ were $co%re#( an# the ta'le$ $cr%''e# $nowy white( an# e)erything that co%l# offen# t%c-e# o%t of $ight in hole$ an# corner$( Finah wo%l# #re$$ her$elf %+ in a $mart #re$$( clean a+ron( an# high( 'rilliant Ma#ra$ t%r'an( an# tell all mara%#ing Ayo%ng %n$A to -ee+ o%t of the -itchen( for $he wa$ gwine to ha)e thing$ -e+t nice. In#ee#( the$e +erio#ic

$ea$on$ were often an incon)enience to the whole ho%$ehol#3 for Finah wo%l# contract $%ch an immo#erate attachment to her $co%re# tin( a$ to in$i$t %+on it that it $ho%l#n't 'e %$e# again for any +o$$i'le +%r+o$e(**at lea$t( till the ar#or of the Aclarin' %+A +erio# a'ate#. Mi$$ O+helia( in a few #ay$( thoro%ghly reforme# e)ery #e+artment of the ho%$e to a $y$tematic +attern3 '%t her la'or$ in all #e+artment$ that #e+en#e# on the coo+eration of $er)ant$ were li-e tho$e of Si$y+h%$ or the Fanai#e$. In #e$+air( $he one #ay a++eale# to St. Clare. AThere i$ no $%ch thing a$ getting anything li-e a $y$tem in thi$ familyDA ATo 'e $%re( there i$n't(A $ai# St. Clare. AS%ch $hiftle$$ management( $%ch wa$te( $%ch conf%$ion( I ne)er $awDA AI #are $ay yo% #i#n't.A ABo% wo%l# not ta-e it $o coolly( if yo% were ho%$e-ee+er.A AMy #ear co%$in( yo% may a$ well %n#er$tan#( once for all( that we ma$ter$ are #i)i#e# into two cla$$e$( o++re$$or$ an# o++re$$e#. "e who are goo#*nat%re# an# hate $e)erity ma-e %+ o%r min#$ to a goo# #eal of incon)enience. If we 0will -ee+0 a $ham'ling( loo$e( %nta%ght $et in the comm%nity( for o%r con)enience( why( we m%$t ta-e the con$e2%ence. Some rare ca$e$ I ha)e $een( of +er$on$( who( 'y a +ec%liar tact( can +ro#%ce or#er an# $y$tem witho%t $e)erity3 '%t I'm not one of them(**an# $o I ma#e %+ my min#( long ago( to let thing$ go /%$t a$ they #o. I will not ha)e the +oor #e)il$ thra$he# an# c%t to +iece$( an# they -now it(**an#( of co%r$e( they -now the $taff i$ in their own han#$.A AB%t to ha)e no time( no +lace( no or#er(**all going on in thi$ $hiftle$$ wayDA AMy #ear Vermont( yo% nati)e$ %+ 'y the North ole $et an e1tra)agant )al%e on timeD "hat on earth i$ the %$e of time to a fellow who ha$ twice a$ m%ch of it a$ he -now$ what to #o withC A$ to or#er an# $y$tem( where there i$ nothing to 'e #one '%t to lo%nge on the $ofa an# rea#( an ho%r $ooner or later in 'rea-fa$t or #inner i$n't of m%ch acco%nt. Now( there'$ Finah get$ yo% a ca+ital #inner(**$o%+( rago%t( roa$t fowl( #e$$ert( ice*cream$ an# all(**an# $he create$ it all o%t of chao$ an# ol# night #own there( in that -itchen. I thin- it really $%'lime( the way $he manage$. B%t( Hea)en 'le$$ %$D if we are to go #own there( an# )iew all the $mo-ing an# $2%atting a'o%t( an# h%rry$c%rryation of the +re+aratory +roce$$( we $ho%l# ne)er eat moreD My goo# co%$in( a'$ol)e yo%r$elf from thatD It'$ more than a Catholic +enance( an# #oe$ no more goo#. Bo%'ll only lo$e yo%r own tem+er( an# %tterly confo%n# Finah. Let her go her own way.A AB%t( A%g%$tine( yo% #on't -now how I fo%n# thing$.A AFon't IC Fon't I -now that the rolling*+in i$ %n#er her 'e#( an# the n%tmeg*grater in her +oc-et with her to'acco(**that there are $i1ty*fi)e #ifferent $%gar*'owl$( one in e)ery hole in the ho%$e(**that $he wa$he$

#i$he$ with a #inner*na+-in one #ay( an# with a fragment of an ol# +etticoat the ne1tC B%t the %+$hot i$( $he get$ %+ glorio%$ #inner$( ma-e$ $%+er' coffee3 an# yo% m%$t /%#ge her a$ warrior$ an# $tate$men are /%#ge#( 0'y her $%cce$$0.A AB%t the wa$te(**the e1+en$eDA AO( wellD Loc- e)erything yo% can( an# -ee+ the -ey. 5i)e o%t 'y #ri'let$( an# ne)er in2%ire for o##$ an# en#$(**it i$n't 'e$t.A AThat tro%'le$ me( A%g%$tine. I can't hel+ feeling a$ if the$e $er)ant$ were not 0$trictly hone$t0. Are yo% $%re they can 'e relie# onCA A%g%$tine la%ghe# immo#erately at the gra)e an# an1io%$ face with which Mi$$ O+helia +ro+o%n#e# the 2%e$tion. AO( co%$in( that'$ too goo#(**0hone$tD0**a$ if that'$ a thing to 'e e1+ecte#D Hone$tD**why( of co%r$e( they arn't. "hy $ho%l# they 'eC "hat %+on earth i$ to ma-e them $oCA A"hy #on't yo% in$tr%ctCA AIn$tr%ctD O( fi##le$tic-D "hat in$tr%cting #o yo% thin- I $ho%l# #oC I loo- li-e itD A$ to Marie( $he ha$ $+irit eno%gh( to 'e $%re( to -ill off a whole +lantation( if I'# let her manage3 '%t $he wo%l#n't get the cheatery o%t of them.A AAre there no hone$t one$CA A"ell( now an# then one( whom Nat%re ma-e$ $o im+ractica'ly $im+le( tr%thf%l an# faithf%l( that the wor$t +o$$i'le infl%ence can't #e$troy it. B%t( yo% $ee( from the mother'$ 'rea$t the colore# chil# feel$ an# $ee$ that there are none '%t %n#erhan# way$ o+en to it. It can get along no other way with it$ +arent$( it$ mi$tre$$( it$ yo%ng ma$ter an# mi$$ie +lay*fellow$. C%nning an# #ece+tion 'ecome nece$$ary( ine)ita'le ha'it$. It i$n't fair to e1+ect anything el$e of him. He o%ght not to 'e +%ni$he# for it. A$ to hone$ty( the $la)e i$ -e+t in that #e+en#ent( $emi*chil#i$h $tate( that there i$ no ma-ing him reali4e the right$ of +ro+erty( or feel that hi$ ma$ter'$ goo#$ are not hi$ own( if he can get them. &or my +art( I #on't $ee how they 0can0 'e hone$t. S%ch a fellow a$ Tom( here( i$(**i$ a moral miracleDA AAn# what 'ecome$ of their $o%l$CA $ai# Mi$$ O+helia. AThat i$n't my affair( a$ I -now of(A $ai# St. Clare3 AI am only #ealing in fact$ of the +re$ent life. The fact i$( that the whole race are +retty generally %n#er$too# to 'e t%rne# o)er to the #e)il( for o%r 'enefit( in thi$ worl#( howe)er it may t%rn o%t in anotherDA AThi$ i$ +erfectly horri'leDA $ai# Mi$$ O+helia3 Ayo% o%ght to 'e a$hame# of yo%r$el)e$DA AI #on't -now a$ I am. "e are in +retty goo# com+any( for all that(A $ai# St. Clare( Aa$ +eo+le in the 'roa# roa# generally are. Loo- at the high an# the low( all the worl# o)er( an# it'$ the $ame $tory(**the

lower cla$$ %$e# %+( 'o#y( $o%l an# $+irit( for the goo# of the %++er. It i$ $o in Englan#3 it i$ $o e)erywhere3 an# yet all Chri$ten#om $tan#$ agha$t( with )irt%o%$ in#ignation( 'eca%$e we #o the thing in a little #ifferent $ha+e from what they #o it.A AIt i$n't $o in Vermont.A AAh( well( in New Englan#( an# in the free State$( yo% ha)e the 'etter of %$( I grant. B%t there'$ the 'ell3 $o( Co%$in( let %$ for a while lay a$i#e o%r $ectional +re/%#ice$( an# come o%t to #inner.A A$ Mi$$ O+helia wa$ in the -itchen in the latter +art of the afternoon( $ome of the $a'le chil#ren calle# o%t( ALa( $a-e$D thar'$ r%e a coming( gr%nting along li-e $he aller$ #oe$.A A tall( 'ony colore# woman now entere# the -itchen( 'earing on her hea# a 'a$-et of r%$-$ an# hot roll$. AHo( r%eD yo%')e come(A $ai# Finah. r%e ha# a +ec%liar $cowling e1+re$$ion of co%ntenance( an# a $%llen( gr%m'ling )oice. She $et #own her 'a$-et( $2%atte# her$elf #own( an# re$ting her el'ow$ on her -nee$ $ai#( AO Lor#D I wi$h't I '$ #ea#DA A"hy #o yo% wi$h yo% were #ea#CA $ai# Mi$$ O+helia. AI'# 'e o%t o' my mi$ery(A $ai# the woman( gr%ffly( witho%t ta-ing her eye$ from the floor. A"hat nee# yo% getting #r%n-( then( an# c%tting %+( r%eCA $ai# a $+r%ce 2%a#roon cham'ermai#( #angling( a$ $he $+o-e( a +air of coral ear*#ro+$. The woman loo-e# at her with a $o%r $%rly glance. AMay'e yo%'ll come to it( one of the$e yer #ay$. I'# 'e gla# to $ee yo%( I wo%l#3 then yo%'ll 'e gla# of a #ro+( li-e me( to forget yo%r mi$ery.A ACome( r%e(A $ai# Finah( Alet'$ loo- at yo%r r%$-$. Here'$ Mi$$i$ will +ay for them.A Mi$$ O+helia too- o%t a co%+le of #o4en. AThar'$ $ome tic-et$ in that ar ol# crac-e# /%g on the to+ $helf(A $ai# Finah. ABo%( Ea-e( clim' %+ an# get it #own.A ATic-et$(**what are they forCA $ai# Mi$$ O+helia. A"e '%y tic-et$ of her Ma$'r( an# $he gi)e$ %$ 'rea# for 'em.A AAn# they co%nt$ my money an# tic-et$( when I get$ home( to $ee if I '$ got the change3 an# if I han't( they half -ill$ me.A AAn# $er)e$ yo% right(A $ai# Eane( the +ert cham'ermai#( Aif yo% will

ta-e their money to get #r%n- on. That'$ what $he #oe$( Mi$$i$.A AAn# that'$ what I 0will0 #o(**I can't li)e no other way$(**#rin- an# forget my mi$ery.A ABo% are )ery wic-e# an# )ery fooli$h(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia( Ato $teal yo%r ma$ter'$ money to ma-e yo%r$elf a 'r%te with.A AIt'$ mighty li-ely( Mi$$i$3 '%t I will #o it(**ye$( I will. O Lor#D I wi$h I '$ #ea#( I #o(**I wi$h I '$ #ea#( an# o%t of my mi$eryDA an# $lowly an# $tiffly the ol# creat%re ro$e( an# got her 'a$-et on her hea# again3 '%t 'efore $he went o%t( $he loo-e# at the 2%a#roon girt( who $till $too# +laying with her ear*#ro+$. ABe thin- ye're mighty fine with them ar( a frolic-in' an# a to$$in' yo%r hea#( an# a loo-in' #own on e)ery'o#y. "ell( ne)er min#(**yo% may li)e to 'e a +oor( ol#( c%t*%+ critt%r( li-e me. Ho+e to the Lor# ye will( I #o3 then $ee if ye won't #rin-(**#rin-(**#rin-(**yer$elf into torment3 an# $ar)e ye right( too**%ghDA an#( with a malignant howl( the woman left the room. AFi$g%$ting ol# 'ea$tDA $ai# A#ol+h( who wa$ getting hi$ ma$ter'$ $ha)ing*water. AIf I wa$ her ma$ter( I'# c%t her %+ wor$e than $he i$.A ABe co%l#n't #o that ar( no way$(A $ai# Finah. AHer 'ac-'$ a far $ight now(**$he can't ne)er get a #re$$ together o)er it.A AI thin- $%ch low creat%re$ o%ght not to 'e allowe# to go ro%n# to genteel familie$(A $ai# Mi$$ Eane. A"hat #o yo% thin-( Mr. St. ClareCA $he $ai#( co2%etti$hly to$$ing her hea# at A#ol+h. It m%$t 'e o'$er)e# that( among other a++ro+riation$ from hi$ ma$ter'$ $toc-( A#ol+h wa$ in the ha'it of a#o+ting hi$ name an# a##re$$3 an# that the $tyle %n#er which he mo)e#( among the colore# circle$ of New Orlean$( wa$ that of 0Mr. St. Clare0. AI'm certainly of yo%r o+inion( Mi$$ Benoir(A $ai# A#ol+h. Benoir wa$ the name of Marie St. Clare'$ family( an# Eane wa$ one of her $er)ant$. A ray( Mi$$ Benoir( may I 'e allowe# to a$- if tho$e #ro+$ are for the 'all( tomorrow nightC They are certainly 'ewitchingDA AI won#er( now( Mr. St. Clare( what the im+%#ence of yo% men will come toDA $ai# Eane( to$$ing her +retty hea# 'til the ear*#ro+$ twin-le# again. AI $han't #ance with yo% for a whole e)ening( if yo% go to a$-ing me any more 2%e$tion$.A AO( yo% co%l#n't 'e $o cr%el( nowD I wa$ /%$t #ying to -now whether yo% wo%l# a++ear in yo%r +in- tarletane(A $ai# A#ol+h. A"hat i$ itCA $ai# !o$a( a 'right( +i2%ant little 2%a#roon who came $-i++ing #own $tair$ at thi$ moment.

A"hy( Mr. St. Clare'$ $o im+%#entDA AOn my honor(A $ai# A#ol+h( AI'll lea)e it to Mi$$ !o$a now.A AI -now he'$ alway$ a $a%cy creat%re(A $ai# !o$a( +oi$ing her$elf on one of her little feet( an# loo-ing malicio%$ly at A#ol+h. AHe'$ alway$ getting me $o angry with him.A AOD la#ie$( la#ie$( yo% will certainly 'rea- my heart( 'etween yo%(A $ai# A#ol+h. AI $hall 'e fo%n# #ea# in my 'e#( $ome morning( an# yo%'ll ha)e it to an$wer for.A AFo hear the horri# creat%re tal-DA $ai# 'oth la#ie$( la%ghing immo#erately. ACome(**clar o%t( yo%D I can't ha)e yo% cl%ttering %+ the -itchen(A $ai# Finah3 Ain my way( foolin' ro%n# here.A AA%nt Finah'$ gl%m( 'eca%$e $he can't go to the 'all(A $ai# !o$a. AFon't want none o' yo%r light*colore# 'all$(A $ai# Finah3 Ac%ttin' ro%n#( ma-in' ''lie)e yo%'$ white fol-$. Arter all( yo%'$ nigger$( m%ch a$ I am.A AA%nt Finah grea$e$ her wool $tiff( e)ery #ay( to ma-e it lie $traight(A $ai# Eane. AAn# it will 'e wool( after all(A $ai# !o$a( malicio%$ly $ha-ing #own her long( $il-y c%rl$. A"ell( in the Lor#'$ $ight( an't wool a$ goo# a$ 'ar( any timeCA $ai# Finah. AI'# li-e to ha)e Mi$$i$ $ay which i$ worth the mo$t(**a co%+le $%ch a$ yo%( or one li-e me. 5et o%t wi# ye( ye tr%m+ery(**I won't ha)e ye ro%n#DA Here the con)er$ation wa$ interr%+te# in a two*fol# manner. St. Clare'$ )oice wa$ hear# at the hea# of the $tair$( a$-ing A#ol+h if he meant to $tay all night with hi$ $ha)ing*water3 an# Mi$$ O+helia( coming o%t of the #ining*room( $ai#( AEane an# !o$a( what are yo% wa$ting yo%r time for( hereC 5o in an# atten# to yo%r m%$lin$.A O%r frien# Tom( who ha# 'een in the -itchen #%ring the con)er$ation with the ol# r%$-*woman( ha# followe# her o%t into the $treet. He $aw her go on( gi)ing e)ery once in a while a $%++re$$e# groan. At la$t $he $et her 'a$-et #own on a #oor$te+( an# 'egan arranging the ol#( fa#e# $hawl which co)ere# her $ho%l#er$. AI'll carry yo%r 'a$-et a +iece(A $ai# Tom( com+a$$ionately. A"hy $ho%l# yeCA $ai# the woman. AI #on't want no hel+.A ABo% $eem to 'e $ic-( or in tro%'le( or $omethin'(A $ai# Tom.

AI an't $ic-(A $ai# the woman( $hortly. AI wi$h(A $ai# Tom( loo-ing at her earne$tly(**AI wi$h I co%l# +er$%a#e yo% to lea)e off #rin-ing. Fon't yo% -now it will 'e the r%in of ye( 'o#y an# $o%lCA AI -now$ I'm gwine to torment(A $ai# the woman( $%llenly. ABe #on't nee# to tell me that ar. I '$ %gly( I '$ wic-e#(**I '$ gwine $traight to torment. O( Lor#D I wi$h I '$ tharDA Tom $h%##ere# at the$e frightf%l wor#$( $+o-en with a $%llen( im+a$$ione# earne$tne$$. AO( Lor# ha)e mercy on yeD +oor critt%r. Han't ye ne)er hear# of Ee$%$ Chri$tCA AEe$%$ Chri$t(**who'$ heCA A"hy( he'$ 0the Lor#0(A $ai# Tom. AI thin- I')e hearn tell o' the Lor#( an# the /%#gment an# torment. I')e hear# o' that.A AB%t #i#n't any'o#y e)er tell yo% of the Lor# Ee$%$( that lo)e# %$ +oor $inner$( an# #ie# for %$CA AFon't -now nothin' ''o%t that(A $ai# the woman3 Ano'o#y han't ne)er lo)e# me( $ince my ol# man #ie#.A A"here wa$ yo% rai$e#CA $ai# Tom. AU+ in ,ent%c-. A man -e+t me to 'ree# chil'en for mar-et( an# $ol# 'em a$ fa$t a$ they got 'ig eno%gh3 la$t of all( he $ol# me to a $+ec%lator( an# my Ma$'r got me o' him.A A"hat $et yo% into thi$ 'a# way of #rin-in'CA ATo get $het o' my mi$ery. I ha# one chil# after I come here3 an# I tho%ght then I'# ha)e one to rai$e( ca%$e Ma$'r wa$n't a $+ec%lator. It wa$ #e +earte$t little thingD an# Mi$$i$ $he $eeme# to thin- a hea+ on 't( at fir$t3 it ne)er crie#(**it wa$ li-ely an# fat. B%t Mi$$i$ t%c$ic-( an# I ten#e# her3 an# I t%c- the fe)er( an# my mil- all left me( an# the chil# it +ine# to $-in an# 'one( an# Mi$$i$ wo%l#n't '%y milfor it. She wo%l#n't hear to me( when I telle# her I ha#n't mil-. She $ai# $he -nowe# I co%l# fee# it on what other fol-$ eat3 an# the chil# -in#er +ine#( an# crie#( an# crie#( an# crie#( #ay an# night( an# got all gone to $-in an# 'one$( an# Mi$$i$ got $ot agin it an# $he $ai# 't wan't nothin' '%t cro$$ne$$. She wi$he# it wa$ #ea#( $he $ai#3 an# $he wo%l#n't let me ha)e it o' night$( ca%$e( $he $ai#( it -e+t me awa-e( an# ma#e me goo# for nothing. She ma#e me $lee+ in her room3 an# I ha# to +%t it away off in a little -in# o' garret( an# thar it crie# it$elf to #eath( one night. It #i#3 an# I t%c- to #rin-in'( to -ee+ it$ crying o%t of my ear$D I #i#(**an# I will #rin-D I will( if I #o go to torment for itD Ma$'r $ay$ I $hall go to torment( an# I tell him I')e got thar nowDA

AO( ye +oor critt%rDA $ai# Tom( Ahan't no'o#y ne)er telle# ye how the Lor# Ee$%$ lo)e# ye( an# #ie# for yeC Han't they telle# ye that he'll hel+ ye( an# ye can go to hea)en( an# ha)e re$t( at la$tCA AI loo-$ li-e gwine to hea)en(A $ai# the woman3 Aan't thar where white fol-$ i$ gwineC S'+o$e they'# ha)e me tharC I'# rather go to torment( an# get away from Ma$'r an# Mi$$i$. I ha# 0$o0(A $he $ai#( a$ with her %$%al groan( $he got her 'a$-et on her hea#( an# wal-e# $%llenly away. Tom t%rne#( an# wal-e# $orrowf%lly 'ac- to the ho%$e. In the co%rt he met little E)a(**a crown of t%'ero$e$ on her hea#( an# her eye$ ra#iant with #elight. AO( TomD here yo% are. I'm gla# I')e fo%n# yo%. a+a $ay$ yo% may get o%t the +onie$( an# ta-e me in my little new carriage(A $he $ai#( catching hi$ han#. AB%t what'$ the matter TomC**yo% loo- $o'er.A AI feel 'a#( Mi$$ E)a(A $ai# Tom( $orrowf%lly. AB%t I'll get the hor$e$ for yo%.A AB%t #o tell me( Tom( what i$ the matter. I $aw yo% tal-ing to cro$$ ol# r%e.A Tom( in $im+le( earne$t +hra$e( tol# E)a the woman'$ hi$tory. She #i# not e1claim or won#er( or wee+( a$ other chil#ren #o. Her chee-$ grew +ale( an# a #ee+( earne$t $ha#ow +a$$e# o)er her eye$. She lai# 'oth han#$ on her 'o$om( an# $ighe# hea)ily.


CHA TE! KIK Mi$$ O+helia'$ E1+erience$ an# O+inion$ Contin%e# ATom( yo% nee#n't get me the hor$e$. I #on't want to go(A $he $ai#. A"hy not( Mi$$ E)aCA AThe$e thing$ $in- into my heart( Tom(A $ai# E)a(**Athey $in- into my heart(A $he re+eate#( earne$tly. AI #on't want to go3A an# $he t%rne# from Tom( an# went into the ho%$e. A few #ay$ after( another woman came( in ol# r%e'$ +lace( to 'ring the r%$-$3 Mi$$ O+helia wa$ in the -itchen. ALorDA $ai# Finah( Awhat'$ got r%eCA A r%e i$n't coming any more(A $ai# the woman( my$terio%$ly.

A"hy notCA $ai# Finah( A$he an't #ea#( i$ $heCA A"e #oe$n't e1actly -now. She'$ #own cellar(A $ai# the woman( glancing at Mi$$ O+helia. After Mi$$ O+helia ha# ta-en the r%$-$( Finah followe# the woman to the #oor. A"hat 0ha$0 got r%e( any howCA $he $ai#. The woman $eeme# #e$iro%$( yet rel%ctant( to $+ea-( an# an$were#( in low( my$terio%$ tone. A"ell( yo% m%$tn't tell no'o#y( r%e( $he got #r%n- agin(**an# they ha# her #own cellar(**an# thar they left her all #ay(**an# I hearn 'em $aying that the 0flie$ ha# got to her0(**an# 0$he'$ #ea#0DA Finah hel# %+ her han#$( an#( t%rning( $aw clo$e 'y her $i#e the $+irit*li-e form of E)angeline( her large( my$tic eye$ #ilate# with horror( an# e)ery #ro+ of 'loo# #ri)en from her li+$ an# chee-$. ALor 'le$$ %$D Mi$$ E)a'$ gwine to faint awayD "hat go %$ all( to let her har $%ch tal-C Her +a'll 'e rail ma#.A AI $han't faint( Finah(A $ai# the chil#( firmly3 Aan# why $ho%l#n't I hear itC It an't $o m%ch for me to hear it( a$ for +oor r%e to $%ffer it.A A0Lor $a-e$0D it i$n't for $weet( #elicate yo%ng la#ie$( li-e yo%(**the$e yer $torie$ i$n't3 it'$ eno%gh to -ill 'emDA E)a $ighe# again( an# wal-e# %+ $tair$ with a $low an# melancholy $te+. Mi$$ O+helia an1io%$ly in2%ire# the woman'$ $tory. Finah ga)e a )ery garr%lo%$ )er$ion of it( to which Tom a##e# the +artic%lar$ which he ha# #rawn from her that morning. AAn a'omina'le '%$ine$$(**+erfectly horri'leDA $he e1claime#( a$ $he entere# the room where St. Clare lay rea#ing hi$ +a+er. A ray( what ini2%ity ha$ t%rne# %+ nowCA $ai# he. A"hat nowC why( tho$e fol-$ ha)e whi++e# r%e to #eathDA $ai# Mi$$ O+helia( going on( with great $trength of #etail( into the $tory( an# enlarging on it$ mo$t $hoc-ing +artic%lar$. AI tho%ght it wo%l# come to that( $ome time(A $ai# St. Clare( going on with hi$ +a+er. ATho%ght $oD**an't yo% going to 0#o0 anything a'o%t itCA $ai# Mi$$ O+helia. AHa)en't yo% got any 0$electmen0( or any'o#y( to interfere an# loo- after $%ch matter$CA AIt'$ commonly $%++o$e# that the 0+ro+erty0 intere$t i$ a $%fficient

g%ar# in the$e ca$e$. If +eo+le choo$e to r%in their own +o$$e$$ion$( I #on't -now what'$ to 'e #one. It $eem$ the +oor creat%re wa$ a thief an# a #r%n-ar#3 an# $o there won't 'e m%ch ho+e to get %+ $ym+athy for her.A AIt i$ +erfectly o%trageo%$(**it i$ horri#( A%g%$tineD It will certainly 'ring #own )engeance %+on yo%.A AMy #ear co%$in( I #i#n't #o it( an# I can't hel+ it3 I wo%l#( if I co%l#. If low*min#e#( 'r%tal +eo+le will act li-e them$el)e$( what am I to #oC they ha)e a'$ol%te control3 they are irre$+on$i'le #e$+ot$. There wo%l# 'e no %$e in interfering3 there i$ no law that amo%nt$ to anything +ractically( for $%ch a ca$e. The 'e$t we can #o i$ to $h%t o%r eye$ an# ear$( an# let it alone. It'$ the only re$o%rce left %$.A AHow can yo% $h%t yo%r eye$ an# ear$C How can yo% let $%ch thing$ aloneCA AMy #ear chil#( what #o yo% e1+ectC Here i$ a whole cla$$(**#e'a$e#( %ne#%cate#( in#olent( +ro)o-ing(**+%t( witho%t any $ort of term$ or con#ition$( entirely into the han#$ of $%ch +eo+le a$ the ma/ority in o%r worl# are3 +eo+le who ha)e neither con$i#eration nor $elf*control( who ha)en't e)en an enlightene# regar# to their own intere$t(**for that'$ the ca$e with the large$t half of man-in#. Of co%r$e( in a comm%nity $o organi4e#( what can a man of honora'le an# h%mane feeling$ #o( '%t $h%t hi$ eye$ all he can( an# har#en hi$ heartC I can't '%y e)ery +oor wretch I $ee. I can't t%rn -night*errant( an# %n#erta-e to re#re$$ e)ery in#i)i#%al ca$e of wrong in $%ch a city a$ thi$. The mo$t I can #o i$ to try an# -ee+ o%t of the way of it.A St. Clare'$ fine co%ntenance wa$ for a moment o)erca$t3 he $ai#( ACome( co%$in( #on't $tan# there loo-ing li-e one of the &ate$3 yo%')e only $een a +ee+ thro%gh the c%rtain(**a $+ecimen of what i$ going on( the worl# o)er( in $ome $ha+e or other. If we are to 'e +rying an# $+ying into all the #i$mal$ of life( we $ho%l# ha)e no heart to anything. 'T i$ li-e loo-ing too clo$e into the #etail$ of Finah'$ -itchen3A an# St. Clare lay 'ac- on the $ofa( an# '%$ie# him$elf with hi$ +a+er. Mi$$ O+helia $at #own( an# +%lle# o%t her -nitting*wor-( an# $at there grim with in#ignation. She -nit an# -nit( '%t while $he m%$e# the fire '%rne#3 at la$t $he 'ro-e o%t**AI tell yo%( A%g%$tine( I can't get o)er thing$ $o( if yo% can. It'$ a +erfect a'omination for yo% to #efen# $%ch a $y$tem(**that'$ 0my0 min#DA A"hat nowCA $ai# St. Clare( loo-ing %+. AAt it again( heyCA AI $ay it'$ +erfectly a'omina'le for yo% to #efen# $%ch a $y$temDA $ai# Mi$$ O+helia( with increa$ing warmth. A0I0 #efen# it( my #ear la#yC "ho e)er $ai# I #i# #efen# itCA $ai# St. Clare. AOf co%r$e( yo% #efen# it(**yo% all #o(**all yo% So%therner$. "hat #o yo% ha)e $la)e$ for( if yo% #on'tCA

AAre yo% $%ch a $weet innocent a$ to $%++o$e no'o#y in thi$ worl# e)er #oe$ what they #on't thin- i$ rightC Fon't yo%( or #i#n't yo% e)er( #o anything that yo% #i# not thin- 2%ite rightCA AIf I #o( I re+ent of it( I ho+e(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia( rattling her nee#le$ with energy. ASo #o I(A $ai# St. Clare( +eeling hi$ orange3 AI'm re+enting of it all the time.A A"hat #o yo% -ee+ on #oing it forCA AFi#n't yo% e)er -ee+ on #oing wrong( after yo%'# re+ente#( my goo# co%$inCA A"ell( only when I')e 'een )ery m%ch tem+te#(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia. A"ell( I'm )ery m%ch tem+te#(A $ai# St. Clare3 Athat'$ /%$t my #iffic%lty.A AB%t I alway$ re$ol)e I won't an# I try to 'rea- off.A A"ell( I ha)e 'een re$ol)ing I won't( off an# on( the$e ten year$(A $ai# St. Clare3 A'%t I ha)en't( $ome how( got clear. Ha)e yo% got clear of all yo%r $in$( co%$inCA ACo%$in A%g%$tine(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia( $erio%$ly( an# laying #own her -nitting*wor-( AI $%++o$e I #e$er)e that yo% $ho%l# re+ro)e my $hort*coming$. I -now all yo% $ay i$ tr%e eno%gh3 no'o#y el$e feel$ them more than I #o3 '%t it #oe$ $eem to me( after all( there i$ $ome #ifference 'etween me an# yo%. It $eem$ to me I wo%l# c%t off my right han# $ooner than -ee+ on( from #ay to #ay( #oing what I tho%ght wa$ wrong. B%t( then( my con#%ct i$ $o incon$i$tent with my +rofe$$ion( I #on't won#er yo% re+ro)e me.A AO( now( co%$in(A $ai# A%g%$tine( $itting #own on the floor( an# laying hi$ hea# 'ac- in her la+( A#on't ta-e on $o awf%lly $erio%$D Bo% -now what a goo#*for*nothing( $a%cy 'oy I alway$ wa$. I lo)e to +o-e yo% %+(**that'$ all(**/%$t to $ee yo% get earne$t. I #o thin- yo% are #e$+erately( #i$tre$$ingly goo#3 it tire$ me to #eath to thin- of it.A AB%t thi$ i$ a $erio%$ $%'/ect( my 'oy( A%g%$te(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia( laying her han# on hi$ forehea#. AFi$mally $o(A $ai# he3 Aan# I**well( I ne)er want to tal- $erio%$ly in hot weather. "hat with mo$2%ito$ an# all( a fellow can't get him$elf %+ to any )ery $%'lime moral flight$3 an# I 'elie)e(A $ai# St. Clare( $%##enly ro%$ing him$elf %+( Athere'$ a theory( nowD I %n#er$tan# now why northern nation$ are alway$ more )irt%o%$ than $o%thern one$(**I $ee into that whole $%'/ect.A AO( A%g%$tine( yo% are a $a# rattle*'rainDA AAm IC "ell( $o I am( I $%++o$e3 '%t for once I will 'e $erio%$( now3

'%t yo% m%$t han# me that 'a$-et of orange$3**yo% $ee( yo%'ll ha)e to '$tay me with flagon$ an# comfort me with a++le$(' if I'm going to ma-e thi$ effort. Now(A $ai# A%g%$tine( #rawing the 'a$-et %+( AI'll 'eginI "hen( in the co%r$e of h%man e)ent$( it 'ecome$ nece$$ary for a fellow to hol# two or three #o4en of hi$ fellow*worm$ in ca+ti)ity( a #ecent regar# to the o+inion$ of $ociety re2%ire$**A AI #on't $ee that yo% are growing more $erio%$(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia. A"ait(**I'm coming on(**yo%'ll hear. The $hort of the matter i$( co%$in(A $ai# he( hi$ han#$ome face $%##enly $ettling into an earne$t an# $erio%$ e1+re$$ion( Aon thi$ a'$tract 2%e$tion of $la)ery there can( a$ I thin-( 'e '%t one o+inion. lanter$( who ha)e money to ma-e 'y it(**clergymen( who ha)e +lanter$ to +lea$e(**+olitician$( who want to r%le 'y it(**may war+ an# 'en# lang%age an# ethic$ to a #egree that $hall a$toni$h the worl# at their ingen%ity3 they can +re$$ nat%re an# the Bi'le( an# no'o#y -now$ what el$e( into the $er)ice3 '%t( after all( neither they nor the worl# 'elie)e in it one +article the more. It come$ from the #e)il( that'$ the $hort of it3**an#( to my min#( it'$ a +retty re$+ecta'le $+ecimen of what he can #o in hi$ own line.A Mi$$ O+helia $to++e# her -nitting( an# loo-e# $%r+ri$e#( an# St. Clare( a++arently en/oying her a$toni$hment( went on. ABo% $eem to won#er3 '%t if yo% will get me fairly at it( I'll ma-e a clean 'rea$t of it. Thi$ c%r$e# '%$ine$$( acc%r$e# of 5o# an# man( what i$ itC Stri+ it of all it$ ornament( r%n it #own to the root an# n%cle%$ of the whole( an# what i$ itC "hy( 'eca%$e my 'rother N%a$hy i$ ignorant an# wea-( an# I am intelligent an# $trong(**'eca%$e I -now how( an# 0can0 #o it(**therefore( I may $teal all he ha$( -ee+ it( an# gi)e him only $%ch an# $o m%ch a$ $%it$ my fancy. "hate)er i$ too har#( too #irty( too #i$agreea'le( for me( I may $et N%a$hy to #oing. Beca%$e I #on't li-e wor-( N%a$hy $hall wor-. Beca%$e the $%n '%rn$ me( N%a$hy $hall $tay in the $%n. N%a$hy $hall earn the money( an# I will $+en# it. N%a$hy $hall lie #own in e)ery +%##le( that I may wal- o)er #ry*$ho#. N%a$hy $hall #o my will( an# not hi$( all the #ay$ of hi$ mortal life( an# ha)e $%ch chance of getting to hea)en( at la$t( a$ I fin# con)enient. Thi$ I ta-e to 'e a'o%t what $la)ery 0i$0. I #efy any'o#y on earth to rea# o%r $la)e*co#e( a$ it $tan#$ in o%r law*'oo-$( an# ma-e anything el$e of it. Tal- of the 0a'%$e$0 of $la)eryD H%m'%gD The 0thing it$elf0 i$ the e$$ence of all a'%$eD An# the only rea$on why the lan# #on't $in- %n#er it( li-e So#om an# 5omorrah( i$ 'eca%$e it i$ 0%$e#0 in a way infinitely 'etter than it i$. &or +ity'$ $a-e( for $hame'$ $a-e( 'eca%$e we are men 'orn of women( an# not $a)age 'ea$t$( many of %$ #o not( an# #are not(**we wo%l# 0$corn0 to %$e the f%ll +ower which o%r $a)age law$ +%t into o%r han#$. An# he who goe$ the f%rthe$t( an# #oe$ the wor$t( only %$e$ within limit$ the +ower that the law gi)e$ him.A St. Clare ha# $tarte# %+( an#( a$ hi$ manner wa$ when e1cite#( wa$ wal-ing( with h%rrie# $te+$( %+ an# #own the floor. Hi$ fine face( cla$$ic a$ that of a 5ree- $tat%e( $eeme# act%ally to '%rn with the fer)or of hi$ feeling$. Hi$ large 'l%e eye$ fla$he#( an# he ge$t%re# with an %ncon$cio%$ eagerne$$. Mi$$ O+helia ha# ne)er $een him in thi$ moo# 'efore( an# $he $at +erfectly $ilent.

AI #eclare to yo%(A $ai# he( $%##enly $to++ing 'efore hi$ co%$in A7It'$ no $ort of %$e to tal- or to feel on thi$ $%'/ect<( '%t I #eclare to yo%( there ha)e 'een time$ when I ha)e tho%ght( if the whole co%ntry wo%l# $in-( an# hi#e all thi$ in/%$tice an# mi$ery from the light( I wo%l# willingly $in- with it. "hen I ha)e 'een tra)elling %+ an# #own on o%r 'oat$( or a'o%t on my collecting to%r$( an# reflecte# that e)ery 'r%tal( #i$g%$ting( mean( low*li)e# fellow I met( wa$ allowe# 'y o%r law$ to 'ecome a'$ol%te #e$+ot of a$ many men( women an# chil#ren( a$ he co%l# cheat( $teal( or gam'le money eno%gh to '%y(**when I ha)e $een $%ch men in act%al owner$hi+ of hel+le$$ chil#ren( of yo%ng girl$ an# women(**I ha)e 'een rea#y to c%r$e my co%ntry( to c%r$e the h%man raceDA AA%g%$tineD A%g%$tineDA $ai# Mi$$ O+helia( AI'm $%re yo%')e $ai# eno%gh. I ne)er( in my life( hear# anything li-e thi$( e)en at the North.A AAt the NorthDA $ai# St. Clare( with a $%##en change of e1+re$$ion( an# re$%ming $omething of hi$ ha'it%al carele$$ tone. A oohD yo%r northern fol-$ are col#*'loo#e#3 yo% are cool in e)erythingD Bo% can't 'egin to c%r$e %+ hill an# #own a$ we can( when we get fairly at it.A A"ell( '%t the 2%e$tion i$(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia. AO( ye$( to 'e $%re( the 02%e$tion i$0(**an# a #e%ce of a 2%e$tion it i$D How came 0yo%0 in thi$ $tate of $in an# mi$eryC "ell( I $hall an$wer in the goo# ol# wor#$ yo% %$e# to teach me( S%n#ay$. I came $o 'y or#inary generation. My $er)ant$ were my father'$( an#( what i$ more( my mother'$3 an# now they are mine( they an# their increa$e( which 'i#$ fair to 'e a +retty con$i#era'le item. My father( yo% -now( came fir$t from New Englan#3 an# he wa$ /%$t $%ch another man a$ yo%r father(**a reg%lar ol# !oman(**%+right( energetic( no'le*min#e#( with an iron will. Bo%r father $ettle# #own in New Englan#( to r%le o)er roc-$ an# $tone$( an# to force an e1i$tence o%t of Nat%re3 an# mine $ettle# in Lo%i$iana( to r%le o)er men an# women( an# force e1i$tence o%t of them. My mother(A $ai# St. Clare( getting %+ an# wal-ing to a +ict%re at the en# of the room( an# ga4ing %+war# with a face fer)ent with )eneration( A0$he wa$ #i)ineD0 Fon't loo- at me $oD**yo% -now what I meanD She +ro'a'ly wa$ of mortal 'irth3 '%t( a$ far a$ e)er I co%l# o'$er)e( there wa$ no trace of any h%man wea-ne$$ or error a'o%t her3 an# e)ery'o#y that li)e$ to remem'er her( whether 'on# or free( $er)ant( ac2%aintance( relation( all $ay the $ame. "hy( co%$in( that mother ha$ 'een all that ha$ $too# 'etween me an# %tter %n'elief for year$. She wa$ a #irect em'o#iment an# +er$onification of the New Te$tament(**a li)ing fact( to 'e acco%nte# for( an# to 'e acco%nte# for in no other way than 'y it$ tr%th. O( motherD motherDA $ai# St. Clare( cla$+ing hi$ han#$( in a $ort of tran$+ort3 an# then $%##enly chec-ing him$elf( he came 'ac-( an# $eating him$elf on an ottoman( he went onI AMy 'rother an# I were twin$3 an# they $ay( yo% -now( that twin$ o%ght to re$em'le each other3 '%t we were in all +oint$ a contra$t. He ha# 'lac-( fiery eye$( coal*'lac- hair( a $trong( fine !oman +rofile( an# a rich 'rown com+le1ion. I ha# 'l%e eye$( gol#en hair( a 5ree- o%tline( an# fair com+le1ion. He wa$ acti)e an# o'$er)ing( I #reamy an# inacti)e. He wa$ genero%$ to hi$ frien#$ an# e2%al$( '%t +ro%#( #ominant( o)er'earing( to inferior$( an# %tterly %nmercif%l to whate)er $et it$elf %+ again$t him. Tr%thf%l we 'oth were3 he from +ri#e an# co%rage( I from

a $ort of a'$tract i#eality. "e lo)e# each other a'o%t a$ 'oy$ generally #o(**off an# on( an# in general3**he wa$ my father'$ +et( an# I my mother'$. AThere wa$ a mor'i# $en$iti)ene$$ an# ac%tene$$ of feeling in me on all +o$$i'le $%'/ect$( of which he an# my father ha# no -in# of %n#er$tan#ing( an# with which they co%l# ha)e no +o$$i'le $ym+athy. B%t mother #i#3 an# $o( when I ha# 2%arrele# with Alfre#( an# father loo-e# $ternly on me( I %$e# to go off to mother'$ room( an# $it 'y her. I remem'er /%$t how $he %$e# to loo-( with her +ale chee-$( her #ee+( $oft( $erio%$ eye$( her white #re$$(**$he alway$ wore white3 an# I %$e# to thin- of her whene)er I rea# in !e)elation$ a'o%t the $aint$ that were arraye# in fine linen( clean an# white. She ha# a great #eal of geni%$ of one $ort an# another( +artic%larly in m%$ic3 an# $he %$e# to $it at her organ( +laying fine ol# ma/e$tic m%$ic of the Catholic ch%rch( an# $inging with a )oice more li-e an angel than a mortal woman3 an# I wo%l# lay my hea# #own on her la+( an# cry( an# #ream( an# feel(**oh( immea$%ra'lyD**thing$ that I ha# no lang%age to $ayD AIn tho$e #ay$( thi$ matter of $la)ery ha# ne)er 'een can)a$$e# a$ it ha$ now3 no'o#y #reame# of any harm in it. AMy father wa$ a 'orn ari$tocrat. I thin-( in $ome +ree1i$tent $tate( he m%$t ha)e 'een in the higher circle$ of $+irit$( an# 'ro%ght all hi$ ol# co%rt +ri#e along with him3 for it wa$ ingrain( 're# in the 'one( tho%gh he wa$ originally of +oor an# not in any way of no'le family. My 'rother wa$ 'egotten in hi$ image. ANow( an ari$tocrat( yo% -now( the worl# o)er( ha$ no h%man $ym+athie$( 'eyon# a certain line in $ociety. In Englan# the line i$ in one +lace( in B%rmah in another( an# in America in another3 '%t the ari$tocrat of all the$e co%ntrie$ ne)er goe$ o)er it. "hat wo%l# 'e har#$hi+ an# #i$tre$$ an# in/%$tice in hi$ own cla$$( i$ a cool matter of co%r$e in another one. My father'$ #i)i#ing line wa$ that of color. 0Among hi$ e2%al$0( ne)er wa$ a man more /%$t an# genero%$3 '%t he con$i#ere# the negro( thro%gh all +o$$i'le gra#ation$ of color( a$ an interme#iate lin- 'etween man an# animal$( an# gra#e# all hi$ i#ea$ of /%$tice or genero$ity on thi$ hy+othe$i$. I $%++o$e( to 'e $%re( if any'o#y ha# a$-e# him( +l%m+ an# fair( whether they ha# h%man immortal $o%l$( he might ha)e hemme# an# hawe#( an# $ai# ye$. B%t my father wa$ not a man m%ch tro%'le# with $+irit%ali$m3 religio%$ $entiment he ha# none( 'eyon# a )eneration for 5o#( a$ #eci#e#ly the hea# of the %++er cla$$e$. A"ell( my father wor-e# $ome fi)e h%n#re# negroe$3 he wa$ an infle1i'le( #ri)ing( +%nctilio%$ '%$ine$$ man3 e)erything wa$ to mo)e 'y $y$tem(**to 'e $%$taine# with %nfailing acc%racy an# +reci$ion. Now( if yo% ta-e into acco%nt that all thi$ wa$ to 'e wor-e# o%t 'y a $et of la4y( twa##ling( $hiftle$$ la'orer$( who ha# grown %+( all their li)e$( in the a'$ence of e)ery +o$$i'le moti)e to learn how to #o anything '%t '$hir-(' a$ yo% Vermonter$ $ay( an# yo%'ll $ee that there might nat%rally 'e( on hi$ +lantation( a great many thing$ that loo-e# horri'le an# #i$tre$$ing to a $en$iti)e chil#( li-e me. ABe$i#e$ all( he ha# an o)er$eer(**great( tall( $la'*$i#e#( two*fi$te# renega#e $on of Vermont**7'egging yo%r +ar#on<(**who ha# gone thro%gh a

reg%lar a++rentice$hi+ in har#ne$$ an# 'r%tality an# ta-en hi$ #egree to 'e a#mitte# to +ractice. My mother ne)er co%l# en#%re him( nor I3 '%t he o'taine# an entire a$cen#ency o)er my father3 an# thi$ man wa$ the a'$ol%te #e$+ot of the e$tate. AI wa$ a little fellow then( '%t I ha# the $ame lo)e that I ha)e now for all -in#$ of h%man thing$(**a -in# of +a$$ion for the $t%#y of h%manity( come in what $ha+e it wo%l#. I wa$ fo%n# in the ca'in$ an# among the fiel#*han#$ a great #eal( an#( of co%r$e( wa$ a great fa)orite3 an# all $ort$ of com+laint$ an# grie)ance$ were 'reathe# in my ear3 an# I tol# them to mother( an# we( 'etween %$( forme# a $ort of committee for a re#re$$ of grie)ance$. "e hin#ere# an# re+re$$e# a great #eal of cr%elty( an# congrat%late# o%r$el)e$ on #oing a )a$t #eal of goo#( till( a$ often ha++en$( my 4eal o)eracte#. St%''$ com+laine# to my father that he co%l#n't manage the han#$( an# m%$t re$ign hi$ +o$ition. &ather wa$ a fon#( in#%lgent h%$'an#( '%t a man that ne)er flinche# from anything that he tho%ght nece$$ary3 an# $o he +%t #own hi$ foot( li-e a roc-( 'etween %$ an# the fiel#*han#$. He tol# my mother( in lang%age +erfectly re$+ectf%l an# #eferential( '%t 2%ite e1+licit( that o)er the ho%$e*$er)ant$ $he $ho%l# 'e entire mi$tre$$( '%t that with the fiel#*han#$ he co%l# allow no interference. He re)ere# an# re$+ecte# her a'o)e all li)ing 'eing$3 '%t he wo%l# ha)e $ai# it all the $ame to the )irgin Mary her$elf( if $he ha# come in the way of hi$ $y$tem. AI %$e# $ometime$ to hear my mother rea$oning ca$e$ with him(**en#ea)oring to e1cite hi$ $ym+athie$. He wo%l# li$ten to the mo$t +athetic a++eal$ with the mo$t #i$co%raging +olitene$$ an# e2%animity. 'It all re$ol)e$ it$elf into thi$(' he wo%l# $ay3 'm%$t I +art with St%''$( or -ee+ himC St%''$ i$ the $o%l of +%nct%ality( hone$ty( an# efficiency(**a thoro%gh '%$ine$$ han#( an# a$ h%mane a$ the general r%n. "e can't ha)e +erfection3 an# if I -ee+ him( I m%$t $%$tain hi$ a#mini$tration a$ a 0whole0( e)en if there are( now an# then( thing$ that are e1ce+tiona'le. All go)ernment incl%#e$ $ome nece$$ary har#ne$$. 5eneral r%le$ will 'ear har# on +artic%lar ca$e$.' Thi$ la$t ma1im my father $eeme# to con$i#er a $ettler in mo$t allege# ca$e$ of cr%elty. After he ha# $ai# 0that0( he commonly #rew %+ hi$ feet on the $ofa( li-e a man that ha$ #i$+o$e# of a '%$ine$$( an# 'etoo- him$elf to a na+( or the new$+a+er( a$ the ca$e might 'e. AThe fact i$ my father $howe# the e1act $ort of talent for a $tate$man. He co%l# ha)e #i)i#e# olan# a$ ea$ily a$ an orange( or tro# on Irelan# a$ 2%ietly an# $y$tematically a$ any man li)ing. At la$t my mother ga)e %+( in #e$+air. It ne)er will 'e -nown( till the la$t acco%nt( what no'le an# $en$iti)e nat%re$ li-e her$ ha)e felt( ca$t( %tterly hel+le$$( into what $eem$ to them an a'y$$ of in/%$tice an# cr%elty( an# which $eem$ $o to no'o#y a'o%t them. It ha$ 'een an age of long $orrow of $%ch nat%re$( in $%ch a hell*'egotten $ort of worl# a$ o%r$. "hat remaine# for her( '%t to train her chil#ren in her own )iew$ an# $entiment$C "ell( after all yo% $ay a'o%t training( chil#ren will grow %+ $%'$tantially what they 0are0 'y nat%re( an# only that. &rom the cra#le( Alfre# wa$ an ari$tocrat3 an# a$ he grew %+( in$tincti)ely( all hi$ $ym+athie$ an# all hi$ rea$oning$ were in that line( an# all mother'$ e1hortation$ went to the win#$. A$ to me( they $%n- #ee+ into me. She ne)er contra#icte#( in form( anything my father $ai#( or $eeme# #irectly to #iffer from him3 '%t $he im+re$$e#( '%rnt into my )ery $o%l( with all

the force of her #ee+( earne$t nat%re( an i#ea of the #ignity an# worth of the meane$t h%man $o%l. I ha)e loo-e# in her face with $olemn awe( when $he wo%l# +oint %+ to the $tar$ in the e)ening( an# $ay to me( 'See there( A%g%$teD the +oore$t( meane$t $o%l on o%r +lace will 'e li)ing( when all the$e $tar$ are gone fore)er(**will li)e a$ long a$ 5o# li)e$D' AShe ha# $ome fine ol# +ainting$3 one( in +artic%lar( of Ee$%$ healing a 'lin# man. They were )ery fine( an# %$e# to im+re$$ me $trongly. 'See there( A%g%$te(' $he wo%l# $ay3 'the 'lin# man wa$ a 'eggar( +oor an# loath$ome3 therefore( he wo%l# not heal him 0afar offD0 He calle# him to him( an# +%t 0hi$ han#$ on himD0 !emem'er thi$( my 'oy.' If I ha# li)e# to grow %+ %n#er her care( $he might ha)e $tim%late# me to I -now not what of enth%$ia$m. I might ha)e 'een a $aint( reformer( martyr(**'%t( ala$D ala$D I went from her when I wa$ only thirteen( an# I ne)er $aw her againDA St. Clare re$te# hi$ hea# on hi$ han#$( an# #i# not $+ea- for $ome min%te$. After a while( he loo-e# %+( an# went onI A"hat +oor( mean tra$h thi$ whole '%$ine$$ of h%man )irt%e i$D A mere matter( for the mo$t +art( of latit%#e an# longit%#e( an# geogra+hical +o$ition( acting with nat%ral tem+erament. The greater +art i$ nothing '%t an acci#entD Bo%r father( for e1am+le( $ettle$ in Vermont( in a town where all are( in fact( free an# e2%al3 'ecome$ a reg%lar ch%rch mem'er an# #eacon( an# in #%e time /oin$ an A'olition $ociety( an# thin-$ %$ all little 'etter than heathen$. Bet he i$( for all the worl#( in con$tit%tion an# ha'it( a #%+licate of my father. I can $ee it lea-ing o%t in fifty #ifferent way$(**/%$t the $ame $trong( o)er'earing( #ominant $+irit. Bo% -now )ery well how im+o$$i'le it i$ to +er$%a#e $ome of the fol-$ in yo%r )illage that S2%ire Sinclair #oe$ not feel a'o)e them. The fact i$( tho%gh he ha$ fallen on #emocratic time$( an# em'race# a #emocratic theory( he i$ to the heart an ari$tocrat( a$ m%ch a$ my father( who r%le# o)er fi)e or $i1 h%n#re# $la)e$.A Mi$$ O+helia felt rather #i$+o$e# to ca)il at thi$ +ict%re( an# wa$ laying #own her -nitting to 'egin( '%t St. Clare $to++e# her. ANow( I -now e)ery wor# yo% are going to $ay. I #o not $ay they 0were0 ali-e( in fact. One fell into a con#ition where e)erything acte# again$t the nat%ral ten#ency( an# the other where e)erything acte# for it3 an# $o one t%rne# o%t a +retty wilf%l( $to%t( o)er'earing ol# #emocrat( an# the other a wilf%l( $to%t ol# #e$+ot. If 'oth ha# owne# +lantation$ in Lo%i$iana( they wo%l# ha)e 'een a$ li-e a$ two ol# '%llet$ ca$t in the $ame mo%l#.A A"hat an %n#%tif%l 'oy yo% areDA $ai# Mi$$ O+helia. AI #on't mean them any #i$re$+ect(A $ai# St. Clare. ABo% -now re)erence i$ not my forte. B%t( to go 'ac- to my hi$toryI A"hen father #ie#( he left the whole +ro+erty to %$ twin 'oy$( to 'e #i)i#e# a$ we $ho%l# agree. There #oe$ not 'reathe on 5o#'$ earth a no'ler*$o%le#( more genero%$ fellow( than Alfre#( in all that concern$ hi$ e2%al$3 an# we got on a#mira'ly with thi$ +ro+erty 2%e$tion( witho%t a $ingle %n'rotherly wor# or feeling. "e %n#ertoo- to wor- the

+lantation together3 an# Alfre#( who$e o%twar# life an# ca+a'ilitie$ ha# #o%'le the $trength of mine( 'ecame an enth%$ia$tic +lanter( an# a won#erf%lly $%cce$$f%l one. AB%t two year$' trial $ati$fie# me that I co%l# not 'e a +artner in that matter. To ha)e a great gang of $e)en h%n#re#( whom I co%l# not -now +er$onally( or feel any in#i)i#%al intere$t in( 'o%ght an# #ri)en( ho%$e#( fe#( wor-e# li-e $o many horne# cattle( $traine# %+ to military +reci$ion(**the 2%e$tion of how little of life'$ commone$t en/oyment$ wo%l# -ee+ them in wor-ing or#er 'eing a con$tantly rec%rring +ro'lem(**the nece$$ity of #ri)er$ an# o)er$eer$(**the e)er*nece$$ary whi+( fir$t( la$t( an# only arg%ment(**the whole thing wa$ in$%ffera'ly #i$g%$ting an# loath$ome to me3 an# when I tho%ght of my mother'$ e$timate of one +oor h%man $o%l( it 'ecame e)en frightf%lD AIt'$ all non$en$e to tal- to me a'o%t $la)e$ 0en/oying0 all thi$D To thi$ #ay( I ha)e no +atience with the %n%ttera'le tra$h that $ome of yo%r +atroni4ing Northerner$ ha)e ma#e %+( a$ in their 4eal to a+ologi4e for o%r $in$. "e all -now 'etter. Tell me that any man li)ing want$ to wor- all hi$ #ay$( from #ay*#awn till #ar-( %n#er the con$tant eye of a ma$ter( witho%t the +ower of +%tting forth one irre$+on$i'le )olition( on the $ame #reary( monotono%$( %nchanging toil( an# all for two +air$ of +antaloon$ an# a +air of $hoe$ a year( with eno%gh foo# an# $helter to -ee+ him in wor-ing or#erD Any man who thin-$ that h%man 'eing$ can( a$ a general thing( 'e ma#e a'o%t a$ comforta'le that way a$ any other( I wi$h he might try it. I'# '%y the #og( an# wor- him( with a clear con$cienceDA AI alway$ ha)e $%++o$e#(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia( Athat yo%( all of yo%( a++ro)e# of the$e thing$( an# tho%ght them 0right0**accor#ing to Scri+t%re.A AH%m'%gD "e are not 2%ite re#%ce# to that yet. Alfre# who i$ a$ #etermine# a #e$+ot a$ e)er wal-e#( #oe$ not +reten# to thi$ -in# of #efence3**no( he $tan#$( high an# ha%ghty( on that goo# ol# re$+ecta'le gro%n#( 0the right of the $tronge$t03 an# he $ay$( an# I thin- 2%ite $en$i'ly( that the American +lanter i$ 'only #oing( in another form( what the Engli$h ari$tocracy an# ca+itali$t$ are #oing 'y the lower cla$$e$3' that i$( I ta-e it( 0a++ro+riating0 them( 'o#y an# 'one( $o%l an# $+irit( to their %$e an# con)enience. He #efen#$ 'oth(**an# I thin-( at lea$t( 0con$i$tently0. He $ay$ that there can 'e no high ci)ili4ation witho%t en$la)ement of the ma$$e$( either nominal or real. There m%$t( he $ay$( 'e a lower cla$$( gi)en %+ to +hy$ical toil an# confine# to an animal nat%re3 an# a higher one there'y ac2%ire$ lei$%re an# wealth for a more e1+an#e# intelligence an# im+ro)ement( an# 'ecome$ the #irecting $o%l of the lower. So he rea$on$( 'eca%$e( a$ I $ai#( he i$ 'orn an ari$tocrat3**$o I #on't 'elie)e( 'eca%$e I wa$ 'orn a #emocrat.A AHow in the worl# can the two thing$ 'e com+are#CA $ai# Mi$$ O+helia. AThe Engli$h la'orer i$ not $ol#( tra#e#( +arte# from hi$ family( whi++e#.A AHe i$ a$ m%ch at the will of hi$ em+loyer a$ if he were $ol# to him. The $la)e*owner can whi+ hi$ refractory $la)e to #eath(**the ca+itali$t can $tar)e him to #eath. A$ to family $ec%rity( it i$ har# to $ay which

i$ the wor$t(**to ha)e one'$ chil#ren $ol#( or $ee them $tar)e to #eath at home.A AB%t it'$ no -in# of a+ology for $la)ery( to +ro)e that it i$n't wor$e than $ome other 'a# thing.A AI #i#n't gi)e it for one(**nay( I'll $ay( 'e$i#e$( that o%r$ i$ the more 'ol# an# +al+a'le infringement of h%man right$3 act%ally '%ying a man %+( li-e a hor$e(**loo-ing at hi$ teeth( crac-ing hi$ /oint$( an# trying hi$ +ace$ an# then +aying #own for him(**ha)ing $+ec%lator$( 'ree#er$( tra#er$( an# 'ro-er$ in h%man 'o#ie$ an# $o%l$(**$et$ the thing 'efore the eye$ of the ci)ili4e# worl# in a more tangi'le form( tho%gh the thing #one 'e( after all( in it$ nat%re( the $ame3 that i$( a++ro+riating one $et of h%man 'eing$ to the %$e an# im+ro)ement of another witho%t any regar# to their own.A AI ne)er tho%ght of the matter in thi$ light(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia. A"ell( I')e tra)elle# in Englan# $ome( an# I')e loo-e# o)er a goo# many #oc%ment$ a$ to the $tate of their lower cla$$e$3 an# I really thinthere i$ no #enying Alfre#( when he $ay$ that hi$ $la)e$ are 'etter off than a large cla$$ of the +o+%lation of Englan#. Bo% $ee( yo% m%$t not infer( from what I ha)e tol# yo%( that Alfre# i$ what i$ calle# a har# ma$ter3 for he i$n't. He i$ #e$+otic( an# %nmercif%l to in$%'or#ination3 he wo%l# $hoot a fellow #own with a$ little remor$e a$ he wo%l# $hoot a '%c-( if he o++o$e# him. B%t( in general( he ta-e$ a $ort of +ri#e in ha)ing hi$ $la)e$ comforta'ly fe# an# accommo#ate#. A"hen I wa$ with him( I in$i$te# that he $ho%l# #o $omething for their in$tr%ction3 an#( to +lea$e me( he #i# get a cha+lain( an# %$e# to ha)e them catechi4e# S%n#ay( tho%gh( I 'elie)e( in hi$ heart( that he tho%ght it wo%l# #o a'o%t a$ m%ch goo# to $et a cha+lain o)er hi$ #og$ an# hor$e$. An# the fact i$( that a min# $t%+efie# an# animali4e# 'y e)ery 'a# infl%ence from the ho%r of 'irth( $+en#ing the whole of e)ery wee-*#ay in %nreflecting toil( cannot 'e #one m%ch with 'y a few ho%r$ on S%n#ay. The teacher$ of S%n#ay*$chool$ among the man%fact%ring +o+%lation of Englan#( an# among +lantation*han#$ in o%r co%ntry( co%l# +erha+$ te$tify to the $ame re$%lt( 0there an# here0. Bet $ome $tri-ing e1ce+tion$ there are among %$( from the fact that the negro i$ nat%rally more im+re$$i'le to religio%$ $entiment than the white.A A"ell(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia( Ahow came yo% to gi)e %+ yo%r +lantation lifeCA A"ell( we /ogge# on together $ome time( till Alfre# $aw +lainly that I wa$ no +lanter. He tho%ght it a'$%r#( after he ha# reforme#( an# altere#( an# im+ro)e# e)erywhere( to $%it my notion$( that I $till remaine# %n$ati$fie#. The fact wa$( it wa$( after all( the THIN5 that I hate#**the %$ing the$e men an# women( the +er+et%ation of all thi$ ignorance( 'r%tality an# )ice(**/%$t to ma-e money for meD ABe$i#e$( I wa$ alway$ interfering in the #etail$. Being my$elf one of the la4ie$t of mortal$( I ha# altogether too m%ch fellow*feeling for the la4y3 an# when +oor( $hiftle$$ #og$ +%t $tone$ at the 'ottom of their cotton*'a$-et$ to ma-e them weigh hea)ier( or fille# their $ac-$ with

#irt( with cotton at the to+( it $eeme# $o e1actly li-e what I $ho%l# #o if I were they( I co%l#n't an# wo%l#n't ha)e them flogge# for it. "ell( of co%r$e( there wa$ an en# of +lantation #i$ci+line3 an# Alf an# I came to a'o%t the $ame +oint that I an# my re$+ecte# father #i#( year$ 'efore. So he tol# me that I wa$ a womani$h $entimentali$t( an# wo%l# ne)er #o for '%$ine$$ life3 an# a#)i$e# me to ta-e the 'an-*$toc- an# the New Orlean$ family man$ion( an# go to writing +oetry( an# let him manage the +lantation. So we +arte#( an# I came here.A AB%t why #i#n't yo% free yo%r $la)e$CA A"ell( I wa$n't %+ to that. To hol# them a$ tool$ for money*ma-ing( I co%l# not3**ha)e them to hel+ $+en# money( yo% -now( #i#n't loo- 2%ite $o %gly to me. Some of them were ol# ho%$e*$er)ant$( to whom I wa$ m%ch attache#3 an# the yo%nger one$ were chil#ren to the ol#. All were well $ati$fie# to 'e a$ they were.A He +a%$e#( an# wal-e# reflecti)ely %+ an# #own the room. AThere wa$(A $ai# St. Clare( Aa time in my life when I ha# +lan$ an# ho+e$ of #oing $omething in thi$ worl#( more than to float an# #rift. I ha# )ag%e( in#i$tinct yearning$ to 'e a $ort of emanci+ator(**to free my nati)e lan# from thi$ $+ot an# $tain. All yo%ng men ha)e ha# $%ch fe)er*fit$( I $%++o$e( $ome time(**'%t then**A A"hy #i#n't yo%CA $ai# Mi$$ O+helia3**Ayo% o%ght not to +%t yo%r han# to the +lo%gh( an# loo- 'ac-.A AO( well( thing$ #i#n't go with me a$ I e1+ecte#( an# I got the #e$+air of li)ing that Solomon #i#. I $%++o$e it wa$ a nece$$ary inci#ent to wi$#om in %$ 'oth3 '%t( $ome how or other( in$tea# of 'eing actor an# regenerator in $ociety( I 'ecame a +iece of #riftwoo#( an# ha)e 'een floating an# e##ying a'o%t( e)er $ince. Alfre# $col#$ me( e)ery time we meet3 an# he ha$ the 'etter of me( I grant(**for he really #oe$ $omething3 hi$ life i$ a logical re$%lt of hi$ o+inion$ an# mine i$ a contem+ti'le 0non $e2%it%r0.A AMy #ear co%$in( can yo% 'e $ati$fie# with $%ch a way of $+en#ing yo%r +ro'ationCA ASati$fie#D "a$ I not /%$t telling yo% I #e$+i$e# itC B%t( then( to come 'ac- to thi$ +oint(**we were on thi$ li'eration '%$ine$$. I #on't thinmy feeling$ a'o%t $la)ery are +ec%liar. I fin# many men who( in their heart$( thin- of it /%$t a$ I #o. The lan# groan$ %n#er it3 an#( 'a# a$ it i$ for the $la)e( it i$ wor$e( if anything( for the ma$ter. It ta-e$ no $+ectacle$ to $ee that a great cla$$ of )icio%$( im+ro)i#ent( #egra#e# +eo+le( among %$( are an e)il to %$( a$ well a$ to them$el)e$. The ca+itali$t an# ari$tocrat of Englan# cannot feel that a$ we #o( 'eca%$e they #o not mingle with the cla$$ they #egra#e a$ we #o. They are in o%r home$3 they are the a$$ociate$ of o%r chil#ren( an# they form their min#$ fa$ter than we can3 for they are a race that chil#ren alway$ will cling to an# a$$imilate with. If E)a( now( wa$ not more angel than or#inary( $he wo%l# 'e r%ine#. "e might a$ well allow the $mall*+o1 to r%n among them( an# thin- o%r chil#ren wo%l# not ta-e it( a$ to let them 'e %nin$tr%cte# an# )icio%$( an# thin- o%r chil#ren will not 'e affecte# 'y that. Bet o%r law$ +o$iti)ely an# %tterly for'i# any efficient

general e#%cational $y$tem( an# they #o it wi$ely( too3 for( /%$t 'egin an# thoro%ghly e#%cate one generation( an# the whole thing wo%l# 'e 'lown $-y high. If we #i# not gi)e them li'erty( they wo%l# ta-e it.A AAn# what #o yo% thin- will 'e the en# of thi$CA $ai# Mi$$ O+helia. AI #on't -now. One thing i$ certain(**that there i$ a m%$tering among the ma$$e$( the worl# o)er3 an# there i$ a 0#ie$ irae0 coming on( $ooner or later. The $ame thing i$ wor-ing in E%ro+e( in Englan#( an# in thi$ co%ntry. My mother %$e# to tell me of a millenni%m that wa$ coming( when Chri$t $ho%l# reign( an# all men $ho%l# 'e free an# ha++y. An# $he ta%ght me( when I wa$ a 'oy( to +ray( 'thy -ing#om come.' Sometime$ I thin- all thi$ $ighing( an# groaning( an# $tirring among the #ry 'one$ foretell$ what $he %$e# to tell me wa$ coming. B%t who may a'i#e the #ay of Hi$ a++earingCA AA%g%$tine( $ometime$ I thin- yo% are not far from the -ing#om(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia( laying #own her -nitting( an# loo-ing an1io%$ly at her co%$in. AThan- yo% for yo%r goo# o+inion( '%t it'$ %+ an# #own with me(**%+ to hea)en'$ gate in theory( #own in earth'$ #%$t in +ractice. B%t there'$ the tea'ell(**#o let'$ go(**an# #on't $ay( now( I ha)en't ha# one #ownright $erio%$ tal-( for once in my life.A At ta'le( Marie all%#e# to the inci#ent of r%e. AI $%++o$e yo%'ll thin-( co%$in(A $he $ai#( Athat we are all 'ar'arian$.A AI thin- that'$ a 'ar'aro%$ thing(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia( A'%t I #on't thin- yo% are all 'ar'arian$.A A"ell( now(A $ai# Marie( AI -now it'$ im+o$$i'le to get along with $ome of the$e creat%re$. They are $o 'a# they o%ght not to li)e. I #on't feel a +article of $ym+athy for $%ch ca$e$. If they'# only 'eha)e them$el)e$( it wo%l# not ha++en.A AB%t( mamma(A $ai# E)a( Athe +oor creat%re wa$ %nha++y3 that'$ what ma#e her #rin-.A AO( fi##le$tic-D a$ if that were any e1c%$eD I'm %nha++y( )ery often. I +re$%me(A $he $ai#( +en$i)ely( Athat I')e ha# greater trial$ than e)er $he ha#. It'$ /%$t 'eca%$e they are $o 'a#. There'$ $ome of them that yo% cannot 'rea- in 'y any -in# of $e)erity. I remem'er father ha# a man that wa$ $o la4y he wo%l# r%n away /%$t to get ri# of wor-( an# lie ro%n# in the $wam+$( $tealing an# #oing all $ort$ of horri# thing$. That man wa$ ca%ght an# whi++e#( time an# again( an# it ne)er #i# him any goo#3 an# the la$t time he crawle# off( tho%gh he co%l#n't '%t /%$t go( an# #ie# in the $wam+. There wa$ no $ort of rea$on for it( for father'$ han#$ were alway$ treate# -in#ly.A AI 'ro-e a fellow in( once(A $ai# St. Clare( Athat all the o)er$eer$ an# ma$ter$ ha# trie# their han#$ on in )ain.A ABo%DA $ai# Marie3 Awell( I'# 'e gla# to -now when 0yo%0 e)er #i# anything of the $ort.A

A"ell( he wa$ a +owerf%l( gigantic fellow(**a nati)e*'orn African3 an# he a++eare# to ha)e the r%#e in$tinct of free#om in him to an %ncommon #egree. He wa$ a reg%lar African lion. They calle# him Sci+io. No'o#y co%l# #o anything with him3 an# he wa$ $ol# ro%n# from o)er$eer to o)er$eer( till at la$t Alfre# 'o%ght him( 'eca%$e he tho%ght he co%l# manage him. "ell( one #ay he -noc-e# #own the o)er$eer( an# wa$ fairly off into the $wam+$. I wa$ on a )i$it to Alf'$ +lantation( for it wa$ after we ha# #i$$ol)e# +artner$hi+. Alfre# wa$ greatly e1a$+erate#3 '%t I tol# him that it wa$ hi$ own fa%lt( an# lai# him any wager that I co%l# 'rea- the man3 an# finally it wa$ agree# that( if I ca%ght him( I $ho%l# ha)e him to e1+eriment on. So they m%$tere# o%t a +arty of $ome $i1 or $e)en( with g%n$ an# #og$( for the h%nt. eo+le( yo% -now( can get %+ a$ m%ch enth%$ia$m in h%nting a man a$ a #eer( if it i$ only c%$tomary3 in fact( I got a little e1cite# my$elf( tho%gh I ha# only +%t in a$ a $ort of me#iator( in ca$e he wa$ ca%ght. A"ell( the #og$ 'aye# an# howle#( an# we ro#e an# $cam+ere#( an# finally we $tarte# him. He ran an# 'o%n#e# li-e a '%c-( an# -e+t %$ well in the rear for $ome time3 '%t at la$t he got ca%ght in an im+enetra'le thic-et of cane3 then he t%rne# to 'ay( an# I tell yo% he fo%ght the #og$ right gallantly. He #a$he# them to right an# left( an# act%ally -ille# three of them with only hi$ na-e# fi$t$( when a $hot from a g%n 'ro%ght him #own( an# he fell( wo%n#e# an# 'lee#ing( almo$t at my feet. The +oor fellow loo-e# %+ at me with manhoo# an# #e$+air 'oth in hi$ eye. I -e+t 'ac- the #og$ an# the +arty( a$ they came +re$$ing %+( an# claime# him a$ my +ri$oner. It wa$ all I co%l# #o to -ee+ them from $hooting him( in the fl%$h of $%cce$$3 '%t I +er$i$te# in my 'argain( an# Alfre# $ol# him to me. "ell( I too- him in han#( an# in one fortnight I ha# him tame# #own a$ $%'mi$$i)e an# tracta'le a$ heart co%l# #e$ire.A A"hat in the worl# #i# yo% #o to himCA $ai# Marie. A"ell( it wa$ 2%ite a $im+le +roce$$. I too- him to my own room( ha# a goo# 'e# ma#e for him( #re$$e# hi$ wo%n#$( an# ten#e# him my$elf( %ntil he got fairly on hi$ feet again. An#( in +roce$$ of time( I ha# free +a+er$ ma#e o%t for him( an# tol# him he might go where he li-e#.A AAn# #i# he goCA $ai# Mi$$ O+helia. ANo. The fooli$h fellow tore the +a+er in two( an# a'$ol%tely ref%$e# to lea)e me. I ne)er ha# a 'ra)er( 'etter fellow(**tr%$ty an# tr%e a$ $teel. He em'race# Chri$tianity afterwar#$( an# 'ecame a$ gentle a$ a chil#. He %$e# to o)er$ee my +lace on the la-e( an# #i# it ca+itally( too. I lo$t him the fir$t cholera $ea$on. In fact( he lai# #own hi$ life for me. &or I wa$ $ic-( almo$t to #eath3 an# when( thro%gh the +anic( e)ery'o#y el$e fle#( Sci+io wor-e# for me li-e a giant( an# act%ally 'ro%ght me 'ac- into life again. B%t( +oor fellowD he wa$ ta-en( right after( an# there wa$ no $a)ing him. I ne)er felt any'o#y'$ lo$$ more.A E)a ha# come gra#%ally nearer an# nearer to her father( a$ he tol# the $tory(**her $mall li+$ a+art( her eye$ wi#e an# earne$t with a'$or'ing intere$t. A$ he fini$he#( $he $%##enly threw her arm$ aro%n# hi$ nec-( '%r$t into

tear$( an# $o''e# con)%l$i)ely. AE)a( #ear chil#D what i$ the matterCA $ai# St. Clare( a$ the chil#'$ $mall frame trem'le# an# $hoo- with the )iolence of her feeling$. AThi$ chil#(A he a##e#( Ao%ght not to hear any of thi$ -in# of thing(**$he'$ ner)o%$.A ANo( +a+a( I'm not ner)o%$(A $ai# E)a( controlling her$elf( $%##enly( with a $trength of re$ol%tion $ing%lar in $%ch a chil#. AI'm not ner)o%$( '%t the$e thing$ 0$in- into my heart0.A A"hat #o yo% mean( E)aCA AI can't tell yo%( +a+a( I thin- a great many tho%ght$. erha+$ $ome #ay I $hall tell yo%.A A"ell( thin- away( #ear(**only #on't cry an# worry yo%r +a+a(A $ai# St. Clare( ALoo- here(**$ee what a 'ea%tif%l +each I ha)e got for yo%.A E)a too- it an# $mile#( tho%gh there wa$ $till a ner)o%$ twiching a'o%t the corner$ of her mo%th. ACome( loo- at the gol#*fi$h(A $ai# St. Clare( ta-ing her han# an# $te++ing on to the )eran#ah. A few moment$( an# merry la%gh$ were hear# thro%gh the $il-en c%rtain$( a$ E)a an# St. Clare were +elting each other with ro$e$( an# cha$ing each other among the alley$ of the co%rt. There i$ #anger that o%r h%m'le frien# Tom 'e neglecte# ami# the a#)ent%re$ of the higher 'orn3 '%t( if o%r rea#er$ will accom+any %$ %+ to a little loft o)er the $ta'le( they may( +erha+$( learn a little of hi$ affair$. It wa$ a #ecent room( containing a 'e#( a chair( an# a $mall( ro%gh $tan#( where lay Tom'$ Bi'le an# hymn*'oo-3 an# where he $it$( at +re$ent( with hi$ $late 'efore him( intent on $omething that $eem$ to co$t him a great #eal of an1io%$ tho%ght. The fact wa$( that Tom'$ home*yearning$ ha# 'ecome $o $trong that he ha# 'egge# a $heet of writing*+a+er of E)a( an#( m%$tering %+ all hi$ $mall $toc- of literary attainment ac2%ire# 'y Ma$'r 5eorge'$ in$tr%ction$( he concei)e# the 'ol# i#ea of writing a letter3 an# he wa$ '%$y now( on hi$ $late( getting o%t hi$ fir$t #raft. Tom wa$ in a goo# #eal of tro%'le( for the form$ of $ome of the letter$ he ha# forgotten entirely3 an# of what he #i# remem'er( he #i# not -now e1actly which to %$e. An# while he wa$ wor-ing( an# 'reathing )ery har#( in hi$ earne$tne$$( E)a alighte#( li-e a 'ir#( on the ro%n# of hi$ chair 'ehin# him( an# +ee+e# o)er hi$ $ho%l#er. AO( Uncle TomD what f%nny thing$ yo% 0are0 ma-ing( thereDA AI'm trying to write to my +oor ol# woman( Mi$$ E)a( an# my little chil'en(A $ai# Tom( #rawing the 'ac- of hi$ han# o)er hi$ eye$3 A'%t( $ome how( I'm fear# I $han't ma-e it o%t.A AI wi$h I co%l# hel+ yo%( TomD I')e learnt to write $ome. La$t year I co%l# ma-e all the letter$( '%t I'm afrai# I')e forgotten.A

So E)a +%t her gol#en hea# clo$e to hi$( an# the two commence# a gra)e an# an1io%$ #i$c%$$ion( each one e2%ally earne$t( an# a'o%t e2%ally ignorant3 an#( with a #eal of con$%lting an# a#)i$ing o)er e)ery wor#( the com+o$ition 'egan( a$ they 'oth felt )ery $ang%ine( to loo- 2%ite li-e writing. ABe$( Uncle Tom( it really 'egin$ to loo- 'ea%tif%l(A $ai# E)a( ga4ing #elighte#ly on it. AHow +lea$e# yo%r wife'll 'e( an# the +oor little chil#renD O( it'$ a $hame yo% e)er ha# to go away from themD I mean to a$- +a+a to let yo% go 'ac-( $ome time.A AMi$$i$ $ai# that $he wo%l# $en# #own money for me( a$ $oon a$ they co%l# get it together(A $ai# Tom. AI'm '$+ectin( $he will. Bo%ng Ma$'r 5eorge( he $ai# he'# come for me3 an# he ga)e me thi$ yer #ollar a$ a $ign3A an# Tom #rew from %n#er hi$ clothe$ the +recio%$ #ollar. AO( he'll certainly come( thenDA $ai# E)a. AI'm $o gla#DA AAn# I wante# to $en# a letter( yo% -now( to let 'em -now whar I wa$( an# tell +oor Chloe that I wa$ well off(**ca%$e $he felt $o #reff%l( +oor $o%lDA AI $ay TomDA $ai# St. Clare'$ )oice( coming in the #oor at thi$ moment. Tom an# E)a 'oth $tarte#. A"hat'$ hereCA $ai# St. Clare( coming %+ an# loo-ing at the $late. AO( it'$ Tom'$ letter. I'm hel+ing him to write it(A $ai# E)a3 Ai$n't it niceCA AI wo%l#n't #i$co%rage either of yo%(A $ai# St. Clare( A'%t I rather thin-( Tom( yo%'# 'etter get me to write yo%r letter for yo%. I'll #o it( when I come home from my ri#e.A AIt'$ )ery im+ortant he $ho%l# write(A $ai# E)a( A'eca%$e hi$ mi$tre$$ i$ going to $en# #own money to re#eem him( yo% -now( +a+a3 he tol# me they tol# him $o.A St. Clare tho%ght( in hi$ heart( that thi$ wa$ +ro'a'ly only one of tho$e thing$ which goo#*nat%re# owner$ $ay to their $er)ant$( to alle)iate their horror of 'eing $ol#( witho%t any intention of f%lfilling the e1+ectation th%$ e1cite#. B%t he #i# not ma-e any a%#i'le comment %+on it(**only or#ere# Tom to get the hor$e$ o%t for a ri#e. Tom'$ letter wa$ written in #%e form for him that e)ening( an# $afely lo#ge# in the +o$t*office. Mi$$ O+helia $till +er$e)ere# in her la'or$ in the ho%$e-ee+ing line. It wa$ %ni)er$ally agree#( among all the ho%$ehol#( from Finah #own to the yo%nge$t %rchin( that Mi$$ O+helia wa$ #eci#e#ly Ac%ri$(A**a term 'y which a $o%thern $er)ant im+lie$ that hi$ or her 'etter$ #on't e1actly $%it them.

The higher circle in the family**to wit( A#ol+h( Eane an# !o$a**agree# that $he wa$ no la#y3 la#ie$ ne)er -ee+ wor-ing a'o%t a$ $he #i#(**that $he ha# no 0air0 at all3 an# they were $%r+ri$e# that $he $ho%l# 'e any relation of the St. Clare$. E)en Marie #eclare# that it wa$ a'$ol%tely fatig%ing to $ee Co%$in O+helia alway$ $o '%$y. An#( in fact( Mi$$ O+helia'$ in#%$try wa$ $o ince$$ant a$ to lay $ome fo%n#ation for the com+laint. She $ewe# an# $titche# away( from #aylight till #ar-( with the energy of one who i$ +re$$e# on 'y $ome imme#iate %rgency3 an# then( when the light fa#e#( an# the wor- wa$ fol#e# away( with one t%rn o%t came the e)er*rea#y -nitting*wor-( an# there $he wa$ again( going on a$ 'ri$-ly a$ e)er. It really wa$ a la'or to $ee her.

CHA TE! KK To+$y One morning( while Mi$$ O+helia wa$ '%$y in $ome of her #ome$tic care$( St. Clare'$ )oice wa$ hear#( calling her at the foot of the $tair$. ACome #own here( Co%$in( I')e $omething to $how yo%.A A"hat i$ itCA $ai# Mi$$ O+helia( coming #own( with her $ewing in her han#. AI')e ma#e a +%rcha$e for yo%r #e+artment(**$ee here(A $ai# St. Clare3 an#( with the wor#( he +%lle# along a little negro girl( a'o%t eight or nine year$ of age. She wa$ one of the 'lac-e$t of her race3 an# her ro%n# $hining eye$( glittering a$ gla$$ 'ea#$( mo)e# with 2%ic- an# re$tle$$ glance$ o)er e)erything in the room. Her mo%th( half o+en with a$toni$hment at the won#er$ of the new Ma$'r'$ +arlor( #i$+laye# a white an# 'rilliant $et of teeth. Her woolly hair wa$ 'rai#e# in $%n#ry little tail$( which $t%c- o%t in e)ery #irection. The e1+re$$ion of her face wa$ an o## mi1t%re of $hrew#ne$$ an# c%nning( o)er which wa$ o##ly #rawn( li-e a -in# of )eil( an e1+re$$ion of the mo$t #olef%l gra)ity an# $olemnity. She wa$ #re$$e# in a $ingle filthy( ragge# garment( ma#e of 'agging3 an# $too# with her han#$ #em%rely fol#e# 'efore her. Altogether( there wa$ $omething o## an# go'lin*li-e a'o%t her a++earance(**$omething( a$ Mi$$ O+helia afterwar#$ $ai#( A$o heatheni$h(A a$ to in$+ire that goo# la#y with %tter #i$may3 an# t%rning to St. Clare( $he $ai#( AA%g%$tine( what in the worl# ha)e yo% 'ro%ght that thing here forCA A&or yo% to e#%cate( to 'e $%re( an# train in the way $he $ho%l# go. I tho%ght $he wa$ rather a f%nny $+ecimen in the Eim Crow line. Here( To+$y(A he a##e#( gi)ing a whi$tle( a$ a man wo%l# to call the attention of a #og( Agi)e %$ a $ong( now( an# $how %$ $ome of yo%r #ancing.A The 'lac-( gla$$y eye$ glittere# with a -in# of wic-e# #rollery( an# the thing $tr%c- %+( in a clear $hrill )oice( an o## negro melo#y( to which $he -e+t time with her han#$ an# feet( $+inning ro%n#( cla++ing her

han#$( -noc-ing her -nee$ together( in a wil#( fanta$tic $ort of time( an# +ro#%cing in her throat all tho$e o## g%tt%ral $o%n#$ which #i$ting%i$h the nati)e m%$ic of her race3 an# finally( t%rning a $%mmer$et or two( an# gi)ing a +rolonge# clo$ing note( a$ o## an# %nearthly a$ that of a $team*whi$tle( $he came $%##enly #own on the car+et( an# $too# with her han#$ fol#e#( an# a mo$t $anctimonio%$ e1+re$$ion of mee-ne$$ an# $olemnity o)er her face( only 'ro-en 'y the c%nning glance$ which $he $hot a$-ance from the corner$ of her eye$. Mi$$ O+helia $too# $ilent( +erfectly +araly4e# with ama4ement. St. Clare( li-e a mi$chie)o%$ fellow a$ he wa$( a++eare# to en/oy her a$toni$hment3 an#( a##re$$ing the chil# again( $ai#( ATo+$y( thi$ i$ yo%r new mi$tre$$. I'm going to gi)e yo% %+ to her3 $ee now that yo% 'eha)e yo%r$elf.A ABe$( Ma$'r(A $ai# To+$y( with $anctimonio%$ gra)ity( her wic-e# eye$ twin-ling a$ $he $+o-e. ABo%'re going to 'e goo#( To+$y( yo% %n#er$tan#(A $ai# St. Clare. AO ye$( Ma$'r(A $ai# To+$y( with another twin-le( her han#$ $till #e)o%tly fol#e#. ANow( A%g%$tine( what %+on earth i$ thi$ forCA $ai# Mi$$ O+helia. ABo%r ho%$e i$ $o f%ll of the$e little +lag%e$( now( that a 'o#y can't $et #own their foot witho%t trea#ing on 'em. I get %+ in the morning( an# fin# one a$lee+ 'ehin# the #oor( an# $ee one 'lac- hea# +o-ing o%t from %n#er the ta'le( one lying on the #oor*mat(**an# they are mo++ing an# mowing an# grinning 'etween all the railing$( an# t%m'ling o)er the -itchen floorD "hat on earth #i# yo% want to 'ring thi$ one forCA A&or yo% to e#%cate**#i#n't I tell yo%C Bo%'re alway$ +reaching a'o%t e#%cating. I tho%ght I wo%l# ma-e yo% a +re$ent of a fre$h*ca%ght $+ecimen( an# let yo% try yo%r han# on her( an# 'ring her %+ in the way $he $ho%l# go.A A0I0 #on't want her( I am $%re3**I ha)e more to #o with 'em now than I want to.A AThat'$ yo% Chri$tian$( all o)erD**yo%'ll get %+ a $ociety( an# get $ome +oor mi$$ionary to $+en# all hi$ #ay$ among /%$t $%ch heathen. B%t let me $ee one of yo% that wo%l# ta-e one into yo%r ho%$e with yo%( an# ta-e the la'or of their con)er$ion on yo%r$el)e$D No3 when it come$ to that( they are #irty an# #i$agreea'le( an# it'$ too m%ch care( an# $o on.A AA%g%$tine( yo% -now I #i#n't thin- of it in that light(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia( e)i#ently $oftening. A"ell( it might 'e a real mi$$ionary wor-(A $ai# $he( loo-ing rather more fa)ora'ly on the chil#. St. Clare ha# to%che# the right $tring. Mi$$ O+helia'$ con$cientio%$ne$$ wa$ e)er on the alert. AB%t(A $he a##e#( AI really #i#n't $ee the nee# of '%ying thi$ one3**there are eno%gh now( in yo%r ho%$e( to ta-e all my time an# $-ill.A

A"ell( then( Co%$in(A $ai# St. Clare( #rawing her a$i#e( AI o%ght to 'eg yo%r +ar#on for my goo#*for*nothing $+eeche$. Bo% are $o goo#( after all( that there'$ no $en$e in them. "hy( the fact i$( thi$ concern 'elonge# to a co%+le of #r%n-en creat%re$ that -ee+ a low re$ta%rant that I ha)e to +a$$ 'y e)ery #ay( an# I wa$ tire# of hearing her $creaming( an# them 'eating an# $wearing at her. She loo-e# 'right an# f%nny( too( a$ if $omething might 'e ma#e of her3**$o I 'o%ght her( an# I'll gi)e her to yo%. Try( now( an# gi)e her a goo# ortho#o1 New Englan# 'ringing %+( an# $ee what it'll ma-e of her. Bo% -now I ha)en't any gift that way3 '%t I'# li-e yo% to try.A A"ell( I'll #o what I can(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia3 an# $he a++roache# her new $%'/ect )ery m%ch a$ a +er$on might 'e $%++o$e# to a++roach a 'lac$+i#er( $%++o$ing them to ha)e 'ene)olent #e$ign$ towar# it. AShe'$ #rea#f%lly #irty( an# half na-e#(A $he $ai#. A"ell( ta-e her #own $tair$( an# ma-e $ome of them clean an# clothe her %+.A Mi$$ O+helia carrie# her to the -itchen region$. AFon't $ee what Ma$'r St. Clare want$ of 'nother niggerDA $ai# Finah( $%r)eying the new arri)al with no frien#ly air. A"on't ha)e her aro%n# %n#er 0my0 feet( 0I0 -nowDA A ahDA $ai# !o$a an# Eane( with $%+reme #i$g%$t3 Alet her -ee+ o%t of o%r wayD "hat in the worl# Ma$'r wante# another of the$e low nigger$ for( I can't $eeDA ABo% go longD No more nigger #an yo% 'e( Mi$$ !o$a(A $ai# Finah( who felt thi$ la$t remar- a reflection on her$elf. ABo% $eem to tinyo%r$elf white fol-$. Bo% an't nerry one( 'lac- 0nor0 white( I'# li-e to 'e one or t%rrer.A Mi$$ O+helia $aw that there wa$ no'o#y in the cam+ that wo%l# %n#erta-e to o)er$ee the clean$ing an# #re$$ing of the new arri)al3 an# $o $he wa$ force# to #o it her$elf( with $ome )ery %ngracio%$ an# rel%ctant a$$i$tance from Eane. It i$ not for ear$ +olite to hear the +artic%lar$ of the fir$t toilet of a neglecte#( a'%$e# chil#. In fact( in thi$ worl#( m%ltit%#e$ m%$t li)e an# #ie in a $tate that it wo%l# 'e too great a $hoc- to the ner)e$ of their fellow*mortal$ e)en to hear #e$cri'e#. Mi$$ O+helia ha# a goo#( $trong( +ractical #eal of re$ol%tion3 an# $he went thro%gh all the #i$g%$ting #etail$ with heroic thoro%ghne$$( tho%gh( it m%$t 'e confe$$e#( with no )ery gracio%$ air(**for en#%rance wa$ the %tmo$t to which her +rinci+le$ co%l# 'ring her. "hen $he $aw( on the 'ac- an# $ho%l#er$ of the chil#( great welt$ an# callo%$e# $+ot$( ineffacea'le mar-$ of the $y$tem %n#er which $he ha# grown %+ th%$ far( her heart 'ecame +itif%l within her. ASee thereDA $ai# Eane( +ointing to the mar-$( A#on't that $how $he'$ a lim'C "e'll ha)e fine wor-$ with her( I rec-on. I hate the$e nigger yo%ng %n$D $o #i$g%$tingD I won#er that Ma$'r wo%l# '%y herDA

The Ayo%ng %nA all%#e# to hear# all the$e comment$ with the $%'#%e# an# #olef%l air which $eeme# ha'it%al to her( only $canning( with a -een an# f%rti)e glance of her flic-ering eye$( the ornament$ which Eane wore in her ear$. "hen arraye# at la$t in a $%it of #ecent an# whole clothing( her hair cro++e# $hort to her hea#( Mi$$ O+helia( with $ome $ati$faction( $ai# $he loo-e# more Chri$tian*li-e than $he #i#( an# in her own min# 'egan to mat%re $ome +lan$ for her in$tr%ction. Sitting #own 'efore her( $he 'egan to 2%e$tion her. AHow ol# are yo%( To+$yCA AF%n no( Mi$$i$(A $ai# the image( with a grin that $howe# all her teeth. AFon't -now how ol# yo% areC Fi#n't any'o#y e)er tell yo%C "ho wa$ yo%r motherCA ANe)er ha# noneDA $ai# the chil#( with another grin. ANe)er ha# any motherC "hat #o yo% meanC "here were yo% 'ornCA ANe)er wa$ 'ornDA +er$i$te# To+$y( with another grin( that loo-e# $o go'lin*li-e( that( if Mi$$ O+helia ha# 'een at all ner)o%$( $he might ha)e fancie# that $he ha# got hol# of $ome $ooty gnome from the lan# of Fia'lerie3 '%t Mi$$ O+helia wa$ not ner)o%$( '%t +lain an# '%$ine$$*li-e( an# $he $ai#( with $ome $ternne$$( ABo% m%$tn't an$wer me in that way( chil#3 I'm not +laying with yo%. Tell me where yo% were 'orn( an# who yo%r father an# mother were.A ANe)er wa$ 'orn(A reiterate# the creat%re( more em+hatically3 Ane)er ha# no father nor mother( nor nothin'. I wa$ rai$e# 'y a $+ec%lator( with lot$ of other$. Ol# A%nt S%e %$e# to ta-e car on %$.A The chil# wa$ e)i#ently $incere( an# Eane( 'rea-ing into a $hort la%gh( $ai#( ALaw$( Mi$$i$( there'$ hea+$ of 'em. S+ec%lator$ '%y$ 'em %+ chea+( when they'$ little( an# get$ 'em rai$e# for mar-et.A AHow long ha)e yo% li)e# with yo%r ma$ter an# mi$tre$$CA AF%n no( Mi$$i$.A AI$ it a year( or more( or le$$CA AF%n no( Mi$$i$.A ALaw$( Mi$$i$( tho$e low negroe$(**they can't tell3 they #on't -now anything a'o%t time(A $ai# Eane3 Athey #on't -now what a year i$3 they #on't -now their own age$. AHa)e yo% e)er hear# anything a'o%t 5o#( To+$yCA

The chil# loo-e# 'ewil#ere#( '%t grinne# a$ %$%al. AFo yo% -now who ma#e yo%CA ANo'o#y( a$ I -now$ on(A $ai# the chil#( with a $hort la%gh. The i#ea a++eare# to am%$e her con$i#era'ly3 for her eye$ twin-le#( an# $he a##e#( AI $+ect I grow'#. Fon't thin- no'o#y ne)er ma#e me.A AFo yo% -now how to $ewCA $ai# Mi$$ O+helia( who tho%ght $he wo%l# t%rn her in2%irie$ to $omething more tangi'le. ANo( Mi$$i$.A A"hat can yo% #oC**what #i# yo% #o for yo%r ma$ter an# mi$tre$$CA A&etch water( an# wa$h #i$he$( an# r%' -ni)e$( an# wait on fol-$.A A"ere they goo# to yo%CA AS+ect they wa$(A $ai# the chil#( $canning Mi$$ O+helia c%nningly. Mi$$ O+helia ro$e from thi$ enco%raging collo2%y3 St. Clare wa$ leaning o)er the 'ac- of her chair. ABo% fin# )irgin $oil there( Co%$in3 +%t in yo%r own i#ea$(**yo% won't fin# many to +%ll %+.A Mi$$ O+helia'$ i#ea$ of e#%cation( li-e all her other i#ea$( were )ery $et an# #efinite3 an# of the -in# that +re)aile# in New Englan# a cent%ry ago( an# which are $till +re$er)e# in $ome )ery retire# an# %n$o+hi$ticate# +art$( where there are no railroa#$. A$ nearly a$ co%l# 'e e1+re$$e#( they co%l# 'e com+ri$e# in )ery few wor#$I to teach them to min# when they were $+o-en to3 to teach them the catechi$m( $ewing( an# rea#ing3 an# to whi+ them if they tol# lie$. An# tho%gh( of co%r$e( in the floo# of light that i$ now +o%re# on e#%cation( the$e are left far away in the rear( yet it i$ an %n#i$+%te# fact that o%r gran#mother$ rai$e# $ome tolera'ly fair men an# women %n#er thi$ regime( a$ many of %$ can remem'er an# te$tify. At all e)ent$( Mi$$ O+helia -new of nothing el$e to #o3 an#( therefore( a++lie# her min# to her heathen with the 'e$t #iligence $he co%l# comman#. The chil# wa$ anno%nce# an# con$i#ere# in the family a$ Mi$$ O+helia'$ girl3 an#( a$ $he wa$ loo-e# %+on with no gracio%$ eye in the -itchen( Mi$$ O+helia re$ol)e# to confine her $+here of o+eration an# in$tr%ction chiefly to her own cham'er. "ith a $elf*$acrifice which $ome of o%r rea#er$ will a++reciate( $he re$ol)e#( in$tea# of comforta'ly ma-ing her own 'e#( $wee+ing an# #%$ting her own cham'er(**which $he ha# hitherto #one( in %tter $corn of all offer$ of hel+ from the cham'ermai# of the e$ta'li$hment(**to con#emn her$elf to the martyr#om of in$tr%cting To+$y to +erform the$e o+eration$(**ah( woe the #ayD Fi# any of o%r rea#er$ e)er #o the $ame( they will a++reciate the amo%nt of her $elf*$acrifice.

Mi$$ O+helia 'egan with To+$y 'y ta-ing her into her cham'er( the fir$t morning( an# $olemnly commencing a co%r$e of in$tr%ction in the art an# my$tery of 'e#*ma-ing. Behol#( then( To+$y( wa$he# an# $horn of all the little 'rai#e# tail$ wherein her heart ha# #elighte#( arraye# in a clean gown( with well*$tarche# a+ron( $tan#ing re)erently 'efore Mi$$ O+helia( with an e1+re$$ion of $olemnity well 'efitting a f%neral. ANow( To+$y( I'm going to $how yo% /%$t how my 'e# i$ to 'e ma#e. I am )ery +artic%lar a'o%t my 'e#. Bo% m%$t learn e1actly how to #o it.A ABe$( ma'am(A $ay$ To+$y( with a #ee+ $igh( an# a face of wof%l earne$tne$$. ANow( To+$y( loo- here3**thi$ i$ the hem of the $heet(**thi$ i$ the right $i#e of the $heet( an# thi$ i$ the wrong3**will yo% remem'erCA ABe$( ma'am(A $ay$ To+$y( with another $igh. A"ell( now( the %n#er $heet yo% m%$t 'ring o)er the 'ol$ter(**$o**an# t%c- it clear #own %n#er the mattre$$ nice an# $mooth(**$o(**#o yo% $eeCA ABe$( ma'am(A $ai# To+$y( with +rofo%n# attention. AB%t the %++er $heet(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia( Am%$t 'e 'ro%ght #own in thi$ way( an# t%c-e# %n#er firm an# $mooth at the foot(**$o(**the narrow hem at the foot.A ABe$( ma'am(A $ai# To+$y( a$ 'efore3**'%t we will a##( what Mi$$ O+helia #i# not $ee( that( #%ring the time when the goo# la#y'$ 'ac- wa$ t%rne# in the 4eal of her mani+%lation$( the yo%ng #i$ci+le ha# contri)e# to $natch a +air of glo)e$ an# a ri''on( which $he ha# a#roitly $li++e# into her $lee)e$( an# $too# with her han#$ #%tif%lly fol#e#( a$ 'efore. ANow( To+$y( let'$ $ee 0yo%0 #o thi$(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia( +%lling off the clothe$( an# $eating her$elf. To+$y( with great gra)ity an# a#roitne$$( went thro%gh the e1erci$e com+letely to Mi$$ O+helia'$ $ati$faction3 $moothing the $heet$( +atting o%t e)ery wrin-le( an# e1hi'iting( thro%gh the whole +roce$$( a gra)ity an# $erio%$ne$$ with which her in$tr%ctre$$ wa$ greatly e#ifie#. By an %nl%c-y $li+( howe)er( a fl%ttering fragment of the ri''on h%ng o%t of one of her $lee)e$( /%$t a$ $he wa$ fini$hing( an# ca%ght Mi$$ O+helia'$ attention. In$tantly( $he +o%nce# %+on it. A"hat'$ thi$C Bo% na%ghty( wic-e# chil#(**yo%')e 'een $tealing thi$DA The ri''on wa$ +%lle# o%t of To+$y'$ own $lee)e( yet wa$ $he not in the lea$t #i$concerte#3 $he only loo-e# at it with an air of the mo$t $%r+ri$e# an# %ncon$cio%$ innocence. ALaw$D why( that ar'$ Mi$$ &eely'$ ri''on( an't itC How co%l# it a got ca%ght in my $lee)eC

ATo+$y( yo% na%ghty girl( #on't yo% tell me a lie(**yo% $tole that ri''onDA AMi$$i$( I #eclar for 't( I #i#n't3**ne)er $ee# it till #i$ yer 'le$$e# minnit.A ATo+$y(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia( A#on't yo% now it'$ wic-e# to tell lie$CA AI ne)er tell no lie$( Mi$$ &eely(A $ai# To+$y( with )irt%o%$ gra)ity3 Ait'$ /i$t the tr%th I')e 'een a tellin now( an# an't nothin el$e.A ATo+$y( I $hall ha)e to whi+ yo%( if yo% tell lie$ $o.A ALaw$( Mi$$i$( if yo%'$ to whi+ all #ay( co%l#n't $ay no other way(A $ai# To+$y( 'eginning to 'l%''er. AI ne)er $ee# #at ar(**it m%$t a got ca%ght in my $lee)e. Mi$$ &eeley m%$t ha)e left it on the 'e#( an# it got ca%ght in the clothe$( an# $o got in my $lee)e.A Mi$$ O+helia wa$ $o in#ignant at the 'areface# lie( that $he ca%ght the chil# an# $hoo- her. AFon't yo% tell me that againDA The $ha-e 'ro%ght the glo)e on to the floor( from the other $lee)e. AThere( yo%DA $ai# Mi$$ O+helia( Awill yo% tell me now( yo% #i#n't $teal the ri''onCA To+$y now confe$$e# to the glo)e$( '%t $till +er$i$te# in #enying the ri''on. ANow( To+$y(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia( Aif yo%'ll confe$$ all a'o%t it( I won't whi+ yo% thi$ time.A Th%$ a#/%re#( To+$y confe$$e# to the ri''on an# glo)e$( with wof%l +rote$tation$ of +enitence. A"ell( now( tell me. I -now yo% m%$t ha)e ta-en other thing$ $ince yo% ha)e 'een in the ho%$e( for I let yo% r%n a'o%t all #ay ye$ter#ay. Now( tell me if yo% too- anything( an# I $han't whi+ yo%.A ALaw$( Mi$$i$D I too- Mi$$ E)a'$ re# thing $he war$ on her nec-.A ABo% #i#( yo% na%ghty chil#D**"ell( what el$eCA AI too- !o$a'$ yer*ring$(**them re# one$.A A5o 'ring them to me thi$ min%te( 'oth of 'em.A ALaw$( Mi$$i$D I can't(**they '$ '%rnt %+DA AB%rnt %+D**what a $toryD 5o get 'em( or I'll whi+ yo%.A To+$y( with lo%# +rote$tation$( an# tear$( an# groan$( #eclare# that $he 0co%l#0 not. AThey '$ '%rnt %+(**they wa$.A A"hat #i# yo% '%rn 'em forCA $ai# Mi$$ O+helia.

ACa%$e I '$ wic-e#(**I i$. I '$ mighty wic-e#( any how. I can't hel+ it.A E%$t at thi$ moment( E)a came innocently into the room( with the i#entical coral nec-lace on her nec-. A"hy( E)a( where #i# yo% get yo%r nec-laceCA $ai# Mi$$ O+helia. A5et itC "hy( I')e ha# it on all #ay(A $ai# E)a. AFi# yo% ha)e it on ye$ter#ayCA ABe$3 an# what i$ f%nny( A%nty( I ha# it on all night. I forgot to ta-e it off when I went to 'e#.A Mi$$ O+helia loo-e# +erfectly 'ewil#ere#3 the more $o( a$ !o$a( at that in$tant( came into the room( with a 'a$-et of newly*irone# linen +oi$e# on her hea#( an# the coral ear*#ro+$ $ha-ing in her ear$D AI'm $%re I can't tell anything what to #o with $%ch a chil#DA $he $ai#( in #e$+air. A"hat in the worl# #i# yo% tell me yo% too- tho$e thing$ for( To+$yCA A"hy( Mi$$i$ $ai# I m%$t 'fe$$3 an# I co%l#n't thin- of nothin' el$e to 'fe$$(A $ai# To+$y( r%''ing her eye$. AB%t( of co%r$e( I #i#n't want yo% to confe$$ thing$ yo% #i#n't #o(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia3 Athat'$ telling a lie( /%$t a$ m%ch a$ the other.A ALaw$( now( i$ itCA $ai# To+$y( with an air of innocent won#er. ALa( there an't any $%ch thing a$ tr%th in that lim'(A $ai# !o$a( loo-ing in#ignantly at To+$y. AIf I wa$ Ma$'r St. Clare( I'# whi+ her till the 'loo# r%n. I wo%l#(**I'# let her catch itDA ANo( no !o$a(A $ai# E)a( with an air of comman#( which the chil# co%l# a$$%me at time$3 Ayo% m%$tn't tal- $o( !o$a. I can't 'ear to hear it.A ALa $a-e$D Mi$$ E)a( yo% '$ $o goo#( yo% #on't -now nothing how to get along with nigger$. There'$ no way '%t to c%t 'em well %+( I tell ye.A A!o$aDA $ai# E)a( Ah%$hD Fon't yo% $ay another wor# of that $ortDA an# the eye of the chil# fla$he#( an# her chee- #ee+ene# it$ color. !o$a wa$ cowe# in a moment. AMi$$ E)a ha$ got the St. Clare 'loo# in her( that'$ +lain. She can $+ea-( for all the worl#( /%$t li-e her +a+a(A $he $ai#( a$ $he +a$$e# o%t of the room. E)a $too# loo-ing at To+$y. There $too# the two chil#ren re+re$entati)e$ of the two e1treme$ of $ociety. The fair( high*'re# chil#( with her gol#en hea#( her #ee+ eye$(

her $+irit%al( no'le 'row( an# +rince*li-e mo)ement$3 an# her 'lac-( -een( $%'tle( cringing( yet ac%te neigh'or. They $too# the re+re$entati)e$ of their race$. The Sa1on( 'orn of age$ of c%lti)ation( comman#( e#%cation( +hy$ical an# moral eminence3 the Afric( 'orn of age$ of o++re$$ion( $%'mi$$ion( ignorance( toil an# )iceD Something( +erha+$( of $%ch tho%ght$ $tr%ggle# thro%gh E)a'$ min#. B%t a chil#'$ tho%ght$ are rather #im( %n#efine# in$tinct$3 an# in E)a'$ no'le nat%re many $%ch were yearning an# wor-ing( for which $he ha# no +ower of %tterance. "hen Mi$$ O+helia e1+atiate# on To+$y'$ na%ghty( wic-e# con#%ct( the chil# loo-e# +er+le1e# an# $orrowf%l( '%t $ai#( $weetly. A oor To+$y( why nee# yo% $tealC Bo%'re going to 'e ta-en goo# care of now. I'm $%re I'# rather gi)e yo% anything of mine( than ha)e yo% $teal it.A It wa$ the fir$t wor# of -in#ne$$ the chil# ha# e)er hear# in her life3 an# the $weet tone an# manner $tr%c- $trangely on the wil#( r%#e heart( an# a $+ar-le of $omething li-e a tear $hone in the -een( ro%n#( glittering eye3 '%t it wa$ followe# 'y the $hort la%gh an# ha'it%al grin. NoD the ear that ha$ ne)er hear# anything '%t a'%$e i$ $trangely incre#%lo%$ of anything $o hea)enly a$ -in#ne$$3 an# To+$y only tho%ght E)a'$ $+eech $omething f%nny an# ine1+lica'le(**$he #i# not 'elie)e it. B%t what wa$ to 'e #one with To+$yC Mi$$ O+helia fo%n# the ca$e a +%44ler3 her r%le$ for 'ringing %+ #i#n't $eem to a++ly. She tho%ght $he wo%l# ta-e time to thin- of it3 an#( 'y the way of gaining time( an# in ho+e$ of $ome in#efinite moral )irt%e$ $%++o$e# to 'e inherent in #arclo$et$( Mi$$ O+helia $h%t To+$y %+ in one till $he ha# arrange# her i#ea$ f%rther on the $%'/ect. AI #on't $ee(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia to St. Clare( Ahow I'm going to manage that chil#( witho%t whi++ing her.A A"ell( whi+ her( then( to yo%r heart'$ content3 I'll gi)e yo% f%ll +ower to #o what yo% li-e.A AChil#ren alway$ ha)e to 'e whi++e#(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia3 AI ne)er hear# of 'ringing them %+ witho%t.A AO( well( certainly(A $ai# St. Clare3 A#o a$ yo% thin- 'e$t. Only I'll ma-e one $%gge$tionI I')e $een thi$ chil# whi++e# with a +o-er( -noc-e# #own with the $ho)el or tong$( whiche)er came han#ie$t( Jc.3 an#( $eeing that $he i$ %$e# to that $tyle of o+eration( I thin- yo%r whi++ing$ will ha)e to 'e +retty energetic( to ma-e m%ch im+re$$ion.A A"hat i$ to 'e #one with her( thenCA $ai# Mi$$ O+helia. ABo% ha)e $tarte# a $erio%$ 2%e$tion(A $ai# St. Clare3 AI wi$h yo%'# an$wer it. "hat i$ to 'e #one with a h%man 'eing that can 'e go)erne# only 'y the la$h(**0that0 fail$(**it'$ a )ery common $tate of thing$ #own hereDA AI'm $%re I #on't -now3 I ne)er $aw $%ch a chil# a$ thi$.A

AS%ch chil#ren are )ery common among %$( an# $%ch men an# women( too. How are they to 'e go)erne#CA $ai# St. Clare. AI'm $%re it'$ more than I can $ay(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia. AOr I either(A $ai# St. Clare. AThe horri# cr%eltie$ an# o%trage$ that once an# a while fin# their way into the +a+er$(**$%ch ca$e$ a$ r%e'$( for e1am+le(**what #o they come fromC In many ca$e$( it i$ a gra#%al har#ening +roce$$ on 'oth $i#e$(**the owner growing more an# more cr%el( a$ the $er)ant more an# more callo%$. "hi++ing an# a'%$e are li-e la%#an%m3 yo% ha)e to #o%'le the #o$e a$ the $en$i'ilitie$ #ecline. I $aw thi$ )ery early when I 'ecame an owner3 an# I re$ol)e# ne)er to 'egin( 'eca%$e I #i# not -now when I $ho%l# $to+(**an# I re$ol)e#( at lea$t( to +rotect my own moral nat%re. The con$e2%ence i$( that my $er)ant$ act li-e $+oile# chil#ren3 '%t I thin- that 'etter than for %$ 'oth to 'e 'r%tali4e# together. Bo% ha)e tal-e# a great #eal a'o%t o%r re$+on$i'ilitie$ in e#%cating( Co%$in. I really wante# yo% to 0try0 with one chil#( who i$ a $+ecimen of tho%$an#$ among %$.A AIt i$ yo%r $y$tem ma-e$ $%ch chil#ren(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia. AI -now it3 '%t they are 0ma#e0(**they e1i$t(**an# what 0i$0 to 'e #one with themCA A"ell( I can't $ay I than- yo% for the e1+eriment. B%t( then( a$ it a++ear$ to 'e a #%ty( I $hall +er$e)ere an# try( an# #o the 'e$t I can(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia3 an# Mi$$ O+helia( after thi$( #i# la'or( with a commen#a'le #egree of 4eal an# energy( on her new $%'/ect. She in$tit%te# reg%lar ho%r$ an# em+loyment$ for her( an# %n#ertoo- to teach her to rea# an# $ew. In the former art( the chil# wa$ 2%ic- eno%gh. She learne# her letter$ a$ if 'y magic( an# wa$ )ery $oon a'le to rea# +lain rea#ing3 '%t the $ewing wa$ a more #iffic%lt matter. The creat%re wa$ a$ lithe a$ a cat( an# a$ acti)e a$ a mon-ey( an# the confinement of $ewing wa$ her a'omination3 $o $he 'ro-e her nee#le$( threw them $lyly o%t of the win#ow( or #own in chin-$ of the wall$3 $he tangle#( 'ro-e( an# #irtie# her threa#( or( with a $ly mo)ement( wo%l# throw a $+ool away altogether. Her motion$ were almo$t a$ 2%ic- a$ tho$e of a +racti$e# con/%rer( an# her comman# of her face 2%ite a$ great3 an# tho%gh Mi$$ O+helia co%l# not hel+ feeling that $o many acci#ent$ co%l# not +o$$i'ly ha++en in $%cce$$ion( yet $he co%l# not( witho%t a watchf%lne$$ which wo%l# lea)e her no time for anything el$e( #etect her. To+$y wa$ $oon a note# character in the e$ta'li$hment. Her talent for e)ery $+ecie$ of #rollery( grimace( an# mimicry(**for #ancing( t%m'ling( clim'ing( $inging( whi$tling( imitating e)ery $o%n# that hit her fancy(**$eeme# ine1ha%$ti'le. In her +lay*ho%r$( $he in)aria'ly ha# e)ery chil# in the e$ta'li$hment at her heel$( o+en*mo%the# with a#miration an# won#er(**not e1ce+ting Mi$$ E)a( who a++eare# to 'e fa$cinate# 'y her wil# #ia'lerie( a$ a #o)e i$ $ometime$ charme# 'y a glittering $er+ent. Mi$$ O+helia wa$ %nea$y that E)a $ho%l# fancy To+$y'$ $ociety $o m%ch( an# im+lore# St. Clare to for'i# it. A ohD let the chil# alone(A $ai# St. Clare. ATo+$y will #o her goo#.A

AB%t $o #e+ra)e# a chil#(**are yo% not afrai# $he will teach her $ome mi$chiefCA AShe can't teach her mi$chief3 $he might teach it to $ome chil#ren( '%t e)il roll$ off E)a'$ min# li-e #ew off a ca''age*leaf(**not a #ro+ $in-$ in.A AFon't 'e too $%re(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia. AI -now I'# ne)er let a chil# of mine +lay with To+$y.A A"ell( yo%r chil#ren nee#n't(A $ai# St. Clare( A'%t mine may3 if E)a co%l# ha)e 'een $+oile#( it wo%l# ha)e 'een #one year$ ago.A To+$y wa$ at fir$t #e$+i$e# an# contemne# 'y the %++er $er)ant$. They $oon fo%n# rea$on to alter their o+inion. It wa$ )ery $oon #i$co)ere# that whoe)er ca$t an in#ignity on To+$y wa$ $%re to meet with $ome incon)enient acci#ent $hortly after3**either a +air of ear*ring$ or $ome cheri$he# trin-et wo%l# 'e mi$$ing( or an article of #re$$ wo%l# 'e $%##enly fo%n# %tterly r%ine#( or the +er$on wo%l# $t%m'le acci#ently into a +ail of hot water( or a li'ation of #irty $lo+ wo%l# %nacco%nta'ly #el%ge them from a'o)e when in f%ll gala #re$$3*an# on all the$e occa$ion$( when in)e$tigation wa$ ma#e( there wa$ no'o#y fo%n# to $tan# $+on$or for the in#ignity. To+$y wa$ cite#( an# ha# %+ 'efore all the #ome$tic /%#icatorie$( time an# again3 '%t alway$ $%$taine# her e1amination$ with mo$t e#ifying innocence an# gra)ity of a++earance. No'o#y in the worl# e)er #o%'te# who #i# the thing$3 '%t not a $cra+ of any #irect e)i#ence co%l# 'e fo%n# to e$ta'li$h the $%++o$ition$( an# Mi$$ O+helia wa$ too /%$t to feel at li'erty to +rocee# to any length witho%t it. The mi$chief$ #one were alway$ $o nicely time#( al$o( a$ f%rther to $helter the aggre$$or. Th%$( the time$ for re)enge on !o$a an# Eane( the two cham'er mai#$( were alway$ cho$en in tho$e $ea$on$ when 7a$ not %nfre2%ently ha++ene#< they were in #i$grace with their mi$tre$$( when any com+laint from them wo%l# of co%r$e meet with no $ym+athy. In $hort( To+$y $oon ma#e the ho%$ehol# %n#er$tan# the +ro+riety of letting her alone3 an# $he wa$ let alone( accor#ingly. To+$y wa$ $mart an# energetic in all man%al o+eration$( learning e)erything that wa$ ta%ght her with $%r+ri$ing 2%ic-ne$$. "ith a few le$$on$( $he ha# learne# to #o the +ro+rietie$ of Mi$$ O+helia'$ cham'er in a way with which e)en that +artic%lar la#y co%l# fin# no fa%lt. Mortal han#$ co%l# not lay $+rea# $moother( a#/%$t +illow$ more acc%rately( $wee+ an# #%$t an# arrange more +erfectly( than To+$y( when $he cho$e(**'%t $he #i#n't )ery often choo$e. If Mi$$ O+helia( after three or fo%r #ay$ of caref%l +atient $%+er)i$ion( wa$ $o $ang%ine a$ to $%++o$e that To+$y ha# at la$t fallen into her way( co%l# #o witho%t o)er*loo-ing( an# $o go off an# '%$y her$elf a'o%t $omething el$e( To+$y wo%l# hol# a +erfect carni)al of conf%$ion( for $ome one or two ho%r$. In$tea# of ma-ing the 'e#( $he wo%l# am%$e her$elf with +%lling off the +illowca$e$( '%tting her woolly hea# among the +illow$( till it wo%l# $ometime$ 'e grote$2%ely ornamente# with feather$ $tic-ing o%t in )ario%$ #irection$3 $he wo%l# clim' the +o$t$( an# hang hea# #ownwar# from the to+$3 flo%ri$h the $heet$ an# $+rea#$ all o)er the a+artment3

#re$$ the 'ol$ter %+ in Mi$$ O+helia'$ night*clothe$( an# enact )ario%$ +erformance$ with that(**$inging an# whi$tling( an# ma-ing grimace$ at her$elf in the loo-ing*gla$$3 in $hort( a$ Mi$$ O+helia +hra$e# it( Arai$ing CainA generally. On one occa$ion( Mi$$ O+helia fo%n# To+$y with her )ery 'e$t $carlet In#ia Canton cra+e $hawl wo%n# ro%n# her hea# for a t%r'an( going on with her rehear$al$ 'efore the gla$$ in great $tyle(**Mi$$ O+helia ha)ing( with carele$$ne$$ mo$t %nhear#*of in her( left the -ey for once in her #rawer. ATo+$yDA $he wo%l# $ay( when at the en# of all +atience( Awhat #oe$ ma-e yo% act $oCA AF%nno( Mi$$i$(**I $+ect$ ca%$e I '$ $o wic-e#DA AI #on't -now anything what I $hall #o with yo%( To+$y.A ALaw( Mi$$i$( yo% m%$t whi+ me3 my ol# Mi$$i$ aller$ whi++e# me. I an't %$e# to wor-in' %nle$$ I get$ whi++e#.A A"hy( To+$y( I #on't want to whi+ yo%. Bo% can #o well( if yo%')e a min# to3 what i$ the rea$on yo% won'tCA ALaw$( Mi$$i$( I '$ %$e# to whi++in'3 I $+ect$ it'$ goo# for me.A Mi$$ O+helia trie# the reci+e( an# To+$y in)aria'ly ma#e a terri'le commotion( $creaming( groaning an# im+loring( tho%gh half an ho%r afterwar#$( when roo$te# on $ome +ro/ection of the 'alcony( an# $%rro%n#e# 'y a floc- of a#miring Ayo%ng %n$(A $he wo%l# e1+re$$ the %tmo$t contem+t of the whole affair. ALaw( Mi$$ &eely whi+D**wo%l#n't -ill a $-eeter( her whi++in$. O%ghter $ee how ol# Ma$'r ma#e the fle$h fly3 ol# Ma$'r -now'# howDA To+$y alway$ ma#e great ca+ital of her own $in$ an# enormitie$( e)i#ently con$i#ering them a$ $omething +ec%liarly #i$ting%i$hing. ALaw( yo% nigger$(A $he wo%l# $ay to $ome of her a%#itor$( A#oe$ yo% -now yo% '$ all $inner$C "ell( yo% i$**e)ery'o#y i$. "hite fol-$ i$ $inner$ too(**Mi$$ &eely $ay$ $o3 '%t I $+ect$ nigger$ i$ the 'igge$t one$3 '%t lorD ye an't any on ye %+ to me. I '$ $o awf%l wic-e# there can't no'o#y #o nothin' with me. I %$e# to -ee+ ol# Mi$$i$ a $warin' at me half #e time. I $+ect$ I '$ the wic-e#e$t critter in the worl#3A an# To+$y wo%l# c%t a $%mmer$et( an# come %+ 'ri$- an# $hining on to a higher +erch( an# e)i#ently +l%me her$elf on the #i$tinction. Mi$$ O+helia '%$ie# her$elf )ery earne$tly on S%n#ay$( teaching To+$y the catechi$m. To+$y ha# an %ncommon )er'al memory( an# committe# with a fl%ency that greatly enco%rage# her in$tr%ctre$$. A"hat goo# #o yo% e1+ect it i$ going to #o herCA $ai# St. Clare. A"hy( it alway$ ha$ #one chil#ren goo#. It'$ what chil#ren alway$ ha)e to learn( yo% -now(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia.

AUn#er$tan# it or not(A $ai# St. Clare. AO( chil#ren ne)er %n#er$tan# it at the time3 '%t( after they are grown %+( it'll come to them.A AMine ha$n't come to me yet(A $ai# St. Clare( Atho%gh I'll 'ear te$timony that yo% +%t it into me +retty thoro%ghly when I wa$ a 'oy.A' AAh( yo% were alway$ goo# at learning( A%g%$tine. I %$e# to ha)e great ho+e$ of yo%(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia. A"ell( ha)en't yo% nowCA $ai# St. Clare. AI wi$h yo% were a$ goo# a$ yo% were when yo% were a 'oy( A%g%$tine.A ASo #o I( that'$ a fact( Co%$in(A $ai# St. Clare. A"ell( go ahea# an# catechi4e To+$y3 may 'e yo%'ll ma-e o%t $omething yet.A To+$y( who ha# $too# li-e a 'lac- $tat%e #%ring thi$ #i$c%$$ion( with han#$ #ecently fol#e#( now( at a $ignal from Mi$$ O+helia( went onI AO%r fir$t +arent$( 'eing left to the free#om of their own will( fell from the $tate wherein they were create#.A To+$y'$ eye$ twin-le#( an# $he loo-e# in2%iringly. A"hat i$ it( To+$yCA $ai# Mi$$ O+helia. A lea$e( Mi$$i$( wa$ #at ar $tate ,int%c-CA A"hat $tate( To+$yCA AFat $tate #ey fell o%t of. I %$e# to hear Ma$'r tell how we came #own from ,int%c-.A St. Clare la%ghe#. ABo%'ll ha)e to gi)e her a meaning( or $he'll ma-e one(A $ai# he. AThere $eem$ to 'e a theory of emigration $%gge$te# there.A AOD A%g%$tine( 'e $till(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia3 Ahow can I #o anything( if yo% will 'e la%ghingCA A"ell( I won't #i$t%r' the e1erci$e$ again( on my honor3A an# St. Clare too- hi$ +a+er into the +arlor( an# $at #own( till To+$y ha# fini$he# her recitation$. They were all )ery well( only that now an# then $he wo%l# o##ly tran$+o$e $ome im+ortant wor#$( an# +er$i$t in the mi$ta-e( in $+ite of e)ery effort to the contrary3 an# St. Clare( after all hi$ +romi$e$ of goo#ne$$( too- a wic-e# +lea$%re in the$e mi$ta-e$( calling To+$y to him whene)er he ha# a min# to am%$e him$elf( an# getting her to re+eat the offen#ing +a$$age$( in $+ite of Mi$$ O+helia'$ remon$trance$. AHow #o yo% thin- I can #o anything with the chil#( if yo% will go on $o( A%g%$tineCA $he wo%l# $ay.

A"ell( it i$ too 'a#(**I won't again3 '%t I #o li-e to hear the #roll little image $t%m'le o)er tho$e 'ig wor#$DA AB%t yo% confirm her in the wrong way.A A"hat'$ the o##$C One wor# i$ a$ goo# a$ another to her.A ABo% wante# me to 'ring her %+ right3 an# yo% o%ght to remem'er $he i$ a rea$ona'le creat%re( an# 'e caref%l of yo%r infl%ence o)er her.A AO( #i$malD $o I o%ght3 '%t( a$ To+$y her$elf $ay$( 'I '$ $o wic-e#D'A In )ery m%ch thi$ way To+$y'$ training +rocee#e#( for a year or two(**Mi$$ O+helia worrying her$elf( from #ay to #ay( with her( a$ a -in# of chronic +lag%e( to who$e infliction$ $he 'ecame( in time( a$ acc%$tome#( a$ +er$on$ $ometime$ #o to the ne%ralgia or $ic- hea#ache. St. Clare too- the $ame -in# of am%$ement in the chil# that a man might in the tric-$ of a +arrot or a +ointer. To+$y( whene)er her $in$ 'ro%ght her into #i$grace in other 2%arter$( alway$ too- ref%ge 'ehin# hi$ chair3 an# St. Clare( in one way or other( wo%l# ma-e +eace for her. &rom him $he got many a $tray +icay%ne( which $he lai# o%t in n%t$ an# can#ie$( an# #i$tri'%te#( with carele$$ genero$ity( to all the chil#ren in the family3 for To+$y( to #o her /%$tice( wa$ goo#*nat%re# an# li'eral( an# only $+itef%l in $elf*#efence. She i$ fairly intro#%ce# into o%r 0cor+$ 'e 'allet0( an# will fig%re( from time to time( in her t%rn( with other +erformer$.

CHA TE! KKI ,ent%cO%r rea#er$ may not 'e %nwilling to glance 'ac-( for a 'rief inter)al( at Uncle Tom'$ Ca'in( on the ,ent%c-y farm( an# $ee what ha$ 'een tran$+iring among tho$e whom he ha# left 'ehin#. It wa$ late in the $%mmer afternoon( an# the #oor$ an# win#ow$ of the large +arlor all $too# o+en( to in)ite any $tray 'ree4e( that might feel in a goo# h%mor( to enter. Mr. Shel'y $at in a large hall o+ening into the room( an# r%nning thro%gh the whole length of the ho%$e( to a 'alcony on either en#. Lei$%rely ti++e# 'ac- on one chair( with hi$ heel$ in another( he wa$ en/oying hi$ after*#inner cigar. Mr$. Shel'y $at in the #oor( '%$y a'o%t $ome fine $ewing3 $he $eeme# li-e one who ha# $omething on her min#( which $he wa$ $ee-ing an o++ort%nity to intro#%ce. AFo yo% -now(A $he $ai#( Athat Chloe ha$ ha# a letter from TomCA AAhD ha$ $heC Tom '$ got $ome frien# there( it $eem$. How i$ the ol# 'oyCA

AHe ha$ 'een 'o%ght 'y a )ery fine family( I $ho%l# thin-(A $ai# Mr$. Shel'y(**Ai$ -in#ly treate#( an# ha$ not m%ch to #o.A AAhD well( I'm gla# of it(**)ery gla#(A $ai# Mr. Shel'y( heartily. ATom( I $%++o$e( will get reconcile# to a So%thern re$i#ence3**har#ly want to come %+ here again.A AOn the contrary he in2%ire$ )ery an1io%$ly(A $ai# Mr$. Shel'y( Awhen the money for hi$ re#em+tion i$ to 'e rai$e#.A AI'm $%re 0I0 #on't -now(A $ai# Mr. Shel'y. AOnce get '%$ine$$ r%nning wrong( there #oe$ $eem to 'e no en# to it. It'$ li-e /%m+ing from one 'og to another( all thro%gh a $wam+3 'orrow of one to +ay another( an# then 'orrow of another to +ay one(**an# the$e confo%n#e# note$ falling #%e 'efore a man ha$ time to $mo-e a cigar an# t%rn ro%n#(**#%nning letter$ an# #%nning me$$age$(**all $cam+er an# h%rry*$c%rry.A AIt #oe$ $eem to me( my #ear( that $omething might 'e #one to $traighten matter$. S%++o$e we $ell off all the hor$e$( an# $ell one of yo%r farm$( an# +ay %+ $2%areCA AO( ri#ic%lo%$( EmilyD Bo% are the fine$t woman in ,ent%c-y3 '%t $till yo% ha)en't $en$e to -now that yo% #on't %n#er$tan# '%$ine$$3**women ne)er #o( an# ne)er can. AB%t( at lea$t(A $ai# Mr$. Shel'y( Aco%l# not yo% gi)e me $ome little in$ight into yo%r$3 a li$t of all yo%r #e't$( at lea$t( an# of all that i$ owe# to yo%( an# let me try an# $ee if I can't hel+ yo% to economi4e.A AO( 'otherD #on't +lag%e me( EmilyD**I can't tell e1actly. I -now $omewhere a'o%t what thing$ are li-ely to 'e3 '%t there'$ no trimming an# $2%aring my affair$( a$ Chloe trim$ cr%$t off her +ie$. Bo% #on't -now anything a'o%t '%$ine$$( I tell yo%.A An# Mr. Shel'y( not -nowing any other way of enforcing hi$ i#ea$( rai$e# hi$ )oice(**a mo#e of arg%ing )ery con)enient an# con)incing( when a gentleman i$ #i$c%$$ing matter$ of '%$ine$$ with hi$ wife. Mr$. Shel'y cea$e# tal-ing( with $omething of a $igh. The fact wa$( that tho%gh her h%$'an# ha# $tate# $he wa$ a woman( $he ha# a clear( energetic( +ractical min#( an# a force of character e)ery way $%+erior to that of her h%$'an#3 $o that it wo%l# not ha)e 'een $o )ery a'$%r# a $%++o$ition( to ha)e allowe# her ca+a'le of managing( a$ Mr. Shel'y $%++o$e#. Her heart wa$ $et on +erforming her +romi$e to Tom an# A%nt Chloe( an# $he $ighe# a$ #i$co%ragement$ thic-ene# aro%n# her. AFon't yo% thin- we might in $ome way contri)e to rai$e that moneyC oor A%nt ChloeD her heart i$ $o $et on itDA AI'm $orry( if it i$. I thin- I wa$ +remat%re in +romi$ing. I'm not $%re( now( '%t it'$ the 'e$t way to tell Chloe( an# let her ma-e %+ her min# to it. Tom'll ha)e another wife( in a year or two3 an# $he ha# 'etter ta-e %+ with $ome'o#y el$e.A

AMr. Shel'y( I ha)e ta%ght my +eo+le that their marriage$ are a$ $acre# a$ o%r$. I ne)er co%l# thin- of gi)ing Chloe $%ch a#)ice.A AIt'$ a +ity( wife( that yo% ha)e '%r#ene# them with a morality a'o)e their con#ition an# +ro$+ect$. I alway$ tho%ght $o.A AIt'$ only the morality of the Bi'le( Mr. Shel'y.A A"ell( well( Emily( I #on't +reten# to interfere with yo%r religio%$ notion$3 only they $eem e1tremely %nfitte# for +eo+le in that con#ition.A AThey are( in#ee#(A $ai# Mr$. Shel'y( Aan# that i$ why( from my $o%l( I hate the whole thing. I tell yo%( my #ear( 0I0 cannot a'$ol)e my$elf from the +romi$e$ I ma-e to the$e hel+le$$ creat%re$. If I can get the money no other way I will ta-e m%$ic*$cholar$3**I co%l# get eno%gh( I -now( an# earn the money my$elf.A ABo% wo%l#n't #egra#e yo%r$elf that way( EmilyC I ne)er co%l# con$ent to it.A AFegra#eD wo%l# it #egra#e me a$ m%ch a$ to 'rea- my faith with the hel+le$$C No( in#ee#DA A"ell( yo% are alway$ heroic an# tran$cen#ental(A $ai# Mr. Shel'y( A'%t I thin- yo% ha# 'etter thin- 'efore yo% %n#erta-e $%ch a +iece of N%i1oti$m.A Here the con)er$ation wa$ interr%+te# 'y the a++earance of A%nt Chloe( at the en# of the )eran#ah. AIf yo% +lea$e( Mi$$i$(A $ai# $he. A"ell( Chloe( what i$ itCA $ai# her mi$tre$$( ri$ing( an# going to the en# of the 'alcony. AIf Mi$$i$ wo%l# come an# loo- at #i$ yer lot o' +oetry.A Chloe ha# a +artic%lar fancy for calling +o%ltry +oetry(**an a++lication of lang%age in which $he alway$ +er$i$te#( notwith$tan#ing fre2%ent correction$ an# a#)i$ing$ from the yo%ng mem'er$ of the family. ALa $a-e$DA $he wo%l# $ay( AI can't $ee3 one /i$ goo# a$ t%rry(**+oetry $%thin goo#( any how3A an# $o +oetry Chloe contin%e# to call it. Mr$. Shel'y $mile# a$ $he $aw a +ro$trate lot of chic-en$ an# #%c-$( o)er which Chloe $too#( with a )ery gra)e face of con$i#eration. AI'm a thin-in whether Mi$$i$ wo%l# 'e a ha)in a chic-en +ie o' #e$e yer.A A!eally( A%nt Chloe( I #on't m%ch care3**$er)e them any way yo% li-e.A Chloe $too# han#ling them o)er a'$tracte#ly3 it wa$ 2%ite e)i#ent that the chic-en$ were not what $he wa$ thin-ing of. At la$t( with the $hort

la%gh with which her tri'e often intro#%ce a #o%'tf%l +ro+o$al( $he $ai#( ALaw$ me( Mi$$i$D what $ho%l# Ma$'r an# Mi$$i$ 'e a tro%'lin their$el)e$ ''o%t #e money( an# not a %$in what'$ right in #er han#$CA an# Chloe la%ghe# again. AI #on't %n#er$tan# yo%( Chloe(A $ai# Mr$. Shel'y( nothing #o%'ting( from her -nowle#ge of Chloe'$ manner( that $he ha# hear# e)ery wor# of the con)er$ation that ha# +a$$e# 'etween her an# her h%$'an#. A"hy( law$ me( Mi$$i$DA $ai# Chloe( la%ghing again( Aother fol-$ hire$ o%t #er nigger$ an# ma-e$ money on 'emD Fon't -ee+ $ich a tri'e eatin 'em o%t of ho%$e an# home.A A"ell( Chloe( who #o yo% +ro+o$e that we $ho%l# hire o%tCA ALaw$D I an't a +ro+o$in nothin3 only Sam he $ai# #er wa$ one of #e$e yer 0+erfectioner$0( #ey call$ 'em( in Lo%i$)ille( $ai# he wante# a goo# han# at ca-e an# +a$try3 an# $ai# he'# gi)e fo%r #ollar$ a wee- to one( he #i#.A A"ell( Chloe.A A"ell( law$( I '$ a thin-in( Mi$$i$( it'$ time Sally wa$ +%t along to 'e #oin' $omething. Sally '$ 'een %n#er my care( now( #i$ $ome time( an# $he #oe$ mo$t a$ well a$ me( con$i#erin3 an# if Mi$$i$ wo%l# only let me go( I wo%l# hel+ fetch %+ #e money. I an't afrai# to +%t my ca-e( nor +ie$ nother( 'long $i#e no 0+erfectioner'$0. AConfectioner'$( Chloe.A ALaw $a-e$( Mi$$i$D 'tan't no o##$3**wor#$ i$ $o c%ri$( can't ne)er get 'em rightDA AB%t( Chloe( #o yo% want to lea)e yo%r chil#renCA ALaw$( Mi$$i$D #e 'oy$ i$ 'ig eno%gh to #o #ay'$ wor-$3 #ey #oe$ well eno%gh3 an# Sally( $he'll ta-e #e 'a'y(**$he'$ $%ch a +eart yo%ng %n( $he won't ta-e no loo-in arter.A ALo%i$)ille i$ a goo# way off.A ALaw $a-e$D who'$ afear#C**it'$ #own ri)er( $omer near my ol# man( +erha+$CA $ai# Chloe( $+ea-ing the la$t in the tone of a 2%e$tion( an# loo-ing at Mr$. Shel'y. ANo( Chloe3 it'$ many a h%n#re# mile$ off(A $ai# Mr$. Shel'y. Chloe'$ co%ntenance fell. ANe)er min#3 yo%r going there $hall 'ring yo% nearer( Chloe. Be$( yo% may go3 an# yo%r wage$ $hall e)ery cent of them 'e lai# a$i#e for yo%r h%$'an#'$ re#em+tion.A

A$ when a 'right $%n'eam t%rn$ a #ar- clo%# to $il)er( $o Chloe'$ #arface 'rightene# imme#iately(**it really $hone. ALaw$D if Mi$$i$ i$n't too goo#D I wa$ thin-ing of #at ar )ery thing3 ca%$e I $ho%l#n't nee# no clothe$( nor $hoe$( nor nothin(**I co%l# $a)e e)ery cent. How many wee-$ i$ #er in a year( Mi$$i$CA A&ifty*two(A $ai# Mr$. Shel'y. ALaw$D now( #ere i$C an# fo%r #ollar$ for each on em. "hy( how m%ch '# #at ar 'eCA ATwo h%n#re# an# eight #ollar$(A $ai# Mr$. Shel'y. A"hy*eDA $ai# Chloe( with an accent of $%r+ri$e an# #elight3 Aan# how long wo%l# it ta-e me to wor- it o%t( Mi$$i$CA ASome fo%r or fi)e year$( Chloe3 '%t( then( yo% nee#n't #o it all(**I $hall a## $omething to it.A AI wo%l#n't hear to Mi$$i$' gi)in le$$on$ nor nothin. Ma$'r'$ 2%ite right in #at ar3**'t wo%l#n't #o( no way$. I ho+e none o%r family e)er 'e 'ro%ght to #at ar( while I '$ got han#$.A AFon't fear( Chloe3 I'll ta-e care of the honor of the family(A $ai# Mr$. Shel'y( $miling. AB%t when #o yo% e1+ect to goCA A"ell( I want $+ectin nothin3 only Sam( he'$ a gwine to #e ri)er with $ome colt$( an# he $ai# I co%l# go long with him3 $o I /e$ +%t my thing$ together. If Mi$$i$ wa$ willin( I'# go with Sam tomorrow morning( if Mi$$i$ wo%l# write my +a$$( an# write me a commen#ation.A A"ell( Chloe( I'll atten# to it( if Mr. Shel'y ha$ no o'/ection$. I m%$t $+ea- to him.A Mr$. Shel'y went %+ $tair$( an# A%nt Chloe( #elighte#( went o%t to her ca'in( to ma-e her +re+aration. ALaw $a-e$( Ma$'r 5eorgeD ye #i#n't -now I '$ a gwine to Lo%i$)ille tomorrowDA $he $ai# to 5eorge( a$ entering her ca'in( he fo%n# her '%$y in $orting o)er her 'a'y'$ clothe$. AI tho%ght I'# /i$ loo- o)er $i$'$ thing$( an# get 'em $traightene# %+. B%t I'm gwine( Ma$'r 5eorge(**gwine to ha)e fo%r #ollar$ a wee-3 an# Mi$$i$ i$ gwine to lay it all %+( to '%y 'ac- my ol# man aginDA A"hewDA $ai# 5eorge( Ahere'$ a $tro-e of '%$ine$$( to 'e $%reD How are yo% goingCA ATomorrow( wi# Sam. An# now( Ma$'r 5eorge( I -now$ yo%'ll /i$ $it #own an# write to my ol# man( an# tell him all a'o%t it(**won't yeCA ATo 'e $%re(A $ai# 5eorge3 AUncle Tom'll 'e right gla# to hear from %$. I'll go right in the ho%$e( for +a+er an# in-3 an# then( yo% -now( A%nt Chloe( I can tell a'o%t the new colt$ an# all.A

ASartin( $artin( Ma$'r 5eorge3 yo% go 'long( an# I'll get ye %+ a 'it o' chic-en( or $ome $ich3 ye won't ha)e many more $%++er$ wi# yer +oor ol# a%nty.A

CHA TE! KKII AThe 5ra$$ "ithereth**the &lower &a#ethA Life +a$$e$( with %$ all( a #ay at a time3 $o it +a$$e# with o%r frien# Tom( till two year$ were gone. Tho%gh +arte# from all hi$ $o%l hel# #ear( an# tho%gh often yearning for what lay 'eyon#( $till wa$ he ne)er +o$iti)ely an# con$cio%$ly mi$era'le3 for( $o well i$ the har+ of h%man feeling $tr%ng( that nothing '%t a cra$h that 'rea-$ e)ery $tring can wholly mar it$ harmony3 an#( on loo-ing 'ac- to $ea$on$ which in re)iew a++ear to %$ a$ tho$e of #e+ri)ation an# trial( we can remem'er that each ho%r( a$ it gli#e#( 'ro%ght it$ #i)er$ion$ an# alle)iation$( $o that( tho%gh not ha++y wholly( we were not( either( wholly mi$era'le. Tom rea#( in hi$ only literary ca'inet( of one who ha# Alearne# in what$oe)er $tate he wa$( therewith to 'e content.A It $eeme# to him goo# an# rea$ona'le #octrine( an# accor#e# well with the $ettle# an# tho%ghtf%l ha'it which he ha# ac2%ire# from the rea#ing of that $ame 'oo-. Hi$ letter homewar#( a$ we relate# in the la$t cha+ter( wa$ in #%e time an$were# 'y Ma$ter 5eorge( in a goo#( ro%n#( $chool*'oy han#( that Tom $ai# might 'e rea# Amo$t acro$t the room.A It containe# )ario%$ refre$hing item$ of home intelligence( with which o%r rea#er i$ f%lly ac2%ainte#I $tate# how A%nt Chloe ha# 'een hire# o%t to a confectioner in Lo%i$)ille( where her $-ill in the +a$try line wa$ gaining won#erf%l $%m$ of money( all of which( Tom wa$ informe#( wa$ to 'e lai# %+ to go to ma-e %+ the $%m of hi$ re#em+tion money3 Mo$e an# ete were thri)ing( an# the 'a'y wa$ trotting all a'o%t the ho%$e( %n#er the care of Sally an# the family generally. Tom'$ ca'in wa$ $h%t %+ for the +re$ent3 '%t 5eorge e1+atiate# 'rilliantly on ornament$ an# a##ition$ to 'e ma#e to it when Tom came 'ac-. The re$t of thi$ letter ga)e a li$t of 5eorge'$ $chool $t%#ie$( each one hea#e# 'y a flo%ri$hing ca+ital3 an# al$o tol# the name$ of fo%r new colt$ that a++eare# on the +remi$e$ $ince Tom left3 an# $tate#( in the $ame connection( that father an# mother were well. The $tyle of the letter wa$ #eci#e#ly conci$e an# ter$e3 '%t Tom tho%ght it the mo$t won#erf%l $+ecimen of com+o$ition that ha# a++eare# in mo#ern time$. He wa$ ne)er tire# of loo-ing at it( an# e)en hel# a co%ncil with E)a on the e1+e#iency of getting it frame#( to hang %+ in hi$ room. Nothing '%t the #iffic%lty of arranging it $o that 'oth $i#e$ of the +age wo%l# $how at once $too# in the way of thi$ %n#erta-ing. The frien#$hi+ 'etween Tom an# E)a ha# grown with the chil#'$ growth. It wo%l# 'e har# to $ay what +lace $he hel# in the $oft( im+re$$i'le heart

of her faithf%l atten#ant. He lo)e# her a$ $omething frail an# earthly( yet almo$t wor$hi++e# her a$ $omething hea)enly an# #i)ine. He ga4e# on her a$ the Italian $ailor ga4e$ on hi$ image of the chil# Ee$%$(**with a mi1t%re of re)erence an# ten#erne$$3 an# to h%mor her gracef%l fancie$( an# meet tho$e tho%$an# $im+le want$ which in)e$t chil#hoo# li-e a many*colore# rain'ow( wa$ Tom'$ chief #elight. In the mar-et( at morning( hi$ eye$ were alway$ on the flower*$tall$ for rare 'o%2%et$ for her( an# the choice$t +each or orange wa$ $li++e# into hi$ +oc-et to gi)e to her when he came 'ac-3 an# the $ight that +lea$e# him mo$t wa$ her $%nny hea# loo-ing o%t the gate for hi$ #i$tant a++roach( an# her chil#i$h 2%e$tion$(**A"ell( Uncle Tom( what ha)e yo% got for me to#ayCA Nor wa$ E)a le$$ 4ealo%$ in -in# office$( in ret%rn. Tho%gh a chil#( $he wa$ a 'ea%tif%l rea#er3**a fine m%$ical ear( a 2%ic- +oetic fancy( an# an in$tincti)e $ym+athy with what'$ gran# an# no'le( ma#e her $%ch a rea#er of the Bi'le a$ Tom ha# ne)er 'efore hear#. At fir$t( $he rea# to +lea$e her h%m'le frien#3 '%t $oon her own earne$t nat%re threw o%t it$ ten#ril$( an# wo%n# it$elf aro%n# the ma/e$tic 'oo-3 an# E)a lo)e# it( 'eca%$e it wo-e in her $trange yearning$( an# $trong( #im emotion$( $%ch a$ im+a$$ione#( imaginati)e chil#ren lo)e to feel. The +art$ that +lea$e# her mo$t were the !e)elation$ an# the ro+hecie$(**+art$ who$e #im an# won#ro%$ imagery( an# fer)ent lang%age( im+re$$e# her the more( that $he 2%e$tione# )ainly of their meaning3**an# $he an# her $im+le frien#( the ol# chil# an# the yo%ng one( felt /%$t ali-e a'o%t it. All that they -new wa$( that they $+o-e of a glory to 'e re)eale#(**a won#ro%$ $omething yet to come( wherein their $o%l re/oice#( yet -new not why3 an# tho%gh it 'e not $o in the +hy$ical( yet in moral $cience that which cannot 'e %n#er$too# i$ not alway$ +rofitle$$. &or the $o%l awa-e$( a trem'ling $tranger( 'etween two #im eternitie$(**the eternal +a$t( the eternal f%t%re. The light $hine$ only on a $mall $+ace aro%n# her3 therefore( $he nee#$ m%$t yearn towar#$ the %n-nown3 an# the )oice$ an# $ha#owy mo)ing$ which come to her from o%t the clo%#y +illar of in$+iration ha)e each one echoe$ an# an$wer$ in her own e1+ecting nat%re. It$ my$tic imagery are $o many tali$man$ an# gem$ in$cri'e# with %n-nown hierogly+hic$3 $he fol#$ them in her 'o$om( an# e1+ect$ to rea# them when $he +a$$e$ 'eyon# the )eil. At thi$ time in o%r $tory( the whole St. Clare e$ta'li$hment i$( for the time 'eing( remo)e# to their )illa on La-e ontchartrain. The heat$ of $%mmer ha# #ri)en all who were a'le to lea)e the $%ltry an# %nhealthy city( to $ee- the $hore$ of the la-e( an# it$ cool $ea*'ree4e$. St. Clare'$ )illa wa$ an Ea$t In#ian cottage( $%rro%n#e# 'y light )eran#ah$ of 'am'oo*wor-( an# o+ening on all $i#e$ into gar#en$ an# +lea$%re*gro%n#$. The common $itting*room o+ene# on to a large gar#en( fragrant with e)ery +ict%re$2%e +lant an# flower of the tro+ic$( where win#ing +ath$ ran #own to the )ery $hore$ of the la-e( who$e $il)ery $heet of water lay there( ri$ing an# falling in the $%n'eam$(**a +ict%re ne)er for an ho%r the $ame( yet e)ery ho%r more 'ea%tif%l. It i$ now one of tho$e inten$ely gol#en $%n$et$ which -in#le$ the whole hori4on into one 'la4e of glory( an# ma-e$ the water another $-y. The la-e lay in ro$y or gol#en $trea-$( $a)e where white*winge# )e$$el$ gli#e# hither an# thither( li-e $o many $+irit$( an# little gol#en

$tar$ twin-le# thro%gh the glow( an# loo-e# #own at them$el)e$ a$ they trem'le# in the water. Tom an# E)a were $eate# on a little mo$$y $eat( in an ar'or( at the foot of the gar#en. It wa$ S%n#ay e)ening( an# E)a'$ Bi'le lay o+en on her -nee. She rea#(**AAn# I $aw a $ea of gla$$( mingle# with fire.A ATom(A $ai# E)a( $%##enly $to++ing( an# +ointing to the la-e( Athere 't i$.A A"hat( Mi$$ E)aCA AFon't yo% $ee(**thereCA $ai# the chil#( +ointing to the gla$$y water( which( a$ it ro$e an# fell( reflecte# the gol#en glow of the $-y. AThere'$ a '$ea of gla$$( mingle# with fire.'A ATr%e eno%gh( Mi$$ E)a(A $ai# Tom3 an# Tom $ang** AO( ha# I the wing$ of the morning( I'# fly away to Canaan'$ $hore3 Bright angel$ $ho%l# con)ey me home( To the new Eer%$alem.A A"here #o yo% $%++o$e new Eer%$alem i$( Uncle TomCA $ai# E)a. AO( %+ in the clo%#$( Mi$$ E)a.A AThen I thin- I $ee it(A $ai# E)a. ALoo- in tho$e clo%#$D**they looli-e great gate$ of +earl3 an# yo% can $ee 'eyon# them**far( far off**it'$ all gol#. Tom( $ing a'o%t '$+irit$ 'right.'A Tom $%ng the wor#$ of a well*-nown Metho#i$t hymn( AI $ee a 'an# of $+irit$ 'right( That ta$te the glorie$ there3 They all are ro'e# in $+otle$$ white( An# con2%ering +alm$ they 'ear.A AUncle Tom( I')e $een 0them0(A $ai# E)a. Tom ha# no #o%'t of it at all3 it #i# not $%r+ri$e him in the lea$t. If E)a ha# tol# him $he ha# 'een to hea)en( he wo%l# ha)e tho%ght it entirely +ro'a'le. AThey come to me $ometime$ in my $lee+( tho$e $+irit$3A an# E)a'$ eye$ grew #reamy( an# $he h%mme#( in a low )oice( AThey are all ro'e# in $+otle$$ white( An# con2%ering +alm$ they 'ear.A AUncle Tom(A $ai# E)a( AI'm going there.A A"here( Mi$$ E)aCA The chil# ro$e( an# +ointe# her little han# to the $-y3 the glow of

e)ening lit her gol#en hair an# fl%$he# chee- with a -in# of %nearthly ra#iance( an# her eye$ were 'ent earne$tly on the $-ie$. AI'm going 0there0(A $he $ai#( Ato the $+irit$ 'right( Tom3 0I'm going( 'efore long0.A The faithf%l ol# heart felt a $%##en thr%$t3 an# Tom tho%ght how often he ha# notice#( within $i1 month$( that E)a'$ little han#$ ha# grown thinner( an# her $-in more tran$+arent( an# her 'reath $horter3 an# how( when $he ran or +laye# in the gar#en( a$ $he once co%l# for ho%r$( $he 'ecame $oon $o tire# an# lang%i#. He ha# hear# Mi$$ O+helia $+ea- often of a co%gh( that all her me#icament$ co%l# not c%re3 an# e)en now that fer)ent chee- an# little han# were '%rning with hectic fe)er3 an# yet the tho%ght that E)a'$ wor#$ $%gge$te# ha# ne)er come to him till now. Ha$ there e)er 'een a chil# li-e E)aC Be$( there ha)e 'een3 '%t their name$ are alway$ on gra)e*$tone$( an# their $weet $mile$( their hea)enly eye$( their $ing%lar wor#$ an# way$( are among the '%rie# trea$%re$ of yearning heart$. In how many familie$ #o yo% hear the legen# that all the goo#ne$$ an# grace$ of the li)ing are nothing to the +ec%liar charm$ of one who 0i$ not0. It i$ a$ if hea)en ha# an e$+ecial 'an# of angel$( who$e office it wa$ to $o/o%rn for a $ea$on here( an# en#ear to them the waywar# h%man heart( that they might 'ear it %+war# with them in their homewar# flight. "hen yo% $ee that #ee+( $+irit%al light in the eye(**when the little $o%l re)eal$ it$elf in wor#$ $weeter an# wi$er than the or#inary wor#$ of chil#ren(**ho+e not to retain that chil#3 for the $eal of hea)en i$ on it( an# the light of immortality loo-$ o%t from it$ eye$. E)en $o( 'elo)e# E)aD fair $tar of thy #wellingD Tho% are +a$$ing away3 '%t they that lo)e thee #eare$t -now it not. The collo2%y 'etween Tom an# E)a wa$ interr%+te# 'y a ha$ty call from Mi$$ O+helia. AE)a**E)aD**why( chil#( the #ew i$ falling3 yo% m%$tn't 'e o%t thereDA E)a an# Tom ha$tene# in. Mi$$ O+helia wa$ ol#( an# $-ille# in the tactic$ of n%r$ing. She wa$ from New Englan#( an# -new well the fir$t g%ilef%l foot$te+$ of that $oft( in$i#io%$ #i$ea$e( which $wee+$ away $o many of the faire$t an# lo)elie$t( an#( 'efore one fi're of life $eem$ 'ro-en( $eal$ them irre)oca'ly for #eath. She ha# note# the $light( #ry co%gh( the #aily 'rightening chee-3 nor co%l# the l%$tre of the eye( an# the airy '%oyancy 'orn of fe)er( #ecei)e her. She trie# to comm%nicate her fear$ to St. Clare3 '%t he threw 'acher $%gge$tion$ with a re$tle$$ +et%lance( %nli-e hi$ %$%al carele$$ goo#*h%mor. AFon't 'e croa-ing( Co%$in(**I hate itDA he wo%l# $ay3 A#on't yo% $ee that the chil# i$ only growing. Chil#ren alway$ lo$e $trength when they

grow fa$t.A AB%t $he ha$ that co%ghDA AOD non$en$e of that co%ghD**it i$ not anything. She ha$ ta-en a little col#( +erha+$.A A"ell( that wa$ /%$t the way Eli4a Eane wa$ ta-en( an# Ellen an# Maria San#er$.A AOD $to+ the$e ho'go'lin' n%r$e legen#$. Bo% ol# han#$ got $o wi$e( that a chil# cannot co%gh( or $nee4e( '%t yo% $ee #e$+eration an# r%in at han#. Only ta-e care of the chil#( -ee+ her from the night air( an# #on't let her +lay too har#( an# $he'll #o well eno%gh.A So St. Clare $ai#3 '%t he grew ner)o%$ an# re$tle$$. He watche# E)a fe)eri$hly #ay 'y #ay( a$ might 'e tol# 'y the fre2%ency with which he re+eate# o)er that Athe chil# wa$ 2%ite wellA**that there wa$n't anything in that co%gh(**it wa$ only $ome little $tomach affection( $%ch a$ chil#ren often ha#. B%t he -e+t 'y her more than 'efore( too- her oftener to ri#e with him( 'ro%ght home e)ery few #ay$ $ome recei+t or $trengthening mi1t%re(**Anot(A he $ai#( Athat the chil# 0nee#e#0 it( '%t then it wo%l# not #o her any harm.A If it m%$t 'e tol#( the thing that $tr%c- a #ee+er +ang to hi$ heart than anything el$e wa$ the #aily increa$ing mat%rity of the chil#'$ min# an# feeling$. "hile $till retaining all a chil#'$ fancif%l grace$( yet $he often #ro++e#( %ncon$cio%$ly( wor#$ of $%ch a reach of tho%ght( an# $trange %nworl#ly wi$#om( that they $eeme# to 'e an in$+iration. At $%ch time$( St. Clare wo%l# feel a $%##en thrill( an# cla$+ her in hi$ arm$( a$ if that fon# cla$+ co%l# $a)e her3 an# hi$ heart ro$e %+ with wil# #etermination to -ee+ her( ne)er to let her go. The chil#'$ whole heart an# $o%l $eeme# a'$or'e# in wor-$ of lo)e an# -in#ne$$. Im+%l$i)ely genero%$ $he ha# alway$ 'een3 '%t there wa$ a to%ching an# womanly tho%ghtf%lne$$ a'o%t her now( that e)ery one notice#. She $till lo)e# to +lay with To+$y( an# the )ario%$ colore# chil#ren3 '%t $he now $eeme# rather a $+ectator than an actor of their +lay$( an# $he wo%l# $it for half an ho%r at a time( la%ghing at the o## tric-$ of To+$y(**an# then a $ha#ow wo%l# $eem to +a$$ acro$$ her face( her eye$ grew mi$ty( an# her tho%ght$ were afar. AMamma(A $he $ai#( $%##enly( to her mother( one #ay( Awhy #on't we teach o%r $er)ant$ to rea#CA A"hat a 2%e$tion chil#D eo+le ne)er #o.A A"hy #on't theyCA $ai# E)a. ABeca%$e it i$ no %$e for them to rea#. It #on't hel+ them to wor- any 'etter( an# they are not ma#e for anything el$e.A AB%t they o%ght to rea# the Bi'le( mamma( to learn 5o#'$ will.A AOD they can get that rea# to them all 0they0 nee#.A

AIt $eem$ to me( mamma( the Bi'le i$ for e)ery one to rea# them$el)e$. They nee# it a great many time$ when there i$ no'o#y to rea# it.A AE)a( yo% are an o## chil#(A $ai# her mother. AMi$$ O+helia ha$ ta%ght To+$y to rea#(A contin%e# E)a. ABe$( an# yo% $ee how m%ch goo# it #oe$. To+$y i$ the wor$t creat%re I e)er $awDA AHere'$ +oor MammyDA $ai# E)a. AShe #oe$ lo)e the Bi'le $o m%ch( an# wi$he$ $o $he co%l# rea#D An# what will $he #o when I can't rea# to herCA Marie wa$ '%$y( t%rning o)er the content$ of a #rawer( a$ $he an$were#( A"ell( of co%r$e( 'y an# 'y( E)a( yo% will ha)e other thing$ to thinof 'e$i#e$ rea#ing the Bi'le ro%n# to $er)ant$. Not '%t that i$ )ery +ro+er3 I')e #one it my$elf( when I ha# health. B%t when yo% come to 'e #re$$ing an# going into com+any( yo% won't ha)e time. See hereDA $he a##e#( Athe$e /ewel$ I'm going to gi)e yo% when yo% come o%t. I wore them to my fir$t 'all. I can tell yo%( E)a( I ma#e a $en$ation.A E)a too- the /ewel*ca$e( an# lifte# from it a #iamon# nec-lace. Her large( tho%ghtf%l eye$ re$te# on them( '%t it wa$ +lain her tho%ght$ were el$ewhere. AHow $o'er yo% loo- chil#DA $ai# Marie. AAre the$e worth a great #eal of money( mammaCA ATo 'e $%re( they are. &ather $ent to &rance for them. They are worth a $mall fort%ne.A AI wi$h I ha# them(A $ai# E)a( Ato #o what I +lea$e# withDA A"hat wo%l# yo% #o with themCA AI'# $ell them( an# '%y a +lace in the free $tate$( an# ta-e all o%r +eo+le there( an# hire teacher$( to teach them to rea# an# write.A E)a wa$ c%t $hort 'y her mother'$ la%ghing. ASet %+ a 'oar#ing*$choolD "o%l#n't yo% teach them to +lay on the +iano( an# +aint on )el)etCA AI'# teach them to rea# their own Bi'le( an# write their own letter$( an# rea# letter$ that are written to them(A $ai# E)a( $tea#ily. AI -now( mamma( it #oe$ come )ery har# on them that they can't #o the$e thing$. Tom feel$ it**Mammy #oe$(**a great many of them #o. I thin- it'$ wrong.A ACome( come( E)a3 yo% are only a chil#D Bo% #on't -now anything a'o%t the$e thing$(A $ai# Marie3 A'e$i#e$( yo%r tal-ing ma-e$ my hea# ache.A

Marie alway$ ha# a hea#ache on han# for any con)er$ation that #i# not e1actly $%it her. E)a $tole away3 '%t after that( $he a$$i#%o%$ly ga)e Mammy rea#ing le$$on$.

CHA TE! KKIII Henri2%e A'o%t thi$ time( St. Clare'$ 'rother Alfre#( with hi$ el#e$t $on( a 'oy of twel)e( $+ent a #ay or two with the family at the la-e. No $ight co%l# 'e more $ing%lar an# 'ea%tif%l than that of the$e twin 'rother$. Nat%re( in$tea# of in$tit%ting re$em'lance$ 'etween them( ha# ma#e them o++o$ite$ on e)ery +oint3 yet a my$terio%$ tie $eeme# to %nite them in a clo$er frien#$hi+ than or#inary. They %$e# to $a%nter( arm in arm( %+ an# #own the alley$ an# wal-$ of the gar#en. A%g%$tine( with hi$ 'l%e eye$ an# gol#en hair( hi$ ethereally fle1i'le form an# )i)acio%$ feat%re$3 an# Alfre#( #ar-*eye#( with ha%ghty !oman +rofile( firmly*-nit lim'$( an# #eci#e# 'earing. They were alway$ a'%$ing each other'$ o+inion$ an# +ractice$( an# yet ne)er a whit the le$$ a'$or'e# in each other'$ $ociety3 in fact( the )ery contrariety $eeme# to %nite them( li-e the attraction 'etween o++o$ite +ole$ of the magnet. Henri2%e( the el#e$t $on of Alfre#( wa$ a no'le( #ar-*eye#( +rincely 'oy( f%ll of )i)acity an# $+irit3 an#( from the fir$t moment of intro#%ction( $eeme# to 'e +erfectly fa$cinate# 'y the $+irit%elle grace$ of hi$ co%$in E)angeline. E)a ha# a little +et +ony( of a $nowy whitene$$. It wa$ ea$y a$ a cra#le( an# a$ gentle a$ it$ little mi$tre$$3 an# thi$ +ony wa$ now 'ro%ght %+ to the 'ac- )eran#ah 'y Tom( while a little m%latto 'oy of a'o%t thirteen le# along a $mall 'lac- Ara'ian( which ha# /%$t 'een im+orte#( at a great e1+en$e( for Henri2%e. Henri2%e ha# a 'oy'$ +ri#e in hi$ new +o$$e$$ion3 an#( a$ he a#)ance# an# too- the rein$ o%t of the han#$ of hi$ little groom( he loo-e# caref%lly o)er him( an# hi$ 'row #ar-ene#. A"hat'$ thi$( Fo#o( yo% little la4y #ogD yo% ha)en't r%''e# my hor$e #own( thi$ morning.A ABe$( Ma$'r(A $ai# Fo#o( $%'mi$$i)ely3 Ahe got that #%$t on hi$ own $elf.A ABo% ra$cal( $h%t yo%r mo%thDA $ai# Henri2%e( )iolently rai$ing hi$ ri#ing*whi+. AHow #are yo% $+ea-CA The 'oy wa$ a han#$ome( 'right*eye# m%latto( of /%$t Henri2%e'$ $i4e(

an# hi$ c%rling hair h%ng ro%n# a high( 'ol# forehea#. He ha# white 'loo# in hi$ )ein$( a$ co%l# 'e $een 'y the 2%ic- fl%$h in hi$ chee-( an# the $+ar-le of hi$ eye( a$ he eagerly trie# to $+ea-. AMa$'r Henri2%eD**A he 'egan. Henri2%e $tr%c- him acro$$ the face with hi$ ri#ing*whi+( an#( $ei4ing one of hi$ arm$( force# him on to hi$ -nee$( an# 'eat him till he wa$ o%t of 'reath. AThere( yo% im+%#ent #ogD Now will yo% learn not to an$wer 'ac- when I $+ea- to yo%C Ta-e the hor$e 'ac-( an# clean him +ro+erly. I'll teach yo% yo%r +laceDA ABo%ng Ma$'r(A $ai# Tom( AI $+ec$ what he wa$ gwine to $ay wa$( that the hor$e wo%l# roll when he wa$ 'ringing him %+ from the $ta'le3 he'$ $o f%ll of $+irit$(**that'$ the way he got that #irt on him3 I loo-e# to hi$ cleaning.A ABo% hol# yo%r tong%e till yo%'re a$-e# to $+ea-DA $ai# Henri2%e( t%rning on hi$ heel( an# wal-ing %+ the $te+$ to $+ea- to E)a( who $too# in her ri#ing*#re$$. AFear Co%$in( I'm $orry thi$ $t%+i# fellow ha$ -e+t yo% waiting(A he $ai#. ALet'$ $it #own here( on thi$ $eat till they come. "hat'$ the matter( Co%$inC**yo% loo- $o'er.A AHow co%l# yo% 'e $o cr%el an# wic-e# to +oor Fo#oCA a$-e# E)a. ACr%el(**wic-e#DA $ai# the 'oy( with %naffecte# $%r+ri$e. A"hat #o yo% mean( #ear E)aCA AI #on't want yo% to call me #ear E)a( when yo% #o $o(A $ai# E)a. AFear Co%$in( yo% #on't -now Fo#o3 it'$ the only way to manage him( he'$ $o f%ll of lie$ an# e1c%$e$. The only way i$ to +%t him #own at once(**not let him o+en hi$ mo%th3 that'$ the way +a+a manage$.A AB%t Uncle Tom $ai# it wa$ an acci#ent( an# he ne)er tell$ what i$n't tr%e.A AHe'$ an %ncommon ol# nigger( thenDA $ai# Henri2%e. AFo#o will lie a$ fa$t a$ he can $+ea-.A ABo% frighten him into #ecei)ing( if yo% treat him $o.A A"hy( E)a( yo%')e really ta-en $%ch a fancy to Fo#o( that I $hall 'e /ealo%$.A AB%t yo% 'eat him(**an# he #i#n't #e$er)e it.A AO( well( it may go for $ome time when he #oe$( an# #on't get it. A few c%t$ ne)er come ami$$ with Fo#o(**he'$ a reg%lar $+irit( I can tell yo%3 '%t I won't 'eat him again 'efore yo%( if it tro%'le$ yo%.A

E)a wa$ not $ati$fie#( '%t fo%n# it in )ain to try to ma-e her han#$ome co%$in %n#er$tan# her feeling$. Fo#o $oon a++eare#( with the hor$e$. A"ell( Fo#o( yo%')e #one +retty well( thi$ time(A $ai# hi$ yo%ng ma$ter( with a more gracio%$ air. ACome( now( an# hol# Mi$$ E)a'$ hor$e while I +%t her on to the $a##le.A Fo#o came an# $too# 'y E)a'$ +ony. Hi$ face wa$ tro%'le#3 hi$ eye$ loo-e# a$ if he ha# 'een crying. Henri2%e( who )al%e# him$elf on hi$ gentlemanly a#roitne$$ in all matter$ of gallantry( $oon ha# hi$ fair co%$in in the $a##le( an#( gathering the rein$( +lace# them in her han#$. B%t E)a 'ent to the other $i#e of the hor$e( where Fo#o wa$ $tan#ing( an# $ai#( a$ he relin2%i$he# the rein$(**AThat'$ a goo# 'oy( Fo#o3**than- yo%DA Fo#o loo-e# %+ in ama4ement into the $weet yo%ng face3 the 'loo# r%$he# to hi$ chee-$( an# the tear$ to hi$ eye$. AHere( Fo#o(A $ai# hi$ ma$ter( im+erio%$ly. Fo#o $+rang an# hel# the hor$e( while hi$ ma$ter mo%nte#. AThere'$ a +icay%ne for yo% to '%y can#y with( Fo#o(A $ai# Henri2%e3 Ago get $ome.A An# Henri2%e cantere# #own the wal- after E)a. Fo#o $too# loo-ing after the two chil#ren. One ha# gi)en him money3 an# one ha# gi)en him what he wante# far more(**a -in# wor#( -in#ly $+o-en. Fo#o ha# 'een only a few month$ away from hi$ mother. Hi$ ma$ter ha# 'o%ght him at a $la)e wareho%$e( for hi$ han#$ome face( to 'e a match to the han#$ome +ony3 an# he wa$ now getting hi$ 'rea-ing in( at the han#$ of hi$ yo%ng ma$ter. The $cene of the 'eating ha# 'een witne$$e# 'y the two 'rother$ St. Clare( from another +art of the gar#en. A%g%$tine'$ chee- fl%$he#3 '%t he only o'$er)e#( with hi$ %$%al $arca$tic carele$$ne$$. AI $%++o$e that'$ what we may call re+%'lican e#%cation( Alfre#CA AHenri2%e i$ a #e)il of a fellow( when hi$ 'loo#'$ %+(A $ai# Alfre#( carele$$ly. AI $%++o$e yo% con$i#er thi$ an in$tr%cti)e +ractice for him(A $ai# A%g%$tine( #rily. AI co%l#n't hel+ it( if I #i#n't. Henri2%e i$ a reg%lar little tem+e$t3**hi$ mother an# I ha)e gi)en him %+( long ago. B%t( then( that Fo#o i$ a +erfect $+rite(**no amo%nt of whi++ing can h%rt him.A

AAn# thi$ 'y way of teaching Henri2%e the fir$t )er$e of a re+%'lican'$ catechi$m( 'All men are 'orn free an# e2%alD'A A ohDA $ai# Alfre#3 Aone of Tom Eeffer$on'$ +iece$ of &rench $entiment an# h%m'%g. It'$ +erfectly ri#ic%lo%$ to ha)e that going the ro%n#$ among %$( to thi$ #ay.A AI thin- it i$(A $ai# St. Clare( $ignificantly. ABeca%$e(A $ai# Alfre#( Awe can $ee +lainly eno%gh that all men are 0not0 'orn free( nor 'orn e2%al3 they are 'orn anything el$e. &or my +art( I thin- half thi$ re+%'lican tal- $heer h%m'%g. It i$ the e#%cate#( the intelligent( the wealthy( the refine#( who o%ght to ha)e e2%al right$ an# not the canaille.A AIf yo% can -ee+ the canaille of that o+inion(A $ai# A%g%$tine. AThey too- 0their0 t%rn once( in &rance.A AOf co%r$e( they m%$t 'e 0-e+t #own0( con$i$tently( $tea#ily( a$ I 0$ho%l#0(A $ai# Alfre#( $etting hi$ foot har# #own a$ if he were $tan#ing on $ome'o#y. AIt ma-e$ a terri'le $li+ when they get %+(A $ai# A%g%$tine(**Ain St. Fomingo( for in$tance.A A ohDA $ai# Alfre#( Awe'll ta-e care of that( in thi$ co%ntry. "e m%$t $et o%r face again$t all thi$ e#%cating( ele)ating tal-( that i$ getting a'o%t now3 the lower cla$$ m%$t not 'e e#%cate#.A AThat i$ +a$t +raying for(A $ai# A%g%$tine3 Ae#%cate# they will 'e( an# we ha)e only to $ay how. O%r $y$tem i$ e#%cating them in 'ar'ari$m an# 'r%tality. "e are 'rea-ing all h%mani4ing tie$( an# ma-ing them 'r%te 'ea$t$3 an#( if they get the %++er han#( $%ch we $hall fin# them.A AThey $hall ne)er get the %++er han#DA $ai# Alfre#. AThat'$ right(A $ai# St. Clare3 A+%t on the $team( fa$ten #own the e$ca+e*)al)e( an# $it on it( an# $ee where yo%'ll lan#.A A"ell(A $ai# Alfre#( Awe 0will0 $ee. I'm not afrai# to $it on the e$ca+e*)al)e( a$ long a$ the 'oiler$ are $trong( an# the machinery wor-$ well.A AThe no'le$ in Lo%i$ KVI.'$ time tho%ght /%$t $o3 an# A%$tria an# i%$ IK. thin- $o now3 an#( $ome +lea$ant morning( yo% may all 'e ca%ght %+ to meet each other in the air( 0when the 'oiler$ '%r$t0.A A0Fie$ #eclara'it0(A $ai# Alfre#( la%ghing. AI tell yo%(A $ai# A%g%$tine( Aif there i$ anything that i$ re)eale# with the $trength of a #i)ine law in o%r time$( it i$ that the ma$$e$ are to ri$e( an# the %n#er cla$$ 'ecome the %++er one.A AThat'$ one of yo%r re# re+%'lican h%m'%g$( A%g%$tineD "hy #i#n't yo%

e)er ta-e to the $t%m+3**yo%'# ma-e a famo%$ $t%m+ oratorD "ell( I ho+e I $hall 'e #ea# 'efore thi$ millenni%m of yo%r grea$y ma$$e$ come$ on.A A5rea$y or not grea$y( they will go)ern 0yo%0( when their time come$(A $ai# A%g%$tine3 Aan# they will 'e /%$t $%ch r%ler$ a$ yo% ma-e them. The &rench no'le$$e cho$e to ha)e the +eo+le '0$an$ c%lotte$0(' an# they ha# '0$an$ c%lotte0' go)ernor$ to their heart$' content. The +eo+le of Hayti**A AO( come( A%g%$tineD a$ if we ha#n't ha# eno%gh of that a'omina'le( contem+ti'le HaytiD6 The Haytien$ were not Anglo Sa1on$3 if they ha# 'een there wo%l# ha)e 'een another $tory. The Anglo Sa1on i$ the #ominant race of the worl#( an# 0i$ to 'e $o0.A 6 In A%g%$t 89:8( a$ a con$e2%ence of the &rench !e)ol%tion( the 'lac- $la)e$ an# m%lattoe$ on Haiti ro$e in re)olt again$t the white$( an# in the +erio# of t%rmoil that followe# enormo%$ cr%eltie$ were +racti$e# 'y 'oth $i#e$. The AEm+erorA Fe$$aline$( come to +ower in 8>M=( ma$$acre# all the white$ on the i$lan#. Haitian 'loo#$he# 'ecame an arg%ment to $how the 'ar'aro%$ nat%re of the Negro( a #octrine "en#ell hilli+$ $o%ght to com'at in hi$ cele'rate# lect%re on To%$$aint L'O%)ert%re. A"ell( there i$ a +retty fair inf%$ion of Anglo Sa1on 'loo# among o%r $la)e$( now(A $ai# A%g%$tine. AThere are +lenty among them who ha)e only eno%gh of the African to gi)e a $ort of tro+ical warmth an# fer)or to o%r calc%lating firmne$$ an# fore$ight. If e)er the San Fomingo ho%r come$( Anglo Sa1on 'loo# will lea# on the #ay. Son$ of white father$( with all o%r ha%ghty feeling$ '%rning in their )ein$( will not alway$ 'e 'o%ght an# $ol# an# tra#e#. They will ri$e( an# rai$e with them their mother'$ race.A ASt%ffD**non$en$eDA A"ell(A $ai# A%g%$tine( Athere goe$ an ol# $aying to thi$ effect( 'A$ it wa$ in the #ay$ of Noah $o $hall it 'e3**they ate( they #ran-( they +lante#( they '%il#e#( an# -new not till the floo# came an# too- them.'A AOn the whole( A%g%$tine( I thin- yo%r talent$ might #o for a circ%it ri#er(A $ai# Alfre#( la%ghing. ANe)er yo% fear for %$3 +o$$e$$ion i$ o%r nine +oint$. "e')e got the +ower. Thi$ $%'/ect race(A $ai# he( $tam+ing firmly( Ai$ #own an# $hall 0$tay0 #ownD "e ha)e energy eno%gh to manage o%r own +ow#er.A ASon$ traine# li-e yo%r Henri2%e will 'e gran# g%ar#ian$ of yo%r +ow#er*maga4ine$(A $ai# A%g%$tine(**A$o cool an# $elf*+o$$e$$e#D The +ro)er' $ay$( 'They that cannot go)ern them$el)e$ cannot go)ern other$.'A AThere i$ a tro%'le thereA $ai# Alfre#( tho%ghtf%lly3 Athere'$ no #o%'t that o%r $y$tem i$ a #iffic%lt one to train chil#ren %n#er. It gi)e$ too free $co+e to the +a$$ion$( altogether( which( in o%r climate( are hot eno%gh. I fin# tro%'le with Henri2%e. The 'oy i$ genero%$ an# warm*hearte#( '%t a +erfect fire*crac-er when e1cite#. I 'elie)e I $hall

$en# him North for hi$ e#%cation( where o'e#ience i$ more fa$hiona'le( an# where he will a$$ociate more with e2%al$( an# le$$ with #e+en#ent$.A ASince training chil#ren i$ the $ta+le wor- of the h%man race(A $ai# A%g%$tine( AI $ho%l# thin- it $omething of a con$i#eration that o%r $y$tem #oe$ not wor- well there.A AIt #oe$ not for $ome thing$(A $ai# Alfre#3 Afor other$( again( it #oe$. It ma-e$ 'oy$ manly an# co%rageo%$3 an# the )ery )ice$ of an a'/ect race ten# to $trengthen in them the o++o$ite )irt%e$. I thin- Henri2%e( now( ha$ a -eener $en$e of the 'ea%ty of tr%th( from $eeing lying an# #ece+tion the %ni)er$al 'a#ge of $la)ery.A AA Chri$tian*li-e )iew of the $%'/ect( certainlyDA $ai# A%g%$tine. AIt'$ tr%e( Chri$tian*li-e or not3 an# i$ a'o%t a$ Chri$tian*li-e a$ mo$t other thing$ in the worl#(A $ai# Alfre#. AThat may 'e(A $ai# St. Clare. A"ell( there'$ no %$e in tal-ing( A%g%$tine. I 'elie)e we')e 'een ro%n# an# ro%n# thi$ ol# trac- fi)e h%n#re# time$( more or le$$. "hat #o yo% $ay to a game of 'ac-gammonCA The two 'rother$ ran %+ the )eran#ah $te+$( an# were $oon $eate# at a light 'am'oo $tan#( with the 'ac-gammon*'oar# 'etween them. A$ they were $etting their men( Alfre# $ai#( AI tell yo%( A%g%$tine( if I tho%ght a$ yo% #o( I $ho%l# #o $omething.A AI #are $ay yo% wo%l#(**yo% are one of the #oing $ort(**'%t whatCA A"hy( ele)ate yo%r own $er)ant$( for a $+ecimen(A $ai# Alfre#( with a half*$cornf%l $mile. ABo% might a$ well $et Mo%nt AEtna on them flat( an# tell them to $tan# %+ %n#er it( a$ tell me to ele)ate my $er)ant$ %n#er all the $%+erinc%m'ent ma$$ of $ociety %+on them. One man can #o nothing( again$t the whole action of a comm%nity. E#%cation( to #o anything( m%$t 'e a $tate e#%cation3 or there m%$t 'e eno%gh agree# in it to ma-e a c%rrent.A ABo% ta-e the fir$t throw(A $ai# Alfre#3 an# the 'rother$ were $oon lo$t in the game( an# hear# no more till the $cra+ing of hor$e$' feet wa$ hear# %n#er the )eran#ah. AThere come the chil#ren(A $ai# A%g%$tine( ri$ing. ALoo- here( AlfD Fi# yo% e)er $ee anything $o 'ea%tif%lCA An#( in tr%th( it 0wa$0 a 'ea%tif%l $ight. Henri2%e( with hi$ 'ol# 'row( an# #ar-( glo$$y c%rl$( an# glowing chee-( wa$ la%ghing gayly a$ he 'ent towar#$ hi$ fair co%$in( a$ they came on. She wa$ #re$$e# in a 'l%e ri#ing #re$$( with a ca+ of the $ame color. E1erci$e ha# gi)en a 'rilliant h%e to her chee-$( an# heightene# the effect of her $ing%larly tran$+arent $-in( an# gol#en hair. A5oo# hea)en$D what +erfectly #a44ling 'ea%tyDA $ai# Alfre#. AI tell

yo%( A%g%$te( won't $he ma-e $ome heart$ ache( one of the$e #ay$CA AShe will( too tr%ly(**5o# -now$ I'm afrai# $oDA $ai# St. Clare( in a tone of $%##en 'itterne$$( a$ he h%rrie# #own to ta-e her off her hor$e. AE)a #arlingD yo%'re not m%ch tire#CA he $ai#( a$ he cla$+e# her in hi$ arm$. ANo( +a+a(A $ai# the chil#3 '%t her $hort( har# 'reathing alarme# her father. AHow co%l# yo% ri#e $o fa$t( #earC**yo% -now it'$ 'a# for yo%.A AI felt $o well( +a+a( an# li-e# it $o m%ch( I forgot.A St. Clare carrie# her in hi$ arm$ into the +arlor( an# lai# her on the $ofa. AHenri2%e( yo% m%$t 'e caref%l of E)a(A $ai# he3 Ayo% m%$tn't ri#e fa$t with her.A AI'll ta-e her %n#er my care(A $ai# Henri2%e( $eating him$elf 'y the $ofa( an# ta-ing E)a'$ han#. E)a $oon fo%n# her$elf m%ch 'etter. Her father an# %ncle re$%me# their game( an# the chil#ren were left together. AFo yo% -now( E)a( I'm $orry +a+a i$ only going to $tay two #ay$ here( an# then I $han't $ee yo% again for e)er $o longD If I $tay with yo%( I'# try to 'e goo#( an# not 'e cro$$ to Fo#o( an# $o on. I #on't mean to treat Fo#o ill3 '%t( yo% -now( I')e got $%ch a 2%ic- tem+er. I'm not really 'a# to him( tho%gh. I gi)e him a +icay%ne( now an# then3 an# yo% $ee he #re$$e$ well. I thin-( on the whole( Fo#o '$ +retty well off.A A"o%l# yo% thin- yo% were well off( if there were not one creat%re in the worl# near yo% to lo)e yo%CA AIC**"ell( of co%r$e not.A AAn# yo% ha)e ta-en Fo#o away from all the frien#$ he e)er ha#( an# now he ha$ not a creat%re to lo)e him3**no'o#y can 'e goo# that way.A A"ell( I can't hel+ it( a$ I -now of. I can't get hi$ mother an# I can't lo)e him my$elf( nor any'o#y el$e( a$ I -now of.A A"hy can't yo%CA $ai# E)a. A0Lo)e0 Fo#oD "hy( E)a( yo% wo%l#n't ha)e meD I may 0li-e0 him well eno%gh3 '%t yo% #on't 0lo)e0 yo%r $er)ant$.A AI #o( in#ee#.A AHow o##DA AFon't the Bi'le $ay we m%$t lo)e e)ery'o#yCA

AO( the Bi'leD To 'e $%re( it $ay$ a great many $%ch thing$3 '%t( then( no'o#y e)er thin-$ of #oing them(**yo% -now( E)a( no'o#y #oe$.A E)a #i# not $+ea-3 her eye$ were fi1e# an# tho%ghtf%l for a few moment$. AAt any rate(A $he $ai#( A#ear Co%$in( #o lo)e +oor Fo#o( an# 'e -in# to him( for my $a-eDA AI co%l# lo)e anything( for yo%r $a-e( #ear Co%$in3 for I really thinyo% are the lo)elie$t creat%re that I e)er $awDA An# Henri2%e $+o-e with an earne$tne$$ that fl%$he# hi$ han#$ome face. E)a recei)e# it with +erfect $im+licity( witho%t e)en a change of feat%re3 merely $aying( AI'm gla# yo% feel $o( #ear Henri2%eD I ho+e yo% will remem'er.A The #inner*'ell +%t an en# to the inter)iew.

CHA TE! KKIV &ore$ha#owing$ Two #ay$ after thi$( Alfre# St. Clare an# A%g%$tine +arte#3 an# E)a( who ha# 'een $tim%late#( 'y the $ociety of her yo%ng co%$in( to e1ertion$ 'eyon# her $trength( 'egan to fail ra+i#ly. St. Clare wa$ at la$t willing to call in me#ical a#)ice(**a thing from which he ha# alway$ $hr%n-( 'eca%$e it wa$ the a#mi$$ion of an %nwelcome tr%th. B%t( for a #ay or two( E)a wa$ $o %nwell a$ to 'e confine# to the ho%$e3 an# the #octor wa$ calle#. Marie St. Clare ha# ta-en no notice of the chil#'$ gra#%ally #ecaying health an# $trength( 'eca%$e $he wa$ com+letely a'$or'e# in $t%#ying o%t two or three new form$ of #i$ea$e to which $he 'elie)e# $he her$elf wa$ a )ictim. It wa$ the fir$t +rinci+le of Marie'$ 'elief that no'o#y e)er wa$ or co%l# 'e $o great a $%fferer a$ 0her$elf03 an#( therefore( $he alway$ re+elle# 2%ite in#ignantly any $%gge$tion that any one aro%n# her co%l# 'e $ic-. She wa$ alway$ $%re( in $%ch a ca$e( that it wa$ nothing '%t la4ine$$( or want of energy3 an# that( if they ha# ha# the $%ffering 0$he0 ha#( they wo%l# $oon -now the #ifference. Mi$$ O+helia ha# $e)eral time$ trie# to awa-en her maternal fear$ a'o%t E)a3 '%t to no a)ail. AI #on't $ee a$ anything ail$ the chil#(A $he wo%l# $ay3 A$he r%n$ a'o%t( an# +lay$.A AB%t $he ha$ a co%gh.A ACo%ghD yo% #on't nee# to tell 0me0 a'o%t a co%gh. I')e alway$ 'een $%'/ect to a co%gh( all my #ay$. "hen I wa$ of E)a'$ age( they tho%ght I wa$ in a con$%m+tion. Night after night( Mammy %$e# to $it %+ with me. OD E)a'$ co%gh i$ not anything.A

AB%t $he get$ wea-( an# i$ $hort*'reathe#.A ALawD I')e ha# that( year$ an# year$3 it'$ only a ner)o%$ affection.A AB%t $he $weat$ $o( night$DA A"ell( I ha)e( the$e ten year$. Very often( night after night( my clothe$ will 'e wringing wet. There won't 'e a #ry threa# in my night*clothe$ an# the $heet$ will 'e $o that Mammy ha$ to hang them %+ to #ryD E)a #oe$n't $weat anything li-e thatDA Mi$$ O+helia $h%t her mo%th for a $ea$on. B%t( now that E)a wa$ fairly an# )i$i'ly +ro$trate#( an# a #octor calle#( Marie( all on a $%##en( too- a new t%rn. AShe -new it(A $he $ai#3 A$he alway$ felt it( that $he wa$ #e$tine# to 'e the mo$t mi$era'le of mother$. Here $he wa$( with her wretche# health( an# her only #arling chil# going #own to the gra)e 'efore her eye$3A**an# Marie ro%te# %+ Mammy night$( an# r%m+%$$e# an# $col#e#( with more energy than e)er( all #ay( on the $trength of thi$ new mi$ery. AMy #ear Marie( #on't tal- $oDA $ai# St. Clare. ABo% o%ght not to gi)e %+ the ca$e $o( at once.A ABo% ha)e not a mother'$ feeling$( St. ClareD Bo% ne)er co%l# %n#er$tan# meD**yo% #on't now.A AB%t #on't tal- $o( a$ if it were a gone ca$eDA AI can't ta-e it a$ in#ifferently a$ yo% can( St. Clare. If 0yo%0 #on't feel when yo%r only chil# i$ in thi$ alarming $tate( I #o. It'$ a 'low too m%ch for me( with all I wa$ 'earing 'efore.A AIt'$ tr%e(A $ai# St. Clare( Athat E)a i$ )ery #elicate( 0that0 I alway$ -new3 an# that $he ha$ grown $o ra+i#ly a$ to e1ha%$t her $trength3 an# that her $it%ation i$ critical. B%t /%$t now $he i$ only +ro$trate# 'y the heat of the weather( an# 'y the e1citement of her co%$in'$ )i$it( an# the e1ertion$ $he ma#e. The +hy$ician $ay$ there i$ room for ho+e.A A"ell( of co%r$e( if yo% can loo- on the 'right $i#e( +ray #o3 it'$ a mercy if +eo+le ha)en't $en$iti)e feeling$( in thi$ worl#. I am $%re I wi$h I #i#n't feel a$ I #o3 it only ma-e$ me com+letely wretche#D I wi$h I 0co%l#0 'e a$ ea$y a$ the re$t of yo%DA An# the Are$t of themA ha# goo# rea$on to 'reathe the $ame +rayer( for Marie +ara#e# her new mi$ery a$ the rea$on an# a+ology for all $ort$ of infliction$ on e)ery one a'o%t her. E)ery wor# that wa$ $+o-en 'y any'o#y( e)erything that wa$ #one or wa$ not #one e)erywhere( wa$ only a new +roof that $he wa$ $%rro%n#e# 'y har#*hearte#( in$en$i'le 'eing$( who were %nmin#f%l of her +ec%liar $orrow$. oor E)a hear# $ome of the$e $+eeche$3 an# nearly crie# her little eye$ o%t( in +ity for her mamma( an# in $orrow that $he $ho%l# ma-e her $o m%ch #i$tre$$. In a wee- or two( there wa$ a great im+ro)ement of $ym+tom$(**one of

tho$e #eceitf%l l%ll$( 'y which her ine1ora'le #i$ea$e $o often 'eg%ile$ the an1io%$ heart( e)en on the )erge of the gra)e. E)a'$ $te+ wa$ again in the gar#en(**in the 'alconie$3 $he +laye# an# la%ghe# again(**an# her father( in a tran$+ort( #eclare# that they $ho%l# $oon ha)e her a$ hearty a$ any'o#y. Mi$$ O+helia an# the +hy$ician alone felt no enco%ragement from thi$ ill%$i)e tr%ce. There wa$ one other heart( too( that felt the $ame certainty( an# that wa$ the little heart of E)a. "hat i$ it that $ometime$ $+ea-$ in the $o%l $o calmly( $o clearly( that it$ earthly time i$ $hortC I$ it the $ecret in$tinct of #ecaying nat%re( or the $o%l'$ im+%l$i)e thro'( a$ immortality #raw$ onC Be it what it may( it re$te# in the heart of E)a( a calm( $weet( +ro+hetic certainty that Hea)en wa$ near3 calm a$ the light of $%n$et( $weet a$ the 'right $tillne$$ of a%t%mn( there her little heart re+o$e#( only tro%'le# 'y $orrow for tho$e who lo)e# her $o #early. &or the chil#( tho%gh n%r$e# $o ten#erly( an# tho%gh life wa$ %nfol#ing 'efore her with e)ery 'rightne$$ that lo)e an# wealth co%l# gi)e( ha# no regret for her$elf in #ying. In that 'oo- which $he an# her $im+le ol# frien# ha# rea# $o m%ch together( $he ha# $een an# ta-en to her yo%ng heart the image of one who lo)e# the little chil#3 an#( a$ $he ga4e# an# m%$e#( He ha# cea$e# to 'e an image an# a +ict%re of the #i$tant +a$t( an# come to 'e a li)ing( all*$%rro%n#ing reality. Hi$ lo)e enfol#e# her chil#i$h heart with more than mortal ten#erne$$3 an# it wa$ to Him( $he $ai#( $he wa$ going( an# to hi$ home. B%t her heart yearne# with $a# ten#erne$$ for all that $he wa$ to lea)e 'ehin#. Her father mo$t(**for E)a( tho%gh $he ne)er #i$tinctly tho%ght $o( ha# an in$tincti)e +erce+tion that $he wa$ more in hi$ heart than any other. She lo)e# her mother 'eca%$e $he wa$ $o lo)ing a creat%re( an# all the $elfi$hne$$ that $he ha# $een in her only $a##ene# an# +er+le1e# her3 for $he ha# a chil#'$ im+licit tr%$t that her mother co%l# not #o wrong. There wa$ $omething a'o%t her that E)a ne)er co%l# ma-e o%t3 an# $he alway$ $moothe# it o)er with thin-ing that( after all( it wa$ mamma( an# $he lo)e# her )ery #early in#ee#. She felt( too( for tho$e fon#( faithf%l $er)ant$( to whom $he wa$ a$ #aylight an# $%n$hine. Chil#ren #o not %$%ally generali4e3 '%t E)a wa$ an %ncommonly mat%re chil#( an# the thing$ that $he ha# witne$$e# of the e)il$ of the $y$tem %n#er which they were li)ing ha# fallen( one 'y one( into the #e+th$ of her tho%ghtf%l( +on#ering heart. She ha# )ag%e longing$ to #o $omething for them(**to 'le$$ an# $a)e not only them( '%t all in their con#ition(**longing$ that contra$te# $a#ly with the fee'lene$$ of her little frame. AUncle Tom(A $he $ai#( one #ay( when $he wa$ rea#ing to her frien#( AI can %n#er$tan# why Ee$%$ 0wante#0 to #ie for %$.A A"hy( Mi$$ E)aCA ABeca%$e I')e felt $o( too.A A"hat i$ it Mi$$ E)aC**I #on't %n#er$tan#.A

AI can't tell yo%3 '%t( when I $aw tho$e +oor creat%re$ on the 'oat( yo% -now( when yo% came %+ an# I(**$ome ha# lo$t their mother$( an# $ome their h%$'an#$( an# $ome mother$ crie# for their little chil#ren**an# when I hear# a'o%t +oor r%e(**oh( wa$n't that #rea#f%lD**an# a great many other time$( I')e felt that I wo%l# 'e gla# to #ie( if my #ying co%l# $to+ all thi$ mi$ery. 0I wo%l#0 #ie for them( Tom( if I co%l#(A $ai# the chil#( earne$tly( laying her little thin han# on hi$. Tom loo-e# at the chil# with awe3 an# when $he( hearing her father'$ )oice( gli#e# away( he wi+e# hi$ eye$ many time$( a$ he loo-e# after her. AIt'$ /e$t no %$e tryin' to -ee+ Mi$$ E)a here(A he $ai# to Mammy( whom he met a moment after. AShe'$ got the Lor#'$ mar- in her forehea#.A AAh( ye$( ye$(A $ai# Mammy( rai$ing her han#$3 AI')e aller$ $ai# $o. She wa$n't ne)er li-e a chil# that'$ to li)e**there wa$ aller$ $omething #ee+ in her eye$. I')e tol# Mi$$i$ $o( many the time3 it'$ a comin' tr%e(**we all $ee$ it(**#ear( little( 'le$$e# lam'DA E)a came tri++ing %+ the )eran#ah $te+$ to her father. It wa$ late in the afternoon( an# the ray$ of the $%n forme# a -in# of glory 'ehin# her( a$ $he came forwar# in her white #re$$( with her gol#en hair an# glowing chee-$( her eye$ %nnat%rally 'right with the $low fe)er that '%rne# in her )ein$. St. Clare ha# calle# her to $how a $tat%ette that he ha# 'een '%ying for her3 '%t her a++earance( a$ $he came on( im+re$$e# him $%##enly an# +ainf%lly. There i$ a -in# of 'ea%ty $o inten$e( yet $o fragile( that we cannot 'ear to loo- at it. Her father fol#e# her $%##enly in hi$ arm$( an# almo$t forgot what he wa$ going to tell her. AE)a( #ear( yo% are 'etter now*a*#ay$(**are yo% notCA A a+a(A $ai# E)a( with $%##en firmne$$ AI')e ha# thing$ I wante# to $ay to yo%( a great while. I want to $ay them now( 'efore I get wea-er.A St. Clare trem'le# a$ E)a $eate# her$elf in hi$ la+. She lai# her hea# on hi$ 'o$om( an# $ai#( AIt'$ all no %$e( +a+a( to -ee+ it to my$elf any longer. The time i$ coming that I am going to lea)e yo%. I am going( an# ne)er to come 'ac-DA an# E)a $o''e#. AO( now( my #ear little E)aDA $ai# St. Clare( trem'ling a$ he $+o-e( '%t $+ea-ing cheerf%lly( Ayo%')e got ner)o%$ an# low*$+irite#3 yo% m%$tn't in#%lge $%ch gloomy tho%ght$. See here( I')e 'o%ght a $tat%ette for yo%DA ANo( +a+a(A $ai# E)a( +%tting it gently away( A#on't #ecei)e yo%r$elfD**I am 0not0 any 'etter( I -now it +erfectly well(**an# I am going( 'efore long. I am not ner)o%$(**I am not low*$+irite#. If it were not for yo%( +a+a( an# my frien#$( I $ho%l# 'e +erfectly ha++y. I want to go(**I long to goDA

A"hy( #ear chil#( what ha$ ma#e yo%r +oor little heart $o $a#C Bo% ha)e ha# e)erything( to ma-e yo% ha++y( that co%l# 'e gi)en yo%.A AI ha# rather 'e in hea)en3 tho%gh( only for my frien#$' $a-e( I wo%l# 'e willing to li)e. There are a great many thing$ here that ma-e me $a#( that $eem #rea#f%l to me3 I ha# rather 'e there3 '%t I #on't want to lea)e yo%(**it almo$t 'rea-$ my heartDA A"hat ma-e$ yo% $a#( an# $eem$ #rea#f%l( E)aCA AO( thing$ that are #one( an# #one all the time. I feel $a# for o%r +oor +eo+le3 they lo)e me #early( an# they are all goo# an# -in# to me. I wi$h( +a+a( they were all 0free0.A A"hy( E)a( chil#( #on't yo% thin- they are well eno%gh off nowCA AO( '%t( +a+a( if anything $ho%l# ha++en to yo%( what wo%l# 'ecome of themC There are )ery few men li-e yo%( +a+a. Uncle Alfre# i$n't li-e yo%( an# mamma i$n't3 an# then( thin- of +oor ol# r%e'$ owner$D "hat horri# thing$ +eo+le #o( an# can #oDA an# E)a $h%##ere#. AMy #ear chil#( yo% are too $en$iti)e. I'm $orry I e)er let yo% hear $%ch $torie$.A AO( that'$ what tro%'le$ me( +a+a. Bo% want me to li)e $o ha++y( an# ne)er to ha)e any +ain(**ne)er $%ffer anything(**not e)en hear a $a# $tory( when other +oor creat%re$ ha)e nothing '%t +ain an# $orrow( an their li)e$3**it $eem$ $elfi$h. I o%ght to -now $%ch thing$( I o%ght to feel a'o%t themD S%ch thing$ alway$ $%n- into my heart3 they went #own #ee+3 I')e tho%ght an# tho%ght a'o%t them. a+a( i$n't there any way to ha)e all $la)e$ ma#e freeCA AThat'$ a #iffic%lt 2%e$tion( #eare$t. There'$ no #o%'t that thi$ way i$ a )ery 'a# one3 a great many +eo+le thin- $o3 I #o my$elf I heartily wi$h that there were not a $la)e in the lan#3 '%t( then( I #on't -now what i$ to 'e #one a'o%t itDA A a+a( yo% are $%ch a goo# man( an# $o no'le( an# -in#( an# yo% alway$ ha)e a way of $aying thing$ that i$ $o +lea$ant( co%l#n't yo% go all ro%n# an# try to +er$%a#e +eo+le to #o right a'o%t thi$C "hen I am #ea#( +a+a( then yo% will thin- of me( an# #o it for my $a-e. I wo%l# #o it( if I co%l#.A A"hen yo% are #ea#( E)a(A $ai# St. Clare( +a$$ionately. AO( chil#( #on't tal- to me $oD Bo% are all I ha)e on earth.A A oor ol# r%e'$ chil# wa$ all that $he ha#(**an# yet $he ha# to hear it crying( an# $he co%l#n't hel+ itD a+a( the$e +oor creat%re$ lo)e their chil#ren a$ m%ch a$ yo% #o me. OD #o $omething for themD There'$ +oor Mammy lo)e$ her chil#ren3 I')e $een her cry when $he tal-e# a'o%t them. An# Tom lo)e$ hi$ chil#ren3 an# it'$ #rea#f%l( +a+a( that $%ch thing$ are ha++ening( all the timeDA AThere( there( #arling(A $ai# St. Clare( $oothingly3 Aonly #on't #i$tre$$ yo%r$elf( #on't tal- of #ying( an# I will #o anything yo%

wi$h.A AAn# +romi$e me( #ear father( that Tom $hall ha)e hi$ free#om a$ $oon a$A**$he $to++e#( an# $ai#( in a he$itating tone**AI am goneDA ABe$( #ear( I will #o anything in the worl#(**anything yo% co%l# a$- me to.A AFear +a+a(A $ai# the chil#( laying her '%rning chee- again$t hi$( Ahow I wi$h we co%l# go togetherDA A"here( #eare$tCA $ai# St. Clare. ATo o%r Sa)io%r'$ home3 it'$ $o $weet an# +eacef%l there**it i$ all $o lo)ing thereDA The chil# $+o-e %ncon$cio%$ly( a$ of a +lace where $he ha# often 'een. AFon't yo% want to go( +a+aCA $he $ai#. St. Clare #rew her clo$er to him( '%t wa$ $ilent. ABo% will come to me(A $ai# the chil#( $+ea-ing in a )oice of calm certainty which $he often %$e# %ncon$cio%$ly. AI $hall come after yo%. I $hall not forget yo%.A The $ha#ow$ of the $olemn e)ening clo$e# ro%n# them #ee+er an# #ee+er( a$ St. Clare $at $ilently hol#ing the little frail form to hi$ 'o$om. He $aw no more the #ee+ eye$( '%t the )oice came o)er him a$ a $+irit )oice( an#( a$ in a $ort of /%#gment )i$ion( hi$ whole +a$t life ro$e in a moment 'efore hi$ eye$I hi$ mother'$ +rayer$ an# hymn$3 hi$ own early yearning$ an# a$+iring$ for goo#3 an#( 'etween them an# thi$ ho%r( year$ of worl#line$$ an# $ce+tici$m( an# what man call$ re$+ecta'le li)ing. "e can thin- 0m%ch0( )ery m%ch( in a moment. St. Clare $aw an# felt many thing$( '%t $+o-e nothing3 an#( a$ it grew #ar-er( he too- hi$ chil# to her 'e#*room3 an#( when $he wa$ +re+are# for re$t3 he $ent away the atten#ant$( an# roc-e# her in hi$ arm$( an# $%ng to her till $he wa$ a$lee+.

CHA TE! KKV The Little E)angeli$t It wa$ S%n#ay afternoon. St. Clare wa$ $tretche# on a 'am'oo lo%nge in the )eran#ah( $olacing him$elf with a cigar. Marie lay recline# on a $ofa( o++o$ite the win#ow o+ening on the )eran#ah( clo$ely $ecl%#e#( %n#er an awning of tran$+arent ga%4e( from the o%trage$ of the mo$2%ito$( an# lang%i#ly hol#ing in her han# an elegantly 'o%n# +rayer*'oo-. She wa$ hol#ing it 'eca%$e it wa$ S%n#ay( an# $he imagine# $he ha# 'een rea#ing it(**tho%gh( in fact( $he ha# 'een only ta-ing a $%cce$$ion of $hort na+$( with it o+en in her han#. Mi$$ O+helia( who( after $ome r%mmaging( ha# h%nte# %+ a $mall Metho#i$t meeting within ri#ing #i$tance( ha# gone o%t( with Tom a$ #ri)er( to atten# it3 an# E)a ha# accom+anie# them.

AI $ay( A%g%$tine(A $ai# Marie after #o4ing a while( AI m%$t $en# to the city after my ol# Foctor o$ey3 I'm $%re I')e got the com+laint of the heart.A A"ell3 why nee# yo% $en# for himC Thi$ #octor that atten#$ E)a $eem$ $-ilf%l.A AI wo%l# not tr%$t him in a critical ca$e(A $ai# Marie3 Aan# I thinI may $ay mine i$ 'ecoming $oD I')e 'een thin-ing of it( the$e two or three night$ +a$t3 I ha)e $%ch #i$tre$$ing +ain$( an# $%ch $trange feeling$.A AO( Marie( yo% are 'l%e3 I #on't 'elie)e it'$ heart com+laint.A AI #are $ay 0yo%0 #on't(A $ai# Marie3 AI wa$ +re+are# to e1+ect 0that0. Bo% can 'e alarme# eno%gh( if E)a co%gh$( or ha$ the lea$t thing the matter with her3 '%t yo% ne)er thin- of me.A AIf it'$ +artic%larly agreea'le to yo% to ha)e heart #i$ea$e( why( I'll try an# maintain yo% ha)e it(A $ai# St. Clare3 AI #i#n't -now it wa$.A A"ell( I only ho+e yo% won't 'e $orry for thi$( when it'$ too lateDA $ai# Marie3 A'%t( 'elie)e it or not( my #i$tre$$ a'o%t E)a( an# the e1ertion$ I ha)e ma#e with that #ear chil#( ha)e #e)elo+e# what I ha)e long $%$+ecte#.A "hat the 0e1ertion$0 were which Marie referre# to( it wo%l# ha)e 'een #iffic%lt to $tate. St. Clare 2%ietly ma#e thi$ commentary to him$elf( an# went on $mo-ing( li-e a har#*hearte# wretch of a man a$ he wa$( till a carriage #ro)e %+ 'efore the )eran#ah( an# E)a an# Mi$$ O+helia alighte#. Mi$$ O+helia marche# $traight to her own cham'er( to +%t away her 'onnet an# $hawl( a$ wa$ alway$ her manner( 'efore $he $+o-e a wor# on any $%'/ect3 while E)a came( at StI Clare'$ call( an# wa$ $itting on hi$ -nee( gi)ing him an acco%nt of the $er)ice$ they ha# hear#. They $oon hear# lo%# e1clamation$ from Mi$$ O+helia'$ room( which( li-e the one in which they were $itting( o+ene# on to the )eran#ah an# )iolent re+roof a##re$$e# to $ome'o#y. A"hat new witchcraft ha$ To+$ 'een 'rewingCA a$-e# St. Clare. AThat commotion i$ of her rai$ing( I'll 'e 'o%n#DA An#( in a moment after( Mi$$ O+helia( in high in#ignation( came #ragging the c%l+rit along. ACome o%t here( nowDA $he $ai#. AI 0will0 tell yo%r ma$terDA A"hat'$ the ca$e nowCA a$-e# A%g%$tine. AThe ca$e i$( that I cannot 'e +lag%e# with thi$ chil#( any longerD It'$ +a$t all 'earing3 fle$h an# 'loo# cannot en#%re itD Here( I loc-e# her %+( an# ga)e her a hymn to $t%#y3 an# what #oe$ $he #o( '%t $+y

o%t where I +%t my -ey( an# ha$ gone to my '%rea%( an# got a 'onnet*trimming( an# c%t it all to +iece$ to ma-e #oll$' /ac-et$D I ne)er $aw anything li-e it( in my lifeDA AI tol# yo%( Co%$in(A $ai# Marie( Athat yo%'# fin# o%t that the$e creat%re$ can't 'e 'ro%ght %+ witho%t $e)erity. If I ha# 0my0 way( now(A $he $ai#( loo-ing re+roachf%lly at St. Clare( AI'# $en# that chil# o%t( an# ha)e her thoro%ghly whi++e#3 I'# ha)e her whi++e# till $he co%l#n't $tan#DA AI #on't #o%'t it(A $ai# St. Clare. ATell me of the lo)ely r%le of womanD I ne)er $aw a'o)e a #o4en women that wo%l#n't half -ill a hor$e( or a $er)ant( either( if they ha# their own way with themD**let alone a man.A AThere i$ no %$e in thi$ $hilly*$hally way of yo%r$( St. ClareDA $ai# Marie. ACo%$in i$ a woman of $en$e( an# $he $ee$ it now( a$ +lain a$ I #o.A Mi$$ O+helia ha# /%$t the ca+a'ility of in#ignation that 'elong$ to the thoro%gh*+ace# ho%$e-ee+er( an# thi$ ha# 'een +retty acti)ely ro%$e# 'y the artifice an# wa$tef%lne$$ of the chil#3 in fact( many of my la#y rea#er$ m%$t own that they $ho%l# ha)e felt /%$t $o in her circ%m$tance$3 '%t Marie'$ wor#$ went 'eyon# her( an# $he felt le$$ heat. AI wo%l#n't ha)e the chil# treate# $o( for the worl#(A $he $ai#3 A'%t( I am $%re( A%g%$tine( I #on't -now what to #o. I')e ta%ght an# ta%ght3 I')e tal-e# till I'm tire#3 I')e whi++e# her3 I')e +%ni$he# her in e)ery way I can thin- of( an# $he'$ /%$t what $he wa$ at fir$t.A ACome here( To+$( yo% mon-eyDA $ai# St. Clare( calling the chil# %+ to him. To+$y came %+3 her ro%n#( har# eye$ glittering an# 'lin-ing with a mi1t%re of a++rehen$i)ene$$ an# their %$%al o## #rollery. A"hat ma-e$ yo% 'eha)e $oCA $ai# St. Clare( who co%l# not hel+ 'eing am%$e# with the chil#'$ e1+re$$ion. AS+ect$ it'$ my wic-e# heart(A $ai# To+$y( #em%rely3 AMi$$ &eely $ay$ $o.A AFon't yo% $ee how m%ch Mi$$ O+helia ha$ #one for yo%C She $ay$ $he ha$ #one e)erything $he can thin- of.A ALor( ye$( Ma$'rD ol# Mi$$i$ %$e# to $ay $o( too. She whi++e# me a hea+ har#er( an# %$e# to +%ll my har( an# -noc- my hea# agin the #oor3 '%t it #i#n't #o me no goo#D I $+ect$( if they '$ to +%ll e)ery $+ire o' har o%t o' my hea#( it wo%l#n't #o no goo#( neither(**I '$ $o wic-e#D Law$D I '$ nothin '%t a nigger( no way$DA A"ell( I $hall ha)e to gi)e her %+(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia3 AI can't ha)e that tro%'le any longer.A

A"ell( I'# /%$t li-e to a$- one 2%e$tion(A $ai# St. Clare. A"hat i$ itCA A"hy( if yo%r 5o$+el i$ not $trong eno%gh to $a)e one heathen chil#( that yo% can ha)e at home here( all to yo%r$elf( what'$ the %$e of $en#ing one or two +oor mi$$ionarie$ off with it among tho%$an#$ of /%$t $%chC I $%++o$e thi$ chil# i$ a'o%t a fair $am+le of what tho%$an#$ of yo%r heathen are.A Mi$$ O+helia #i# not ma-e an imme#iate an$wer3 an# E)a( who ha# $too# a $ilent $+ectator of the $cene th%$ far( ma#e a $ilent $ign to To+$y to follow her. There wa$ a little gla$$*room at the corner of the )eran#ah( which St. Clare %$e# a$ a $ort of rea#ing*room3 an# E)a an# To+$y #i$a++eare# into thi$ +lace. A"hat'$ E)a going a'o%t( nowCA $ai# St. Clare3 AI mean to $ee.A An#( a#)ancing on ti+toe( he lifte# %+ a c%rtain that co)ere# the gla$$*#oor( an# loo-e# in. In a moment( laying hi$ finger on hi$ li+$( he ma#e a $ilent ge$t%re to Mi$$ O+helia to come an# loo-. There $at the two chil#ren on the floor( with their $i#e face$ towar#$ them. To+$y( with her %$%al air of carele$$ #rollery an# %nconcern3 '%t( o++o$ite to her( E)a( her whole face fer)ent with feeling( an# tear$ in her large eye$. A"hat #oe$ ma-e yo% $o 'a#( To+$yC "hy won't yo% try an# 'e goo#C Fon't yo% lo)e 0any'o#y0( To+$yCA AFonno nothing ''o%t lo)e3 I lo)e$ can#y an# $ich( that'$ all(A $ai# To+$y. AB%t yo% lo)e yo%r father an# motherCA ANe)er ha# none( ye -now. I telle# ye that( Mi$$ E)a.A AO( I -now(A $ai# E)a( $a#ly3 A'%t ha#n't yo% any 'rother( or $i$ter( or a%nt( or**A ANo( none on 'em(**ne)er ha# nothing nor no'o#y.A AB%t( To+$y( if yo%'# only try to 'e goo#( yo% might**A ACo%l#n't ne)er 'e nothin' '%t a nigger( if I wa$ e)er $o goo#(A $ai# To+$y. AIf I co%l# 'e $-inne#( an# come white( I'# try then.A AB%t +eo+le can lo)e yo%( if yo% are 'lac-( To+$y. Mi$$ O+helia wo%l# lo)e yo%( if yo% were goo#.A To+$y ga)e the $hort( 'l%nt la%gh that wa$ her common mo#e of e1+re$$ing incre#%lity. AFon't yo% thin- $oCA $ai# E)a. ANo3 $he can't 'ar me( 'ca%$e I'm a niggerD**$he'# '$ $oon ha)e a

toa# to%ch herD There can't no'o#y lo)e nigger$( an# nigger$ can't #o nothin'D 0I0 #on't care(A $ai# To+$y( 'eginning to whi$tle. AO( To+$y( +oor chil#( 0I0 lo)e yo%DA $ai# E)a( with a $%##en '%r$t of feeling( an# laying her little thin( white han# on To+$y'$ $ho%l#er3 AI lo)e yo%( 'eca%$e yo% ha)en't ha# any father( or mother( or frien#$3**'eca%$e yo%')e 'een a +oor( a'%$e# chil#D I lo)e yo%( an# I want yo% to 'e goo#. I am )ery %nwell( To+$y( an# I thin- I $han't li)e a great while3 an# it really grie)e$ me( to ha)e yo% 'e $o na%ghty. I wi$h yo% wo%l# try to 'e goo#( for my $a-e3**it'$ only a little while I $hall 'e with yo%.A The ro%n#( -een eye$ of the 'lac- chil# were o)erca$t with tear$3**large( 'right #ro+$ rolle# hea)ily #own( one 'y one( an# fell on the little white han#. Be$( in that moment( a ray of real 'elief( a ray of hea)enly lo)e( ha# +enetrate# the #ar-ne$$ of her heathen $o%lD She lai# her hea# #own 'etween her -nee$( an# we+t an# $o''e#(**while the 'ea%tif%l chil#( 'en#ing o)er her( loo-e# li-e the +ict%re of $ome 'right angel $too+ing to reclaim a $inner. A oor To+$yDA $ai# E)a( A#on't yo% -now that Ee$%$ lo)e$ all ali-eC He i$ /%$t a$ willing to lo)e yo%( a$ me. He lo)e$ yo% /%$t a$ I #o(**only more( 'eca%$e he i$ 'etter. He will hel+ yo% to 'e goo#3 an# yo% can go to Hea)en at la$t( an# 'e an angel fore)er( /%$t a$ m%ch a$ if yo% were white. Only thin- of it( To+$yD**0yo%0 can 'e one of tho$e $+irit$ 'right( Uncle Tom $ing$ a'o%t.A AO( #ear Mi$$ E)a( #ear Mi$$ E)aDA $ai# the chil#3 AI will try( I will try3 I ne)er #i# care nothin' a'o%t it 'efore.A St. Clare( at thi$ in$tant( #ro++e# the c%rtain. AIt +%t$ me in min# of mother(A he $ai# to Mi$$ O+helia. AIt i$ tr%e what $he tol# me3 if we want to gi)e $ight to the 'lin#( we m%$t 'e willing to #o a$ Chri$t #i#(**call them to %$( an# 0+%t o%r han#$ on them0.A AI')e alway$ ha# a +re/%#ice again$t negroe$(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia( Aan# it'$ a fact( I ne)er co%l# 'ear to ha)e that chil# to%ch me3 '%t( I #on't thin- $he -new it.A ATr%$t any chil# to fin# that o%t(A $ai# St. Clare3 Athere'$ no -ee+ing it from them. B%t I 'elie)e that all the trying in the worl# to 'enefit a chil#( an# all the $%'$tantial fa)or$ yo% can #o them( will ne)er e1cite one emotion of gratit%#e( while that feeling of re+%gnance remain$ in the heart3**it'$ a 2%eer -in# of a fact(**'%t $o it i$.A AI #on't -now how I can hel+ it(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia3 Athey 0are0 #i$agreea'le to me(**thi$ chil# in +artic%lar(**how can I hel+ feeling $oCA AE)a #oe$( it $eem$.A A"ell( $he'$ $o lo)ingD After all( tho%gh( $he'$ no more than Chri$t*li-e(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia3 AI wi$h I were li-e her. She might teach me a le$$on.A

AIt wo%l#n't 'e the fir$t time a little chil# ha# 'een %$e# to in$tr%ct an ol# #i$ci+le( if it 0were0 $o(A $ai# St. Clare.

CHA TE! KKVI Feath "ee+ not for tho$e whom the )eil of the tom'( In life'$ early morning( hath hi# from o%r eye$.6 6 A"ee+ Not for Tho$e(A a +oem 'y Thoma$ Moore 7899:*8>;?<. E)a'$ 'e#*room wa$ a $+acio%$ a+artment( which( li-e all the other ro'in$ in the ho%$e( o+ene# on to the 'roa# )eran#ah. The room comm%nicate#( on one $i#e( with her father an# mother'$ a+artment3 on the other( with that a++ro+riate# to Mi$$ O+helia. St. Clare ha# gratifie# hi$ own eye an# ta$te( in f%rni$hing thi$ room in a $tyle that ha# a +ec%liar -ee+ing with the character of her for whom it wa$ inten#e#. The win#ow$ were h%ng with c%rtain$ of ro$e*colore# an# white m%$lin( the floor wa$ $+rea# with a matting which ha# 'een or#ere# in ari$( to a +attern of hi$ own #e)ice( ha)ing ro%n# it a 'or#er of ro$e*'%#$ an# lea)e$( an# a centre*+iece with f%ll*flown ro$e$. The 'e#$tea#( chair$( an# lo%nge$( were of 'am'oo( wro%ght in +ec%liarly gracef%l an# fancif%l +attern$. O)er the hea# of the 'e# wa$ an ala'a$ter 'rac-et( on which a 'ea%tif%l $c%l+t%re# angel $too#( with #roo+ing wing$( hol#ing o%t a crown of myrtle*lea)e$. &rom thi$ #e+en#e#( o)er the 'e#( light c%rtain$ of ro$e*colore# ga%4e( $tri+e# with $il)er( $%++lying that +rotection from mo$2%ito$ which i$ an in#i$+en$a'le a##ition to all $lee+ing accommo#ation in that climate. The gracef%l 'am'oo lo%nge$ were am+ly $%++lie# with c%$hion$ of ro$e*colore# #ama$-( while o)er them( #e+en#ing from the han#$ of $c%l+t%re# fig%re$( were ga%4e c%rtain$ $imilar to tho$e of the 'e#. A light( fancif%l 'am'oo ta'le $too# in the mi##le of the room( where a arian )a$e( wro%ght in the $ha+e of a white lily( with it$ '%#$( $too#( e)er fille# with flower$. On thi$ ta'le lay E)a'$ 'oo-$ an# little trin-et$( with an elegantly wro%ght ala'a$ter writing*$tan#( which her father ha# $%++lie# to her when he $aw her trying to im+ro)e her$elf in writing. There wa$ a fire+lace in the room( an# on the mar'le mantle a'o)e $too# a 'ea%tif%lly wro%ght $tat%ette of Ee$%$ recei)ing little chil#ren( an# on either $i#e mar'le )a$e$( for which it wa$ Tom'$ +ri#e an# #elight to offer 'o%2%et$ e)ery morning. Two or three e12%i$ite +ainting$ of chil#ren( in )ario%$ attit%#e$( em'elli$he# the wall. In $hort( the eye co%l# t%rn nowhere witho%t meeting image$ of chil#hoo#( of 'ea%ty( an# of +eace. Tho$e little eye$ ne)er o+ene#( in the morning light( witho%t falling on $omething which $%gge$te# to the heart $oothing an# 'ea%tif%l tho%ght$. The #eceitf%l $trength which ha# '%oye# E)a %+ for a little while wa$ fa$t +a$$ing away3 $el#om an# more $el#om her light foot$te+ wa$ hear# in the )eran#ah( an# oftener an# oftener $he wa$ fo%n# recline# on a little lo%nge 'y the o+en win#ow( her large( #ee+ eye$ fi1e# on the ri$ing an# falling water$ of the la-e.

It wa$ towar#$ the mi##le of the afternoon( a$ $he wa$ $o reclining(**her Bi'le half o+en( her little tran$+arent finger$ lying li$tle$$ly 'etween the lea)e$(**$%##enly $he hear# her mother'$ )oice( in $har+ tone$( in the )eran#ah. A"hat now( yo% 'aggageD**what new +iece of mi$chiefD Bo%')e 'een +ic-ing the flower$( heyCA an# E)a hear# the $o%n# of a $mart $la+. ALaw( Mi$$i$D they '$ for Mi$$ E)a(A $he hear# a )oice $ay( which $he -new 'elonge# to To+$y. AMi$$ E)aD A +retty e1c%$eD**yo% $%++o$e $he want$ 0yo%r0 flower$( yo% goo#*for*nothing niggerD 5et along off with yo%DA In a moment( E)a wa$ off from her lo%nge( an# in the )eran#ah. AO( #on't( motherD I $ho%l# li-e the flower$3 #o gi)e them to me3 I want themDA A"hy( E)a( yo%r room i$ f%ll now.A AI can't ha)e too many(A $ai# E)a. ATo+$y( #o 'ring them here.A To+$y( who ha# $too# $%llenly( hol#ing #own her hea#( now came %+ an# offere# her flower$. She #i# it with a loo- of he$itation an# 'a$hf%lne$$( 2%ite %nli-e the el#rich 'ol#ne$$ an# 'rightne$$ which wa$ %$%al with her. AIt'$ a 'ea%tif%l 'o%2%etDA $ai# E)a( loo-ing at it. It wa$ rather a $ing%lar one(**a 'rilliant $carlet gerani%m( an# one $ingle white /a+onica( with it$ glo$$y lea)e$. It wa$ tie# %+ with an e)i#ent eye to the contra$t of color( an# the arrangement of e)ery leaf ha# caref%lly 'een $t%#ie#. To+$y loo-e# +lea$e#( a$ E)a $ai#(**ATo+$y( yo% arrange flower$ )ery +rettily. Here(A $he $ai#( Ai$ thi$ )a$e I ha)en't any flower$ for. I wi$h yo%'# arrange $omething e)ery #ay for it.A A"ell( that'$ o##DA $ai# Marie. A"hat in the worl# #o yo% want that forCA ANe)er min#( mamma3 yo%'# a$ lief a$ not To+$y $ho%l# #o it(**ha# yo% notCA AOf co%r$e( anything yo% +lea$e( #earD To+$y( yo% hear yo%r yo%ng mi$tre$$3**$ee that yo% min#.A To+$y ma#e a $hort co%rte$y( an# loo-e# #own3 an#( a$ $he t%rne# away( E)a $aw a tear roll #own her #ar- chee-. ABo% $ee( mamma( I -new +oor To+$y wante# to #o $omething for me(A $ai# E)a to her mother.

AO( non$en$eD it'$ only 'eca%$e $he li-e$ to #o mi$chief. She -now$ $he m%$tn't +ic- flower$(**$o $he #oe$ it3 that'$ all there i$ to it. B%t( if yo% fancy to ha)e her +l%c- them( $o 'e it.A AMamma( I thin- To+$y i$ #ifferent from what $he %$e# to 'e3 $he'$ trying to 'e a goo# girl.A AShe'll ha)e to try a goo# while 'efore 0$he0 get$ to 'e goo#(A $ai# Marie( with a carele$$ la%gh. A"ell( yo% -now( mamma( +oor To+$yD e)erything ha$ alway$ 'een again$t her.A ANot $ince $he'$ 'een here( I'm $%re. If $he ha$n't 'een tal-e# to( an# +reache# to( an# e)ery earthly thing #one that any'o#y co%l# #o3**an# $he'$ /%$t $o %gly( an# alway$ will 'e3 yo% can't ma-e anything of the creat%reDA AB%t( mamma( it'$ $o #ifferent to 'e 'ro%ght %+ a$ I')e 'een( with $o many frien#$( $o many thing$ to ma-e me goo# an# ha++y3 an# to 'e 'ro%ght %+ a$ $he'$ 'een( all the time( till $he came hereDA AMo$t li-ely(A $ai# Marie( yawning(**A#ear me( how hot it i$DA AMamma( yo% 'elie)e( #on't yo%( that To+$y co%l# 'ecome an angel( a$ well a$ any of %$( if $he were a Chri$tianCA ATo+$yD what a ri#ic%lo%$ i#eaD No'o#y '%t yo% wo%l# e)er thin- of it. I $%++o$e $he co%l#( tho%gh.A AB%t( mamma( i$n't 5o# her father( a$ m%ch a$ o%r$C I$n't Ee$%$ her Sa)io%rCA A"ell( that may 'e. I $%++o$e 5o# ma#e e)ery'o#y(A $ai# Marie. A"here i$ my $melling*'ottleCA AIt'$ $%ch a +ity(**ohD 0$%ch0 a +ityDA $ai# E)a( loo-ing o%t on the #i$tant la-e( an# $+ea-ing half to her$elf. A"hat'$ a +ityCA $ai# Marie. A"hy( that any one( who co%l# 'e a 'right angel( an# li)e with angel$( $ho%l# go all #own( #own #own( an# no'o#y hel+ themD**oh #earDA A"ell( we can't hel+ it3 it'$ no %$e worrying( E)aD I #on't -now what'$ to 'e #one3 we o%ght to 'e than-f%l for o%r own a#)antage$.A AI har#ly can 'e(A $ai# E)a( AI'm $o $orry to thin- of +oor fol-$ that ha)en't any.A AThat'$ o## eno%gh(A $ai# Marie3**AI'm $%re my religion ma-e$ me than-f%l for my a#)antage$.A AMamma(A $ai# E)a( AI want to ha)e $ome of my hair c%t off(**a goo# #eal of it.A

A"hat forCA $ai# Marie. AMamma( I want to gi)e $ome away to my frien#$( while I am a'le to gi)e it to them my$elf. "on't yo% a$- a%nty to come an# c%t it for meCA Marie rai$e# her )oice( an# calle# Mi$$ O+helia( from the other room. The chil# half ro$e from her +illow a$ $he came in( an#( $ha-ing #own her long gol#en*'rown c%rl$( $ai#( rather +layf%lly( ACome a%nty( $hear the $hee+DA A"hat'$ thatCA $ai# St. Clare( who /%$t then entere# with $ome fr%it he ha# 'een o%t to get for her. A a+a( I /%$t want a%nty to c%t off $ome of my hair3**there'$ too m%ch of it( an# it ma-e$ my hea# hot. Be$i#e$( I want to gi)e $ome of it away.A Mi$$ O+helia came( with her $ci$$or$. ATa-e care(**#on't $+oil the loo-$ of itDA $ai# her father3 Ac%t %n#erneath( where it won't $how. E)a'$ c%rl$ are my +ri#e.A AO( +a+aDA $ai# E)a( $a#ly. ABe$( an# I want them -e+t han#$ome again$t the time I ta-e yo% %+ to yo%r %ncle'$ +lantation( to $ee Co%$in Henri2%e(A $ai# St. Clare( in a gay tone. AI $hall ne)er go there( +a+a3**I am going to a 'etter co%ntry. O( #o 'elie)e meD Fon't yo% $ee( +a+a( that I get wea-er( e)ery #ayCA A"hy #o yo% in$i$t that I $hall 'elie)e $%ch a cr%el thing( E)aCA $ai# her father. AOnly 'eca%$e it i$ 0tr%e0( +a+aI an#( if yo% will 'elie)e it now( +erha+$ yo% will get to feel a'o%t it a$ I #o.A St. Clare clo$e# hi$ li+$( an# $too# gloomily eying the long( 'ea%tif%l c%rl$( which( a$ they were $e+arate# from the chil#'$ hea#( were lai#( one 'y one( in her la+. She rai$e# them %+( loo-e# earne$tly at them( twine# them aro%n# her thin finger$( an# loo-e# from time to time( an1io%$ly at her father. AIt'$ /%$t what I')e 'een fore'o#ingDA $ai# Marie3 Ait'$ /%$t what ha$ 'een +reying on my health( from #ay to #ay( 'ringing me #ownwar# to the gra)e( tho%gh no'o#y regar#$ it. I ha)e $een thi$( long. St. Clare( yo% will $ee( after a while( that I wa$ right.A A"hich will affor# yo% great con$olation( no #o%'tDA $ai# St. Clare( in a #ry( 'itter tone. Marie lay 'ac- on a lo%nge( an# co)ere# her face with her cam'ric han#-erchief.

E)a'$ clear 'l%e eye loo-e# earne$tly from one to the other. It wa$ the calm( com+rehen#ing ga4e of a $o%l half loo$e# from it$ earthly 'on#$3 it wa$ e)i#ent $he $aw( felt( an# a++reciate#( the #ifference 'etween the two. She 'ec-one# with her han# to her father. He came an# $at #own 'y her. A a+a( my $trength fa#e$ away e)ery #ay( an# I -now I m%$t go. There are $ome thing$ I want to $ay an# #o(**that I o%ght to #o3 an# yo% are $o %nwilling to ha)e me $+ea- a wor# on thi$ $%'/ect. B%t it m%$t come3 there'$ no +%tting it off. Fo 'e willing I $ho%l# $+ea- nowDA AMy chil#( I 0am0 willingDA $ai# St. Clare( co)ering hi$ eye$ with one han#( an# hol#ing %+ E)a'$ han# with the other. AThen( I want to $ee all o%r +eo+le together. I ha)e $ome thing$ I 0m%$t0 $ay to them(A $ai# E)a. A0"ell0(A $ai# St. Clare( in a tone of #ry en#%rance. Mi$$ O+helia #e$+atche# a me$$enger( an# $oon the whole of the $er)ant$ were con)ene# in the room. E)a lay 'ac- on her +illow$3 her hair hanging loo$ely a'o%t her face( her crim$on chee-$ contra$ting +ainf%lly with the inten$e whitene$$ of her com+le1ion an# the thin conto%r of her lim'$ an# feat%re$( an# her large( $o%l*li-e eye$ fi1e# earne$tly on e)ery one. The $er)ant$ were $tr%c- with a $%##en emotion. The $+irit%al face( the long loc-$ of hair c%t off an# lying 'y her( her father'$ a)erte# face( an# Marie'$ $o'$( $tr%c- at once %+on the feeling$ of a $en$iti)e an# im+re$$i'le race3 an#( a$ they came in( they loo-e# one on another( $ighe#( an# $hoo- their hea#$. There wa$ a #ee+ $ilence( li-e that of a f%neral. E)a rai$e# her$elf( an# loo-e# long an# earne$tly ro%n# at e)ery one. All loo-e# $a# an# a++rehen$i)e. Many of the women hi# their face$ in their a+ron$. AI $ent for yo% all( my #ear frien#$(A $ai# E)a( A'eca%$e I lo)e yo%. I lo)e yo% all3 an# I ha)e $omething to $ay to yo%( which I want yo% alway$ to remem'er. . . . I am going to lea)e yo%. In a few more wee-$ yo% will $ee me no more**A Here the chil# wa$ interr%+te# 'y '%r$t$ of groan$( $o'$( an# lamentation$( which 'ro-e from all +re$ent( an# in which her $len#er )oice wa$ lo$t entirely. She waite# a moment( an# then( $+ea-ing in a tone that chec-e# the $o'$ of all( $he $ai#( AIf yo% lo)e me( yo% m%$t not interr%+t me $o. Li$ten to what I $ay. I want to $+ea- to yo% a'o%t yo%r $o%l$. . . . Many of yo%( I am afrai#( are )ery carele$$. Bo% are thin-ing only a'o%t thi$ worl#. I want yo% to remem'er that there i$ a 'ea%tif%l worl#( where Ee$%$ i$. I am going there( an# yo% can go there. It i$ for yo%( a$ m%ch a$ me. B%t( if yo%

want to go there( yo% m%$t not li)e i#le( carele$$( tho%ghtle$$ li)e$. Bo% m%$t 'e Chri$tian$. Bo% m%$t remem'er that each one of yo% can 'ecome angel$( an# 'e angel$ fore)er. . . . If yo% want to 'e Chri$tian$( Ee$%$ will hel+ yo%. Bo% m%$t +ray to him3 yo% m%$t rea#**A The chil# chec-e# her$elf( loo-e# +iteo%$ly at them( an# $ai#( $orrowf%lly( AO #earD yo% 0can't0 rea#**+oor $o%l$DA an# $he hi# her face in the +illow an# $o''e#( while many a $mothere# $o' from tho$e $he wa$ a##re$$ing( who were -neeling on the floor( aro%$e# her. ANe)er min#(A $he $ai#( rai$ing her face an# $miling 'rightly thro%gh her tear$( AI ha)e +raye# for yo%3 an# I -now Ee$%$ will hel+ yo%( e)en if yo% can't rea#. Try all to #o the 'e$t yo% can3 +ray e)ery #ay3 a$Him to hel+ yo%( an# get the Bi'le rea# to yo% whene)er yo% can3 an# I thin- I $hall $ee yo% all in hea)en.A AAmen(A wa$ the m%rm%re# re$+on$e from the li+$ of Tom an# Mammy( an# $ome of the el#er one$( who 'elonge# to the Metho#i$t ch%rch. The yo%nger an# more tho%ghtle$$ one$( for the time com+letely o)ercome( were $o''ing( with their hea#$ 'owe# %+on their -nee$. AI -now(A $ai# E)a( Ayo% all lo)e me.A ABe$3 oh( ye$D in#ee# we #oD Lor# 'le$$ herDA wa$ the in)ol%ntary an$wer of all. ABe$( I -now yo% #oD There i$n't one of yo% that ha$n't alway$ 'een )ery -in# to me3 an# I want to gi)e yo% $omething that( when yo% loo- at( yo% $hall alway$ remem'er me( I'm going to gi)e all of yo% a c%rl of my hair3 an#( when yo% loo- at it( thin- that I lo)e# yo% an# am gone to hea)en( an# that I want to $ee yo% all there.A It i$ im+o$$i'le to #e$cri'e the $cene( a$( with tear$ an# $o'$( they gathere# ro%n# the little creat%re( an# too- from her han#$ what $eeme# to them a la$t mar- of her lo)e. They fell on their -nee$3 they $o''e#( an# +raye#( an# -i$$e# the hem of her garment3 an# the el#er one$ +o%re# forth wor#$ of en#earment( mingle# in +rayer$ an# 'le$$ing$( after the manner of their $%$ce+ti'le race. A$ each one too- their gift( Mi$$ O+helia( who wa$ a++rehen$i)e for the effect of all thi$ e1citement on her little +atient( $igne# to each one to +a$$ o%t of the a+artment. At la$t( all were gone '%t Tom an# Mammy. AHere( Uncle Tom(A $ai# E)a( Ai$ a 'ea%tif%l one for yo%. O( I am $o ha++y( Uncle Tom( to thin- I $hall $ee yo% in hea)en(**for I'm $%re I $hall3 an# Mammy(**#ear( goo#( -in# MammyDA $he $ai#( fon#ly throwing her arm$ ro%n# her ol# n%r$e(**AI -now yo%'ll 'e there( too.A AO( Mi$$ E)a( #on't $ee how I can li)e witho%t ye( no howDA $ai# the faithf%l creat%re. A' ear$ li-e it'$ /%$t ta-ing e)erything off the +lace to oncetDA an# Mammy ga)e way to a +a$$ion of grief.

Mi$$ O+helia +%$he# her an# Tom gently from the a+artment( an# tho%ght they were all gone3 '%t( a$ $he t%rne#( To+$y wa$ $tan#ing there. A"here #i# yo% $tart %+ fromCA $he $ai#( $%##enly. AI wa$ here(A $ai# To+$y( wi+ing the tear$ from her eye$. AO( Mi$$ E)a( I')e 'een a 'a# girl3 '%t won't yo% gi)e 0me0 one( tooCA ABe$( +oor To+$yD to 'e $%re( I will. There**e)ery time yo% loo- at that( thin- that I lo)e yo%( an# wante# yo% to 'e a goo# girlDA AO( Mi$$ E)a( I 0i$0 tryinDA $ai# To+$y( earne$tly3 A'%t( Lor( it'$ $o har# to 'e goo#D ' ear$ li-e I an't %$e# to it( no way$DA AEe$%$ -now$ it( To+$y3 he i$ $orry for yo%3 he will hel+ yo%.A To+$y( with her eye$ hi# in her a+ron( wa$ $ilently +a$$e# from the a+artment 'y Mi$$ O+helia3 '%t( a$ $he went( $he hi# the +recio%$ c%rl in her 'o$om. All 'eing gone( Mi$$ O+helia $h%t the #oor. That worthy la#y ha# wi+e# away many tear$ of her own( #%ring the $cene3 '%t concern for the con$e2%ence of $%ch an e1citement to her yo%ng charge wa$ %++ermo$t in her min#. St. Clare ha# 'een $itting( #%ring the whole time( with hi$ han# $ha#ing hi$ eye$( in the $ame attit%#e. "hen they were all gone( he $at $o $till. A a+aDA $ai# E)a( gently( laying her han# on hi$. He ga)e a $%##en $tart an# $hi)er3 '%t ma#e no an$wer. AFear +a+aDA $ai# E)a. A0I cannot0(A $ai# St. Clare( ri$ing( AI 0cannot0 ha)e it $oD The Almighty hath #ealt 0)ery 'itterly0 with meDA an# St. Clare +rono%nce# the$e wor#$ with a 'itter em+ha$i$( in#ee#. AA%g%$tineD ha$ not 5o# a right to #o what he will with hi$ ownCA $ai# Mi$$ O+helia. A erha+$ $o3 '%t that #oe$n't ma-e it any ea$ier to 'ear(A $ai# he( with a #ry( har#( tearle$$ manner( a$ he t%rne# away. A a+a( yo% 'rea- my heartDA $ai# E)a( ri$ing an# throwing her$elf into hi$ arm$3 Ayo% m%$t not feel $oDA an# the chil# $o''e# an# we+t with a )iolence which alarme# them all( an# t%rne# her father'$ tho%ght$ at once to another channel. AThere( E)a(**there( #eare$tD H%$hD h%$hD I wa$ wrong3 I wa$ wic-e#. I will feel any way( #o any way(**only #on't #i$tre$$ yo%r$elf3 #on't $o' $o. I will 'e re$igne#3 I wa$ wic-e# to $+ea- a$ I #i#.A

E)a $oon lay li-e a wearie# #o)e in her father'$ arm$3 an# he( 'en#ing o)er her( $oothe# her 'y e)ery ten#er wor# he co%l# thin- of. Marie ro$e an# threw her$elf o%t of the a+artment into her own( when $he fell into )iolent hy$teric$. ABo% #i#n't gi)e me a c%rl( E)a(A $ai# her father( $miling $a#ly. AThey are all yo%r$( +a+a(A $ai# $he( $miling**Ayo%r$ an# mamma'$3 an# yo% m%$t gi)e #ear a%nty a$ many a$ $he want$. I only ga)e them to o%r +oor +eo+le my$elf( 'eca%$e yo% -now( +a+a( they might 'e forgotten when I am gone( an# 'eca%$e I ho+e# it might hel+ them remem'er. . . . Bo% are a Chri$tian( are yo% not( +a+aCA $ai# E)a( #o%'tf%lly. A"hy #o yo% a$- meCA AI #on't -now. Bo% are $o goo#( I #on't $ee how yo% can hel+ it.A A"hat i$ 'eing a Chri$tian( E)aCA ALo)ing Chri$t mo$t of all(A $ai# E)a. AFo yo%( E)aCA ACertainly I #o.A ABo% ne)er $aw him(A $ai# St. Clare. AThat ma-e$ no #ifference(A $ai# E)a. AI 'elie)e him( an# in a few #ay$ I $hall 0$ee0 him3A an# the yo%ng face grew fer)ent( ra#iant with /oy. St. Clare $ai# no more. It wa$ a feeling which he ha# $een 'efore in hi$ mother3 '%t no chor# within )i'rate# to it. E)a( after thi$( #ecline# ra+i#ly3 there wa$ no more any #o%'t of the e)ent3 the fon#e$t ho+e co%l# not 'e 'lin#e#. Her 'ea%tif%l room wa$ a)owe#ly a $ic- room3 an# Mi$$ O+helia #ay an# night +erforme# the #%tie$ of a n%r$e(**an# ne)er #i# her frien#$ a++reciate her )al%e more than in that ca+acity. "ith $o well*traine# a han# an# eye( $%ch +erfect a#roitne$$ an# +ractice in e)ery art which co%l# +romote neatne$$ an# comfort( an# -ee+ o%t of $ight e)ery #i$agreea'le inci#ent of $ic-ne$$(**with $%ch a +erfect $en$e of time( $%ch a clear( %ntro%'le# hea#( $%ch e1act acc%racy in remem'ering e)ery +re$cri+tion an# #irection of the #octor$(**$he wa$ e)erything to him. They who ha# $hr%gge# their $ho%l#er$ at her little +ec%liaritie$ an# $etne$$e$( $o %nli-e the carele$$ free#om of $o%thern manner$( ac-nowle#ge# that now $he wa$ the e1act +er$on that wa$ wante#. Uncle Tom wa$ m%ch in E)a'$ room. The chil# $%ffere# m%ch from ner)o%$ re$tle$$ne$$( an# it wa$ a relief to her to 'e carrie#3 an# it wa$ Tom'$ greate$t #elight to carry her little frail form in hi$ arm$( re$ting on a +illow( now %+ an# #own her room( now o%t into the )eran#ah3 an# when the fre$h $ea*'ree4e$ 'lew from the la-e(**an# the chil# felt fre$he$t in the morning(**he wo%l# $ometime$ wal- with her %n#er the orange*tree$

in the gar#en( or( $itting #own in $ome of their ol# $eat$( $ing to her their fa)orite ol# hymn$. Her father often #i# the $ame thing3 '%t hi$ frame wa$ $lighter( an# when he wa$ weary( E)a wo%l# $ay to him( AO( +a+a( let Tom ta-e me. oor fellowD it +lea$e$ him3 an# yo% -now it'$ all he can #o now( an# he want$ to #o $omethingDA ASo #o I( E)aDA $ai# her father. A"ell( +a+a( yo% can #o e)erything( an# are e)erything to me. Bo% rea# to me(**yo% $it %+ night$(**an# Tom ha$ only thi$ one thing( an# hi$ $inging3 an# I -now( too( he #oe$ it ea$ier than yo% can. He carrie$ me $o $trongDA The #e$ire to #o $omething wa$ not confine# to Tom. E)ery $er)ant in the e$ta'li$hment $howe# the $ame feeling( an# in their way #i# what they co%l#. oor Mammy'$ heart yearne# towar#$ her #arling3 '%t $he fo%n# no o++ort%nity( night or #ay( a$ Marie #eclare# that the $tate of her min# wa$ $%ch( it wa$ im+o$$i'le for her to re$t3 an#( of co%r$e( it wa$ again$t her +rinci+le$ to let any one el$e re$t. Twenty time$ in a night( Mammy wo%l# 'e ro%$e# to r%' her feet( to 'athe her hea#( to fin# her +oc-et*han#-erchief( to $ee what the noi$e wa$ in E)a'$ room( to let #own a c%rtain 'eca%$e it wa$ too light( or to +%t it %+ 'eca%$e it wa$ too #ar-3 an#( in the #aytime( when $he longe# to ha)e $ome $hare in the n%r$ing of her +et( Marie $eeme# %n%$%ally ingenio%$ in -ee+ing her '%$y anywhere an# e)erywhere all o)er the ho%$e( or a'o%t her own +er$on3 $o that $tolen inter)iew$ an# momentary glim+$e$ were all $he co%l# o'tain. AI feel it my #%ty to 'e +artic%larly caref%l of my$elf( now(A $he wo%l# $ay( Afee'le a$ I am( an# with the whole care an# n%r$ing of that #ear chil# %+on me.A AIn#ee#( my #ear(A $ai# St. Clare( AI tho%ght o%r co%$in relie)e# yo% of that.A ABo% tal- li-e a man( St. Clare(**/%$t a$ if a mother 0co%l#0 'e relie)e# of the care of a chil# in that $tate3 '%t( then( it'$ all ali-e(**no one e)er -now$ what I feelD I can't throw thing$ off( a$ yo% #o.A St. Clare $mile#. Bo% m%$t e1c%$e him( he co%l#n't hel+ it(**for St. Clare co%l# $mile yet. &or $o 'right an# +laci# wa$ the farewell )oyage of the little $+irit(**'y $%ch $weet an# fragrant 'ree4e$ wa$ the $mall 'ar- 'orne towar#$ the hea)enly $hore$(**that it wa$ im+o$$i'le to reali4e that it wa$ #eath that wa$ a++roaching. The chil# felt no +ain(**only a tran2%il( $oft wea-ne$$( #aily an# almo$t in$en$i'ly increa$ing3 an# $he wa$ $o 'ea%tif%l( $o lo)ing( $o tr%$tf%l( $o ha++y( that one co%l# not re$i$t the $oothing infl%ence of that air of innocence an# +eace which $eeme# to 'reathe aro%n# her. St. Clare fo%n# a $trange calm coming o)er him. It wa$ not ho+e(**that wa$ im+o$$i'le3 it wa$ not re$ignation3 it wa$ only a calm re$ting in the +re$ent( which

$eeme# $o 'ea%tif%l that he wi$he# to thin- of no f%t%re. It wa$ li-e that h%$h of $+irit which we feel ami# the 'right( mil# woo#$ of a%t%mn( when the 'right hectic fl%$h i$ on the tree$( an# the la$t lingering flower$ 'y the 'roo-3 an# we /oy in it all the more( 'eca%$e we -now that $oon it will all +a$$ away. The frien# who -new mo$t of E)a'$ own imagining$ an# fore$ha#owing$ wa$ her faithf%l 'earer( Tom. To him $he $ai# what $he wo%l# not #i$t%r' her father 'y $aying. To him $he im+arte# tho$e my$terio%$ intimation$ which the $o%l feel$( a$ the cor#$ 'egin to %n'in#( ere it lea)e$ it$ clay fore)er. Tom( at la$t( wo%l# not $lee+ in hi$ room( '%t lay all night in the o%ter )eran#ah( rea#y to ro%$e at e)ery call. AUncle Tom( what ali)e ha)e yo% ta-en to $lee+ing anywhere an# e)erywhere( li-e a #og( forCA $ai# Mi$$ O+helia. AI tho%ght yo% wa$ one of the or#erly $ort( that li-e# to lie in 'e# in a Chri$tian way.A AI #o( Mi$$ &eely(A $ai# Tom( my$terio%$ly. AI #o( '%t now**A A"ell( what nowCA A"e m%$tn't $+ea- lo%#3 Ma$'r St. Clare won't hear on 't3 '%t Mi$$ &eely( yo% -now there m%$t 'e $ome'o#y watchin' for the 'ri#egroom.A A"hat #o yo% mean( TomCA ABo% -now it $ay$ in Scri+t%re( 'At mi#night there wa$ a great cry ma#e. Behol#( the 'ri#egroom cometh.' That'$ what I'm $+ectin now( e)ery night( Mi$$ &eely(**an# I co%l#n't $lee+ o%t o' hearin( no way$.A A"hy( Uncle Tom( what ma-e$ yo% thin- $oCA AMi$$ E)a( $he tal-$ to me. The Lor#( he $en#$ hi$ me$$enger in the $o%l. I m%$t 'e thar( Mi$$ &eely3 for when that ar 'le$$e# chil# goe$ into the -ing#om( they'll o+en the #oor $o wi#e( we'll all get a loo- in at the glory( Mi$$ &eely.A AUncle Tom( #i# Mi$$ E)a $ay $he felt more %nwell than %$%al tonightCA ANo3 '%t $he telle# me( thi$ morning( $he wa$ coming nearer(**thar'$ them that tell$ it to the chil#( Mi$$ &eely. It'$ the angel$(**'it'$ the tr%m+et $o%n# afore the 'rea- o' #ay('A $ai# Tom( 2%oting from a fa)orite hymn. Thi$ #ialog%e +a$$e# 'etween Mi$$ O+helia an# Tom( 'etween ten an# ele)en( one e)ening( after her arrangement$ ha# all 'een ma#e for the night( when( on going to 'olt her o%ter #oor( $he fo%n# Tom $tretche# along 'y it( in the o%ter )eran#ah. She wa$ not ner)o%$ or im+re$$i'le3 '%t the $olemn( heart*felt manner $tr%c- her. E)a ha# 'een %n%$%ally 'right an# cheerf%l( that afternoon( an# ha# $at rai$e# in her 'e#( an# loo-e# o)er all her little trin-et$ an# +recio%$ thing$( an# #e$ignate# the frien#$ to whom $he wo%l#

ha)e them gi)en3 an# her manner wa$ more animate#( an# her )oice more nat%ral( than they ha# -nown it for wee-$. Her father ha# 'een in( in the e)ening( an# ha# $ai# that E)a a++eare# more li-e her former $elf than e)er $he ha# #one $ince her $ic-ne$$3 an# when he -i$$e# her for the night( he $ai# to Mi$$ O+helia(**ACo%$in( we may -ee+ her with %$( after all3 $he i$ certainly 'etter3A an# he ha# retire# with a lighter heart in hi$ 'o$om than he ha# ha# there for wee-$. B%t at mi#night(**$trange( my$tic ho%rD**when the )eil 'etween the frail +re$ent an# the eternal f%t%re grow$ thin(**then came the me$$engerD There wa$ a $o%n# in that cham'er( fir$t of one who $te++e# 2%ic-ly. It wa$ Mi$$ O+helia( who ha# re$ol)e# to $it %+ all night with her little charge( an# who( at the t%rn of the night( ha# #i$cerne# what e1+erience# n%r$e$ $ignificantly call Aa change.A The o%ter #oor wa$ 2%ic-ly o+ene#( an# Tom( who wa$ watching o%t$i#e( wa$ on the alert( in a moment. A5o for the #octor( TomD lo$e not a moment(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia3 an#( $te++ing acro$$ the room( $he ra++e# at St. Clare'$ #oor. ACo%$in(A $he $ai#( AI wi$h yo% wo%l# come.A Tho$e wor#$ fell on hi$ heart li-e clo#$ %+on a coffin. "hy #i# theyC He wa$ %+ an# in the room in an in$tant( an# 'en#ing o)er E)a( who $till $le+t. "hat wa$ it he $aw that ma#e hi$ heart $tan# $tillC "hy wa$ no wor# $+o-en 'etween the twoC Tho% can$t $ay( who ha$t $een that $ame e1+re$$ion on the face #eare$t to thee3**that loo- in#e$cri'a'le( ho+ele$$( %nmi$ta-a'le( that $ay$ to thee that thy 'elo)e# i$ no longer thine. On the face of the chil#( howe)er( there wa$ no gha$tly im+rint(**only a high an# almo$t $%'lime e1+re$$ion(**the o)er$ha#owing +re$ence of $+irit%al nat%re$( the #awning of immortal life in that chil#i$h $o%l. They $too# there $o $till( ga4ing %+on her( that e)en the tic-ing of the watch $eeme# too lo%#. In a few moment$( Tom ret%rne#( with the #octor. He entere#( ga)e one loo-( an# $too# $ilent a$ the re$t. A"hen #i# thi$ change ta-e +laceCA $ai# he( in a low whi$+er( to Mi$$ O+helia. AA'o%t the t%rn of the night(A wa$ the re+ly. Marie( ro%$e# 'y the entrance of the #octor( a++eare#( h%rrie#ly( from the ne1t room. AA%g%$tineD Co%$inD**OD**whatDA $he h%rrie#ly 'egan. AH%$hDA $ai# St. Clare( hoar$ely3 0A$he i$ #yingDA0 Mammy hear# the wor#$( an# flew to awa-en the $er)ant$. The ho%$e wa$ $oon ro%$e#(**light$ were $een( foot$te+$ hear#( an1io%$ face$ thronge#

the )eran#ah( an# loo-e# tearf%lly thro%gh the gla$$ #oor$3 '%t St. Clare hear# an# $ai# nothing(**he $aw only 0that loo-0 on the face of the little $lee+er. AO( if $he wo%l# only wa-e( an# $+ea- once moreDA he $ai#3 an#( $too+ing o)er her( he $+o-e in her ear(**AE)a( #arlingDA The large 'l%e eye$ %nclo$e#**a $mile +a$$e# o)er her face3**$he trie# to rai$e her hea#( an# to $+ea-. AFo yo% -now me( E)aCA AFear +a+a(A $ai# the chil#( with a la$t effort( throwing her arm$ a'o%t hi$ nec-. In a moment they #ro++e# again3 an#( a$ St. Clare rai$e# hi$ hea#( he $aw a $+a$m of mortal agony +a$$ o)er the face(**$he $tr%ggle# for 'reath( an# threw %+ her little han#$. AO( 5o#( thi$ i$ #rea#f%lDA he $ai#( t%rning away in agony( an# wringing Tom'$ han#( $carce con$cio%$ what he wa$ #oing. AO( Tom( my 'oy( it i$ -illing meDA Tom ha# hi$ ma$ter'$ han#$ 'etween hi$ own3 an#( with tear$ $treaming #own hi$ #ar- chee-$( loo-e# %+ for hel+ where he ha# alway$ 'een %$e# to loo-. A ray that thi$ may 'e c%t $hortDA $ai# St. Clare(**Athi$ wring$ my heart.A AO( 'le$$ the Lor#D it'$ o)er(**it'$ o)er( #ear Ma$terDA $ai# Tom3 Alooat her.A The chil# lay +anting on her +illow$( a$ one e1ha%$te#(**the large clear eye$ rolle# %+ an# fi1e#. Ah( what $ai# tho$e eye$( that $+o-e $o m%ch of hea)enD Earth wa$ +a$t(**an# earthly +ain3 '%t $o $olemn( $o my$terio%$( wa$ the tri%m+hant 'rightne$$ of that face( that it chec-e# e)en the $o'$ of $orrow. They +re$$e# aro%n# her( in 'reathle$$ $tillne$$. AE)a(A $ai# St. Clare( gently. She #i# not hear. AO( E)a( tell %$ what yo% $eeD "hat i$ itCA $ai# her father. A 'right( a glorio%$ $mile +a$$e# o)er her face( an# $he $ai#( 'ro-enly(**AOD lo)e(**/oy(**+eaceDA ga)e one $igh an# +a$$e# from #eath %nto lifeD A&arewell( 'elo)e# chil#D the 'right( eternal #oor$ ha)e clo$e# after thee3 we $hall $ee thy $weet face no more. O( woe for them who watche# thy entrance into hea)en( when they $hall wa-e an# fin# only the col# gray $-y of #aily life( an# tho% gone fore)erDA

CHA TE! KKVII AThi$ I$ the La$t of EarthA6 6 AThi$ i$ the la$t of EarthD I am content(A la$t wor#$ of Eohn N%incy A#am$( %ttere# &e'r%ary ?8( 8>=>. The $tat%ette$ an# +ict%re$ in E)a'$ room were $hro%#e# in white na+-in$( an# only h%$he# 'reathing$ an# m%ffle# footfall$ were hear# there( an# the light $tole in $olemnly thro%gh win#ow$ +artially #ar-ene# 'y clo$e# 'lin#$. The 'e# wa$ #ra+e# in white3 an# there( 'eneath the #roo+ing angel*fig%re( lay a little $lee+ing form(**$lee+ing ne)er to wa-enD There $he lay( ro'e# in one of the $im+le white #re$$e$ $he ha# 'een wont to wear when li)ing3 the ro$e*colore# light thro%gh the c%rtain$ ca$t o)er the icy col#ne$$ of #eath a warm glow. The hea)y eyela$he$ #roo+e# $oftly on the +%re chee-3 the hea# wa$ t%rne# a little to one $i#e( a$ if in nat%ral $tee+( '%t there wa$ #iff%$e# o)er e)ery lineament of the face that high cele$tial e1+re$$ion( that mingling of ra+t%re an# re+o$e( which $howe# it wa$ no earthly or tem+orary $lee+( '%t the long( $acre# re$t which AHe gi)eth to hi$ 'elo)e#.A There i$ no #eath to $%ch a$ tho%( #ear E)aD neither #ar-ne$$ nor $ha#ow of #eath3 only $%ch a 'right fa#ing a$ when the morning $tar fa#e$ in the gol#en #awn. Thine i$ the )ictory witho%t the 'attle(**the crown witho%t the conflict. So #i# St. Clare thin-( a$( with fol#e# arm$( he $too# there ga4ing. AhD who $hall $ay what he #i# thin-C for( from the ho%r that )oice$ ha# $ai#( in the #ying cham'er( A$he i$ gone(A it ha# 'een all a #reary mi$t( a hea)y A#imne$$ of ang%i$h.A He ha# hear# )oice$ aro%n# him3 he ha# ha# 2%e$tion$ a$-e#( an# an$were# them3 they ha# a$-e# him when he wo%l# ha)e the f%neral( an# where they $ho%l# lay her3 an# he ha# an$were#( im+atiently( that he care# not. A#ol+h an# !o$a ha# arrange# the cham'er3 )olatile( fic-le an# chil#i$h( a$ they generally were( they were $oft*hearte# an# f%ll of feeling3 an#( while Mi$$ O+helia +re$i#e# o)er the general #etail$ of or#er an# neatne$$( it wa$ their han#$ that a##e# tho$e $oft( +oetic to%che$ to the arrangement$( that too- from the #eath*room the grim an# gha$tly air which too often mar-$ a New Englan# f%neral. There were $till flower$ on the $hel)e$(**all white( #elicate an# fragrant( with gracef%l( #roo+ing lea)e$. E)a'$ little ta'le( co)ere# with white( 'ore on it her fa)orite )a$e( with a $ingle white mo$$ ro$e*'%# in it. The fol#$ of the #ra+ery( the fall of the c%rtain$( ha# 'een arrange# an# rearrange#( 'y A#ol+h an# !o$a( with that nicety of eye which characteri4e$ their race. E)en now( while St. Clare $too# there thin-ing( little !o$a tri++e# $oftly into the cham'er with a 'a$-et of white flower$. She $te++e# 'ac- when $he $aw St. Clare( an# $to++e# re$+ectf%lly3 '%t( $eeing that he #i# not o'$er)e her( $he came forwar# to +lace them aro%n# the #ea#. St. Clare $aw her a$ in a #ream( while $he +lace# in the $mall han#$ a fair ca+e /e$$amine( an#( with

a#mira'le ta$te( #i$+o$e# other flower$ aro%n# the co%ch. The #oor o+ene# again( an# To+$y( her eye$ $welle# with crying( a++eare#( hol#ing $omething %n#er her a+ron. !o$a ma#e a 2%icfor'i##ing ge$t%re3 '%t $he too- a $te+ into the room. ABo% m%$t go o%t(A $ai# !o$a( in a $har+( +o$iti)e whi$+er3 A0yo%0 ha)en't any '%$ine$$ hereDA AO( #o let meD I 'ro%ght a flower(**$%ch a +retty oneDA $ai# To+$y( hol#ing %+ a half*'lown tea ro$e*'%#. AFo let me +%t /%$t one there.A A5et alongDA $ai# !o$a( more #eci#e#ly. ALet her $tayDA $ai# St. Clare( $%##enly $tam+ing hi$ foot. AShe $hall come.A !o$a $%##enly retreate#( an# To+$y came forwar# an# lai# her offering at the feet of the cor+$e3 then $%##enly( with a wil# an# 'itter cry( $he threw her$elf on the floor along$i#e the 'e#( an# we+t( an# moane# alo%#. Mi$$ O+helia ha$tene# into the room( an# trie# to rai$e an# $ilence her3 '%t in )ain. AO( Mi$$ E)aD oh( Mi$$ E)aD I wi$h I '$ #ea#( too(**I #oDA There wa$ a +iercing wil#ne$$ in the cry3 the 'loo# fl%$he# into St. Clare'$ white( mar'le*li-e face( an# the fir$t tear$ he ha# $he# $ince E)a #ie# $too# in hi$ eye$. A5et %+( chil#(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia( in a $oftene# )oice3 A#on't cry $o. Mi$$ E)a i$ gone to hea)en3 $he i$ an angel.A AB%t I can't $ee herDA $ai# To+$y. AI ne)er $hall $ee herDA an# $he $o''e# again. They all $too# a moment in $ilence. A0She0 $ai# $he 0lo)e#0 me(A $ai# To+$y(**A$he #i#D O( #earD oh( #earD there an't 0no'o#y0 left now(**there an'tDA AThat'$ tr%e eno%ghA $ai# St. Clare3 A'%t #o(A he $ai# to Mi$$ O+helia( A$ee if yo% can't comfort the +oor creat%re.A AI /i$t wi$h I ha#n't ne)er 'een 'orn(A $ai# To+$y. AI #i#n't want to 'e 'orn( no way$3 an# I #on't $ee no %$e on 't.A Mi$$ O+helia rai$e# her gently( '%t firmly( an# too- her from the room3 '%t( a$ $he #i# $o( $ome tear$ fell from her eye$. ATo+$y( yo% +oor chil#(A $he $ai#( a$ $he le# her into her room( A#on't gi)e %+D 0I0 can lo)e yo%( tho%gh I am not li-e that #ear little chil#. I ho+e I')e learnt $omething of the lo)e of Chri$t from her. I can lo)e yo%3 I #o( an# I'll try to hel+ yo% to grow %+ a goo# Chri$tian girl.A

Mi$$ O+helia'$ )oice wa$ more than her wor#$( an# more than that were the hone$t tear$ that fell #own her face. &rom that ho%r( $he ac2%ire# an infl%ence o)er the min# of the #e$tit%te chil# that $he ne)er lo$t. AO( my E)a( who$e little ho%r on earth #i# $o m%ch of goo#(A tho%ght St. Clare( Awhat acco%nt ha)e I to gi)e for my long year$CA There were( for a while( $oft whi$+ering$ an# footfall$ in the cham'er( a$ one after another $tole in( to loo- at the #ea#3 an# then came the little coffin3 an# then there wa$ a f%neral( an# carriage$ #ro)e to the #oor( an# $tranger$ came an# were $eate#3 an# there were white $carf$ an# ri''on$( an# cra+e 'an#$( an# mo%rner$ #re$$e# in 'lac- cra+e3 an# there were wor#$ rea# from the Bi'le( an# +rayer$ offere#3 an# St. Clare li)e#( an# wal-e#( an# mo)e#( a$ one who ha$ $he# e)ery tear3**to the la$t he $aw only one thing( that gol#en hea# in the coffin3 '%t then he $aw the cloth $+rea# o)er it( the li# of the coffin clo$e#3 an# he wal-e#( when he wa$ +%t 'e$i#e the other$( #own to a little +lace at the 'ottom of the gar#en( an# there( 'y the mo$$y $eat where $he an# Tom ha# tal-e#( an# $%ng( an# rea# $o often( wa$ the little gra)e. St. Clare $too# 'e$i#e it(**loo-e# )acantly #own3 he $aw them lower the little coffin3 he hear#( #imly( the $olemn wor#$( AI am the re$%rrection an# the Life3 he that 'elie)eth in me( tho%gh he were #ea#( yet $hall he li)e3A an#( a$ the earth wa$ ca$t in an# fille# %+ the little gra)e( he co%l# not reali4e that it wa$ hi$ E)a that they were hi#ing from hi$ $ight. Nor wa$ itD**not E)a( '%t only the frail $ee# of that 'right( immortal form with which $he $hall yet come forth( in the #ay of the Lor# Ee$%$D An# then all were gone( an# the mo%rner$ went 'ac- to the +lace which $ho%l# -now her no more3 an# Marie'$ room wa$ #ar-ene#( an# $he lay on the 'e#( $o''ing an# moaning in %ncontrolla'le grief( an# calling e)ery moment for the attention$ of all her $er)ant$. Of co%r$e( they ha# no time to cry(**why $ho%l# theyC the grief wa$ 0her0 grief( an# $he wa$ f%lly con)ince# that no'o#y on earth #i#( co%l#( or wo%l# feel it a$ $he #i#. ASt. Clare #i# not $he# a tear(A $he $ai#3 Ahe #i#n't $ym+athi4e with her3 it wa$ +erfectly won#erf%l to thin- how har#*hearte# an# %nfeeling he wa$( when he m%$t -now how $he $%ffere#.A So m%ch are +eo+le the $la)e of their eye an# ear( that many of the $er)ant$ really tho%ght that Mi$$i$ wa$ the +rinci+al $%fferer in the ca$e( e$+ecially a$ Marie 'egan to ha)e hy$terical $+a$m$( an# $ent for the #octor( an# at la$t #eclare# her$elf #ying3 an#( in the r%nning an# $cam+ering( an# 'ringing %+ hot 'ottle$( an# heating of flannel$( an# chafing( an# f%$$ing( that en$%e#( there wa$ 2%ite a #i)er$ion. Tom( howe)er( ha# a feeling at hi$ own heart( that #rew him to hi$ ma$ter. He followe# him where)er he wal-e#( wi$tf%lly an# $a#ly3 an# when he $aw him $itting( $o +ale an# 2%iet( in E)a'$ room( hol#ing 'efore hi$ eye$ her little o+en Bi'le( tho%gh $eeing no letter or wor# of what wa$ in it( there wa$ more $orrow to Tom in that $till( fi1e#( tearle$$ eye( than in all Marie'$ moan$ an# lamentation$.

In a few #ay$ the St. Clare family were 'ac- again in the city3 A%g%$tine( with the re$tle$$ne$$ of grief( longing for another $cene( to change the c%rrent of hi$ tho%ght$. So they left the ho%$e an# gar#en( with it$ little gra)e( an# came 'ac- to New Orlean$3 an# St. Clare wal-e# the $treet$ '%$ily( an# $tro)e to fill %+ the cha$m in hi$ heart with h%rry an# '%$tle( an# change of +lace3 an# +eo+le who $aw him in the $treet( or met him at the cafe( -new of hi$ lo$$ only 'y the wee# on hi$ hat3 for there he wa$( $miling an# tal-ing( an# rea#ing the new$+a+er( an# $+ec%lating on +olitic$( an# atten#ing to '%$ine$$ matter$3 an# who co%l# $ee that all thi$ $miling o%t$i#e wa$ '%t a hollowe# $hell o)er a heart that wa$ a #ar- an# $ilent $e+%lchreC AMr. St. Clare i$ a $ing%lar man(A $ai# Marie to Mi$$ O+helia( in a com+laining tone. AI %$e# to thin-( if there wa$ anything in the worl# he #i# lo)e( it wa$ o%r #ear little E)a3 '%t he $eem$ to 'e forgetting her )ery ea$ily. I cannot e)er get him to tal- a'o%t her. I really #i# thin- he wo%l# $how more feelingDA AStill water$ r%n #ee+e$t( they %$e# to tell me(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia( orac%larly. AO( I #on't 'elie)e in $%ch thing$3 it'$ all tal-. If +eo+le ha)e feeling( they will $how it(**they can't hel+ it3 '%t( then( it'$ a great mi$fort%ne to ha)e feeling. I'# rather ha)e 'een ma#e li-e St. Clare. My feeling$ +rey %+on me $oDA AS%re( Mi$$i$( Ma$'r St. Clare i$ gettin' thin a$ a $ha#er. They $ay( he #on't ne)er eat nothin'(A $ai# Mammy. AI -now he #on't forget Mi$$ E)a3 I -now there co%l#n't no'o#y(**#ear( little( 'le$$e# cret%rDA $he a##e#( wi+ing her eye$. A"ell( at all e)ent$( he ha$ no con$i#eration for me(A $ai# Marie3 Ahe ha$n't $+o-en one wor# of $ym+athy( an# he m%$t -now how m%ch more a mother feel$ than any man can.A AThe heart -noweth it$ own 'itterne$$(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia( gra)ely. AThat'$ /%$t what I thin-. I -now /%$t what I feel(**no'o#y el$e $eem$ to. E)a %$e# to( '%t $he i$ goneDA an# Marie lay 'ac- on her lo%nge( an# 'egan to $o' #i$con$olately. Marie wa$ one of tho$e %nfort%nately con$tit%te# mortal$( in who$e eye$ whate)er i$ lo$t an# gone a$$%me$ a )al%e which it ne)er ha# in +o$$e$$ion. "hate)er $he ha#( $he $eeme# to $%r)ey only to +ic- flaw$ in it3 '%t( once fairly away( there wa$ no en# to her )al%ation of it. "hile thi$ con)er$ation wa$ ta-ing +lace in the +arlor another wa$ going on in St. Clare'$ li'rary. Tom( who wa$ alway$ %nea$ily following hi$ ma$ter a'o%t( ha# $een him go to hi$ li'rary( $ome ho%r$ 'efore3 an#( after )ainly waiting for him to come o%t( #etermine#( at la$t( to ma-e an erran# in. He entere# $oftly. St. Clare lay on hi$ lo%nge( at the f%rther en# of the room. He wa$ lying on hi$ face( with E)a'$ Bi'le o+en 'efore him( at a little

#i$tance. Tom wal-e# %+( an# $too# 'y the $ofa. He he$itate#3 an#( while he wa$ he$itating( St. Clare $%##enly rai$e# him$elf %+. The hone$t face( $o f%ll of grief( an# with $%ch an im+loring e1+re$$ion of affection an# $ym+athy( $tr%c- hi$ ma$ter. He lai# hi$ han# on Tom'$( an# 'owe# #own hi$ forehea# on it. AO( Tom( my 'oy( the whole worl# i$ a$ em+ty a$ an egg*$hell.A AI -now it( Ma$'r(**I -now it(A $ai# Tom3 A'%t( oh( if Ma$'r co%l# only loo- %+(**%+ where o%r #ear Mi$$ E)a i$(**%+ to the #ear Lor# Ee$%$DA AAh( TomD I #o loo- %+3 '%t the tro%'le i$( I #on't $ee anything( when I #o( I wi$h I co%l#.A Tom $ighe# hea)ily. AIt $eem$ to 'e gi)en to chil#ren( an# +oor( hone$t fellow$( li-e yo%( to $ee what we can't(A $ai# St. Clare. AHow come$ itCA ATho% ha$ 'hi# from the wi$e an# +r%#ent( an# re)eale# %nto 'a'e$('A m%rm%re# Tom3 A'e)en $o( &ather( for $o it $eeme# goo# in thy $ight.'A ATom( I #on't 'elie)e(**I can't 'elie)e(**I')e got the ha'it of #o%'ting(A $ai# St. Clare. AI want to 'elie)e thi$ Bi'le(**an# I can't.A AFear Ma$'r( +ray to the goo# Lor#(**'Lor#( I 'elie)e3 hel+ tho% my %n'elief.'A A"ho -now$ anything a'o%t anythingCA $ai# St. Clare( hi$ eye$ wan#ering #reamily( an# $+ea-ing to him$elf. A"a$ all that 'ea%tif%l lo)e an# faith only one of the e)er*$hifting +ha$e$ of h%man feeling( ha)ing nothing real to re$t on( +a$$ing away with the little 'reathC An# i$ there no more E)a(**no hea)en(**no Chri$t(**nothingCA AO( #ear Ma$'r( there i$D I -now it3 I'm $%re of it(A $ai# Tom( falling on hi$ -nee$. AFo( #o( #ear Ma$'r( 'elie)e itDA AHow #o yo% -now there'$ any Chri$t( TomD Bo% ne)er $aw the Lor#.A A&elt Him in my $o%l( Ma$'r(**feel Him nowD O( Ma$'r( when I wa$ $ol# away from my ol# woman an# the chil#ren( I wa$ /e$t a'mo$t 'ro-e %+. I felt a$ if there warn't nothin' left3 an# then the goo# Lor#( he $too# 'y me( an# he $ay$( '&ear not( Tom3' an# he 'ring$ light an# /oy in a +oor feller'$ $o%l(**ma-e$ all +eace3 an# I '$ $o ha++y( an# lo)e$ e)ery'o#y( an# feel$ willin' /e$t to 'e the Lor#'$( an# ha)e the Lor#'$ will #one( an# 'e +%t /e$t where the Lor# want$ to +%t me. I -now it co%l#n't come from me( ca%$e I '$ a +oor( com+lainin' cret%r3 it come$ from the Lor#3 an# I -now He'$ willin' to #o for Ma$'r.A Tom $+o-e with fa$t*r%nning tear$ an# cho-ing )oice. St. Clare leane# hi$ hea# on hi$ $ho%l#er( an# wr%ng the har#( faithf%l( 'lac- han#. ATom( yo% lo)e me(A he $ai#. AI '$ willin' to lay #own my life( thi$ 'le$$e# #ay( to $ee Ma$'r a

Chri$tian.A A oor( fooli$h 'oyDA $ai# St. Clare( half*rai$ing him$elf. AI'm not worth the lo)e of one goo#( hone$t heart( li-e yo%r$.A AO( Ma$'r( #ere'$ more than me lo)e$ yo%(**the 'le$$e# Lor# Ee$%$ lo)e$ yo%.A AHow #o yo% -now that TomCA $ai# St. Clare. A&eel$ it in my $o%l. O( Ma$'rD 'the lo)e of Chri$t( that +a$$eth -nowle#ge.'A ASing%larDA $ai# St. Clare( t%rning away( Athat the $tory of a man that li)e# an# #ie# eighteen h%n#re# year$ ago can affect +eo+le $o yet. B%t he wa$ no man(A he a##e#( $%##enly. ANo man e)er ha# $%ch long an# li)ing +owerD O( that I co%l# 'elie)e what my mother ta%ght me( an# +ray a$ I #i# when I wa$ a 'oyDA AIf Ma$'r +lea$e$(A $ai# Tom( AMi$$ E)a %$e# to rea# thi$ $o 'ea%tif%lly. I wi$h Ma$'r'# 'e $o goo# a$ rea# it. Fon't get no rea#in'( har#ly( now Mi$$ E)a'$ gone.A The cha+ter wa$ the ele)enth of Eohn(**the to%ching acco%nt of the rai$ing of La4ar%$( St. Clare rea# it alo%#( often +a%$ing to wre$tle #own feeling$ which were ro%$e# 'y the +atho$ of the $tory. Tom -nelt 'efore him( with cla$+e# han#$( an# with an a'$or'e# e1+re$$ion of lo)e( tr%$t( a#oration( on hi$ 2%iet face. ATom(A $ai# hi$ Ma$ter( Athi$ i$ all 0real0 to yo%DA AI can /e$t fairly 0$ee0 it Ma$'r(A $ai# Tom. AI wi$h I ha# yo%r eye$( Tom.A AI wi$h( to the #ear Lor#( Ma$'r ha#DA AB%t( Tom( yo% -now that I ha)e a great #eal more -nowle#ge than yo%3 what if I $ho%l# tell yo% that I #on't 'elie)e thi$ Bi'leCA AO( Ma$'rDA $ai# Tom( hol#ing %+ hi$ han#$( with a #e+recating ge$t%re. A"o%l#n't it $ha-e yo%r faith $ome( TomCA ANot a grain(A $ai# Tom. A"hy( Tom( yo% m%$t -now I -now the mo$t.A AO( Ma$'r( ha)en't yo% /e$t rea# how he hi#e$ from the wi$e an# +r%#ent( an# re)eal$ %nto 'a'e$C B%t Ma$'r wa$n't in earne$t( for $artin( nowCA $ai# Tom( an1io%$ly. ANo( Tom( I wa$ not. I #on't #i$'elie)e( an# I thin- there i$ rea$on to 'elie)e3 an# $till I #on't. It'$ a tro%'le$ome 'a# ha'it I')e got( Tom.A

AIf Ma$'r wo%l# only +rayDA AHow #o yo% -now I #on't( TomCA AFoe$ Ma$'rCA AI wo%l#( Tom( if there wa$ any'o#y there when I +ray3 '%t it'$ all $+ea-ing %nto nothing( when I #o. B%t come( Tom( yo% +ray now( an# $how me how.A Tom'$ heart wa$ f%ll3 he +o%re# it o%t In +rayer( li-e water$ that ha)e 'een long $%++re$$e#. One thing wa$ +lain eno%gh3 Tom tho%ght there wa$ $ome'o#y to hear( whether there were or not. In fact( St. Clare felt him$elf 'orne( on the ti#e of hi$ faith an# feeling( almo$t to the gate$ of that hea)en he $eeme# $o )i)i#ly to concei)e. It $eeme# to 'ring him nearer to E)a. AThan- yo%( my 'oy(A $ai# St. Clare( when Tom ro$e. AI li-e to hear yo%( Tom3 '%t go( now( an# lea)e me alone3 $ome other time( I'll tal- more.A Tom $ilently left the room.

CHA TE! KKVIII !e%nion "ee- after wee- gli#e# away in the St. Clare man$ion( an# the wa)e$ of life $ettle# 'ac- to their %$%al flow( where that little 'ar- ha# gone #own. &or how im+erio%$ly( how coolly( in #i$regar# of all one'$ feeling( #oe$ the har#( col#( %nintere$ting co%r$e of #aily realitie$ mo)e onD Still m%$t we eat( an# #rin-( an# $lee+( an# wa-e again(**$till 'argain( '%y( $ell( a$- an# an$wer 2%e$tion$(**+%r$%e( in $hort( a tho%$an# $ha#ow$( tho%gh all intere$t in them 'e o)er3 the col# mechanical ha'it of li)ing remaining( after all )ital intere$t in it ha$ fle#. All the intere$t$ an# ho+e$ of St. Clare'$ life ha# %ncon$cio%$ly wo%n# them$el)e$ aro%n# thi$ chil#. It wa$ for E)a that he ha# manage# hi$ +ro+erty3 it wa$ for E)a that he ha# +lanne# the #i$+o$al of hi$ time3 an#( to #o thi$ an# that for E)a(**to '%y( im+ro)e( alter( an# arrange( or #i$+o$e $omething for her(**ha# 'een $o long hi$ ha'it( that now $he wa$ gone( there $eeme# nothing to 'e tho%ght of( an# nothing to 'e #one. Tr%e( there wa$ another life(**a life which( once 'elie)e# in( $tan#$ a$ a $olemn( $ignificant fig%re 'efore the otherwi$e %nmeaning ci+her$ of time( changing them to or#er$ of my$terio%$( %ntol# )al%e. St. Clare -new thi$ well3 an# often( in many a weary ho%r( he hear# that $len#er( chil#i$h )oice calling him to the $-ie$( an# $aw that little han# +ointing to him the way of life3 '%t a hea)y lethargy of $orrow lay on him(**he co%l# not ari$e. He ha# one of tho$e nat%re$ which co%l# 'etter an# more clearly concei)e of religio%$ thing$ from it$ own +erce+tion$ an# in$tinct$( than many a matter*of*fact an# +ractical Chri$tian. The

gift to a++reciate an# the $en$e to feel the finer $ha#e$ an# relation$ of moral thing$( often $eem$ an attri'%te of tho$e who$e whole life $how$ a carele$$ #i$regar# of them. Hence Moore( Byron( 5oethe( often $+ea- wor#$ more wi$ely #e$cri+ti)e of the tr%e religio%$ $entiment( than another man( who$e whole life i$ go)erne# 'y it. In $%ch min#$( #i$regar# of religion i$ a more fearf%l trea$on(**a more #ea#ly $in. St. Clare ha# ne)er +reten#e# to go)ern him$elf 'y any religio%$ o'ligation3 an# a certain finene$$ of nat%re ga)e him $%ch an in$tincti)e )iew of the e1tent of the re2%irement$ of Chri$tianity( that he $hran-( 'y antici+ation( from what he felt wo%l# 'e the e1action$ of hi$ own con$cience( if he once #i# re$ol)e to a$$%me them. &or( $o incon$i$tent i$ h%man nat%re( e$+ecially in the i#eal( that not to %n#erta-e a thing at all $eem$ 'etter than to %n#erta-e an# come $hort. Still St. Clare wa$( in many re$+ect$( another man. He rea# hi$ little E)a'$ Bi'le $erio%$ly an# hone$tly3 he tho%ght more $o'erly an# +ractically of hi$ relation$ to hi$ $er)ant$(**eno%gh to ma-e him e1tremely #i$$ati$fie# with 'oth hi$ +a$t an# +re$ent co%r$e3 an# one thing he #i#( $oon after hi$ ret%rn to New Orlean$( an# that wa$ to commence the legal $te+$ nece$$ary to Tom'$ emanci+ation( which wa$ to 'e +erfecte# a$ $oon a$ he co%l# get thro%gh the nece$$ary formalitie$. Meantime( he attache# him$elf to Tom more an# more( e)ery #ay. In all the wi#e worl#( there wa$ nothing that $eeme# to remin# him $o m%ch of E)a3 an# he wo%l# in$i$t on -ee+ing him con$tantly a'o%t him( an#( fa$ti#io%$ an# %na++roacha'le a$ he wa$ with regar# to hi$ #ee+er feeling$( he almo$t tho%ght alo%# to Tom. Nor wo%l# any one ha)e won#ere# at it( who ha# $een the e1+re$$ion of affection an# #e)otion with which Tom contin%ally followe# hi$ yo%ng ma$ter. A"ell( Tom(A $ai# St. Clare( the #ay after he ha# commence# the legal formalitie$ for hi$ enfranchi$ement( AI'm going to ma-e a free man of yo%3**$o ha)e yo%r tr%n- +ac-e#( an# get rea#y to $et o%t for ,ent%c-.A The $%##en light of /oy that $hone in Tom'$ face a$ he rai$e# hi$ han#$ to hea)en( hi$ em+hatic ABle$$ the Lor#DA rather #i$com+o$e# St. Clare3 he #i# not li-e it that Tom $ho%l# 'e $o rea#y to lea)e him. ABo% ha)en't ha# $%ch )ery 'a# time$ here( that yo% nee# 'e in $%ch a ra+t%re( Tom(A he $ai# #rily. ANo( no( Ma$'rD 'tan't that(**it'$ 'ein' a 0freemanD0 that'$ what I'm /oyin' for.A A"hy( Tom( #on't yo% thin-( for yo%r own +art( yo%')e 'een 'etter off than to 'e freeCA A0No( in#ee#0( Ma$'r St. Clare(A $ai# Tom( with a fla$h of energy. ANo( in#ee#DA A"hy( Tom( yo% co%l#n't +o$$i'ly ha)e earne#( 'y yo%r wor-( $%ch clothe$ an# $%ch li)ing a$ I ha)e gi)en yo%.A A,now$ all that( Ma$'r St. Clare3 Ma$'r'$ 'een too goo#3 '%t( Ma$'r( I'# rather ha)e +oor clothe$( +oor ho%$e( +oor e)erything( an# ha)e 'em

0mine0( than ha)e the 'e$t( an# ha)e 'em any man'$ el$e(**I ha# 0$o0( Ma$'r3 I thin- it'$ nat%r( Ma$'r.A AI $%++o$e $o( Tom( an# yo%'ll 'e going off an# lea)ing me( in a month or $o(A he a##e#( rather #i$contente#ly. ATho%gh why yo% $ho%l#n't( no mortal -now$(A he $ai#( in a gayer tone3 an#( getting %+( he 'egan to wal- the floor. ANot while Ma$'r i$ in tro%'le(A $ai# Tom. AI'll $tay with Ma$'r a$ long a$ he want$ me(**$o a$ I can 'e any %$e.A ANot while I'm in tro%'le( TomCA $ai# St. Clare( loo-ing $a#ly o%t of the win#ow. . . . AAn# when will 0my0 tro%'le 'e o)erCA A"hen Ma$'r St. Clare'$ a Chri$tian(A $ai# Tom. AAn# yo% really mean to $tay 'y till that #ay come$CA $ai# St. Clare( half $miling( a$ he t%rne# from the win#ow( an# lai# hi$ han# on Tom'$ $ho%l#er. AAh( Tom( yo% $oft( $illy 'oyD I won't -ee+ yo% till that #ay. 5o home to yo%r wife an# chil#ren( an# gi)e my lo)e to all.A AI '$ faith to 'elie)e that #ay will come(A $ai# Tom( earne$tly( an# with tear$ in hi$ eye$3 Athe Lor# ha$ a wor- for Ma$'r.A AA wor-( heyCA $ai# St. Clare( Awell( now( Tom( gi)e me yo%r )iew$ on what $ort of a wor- it i$3**let'$ hear.A A"hy( e)en a +oor fellow li-e me ha$ a wor- from the Lor#3 an# Ma$'r St. Clare( that ha$ larnin( an# riche$( an# frien#$(**how m%ch he might #o for the Lor#DA ATom( yo% $eem to thin- the Lor# nee#$ a great #eal #one for him(A $ai# St. Clare( $miling. A"e #oe$ for the Lor# when we #oe$ for hi$ critt%r$(A $ai# Tom. A5oo# theology( Tom3 'etter than Fr. B. +reache$( I #are $wear(A $ai# St. Clare. The con)er$ation wa$ here interr%+te# 'y the anno%ncement of $ome )i$itor$. Marie St. Clare felt the lo$$ of E)a a$ #ee+ly a$ $he co%l# feel anything3 an#( a$ $he wa$ a woman that ha# a great fac%lty of ma-ing e)ery'o#y %nha++y when $he wa$( her imme#iate atten#ant$ ha# $till $tronger rea$on to regret the lo$$ of their yo%ng mi$tre$$( who$e winning way$ an# gentle interce$$ion$ ha# $o often 'een a $hiel# to them from the tyrannical an# $elfi$h e1action$ of her mother. oor ol# Mammy( in +artic%lar( who$e heart( $e)ere# from all nat%ral #ome$tic tie$( ha# con$ole# it$elf with thi$ one 'ea%tif%l 'eing( wa$ almo$t heart*'ro-en. She crie# #ay an# night( an# wa$( from e1ce$$ of $orrow( le$$ $-ilf%l an# alert in her mini$tration$ of her mi$tre$$ than %$%al( which #rew #own a con$tant $torm of in)ecti)e$ on her #efencele$$ hea#. Mi$$ O+helia felt the lo$$3 '%t( in her goo# an# hone$t heart( it 'ore

fr%it %nto e)erla$ting life. She wa$ more $oftene#( more gentle3 an#( tho%gh e2%ally a$$i#%o%$ in e)ery #%ty( it wa$ with a cha$tene# an# 2%iet air( a$ one who comm%ne# with her own heart not in )ain. She wa$ more #iligent in teaching To+$y(**ta%ght her mainly from the Bi'le(**#i# not any longer $hrin- from her to%ch( or manife$t an ill*re+re$$e# #i$g%$t( 'eca%$e $he felt none. She )iewe# her now thro%gh the $oftene# me#i%m that E)a'$ han# ha# fir$t hel# 'efore her eye$( an# $aw in her only an immortal creat%re( whom 5o# ha# $ent to 'e le# 'y her to glory an# )irt%e. To+$y #i# not 'ecome at once a $aint3 '%t the life an# #eath of E)a #i# wor- a mar-e# change in her. The callo%$ in#ifference wa$ gone3 there wa$ now $en$i'ility( ho+e( #e$ire( an# the $tri)ing for goo#(**a $trife irreg%lar( interr%+te#( $%$+en#e# oft( '%t yet renewe# again. One #ay( when To+$y ha# 'een $ent for 'y Mi$$ O+helia( $he came( ha$tily thr%$ting $omething into her 'o$om. A"hat are yo% #oing there( yo% lim'C Bo%')e 'een $tealing $omething( I'll 'e 'o%n#(A $ai# the im+erio%$ little !o$a( who ha# 'een $ent to call her( $ei4ing her( at the $ame time( ro%ghly 'y the arm. ABo% go 'long( Mi$$ !o$aDA $ai# To+$y( +%lling from her3 A'tan't none o' yo%r '%$ine$$DA ANone o' yo%r $a'ceDA $ai# !o$a( AI $aw yo% hi#ing $omething(**I -now yer tric-$(A an# !o$a $ei4e# her arm( an# trie# to force her han# into her 'o$om( while To+$y( enrage#( -ic-e# an# fo%ght )aliantly for what $he con$i#ere# her right$. The clamor an# conf%$ion of the 'attle #rew Mi$$ O+helia an# St. Clare 'oth to the $+ot. AShe'$ 'een $tealingDA $ai# !o$a. AI han't( neitherDA )ociferate# To+$y( $o''ing with +a$$ion. A5i)e me that( whate)er it i$DA $ai# Mi$$ O+helia( firmly. To+$y he$itate#3 '%t( on a $econ# or#er( +%lle# o%t of her 'o$om a little +arcel #one %+ in the foot of one of her own ol# $toc-ing$. Mi$$ O+helia t%rne# it o%t. There wa$ a $mall 'oo-( which ha# 'een gi)en to To+$y 'y E)a( containing a $ingle )er$e of Scri+t%re( arrange# for e)ery #ay in the year( an# in a +a+er the c%rl of hair that $he ha# gi)en her on that memora'le #ay when $he ha# ta-en her la$t farewell. St. Clare wa$ a goo# #eal affecte# at the $ight of it3 the little 'ooha# 'een rolle# in a long $tri+ of 'lac- cra+e( torn from the f%neral wee#$. A"hat #i# yo% wra+ 0thi$0 ro%n# the 'oo- forCA $ai# St. Clare( hol#ing %+ the cra+e. ACa%$e(**ca%$e(**ca%$e 't wa$ Mi$$ E)a. O( #on't ta-e 'em away( +lea$eDA $he $ai#3 an#( $itting flat #own on the floor( an# +%tting her a+ron o)er her hea#( $he 'egan to $o' )ehemently.

It wa$ a c%rio%$ mi1t%re of the +athetic an# the l%#icro%$(**the little ol# $toc-ing$(**'lac- cra+e(**te1t*'oo-(**fair( $oft c%rl(**an# To+$y'$ %tter #i$tre$$. St. Clare $mile#3 '%t there were tear$ in hi$ eye$( a$ he $ai#( ACome( come(**#on't cry3 yo% $hall ha)e themDA an#( +%tting them together( he threw them into her la+( an# #rew Mi$$ O+helia with him into the +arlor. AI really thin- yo% can ma-e $omething of that concern(A he $ai#( +ointing with hi$ th%m' 'ac-war# o)er hi$ $ho%l#er. AAny min# that i$ ca+a'le of a 0real $orrow0 i$ ca+a'le of goo#. Bo% m%$t try an# #o $omething with her.A AThe chil# ha$ im+ro)e# greatly(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia. AI ha)e great ho+e$ of her3 '%t( A%g%$tine(A $he $ai#( laying her han# on hi$ arm( Aone thing I want to a$-3 who$e i$ thi$ chil# to 'eC**yo%r$ or mineCA A"hy( I ga)e her to yo%(A $ai# A%g%$tine. AB%t not legally3**I want her to 'e mine legally(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia. A"hewD co%$in(A $ai# A%g%$tine. A"hat will the A'olition Society thin-C They'll ha)e a #ay of fa$ting a++ointe# for thi$ 'ac-$li#ing( if yo% 'ecome a $la)ehol#erDA AO( non$en$eD I want her mine( that I may ha)e a right to ta-e her to the free State$( an# gi)e her her li'erty( that all I am trying to #o 'e not %n#one.A AO( co%$in( what an awf%l '#oing e)il that goo# may come'D I can't enco%rage it.A AI #on't want yo% to /o-e( '%t to rea$on(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia. AThere i$ no %$e in my trying to ma-e thi$ chil# a Chri$tian chil#( %nle$$ I $a)e her from all the chance$ an# re)er$e$ of $la)ery3 an#( if yo% really are willing I $ho%l# ha)e her( I want yo% to gi)e me a #ee# of gift( or $ome legal +a+er.A A"ell( well(A $ai# St. Clare( AI will3A an# he $at #own( an# %nfol#e# a new$+a+er to rea#. AB%t I want it #one now(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia. A"hat'$ yo%r h%rryCA ABeca%$e now i$ the only time there e)er i$ to #o a thing in(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia. ACome( now( here'$ +a+er( +en( an# in-3 /%$t write a +a+er.A St. Clare( li-e mo$t men of hi$ cla$$ of min#( cor#ially hate# the +re$ent ten$e of action( generally3 an#( therefore( he wa$ con$i#era'ly annoye# 'y Mi$$ O+helia'$ #ownrightne$$. A"hy( what'$ the matterCA $ai# he. ACan't yo% ta-e my wor#C One wo%l#

thin- yo% ha# ta-en le$$on$ of the Eew$( coming at a fellow $oDA AI want to ma-e $%re of it(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia. ABo% may #ie( or fail( an# then To+$y 'e h%$tle# off to a%ction( $+ite of all I can #o.A A!eally( yo% are 2%ite +ro)i#ent. "ell( $eeing I'm in the han#$ of a Ban-ee( there i$ nothing for it '%t to conce#e3A an# St. Clare ra+i#ly wrote off a #ee# of gift( which( a$ he wa$ well )er$e# in the form$ of law( he co%l# ea$ily #o( an# $igne# hi$ name to it in $+rawling ca+ital$( concl%#ing 'y a tremen#o%$ flo%ri$h. AThere( i$n't that 'lac- an# white( now( Mi$$ VermontCA he $ai#( a$ he han#e# it to her. A5oo# 'oy(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia( $miling. AB%t m%$t it not 'e witne$$e#CA AO( 'otherD**ye$. Here(A he $ai#( o+ening the #oor into Marie'$ a+artment( AMarie( Co%$in want$ yo%r a%togra+h3 /%$t +%t yo%r name #own here.A A"hat'$ thi$CA $ai# Marie( a$ $he ran o)er the +a+er. A!i#ic%lo%$D I tho%ght Co%$in wa$ too +io%$ for $%ch horri# thing$(A $he a##e#( a$ $he carele$$ly wrote her name3 A'%t( if $he ha$ a fancy for that article( I am $%re $he'$ welcome.A AThere( now( $he'$ yo%r$( 'o#y an# $o%l(A $ai# St. Clare( han#ing the +a+er. ANo more mine now than $he wa$ 'efore(A Mi$$ O+helia. ANo'o#y '%t 5o# ha$ a right to gi)e her to me3 '%t I can +rotect her now.A A"ell( $he'$ yo%r$ 'y a fiction of law( then(A $ai# St. Clare( a$ he t%rne# 'ac- into the +arlor( an# $at #own to hi$ +a+er. Mi$$ O+helia( who $el#om $at m%ch in Marie'$ com+any( followe# him into the +arlor( ha)ing fir$t caref%lly lai# away the +a+er. AA%g%$tine(A $he $ai#( $%##enly( a$ $he $at -nitting( Aha)e yo% e)er ma#e any +ro)i$ion for yo%r $er)ant$( in ca$e of yo%r #eathCA ANo(A $ai# St. Clare( a$ he rea# on. AThen all yo%r in#%lgence to them may +ro)e a great cr%elty( 'y an# 'y.A St. Clare ha# often tho%ght the $ame thing him$elf3 '%t he an$were#( negligently. A"ell( I mean to ma-e a +ro)i$ion( 'y an# 'y.A A"henCA $ai# Mi$$ O+helia. AO( one of the$e #ay$.A A"hat if yo% $ho%l# #ie fir$tCA

ACo%$in( what'$ the matterCA $ai# St. Clare( laying #own hi$ +a+er an# loo-ing at her. AFo yo% thin- I $how $ym+tom$ of yellow fe)er or cholera( that yo% are ma-ing +o$t mortem arrangement$ with $%ch 4ealCA A'In the mi#$t of life we are in #eath('A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia. St. Clare ro$e %+( an# laying the +a+er #own( carele$$ly( wal-e# to the #oor that $too# o+en on the )eran#ah( to +%t an en# to a con)er$ation that wa$ not agreea'le to him. Mechanically( he re+eate# the la$t wor# again(**0AFeathDA0**an#( a$ he leane# again$t the railing$( an# watche# the $+ar-ling water a$ it ro$e an# fell in the fo%ntain3 an#( a$ in a #im an# #i44y ha4e( $aw flower$ an# tree$ an# )a$e$ of the co%rt$( he re+eate#( again the my$tic wor# $o common in e)ery mo%th( yet of $%ch fearf%l +ower(**AFEATHDA AStrange that there $ho%l# 'e $%ch a wor#(A he $ai#( Aan# $%ch a thing( an# we e)er forget it3 that one $ho%l# 'e li)ing( warm an# 'ea%tif%l( f%ll of ho+e$( #e$ire$ an# want$( one #ay( an# the ne1t 'e gone( %tterly gone( an# fore)erDA It wa$ a warm( gol#en e)ening3 an#( a$ he wal-e# to the other en# of the )eran#ah( he $aw Tom '%$ily intent on hi$ Bi'le( +ointing( a$ he #i# $o( with hi$ finger to each $%cce$$i)e wor#( an# whi$+ering them to him$elf with an earne$t air. A"ant me to rea# to yo%( TomCA $ai# St. Clare( $eating him$elf carele$$ly 'y him. AIf Ma$'r +lea$e$(A $ai# Tom( gratef%lly( AMa$'r ma-e$ it $o m%ch +lainer.A St. Clare too- the 'oo- an# glance# at the +lace( an# 'egan rea#ing one of the +a$$age$ which Tom ha# #e$ignate# 'y the hea)y mar-$ aro%n# it. It ran a$ follow$I A"hen the Son of man $hall come in hi$ glory( an# all hi$ holy angel$ with him( then $hall he $it %+on the throne of hi$ gloryI an# 'efore him $hall 'e gathere# all nation$3 an# he $hall $e+arate them one from another( a$ a $he+her# #i)i#eth hi$ $hee+ from the goat$.A St. Clare rea# on in an animate# )oice( till he came to the la$t of the )er$e$. AThen $hall the -ing $ay %nto him on hi$ left han#( Fe+art from me( ye c%r$e#( into e)erla$ting fireI for I wa$ an h%ngere#( an# ye ga)e me no meatI I wa$ thir$ty( an# ye ga)e me no #rin-I I wa$ a $tranger( an ye too- me not inI na-e#( an# ye clothe# me notI I wa$ $ic-( an# in +ri$on( an# ye )i$ite# me not. Then $hall they an$wer %nto Him( Lor# when $aw we thee an h%ngere#( or athir$t( or a $tranger( or na-e#( or $ic-( or in +ri$on( an# #i# not mini$ter %nto theeC Then $hall he $ay %nto them( Ina$m%ch a$ ye #i# it not to one of the lea$t of the$e my 'rethren( ye #i# it not to me.A St. Clare $eeme# $tr%c- with thi$ la$t +a$$age( for he rea# it twice(**the $econ# time $lowly( an# a$ if he were re)ol)ing the wor#$ in hi$ min#. ATom(A he $ai#( Athe$e fol-$ that get $%ch har# mea$%re $eem to ha)e 'een #oing /%$t what I ha)e(**li)ing goo#( ea$y( re$+ecta'le li)e$3

an# not tro%'ling them$el)e$ to in2%ire how many of their 'rethren were h%ngry or athir$t( or $ic-( or in +ri$on.A Tom #i# not an$wer. St. Clare ro$e %+ an# wal-e# tho%ghtf%lly %+ an# #own the )eran#ah( $eeming to forget e)erything in hi$ own tho%ght$3 $o a'$or'e# wa$ he( that Tom ha# to remin# him twice that the tea'ell ha# r%ng( 'efore he co%l# get hi$ attention. St. Clare wa$ a'$ent an# tho%ghtf%l( all tea*time. After tea( he an# Marie an# Mi$$ O+helia too- +o$$e$$ion of the +arlor almo$t in $ilence. Marie #i$+o$e# her$elf on a lo%nge( %n#er a $il-en mo$2%ito c%rtain( an# wa$ $oon $o%n# a$lee+. Mi$$ O+helia $ilently '%$ie# her$elf with her -nitting. St. Clare $at #own to the +iano( an# 'egan +laying a $oft an# melancholy mo)ement with the AEolian accom+animent. He $eeme# in a #ee+ re)erie( an# to 'e $olilo2%i4ing to him$elf 'y m%$ic. After a little( he o+ene# one of the #rawer$( too- o%t an ol# m%$ic*'oo- who$e lea)e$ were yellow with age( an# 'egan t%rning it o)er. AThere(A he $ai# to Mi$$ O+helia( Athi$ wa$ one of my mother'$ 'oo-$(**an# here i$ her han#writing(**come an# loo- at it. She co+ie# an# arrange# thi$ from Mo4art'$ !e2%iem.A Mi$$ O+helia came accor#ingly. AIt wa$ $omething $he %$e# to $ing often(A $ai# St. Clare. AI thin- I can hear her now.A He $tr%c- a few ma/e$tic chor#$( an# 'egan $inging that gran# ol# Latin +iece( the AFie$ Irae.A Tom( who wa$ li$tening in the o%ter )eran#ah( wa$ #rawn 'y the $o%n# to the )ery #oor( where he $too# earne$tly. He #i# not %n#er$tan# the wor#$( of co%r$e3 '%t the m%$ic an# manner of $inging a++eare# to affect him $trongly( e$+ecially when St. Clare $ang the more +athetic +art$. Tom wo%l# ha)e $ym+athi4e# more heartily( if he ha# -nown the meaning of the 'ea%tif%l wor#$I !ecor#are Ee$% +ie N%o# $%m ca%$a t%ar )iae Ne me +er#a$( illa #ie N%eren$ me $e#i$ti la$$%$ !e#emi$ti cr%cem +a$$%$ Tant%$ laor non $it ca$$%$.6 6 The$e line$ ha)e 'een th%$ rather ina#e2%ately tran$late#I Thin-( O Ee$%$( for what rea$on Tho% en#%re#'$t earth'$ $+ite an# trea$on( Nor me lo$e( in that #rea# $ea$on3 See-ing me( thy worn feet ha$te#( On the cro$$ thy $o%l #eath ta$te#( Let not all the$e toil$ 'e wa$te#. GMr$. Stowe'$ note.H

St. Clare threw a #ee+ an# +athetic e1+re$$ion into the wor#$3 for the $ha#owy )eil of year$ $eeme# #rawn away( an# he $eeme# to hear hi$ mother'$ )oice lea#ing hi$. Voice an# in$tr%ment $eeme# 'oth li)ing( an# threw o%t with )i)i# $ym+athy tho$e $train$ which the ethereal Mo4art fir$t concei)e# a$ hi$ own #ying re2%iem. "hen St. Clare ha# #one $inging( he $at leaning hi$ hea# %+on hi$ han# a few moment$( an# then 'egan wal-ing %+ an# #own the floor. A"hat a $%'lime conce+tion i$ that of a la$t /%#gmentDA $ai# he(**Aa righting of all the wrong$ of age$D**a $ol)ing of all moral +ro'lem$( 'y an %nan$wera'le wi$#omD It i$( in#ee#( a won#erf%l image.A AIt i$ a fearf%l one to %$(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia. AIt o%ght to 'e to me( I $%++o$e(A $ai# St. Clare $to++ing( tho%ghtf%lly. AI wa$ rea#ing to Tom( thi$ afternoon( that cha+ter in Matthew that gi)e$ an acco%nt of it( an# I ha)e 'een 2%ite $tr%c- with it. One $ho%l# ha)e e1+ecte# $ome terri'le enormitie$ charge# to tho$e who are e1cl%#e# from Hea)en( a$ the rea$on3 '%t no(**they are con#emne# for 0not0 #oing +o$iti)e goo#( a$ if that incl%#e# e)ery +o$$i'le harm.A A erha+$(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia( Ait i$ im+o$$i'le for a +er$on who #oe$ no goo# not to #o harm.A AAn# what(A $ai# St. Clare( $+ea-ing a'$tracte#ly( '%t with #ee+ feeling( Awhat $hall 'e $ai# of one who$e own heart( who$e e#%cation( an# the want$ of $ociety( ha)e calle# in )ain to $ome no'le +%r+o$e3 who ha$ floate# on( a #reamy( ne%tral $+ectator of the $tr%ggle$( agonie$( an# wrong$ of man( when he $ho%l# ha)e 'een a wor-erCA AI $ho%l# $ay(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia( Athat he o%ght to re+ent( an# 'egin now.A AAlway$ +ractical an# to the +ointDA $ai# St. Clare( hi$ face 'rea-ing o%t into a $mile. ABo% ne)er lea)e me any time for general reflection$( Co%$in3 yo% alway$ 'ring me $hort %+ again$t the act%al +re$ent3 yo% ha)e a -in# of eternal 0now0( alway$ in yo%r min#.A A0Now0 i$ all the time I ha)e anything to #o with(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia. AFear little E)a(**+oor chil#DA $ai# St. Clare( A$he ha# $et her little $im+le $o%l on a goo# wor- for me.A It wa$ the fir$t time $ince E)a'$ #eath that he ha# e)er $ai# a$ many wor#$ a$ the$e to her( an# he $+o-e now e)i#ently re+re$$ing )ery $trong feeling. AMy )iew of Chri$tianity i$ $%ch(A he a##e#( Athat I thin- no man can con$i$tently +rofe$$ it witho%t throwing the whole weight of hi$ 'eing again$t thi$ mon$tro%$ $y$tem of in/%$tice that lie$ at the fo%n#ation of all o%r $ociety3 an#( if nee# 'e( $acrificing him$elf in the 'attle. That i$( I mean that 0I0 co%l# not 'e a Chri$tian otherwi$e( tho%gh I ha)e certainly ha# interco%r$e with a great many enlightene# an#

Chri$tian +eo+le who #i# no $%ch thing3 an# I confe$$ that the a+athy of religio%$ +eo+le on thi$ $%'/ect( their want of +erce+tion of wrong$ that fille# me with horror( ha)e engen#ere# in me more $ce+tici$m than any other thing.A AIf yo% -new all thi$(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia( Awhy #i#n't yo% #o itCA AO( 'eca%$e I ha)e ha# only that -in# of 'ene)olence which con$i$t$ in lying on a $ofa( an# c%r$ing the ch%rch an# clergy for not 'eing martyr$ an# confe$$or$. One can $ee( yo% -now( )ery ea$ily( how other$ o%ght to 'e martyr$.A A"ell( are yo% going to #o #ifferently nowCA $ai# Mi$$ O+helia. A5o# only -now$ the f%t%re(A $ai# St. Clare. AI am 'ra)er than I wa$( 'eca%$e I ha)e lo$t all3 an# he who ha$ nothing to lo$e can affor# all ri$-$.A AAn# what are yo% going to #oCA AMy #%ty( I ho+e( to the +oor an# lowly( a$ fa$t a$ I fin# it o%t(A $ai# St. Clare( A'eginning with my own $er)ant$( for whom I ha)e yet #one nothing3 an#( +erha+$( at $ome f%t%re #ay( it may a++ear that I can #o $omething for a whole cla$$3 $omething to $a)e my co%ntry from the #i$grace of that fal$e +o$ition in which $he now $tan#$ 'efore all ci)ili4e# nation$.A AFo yo% $%++o$e it +o$$i'le that a nation e)er will )ol%ntarily emanci+ateCA $ai# Mi$$ O+helia. AI #on't -now(A $ai# St. Clare. AThi$ i$ a #ay of great #ee#$. Heroi$m an# #i$intere$te#ne$$ are ri$ing %+( here an# there( in the earth. The H%ngarian no'le$ $et free million$ of $erf$( at an immen$e +ec%niary lo$$3 an#( +erha+$( among %$ may 'e fo%n# genero%$ $+irit$( who #o not e$timate honor an# /%$tice 'y #ollar$ an# cent$.A AI har#ly thin- $o(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia. AB%t( $%++o$e we $ho%l# ri$e %+ tomorrow an# emanci+ate( who wo%l# e#%cate the$e million$( an# teach them how to %$e their free#omC They ne)er wo%l# ri$e to #o m%ch among %$. The fact i$( we are too la4y an# %n+ractical( o%r$el)e$( e)er to gi)e them m%ch of an i#ea of that in#%$try an# energy which i$ nece$$ary to form them into men. They will ha)e to go north( where la'or i$ the fa$hion(**the %ni)er$al c%$tom3 an# tell me( now( i$ there eno%gh Chri$tian +hilanthro+y( among yo%r northern $tate$( to 'ear with the +roce$$ of their e#%cation an# ele)ationC Bo% $en# tho%$an#$ of #ollar$ to foreign mi$$ion$3 '%t co%l# yo% en#%re to ha)e the heathen $ent into yo%r town$ an# )illage$( an# gi)e yo%r time( an# tho%ght$( an# money( to rai$e them to the Chri$tian $tan#ar#C That'$ what I want to -now. If we emanci+ate( are yo% willing to e#%cateC How many familie$( in yo%r town( wo%l# ta-e a negro man an# woman( teach them( 'ear with them( an# $ee- to ma-e them Chri$tian$C How many merchant$ wo%l# ta-e A#ol+h( if I wante# to ma-e him a cler-3 or mechanic$( if I wante# him ta%ght a tra#eC If I wante# to +%t Eane an# !o$a to a $chool( how many $chool$ are there in the northern $tate$ that

wo%l# ta-e them inC how many familie$ that wo%l# 'oar# themC an# yet they are a$ white a$ many a woman( north or $o%th. Bo% $ee( Co%$in( I want /%$tice #one %$. "e are in a 'a# +o$ition. "e are the more 0o')io%$0 o++re$$or$ of the negro3 '%t the %nchri$tian +re/%#ice of the north i$ an o++re$$or almo$t e2%ally $e)ere.A A"ell( Co%$in( I -now it i$ $o(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia(**AI -now it wa$ $o with me( till I $aw that it wa$ my #%ty to o)ercome it3 '%t( I tr%$t I ha)e o)ercome it3 an# I -now there are many goo# +eo+le at the north( who in thi$ matter nee# only to 'e 0ta%ght0 what their #%ty i$( to #o it. It wo%l# certainly 'e a greater $elf*#enial to recei)e heathen among %$( than to $en# mi$$ionarie$ to them3 '%t I thin- we wo%l# #o it.A A0Bo%0 wo%l# I -now(A $ai# St. Clare. AI'# li-e to $ee anything yo% wo%l#n't #o( if yo% tho%ght it yo%r #%tyDA A"ell( I'm not %ncommonly goo#(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia. AOther$ wo%l#( if they $aw thing$ a$ I #o. I inten# to ta-e To+$y home( when I go. I $%++o$e o%r fol-$ will won#er( at fir$t3 '%t I thin- they will 'e 'ro%ght to $ee a$ I #o. Be$i#e$( I -now there are many +eo+le at the north who #o e1actly what yo% $ai#.A ABe$( '%t they are a minority3 an#( if we $ho%l# 'egin to emanci+ate to any e1tent( we $ho%l# $oon hear from yo%.A Mi$$ O+helia #i# not re+ly. There wa$ a +a%$e of $ome moment$3 an# St. Clare'$ co%ntenance wa$ o)erca$t 'y a $a#( #reamy e1+re$$ion. AI #on't -now what ma-e$ me thin- of my mother $o m%ch( tonight(A he $ai#. AI ha)e a $trange -in# of feeling( a$ if $he were near me. I -ee+ thin-ing of thing$ $he %$e# to $ay. Strange( what 'ring$ the$e +a$t thing$ $o )i)i#ly 'ac- to %$( $ometime$DA St. Clare wal-e# %+ an# #own the room for $ome min%te$ more( an# then $ai#( AI 'elie)e I'll go #own $treet( a few moment$( an# hear the new$( tonight.A He too- hi$ hat( an# +a$$e# o%t. Tom followe# him to the +a$$age( o%t of the co%rt( an# a$-e# if he $ho%l# atten# him. ANo( my 'oy(A $ai# St. Clare. AI $hall 'e 'ac- in an ho%r.A Tom $at #own in the )eran#ah. It wa$ a 'ea%tif%l moonlight e)ening( an# he $at watching the ri$ing an# falling $+ray of the fo%ntain( an# li$tening to it$ m%rm%r. Tom tho%ght of hi$ home( an# that he $ho%l# $oon 'e a free man( an# a'le to ret%rn to it at will. He tho%ght how he $ho%l# wor- to '%y hi$ wife an# 'oy$. He felt the m%$cle$ of hi$ 'rawny arm$ with a $ort of /oy( a$ he tho%ght they wo%l# $oon 'elong to him$elf( an# how m%ch they co%l# #o to wor- o%t the free#om of hi$ family. Then he tho%ght of hi$ no'le yo%ng ma$ter( an#( e)er $econ# to that( came the ha'it%al +rayer that he ha# alway$ offere# for him3 an#

then hi$ tho%ght$ +a$$e# on to the 'ea%tif%l E)a( whom he now tho%ght of among the angel$3 an# he tho%ght till he almo$t fancie# that that 'right face an# gol#en hair were loo-ing %+on him( o%t of the $+ray of the fo%ntain. An#( $o m%$ing( he fell a$lee+( an# #reame# he $aw her coming 'o%n#ing towar#$ him( /%$t a$ $he %$e# to come( with a wreath of /e$$amine in her hair( her chee-$ 'right( an# her eye$ ra#iant with #elight3 '%t( a$ he loo-e#( $he $eeme# to ri$e from the gro%n#3 her chee-$ wore a +aler h%e(**her eye$ ha# a #ee+( #i)ine ra#iance( a gol#en halo $eeme# aro%n# her hea#(**an# $he )ani$he# from hi$ $ight3 an# Tom wa$ awa-ene# 'y a lo%# -noc-ing( an# a $o%n# of many )oice$ at the gate. He ha$tene# to %n#o it3 an#( with $mothere# )oice$ an# hea)y trea#( came $e)eral men( 'ringing a 'o#y( wra++e# in a cloa-( an# lying on a $h%tter. The light of the lam+ fell f%ll on the face3 an# Tom ga)e a wil# cry of ama4ement an# #e$+air( that r%ng thro%gh all the gallerie$( a$ the men a#)ance#( with their '%r#en( to the o+en +arlor #oor( where Mi$$ O+helia $till $at -nitting. St. Clare ha# t%rne# into a cafe( to loo- o)er an e)ening +a+er. A$ he wa$ rea#ing( an affray aro$e 'etween two gentlemen in the room( who were 'oth +artially into1icate#. St. Clare an# one or two other$ ma#e an effort to $e+arate them( an# St. Clare recei)e# a fatal $ta' in the $i#e with a 'owie*-nife( which he wa$ attem+ting to wre$t from one of them. The ho%$e wa$ f%ll of crie$ an# lamentation$( $hrie-$ an# $cream$( $er)ant$ frantically tearing their hair( throwing them$el)e$ on the gro%n#( or r%nning #i$tracte#ly a'o%t( lamenting. Tom an# Mi$$ O+helia alone $eeme# to ha)e any +re$ence of min#3 for Marie wa$ in $trong hy$teric con)%l$ion$. At Mi$$ O+helia'$ #irection( one of the lo%nge$ in the +arlor wa$ ha$tily +re+are#( an# the 'lee#ing form lai# %+on it. St. Clare ha# fainte#( thro%gh +ain an# lo$$ of 'loo#3 '%t( a$ Mi$$ O+helia a++lie# re$torati)e$( he re)i)e#( o+ene# hi$ eye$( loo-e# fi1e#ly on them( loo-e# earne$tly aro%n# the room( hi$ eye$ tra)elling wi$tf%lly o)er e)ery o'/ect( an# finally they re$te# on hi$ mother'$ +ict%re. The +hy$ician now arri)e#( an# ma#e hi$ e1amination. It wa$ e)i#ent( from the e1+re$$ion of hi$ face( that there wa$ no ho+e3 '%t he a++lie# him$elf to #re$$ing the wo%n#( an# he an# Mi$$ O+helia an# Tom +rocee#e# com+o$e#ly with thi$ wor-( ami# the lamentation$ an# $o'$ an# crie$ of the affrighte# $er)ant$( who ha# cl%$tere# a'o%t the #oor$ an# win#ow$ of the )eran#ah. ANow(A $ai# the +hy$ician( Awe m%$t t%rn all the$e creat%re$ o%t3 all #e+en#$ on hi$ 'eing -e+t 2%iet.A St. Clare o+ene# hi$ eye$( an# loo-e# fi1e#ly on the #i$tre$$e# 'eing$( whom Mi$$ O+helia an# the #octor were trying to %rge from the a+artment. A oor creat%re$DA he $ai#( an# an e1+re$$ion of 'itter $elf*re+roach +a$$e# o)er hi$ face. A#ol+h a'$ol%tely ref%$e# to go. Terror ha# #e+ri)e# him of all +re$ence of min#3 he threw him$elf along the floor( an# nothing co%l# +er$%a#e him to ri$e. The re$t yiel#e# to Mi$$ O+helia'$ %rgent re+re$entation$( that their ma$ter'$ $afety #e+en#e# on their $tillne$$ an# o'e#ience. St. Clare co%l# $ay '%t little3 he lay with hi$ eye$ $h%t( '%t it wa$

e)i#ent that he wre$tle# with 'itter tho%ght$. After a while( he lai# hi$ han# on Tom'$( who wa$ -neeling 'e$i#e him( an# $ai#( ATomD +oor fellowDA A"hat( Ma$'rCA $ai# Tom( earne$tly. AI am #yingDA $ai# St. Clare( +re$$ing hi$ han#3 A+rayDA AIf yo% wo%l# li-e a clergyman**A $ai# the +hy$ician. St. Clare ha$tily $hoo- hi$ hea#( an# $ai# again to Tom( more earne$tly( A rayDA An# Tom #i# +ray( with all hi$ min# an# $trength( for the $o%l that wa$ +a$$ing(**the $o%l that $eeme# loo-ing $o $tea#ily an# mo%rnf%lly from tho$e large( melancholy 'l%e eye$. It wa$ literally +rayer offere# with $trong crying an# tear$. "hen Tom cea$e# to $+ea-( St. Clare reache# o%t an# too- hi$ han#( loo-ing earne$tly at him( '%t $aying nothing. He clo$e# hi$ eye$( '%t $till retaine# hi$ hol#3 for( in the gate$ of eternity( the 'lac- han# an# the white hol# each other with an e2%al cla$+. He m%rm%re# $oftly to him$elf( at 'ro-en inter)al$( A!ecor#are Ee$% +ie** 6 6 6 6 Ne me +er#a$**illa #ie N%eren$ me**$e#i$ti la$$%$.A It wa$ e)i#ent that the wor#$ he ha# 'een $inging that e)ening were +a$$ing thro%gh hi$ min#(**wor#$ of entreaty a##re$$e# to Infinite ity. Hi$ li+$ mo)e# at inter)al$( a$ +art$ of the hymn fell 'ro-enly from them. AHi$ min# i$ wan#ering(A $ai# the #octor. ANoD it i$ coming HOME( at la$tDA $ai# St. Clare( energetically3 Aat la$tD at la$tDA The effort of $+ea-ing e1ha%$te# him. The $in-ing +alene$$ of #eath fell on him3 '%t with it there fell( a$ if $he# from the wing$ of $ome +itying $+irit( a 'ea%tif%l e1+re$$ion of +eace( li-e that of a wearie# chil# who $lee+$. So he lay for a few moment$. They $aw that the mighty han# wa$ on him. E%$t 'efore the $+irit +arte#( he o+ene# hi$ eye$( with a $%##en light( a$ of /oy an# recognition( an# $ai# 0AMotherDA0 an# then he wa$ goneD

CHA TE! KKIK The Un+rotecte#

"e hear often of the #i$tre$$ of the negro $er)ant$( on the lo$$ of a -in# ma$ter3 an# with goo# rea$on( for no creat%re on 5o#'$ earth i$ left more %tterly %n+rotecte# an# #e$olate than the $la)e in the$e circ%m$tance$. The chil# who ha$ lo$t a father ha$ $till the +rotection of frien#$( an# of the law3 he i$ $omething( an# can #o $omething(**ha$ ac-nowle#ge# right$ an# +o$ition3 the $la)e ha$ none. The law regar#$ him( in e)ery re$+ect( a$ #e)oi# of right$ a$ a 'ale of merchan#i$e. The only +o$$i'le ac-nowle#gment of any of the longing$ an# want$ of a h%man an# immortal creat%re( which are gi)en to him( come$ to him thro%gh the $o)ereign an# irre$+on$i'le will of hi$ ma$ter3 an# when that ma$ter i$ $tric-en #own( nothing remain$. The n%m'er of tho$e men who -now how to %$e wholly irre$+on$i'le +ower h%manely an# genero%$ly i$ $mall. E)ery'o#y -now$ thi$( an# the $la)e -now$ it 'e$t of all3 $o that he feel$ that there are ten chance$ of hi$ fin#ing an a'%$i)e an# tyrannical ma$ter( to one of hi$ fin#ing a con$i#erate an# -in# one. Therefore i$ it that the wail o)er a -in# ma$ter i$ lo%# an# long( a$ well it may 'e. "hen St. Clare 'reathe# hi$ la$t( terror an# con$ternation too- hol# of all hi$ ho%$ehol#. He ha# 'een $tric-en #own $o in a moment( in the flower an# $trength of hi$ yo%thD E)ery room an# gallery of the ho%$e re$o%n#e# with $o'$ an# $hrie-$ of #e$+air. Marie( who$e ner)o%$ $y$tem ha# 'een ener)ate# 'y a con$tant co%r$e of $elf*in#%lgence( ha# nothing to $%++ort the terror of the $hoc-( an#( at the time her h%$'an# 'reathe# hi$ la$t( wa$ +a$$ing from one fainting fit to another3 an# he to whom $he ha# 'een /oine# in the my$terio%$ tie of marriage +a$$e# from her fore)er( witho%t the +o$$i'ility of e)en a +arting wor#. Mi$$ O+helia( with characteri$tic $trength an# $elf*control( ha# remaine# with her -in$man to the la$t(**all eye( all ear( all attention3 #oing e)erything of the little that co%l# 'e #one( an# /oining with her whole $o%l in the ten#er an# im+a$$ione# +rayer$ which the +oor $la)e ha# +o%re# forth for the $o%l of hi$ #ying ma$ter. "hen they were arranging him for hi$ la$t re$t( they fo%n# %+on hi$ 'o$om a $mall( +lain miniat%re ca$e( o+ening with a $+ring. It wa$ the miniat%re of a no'le an# 'ea%tif%l female face3 an# on the re)er$e( %n#er a cry$tal( a loc- of #ar- hair. They lai# them 'ac- on the lifele$$ 'rea$t(**#%$t to #%$t(**+oor mo%rnf%l relic$ of early #ream$( which once ma#e that col# heart 'eat $o warmlyD Tom'$ whole $o%l wa$ fille# with tho%ght$ of eternity3 an# while he mini$tere# aro%n# the lifele$$ clay( he #i# not once thin- that the $%##en $tro-e ha# left him in ho+ele$$ $la)ery. He felt at +eace a'o%t hi$ ma$ter3 for in that ho%r( when he ha# +o%re# forth hi$ +rayer into the 'o$om of hi$ &ather( he ha# fo%n# an an$wer of 2%ietne$$ an# a$$%rance $+ringing %+ within him$elf. In the #e+th$ of hi$ own affectionate nat%re( he felt a'le to +ercei)e $omething of the f%lne$$ of Fi)ine lo)e3 for an ol# oracle hath th%$ written(**AHe that #welleth in lo)e #welleth in 5o#( an# 5o# in him.A Tom ho+e# an# tr%$te#( an# wa$

at +eace. B%t the f%neral +a$$e#( with all it$ +ageant of 'lac- cra+e( an# +rayer$( an# $olemn face$3 an# 'ac- rolle# the cool( m%##y wa)e$ of e)ery*#ay life3 an# %+ came the e)erla$ting har# in2%iry of A"hat i$ to 'e #one ne1tCA It ro$e to the min# of Marie( a$( #re$$e# in loo$e morning*ro'e$( an# $%rro%n#e# 'y an1io%$ $er)ant$( $he $at %+ in a great ea$y*chair( an# in$+ecte# $am+le$ of cra+e an# 'om'a4ine. It ro$e to Mi$$ O+helia( who 'egan to t%rn her tho%ght$ towar#$ her northern home. It ro$e( in $ilent terror$( to the min#$ of the $er)ant$( who well -new the %nfeeling( tyrannical character of the mi$tre$$ in who$e han#$ they were left. All -new( )ery well( that the in#%lgence$ which ha# 'een accor#e# to them were not from their mi$tre$$( '%t from their ma$ter3 an# that( now he wa$ gone( there wo%l# 'e no $creen 'etween them an# e)ery tyranno%$ infliction which a tem+er $o%re# 'y affliction might #e)i$e. It wa$ a'o%t a fortnight after the f%neral( that Mi$$ O+helia( '%$ie# one #ay in her a+artment( hear# a gentle ta+ at the #oor. She o+ene# it( an# there $too# !o$a( the +retty yo%ng 2%a#roon( whom we ha)e 'efore often notice#( her hair in #i$or#er( an# her eye$ $welle# with crying. AO( Mi$$ &eeley(A $he $ai#( falling on her -nee$( an# catching the $-irt of her #re$$( A0#o( #o go0 to Mi$$ Marie for meD #o +lea# for meD She'$ goin' to $en# me o%t to 'e whi++e#**loo- thereDA An# $he han#e# to Mi$$ O+helia a +a+er. It wa$ an or#er( written in Marie'$ #elicate Italian han#( to the ma$ter of a whi++ing*e$ta'li$hment to gi)e the 'earer fifteen la$he$. A"hat ha)e yo% 'een #oingCA $ai# Mi$$ O+helia. ABo% -now( Mi$$ &eely( I')e got $%ch a 'a# tem+er3 it'$ )ery 'a# of me. I wa$ trying on Mi$$ Marie'$ #re$$( an# $he $la++e# my face3 an# I $+o-e o%t 'efore I tho%ght( an# wa$ $a%cy3 an# $he $ai# that $he'# 'ring me #own( an# ha)e me -now( once for all( that I wa$n't going to 'e $o to++ing a$ I ha# 'een3 an# $he wrote thi$( an# $ay$ I $hall carry it. I'# rather $he'# -ill me( right o%t.A Mi$$ O+helia $too# con$i#ering( with the +a+er in her han#. ABo% $ee( Mi$$ &eely(A $ai# !o$a( AI #on't min# the whi++ing $o m%ch( if Mi$$ Marie or yo% wa$ to #o it3 '%t( to 'e $ent to a 0manD0 an# $%ch a horri# man(**the $hame of it( Mi$$ &eelyDA Mi$$ O+helia well -new that it wa$ the %ni)er$al c%$tom to $en# women an# yo%ng girl$ to whi++ing*ho%$e$( to the han#$ of the lowe$t of men(**men )ile eno%gh to ma-e thi$ their +rofe$$ion(**there to 'e $%'/ecte# to 'r%tal e1+o$%re an# $hamef%l correction. She ha# 0-nown0 it 'efore3 '%t hitherto $he ha# ne)er reali4e# it( till $he $aw the $len#er form of !o$a almo$t con)%l$e# with #i$tre$$. All the hone$t 'loo# of womanhoo#( the $trong New Englan# 'loo# of li'erty( fl%$he# to her chee-$( an# thro''e# 'itterly in her in#ignant heart3 '%t( with ha'it%al +r%#ence an# $elf*control( $he ma$tere# her$elf( an#( cr%$hing the +a+er

firmly in her han#( $he merely $ai# to !o$a( ASit #own( chil#( while I go to yo%r mi$tre$$.A AShamef%lD mon$tro%$D o%trageo%$DA $he $ai# to her$elf( a$ $he wa$ cro$$ing the +arlor. She fo%n# Marie $itting %+ in her ea$y*chair( with Mammy $tan#ing 'y her( com'ing her hair3 Eane $at on the gro%n# 'efore her( '%$y in chafing her feet. AHow #o yo% fin# yo%r$elf( to#ayCA $ai# Mi$$ O+helia. A #ee+ $igh( an# a clo$ing of the eye$( wa$ the only re+ly( for a moment3 an# then Marie an$were#( AO( I #on't -now( Co%$in3 I $%++o$e I'm a$ well a$ I e)er $hall 'eDA an# Marie wi+e# her eye$ with a cam'ric han#-erchief( 'or#ere# with an inch #ee+ of 'lac-. AI came(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia( with a $hort( #ry co%gh( $%ch a$ commonly intro#%ce$ a #iffic%lt $%'/ect(**AI came to $+ea- with yo% a'o%t +oor !o$a.A Marie'$ eye$ were o+en wi#e eno%gh now( an# a fl%$h ro$e to her $allow chee-$( a$ $he an$were#( $har+ly( A"ell( what a'o%t herCA AShe i$ )ery $orry for her fa%lt.A AShe i$( i$ $heC She'll 'e $orrier( 'efore I')e #one with herD I')e en#%re# that chil#'$ im+%#ence long eno%gh3 an# now I'll 'ring her #own(**I'll ma-e her lie in the #%$tDA AB%t co%l# not yo% +%ni$h her $ome other way(**$ome way that wo%l# 'e le$$ $hamef%lCA AI mean to $hame her3 that'$ /%$t what I want. She ha$ all her life +re$%me# on her #elicacy( an# her goo# loo-$( an# her la#y*li-e air$( till $he forget$ who $he i$3**an# I'll gi)e her one le$$on that will 'ring her #own( I fancyDA AB%t( Co%$in( con$i#er that( if yo% #e$troy #elicacy an# a $en$e of $hame in a yo%ng girl( yo% #e+ra)e her )ery fa$t.A AFelicacyDA $ai# Marie( with a $cornf%l la%gh(**Aa fine wor# for $%ch a$ $heD I'll teach her( with all her air$( that $he'$ no 'etter than the ragge#e$t 'lac- wench that wal-$ the $treet$D She'll ta-e no more air$ with meDA ABo% will an$wer to 5o# for $%ch cr%eltyDA $ai# Mi$$ O+helia( with energy. ACr%elty(**I'# li-e to -now what the cr%elty i$D I wrote or#er$ for only fifteen la$he$( an# tol# him to +%t them on lightly. I'm $%re there'$ no cr%elty thereDA

ANo cr%eltyDA $ai# Mi$$ O+helia. AI'm $%re any girl might rather 'e -ille# o%trightDA AIt might $eem $o to any'o#y with yo%r feeling3 '%t all the$e creat%re$ get %$e# to it3 it'$ the only way they can 'e -e+t in or#er. Once let them feel that they are to ta-e any air$ a'o%t #elicacy( an# all that( an# they'll r%n all o)er yo%( /%$t a$ my $er)ant$ alway$ ha)e. I')e 'eg%n now to 'ring them %n#er3 an# I'll ha)e them all to -now that I'll $en# one o%t to 'e whi++e#( a$ $oon a$ another( if they #on't min# them$el)e$DA $ai# Marie( loo-ing aro%n# her #eci#e#ly. Eane h%ng her hea# an# cowere# at thi$( for $he felt a$ if it wa$ +artic%larly #irecte# to her. Mi$$ O+helia $at for a moment( a$ if $he ha# $wallowe# $ome e1+lo$i)e mi1t%re( an# were rea#y to '%r$t. Then( recollecting the %tter %$ele$$ne$$ of contention with $%ch a nat%re( $he $h%t her li+$ re$ol%tely( gathere# her$elf %+( an# wal-e# o%t of the room. It wa$ har# to go 'ac- an# tell !o$a that $he co%l# #o nothing for her3 an#( $hortly after( one of the man*$er)ant$ came to $ay that her mi$tre$$ ha# or#ere# him to ta-e !o$a with him to the whi++ing*ho%$e( whither $he wa$ h%rrie#( in $+ite of her tear$ an# entreatie$. A few #ay$ after( Tom wa$ $tan#ing m%$ing 'y the 'alconie$( when he wa$ /oine# 'y A#ol+h( who( $ince the #eath of hi$ ma$ter( ha# 'een entirely cre$t*fallen an# #i$con$olate. A#ol+h -new that he ha# alway$ 'een an o'/ect of #i$li-e to Marie3 '%t while hi$ ma$ter li)e# he ha# +ai# '%t little attention to it. Now that he wa$ gone( he ha# mo)e# a'o%t in #aily #rea# an# trem'ling( not -nowing what might 'efall him ne1t. Marie ha# hel# $e)eral con$%ltation$ with her lawyer3 after comm%nicating with St. Clare'$ 'rother( it wa$ #etermine# to $ell the +lace( an# all the $er)ant$( e1ce+t her own +er$onal +ro+erty( an# the$e $he inten#e# to ta-e with her( an# go 'ac- to her father'$ +lantation. AFo ye -now( Tom( that we')e all got to 'e $ol#CA $ai# A#ol+h( an# go 'ac- to her father'$ +lantation. AHow #i# yo% hear thatCA $ai# Tom. AI hi# my$elf 'ehin# the c%rtain$ when Mi$$i$ wa$ tal-ing with the lawyer. In a few #ay$ we $hall 'e $ent off to a%ction( Tom.A AThe Lor#'$ will 'e #oneDA $ai# Tom( fol#ing hi$ arm$ an# $ighing hea)ily. A"e'll ne)er get another $%ch a ma$ter(A $ai# A#ol+h( a++rehen$i)ely3 A'%t I'# rather 'e $ol# than ta-e my chance %n#er Mi$$i$.A Tom t%rne# away3 hi$ heart wa$ f%ll. The ho+e of li'erty( the tho%ght of #i$tant wife an# chil#ren( ro$e %+ 'efore hi$ +atient $o%l( a$ to the mariner $hi+wrec-e# almo$t in +ort ri$e$ the )i$ion of the ch%rch*$+ire an# lo)ing roof$ of hi$ nati)e )illage( $een o)er the to+ of $ome 'lacwa)e only for one la$t farewell. He #rew hi$ arm$ tightly o)er hi$ 'o$om( an# cho-e# 'ac- the 'itter tear$( an# trie# to +ray. The +oor ol#

$o%l ha# $%ch a $ing%lar( %nacco%nta'le +re/%#ice in fa)or of li'erty( that it wa$ a har# wrench for him3 an# the more he $ai#( AThy will 'e #one(A the wor$e he felt. He $o%ght Mi$$ O+helia( who( e)er $ince E)a'$ #eath( ha# treate# him with mar-e# an# re$+ectf%l -in#ne$$. AMi$$ &eely(A he $ai#( AMa$'r St. Clare +romi$e# me my free#om. He tol# me that he ha# 'eg%n to ta-e it o%t for me3 an# now( +erha+$( if Mi$$ &eely wo%l# 'e goo# eno%gh to $+ea- 'o%t it to Mi$$i$( $he wo%l# feel li-e goin' on with it( wa$ it a$ Ma$'r St. Clare'$ wi$h.A AI'll $+ea- for yo%( Tom( an# #o my 'e$t(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia3 A'%t( if it #e+en#$ on Mr$. St. Clare( I can't ho+e m%ch for yo%3**ne)erthele$$( I will try.A Thi$ inci#ent occ%rre# a few #ay$ after that of !o$a( while Mi$$ O+helia wa$ '%$ie# in +re+aration$ to ret%rn north. Serio%$ly reflecting within her$elf( $he con$i#ere# that +erha+$ $he ha# $hown too ha$ty a warmth of lang%age in her former inter)iew with Marie3 an# $he re$ol)e# that $he wo%l# now en#ea)or to mo#erate her 4eal( an# to 'e a$ conciliatory a$ +o$$i'le. So the goo# $o%l gathere# her$elf %+( an#( ta-ing her -nitting( re$ol)e# to go into Marie'$ room( 'e a$ agreea'le a$ +o$$i'le( an# negotiate Tom'$ ca$e with all the #i+lomatic $-ill of which $he wa$ mi$tre$$. She fo%n# Marie reclining at length %+on a lo%nge( $%++orting her$elf on one el'ow 'y +illow$( while Eane( who ha# 'een o%t $ho++ing( wa$ #i$+laying 'efore her certain $am+le$ of thin 'lac- $t%ff$. AThat will #o(A $ai# Marie( $electing one3 Aonly I'm not $%re a'o%t it$ 'eing +ro+erly mo%rning.A ALaw$( Mi$$i$(A $ai# Eane( )ol%'ly( AMr$. 5eneral Fer'ennon wore /%$t thi$ )ery thing( after the 5eneral #ie#( la$t $%mmer3 it ma-e$ %+ lo)elyDA A"hat #o yo% thin-CA $ai# Marie to Mi$$ O+helia. AIt'$ a matter of c%$tom( I $%++o$e(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia. ABo% can /%#ge a'o%t it 'etter than I.A AThe fact i$(A $ai# Marie( Athat I ha)en't a #re$$ in the worl# that I can wear3 an#( a$ I am going to 'rea- %+ the e$ta'li$hment( an# go off( ne1t wee-( I m%$t #eci#e %+on $omething.A AAre yo% going $o $oonCA ABe$. St. Clare'$ 'rother ha$ written( an# he an# the lawyer thin- that the $er)ant$ an# f%rnit%re ha# 'etter 'e +%t %+ at a%ction( an# the +lace left with o%r lawyer.A AThere'$ one thing I wante# to $+ea- with yo% a'o%t(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia. AA%g%$tine +romi$e# Tom hi$ li'erty( an# 'egan the legal form$ nece$$ary

to it. I ho+e yo% will %$e yo%r infl%ence to ha)e it +erfecte#.A AIn#ee#( I $hall #o no $%ch thingDA $ai# Marie( $har+ly. ATom i$ one of the mo$t )al%a'le $er)ant$ on the +lace(**it co%l#n't 'e affor#e#( any way. Be$i#e$( what #oe$ he want of li'ertyC He'$ a great #eal 'etter off a$ he i$.A AB%t he #oe$ #e$ire it( )ery earne$tly( an# hi$ ma$ter +romi$e# it(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia. AI #are $ay he #oe$ want it(A $ai# Marie3 Athey all want it( /%$t 'eca%$e they are a #i$contente# $et(**alway$ wanting what they ha)en't got. Now( I'm +rinci+le# again$t emanci+ating( in any ca$e. ,ee+ a negro %n#er the care of a ma$ter( an# he #oe$ well eno%gh( an# i$ re$+ecta'le3 '%t $et them free( an# they get la4y( an# won't wor-( an# ta-e to #rin-ing( an# go all #own to 'e mean( worthle$$ fellow$( I')e $een it trie#( h%n#re#$ of time$. It'$ no fa)or to $et them free.A AB%t Tom i$ $o $tea#y( in#%$trio%$( an# +io%$.A AO( yo% nee#n't tell meD I')e $ee a h%n#re# li-e him. He'll #o )ery well( a$ long a$ he'$ ta-en care of(**that'$ all.A AB%t( then( con$i#er(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia( Awhen yo% $et him %+ for $ale( the chance$ of hi$ getting a 'a# ma$ter.A AO( that'$ all h%m'%gDA $ai# Marie3 Ait i$n't one time in a h%n#re# that a goo# fellow get$ a 'a# ma$ter3 mo$t ma$ter$ are goo#( for all the talthat i$ ma#e. I')e li)e# an# grown %+ here( in the So%th( an# I ne)er yet wa$ ac2%ainte# with a ma$ter that #i#n't treat hi$ $er)ant$ well(**2%ite a$ well a$ i$ worth while. I #on't feel any fear$ on that hea#.A A"ell(A $ai# Mi$$ O+helia( energetically( AI -now it wa$ one of the la$t wi$he$ of yo%r h%$'an# that Tom $ho%l# ha)e hi$ li'erty3 it wa$ one of the +romi$e$ that he ma#e to #ear little E)a on her #eath*'e#( an# I $ho%l# not thin- yo% wo%l# feel at li'erty to #i$regar# it.A Marie ha# her face co)ere# with her han#-erchief at thi$ a++eal( an# 'egan $o''ing an# %$ing her $melting*'ottle( with great )ehemence. AE)ery'o#y goe$ again$t meDA $he $ai#. AE)ery'o#y i$ $o incon$i#erateD I $ho%l#n't ha)e e1+ecte# that 0yo%0 wo%l# 'ring %+ all the$e remem'rance$ of my tro%'le$ to me(**it'$ $o incon$i#erateD B%t no'o#y e)er #oe$ con$i#er(**my trial$ are $o +ec%liarD It'$ $o har#( that when I ha# only one #a%ghter( $he $ho%l# ha)e 'een ta-enD**an# when I ha# a h%$'an# that /%$t e1actly $%ite# me(**an# I'm $o har# to 'e $%ite#D**he $ho%l# 'e ta-enD An# yo% $eem to ha)e $o little feeling for me( an# -ee+ 'ringing it %+ to me $o carele$$ly(**when yo% -now how it o)ercome$ meD I $%++o$e yo% mean well3 '%t it i$ )ery incon$i#erate(**)eryDA An# Marie $o''e#( an# ga$+e# for 'reath( an# calle# Mammy to o+en the win#ow( an# to 'ring her the cam+hor*'ottle( an# to 'athe her hea#( an# %nhoo- her #re$$. An#( in the general conf%$ion that en$%e#( Mi$$ O+helia ma#e her e$ca+e to her a+artment.

She $aw( at once( that it wo%l# #o no goo# to $ay anything more3 for Marie ha# an in#efinite ca+acity for hy$teric fit$3 an#( after thi$( whene)er her h%$'an#'$ or E)a'$ wi$he$ with regar# to the $er)ant$ were all%#e# to( $he alway$ fo%n# it con)enient to $et one in o+eration. Mi$$ O+helia( therefore( #i# the ne1t 'e$t thing $he co%l# for Tom(**$he wrote a letter to Mr$. Shel'y for him( $tating hi$ tro%'le$( an# %rging them to $en# to hi$ relief. The ne1t #ay( Tom an# A#ol+h( an# $ome half a #o4en other $er)ant$( were marche# #own to a $la)e*wareho%$e( to await the con)enience of the tra#er( who wa$ going to ma-e %+ a lot for a%ction.

CHA TE! KKK The Sla)e "areho%$e A $la)e wareho%$eD erha+$ $ome of my rea#er$ con/%re %+ horri'le )i$ion$ of $%ch a +lace. They fancy $ome fo%l( o'$c%re #en( $ome horri'le 0Tartar%$ Ainformi$( ingen$( c%i l%men a#em+t%m.A0 B%t no( innocent frien#3 in the$e #ay$ men ha)e learne# the art of $inning e1+ertly an# genteelly( $o a$ not to $hoc- the eye$ an# $en$e$ of re$+ecta'le $ociety. H%man +ro+erty i$ high in the mar-et3 an# i$( therefore( well fe#( well cleane#( ten#e#( an# loo-e# after( that it may come to $ale $lee-( an# $trong( an# $hining. A $la)e*wareho%$e in New Orlean$ i$ a ho%$e e1ternally not m%ch %nli-e many other$( -e+t with neatne$$3 an# where e)ery #ay yo% may $ee arrange#( %n#er a $ort of $he# along the o%t$i#e( row$ of men an# women( who $tan# there a$ a $ign of the +ro+erty $ol# within. Then yo% $hall 'e co%rteo%$ly entreate# to call an# e1amine( an# $hall fin# an a'%n#ance of h%$'an#$( wi)e$( 'rother$( $i$ter$( father$( mother$( an# yo%ng chil#ren( to 'e A$ol# $e+arately( or in lot$ to $%it the con)enience of the +%rcha$er3A an# that $o%l immortal( once 'o%ght with 'loo# an# ang%i$h 'y the Son of 5o#( when the earth $hoo-( an# the roc-$ rent( an# the gra)e$ were o+ene#( can 'e $ol#( lea$e#( mortgage#( e1change# for grocerie$ or #ry goo#$( to $%it the +ha$e$ of tra#e( or the fancy of the +%rcha$er. It wa$ a #ay or two after the con)er$ation 'etween Marie an# Mi$$ O+helia( that Tom( A#ol+h( an# a'o%t half a #o4en other$ of the St. Clare e$tate( were t%rne# o)er to the lo)ing -in#ne$$ of Mr. S-egg$( the -ee+er of a #e+ot on **** $treet( to await the a%ction( ne1t #ay. Tom ha# with him 2%ite a $i4a'le tr%n- f%ll of clothing( a$ ha# mo$t other$ of them. They were %$here#( for the night( into a long room( where many other men( of all age$( $i4e$( an# $ha#e$ of com+le1ion( were a$$em'le#( an# from which roar$ of la%ghter an# %nthin-ing merriment were +rocee#ing. AAh( haD that'$ right. 5o it( 'oy$(**go itDA $ai# Mr. S-egg$( the -ee+er. AMy +eo+le are alway$ $o merryD Sam'o( I $eeDA he $ai#( $+ea-ing a++ro)ingly to a '%rly negro who wa$ +erforming tric-$ of low '%ffoonery( which occa$ione# the $ho%t$ which Tom ha# hear#.

A$ might 'e imagine#( Tom wa$ in no h%mor to /oin the$e +rocee#ing$3 an#( therefore( $etting hi$ tr%n- a$ far a$ +o$$i'le from the noi$y gro%+( he $at #own on it( an# leane# hi$ face again$t the wall. The #ealer$ in the h%man article ma-e $cr%+%lo%$ an# $y$tematic effort$ to +romote noi$y mirth among them( a$ a mean$ of #rowning reflection( an# ren#ering them in$en$i'le to their con#ition. The whole o'/ect of the training to which the negro i$ +%t( from the time he i$ $ol# in the northern mar-et till he arri)e$ $o%th( i$ $y$tematically #irecte# towar#$ ma-ing him callo%$( %nthin-ing( an# 'r%tal. The $la)e*#ealer collect$ hi$ gang in Virginia or ,ent%c-y( an# #ri)e$ them to $ome con)enient( healthy +lace(**often a watering +lace(**to 'e fattene#. Here they are fe# f%ll #aily3 an#( 'eca%$e $ome incline to +ine( a fi##le i$ -e+t commonly going among them( an# they are ma#e to #ance #aily3 an# he who ref%$e$ to 'e merry**in who$e $o%l tho%ght$ of wife( or chil#( or home( are too $trong for him to 'e gay**i$ mar-e# a$ $%llen an# #angero%$( an# $%'/ecte# to all the e)il$ which the ill will of an %tterly irre$+on$i'le an# har#ene# man can inflict %+on him. Bri$-ne$$( alertne$$( an# cheerf%lne$$ of a++earance( e$+ecially 'efore o'$er)er$( are con$tantly enforce# %+on them( 'oth 'y the ho+e of there'y getting a goo# ma$ter( an# the fear of all that the #ri)er may 'ring %+on them if they +ro)e %n$ala'le. A"hat #at ar nigger #oin hereCA $ai# Sam'o( coming %+ to Tom( after Mr. S-egg$ ha# left the room. Sam'o wa$ a f%ll 'lac-( of great $i4e( )ery li)ely( )ol%'le( an# f%ll of tric- an# grimace. A"hat yo% #oin hereCA $ai# Sam'o( coming %+ to Tom( an# +o-ing him facetio%$ly in the $i#e. AMe#itatin'( ehCA AI am to 'e $ol# at the a%ction( tomorrowDA $ai# Tom( 2%ietly. ASol# at a%ction(**hawD hawD 'oy$( an't thi$ yer f%nC I wi$h't I wa$ gwine that ar wayD**tell ye( wo%l#n't I ma-e em la%ghC B%t how i$ it(**#i$ yer whole lot gwine tomorrowCA $ai# Sam'o( laying hi$ han# freely on A#ol+h'$ $ho%l#er. A lea$e to let me aloneDA $ai# A#ol+h( fiercely( $traightening him$elf %+( with e1treme #i$g%$t. ALaw( now( 'oy$D #i$ yer'$ one o' yer white nigger$(**-in# o' cream color( ye -now( $cente#DA $ai# he( coming %+ to A#ol+h an# $n%ffing. AO LorD he'# #o for a to'accer*$ho+3 they co%l# -ee+ him to $cent $n%ffD Lor( he'# -ee+ a whole $ho+e agwine(**he wo%l#DA AI $ay( -ee+ off( can't yo%CA $ai# A#ol+h( enrage#. ALor( now( how to%chy we i$(**we white nigger$D Loo- at %$ nowDA an# Sam'o ga)e a l%#icro%$ imitation of A#ol+h'$ manner3 Ahere'$ #e air$ an# grace$. "e'$ 'een in a goo# family( I $+ec$.A ABe$(A $ai# A#ol+h3 AI ha# a ma$ter that co%l# ha)e 'o%ght yo% all for ol# tr%c-DA

ALaw$( now( only thin-(A $ai# Sam'o( Athe gentlemen$ that we i$DA AI 'elonge# to the St. Clare family(A $ai# A#ol+h( +ro%#ly. ALor( yo% #i#D Be hange# if they ar'n't l%c-y to get $het of ye. S+ect$ they'$ gwine to tra#e ye off with a lot o' crac-e# tea*+ot$ an# $ich li-eDA $ai# Sam'o( with a +ro)o-ing grin. A#ol+h( enrage# at thi$ ta%nt( flew f%rio%$ly at hi$ a#)er$ary( $wearing an# $tri-ing on e)ery $i#e of him. The re$t la%ghe# an# $ho%te#( an# the %+roar 'ro%ght the -ee+er to the #oor. A"hat now( 'oy$C Or#er(**or#erDA he $ai#( coming in an# flo%ri$hing a large whi+. All fle# in #ifferent #irection$( e1ce+t Sam'o( who( +re$%ming on the fa)or which the -ee+er ha# to him a$ a licen$e# wag( $too# hi$ gro%n#( #%c-ing hi$ hea# with a facetio%$ grin( whene)er the ma$ter ma#e a #i)e at him. ALor( Ma$'r( 'tan't %$(**we '$ reglar $ti##y(**it'$ the$e yer new han#$3 they '$ real aggra)atin'(**-in#er +ic-in' at %$( all timeDA The -ee+er( at thi$( t%rne# %+on Tom an# A#ol+h( an# #i$tri'%ting a few -ic-$ an# c%ff$ witho%t m%ch in2%iry( an# lea)ing general or#er$ for all to 'e goo# 'oy$ an# go to $lee+( left the a+artment. "hile thi$ $cene wa$ going on in the men'$ $lee+ing*room( the rea#er may 'e c%rio%$ to ta-e a +ee+ at the corre$+on#ing a+artment allotte# to the women. Stretche# o%t in )ario%$ attit%#e$ o)er the floor( he may $ee n%m'erle$$ $lee+ing form$ of e)ery $ha#e of com+le1ion( from the +%re$t e'ony to white( an# of all year$( from chil#hoo# to ol# age( lying now a$lee+. Here i$ a fine 'right girl( of ten year$( who$e mother wa$ $ol# o%t ye$ter#ay( an# who tonight crie# her$elf to $lee+ when no'o#y wa$ loo-ing at her. Here( a worn ol# negre$$( who$e thin arm$ an# callo%$ finger$ tell of har# toil( waiting to 'e $ol# tomorrow( a$ a ca$t*off article( for what can 'e got for her3 an# $ome forty or fifty other$( with hea#$ )ario%$ly en)elo+e# in 'lan-et$ or article$ of clothing( lie $tretche# aro%n# them. B%t( in a corner( $itting a+art from the re$t( are two female$ of a more intere$ting a++earance than common. One of the$e i$ a re$+ecta'ly*#re$$e# m%latto woman 'etween forty an# fifty( with $oft eye$ an# a gentle an# +lea$ing +hy$iognomy. She ha$ on her hea# a high*rai$e# t%r'an( ma#e of a gay re# Ma#ra$ han#-erchief( of the fir$t 2%ality( her #re$$ i$ neatly fitte#( an# of goo# material( $howing that $he ha$ 'een +ro)i#e# for with a caref%l han#. By her $i#e( an# ne$tling clo$ely to her( i$ a yo%ng girl of fifteen(**her #a%ghter. She i$ a 2%a#roon( a$ may 'e $een from her fairer com+le1ion( tho%gh her li-ene$$ to her mother i$ 2%ite #i$cerni'le. She ha$ the $ame $oft( #areye( with longer la$he$( an# her c%rling hair i$ of a l%1%riant 'rown. She al$o i$ #re$$e# with great neatne$$( an# her white( #elicate han#$ 'etray )ery little ac2%aintance with $er)ile toil. The$e two are to 'e $ol# tomorrow( in the $ame lot with the St. Clare $er)ant$3 an# the gentleman to whom they 'elong( an# to whom the money for their $ale i$ to 'e tran$mitte#( i$ a mem'er of a Chri$tian ch%rch in New Bor-( who will recei)e the money( an# go thereafter to the $acrament of hi$ Lor#

an# their$( an# thin- no more of it. The$e two( whom we $hall call S%$an an# Emmeline( ha# 'een the +er$onal atten#ant$ of an amia'le an# +io%$ la#y of New Orlean$( 'y whom they ha# 'een caref%lly an# +io%$ly in$tr%cte# an# traine#. They ha# 'een ta%ght to rea# an# write( #iligently in$tr%cte# in the tr%th$ of religion( an# their lot ha# 'een a$ ha++y an one a$ in their con#ition it wa$ +o$$i'le to 'e. B%t the only $on of their +rotectre$$ ha# the management of her +ro+erty3 an#( 'y carele$$ne$$ an# e1tra)agance in)ol)e# it to a large amo%nt( an# at la$t faile#. One of the large$t cre#itor$ wa$ the re$+ecta'le firm of B. J Co.( in New Bor-. B. J Co. wrote to their lawyer in New Orlean$( who attache# the real e$tate 7the$e two article$ an# a lot of +lantation han#$ forme# the mo$t )al%a'le +art of it<( an# wrote wor# to that effect to New Bor-. Brother B.( 'eing( a$ we ha)e $ai#( a Chri$tian man( an# a re$i#ent in a free State( felt $ome %nea$ine$$ on the $%'/ect. He #i#n't li-e tra#ing in $la)e$ an# $o%l$ of men(**of co%r$e( he #i#n't3 '%t( then( there were thirty tho%$an# #ollar$ in the ca$e( an# that wa$ rather too m%ch money to 'e lo$t for a +rinci+le3 an# $o( after m%ch con$i#ering( an# a$-ing a#)ice from tho$e that he -new wo%l# a#)i$e to $%it him( Brother B. wrote to hi$ lawyer to #i$+o$e of the '%$ine$$ in the way that $eeme# to him the mo$t $%ita'le( an# remit the +rocee#$. The #ay after the letter arri)e# in New Orlean$( S%$an an# Emmeline were attache#( an# $ent to the #e+ot to await a general a%ction on the following morning3 an# a$ they glimmer faintly %+on %$ in the moonlight which $teal$ thro%gh the grate# win#ow( we may li$ten to their con)er$ation. Both are wee+ing( '%t each 2%ietly( that the other may not hear. AMother( /%$t lay yo%r hea# on my la+( an# $ee if yo% can't $lee+ a little(A $ay$ the girl( trying to a++ear calm. AI ha)en't any heart to $lee+( Em3 I can't3 it'$ the la$t night we may 'e togetherDA AO( mother( #on't $ay $oD +erha+$ we $hall get $ol# together(**who -now$CA AIf 't wa$ any'o#y'$ el$e ca$e( I $ho%l# $ay $o( too( Em(A $ai# the woman3 A'%t I'm $o fear# of lo$in' yo% that I #on't $ee anything '%t the #anger.A A"hy( mother( the man $ai# we were 'oth li-ely( an# wo%l# $ell well.A S%$an remem'ere# the man'$ loo-$ an# wor#$. "ith a #ea#ly $ic-ne$$ at her heart( $he remem'ere# how he ha# loo-e# at Emmeline'$ han#$( an# lifte# %+ her c%rly hair( an# +rono%nce# her a fir$t*rate article. S%$an ha# 'een traine# a$ a Chri$tian( 'ro%ght %+ in the #aily rea#ing of the Bi'le( an# ha# the $ame horror of her chil#'$ 'eing $ol# to a life of $hame that any other Chri$tian mother might ha)e3 '%t $he ha# no ho+e(**no +rotection. AMother( I thin- we might #o fir$t rate( if yo% co%l# get a +lace a$ coo-( an# I a$ cham'ermai# or $eam$tre$$( in $ome family. I #are $ay we

$hall. Let'$ 'oth loo- a$ 'right an# li)ely a$ we can( an# tell all we can #o( an# +erha+$ we $hall(A $ai# Emmeline. AI want yo% to 'r%$h yo%r hair all 'ac- $traight( tomorrow(A $ai# S%$an. A"hat for( motherC I #on't loo- near $o well( that way.A ABe$( '%t yo%'ll $ell 'etter $o.A AI #on't $ee whyDA $ai# the chil#. A!e$+ecta'le familie$ wo%l# 'e more a+t to '%y yo%( if they $aw yo% loo-e# +lain an# #ecent( a$ if yo% wa$n't trying to loo- han#$ome. I -now their way$ 'etter 'n yo% #o(A $ai# S%$an. A"ell( mother( then I will.A AAn#( Emmeline( if we $ho%l#n't e)er $ee each other again( after tomorrow(**if I'm $ol# way %+ on a +lantation $omewhere( an# yo% $omewhere el$e(**alway$ remem'er how yo%')e 'een 'ro%ght %+( an# all Mi$$i$ ha$ tol# yo%3 ta-e yo%r Bi'le with yo%( an# yo%r hymn*'oo-3 an# if yo%'re faithf%l to the Lor#( he'll 'e faithf%l to yo%.A So $+ea-$ the +oor $o%l( in $ore #i$co%ragement3 for $he -now$ that tomorrow any man( howe)er )ile an# 'r%tal( howe)er go#le$$ an# mercile$$( if he only ha$ money to +ay for her( may 'ecome owner of her #a%ghter( 'o#y an# $o%l3 an# then( how i$ the chil# to 'e faithf%lC She thin-$ of all thi$( a$ $he hol#$ her #a%ghter in her arm$( an# wi$he$ that $he were not han#$ome an# attracti)e. It $eem$ almo$t an aggra)ation to her to remem'er how +%rely an# +io%$ly( how m%ch a'o)e the or#inary lot( $he ha$ 'een 'ro%ght %+. B%t $he ha$ no re$ort '%t to 0+ray03 an# many $%ch +rayer$ to 5o# ha)e gone %+ from tho$e $ame trim( neatly*arrange#( re$+ecta'le $la)e*+ri$on$(**+rayer$ which 5o# ha$ not forgotten( a$ a coming #ay $hall $how3 for it i$ written( A"ho ca%$eth one of the$e little one$ to offen#( it were 'etter for him that a mill$tone were hange# a'o%t hi$ nec-( an# that he were #rowne# in the #e+th$ of the $ea.A The $oft( earne$t( 2%iet moon'eam loo-$ in fi1e#ly( mar-ing the 'ar$ of the grate# win#ow$ on the +ro$trate( $lee+ing form$. The mother an# #a%ghter are $inging together a wil# an# melancholy #irge( common a$ a f%neral hymn among the $la)e$I AO( where i$ wee+ing MaryC O( where i$ wee+ing MaryC '!i)e# in the goo#ly lan#. She i$ #ea# an# gone to Hea)en3 She i$ #ea# an# gone to Hea)en3 '!i)e# in the goo#ly lan#.A The$e wor#$( $%ng 'y )oice$ of a +ec%liar an# melancholy $weetne$$( in an air which $eeme# li-e the $ighing of earthy #e$+air after hea)enly ho+e( floate# thro%gh the #ar- +ri$on room$ with a +athetic ca#ence( a$ )er$e after )er$e wa$ 'reathe# o%tI

AO( where are a%l an# Sila$C O( where are a%l an# Sila$C 5one to the goo#ly lan#. They are #ea# an# gone to Hea)en3 They are #ea# an# gone to Hea)en3 '!i)e# in the goo#ly lan#.A Sing on +oor $o%l$D The night i$ $hort( an# the morning will +art yo% fore)erD B%t now it i$ morning( an# e)ery'o#y i$ a$tir3 an# the worthy Mr. S-egg$ i$ '%$y an# 'right( for a lot of goo#$ i$ to 'e fitte# o%t for a%ction. There i$ a 'ri$- loo-o%t on the toilet3 in/%nction$ +a$$e# aro%n# to e)ery one to +%t on their 'e$t face an# 'e $+ry3 an# now all are arrange# in a circle for a la$t re)iew( 'efore they are marche# %+ to the Bo%r$e. Mr. S-egg$( with hi$ +almetto on an# hi$ cigar in hi$ mo%th( wal-$ aro%n# to +%t farewell to%che$ on hi$ ware$. AHow'$ thi$CA he $ai#( $te++ing in front of S%$an an# Emmeline. A"here'$ yo%r c%rl$( galCA The girl loo-e# timi#ly at her mother( who( with the $mooth a#roitne$$ common among her cla$$( an$wer$( AI wa$ telling her( la$t night( to +%t %+ her hair $mooth an# neat( an# not ha)in' it flying a'o%t in c%rl$3 loo-$ more re$+ecta'le $o.A ABotherDA $ai# the man( +erem+torily( t%rning to the girl3 Ayo% go right along( an# c%rl yo%r$elf real $martDA He a##e#( gi)ing a crac- to a rattan he hel# in hi$ han#( AAn# 'e 'ac- in 2%ic- time( tooDA ABo% go an# hel+ her(A he a##e#( to the mother. AThem c%rl$ may ma-e a h%n#re# #ollar$ #ifference in the $ale of her.A Beneath a $+len#i# #ome were men of all nation$( mo)ing to an# fro( o)er the mar'le +a)e. On e)ery $i#e of the circ%lar area were little tri'%ne$( or $tation$( for the %$e of $+ea-er$ an# a%ctioneer$. Two of the$e( on o++o$ite $i#e$ of the area( were now occ%+ie# 'y 'rilliant an# talente# gentlemen( enth%$ia$tically forcing %+( in Engli$h an# &rench commingle#( the 'i#$ of connoi$$e%r$ in their )ario%$ ware$. A thir# one( on the other $i#e( $till %nocc%+ie#( wa$ $%rro%n#e# 'y a gro%+( waiting the moment of $ale to 'egin. An# here we may recogni4e the St. Clare $er)ant$(**Tom( A#ol+h( an# other$3 an# there( too( S%$an an# Emmeline( awaiting their t%rn with an1io%$ an# #e/ecte# face$. Vario%$ $+ectator$( inten#ing to +%rcha$e( or not inten#ing( e1amining( an# commenting on their )ario%$ +oint$ an# face$ with the $ame free#om that a $et of /oc-ey$ #i$c%$$ the merit$ of a hor$e. AH%lloa( AlfD what 'ring$ yo% hereCA $ai# a yo%ng e12%i$ite( $la++ing the $ho%l#er of a $+r%cely*#re$$e# yo%ng man( who wa$ e1amining A#ol+h thro%gh an eye*gla$$.

A"ellD I wa$ wanting a )alet( an# I hear# that St. Clare'$ lot wa$ going. I tho%ght I'# /%$t loo- at hi$**A ACatch me e)er '%ying any of St. Clare'$ +eo+leD S+oilt nigger$( e)ery one. Im+%#ent a$ the #e)ilDA $ai# the other. ANe)er fear thatDA $ai# the fir$t. AIf I get 'em( I'll $oon ha)e their air$ o%t of them3 they'll $oon fin# that they')e another -in# of ma$ter to #eal with than Mon$ie%r St. Clare. ' on my wor#( I'll '%y that fellow. I li-e the $ha+e of him.A ABo%'ll fin# it'll ta-e all yo%')e got to -ee+ him. He'$ #e%ce#ly e1tra)agantDA ABe$( '%t my lor# will fin# that he 0can't0 'e e1tra)agant with 0me0. E%$t let him 'e $ent to the cala'oo$e a few time$( an# thoro%ghly #re$$e# #ownD I'll tell yo% if it #on't 'ring him to a $en$e of hi$ way$D O( I'll reform him( %+ hill an# #own(**yo%'ll $ee. I '%y him( that'$ flatDA Tom ha# 'een $tan#ing wi$tf%lly e1amining the m%ltit%#e of face$ thronging aro%n# him( for one whom he wo%l# wi$h to call ma$ter. An# if yo% $ho%l# e)er 'e %n#er the nece$$ity( $ir( of $electing( o%t of two h%n#re# men( one who wa$ to 'ecome yo%r a'$ol%te owner an# #i$+o$er( yo% wo%l#( +erha+$( reali4e( /%$t a$ Tom #i#( how few there were that yo% wo%l# feel at all comforta'le in 'eing ma#e o)er to. Tom $aw a'%n#ance of men(**great( '%rly( gr%ff men3 little( chir+ing( #rie# men3 long*fa)ore#( lan-( har# men3 an# e)ery )ariety of $t%''e#*loo-ing( common+lace men( who +ic- %+ their fellow*men a$ one +ic-$ %+ chi+$( +%tting them into the fire or a 'a$-et with e2%al %nconcern( accor#ing to their con)enience3 '%t he $aw no St. Clare. A little 'efore the $ale commence#( a $hort( 'roa#( m%$c%lar man( in a chec-e# $hirt con$i#era'ly o+en at the 'o$om( an# +antaloon$ m%ch the wor$e for #irt an# wear( el'owe# hi$ way thro%gh the crow#( li-e one who i$ going acti)ely into a '%$ine$$3 an#( coming %+ to the gro%+( 'egan to e1amine them $y$tematically. &rom the moment that Tom $aw him a++roaching( he felt an imme#iate an# re)olting horror at him( that increa$e# a$ he came near. He wa$ e)i#ently( tho%gh $hort( of gigantic $trength. Hi$ ro%n#( '%llet hea#( large( light*gray eye$( with their $haggy( $an#y eye'row$( an# $tiff( wiry( $%n*'%rne# hair( were rather %n+re+o$$e$$ing item$( it i$ to 'e confe$$e#3 hi$ large( coar$e mo%th wa$ #i$ten#e# with to'acco( the /%ice of which( from time to time( he e/ecte# from him with great #eci$ion an# e1+lo$i)e force3 hi$ han#$ were immen$ely large( hairy( $%n*'%rne#( frec-le#( an# )ery #irty( an# garni$he# with long nail$( in a )ery fo%l con#ition. Thi$ man +rocee#e# to a )ery free +er$onal e1amination of the lot. He $ei4e# Tom 'y the /aw( an# +%lle# o+en hi$ mo%th to in$+ect hi$ teeth3 ma#e him $tri+ %+ hi$ $lee)e( to $how hi$ m%$cle3 t%rne# him ro%n#( ma#e him /%m+ an# $+ring( to $how hi$ +ace$. A"here wa$ yo% rai$e#CA he a##e#( 'riefly( to the$e in)e$tigation$. AIn ,int%c-( Ma$'r(A $ai# Tom( loo-ing a'o%t( a$ if for #eli)erance.

A"hat ha)e yo% #oneCA AHa# care of Ma$'r'$ farm(A $ai# Tom. ALi-ely $toryDA $ai# the other( $hortly( a$ he +a$$e# on. He +a%$e# a moment 'efore Fol+h3 then $+itting a #i$charge of to'acco*/%ice on hi$ well*'lac-e# 'oot$( an# gi)ing a contem+t%o%$ %m+h( he wal-e# on. Again he $to++e# 'efore S%$an an# Emmeline. He +%t o%t hi$ hea)y( #irty han#( an# #rew the girl towar#$ him3 +a$$e# it o)er her nec- an# '%$t( felt her arm$( loo-e# at her teeth( an# then +%$he# her 'ac- again$t her mother( who$e +atient face $howe# the $%ffering $he ha# 'een going thro%gh at e)ery motion of the hi#eo%$ $tranger. The girl wa$ frightene#( an# 'egan to cry. ASto+ that( yo% min1DA $ai# the $ale$man3 Ano whim+ering here(**the $ale i$ going to 'egin.A An# accor#ingly the $ale 'eg%n. A#ol+h wa$ -noc-e# off( at a goo# $%m( to the yo%ng gentlemen who ha# +re)io%$ly $tate# hi$ intention of '%ying him3 an# the other $er)ant$ of the St. Clare lot went to )ario%$ 'i##er$. ANow( %+ with yo%( 'oyD #'ye hearCA $ai# the a%ctioneer to Tom. Tom $te++e# %+on the 'loc-( ga)e a few an1io%$ loo-$ ro%n#3 all $eeme# mingle# in a common( in#i$tinct noi$e(**the clatter of the $ale$man crying off hi$ 2%alification$ in &rench an# Engli$h( the 2%ic- fire of &rench an# Engli$h 'i#$3 an# almo$t in a moment came the final th%m+ of the hammer( an# the clear ring on the la$t $ylla'le of the wor# 0A#ollar$(A0 a$ the a%ctioneer anno%nce# hi$ +rice( an# Tom wa$ ma#e o)er.**He ha# a ma$terD He wa$ +%$he# from the 'loc-3**the $hort( '%llet*hea#e# man $ei4ing him ro%ghly 'y the $ho%l#er( +%$he# him to one $i#e( $aying( in a har$h )oice( AStan# there( 0yo%D0A Tom har#ly reali4e# anything3 '%t $till the 'i##ing went on(**ratting( clattering( now &rench( now Engli$h. Fown goe$ the hammer again(**S%$an i$ $ol#D She goe$ #own from the 'loc-( $to+$( loo-$ wi$tf%lly 'ac-(**her #a%ghter $tretche$ her han#$ towar#$ her. She loo-$ with agony in the face of the man who ha$ 'o%ght her(**a re$+ecta'le mi##le*age# man( of 'ene)olent co%ntenance. AO( Ma$'r( +lea$e #o '%y my #a%ghterDA AI'# li-e to( '%t I'm afrai# I can't affor# itDA $ai# the gentleman( loo-ing( with +ainf%l intere$t( a$ the yo%ng girl mo%nte# the 'loc-( an# loo-e# aro%n# her with a frightene# an# timi# glance. The 'loo# fl%$he$ +ainf%lly in her otherwi$e colorle$$ chee-( her eye ha$ a fe)eri$h fire( an# her mother groan$ to $ee that $he loo-$ more 'ea%tif%l than $he e)er $aw her 'efore. The a%ctioneer $ee$ hi$ a#)antage( an# e1+atiate$ )ol%'ly in mingle# &rench an# Engli$h( an# 'i#$ ri$e in ra+i# $%cce$$ion.

AI'll #o anything in rea$on(A $ai# the 'ene)olent*loo-ing gentleman( +re$$ing in an# /oining with the 'i#$. In a few moment$ they ha)e r%n 'eyon# hi$ +%r$e. He i$ $ilent3 the a%ctioneer grow$ warmer3 '%t 'i#$ gra#%ally #ro+ off. It lie$ now 'etween an ari$tocratic ol# citi4en an# o%r '%llet*hea#e# ac2%aintance. The citi4en 'i#$ for a few t%rn$( contem+t%o%$ly mea$%ring hi$ o++onent3 '%t the '%llet*hea# ha$ the a#)antage o)er him( 'oth in o'$tinacy an# conceale# length of +%r$e( an# the contro)er$y la$t$ '%t a moment3 the hammer fall$(**he ha$ got the girl( 'o#y an# $o%l( %nle$$ 5o# hel+ herD Her ma$ter i$ Mr. Legree( who own$ a cotton +lantation on the !e# ri)er. She i$ +%$he# along into the $ame lot with Tom an# two other men( an# goe$ off( wee+ing a$ $he goe$. The 'ene)olent gentleman i$ $orry3 '%t( then( the thing ha++en$ e)ery #ayD One $ee$ girl$ an# mother$ crying( at the$e $ale$( 0alway$D0 it can't 'e hel+e#( Jc.3 an# he wal-$ off( with hi$ ac2%i$ition( in another #irection. Two #ay$ after( the lawyer of the Chri$tian firm of B. J Co.( New Bor-( $en# on their money to them. On the re)er$e of that #raft( $o o'taine#( let them write the$e wor#$ of the great ayma$ter( to whom they $hall ma-e %+ their acco%nt in a f%t%re #ayI 0A"hen he ma-eth in2%i$ition for 'loo#( he forgetteth not the cry of the h%m'leDA0

CHA TE! KKKI The Mi##le a$$age ATho% art of +%rer eye$ than to 'ehol# e)il( an# can$t not loo- %+on ini2%ityI wherefore loo-e$t tho% %+on them that #eal treachero%$ly( an# hol#e$t thy tong%e when the wic-e# #e)o%reth the man that i$ more righteo%$ than heCA**HAB. 8I 8L. On the lower +art of a $mall( mean 'oat( on the !e# ri)er( Tom $at(**chain$ on hi$ wri$t$( chain$ on hi$ feet( an# a weight hea)ier than chain$ lay on hi$ heart. All ha# fa#e# from hi$ $-y(**moon an# $tar3 all ha# +a$$e# 'y him( a$ the tree$ an# 'an-$ were now +a$$ing( to ret%rn no more. ,ent%c-y home( with wife an# chil#ren( an# in#%lgent owner$3 St. Clare home( with all it$ refinement$ an# $+len#or$3 the gol#en hea# of E)a( with it$ $aint*li-e eye$3 the +ro%#( gay( han#$ome( $eemingly carele$$( yet e)er*-in# St. Clare3 ho%r$ of ea$e an# in#%lgent lei$%re(**all goneD an# in +lace thereof( 0what0 remain$C It i$ one of the 'ittere$t a++ortionment$ of a lot of $la)ery( that the negro( $ym+athetic an# a$$imilati)e( after ac2%iring( in a refine# family( the ta$te$ an# feeling$ which form the atmo$+here of $%ch a +lace( i$ not the le$$ lia'le to 'ecome the 'on#*$la)e of the coar$e$t an# mo$t 'r%tal(**/%$t a$ a chair or ta'le( which once #ecorate# the $%+er' $aloon( come$( at la$t( 'attere# an# #eface#( to the 'arroom of $ome filthy ta)ern( or $ome low ha%nt of )%lgar #e'a%chery. The great #ifference i$( that the ta'le an# chair cannot feel( an# the 0man0 can3

for e)en a legal enactment that he $hall 'e Ata-en( re+%te#( a#/%#ge# in law( to 'e a chattel +er$onal(A cannot 'lot o%t hi$ $o%l( with it$ own +ri)ate little worl# of memorie$( ho+e$( lo)e$( fear$( an# #e$ire$. Mr. Simon Legree( Tom'$ ma$ter( ha# +%rcha$e# $la)e$ at one +lace an# another( in New Orlean$( to the n%m'er of eight( an# #ri)en them( han#c%ffe#( in co%+le$ of two an# two( #own to the goo# $teamer irate( which lay at the le)ee( rea#y for a tri+ %+ the !e# ri)er. Ha)ing got them fairly on 'oar#( an# the 'oat 'eing off( he came ro%n#( with that air of efficiency which e)er characteri4e# him( to ta-e a re)iew of them. Sto++ing o++o$ite to Tom( who ha# 'een attire# for $ale in hi$ 'e$t 'roa#cloth $%it( with well*$tarche# linen an# $hining 'oot$( he 'riefly e1+re$$e# him$elf a$ follow$I AStan# %+.A Tom $too# %+. ATa-e off that $toc-DA an#( a$ Tom( enc%m'ere# 'y hi$ fetter$( +rocee#e# to #o it( he a$$i$te# him( 'y +%lling it( with no gentle han#( from hi$ nec-( an# +%tting it in hi$ +oc-et. Legree now t%rne# to Tom'$ tr%n-( which( +re)io%$ to thi$( he ha# 'een ran$ac-ing( an#( ta-ing from it a +air of ol# +antaloon$ an# #ila+i#ate# coat( which Tom ha# 'een wont to +%t on a'o%t hi$ $ta'le*wor-( he $ai#( li'erating Tom'$ han#$ from the han#c%ff$( an# +ointing to a rece$$ in among the 'o1e$( ABo% go there( an# +%t the$e on.A Tom o'eye#( an# in a few moment$ ret%rne#. ATa-e off yo%r 'oot$(A $ai# Mr. Legree. Tom #i# $o. AThere(A $ai# the former( throwing him a +air of coar$e( $to%t $hoe$( $%ch a$ were common among the $la)e$( A+%t the$e on.A In Tom'$ h%rrie# e1change( he ha# not forgotten to tran$fer hi$ cheri$he# Bi'le to hi$ +oc-et. It wa$ well he #i# $o3 for Mr. Legree( ha)ing refitte# Tom'$ han#c%ff$( +rocee#e# #eli'erately to in)e$tigate the content$ of hi$ +oc-et$. He #rew o%t a $il- han#-erchief( an# +%t it into hi$ own +oc-et. Se)eral little trifle$( which Tom ha# trea$%re#( chiefly 'eca%$e they ha# am%$e# E)a( he loo-e# %+on with a contem+t%o%$ gr%nt( an# to$$e# them o)er hi$ $ho%l#er into the ri)er. Tom'$ Metho#i$t hymn*'oo-( which( in hi$ h%rry( he ha# forgotten( he now hel# %+ an# t%rne# o)er. H%m+hD +io%$( to 'e $%re. So( what'$ yer name(**yo% 'elong to the ch%rch( ehCA ABe$( Ma$'r(A $ai# Tom( firmly.

A"ell( I'll $oon ha)e 0that0 o%t of yo%. I ha)e none o' yer 'awling( +raying( $inging nigger$ on my +lace3 $o remem'er. Now( min# yo%r$elf(A he $ai#( with a $tam+ an# a fierce glance of hi$ gray eye( #irecte# at Tom( A0I'm0 yo%r ch%rch nowD Bo% %n#er$tan#(**yo%')e got to 'e a$ 0I0 $ay.A Something within the $ilent 'lac- man an$were# 0NoD0 an#( a$ if re+eate# 'y an in)i$i'le )oice( came the wor#$ of an ol# +ro+hetic $croll( a$ E)a ha# often rea# them to him(**A&ear notD for I ha)e re#eeme# thee. I ha)e calle# thee 'y name. Tho% art MINEDA B%t Simon Legree hear# no )oice. That )oice i$ one he ne)er $hall hear. He only glare# for a moment on the #ownca$t face of Tom( an# wal-e# off. He too- Tom'$ tr%n-( which containe# a )ery neat an# a'%n#ant war#ro'e( to the foreca$tle( where it wa$ $oon $%rro%n#e# 'y )ario%$ han#$ of the 'oat. "ith m%ch la%ghing( at the e1+en$e of nigger$ who trie# to 'e gentlemen( the article$ )ery rea#ily were $ol# to one an# another( an# the em+ty tr%n- finally +%t %+ at a%ction. It wa$ a goo# /o-e( they all tho%ght( e$+ecially to $ee how Tom loo-e# after hi$ thing$( a$ they were going thi$ way an# that3 an# then the a%ction of the tr%n-( that wa$ f%nnier than all( an# occa$ione# a'%n#ant wittici$m$. Thi$ little affair 'eing o)er( Simon $a%ntere# %+ again to hi$ +ro+erty. ANow( Tom( I')e relie)e# yo% of any e1tra 'aggage( yo% $ee. Ta-e mighty goo# care of them clothe$. It'll 'e long eno%gh 'fore yo% get more. I go in for ma-ing nigger$ caref%l3 one $%it ha$ to #o for one year( on my +lace.A Simon ne1t wal-e# %+ to the +lace where Emmeline wa$ $itting( chaine# to another woman. A"ell( my #ear(A he $ai#( ch%c-ing her %n#er the chin( A-ee+ %+ yo%r $+irit$.A The in)ol%ntary loo- of horror( fright an# a)er$ion( with which the girl regar#e# him( #i# not e$ca+e hi$ eye. He frowne# fiercely. ANone o' yo%r $hine$( galD yo%'$ got to -ee+ a +lea$ant face( when I $+ea- to ye(**#'ye hearC An# yo%( yo% ol# yellow +oco moon$hineDA he $ai#( gi)ing a $ho)e to the m%latto woman to whom Emmeline wa$ chaine#( A#on't yo% carry that $ort of faceD Bo%'$ got to loo- chi++er( I tell yeDA AI $ay( all on ye(A he $ai# retreating a +ace or two 'ac-( Aloo- at me(**loo- at me(**loo- me right in the eye(**0$traight0( nowDA $ai# he( $tam+ing hi$ foot at e)ery +a%$e. A$ 'y a fa$cination( e)ery eye wa$ now #irecte# to the glaring greeni$h*gray eye of Simon. ANow(A $ai# he( #o%'ling hi$ great( hea)y fi$t into $omething re$em'ling a 'lac-$mith'$ hammer( A#'ye $ee thi$ fi$tC Heft itDA he $ai#( 'ringing it #own on Tom'$ han#. ALoo- at the$e yer 'one$D "ell( I tell ye thi$

yer fi$t ha$ got a$ har# a$ iron 0-noc-ing #own nigger$0. I ne)er $ee the nigger( yet( I co%l#n't 'ring #own with one crac-(A $ai# he( 'ringing hi$ fi$t #own $o near to the face of Tom that he win-e# an# #rew 'ac-. AI #on't -ee+ none o' yer c%$$e# o)er$eer$3 I #oe$ my own o)er$eeing3 an# I tell yo% thing$ 0i$0 $een to. Bo%'$ e)ery one on ye got to toe the mar-( I tell ye3 2%ic-(**$traight(**the moment I $+ea-. That'$ the way to -ee+ in with me. Be won't fin# no $oft $+ot in me( nowhere. So( now( min# yer$el)e$3 for I #on't $how no mercyDA The women in)ol%ntarily #rew in their 'reath( an# the whole gang $at with #ownca$t( #e/ecte# face$. Meanwhile( Simon t%rne# on hi$ heel( an# marche# %+ to the 'ar of the 'oat for a #ram. AThat'$ the way I 'egin with my nigger$(A he $ai#( to a gentlemanly man( who ha# $too# 'y him #%ring hi$ $+eech. AIt'$ my $y$tem to 'egin $trong(**/%$t let 'em -now what to e1+ect.A AIn#ee#DA $ai# the $tranger( loo-ing %+on him with the c%rio$ity of a nat%rali$t $t%#ying $ome o%t*of*the*way $+ecimen. ABe$( in#ee#. I'm none o' yer gentlemen +lanter$( with lily finger$( to $lo+ ro%n# an# 'e cheate# 'y $ome ol# c%$$ of an o)er$eerD E%$t feel of my -n%c-le$( now3 loo- at my fi$t. Tell ye( $ir( the fle$h on 't ha$ come /e$t li-e a $tone( +racti$ing on nigger**feel on it.A The $tranger a++lie# hi$ finger$ to the im+lement in 2%e$tion( an# $im+ly $ai#( A'T i$ har# eno%gh3 an#( I $%++o$e(A he a##e#( A+ractice ha$ ma#e yo%r heart /%$t li-e it.A A"hy( ye$( I may $ay $o(A $ai# Simon( with a hearty la%gh. AI rec-on there'$ a$ little $oft in me a$ in any one going. Tell yo%( no'o#y come$ it o)er meD Nigger$ ne)er get$ ro%n# me( neither with $2%alling nor $oft $oa+(**that'$ a fact.A ABo% ha)e a fine lot there.A A!eal(A $ai# Simon. AThere'$ that Tom( they telle# me he wa$ $%thin' %ncommon. I +ai# a little high for him( ten#in' him for a #ri)er an# a managing cha+3 only get the notion$ o%t that he'$ larnt 'y 'ein' treate# a$ nigger$ ne)er o%ght to 'e( he'll #o +rimeD The yellow woman I got too- in on. I rayther thin- $he'$ $ic-ly( '%t I $hall +%t her thro%gh for what $he'$ worth3 $he may la$t a year or two. I #on't go for $a)in' nigger$. U$e %+( an# '%y more( '$ my way3*ma-e$ yo% le$$ tro%'le( an# I'm 2%ite $%re it come$ chea+er in the en#3A an# Simon $i++e# hi$ gla$$. AAn# how long #o they generally la$tCA $ai# the $tranger. A"ell( #onno3 'cor#in' a$ their con$tit%tion i$. Sto%t feller$ la$t $i1 or $e)en year$3 tra$hy one$ get$ wor-e# %+ in two or three. I %$e# to( when I f%$t 'eg%n( ha)e con$i#era'le tro%'le f%$$in' with 'em an# trying to ma-e 'em hol# o%t(**#octorin' on 'em %+ when they'$ $ic-( an# gi)in' on 'em clothe$ an# 'lan-et$( an# what not( tryin' to -ee+ 'em all $ort o' #ecent an# comforta'le. Law( 't wa$n't no $ort o' %$e3 I lo$t money

on 'em( an# 't wa$ hea+$ o' tro%'le. Now( yo% $ee( I /%$t +%t 'em $traight thro%gh( $ic- or well. "hen one nigger'$ #ea#( I '%y another3 an# I fin# it come$ chea+er an# ea$ier( e)ery way.A The $tranger t%rne# away( an# $eate# him$elf 'e$i#e a gentleman( who ha# 'een li$tening to the con)er$ation with re+re$$e# %nea$ine$$. ABo% m%$t not ta-e that fellow to 'e any $+ecimen of So%thern +lanter$(A $ai# he. AI $ho%l# ho+e not(A $ai# the yo%ng gentleman( with em+ha$i$. AHe i$ a mean( low( 'r%tal fellowDA $ai# the other. AAn# yet yo%r law$ allow him to hol# any n%m'er of h%man 'eing$ $%'/ect to hi$ a'$ol%te will( witho%t e)en a $ha#ow of +rotection3 an#( low a$ he i$( yo% cannot $ay that there are not many $%ch.A A"ell(A $ai# the other( Athere are al$o many con$i#erate an# h%mane men among +lanter$.A A5rante#(A $ai# the yo%ng man3 A'%t( in my o+inion( it i$ yo% con$i#erate( h%mane men( that are re$+on$i'le for all the 'r%tality an# o%trage wro%ght 'y the$e wretche$3 'eca%$e( if it were not for yo%r $anction an# infl%ence( the whole $y$tem co%l# not -ee+ foothol# for an ho%r. If there were no +lanter$ e1ce+t $%ch a$ that one(A $ai# he( +ointing with hi$ finger to Legree( who $too# with hi$ 'ac- to them( Athe whole thing wo%l# go #own li-e a mill$tone. It i$ yo%r re$+ecta'ility an# h%manity that licen$e$ an# +rotect$ hi$ 'r%tality.A ABo% certainly ha)e a high o+inion of my goo# nat%re(A $ai# the +lanter( $miling( A'%t I a#)i$e yo% not to tal- 2%ite $o lo%#( a$ there are +eo+le on 'oar# the 'oat who might not 'e 2%ite $o tolerant to o+inion a$ I am. Bo% ha# 'etter wait till I get %+ to my +lantation( an# there yo% may a'%$e %$ all( 2%ite at yo%r lei$%re.A The yo%ng gentleman colore# an# $mile#( an# the two were $oon '%$y in a game of 'ac-gammon. Meanwhile( another con)er$ation wa$ going on in the lower +art of the 'oat( 'etween Emmeline an# the m%latto woman with whom $he wa$ confine#. A$ wa$ nat%ral( they were e1changing with each other $ome +artic%lar$ of their hi$tory. A"ho #i# yo% 'elong toCA $ai# Emmeline. A"ell( my Ma$'r wa$ Mr. Elli$(**li)e# on Le)ee*$treet. 'ra+$ yo%')e $een the ho%$e.A A"a$ he goo# to yo%CA $ai# Emmeline. AMo$tly( till he t%- $ic-. He'$ lain $ic-( off an# on( more than $i1 month$( an# 'een orf%l onea$y. ' ear$ li-e he warnt willin' to ha)e no'o#y re$t( #ay or night3 an# got $o c%ro%$( there co%l#n't no'o#y $%it him. ' ear$ li-e he /%$t grew cro$$er( e)ery #ay3 -e+ me %+ night$ till I got farly 'eat o%t( an# co%l#n't -ee+ awa-e no longer3 an# ca%$e I got to $lee+( one night( Lor$( he tal- $o orf%l to me( an# he tell me he'#

$ell me to /%$t the har#e$t ma$ter he co%l# fin#3 an# he'# +romi$e# me my free#om( too( when he #ie#.A AHa# yo% any frien#$CA $ai# Emmeline. ABe$( my h%$'an#(**he'$ a 'lac-$mith. Ma$'r gen'ly hire# him o%t. They too- me off $o 2%ic-( I #i#n't e)en ha)e time to $ee him3 an# I'$ got fo%r chil#ren. O( #ear meDA $ai# the woman( co)ering her face with her han#$. It i$ a nat%ral im+%l$e( in e)ery one( when they hear a tale of #i$tre$$( to thin- of $omething to $ay 'y way of con$olation. Emmeline wante# to $ay $omething( '%t $he co%l# not thin- of anything to $ay. "hat wa$ there to 'e $ai#C A$ 'y a common con$ent( they 'oth a)oi#e#( with fear an# #rea#( all mention of the horri'le man who wa$ now their ma$ter. Tr%e( there i$ religio%$ tr%$t for e)en the #ar-e$t ho%r. The m%latto woman wa$ a mem'er of the Metho#i$t ch%rch( an# ha# an %nenlightene# '%t )ery $incere $+irit of +iety. Emmeline ha# 'een e#%cate# m%ch more intelligently(**ta%ght to rea# an# write( an# #iligently in$tr%cte# in the Bi'le( 'y the care of a faithf%l an# +io%$ mi$tre$$3 yet( wo%l# it not try the faith of the firme$t Chri$tian( to fin# them$el)e$ a'an#one#( a++arently( of 5o#( in the gra$+ of r%thle$$ )iolenceC How m%ch more m%$t it $ha-e the faith of Chri$t'$ +oor little one$( wea- in -nowle#ge an# ten#er in year$D The 'oat mo)e# on(**freighte# with it$ weight of $orrow(**%+ the re#( m%##y( t%r'i# c%rrent( thro%gh the a'r%+t tort%o%$ win#ing$ of the !e# ri)er3 an# $a# eye$ ga4e# wearily on the $tee+ re#*clay 'an-$( a$ they gli#e# 'y in #reary $amene$$. At la$t the 'oat $to++e# at a $mall town( an# Legree( with hi$ +arty( #i$em'ar-e#.

CHA TE! KKKII Far- lace$ AThe #ar- +lace$ of the earth are f%ll of the ha'itation$ Of cr%elty.A6 6 $. 9=I?M. Trailing wearily 'ehin# a r%#e wagon( an# o)er a r%#er roa#( Tom an# hi$ a$$ociate$ face# onwar#. In the wagon wa$ $eate# Simon Legree an# the two women( $till fettere# together( were $towe# away with $ome 'aggage in the 'ac- +art of it( an# the whole com+any were $ee-ing Legree'$ +lantation( which lay a goo# #i$tance off. It wa$ a wil#( for$a-en roa#( now win#ing thro%gh #reary +ine 'arren$( where the win# whi$+ere# mo%rnf%lly( an# now o)er log ca%$eway$( thro%gh long cy+re$$ $wam+$( the #olef%l tree$ ri$ing o%t of the $limy( $+ongy

gro%n#( h%ng with long wreath$ of f%neral 'lac- mo$$( while e)er an# anon the loath$ome form of the moca$$in $na-e might 'e $een $li#ing among 'ro-en $t%m+$ an# $hattere# 'ranche$ that lay here an# there( rotting in the water. It i$ #i$con$olate eno%gh( thi$ ri#ing( to the $tranger( who( with well*fille# +oc-et an# well*a++ointe# hor$e( threa#$ the lonely way on $ome erran# of '%$ine$$3 '%t wil#er( #rearier( to the man enthralle#( whom e)ery weary $te+ 'ear$ f%rther from all that man lo)e$ an# +ray$ for. So one $ho%l# ha)e tho%ght( that witne$$e# the $%n-en an# #e/ecte# e1+re$$ion on tho$e #ar- face$3 the wi$tf%l( +atient wearine$$ with which tho$e $a# eye$ re$te# on o'/ect after o'/ect that +a$$e# them in their $a# /o%rney. Simon ro#e on( howe)er( a++arently well +lea$e#( occa$ionally +%lling away at a fla$- of $+irit( which he -e+t in hi$ +oc-et. AI $ay( 0yo%D0A he $ai#( a$ he t%rne# 'ac- an# ca%ght a glance at the #i$+irite# face$ 'ehin# him. AStri-e %+ a $ong( 'oy$(**comeDA The men loo-e# at each other( an# the A0come0A wa$ re+eate#( with a $mart crac- of the whi+ which the #ri)er carrie# in hi$ han#$. Tom 'egan a Metho#i$t hymn. AEer%$alem( my ha++y home( Name e)er #ear to meD "hen $hall my $orrow$ ha)e an en#( Thy /oy$ when $hall**A6 6 A0Eer%$alem( my ha++y home0(A anonymo%$ hymn #ating from the latter +art of the $i1teenth cent%ry( $%ng to the t%ne of ASt. Ste+hen.A "or#$ #eri)e from St. A%g%$tine'$ 0Me#itation$0. ASh%t %+( yo% 'lac- c%$$DA roare# Legree3 A#i# ye thin- I wante# any o' yer infernal ol# Metho#i$mC I $ay( t%ne %+( now( $omething real row#y(**2%ic-DA One of the other men $tr%c- %+ one of tho$e %nmeaning $ong$( common among the $la)e$. AMa$'r $ee'# me cotch a coon( High 'oy$( highD He la%ghe# to $+lit(**#'ye $ee the moon( HoD hoD hoD 'oy$( hoD HoD yoD hi**eD 0ohDA0 The $inger a++eare# to ma-e %+ the $ong to hi$ own +lea$%re( generally hitting on rhyme( witho%t m%ch attem+t at rea$on3 an# the +arty too- %+ the chor%$( at inter)al$( AHoD hoD hoD 'oy$( hoD High**e**ohD high**e**ohDA

It wa$ $%ng )ery 'oi$tero%ly( an# with a force# attem+t at merriment3 '%t no wail of #e$+air( no wor#$ of im+a$$ione# +rayer( co%l# ha)e ha# $%ch a #e+th of woe in them a$ the wil# note$ of the chor%$. A$ if the +oor( #%m' heart( threatene#(**+ri$one#(**too- ref%ge in that inartic%late $anct%ary of m%$ic( an# fo%n# there a lang%age in which to 'reathe it$ +rayer to 5o#D There wa$ a +rayer in it( which Simon co%l# not hear. He only hear# the 'oy$ $inging noi$ily( an# wa$ well +lea$e#3 he wa$ ma-ing them A-ee+ %+ their $+irit$.A A"ell( my little #ear(A $ai# he( t%rning to Emmeline( an# laying hi$ han# on her $ho%l#er( Awe're almo$t homeDA "hen Legree $col#e# an# $torme#( Emmeline wa$ terrifie#3 '%t when he lai# hi$ han# on her( an# $+o-e a$ he now #i#( $he felt a$ if $he ha# rather he wo%l# $tri-e her. The e1+re$$ion of hi$ eye$ ma#e her $o%l $ic-( an# her fle$h cree+. In)ol%ntarily $he cl%ng clo$er to the m%latto woman 'y her $i#e( a$ if $he were her mother. ABo% #i#n't e)er wear ear*ring$(A he $ai#( ta-ing hol# of her $mall ear with hi$ coar$e finger$. ANo( Ma$'rDA $ai# Emmeline( trem'ling an# loo-ing #own. A"ell( I'll gi)e yo% a +air( when we get home( if yo%'re a goo# girl. Bo% nee#n't 'e $o frightene#3 I #on't mean to ma-e yo% wor- )ery har#. Bo%'ll ha)e fine time$ with me( an# li)e li-e a la#y(**only 'e a goo# girl.A Legree ha# 'een #rin-ing to that #egree that he wa$ inclining to 'e )ery gracio%$3 an# it wa$ a'o%t thi$ time that the enclo$%re$ of the +lantation ro$e to )iew. The e$tate ha# formerly 'elonge# to a gentleman of o+%lence an# ta$te( who ha# 'e$towe# $ome con$i#era'le attention to the a#ornment of hi$ gro%n#$. Ha)ing #ie# in$ol)ent( it ha# 'een +%rcha$e#( at a 'argain( 'y Legree( who %$e# it( a$ he #i# e)erything el$e( merely a$ an im+lement for money*ma-ing. The +lace ha# that ragge#( forlorn a++earance( which i$ alway$ +ro#%ce# 'y the e)i#ence that the care of the former owner ha$ 'een left to go to %tter #ecay. "hat wa$ once a $mooth*$ha)en lawn 'efore the ho%$e( #otte# here an# there with ornamental $hr%'$( wa$ now co)ere# with frow$y tangle# gra$$( with hor$e+o$t$ $et %+( here an# there( in it( where the t%rf wa$ $tam+e# away( an# the gro%n# littere# with 'ro-en +ail$( co'$ of corn( an# other $lo)enly remain$. Here an# there( a mil#ewe# /e$$amine or honey$%c-le h%ng ragge#ly from $ome ornamental $%++ort( which ha# 'een +%$he# to one $i#e 'y 'eing %$e# a$ a hor$e*+o$t. "hat once wa$ a large gar#en wa$ now all grown o)er with wee#$( thro%gh which( here an# there( $ome $olitary e1otic reare# it$ for$a-en hea#. "hat ha# 'een a con$er)atory ha# now no win#ow*$ha#e$( an# on the mo%l#ering $hel)e$ $too# $ome #ry( for$a-en flower*+ot$( with $tic-$ in them( who$e #rie# lea)e$ $howe# they ha# once 'een +lant$. The wagon rolle# %+ a wee#y gra)el wal-( %n#er a no'le a)en%e of China tree$( who$e gracef%l form$ an# e)er*$+ringing foliage $eeme# to 'e the only thing$ there that neglect co%l# not #a%nt or alter(**li-e no'le

$+irit$( $o #ee+ly roote# in goo#ne$$( a$ to flo%ri$h an# grow $tronger ami# #i$co%ragement an# #ecay. The ho%$e ha# 'een large an# han#$ome. It wa$ '%ilt in a manner common at the So%th3 a wi#e )eran#ah of two $torie$ r%nning ro%n# e)ery +art of the ho%$e( into which e)ery o%ter #oor o+ene#( the lower tier 'eing $%++orte# 'y 'ric- +illar$. B%t the +lace loo-e# #e$olate an# %ncomforta'le3 $ome win#ow$ $to++e# %+ with 'oar#$( $ome with $hattere# +ane$( an# $h%tter$ hanging 'y a $ingle hinge(**all telling of coar$e neglect an# #i$comfort. Bit$ of 'oar#( $traw( ol# #ecaye# 'arrel$ an# 'o1e$( garni$he# the gro%n# in all #irection$3 an# three or fo%r ferocio%$*loo-ing #og$( ro%$e# 'y the $o%n# of the wagon*wheel$( came tearing o%t( an# were with #iffic%lty re$traine# from laying hol# of Tom an# hi$ com+anion$( 'y the effort of the ragge# $er)ant$ who came after them. ABe $ee what ye'# getDA $ai# Legree( care$$ing the #og$ with grim $ati$faction( an# t%rning to Tom an# hi$ com+anion$. ABe $ee what ye'# get( if ye try to r%n off. The$e yer #og$ ha$ 'een rai$e# to tracnigger$3 an# they'# /e$t a$ $oon chaw one on ye %+ a$ eat their $%++er. So( min# yer$elfD How now( Sam'oDA he $ai#( to a ragge# fellow( witho%t any 'rim to hi$ hat( who wa$ officio%$ in hi$ attention$. AHow ha)e thing$ 'een goingCA A&%$t rate( Ma$'r.A AN%im'o(A $ai# Legree to another( who wa$ ma-ing 4ealo%$ #emon$tration$ to attract hi$ attention( Aye min#e# what I telle# yeCA A5%e$$ I #i#( #i#n't ICA The$e two colore# men were the two +rinci+al han#$ on the +lantation. Legree ha# traine# them in $a)agene$$ an# 'r%tality a$ $y$tematically a$ he ha# hi$ '%ll*#og$3 an#( 'y long +ractice in har#ne$$ an# cr%elty( 'ro%ght their whole nat%re to a'o%t the $ame range of ca+acitie$. It i$ a common remar-( an# one that i$ tho%ght to militate $trongly again$t the character of the race( that the negro o)er$eer i$ alway$ more tyrannical an# cr%el than the white one. Thi$ i$ $im+ly $aying that the negro min# ha$ 'een more cr%$he# an# #e'a$e# than the white. It i$ no more tr%e of thi$ race than of e)ery o++re$$e# race( the worl# o)er. The $la)e i$ alway$ a tyrant( if he can get a chance to 'e one. Legree( li-e $ome +otentate$ we rea# of in hi$tory( go)erne# hi$ +lantation 'y a $ort of re$ol%tion of force$. Sam'o an# N%im'o cor#ially hate# each other3 the +lantation han#$( one an# all( cor#ially hate# them3 an#( 'y +laying off one again$t another( he wa$ +retty $%re( thro%gh one or the other of the three +artie$( to get informe# of whate)er wa$ on foot in the +lace. No'o#y can li)e entirely witho%t $ocial interco%r$e3 an# Legree enco%rage# hi$ two 'lac- $atellite$ to a -in# of coar$e familiarity with him(**a familiarity( howe)er( at any moment lia'le to get one or the other of them into tro%'le3 for( on the $lighte$t +ro)ocation( one of

them alway$ $too# rea#y( at a no#( to 'e a mini$ter of hi$ )engeance on the other. A$ they $too# there now 'y Legree( they $eeme# an a+t ill%$tration of the fact that 'r%tal men are lower e)en than animal$. Their coar$e( #ar-( hea)y feat%re$3 their great eye$( rolling en)io%$ly on each other3 their 'ar'aro%$( g%tt%ral( half*'r%te intonation3 their #ila+i#ate# garment$ fl%ttering in the win#(**were all in a#mira'le -ee+ing with the )ile an# %nwhole$ome character of e)erything a'o%t the +lace. AHere( yo% Sam'o(A $ai# Legree( Ata-e the$e yer 'oy$ #own to the 2%arter$3 an# here'$ a gal I')e got for 0yo%0(A $ai# he( a$ he $e+arate# the m%latto woman from Emmeline( an# +%$he# her towar#$ him3**AI +romi$e# to 'ring yo% one( yo% -now.A The woman ga)e a $tart( an# #rawing 'ac-( $ai#( $%##enly( AO( Ma$'rD I left my ol# man in New Orlean$.A A"hat of that( yo%**3 won't yo% want one hereC None o' yo%r wor#$(**go longDA $ai# Legree( rai$ing hi$ whi+. ACome( mi$tre$$(A he $ai# to Emmeline( Ayo% go in here with me.A A #ar-( wil# face wa$ $een( for a moment( to glance at the win#ow of the ho%$e3 an#( a$ Legree o+ene# the #oor( a female )oice $ai# $omething( in a 2%ic-( im+erati)e tone. Tom( who wa$ loo-ing( with an1io%$ intere$t( after Emmeline( a$ $he went in( notice# thi$( an# hear# Legree an$wer( angrily( ABo% may hol# yo%r tong%eD I'll #o a$ I +lea$e( for all yo%DA Tom hear# no more3 for he wa$ $oon following Sam'o to the 2%arter$. The 2%arter$ wa$ a little $ort of $treet of r%#e $hantie$( in a row( in a +art of the +lantation( far off from the ho%$e. They ha# a forlorn( 'r%tal( for$a-en air. Tom'$ heart $%n- when he $aw them. He ha# 'een comforting him$elf with the tho%ght of a cottage( r%#e( in#ee#( '%t one which he might ma-e neat an# 2%iet( an# where he might ha)e a $helf for hi$ Bi'le( an# a +lace to 'e alone o%t of hi$ la'oring ho%r$. He loo-e# into $e)eral3 they were mere r%#e $hell$( #e$tit%te of any $+ecie$ of f%rnit%re( e1ce+t a hea+ of $traw( fo%l with #irt( $+rea# conf%$e#ly o)er the floor( which wa$ merely the 'are gro%n#( tro##en har# 'y the tram+ing of inn%mera'le feet. A"hich of the$e will 'e mineCA $ai# he( to Sam'o( $%'mi$$i)ely. AF%nno3 -en t%rn in here( I $+o$e(A $ai# Sam'o3 A$+ect$ thar'$ room for another thar3 thar'$ a +retty $mart hea+ o' nigger$ to each on 'em( now3 $%re( I #%nno what I '$ to #o with more.A It wa$ late in the e)ening when the weary occ%+ant$ of the $hantie$ came floc-ing home(**men an# women( in $oile# an# tattere# garment$( $%rly an# %ncomforta'le( an# in no moo# to loo- +lea$antly on new*comer$. The $mall )illage wa$ ali)e with no in)iting $o%n#$3 hoar$e( g%tt%ral )oice$ conten#ing at the han#*mill$ where their mor$el of har# corn wa$ yet to 'e gro%n# into meal( to fit it for the ca-e that wa$ to con$tit%te their

only $%++er. &rom the earlie$t #awn of the #ay( they ha# 'een in the fiel#$( +re$$e# to wor- %n#er the #ri)ing la$h of the o)er$eer$3 for it wa$ now in the )ery heat an# h%rry of the $ea$on( an# no mean$ wa$ left %ntrie# to +re$$ e)ery one %+ to the to+ of their ca+a'ilitie$. ATr%e(A $ay$ the negligent lo%nger3 A+ic-ing cotton i$n't har# wor-.A I$n't itC An# it i$n't m%ch incon)enience( either( to ha)e one #ro+ of water fall on yo%r hea#3 yet the wor$t tort%re of the in2%i$ition i$ +ro#%ce# 'y #ro+ after #ro+( #ro+ after #ro+( falling moment after moment( with monotono%$ $%cce$$ion( on the $ame $+ot3 an# wor-( in it$elf not har#( 'ecome$ $o( 'y 'eing +re$$e#( ho%r after ho%r( with %n)arying( %nrelenting $amene$$( with not e)en the con$cio%$ne$$ of free*will to ta-e from it$ te#io%$ne$$. Tom loo-e# in )ain among the gang( a$ they +o%re# along( for com+aniona'le face$. He $aw only $%llen( $cowling( im'r%te# men( an# fee'le( #i$co%rage# women( or women that were not women(**the $trong +%$hing away the wea-(**the gro$$( %nre$tricte# animal $elfi$hne$$ of h%man 'eing$( of whom nothing goo# wa$ e1+ecte# an# #e$ire#3 an# who( treate# in e)ery way li-e 'r%te$( ha# $%n- a$ nearly to their le)el a$ it wa$ +o$$i'le for h%man 'eing$ to #o. To a late ho%r in the night the $o%n# of the grin#ing wa$ +rotracte#3 for the mill$ were few in n%m'er com+are# with the grin#er$( an# the weary an# fee'le one$ were #ri)en 'ac- 'y the $trong( an# came on la$t in their t%rn. AHo yoDA $ai# Sam'o( coming to the m%latto woman( an# throwing #own a 'ag of corn 'efore her3 Awhat a c%$$ yo nameCA AL%cy(A $ai# the woman. A"al( L%cy( yo my woman now. Bo grin# #i$ yer corn( an# get 0my0 $%++er 'a-e#( ye harCA AI an't yo%r woman( an# I won't 'eDA $ai# the woman( with the $har+( $%##en co%rage of #e$+air3 Ayo% go longDA AI'll -ic- yo( thenDA $ai# Sam'o( rai$ing hi$ foot threateningly. ABe may -ill me( if ye choo$e(**the $ooner the 'etterD "i$h't I wa$ #ea#DA $ai# $he. AI $ay( Sam'o( yo% go to $+ilin' the han#$( I'll tell Ma$'r o' yo%(A $ai# N%im'o( who wa$ '%$y at the mill( from which he ha# )icio%$ly #ri)en two or three tire# women( who were waiting to grin# their corn. AAn#( I'll tell him ye won't let the women come to the mill$( yo ol# niggerDA $ai# Sam'o. ABo /e$ -ee+ to yo own row.A Tom wa$ h%ngry with hi$ #ay'$ /o%rney( an# almo$t faint for want of foo#. AThar( yoDA $ai# N%im'o( throwing #own a coar$e 'ag( which containe# a +ec- of corn3 Athar( nigger( gra'( ta-e car on 't(**yo won't get no more( 0#i$0 yer wee-.A Tom waite# till a late ho%r( to get a +lace at the mill$3 an# then( mo)e# 'y the %tter wearine$$ of two women( whom he $aw trying to grin#

their corn there( he gro%n# for them( +%t together the #ecaying 'ran#$ of the fire( where many ha# 'a-e# ca-e$ 'efore them( an# then went a'o%t getting hi$ own $%++er. It wa$ a new -in# of wor- there(**a #ee# of charity( $mall a$ it wa$3 '%t it wo-e an an$wering to%ch in their heart$(**an e1+re$$ion of womanly -in#ne$$ came o)er their har# face$3 they mi1e# hi$ ca-e for him( an# ten#e# it$ 'a-ing3 an# Tom $at #own 'y the light of the fire( an# #rew o%t hi$ Bi'le(**for he ha# nee# for comfort. A"hat'$ thatCA $ai# one of the woman. AA Bi'le(A $ai# Tom. A5oo# Lor#D han't $een %n $ince I wa$ in ,ent%c-.A A"a$ yo% rai$e# in ,ent%c-CA $ai# Tom( with intere$t. ABe$( an# well rai$e#( too3 ne)er '$+ecte# to come to #i$ yerDA $ai# the woman( $ighing. A"hat'$ #at ar 'oo-( any wayCA $ai# the other woman. A"hy( the Bi'le.A ALaw$ a meD what'$ #atCA $ai# the woman. AFo tellD yo% ne)er hearn on 'tCA $ai# the other woman. AI %$e# to har Mi$$i$ a rea#in' on 't( $ometime$( in ,ent%c-3 '%t( law$ o' meD we #on't har nothin' here '%t crac-in' an# $warin'.A A!ea# a +iece( anyway$DA $ai# the fir$t woman( c%rio%$ly( $eeing Tom attenti)ely +oring o)er it. Tom rea#(**ACome %nto Me( all ye that la'or an# are hea)y la#en( an# I will gi)e yo% re$t.A AThem'$ goo# wor#$( eno%gh(A $ai# the woman3 Awho $ay$ 'emCA AThe Lor#(A $ai# Tom. AI /e$t wi$h I -now'# whar to fin# Him(A $ai# the woman. AI wo%l# go3 '+ear$ li-e I ne)er $ho%l# get re$te# again. My fle$h i$ fairly $ore( an# I trem'le all o)er( e)ery #ay( an# Sam'o'$ aller$ a /awin' at me( 'ca%$e I #oe$n't +ic- fa$ter3 an# night$ it'$ mo$t mi#night 'fore I can get my $%++er3 an# #en '+ear$ li-e I #on't t%rn o)er an# $h%t my eye$( 'fore I hear #e horn 'low to get %+( an# at it agin in #e mornin'. If I -new whar #e Lor wa$( I'# tell him.A AHe'$ here( he'$ e)erywhere(A $ai# Tom. ALor( yo% an't gwine to ma-e me 'elie)e #at arD I -now #e Lor# an't here(A $ai# the woman3 A'tan't no %$e tal-ing( tho%gh. I'$ /e$t gwine to cam+ #own( an# $lee+ while I -en.A The women went off to their ca'in$( an# Tom $at alone( 'y the

$mo%l#ering fire( that flic-ere# %+ re#ly in hi$ face. The $il)er( fair*'rowe# moon ro$e in the +%r+le $-y( an# loo-e# #own( calm an# $ilent( a$ 5o# loo-$ on the $cene of mi$ery an# o++re$$ion(**loo-e# calmly on the lone 'lac- man( a$ he $at( with hi$ arm$ fol#e#( an# hi$ Bi'le on hi$ -nee. AI$ 5o# HE!ECA Ah( how i$ it +o$$i'le for the %nta%ght heart to -ee+ it$ faith( %n$wer)ing( in the face of #ire mi$r%le( an# +al+a'le( %nre'%-e# in/%$ticeC In that $im+le heart wage# a fierce conflict3 the cr%$hing $en$e of wrong( the fore$ha#owing( of a whole life of f%t%re mi$ery( the wrec- of all +a$t ho+e$( mo%rnf%lly to$$ing in the $o%l'$ $ight( li-e #ea# cor+$e$ of wife( an# chil#( an# frien#( ri$ing from the #ar- wa)e( an# $%rging in the face of the half*#rowne# marinerD Ah( wa$ it ea$y 0here0 to 'elie)e an# hol# fa$t the great +a$$wor# of Chri$tian faith( that A5o# IS( an# i$ the !E"A!FE! of them that #iligently $ee- HimAC Tom ro$e( #i$con$olate( an# $t%m'le# into the ca'in that ha# 'een allotte# to him. The floor wa$ alrea#y $trewn with weary $lee+er$( an# the fo%l air of the +lace almo$t re+elle# him3 '%t the hea)y night*#ew$ were chill( an# hi$ lim'$ weary( an#( wra++ing a'o%t him a tattere# 'lan-et( which forme# hi$ only 'e#*clothing( he $tretche# him$elf in the $traw an# fell a$lee+. In #ream$( a gentle )oice came o)er hi$ ear3 he wa$ $itting on the mo$$y $eat in the gar#en 'y La-e ontchartrain( an# E)a( with her $erio%$ eye$ 'ent #ownwar#( wa$ rea#ing to him from the Bi'le3 an# he hear# her rea#. A"hen tho% +a$$e$t thro%gh the water$( I will 'e with thee( an# the ri)er$ they $hall not o)erflow thee3 when tho% wal-e$t thro%gh the fire( tho% $halt not 'e '%rne#( neither $hall the flame -in#le %+on thee3 for I am the Lor# thy 5o#( the Holy One of I$rael( thy Sa)io%r.A 5ra#%ally the wor#$ $eeme# to melt an# fa#e( a$ in a #i)ine m%$ic3 the chil# rai$e# her #ee+ eye$( an# fi1e# them lo)ingly on him( an# ray$ of warmth an# comfort $eeme# to go from them to hi$ heart3 an#( a$ if wafte# on the m%$ic( $he $eeme# to ri$e on $hining wing$( from which fla-e$ an# $+angle$ of gol# fell off li-e $tar$( an# $he wa$ gone. Tom wo-e. "a$ it a #reamC Let it +a$$ for one. B%t who $hall $ay that that $weet yo%ng $+irit( which in life $o yearne# to comfort an# con$ole the #i$tre$$e#( wa$ for'i##en of 5o# to a$$%me thi$ mini$try after #eathC It i$ a 'ea%tif%l 'elief( That e)er ro%n# o%r hea# Are ho)ering( on angel wing$( The $+irit$ of the #ea#.


AAn# 'ehol#( the tear$ of $%ch a$ were o++re$$e#( an# they ha# no comforter3 an# on the $i#e of their o++re$$or$ there wa$ +ower( '%t they ha# no comforter.A**ECCL. =I8 It too- '%t a $hort time to familiari4e Tom with all that wa$ to 'e ho+e# or feare# in hi$ new way of life. He wa$ an e1+ert an# efficient wor-man in whate)er he %n#ertoo-3 an# wa$( 'oth from ha'it an# +rinci+le( +rom+t an# faithf%l. N%iet an# +eacea'le in hi$ #i$+o$ition( he ho+e#( 'y %nremitting #iligence( to a)ert from him$elf at lea$t a +ortion of the e)il$ of hi$ con#ition. He $aw eno%gh of a'%$e an# mi$ery to ma-e him $ic- an# weary3 '%t he #etermine# to toil on( with religio%$ +atience( committing him$elf to Him that /%#geth righteo%$ly( not witho%t ho+e that $ome way of e$ca+e might yet 'e o+ene# to him. Legree too- a $ilent note of Tom'$ a)aila'ility. He rate# him a$ a fir$t*cla$$ han#3 an# yet he felt a $ecret #i$li-e to him(**the nati)e anti+athy of 'a# to goo#. He $aw( +lainly( that when( a$ wa$ often the ca$e( hi$ )iolence an# 'r%tality fell on the hel+le$$( Tom too- notice of it3 for( $o $%'tle i$ the atmo$+here of o+inion( that it will ma-e it$elf felt( witho%t wor#$3 an# the o+inion e)en of a $la)e may annoy a ma$ter. Tom in )ario%$ way$ manife$te# a ten#erne$$ of feeling( a commi$eration for hi$ fellow*$%fferer$( $trange an# new to them( which wa$ watche# with a /ealo%$ eye 'y Legree. He ha# +%rcha$e# Tom with a )iew of e)ent%ally ma-ing him a $ort of o)er$eer( with whom he might( at time$( intr%$t hi$ affair$( in $hort a'$ence$3 an#( in hi$ )iew( the fir$t( $econ#( an# thir# re2%i$ite for that +lace( wa$ 0har#ne$$0. Legree ma#e %+ hi$ min#( that( a$ Tom wa$ not har# to hi$ han#( he wo%l# har#en him forthwith3 an# $ome few wee-$ after Tom ha# 'een on the +lace( he #etermine# to commence the +roce$$. One morning( when the han#$ were m%$tere# for the fiel#( Tom notice#( with $%r+ri$e( a new comer among them( who$e a++earance e1cite# hi$ attention. It wa$ a woman( tall an# $len#erly forme#( with remar-a'ly #elicate han#$ an# feet( an# #re$$e# in neat an# re$+ecta'le garment$. By the a++earance of her face( $he might ha)e 'een 'etween thirty*fi)e an# forty3 an# it wa$ a face that( once $een( co%l# ne)er 'e forgotten(**one of tho$e that( at a glance( $eem to con)ey to %$ an i#ea of a wil#( +ainf%l( an# romantic hi$tory. Her forehea# wa$ high( an# her eye'row$ mar-e# with 'ea%tif%l clearne$$. Her $traight( well*forme# no$e( her finely*c%t mo%th( an# the gracef%l conto%r of her hea# an# nec-( $howe# that $he m%$t once ha)e 'een 'ea%tif%l3 '%t her face wa$ #ee+ly wrin-le# with line$ of +ain( an# of +ro%# an# 'itter en#%rance. Her com+le1ion wa$ $allow an# %nhealthy( her chee-$ thin( her feat%re$ $har+( an# her whole form emaciate#. B%t her eye wa$ the mo$t remar-a'le feat%re(**$o large( $o hea)ily 'lac-( o)er$ha#owe# 'y long la$he$ of e2%al #ar-ne$$( an# $o wil#ly( mo%rnf%lly #e$+airing. There wa$ a fierce +ri#e an# #efiance in e)ery line of her face( in e)ery c%r)e of the fle1i'le li+( in e)ery motion of her 'o#y3 '%t in her eye wa$ a #ee+( $ettle# night of ang%i$h(**an e1+re$$ion $o ho+ele$$ an# %nchanging a$ to contra$t fearf%lly with the $corn an# +ri#e e1+re$$e# 'y her whole #emeanor. "here $he came from( or who $he wa$( Tom #i# not -now. The fir$t he #i# -now( $he wa$ wal-ing 'y hi$ $i#e( erect an# +ro%#( in the #im gray

of the #awn. To the gang( howe)er( $he wa$ -nown3 for there wa$ m%ch loo-ing an# t%rning of hea#$( an# a $mothere# yet a++arent e1%ltation among the mi$era'le( ragge#( half*$tar)e# creat%re$ 'y whom $he wa$ $%rro%n#e#. A5ot to come to it( at la$t(**gra# of itDA $ai# one. AHeD heD heDA $ai# another3 Ayo%'ll -now how goo# it i$( Mi$$eDA A"e'll $ee her wor-DA A"on#er if $he'll get a c%tting %+( at night( li-e the re$t of %$DA AI'# 'e gla# to $ee her #own for a flogging( I'll 'o%n#DA $ai# another. The woman too- no notice of the$e ta%nt$( '%t wal-e# on( with the $ame e1+re$$ion of angry $corn( a$ if $he hear# nothing. Tom ha# alway$ li)e# among refine#( an# c%lti)ate# +eo+le( an# he felt int%iti)ely( from her air an# 'earing( that $he 'elonge# to that cla$$3 '%t how or why $he co%l# 'e fallen to tho$e #egra#ing circ%m$tance$( he co%l# not tell. The women neither loo-e# at him nor $+o-e to him( tho%gh( all the way to the fiel#( $he -e+t clo$e at hi$ $i#e. Tom wa$ $oon '%$y at hi$ wor-3 '%t( a$ the woman wa$ at no great #i$tance from him( he often glance# an eye to her( at her wor-. He $aw( at a glance( that a nati)e a#roitne$$ an# han#ine$$ ma#e the ta$- to her an ea$ier one than it +ro)e# to many. She +ic-e# )ery fa$t an# )ery clean( an# with an air of $corn( a$ if $he #e$+i$e# 'oth the wor- an# the #i$grace an# h%miliation of the circ%m$tance$ in which $he wa$ +lace#. In the co%r$e of the #ay( Tom wa$ wor-ing near the m%latto woman who ha# 'een 'o%ght in the $ame lot with him$elf. She wa$ e)i#ently in a con#ition of great $%ffering( an# Tom often hear# her +raying( a$ $he wa)ere# an# trem'le#( an# $eeme# a'o%t to fall #own. Tom $ilently a$ he came near to her( tran$ferre# $e)eral han#f%l$ of cotton from hi$ own $ac- to her$. AO( #on't( #on'tDA $ai# the woman( loo-ing $%r+ri$e#3 Ait'll get yo% into tro%'le.A E%$t then Sam'o came %+. He $eeme# to ha)e a $+ecial $+ite again$t thi$ woman3 an#( flo%ri$hing hi$ whi+( $ai#( in 'r%tal( g%tt%ral tone$( A"hat #i$ yer( L%ce(**foolin' a'A an#( with the wor#( -ic-ing the woman with hi$ hea)y cowhi#e $hoe( he $tr%c- Tom acro$$ the face with hi$ whi+. Tom $ilently re$%me# hi$ ta$-3 '%t the woman( 'efore at the la$t +oint of e1ha%$tion( fainte#. AI'll 'ring her toDA $ai# the #ri)er( with a 'r%tal grin. AI'll gi)e her $omething 'etter than cam+hireDA an#( ta-ing a +in from hi$ coat*$lee)e( he '%rie# it to the hea# in her fle$h. The woman groane#( an# half ro$e. A5et %+( yo% 'ea$t( an# wor-( will yer( or I'll $how yer a tric- moreDA The woman $eeme# $tim%late#( for a few moment$( to an %nnat%ral

$trength( an# wor-e# with #e$+erate eagerne$$. ASee that yo% -ee+ to #at ar(A $ai# the man( Aor yer'll wi$h yer'$ #ea# tonight( I rec-inDA AThat I #o nowDA Tom hear# her $ay3 an# again he hear# her $ay( AO( Lor#( how longD O( Lor#( why #on't yo% hel+ %$CA At the ri$- of all that he might $%ffer( Tom came forwar# again( an# +%t all the cotton in hi$ $ac- into the woman'$. AO( yo% m%$tn'tD yo% #onno what they'll #o to yeDA $ai# the woman. AI can 'ar itDA $ai# Tom( A'etter 'n yo%3A an# he wa$ at hi$ +lace again. It +a$$e# in a moment. S%##enly( the $tranger woman whom we ha)e #e$cri'e#( an# who ha#( in the co%r$e of her wor-( come near eno%gh to hear Tom'$ la$t wor#$( rai$e# her hea)y 'lac- eye$( an# fi1e# them( for a $econ#( on him3 then( ta-ing a 2%antity of cotton from her 'a$-et( $he +lace# it in hi$. ABo% -now nothing a'o%t thi$ +lace(A $he $ai#( Aor yo% wo%l#n't ha)e #one that. "hen yo%')e 'een here a month( yo%'ll 'e #one hel+ing any'o#y3 yo%'ll fin# it har# eno%gh to ta-e care of yo%r own $-inDA AThe Lor# for'i#( Mi$$i$DA $ai# Tom( %$ing in$tincti)ely to hi$ fiel# com+anion the re$+ectf%l form +ro+er to the high 're# with whom he ha# li)e#. AThe Lor# ne)er )i$it$ the$e +art$(A $ai# the woman( 'itterly( a$ $he went nim'ly forwar# with her wor-3 an# again the $cornf%l $mile c%rle# her li+$. B%t the action of the woman ha# 'een $een 'y the #ri)er( acro$$ the fiel#3 an#( flo%ri$hing hi$ whi+( he came %+ to her. A"hatD whatDA he $ai# to the woman( with an air of tri%m+h( ABo% a foolin'C 5o alongD yer %n#er me now(**min# yo%r$elf( or yer'll cotch itDA A glance li-e $heet*lightning $%##enly fla$he# from tho$e 'lac- eye$3 an#( facing a'o%t( with 2%i)ering li+ an# #ilate# no$tril$( $he #rew her$elf %+( an# fi1e# a glance( 'la4ing with rage an# $corn( on the #ri)er. AFogDA $he $ai#( Ato%ch 0me0( if yo% #areD I')e +ower eno%gh( yet( to ha)e yo% torn 'y the #og$( '%rnt ali)e( c%t to inche$D I')e only to $ay the wor#DA A"hat #e #e)il yo% here for( #enCA $ai# the man( e)i#ently cowe#( an# $%llenly retreating a $te+ or two. AFi#n't mean no harm( Mi$$e Ca$$yDA A,ee+ yo%r #i$tance( thenDA $ai# the woman. An#( in tr%th( the man $eeme# greatly incline# to atten# to $omething at the other en# of the fiel#( an# $tarte# off in 2%ic- time.

The woman $%##enly t%rne# to her wor-( an# la'ore# with a #e$+atch that wa$ +erfectly a$toni$hing to Tom. She $eeme# to wor- 'y magic. Before the #ay wa$ thro%gh( her 'a$-et wa$ fille#( crow#e# #own( an# +ile#( an# $he ha# $e)eral time$ +%t largely into Tom'$. Long after #%$-( the whole weary train( with their 'a$-et$ on their hea#$( #efile# %+ to the '%il#ing a++ro+riate# to the $toring an# weighing the cotton. Legree wa$ there( '%$ily con)er$ing with the two #ri)er$. AFat ar Tom'$ gwine to ma-e a +owerf%l #eal o' tro%'le3 -e+t a +%ttin' into L%cy'$ 'a$-et.**One o' the$e yer #at will get all #er nigger$ to feelin' '%$e#( if Ma$ir #on't watch himDA $ai# Sam'o. AHey*#eyD The 'lac- c%$$DA $ai# Legree. AHe'll ha)e to get a 'rea-in' in( won't he( 'oy$CA Both negroe$ grinne# a horri# grin( at thi$ intimation. AAy( ayD Let Ma$'r Legree alone( for 'rea-in' inD Fe #e'il he$elf co%l#n't 'eat Ma$'r at #atDA $ai# N%im'o. A"al( 'oy$( the 'e$t way i$ to gi)e him the flogging to #o( till he get$ o)er hi$ notion$. Brea- him inDA ALor#( Ma$'r'll ha)e har# wor- to get #at o%t o' himDA AIt'll ha)e to come o%t of him( tho%ghDA $ai# Legree( a$ he rolle# hi$ to'acco in hi$ mo%th. ANow( #ar'$ L%cy(**#e aggra)atine$t( %glie$t wench on #e +laceDA +%r$%e# Sam'o. ATa-e care( Sam3 I $hall 'egin to thin- what'$ the rea$on for yo%r $+ite agin L%cy.A A"ell( Ma$'r -now$ $he $ot her$elf %+ agin Ma$'r( an# wo%l#n't ha)e me( when he telle# her to.A AI'# a flogge# her into 't(A $ai# Legree( $+itting( Aonly there'$ $%ch a +re$$ o' wor-( it #on't $eem w%th a while to %+$et her /i$t now. She'$ $len#er3 '%t the$e yer $len#er gal$ will 'ear half -illin' to get their own wayDA A"al( L%cy wa$ real aggra)atin' an# la4y( $%l-in' ro%n#3 wo%l#n't #o nothin(**an# Tom he $t%c- %+ for her.A AHe #i#( ehD "al( then( Tom $hall ha)e the +lea$%re of flogging her. It'll 'e a goo# +ractice for him( an# he won't +%t it on to the gal li-e yo% #e)il$( neither.A AHo( hoD hawD hawD hawDA la%ghe# 'oth the $ooty wretche$3 an# the #ia'olical $o%n#$ $eeme#( in tr%th( a not %na+t e1+re$$ion of the fien#i$h character which Legree ga)e them. A"al( '%t( Ma$'r( Tom an# Mi$$e Ca$$y( an# #ey among 'em( fille# L%cy'$

'a$-et. I r%ther g%e$$ #er weight '$ in it( Ma$'rDA A0I #o the weighingD0A $ai# Legree( em+hatically. Both the #ri)er$ again la%ghe# their #ia'olical la%gh. ASoDA he a##e#( AMi$$e Ca$$y #i# her #ay'$ wor-.A AShe +ic-$ li-e #e #e'il an# all hi$ angel$DA AShe'$ got 'em all in her( I 'elie)eDA $ai# Legree3 an#( growling a 'r%tal oath( he +rocee#e# to the weighing*room. Slowly the weary( #i$+irite# creat%re$( wo%n# their way into the room( an#( with cro%ching rel%ctance( +re$ente# their 'a$-et$ to 'e weighe#. Legree note# on a $late( on the $i#e of which wa$ +a$te# a li$t of name$( the amo%nt. Tom'$ 'a$-et wa$ weighe# an# a++ro)e#3 an# he loo-e#( with an an1io%$ glance( for the $%cce$$ of the woman he ha# 'efrien#e#. Tottering with wea-ne$$( $he came forwar#( an# #eli)ere# her 'a$-et. It wa$ of f%ll weight( a$ Legree well +ercei)e#3 '%t( affecting anger( he $ai#( A"hat( yo% la4y 'ea$tD $hort againD $tan# a$i#e( yo%'ll catch it( +retty $oonDA The woman ga)e a groan of %tter #e$+air( an# $at #own on a 'oar#. The +er$on who ha# 'een calle# Mi$$e Ca$$y now came forwar#( an#( with a ha%ghty( negligent air( #eli)ere# her 'a$-et. A$ $he #eli)ere# it( Legree loo-e# in her eye$ with a $neering yet in2%iring glance. She fi1e# her 'lac- eye$ $tea#ily on him( her li+$ mo)e# $lightly( an# $he $ai# $omething in &rench. "hat it wa$( no one -new3 '%t Legree'$ face 'ecame +erfectly #emoniacal in it$ e1+re$$ion( a$ $he $+o-e3 he half rai$e# hi$ han#( a$ if to $tri-e(**a ge$t%re which $he regar#e# with fierce #i$#ain( a$ $he t%rne# an# wal-e# away. AAn# now(A $ai# Legree( Acome here( yo% Tom. Bo% $ee( I telle# ye I #i#n't '%y ye /e$t for the common wor-3 I mean to +romote ye( an# ma-e a #ri)er of ye3 an# tonight ye may /e$t a$ well 'egin to get yer han# in. Now( ye /e$t ta-e thi$ yer gal an# flog her3 ye')e $een eno%gh on't to -now how.A AI 'eg Ma$'r'$ +ar#on(A $ai# Tom3 Aho+e$ Ma$'r won't $et me at that. It'$ what I an't %$e# to(**ne)er #i#(**an# can't #o( no way +o$$i'le.A ABe'll larn a +retty $mart chance of thing$ ye ne)er #i# -now( 'efore I')e #one with yeDA $ai# Legree( ta-ing %+ a cowhi#e( an# $tri-ing Tom a hea)y 'low cro$$ the chee-( an# following %+ the infliction 'y a $hower of 'low$.

AThereDA he $ai#( a$ he $to++e# to re$t3 Anow( will ye tell me ye can't #o itCA ABe$( Ma$'r(A $ai# Tom( +%tting %+ hi$ han#( to wi+e the 'loo#( that tric-le# #own hi$ face. AI'm willin' to wor-( night an# #ay( an# worwhile there'$ life an# 'reath in me3 '%t thi$ yer thing I can't feel it right to #o3**an#( Ma$'r( I 0ne)er0 $hall #o it(**0ne)er0DA Tom ha# a remar-a'ly $mooth( $oft )oice( an# a ha'it%ally re$+ectf%l manner( that ha# gi)en Legree an i#ea that he wo%l# 'e cowar#ly( an# ea$ily $%'#%e#. "hen he $+o-e the$e la$t wor#$( a thrill of ama4ement went thro%gh e)ery one3 the +oor woman cla$+e# her han#$( an# $ai#( AO Lor#DA an# e)ery one in)ol%ntarily loo-e# at each other an# #rew in their 'reath( a$ if to +re+are for the $torm that wa$ a'o%t to '%r$t. Legree loo-e# $t%+efie# an# confo%n#e#3 '%t at la$t '%r$t forth(**A"hatD ye 'la$te# 'lac- 'ea$tD tell 0me0 ye #on't thin- it 0right0 to #o what I tell yeD "hat ha)e any of yo% c%$$e# cattle to #o with thin-ing what'$ rightC I'll +%t a $to+ to itD "hy( what #o ye thin- ye areC May 'e ye thin- ye'r a gentleman ma$ter( Tom( to 'e a telling yo%r ma$ter what'$ right( an# what ain'tD So yo% +reten# it'$ wrong to flog the galDA AI thin- $o( Ma$'r(A $ai# Tom3 Athe +oor critt%r'$ $ic- an# fee'le3 't wo%l# 'e #ownright cr%el( an# it'$ what I ne)er will #o( nor 'egin to. Ma$'r( if yo% mean to -ill me( -ill me3 '%t( a$ to my rai$ing my han# agin any one here( I ne)er $hall(**I'll #ie fir$tDA Tom $+o-e in a mil# )oice( '%t with a #eci$ion that co%l# not 'e mi$ta-en. Legree $hoo- with anger3 hi$ greeni$h eye$ glare# fiercely( an# hi$ )ery whi$-er$ $eeme# to c%rl with +a$$ion3 '%t( li-e $ome ferocio%$ 'ea$t( that +lay$ with it$ )ictim 'efore he #e)o%r$ it( he -e+t 'ac- hi$ $trong im+%l$e to +rocee# to imme#iate )iolence( an# 'ro-e o%t into 'itter raillery. A"ell( here'$ a +io%$ #og( at la$t( let #own among %$ $inner$D**a $aint( a gentleman( an# no le$$( to tal- to %$ $inner$ a'o%t o%r $in$D owerf%l holy critter( he m%$t 'eD Here( yo% ra$cal( yo% ma-e 'elie)e to 'e $o +io%$(**#i#n't yo% ne)er hear( o%t of yer Bi'le( 'Ser)ant$( o'ey yer ma$ter$'C An't I yer ma$terC Fi#n't I +ay #own twel)e h%n#re# #ollar$( ca$h( for all there i$ in$i#e yer ol# c%$$e# 'lac- $hellC An't yer mine( now( 'o#y an# $o%lCA he $ai#( gi)ing Tom a )iolent -ic- with hi$ hea)y 'oot3 Atell meDA In the )ery #e+th of +hy$ical $%ffering( 'owe# 'y 'r%tal o++re$$ion( thi$ 2%e$tion $hot a gleam of /oy an# tri%m+h thro%gh Tom'$ $o%l. He $%##enly $tretche# him$elf %+( an#( loo-ing earne$tly to hea)en( while the tear$ an# 'loo# that flowe# #own hi$ face mingle#( he e1claime#( ANoD noD noD my $o%l an't yo%r$( Ma$'rD Bo% ha)en't 'o%ght it(**ye can't '%y itD It'$ 'een 'o%ght an# +ai# for( 'y one that i$ a'le to -ee+ it3**no matter( no matter( yo% can't harm meDA AI can'tDA $ai# Legree( with a $neer3 Awe'll $ee(**we'll $eeD Here( Sam'o( N%im'o( gi)e thi$ #og $%ch a 'rea-in' in a$ he won't get o)er(

thi$ monthDA The two gigantic negroe$ that now lai# hol# of Tom( with fien#i$h e1%ltation in their face$( might ha)e forme# no %na+t +er$onification of +ower$ of #ar-ne$$. The +oor woman $creame# with a++rehen$ion( an# all ro$e( a$ 'y a general im+%l$e( while they #ragge# him %nre$i$ting from the +lace.

CHA TE! KKKIV The N%a#roon'$ Story An# 'ehol# the tear$ of $%ch a$ are o++re$$e#3 an# on the $i#e of their o++re$$or$ there wa$ +ower. "herefore I +rai$e# the #ea# that are alrea#y #ea# more than the li)ing that are yet ali)e.**ECCL. =I8. It wa$ late at night( an# Tom lay groaning an# 'lee#ing alone( in an ol# for$a-en room of the gin*ho%$e( among +iece$ of 'ro-en machinery( +ile$ of #amage# cotton( an# other r%''i$h which ha# there acc%m%late#. The night wa$ #am+ an# clo$e( an# the thic- air $warme# with myria#$ of mo$2%ito$( which increa$e# the re$tle$$ tort%re of hi$ wo%n#$3 whil$t a '%rning thir$t**a tort%re 'eyon# all other$**fille# %+ the %ttermo$t mea$%re of +hy$ical ang%i$h. AO( goo# Lor#D 0Fo0 loo- #own(**gi)e me the )ictoryD**gi)e me the )ictory o)er allDA +raye# +oor Tom( in hi$ ang%i$h. A foot$te+ entere# the room( 'ehin# him( an# the light of a lantern fla$he# on hi$ eye$. A"ho'$ thereC O( for the Lor#'$ ma$$y( +lea$e gi)e me $ome waterDA The woman Ca$$y**for it wa$ $he(**$et #own her lantern( an#( +o%ring water from a 'ottle( rai$e# hi$ hea#( an# ga)e him #rin-. Another an# another c%+ were #raine#( with fe)eri$h eagerne$$. AFrin- all ye want(A $he $ai#3 AI -new how it wo%l# 'e. It i$n't the fir$t time I')e 'een o%t in the night( carrying water to $%ch a$ yo%.A AThan- yo%( Mi$$i$(A $ai# Tom( when he ha# #one #rin-ing. AFon't call me Mi$$i$D I'm a mi$era'le $la)e( li-e yo%r$elf(**a lower one than yo% can e)er 'eDA $ai# $he( 'itterly3 A'%t now(A $ai# $he( going to the #oor( an# #ragging in a $mall +allai$e( o)er which $he ha# $+rea# linen cloth$ wet with col# water( Atry( my +oor fellow( to roll yo%r$elf on to thi$.A Stiff with wo%n#$ an# 'r%i$e$( Tom wa$ a long time in accom+li$hing thi$ mo)ement3 '%t( when #one( he felt a $en$i'le relief from the cooling a++lication to hi$ wo%n#$.

The woman( whom long +ractice with the )ictim$ of 'r%tality ha# ma#e familiar with many healing art$( went on to ma-e many a++lication$ to Tom'$ wo%n#$( 'y mean$ of which he wa$ $oon $omewhat relie)e#. ANow(A $ai# the woman( when $he ha# rai$e# hi$ hea# on a roll of #amage# cotton( which $er)e# for a +illow( Athere'$ the 'e$t I can #o for yo%.A Tom than-e# her3 an# the woman( $itting #own on the floor( #rew %+ her -nee$( an# em'racing them with her arm$( loo-e# fi1e#ly 'efore her( with a 'itter an# +ainf%l e1+re$$ion of co%ntenance. Her 'onnet fell 'ac-( an# long wa)y $tream$ of 'lac- hair fell aro%n# her $ing%lar an# melancholy*face. AIt'$ no %$e( my +oor fellowDA $he 'ro-e o%t( at la$t( Ait'$ of no %$e( thi$ yo%')e 'een trying to #o. Bo% were a 'ra)e fellow(**yo% ha# the right on yo%r $i#e3 '%t it'$ all in )ain( an# o%t of the 2%e$tion( for yo% to $tr%ggle. Bo% are in the #e)il'$ han#$3**he i$ the $tronge$t( an# yo% m%$t gi)e %+DA 5i)e %+D an#( ha# not h%man wea-ne$$ an# +hy$ical agony whi$+ere# that( 'eforeC Tom $tarte#3 for the 'itter woman( with her wil# eye$ an# melancholy )oice( $eeme# to him an em'o#iment of the tem+tation with which he ha# 'een wre$tling. AO Lor#D O Lor#DA he groane#( Ahow can I gi)e %+CA AThere'$ no %$e calling on the Lor#(**he ne)er hear$(A $ai# the woman( $tea#ily3 Athere i$n't any 5o#( I 'elie)e3 or( if there i$( he'$ ta-en $i#e$ again$t %$. All goe$ again$t %$( hea)en an# earth. E)erything i$ +%$hing %$ into hell. "hy $ho%l#n't we goCA Tom clo$e# hi$ eye$( an# $h%##ere# at the #ar-( athei$tic wor#$. ABo% $ee(A $ai# the woman( A0yo%0 #on't -now anything a'o%t it**I #o. I')e 'een on thi$ +lace fi)e year$( 'o#y an# $o%l( %n#er thi$ man'$ foot3 an# I hate him a$ I #o the #e)ilD Here yo% are( on a lone +lantation( ten mile$ from any other( in the $wam+$3 not a white +er$on here( who co%l# te$tify( if yo% were '%rne# ali)e(**if yo% were $cal#e#( c%t into inch*+iece$( $et %+ for the #og$ to tear( or h%ng %+ an# whi++e# to #eath. There'$ no law here( of 5o# or man( that can #o yo%( or any one of %$( the lea$t goo#3 an#( thi$ manD there'$ no earthly thing that he'$ too goo# to #o. I co%l# ma-e any one'$ hair ri$e( an# their teeth chatter( if I $ho%l# only tell what I')e $een an# 'een -nowing to( here(**an# it'$ no %$e re$i$tingD Fi# I 0want0 to li)e with himC "a$n't I a woman #elicately 're#3 an# he(**5o# in hea)enD what wa$ he( an# i$ heC An# yet( I')e li)e# with him( the$e fi)e year$( an# c%r$e# e)ery moment of my life(**night an# #ayD An# now( he'$ got a new one(**a yo%ng thing( only fifteen( an# $he 'ro%ght %+( $he $ay$( +io%$ly. Her goo# mi$tre$$ ta%ght her to rea# the Bi'le3 an# $he'$ 'ro%ght her Bi'le here**to hell with herDA**an# the woman la%ghe# a wil# an# #olef%l la%gh( that r%ng( with a $trange( $%+ernat%ral $o%n#( thro%gh the ol# r%ine# $he#. Tom fol#e# hi$ han#$3 all wa$ #ar-ne$$ an# horror.

AO Ee$%$D Lor# Ee$%$D ha)e yo% 2%ite forgot %$ +oor critt%r$CA '%r$t forth( at la$t3**Ahel+( Lor#( I +eri$hDA The woman $ternly contin%e#I AAn# what are the$e mi$era'le low #og$ yo% wor- with( that yo% $ho%l# $%ffer on their acco%ntC E)ery one of them wo%l# t%rn again$t yo%( the fir$t time they got a chance. They are all of 'em a$ low an# cr%el to each other a$ they can 'e3 there'$ no %$e in yo%r $%ffering to -ee+ from h%rting them.A A oor critt%r$DA $ai# Tom(**Awhat ma#e 'em cr%elC**an#( if I gi)e o%t( I $hall get %$e# to 't( an# grow( little 'y little( /%$t li-e 'emD No( no( Mi$$i$D I')e lo$t e)erything(**wife( an# chil#ren( an# home( an# a -in# Ma$'r(**an# he wo%l# ha)e $et me free( if he'# only li)e# a weelonger3 I')e lo$t e)erything in 0thi$0 worl#( an# it'$ clean gone( fore)er(**an# now I 0can't0 lo$e Hea)en( too3 no( I can't get to 'e wic-e#( 'e$i#e$ allDA AB%t it can't 'e that the Lor# will lay $in to o%r acco%nt(A $ai# the woman3 Ahe won't charge it to %$( when we're force# to it3 he'll charge it to them that #ro)e %$ to it.A ABe$(A $ai# Tom3 A'%t that won't -ee+ %$ from growing wic-e#. If I get to 'e a$ har#*hearte# a$ that ar' Sam'o( an# a$ wic-e#( it won't ma-e m%ch o##$ to me how I come $o3 it'$ the 'ein' $o(**that ar'$ what I'm a #rea#in'.A The woman fi1e# a wil# an# $tartle# loo- on Tom( a$ if a new tho%ght ha# $tr%c- her3 an# then( hea)ily groaning( $ai#( AO 5o# a' mercyD yo% $+ea- the tr%thD O**O**ODA**an#( with groan$( $he fell on the floor( li-e one cr%$he# an# writhing %n#er the e1tremity of mental ang%i$h. There wa$ a $ilence( a while( in which the 'reathing of 'oth +artie$ co%l# 'e hear#( when Tom faintly $ai#( AO( +lea$e( Mi$$i$DA The woman $%##enly ro$e %+( with her face com+o$e# to it$ %$%al $tern( melancholy e1+re$$ion. A lea$e( Mi$$i$( I $aw 'em throw my coat in that ar' corner( an# in my coat*+oc-et i$ my Bi'le3**if Mi$$i$ wo%l# +lea$e get it for me.A Ca$$y went an# got it. Tom o+ene#( at once( to a hea)ily mar-e# +a$$age( m%ch worn( of the la$t $cene$ in the life of Him 'y who$e $tri+e$ we are heale#. AIf Mi$$i$ wo%l# only 'e $o goo# a$ rea# that ar'(**it'$ 'etter than water.A Ca$$y too- the 'oo-( with a #ry( +ro%# air( an# loo-e# o)er the +a$$age. She then rea# alo%#( in a $oft )oice( an# with a 'ea%ty of intonation that wa$ +ec%liar( that to%ching acco%nt of ang%i$h an# of glory. Often( a$ $he rea#( her )oice faltere#( an# $ometime$ faile# her altogether(

when $he wo%l# $to+( with an air of frigi# com+o$%re( till $he ha# ma$tere# her$elf. "hen $he came to the to%ching wor#$( A&ather forgi)e them( for they -now not what they #o(A $he threw #own the 'oo-( an#( '%rying her face in the hea)y ma$$e$ of her hair( $he $o''e# alo%#( with a con)%l$i)e )iolence. Tom wa$ wee+ing( al$o( an# occa$ionally %ttering a $mothere# e/ac%lation. AIf we only co%l# -ee+ %+ to that ar'DA $ai# Tom3**Ait $eeme# to come $o nat%ral to him( an# we ha)e to fight $o har# for 'tD O Lor#( hel+ %$D O 'le$$e# Lor# Ee$%$( #o hel+ %$DA AMi$$i$(A $ai# Tom( after a while( AI can $ee that( $ome how( yo%'re 2%ite ''o)e me in e)erything3 '%t there'$ one thing Mi$$i$ might learn e)en from +oor Tom. Be $ai# the Lor# too- $i#e$ again$t %$( 'eca%$e he let$ %$ 'e ''%$e# an# -noc-e# ro%n#3 '%t ye $ee what come on hi$ own Son(**the 'le$$e# Lor# of 5lory(**wan't he allay$ +oorC an# ha)e we( any on %$( yet come $o low a$ he comeC The Lor# han't forgot %$(**I'm $artin' o' that ar'. If we $%ffer with him( we $hall al$o reign( Scri+t%re $ay$3 '%t( if we #eny Him( he al$o will #eny %$. Fi#n't they all $%fferC**the Lor# an# all hi$C It tell$ how they wa$ $tone# an# $awn a$%n#er( an# wan#ere# a'o%t in $hee+*$-in$ an# goat*$-in$( an# wa$ #e$tit%te( afflicte#( tormente#. S%fferin' an't no rea$on to ma-e %$ thin- the Lor#'$ t%rne# agin %$3 '%t /e$t the contrary( if only we hol# on to him( an# #oe$n't gi)e %+ to $in.A AB%t why #oe$ he +%t %$ where we can't hel+ '%t $inCA $ai# the woman. AI thin- we 0can0 hel+ it(A $ai# Tom. ABo%'ll $ee(A $ai# Ca$$y3 Awhat'll yo% #oC Tomorrow they'll 'e at yo% again. I -now 'em3 I')e $een all their #oing$3 I can't 'ear to thin- of all they'll 'ring yo% to3**an# they'll ma-e yo% gi)e o%t( at la$tDA ALor# Ee$%$DA $ai# Tom( Ayo% 0will0 ta-e care of my $o%lC O Lor#( #oD**#on't let me gi)e o%tDA AO #earDA $ai# Ca$$y3 AI')e hear# all thi$ crying an# +raying 'efore3 an# yet( they')e 'een 'ro-en #own( an# 'ro%ght %n#er. There'$ Emmeline( $he'$ trying to hol# on( an# yo%'re trying(**'%t what %$eC Bo% m%$t gi)e %+( or 'e -ille# 'y inche$.A A"ell( then( I 0will0 #ieDA $ai# Tom. AS+in it o%t a$ long a$ they can( they can't hel+ my #ying( $ome timeD**an#( after that( they can't #o no more. I'm clar( I'm $etD I 0-now0 the Lor#'ll hel+ me( an# 'ring me thro%gh.A The woman #i# not an$wer3 $he $at with her 'lac- eye$ intently fi1e# on the floor. AMay 'e it'$ the way(A $he m%rm%re# to her$elf3 A'%t tho$e that 0ha)e0 gi)en %+( there'$ no ho+e for themD**noneD "e li)e in filth( an# grow loath$ome( till we loathe o%r$el)e$D An# we long to #ie( an# we #on't #are to -ill o%r$el)e$D**No ho+eD no ho+eD no ho+eC**thi$ girl

now(**/%$t a$ ol# a$ I wa$D ABo% $ee me now(A $he $ai#( $+ea-ing to Tom )ery ra+i#ly3 A$ee what I amD "ell( I wa$ 'ro%ght %+ in l%1%ry3 the fir$t I remem'er i$( +laying a'o%t( when I wa$ a chil#( in $+len#i# +arlor$(**when I wa$ -e+t #re$$e# %+ li-e a #oll( an# com+any an# )i$itor$ %$e# to +rai$e me. There wa$ a gar#en o+ening from the $aloon win#ow$3 an# there I %$e# to +lay hi#e*an#*go*$ee-( %n#er the orange*tree$( with my 'rother$ an# $i$ter$. I went to a con)ent( an# there I learne# m%$ic( &rench an# em'roi#ery( an# what not3 an# when I wa$ fo%rteen( I came o%t to my father'$ f%neral. He #ie# )ery $%##enly( an# when the +ro+erty came to 'e $ettle#( they fo%n# that there wa$ $carcely eno%gh to co)er the #e't$3 an# when the cre#itor$ too- an in)entory of the +ro+erty( I wa$ $et #own in it. My mother wa$ a $la)e woman( an# my father ha# alway$ meant to $et me free3 '%t he ha# not #one it( an# $o I wa$ $et #own in the li$t. I'# alway$ -nown who I wa$( '%t ne)er tho%ght m%ch a'o%t it. No'o#y e)er e1+ect$ that a $trong( healthy man i$ going to #ie. My father wa$ a well man only fo%r ho%r$ 'efore he #ie#3**it wa$ one of the fir$t cholera ca$e$ in New Orlean$. The #ay after the f%neral( my father'$ wife tooher chil#ren( an# went %+ to her father'$ +lantation. I tho%ght they treate# me $trangely( '%t #i#n't -now. There wa$ a yo%ng lawyer who they left to $ettle the '%$ine$$3 an# he came e)ery #ay( an# wa$ a'o%t the ho%$e( an# $+o-e )ery +olitely to me. He 'ro%ght with him( one #ay( a yo%ng man( whom I tho%ght the han#$ome$t I ha# e)er $een. I $hall ne)er forget that e)ening. I wal-e# with him in the gar#en. I wa$ lone$ome an# f%ll of $orrow( an# he wa$ $o -in# an# gentle to me3 an# he tol# me that he ha# $een me 'efore I went to the con)ent( an# that he ha# lo)e# me a great while( an# that he wo%l# 'e my frien# an# +rotector3**in $hort( tho%gh he #i#n't tell me( he ha# +ai# two tho%$an# #ollar$ for me( an# I wa$ hi$ +ro+erty(**I 'ecame hi$ willingly( for I lo)e# him. Lo)e#DA $ai# the woman( $to++ing. AO( how I 0#i#0 lo)e that manD How I lo)e him now(**an# alway$ $hall( while I 'reatheD He wa$ $o 'ea%tif%l( $o high( $o no'leD He +%t me into a 'ea%tif%l ho%$e( with $er)ant$( hor$e$( an# carriage$( an# f%rnit%re( an# #re$$e$. E)erything that money co%l# '%y( he ga)e me3 '%t I #i#n't $et any )al%e on all that(**I only care# for him. I lo)e# him 'etter than my 5o# an# my own $o%l( an#( if I trie#( I co%l#n't #o any other way from what he wante# me to. AI wante# only one thing**I #i# want him to 0marry0 me. I tho%ght( if he lo)e# me a$ he $ai# he #i#( an# if I wa$ what he $eeme# to thin- I wa$( he wo%l# 'e willing to marry me an# $et me free. B%t he con)ince# me that it wo%l# 'e im+o$$i'le3 an# he tol# me that( if we were only faithf%l to each other( it wa$ marriage 'efore 5o#. If that i$ tr%e( wa$n't I that man'$ wifeC "a$n't I faithf%lC &or $e)en year$( #i#n't I $t%#y e)ery loo- an# motion( an# only li)e an# 'reathe to +lea$e himC He ha# the yellow fe)er( an# for twenty #ay$ an# night$ I watche# with him. I alone(**an# ga)e him all hi$ me#icine( an# #i# e)erything for him3 an# then he calle# me hi$ goo# angel( an# $ai# I'# $a)e# hi$ life. "e ha# two 'ea%tif%l chil#ren. The fir$t wa$ a 'oy( an# we calle# him Henry. He wa$ the image of hi$ father(**he ha# $%ch 'ea%tif%l eye$( $%ch a forehea#( an# hi$ hair h%ng all in c%rl$ aro%n# it3 an# he ha# all hi$ father'$ $+irit( an# hi$ talent( too. Little Eli$e( he $ai#( loo-e# li-e me. He %$e# to tell me that I wa$ the mo$t 'ea%tif%l woman in Lo%i$iana( he wa$ $o +ro%# of me an# the chil#ren. He %$e# to lo)e to ha)e me #re$$ them %+( an# ta-e them an# me a'o%t in an o+en carriage( an# hear

the remar-$ that +eo+le wo%l# ma-e on %$3 an# he %$e# to fill my ear$ con$tantly with the fine thing$ that were $ai# in +rai$e of me an# the chil#ren. O( tho$e were ha++y #ay$D I tho%ght I wa$ a$ ha++y a$ any one co%l# 'e3 '%t then there came e)il time$. He ha# a co%$in come to New Orlean$( who wa$ hi$ +artic%lar frien#(**he tho%ght all the worl# of him3**'%t( from the fir$t time I $aw him( I co%l#n't tell why( I #rea#e# him3 for I felt $%re he wa$ going to 'ring mi$ery on %$. He got Henry to going o%t with him( an# often he wo%l# not come home night$ till two or three o'cloc-. I #i# not #are $ay a wor#3 for Henry wa$ $o high $+irite#( I wa$ afrai# to. He got him to the gaming*ho%$e$3 an# he wa$ one of the $ort that( when he once got a going there( there wa$ no hol#ing 'ac-. An# then he intro#%ce# him to another la#y( an# I $aw $oon that hi$ heart wa$ gone from me. He ne)er tol# me( '%t I $aw it(**I -new it( #ay after #ay(**I felt my heart 'rea-ing( '%t I co%l# not $ay a wor#D At thi$( the wretch offere# to '%y me an# the chil#ren of Henry( to clear off hi$ gam'ling #e't$( which $too# in the way of hi$ marrying a$ he wi$he#3**an# 0he $ol# %$0. He tol# me( one #ay( that he ha# '%$ine$$ in the co%ntry( an# $ho%l# 'e gone two or three wee-$. He $+o-e -in#er than %$%al( an# $ai# he $ho%l# come 'ac-3 '%t it #i#n't #ecei)e me. I -new that the time ha# come3 I wa$ /%$t li-e one t%rne# into $tone3 I co%l#n't $+ea-( nor $he# a tear. He -i$$e# me an# -i$$e# the chil#ren( a goo# many time$( an# went o%t. I $aw him get on hi$ hor$e( an# I watche# him till he wa$ 2%ite o%t of $ight3 an# then I fell #own( an# fainte#. AThen 0he0 came( the c%r$e# wretchD he came to ta-e +o$$e$$ion. He tol# me that he ha# 'o%ght me an# my chil#ren3 an# $howe# me the +a+er$. I c%r$e# him 'efore 5o#( an# tol# him I'# #ie $ooner than li)e with him.A A'E%$t a$ yo% +lea$e(' $ai# he3 ''%t( if yo% #on't 'eha)e rea$ona'ly( I'll $ell 'oth the chil#ren( where yo% $hall ne)er $ee them again.' He tol# me that he alway$ ha# meant to ha)e me( from the fir$t time he $aw me3 an# that he ha# #rawn Henry on( an# got him in #e't( on +%r+o$e to ma-e him willing to $ell me. That he got him in lo)e with another woman3 an# that I might -now( after all that( that he $ho%l# not gi)e %+ for a few air$ an# tear$( an# thing$ of that $ort. AI ga)e %+( for my han#$ were tie#. He ha# my chil#ren3**whene)er I re$i$te# hi$ will anywhere( he wo%l# tal- a'o%t $elling them( an# he ma#e me a$ $%'mi$$i)e a$ he #e$ire#. O( what a life it wa$D to li)e with my heart 'rea-ing( e)ery #ay(**to -ee+ on( on( on( lo)ing( when it wa$ only mi$ery3 an# to 'e 'o%n#( 'o#y an# $o%l( to one I hate#. I %$e# to lo)e to rea# to Henry( to +lay to him( to walt4 with him( an# $ing to him3 '%t e)erything I #i# for thi$ one wa$ a +erfect #rag(**yet I wa$ afrai# to ref%$e anything. He wa$ )ery im+erio%$( an# har$h to the chil#ren. Eli$e wa$ a timi# little thing3 '%t Henry wa$ 'ol# an# high*$+irite#( li-e hi$ father( an# he ha# ne)er 'een 'ro%ght %n#er( in the lea$t( 'y any one. He wa$ alway$ fin#ing fa%lt( an# 2%arrelling with him3 an# I %$e# to li)e in #aily fear an# #rea#. I trie# to ma-e the chil# re$+ectf%l3**I trie# to -ee+ them a+art( for I hel# on to tho$e chil#ren li-e #eath3 '%t it #i# no goo#. 0He $ol# 'oth tho$e chil#ren0. He too- me to ri#e( one #ay( an# when I came home( they were nowhere to 'e fo%n#D He tol# me he ha# $ol# them3 he $howe# me the money( the +rice of their 'loo#. Then it $eeme# a$ if all goo# for$oo- me. I ra)e# an# c%r$e#(**c%r$e# 5o# an# man3 an#( for a while( I 'elie)e( he really wa$

afrai# of me. B%t he #i#n't gi)e %+ $o. He tol# me that my chil#ren were $ol#( '%t whether I e)er $aw their face$ again( #e+en#e# on him3 an# that( if I wa$n't 2%iet( they $ho%l# $mart for it. "ell( yo% can #o anything with a woman( when yo%')e got her chil#ren. He ma#e me $%'mit3 he ma#e me 'e +eacea'le3 he flattere# me with ho+e$ that( +erha+$( he wo%l# '%y them 'ac-3 an# $o thing$ went on( a wee- or two. One #ay( I wa$ o%t wal-ing( an# +a$$e# 'y the cala'oo$e3 I $aw a crow# a'o%t the gate( an# hear# a chil#'$ )oice(**an# $%##enly my Henry 'ro-e away from two or three men who were hol#ing the +oor 'oy $creame# an# loo-e# into my face( an# hel# on to me( %ntil( in tearing him off( they tore the $-irt of my #re$$ half away3 an# they carrie# him in( $creaming 'MotherD motherD motherD' There wa$ one man $too# there $eeme# to +ity me. I offere# him all the money I ha#( if he'# only interfere. He $hoo- hi$ hea#( an# $ai# that the 'oy ha# 'een im+%#ent an# #i$o'e#ient( e)er $ince he 'o%ght him3 that he wa$ going to 'rea- him in( once for all. I t%rne# an# ran3 an# e)ery $te+ of the way( I tho%ght that I hear# him $cream. I got into the ho%$e3 ran( all o%t of 'reath( to the +arlor( where I fo%n# B%tler. I tol# him( an# 'egge# him to go an# interfere. He only la%ghe#( an# tol# me the 'oy ha# got hi$ #e$ert$. He'# got to 'e 'ro-en in(**the $ooner the 'etter3 'what #i# I e1+ectC' he a$-e#. AIt $eeme# to me $omething in my hea# $na++e#( at that moment. I felt #i44y an# f%rio%$. I remem'er $eeing a great $har+ 'owie*-nife on the ta'le3 I remem'er $omething a'o%t catching it( an# flying %+on him3 an# then all grew #ar-( an# I #i#n't -now any more(**not for #ay$ an# #ay$. A"hen I came to my$elf( I wa$ in a nice room(**'%t not mine. An ol# 'lac- woman ten#e# me3 an# a #octor came to $ee me( an# there wa$ a great #eal of care ta-en of me. After a while( I fo%n# that he ha# gone away( an# left me at thi$ ho%$e to 'e $ol#3 an# that'$ why they too$%ch +ain$ with me. AI #i#n't mean to get well( an# ho+e# I $ho%l#n't3 '%t( in $+ite of me the fe)er went off an# I grew healthy( an# finally got %+. Then( they ma#e me #re$$ %+( e)ery #ay3 an# gentlemen %$e# to come in an# $tan# an# $mo-e their cigar$( an# loo- at me( an# a$- 2%e$tion$( an# #e'ate my +rice. I wa$ $o gloomy an# $ilent( that none of them wante# me. They threatene# to whi+ me( if I wa$n't gayer( an# #i#n't ta-e $ome +ain$ to ma-e my$elf agreea'le. At length( one #ay( came a gentleman name# St%art. He $eeme# to ha)e $ome feeling for me3 he $aw that $omething #rea#f%l wa$ on my heart( an# he came to $ee me alone( a great many time$( an# finally +er$%a#e# me to tell him. He 'o%ght me( at la$t( an# +romi$e# to #o all he co%l# to fin# an# '%y 'ac- my chil#ren. He went to the hotel where my Henry wa$3 they tol# him he ha# 'een $ol# to a +lanter %+ on earl ri)er3 that wa$ the la$t that I e)er hear#. Then he fo%n# where my #a%ghter wa$3 an ol# woman wa$ -ee+ing her. He offere# an immen$e $%m for her( '%t they wo%l# not $ell her. B%tler fo%n# o%t that it wa$ for me he wante# her3 an# he $ent me wor# that I $ho%l# ne)er ha)e her. Ca+tain St%art wa$ )ery -in# to me3 he ha# a $+len#i# +lantation( an# too- me to it. In the co%r$e of a year( I ha# a $on 'orn. O( that chil#D**how I lo)e# itD How /%$t li-e my +oor Henry the little thing loo-e#D B%t I ha# ma#e %+ my min#(**ye$( I ha#. I wo%l# ne)er again let a chil# li)e to grow %+D I too- the little fellow in my arm$( when he wa$ two wee-$ ol#( an# -i$$e# him( an# crie# o)er him3 an# then I ga)e him la%#an%m( an# hel# him clo$e to my 'o$om( while he $le+t

to #eath. How I mo%rne# an# crie# o)er itD an# who e)er #reame# that it wa$ anything '%t a mi$ta-e( that ha# ma#e me gi)e it the la%#an%mC '%t it'$ one of the few thing$ that I'm gla# of( now. I am not $orry( to thi$ #ay3 he( at lea$t( i$ o%t of +ain. "hat 'etter than #eath co%l# I gi)e him( +oor chil#D After a while( the cholera came( an# Ca+tain St%art #ie#3 e)ery'o#y #ie# that wante# to li)e(**an# I(**I( tho%gh I went #own to #eath'$ #oor(**0I li)e#D0 Then I wa$ $ol#( an# +a$$e# from han# to han#( till I grew fa#e# an# wrin-le#( an# I ha# a fe)er3 an# then thi$ wretch 'o%ght me( an# 'ro%ght me here(**an# here I amDA The woman $to++e#. She ha# h%rrie# on thro%gh her $tory( with a wil#( +a$$ionate %tterance3 $ometime$ $eeming to a##re$$ it to Tom( an# $ometime$ $+ea-ing a$ in a $olilo2%y. So )ehement an# o)er+owering wa$ the force with which $he $+o-e( that( for a $ea$on( Tom wa$ 'eg%ile# e)en from the +ain of hi$ wo%n#$( an#( rai$ing him$elf on one el'ow( watche# her a$ $he +ace# re$tle$$ly %+ an# #own( her long 'lac- hair $waying hea)ily a'o%t her( a$ $he mo)e#. ABo% tell me(A $he $ai#( after a +a%$e( Athat there i$ a 5o#(**a 5o# that loo-$ #own an# $ee$ all the$e thing$. May 'e it'$ $o. The $i$ter$ in the con)ent %$e# to tell me of a #ay of /%#gment( when e)erything i$ coming to light3**won't there 'e )engeance( thenD AThey thin- it'$ nothing( what we $%ffer(**nothing( what o%r chil#ren $%fferD It'$ all a $mall matter3 yet I')e wal-e# the $treet$ when it $eeme# a$ if I ha# mi$ery eno%gh in my one heart to $in- the city. I')e wi$he# the ho%$e$ wo%l# fall on me( or the $tone$ $in- %n#er me. Be$D an#( in the /%#gment #ay( I will $tan# %+ 'efore 5o#( a witne$$ again$t tho$e that ha)e r%ine# me an# my chil#ren( 'o#y an# $o%lD A"hen I wa$ a girl( I tho%ght I wa$ religio%$3 I %$e# to lo)e 5o# an# +rayer. Now( I'm a lo$t $o%l( +%r$%e# 'y #e)il$ that torment me #ay an# night3 they -ee+ +%$hing me on an# on**an# I'll #o it( too( $ome of the$e #ay$DA $he $ai#( clenching her han#( while an in$ane light glance# in her hea)y 'lac- eye$. AI'll $en# him where he 'elong$(**a $hort way( too(**one of the$e night$( if they '%rn me ali)e for itDA A wil#( long la%gh rang thro%gh the #e$erte# room( an# en#e# in a hy$teric $o'3 $he threw her$elf on the floor( in con)%l$i)e $o''ing an# $tr%ggle$. In a few moment$( the fren4y fit $eeme# to +a$$ off3 $he ro$e $lowly( an# $eeme# to collect her$elf. ACan I #o anything more for yo%( my +oor fellowCA $he $ai#( a++roaching where Tom lay3 A$hall I gi)e yo% $ome more waterCA There wa$ a gracef%l an# com+a$$ionate $weetne$$ in her )oice an# manner( a$ $he $ai# thi$( that forme# a $trange contra$t with the former wil#ne$$. Tom #ran- the water( an# loo-e# earne$tly an# +itif%lly into her face. AO( Mi$$i$( I wi$h yo%'# go to him that can gi)e yo% li)ing water$DA A5o to himD "here i$ heC "ho i$ heCA $ai# Ca$$y.

AHim that yo% rea# of to me(**the Lor#.A AI %$e# to $ee the +ict%re of him( o)er the altar( when I wa$ a girl(A $ai# Ca$$y( her #ar- eye$ fi1ing them$el)e$ in an e1+re$$ion of mo%rnf%l re)erie3 A'%t( 0he i$n't hereD0 there'$ nothing here( '%t $in an# long( long( long #e$+airD ODA She lai# her lan# on her 'rea$t an# #rew in her 'reath( a$ if to lift a hea)y weight. Tom loo-e# a$ if he wo%l# $+ea- again3 '%t $he c%t him $hort( with a #eci#e# ge$t%re. AFon't tal-( my +oor fellow. Try to $lee+( if yo% can.A An#( +lacing water in hi$ reach( an# ma-ing whate)er little arrangement$ for hi$ comfort$ $he co%l#( Ca$$y left the $he#.

CHA TE! KKKV The To-en$ AAn# $light( withal( may 'e the thing$ that 'ring Bac- on the heart the weight which it wo%l# fling A$i#e fore)er3 it may 'e a $o%n#( A flower( the win#( the ocean( which $hall wo%n#(** Stri-ing the electric chain wherewith we're #ar-ly 'o%n#.A CHILFE HA!OLF'S IL5!IMA5E( CAN. =. The $itting*room of Legree'$ e$ta'li$hment wa$ a large( long room( with a wi#e( am+le fire+lace. It ha# once 'een h%ng with a $howy an# e1+en$i)e +a+er( which now h%ng mo%l#ering( torn an# #i$colore#( from the #am+ wall$. The +lace ha# that +ec%liar $ic-ening( %nwhole$ome $mell( com+o%n#e# of mingle# #am+( #irt an# #ecay( which one often notice$ in clo$e ol# ho%$e$. The wall*+a+er wa$ #eface#( in $+ot$( 'y $lo+$ of 'eer an# wine3 or garni$he# with chal- memoran#%m$( an# long $%m$ foote# %+( a$ if $ome'o#y ha# 'een +racti$ing arithmetic there. In the fire+lace $too# a 'ra4ier f%ll of '%rning charcoal3 for( tho%gh the weather wa$ not col#( the e)ening$ alway$ $eeme# #am+ an# chilly in that great room3 an# Legree( moreo)er( wante# a +lace to light hi$ cigar$( an# heat hi$ water for +%nch. The r%##y glare of the charcoal #i$+laye# the conf%$e# an# %n+romi$ing a$+ect of the room(**$a##le$( 'ri#le$( $e)eral $ort$ of harne$$( ri#ing*whi+$( o)ercoat$( an# )ario%$ article$ of clothing( $cattere# %+ an# #own the room in conf%$e# )ariety3 an# the #og$( of whom we ha)e 'efore $+o-en( ha# encam+e# them$el)e$ among them( to $%it their own ta$te an# con)enience. Legree wa$ /%$t mi1ing him$elf a t%m'ler of +%nch( +o%ring hi$ hot water from a crac-e# an# 'ro-en*no$e# +itcher( gr%m'ling( a$ he #i# $o( A lag%e on that Sam'o( to -ic- %+ thi$ yer row 'etween me an# the new han#$D The fellow won't 'e fit to wor- for a wee-( now(**right in the +re$$ of the $ea$onDA ABe$( /%$t li-e yo%(A $ai# a )oice( 'ehin# hi$ chair. It wa$ the woman Ca$$y( who ha# $tolen %+on hi$ $olilo2%y.

AHahD yo% $he*#e)ilD yo%')e come 'ac-( ha)e yo%CA ABe$( I ha)e(A $he $ai#( coolly3 Acome to ha)e my own way( tooDA ABo% lie( yo% /a#eD I'll 'e %+ to my wor#. Either 'eha)e yo%r$elf( or $tay #own to the 2%arter$( an# fare an# wor- with the re$t.A AI'# rather( ten tho%$an# time$(A $ai# the woman( Ali)e in the #irtie$t hole at the 2%arter$( than 'e %n#er yo%r hoofDA AB%t yo% 0are0 %n#er my hoof( for all that(A $ai# he( t%rning %+on her( with a $a)age grin3 Athat'$ one comfort. So( $it #own here on my -nee( my #ear( an# hear to rea$on(A $ai# he( laying hol# on her wri$t. ASimon Legree( ta-e careDA $ai# the woman( with a $har+ fla$h of her eye( a glance $o wil# an# in$ane in it$ light a$ to 'e almo$t a++alling. ABo%'re afrai# of me( Simon(A $he $ai#( #eli'erately3 Aan# yo%')e rea$on to 'eD B%t 'e caref%l( for I')e got the #e)il in meDA The la$t wor#$ $he whi$+ere# in a hi$$ing tone( clo$e to hi$ ear. A5et o%tD I 'elie)e( to my $o%l( yo% ha)eDA $ai# Legree( +%$hing her from him( an# loo-ing %ncomforta'ly at her. AAfter all( Ca$$y(A he $ai#( Awhy can't yo% 'e frien#$ with me( a$ yo% %$e# toCA AU$e# toDA $ai# $he( 'itterly. She $to++e# $hort(**a wor# of cho-ing feeling$( ri$ing in her heart( -e+t her $ilent. Ca$$y ha# alway$ -e+t o)er Legree the -in# of infl%ence that a $trong( im+a$$ione# woman can e)er -ee+ o)er the mo$t 'r%tal man3 '%t( of late( $he ha# grown more an# more irrita'le an# re$tle$$( %n#er the hi#eo%$ yo-e of her $er)it%#e( an# her irrita'ility( at time$( 'ro-e o%t into ra)ing in$anity3 an# thi$ lia'ility ma#e her a $ort of o'/ect of #rea# to Legree( who ha# that $%+er$titio%$ horror of in$ane +er$on$ which i$ common to coar$e an# %nin$tr%cte# min#$. "hen Legree 'ro%ght Emmeline to the ho%$e( all the $mo%l#ering em'er$ of womanly feeling fla$he# %+ in the worn heart of Ca$$y( an# $he too- +art with the girl3 an# a fierce 2%arrel en$%e# 'etween her an# Legree. Legree( in a f%ry( $wore $he $ho%l# 'e +%t to fiel# $er)ice( if $he wo%l# not 'e +eacea'le. Ca$$y( with +ro%# $corn( #eclare# $he 0wo%l#0 go to the fiel#. An# $he wor-e# there one #ay( a$ we ha)e #e$cri'e#( to $how how +erfectly $he $corne# the threat. Legree wa$ $ecretly %nea$y( all #ay3 for Ca$$y ha# an infl%ence o)er him from which he co%l# not free him$elf. "hen $he +re$ente# her 'a$-et at the $cale$( he ha# ho+e# for $ome conce$$ion( an# a##re$$e# her in a $ort of half conciliatory( half $cornf%l tone3 an# $he ha# an$were# with the 'ittere$t contem+t. The o%trageo%$ treatment of +oor Tom ha# ro%$e# her $till more3 an# $he ha# followe# Legree to the ho%$e( with no +artic%lar intention( '%t to %+'rai# him for hi$ 'r%tality. AI wi$h( Ca$$y(A $ai# Legree( Ayo%'# 'eha)e yo%r$elf #ecently.A

A0Bo%0 tal- a'o%t 'eha)ing #ecentlyD An# what ha)e yo% 'een #oingC**yo%( who ha)en't e)en $en$e eno%gh to -ee+ from $+oiling one of yo%r 'e$t han#$( right in the mo$t +re$$ing $ea$on( /%$t for yo%r #e)ili$h tem+erDA AI wa$ a fool( it'$ a fact( to let any $%ch 'rangle come %+(A $ai# Legree3 A'%t( when the 'oy $et %+ hi$ will( he ha# to 'e 'ro-e in.A AI rec-on yo% won't 'rea- 0him0 inDA A"on't ICA $ai# Legree( ri$ing( +a$$ionately. AI'# li-e to -now if I won'tC He'll 'e the fir$t nigger that e)er came it ro%n# meD I'll 'reae)ery 'one in hi$ 'o#y( '%t he 0$hall0 gi)e %+DA E%$t then the #oor o+ene#( an# Sam'o entere#. He came forwar#( 'owing( an# hol#ing o%t $omething in a +a+er. A"hat'$ that( yo% #ogCA $ai# Legree. AIt'$ a witch thing( Ma$'rDA AA whatCA ASomething that nigger$ get$ from witche$. ,ee+$ 'em from feelin' when they '$ flogge#. He ha# it tie# ro%n# hi$ nec-( with a 'lac- $tring.A Legree( li-e mo$t go#le$$ an# cr%el men( wa$ $%+er$titio%$. He too- the +a+er( an# o+ene# it %nea$ily. There #ro++e# o%t of it a $il)er #ollar( an# a long( $hining c%rl of fair hair(**hair which( li-e a li)ing thing( twine# it$elf ro%n# Legree'$ finger$. AFamnationDA he $creame#( in $%##en +a$$ion( $tam+ing on the floor( an# +%lling f%rio%$ly at the hair( a$ if it '%rne# him. A"here #i# thi$ come fromC Ta-e it offD**'%rn it %+D**'%rn it %+DA he $creame#( tearing it off( an# throwing it into the charcoal. A"hat #i# yo% 'ring it to me forCA Sam'o $too#( with hi$ hea)y mo%th wi#e o+en( an# agha$t with won#er3 an# Ca$$y( who wa$ +re+aring to lea)e the a+artment( $to++e#( an# loo-e# at him in +erfect ama4ement. AFon't yo% 'ring me any more of yo%r #e)ili$h thing$DA $ai# he( $ha-ing hi$ fi$t at Sam'o( who retreate# ha$tily towar#$ the #oor3 an#( +ic-ing %+ the $il)er #ollar( he $ent it $ma$hing thro%gh the win#ow*+ane( o%t into the #ar-ne$$. Sam'o wa$ gla# to ma-e hi$ e$ca+e. "hen he wa$ gone( Legree $eeme# a little a$hame# of hi$ fit of alarm. He $at #ogge#ly #own in hi$ chair( an# 'egan $%llenly $i++ing hi$ t%m'ler of +%nch. Ca$$y +re+are# her$elf for going o%t( %no'$er)e# 'y him3 an# $li++e# away to mini$ter to +oor Tom( a$ we ha)e alrea#y relate#.

An# what wa$ the matter with LegreeC an# what wa$ there in a $im+le c%rl of fair hair to a++all that 'r%tal man( familiar with e)ery form of cr%eltyC To an$wer thi$( we m%$t carry the rea#er 'ac-war# in hi$ hi$tory. Har# an# re+ro'ate a$ the go#le$$ man $eeme# now( there ha# 'een a time when he ha# 'een roc-e# on the 'o$om of a mother(**cra#le# with +rayer$ an# +io%$ hymn$(**hi$ now $eare# 'row 'e#ewe# with the water$ of holy 'a+ti$m. In early chil#hoo#( a fair*haire# woman ha# le# him( at the $o%n# of Sa''ath 'ell( to wor$hi+ an# to +ray. &ar in New Englan# that mother ha# traine# her only $on( with long( %nwearie# lo)e( an# +atient +rayer$. Born of a har#*tem+ere# $ire( on whom that gentle woman ha# wa$te# a worl# of %n)al%e# lo)e( Legree ha# followe# in the $te+$ of hi$ father. Boi$tero%$( %nr%ly( an# tyrannical( he #e$+i$e# all her co%n$el( an# wo%l# none of her re+roof3 an#( at an early age( 'ro-e from her( to $ee- hi$ fort%ne$ at $ea. He ne)er came home '%t once( after3 an# then( hi$ mother( with the yearning of a heart that m%$t lo)e $omething( an# ha$ nothing el$e to lo)e( cl%ng to him( an# $o%ght( with +a$$ionate +rayer$ an# entreatie$( to win him from a life of $in( to hi$ $o%l'$ eternal goo#. That wa$ Legree'$ #ay of grace3 then goo# angel$ calle# him3 then he wa$ almo$t +er$%a#e#( an# mercy hel# him 'y the han#. Hi$ heart inly relente#(**there wa$ a conflict(**'%t $in got the )ictory( an# he $et all the force of hi$ ro%gh nat%re again$t the con)iction of hi$ con$cience. He #ran- an# $wore(**wa$ wil#er an# more 'r%tal than e)er. An#( one night( when hi$ mother( in the la$t agony of her #e$+air( -nelt at hi$ feet( he $+%rne# her from him(**threw her $en$ele$$ on the floor( an#( with 'r%tal c%r$e$( fle# to hi$ $hi+. The ne1t Legree hear# of hi$ mother wa$( when( one night( a$ he wa$ caro%$ing among #r%n-en com+anion$( a letter wa$ +%t into hi$ han#. He o+ene# it( an# a locof long( c%rling hair fell from it( an# twine# a'o%t hi$ finger$. The letter tol# him hi$ mother wa$ #ea#( an# that( #ying( $he 'le$t an# forga)e him. There i$ a #rea#( %nhallowe# necromancy of e)il( that t%rn$ thing$ $weete$t an# holie$t to +hantom$ of horror an# affright. That +ale( lo)ing mother(**her #ying +rayer$( her forgi)ing lo)e(**wro%ght in that #emoniac heart of $in only a$ a #amning $entence( 'ringing with it a fearf%l loo-ing for of /%#gment an# fiery in#ignation. Legree '%rne# the hair( an# '%rne# the letter3 an# when he $aw them hi$$ing an# crac-ling in the flame( inly $h%##ere# a$ he tho%ght of e)erla$ting fire$. He trie# to #rin-( an# re)el( an# $wear away the memory3 '%t often( in the #ee+ night( who$e $olemn $tillne$$ arraign$ the 'a# $o%l in force# comm%nion with her$elf( he ha# $een that +ale mother ri$ing 'y hi$ 'e#$i#e( an# felt the $oft twining of that hair aro%n# hi$ finger$( till the col# $weat wo%l# roll #own hi$ face( an# he wo%l# $+ring from hi$ 'e# in horror. Be who ha)e won#ere# to hear( in the $ame e)angel( that 5o# i$ lo)e( an# that 5o# i$ a con$%ming fire( $ee ye not how( to the $o%l re$ol)e# in e)il( +erfect lo)e i$ the mo$t fearf%l tort%re( the $eal an# $entence of the #ire$t #e$+airC ABla$t itDA $ai# Legree to him$elf( a$ he $i++e# hi$ li2%or3 Awhere #i# he get thatC If it #i#n't loo- /%$t li-e**whooD I tho%ght I'# forgot that. C%r$e me( if I thin- there'$ any $%ch thing a$ forgetting anything( any how(**hang itD I'm lone$omeD I mean to call Em. She hate$

me**the mon-eyD I #on't care(**I'll 0ma-e0 her comeDA Legree $te++e# o%t into a large entry( which went %+ $tair$( 'y what ha# formerly 'een a $%+er' win#ing $tairca$e3 '%t the +a$$age*way wa$ #irty an# #reary( enc%m'ere# with 'o1e$ an# %n$ightly litter. The $tair$( %ncar+ete#( $eeme# win#ing %+( in the gloom( to no'o#y -new whereD The +ale moonlight $treame# thro%gh a $hattere# fanlight o)er the #oor3 the air wa$ %nwhole$ome an# chilly( li-e that of a )a%lt. Legree $to++e# at the foot of the $tair$( an# hear# a )oice $inging. It $eeme# $trange an# gho$tli-e in that #reary ol# ho%$e( +erha+$ 'eca%$e of the alrea#y trem%lo%$ $tate of hi$ ner)e$. Har-D what i$ itC A wil#( +athetic )oice( chant$ a hymn common among the $la)e$I AO there'll 'e mo%rning( mo%rning( mo%rning( O there'll 'e mo%rning( at the /%#gment*$eat of Chri$tDA ABla$t the girlDA $ai# Legree. AI'll cho-e her.**EmD EmDA he calle#( har$hly3 '%t only a moc-ing echo from the wall$ an$were# him. The $weet )oice $till $%ng onI A arent$ an# chil#ren there $hall +artD arent$ an# chil#ren there $hall +artD Shall +art to meet no moreDA An# clear an# lo%# $welle# thro%gh the em+ty hall$ the refrain( AO there'll 'e mo%rning( mo%rning( mo%rning( O there'll 'e mo%rning( at the /%#gment*$eat of Chri$tDA Legree $to++e#. He wo%l# ha)e 'een a$hame# to tell of it( '%t large #ro+$ of $weat $too# on hi$ forehea#( hi$ heart 'eat hea)y an# thicwith fear3 he e)en tho%ght he $aw $omething white ri$ing an# glimmering in the gloom 'efore him( an# $h%##ere# to thin- what if the form of hi$ #ea# mother $ho%l# $%##enly a++ear to him. AI -now one thing(A he $ai# to him$elf( a$ he $t%m'le# 'ac- in the $itting*room( an# $at #own3 AI'll let that fellow alone( after thi$D "hat #i# I want of hi$ c%$$e# +a+erC I ''lie)e I am 'ewitche#( $%re eno%ghD I')e 'een $hi)ering an# $weating( e)er $inceD "here #i# he get that hairC It co%l#n't ha)e 'een 0thatD0 I '%rnt 0that0 %+( I -now I #i#D It wo%l# 'e a /o-e( if hair co%l# ri$e from the #ea#DA Ah( LegreeD that gol#en tre$$ 0wa$0 charme#3 each hair ha# in it a $+ell of terror an# remor$e for thee( an# wa$ %$e# 'y a mightier +ower to 'in# thy cr%el han#$ from inflicting %ttermo$t e)il on the hel+le$$D AI $ay(A $ai# Legree( $tam+ing an# whi$tling to the #og$( Awa-e %+( $ome of yo%( an# -ee+ me com+anyDA '%t the #og$ only o+ene# one eye at him( $lee+ily( an# clo$e# it again. AI'll ha)e Sam'o an# N%im'o %+ here( to $ing an# #ance one of their hell #ance$( an# -ee+ off the$e horri# notion$(A $ai# Legree3 an#( +%tting on hi$ hat( he went on to the )eran#ah( an# 'lew a horn( with which he

commonly $%mmone# hi$ two $a'le #ri)er$. Legree wa$ often wont( when in a gracio%$ h%mor( to get the$e two worthie$ into hi$ $itting*room( an#( after warming them %+ with whi$-ey( am%$e him$elf 'y $etting them to $inging( #ancing or fighting( a$ the h%mor too- him. It wa$ 'etween one an# two o'cloc- at night( a$ Ca$$y wa$ ret%rning from her mini$tration$ to +oor Tom( that $he hear# the $o%n# of wil# $hrie-ing( whoo+ing( halloing( an# $inging( from the $itting*room( mingle# with the 'ar-ing of #og$( an# other $ym+tom$ of general %+roar. She came %+ on the )eran#ah $te+$( an# loo-e# in. Legree an# 'oth the #ri)er$( in a $tate of f%rio%$ into1ication( were $inging( whoo+ing( %+$etting chair$( an# ma-ing all manner of l%#icro%$ an# horri# grimace$ at each other. She re$te# her $mall( $len#er han# on the win#ow*'lin#( an# loo-e# fi1e#ly at them3**there wa$ a worl# of ang%i$h( $corn( an# fierce 'itterne$$( in her 'lac- eye$( a$ $he #i# $o. A"o%l# it 'e a $in to ri# the worl# of $%ch a wretchCA $he $ai# to her$elf. She t%rne# h%rrie#ly away( an#( +a$$ing ro%n# to a 'ac- #oor( gli#e# %+ $tair$( an# ta++e# at Emmeline'$ #oor.

CHA TE! KKKVI Emmeline an# Ca$$y Ca$$y entere# the room( an# fo%n# Emmeline $itting( +ale with fear( in the f%rthe$t corner of it. A$ $he came in( the girl $tarte# %+ ner)o%$ly3 '%t( on $eeing who it wa$( r%$he# forwar#( an# catching her arm( $ai#( AO Ca$$y( i$ it yo%C I'm $o gla# yo%')e comeD I wa$ afrai# it wa$**. O( yo% #on't -now what a horri# noi$e there ha$ 'een( #own $tair$( all thi$ e)eningDA AI o%ght to -now(A $ai# Ca$$y( #ryly. AI')e hear# it often eno%gh.A AO Ca$$yD #o tell me(**co%l#n't we get away from thi$ +laceC I #on't care where(**into the $wam+ among the $na-e$(**anywhereD 0Co%l#n't0 we get 0$omewhere0 away from hereCA ANowhere( '%t into o%r gra)e$(A $ai# Ca$$y. AFi# yo% e)er tryCA AI')e $een eno%gh of trying an# what come$ of it(A $ai# Ca$$y. AI'# 'e willing to li)e in the $wam+$( an# gnaw the 'ar- from tree$. I an't afrai# of $na-e$D I'# rather ha)e one near me than him(A $ai# Emmeline( eagerly.

AThere ha)e 'een a goo# many here of yo%r o+inion(A $ai# Ca$$y3 A'%t yo% co%l#n't $tay in the $wam+$(**yo%'# 'e trac-e# 'y the #og$( an# 'ro%ght 'ac-( an# then**then**A A"hat wo%l# he #oCA $ai# the girl( loo-ing( with 'reathle$$ intere$t( into her face. A"hat 0wo%l#n't0 he #o( yo%'# 'etter a$-(A $ai# Ca$$y. AHe'$ learne# hi$ tra#e well( among the +irate$ in the "e$t In#ie$. Bo% wo%l#n't $lee+ m%ch( if I $ho%l# tell yo% thing$ I')e $een(**thing$ that he tell$ of( $ometime$( for goo# /o-e$. I')e hear# $cream$ here that I ha)en't 'een a'le to get o%t of my hea# for wee-$ an# wee-$. There'$ a +lace way o%t #own 'y the 2%arter$( where yo% can $ee a 'lac-( 'la$te# tree( an# the gro%n# all co)ere# with 'lac- a$he$. A$- anyone what wa$ #one there( an# $ee if they will #are to tell yo%.A AOD what #o yo% meanCA AI won't tell yo%. I hate to thin- of it. An# I tell yo%( the Lor# only -now$ what we may $ee tomorrow( if that +oor fellow hol#$ o%t a$ he'$ 'eg%n.A AHorri#DA $ai# Emmeline( e)ery #ro+ of 'loo# rece#ing from her chee-$. AO( Ca$$y( #o tell me what I $hall #oDA A"hat I')e #one. Fo the 'e$t yo% can(**#o what yo% m%$t(**an# ma-e it %+ in hating an# c%r$ing.A AHe wante# to ma-e me #rin- $ome of hi$ hatef%l 'ran#y(A $ai# Emmeline3 Aan# I hate it $o**A ABo%'# 'etter #rin-(A $ai# Ca$$y. AI hate# it( too3 an# now I can't li)e witho%t it. One m%$t ha)e $omething3**thing$ #on't loo- $o #rea#f%l( when yo% ta-e that.A AMother %$e# to tell me ne)er to to%ch any $%ch thing(A $ai# Emmeline. A0Mother0 tol# yo%DA $ai# Ca$$y( with a thrilling an# 'itter em+ha$i$ on the wor# mother. A"hat %$e i$ it for mother$ to $ay anythingC Bo% are all to 'e 'o%ght an# +ai# for( an# yo%r $o%l$ 'elong to whoe)er get$ yo%. That'$ the way it goe$. I $ay( 0#rin-0 'ran#y3 #rin- all yo% can( an# it'll ma-e thing$ come ea$ier.A AO( Ca$$yD #o +ity meDA A ity yo%D**#on't IC Ha)en't I a #a%ghter(**Lor# -now$ where $he i$( an# who$e $he i$( now(**going the way her mother went( 'efore her( I $%++o$e( an# that her chil#ren m%$t go( after herD There'$ no en# to the c%r$e**fore)erDA AI wi$h I'# ne)er 'een 'ornDA $ai# Emmeline( wringing her han#$. AThat'$ an ol# wi$h with me(A $ai# Ca$$y. AI')e got %$e# to wi$hing that. I'# #ie( if I #are# to(A $he $ai#( loo-ing o%t into the #ar-ne$$( with that $till( fi1e# #e$+air which wa$ the ha'it%al e1+re$$ion of her

face when at re$t. AIt wo%l# 'e wic-e# to -ill one'$ $elf(A $ai# Emmeline. AI #on't -now why(**no wic-e#er than thing$ we li)e an# #o( #ay after #ay. B%t the $i$ter$ tol# me thing$( when I wa$ in the con)ent( that ma-e me afrai# to #ie. If it wo%l# only 'e the en# of %$( why( then**A Emmeline t%rne# away( an# hi# her face in her han#$. "hile thi$ con)er$ation wa$ +a$$ing in the cham'er( Legree( o)ercome with hi$ caro%$e( ha# $%n- to $lee+ in the room 'elow. Legree wa$ not an ha'it%al #r%n-ar#. Hi$ coar$e( $trong nat%re cra)e#( an# co%l# en#%re( a contin%al $tim%lation( that wo%l# ha)e %tterly wrec-e# an# cra4e# a finer one. B%t a #ee+( %n#erlying $+irit of ca%tio%$ne$$ +re)ente# hi$ often yiel#ing to a++etite in $%ch mea$%re a$ to lo$e control of him$elf. Thi$ night( howe)er( in hi$ fe)eri$h effort$ to 'ani$h from hi$ min# tho$e fearf%l element$ of woe an# remor$e which wo-e within him( he ha# in#%lge# more than common3 $o that( when he ha# #i$charge# hi$ $a'le atten#ant$( he fell hea)ily on a $ettle in the room( an# wa$ $o%n# a$lee+. OD how #are$ the 'a# $o%l to enter the $ha#owy worl# of $lee+C**that lan# who$e #im o%tline$ lie $o fearf%lly near to the my$tic $cene of retri'%tionD Legree #reame#. In hi$ hea)y an# fe)eri$h $lee+( a )eile# form $too# 'e$i#e him( an# lai# a col#( $oft han# %+on him. He tho%ght he -new who it wa$3 an# $h%##ere#( with cree+ing horror( tho%gh the face wa$ )eile#. Then he tho%ght he felt 0that hair0 twining ro%n# hi$ finger$3 an# then( that it $li# $moothly ro%n# hi$ nec-( an# tightene# an# tightene#( an# he co%l# not #raw hi$ 'reath3 an# then he tho%ght )oice$ 0whi$+ere#0 to him(**whi$+er$ that chille# him with horror. Then it $eeme# to him he wa$ on the e#ge of a frightf%l a'y$$( hol#ing on an# $tr%ggling in mortal fear( while #ar- han#$ $tretche# %+( an# were +%lling him o)er3 an# Ca$$y came 'ehin# him la%ghing( an# +%$he# him. An# then ro$e %+ that $olemn )eile# fig%re( an# #rew a$i#e the )eil. It wa$ hi$ mother3 an# $he t%rne# away from him( an# he fell #own( #own( #own( ami# a conf%$e# noi$e of $hrie-$( an# groan$( an# $ho%t$ of #emon la%ghter(**an# Legree awo-e. Calmly the ro$y h%e of #awn wa$ $tealing into the room. The morning $tar $too#( with it$ $olemn( holy eye of light( loo-ing #own on the man of $in( from o%t the 'rightening $-y. O( with what fre$hne$$( what $olemnity an# 'ea%ty( i$ each new #ay 'orn3 a$ if to $ay to in$en$ate man( ABehol#D tho% ha$t one more chanceD 0Stri)e0 for immortal gloryDA There i$ no $+eech nor lang%age where thi$ )oice i$ not hear#3 '%t the 'ol#( 'a# man hear# it not. He wo-e with an oath an# a c%r$e. "hat to him wa$ the gol# an# +%r+le( the #aily miracle of morningD "hat to him the $anctity of the $tar which the Son of 5o# ha$ hallowe# a$ hi$ own em'lemC Br%te*li-e( he $aw witho%t +ercei)ing3 an#( $t%m'ling forwar#( +o%re# o%t a t%m'ler of 'ran#y( an# #ran- half of it. AI')e ha# a h**l of a nightDA he $ai# to Ca$$y( who /%$t then entere# from an o++o$ite #oor.

ABo%'ll get +lenty of the $ame $ort( 'y an# 'y(A $ai# $he( #ryly. A"hat #o yo% mean( yo% min1CA ABo%'ll fin# o%t( one of the$e #ay$(A ret%rne# Ca$$y( in the $ame tone. ANow Simon( I')e one +iece of a#)ice to gi)e yo%.A AThe #e)il( yo% ha)eDA AMy a#)ice i$(A $ai# Ca$$y( $tea#ily( a$ $he 'egan a#/%$ting $ome thing$ a'o%t the room( Athat yo% let Tom alone.A A"hat '%$ine$$ i$ 't of yo%r$CA A"hatC To 'e $%re( I #on't -now what it $ho%l# 'e. If yo% want to +ay twel)e h%n#re# for a fellow( an# %$e him right %+ in the +re$$ of the $ea$on( /%$t to $er)e yo%r own $+ite( it'$ no '%$ine$$ of mine( I')e #one what I co%l# for him.A ABo% ha)eC "hat '%$ine$$ ha)e yo% me##ling in my matter$CA ANone( to 'e $%re. I')e $a)e# yo% $ome tho%$an#$ of #ollar$( at #ifferent time$( 'y ta-ing care of yo%r han#$(**that'$ all the than-$ I get. If yo%r cro+ come$ $horter into mar-et than any of their$( yo% won't lo$e yo%r 'et( I $%++o$eC Tom+-in$ won't lor# it o)er yo%( I $%++o$e(**an# yo%'ll +ay #own yo%r money li-e a la#y( won't yo%C I thinI $ee yo% #oing itDA Legree( li-e many other +lanter$( ha# '%t one form of am'ition(**to ha)e in the hea)ie$t cro+ of the $ea$on(**an# he ha# $e)eral 'et$ on thi$ )ery +re$ent $ea$on +en#ing in the ne1t town. Ca$$y( therefore( with woman'$ tact( to%che# the only $tring that co%l# 'e ma#e to )i'rate. A"ell( I'll let him off at what he'$ got(A $ai# Legree3 A'%t he $hall 'eg my +ar#on( an# +romi$e 'etter fa$hion$.A AThat he won't #o(A $ai# Ca$$y. A"on't(**ehCA ANo( he won't(A $ai# Ca$$y. AI'# li-e to -now 0why0( Mi$tre$$(A $ai# Legree( in the e1treme of $corn. ABeca%$e he'$ #one right( an# he -now$ it( an# won't $ay he'$ #one wrong.A A"ho a c%$$ care$ what he -now$C The nigger $hall $ay what I +lea$e( or**A AOr( yo%'ll lo$e yo%r 'et on the cotton cro+( 'y -ee+ing him o%t of the fiel#( /%$t at thi$ )ery +re$$.A AB%t he 0will0 gi)e %+(**co%r$e( he will3 #on't I -now what nigger$ i$C

He'll 'eg li-e a #og( thi$ morning.A AHe won't( Simon3 yo% #on't -now thi$ -in#. Bo% may -ill him 'y inche$(**yo% won't get the fir$t wor# of confe$$ion o%t of him.A A"e'll $ee(**where i$ heCA $ai# Legree( going o%t. AIn the wa$te*room of the gin*ho%$e(A $ai# Ca$$y. Legree( tho%gh he tal-e# $o $to%tly to Ca$$y( $till $allie# forth from the ho%$e with a #egree of mi$gi)ing which wa$ not common with him. Hi$ #ream$ of the +a$t night( mingle# with Ca$$y'$ +r%#ential $%gge$tion$( con$i#era'ly affecte# hi$ min#. He re$ol)e# that no'o#y $ho%l# 'e witne$$ of hi$ enco%nter with Tom3 an# #etermine#( if he co%l# not $%'#%e him 'y '%llying( to #efer hi$ )engeance( to 'e wrea-e# in a more con)enient $ea$on. The $olemn light of #awn**the angelic glory of the morning*$tar**ha# loo-e# in thro%gh the r%#e win#ow of the $he# where Tom wa$ lying3 an#( a$ if #e$cen#ing on that $tar*'eam( came the $olemn wor#$( AI am the root an# off$+ring of Fa)i#( an# the 'right an# morning $tar.A The my$terio%$ warning$ an# intimation$ of Ca$$y( $o far from #i$co%raging hi$ $o%l( in the en# ha# ro%$e# it a$ with a hea)enly call. He #i# not -now '%t that the #ay of hi$ #eath wa$ #awning in the $-y3 an# hi$ heart thro''e# with $olemn throe$ of /oy an# #e$ire( a$ he tho%ght that the won#ro%$ 0all0( of which he ha# often +on#ere#(**the great white throne( with it$ e)er ra#iant rain'ow3 the white*ro'e# m%ltit%#e( with )oice$ a$ many water$3 the crown$( the +alm$( the har+$(**might all 'rea- %+on hi$ )i$ion 'efore that $%n $ho%l# $et again. An#( therefore( witho%t $h%##ering or trem'ling( he hear# the )oice of hi$ +er$ec%tor( a$ he #rew near. A"ell( my 'oy(A $ai# Legree( with a contem+t%o%$ -ic-( Ahow #o yo% fin# yo%r$elfC Fi#n't I tell yer I co%l# larn yer a thing or twoC How #o yer li-e it**ehC How #i# yer whaling agree with yer( TomC An't 2%ite $o cran- a$ ye wa$ la$t night. Be co%l#n't treat a +oor $inner( now( to a 'it of $ermon( co%l# ye(**ehCA Tom an$were# nothing. A5et %+( yo% 'ea$tDA $ai# Legree( -ic-ing him again. Thi$ wa$ a #iffic%lt matter for one $o 'r%i$e# an# faint3 an#( a$ Tom ma#e effort$ to #o $o( Legree la%ghe# 'r%tally. A"hat ma-e$ ye $o $+ry( thi$ morning( TomC Cotche# col#( may 'e( la$t night.A Tom 'y thi$ time ha# gaine# hi$ feet( an# wa$ confronting hi$ ma$ter with a $tea#y( %nmo)e# front. AThe #e)il( yo% canDA $ai# Legree( loo-ing him o)er. AI 'elie)e yo% ha)en't got eno%gh yet. Now( Tom( get right #own on yer -nee$ an# 'eg my +ar#on( for yer $hine$ la$t night.A

Tom #i# not mo)e. AFown( yo% #ogDA $ai# Legree( $tri-ing him with hi$ ri#ing*whi+. AMa$'r Legree(A $ai# Tom( AI can't #o it. I #i# only what I tho%ght wa$ right. I $hall #o /%$t $o again( if e)er the time come$. I ne)er will #o a cr%el thing( come what may.A ABe$( '%t ye #on't -now what may come( Ma$ter Tom. Be thin- what yo%')e got i$ $omething. I tell yo% 'tan't anything(**nothing 't all. How wo%l# ye li-e to 'e tie# to a tree( an# ha)e a $low fire lit %+ aro%n# ye3**wo%l#n't that 'e +lea$ant(**eh( TomCA AMa$'r(A $ai# Tom( AI -now ye can #o #rea#f%l thing$3 '%t(A**he $tretche# him$elf %+war# an# cla$+e# hi$ han#$(**A'%t( after ye')e -ille# the 'o#y( there an't no more ye can #o. An# O( there'$ all ETE!NITB to come( after thatDA ETE!NITB(**the wor# thrille# thro%gh the 'lac- man'$ $o%l with light an# +ower( a$ he $+o-e3 it thrille# thro%gh the $inner'$ $o%l( too( li-e the 'ite of a $cor+ion. Legree gna$he# on him with hi$ teeth( '%t rage -e+t him $ilent3 an# Tom( li-e a man #i$enthralle#( $+o-e( in a clear an# cheerf%l )oice( AMa$'r Legree( a$ ye 'o%ght me( I'll 'e a tr%e an# faithf%l $er)ant to ye. I'll gi)e ye all the wor- of my han#$( all my time( all my $trength3 '%t my $o%l I won't gi)e %+ to mortal man. I will hol# on to the Lor#( an# +%t hi$ comman#$ 'efore all(**#ie or li)e3 yo% may 'e $%re on 't. Ma$'r Legree( I ain't a grain afear# to #ie. I'# a$ $oon #ie a$ not. Be may whi+ me( $tar)e me( '%rn me(**it'll only $en# me $ooner where I want to go.A AI'll ma-e ye gi)e o%t( tho%gh( 'fore I')e #oneDA $ai# Legree( in a rage. AI $hall ha)e 0hel+0(A $ai# Tom3 Ayo%'ll ne)er #o it.A A"ho the #e)il'$ going to hel+ yo%CA $ai# Legree( $cornf%lly. AThe Lor# Almighty(A $ai# Tom. AF**n yo%DA $ai# Legree( a$ with one 'low of hi$ fi$t he felle# Tom to the earth. A col# $oft han# fell on Legree'$ at thi$ moment. He t%rne#(**it wa$ Ca$$y'$3 '%t the col# $oft to%ch recalle# hi$ #ream of the night 'efore( an#( fla$hing thro%gh the cham'er$ of hi$ 'rain( came all the fearf%l image$ of the night*watche$( with a +ortion of the horror that accom+anie# them. A"ill yo% 'e a foolCA $ai# Ca$$y( in &rench. ALet him goD Let me alone to get him fit to 'e in the fiel# again. I$n't it /%$t a$ I tol# yo%CA They $ay the alligator( the rhinocero$( tho%gh enclo$e# in '%llet*+roof mail( ha)e each a $+ot where they are )%lnera'le3 an# fierce( rec-le$$(

%n'elie)ing re+ro'ate$( ha)e commonly thi$ +oint in $%+er$titio%$ #rea#. Legree t%rne# away( #etermine# to let the +oint go for the time. A"ell( ha)e it yo%r own way(A he $ai#( #ogge#ly( to Ca$$y. AHar-( yeDA he $ai# to Tom3 AI won't #eal with ye now( 'eca%$e the '%$ine$$ i$ +re$$ing( an# I want all my han#$3 '%t I 0ne)er0 forget. I'll $core it again$t ye( an# $ometime I'll ha)e my +ay o%t o' yer ol# 'lac- hi#e(**min# yeDA Legree t%rne#( an# went o%t. AThere yo% go(A $ai# Ca$$y( loo-ing #ar-ly after him3 Ayo%r rec-oning'$ to come( yetD**My +oor fellow( how are yo%CA AThe Lor# 5o# hath $ent hi$ angel( an# $h%t the lion'$ mo%th( for thi$ time(A $ai# Tom. A&or thi$ time( to 'e $%re(A $ai# Ca$$y3 A'%t now yo%')e got hi$ ill will %+on yo%( to follow yo% #ay in( #ay o%t( hanging li-e a #og on yo%r throat(**$%c-ing yo%r 'loo#( 'lee#ing away yo%r life( #ro+ 'y #ro+. I -now the man.A

CHA TE! KKKVII Li'erty ANo matter with what $olemnitie$ he may ha)e 'een #e)ote# %+on the altar of $la)ery( the moment he to%che$ the $acre# $oil of Britain( the altar an# the 5o# $in- together in the #%$t( an# he $tan#$ re#eeme#( regenerate#( an# #i$enthralle#( 'y the irre$i$ti'le geni%$ of %ni)er$al emanci+ation.A CU!!AN.6 6 Eohn hil+ot C%rran 789;M*8>89<( Iri$h orator an# /%#ge who wor-e# for Catholic emanci+ation. A while we m%$t lea)e Tom in the han#$ of hi$ +er$ec%tor$( while we t%rn to +%r$%e the fort%ne$ of 5eorge an# hi$ wife( whom we left in frien#ly han#$( in a farmho%$e on the roa#*$i#e. Tom Lo-er we left groaning an# to%4ling in a mo$t immac%lately clean N%a-er 'e#( %n#er the motherly $%+er)i$ion of A%nt Forca$( who fo%n# him to the f%ll a$ tracta'le a +atient a$ a $ic- 'i$on. Imagine a tall( #ignifie#( $+irit%al woman( who$e clear m%$lin ca+ $ha#e$ wa)e$ of $il)ery hair( +arte# on a 'roa#( clear forehea#( which o)erarche$ tho%ghtf%l gray eye$. A $nowy han#-erchief of li$$e cra+e i$ fol#e# neatly acro$$ her 'o$om3 her glo$$y 'rown $il- #re$$ r%$tle$ +eacef%lly( a$ $he gli#e$ %+ an# #own the cham'er. AThe #e)ilDA $ay$ Tom Lo-er( gi)ing a great throw to the 'e#clothe$.

AI m%$t re2%e$t thee( Thoma$( not to %$e $%ch lang%age(A $ay$ A%nt Forca$( a$ $he 2%ietly rearrange# the 'e#. A"ell( I won't( granny( if I can hel+ it(A $ay$ Tom3 A'%t it i$ eno%gh to ma-e a fellow $wear(**$o c%r$e#ly hotDA Forca$ remo)e# a comforter from the 'e#( $traightene# the clothe$ again( an# t%c-e# them in till Tom loo-e# $omething li-e a chry$ali$3 remar-ing( a$ $he #i# $o( AI wi$h( frien#( thee wo%l# lea)e off c%r$ing an# $wearing( an# thin%+on thy way$.A A"hat the #e)il(A $ai# Tom( A$ho%l# I thin- of 0them0 forC La$t thing e)er 0I0 want to thin- of**hang it allDA An# Tom flo%nce# o)er( %nt%c-ing an# #i$arranging e)erything( in a manner frightf%l to 'ehol#. AThat fellow an# gal are here( I '$+o$e(A $ai# he( $%llenly( after a +a%$e. AThey are $o(A $ai# Forca$. AThey'# 'etter 'e off %+ to the la-e(A $ai# Tom3 Athe 2%ic-er the 'etter.A A ro'a'ly they will #o $o(A $ai# A%nt Forca$( -nitting +eacef%lly. AAn# har- ye(A $ai# Tom3 Awe')e got corre$+on#ent$ in San#%$-y( that watch the 'oat$ for %$. I #on't care if I tell( now. I ho+e they 0will0 get away( /%$t to $+ite Mar-$(**the c%r$e# +%++yD**#**n himDA AThoma$DA $ai# Forca$. AI tell yo%( granny( if yo% 'ottle a fellow %+ too tight( I $hall $+lit(A $ai# Tom. AB%t a'o%t the gal(**tell 'em to #re$$ her %+ $ome way( $o'$ to alter her. Her #e$cri+tion'$ o%t in San#%$-y.A A"e will atten# to that matter(A $ai# Forca$( with characteri$tic com+o$%re. A$ we at thi$ +lace ta-e lea)e of Tom Lo-er( we may a$ well $ay( that( ha)ing lain three wee-$ at the N%a-er #welling( $ic- with a rhe%matic fe)er( which $et in( in com+any with hi$ other affliction$( Tom aro$e from hi$ 'e# a $omewhat $a##er an# wi$er man3 an#( in +lace of $la)e*catching( 'etoo- him$elf to life in one of the new $ettlement$( where hi$ talent$ #e)elo+e# them$el)e$ more ha++ily in tra++ing 'ear$( wol)e$( an# other inha'itant$ of the fore$t( in which he ma#e him$elf 2%ite a name in the lan#. Tom alway$ $+o-e re)erently of the N%a-er$. ANice +eo+le(A he wo%l# $ay3 Awante# to con)ert me( '%t co%l#n't come it( e1actly. B%t( tell ye what( $tranger( they #o fi1 %+ a $ic- fellow fir$t rate(**no mi$ta-e. Ma-e /i$t the talle$t -in# o' 'roth an# -nic-nac-$.A A$ Tom ha# informe# them that their +arty wo%l# 'e loo-e# for in

San#%$-y( it wa$ tho%ght +r%#ent to #i)i#e them. Eim( with hi$ ol# mother( wa$ forwar#e# $e+arately3 an# a night or two after( 5eorge an# Eli4a( with their chil#( were #ri)en +ri)ately into San#%$-y( an# lo#ge# 'eneath a ho$+ital roof( +re+aratory to ta-ing their la$t +a$$age on the la-e. Their night wa$ now far $+ent( an# the morning $tar of li'erty ro$e fair 'efore themD**electric wor#D "hat i$ itC I$ there anything more in it than a name**a rhetorical flo%ri$hC "hy( men an# women of America( #oe$ yo%r heart'$ 'loo# thrill at that wor#( for which yo%r father$ 'le#( an# yo%r 'ra)er mother$ were willing that their no'le$t an# 'e$t $ho%l# #ieC I$ there anything in it glorio%$ an# #ear for a nation( that i$ not al$o glorio%$ an# #ear for a manC "hat i$ free#om to a nation( '%t free#om to the in#i)i#%al$ in itC "hat i$ free#om to that yo%ng man( who $it$ there( with hi$ arm$ fol#e# o)er hi$ 'roa# che$t( the tint of African 'loo# in hi$ chee-( it$ #ar- fire$ in hi$ eye$(**what i$ free#om to 5eorge Harri$C To yo%r father$( free#om wa$ the right of a nation to 'e a nation. To him( it i$ the right of a man to 'e a man( an# not a 'r%te3 the right to call the wife of hi$ 'o$om i$ wife( an# to +rotect her from lawle$$ )iolence3 the right to +rotect an# e#%cate hi$ chil#3 the right to ha)e a home of hi$ own( a religion of hi$ own( a character of hi$ own( %n$%'/ect to the will of another. All the$e tho%ght$ were rolling an# $eething in 5eorge'$ 'rea$t( a$ he wa$ +en$i)ely leaning hi$ hea# on hi$ han#( watching hi$ wife( a$ $he wa$ a#a+ting to her $len#er an# +retty form the article$ of man'$ attire( in which it wa$ #eeme# $afe$t $he $ho%l# ma-e her e$ca+e. ANow for it(A $ai# $he( a$ $he $too# 'efore the gla$$( an# $hoo- #own her $il-y a'%n#ance of 'lac- c%rly hair. AI $ay( 5eorge( it'$ almo$t a +ity( i$n't it(A $he $ai#( a$ $he hel# %+ $ome of it( +layf%lly(**A+ity it'$ all got to come offCA 5eorge $mile# $a#ly( an# ma#e no an$wer. Eli4a t%rne# to the gla$$( an# the $ci$$or$ glittere# a$ one long locafter another wa$ #etache# from her hea#. AThere( now( that'll #o(A $he $ai#( ta-ing %+ a hair*'r%$h3 Anow for a few fancy to%che$.A AThere( an't I a +retty yo%ng fellowCA $he $ai#( t%rning aro%n# to her h%$'an#( la%ghing an# 'l%$hing at the $ame time. ABo% alway$ will 'e +retty( #o what yo% will(A $ai# 5eorge. A"hat #oe$ ma-e yo% $o $o'erCA $ai# Eli4a( -neeling on one -nee( an# laying her han# on hi$. A"e are only within twenty*fo%r ho%r$ of Cana#a( they $ay. Only a #ay an# a night on the la-e( an# then**oh( thenD**A AO( Eli4aDA $ai# 5eorge( #rawing her towar#$ him3 Athat i$ itD Now my fate i$ all narrowing #own to a +oint. To come $o near( to 'e almo$t in $ight( an# then lo$e all. I $ho%l# ne)er li)e %n#er it( Eli4a.A AFon't fear(A $ai# hi$ wife( ho+ef%lly. AThe goo# Lor# wo%l# not ha)e

'ro%ght %$ $o far( if he #i#n't mean to carry %$ thro%gh. I $eem to feel him with %$( 5eorge.A ABo% are a 'le$$e# woman( Eli4aDA $ai# 5eorge( cla$+ing her with a con)%l$i)e gra$+. AB%t(**oh( tell meD can thi$ great mercy 'e for %$C "ill the$e year$ an# year$ of mi$ery come to an en#C**$hall we 'e freeC AI am $%re of it( 5eorge(A $ai# Eli4a( loo-ing %+war#( while tear$ of ho+e an# enth%$ia$m $hone on her long( #ar- la$he$. AI feel it in me( that 5o# i$ going to 'ring %$ o%t of 'on#age( thi$ )ery #ay.A AI will 'elie)e yo%( Eli4a(A $ai# 5eorge( ri$ing $%##enly %+( AI will 'elie)e(**come let'$ 'e off. "ell( in#ee#(A $ai# he( hol#ing her off at arm'$ length( an# loo-ing a#miringly at her( Ayo% 0are0 a +retty little fellow. That cro+ of little( $hort c%rl$( i$ 2%ite 'ecoming. %t on yo%r ca+. So**a little to one $i#e. I ne)er $aw yo% loo- 2%ite $o +retty. B%t( it'$ almo$t time for the carriage3**I won#er if Mr$. Smyth ha$ got Harry rigge#CA The #oor o+ene#( an# a re$+ecta'le( mi##le*age# woman entere#( lea#ing little Harry( #re$$e# in girl'$ clothe$. A"hat a +retty girl he ma-e$(A $ai# Eli4a( t%rning him ro%n#. A"e call him Harriet( yo% $ee3**#on't the name come nicelyCA The chil# $too# gra)ely regar#ing hi$ mother in her new an# $trange attire( o'$er)ing a +rofo%n# $ilence( an# occa$ionally #rawing #ee+ $igh$( an# +ee+ing at her from %n#er hi$ #ar- c%rl$. AFoe$ Harry -now mammaCA $ai# Eli4a( $tretching her han#$ towar# him. The chil# cl%ng $hyly to the woman. ACome Eli4a( why #o yo% try to coa1 him( when yo% -now that he ha$ got to 'e -e+t away from yo%CA AI -now it'$ fooli$h(A $ai# Eli4a3 Ayet( I can't 'ear to ha)e him t%rn away from me. B%t come(**where'$ my cloa-C Here(**how i$ it men +%t on cloa-$( 5eorgeCA ABo% m%$t wear it $o(A $ai# her h%$'an#( throwing it o)er hi$ $ho%l#er$. ASo( then(A $ai# Eli4a( imitating the motion(**Aan# I m%$t $tam+( an# ta-e long $te+$( an# try to loo- $a%cy.A AFon't e1ert yo%r$elf(A $ai# 5eorge. AThere i$( now an# then( a mo#e$t yo%ng man3 an# I thin- it wo%l# 'e ea$ier for yo% to act that character.A AAn# the$e glo)e$D mercy %+on %$DA $ai# Eli4a3 Awhy( my han#$ are lo$t in them.A AI a#)i$e yo% to -ee+ them on +retty $trictly(A $ai# 5eorge. ABo%r $len#er +aw might 'ring %$ all o%t. Now( Mr$. Smyth( yo% are to go %n#er o%r charge( an# 'e o%r a%nty(**yo% min#.A

AI')e hear#(A $ai# Mr$. Smyth( Athat there ha)e 'een men #own( warning all the +ac-et ca+tain$ again$t a man an# woman( with a little 'oy.A AThey ha)eDA $ai# 5eorge. A"ell( if we $ee any $%ch +eo+le( we can tell them.A A hac- now #ro)e to the #oor( an# the frien#ly family who ha# recei)e# the f%giti)e$ crow#e# aro%n# them with farewell greeting$. The #i$g%i$e$ the +arty ha# a$$%me# were in accor#ance with the hint$ of Tom Lo-er. Mr$. Smyth( a re$+ecta'le woman from the $ettlement in Cana#a( whither they were fleeing( 'eing fort%nately a'o%t cro$$ing the la-e to ret%rn thither( ha# con$ente# to a++ear a$ the a%nt of little Harry3 an#( in or#er to attach him to her( he ha# 'een allowe# to remain( the two la$t #ay$( %n#er her $ole charge3 an# an e1tra amo%nt of +etting( /ointe# to an in#efinite amo%nt of $ee#*ca-e$ an# can#y( ha# cemente# a )ery clo$e attachment on the +art of the yo%ng gentleman. The hac- #ro)e to the wharf. The two yo%ng men( a$ they a++eare#( wal-e# %+ the +lan- into the 'oat( Eli4a gallantly gi)ing her arm to Mr$. Smyth( an# 5eorge atten#ing to their 'aggage. 5eorge wa$ $tan#ing at the ca+tain'$ office( $ettling for hi$ +arty( when he o)erhear# two men tal-ing 'y hi$ $i#e. AI')e watche# e)ery one that came on 'oar#(A $ai# one( Aan# I -now they're not on thi$ 'oat.A The )oice wa$ that of the cler- of the 'oat. The $+ea-er whom he a##re$$e# wa$ o%r $ometime frien# Mar-$( who( with that )al%a'le +er$e)erance which characteri4e# him( ha# come on to San#%$-y( $ee-ing whom he might #e)o%r. ABo% wo%l# $carcely -now the woman from a white one(A $ai# Mar-$. AThe man i$ a )ery light m%latto3 he ha$ a 'ran# in one of hi$ han#$.A The han# with which 5eorge wa$ ta-ing the tic-et$ an# change trem'le# a little3 '%t he t%rne# coolly aro%n#( fi1e# an %nconcerne# glance on the face of the $+ea-er( an# wal-e# lei$%rely towar# another +art of the 'oat( where Eli4a $too# waiting for him. Mr$. Smyth( with little Harry( $o%ght the $ecl%$ion of the la#ie$' ca'in( where the #ar- 'ea%ty of the $%++o$e# little girl #rew many flattering comment$ from the +a$$enger$. 5eorge ha# the $ati$faction( a$ the 'ell rang o%t it$ farewell +eal( to $ee Mar-$ wal- #own the +lan- to the $hore3 an# #rew a long $igh of relief( when the 'oat ha# +%t a ret%rnle$$ #i$tance 'etween them. It wa$ a $%+er' #ay. The 'l%e wa)e$ of La-e Erie #ance#( ri++ling an# $+ar-ling( in the $%n*light. A fre$h 'ree4e 'lew from the $hore( an# the lor#ly 'oat +lo%ghe# her way right gallantly onwar#. O( what an %ntol# worl# there i$ in one h%man heartD "ho tho%ght( a$

5eorge wal-e# calmly %+ an# #own the #ec- of the $teamer( with hi$ $hy com+anion at hi$ $i#e( of all that wa$ '%rning in hi$ 'o$omC The mighty goo# that $eeme# a++roaching $eeme# too goo#( too fair( e)en to 'e a reality3 an# he felt a /ealo%$ #rea#( e)ery moment of the #ay( that $omething wo%l# ri$e to $natch it from him. B%t the 'oat $we+t on. Ho%r$ fleete#( an#( at la$t( clear an# f%ll ro$e the 'le$$e# Engli$h $hore$3 $hore$ charme# 'y a mighty $+ell(**with one to%ch to #i$$ol)e e)ery incantation of $la)ery( no matter in what lang%age +rono%nce#( or 'y what national +ower confirme#. 5eorge an# hi$ wife $too# arm in arm( a$ the 'oat neare# the $mall town of Amher$t'erg( in Cana#a. Hi$ 'reath grew thic- an# $hort3 a mi$t gathere# 'efore hi$ eye$3 he $ilently +re$$e# the little han# that lay trem'ling on hi$ arm. The 'ell rang3 the 'oat $to++e#. Scarcely $eeing what he #i#( he loo-e# o%t hi$ 'aggage( an# gathere# hi$ little +arty. The little com+any were lan#e# on the $hore. They $too# $till till the 'oat ha# cleare#3 an# then( with tear$ an# em'racing$( the h%$'an# an# wife( with their won#ering chil# in their arm$( -nelt #own an# lifte# %+ their heart$ to 5o#D A'T wa$ $omething li-e the '%r$t from #eath to life3 &rom the gra)e'$ cerement$ to the ro'e$ of hea)en3 &rom $in'$ #ominion( an# from +a$$ion'$ $trife( To the +%re free#om of a $o%l forgi)en3 "here all the 'on#$ of #eath an# hell are ri)en( An# mortal +%t$ on immortality( "hen Mercy'$ han# hath t%rne# the gol#en -ey( An# Mercy'$ )oice hath $ai#( 0!e/oice( thy $o%l i$ free.A0 The little +arty were $oon g%i#e#( 'y Mr$. Smyth( to the ho$+ita'le a'o#e of a goo# mi$$ionary( whom Chri$tian charity ha$ +lace# here a$ a $he+her# to the o%tca$t an# wan#ering( who are con$tantly fin#ing an a$yl%m on thi$ $hore. "ho can $+ea- the 'le$$e#ne$$ of that fir$t #ay of free#omC I$ not the 0$en$e0 of li'erty a higher an# a finer one than any of the fi)eC To mo)e( $+ea- an# 'reathe(**go o%t an# come in %nwatche#( an# free from #angerD "ho can $+ea- the 'le$$ing$ of that re$t which come$ #own on the free man'$ +illow( %n#er law$ which in$%re to him the right$ that 5o# ha$ gi)en to manC How fair an# +recio%$ to that mother wa$ that $lee+ing chil#'$ face( en#eare# 'y the memory of a tho%$an# #anger$D How im+o$$i'le wa$ it to $lee+( in the e1%'erant +o$$e$$ion of $%ch 'le$$e#ne$$D An# yet( the$e two ha# not one acre of gro%n#(**not a roof that they co%l# call their own(**they ha# $+ent their all( to the la$t #ollar. They ha# nothing more than the 'ir#$ of the air( or the flower$ of the fiel#(**yet they co%l# not $lee+ for /oy. AO( ye who ta-e free#om from man( with what wor#$ $hall ye an$wer it to 5o#CA


AThan-$ 'e %nto 5o#( who gi)eth %$ the )ictory.A6 6 I Cor. 8;I;9. Ha)e not many of %$( in the weary way of life( felt( in $ome ho%r$( how far ea$ier it were to #ie than to li)eC The martyr( when face# e)en 'y a #eath of 'o#ily ang%i$h an# horror( fin#$ in the )ery terror of hi$ #oom a $trong $tim%lant an# tonic. There i$ a )i)i# e1citement( a thrill an# fer)or( which may carry thro%gh any cri$i$ of $%ffering that i$ the 'irth*ho%r of eternal glory an# re$t. B%t to li)e(**to wear on( #ay after #ay( of mean( 'itter( low( hara$$ing $er)it%#e( e)ery ner)e #am+ene# an# #e+re$$e#( e)ery +ower of feeling gra#%ally $mothere#(**thi$ long an# wa$ting heart*martyr#om( thi$ $low( #aily 'lee#ing away of the inwar# life( #ro+ 'y #ro+( ho%r after ho%r(**thi$ i$ the tr%e $earching te$t of what there may 'e in man or woman. "hen Tom $too# face to face with hi$ +er$ec%tor( an# hear# hi$ threat$( an# tho%ght in hi$ )ery $o%l that hi$ ho%r wa$ come( hi$ heart $welle# 'ra)ely in him( an# he tho%ght he co%l# 'ear tort%re an# fire( 'ear anything( with the )i$ion of Ee$%$ an# hea)en '%t /%$t a $te+ 'eyon#3 '%t( when he wa$ gone( an# the +re$ent e1citement +a$$e# off( came 'acthe +ain of hi$ 'r%i$e# an# weary lim'$(**came 'ac- the $en$e of hi$ %tterly #egra#e#( ho+ele$$( forlorn e$tate3 an# the #ay +a$$e# wearily eno%gh. Long 'efore hi$ wo%n#$ were heale#( Legree in$i$te# that he $ho%l# 'e +%t to the reg%lar fiel#*wor-3 an# then came #ay after #ay of +ain an# wearine$$( aggra)ate# 'y e)ery -in# of in/%$tice an# in#ignity that the ill*will of a mean an# malicio%$ min# co%l# #e)i$e. "hoe)er( in 0o%r0 circ%m$tance$( ha$ ma#e trial of +ain( e)en with all the alle)iation$ which( for %$( %$%ally atten# it( m%$t -now the irritation that come$ with it. Tom no longer won#ere# at the ha'it%al $%rline$$ of hi$ a$$ociate$3 nay( he fo%n# the +laci#( $%nny tem+er( which ha# 'een the ha'it%#e of hi$ life( 'ro-en in on( an# $orely $traine#( 'y the inroa#$ of the $ame thing. He ha# flattere# him$elf on lei$%re to rea# hi$ Bi'le3 '%t there wa$ no $%ch thing a$ lei$%re there. In the height of the $ea$on( Legree #i# not he$itate to +re$$ all hi$ han#$ thro%gh( S%n#ay$ an# wee-*#ay$ ali-e. "hy $ho%l#n't heC**he ma#e more cotton 'y it( an# gaine# hi$ wager3 an# if it wore o%t a few more han#$( he co%l# '%y 'etter one$. At fir$t( Tom %$e# to rea# a )er$e or two of hi$ Bi'le( 'y the flic-er of the fire( after he ha# ret%rne# from hi$ #aily toil3 '%t( after the cr%el treatment he recei)e#( he %$e# to come home $o e1ha%$te#( that hi$ hea# $wam an# hi$ eye$ faile# when he trie# to rea#3 an# he wa$ fain to $tretch him$elf #own( with the other$( in %tter e1ha%$tion. I$ it $trange that the religio%$ +eace an# tr%$t( which ha# %+'orne him hitherto( $ho%l# gi)e way to to$$ing$ of $o%l an# #e$+on#ent #ar-ne$$C The gloomie$t +ro'lem of thi$ my$terio%$ life wa$ con$tantly 'efore hi$ eye$(**$o%l$ cr%$he# an# r%ine#( e)il tri%m+hant( an# 5o# $ilent. It wa$ wee-$ an# month$ that Tom wre$tle#( in hi$ own $o%l( in #ar-ne$$ an#

$orrow. He tho%ght of Mi$$ O+helia'$ letter to hi$ ,ent%c-y frien#$( an# wo%l# +ray earne$tly that 5o# wo%l# $en# him #eli)erance. An# then he wo%l# watch( #ay after #ay( in the )ag%e ho+e of $eeing $ome'o#y $ent to re#eem him3 an#( when no'o#y came( he wo%l# cr%$h 'ac- to hi$ $o%l 'itter tho%ght$(**that it wa$ )ain to $er)e 5o#( that 5o# ha# forgotten him. He $ometime$ $aw Ca$$y3 an# $ometime$( when $%mmone# to the ho%$e( ca%ght a glim+$e of the #e/ecte# form of Emmeline( '%t hel# )ery little comm%nion with either3 in fact( there wa$ no time for him to comm%ne with any'o#y. One e)ening( he wa$ $itting( in %tter #e/ection an# +ro$tration( 'y a few #ecaying 'ran#$( where hi$ coar$e $%++er wa$ 'a-ing. He +%t a few 'it$ of 'r%$hwoo# on the fire( an# $tro)e to rai$e the light( an# then #rew hi$ worn Bi'le from hi$ +oc-et. There were all the mar-e# +a$$age$( which ha# thrille# hi$ $o%l $o often(**wor#$ of +atriarch$ an# $eer$( +oet$ an# $age$( who from early time ha# $+o-en co%rage to man(**)oice$ from the great clo%# of witne$$e$ who e)er $%rro%n# %$ in the race of life. Ha# the wor# lo$t it$ +ower( or co%l# the failing eye an# weary $en$e no longer an$wer to the to%ch of that mighty in$+irationC Hea)ily $ighing( he +%t it in hi$ +oc-et. A coar$e la%gh ro%$e# him3 he loo-e# %+(**Legree wa$ $tan#ing o++o$ite to him. A"ell( ol# 'oy(A he $ai#( Ayo% fin# yo%r religion #on't wor-( it $eem$D I tho%ght I $ho%l# get that thro%gh yo%r wool( at la$tDA The cr%el ta%nt wa$ more than h%nger an# col# an# na-e#ne$$. Tom wa$ $ilent. ABo% were a fool(A $ai# Legree3 Afor I meant to #o well 'y yo%( when I 'o%ght yo%. Bo% might ha)e 'een 'etter off than Sam'o( or N%im'o either( an# ha# ea$y time$3 an#( in$tea# of getting c%t %+ an# thra$he#( e)ery #ay or two( ye might ha)e ha# li'erty to lor# it ro%n#( an# c%t %+ the other nigger$3 an# ye might ha)e ha#( now an# then( a goo# warming of whi$-ey +%nch. Come( Tom( #on't yo% thin- yo%'# 'etter 'e rea$ona'leC**hea)e that ar ol# +ac- of tra$h in the fire( an# /oin my ch%rchDA AThe Lor# for'i#DA $ai# Tom( fer)ently. ABo% $ee the Lor# an't going to hel+ yo%3 if he ha# 'een( he wo%l#n't ha)e let 0me0 get yo%D Thi$ yer religion i$ all a me$$ of lying tr%m+ery( Tom. I -now all a'o%t it. Be'# 'etter hol# to me3 I'm $ome'o#y( an# can #o $omethingDA ANo( Ma$'r(A $ai# Tom3 AI'll hol# on. The Lor# may hel+ me( or not hel+3 '%t I'll hol# to him( an# 'elie)e him to the la$tDA AThe more fool yo%DA $ai# Legree( $+itting $cornf%lly at him( an# $+%rning him with hi$ foot. ANe)er min#3 I'll cha$e yo% #own( yet( an# 'ring yo% %n#er(**yo%'ll $eeDA an# Legree t%rne# away. "hen a hea)y weight +re$$e$ the $o%l to the lowe$t le)el at which en#%rance i$ +o$$i'le( there i$ an in$tant an# #e$+erate effort of e)ery +hy$ical an# moral ner)e to throw off the weight3 an# hence the hea)ie$t ang%i$h often +rece#e$ a ret%rn ti#e of /oy an# co%rage. So wa$ it

now with Tom. The athei$tic ta%nt$ of hi$ cr%el ma$ter $%n- hi$ 'efore #e/ecte# $o%l to the lowe$t e''3 an#( tho%gh the han# of faith $till hel# to the eternal roc-( it wa$ a n%m'( #e$+airing gra$+. Tom $at( li-e one $t%nne#( at the fire. S%##enly e)erything aro%n# him $eeme# to fa#e( an# a )i$ion ro$e 'efore him of one crowne# with thorn$( '%ffete# an# 'lee#ing. Tom ga4e#( in awe an# won#er( at the ma/e$tic +atience of the face3 the #ee+( +athetic eye$ thrille# him to hi$ inmo$t heart3 hi$ $o%l wo-e( a$( with floo#$ of emotion( he $tretche# o%t hi$ han#$ an# fell %+on hi$ -nee$(**when( gra#%ally( the )i$ion change#I the $har+ thorn$ 'ecame ray$ of glory3 an#( in $+len#or inconcei)a'le( he $aw that $ame face 'en#ing com+a$$ionately towar#$ him( an# a )oice $ai#( AHe that o)ercometh $hall $it #own with me on my throne( e)en a$ I al$o o)ercome( an# am $et #own with my &ather on hi$ throne.A How long Tom lay there( he -new not. "hen he came to him$elf( the fire wa$ gone o%t( hi$ clothe$ were wet with the chill an# #renching #ew$3 '%t the #rea# $o%l*cri$i$ wa$ +a$t( an#( in the /oy that fille# him( he no longer felt h%nger( col#( #egra#ation( #i$a++ointment( wretche#ne$$. &rom hi$ #ee+e$t $o%l( he that ho%r loo$e# an# +arte# from e)ery ho+e in life that now i$( an# offere# hi$ own will an %n2%e$tioning $acrifice to the Infinite. Tom loo-e# %+ to the $ilent( e)er*li)ing $tar$(**ty+e$ of the angelic ho$t$ who e)er loo- #own on man3 an# the $olit%#e of the night r%ng with the tri%m+hant wor#$ of a hymn( which he ha# $%ng often in ha++ier #ay$( '%t ne)er with $%ch feeling a$ nowI AThe earth $hall 'e #i$$ol)e# li-e $now( The $%n $hall cea$e to $hine3 B%t 5o#( who calle# me here 'elow( Shall 'e fore)er mine. AAn# when thi$ mortal life $hall fail( An# fle$h an# $en$e $hall cea$e( I $hall +o$$e$$ within the )eil A life of /oy an# +eace. A"hen we')e 'een there ten tho%$an# year$( Bright $hining li-e the $%n( "e')e no le$$ #ay$ to $ing 5o#'$ +rai$e Than when we fir$t 'eg%n.A Tho$e who ha)e 'een familiar with the religio%$ hi$torie$ of the $la)e +o+%lation -now that relation$ li-e what we ha)e narrate# are )ery common among them. "e ha)e hear# $ome from their own li+$( of a )ery to%ching an# affecting character. The +$ychologi$t tell$ %$ of a $tate( in which the affection$ an# image$ of the min# 'ecome $o #ominant an# o)er+owering( that they +re$$ into their $er)ice the o%twar# imagining. "ho $hall mea$%re what an all*+er)a#ing S+irit may #o with the$e ca+a'ilitie$ of o%r mortality( or the way$ in which He may enco%rage the #e$+on#ing $o%l$ of the #e$olateC If the +oor forgotten $la)e 'elie)e$ that Ee$%$ hath a++eare# an# $+o-en to him( who $hall contra#ict himC Fi# He not $ay that hi$( mi$$ion( in all age$( wa$ to 'in# %+ the 'ro-en*hearte#( an# $et at li'erty them that are 'r%i$e#C "hen the #im gray of #awn wo-e the $l%m'erer$ to go forth to the fiel#( there wa$ among tho$e tattere# an# $hi)ering wretche$ one who wal-e#

with an e1%ltant trea#3 for firmer than the gro%n# he tro# on wa$ hi$ $trong faith in Almighty( eternal lo)e. Ah( Legree( try all yo%r force$ nowD Utmo$t agony( woe( #egra#ation( want( an# lo$$ of all thing$( $hall only ha$ten on the +roce$$ 'y which he $hall 'e ma#e a -ing an# a +rie$t %nto 5o#D &rom thi$ time( an in)iola'le $+here of +eace encom+a$$e# the lowly heart of the o++re$$e# one(**an e)er*+re$ent Sa)io%r hallowe# it a$ a tem+le. a$t now the 'lee#ing of earthly regret$3 +a$t it$ fl%ct%ation$ of ho+e( an# fear( an# #e$ire3 the h%man will( 'ent( an# 'lee#ing( an# $tr%ggling long( wa$ now entirely merge# in the Fi)ine. So $hort now $eeme# the remaining )oyage of life(**$o near( $o )i)i#( $eeme# eternal 'le$$e#ne$$(**that life'$ %ttermo$t woe$ fell from him %nharming. All notice# the change in hi$ a++earance. Cheerf%lne$$ an# alertne$$ $eeme# to ret%rn to him( an# a 2%ietne$$ which no in$%lt or in/%ry co%l# r%ffle $eeme# to +o$$e$$ him. A"hat the #e)il'$ got into TomCA Legree $ai# to Sam'o. AA while ago he wa$ all #own in the mo%th( an# now he'$ +eart a$ a cric-et.A AF%nno( Ma$'r3 gwine to r%n off( me''e.A ALi-e to $ee him try that(A $ai# Legree( with a $a)age grin( Awo%l#n't we( Sam'oCA A5%e$$ we wo%l#D HawD hawD hoDA $ai# the $ooty gnome( la%ghing o'$e2%io%$ly. ALor#( #e f%nD To $ee him $tic-in' in #e m%#(**cha$in' an# tarin' thro%gh #e '%$he$( #og$ a hol#in' on to himD Lor#( I la%ghe# fit to $+lit( #at ar time we cotche# Molly. I tho%ght they'# a ha# her all $tri++e# %+ afore I co%l# get 'em off. She car'$ #e mar-$ o' #at ar $+ree yet.A AI rec-on $he will( to her gra)e(A $ai# Legree. AB%t now( Sam'o( yo% loo- $har+. If the nigger'$ got anything of thi$ $ort going( tri+ him %+.A AMa$'r( let me lone for #at(A $ai# Sam'o( AI'll tree #e coon. Ho( ho( hoDA Thi$ wa$ $+o-en a$ Legree wa$ getting on hi$ hor$e( to go to the neigh'oring town. That night( a$ he wa$ ret%rning( he tho%ght he wo%l# t%rn hi$ hor$e an# ri#e ro%n# the 2%arter$( an# $ee if all wa$ $afe. It wa$ a $%+er' moonlight night( an# the $ha#ow$ of the gracef%l China tree$ lay min%tely +encille# on the t%rf 'elow( an# there wa$ that tran$+arent $tillne$$ in the air which it $eem$ almo$t %nholy to #i$t%r'. Legree wa$ a little #i$tance from the 2%arter$( when he hear# the )oice of $ome one $inging. It wa$ not a %$%al $o%n# there( an# he +a%$e# to li$ten. A m%$ical tenor )oice $ang( A"hen I can rea# my title clear To man$ion$ in the $-ie$( I'll 'i# farewell to e)ery fear( An# wi+e my wee+ing eye$

ASho%l# earth again$t my $o%l engage( An# helli$h #art$ 'e h%rle#( Then I can $mile at Satan'$ rage( An# face a frowning worl#. ALet care$ li-e a wil# #el%ge come( An# $torm$ of $orrow fall( May I '%t $afely reach my home( My go#( my Hea)en( my All.A6 6 AOn My Eo%rney Home(A hymn 'y I$aac "att$( fo%n# in many of the $o%thern co%ntry $ong'oo-$ of the ante 'ell%m +erio#. ASo hoDA $ai# Legree to him$elf( Ahe thin-$ $o( #oe$ heC How I hate the$e c%r$e# Metho#i$t hymn$D Here( yo% nigger(A $ai# he( coming $%##enly o%t %+on Tom( an# rai$ing hi$ ri#ing*whi+( Ahow #are yo% 'e gettin' %+ thi$ yer row( when yo% o%ght to 'e in 'e#C Sh%t yer ol# 'lacga$h( an# get along in with yo%DA ABe$( Ma$'r(A $ai# Tom( with rea#y cheerf%lne$$( a$ he ro$e to go in. Legree wa$ +ro)o-e# 'eyon# mea$%re 'y Tom'$ e)i#ent ha++ine$$3 an# ri#ing %+ to him( 'ela'ore# him o)er hi$ hea# an# $ho%l#er$. AThere( yo% #og(A he $ai#( A$ee if yo%'ll feel $o comforta'le( after thatDA B%t the 'low$ fell now only on the o%ter man( an# not( a$ 'efore( on the heart. Tom $too# +erfectly $%'mi$$i)e3 an# yet Legree co%l# not hi#e from him$elf that hi$ +ower o)er hi$ 'on# thrall wa$ $omehow gone. An#( a$ Tom #i$a++eare# in hi$ ca'in( an# he wheele# hi$ hor$e $%##enly ro%n#( there +a$$e# thro%gh hi$ min# one of tho$e )i)i# fla$he$ that often $en# the lightning of con$cience acro$$ the #ar- an# wic-e# $o%l. He %n#er$too# f%ll well that it wa$ 5OF who wa$ $tan#ing 'etween him an# hi$ )ictim( an# he 'la$+heme# him. That $%'mi$$i)e an# $ilent man( whom ta%nt$( nor threat$( nor $tri+e$( nor cr%eltie$( co%l# #i$t%r'( ro%$e# a )oice within him( $%ch a$ of ol# hi$ Ma$ter ro%$e# in the #emoniac $o%l( $aying( A"hat ha)e we to #o with thee( tho% Ee$%$ of Na4arethC**art tho% come to torment %$ 'efore the timeCA Tom'$ whole $o%l o)erflowe# with com+a$$ion an# $ym+athy for the +oor wretche$ 'y whom he wa$ $%rro%n#e#. To him it $eeme# a$ if hi$ life*$orrow$ were now o)er( an# a$ if( o%t of that $trange trea$%ry of +eace an# /oy( with which he ha# 'een en#owe# from a'o)e( he longe# to +o%r o%t $omething for the relief of their woe$. It i$ tr%e( o++ort%nitie$ were $canty3 '%t( on the way to the fiel#$( an# 'acagain( an# #%ring the ho%r$ of la'or( chance$ fell in hi$ way of e1ten#ing a hel+ing*han# to the weary( the #i$heartene# an# #i$co%rage#. The +oor( worn*#own( 'r%tali4e# creat%re$( at fir$t( co%l# $carce com+rehen# thi$3 '%t( when it wa$ contin%e# wee- after wee-( an# month after month( it 'egan to awa-en long*$ilent chor#$ in their 'en%m'e# heart$. 5ra#%ally an# im+erce+ti'ly the $trange( $ilent( +atient man( who wa$ rea#y to 'ear e)ery one'$ '%r#en( an# $o%ght hel+ from

none(**who $too# a$i#e for all( an# came la$t( an# too- lea$t( yet wa$ foremo$t to $hare hi$ little all with any who nee#e#(**the man who( in col# night$( wo%l# gi)e %+ hi$ tattere# 'lan-et to a## to the comfort of $ome woman who $hi)ere# with $ic-ne$$( an# who fille# the 'a$-et$ of the wea-er one$ in the fiel#( at the terri'le ri$- of coming $hort in hi$ own mea$%re(**an# who( tho%gh +%r$%e# with %nrelenting cr%elty 'y their common tyrant( ne)er /oine# in %ttering a wor# of re)iling or c%r$ing(**thi$ man( at la$t( 'egan to ha)e a $trange +ower o)er them3 an#( when the more +re$$ing $ea$on wa$ +a$t( an# they were allowe# again their S%n#ay$ for their own %$e( many wo%l# gather together to hear from him of Ee$%$. They wo%l# gla#ly ha)e met to hear( an# +ray( an# $ing( in $ome +lace( together3 '%t Legree wo%l# not +ermit it( an# more than once 'ro-e %+ $%ch attem+t$( with oath$ an# 'r%tal e1ecration$(**$o that the 'le$$e# new$ ha# to circ%late from in#i)i#%al to in#i)i#%al. Bet who can $+ea- the $im+le /oy with which $ome of tho$e +oor o%tca$t$( to whom life wa$ a /oyle$$ /o%rney to a #ar- %n-nown( hear# of a com+a$$ionate !e#eemer an# a hea)enly homeC It i$ the $tatement of mi$$ionarie$( that( of all race$ of the earth( none ha)e recei)e# the 5o$+el with $%ch eager #ocility a$ the African. The +rinci+le of reliance an# %n2%e$tioning faith( which i$ it$ fo%n#ation( i$ more a nati)e element in thi$ race than any other3 an# it ha$ often 'een fo%n# among them( that a $tray $ee# of tr%th( 'orne on $ome 'ree4e of acci#ent into heart$ the mo$t ignorant( ha$ $+r%ng %+ into fr%it( who$e a'%n#ance ha$ $hame# that of higher an# more $-ilf%l c%lt%re. The +oor m%latto woman( who$e $im+le faith ha# 'een well*nigh cr%$he# an# o)erwhelme#( 'y the a)alanche of cr%elty an# wrong which ha# fallen %+on her( felt her $o%l rai$e# %+ 'y the hymn$ an# +a$$age$ of Holy "rit( which thi$ lowly mi$$ionary 'reathe# into her ear in inter)al$( a$ they were going to an# ret%rning from wor-3 an# e)en the half*cra4e# an# wan#ering min# of Ca$$y wa$ $oothe# an# calme# 'y hi$ $im+le an# %no'tr%$i)e infl%ence$. St%ng to ma#ne$$ an# #e$+air 'y the cr%$hing agonie$ of a life( Ca$$y ha# often re$ol)e# in her $o%l an ho%r of retri'%tion( when her han# $ho%l# a)enge on her o++re$$or all the in/%$tice an# cr%elty to which $he ha# 'een witne$$( or which 0$he0 ha# in her own +er$on $%ffere#. One night( after all in Tom'$ ca'in were $%n- in $lee+( he wa$ $%##enly aro%$e# 'y $eeing her face at the hole 'etween the log$( that $er)e# for a win#ow. She ma#e a $ilent ge$t%re for him to come o%t. Tom came o%t the #oor. It wa$ 'etween one an# two o'cloc- at night(**'roa#( calm( $till moonlight. Tom remar-e#( a$ the light of the moon fell %+on Ca$$y'$ large( 'lac- eye$( that there wa$ a wil# an# +ec%liar glare in them( %nli-e their wonte# fi1e# #e$+air. ACome here( &ather Tom(A $he $ai#( laying her $mall han# on hi$ wri$t( an# #rawing him forwar# with a force a$ if the han# were of $teel3 Acome here(**I')e new$ for yo%.A A"hat( Mi$$e Ca$$yCA $ai# Tom( an1io%$ly. ATom( wo%l#n't yo% li-e yo%r li'ertyCA

AI $hall ha)e it( Mi$$e( in 5o#'$ time(A $ai# Tom. AAy( '%t yo% may ha)e it tonight(A $ai# Ca$$y( with a fla$h of $%##en energy. ACome on.A Tom he$itate#. AComeDA $ai# $he( in a whi$+er( fi1ing her 'lac- eye$ on him. ACome alongD He'$ a$lee+**$o%n#. I +%t eno%gh into hi$ 'ran#y to -ee+ him $o. I wi$h I'# ha# more(**I $ho%l#n't ha)e wante# yo%. B%t come( the 'ac#oor i$ %nloc-e#3 there'$ an a1e there( I +%t it there(**hi$ room #oor i$ o+en3 I'll $how yo% the way. I'# a #one it my$elf( only my arm$ are $o wea-. Come alongDA ANot for ten tho%$an# worl#$( Mi$$eDA $ai# Tom( firmly( $to++ing an# hol#ing her 'ac-( a$ $he wa$ +re$$ing forwar#. AB%t thin- of all the$e +oor creat%re$(A $ai# Ca$$y. A"e might $et them all free( an# go $omewhere in the $wam+$( an# fin# an i$lan#( an# li)e 'y o%r$el)e$3 I')e hear# of it$ 'eing #one. Any life i$ 'etter than thi$.A ANoDA $ai# Tom( firmly. ANoD goo# ne)er come$ of wic-e#ne$$. I'# $ooner cho+ my right han# offDA AThen 0I0 $hall #o it(A $ai# Ca$$y( t%rning. AO( Mi$$e Ca$$yDA $ai# Tom( throwing him$elf 'efore her( Afor the #ear Lor#'$ $a-e that #ie# for ye( #on't $ell yo%r +recio%$ $o%l to the #e)il( that wayD Nothing '%t e)il will come of it. The Lor# ha$n't calle# %$ to wrath. "e m%$t $%ffer( an# wait hi$ time.A A"aitDA $ai# Ca$$y. AHa)en't I waite#C**waite# till my hea# i$ #i44y an# my heart $ic-C "hat ha$ he ma#e me $%fferC "hat ha$ he ma#e h%n#re#$ of +oor creat%re$ $%fferC I$n't he wringing the life*'loo# o%t of yo%C I'm calle# on3 they call meD Hi$ time'$ come( an# I'll ha)e hi$ heart'$ 'loo#DA ANo( no( noDA $ai# Tom( hol#ing her $mall han#$( which were clenche# with $+a$mo#ic )iolence. ANo( ye +oor( lo$t $o%l( that ye m%$tn't #o. The #ear( 'le$$e# Lor# ne)er $he# no 'loo# '%t hi$ own( an# that he +o%re# o%t for %$ when we wa$ enemie$. Lor#( hel+ %$ to follow hi$ $te+$( an# lo)e o%r enemie$.A ALo)eDA $ai# Ca$$y( with a fierce glare3 Alo)e 0$%ch0 enemie$D It i$n't in fle$h an# 'loo#.A ANo( Mi$$e( it i$n't(A $ai# Tom( loo-ing %+3 A'%t 0He0 gi)e$ it to %$( an# that'$ the )ictory. "hen we can lo)e an# +ray o)er all an# thro%gh all( the 'attle'$ +a$t( an# the )ictory'$ come(**glory 'e to 5o#DA An#( with $treaming eye$ an# cho-ing )oice( the 'lac- man loo-e# %+ to hea)en. An# thi$( oh AfricaD late$t calle# of nation$(**calle# to the crown of thorn$( the $co%rge( the 'loo#y $weat( the cro$$ of agony(**thi$ i$ to 'e 0thy0 )ictory3 'y thi$ $halt tho% reign with Chri$t when hi$ -ing#om $hall come on earth.

The #ee+ fer)or of Tom'$ feeling$( the $oftne$$ of hi$ )oice( hi$ tear$( fell li-e #ew on the wil#( %n$ettle# $+irit of the +oor woman. A $oftne$$ gathere# o)er the l%ri# fire$ of her eye3 $he loo-e# #own( an# Tom co%l# feel the rela1ing m%$cle$ of her han#$( a$ $he $ai#( AFi#n't I tell yo% that e)il $+irit$ followe# meC OD &ather Tom( I can't +ray(**I wi$h I co%l#. I ne)er ha)e +raye# $ince my chil#ren were $ol#D "hat yo% $ay m%$t 'e right( I -now it m%$t3 '%t when I try to +ray( I can only hate an# c%r$e. I can't +rayDA A oor $o%lDA $ai# Tom( com+a$$ionately. ASatan #e$ire$ to ha)e ye( an# $ift ye a$ wheat. I +ray the Lor# for ye. OD Mi$$e Ca$$y( t%rn to the #ear Lor# Ee$%$. He came to 'in# %+ the 'ro-en*hearte#( an# comfort all that mo%rn.A Ca$$y $too# $ilent( while large( hea)y tear$ #ro++e# from her #ownca$t eye$. AMi$$e Ca$$y(A $ai# Tom( in a he$itating tone( after $%r)eying her in $ilence( Aif ye only co%l# get away from here(**if the thing wa$ +o$$i'le(**I'# ')i$e ye an# Emmeline to #o it3 that i$( if ye co%l# go witho%t 'loo#*g%iltine$$(**not otherwi$e.A A"o%l# yo% try it with %$( &ather TomCA ANo(A $ai# Tom3 Atime wa$ when I wo%l#3 '%t the Lor#'$ gi)en me a woramong the$e yer +oor $o%l$( an# I'll $tay with 'em an# 'ear my cro$$ with 'em till the en#. It'$ #ifferent with yo%3 it'$ a $nare to yo%(**it'$ more'n yo% can $tan#(**an# yo%'# 'etter go( if yo% can.A AI -now no way '%t thro%gh the gra)e(A $ai# Ca$$y. AThere'$ no 'ea$t or 'ir# '%t can fin# a home $ome where3 e)en the $na-e$ an# the alligator$ ha)e their +lace$ to lie #own an# 'e 2%iet3 '%t there'$ no +lace for %$. Fown in the #ar-e$t $wam+$( their #og$ will h%nt %$ o%t( an# fin# %$. E)ery'o#y an# e)erything i$ again$t %$3 e)en the )ery 'ea$t$ $i#e again$t %$(**an# where $hall we goCA Tom $too# $ilent3 at length he $ai#( AHim that $a)e# Faniel in the #en of lion$(**that $a)e$ the chil#ren in the fiery f%rnace(**Him that wal-e# on the $ea( an# 'a#e the win#$ 'e $till(**He'$ ali)e yet3 an# I')e faith to 'elie)e he can #eli)er yo%. Try it( an# I'll +ray( with all my might( for yo%.A By what $trange law of min# i$ it that an i#ea long o)erloo-e#( an# tro##en %n#er foot a$ a %$ele$$ $tone( $%##enly $+ar-le$ o%t in new light( a$ a #i$co)ere# #iamon#C Ca$$y ha# often re)ol)e#( for ho%r$( all +o$$i'le or +ro'a'le $cheme$ of e$ca+e( an# #i$mi$$e# them all( a$ ho+ele$$ an# im+ractica'le3 '%t at thi$ moment there fla$he# thro%gh her min# a +lan( $o $im+le an# fea$i'le in all it$ #etail$( a$ to awa-en an in$tant ho+e. A&ather Tom( I'll try itDA $he $ai#( $%##enly.

AAmenDA $ai# Tom3 Athe Lor# hel+ yeDA

CHA TE! KKKIK The Stratagem AThe way of the wic-e# i$ a$ #ar-ne$$3 he -noweth not at what he $t%m'leth.A6 6 ro). =I8:. The garret of the ho%$e that Legree occ%+ie#( li-e mo$t other garret$( wa$ a great( #e$olate $+ace( #%$ty( h%ng with co'we'$( an# littere# with ca$t*off l%m'er. The o+%lent family that ha# inha'ite# the ho%$e in the #ay$ of it$ $+len#or ha# im+orte# a great #eal of $+len#i# f%rnit%re( $ome of which they ha# ta-en away with them( while $ome remaine# $tan#ing #e$olate in mo%l#ering( %nocc%+ie# room$( or $tore# away in thi$ +lace. One or two immen$e +ac-ing*'o1e$( in which thi$ f%rnit%re wa$ 'ro%ght( $too# again$t the $i#e$ of the garret. There wa$ a $mall win#ow there( which let in( thro%gh it$ #ingy( #%$ty +ane$( a $canty( %ncertain light on the tall( high*'ac-e# chair$ an# #%$ty ta'le$( that ha# once $een 'etter #ay$. Altogether( it wa$ a weir# an# gho$tly +lace3 '%t( gho$tly a$ it wa$( it wante# not in legen#$ among the $%+er$titio%$ negroe$( to increa$e it terror$. Some few year$ 'efore( a negro woman( who ha# inc%rre# Legree'$ #i$+lea$%re( wa$ confine# there for $e)eral wee-$. "hat +a$$e# there( we #o not $ay3 the negroe$ %$e# to whi$+er #ar-ly to each other3 '%t it wa$ -nown that the 'o#y of the %nfort%nate creat%re wa$ one #ay ta-en #own from there( an# '%rie#3 an#( after that( it wa$ $ai# that oath$ an# c%r$ing$( an# the $o%n# of )iolent 'low$( %$e# to ring thro%gh that ol# garret( an# mingle# with wailing$ an# groan$ of #e$+air. Once( when Legree chance# to o)erhear $omething of thi$ -in#( he flew into a )iolent +a$$ion( an# $wore that the ne1t one that tol# $torie$ a'o%t that garret $ho%l# ha)e an o++ort%nity of -nowing what wa$ there( for he wo%l# chain them %+ there for a wee-. Thi$ hint wa$ eno%gh to re+re$$ tal-ing( tho%gh( of co%r$e( it #i# not #i$t%r' the cre#it of the $tory in the lea$t. 5ra#%ally( the $tairca$e that le# to the garret( an# e)en the +a$$age*way to the $tairca$e( were a)oi#e# 'y e)ery one in the ho%$e( from e)ery one fearing to $+ea- of it( an# the legen# wa$ gra#%ally falling into #e$%et%#e. It ha# $%##enly occ%rre# to Ca$$y to ma-e %$e of the $%+er$titio%$ e1cita'ility( which wa$ $o great in Legree( for the +%r+o$e of her li'eration( an# that of her fellow*$%fferer. The $lee+ing*room of Ca$$y wa$ #irectly %n#er the garret. One #ay( witho%t con$%lting Legree( $he $%##enly too- it %+on her( with $ome con$i#era'le o$tentation( to change all the f%rnit%re an# a++%rtenance$ of the room to one at $ome con$i#era'le #i$tance. The %n#er*$er)ant$( who were calle# on to effect thi$ mo)ement( were r%nning an# '%$tling a'o%t with great 4eal an# conf%$ion( when Legree ret%rne# from a ri#e. AHalloD yo% Ca$$DA $ai# Legree( Awhat'$ in the win# nowCA

ANothing3 only I choo$e to ha)e another room(A $ai# Ca$$y( #ogge#ly. AAn# what for( +rayCA $ai# Legree. AI choo$e to(A $ai# Ca$$y. AThe #e)il yo% #oD an# what forCA AI'# li-e to get $ome $lee+( now an# then.A ASlee+D well( what hin#er$ yo%r $lee+ingCA AI co%l# tell( I $%++o$e( if yo% want to hear(A $ai# Ca$$y( #ryly. AS+ea- o%t( yo% min1DA $ai# Legree. AOD nothing. I $%++o$e it wo%l#n't #i$t%r' 0yo%D0 Only groan$( an# +eo+le $c%ffing( an# rolling ro%n# on the 'arre( floor( half the night( from twel)e to morningDA A eo+le %+ garretDA $ai# Legree( %nea$ily( '%t forcing a la%gh3 Awho are they( Ca$$yCA Ca$$y rai$e# her $har+( 'lac- eye$( an# loo-e# in the face of Legree( with an e1+re$$ion that went thro%gh hi$ 'one$( a$ $he $ai#( ATo 'e $%re( Simon( who are theyC I'# li-e to ha)e 0yo%0 tell me. Bo% #on't -now( I $%++o$eDA "ith an oath( Legree $tr%c- at her with hi$ ri#ing*whi+3 '%t $he gli#e# to one $i#e( an# +a$$e# thro%gh the #oor( an# loo-ing 'ac-( $ai#( AIf yo%'ll $lee+ in that room( yo%'ll -now all a'o%t it. erha+$ yo%'# 'etter try itDA an# then imme#iately $he $h%t an# loc-e# the #oor. Legree 'l%$tere# an# $wore( an# threatene# to 'rea- #own the #oor3 '%t a++arently tho%ght 'etter of it( an# wal-e# %nea$ily into the $itting*room. Ca$$y +ercei)e# that her $haft ha# $tr%c- home3 an#( from that ho%r( with the mo$t e12%i$ite a##re$$( $he ne)er cea$e# to contin%e the train of infl%ence$ $he ha# 'eg%n. In a -not*hole of the garret( that ha# o+ene#( $he ha# in$erte# the necof an ol# 'ottle( in $%ch a manner that when there wa$ the lea$t win#( mo$t #olef%l an# l%g%'rio%$ wailing $o%n#$ +rocee#e# from it( which( in a high win#( increa$e# to a +erfect $hrie-( $%ch a$ to cre#%lo%$ an# $%+er$titio%$ ear$ might ea$ily $eem to 'e that of horror an# #e$+air. The$e $o%n#$ were( from time to time( hear# 'y the $er)ant$( an# re)i)e# in f%ll force the memory of the ol# gho$t legen#. A $%+er$titio%$ cree+ing horror $eeme# to fill the ho%$e3 an# tho%gh no one #are# to 'reathe it to Legree( he fo%n# him$elf encom+a$$e# 'y it( a$ 'y an atmo$+here. No one i$ $o thoro%ghly $%+er$titio%$ a$ the go#le$$ man. The Chri$tian i$ com+o$e# 'y the 'elief of a wi$e( all*r%ling &ather( who$e +re$ence fill$ the )oi# %n-nown with light an# or#er3 '%t to the man who ha$

#ethrone# 5o#( the $+irit*lan# i$( in#ee#( in the wor#$ of the He'rew +oet( Aa lan# of #ar-ne$$ an# the $ha#ow of #eath(A witho%t any or#er( where the light i$ a$ #ar-ne$$. Life an# #eath to him are ha%nte# gro%n#$( fille# with go'lin form$ of )ag%e an# $ha#owy #rea#. Legree ha# ha# the $l%m'ering moral element$ in him ro%$e# 'y hi$ enco%nter$ with Tom(**ro%$e#( only to 'e re$i$te# 'y the #eterminate force of e)il3 '%t $till there wa$ a thrill an# commotion of the #ar-( inner worl#( +ro#%ce# 'y e)ery wor#( or +rayer( or hymn( that reacte# in $%+er$titio%$ #rea#. The infl%ence of Ca$$y o)er him wa$ of a $trange an# $ing%lar -in#. He wa$ her owner( her tyrant an# tormentor. She wa$( a$ he -new( wholly( an# witho%t any +o$$i'ility of hel+ or re#re$$( in hi$ han#$3 an# yet $o it i$( that the mo$t 'r%tal man cannot li)e in con$tant a$$ociation with a $trong female infl%ence( an# not 'e greatly controlle# 'y it. "hen he fir$t 'o%ght her( $he wa$( a$ $he $ai#( a woman #elicately 're#3 an# then he cr%$he# her( witho%t $cr%+le( 'eneath the foot of hi$ 'r%tality. B%t( a$ time( an# #e'a$ing infl%ence$( an# #e$+air( har#ene# womanhoo# within her( an# wa-e# the fire$ of fiercer +a$$ion$( $he ha# 'ecome in a mea$%re hi$ mi$tre$$( an# he alternately tyranni4e# o)er an# #rea#e# her. Thi$ infl%ence ha# 'ecome more hara$$ing an# #eci#e#( $ince +artial in$anity ha# gi)en a $trange( weir#( %n$ettle# ca$t to all her wor#$ an# lang%age. A night or two after thi$( Legree wa$ $itting in the ol# $itting*room( 'y the $i#e of a flic-ering woo# fire( that threw %ncertain glance$ ro%n# the room. It wa$ a $tormy( win#y night( $%ch a$ rai$e$ whole $2%a#ron$ of non#e$cri+t noi$e$ in ric-ety ol# ho%$e$. "in#ow$ were rattling( $h%tter$ fla++ing( an# win# caro%$ing( r%m'ling( an# t%m'ling #own the chimney( an#( e)ery once in a while( +%ffing o%t $mo-e an# a$he$( a$ if a legion of $+irit$ were coming after them. Legree ha# 'een ca$ting %+ acco%nt$ an# rea#ing new$+a+er$ for $ome ho%r$( while Ca$$y $at in the corner3 $%llenly loo-ing into the fire. Legree lai# #own hi$ +a+er( an# $eeing an ol# 'oo- lying on the ta'le( which he ha# notice# Ca$$y rea#ing( the fir$t +art of the e)ening( too- it %+( an# 'egan to t%rn it o)er. It wa$ one of tho$e collection$ of $torie$ of 'loo#y m%r#er$( gho$tly legen#$( an# $%+ernat%ral )i$itation$( which( coar$ely got %+ an# ill%$trate#( ha)e a $trange fa$cination for one who once 'egin$ to rea# them. Legree +oohe# an# +i$he#( '%t rea#( t%rning +age after +age( till( finally( after rea#ing $ome way( he threw #own the 'oo-( with an oath. ABo% #on't 'elie)e in gho$t$( #o yo%( Ca$$CA $ai# he( ta-ing the tong$ an# $ettling the fire. AI tho%ght yo%'# more $en$e than to let noi$e$ $care 0yo%0.A ANo matter what I 'elie)e(A $ai# Ca$$y( $%llenly. A&ellow$ %$e# to try to frighten me with their yarn$ at $ea(A $ai# Legree. ANe)er come it ro%n# me that way. I'm too to%gh for any $%ch tra$h( tell ye.A

Ca$$y $at loo-ing inten$ely at him in the $ha#ow of the corner. There wa$ that $trange light in her eye$ that alway$ im+re$$e# Legree with %nea$ine$$. AThem noi$e$ wa$ nothing '%t rat$ an# the win#(A $ai# Legree. A!at$ will ma-e a #e)il of a noi$e. I %$e# to hear 'em $ometime$ #own in the hol# of the $hi+3 an# win#(**Lor#'$ $a-eD ye can ma-e anything o%t o' win#.A Ca$$y -new Legree wa$ %nea$y %n#er her eye$( an#( therefore( $he ma#e no an$wer( '%t $at fi1ing them on him( with that $trange( %nearthly e1+re$$ion( a$ 'efore. ACome( $+ea- o%t( woman(**#on't yo% thin- $oCA $ai# Legree. ACan rat$ wal- #own $tair$( an# come wal-ing thro%gh the entry( an# o+en a #oor when yo%')e loc-e# it an# $et a chair again$t itCA $ai# Ca$$y3 Aan# come wal-( wal-( wal-ing right %+ to yo%r 'e#( an# +%t o%t their han#( $oCA Ca$$y -e+t her glittering eye$ fi1e# on Legree( a$ $he $+o-e( an# he $tare# at her li-e a man in the nightmare( till( when $he fini$he# 'y laying her han#( icy col#( on hi$( he $+r%ng 'ac-( with an oath. A"omanD what #o yo% meanC No'o#y #i#CA AO( no(**of co%r$e not(**#i# I $ay they #i#CA $ai# Ca$$y( with a $mile of chilling #eri$ion. AB%t**#i#**ha)e yo% really $eenC**Come( Ca$$( what i$ it( now(**$+eao%tDA ABo% may $lee+ there( yo%r$elf(A $ai# Ca$$y( Aif yo% want to -now.A AFi# it come from the garret( Ca$$yCA A0It0(**whatCA $ai# Ca$$y. A"hy( what yo% tol# of**A AI #i#n't tell yo% anything(A $ai# Ca$$y( with #ogge# $%llenne$$. Legree wal-e# %+ an# #own the room( %nea$ily. AI'll ha)e thi$ yer thing e1amine#. I'll loo- into it( thi$ )ery night. I'll ta-e my +i$tol$**A AFo(A $ai# Ca$$y3 A$lee+ in that room. I'# li-e to $ee yo% #oing it. &ire yo%r +i$tol$(**#oDA Legree $tam+e# hi$ foot( an# $wore )iolently. AFon't $wear(A $ai# Ca$$y3 Ano'o#y -now$ who may 'e hearing yo%. Har-D "hat wa$ thatCA

A"hatCA $ai# Legree( $tarting. A hea)y ol# F%tch cloc-( that $too# in the corner of the room( 'egan( an# $lowly $tr%c- twel)e. &or $ome rea$on or other( Legree neither $+o-e nor mo)e#3 a )ag%e horror fell on him3 while Ca$$y( with a -een( $neering glitter in her eye$( $too# loo-ing at him( co%nting the $tro-e$. ATwel)e o'cloc-3 well 0now0 we'll $ee(A $ai# $he( t%rning( an# o+ening the #oor into the +a$$age*way( an# $tan#ing a$ if li$tening. AHar-D "hat'$ thatCA $ai# $he( rai$ing her finger. AIt'$ only the win#(A $ai# Legree. AFon't yo% hear how c%r$e#ly it 'low$CA ASimon( come here(A $ai# Ca$$y( in a whi$+er( laying her han# on hi$( an# lea#ing him to the foot of the $tair$I A#o yo% -now what 0that0 i$C Har-DA A wil# $hrie- came +ealing #own the $tairway. It came from the garret. Legree'$ -nee$ -noc-e# together3 hi$ face grew white with fear. AHa#n't yo% 'etter get yo%r +i$tol$CA $ai# Ca$$y( with a $neer that fro4e Legree'$ 'loo#. AIt'$ time thi$ thing wa$ loo-e# into( yo% -now. I'# li-e to ha)e yo% go %+ now3 0they're at it0.A AI won't goDA $ai# Legree( with an oath. A"hy notC There an't any $%ch thing a$ gho$t$( yo% -nowD ComeDA an# Ca$$y flitte# %+ the win#ing $tairway( la%ghing( an# loo-ing 'ac- after him. ACome on.A AI 'elie)e yo% 0are0 the #e)ilDA $ai# Legree. ACome 'ac- yo% hag(**come 'ac-( Ca$$D Bo% $han't goDA B%t Ca$$y la%ghe# wil#ly( an# fle# on. He hear# her o+en the entry #oor$ that le# to the garret. A wil# g%$t of win# $we+t #own( e1ting%i$hing the can#le he hel# in hi$ han#( an# with it the fearf%l( %nearthly $cream$3 they $eeme# to 'e $hrie-e# in hi$ )ery ear. Legree fle# frantically into the +arlor( whither( in a few moment$( he wa$ followe# 'y Ca$$y( +ale( calm( col# a$ an a)enging $+irit( an# with that $ame fearf%l light in her eye. AI ho+e yo% are $ati$fie#(A $ai# $he. ABla$t yo%( Ca$$DA $ai# Legree. A"hat forCA $ai# Ca$$y. AI only went %+ an# $h%t the #oor$. 0"hat'$ the matter with that garret0( Simon( #o yo% $%++o$eCA $ai# $he. ANone of yo%r '%$ine$$DA $ai# Legree.

AO( it an'tC "ell(A $ai# Ca$$y( Aat any rate( I'm gla# 0I0 #on't $lee+ %n#er it.A Antici+ating the ri$ing of the win#( that )ery e)ening( Ca$$y ha# 'een %+ an# o+ene# the garret win#ow. Of co%r$e( the moment the #oor$ were o+ene#( the win# ha# #rafte# #own( an# e1ting%i$he# the light. Thi$ may $er)e a$ a $+ecimen of the game that Ca$$y +laye# with Legree( %ntil he wo%l# $ooner ha)e +%t hi$ hea# into a lion'$ mo%th than to ha)e e1+lore# that garret. Meanwhile( in the night( when e)ery'o#y el$e wa$ a$lee+( Ca$$y $lowly an# caref%lly acc%m%late# there a $tocof +ro)i$ion$ $%fficient to affor# $%'$i$tence for $ome time3 $he tran$ferre#( article 'y article( a greater +art of her own an# Emmeline'$ war#ro'e. All thing$ 'eing arrange#( they only waite# a fitting o++ort%nity to +%t their +lan in e1ec%tion. By ca/oling Legree( an# ta-ing a#)antage of a goo#*nat%re# inter)al( Ca$$y ha# got him to ta-e her with him to the neigh'oring town( which wa$ $it%ate# #irectly on the !e# ri)er. "ith a memory $har+ene# to almo$t +reternat%ral clearne$$( $he remar-e# e)ery t%rn in the roa#( an# forme# a mental e$timate of the time to 'e occ%+ie# in tra)er$ing it. At the time when all wa$ mat%re# for action( o%r rea#er$ may( +erha+$( li-e to loo- 'ehin# the $cene$( an# $ee the final 0co%+ #'etat0. It wa$ now near e)ening( Legree ha# 'een a'$ent( on a ri#e to a neigh'oring farm. &or many #ay$ Ca$$y ha# 'een %n%$%ally gracio%$ an# accommo#ating in her h%mor$3 an# Legree an# $he ha# 'een( a++arently( on the 'e$t of term$. At +re$ent( we may 'ehol# her an# Emmeline in the room of the latter( '%$y in $orting an# arranging two $mall '%n#le$. AThere( the$e will 'e large eno%gh(A $ai# Ca$$y. ANow +%t on yo%r 'onnet( an# let'$ $tart3 it'$ /%$t a'o%t the right time.A A"hy( they can $ee %$ yet(A $ai# Emmeline. AI mean they $hall(A $ai# Ca$$y( coolly. AFon't yo% -now that they m%$t ha)e their cha$e after %$( at any rateC The way of the thing i$ to 'e /%$t thi$I**"e will $teal o%t of the 'ac- #oor( an# r%n #own 'y the 2%arter$. Sam'o or N%im'o will 'e $%re to $ee %$. They will gi)e cha$e( an# we will get into the $wam+3 then( they can't follow %$ any f%rther till they go %+ an# gi)e the alarm( an# t%rn o%t the #og$( an# $o on3 an#( while they are 'l%n#ering ro%n#( an# t%m'ling o)er each other( a$ they alway$ #o( yo% an# I will $li+ along to the cree-( that r%n$ 'acof the ho%$e( an# wa#e along in it( till we get o++o$ite the 'ac- #oor. That will +%t the #og$ all at fa%lt3 for $cent won't lie in the water. E)ery one will r%n o%t of the ho%$e to loo- after %$( an# then we'll whi+ in at the 'ac- #oor( an# %+ into the garret( where I')e got a nice 'e# ma#e %+ in one of the great 'o1e$. "e m%$t $tay in that garret a goo# while( for( I tell yo%( he will rai$e hea)en an# earth after %$. He'll m%$ter $ome of tho$e ol# o)er$eer$ on the other +lantation$( an# ha)e a great h%nt3 an# they'll go o)er e)ery inch of gro%n# in that $wam+. He ma-e$ it hi$ 'oa$t that no'o#y e)er got away from him. So let him h%nt at hi$ lei$%re.A

ACa$$y( how well yo% ha)e +lanne# itDA $ai# Emmeline. A"ho e)er wo%l# ha)e tho%ght of it( '%t yo%CA There wa$ neither +lea$%re nor e1%ltation in Ca$$y'$ eye$(**only a #e$+airing firmne$$. ACome(A $he $ai#( reaching her han# to Emmeline. The two f%giti)e$ gli#e# noi$ele$$ly from the ho%$e( an# flitte#( thro%gh the gathering $ha#ow$ of e)ening( along 'y the 2%arter$. The cre$cent moon( $et li-e a $il)er $ignet in the we$tern $-y( #elaye# a little the a++roach of night. A$ Ca$$y e1+ecte#( when 2%ite near the )erge of the $wam+$ that encircle# the +lantation( they hear# a )oice calling to them to $to+. It wa$ not Sam'o( howe)er( '%t Legree( who wa$ +%r$%ing them with )iolent e1ecration$. At the $o%n#( the fee'ler $+irit of Emmeline ga)e way3 an#( laying hol# of Ca$$y'$ arm( $he $ai#( AO( Ca$$y( I'm going to faintDA AIf yo% #o( I'll -ill yo%DA $ai# Ca$$y( #rawing a $mall( glittering $tiletto( an# fla$hing it 'efore the eye$ of the girl. The #i)er$ion accom+li$he# the +%r+o$e. Emmeline #i# not faint( an# $%ccee#e# in +l%nging( with Ca$$y( into a +art of the la'yrinth of $wam+( $o #ee+ an# #ar- that it wa$ +erfectly ho+ele$$ for Legree to thin- of following them( witho%t a$$i$tance. A"ell(A $ai# he( ch%c-ling 'r%tally3 Aat any rate( they')e got them$el)e$ into a tra+ now**the 'aggageD They're $afe eno%gh. They $hall $weat for itDA AH%lloa( thereD Sam'oD N%im'oD All han#$DA calle# Legree( coming to the 2%arter$( when the men an# women were /%$t ret%rning from wor-. AThere'$ two r%naway$ in the $wam+$. I'll gi)e fi)e #ollar$ to any nigger a$ catche$ 'em. T%rn o%t the #og$D T%rn o%t Tiger( an# &%ry( an# the re$tDA The $en$ation +ro#%ce# 'y thi$ new$ wa$ imme#iate. Many of the men $+rang forwar#( officio%$ly( to offer their $er)ice$( either from the ho+e of the rewar#( or from that cringing $%'$er)iency which i$ one of the mo$t 'alef%l effect$ of $la)ery. Some ran one way( an# $ome another. Some were for getting flam'ea%1 of +ine*-not$. Some were %nco%+ling the #og$( who$e hoar$e( $a)age 'ay a##e# not a little to the animation of the $cene. AMa$'r( $hall we $hoot 'em( if can't cotch 'emCA $ai# Sam'o( to whom hi$ ma$ter 'ro%ght o%t a rifle. ABo% may fire on Ca$$( if yo% li-e3 it'$ time $he wa$ gone to the #e)il( where $he 'elong$3 '%t the gal( not(A $ai# Legree. AAn# now( 'oy$( 'e $+ry an# $mart. &i)e #ollar$ for him that get$ 'em3 an# a gla$$ of $+irit$ to e)ery one of yo%( anyhow.A The whole 'an#( with the glare of 'la4ing torche$( an# whoo+( an# $ho%t( an# $a)age yell( of man an# 'ea$t( +rocee#e# #own to the $wam+( followe#( at $ome #i$tance( 'y e)ery $er)ant in the ho%$e. The e$ta'li$hment wa$( of a con$e2%ence( wholly #e$erte#( when Ca$$y an#

Emmeline gli#e# into it the 'ac- way. The whoo+ing an# $ho%t$ of their +%r$%er$ were $till filling the air3 an#( loo-ing from the $itting*room win#ow$( Ca$$y an# Emmeline co%l# $ee the troo+( with their flam'ea%1( /%$t #i$+er$ing them$el)e$ along the e#ge of the $wam+. ASee thereDA $ai# Emmeline( +ointing to Ca$$y3 Athe h%nt i$ 'eg%nD Loohow tho$e light$ #ance a'o%tD Har-D the #og$D Fon't yo% hearC If we were only 0there0( o%r chance$ wo%l#n't 'e worth a +icay%ne. O( for +ity'$ $a-e( #o let'$ hi#e o%r$el)e$. N%ic-DA AThere'$ no occa$ion for h%rry(A $ai# Ca$$y( coolly3 Athey are all o%t after the h%nt(**that'$ the am%$ement of the e)eningD "e'll go %+ $tair$( 'y an# 'y. Meanwhile(A $ai# $he( #eli'erately ta-ing a -ey from the +oc-et of a coat that Legree ha# thrown #own in hi$ h%rry( Ameanwhile I $hall ta-e $omething to +ay o%r +a$$age.A She %nloc-e# the #e$-( too- from it a roll of 'ill$( which $he co%nte# o)er ra+i#ly. AO( #on't let'$ #o thatDA $ai# Emmeline. AFon'tDA $ai# Ca$$y3 Awhy notC "o%l# yo% ha)e %$ $tar)e in the $wam+$( or ha)e that that will +ay o%r way to the free $tate$. Money will #o anything( girl.A An#( a$ $he $+o-e( $he +%t the money in her 'o$om. AIt wo%l# 'e $tealing(A $ai# Emmeline( in a #i$tre$$e# whi$+er. AStealingDA $ai# Ca$$y( with a $cornf%l la%gh. AThey who $teal 'o#y an# $o%l nee#n't tal- to %$. E)ery one of the$e 'ill$ i$ $tolen(**$tolen from +oor( $tar)ing( $weating creat%re$( who m%$t go to the #e)il at la$t( for hi$ +rofit. Let 0him0 tal- a'o%t $tealingD B%t come( we may a$ well go %+ garret3 I')e got a $toc- of can#le$ there( an# $ome 'oo-$ to +a$$ away the time. Bo% may 'e +retty $%re they won't come 0there0 to in2%ire after %$. If they #o( I'll +lay gho$t for them.A "hen Emmeline reache# the garret( $he fo%n# an immen$e 'o1( in which $ome hea)y +iece$ of f%rnit%re ha# once 'een 'ro%ght( t%rne# on it$ $i#e( $o that the o+ening face# the wall( or rather the ea)e$. Ca$$y lit a $mall lam+( an# cree+ing ro%n# %n#er the ea)e$( they e$ta'li$he# them$el)e$ in it. It wa$ $+rea# with a co%+le of $mall mattre$$e$ an# $ome +illow$3 a 'o1 near 'y wa$ +lentif%lly $tore# with can#le$( +ro)i$ion$( an# all the clothing nece$$ary to their /o%rney( which Ca$$y ha# arrange# into '%n#le$ of an a$toni$hingly $mall com+a$$. AThere(A $ai# Ca$$y( a$ $he fi1e# the lam+ into a $mall hoo-( which $he ha# #ri)en into the $i#e of the 'o1 for that +%r+o$e3 Athi$ i$ to 'e o%r home for the +re$ent. How #o yo% li-e itCA AAre yo% $%re they won't come an# $earch the garretCA AI'# li-e to $ee Simon Legree #oing that(A $ai# Ca$$y. ANo( in#ee#3 he will 'e too gla# to -ee+ away. A$ to the $er)ant$( they wo%l# any of them $tan# an# 'e $hot( $ooner than $how their face$ here.A Somewhat rea$$%re#( Emmeline $ettle# her$elf 'ac- on her +illow.

A"hat #i# yo% mean( Ca$$y( 'y $aying yo% wo%l# -ill meCA $he $ai#( $im+ly. AI meant to $to+ yo%r fainting(A $ai# Ca$$y( Aan# I #i# #o it. An# now I tell yo%( Emmeline( yo% m%$t ma-e %+ yo%r min# 0not0 to faint( let what will come3 there'$ no $ort of nee# of it. If I ha# not $to++e# yo%( that wretch might ha)e ha# hi$ han#$ on yo% now.A Emmeline $h%##ere#. The two remaine# $ome time in $ilence. Ca$$y '%$ie# her$elf with a &rench 'oo-3 Emmeline( o)ercome with the e1ha%$tion( fell into a #o4e( an# $le+t $ome time. She wa$ awa-ene# 'y lo%# $ho%t$ an# o%tcrie$( the tram+ of hor$e$' feet( an# the 'aying of #og$. She $tarte# %+( with a faint $hrie-. AOnly the h%nt coming 'ac-(A $ai# Ca$$y( coolly3 Ane)er fear. Loo- o%t of thi$ -not*hole. Fon't yo% $ee 'em all #own thereC Simon ha$ to gi)e %+( for thi$ night. Loo-( how m%##y hi$ hor$e i$( flo%ncing a'o%t in the $wam+3 the #og$( too( loo- rather cre$tfallen. Ah( my goo# $ir( yo%'ll ha)e to try the race again an# again(**the game i$n't there.A AO( #on't $+ea- a wor#DA $ai# Emmeline3 Awhat if they $ho%l# hear yo%CA AIf they #o hear anything( it will ma-e them )ery +artic%lar to -ee+ away(A $ai# Ca$$y. ANo #anger3 we may ma-e any noi$e we +lea$e( an# it will only a## to the effect.A At length the $tillne$$ of mi#night $ettle# #own o)er the ho%$e. Legree( c%r$ing hi$ ill l%c-( an# )owing #ire )engeance on the morrow( went to 'e#.

CHA TE! KL The Martyr AFeem not the /%$t 'y Hea)en forgotD Tho%gh life it$ common gift$ #eny(** Tho%gh( with a cr%$he# an# 'lee#ing heart( An# $+%rne# of man( he goe$ to #ieD &or 5o# hath mar-e# each $orrowing #ay( An# n%m'ere# e)ery 'itter tear( An# hea)en'$ long year$ of 'li$$ $hall +ay &or all hi$ chil#ren $%ffer here.A B!BANT.6 6 Thi$ +oem #oe$ not a++ear in the collecte# wor-$ of "illiam C%llen Bryant( nor in the collecte# +oem$ of hi$ 'rother( Eohn Howar# Bryant. It wa$ +ro'a'ly co+ie# from a new$+a+er or maga4ine.

The longe$t way m%$t ha)e it$ clo$e(**the gloomie$t night will wear on to a morning. An eternal( ine1ora'le la+$e of moment$ i$ e)er h%rrying the #ay of the e)il to an eternal night( an# the night of the /%$t to an eternal #ay. "e ha)e wal-e# with o%r h%m'le frien# th%$ far in the )alley of $la)ery3 fir$t thro%gh flowery fiel#$ of ea$e an# in#%lgence( then thro%gh heart*'rea-ing $e+aration$ from all that man hol#$ #ear. Again( we ha)e waite# with him in a $%nny i$lan#( where genero%$ han#$ conceale# hi$ chain$ with flower$3 an#( la$tly( we ha)e followe# him when the la$t ray of earthly ho+e went o%t in night( an# $een how( in the 'lac-ne$$ of earthly #ar-ne$$( the firmament of the %n$een ha$ 'la4e# with $tar$ of new an# $ignificant l%$tre. The morning*$tar now $tan#$ o)er the to+$ of the mo%ntain$( an# gale$ an# 'ree4e$( not of earth( $how that the gate$ of #ay are %nclo$ing. The e$ca+e of Ca$$y an# Emmeline irritate# the 'efore $%rly tem+er of Legree to the la$t #egree3 an# hi$ f%ry( a$ wa$ to 'e e1+ecte#( fell %+on the #efencele$$ hea# of Tom. "hen he h%rrie#ly anno%nce# the ti#ing$ among hi$ han#$( there wa$ a $%##en light in Tom'$ eye( a $%##en %+rai$ing of hi$ han#$( that #i# not e$ca+e him. He $aw that he #i# not /oin the m%$ter of the +%r$%er$. He tho%ght of forcing him to #o it3 '%t( ha)ing ha#( of ol#( e1+erience of hi$ infle1i'ility when comman#e# to ta-e +art in any #ee# of inh%manity( he wo%l# not( in hi$ h%rry( $to+ to enter into any conflict with him. Tom( therefore( remaine# 'ehin#( with a few who ha# learne# of him to +ray( an# offere# %+ +rayer$ for the e$ca+e of the f%giti)e$. "hen Legree ret%rne#( 'affle# an# #i$a++ointe#( all the long*wor-ing hatre# of hi$ $o%l towar#$ hi$ $la)e 'egan to gather in a #ea#ly an# #e$+erate form. Ha# not thi$ man 'ra)e# him(**$tea#ily( +owerf%lly( re$i$tle$$ly(**e)er $ince he 'o%ght himC "a$ there not a $+irit in him which( $ilent a$ it wa$( '%rne# on him li-e the fire$ of +er#itionC AI 0hate0 himDA $ai# Legree( that night( a$ he $at %+ in hi$ 'e#3 AI 0hate0 himD An# i$n't he MINEC Can't I #o what I li-e with himC "ho'$ to hin#er( I won#erCA An# Legree clenche# hi$ fi$t( an# $hoo- it( a$ if he ha# $omething in hi$ han#$ that he co%l# ren# in +iece$. B%t( then( Tom wa$ a faithf%l( )al%a'le $er)ant3 an#( altho%gh Legree hate# him the more for that( yet the con$i#eration wa$ $till $omewhat of a re$traint to him. The ne1t morning( he #etermine# to $ay nothing( a$ yet3 to a$$em'le a +arty( from $ome neigh'oring +lantation$( with #og$ an# g%n$3 to $%rro%n# the $wam+( an# go a'o%t the h%nt $y$tematically. If it $%ccee#e#( well an# goo#3 if not( he wo%l# $%mmon Tom 'efore him( an#**hi$ teeth clenche# an# hi$ 'loo# 'oile#**0then0 he wo%l# 'reathe fellow #own( or**there wa$ a #ire inwar# whi$+er( to which hi$ $o%l a$$ente#. Be $ay that the 0intere$t0 of the ma$ter i$ a $%fficient $afeg%ar# for the $la)e. In the f%ry of man'$ ma# will( he will wittingly( an# with o+en eye( $ell hi$ own $o%l to the #e)il to gain hi$ en#$3 an# will he 'e more caref%l of hi$ neigh'or'$ 'o#yC

A"ell(A $ai# Ca$$y( the ne1t #ay( from the garret( a$ $he reconnoitre# thro%gh the -not*hole( Athe h%nt'$ going to 'egin again( to#ayDA Three or fo%r mo%nte# hor$emen were c%r)etting a'o%t( on the $+ace in front of the ho%$e3 an# one or two lea$he$ of $trange #og$ were $tr%ggling with the negroe$ who hel# them( 'aying an# 'ar-ing at each other. The men are( two of them( o)er$eer$ of +lantation$ in the )icinity3 an# other$ were $ome of Legree'$ a$$ociate$ at the ta)ern*'ar of a neigh'oring city( who ha# come for the intere$t of the $+ort. A more har#*fa)ore# $et( +erha+$( co%l# not 'e imagine#. Legree wa$ $er)ing 'ran#y( +rof%$ely( ro%n# among them( a$ al$o among the negroe$( who ha# 'een #etaile# from the )ario%$ +lantation$ for thi$ $er)ice3 for it wa$ an o'/ect to ma-e e)ery $er)ice of thi$ -in#( among the negroe$( a$ m%ch of a holi#ay a$ +o$$i'le. Ca$$y +lace# her ear at the -not*hole3 an#( a$ the morning air 'lew #irectly towar#$ the ho%$e( $he co%l# o)erhear a goo# #eal of the con)er$ation. A gra)e $neer o)erca$t the #ar-( $e)ere gra)ity of her face( a$ $he li$tene#( an# hear# them #i)i#e o%t the gro%n#( #i$c%$$ the ri)al merit$ of the #og$( gi)e or#er$ a'o%t firing( an# the treatment of each( in ca$e of ca+t%re. Ca$$y #rew 'ac-3 an#( cla$+ing her han#$( loo-e# %+war#( an# $ai#( AO( great Almighty 5o#D we are 0all0 $inner$3 '%t what ha)e 0we0 #one( more than all the re$t of the worl#( that we $ho%l# 'e treate# $oCA There wa$ a terri'le earne$tne$$ in her face an# )oice( a$ $he $+o-e. AIf it wa$n't for 0yo%0( chil#(A $he $ai#( loo-ing at Emmeline( AI'# 0go0 o%t to them3 an# I'# than- any one of them that 0wo%l#0 $hoot me #own3 for what %$e will free#om 'e to meC Can it gi)e me 'ac- my chil#ren( or ma-e me what I %$e# to 'eCA Emmeline( in her chil#*li-e $im+licity( wa$ half afrai# of the #armoo#$ of Ca$$y. She loo-e# +er+le1e#( '%t ma#e no an$wer. She only tooher han#( with a gentle( care$$ing mo)ement. AFon'tDA $ai# Ca$$y( trying to #raw it away3 Ayo%'ll get me to lo)ing yo%3 an# I ne)er mean to lo)e anything( againDA A oor Ca$$yDA $ai# Emmeline( A#on't feel $oD If the Lor# gi)e$ %$ li'erty( +erha+$ he'll gi)e yo% 'ac- yo%r #a%ghter3 at any rate( I'll 'e li-e a #a%ghter to yo%. I -now I'll ne)er $ee my +oor ol# mother againD I $hall lo)e yo%( Ca$$y( whether yo% lo)e me or notDA The gentle( chil#*li-e $+irit con2%ere#. Ca$$y $at #own 'y her( +%t her arm ro%n# her nec-( $tro-e# her $oft( 'rown hair3 an# Emmeline then won#ere# at the 'ea%ty of her magnificent eye$( now $oft with tear$. AO( EmDA $ai# Ca$$y( AI')e h%ngere# for my chil#ren( an# thir$te# for them( an# my eye$ fail with longing for themD HereD hereDA $he $ai#( $tri-ing her 'rea$t( Ait'$ all #e$olate( all em+tyD If 5o# wo%l# gi)e me

'ac- my chil#ren( then I co%l# +ray.A ABo% m%$t tr%$t him( Ca$$y(A $ai# Emmeline3 Ahe i$ o%r &atherDA AHi$ wrath i$ %+on %$(A $ai# Ca$$y3 Ahe ha$ t%rne# away in anger.A ANo( Ca$$yD He will 'e goo# to %$D Let %$ ho+e in Him(A $ai# Emmeline(**AI alway$ ha)e ha# ho+e.A The h%nt wa$ long( animate#( an# thoro%gh( '%t %n$%cce$$f%l3 an#( with gra)e( ironic e1%ltation( Ca$$y loo-e# #own on Legree( a$( weary an# #i$+irite#( he alighte# from hi$ hor$e. ANow( N%im'o(A $ai# Legree( a$ he $tretche# him$elf #own in the $itting*room( Ayo% /e$t go an# wal- that Tom %+ here( right awayD The ol# c%$$ i$ at the 'ottom of thi$ yer whole matter3 an# I'll ha)e it o%t of hi$ ol# 'lac- hi#e( or I'll -now the rea$on whyDA Sam'o an# N%im'o( 'oth( tho%gh hating each other( were /oine# in one min# 'y a no le$$ cor#ial hatre# of Tom. Legree ha# tol# them( at fir$t( that he ha# 'o%ght him for a general o)er$eer( in hi$ a'$ence3 an# thi$ ha# 'eg%n an ill will( on their +art( which ha# increa$e#( in their #e'a$e# an# $er)ile nat%re$( a$ they $aw him 'ecoming o'no1io%$ to their ma$ter'$ #i$+lea$%re. N%im'o( therefore( #e+arte#( with a will( to e1ec%te hi$ or#er$. Tom hear# the me$$age with a forewarning heart3 for he -new all the +lan of the f%giti)e$' e$ca+e( an# the +lace of their +re$ent concealment3**he -new the #ea#ly character of the man he ha# to #eal with( an# hi$ #e$+otic +ower. B%t he felt $trong in 5o# to meet #eath( rather than 'etray the hel+le$$. He $at hi$ 'a$-et #own 'y the row( an#( loo-ing %+( $ai#( AInto thy han#$ I commen# my $+iritD Tho% ha$t re#eeme# me( oh Lor# 5o# of tr%thDA an# then 2%ietly yiel#e# him$elf to the ro%gh( 'r%tal gra$+ with which N%im'o $ei4e# him. AAy( ayDA $ai# the giant( a$ he #ragge# him along3 Aye'll cotch it( nowD I'll 'o%n' Ma$'r'$ 'ac- '$ %+ 0highD0 No $nea-ing o%t( nowD Tell ye( ye'll get it( an# no mi$ta-eD See how ye'll loo-( now( hel+in' Ma$'r'$ nigger$ to r%n awayD See what ye'll getDA The $a)age wor#$ none of them reache# that earD**a higher )oice there wa$ $aying( A&ear not them that -ill the 'o#y( an#( after that( ha)e no more that they can #o.A Ner)e an# 'one of that +oor man'$ 'o#y )i'rate# to tho$e wor#$( a$ if to%che# 'y the finger of 5o#3 an# he felt the $trength of a tho%$an# $o%l$ in one. A$ he +a$$e# along( the tree$ an# '%$he$( the h%t$ of hi$ $er)it%#e( the whole $cene of hi$ #egra#ation( $eeme# to whirl 'y him a$ the lan#$ca+e 'y the r%$hing ear. Hi$ $o%l thro''e#(**hi$ home wa$ in $ight(**an# the ho%r of relea$e $eeme# at han#. A"ell( TomDA $ai# Legree( wal-ing %+( an# $ei4ing him grimly 'y the collar of hi$ coat( an# $+ea-ing thro%gh hi$ teeth( in a +aro1y$m of

#etermine# rage( A#o yo% -now I')e ma#e %+ my min# to ,ILL BOUCA AIt'$ )ery li-ely( Ma$'r(A $ai# Tom( calmly. AI 0ha)e0(A $ai# Legree( with a grim( terri'le calmne$$( A0#one**/%$t**that**thing0( Tom( %nle$$ yo%'ll tell me what yo% -now a'o%t the$e yer gal$DA Tom $too# $ilent. AF'ye hearCA $ai# Legree( $tam+ing( with a roar li-e that of an incen$e# lion. AS+ea-DA A0I han't got nothing to tell( Ma$'r0(A $ai# Tom( with a $low( firm( #eli'erate %tterance. AFo yo% #are to tell me( ye ol# 'lac- Chri$tian( ye #on't 0-now0CA $ai# Legree. Tom wa$ $ilent. AS+ea-DA th%n#ere# Legree( $tri-ing him f%rio%$ly. AFo yo% -now anythingCA AI -now( Ma$'r3 '%t I can't tell anything. 0I can #ieD0A Legree #rew in a long 'reath3 an#( $%++re$$ing hi$ rage( too- Tom 'y the arm( an#( a++roaching hi$ face almo$t to hi$( $ai#( in a terri'le )oice( AHar- 'e( TomD**ye thin-( 'ca%$e I')e let yo% off 'efore( I #on't mean what I $ay3 '%t( thi$ time( 0I')e ma#e %+ my min#0( an# co%nte# the co$t. Bo%')e alway$ $too# it o%t again' meI now( 0I'll con2%er ye( or -ill yeD0**one or t' other. I'll co%nt e)ery #ro+ of 'loo# there i$ in yo%( an# ta-e 'em( one 'y one( till ye gi)e %+DA Tom loo-e# %+ to hi$ ma$ter( an# an$were#( AMa$'r( if yo% wa$ $ic-( or in tro%'le( or #ying( an# I co%l# $a)e ye( I'# 0gi)e0 ye my heart'$ 'loo#3 an#( if ta-ing e)ery #ro+ of 'loo# in thi$ +oor ol# 'o#y wo%l# $a)e yo%r +recio%$ $o%l( I'# gi)e 'em freely( a$ the Lor# ga)e hi$ for me. O( Ma$'rD #on't 'ring thi$ great $in on yo%r $o%lD It will h%rt yo% more than 't will meD Fo the wor$t yo% can( my tro%'le$'ll 'e o)er $oon3 '%t( if ye #on't re+ent( yo%r$ won't 0ne)er0 en#DA Li-e a $trange $natch of hea)enly m%$ic( hear# in the l%ll of a tem+e$t( thi$ '%r$t of feeling ma#e a moment'$ 'lan- +a%$e. Legree $too# agha$t( an# loo-e# at Tom3 an# there wa$ $%ch a $ilence( that the tic- of the ol# cloc- co%l# 'e hear#( mea$%ring( with $ilent to%ch( the la$t moment$ of mercy an# +ro'ation to that har#ene# heart. It wa$ '%t a moment. There wa$ one he$itating +a%$e(**one irre$ol%te( relenting thrill(**an# the $+irit of e)il came 'ac-( with $e)en*fol# )ehemence3 an# Legree( foaming with rage( $mote hi$ )ictim to the gro%n#. Scene$ of 'loo# an# cr%elty are $hoc-ing to o%r ear an# heart. "hat

man ha$ ner)e to #o( man ha$ not ner)e to hear. "hat 'rother*man an# 'rother*Chri$tian m%$t $%ffer( cannot 'e tol# %$( e)en in o%r $ecret cham'er( it $o harrow$ the $o%lD An# yet( oh my co%ntryD the$e thing$ are #one %n#er the $ha#ow of thy law$D O( Chri$tD thy ch%rch $ee$ them( almo$t in $ilenceD B%t( of ol#( there wa$ One who$e $%ffering change# an in$tr%ment of tort%re( #egra#ation an# $hame( into a $ym'ol of glory( honor( an# immortal life3 an#( where Hi$ $+irit i$( neither #egra#ing $tri+e$( nor 'loo#( nor in$%lt$( can ma-e the Chri$tian'$ la$t $tr%ggle le$$ than glorio%$. "a$ he alone( that long night( who$e 'ra)e( lo)ing $+irit wa$ 'earing %+( in that ol# $he#( again$t '%ffeting an# 'r%tal $tri+e$C NayD There $too# 'y him ONE(**$een 'y him alone(**Ali-e %nto the Son of 5o#.A The tem+ter $too# 'y him( too(**'lin#e# 'y f%rio%$( #e$+otic will(**e)ery moment +re$$ing him to $h%n that agony 'y the 'etrayal of the innocent. B%t the 'ra)e( tr%e heart wa$ firm on the Eternal !oc-. Li-e hi$ Ma$ter( he -new that( if he $a)e# other$( him$elf he co%l# not $a)e3 nor co%l# %tmo$t e1tremity wring from him wor#$( $a)e of +rayer$ an# holy tr%$t. AHe'$ mo$t gone( Ma$'r(A $ai# Sam'o( to%che#( in $+ite of him$elf( 'y the +atience of hi$ )ictim. A ay away( till he gi)e$ %+D 5i)e it to himD**gi)e it to himDA $ho%te# Legree. AI'll ta-e e)ery #ro+ of 'loo# he ha$( %nle$$ he confe$$e$DA Tom o+ene# hi$ eye$( an# loo-e# %+on hi$ ma$ter. ABe +oor mi$era'le critterDA he $ai#( Athere ain't no more ye can #oD I forgi)e ye( with all my $o%lDA an# he fainte# entirely away. AI ''lie)e( my $o%l( he'$ #one for( finally(A $ai# Legree( $te++ing forwar#( to loo- at him. ABe$( he i$D "ell( hi$ mo%th'$ $h%t %+( at la$t(**that'$ one comfortDA Be$( Legree3 '%t who $hall $h%t %+ that )oice in thy $o%lC that $o%l( +a$t re+entance( +a$t +rayer( +a$t ho+e( in whom the fire that ne)er $hall 'e 2%enche# i$ alrea#y '%rningD Bet Tom wa$ not 2%ite gone. Hi$ won#ro%$ wor#$ an# +io%$ +rayer$ ha# $tr%c- %+on the heart$ of the im'r%te# 'lac-$( who ha# 'een the in$tr%ment$ of cr%elty %+on him3 an#( the in$tant Legree with#rew( they too- him #own( an#( in their ignorance( $o%ght to call him 'ac- to life(**a$ if 0that0 were any fa)or to him. ASartin( we '$ 'een #oin' a #reff%l wic-e# thingDA $ai# Sam'o3 Aho+e$ Ma$'r'll ha)e to 'co%nt for it( an# not we.A They wa$he# hi$ wo%n#$(**they +ro)i#e# a r%#e 'e#( of $ome ref%$e cotton( for him to lie #own on3 an# one of them( $tealing %+ to the ho%$e( 'egge# a #rin- of 'ran#y of Legree( +reten#ing that he wa$ tire#(

an# wante# it for him$elf. He 'ro%ght it 'ac-( an# +o%re# it #own Tom'$ throat. AO( TomDA $ai# N%im'o( Awe'$ 'een awf%l wic-e# to yeDA AI forgi)e ye( with all my heartDA $ai# Tom( faintly. AO( TomD #o tell %$ who i$ 0Ee$%$0( anyhowCA $ai# Sam'o3**AEe$%$( that'$ 'een a $tan#in' 'y yo% $o( all thi$ nightD**"ho i$ heCA The wor# ro%$e# the failing( fainting $+irit. He +o%re# forth a few energetic $entence$ of that won#ro%$ One(**hi$ life( hi$ #eath( hi$ e)erla$ting +re$ence( an# +ower to $a)e. They we+t(**'oth the two $a)age men. A"hy #i#n't I ne)er hear thi$ 'eforeCA $ai# Sam'o3 A'%t I #o 'elie)eD**I can't hel+ itD Lor# Ee$%$( ha)e mercy on %$DA A oor critter$DA $ai# Tom( AI'# 'e willing to 'ar' all I ha)e( if it'll only 'ring ye to Chri$tD O( Lor#D gi)e me the$e two more $o%l$( I +rayDA That +rayer wa$ an$were#D

CHA TE! KLI The Bo%ng Ma$ter Two #ay$ after( a yo%ng man #ro)e a light wagon %+ thro%gh the a)en%e of China tree$( an#( throwing the rein$ ha$tily on the hor$e'$ nec-( $+rang o%t an# in2%ire# for the owner of the +lace. It wa$ 5eorge Shel'y3 an#( to $how how he came to 'e there( we m%$t go 'ac- in o%r $tory. The letter of Mi$$ O+helia to Mr$. Shel'y ha#( 'y $ome %nfort%nate acci#ent( 'een #etaine#( for a month or two( at $ome remote +o$t*office( 'efore it reache# it$ #e$tination3 an#( of co%r$e( 'efore it wa$ recei)e#( Tom wa$ alrea#y lo$t to )iew among the #i$tant $wam+$ of the !e# ri)er. Mr$. Shel'y rea# the intelligence with the #ee+e$t concern3 '%t any imme#iate action %+on it wa$ an im+o$$i'ility. She wa$ then in atten#ance on the $ic-*'e# of her h%$'an#( who lay #elirio%$ in the cri$i$ of a fe)er. Ma$ter 5eorge Shel'y( who( in the inter)al( ha# change# from a 'oy to a tall yo%ng man( wa$ her con$tant an# faithf%l a$$i$tant( an# her only reliance in $%+erinten#ing hi$ father'$ affair$. Mi$$ O+helia ha# ta-en the +reca%tion to $en# them the name of the lawyer who #i# '%$ine$$ for the St. Clare$3 an# the mo$t that( in the emergency( co%l# 'e #one( wa$ to a##re$$ a letter of in2%iry to him. The $%##en #eath of Mr. Shel'y( a few #ay$ after( 'ro%ght( of co%r$e( an a'$or'ing +re$$%re of other intere$t$( for a $ea$on.

Mr. Shel'y $howe# hi$ confi#ence in hi$ wife'$ a'ility( 'y a++ointing her $ole e1ec%tri1 %+on hi$ e$tate$3 an# th%$ imme#iately a large an# com+licate# amo%nt of '%$ine$$ wa$ 'ro%ght %+on her han#$. Mr$. Shel'y( with characteri$tic energy( a++lie# her$elf to the wor- of $traightening the entangle# we' of affair$3 an# $he an# 5eorge were for $ome time occ%+ie# with collecting an# e1amining acco%nt$( $elling +ro+erty an# $ettling #e't$3 for Mr$. Shel'y wa$ #etermine# that e)erything $ho%l# 'e 'ro%ght into tangi'le an# recogni4a'le $ha+e( let the con$e2%ence$ to her +ro)e what they might. In the mean time( they recei)e# a letter from the lawyer to whom Mi$$ O+helia ha# referre# them( $aying that he -new nothing of the matter3 that the man wa$ $ol# at a +%'lic a%ction( an# that( 'eyon# recei)ing the money( he -new nothing of the affair. Neither 5eorge nor Mr$. Shel'y co%l# 'e ea$y at thi$ re$%lt3 an#( accor#ingly( $ome $i1 month$ after( the latter( ha)ing '%$ine$$ for hi$ mother( #own the ri)er( re$ol)e# to )i$it New Orlean$( in +er$on( an# +%$h hi$ in2%irie$( in ho+e$ of #i$co)ering Tom'$ wherea'o%t$( an# re$toring him. After $ome month$ of %n$%cce$$f%l $earch( 'y the mere$t acci#ent( 5eorge fell in with a man( in New Orlean$( who ha++ene# to 'e +o$$e$$e# of the #e$ire# information3 an# with hi$ money in hi$ +oc-et( o%r hero too$team'oat for !e# ri)er( re$ol)ing to fin# o%t an# re*+%rcha$e hi$ ol# frien#. He wa$ $oon intro#%ce# into the ho%$e( where he fo%n# Legree in the $itting*room. Legree recei)e# the $tranger with a -in# of $%rly ho$+itality( AI %n#er$tan#(A $ai# the yo%ng man( Athat yo% 'o%ght( in New Orlean$( a 'oy( name# Tom. He %$e# to 'e on my father'$ +lace( an# I came to $ee if I co%l#n't '%y him 'ac-.A Legree'$ 'row grew #ar-( an# he 'ro-e o%t( +a$$ionatelyI ABe$( I #i# '%y $%ch a fellow(**an# a h**l of a 'argain I ha# of it( tooD The mo$t re'ellio%$( $a%cy( im+%#ent #ogD Set %+ my nigger$ to r%n away3 got off two gal$( worth eight h%n#re# or a tho%$an# a+iece. He owne# to that( an#( when I 'i# him tell me where they wa$( he %+ an# $ai# he -new( '%t he wo%l#n't tell3 an# $too# to it( tho%gh I ga)e him the c%$$e#e$t flogging I e)er ga)e nigger yet. I ''lie)e he'$ trying to #ie3 '%t I #on't -now a$ he'll ma-e it o%t.A A"here i$ heCA $ai# 5eorge( im+et%o%$ly. ALet me $ee him.A The chee-$ of the yo%ng man were crim$on( an# hi$ eye$ fla$he# fire3 '%t he +r%#ently $ai# nothing( a$ yet. AHe'$ in #at ar $he#(A $ai# a little fellow( who $too# hol#ing 5eorge'$ hor$e. Legree -ic-e# the 'oy( an# $wore at him3 '%t 5eorge( witho%t $aying another wor#( t%rne# an# $tro#e to the $+ot.

Tom ha# 'een lying two #ay$ $ince the fatal night( not $%ffering( for e)ery ner)e of $%ffering wa$ 'l%nte# an# #e$troye#. He lay( for the mo$t +art( in a 2%iet $t%+or3 for the law$ of a +owerf%l an# well*-nit frame wo%l# not at once relea$e the im+ri$one# $+irit. By $tealth( there ha# 'een there( in the #ar-ne$$ of the night( +oor #e$olate# creat%re$( who $tole from their $canty ho%r$' re$t( that they might re+ay to him $ome of tho$e mini$tration$ of lo)e in which he ha# alway$ 'een $o a'%n#ant. Tr%ly( tho$e +oor #i$ci+le$ ha# little to gi)e(**only the c%+ of col# water3 '%t it wa$ gi)en with f%ll heart$. Tear$ ha# fallen on that hone$t( in$en$i'le face(**tear$ of late re+entance in the +oor( ignorant heathen( whom hi$ #ying lo)e an# +atience ha# awa-ene# to re+entance( an# 'itter +rayer$( 'reathe# o)er him to a late*fo%n# Sa)io%r( of whom they $carce -new more than the name( '%t whom the yearning ignorant heart of man ne)er im+lore$ in )ain. Ca$$y( who ha# gli#e# o%t of her +lace of concealment( an#( 'y o)erhearing( learne# the $acrifice that ha# 'een ma#e for her an# Emmeline( ha# 'een there( the night 'efore( #efying the #anger of #etection3 an#( mo)e# 'y the la$t few wor#$ which the affectionate $o%l ha# yet $trength to 'reathe( the long winter of #e$+air( the ice of year$( ha# gi)en way( an# the #ar-( #e$+airing woman ha# we+t an# +raye#. "hen 5eorge entere# the $he#( he felt hi$ hea# gi##y an# hi$ heart $ic-. AI$ it +o$$i'le(**i$ it +o$$i'leCA $ai# he( -neeling #own 'y him. AUncle Tom( my +oor( +oor ol# frien#DA Something in the )oice +enetrate# to the ear of the #ying. He mo)e# hi$ hea# gently( $mile#( an# $ai#( AEe$%$ can ma-e a #ying*'e# &eel $oft a$ #own +illow$ are.A Tear$ which #i# honor to hi$ manly heart fell from the yo%ng man'$ eye$( a$ he 'ent o)er hi$ +oor frien#. AO( #ear Uncle TomD #o wa-e(**#o $+ea- once moreD Loo- %+D Here'$ Ma$'r 5eorge(**yo%r own little Ma$'r 5eorge. Fon't yo% -now meCA AMa$'r 5eorgeDA $ai# Tom( o+ening hi$ eye$( an# $+ea-ing in a fee'le )oice3 AMa$'r 5eorgeDA He loo-e# 'ewil#ere#. Slowly the i#ea $eeme# to fill hi$ $o%l3 an# the )acant eye 'ecame fi1e# an# 'rightene#( the whole face lighte# %+( the har# han#$ cla$+e#( an# tear$ ran #own the chee-$. ABle$$ the Lor#D it i$(**it i$(**it'$ all I wante#D They ha)en't forgot me. It warm$ my $o%l3 it #oe$ my heart goo#D Now I $hall #ie contentD Ble$$ the Lor#( on my $o%lDA ABo% $han't #ieD yo% 0m%$tn't0 #ie( nor thin- of itD I')e come to '%y

yo%( an# ta-e yo% home(A $ai# 5eorge( with im+et%o%$ )ehemence. AO( Ma$'r 5eorge( ye're too late. The Lor#'$ 'o%ght me( an# i$ going to ta-e me home(**an# I long to go. Hea)en i$ 'etter than ,int%c-.A AO( #on't #ieD It'll -ill meD**it'll 'rea- my heart to thin- what yo%')e $%ffere#(**an# lying in thi$ ol# $he#( hereD oor( +oor fellowDA AFon't call me +oor fellowDA $ai# Tom( $olemnly( AI 0ha)e0 'een +oor fellow3 '%t that'$ all +a$t an# gone( now. I'm right in the #oor( going into gloryD O( Ma$'r 5eorgeD 0Hea)en ha$ comeD0 I')e got the )ictoryD**the Lor# Ee$%$ ha$ gi)en it to meD 5lory 'e to Hi$ nameDA 5eorge wa$ awe*$tr%c- at the force( the )ehemence( the +ower( with which the$e 'ro-en $entence$ were %ttere#. He $at ga4ing in $ilence. Tom gra$+e# hi$ han#( an# contin%e#(**ABe m%$tn't( now( tell Chloe( +oor $o%lD how ye fo%n# me3**'t wo%l# 'e $o #reff%l to her. Only tell her ye fo%n# me going into glory3 an# that I co%l#n't $tay for no one. An# tell her the Lor#'$ $too# 'y me e)erywhere an# al'ay$( an# ma#e e)erything light an# ea$y. An# oh( the +oor chil'en( an# the 'a'y3**my ol# heart'$ 'een mo$t 'ro-e for 'em( time an# aginD Tell 'em all to follow me**follow meD 5i)e my lo)e to Ma$'r( an# #ear goo# Mi$$i$( an# e)ery'o#y in the +laceD Be #on't -nowD ' ear$ li-e I lo)e$ 'em allD I lo)e$ e)ery creat%re e)erywharD**it'$ nothing 0'%t0 lo)eD O( Ma$'r 5eorgeD what a thing 't i$ to 'e a Chri$tianDA At thi$ moment( Legree $a%ntere# %+ to the #oor of the $he#( loo-e# in( with a #ogge# air of affecte# carele$$ne$$( an# t%rne# away. AThe ol# $atanDA $ai# 5eorge( in hi$ in#ignation. AIt'$ a comfort to thin- the #e)il will +ay 0him0 for thi$( $ome of the$e #ay$DA AO( #on'tD**oh( ye m%$tn'tDA $ai# Tom( gra$+ing hi$ han#3 Ahe'$ a +oor mi$'a'le critterD it'$ awf%l to thin- on 'tD Oh( if he only co%l# re+ent( the Lor# wo%l# forgi)e him now3 '%t I'm 'feare# he ne)er willDA AI ho+e he won'tDA $ai# 5eorge3 AI ne)er want to $ee 0him0 in hea)enDA AH%$h( Ma$'r 5eorgeD**it worrie$ meD Fon't feel $oD He an't #one me no real harm(**only o+ene# the gate of the -ing#om for me3 that'$ allDA At thi$ moment( the $%##en fl%$h of $trength which the /oy of meeting hi$ yo%ng ma$ter ha# inf%$e# into the #ying man ga)e way. A $%##en $in-ing fell %+on him3 he clo$e# hi$ eye$3 an# that my$terio%$ an# $%'lime change +a$$e# o)er hi$ face( that tol# the a++roach of other worl#$. He 'egan to #raw hi$ 'reath with long( #ee+ in$+iration$3 an# hi$ 'roa# che$t ro$e an# fell( hea)ily. The e1+re$$ion of hi$ face wa$ that of a con2%eror. A"ho(**who(**who $hall $e+arate %$ from the lo)e of Chri$tCA he $ai#( in a )oice that conten#e# with mortal wea-ne$$3 an#( with a $mile( he fell a$lee+.

5eorge $at fi1e# with $olemn awe. It $eeme# to him that the +lace wa$ holy3 an#( a$ he clo$e# the lifele$$ eye$( an# ro$e %+ from the #ea#( only one tho%ght +o$$e$$e# him(**that e1+re$$e# 'y hi$ $im+le ol# frien#(**A"hat a thing it i$ to 'e a Chri$tianDA He t%rne#I Legree wa$ $tan#ing( $%llenly( 'ehin# him. Something in that #ying $cene ha# chec-e# the nat%ral fiercene$$ of yo%thf%l +a$$ion. The +re$ence of the man wa$ $im+ly loath$ome to 5eorge3 an# he felt only an im+%l$e to get away from him( with a$ few wor#$ a$ +o$$i'le. &i1ing hi$ -een #ar- eye$ on Legree( he $im+ly $ai#( +ointing to the #ea#( ABo% ha)e got all yo% e)er can of him. "hat $hall I +ay yo% for the 'o#yC I will ta-e it away( an# '%ry it #ecently.A AI #on't $ell #ea# nigger$(A $ai# Legree( #ogge#ly. ABo% are welcome to '%ry him where an# when yo% li-e.A ABoy$(A $ai# 5eorge( in an a%thoritati)e tone( to two or three negroe$( who were loo-ing at the 'o#y( Ahel+ me lift him %+( an# carry him to my wagon3 an# get me a $+a#e.A One of them ran for a $+a#e3 the other two a$$i$te# 5eorge to carry the 'o#y to the wagon. 5eorge neither $+o-e to nor loo-e# at Legree( who #i# not co%nterman# hi$ or#er$( '%t $too#( whi$tling( with an air of force# %nconcern. He $%l-ily followe# them to where the wagon $too# at the #oor. 5eorge $+rea# hi$ cloa- in the wagon( an# ha# the 'o#y caref%lly #i$+o$e# of in it(**mo)ing the $eat( $o a$ to gi)e it room. Then he t%rne#( fi1e# hi$ eye$ on Legree( an# $ai#( with force# com+o$%re( AI ha)e not( a$ yet( $ai# to yo% what I thin- of thi$ mo$t atrocio%$ affair3**thi$ i$ not the time an# +lace. B%t( $ir( thi$ innocent 'loo# $hall ha)e /%$tice. I will +roclaim thi$ m%r#er. I will go to the )ery fir$t magi$trate( an# e1+o$e yo%.A AFoDA $ai# Legree( $na++ing hi$ finger$( $cornf%lly. AI'# li-e to $ee yo% #oing it. "here yo% going to get witne$$e$C**how yo% going to +ro)e itC**Come( nowDA 5eorge $aw( at once( the force of thi$ #efiance. There wa$ not a white +er$on on the +lace3 an#( in all $o%thern co%rt$( the te$timony of colore# 'loo# i$ nothing. He felt( at that moment( a$ if he co%l# ha)e rent the hea)en$ with hi$ heart'$ in#ignant cry for /%$tice3 '%t in )ain. AAfter all( what a f%$$( for a #ea# niggerDA $ai# Legree. The wor# wa$ a$ a $+ar- to a +ow#er maga4ine. r%#ence wa$ ne)er a car#inal )irt%e of the ,ent%c-y 'oy. 5eorge t%rne#( an#( with one in#ignant 'low( -noc-e# Legree flat %+on hi$ face3 an#( a$ he $too#

o)er him( 'la4ing with wrath an# #efiance( he wo%l# ha)e forme# no 'a# +er$onification of hi$ great name$a-e tri%m+hing o)er the #ragon. Some men( howe)er( are #eci#e#ly 'ettere# 'y 'eing -noc-e# #own. If a man lay$ them fairly flat in the #%$t( they $eem imme#iately to concei)e a re$+ect for him3 an# Legree wa$ one of thi$ $ort. A$ he ro$e( therefore( an# 'r%$he# the #%$t from hi$ clothe$( he eye# the $lowly*retreating wagon with $ome e)i#ent con$i#eration3 nor #i# he o+en hi$ mo%th till it wa$ o%t of $ight. Beyon# the 'o%n#arie$ of the +lantation( 5eorge ha# notice# a #ry( $an#y -noll( $ha#e# 'y a few tree$3 there they ma#e the gra)e. AShall we ta-e off the cloa-( Ma$'rCA $ai# the negroe$( when the gra)e wa$ rea#y. ANo( no(**'%ry it with himD It'$ all I can gi)e yo%( now( +oor Tom( an# yo% $hall ha)e it.A They lai# him in3 an# the men $ho)elle# away( $ilently. They 'an-e# it %+( an# lai# green t%rf o)er it. ABo% may go( 'oy$(A $ai# 5eorge( $li++ing a 2%arter into the han# of each. They lingere# a'o%t( howe)er. AIf yo%ng Ma$'r wo%l# +lea$e '%y %$**A $ai# one. A"e'# $er)e him $o faithf%lDA $ai# the other. AHar# time$ here( Ma$'rDA $ai# the fir$t. AFo( Ma$'r( '%y %$( +lea$eDA AI can'tD**I can'tDA $ai# 5eorge( with #iffic%lty( motioning them off3 Ait'$ im+o$$i'leDA The +oor fellow$ loo-e# #e/ecte#( an# wal-e# off in $ilence. A"itne$$( eternal 5o#DA $ai# 5eorge( -neeling on the gra)e of hi$ +oor frien#3 Aoh( witne$$( that( from thi$ ho%r( I will #o 0what one man can0 to #ri)e o%t thi$ c%r$e of $la)ery from my lan#DA There i$ no mon%ment to mar- the la$t re$ting*+lace of o%r frien#. He nee#$ noneD Hi$ Lor# -now$ where he lie$( an# will rai$e him %+( immortal( to a++ear with him when he $hall a++ear in hi$ glory. ity him notD S%ch a life an# #eath i$ not for +ityD Not in the riche$ of omni+otence i$ the chief glory of 5o#3 '%t in $elf*#enying( $%ffering lo)eD An# 'le$$e# are the men whom he call$ to fellow$hi+ with him( 'earing their cro$$ after him with +atience. Of $%ch it i$ written( ABle$$e# are they that mo%rn( for they $hall 'e comforte#.A

CHA TE! KLII An A%thentic 5ho$t Story

&or $ome remar-a'le rea$on( gho$tly legen#$ were %ncommonly rife( a'o%t thi$ time( among the $er)ant$ on Legree'$ +lace. It wa$ whi$+eringly a$$erte# that foot$te+$( in the #ea# of night( ha# 'een hear# #e$cen#ing the garret $tair$( an# +atrolling the ho%$e. In )ain the #oor$ of the %++er entry ha# 'een loc-e#3 the gho$t either carrie# a #%+licate -ey in it$ +oc-et( or a)aile# it$elf of a gho$t'$ immemorial +ri)ilege of coming thro%gh the -eyhole( an# +romena#e# a$ 'efore( with a free#om that wa$ alarming. A%thoritie$ were $omewhat #i)i#e#( a$ to the o%twar# form of the $+irit( owing to a c%$tom 2%ite +re)alent among negroe$(**an#( for a%ght we -now( among white$( too(**of in)aria'ly $h%tting the eye$( an# co)ering %+ hea#$ %n#er 'lan-et$( +etticoat$( or whate)er el$e might come in %$e for a $helter( on the$e occa$ion$. Of co%r$e( a$ e)ery'o#y -now$( when the 'o#ily eye$ are th%$ o%t of the li$t$( the $+irit%al eye$ are %ncommonly )i)acio%$ an# +er$+ic%o%$3 an#( therefore( there were a'%n#ance of f%ll*length +ortrait$ of the gho$t( a'%n#antly $worn an# te$tifie# to( which( a$ if often the ca$e with +ortrait$( agree# with each other in no +artic%lar( e1ce+t the common family +ec%liarity of the gho$t tri'e(**the wearing of a 0white $heet0. The +oor $o%l$ were not )er$e# in ancient hi$tory( an# #i# not -now that Sha-$+eare ha# a%thenticate# thi$ co$t%me( 'y telling how AThe $heete# #ea# Fi# $2%ea- an# gi''er in the $treet$ of !ome.A6 6 0Hamlet0( Act I( $cene 8( line$ 88;*88@ An#( therefore( their all hitting %+on thi$ i$ a $tri-ing fact in +ne%matology( which we recommen# to the attention of $+irit%al me#ia generally. Be it a$ it may( we ha)e +ri)ate rea$on$ for -nowing that a tall fig%re in a white $heet #i# wal-( at the mo$t a++ro)e# gho$tly ho%r$( aro%n# the Legree +remi$e$(**+a$$ o%t the #oor$( gli#e a'o%t the ho%$e(**#i$a++ear at inter)al$( an#( rea++earing( +a$$ %+ the $ilent $tairway( into that fatal garret3 an# that( in the morning( the entry #oor$ were all fo%n# $h%t an# loc-e# a$ firm a$ e)er. Legree co%l# not hel+ o)erhearing thi$ whi$+ering3 an# it wa$ all the more e1citing to him( from the +ain$ that were ta-en to conceal it from him. He #ran- more 'ran#y than %$%al3 hel# %+ hi$ hea# 'ri$-ly( an# $wore lo%#er than e)er in the #aytime3 '%t he ha# 'a# #ream$( an# the )i$ion$ of hi$ hea# on hi$ 'e# were anything '%t agreea'le. The night after Tom'$ 'o#y ha# 'een carrie# away( he ro#e to the ne1t town for a caro%$e( an# ha# a high one. 5ot home late an# tire#3 loc-e# hi$ #oor( too- o%t the -ey( an# went to 'e#. After all( let a man ta-e what +ain$ he may to h%$h it #own( a h%man $o%l i$ an awf%l gho$tly( %n2%iet +o$$e$$ion( for a 'a# man to ha)e. "ho -now$ the mete$ an# 'o%n#$ of itC "ho -now$ all it$ awf%l

+erha+$e$(**tho$e $h%##ering$ an# trem'ling$( which it can no more li)e #own than it can o%tli)e it$ own eternityD "hat a fool i$ he who loc-$ hi$ #oor to -ee+ o%t $+irit$( who ha$ in hi$ own 'o$om a $+irit he #are$ not meet alone(**who$e )oice( $mothere# far #own( an# +ile# o)er with mo%ntain$ of earthline$$( i$ yet li-e the forewarning tr%m+et of #oomD B%t Legree loc-e# hi$ #oor an# $et a chair again$t it3 he $et a night*lam+ at the hea# of hi$ 'e#3 an# +%t hi$ +i$tol$ there. He e1amine# the catche$ an# fa$tening$ of the win#ow$( an# then $wore he A#i#n't care for the #e)il an# all hi$ angel$(A an# went to $lee+. "ell( he $le+t( for he wa$ tire#(**$le+t $o%n#ly. B%t( finally( there came o)er hi$ $lee+ a $ha#ow( a horror( an a++rehen$ion of $omething #rea#f%l hanging o)er him. It wa$ hi$ mother'$ $hro%#( he tho%ght3 '%t Ca$$y ha# it( hol#ing it %+( an# $howing it to him. He hear# a conf%$e# noi$e of $cream$ an# groaning$3 an#( with it all( he -new he wa$ a$lee+( an# he $tr%ggle# to wa-e him$elf. He wa$ half awa-e. He wa$ $%re $omething wa$ coming into hi$ room. He -new the #oor wa$ o+ening( '%t he co%l# not $tir han# or foot. At la$t he t%rne#( with a $tart3 the #oor 0wa$0 o+en( an# he $aw a han# +%tting o%t hi$ light. It wa$ a clo%#y( mi$ty moonlight( an# there he $aw itD**$omething white( gli#ing inD He hear# the $till r%$tle of it$ gho$tly garment$. It $too# $till 'y hi$ 'e#3**a col# han# to%che# hi$3 a )oice $ai#( three time$( in a low( fearf%l whi$+er( AComeD comeD comeDA An#( while he lay $weating with terror( he -new not when or how( the thing wa$ gone. He $+rang o%t of 'e#( an# +%lle# at the #oor. It wa$ $h%t an# loc-e#( an# the man fell #own in a $woon. After thi$( Legree 'ecame a har#er #rin-er than e)er 'efore. He no longer #ran- ca%tio%$ly( +r%#ently( '%t im+r%#ently an# rec-le$$ly. There were re+ort$ aro%n# the co%ntry( $oon after that he wa$ $ic- an# #ying. E1ce$$ ha# 'ro%ght on that frightf%l #i$ea$e that $eem$ to throw the l%ri# $ha#ow$ of a coming retri'%tion 'ac- into the +re$ent life. None co%l# 'ear the horror$ of that $ic- room( when he ra)e# an# $creame#( an# $+o-e of $ight$ which almo$t $to++e# the 'loo# of tho$e who hear# him3 an#( at hi$ #ying 'e#( $too# a $tern( white( ine1ora'le fig%re( $aying( AComeD comeD comeDA By a $ing%lar coinci#ence( on the )ery night that thi$ )i$ion a++eare# to Legree( the ho%$e*#oor wa$ fo%n# o+en in the morning( an# $ome of the negroe$ ha# $een two white fig%re$ gli#ing #own the a)en%e towar#$ the high*roa#. It wa$ near $%nri$e when Ca$$y an# Emmeline +a%$e#( for a moment( in a little -not of tree$ near the town. Ca$$y wa$ #re$$e# after the manner of the Creole S+ani$h la#ie$(**wholly in 'lac-. A $mall 'lac- 'onnet on her hea#( co)ere# 'y a )eil thicwith em'roi#ery( conceale# her face. It ha# 'een agree# that( in their e$ca+e( $he wa$ to +er$onate the character of a Creole la#y( an# Emmeline that of her $er)ant. Bro%ght %+( from early life( in connection with the highe$t $ociety( the

lang%age( mo)ement$ an# air of Ca$$y( were all in agreement with thi$ i#ea3 an# $he ha# $till eno%gh remaining with her( of a once $+len#i# war#ro'e( an# $et$ of /ewel$( to ena'le her to +er$onate the thing to a#)antage. She $to++e# in the o%t$-irt$ of the town( where $he ha# notice# tr%n-$ for $ale( an# +%rcha$e# a han#$ome one. Thi$ $he re2%e$te# the man to $en# along with her. An#( accor#ingly( th%$ e$corte# 'y a 'oy wheeling her tr%n-( an# Emmeline 'ehin# her( carrying her car+et*'ag an# $%n#ry '%n#le$( $he ma#e her a++earance at the $mall ta)ern( li-e a la#y of con$i#eration. The fir$t +er$on that $tr%c- her( after her arri)al( wa$ 5eorge Shel'y( who wa$ $taying there( awaiting the ne1t 'oat. Ca$$y ha# remar-e# the yo%ng man from her loo+hole in the garret( an# $een him 'ear away the 'o#y of Tom( an# o'$er)e# with $ecret e1%ltation( hi$ rencontre with Legree. S%'$e2%ently $he ha# gathere#( from the con)er$ation$ $he ha# o)erhear# among the negroe$( a$ $he gli#e# a'o%t in her gho$tly #i$g%i$e( after nightfall( who he wa$( an# in what relation he $too# to Tom. She( therefore( felt an imme#iate acce$$ion of confi#ence( when $he fo%n# that he wa$( li-e her$elf( awaiting the ne1t 'oat. Ca$$y'$ air an# manner( a##re$$( an# e)i#ent comman# of money( +re)ente# any ri$ing #i$+o$ition to $%$+icion in the hotel. eo+le ne)er in2%ire too clo$ely into tho$e who are fair on the main +oint( of +aying well(**a thing which Ca$$y ha# fore$een when $he +ro)i#e# her$elf with money. In the e#ge of the e)ening( a 'oat wa$ hear# coming along( an# 5eorge Shel'y han#e# Ca$$y a'oar#( with the +olitene$$ which come$ nat%rally to e)ery ,ent%c-ian( an# e1erte# him$elf to +ro)i#e her with a goo# $tate*room. Ca$$y -e+t her room an# 'e#( on +rete1t of illne$$( #%ring the whole time they were on !e# ri)er3 an# wa$ waite# on( with o'$e2%io%$ #e)otion( 'y her atten#ant. "hen they arri)e# at the Mi$$i$$i++i ri)er( 5eorge( ha)ing learne# that the co%r$e of the $trange la#y wa$ %+war#( li-e hi$ own( +ro+o$e# to ta-e a $tate*room for her on the $ame 'oat with him$elf(**goo#*nat%re#ly com+a$$ionating her fee'le health( an# #e$iro%$ to #o what he co%l# to a$$i$t her. Behol#( therefore( the whole +arty $afely tran$ferre# to the goo# $teamer Cincinnati( an# $wee+ing %+ the ri)er %n#er a +owerf%l hea# of $team. Ca$$y'$ health wa$ m%ch 'etter. She $at %+on the g%ar#$( came to the ta'le( an# wa$ remar-e# %+on in the 'oat a$ a la#y that m%$t ha)e 'een )ery han#$ome. &rom the moment that 5eorge got the fir$t glim+$e of her face( he wa$ tro%'le# with one of tho$e fleeting an# in#efinite li-ene$$e$( which

almo$t e)ery 'o#y can remem'er( an# ha$ 'een( at time$( +er+le1e# with. He co%l# not -ee+ him$elf from loo-ing at her( an# watchin her +er+et%ally. At ta'le( or $itting at her $tate*room #oor( $till $he wo%l# enco%nter the yo%ng man'$ eye$ fi1e# on her( an# +olitely with#rawn( when $he $howe#( 'y her co%ntenance( that $he wa$ $en$i'le to the o'$er)ation. Ca$$y 'ecame %nea$y. She 'egan to thin- that he $%$+ecte# $omething3 an# finally re$ol)e# to throw her$elf entirely on hi$ genero$ity( an# intr%$te# him with her whole hi$tory. 5eorge wa$ heartily #i$+o$e# to $ym+athi4e with any one who ha# e$ca+e# from Legree'$ +lantation(**a +lace that he co%l# not remem'er or $+eaof with +atience(**an#( with the co%rageo%$ #i$regar# of con$e2%ence$ which i$ characteri$tic of hi$ age an# $tate( he a$$%re# her that he wo%l# #o all in hi$ +ower to +rotect an# 'ring them thro%gh. The ne1t $tate*room to Ca$$y'$ wa$ occ%+ie# 'y a &rench la#y( name# Fe Tho%1( who wa$ accom+anie# 'y a fine little #a%ghter( a chil# of $ome twel)e $%mmer$. Thi$ la#y( ha)ing gathere#( from 5eorge'$ con)er$ation( that he wa$ from ,ent%c-y( $eeme# e)i#ently #i$+o$e# to c%lti)ate hi$ ac2%aintance3 in which #e$ign $he wa$ $econ#e# 'y the grace$ of her little girl( who wa$ a'o%t a$ +retty a +laything a$ e)er #i)erte# the wearine$$ of a fortnight'$ tri+ on a $team'oat. 5eorge'$ chair wa$ often +lace# at her $tate*room #oor3 an# Ca$$y( a$ $he $at %+on the g%ar#$( co%l# hear their con)er$ation. Ma#ame #e Tho%1 wa$ )ery min%te in her in2%irie$ a$ to ,ent%c-y( where $he $ai# $he ha# re$i#e# in a former +erio# of her life. 5eorge #i$co)ere#( to hi$ $%r+ri$e( that her former re$i#ence m%$t ha)e 'een in hi$ own )icinity3 an# her in2%irie$ $howe# a -nowle#ge of +eo+le an# thing$ in hi$ )icinity( that wa$ +erfectly $%r+ri$ing to him. AFo yo% -now(A $ai# Ma#ame #e Tho%1 to him( one #ay( Aof any man( in yo%r neigh'orhoo#( of the name of Harri$CA AThere i$ an ol# fellow( of that name( li)e$ not far from my father'$ +lace(A $ai# 5eorge. A"e ne)er ha)e ha# m%ch interco%r$e with him( tho%gh.A AHe i$ a large $la)e*owner( I 'elie)e(A $ai# Ma#ame #e Tho%1( with a manner which $eeme# to 'etray more intere$t than $he wa$ e1actly willing to $how. AHe i$(A $ai# 5eorge( loo-ing rather $%r+ri$e# at her manner. AFi# yo% e)er -now of hi$ ha)ing**+erha+$( yo% may ha)e hear# of hi$ ha)ing a m%latto 'oy( name# 5eorgeCA AO( certainly(**5eorge Harri$(**I -now him well3 he marrie# a $er)ant of my mother'$( '%t ha$ e$ca+e#( now( to Cana#a.A

AHe ha$CA $ai# Ma#ame #e Tho%1( 2%ic-ly. AThan- 5o#DA 5eorge loo-e# a $%r+ri$e# in2%iry( '%t $ai# nothing. Ma#ame #e Tho%1 leane# her hea# on her han#( an# '%r$t into tear$. AHe i$ my 'rother(A $he $ai#. AMa#ameDA $ai# 5eorge( with a $trong accent of $%r+ri$e. ABe$(A $ai# Ma#ame #e Tho%1( lifting her hea#( +ro%#ly( an# wi+ing her tear$( AMr. Shel'y( 5eorge Harri$ i$ my 'rotherDA AI am +erfectly a$toni$he#(A $ai# 5eorge( +%$hing 'ac- hi$ chair a +ace or two( an# loo-ing at Ma#ame #e Tho%1. AI wa$ $ol# to the So%th when he wa$ a 'oy(A $ai# $he. AI wa$ 'o%ght 'y a goo# an# genero%$ man. He too- me with him to the "e$t In#ie$( $et me free( an# marrie# me. It i$ '%t lately that he #ie#3 an# I wa$ going %+ to ,ent%c-y( to $ee if I co%l# fin# an# re#eem my 'rother.A AI hear# him $+ea- of a $i$ter Emily( that wa$ $ol# So%th(A $ai# 5eorge. ABe$( in#ee#D I am the one(A $ai# Ma#ame #e Tho%13**Atell me what $ort of a**A AA )ery fine yo%ng man(A $ai# 5eorge( Anotwith$tan#ing the c%r$e of $la)ery that lay on him. He $%$taine# a fir$t rate character( 'oth for intelligence an# +rinci+le. I -now( yo% $ee(A he $ai#3 A'eca%$e he marrie# in o%r family.A A"hat $ort of a girlCA $ai# Ma#ame #e Tho%1( eagerly. AA trea$%re(A $ai# 5eorge3 Aa 'ea%tif%l( intelligent( amia'le girl. Very +io%$. My mother ha# 'ro%ght her %+( an# traine# her a$ caref%lly( almo$t( a$ a #a%ghter. She co%l# rea# an# write( em'roi#er an# $ew( 'ea%tif%lly3 an# wa$ a 'ea%tif%l $inger.A A"a$ $he 'orn in yo%r ho%$eCA $ai# Ma#ame #e Tho%1. ANo. &ather 'o%ght her once( in one of hi$ tri+$ to New Orlean$( an# 'ro%ght her %+ a$ a +re$ent to mother. She wa$ a'o%t eight or nine year$ ol#( then. &ather wo%l# ne)er tell mother what he ga)e for her3 '%t( the other #ay( in loo-ing o)er hi$ ol# +a+er$( we came acro$$ the 'ill of $ale. He +ai# an e1tra)agant $%m for her( to 'e $%re. I $%++o$e( on acco%nt of her e1traor#inary 'ea%ty.A 5eorge $at with hi$ 'ac- to Ca$$y( an# #i# not $ee the a'$or'e# e1+re$$ion of her co%ntenance( a$ he wa$ gi)ing the$e #etail$. At thi$ +oint in the $tory( $he to%che# hi$ arm( an#( with a face +erfectly white with intere$t( $ai#( AFo yo% -now the name$ of the +eo+le he 'o%ght her ofCA AA man of the name of Simmon$( I thin-( wa$ the +rinci+al in the

tran$action. At lea$t( I thin- that wa$ the name on the 'ill of $ale.A AO( my 5o#DA $ai# Ca$$y( an# fell in$en$i'le on the floor of the ca'in. 5eorge wa$ wi#e awa-e now( an# $o wa$ Ma#ame #e Tho%1. Tho%gh neither of them co%l# con/ect%re what wa$ the ca%$e of Ca$$y'$ fainting( $till they ma#e all the t%m%lt which i$ +ro+er in $%ch ca$e$3**5eorge %+$etting a wa$h*+itcher( an# 'rea-ing two t%m'ler$( in the warmth of hi$ h%manity3 an# )ario%$ la#ie$ in the ca'in( hearing that $ome'o#y ha# fainte#( crow#e# the $tate*room #oor( an# -e+t o%t all the air they +o$$i'ly co%l#( $o that( on the whole( e)erything wa$ #one that co%l# 'e e1+ecte#. oor Ca$$yD when $he reco)ere#( t%rne# her face to the wall( an# we+t an# $o''e# li-e a chil#(**+erha+$( mother( yo% can tell what $he wa$ thin-ing ofD erha+$ yo% cannot(**'%t $he felt a$ $%re( in that ho%r( that 5o# ha# ha# mercy on her( an# that $he $ho%l# $ee her #a%ghter(**a$ $he #i#( month$ afterwar#$(**when**'%t we antici+ate.

CHA TE! KLIII !e$%lt$ The re$t of o%r $tory i$ $oon tol#. 5eorge Shel'y( intere$te#( a$ any other yo%ng man might 'e( 'y the romance of the inci#ent( no le$$ than 'y feeling$ of h%manity( wa$ at the +ain$ to $en# to Ca$$y the 'ill of $ale of Eli4a3 who$e #ate an# name all corre$+on#e# with her own -nowle#ge of fact$( an# felt no #o%'t %+on her min# a$ to the i#entity of her chil#. It remaine# now only for her to trace o%t the +ath of the f%giti)e$. Ma#ame #e Tho%1 an# $he( th%$ #rawn together 'y the $ing%lar coinci#ence of their fort%ne$( +rocee#e# imme#iately to Cana#a( an# 'egan a to%r of in2%iry among the $tation$( where the n%mero%$ f%giti)e$ from $la)ery are locate#. At Amher$t'erg they fo%n# the mi$$ionary with whom 5eorge an# Eli4a ha# ta-en $helter( on their fir$t arri)al in Cana#a3 an# thro%gh him were ena'le# to trace the family to Montreal. 5eorge an# Eli4a ha# now 'een fi)e year$ free. 5eorge ha# fo%n# con$tant occ%+ation in the $ho+ of a worthy machini$t( where he ha# 'een earning a com+etent $%++ort for hi$ family( which( in the mean time( ha# 'een increa$e# 'y the a##ition of another #a%ghter. Little Harry**a fine 'right 'oy**ha# 'een +%t to a goo# $chool( an# wa$ ma-ing ra+i# +roficiency in -nowle#ge. The worthy +a$tor of the $tation( in Amher$t'erg( where 5eorge ha# fir$t lan#e#( wa$ $o m%ch intere$te# in the $tatement$ of Ma#ame #e Tho%1 an# Ca$$y( that he yiel#e# to the $olicitation$ of the former( to accom+any them to Montreal( in their $earch(**$he 'earing all the e1+en$e of the e1+e#ition.

The $cene now change$ to a $mall( neat tenement( in the o%t$-irt$ of Montreal3 the time( e)ening. A cheerf%l fire 'la4e$ on the hearth3 a tea*ta'le( co)ere# with a $nowy cloth( $tan#$ +re+are# for the e)ening meal. In one corner of the room wa$ a ta'le co)ere# with a green cloth( where wa$ an o+en writing*#e$-( +en$( +a+er( an# o)er it a $helf of well*$electe# 'oo-$. Thi$ wa$ 5eorge'$ $t%#y. The $ame 4eal for $elf*im+ro)ement( which le# him to $teal the m%ch co)ete# art$ of rea#ing an# writing( ami# all the toil an# #i$co%ragement$ of hi$ early life( $till le# him to #e)ote all hi$ lei$%re time to $elf*c%lti)ation. At thi$ +re$ent time( he i$ $eate# at the ta'le( ma-ing note$ from a )ol%me of the family li'rary he ha$ 'een rea#ing. ACome( 5eorge(A $ay$ Eli4a( Ayo%')e 'een gone all #ay. Fo +%t #own that 'oo-( an# let'$ tal-( while I'm getting tea(**#o.A An# little Eli4a $econ#$ the effort( 'y to##ling %+ to her father( an# trying to +%ll the 'oo- o%t of hi$ han#( an# in$tall her$elf on hi$ -nee a$ a $%'$tit%te. AO( yo% little witchDA $ay$ 5eorge( yiel#ing( a$( in $%ch circ%m$tance$( man alway$ m%$t. AThat'$ right(A $ay$ Eli4a( a$ $he 'egin$ to c%t a loaf of 'rea#. A little ol#er $he loo-$3 her form a little f%ller3 her air more matronly than of yore3 '%t e)i#ently contente# an# ha++y a$ woman nee# 'e. AHarry( my 'oy( how #i# yo% come on in that $%m( to#ayCA $ay$ 5eorge( a$ he lai# hi$ lan# on hi$ $on'$ hea#. Harry ha$ lo$t hi$ long c%rl$3 '%t he can ne)er lo$e tho$e eye$ an# eyela$he$( an# that fine( 'ol# 'row( that fl%$he$ with tri%m+h( a$ he an$wer$( AI #i# it( e)ery 'it of it( 0my$elf0( father3 an# 0no'o#y0 hel+e# meDA AThat'$ right(A $ay$ hi$ father3 A#e+en# on yo%r$elf( my $on. Bo% ha)e a 'etter chance than e)er yo%r +oor father ha#.A At thi$ moment( there i$ a ra+ at the #oor3 an# Eli4a goe$ an# o+en$ it. The #elighte#**A"hyD thi$ yo%CA**call$ %+ her h%$'an#3 an# the goo# +a$tor of Amher$t'erg i$ welcome#. There are two more women with him( an# Eli4a a$-$ them to $it #own. Now( if the tr%th m%$t 'e tol#( the hone$t +a$tor ha# arrange# a little +rogramme( accor#ing to which thi$ affair wa$ to #e)elo+ it$elf3 an#( on the way %+( all ha# )ery ca%tio%$ly an# +r%#ently e1horte# each other not to let thing$ o%t( e1ce+t accor#ing to +re)io%$ arrangement. "hat wa$ the goo# man'$ con$ternation( therefore( /%$t a$ he ha# motione# to the la#ie$ to 'e $eate#( an# wa$ ta-ing o%t hi$ +oc-et*han#-erchief to wi+e hi$ mo%th( $o a$ to +rocee# to hi$ intro#%ctory $+eech in goo# or#er( when Ma#ame #e Tho%1 %+$et the whole +lan( 'y throwing her arm$ aro%n# 5eorge'$ nec-( an# letting all o%t at

once( 'y $aying( AO( 5eorgeD #on't yo% -now meC I'm yo%r $i$ter Emily.A Ca$$y ha# $eate# her$elf more com+o$e#ly( an# wo%l# ha)e carrie# on her +art )ery well( ha# not little Eli4a $%##enly a++eare# 'efore her in e1act $ha+e an# form( e)ery o%tline an# c%rl( /%$t a$ her #a%ghter wa$ when $he $aw her la$t. The little thing +eere# %+ in her face3 an# Ca$$y ca%ght her %+ in her arm$( +re$$e# her to her 'o$om( $aying( what( at the moment $he really 'elie)e#( AFarling( I'm yo%r motherDA In fact( it wa$ a tro%'le$ome matter to #o %+ e1actly in +ro+er or#er3 '%t the goo# +a$tor( at la$t( $%ccee#e# in getting e)ery'o#y 2%iet( an# #eli)ering the $+eech with which he ha# inten#e# to o+en the e1erci$e$3 an# in which( at la$t( he $%ccee#e# $o well( that hi$ whole a%#ience were $o''ing a'o%t him in a manner that o%ght to $ati$fy any orator( ancient or mo#ern. They -nelt together( an# the goo# man +raye#(**for there are $ome feeling$ $o agitate# an# t%m%lt%o%$( that they can fin# re$t only 'y 'eing +o%re# into the 'o$om of Almighty lo)e(**an# then( ri$ing %+( the new*fo%n# family em'race# each other( with a holy tr%$t in Him( who from $%ch +eril an# #anger$( an# 'y $%ch %n-nown way$( ha# 'ro%ght them together. The note*'oo- of a mi$$ionary( among the Cana#ian f%giti)e$( contain$ tr%th $tranger than fiction. How can it 'e otherwi$e( when a $y$tem +re)ail$ which whirl$ familie$ an# $catter$ their mem'er$( a$ the win# whirl$ an# $catter$ the lea)e$ of a%t%mnC The$e $hore$ of ref%ge( li-e the eternal $hore( often %nite again( in gla# comm%nion( heart$ that for long year$ ha)e mo%rne# each other a$ lo$t. An# affecting 'eyon# e1+re$$ion i$ the earne$tne$$ with which e)ery new arri)al among them i$ met( if( +erchance( it may 'ring ti#ing$ of mother( $i$ter( chil# or wife( $till lo$t to )iew in the $ha#ow$ of $la)ery. Fee#$ of heroi$m are wro%ght here more than tho$e of romance( when #efying tort%re( an# 'ra)ing #eath it$elf( the f%giti)e )ol%ntarily threa#$ hi$ way 'ac- to the terror$ an# +eril$ of that #ar- lan#( that he may 'ring o%t hi$ $i$ter( or mother( or wife. One yo%ng man( of whom a mi$$ionary ha$ tol# %$( twice re*ca+t%re#( an# $%ffering $hamef%l $tri+e$ for hi$ heroi$m( ha# e$ca+e# again3 an#( in a letter which we hear# rea#( tell$ hi$ frien#$ that he i$ going 'ac- a thir# time( that he may( at la$t( 'ring away hi$ $i$ter. My goo# $ir( i$ thi$ man a hero( or a criminalC "o%l# not yo% #o a$ m%ch for yo%r $i$terC An# can yo% 'lame himC B%t( to ret%rn to o%r frien#$( whom we left wi+ing their eye$( an# reco)ering them$el)e$ from too great an# $%##en a /oy. They are now $eate# aro%n# the $ocial 'oar#( an# are getting #eci#e#ly com+aniona'le3 only that Ca$$y( who -ee+$ little Eli4a on her la+( occa$ionally $2%ee4e$ the little thing( in a manner that rather a$toni$he$ her( an# o'$tinately ref%$e$ to ha)e her mo%th $t%ffe# with ca-e to the e1tent the little one #e$ire$(**alleging( what the chil# rather won#er$ at( that $he ha$ got $omething 'etter than ca-e( an# #oe$n't want it. An#( in#ee#( in two or three #ay$( $%ch a change ha$ +a$$e# o)er Ca$$y(

that o%r rea#er$ wo%l# $carcely -now her. The #e$+airing( haggar# e1+re$$ion of her face ha# gi)en way to one of gentle tr%$t. She $eeme# to $in-( at once( into the 'o$om of the family( an# ta-e the little one$ into her heart( a$ $omething for which it long ha# waite#. In#ee#( her lo)e $eeme# to flow more nat%rally to the little Eli4a than to her own #a%ghter3 for $he wa$ the e1act image an# 'o#y of the chil# whom $he ha# lo$t. The little one wa$ a flowery 'on# 'etween mother an# #a%ghter( thro%gh whom grew %+ ac2%aintance$hi+ an# affection. Eli4a'$ $tea#y( con$i$tent +iety( reg%late# 'y the con$tant rea#ing of the $acre# wor#( ma#e her a +ro+er g%i#e for the $hattere# an# wearie# min# of her mother. Ca$$y yiel#e# at once( an# with her whole $o%l( to e)ery goo# infl%ence( an# 'ecame a #e)o%t an# ten#er Chri$tian. After a #ay or two( Ma#ame #e Tho%1 tol# her 'rother more +artic%larly of her affair$. The #eath of her h%$'an# ha# left her an am+le fort%ne( which $he genero%$ly offere# to $hare with the family. "hen $he a$-e# 5eorge what way $he co%l# 'e$t a++ly it for him( he an$were#( A5i)e me an e#%cation( Emily3 that ha$ alway$ 'een my heart'$ #e$ire. Then( I can #o all the re$t.A On mat%re #eli'eration( it wa$ #eci#e# that the whole family $ho%l# go( for $ome year$( to &rance3 whither they $aile#( carrying Emmeline with them. The goo# loo-$ of the latter won the affection of the fir$t mate of the )e$$el3 an#( $hortly after entering the +ort( $he 'ecame hi$ wife. 5eorge remaine# fo%r year$ at a &rench %ni)er$ity( an#( a++lying him$elf with an %nintermitte# 4eal( o'taine# a )ery thoro%gh e#%cation. olitical tro%'le$ in &rance( at la$t( le# the family again to $ee- an a$yl%m in thi$ co%ntry. 5eorge'$ feeling$ an# )iew$( a$ an e#%cate# man( may 'e 'e$t e1+re$$e# in a letter to one of hi$ frien#$. AI feel $omewhat at a lo$$( a$ to my f%t%re co%r$e. Tr%e( a$ yo% ha)e $ai# to me( I might mingle in the circle$ of the white$( in thi$ co%ntry( my $ha#e of color i$ $o $light( an# that of my wife an# family $carce +erce+ti'le. "ell( +erha+$( on $%fferance( I might. B%t( to tell yo% the tr%th( I ha)e no wi$h to. AMy $ym+athie$ are not for my father'$ race( '%t for my mother'$. To him I wa$ no more than a fine #og or hor$eI to my +oor heart*'ro-en mother I wa$ a 0chil#03 an#( tho%gh I ne)er $aw her( after the cr%el $ale that $e+arate# %$( till $he #ie#( yet I 0-now0 $he alway$ lo)e# me #early. I -now it 'y my own heart. "hen I thin- of all $he $%ffere#( of my own early $%ffering$( of the #i$tre$$e$ an# $tr%ggle$ of my heroic wife( of my $i$ter( $ol# in the New Orlean$ $la)e*mar-et(**tho%gh I ho+e to ha)e no %nchri$tian $entiment$( yet I may 'e e1c%$e# for $aying( I ha)e no wi$h to +a$$ for an American( or to i#entify my$elf with them. AIt i$ with the o++re$$e#( en$la)e# African race that I ca$t in my lot3 an#( if I wi$he# anything( I wo%l# wi$h my$elf two $ha#e$ #ar-er( rather than one lighter.

AThe #e$ire an# yearning of my $o%l i$ for an African 0nationality0. I want a +eo+le that $hall ha)e a tangi'le( $e+arate e1i$tence of it$ own3 an# where am I to loo- for itC Not in Hayti3 for in Hayti they ha# nothing to $tart with. A $tream cannot ri$e a'o)e it$ fo%ntain. The race that forme# the character of the Haytien$ wa$ a worn*o%t( effeminate one3 an#( of co%r$e( the $%'/ect race will 'e cent%rie$ in ri$ing to anything. A"here( then( $hall I loo-C On the $hore$ of Africa I $ee a re+%'lic(**a re+%'lic forme# of +ic-e# men( who( 'y energy an# $elf*e#%cating force( ha)e( in many ca$e$( in#i)i#%ally( rai$e# them$el)e$ a'o)e a con#ition of $la)ery. Ha)ing gone thro%gh a +re+aratory $tage of fee'lene$$( thi$ re+%'lic ha$( at la$t( 'ecome an ac-nowle#ge# nation on the face of the earth(**ac-nowle#ge# 'y 'oth &rance an# Englan#. There it i$ my wi$h to go( an# fin# my$elf a +eo+le. AI am aware( now( that I $hall ha)e yo% all again$t me3 '%t( 'efore yo% $tri-e( hear me. F%ring my $tay in &rance( I ha)e followe# %+( with inten$e intere$t( the hi$tory of my +eo+le in America. I ha)e note# the $tr%ggle 'etween a'olitioni$t an# coloni4ationi$t( an# ha)e recei)e# $ome im+re$$ion$( a$ a #i$tant $+ectator( which co%l# ne)er ha)e occ%rre# to me a$ a +artici+ator. AI grant that thi$ Li'eria may ha)e $%'$er)e# all $ort$ of +%r+o$e$( 'y 'eing +laye# off( in the han#$ of o%r o++re$$or$( again$t %$. Fo%'tle$$ the $cheme may ha)e 'een %$e#( in %n/%$tifia'le way$( a$ a mean$ of retar#ing o%r emanci+ation. B%t the 2%e$tion to me i$( I$ there not a 5o# a'o)e all man'$ $cheme$C May He not ha)e o)er*r%le# their #e$ign$( an# fo%n#e# for %$ a nation 'y themC AIn the$e #ay$( a nation i$ 'orn in a #ay. A nation $tart$( now( with all the great +ro'lem$ of re+%'lican life an# ci)ili4ation wro%ght o%t to it$ han#3**it ha$ not to #i$co)er( '%t only to a++ly. Let %$( then( all ta-e hol# together( with all o%r might( an# $ee what we can #o with thi$ new enter+ri$e( an# the whole $+len#i# continent of Africa o+en$ 'efore %$ an# o%r chil#ren. 0O%r nation0 $hall roll the ti#e of ci)ili4ation an# Chri$tianity along it$ $hore$( an# +lant there mighty re+%'lic$( that( growing with the ra+i#ity of tro+ical )egetation( $hall 'e for all coming age$. AFo yo% $ay that I am #e$erting my en$la)e# 'rethrenC I thin- not. If I forget them one ho%r( one moment of my life( $o may 5o# forget meD B%t( what can I #o for them( hereC Can I 'rea- their chain$C No( not a$ an in#i)i#%al3 '%t( let me go an# form +art of a nation( which $hall ha)e a )oice in the co%ncil$ of nation$( an# then we can $+ea-. A nation ha$ a right to arg%e( remon$trate( im+lore( an# +re$ent the ca%$e of it$ race(**which an in#i)i#%al ha$ not. AIf E%ro+e e)er 'ecome$ a gran# co%ncil of free nation$(**a$ I tr%$t in 5o# it will(**if( there( $erf#om( an# all %n/%$t an# o++re$$i)e $ocial ine2%alitie$( are #one away3 an# if they( a$ &rance an# Englan# ha)e #one( ac-nowle#ge o%r +o$ition(**then( in the great congre$$ of nation$( we will ma-e o%r a++eal( an# +re$ent the ca%$e of o%r en$la)e# an# $%ffering race3 an# it cannot 'e that free( enlightene# America will

not then #e$ire to wi+e from her e$c%tcheon that 'ar $ini$ter which #i$grace$ her among nation$( an# i$ a$ tr%ly a c%r$e to her a$ to the en$la)e#. AB%t( yo% will tell me( o%r race ha)e e2%al right$ to mingle in the American re+%'lic a$ the Iri$hman( the 5erman( the Swe#e. 5rante#( they ha)e. "e 0o%ght0 to 'e free to meet an# mingle(**to ri$e 'y o%r in#i)i#%al worth( witho%t any con$i#eration of ca$te or color3 an# they who #eny %$ thi$ right are fal$e to their own +rofe$$e# +rinci+le$ of h%man e2%ality. "e o%ght( in +artic%lar( to 'e allowe# 0here0. "e ha)e 0more0 than the right$ of common men3**we ha)e the claim of an in/%re# race for re+aration. B%t( then( 0I #o not want it03 I want a co%ntry( a nation( of my own. I thin- that the African race ha$ +ec%liaritie$( yet to 'e %nfol#e# in the light of ci)ili4ation an# Chri$tianity( which( if not the $ame with tho$e of the Anglo*Sa1on( may +ro)e to 'e( morally( of e)en a higher ty+e. ATo the Anglo*Sa1on race ha$ 'een intr%$te# the #e$tinie$ of the worl#( #%ring it$ +ioneer +erio# of $tr%ggle an# conflict. To that mi$$ion it$ $tern( infle1i'le( energetic element$( were well a#a+te#3 '%t( a$ a Chri$tian( I loo- for another era to ari$e. On it$ 'or#er$ I tr%$t we $tan#3 an# the throe$ that now con)%l$e the nation$ are( to my ho+e( '%t the 'irth*+ang$ of an ho%r of %ni)er$al +eace an# 'rotherhoo#. AI tr%$t that the #e)elo+ment of Africa i$ to 'e e$$entially a Chri$tian one. If not a #ominant an# comman#ing race( they are( at lea$t( an affectionate( magnanimo%$( an# forgi)ing one. Ha)ing 'een calle# in the f%rnace of in/%$tice an# o++re$$ion( they ha)e nee# to 'in# clo$er to their heart$ that $%'lime #octrine of lo)e an# forgi)ene$$( thro%gh which alone they are to con2%er( which it i$ to 'e their mi$$ion to $+rea# o)er the continent of Africa. AIn my$elf( I confe$$( I am fee'le for thi$(**f%ll half the 'loo# in my )ein$ i$ the hot an# ha$ty Sa1on3 '%t I ha)e an elo2%ent +reacher of the 5o$+el e)er 'y my $i#e( in the +er$on of my 'ea%tif%l wife. "hen I wan#er( her gentler $+irit e)er re$tore$ me( an# -ee+$ 'efore my eye$ the Chri$tian calling an# mi$$ion of o%r race. A$ a Chri$tian +atriot( a$ a teacher of Chri$tianity( I go to 0my co%ntry0(**my cho$en( my glorio%$ AfricaD**an# to her( in my heart( I $ometime$ a++ly tho$e $+len#i# wor#$ of +ro+hecyI '"herea$ tho% ha$t 'een for$a-en an# hate#( $o that no man went thro%gh thee3 0I0 will ma-e thee an eternal e1cellence( a /oy of many generation$D' ABo% will call me an enth%$ia$tI yo% will tell me that I ha)e not well con$i#ere# what I am %n#erta-ing. B%t I ha)e con$i#ere#( an# co%nte# the co$t. I go to 0Li'eria0( not a$ an Ely$i%m of romance( '%t a$ to 0a fiel# of wor-0. I e1+ect to wor- with 'oth han#$(**to wor- 0har#03 to wor- again$t all $ort$ of #iffic%ltie$ an# #i$co%ragement$3 an# to wortill I #ie. Thi$ i$ what I go for3 an# in thi$ I am 2%ite $%re I $hall not 'e #i$a++ointe#. A"hate)er yo% may thin- of my #etermination( #o not #i)orce me from yo%r confi#ence3 an# thin- that( in whate)er I #o( I act with a heart wholly gi)en to my +eo+le.

A5EO!5E HA!!IS.A 5eorge( with hi$ wife( chil#ren( $i$ter an# mother( em'ar-e# for Africa( $ome few wee-$ after. If we are not mi$ta-en( the worl# will yet hear from him there. Of o%r other character$ we ha)e nothing )ery +artic%lar to write( e1ce+t a wor# relating to Mi$$ O+helia an# To+$y( an# a farewell cha+ter( which we $hall #e#icate to 5eorge Shel'y. Mi$$ O+helia too- To+$y home to Vermont with her( m%ch to the $%r+ri$e of the gra)e #eli'erati)e 'o#y whom a New Englan#er recogni4e$ %n#er the term A0O%r fol-$0.A AO%r fol-$(A at fir$t( tho%ght it an o## an# %nnece$$ary a##ition to their well*traine# #ome$tic e$ta'li$hment3 '%t( $o thoro%ghly efficient wa$ Mi$$ O+helia in her con$cientio%$ en#ea)or to #o her #%ty 'y her 0ele)e0( that the chil# ra+i#ly grew in grace an# in fa)or with the family an# neigh'orhoo#. At the age of womanhoo#( $he wa$( 'y her own re2%e$t( 'a+ti4e#( an# 'ecame a mem'er of the Chri$tian ch%rch in the +lace3 an# $howe# $o m%ch intelligence( acti)ity an# 4eal( an# #e$ire to #o goo# in the worl#( that $he wa$ at la$t recommen#e#( an# a++ro)e# a$ a mi$$ionary to one of the $tation$ in Africa3 an# we ha)e hear# that the $ame acti)ity an# ingen%ity which( when a chil#( ma#e her $o m%ltiform an# re$tle$$ in her #e)elo+ment$( i$ now em+loye#( in a $afer an# whole$omer manner( in teaching the chil#ren of her own co%ntry. .S.**It will 'e a $ati$faction to $ome mother( al$o( to $tate( that $ome in2%irie$( which were $et on foot 'y Ma#ame #e Tho%1( ha)e re$%lte# recently in the #i$co)ery of Ca$$y'$ $on. Being a yo%ng man of energy( he ha# e$ca+e#( $ome year$ 'efore hi$ mother( an# 'een recei)e# an# e#%cate# 'y frien#$ of the o++re$$e# in the north. He will $oon follow hi$ family to Africa.

CHA TE! KLIV The Li'erator 5eorge Shel'y ha# written to hi$ mother merely a line( $tating the #ay that $he might e1+ect him home. Of the #eath $cene of hi$ ol# frien# he ha# not the heart to write. He ha# trie# $e)eral time$( an# only $%ccee#e# in half cho-ing him$elf3 an# in)aria'ly fini$he# 'y tearing %+ the +a+er( wi+ing hi$ eye$( an# r%$hing $omewhere to get 2%iet. There wa$ a +lea$e# '%$tle all tho%gh the Shel'y man$ion( that #ay( in e1+ectation of the arri)al of yo%ng Ma$'r 5eorge. Mr$. Shel'y wa$ $eate# in her comforta'le +arlor( where a cheerf%l hic-ory fire wa$ #i$+elling the chill of the late a%t%mn e)ening. A $%++er*ta'le( glittering with +late an# c%t gla$$( wa$ $et o%t( on who$e arrangement$ o%r former frien#( ol# Chloe( wa$ +re$i#ing.

Arraye# in a new calico #re$$( with clean( white a+ron( an# high( well*$tarche# t%r'an( her 'lac- +oli$he# face glowing with $ati$faction( $he lingere#( with nee#le$$ +%nctilio%$ne$$( aro%n# the arrangement$ of the ta'le( merely a$ an e1c%$e for tal-ing a little to her mi$tre$$. ALaw$( nowD won't it loo- nat%ral to himCA $he $ai#. AThar(**I $et hi$ +late /%$t whar he li-e$ it ro%n# 'y the fire. Ma$'r 5eorge aller$ want$ #e warm $eat. O( go wayD**why #i#n't Sally get o%t #e 0'e$t0 tea*+ot(**#e little new one( Ma$'r 5eorge got for Mi$$i$( Chri$tma$C I'll ha)e it o%tD An# Mi$$i$ ha$ hear# from Ma$'r 5eorgeCA $he $ai#( in2%iringly. ABe$( Chloe3 '%t only a line( /%$t to $ay he wo%l# 'e home tonight( if he co%l#(**that'$ all.A AFi#n't $ay nothin' ''o%t my ol# man( $'+o$eCA $ai# Chloe( $till fi#geting with the tea*c%+$. ANo( he #i#n't. He #i# not $+ea- of anything( Chloe. He $ai# he wo%l# tell all( when he got home.A AEe$ li-e Ma$'r 5eorge(**he'$ aller$ $o ferce for tellin' e)erything hi$$elf. I aller$ min#e# #at ar in Ma$'r 5eorge. Fon't $ee( for my +art( how white +eo+le gen'lly can 'ar to he) to write thing$ m%ch a$ they #o( writin' '$ $%ch $low( onea$y -in# o' wor-.A Mr$. Shel'y $mile#. AI'm a thin-in' my ol# man won't -now #e 'oy$ an# #e 'a'y. Lor'D $he'$ #e 'igge$t gal( now(**goo# $he i$( too( an# +eart( olly i$. She'$ o%t to the ho%$e( now( watchin' #e hoe*ca-e. I '$ got /i$t #e )ery +attern my ol# man li-e# $o m%ch( a 'a-in'. Ei$t $ich a$ I gin him the mornin' he wa$ too- off. Lor# 'le$$ %$D how I felt( #at ar morningDA Mr$. Shel'y $ighe#( an# felt a hea)y weight on her heart( at thi$ all%$ion. She ha# felt %nea$y( e)er $ince $he recei)e# her $on'$ letter( le$t $omething $ho%l# +ro)e to 'e hi##en 'ehin# the )eil of $ilence which he ha# #rawn. AMi$$i$ ha$ got #em 'ill$CA $ai# Chloe( an1io%$ly. ABe$( Chloe.A A'Ca%$e I want$ to $how my ol# man #em )ery 'ill$ #e 0+erfectioner0 ga)e me. 'An#(' $ay he( 'Chloe( I wi$h yo%'# $tay longer.' 'Thanyo%( Ma$'r(' $ay$ I( 'I wo%l#( only my ol# man'$ coming home( an# Mi$$i$(**$he can't #o witho%t me no longer.' There'$ /i$t what I telle# him. Berry nice man( #at Ma$'r Eone$ wa$.A Chloe ha# +ertinacio%$ly in$i$te# that the )ery 'ill$ in which her wage$ ha# 'een +ai# $ho%l# 'e +re$er)e#( to $how her h%$'an#( in memorial of her ca+a'ility. An# Mr$. Shel'y ha# rea#ily con$ente# to h%mor her in the re2%e$t. AHe won't -now olly(**my ol# man won't. Law$( it'$ fi)e year $ince they

t%c- himD She wa$ a 'a'y #en(**co%l#n't '%t /i$t $tan#. !emem'er how tic-le# he %$e# to 'e( ca%$e $he wo%l# -ee+ a fallin' o)er( when $he $ot o%t to wal-. Law$ a meDA The rattling of wheel$ now wa$ hear#. AMa$'r 5eorgeDA $ai# A%nt Chloe( $tarting to the win#ow. Mr$. Shel'y ran to the entry #oor( an# wa$ fol#e# in the arm$ of her $on. A%nt Chloe $too# an1io%$ly $training her eye$ o%t into the #ar-ne$$. AO( 0+oor0 A%nt ChloeDA $ai# 5eorge( $to++ing com+a$$ionately( an# ta-ing her har#( 'lac- han# 'etween 'oth hi$3 AI'# ha)e gi)en all my fort%ne to ha)e 'ro%ght him with me( '%t he'$ gone to a 'etter co%ntry.A There wa$ a +a$$ionate e1clamation from Mr$. Shel'y( '%t A%nt Chloe $ai# nothing. The +arty entere# the $%++er*room. The money( of which Chloe wa$ $o +ro%#( wa$ $till lying on the ta'le. AThar(A $ai# $he( gathering it %+( an# hol#ing it( with a trem'ling han#( to her mi$tre$$( A#on't ne)er want to $ee nor hear on 't again. Ei$t a$ I -new 't wo%l# 'e(**$ol#( an# m%r#ere# on #em ar' ol# +lantation$DA Chloe t%rne#( an# wa$ wal-ing +ro%#ly o%t of the room. Mr$. Shel'y followe# her $oftly( an# too- one of her han#$( #rew her #own into a chair( an# $at #own 'y her. AMy +oor( goo# ChloeDA $ai# $he. Chloe leane# her hea# on her mi$tre$$' $ho%l#er( an# $o''e# o%t( AO Mi$$i$D '$c%$e me( my heart'$ 'ro-e(**#at'$ allDA AI -now it i$(A $ai# Mr$. Shel'y( a$ her tear$ fell fa$t3 Aan# 0I0 cannot heal it( '%t Ee$%$ can. He healeth the 'ro-en hearte#( an# 'in#eth %+ their wo%n#$.A There wa$ a $ilence for $ome time( an# all we+t together. At la$t( 5eorge( $itting #own 'e$i#e the mo%rner( too- her han#( an#( with $im+le +atho$( re+eate# the tri%m+hant $cene of her h%$'an#'$ #eath( an# hi$ la$t me$$age$ of lo)e. A'o%t a month after thi$( one morning( all the $er)ant$ of the Shel'y e$tate were con)ene# together in the great hall that ran thro%gh the ho%$e( to hear a few wor#$ from their yo%ng ma$ter. To the $%r+ri$e of all( he a++eare# among them with a '%n#le of +a+er$ in hi$ han#( containing a certificate of free#om to e)ery one on the +lace( which he rea# $%cce$$i)ely( an# +re$ente#( ami# the $o'$ an# tear$ an# $ho%t$ of all +re$ent. Many( howe)er( +re$$e# aro%n# him( earne$tly 'egging him not to $en#

them away3 an#( with an1io%$ face$( ten#ering 'ac- their free +a+er$. A"e #on't want to 'e no freer than we are. "e'$ aller$ ha# all we wante#. "e #on't want to lea)e #e ole +lace( an# Ma$'r an# Mi$$i$( an# #e re$tDA AMy goo# frien#$(A $ai# 5eorge( a$ $oon a$ he co%l# get a $ilence( Athere'll 'e no nee# for yo% to lea)e me. The +lace want$ a$ many han#$ to wor- it a$ it #i# 'efore. "e nee# the $ame a'o%t the ho%$e that we #i# 'efore. B%t( yo% are now free men an# free women. I $hall +ay yo% wage$ for yo%r wor-( $%ch a$ we $hall agree on. The a#)antage i$( that in ca$e of my getting in #e't( or #ying(**thing$ that might ha++en(**yo% cannot now 'e ta-en %+ an# $ol#. I e1+ect to carry on the e$tate( an# to teach yo% what( +erha+$( it will ta-e yo% $ome time to learn(**how to %$e the right$ I gi)e yo% a$ free men an# women. I e1+ect yo% to 'e goo#( an# willing to learn3 an# I tr%$t in 5o# that I $hall 'e faithf%l( an# willing to teach. An# now( my frien#$( loo- %+( an# than- 5o# for the 'le$$ing of free#om.A An age#( +artriarchal negro( who ha# grown gray an# 'lin# on the e$tate( now ro$e( an#( lifting hi$ trem'ling han# $ai#( ALet %$ gi)e than-$ %nto the Lor#DA A$ all -neele# 'y one con$ent( a more to%ching an# hearty 0Te Fe%m0 ne)er a$cen#e# to hea)en( tho%gh 'orne on the +eal of organ( 'ell an# cannon( than came from that hone$t ol# heart. On ri$ing( another $tr%c- %+ a Metho#i$t hymn( of which the '%r#en wa$( AThe year of E%'ilee i$ come(** !et%rn( ye ran$ome# $inner$( home.A AOne thing more(A $ai# 5eorge( a$ he $to++e# the congrat%lation$ of the throng3 Ayo% all remem'er o%r goo# ol# Uncle TomCA 5eorge here ga)e a $hort narration of the $cene of hi$ #eath( an# of hi$ lo)ing farewell to all on the +lace( an# a##e#( AIt wa$ on hi$ gra)e( my frien#$( that I re$ol)e#( 'efore 5o#( that I wo%l# ne)er own another $la)e( while it wa$ +o$$i'le to free him3 that no'o#y( thro%gh me( $ho%l# e)er r%n the ri$- of 'eing +arte# from home an# frien#$( an# #ying on a lonely +lantation( a$ he #ie#. So( when yo% re/oice in yo%r free#om( thin- that yo% owe it to that goo# ol# $o%l( an# +ay it 'ac- in -in#ne$$ to hi$ wife an# chil#ren. Thin- of yo%r free#om( e)ery time yo% $ee UNCLE TOM'S CABIN3 an# let it 'e a memorial to +%t yo% all in min# to follow in hi$ $te+$( an# 'e hone$t an# faithf%l an# Chri$tian a$ he wa$.A

CHA TE! KLV Concl%#ing !emar-$ The writer ha$ often 'een in2%ire# of( 'y corre$+on#ent$ from #ifferent +art$ of the co%ntry( whether thi$ narrati)e i$ a tr%e one3 an# to the$e

in2%irie$ $he will gi)e one general an$wer. The $e+arate inci#ent$ that com+o$e the narrati)e are( to a )ery great e1tent( a%thentic( occ%rring( many of them( either %n#er her own o'$er)ation( or that of her +er$onal frien#$. She or her frien#$ ha)e o'$er)e# character$ the co%nter+art of almo$t all that are here intro#%ce#3 an# many of the $aying$ are wor# for wor# a$ hear# her$elf( or re+orte# to her. The +er$onal a++earance of Eli4a( the character a$cri'e# to her( are $-etche$ #rawn from life. The incorr%+ti'le fi#elity( +iety an# hone$ty( of Uncle Tom( ha# more than one #e)elo+ment( to her +er$onal -nowle#ge. Some of the mo$t #ee+ly tragic an# romantic( $ome of the mo$t terri'le inci#ent$( ha)e al$o their +arallel$ in reality. The inci#ent of the mother'$ cro$$ing the Ohio ri)er on the ice i$ a well*-nown fact. The $tory of Aol# r%e(A in the $econ# )ol%me( wa$ an inci#ent that fell %n#er the +er$onal o'$er)ation of a 'rother of the writer( then collecting*cler- to a large mercantile ho%$e( in New Orlean$. &rom the $ame $o%rce wa$ #eri)e# the character of the +lanter Legree. Of him her 'rother th%$ wrote( $+ea-ing of )i$iting hi$ +lantation( on a collecting to%r3 AHe act%ally ma#e me feel of hi$ fi$t( which wa$ li-e a 'lac-$mith'$ hammer( or a no#%le of iron( telling me that it wa$ 'callo%$e# with -noc-ing #own nigger$.' "hen I left the +lantation( I #rew a long 'reath( an# felt a$ if I ha# e$ca+e# from an ogre'$ #en.A That the tragical fate of Tom( al$o( ha$ too many time$ ha# it$ +arallel( there are li)ing witne$$e$( all o)er o%r lan#( to te$tify. Let it 'e remem'ere# that in all $o%thern $tate$ it i$ a +rinci+le of /%ri$+r%#ence that no +er$on of colore# lineage can te$tify in a $%it again$t a white( an# it will 'e ea$y to $ee that $%ch a ca$e may occ%r( where)er there i$ a man who$e +a$$ion$ o%tweigh hi$ intere$t$( an# a $la)e who ha$ manhoo# or +rinci+le eno%gh to re$i$t hi$ will. There i$( act%ally( nothing to +rotect the $la)e'$ life( '%t the 0character0 of the ma$ter. &act$ too $hoc-ing to 'e contem+late# occa$ionally force their way to the +%'lic ear( an# the comment that one often hear$ ma#e on them i$ more $hoc-ing than the thing it$elf. It i$ $ai#( AVery li-ely $%ch ca$e$ may now an# then occ%r( '%t they are no $am+le of general +ractice.A If the law$ of New Englan# were $o arrange# that a ma$ter co%l# 0now an# then0 tort%re an a++rentice to #eath( wo%l# it 'e recei)e# with e2%al com+o$%reC "o%l# it 'e $ai#( AThe$e ca$e$ are rare( an# no $am+le$ of general +racticeAC Thi$ in/%$tice i$ an 0inherent0 one in the $la)e $y$tem(**it cannot e1i$t witho%t it. The +%'lic an# $hamele$$ $ale of 'ea%tif%l m%latto an# 2%a#roon girl$ ha$ ac2%ire# a notoriety( from the inci#ent$ following the ca+t%re of the earl. "e e1tract the following from the $+eech of Hon. Horace Mann( one of the legal co%n$el for the #efen#ant$ in that ca$e. He $ay$I AIn that com+any of $e)enty*$i1 +er$on$( who attem+te#( in 8>=>( to e$ca+e from the Fi$trict of Col%m'ia in the $chooner earl( an# who$e officer$ I a$$i$te# in #efen#ing( there were $e)eral yo%ng an# healthy girl$( who ha# tho$e +ec%liar attraction$ of form an# feat%re which connoi$$e%r$ +ri4e $o highly. Eli4a'eth !%$$el wa$ one of them. She imme#iately fell into the $la)e*tra#er'$ fang$( an# wa$ #oome# for the New Orlean$ mar-et. The heart$ of tho$e that $aw her were to%che# with +ity for her fate. They offere# eighteen h%n#re# #ollar$ to re#eem her3 an# $ome

there were who offere# to gi)e( that wo%l# not ha)e m%ch left after the gift3 '%t the fien# of a $la)e*tra#er wa$ ine1ora'le. She wa$ #e$+atche# to New Orlean$3 '%t( when a'o%t half way there( 5o# ha# mercy on her( an# $mote her with #eath. There were two girl$ name# E#m%n#$on in the $ame com+any. "hen a'o%t to 'e $ent to the $ame mar-et( an ol#er $i$ter went to the $ham'le$( to +lea# with the wretch who owne# them( for the lo)e of 5o#( to $+are hi$ )ictim$. He 'antere# her( telling what fine #re$$e$ an# fine f%rnit%re they wo%l# ha)e. 'Be$(' $he $ai#( 'that may #o )ery well in thi$ life( '%t what will 'ecome of them in the ne1tC' They too were $ent to New Orlean$3 '%t were afterwar#$ re#eeme#( at an enormo%$ ran$om( an# 'ro%ght 'ac-.A I$ it not +lain( from thi$( that the hi$torie$ of Emmeline an# Ca$$y may ha)e many co%nter+art$C E%$tice( too( o'lige$ the a%thor to $tate that the fairne$$ of min# an# genero$ity attri'%te# to St. Clare are not witho%t a +arallel( a$ the following anec#ote will $how. A few year$ $ince( a yo%ng $o%thern gentleman wa$ in Cincinnati( with a fa)orite $er)ant( who ha# 'een hi$ +er$onal atten#ant from a 'oy. The yo%ng man too- a#)antage of thi$ o++ort%nity to $ec%re hi$ own free#om( an# fle# to the +rotection of a N%a-er( who wa$ 2%ite note# in affair$ of thi$ -in#. The owner wa$ e1cee#ingly in#ignant. He ha# alway$ treate# the $la)e with $%ch in#%lgence( an# hi$ confi#ence in hi$ affection wa$ $%ch( that he 'elie)e# he m%$t ha)e 'een +racti$e# %+on to in#%ce him to re)olt from him. He )i$ite# the N%a-er( in high anger3 '%t( 'eing +o$$e$$e# of %ncommon can#or an# fairne$$( wa$ $oon 2%iete# 'y hi$ arg%ment$ an# re+re$entation$. It wa$ a $i#e of the $%'/ect which he ne)er ha# hear#(**ne)er ha# tho%ght on3 an# he imme#iately tol# the N%a-er that( if hi$ $la)e wo%l#( to hi$ own face( $ay that it wa$ hi$ #e$ire to 'e free( he wo%l# li'erate him. An inter)iew wa$ forthwith +roc%re#( an# Nathan wa$ a$-e# 'y hi$ yo%ng ma$ter whether he ha# e)er ha# any rea$on to com+lain of hi$ treatment( in any re$+ect. ANo( Ma$'r(A $ai# Nathan3 Ayo%')e alway$ 'een goo# to me.A A"ell( then( why #o yo% want to lea)e meCA AMa$'r may #ie( an# then who get meC**I'# rather 'e a free man.A After $ome #eli'eration( the yo%ng ma$ter re+lie#( ANathan( in yo%r +lace( I thin- I $ho%l# feel )ery m%ch $o( my$elf. Bo% are free.A He imme#iately ma#e him o%t free +a+er$3 #e+o$ite# a $%m of money in the han#$ of the N%a-er( to 'e /%#icio%$ly %$e# in a$$i$ting him to $tart in life( an# left a )ery $en$i'le an# -in# letter of a#)ice to the yo%ng man. That letter wa$ for $ome time in the writer'$ han#$. The a%thor ho+e$ $he ha$ #one /%$tice to that no'ility( genero$ity( an# h%manity( which in many ca$e$ characteri4e in#i)i#%al$ at the So%th. S%ch in$tance$ $a)e %$ from %tter #e$+air of o%r -in#. B%t( $he a$-$ any +er$on( who -now$ the worl#( are $%ch character$ 0common0( anywhereC &or many year$ of her life( the a%thor a)oi#e# all rea#ing %+on or all%$ion to the $%'/ect of $la)ery( con$i#ering it a$ too +ainf%l to 'e in2%ire# into( an# one which a#)ancing light an# ci)ili4ation wo%l# certainly li)e #own. B%t( $ince the legi$lati)e act of 8>;M( when $he

hear#( with +erfect $%r+ri$e an# con$ternation( Chri$tian an# h%mane +eo+le act%ally recommen#ing the reman#ing e$ca+e# f%giti)e$ into $la)ery( a$ a #%ty 'in#ing on goo# citi4en$(**when $he hear#( on all han#$( from -in#( com+a$$ionate an# e$tima'le +eo+le( in the free $tate$ of the North( #eli'eration$ an# #i$c%$$ion$ a$ to what Chri$tian #%ty co%l# 'e on thi$ hea#(**$he co%l# only thin-( The$e men an# Chri$tian$ cannot -now what $la)ery i$3 if they #i#( $%ch a 2%e$tion co%l# ne)er 'e o+en for #i$c%$$ion. An# from thi$ aro$e a #e$ire to e1hi'it it in a 0li)ing #ramatic reality0. She ha$ en#ea)ore# to $how it fairly( in it$ 'e$t an# it$ wor$t +ha$e$. In it$ 0'e$t0 a$+ect( $he ha$( +erha+$( 'een $%cce$$f%l3 '%t( ohD who $hall $ay what yet remain$ %ntol# in that )alley an# $ha#ow of #eath( that lie$ the other $i#eC To yo%( genero%$( no'le*min#e# men an# women( of the So%th(**yo%( who$e )irt%e( an# magnanimity an# +%rity of character( are the greater for the $e)erer trial it ha$ enco%ntere#(**to yo% i$ her a++eal. Ha)e yo% not( in yo%r own $ecret $o%l$( in yo%r own +ri)ate con)er$ing$( felt that there are woe$ an# e)il$( in thi$ acc%r$e# $y$tem( far 'eyon# what are here $ha#owe#( or can 'e $ha#owe#C Can it 'e otherwi$eC I$ 0man0 e)er a creat%re to 'e tr%$te# with wholly irre$+on$i'le +owerC An# #oe$ not the $la)e $y$tem( 'y #enying the $la)e all legal right of te$timony( ma-e e)ery in#i)i#%al owner an irre$+on$i'le #e$+otC Can any'o#y fall to ma-e the inference what the +ractical re$%lt will 'eC If there i$( a$ we a#mit( a +%'lic $entiment among yo%( men of honor( /%$tice an# h%manity( i$ there not al$o another -in# of +%'lic $entiment among the r%ffian( the 'r%tal an# #e'a$e#C An# cannot the r%ffian( the 'r%tal( the #e'a$e#( 'y $la)e law( own /%$t a$ many $la)e$ a$ the 'e$t an# +%re$tC Are the honora'le( the /%$t( the high*min#e# an# com+a$$ionate( the ma/ority anywhere in thi$ worl#C The $la)e*tra#e i$ now( 'y American law( con$i#ere# a$ +iracy. B%t a $la)e*tra#e( a$ $y$tematic a$ e)er wa$ carrie# on on the coa$t of Africa( i$ an ine)ita'le atten#ant an# re$%lt of American $la)ery. An# it$ heart*'rea- an# it$ horror$( can they 'e tol#C The writer ha$ gi)en only a faint $ha#ow( a #im +ict%re( of the ang%i$h an# #e$+air that are( at thi$ )ery moment( ri)ing tho%$an#$ of heart$( $hattering tho%$an#$ of familie$( an# #ri)ing a hel+le$$ an# $en$iti)e race to fren4y an# #e$+air. There are tho$e li)ing who -now the mother$ whom thi$ acc%r$e# traffic ha$ #ri)en to the m%r#er of their chil#ren3 an# them$el)e$ $ee-ing in #eath a $helter from woe$ more #rea#e# than #eath. Nothing of trage#y can 'e written( can 'e $+o-en( can 'e concei)e#( that e2%al$ the frightf%l reality of $cene$ #aily an# ho%rly acting on o%r $hore$( 'eneath the $ha#ow of American law( an# the $ha#ow of the cro$$ of Chri$t. An# now( men an# women of America( i$ thi$ a thing to 'e trifle# with( a+ologi4e# for( an# +a$$e# o)er in $ilenceC &armer$ of Ma$$ach%$ett$( of New Ham+$hire( of Vermont( of Connectic%t( who rea# thi$ 'oo- 'y the 'la4e of yo%r winter*e)ening fire(**$trong*hearte#( genero%$ $ailor$ an# $hi+*owner$ of Maine(**i$ thi$ a thing for yo% to co%ntenance an# enco%rageC Bra)e an# genero%$ men of New Bor-( farmer$ of rich an# /oyo%$ Ohio( an# ye of the wi#e +rairie $tate$(**an$wer( i$ thi$ a thing for yo% to +rotect an# co%ntenanceC An# yo%( mother$ of America(**yo% who ha)e learne#( 'y the cra#le$ of yo%r own chil#ren( to lo)e an# feel

for all man-in#(**'y the $acre# lo)e yo% 'ear yo%r chil#3 'y yo%r /oy in hi$ 'ea%tif%l( $+otle$$ infancy3 'y the motherly +ity an# ten#erne$$ with which yo% g%i#e hi$ growing year$3 'y the an1ietie$ of hi$ e#%cation3 'y the +rayer$ yo% 'reathe for hi$ $o%l'$ eternal goo#3**I 'e$eech yo%( +ity the mother who ha$ all yo%r affection$( an# not one legal right to +rotect( g%i#e( or e#%cate( the chil# of her 'o$omD By the $ic- ho%r of yo%r chil#3 'y tho$e #ying eye$( which yo% can ne)er forget3 'y tho$e la$t crie$( that wr%ng yo%r heart when yo% co%l# neither hel+ nor $a)e3 'y the #e$olation of that em+ty cra#le( that $ilent n%r$ery(**I 'e$eech yo%( +ity tho$e mother$ that are con$tantly ma#e chil#le$$ 'y the American $la)e*tra#eD An# $ay( mother$ of America( i$ thi$ a thing to 'e #efen#e#( $ym+athi4e# with( +a$$e# o)er in $ilenceC Fo yo% $ay that the +eo+le of the free $tate ha)e nothing to #o with it( an# can #o nothingC "o%l# to 5o# thi$ were tr%eD B%t it i$ not tr%e. The +eo+le of the free $tate$ ha)e #efen#e#( enco%rage#( an# +artici+ate#3 an# are more g%ilty for it( 'efore 5o#( than the So%th( in that they ha)e not the a+ology of e#%cation or c%$tom. If the mother$ of the free $tate$ ha# all felt a$ they $ho%l#( in time$ +a$t( the $on$ of the free $tate$ wo%l# not ha)e 'een the hol#er$( an#( +ro)er'ially( the har#e$t ma$ter$ of $la)e$3 the $on$ of the free $tate$ wo%l# not ha)e conni)e# at the e1ten$ion of $la)ery( in o%r national 'o#y3 the $on$ of the free $tate$ wo%l# not( a$ they #o( tra#e the $o%l$ an# 'o#ie$ of men a$ an e2%i)alent to money( in their mercantile #ealing$. There are m%ltit%#e$ of $la)e$ tem+orarily owne#( an# $ol# again( 'y merchant$ in northern citie$3 an# $hall the whole g%ilt or o'lo2%y of $la)ery fall only on the So%thC Northern men( northern mother$( northern Chri$tian$( ha)e $omething more to #o than #eno%nce their 'rethren at the So%th3 they ha)e to loo- to the e)il among them$el)e$. B%t( what can any in#i)i#%al #oC Of that( e)ery in#i)i#%al can /%#ge. There i$ one thing that e)ery in#i)i#%al can #o(**they can $ee to it that 0they feel right0. An atmo$+here of $ym+athetic infl%ence encircle$ e)ery h%man 'eing3 an# the man or woman who 0feel$0 $trongly( healthily an# /%$tly( on the great intere$t$ of h%manity( i$ a con$tant 'enefactor to the h%man race. See( then( to yo%r $ym+athie$ in thi$ matterD Are they in harmony with the $ym+athie$ of Chri$tC or are they $waye# an# +er)erte# 'y the $o+hi$trie$ of worl#ly +olicyC Chri$tian men an# women of the NorthD $till f%rther(**yo% ha)e another +ower3 yo% can 0+rayD0 Fo yo% 'elie)e in +rayerC or ha$ it 'ecome an in#i$tinct a+o$tolic tra#itionC Bo% +ray for the heathen a'roa#3 +ray al$o for the heathen at home. An# +ray for tho$e #i$tre$$e# Chri$tian$ who$e whole chance of religio%$ im+ro)ement i$ an acci#ent of tra#e an# $ale3 from whom any a#herence to the moral$ of Chri$tianity i$( in many ca$e$( an im+o$$i'ility( %nle$$ they ha)e gi)en them( from a'o)e( the co%rage an# grace of martyr#om. B%t( $till more. On the $hore$ of o%r free $tate$ are emerging the +oor( $hattere#( 'ro-en remnant$ of familie$(**men an# women( e$ca+e#( 'y mirac%lo%$ +ro)i#ence$ from the $%rge$ of $la)ery(**fee'le in -nowle#ge(

an#( in many ca$e$( infirm in moral con$tit%tion( from a $y$tem which confo%n#$ an# conf%$e$ e)ery +rinci+le of Chri$tianity an# morality. They come to $ee- a ref%ge among yo%3 they come to $ee- e#%cation( -nowle#ge( Chri$tianity. "hat #o yo% owe to the$e +oor %nfort%nate$( oh Chri$tian$C Foe$ not e)ery American Chri$tian owe to the African race $ome effort at re+aration for the wrong$ that the American nation ha$ 'ro%ght %+on themC Shall the #oor$ of ch%rche$ an# $chool*ho%$e$ 'e $h%t %+on themC Shall $tate$ ari$e an# $ha-e them o%tC Shall the ch%rch of Chri$t hear in $ilence the ta%nt that i$ thrown at them( an# $hrin- away from the hel+le$$ han# that they $tretch o%t3 an#( 'y her $ilence( enco%rage the cr%elty that wo%l# cha$e them from o%r 'or#er$C If it m%$t 'e $o( it will 'e a mo%rnf%l $+ectacle. If it m%$t 'e $o( the co%ntry will ha)e rea$on to trem'le( when it remem'er$ that the fate of nation$ i$ in the han#$ of One who i$ )ery +itif%l( an# of ten#er com+a$$ion. Fo yo% $ay( A"e #on't want them here3 let them go to AfricaAC That the +ro)i#ence of 5o# ha$ +ro)i#e# a ref%ge in Africa( i$( in#ee#( a great an# noticea'le fact3 '%t that i$ no rea$on why the ch%rch of Chri$t $ho%l# throw off that re$+on$i'ility to thi$ o%tca$t race which her +rofe$$ion #eman#$ of her. To fill %+ Li'eria with an ignorant( ine1+erience#( half*'ar'ari4e# race( /%$t e$ca+e# from the chain$ of $la)ery( wo%l# 'e only to +rolong( for age$( the +erio# of $tr%ggle an# conflict which atten#$ the ince+tion of new enter+ri$e$. Let the ch%rch of the north recei)e the$e +oor $%fferer$ in the $+irit of Chri$t3 recei)e them to the e#%cating a#)antage$ of Chri$tian re+%'lican $ociety an# $chool$( %ntil they ha)e attaine# to $omewhat of a moral an# intellect%al mat%rity( an# then a$$i$t them in their +a$$age to tho$e $hore$( where they may +%t in +ractice the le$$on$ they ha)e learne# in America. There i$ a 'o#y of men at the north( com+arati)ely $mall( who ha)e 'een #oing thi$3 an#( a$ the re$%lt( thi$ co%ntry ha$ alrea#y $een e1am+le$ of men( formerly $la)e$( who ha)e ra+i#ly ac2%ire# +ro+erty( re+%tation( an# e#%cation. Talent ha$ 'een #e)elo+e#( which( con$i#ering the circ%m$tance$( i$ certainly remar-a'le3 an#( for moral trait$ of hone$ty( -in#ne$$( ten#erne$$ of feeling(**for heroic effort$ an# $elf*#enial$( en#%re# for the ran$om of 'rethren an# frien#$ yet in $la)ery(**they ha)e 'een remar-a'le to a #egree that( con$i#ering the infl%ence %n#er which they were 'orn( i$ $%r+ri$ing. The writer ha$ li)e#( for many year$( on the frontier*line of $la)e $tate$( an# ha$ ha# great o++ort%nitie$ of o'$er)ation among tho$e who formerly were $la)e$. They ha)e 'een in her family a$ $er)ant$3 an#( in #efa%lt of any other $chool to recei)e them( $he ha$( in many ca$e$( ha# them in$tr%cte# in a family $chool( with her own chil#ren. She ha$ al$o the te$timony of mi$$ionarie$( among the f%giti)e$ in Cana#a( in coinci#ence with her own e1+erience3 an# her #e#%ction$( with regar# to the ca+a'ilitie$ of the race( are enco%raging in the highe$t #egree. The fir$t #e$ire of the emanci+ate# $la)e( generally( i$ for 0e#%cation0. There i$ nothing that they are not willing to gi)e or #o to

ha)e their chil#ren in$tr%cte#( an#( $o far a$ the writer ha$ o'$er)e# her$elf( or ta-en the te$timony of teacher$ among them( they are remar-a'ly intelligent an# 2%ic- to learn. The re$%lt$ of $chool$( fo%n#e# for them 'y 'ene)olent in#i)i#%al$ in Cincinnati( f%lly e$ta'li$h thi$. The a%thor gi)e$ the following $tatement of fact$( on the a%thority of rofe$$or C. E. Stowe( then of Lane Seminary( Ohio( with regar# to emanci+ate# $la)e$( now re$i#ent in Cincinnati3 gi)en to $how the ca+a'ility of the race( e)en witho%t any )ery +artic%lar a$$i$tance or enco%ragement. The initial letter$ alone are gi)en. They are all re$i#ent$ of Cincinnati. AB****. &%rnit%re ma-er3 twenty year$ in the city3 worth ten tho%$an# #ollar$( all hi$ own earning$3 a Ba+ti$t. AC****. &%ll 'lac-3 $tolen from Africa3 $ol# in New Orlean$3 'een free fifteen year$3 +ai# for him$elf $i1 h%n#re# #ollar$3 a farmer3 own$ $e)eral farm$ in In#iana3 re$'yterian3 +ro'a'ly worth fifteen or twenty tho%$an# #ollar$( all earne# 'y him$elf. A,****. &%ll 'lac-3 #ealer in real e$tate3 worth thirty tho%$an# #ollar$3 a'o%t forty year$ ol#3 free $i1 year$3 +ai# eighteen h%n#re# #ollar$ for hi$ family3 mem'er of the Ba+ti$t ch%rch3 recei)e# a legacy from hi$ ma$ter( which he ha$ ta-en goo# care of( an# increa$e#. A5****. &%ll 'lac-3 coal #ealer3 a'o%t thirty year$ ol#3 worth eighteen tho%$an# #ollar$3 +ai# for him$elf twice( 'eing once #efra%#e# to the amo%nt of $i1teen h%n#re# #ollar$3 ma#e all hi$ money 'y hi$ own effort$**m%ch of it while a $la)e( hiring hi$ time of hi$ ma$ter( an# #oing '%$ine$$ for him$elf3 a fine( gentlemanly fellow. A"****. Three*fo%rth$ 'lac-3 'ar'er an# waiter3 from ,ent%c-y3 nineteen year$ free3 +ai# for $elf an# family o)er three tho%$an# #ollar$3 #eacon in the Ba+ti$t ch%rch. A5. F****. Three*fo%rth$ 'lac-3 white*wa$her3 from ,ent%c-y3 nine year$ free3 +ai# fifteen h%n#re# #ollar$ for $elf an# family3 recently #ie#( age# $i1ty3 worth $i1 tho%$an# #ollar$.A rofe$$or Stowe $ay$( A"ith all the$e( e1ce+t 5****( I ha)e 'een( for $ome year$( +er$onally ac2%ainte#( an# ma-e my $tatement$ from my own -nowle#ge.A The writer well remem'er$ an age# colore# woman( who wa$ em+loye# a$ a wa$herwoman in her father'$ family. The #a%ghter of thi$ woman marrie# a $la)e. She wa$ a remar-a'ly acti)e an# ca+a'le yo%ng woman( an#( 'y her in#%$try an# thrift( an# the mo$t +er$e)ering $elf*#enial( rai$e# nine h%n#re# #ollar$ for her h%$'an#'$ free#om( which $he +ai#( a$ $he rai$e# it( into the han#$ of hi$ ma$ter. She yet wante# a h%n#re# #ollar$ of the +rice( when he #ie#. She ne)er reco)ere# any of the money. The$e are '%t few fact$( among m%ltit%#e$ which might 'e a##%ce#( to

$how the $elf*#enial( energy( +atience( an# hone$ty( which the $la)e ha$ e1hi'ite# in a $tate of free#om. An# let it 'e remem'ere# that the$e in#i)i#%al$ ha)e th%$ 'ra)ely $%ccee#e# in con2%ering for them$el)e$ com+arati)e wealth an# $ocial +o$ition( in the face of e)ery #i$a#)antage an# #i$co%ragement. The colore# man( 'y the law of Ohio( cannot 'e a )oter( an#( till within a few year$( wa$ e)en #enie# the right of te$timony in legal $%it$ with the white. Nor are the$e in$tance$ confine# to the State of Ohio. In all $tate$ of the Union we $ee men( '%t ye$ter#ay '%r$t from the $hac-le$ of $la)ery( who( 'y a $elf*e#%cating force( which cannot 'e too m%ch a#mire#( ha)e ri$en to highly re$+ecta'le $tation$ in $ociety. ennington( among clergymen( Fo%gla$ an# "ar#( among e#itor$( are well -nown in$tance$. If thi$ +er$ec%te# race( with e)ery #i$co%ragement an# #i$a#)antage( ha)e #one th%$ m%ch( how m%ch more they might #o if the Chri$tian ch%rch wo%l# act towar#$ them in the $+irit of her Lor#D Thi$ i$ an age of the worl# when nation$ are trem'ling an# con)%l$e#. A mighty infl%ence i$ a'roa#( $%rging an# hea)ing the worl#( a$ with an earth2%a-e. An# i$ America $afeC E)ery nation that carrie$ in it$ 'o$om great an# %nre#re$$e# in/%$tice ha$ in it the element$ of thi$ la$t con)%l$ion. &or what i$ thi$ mighty infl%ence th%$ ro%$ing in all nation$ an# lang%age$ tho$e groaning$ that cannot 'e %ttere#( for man'$ free#om an# e2%alityC O( Ch%rch of Chri$t( rea# the $ign$ of the time$D I$ not thi$ +ower the $+irit of Him who$e -ing#om i$ yet to come( an# who$e will to 'e #one on earth a$ it i$ in hea)enC B%t who may a'i#e the #ay of hi$ a++earingC Afor that #ay $hall '%rn a$ an o)enI an# he $hall a++ear a$ a $wift witne$$ again$t tho$e that o++re$$ the hireling in hi$ wage$( the wi#ow an# the fatherle$$( an# that 0t%rn a$i#e the $tranger in hi$ right0I an# he $hall 'rea- in +iece$ the o++re$$or.A Are not the$e #rea# wor#$ for a nation 'earing in her 'o$om $o mighty an in/%$ticeC Chri$tian$D e)ery time that yo% +ray that the -ing#om of Chri$t may come( can yo% forget that +ro+hecy a$$ociate$( in #rea# fellow$hi+( the 0#ay of )engeance0 with the year of hi$ re#eeme#C A #ay of grace i$ yet hel# o%t to %$. Both North an# So%th ha)e 'een g%ilty 'efore 5o#3 an# the 0Chri$tian ch%rch0 ha$ a hea)y acco%nt to an$wer. Not 'y com'ining together( to +rotect in/%$tice an# cr%elty( an# ma-ing a common ca+ital of $in( i$ thi$ Union to 'e $a)e#(**'%t 'y re+entance( /%$tice an# mercy3 for( not $%rer i$ the eternal law 'y which the mill$tone $in-$ in the ocean( than that $tronger law( 'y which in/%$tice an# cr%elty $hall 'ring on nation$ the wrath of Almighty 5o#D


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