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wind up, slow down, weigh up, with effect from, set down, fall for, stop off, set aside, leave out, pick up on, show off 1. Hoskins is appointed manager, with effect from next Monday. 2. !. ". #. At last, this was a chance to ____________ her talents efore a real audience. Instead of _______________, the pentecostals are growing faster than ever. He is too smart to _____________ that trick. $lear guidelines have een ______________ for teachers.

%. &', (ust to _____________, could I summari)e what we*ve decided+ ,. /. 1. -ut hang on a minute ... .o you think I might have _________ anything __________+ 0pread the frosting on the rownies in a thin coat, only enough to cover, and _____________ to firm. He ___________ in 2aris for a couple of days.

13. 4nfortuately, children ______________ our worries and anxieties. 11. 5e*re still ________________ the pros and cons of the two options.

II. put , reak 1. I wasn6t going to _________ that, not after all that service. 2. 7he printing machines are always ____________.

!. I hate the way .ave ________ me __________ the whole time. ". #. %. ,. /. 1. More than !3 8a our M2s ___________ to form a new left9wing party. 2olice had to _____________ the door to get into the flat. 5e*re trying to _______something ________ each each year for a new house. :ighting _________ etween demonstrators and the police. 7hey*re _____________ several new office locks in the centre of town. 7hieves ____________ and stole ;13,333 worth of computer e<uipment.

13. I was hoping 'enny could ____me _______ for a few days. 11. 0he started to speak, then ___________ while a waitress served us coffee. 12. ____________ your name and address.

1!. He ______ me ______ with his (okes=

III. 1. 7he doctor assured the parents that the child was out of d_______. 2. It was an outfit that I had ought on ________, and never worn.

!. He seemed to e on _______ _________ with the people ehind the ar. ". He didn6t love her, it was out of _____ what he had done for her. #. 7here didn*t appear to e much damage at _____ ______. %. In _________ women receive much lower wages than their male colleagues. ,. 2olice searched in ________ for the missing gunman. /. 0he may e in trou le at this very m__________ and trying to call you. 1. An elderly man puffed on a trumpet to the a______________ of drums and piano. 13. 0he ecame a -ritish resident by __________ of her marriage. 11. I talked to 0usie a out it, and she*s all in f_________ of going.

12. 7he company cannot e identified by ___________ of the court.

I>. 1. 8arge num ers of people are c_________ to ?astern religions such as -uddhism and Hinduism. 2. A out "33,333 Americans s_______ each year to smoking9related illnesses. !. &fficials fear that extremists may r_________ to violence. ". I may e late 9 I have got one or two things to a__________ to. #. 7he police cadet*s duties were c____________ to taking statements from the crowd. %. I don*t a_____________him with energetic sports. ,. B_____________ of accidentally starting the engine while you are cleaning the lades. /. Her perfume m___________ with the smell of woodsmoke from the fire. 1. $ity employees cannot c____________ to political campaigns.

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