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AE 2106 - Vibrations

A brief summary: How to solve the equations of motion

The purpose of this document is to summarize the method of solving (in-)homogeneous second order linear dierential equations with constant coecients in the context of vibrations. A sound understanding of dierential equations is assumed.


A discretized system has the following general equation of motion, where the scalar factors are the equivalent mass m, moment of inertia J , damping c and stiness k . Depending on the choice of the degree of freedom, we get a linear form (1) or a polar form (2). mx + cx + kx = F (t) + c + k = M (t) J (1) (2)

The natural frequency of a system is given by: n = k m (3)

The damping ratio of a system is given by: = c c c = = ccr 2mn 2 mk (4)

The damping frequency of a system is given by: d = n 1 2 (5)

Free Undamped Vibrations

mx + kx = 0. (6) (7) (8)

In this case F (t) = 0 (free of excitations) and c = 0 (undamped) the general form is

Assume a periodic solution x(t) = A sin (n t + ) with time derivative x (t) = An cos (n t + ). 1

Use the initial conditions x(0) = x0 x (0) = x 0 and simple algebra to determine A and . (9) (10)

Free Damped Vibrations

mx + cx + kx = 0. (11) solutions can be found: for c < ccr for c = ccr for c > ccr

In this case F (t) = 0 (free of excitations) and c = 0 (damped) the general form is

Depending on the damping ratio dened in (4), three possible n t sin (d t + ) Ae n t (A + Bt) x(t) = e n t 2 2 e (Aen t 1 + Ben t 1 )


Using their time derivatives x and the initial conditions, (A, ) or (A, B ) are found.

Harmonically Forced Vibrations

mx + cx + kx = F (t). (13)

In this case F (t) = 0 (excitation) and c may or may not be = 0 the general form is

The solution for this equation consists of the transient response (homogeneous solution xh ) and the steady-state response (particular solution xp ). The homogeneous solution is found as described in Section 3. However, the initial conditions should not be applied to the homogeneous solution, but only to the general solution x(t). Therefore, we have to nd the particular solution rst: For the particular solution, the solution depends on how the system is excited: F (t) = sin e t : case (i) F cos e t : case (ii) F (14)

can be any amplitude (dependent on whether it is a force or a base excitation). Here, F What is important here is the dierence between sine and cosine. The particular solution will be of the same form. The complex exponential basis function can be used to describe trigonometric functions: eim = cos (m) + i sin (m) 2 (15)

For m = e t, the following particular solution is used: x =


Im{ X p eie t } for case (i) Re{ X p eie t } for case (ii)


After obtaining the rst and second time derivative of the particular solution, they can be substituted into the original equation of motion (13). In the case of an undamped system, the solution is simple and straight-forward. X p can . be found in terms of the system parameters and F For a damped system, the same approach is chosen. However, the x -term results in X p having a complex number v iw in the denominator. By multiplying with its complex conjugate v iw, the complex number appears in the numerator (and v 2 w2 in the denominator). By considering the complex plane, the rules below are derived. (17) v iw = v 2 + w2 ei w (18) = tan1 ( ) v Using (17), X p can easily be converted into a complex exponential basis function. After both the homogeneous and the particular solution have been found, the initial conditions can be applied to the general solution x(t) = xh (t) + xp (t). (19) where

Arbitrary Forced Vibrations

mx + cx + kx = F (t). (20)

Arbitrary forced vibrations have the general form

To solve it, the equation of motion is generally transfered into the Laplace domain with the aid of the Laplace transform:
2 x] = L[f (t)] L[ x + 2n x + n


Since f (t) usually only takes values on a certain inverval (e.g. a wing experiencing gusts of wind), the standard Laplace transform does not apply. Therefore, the general transform rule is used: F (s) = f (t)est dt (22)

Combining with the left hand side, the following is found:

2 (s2 X (s) sx 0 x0 ) + 2n (sX (s) x0 ) + n X (s) = F (s)


By rearranging the transformed equation for X(s) and then performing the inverse Laplace transform, a solution for x(t) is found. Here, the standard Laplace transform table is used. 3

Multiple Degrees of Freedom Systems

Mx + Kx = F (24)

By discretizing the system and analyzing the free body diagram, a linear system of the form

with vectors x = ( x1 x 2 )T , x = (x1 x2 )T and F = (F1 F2 )T is found. Further, M and K are the mass and stiness matrices, respectively. To solve this system, the transient (homogeneous) and the steady-state (particular) solution must be determined. For the homogeneous equation Mx + Kx = 0 we try xh = x ein t
2 in t n e x h = x


(26) (27)

and by substituting into the linear system we get

2 = 0. [n M + K] x = Ax


This has the trivial solution x = 0, in which we are not interested. A non-trivial solution is found only if det(A) = 0. The values of n for which this is true are the eigenfrequencies of the system. Negative (m) eigenfrequencies are discarded and n (for m=1,2,...) is then used to nd the corresponding eigenmodes x (m) (or eigenvectors) of the system. Then, the solution of the system is xh =
m (m) Am sin (n t + 1 ) x(m)


To determine the particular solution for F (t) = we use xp (t) = x p cos (x t) 2 p x p (t) = x x cos (x t), which gives
2 . [x M + K] xp = F

1 F F2

cos (x t)


(31) (32) (33)

Because M and K are always symmetric, x p can be found:

2 . x p = [x M + K]1 F


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