Xia Guan George Washington E-Portfolio Essay

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Xia Guan Mark R.

Welsh HIST 1700 E-Portfolio 4/22/2014 George Washington Over the course of this class, I have learned a lot of historical events and individuals, such as the Seven Years War, American Revolution, Abraham Lincoln, and Brigham Young. But in my opinion, George Washington is the first national hero in United States. He is also the most inspiring person to me in American history.

He was born in 1732 in a Virginia planter family. From his family, he learned the morals, manners, and body of knowledge requisite for an 18th century Virginia gentleman. His background and his great talent on leadership make him play an important role in American history stage. Before he helped America gain independence, he had already involved in two important American events, French and Indian War, and American Revolution. In 1753, Washington attacked a French post at Fort Duquesne with a small force. During that attack, they killed Coulon de Jumonville, the commander of French colonial. After this event, the French and Indian War began. Even though he was captured by French at the beginning of the war, he was given the honorary rank of colonel and joined British General Edward

Braddock's army in Virginia in 1755. But the experience in this war was very

frustrated for him. While in the American Revolution, he was selected as the major leader. Because he was the best choice for leading this important event. He had earned a lot of prestige, military experience in the former war; he had been advising Congress for months; he also has enough political experience. And by his efforts and valuable experience, Washington helped his country gain the independence. Therefore, he became the father of United States.

After the new country gained its independence, Washington also played an important role in unify United States. The states were not unified after the independence. The states fought among themselves with issues on boundaries and navigation rights. They refused to contribute to paying off the nation's war debt. American citizens in some states had to pay too much tax for their state legislatures. Washington was very smart on dealing with the state of affairs. He was not hurry to do adjustment, because he knew it was too soon to make adjustments after the Revolution. But after Shays' rebellion erupted in Massachusetts, Washington decided to improve the nation's government.By his adjustment, American citizens had less tax to pay.

He was also talent on choosing people to work for the government, and listening to others' good ideas. He chose the most capable people in the country to help him lead the country. He appointed Alexander Hamilton as Secretary of the Treasury, and Thomas Jefferson as Secretary of State. Washington took many good

suggestions from them for the development of America. These people all played important roles in American history. They did great jobs for United States.

All in all, Washington did a great job on founding United States, and solving plenty of affairs after the new republic got its Independence. He is one of the people who I admire in my life. After his two terms of presidency, he rejected to continue being the president. He was not addicted to power or money. His only purpose was to found a peaceful country for Americans, and he never gave up. His devotion makes him become the first national hero.

Links to My E-Portfolio: http://x-guane-portfolio.weebly.com/

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