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Credit with, work on, derive from, revolve around, ground in, leaf through, make reference to, churn out, draw to, bring about 1. 2. !. But just the simple act of ____________ and talking about a book can help. He has spent the last two ears _______________ a book about childcare. Beth felt strangel _______________ this gentle stranger. benefit ______ this techni$ue.

". #edicall , we will ________ great %.

&he article ________ no ________ to previous research on the subject.

'. (or some reason m account)s been ___________ an e*tra +,'. ,. .. 0. - huge amount of environmental damage has been ____________ b the destruction of the rainforests. /he)s been ______________ novels for twent ears.

&he group is committed to environmental policies that are _____________ science.

11. His whole sensibilit ______________ the fact that he was born white and is now a cop.


Bring, look

1. How can we ________ a change in attitudes2 2. !. 3on)t worr , I)ll __________ the kids tomorrow. 4hen I ____________ on those da s I reali5e I was desperatel unhapp .

". He)s _______________ a new album ne*t month. %. '. ,. .. 0. If ou)re ______________ a bargain, tr the local market. #r 6arcia _______________ an one who hasn)t had a college education &he cit council has decided to __________ the old electric trams. 7nl one man tried to help us, the rest just ____________ in silence. 4hat)s _________ this _________2 Have I upset ou somehow2

11. # mother sa s she)s ____________ meeting ou. 11. In m da , children were _____________ to respect the law. 12. &he sale of the house onl _____________ about 8"%,111. 1!. 3on)t forget to _______ me _____ when ou come to -tlanta.

1". __________, we must e*pect radical changes to be made in our s stem of government.

III. 1. I was on the _________ of giving up the search when something caught m e e in the bushes. 2. &he majorit of holida flights depart and arrive on s___________. !. Before long, people are pursuing change for the _________ of change. ". #arcie will faint at the _______ of blood. %. #an thousands have b__________ from the new treatment. '. /ome of the data was specificall e__________from the report. ,. 9iam decided to ignore the warning and just ________ for the best. .. 4hen I got back from holida , I had an enormous backlog of work to _________with. 0. )3o ou need an help2) ):o. It)s under __________, thanks.) 11. &he picture is blurred, the camera is not in _________.

I;. 1. He looked much shorter in the ___________ than on television. 2. <ou will be n____________ of an changes in the s stem. !. &he witness)s statements c___________ with the available evidence. ". &he compan must constantl s_____________ for greater efficienc . %. In __________ to his movie work, =edford is known as a champion of environmental causes. '. -rticle ", ma onl be used in _________ with international law.

,. /he was a_______ of a tall dark figure watching her. .. &he countr is at _________ with its neighbours for the first time in ears. 0. &he "% ear>old e*plorer has been p___________ for his latest e*pedition to the -rctic. 11. 3octors are sometimes t_____________ with violence if the don)t do what patients want.

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