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@ Re*te each sentence in three different ways. Begin with the words given. (D m each sentence one of the underlined words or phrases does not fit. W'rite the number beside it in the space and the correct word or phrase. Example:A1l you (t) have to do is tell me (2) everything.what (3) happened once you (a) left the hotel. 3,that I What you did (1) wrong was rhar (2) you srarred on the top coat before (3) the undercoat that was (a) dry. . . . z All that (l) happened that I (2) told him what I thought of (3) him in no uncertain (4) terms. ......... 3 It was (1) while trying (2) to mend the window when (3) I fell offthe ladder..,....... 4 He daimed to like (1) music but it was (2) literature what (3) he loved more rhan an]thing ( 4 ) .. . . . . . . . else 5 All (l) I love most abour the wearher (2) in this country is that (3) it is totally unreliable. ... .. 6 He left the country at the age of (l) rwenty and it was (2) only after several years when (3) he r e t u r n e d .. . . . . . . . . . 7 I mislaid my wedding ring once and it (l) wasn,r before (2) we evenrually moved house that it (3) came to light (4) again. . .. 8 It's (l) not learning (2) new words that I find () difiicult, and (+) remembering rhem. . .... @ Re*"it" each of the sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence before it. The first word and one other is given as guidance. Example: I know what you did to her. you broke her heart. (What / break) What you did to her i5'breakher heart. I I know what happened. you lost your nerve, didn,t you? What / chickened 2 I know what she did. She upset all her colleagues by being so arroganr. What / arrogrnce 3 Do your best. That's the only thing that is important. All / matters 4 I know where you made your mistake; you underestimated the competition. Where / appreciate 5 I know why he was artracted to this job; he wanted to give people orders. What laurhoriry Example:The rising tide frightened me. aWhatfrightened me was the ri5inq tid,e. b I the rising tide. c It was rfls rr5ingtide that frightened. me. I We took him to the hospital. a Where... b It was... c The hospitalis... 2 I went to see my GP a My GP... b It was my Gp... c The person... 3 The spices are amazrtg. a It's the... b Whar... c The spicesare what... 4 The location was important. a It's the... b What... c The location.., 5 I spent f,15 on the ticket. a f , 1 5w a s h o w . . . b I t w a s 1 5 . . . c The amount I... 6 He looks amazing for his age. a How... b What is... c It is... @ Co-pl.te the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. you must use between three and eight words, including the word given. Example:We only noticed the stain on the carper when everyone had gone. unril k wqsn't until everyone had.gonethat we noticed the stain on the carpet. I I only realised who it was when he removed his sunglasses. recognised It was only .....him. 2 You don't know who your real friends are until there's a crisis. moments It's only out who your real friends are. 3 His jokes in themselves aren't funnv. but his delivery of them is hilarious. tells It's how the jokes themselves. 4 Your place of birth doesn't determine your accent so much as where you spend your childhood. brought It's where rather than your place of birth. 5 You're only likely ro ger a rwo per cent rise from him. offer AU .. .. .. . . a two per cent rise.


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