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The James Hardiman Library Leabharlann Shamais Ui Argadin NUI Galway/O Gaillimh _ es!

"e#rin$ %&lle'$i&n / (aili)'hn A$h'hl*i$e eis'e Le'$+rer / La'h$*ir, Ge&rge Tayl&r %&+rse %&de / %*d an %h-rsa, .ear / (liain / Semes$er One / Seimeas$ar a hA&n / Semes$er Tw& / Seimeas$ar a & / 01lease s#e'i2y / S&nraigh3 le d& $h&il4_ (&&! Ti$le / Teideal an Leabhair, A+$h&r / 5dar, Ge&rge Tayl&r 1+blisher / 6&ilsi$he&ir, a$e / a$a, %ha#$er Ti$le / Teideal na %aibidle, An In$r&d+'$i&n $& 7ar8is$ S$a$e The&ry And i$s %ri$i's 1ages / Lea$hanaigh, J&+rnal Ti$le / Teideal na hlrise, A+$h&r / 9dar, Ar$i'le Ti$le / Teideal an Ail$, .ear/(liain, :&l+me / Imleabhar, N+mber / Uimhir,

1ages / Lea$hanaigh, 1+blisher / 6&ilsi$he&ir, ; 1lease '&m#le$e all de$ails / Tabhair na s&nrai ar 2ad3 le d& $h&il ; One '&#y &2 a re#rin$ &nly / A$h'hl< amh=in a 'headai$ear ; >ssen$ial readings &nly / Li$he&irea'h$ ria'h$ana'h amh=in ; N& le'$+re n&$es #lease / Nil n&$ai la'h$ai 'eadai$he ; Send re#rin$s $& "eader Ser?i'es3 The Library / Se&l an $@a$h'hl< 'h+ig SeirbhAsi Li$he&iri3 An Leabharlann

An In$r&d+'$i&n $& 7ar8is$ S$a$e The&ry and i$s %ri$i's Ge&rge Tayl&r In$r&d+'$i&n In his 'elebra$ed $e8$ His$&ry and %lass %&ns'i&+sness L+!a's s&+gh$ 2inally $& res&l?e $he $h&rny iss+e &2 wha$ '&ns$i$+$ed $he essen'e &2 &r$h&d&8 7ar8ismB CL+!a's3 DEFF4 As he &bser?ed3 i$ had be'&me an in'reasingly #re'ari&+s $as! $& 'hallenge &r reGe'$ any #ar$i'+lar $heses wi$h&+$ 2&r2ei$ing $he righ$ $& $he $i$le H7ar8is$HB S+'h a $han!less $as! has n&$ be'&me any easier wi$h $he #assage &2 $imeB In #ar$3 $his 'an be a$$rib+$ed $& $he #r&blems e8#erien'ed wi$hin $he 7ar8is$ $radi$i&n d+ring $he DEIJsB The d&+b$s whi'h had s+rr&+nded s$r+'$+ralis$ 7ar8ism had de?el&#ed in$& a 2+ll bl&wn 'risis as $he #i?&$al r&le a''&rded $& 'lass s$r+ggle be'ame in'reasingly K+es$i&nedB This was a #r&blem a''en$+a$ed by $he emergen'e &2 new iss+es s+'h as 6eminism and en?ir&nmen$alism3 $he #ersis$en'e Cs&me w&+ld say s+''ess4 &2 $he wel2are S$a$e and $he $rans2&rma$i&n &2 w&r! rela$i&ns +nder 'a#i$alismB Al$h&+gh n&$ always dire'$ly '&n'erned wi$h $he deba$es &n S$a$e $he&ry $hese iss+es ha?e3 ne?er$heless3 had a #r&2&+nd im#a'$ &n i$s de?el&#men$B This #a#er is di?ided in $w& se'$i&nsB The 2irs$ se'$i&n $ra'es $he de?el&#men$ &2 $he '&re $hemes &2 $he 7ar8is$ $he&ry &2 $he S$a$e $hr&+gh $he w&r!s &2 7ar83 Grams'i3 1&+lan$Las and Jess&#B A$$en$i&n is 2&'+sed +#&n $he 'hanges whi'h ha?e $a!en #la'e in, $he rela$i&nshi# be$ween $he S$a$e/e'&n&myM $he rela$i&nshi# be$ween $he S$a$e and #ar$i'+lar 'lassesM and $he r&le &2 'lass s$r+ggle in $he 2&rma$i&n &2 his$&ryB The se'&nd se'$i&n e8#l&res a series &2 'ri$i'al s$an'es $a!en by $he radi'al Neberian3 2eminis$ and en?ir&nmen$alis$ $radi$i&nsB 7ar8 S$range $h&+gh a$ 2irs$ i$ may a##ear3 $his #a#er begins an analysis &2 $he 7ar8is$ $he&ry &2 $he S$a$e wi$h a s'hema$i' #resen$a$i&n &2 s&me im#&r$an$ $hemes whi'h +nder#in $he liberal dem&'ra$i' $radi$i&nB As an e8er'ise $his remains +se2+l be'a+se m&s$ &2 $he 'r+'ial insigh$s &22ered by 7ar8 s$em 2r&m a #&si$i&n whi'h is diame$ri'ally &##&sed $& $he em#hasis +#&n indi?id+alism wi$hin $he liberal dem&'ra$i' $radi$i&nB Th+s3 2&r e8am#le3 wi$hin H&bbesHs w&r! man is #&r$rayed as a #r&2&+ndly sel2@in$eres$ed being '&n'erned #rimarily wi$h $he a'K+isi$i&n &2 #&werB %&n2li'$s &2 in$eres$ and s$r+ggles &?er #&wer ha?e re'++ren$ly been deemed inheren$ 2ea$+res &2 rela$i&ns be$ween h+man beingsB H&we?er3 $he m&s$ 'r+'ial insigh$ &22ered by H&bbes was $ha$ i2 a Hwarre &2 all agains$ allH was $& be a?&ided3 i$ was essen$ial $ha$ indi?id+als s+rrender $heir righ$s $& a #&wer2+l a+$h&ri$y Ca Le?ia$han4 'a#able &2 ens+ring a legi$ima$e di?isi&n be$ween $he #+bli' and #ri?a$e s#here CH&bbes3 DOPD4B The w&r! &2 H&bbes is generally regarded as $he s$ar$ing #&in$ 2&r $he #re&''+#a$i&n in

b&+rge&is liberal $h&+gh$ wi$h $he rela$i&nshi# be$ween $he S$a$e and $he indi?id+al3 be$ween liber$y and $he abili$y &2 $he S$a$e $& se'+re s&'ial &rder C7a'#hers&n3 DEOQM Held3 DEQI4B H&we?er3 as L+!es has &bser?ed3 $he #rin'i#al '&&rdina$ing $heme &2 $his $radi$i&n has been $he n&$i&n &2 an abs$ra'$ indi?id+al3 $he idea $ha$ 'i?il s&'ie$y is '&m#&sed &2 an amalgam &2 'i$iLens wh& are Rinde#enden$ 'en$res &2 '&ns'i&+snessR CL+!es3 DEID3 #lSQM 7a'#hers&n3 DEOQ4B 6r&m s+'h a ?an$age #&in$ $he dilemma 2a'ing liberal dem&'ra$i' $h&+gh$ is h&w $& re'&gnise $he #&wer &2 $he S$a$e Cneeded $& ens+re $he #r&$e'$i&n &2 $he indi?id+al 'i$iLen4 and ye$ #re?en$ $he S$a$e en'r&a'hing +#&n a #ri?a$e s#here in whi'h 'i$iLens ma!e indi?id+al 'h&i'es CHeld3 DEQI4B In s$ar! '&n$ras$3 7ar8Hs early ideas +#&n $he S$a$e are d&mina$ed by a ?iew &2 h+man na$+re in whi'h h+man beings are inheren$ly '&mm+nal3 $heir #&wers and needs being sa$is2ied n&$ in is&la$i&n b+$ $hr&+gh s&'ial in$era'$i&nB %&nseK+en$ly3 $he de2ining 'hara'$eris$i' &2 h+man!ind is n&$ sim#ly $he 'a#a'i$y 2&r ra$i&nal $h&+gh$ Cas 'lassi'al liberals w&+ld ha?e +s belie?e4 b+$ ra$her $he abili$y $& engage in '&lle'$i?e3 #r&d+'$i?e a'$i?i$yB 6&r 7ar83 manHs '&ns'i&+sness &2 his &wn needs is a #r&d+'$ &2 his$&ri'al de?el&#men$ and3 in $his sense +nli!e animals3 h+man beings #&ssess $he abili$y $& al$er $he de2ini$i&n &2 wha$ '&ns$i$+$es a needB D 6&r 7ar83 i2 man is $& a$$ain his $r+e #&$en$ial Cs#e'ies being4 he m+s$ engage in #r&d+'$i?e a'$i?i$y where he n&$ &nly rea22irms his &wn na$+re3 $he abili$y $& $rans2&rm $he en?ir&nmen$ in whi'h he li?es3 b+$ als& re#r&d+'es his rela$i&nshi# wi$h &$her h+man beings C7ar83 DQTT3DQTP4B 6r&m s+'h a ?iew &2 h+man na$+re i$ is #&ssible $& el+'ida$e 7ar8Hs &bGe'$i&ns $& #re?i&+s in$er#re$a$i&ns &2 $he S$a$e and $he na$+re &2 his$&ri'al de?el&#men$B In early w&r!s s+'h as $he %ri$iK+e &2 HegelHs 1hil&s&#hy &2 "igh$ and On $he Jewish U+es$i&n3 7ar8 &bGe'$s ?ehemen$ly $& $he way in whi'h indi?id+als ha?e be'&me is&la$ed +nder $he m&dern re#resen$a$i?e S$a$eB As A?ineri #&in$s &+$3 $his gi?es rise $& a h+man being di?ided in$& a s#here &2 $he #ri?a$e Ce'&n&mi' a'$i?i$y43 and a s#here &2 $he +ni?ersal C$he #&li$i'al4 in whi'h indi?id+als are s+##&sed $& &?er'&me eg&ism and s$ri?e 2&r $he '&mm&n g&&d CA?ineri3 DEOQ3 %&lle$$i3 DEIP4B Ni$hin $he liberal dem&'ra$i' #&si$i&n $his di?isi&n be$ween $he S$a$e and 'i?il s&'ie$y is ?iewed in a #&si$i?e ligh$B Th+s3 $he ine?i$able '&n2li'$ be$ween indi?id+als is res&l?ed $hr&+gh $he in$er?en$i&n &2 $he S$a$e in main$aining $heir 2reed&mB This is a 'r+'ial #&in$ 2&r 7ar8 sin'e i$ #resen$s $w& 2+ndamen$al di?isi&ns whi'h #re?en$ h+mans 2r&m a$$aining $heir 2+ll #&$en$ial, $he se#ara$i&n &2 indi?id+als 2r&m &ne an&$her and $he se#ara$i&n &2 $he #+bli' 2r&m $he #ri?a$e3 $he S$a$e 2r&m 'i?il s&'ie$y C%&lle$$i3 DEIP3 #ST4B

7ar8Hs #rin'i#al &bGe'$i&n $& $his as#e'$ &2 b&+rge&is $he&ry is $ha$ manHs #&li$i'al@sel2 Chis abili$y $& engage in dem&'ra$i' de'isi&ns4 is bes$&wed +#&n an&$her &r3 in 7ar8Hs #re2erred $ermin&l&gy3 i$ has be'&me es$rangedM i$ is n& l&nger a #ar$ &2 his li2e3 i$ has be'&me se#ara$ed and bey&nd his '&n$r&l C7ar83 DQTS4B This line &2 arg+men$ 2inds i$s m&s$ el&K+en$ e8#ressi&n in 7ar8Hs 'ri$iK+e &2 $he liberal dem&'ra$i' righ$s whi'h +nder#in $he m&dern re#resen$a$i?e S$a$e, eK+ali$y3 liber$y3 se'+ri$y and #r&#er$yB 6&r 7ar83 $hese righ$s are n&$hing &$her $han R$he righ$s &2 eg&is$i' man3 &2 man se#ara$ed 2r&m &$her men and 2r&m $he '&mm+ni$yR C7ar83 DQTS3 #FFE4B Ni$hin i$s liberal dem&'ra$i' g+ise3 liber$y '&nsis$s sim#ly &2 $he righ$ $& d& any$hing whi'h d&es n&$ harm &$hersB In &$her w&rds3 liber$y3 as de2ined by $he b&+ndaries &2 law3 is based +#&n an a''&+n$ &2 $he #ers&n in whi'h she/he is n&$hing &$her $han an Ris&la$ed m&nadR C7ar83 DQTS3 #FFE4B Similarly3 $he righ$ $& 2reed&m is n&$ 2&r 7ar8 Rbased +#&n $he ass&'ia$i&n &2 man wi$h man b+$ ra$her &n $he se#ara$i&n &2 man 2r&m manR C7ar83 DQTS3 #FFE4B 6inally3 $he righ$ $& #ri?a$e #r&#er$y3 $he bedr&'! &2 'a#i$alism3 is $he righ$ $& enG&y and Rdis#&se &2 &neHs res&+r'es as &ne wills3 wi$h&+$ regard 2&r &$her men and inde#enden$ly &2 s&'ie$y, $he righ$ &2 sel2@in$eres$R C7ar83 DQTS3 #FFE4B As 7ar8 #&in$s &+$3 n&$ &ne &2 $hese righ$s g&es bey&nd $he righ$ &2 sel2@in$eres$3 &2 eg&is$i' man3 wi$hdrawn in$& himsel2 and se#ara$ed 2r&m his '&mm+ni$yB This is e8a'erba$ed by $he 2a'$ $ha$ $he #&li$i'al '&mm+ni$y3 $he S$a$e3 ser?es sim#ly $& '&nser?e $hese s&@'alled righ$s &2 manB I$ is3 in 7ar8Hs &#ini&n3 a #&si$i&n whi'h ser?es n&$ $& 2+l2il3 b+$ $& '&ns$rain $he $r+e #&$en$ial &2 h+man beings C7ar83 DQTS3 #FSD4B 6&r 7ar83 $hen3 #arliamen$ary 2&rms &2 re#resen$a$i&n are ne'essarily limi$ed be'a+se $hey are inser$ed in$& a S$a$e wh&se 'laim $& re#resen$ $he in$eres$ &2 all i$s 'i$iLens m+s$ remain ill+s&ry s& l&ng as 'i?il s&'ie$y is d&mina$ed by $he eg&ism engendered by #ri?a$e #r&#er$y and '&m#e$i$i&nB Th+s3 i2 gen+ine dem&'ra'y is $& be realised3 #ri?a$e #r&#er$y and $he abs$ra'$ S$a$e m+s$ be ab&lishedB A''&rdingly3 7ar8 '&n'l+des $ha$ h+man eman'i#a$i&n reK+ires m&re $han $he '&n'essi&n &2 2&rmal inde#enden$ #&li$i'al 2reed&m C&r in '&n$em#&rary $erms $he e8$ensi&n &2 $he 2ran'hise &r 'i?il righ$s43 be'a+se real 2reed&m 'an be realised &nly when $he indi?id+al a'$i?i$ies &2 h+mans are re&rganised $& gi?e 2+ll e8#ressi&n $& $heir s&'ial and #+bli' na$+re CJess&#3 DEQF3 ##P@O4B This s$ress +#&n h+man eman'i#a$i&n is lin!ed $& $he 'lass s$r+ggle 2&r $he 2irs$ $ime in A %&n$rib+$i&n $& $he %ri$iK+e &2 HegelHs 1hil&s&#hy &2 "igh$3 in whi'h 7ar8 #&si$s $ha$ '&m#le$e eman'i#a$i&n is #&ssible &nly &n $he basis &2 a #r&le$arian re?&l+$i&n C7ar83 DQTS@ TT4B In sh&r$3 $he redem#$i&n &2 h+mani$y Cand n&$ sim#ly $he #r&le$aria$4 res$s in $he rem&?al C&r

nega$i&n4 &2 #ri?a$e #r&#er$yB 6&r 7ar83 $he #r&le$aria$ is n&$ &nly $he m&s$ $&$ally aliena$ed 'lass in 'a#i$alis$ s&'ie$y3 i$ is $he emb&dimen$ &2 a general limi$a$i&n C$he di?isi&n be$ween all h+man beings43 s& $ha$ i$s libera$i&n re#resen$s $he libera$i&n &2 all 'lasses C7ar83 DQSS@ TT3 #FPT4B I$ is w&r$h n&$ing $ha$ a$ $his G+n'$+re 7ar8 had n&$3 as ye$3 de?el&#ed a de$ailed e8#&si$i&n &2 'lass s$r+ggle3 $he dynami's &2 'a#i$alism3 e8#l&i$a$i&n &r $he de?el&#men$ &2 'lass '&ns'i&+snessB "a$her3 $his en$ire $he&re$i'al edi2i'e is '&ns$r+'$ed +#&n 7ar8Hs ?iew &2 h+man na$+reB Th+s3 wi$hin $hese early w&r!s 7ar8 $rea$s $he S$a$e as an abs$ra'$ sys$em &2 #&li$i'al d&mina$i&n whi'h denies $he s&'ial na$+re &2 man and aliena$es him 2r&m gen+ine in?&l?emen$ in #+bli' li2e CJess&#3 DEQF3 ##I@Q4B His$&ri'al 7a$erialism As A?ineri &bser?es3 7ar8 was n&$ $he 2irs$ $& ha?e s+gges$ed $ha$ h+man beings 'rea$e $hemsel?es $hr&+gh w&r!B Nha$ remains dis$in'$i?e in his wri$ing3 h&we?er3 is $he ?iew $ha$3 i2 man is 'hara'$erised by lab&+r3 $hen 'a#i$alism3 +nders$&&d in $erms &2 $he +ni?ersal a##li'a$i&n &2 ind+s$ry3 brings &+$ $he +$m&s$ in manHs 'rea$i?e 'a#a'i$iesB This enables 7ar8 $& ?iew m&dern ind+s$ry n&$ &nly as $he m&s$ #&larised sys$em in whi'h aliena$i&n is +ni?ersalised3 b+$ als& as $he #&$en$ial s&+r'e &2 a se$ &2 new '&ndi$i&ns whi'h +l$ima$ely #la'e in d&+b$ $he 2+$+re &2 'a#i$alism CA?ineri3 DEOQ3 #IQ4B The #hil&s&#hy #r&#&sed here in $his '&n'en$ra$ed 2&rm is an en$irely new &neB His$&ry is #er'ei?ed nei$her as a mere s+''essi&n &2 in'iden$s3 n&r as $he res+l$ &2 $he a'$i&ns &2 indi?id+als3 b+$ as $he de?el&#men$ &2 man!ind de$ermined by $he na$+re &2 #r&d+'$i?e a'$i?i$y Chis$&ri'al ma$erialism4 C6is'her3 DEOQ4B This '&n'ern wi$h $he de?el&#men$ &2 his$&ry is 2&+nd in embry&ni' 2&rm in The German Ide&l&gyB Here3 7ar8 is n& l&nger in$eres$ed in a h+manis$@ins#ired '&nsidera$i&n &2 wha$ '&ns$i$+$es manHs essen'e3 his s#e'ies beingM ra$her he is ab&+$ $& engage in a #r&$ra'$ed e8#l&ra$i&n &2 $he de$ailed me'hani's &2 $he 'a#i$alis$ sys$em whi'h '+lmina$es in $he #+bli'a$i&n &2 $he $hree ?&l+mes &2 %a#i$alB The em#hasis has shi2$ed drama$i'ally away 2r&m a #re&''+#a$i&n wi$h $he s&'ial dimensi&n &2 h+man a'$i?i$y3 2r&m in$er#re$ing $he his$&ri'al #r&'ess in $erms &2 a series &2 s$ages whi'h man e8#erien'es @aliena$i&n3 '&ns'i&+sness and 2inally eman'i#a$i&n @ $&wards an analysis &2 $he laws &2 'a#i$alis$ de?el&#men$3 'lass s$r+ggle and $he emergen'e &2 $he '&ndi$i&ns in whi'h 'lass '&ns'i&+sness is genera$edB Ni$hin s+'h a #ers#e'$i?e3 $he '&+rse &2 his$&ry is de$ermined by $he e'&n&mi' de?el&#men$ &2 s&'ie$y3 'hanges in $he m&de &2 #r&d+'$i&n and e8'hange3 and $he emergen'e &2 and '&n2li'$ be$ween 'lassesB I$ 2inds i$s m&s$ '&m#le$e e8#ressi&n in $he 1re2a'e $& a %&n$rib+$i&n $& a %ri$iK+e &2 1&li$i'al >'&n&my3 in whi'h 7ar8 arg+es $ha$, In $he s&'ial #r&d+'$i&n &2 $heir e8is$en'e3 men ine?i$ably en$er in$& de2ini$e rela$i&ns3 whi'h

are inde#enden$ &2 $heir will3 namely rela$i&ns &2 #r&d+'$i&n a##r&#ria$e $& a gi?en s$age in $he de?el&#men$ &2 $heir ma$erial 2&r'es &2 #r&d+'$i&nB The $&$ali$y &2 $hese rela$i&ns &2 #r&d+'$i&n '&ns$i$+$es $he e'&n&mi' s$r+'$+re &2 s&'ie$y3 $he real 2&+nda$i&n &n whi'h arises a legal and #&li$i'al s+#ers$r+'$+re and $& whi'h '&rres#&nd de2ini$e 2&rms &2 s&'ial '&ns'i&+snessB The m&de &2 #r&d+'$i&n &2 ma$erial li2e '&ndi$i&ns $he general #r&'ess &2 s&'ial3 #&li$i'al and in$elle'$+al li2eB I$ is n&$ $he '&ns'i&+sness &2 men $ha$ de$ermines $heir e8is$en'e3 b+$ $heir s&'ial e8is$en'e $ha$ de$ermines $heir '&ns'i&+sness Cmy em#hasis3 7ar83 DQPE3 #TFP 4BF I$ is #erha#s n&$ s+r#rising $ha$ b&$h 'ri$i's and sym#a$hisers ali!e ha?e la#sed in$& a sim#le3 me'hanis$i' in$er#re$a$i&n &2 7ar8Hs ?iew &2 his$&ry3 where $he de?el&#men$ &2 'a#i$alism is seen #+rely in $erms &2 $he +n2&lding &2 na$+ral laws3 $he de?el&#men$ &2 an inner l&gi' $& 'a#i$alism3 bere2$ &2 a 'r+'ial s+bGe'$i?e '&m#&nen$, $he h+man beingB This in$er#re$a$i&n 'an be #resen$ed in a sim#le b+$ n&ne$heless 2&r'e2+l 2ashi&nB The de?el&#men$ &2 'a#i$alism 2&ll&ws a series &2 lawsB The ma$erial 2&r'es &2 #r&d+'$i&n Cma'hines &r $e'hn&l&gy4 de?el&# in a #a$$ern whi'h genera$es #ar$i'+lar 2&rms &2 'lass rela$i&nsB This e8#erien'e &2 e8#l&i$a$i&n #r&m#$s $he de?el&#men$ &2 #ar$i'+lar 2&rms &2 'lass '&ns'i&+sness whi'h are mani2es$ in a s$r+ggle $ha$ +ndermines 'a#i$alismB Here3 i$ is all $&& easy $& ?iew $he ins$r+men$s &2 lab&+r and ma'hines C&bGe'$i?e rela$i&ns4 ra$her $han h+man beings as $he dri?ing 2&r'e behind his$&ryB I$ is 'er$ainly #&ssible $& glean $his in$er#re$a$i&n 2r&m 7ar8Hs S$a$emen$s in $he 1&?er$y &2 1hil&s&#hy where he F%&m#are $he em#hasis +#&n de$erminism &r Hs$r+'$+resH dis#layed in $hese i$ali's wi$h $he m&re h+manis$ ins#ired early $e8$s ROn The Jewish U+es$i&nR CDQTS4 &r RThe >'&n&mi' and 1hil&s&#hi'al 7an+s'ri#$s RCDQTT4B arg+es $ha$, RThe Hand mill gi?es y&+ s&'ie$y wi$h $he 2e+dal l&rdM $he s$eam mill3 s&'ie$y wi$h $he ind+s$rial 'a#i$alis$RC7ar83 DQTI3 7>SN I3 #lOO4B S+'h a reading &2 7ar8Hs w&r! has genera$ed a grea$ deal &2 '&n2+si&n and deba$eBS A$ $his #&in$ i$ may be s+22i'ien$ $& s+gges$ $ha$ a$ ?ari&+s G+n'$+res 7ar8Hs #&si$i&n is &#en $& di22eren$ in$er#re$a$i&nsB 6&r e8am#le3 in Nage Lab&+r and %a#i$al 7ar8 'learly #la'es $he em#hasis +#&n $he s&'ial rela$i&ns &2 #r&d+'$i&n when he arg+es $ha$, Ra negr& is a negr&B He &nly be'&mes a sla?e in 'er$ain rela$i&nsB A '&$$&n@s#inning Genny is a ma'hine 2&r s#inning '&$$&nB I$ be'&mes 'a#i$al &nly in 'er$ain rela$i&nsB R C7ar83 DQTI3 7>SN I3 #IE4 S+'h '&n2+sing signals Hha?e n&$ been assis$ed by $he '&m#aris&ns 7ar8 #ersis$en$ly drew be$ween na$+ral laws and $he laws &2 his$&ryB %ri$i's ha?e3 n&$ s+r#risingly3 #&sed $he

K+es$i&n, i2 s+'h a law &2 de?el&#men$ e8is$s3 wha$ is $he #&in$ &2 a'$i&n3 &2 'lass s$r+ggleV In a m&re 2a?&+rable ligh$3 &ne whi'h hinges +#&n a $ensi&n wi$hin 7ar8Hs w&r! be$ween $he &bGe'$i?e C$he 2&r'es &2 #r&d+'$i&n4 and $he s+bGe'$i?e C$he r&le &2 'lass s$r+ggle43 i$ is #erha#s #la+sible $& s+gges$ $ha$ 7ar8Hs ?iew &2 his$&ry was based +#&n an &bGe'$i?e 2&rm &2 de?el&#men$ '&n$aining wi$hin i$ $he 2&rma$i&n &2 a s+bGe'$i?e 2a'$&r3 h+man beings3 &r #erha#s m&re a''+ra$ely 'lass s$r+ggle3 whi'h is $hen ins$r+men$al in realising $ha$ de?el&#men$B H&we?er3 2&r $he #+r#&ses &2 la$er arg+men$s in $his 'ha#$er $he m&s$ 'r+'ial $heme wi$hin 7ar8Hs #hil&s&#hy &2 his$&ry is $ha$ i$ always #r&'eeds 2r&m s&'ial reali$y3 n&$ 2r&m abs$ra'$ 'a$eg&riesM 2r&m $he sim#le ma$erial #r&d+'$i&n &2 li2e3 n&$ 2r&m in$elle'$+al '&ns$r+'$sM 2r&m #ra'$i'e3 n&$ 2r&m a se$ &2 sel2@genera$ing ideas C6is'her3 DEIJ3 #ED4B 7ar8 &n $he S$a$e %&n2li'$ing in$er#re$a$i&ns &2 7ar8Hs ?iews ha?e n&$ been $he e8'l+si?e #reser?e &2 deba$es &n his$&ri'al ma$erialismB I$ is #&ssible3 2&r e8am#le3 $& dis'ern S This is an e8$remely '&ndensed ?ersi&n &2 s&me di22i'+l$ arg+men$sB The !ey #r&blem re?&l?es ar&+nd $he #rima'y a''&rded $& $he 2&r'es &2 #r&d+'$i&n and whe$her $his s+b&rdina$es $he r&le &2 $he rela$i&ns &2 #r&d+'$i&n C'lass s$r+ggle4B 6&r an el&K+en$ de2en'e &2 $his #&si$i&n see G %&hen CDEIQ4Warl 7ar8Hs The&ry &2 His$&ry, A Uni?ersi$y 1ressB in 7ar8Hs wri$ings a$ leas$ $w& analy$i'ally dis$in'$ a''&+n$s &2 $he rela$i&nshi# be$ween $he S$a$e and #ar$i'+lar 'lassesB The 2irs$3 and by 2ar $he m&s$ in2l+en$ial3 is $he ?iew &2 $he S$a$e as an ins$r+men$ &2 $he d&minan$ 'lass whi'h #er2&rms $he 'r+'ial 2+n'$i&n &2 '&&rdina$ing i$s l&ng@$erm in$eres$sB 6r&m $his #ers#e'$i?e3 m&s$ '&mm&nly ass&'ia$ed wi$h $he %&mm+nis$ 7ani2es$&3 7ar8 arg+es $ha$ $he Re8e'+$i?e &2 $he m&dern S$a$e is b+$ a '&mmi$$ee 2&r managing $he a22airs &2 $he wh&le b&+rge&isieR C7ar83 DEIS3 #OE4B Here3 7ar8 de#i'$s 'lass s$r+ggle in $erms &2 a sim#le 'lash be$ween $w& #&larised &##&si$es3 wi$h a de'lining n+mber &2 b&+rge&isie and an e8#l&si&n in $he n+mber &2 $he #r&le$aria$B The se'&nd ?iew emb&dies a m&re s+b$le a##re'ia$i&n &2 $he rela$i&nshi# be$ween $he S$a$e and #ar$i'+lar 'lassesB S+'h a ?iew 'an be 'learly seen in 7ar8Hs essays &n '&n$em#&rary #&li$i'al e?en$s in 6ran'e3 $he DQ$h (r+maire &2 L&+is (&na#ar$e CDQPF4 and $he %lass S$r+ggles in 6ran'e3 CDQPJ4 where he is eager $& s$ress $he #l+rali$y &2 'lasses and $he manner in whi'h $he S$a$e a##ears 'a#able &2 b&$h d&mina$ing 'i?il s&'ie$y and ye$ res$ri'$ing $he #&wer &2 $he b&+rge&isieB Nhile $his analysis s+gges$s $ha$ agen$s &2 $he S$a$e d& n&$ sim#ly #er2&rm $he 2+n'$i&n &2 '&&rdina$ing $he l&ng@$erm in$eres$s &2 $he d&minan$ 'lass3 7ar8 was3 e2en'eB %larend&n 1ress, O82&rdB 6&r a 'ri$iK+e see S H "igby CDEQI4 7ar8ism and His$&ryB 7an'hes$er

ne?er$heless3 '&n?in'ed $ha$ $he S$a$eHs r&le '&+ld n&$ es'a#e inde2ini$ely $he '&ns$rain$s im#&sed by $h&se wh& &wn and '&n$r&l $he means &2 #r&d+'$i&n CHeld3 DEQI3 #i DE4B There are3 $hen3 $w& dis$in'$ a##r&a'hes $& $he rela$i&nshi# be$ween $he S$a$e and #ar$i'+lar 'lasses in 7ar8Hs w&r!B On $he &ne hand3 $he S$a$e is ?iewed as being rela$i?ely a+$&n&m&+s 2r&m $he d&minan$ 'lass and3 &n $he &$her hand3 i$ is de#i'$ed as an ins$r+men$ ser?ing $he in$eres$s &2 $he d&minan$ 'lassBT 7ar8Hs 2ail+re $& el+'ida$e $his rela$i&nshi# in a m&re sys$ema$i' manner mean$ $ha$ $he $as! 2ell $& $he ne8$ genera$i&n &2 7ar8is$s3 m&s$ n&$ably 1le!han&? and Wa+$s!yB H&we?er3 s$im+la$ed by $he desire $& es$ablish a s'ien$i2i' 7ar8ism TI$ sh&+ld be n&$ed3 h&we?er3 $ha$ $hese early essays d& n&$ es$ablish a '&heren$ and reas&ned analysis &2 $he S$a$eB As Jess&# n&$es3 a$ bes$ $hey 'an be '&nsidered as a se$ &2 arg+men$s whi'h dis#lay an in$eres$ in $he rela$i&nshi# be$ween $he S$a$e and 'lass s$r+ggle wi$hin a general 2ramew&r! &2 his$&ri'al ma$erialism C( Jess&#3 DEQF3 #E4B Cdiale'$i'al ma$erialism4 'a#able &2 re#la'ing b&+rge&is s'ien'e3 $hese a+$h&rs em#hasised $he de$ermining r&le &2 $he #r&d+'$i?e 2&r'es a$ $he e8#ense &2 $he rela$i&ns &2 #r&d+'$i&nB 1+$ sim#ly3 $his se'&nd genera$i&n &2 7ar8is$s #r&d+'ed an e?&l+$i&nary@de$erminis$ '&n'e#$i&n &2 his$&ry in whi'h 'a#i$alism was g&?erned by a se$ &2 imm+$able laws whi'h lay bey&nd $he s'&#e &2 man Ce'&n&mism4 P C7erring$&n3 DEIQ3 "igby3 DEQI4B As a '&nseK+en'e3 7ar8ism had been 'leansed &2 i$s h+manis$ and #hil&s&#hi'al bias and was n&w 2irmly r&&$ed in a s'ien$i2i' #res'ri#$i&n &2 $he ine?i$able '&lla#se &2 'a#i$alismB This #&si$i&n3 +nd&+b$edly in2l+en'ed by $he #+bli'a$i&n &2 arwinHs Origin &2 S#e'ies3 was well@s+i$ed $& $he #&li$i'al #ra'$i'e &2 $he Se'&nd In$erna$i&nal w&r!ersH m&?emen$B 7&re im#&r$an$ly3 2&r $he #+r#&ses &2 $his #a#er3 i$ was $he reGe'$i&n &2 $his #&li$i'al and $he&re$i'al &r$h&d&8y whi'h 2&rmed $he s$ar$ing #&in$ &2 Grams'iHs a$$em#$ $& re2&rm+la$e $he 7ar8is$ $he&ry &2 $he S$a$eB An$&ni& Grams'i The #&wer and &riginali$y &2 Grams'iHs arg+men$s lie +ndeniably in his a$$em#$ $& re@ es$ablish h+man s+bGe'$i?i$y as $he #rin'i#al 2ea$+re &2 7ar8ismB In $he &r$h&d&8 7ar8ism &2 Wa+$s!y and 1le!han&? #ri&ri$y lay wi$h $he &bGe'$i?e '&ndi$i&ns &2 'a#i$alismM h+man s+bGe'$i?i$y C'&ns'i&+sness4 was3 $here2&re3 seen as $he sim#le mani2es$a$i&n &2 a series &2 dee#er e'&n&mi' #r&'essesB In '&n$ras$3 all &2 Grams'iHs m&s$ signi2i'an$ '&n$rib+$i&ns $& 7ar8is$ $he&ry re#resen$ an a$$em#$ $& res$&re $he ?&l+n$aris$ side &2 7ar8is$ $he&ry, a '&n'ern wi$h $he r&le &2 ideas3 '&ns'i&+sness and h+man s+bGe'$i?i$yB S+'h an endea?&+r is e?iden$ in his reGe'$i&n &2 e'&n&mism3 his m&re s&#his$i'a$ed a##re'ia$i&n &2 $he rela$i&nshi# be$ween ide&l&gy and '&ns'i&+sness3 his wider a##raisal &2 $he a+$&n&my &2 $he S$a$e3 and

his n&?el in$er#re$a$i&n &2 $he r&le &2 in$elle'$+als in 'lass s$r+ggle CGrams'i3 DEID4B P >'&n&mism is a ?arian$ &2 7ar8ism whi'h &?erem#hasises $he de$ermina$i&n &2 s&'ial li2e by $he e'&n&mi' base and $here2&re +nderes$ima$es $he im#&r$an'e &2 ide&l&gy and #&li$i'al a'$i&n in $he 2&rma$i&n &2 his$&ryB I$ als& embra'es $he ?iew $ha$ $here e8is$ a se$ &2 &bGe'$i?e laws &2 his$&ri'al de?el&#men$B As 7erring$&n has n&$ed3 $he s$ar$ing #&in$ 2&r Grams'iHs w&r! 'an be 2&+nd in his e8#li'i$ reGe'$i&n &2 e'&n&mism C7erring$&n3 DEIQ4B 6&r Grams'i3 $he ?arian$ &2 7ar8ism es#&+sed by Wa+$s!y and 1le!han&?3 in a$$em#$ing $& de?el&# a #se+d&@s'ien'e 'a#able &2 #redi'$ing $he ?&la$ile 2&r'es &2 'a#i$alism3 had negle'$ed $he m&s$ 'r+'ial 2ea$+re &2 $he diale'$i'al a##r&a'h, $he in$er#lay be$ween $he &bGe'$i?e and s+bGe'$i?e in $he his$&ri'al #r&'essB In s& d&ing3 i$ had red+'ed $he '&m#le8i$y &2 $he s+#ers$r+'$+re3 $he r&le &2 $he #&li$i'al3 $he ide&l&gi'al and $he '+l$+ral3 $& $he s$a$+s &2 mere emana$i&ns &2 $he e'&n&mi' base C7erring$&n3 DEII3 #lTS4B O In $his '&n$e8$ Grams'i arg+ed $ha$ e'&n&mism was n&$ &nly +nable $& a''&+n$ 2&r im#&r$an$ #&li$i'al e?en$s s+'h as $he rise &2 6as'ism in I$aly &r $he in'reasing im#&r$an'e &2 %a$h&li'ism3 b+$ was in'a#able &2 gras#ing $he '&m#le8i$y &2 $he 'lass s$r+ggle i$sel2 CGrams'i3 DEID3 ##lPQ@DQP4B H&we?er3 as 7erring$&n has n&$ed3 $he !ey $& +nders$anding Grams'iHs $he&re$i'al &riginali$y lies in $he 2a'$ $ha$ $he #ri?a$e &wnershi# &2 $he means &2 #r&d+'$i&n is a ne'essary3 b+$ n&$ a s+22i'ien$ basis3 2&r 'a#i$alis$ d&mina$i&n C7erring$&n3 DEII3 #lTT4B I2 we are $& +nders$and $he '&m#le8i$y &2 any #ar$i'+lar '&nG+n'$+re3 $hen i$ is essen$ial3 in Grams'iHs &#ini&n3 $& e8amine $he #&li$i'al3 $he '+l$+ral and $he ide&l&gi'al dimensi&ns &2 'lass s$r+ggleB Th+s3 while he was willing $& '&n'ede $ha$ $he basi' '&+rse &2 h+man his$&ry is e8#lained by $he de?el&#men$ &2 $he 2&r'es &2 #r&d+'$i&n3 he was als& eager $& em#hasise $ha$ i$s $raGe'$&ry w&+ld be sha#ed in a''&rdan'e wi$h $he #ar$i'+lar 'ir'+ms$an'es &2 ea'h '&+n$ry CGrams'i3 DEID3 #FTJ4B 6&r Grams'i3 $hen3 his$&ri'al 'hange 'ann&$ be +nders$&&d in $erms &2 a sim#le linear de?el&#men$ C'&mm+nism ine?i$ably 2&ll&ws 'a#i$alism4 b+$ sh&+ld be a##re'ia$ed in all i$s '&m#le8i$yB I$ is &#en and '&n$ingen$ and $here are 'r+'ial #&li$i'al3 ide&l&gi'al and '+l$+ral dimensi&ns $& $he de?el&#men$ &2 '&ns'i&+snessB %&ns'i&+sness3 here3 re2ers $& m&re $han $he e'&n&mi' e8#erien'e &2 e8#l&i$a$i&nM i$ OThis is &2$en re2erred $& as $he base/s+#ers$r+'$+re m&del in whi'h $he s$a$e is denied a+$&n&my3 and $he s$a$e 'an be +nders$&&d &nly in $erms &2 i$s 2+n'$i&n &2 re#r&d+'ing $he rela$i&ns &2 #r&d+'$i&n3 $he rela$i&nshi# &2 e8#l&i$a$i&n be$ween $he #r&le$aria$ and $he b&+rge&isieB

I6&r a #ar$i'+larly 2&r'e2+l e8#&si$i&n &2 $his #&si$i&n see L+!a's CDEID43RNha$ is Or$h&d&8 7ar8ismVR in His$&ry and %lass %&ns'i&+snessB 7erlin 1ress in?&l?es an +nders$anding &2 h&w #e&#le are s+bGe'$ed $& $he e22e'$s &2 '&m#e$ing ide&l&gi'al ?iews &2 $he w&rldB Hegem&ny and $he S$a$e 1ri&r $& Grams'i3 $he #r&blem &2 &rder wi$hin 7ar8ism had been e8#lained in $erms &2 2&r'e3 re#ressi&n &r $he &?er#&wering d&minan'e &2 b&+rge&is ide&l&gyBI In $he German Ide&l&gy3 2&r e8am#le3 7ar8 and >ngels arg+ed $ha$ $he ideas &2 $he r+ling 'lass were in e?ery his$&ri'al #eri&d $he r+ling ideas and $ha$ $he 'lass whi'h is $he r+ling ma$erial 2&r'e in s&'ie$y is a$ $he same $ime i$s r+ling in$elle'$+al 2&r'e C7ar83 DQTP4B In de?el&#ing $he '&n'e#$ &2 hegem&ny3 Grams'iHs #&si$i&n de?ia$ed 2r&m $ha$ &2 7ar8 and >ngels in $w& im#&r$an$ res#e'$sB 6irs$3 Grams'i em#hasised $he im#&r$an'e &2 ide&l&gi'al s+#ers$r+'$+res ?is@a@?is $he e'&n&mi' s$r+'$+re C$he a+$&n&my &2 $he S$a$e4B Se'&nd3 his ?iews &n hegem&ny 'learly dis#lay an im#&r$an$ em#hasis +#&n $he r&le &2 '&nsen$ wi$hin 'i?il s&'ie$y as &##&sed $& $he +se &2 #+re 2&r'e by $he S$a$e C%arn&y3 DEQT3 #OE4B A''&rding $& Grams'i3 $he r+le &2 a #ar$i'+lar 'lass '&n$ains $w& se#ara$e dimensi&ns, '&er'i&n Cd&minan'e43 and s&'ial@m&ral leadershi#B Hegem&ny re2ers $& $he way 'lass d&mina$i&n is based n&$ sim#ly +#&n '&er'i&n b+$ +#&n $he '+l$+ral and ide&l&gi'al a'K+ies'en'e &2 s+b&rdina$e 'lassesB The #&li$i'al 'ann&$3 $here2&re3 be +nders$&&d as ei$her 2&r'e &r '&nsen$, i$ is b&$h 2&r'e and '&nsen$B In $his '&n$e8$ a 'lass may be deemed hegem&ni' &nly when i$ has gained $he a'$i?e '&nsen$ &2 $he s+b&rdina$e 'lass C6emia3 DEQI3 #FT4B %&nsen$3 here3 sh&+ld n&$ be +nders$&&d as a #ermanen$ s$a$e &2 a22airs3 ra$her i$ '&n?eys $he im#ressi&n &2 a s$r+ggle be$ween '&m#e$ing ide&l&gi'al #&si$i&ns whi'h are '&ns$an$ly shi2$ing $& Ra''&mm&da$e $he 'hanging na$+re &2 his$&ri'al 'ir'+ms$an'es and $he demands and re2le8i?e a'$i&ns &2 h+man beingsR C%arn&y3 DEQT3 #IJ4B The S+#ers$r+'$+re The '&n'e#$ &2 hegem&ny is 'r+'ial $& Grams'iHs $he&re$i'al 2ramew&r! sin'e i$s aim is $& rede2ine $he na$+re &2 #&wer in m&dern s&'ie$yM $& a$$rib+$e a grea$er degree &2 im#&r$an'e $& $he s$r+ggle $a!ing #la'e a$ $he ide&l&gi'al3 #&li$i'al and '+l$+ral le?elsB H&we?er3 al$h&+gh Grams'i was eager $& em#hasise $he a+$&n&my &2 $he s+#ers$r+'$+re3 he ne?er$heless re'&gnised $ha$ i$ was in$ima$ely '&nne'$ed $& $he rela$i&ns &2 #r&d+'$i&nB Al$h&+gh hegem&ny is e$hi'al@#&li$i'al3 Ri$ m+s$ als& be e'&n&mi'3 m+s$ ne'essarily be based &n $he de'isi?e 2+n'$i&n e8er'ised by $he leading gr&+# in $he de'isi?e n+'le+s &2 e'&n&mi' a'$i?i$yR CGrams'i3 DEID3 #lOJ4B The '&n'e#$ &2 $he S$a$e ass+mes a wider and m&re &rgani' sense in Grams'iHs w&r!3 an al$erna$i?e arena 2&r s$r+ggle3 wi$h a '&rres#&nding in'rease in $he le?el &2 im#&r$an'e

a$$a'hed $& i$s r&le and 2+n'$i&n in m&dern s&'ie$yB Th+s3 Grams'i arg+es $ha$ $he S$a$e '&nsis$s &2 $he Ren$ire '&m#le8 &2 #&li$i'al and $he&re$i'al a'$i?i$ies wi$h whi'h $he r+ling 'lass n&$ &nly G+s$i2ies and main$ains i$s d&minan'e3 b+$ manages $& win $he a'$i?e '&nsen$ &2 $h&se &?er wh&m i$ r+lesR CGrams'i3 DEID3 #FTT4B The '&n'e#$i&n &2 #&wer is e8$ended $& in'l+de a ?as$ array &2 ins$i$+$i&ns $hr&+gh whi'h #&wer rela$i&ns are media$ed in s&'ie$y, ed+'a$i&n3 $he mass media3 #arliamen$s and '&+r$s3 are all Ra'$i?i$ies and ini$ia$i?es whi'h 2&rm $he a##ara$+s &2 $he #&li$i'al and '+l$+ral hegem&ny &2 $he r+ling 'lassesR CGrams'i3 DEID3 #FPQ4B The in'reasing im#&r$an'e a''&rded $& $he S$a$e in Grams'iHs w&r! is e?iden'ed by $he 2a'$ $ha$ he '&nsidered $he s$r+ggle &?er '&ns'i&+sness $& be as im#&r$an$ as $he s$r+ggle &?er $he &wnershi# &2 $he means &2 #r&d+'$i&n C%arn&y3 DEQT3 #IP4B I$ is n&$ sim#ly an iss+e &2 $he e8#erien'e &2 e8#l&i$a$i&n b+$ h&w s+b&rdina$e 'lasses re'ei?e '&m#e$ing ide&l&gi'al in$er#re$a$i&ns &2 $ha$ reali$yB 6&r Grams'i3 $he #&li$i'al s$r+ggle &2 $he 'lass and 1ar$y was +nder$a!en wi$h $he s#e'i2i' aim &2 es$ablishing an al$erna$i?e hegem&ny and3 by im#li'a$i&n3 $he #&li$i'al s$r+ggle needs $& embra'e $he ide&l&gi'al3 '+l$+ral and m&ral '+rren$s &2 s&'ie$y CSh&ws$a'!@Sass&&n3 DEQI3 #llQ4B Ni$hin $his wider3 &rgani' sense &2 s$r+ggle Grams'i assigns an in'reasing le?el &2 im#&r$an'e $& $he r&le &2 $he in$elle'$+alsB As he &bser?ed3 $here is n& &rganisa$i&n wi$h&+$ in$elle'$+als and3 $here2&re3 $he #&li$i'al +ni$y &2 any re?&l+$i&nary &rganisa$i&n reK+ired a '&rres#&nding le?el &2 ide&l&gi'al '&heren'e3 in whi'h $he 1ar$y3 $he in$elle'$+als and $he masses are br&+gh$ in$& an &rgani' rela$i&nshi# CGrams'i3 DEID3 #SST4B This iss+e3 whi'h re?&l?es essen$ially ar&+nd h&w $he +ni$y be$ween $he e'&n&mi' s$r+'$+re and $he s+#ers$r+'$+re is a'hie?ed3 &''+#ied $he 'en$ral $heme in $he S&+$hern U+es$i&nB As wi$h &$her areas &2 Grams'iHs w&r!3 $he &bGe'$i?e was $& +nmas! $he '&m#le8i$y &2 $he '&n're$e si$+a$i&n C'&nG+n'$+re43 $& e8amine $he $errain &2 #&li$i'al s$r+ggle and in2&rm $he a'$i?i$y &2 $he 1ar$y CSh&ws$a'!@Sass&&n3 DEQI3 #lQJ4B %r+'ially3 2&r Grams'i3 $he&ry '&+ld n&$ Rbe $he res+l$ &2 a ra$i&nalis$i'3 ded+'$i?e3 abs$ra'$ #r&'essBBB&ne $y#i'al &2 #+re in$elle'$+alsR3 b+$ a #r&'ess whi'h is ?eri2ied &nly in rela$i&n $& #&li$i'al #ra'$i'e CGrams'i3 DEID3 #lQE4B The 'en$ral $hr+s$ &2 Grams'iHs w&r!3 $hen3 was $& reasser$ $he r&le &2 $he s+bGe'$ wi$hin 7ar8ismB As s+'h3 his w&r! is d&mina$ed by a m&re sys$ema$i' a##re'ia$i&n &2 $he r&le &2 ide&l&gy3 $he 'a#i$alis$ S$a$e and a reGe'$i&n &2 abs$ra'$ $he&ryB The $radi$i&n &2 6ren'h s$r+'$+ralism whi'h r&se $& #r&minen'e in $he DEOJs and DEIJs s$ands diame$ri'ally &##&sed $& $his #&si$i&nB As i$s 'ri$i's ha?e &2$en n&$ed3 s$r+'$+ralism is a $he&re$i'al $radi$i&n bere2$ &2 a s+bGe'$i?e '&reB There are n& s+bGe'$s in his$&ry as s$r+'$+ralism 2&rm+la$es i$3 &nly

indi?id+als wh& &''+#y &bGe'$i?e s$r+'$+res CGeras3 DEIQ3 Gl+'!sman3 DEIQ4B Ni'&s 1&+lan$Las 6r&m $he &+$se$ i$ is im#&r$an$ $& re'&gnise $ha$ 1&+lan$LasHs $he&re$i'al #&si$i&n shi2$ed drama$i'ally be$ween $he #+bli'a$i&n &2 1&li$i'al 1&wer and S&'ial %lasses CDEIT4 and S$a$e 1&wer and S&'ialism CDEIQ4 as he s&+gh$ $& rem&?e $he s$r+'$+ralis$ resid+es &2 his earlier #+bli'a$i&nsB Q H&we?er3 in a n+mber &2 im#&r$an$ res#e'$s 1&+lan$LasHs la$er ?iews &n $he 'a#i$alis$ S$a$e s$ill &we a grea$ Q6&r a de$ailed analysis &2 $he 'hanges whi'h $&&! #la'e in 1&+lan$LasHs w&r! see Jess&# CDEQP4B deal $& $he in2l+en'e &2 6ren'h s$r+'$+ralism and3 in #ar$i'+lar3 $he w&r! &2 L&+is Al$h+sserB This was m&s$ ?isible in his reGe'$i&n &2 e'&n&mism3 his s+s$ained '&mmi$men$ $& $he '&n'e#$ &2 rela$i?e a+$&n&my and his belie2 $ha$ his$&ry '&+ld n&$ be +nders$&&d in $erms &2 a linear 2&rm &2 de?el&#men$ Chis$&ri'ism4B In $he &#ening s$a$emen$s &2 S$a$e 1&wer and S&'ialism 1&+lan$Las #resen$s a 'r+'ial #arad&8 2&r '&n$em#&rary S$a$e $he&ryB I$ is &b?i&+s3 he arg+es3 $ha$ we are Rhemmed in m&re $igh$ly by a S$a$e wh&se m&s$ de$ailed #ra'$i'es dem&ns$ra$e i$s '&nne'$i&n wi$h #ar$i'+lar3 and e8$remely #re'ise3 in$eres$sR and ye$ a$ $he same $ime Rwhile $he b&+rge&isie '&n$in+e $& deri?e many bene2i$s 2r&m s+'h a S$a$e3 i$ is by n& means always '&n$en$ed wi$h i$R C1&+lan$Las3 DEIQ3 #lF4B Ad&#$ing Al$h+sserHs '&n'e#$ &2 rela$i?e a+$&n&my3 1&+lan$Las arg+ed $ha$ i2 $he 'a#i$alis$ S$a$e was $& 2+n'$i&n s+''ess2+lly as a 'lass S$a$e3 a'$ing in $he l&ng@$erm in$eres$s &2 $he b&+rge&isie3 $hen i$ m+s$ re$ain a degree &2 a+$&n&my 2r&m $he d&minan$ 'lassB As Jess&# n&$es3 $he e8'l+si&n &2 any &#en 'lass bias enables $he 'a#i$alis$ S$a$e $& #resen$ i$sel2 n&$ as a 'lass S$a$e3 a S$a$e 2&r #ar$i'+lar in$eres$s3 b+$ as a S$a$e &#era$ing in $he in$eres$s &2 $he general #+bli' C#e&#le@na$i&n4 CJess&#3 DEQP3 #OQ4B As 1&+lan$Las #&in$s &+$3 in $he #r&'ess &2 se'+ring 'lass hegem&ny $he S$a$e Ra'$s wi$hin an +ns$able eK+ilibri+mR &2 '&m#r&mises be$ween $he d&minan$ 'lasses and $he d&mina$ed Rand as s+'h may ad&#$ meas+res whi'h are &2 a #&si$i?e bene2i$ $& $he massesR C1&+lan$Las3 DEIQ3 #SD als& ##lFI@DTP4B .e$3 while 1&+lan$Las a''e#$s 2+lly Al$h+sserHs ?iew $ha$ $he #&li$i'al and ide&l&gi'al le?els are rela$i?ely a+$&n&m&+s3 he is a$ #ains $& s$ress $ha$ $his is be'a+se $he #&li$i'al and ide&l&gi'al le?els are Ralready #resen$ in $he a'$+al '&ns$i$+$i&n &2 $he rela$i&ns &2 #r&d+'$i&n $ha$ $hey #lay s+'h an essen$ial r&le in $heir re#r&d+'$i&nR C1&+lan$Las3 DEIQ3 #FI4B In &$her w&rds3 $he r&le &2 $he #&li$i'al and ide&l&gi'al is n&$ limi$ed $& re#r&d+'ing $he e8$ernal '&ndi$i&ns in whi'h #r&d+'$i&n $a!es #la'eM ra$her i$ is a 'r+'ial '&m#&nen$ in $he s&'ial rela$i&ns &2

#r&d+'$i&nB 6&r 1&+lan$Las3 $he 'a#i$alis$ 2&rm &2 #r&d+'$i&n inheren$ly in?&l?es a #r&'ess &2 'lass iden$i2i'a$i&n and 'lass s$r+ggleB I2 $hese rela$i&ns are $& be re#r&d+'ed i$ is im#era$i?e $& see $ha$ $he S$a$e #lays an e8$ended r&leB I$ is n&$ '&n'erned sim#ly wi$h $he nega$i?e 2+n'$i&n &2 ide&l&gi'al mys$i2i'a$i&n b+$ is a'$i?ely in?&l?ed in $he #&si$i?e re#r&d+'$i&n &2 $he 'a#i$alis$ #r&d+'$i&n #r&'ess C1&+lan$Las3 DEIQ3 #OS4B This is a signi2i'an$ s$e# 2&rward 2r&m $he #&si$i&n held by Al$h+sserB As 1&+lan$Las n&$ed3 as 2ar as Al$h+sser was '&n'erned $he S$a$e, a'$s and 2+n'$i&ns $hr&+gh re#ressi&n and ide&l&gi'al in'+l'a$i&n and n&$hing elseB I$ ass+mes $he S$a$eHs e22i'a'y lies in wha$ i$ 2&rbids3 r+les &+$BBB a''&rding $& $his '&n'e#$i&n3 $he e'&n&mi' is an ins$an'e 'a#able &2 sel2@re#r&d+'$i&n and sel2@reg+la$i&n3 in whi'h $he S$a$e ser?es merely $& lay d&wn $he nega$i?e r+les &2 $he e'&n&mi' game C1&+lan$Las3 DEIQ3 #SJ4B A''&rding $& 1&+lan$Las3 'a#i$alism has #r&m&$ed $he ?iew &2 dem&'ra'y3 &ne man &ne ?&$e3 as a s+22i'ien$ '&ndi$i&n 2&r a mass dem&'ra$i' s&'ie$yB In s& d&ing3 i$ has dis#la'ed $he s$r+ggle 2r&m $he e'&n&mi' s#here $& $he #&li$i'al s#hereB This is a 'r+'ial $heme wi$hin 1&+lan$LasHs la$er w&r! sin'e $his 2&rms #ar$ &2 a #r&'ess in whi'h 'lass s+bGe'$s are a$&mised in$& indi?id+al G+ridi'ial@s+bGe'$s3 $hereby di22+sing $he #&$en$ial 2&r '&n2li'$ be$ween 'lassesB This #r&'ess &2 Cindi?id+alisa$i&n4 ser?es n&$ &nly R$& mas! and &bs'+re 'lass rela$i&ns C$he 'a#i$alis$ S$a$e ne?er #resen$s i$sel2 as a 'lass S$a$e4 b+$ als& #lays an a'$i?e #ar$ in $he di?isi&ns and is&la$i&n &2 $he #&#+lar massesBRC1&+lan$Las3 DEIQ3 #OO4B In addi$i&n3 1&+lan$Las iden$i2ies $he di?isi&n be$ween men$al and man+al lab&+r3 $he r&le &2 b&+rge&is law and $he #e&#le@na$i&n as 'r+'ial $hemes in $his #r&'ess &2 re#r&d+'ing a$&mised indi?id+alsB 6&r 1&+lan$Las3 'a#i$alis$ #r&d+'$i&n is 'hara'$erised by a s&'ial di?isi&n &2 lab&+r in whi'h in$elle'$+al w&r! is se#ara$ed 2r&m man+al w&r!3 a se#ara$i&n &2 $e'hn&l&gy 2r&m w&r! and $he +se &2 s'ien'e $& ra$i&nalise #&werB The 2ramew&r! &2 S$a$e a##ara$+ses3 in 1&+lan$LasHs &#ini&n3 res$s &n $he #ermanen$ e8'l+si&n &2 $he masses wh& are s+bGe'$ed $& man+al lab&+rB In $his way $he S$a$e n&$ &nly has an im#&r$an$ h&ld &n $he genera$i&n &2 new !n&wledge b+$ als& &n h&w $ha$ !n&wledge is +sed C%arn&y3 DEQT4B Ni$hin 1&+lan$LasHs w&r! &n b&+rge&is law $here are $w& dis$in'$ $hemesB In $he 2irs$ &2 $hese3 and in '&n$ras$ $& $he n&$i&n &2 '&nsen$ wi$hin Grams'iHs w&r!3 1&+lan$Las is n&$ a?erse $& s$ressing $he re#ressi?e elemen$ &2 lawB He arg+es3 2&r e8am#le3 $ha$ Rlaw is $he '&de &2 &rganised #+bli' ?i&len'eR C1&+lan$Las3 DEIQ3 #II4 and $ha$ $he S$a$e Rhas a m&n&#&ly &2 legi$ima$e #hysi'al ?i&len'eR C1&+lan$Las3 DEIQ3 #QJ4B H&we?er3 $here is als& a se'&nd dis$in'$i?e $heme $& 1&+lan$LasHs ?iews &n $he law3 in whi'h i$s 2+n'$i&n is $&

re#r&d+'e indi?id+al #&li$i'al s+bGe'$s by #resen$ing $heir +ni$y in $he #e&#le@na$i&n C1&+lan$Las3 DEIQ3 #QI4B On'e again3 i$ is a #r&'ess whi'h ser?es $& &bs'+re 'lass rela$i&ns and a?er$ #&li$i'al 'risisB In $his '&n$e8$ 1&+lan$Las arg+es $ha$, '&n2r&n$ed by $he s$r+ggle &2 $he w&r!ing 'lass in $he #&li$i'al arena3 'a#i$alis$ law3 as i$ were3 dam#s d&wn and 'hannels #&li$i'al 'rises3 in s+'h a way $ha$ $hey d& n&$ lead $& a 'risis &2 $he S$a$e i$sel2 C1&+lan$Las3 DEIQ3 #ED4B Ni$hin $his $he&re$i'al 2ramew&r!3 b&+rge&is law #er2&rms $he d+al 2+n'$i&n &2 legi$imising $he dis#&ssessi&n &2 $he w&r!er 2r&m $he means &2 #r&d+'$i&n and sys$ema$i'ally re+ni2ying $he s+bGe'$ +nder $he +mbrella &2 $he #e&#le@na$i&nB 6&r 1&+lan$Las3 $he S$a$e is a'$i?ely in?&l?ed in '&ns$r+'$ing b&$h +ni$y and dis+ni$yB I$ re#r&d+'es a$&mised indi?id+als as G+ridi'ial s+bGe'$s C#re?en$ing $he +ni$y whi'h emerges in 'lass@based rela$i&ns &2 #r&d+'$i&n4 and re'&ns$r+'$s +ni$y wi$hin $he '&n'e#$ &2 $he #e&#le@na$i&n C1&+lan$Las3 DEIQ3 ##ES@DFJ4B Nhile a large #ar$ &2 S$a$e 1&wer and S&'ialism de$ails $he #r&'esses by whi'h $he S$a$e re#r&d+'es indi?id+als as G+ridi'ial@s+bGe'$s3 $he m&s$ signi2i'an$ '&n$rib+$i&n &2 $his $e8$ is $& de?el&# a ?iew &2 $he S$a$e as an arena &2 'lass s$r+ggleB Th+s3 2&r 1&+lan$Las i$ is im#&ssible $& +nders$and $he 2&rm and 2+n'$i&n &2 $he S$a$e wi$h&+$ in'l+ding i$s r&le in media$ing 'lass '&n2li'$B 7&re&?er3 while $he S$a$e may a'$ in $he l&ng@$erm #&li$i'al in$eres$s &2 a d&minan$ 'lass 2ra'$i&n $his d&es n&$ #re'l+de $he #resen'e &2 $he #&#+lar 'lasses in $he S$a$eB As 1&+lan$Las arg+es, The S$a$e a##ara$+ses '&nse'ra$e and re#r&d+'e hegem&ny by bringing $he #&wer bl&' and 'er$ain d&mina$ed 'lasses in$& a ?ariable game &2 #r&?isi&nal '&m#r&misesB The S$a$e a##ara$+ses &rganise and +ni2y $he d&minan$ #&wer bl&' by #ermanen$ly dis&rganising @ di?iding $he d&mina$ed 'lasses CN 1&+lan$Las3 DEIQ3 #lTJ4B This la$er w&r! d&es n&$ sim#ly em#hasise $he #resen'e &2 '&n2li'$ &?er S$a$e #&wer b+$ ra$her s$resses $he 2a'$ $ha$ $his '&n2li'$ $a!es #la'e wi$hin $he ins$i$+$i&nal a##ara$+s &2 $he S$a$e i$sel2B Here3 $he S$a$e is #resen$ed as a 2ra'$+red #&li$y3 ri?en wi$h '&n$radi'$i&ns and di?isi&nsB The di22eren$ bran'hes &r se'$&rs &2 $he S$a$e a'$ as #&wer 'en$res 2&r di22eren$ 'lass 2ra'$i&ns &r allian'es wi$hin $he d&minan$ #&wer bl&'B I$ is in $his sense $ha$ $he S$a$e is #er'ei?ed as a s$ra$egi' 2ield3 si$e3 $errain &r #r&'ess &2 in$er'&nne'$ing #&wer ne$w&r!s C1&+lan$Las3 DEIQ3 #lSF4B 6&r 1&+lan$Las3 $he &2$en 'ha&$i' and in'&heren$ na$+re &2 S$a$e #&li'y is a$$rib+$able $& $he way in whi'h $he s$r+ggle be$ween di22eren$ 'lass 2ra'$i&ns is media$ed by $he ins$i$+$i&ns &2 $he S$a$eB Here3 1&+lan$Las iden$i2ies a #r&'ess &2 s$r+'$+ral

sele'$i?i$y whi'h '&nsis$s &2 a se$ &2 ins$i$+$i&nal me'hanisms whi'h ser?e $& ad?an'e &r &bs$r+'$ C2il$er4 $he s$ra$egies &2 #ar$i'+lar 'lass 2ra'$i&ns CJess&#3 DEQP3 #lFI4B In s+mmary3 $hen3 1&+lan$LasHs w&r! re2le'$s $he de?el&#men$ and $rans2&rma$i&n &2 a s$r+'$+ralis$ ?iew &2 $he S$a$e in$& &ne $ha$ is m&re his$&ri'ally s#e'i2i'3 where s&'ial m&?emen$s #lay a !ey r&leB There are $w& 'r+'ial $hemes emb&died in $his #&si$i&nB 6irs$3 $he 'a#i$alis$ S$a$e and $he rela$i&ns &2 #r&d+'$i&n ha?e +nderg&ne signi2i'an$ 'hange and 'an &nly be +nders$&&d as his$&ri'ally s#e'i2i'3 &r ass&'ia$ed wi$h a #ar$i'+lar s$age in $he de?el&#men$ &2 a m&de &2 #r&d+'$i&nB Se'&nd3 $here has been a dis#la'emen$ &2 'lass s$r+ggle 2r&m #r&d+'$i&n in$& $he hear$ &2 $he S$a$eB The 2&rms and 2+n'$i&ns &2 $he S$a$e are n&$ de$ermined by $he 'lass s$r+ggle in s&me abs$ra'$ sense b+$ are $he his$&ri'al e8#ressi&n &2 $h&se rela$i&ns in $he 2&rm &2 s$r+ggle C%arn&y3 DEQT4B Ni$hin $his '&n'e#$i&n &2 $he S$a$e as a s$ra$egi' $errain3 S$a$e #&li'y is e8#lained in $erms &2 s$ra$egi' 'a+sali$y3 a #r&'ess in?&l?ing s$ra$egi' 'al'+la$i&n wi$h&+$ indi?id+al 'al'+la$ing s+bGe'$s CJess&#3 DEQP3 #lFI4B Al$h&+gh $he '&n'e#$ &2 rela$i?e a+$&n&my was 'r+'ial $& 1&+lan$LasHs $he&re$i'al 2ramew&r! i$s 2+n'$i&n and meaning shi2$ed '&nsiderably be$ween $he #+bli'a$i&n &2 1&li$i'al 1&wer and S&'ial %lasses CDEIT4 and S$a$e 1&wer and S&'ialism CDEIQ4 CJess&#3 DEQP4B In his earlier w&r! $he '&n'e#$ re2erred $& $he le?el &2 ins$i$+$i&nal a+$&n&my reK+ired $& &rganise $he +ni$y &2 $he d&minan$ 'lass 2ra'$i&nCs4 in &rder $& se'+re $heir hegem&ny &?er $he na$i&n@#e&#le Jess&#3 DEQP3 #lSF4B Here3 $he 'r+'ial K+es$i&n his 'ri$i's ha?e #&in$ed &+$3 is Rh&w rela$i?e is $he rela$i?e a+$&n&my &2 $he S$a$eVRB In re#ly3 1&+lan$Las arg+ed $ha$, BBB$he degree3 $he e8$en$3 $he 2&rms3 e$' Ch&w rela$i?e3 and h&w is i$ rela$i?e4 &2 $he rela$i?e a+$&n&my &2 $he S$a$e 'an &nly be e8aminedBBBwi$h re2eren'e $& a gi?en 'a#i$alis$ S$a$e3 and $& $he #re'ise '&nG+n'$+re &2 $he '&rres#&nding 'lass s$r+ggleBBBI 'ann&$3 $here2&re3 answer $his K+es$i&n in i$s general 2&rm #re'isely &n a''&+n$ &2 $he '&nG+n'$+re &2 $he 'lass s$r+ggle C'i$ed in Jess&#3 DEQP3 #lST4B As Jess&# &bser?es3 $here is an e8#li'i$ $ensi&n here be$ween ne'essi$y and '&n$ingen'y in rela$ing ins$i$+$i&nal 2&rms and $he 'lass s$r+ggleB 1+$ sim#ly3 while 1&+lan$Las wan$ed $& a?&id $he 'harge &2 e'&n&mi' red+'$i&nism3 by in$r&d+'ing an elemen$ &2 '&n$ingen'y3 he did n&$ wan$ $& aband&n $he mar8ian ?iew $ha$ $he 'a#i$alis$ S$a$e m+s$3 in $he l&ng r+n3 re#r&d+'e b&+rge&is 'lass d&mina$i&n CJess&#3 DEQP3 #lST4B In his la$er w&r! $he +ni$y &2 $he S$a$e is n& l&nger seen in $erms &2 $he 2+n'$i&nal im#era$i?e &2 re#r&d+'ing 'lass d&mina$i&nB Ins$ead3 1&+lan$Las arg+es $ha$ $he l&ng@$erm #&li$i'al in$eres$ &2 $he b&+rge&isie emerges as a res+l$ &2 a m+l$i#li'i$y &2 di?ersi2ied mi'r&@#&li'ies whi'h re2le'$ $he na$+re &2 'lass s$r+ggleB H&we?er3 as Jess&# n&$es3 $his d&es n&$ #r&?ide an adeK+a$e s&l+$i&n $& $he #r&blem sin'e

1&+lan$Las w&+ld need $& address $he aw!ward iss+e &2 h&w $his ma'r&s'&#i' ne'essi$y C$he need $& ens+re b&+rge&is 'lass d&mina$i&n4 emerges &+$ &2 mi'r&s'&#i' di?ersi$y C$he 'ha&$i' na$+re &2 S$a$e #&li'ies4B 7&re dis$+rbing #erha#s is $he 2a'$ $ha$ had 1&+lan$Las been able $& iden$i2y s+''ess2+lly h&w $he rela$i?e a+$&n&my &2 $he S$a$e ens+red 'lass hegem&ny i$ w&+ld ha?e +ndermined his ?iew $ha$ 'rises &2 hegem&ny &''+r CJess&#3 DEQP3 #lSP4B Sin'e $he #+bli'a$i&n &2 S$a$e 1&wer and S&'ialism $he em#hasis has shi2$ed as $he s$a$+s &2 'lass analysis wi$hin $he 7ar8is$ $radi$i&n has '&me +nder 'l&ser s'r+$inyB A+$h&rs s+'h as Jess&# n&w em#hasise, $he r&le &2 disaggrega$i&n in s&'ial analysisM $he im#&r$an'e &2 a?&iding essen$ialis$ 2&rms &2 e8#lana$i&nM and $he need $& address $he r&le &2 'al'+la$ing s+bGe'$s wi$hin $he S$a$e a##ara$+s CS$a$e a+$&n&my/s$ra$egy4B Th+s3 wi$hin Jess&#Hs w&r!3 $he $ensi&n be$ween ne'essi$y and '&n$ingen'y in rela$ing ins$i$+$i&nal 2&rms and $he 'lass s$r+ggle has been res&l?ed by a $enden'y $& aband&n $he #rimary r&le a''&rded $& 'lass s$r+ggle C#ar$i'+larly $he r&le &2 $he #r&le$aria$4 in 2a?&+r &2 a wider3 m&re 2le8ible '&n'e#$i&n &2 s$r+ggle whi'h a'!n&wledges $he need $& disaggrega$e s&'ial analysis and embra'e $he #ar$i'+lari$ies &2 di?isi&ns al&ng $he lines &2 gender and e$hni'i$yB ( Tess&#, A S$ra$egi'@"ela$i&nal A##r&a'h $& $he 7ar8is$ The&ry &2 $he S$a$e m&s$ im#&r$an$ area &2 '&n'ern wi$hin '&n$em#&rary 7ar8is$ $he&ry &2 $he S$a$e in?&l?es $he '&n$in+ing dial&g+e &?er $he reGe'$i&n &2 e'&n&mismB In general $erms3 $here has been a '&n'er$ed m&?e away 2r&m e'&n&mism3 re$rea$ing 2r&m $he #rima'y &2 $he e'&n&mi' wi$hin s&'ial analysis and3 in $+rn3 embra'ing an a##r&a'h whi'h s$resses $he diale'$i'al and '&n$ingen$ K+ali$y &2 rela$i&nshi#sB This $enden'y #erha#s 2inds i$s m&s$ '&m#le$e e8#ressi&n in $he w&r! &2 Jess&# wh& insis$s +#&n R$he m+l$i#li'i$y &2 #&ssible 'a+sal me'hanisms &r #rin'i#les &2 e8#lana$i&nR and re2+ses $& R#ri?ilege e'&n&mi' de$ermina$i&ns in $he 2irs$3 in$ermedia$e &r las$ ins$an'eR CJess&#3 DEQF3 #FFQ4B I$ is im#&r$an$ $& re'&gnise $ha$ while Jess&# insis$s +#&n $he m+l$i#li'i$y &2 de$ermina$i&ns3 and re2+ses $& #ri?ilege any Csingle4 #&in$ &2 re2eren'e3 he d&es n&$ r+le &+$ 'a+sal e8#lana$i&n3 #r&?ided $ha$ 'a+sali$y is '&n'ei?ed in $erms &2 '&n$ingen$ ne'essi$yB Th+s3 Jess&# S$a$es $ha$, Nhile a '&mbina$i&n &r in$era'$i&n &2 di22eren$ 'a+sal 'hains #r&d+'es a de$ermina$e &+$'&me Cne'essi$y43 $here is n& single $he&ry $ha$ 'an #redi'$ &r de$ermine $he manner in whi'h s+'h 'a+sal 'hains '&n?erge and/&r in$era'$ C'&n$ingen'y4B C( Jess&#3 DEQF3 #FFT4B Ni$hin Jess&#Hs 2rame &2 re2eren'e $here is e8#li'i$ re'&gni$i&n &2 $he need $& The

disaggrega$e s&'ial analysisB 7&re&?er3 as Jess&# e8#li'i$ly a'!n&wledges3 $he in$eres$s &2 'a#i$al in general 'ann&$ be iden$i2ied &+$side $he 2ramew&r! &2 his$&ri'ally s#e'i2i' a''+m+la$i&n s$ra$egiesB H&we?er3 in a$ leas$ &ne im#&r$an$ res#e'$ Jess&#Hs w&r! di22ers signi2i'an$ly 2r&m $ha$ &2 Hindess and Hirs$ 2&r3 while he is +nwilling $& #ri?ilege $he e'&n&mi' dimensi&n wi$hin s&'ial analysis3 his w&r! a$ b&$h em#iri'al and $he&re$i'al le?els a##re'ia$es $ha$ a '&rres#&nden'e be$ween $he S$a$e and $he e'&n&my3 +nders$&&d in $erms &2 $he need 2&r re#r&d+'$i&n3 is a #&ssibili$y3 b+$ $ha$ i$ m+s$ be '&ns$r+'$ed in $he '&+rse &2 a s$r+ggleB CHindess and Hirs$3 DEII and Jess&#3 DEQI4B 6&r Jess&#3 any a$$em#$ $& '&n'e#$+alise $he rela$i&nshi# be$ween $he S$a$e and 'i?il s&'ie$y 2a'es $he di22i'+l$y in?&l?ed in dis$ing+ishing be$ween ins$r+men$alism and s$r+'$+ralism in rela$i&n $& e'&n&mismB The ins$r+men$alis$ #&si$i&n ass+mes $ha$ $he S$a$e is a ne+$ral ins$i$+$i&nal ensemble eK+ally a''essible $& all #&li$i'al 2&r'es and $ha$ i$ is 'a#able &2 #&ssessing a ?arie$y &2 &bGe'$i?es and g&als C(er$ramsen3 DEQQ3 #P4B In '&n$ras$3 a s$r+'$+ralis$ a##r&a'h eK+a$es $he na$+re3 2&rm and $he a'$i?i$ies &2 $he S$a$e wi$h $he basi' s$r+'$+res &2 $he e'&n&myB The em#hasis wi$hin $he s$r+'$+ralis$ $radi$i&n is +#&n $he '&ns$rain$s $& whi'h $he S$a$e is s+bGe'$ in a 'a#i$alis$ s&'ie$y and $he 'laim $ha$3 irres#e'$i?e &2 $he ?iews &2 S$a$e managers3 #&li'ies will be designed $& ens+re $he '&n$in+ed re#r&d+'$i&n &2 'a#i$alB Jess&#Hs '&n$en$i&n is $ha$ b&$h a##r&a'hes '&n$ain debili$a$ing wea!nessesB I2 &ne a''&rds $he S$a$e a 2&rm &2 ne+$rali$y and3 $h+s3 ?iews i$ as +nbiased in i$s e22e'$s &n $he in$eres$ realisa$i&n &2 di22eren$ s&'ial 2&r'es3 &ne is 2&r'ed $& e8#lain $he na$+re3 2&rm and $he #&li'ies &2 $he S$a$e #+rely in $erms &2 $h&se wh& are in '&n$r&lB In '&n$ras$3 s$r+'$+ralism see!s $& e8#lain $he 2&rm &2 $he S$a$e3 i$s 2+n'$i&ns and m&des &2 in$er?en$i&n in $erms &2 de$ermining s$r+'$+res3 $he needs &2 whi'h m+s$ be me$ $& s&me degree &r an&$herB A$ $he m&s$ general le?el &2 abs$ra'$i&n Jess&# de$e'$s wi$hin 'a#i$alism a n+mber &2 !ey de2ining 'hara'$eris$i'sB 1rimarily3 i$ in?&l?es a basi' 'ir'+i$ &2 'a#i$al and a 2+ndamen$al s&'ial rela$i&n, $he ?al+e 2&rm C'a#i$al/wage lab&+r rela$i&nshi#4B H&we?er3 $he e8a'$ na$+re &2 $ha$ 'ir'+i$ &2 'a#i$al3 $he s#e'i2i' &#era$i&n &2 $he ?al+e 2&rm and $he rela$i&nshi# be$ween $hem3 m+s$ be +nders$&&d as #r&blema$i' and his$&ri'ally s#e'i2i'B In Jess&#Hs ?iew $hen3 al$h&+gh i$ is im#&ssible $& +nders$and 'a#i$alism wi$h&+$ re2eren'e $& $he '&m#le8i$ies &2 $he ?al+e 2&rm3 $he ?al+e 2&rm i$sel2 d&es n&$ 2+lly de$ermine $he '&+rse &2 'a#i$al a''+m+la$i&nB Indeed3 $he ?ery s+bs$an'e &2 ?al+e de#ends &n 'a#i$alHs abili$y $& '&n$r&l wage lab&+r3 a #r&'ess whi'h is3 in $+rn3 '&n$ingen$ +#&n a s$r+ggle sha#ed and m&+lded by 2a'$&rs bey&nd $he '&n2ines &2 $he ?al+e 2&rmB

Jess&#Hs $rea$men$ &2 $he S$a$e and $he e8$en$ $& whi'h i$ 2&rwards $he in$eres$s &2 'a#i$al re2le'$s $his inde$erminismB He regards $he in$eres$s &2 'a#i$al3 $he +ni$y &2 $he S$a$e and $he rela$i&nshi# be$ween 'a#i$al and $he S$a$e as #r&blema$i'B 6&ll&wing 1&+lan$Las CDEIQ4 Jess&# s$resses $he need $& dis$ing+ish be$ween 'a#i$al in general and #ar$i'+lar 2&rms &2 'a#i$alB Jess&# '&n'edes $ha$ $here are ne'essary in$eres$s whi'h 'a#i$al in general m+s$ realise i2 'a#i$alism is $& be re#r&d+'edB H&we?er3 $here is an e8$ensi?e array &2 #r&blems and '&n$radi'$i&ns whi'h K+es$i&n whe$her $hese aims 'an be a'hie?ed s+''ess2+llyB Th+s3 while Jess&# w&+ld '&n'ede $ha$ a '&rres#&nden'e be$ween $he S$a$e and e'&n&mi' regi&n is #&ssible3 he is a$ #ains $& s$ress $ha$ i$ is a '&rres#&nden'e whi'h m+s$ always be '&ns$i$+$ed in $he '&+rse &2 diale'$i'al s$r+ggle3 $he &+$'&me &2 whi'h is always in K+es$i&nB 6&r Jess&#3 $he S$a$e '&nsis$s &2 a #l+rali$y &2 ins$i$+$i&ns wi$h n& #re@gi?en +ni$y and n& ne'essary rela$i&nshi# $& $he 'a#i$alis$ m&de &2 #r&d+'$i&n and/&r $he e'&n&mi'ally d&minan$ 'lass CJess&#3 DEQF3 #FFF4B S$a$e #&wer may be deemed 'a#i$alis$ &nly $& $he e8$en$ $ha$ i$ ei$her 'rea$es3 Rmain$ains &r res$&res $he '&ndi$i&ns reK+ired 2&r 'a#i$al a''+m+la$i&n wi$hin a gi?en si$+a$i&nR CJess&#3 DEQF3 #FFD4B Nhile he re'&gnises $ha$ $he S$a$e may3 indeed #&ssibly will3 enG&y a+$&n&my3 $he e8$en$ &2 $ha$ a+$&n&my m+s$ be e8#lainedB I$ is 'r+'ial $& re'&gnise3 $here2&re3 $ha$ #&li$i'al and e'&n&mi' 2&r'es are $hemsel?es sha#ed by $he ins$i$+$i&nal s$r+'$+res and e22e'$s &2 S$a$e in$er?en$i&nM $h+s rela$i&ns be$ween $he S$a$e and $he s&'ial rela$i&ns &2 #r&d+'$i&n are always re'i#r&'al and diale'$i'alB Ni$hin s+'h a $he&re$i'al arrangemen$3 S$a$e #&wer is '&n'ei?ed as a '&m#le8 s&'ial rela$i&n whi'h a$ any gi?en $ime re2le'$s $he #ar$i'+lar balan'e &2 s&'ial 2&r'esB Hen'e3 b&$h $he rela$i&nshi# be$ween 'lasses and $ha$ be$ween 'lass and n&n@'lass 2&r'es3 #ar$i'+larly gender and e$hni' di?isi&ns3 are a basis &2 e'&n&mi'3 s&'ial and #&li$i'al d&mina$i&nB Jess&#Hs 2ramew&r!3 $hen3 a$$em#$s sys$ema$i'ally $& rem&?e $he e'&n&mi'ally red+'$i&nis$ and 2+n'$i&nalis$ &?er$&nes ass&'ia$ed wi$h $he w&r! &2 1&+lan$LasB CJess&#3 DEQP4B 6&r Jess&#3 $he basi' '&n$radi'$i&ns in?&l?ed in $he 'ir'+i$ &2 'a#i$al and $he ?al+e 2&rm ens+re #eri&di' 'rises &2 'a#i$al a''+m+la$i&nB The #&ssibili$y $ha$ $he 'a#i$alis$ 'lass ine?i$ably enG&ys $he +ni$y essen$ial $& s+s$ain $hese '&n$radi'$i&ns is ?ehemen$ly &##&sedB S+'h +ni$y 'an be '&ns$r+'$ed &nly $hr&+gh s$r+ggleB 7&re&?er3 i$ is a +ni$y whi'h 'ann&$ be de?el&#ed in any sim#le 2&rm by $he S$a$e3 gi?en $ha$ $he S$a$e i$sel2 d&es n&$ #&ssess any essen$ial +ni$yB A''&rdingly3 Jess&# d&es n&$ assign $& $he S$a$e any 2&rm &2 inna$e #&wer3 ra$her, The S$a$e is a s&'ial rela$i&n3 S$a$e #&wer is a 2&rm de$ermined '&ndensa$i&n &2 $he balan'e &2

#&li$i'al 2&r'esBBB$he S$a$e as s+'h has n& #&wer i$ is merely an ins$i$+$i&nal ensemble, $he #&wer &2 $he S$a$e is $he #&wer &2 $he 2&r'es a'$ing wi$hin $he S$a$e CJess&#3 DEQF3 #lTE4B This sh&+ld n&$ be $a!en $& im#ly $ha$ Jess&# ?iews $he S$a$e as a ne+$ral b&dy3 able $& be 'a#$+red and +sed by any s&'ial 2&r'eB "a$her3 in Jess&#Hs ?iew3 $he S$a$e is a 'r+'ial si$e &2 s$r+ggle be$ween s&'ial 2&r'es3 $he s$r+'$+re &2 whi'h has been sha#ed by #as$ s$r+gglesB In $his sense3 Jess&#Hs a##r&a'h begins 2r&m $he sim#le #remise $ha$ i2 'a#i$alism is $& be re#r&d+'ed3 S$a$e +ni$y is an essen$ial #rereK+isi$eB His &riginali$y lies in $he em#hasis he #la'es +#&n $he way in whi'h $his +ni$y needs $& be a'$i?ely '&ns$r+'$ed in and $hr&+gh $he s$r+ggle be$ween s&'ial 2&r'esB As s+'h $here is n& #ar$i'+lar S$a$e 2&rm whi'h 'an res&l?e inde2ini$ely $he inheren$ '&n$radi'$i&ns wi$hin rela$i&ns be$ween 'a#i$al and lab&+rB 6&r Jess&#3 $his means $ha$ 'lass '&n2li'$ will be re#r&d+'ed a$ $he ?ery hear$ &2 $he S$a$e a##ara$+sB Th+s3 in Jess&#Hs &#ini&n3 $he e22e'$i?eness &2 S$a$e #&wer de#ends +l$ima$ely +#&n $he balan'e &2 2&r'es in any gi?en si$+a$i&nB S$ra$egies 2&r &rganising a se'+re s&'ial base C'&r#&ra$ism 2&r e8am#le4 will ?ary wi$h $he #ar$i'+lar s$age &2 de?el&#men$3 $he 2&rm &2 $he S$a$e and $he l&'a$i&n in $he w&rld e'&n&myB This '&m#le8i$y ne'essarily means $ha$ Hblan!e$ generalisa$i&nsH are ina##r&#ria$e and $ha$ i$ Rw&+ld be wr&ng $& s+gges$ $ha$ any gi?en S$a$e 2&rm bes$ se'+res an adeK+a$e s&'ial base in all si$+a$i&nsR CJess&#3 DEEJ3 #lFE4B 6&r Jess&#3 $he S$a$e is n&w ?iewed as a s$ra$egi' $errain and $he em#hasis has in'reasingly 2&'+sed +#&n s$ra$egi' '&nsidera$i&nsB Th+s3 Jess&# arg+es $ha$, The S$a$e is n&$ sim#ly s&me$hing $&wards whi'h &ne m+s$ ad&#$ a #&li$i'al s$ra$egy b+$ is s&me$hing C&r be$$er3 a s&'ial rela$i&n4 whi'h 'an be 2r+i$2+lly analysed as $he si$e3 $he genera$&r3 and $he #r&d+'$ &2 s$ra$egiesB CJess&#3 DEQE3 #S4 A''&rding $& $his ?iew3 any $he&ry &2 $he S$a$e m+s$ #r&d+'e an in2&rmed analysis &2 $he s$ra$egi' 'al'+la$i&ns and #ra'$i'es &2 $he a'$&rs in?&l?ed and &2 $he in$era'$i&n be$ween agen$s and $he S$a$e s$r+'$+resB H&we?er3 $he rela$i&nshi# is always dynami' and diale'$i'alM S$a$e s$r+'$+res e22e'$ b&$h s$ra$egi' assessmen$s and s$ra$egi' '&nd+'$ whi'h3 in $+rn3 e22e'$s 'hange wi$hin S$a$e s$r+'$+res C 7arsh3 DEQO3 #lP4B N&$ all &2 Jess&#Hs w&r! is #i$'hed a$ s+'h a high le?el &2 abs$ra'$i&nB Indeed3 i2 $he in$eres$s &2 'a#i$al in general 'an n& l&nger be iden$i2ied &+$side &2 $he 2ramew&r! &2 his$&ri'ally s#e'i2i' a''+m+la$i&n s$ra$egies3 and $ha$ $here 'an be n& +l$ima$e S$a$e 2&rm whi'h is able $& ser?e as an +nambig+&+sly 2a?&+rable #&li$i'al shell 2&r ad?an'ing $hese in$eres$s3 $his s+gges$s $ha$ $here is n& abs$ra'$ $he&re$i'al s&l+$i&n $& $he K+es$i&n &2 h&w $he #&li$i'al 'lass

d&mina$i&n &2 'a#i$al is se'+redB The answer3 in Jess&#Hs &#ini&n3 is $& be 2&+nd a$ $he le?el &2 s#e'i2i' '&nG+n'$+res in $erms &2 $he '&m#le8 in$era'$i&n be$ween $he 'ir'+i$ &2 'a#i$al3 a''+m+la$i&n s$ra$egies3 S$a$e 2&rms and $he balan'e &2 #&li$i'al 2&r'esB A s+''ess2+l 'a#i$alis$ S$a$e is &ne whi'h has a +ni2ied 2&rm wi$h a s$ra$egi' sele'$i?i$y whi'h #ri?ileges $he b&+rge&isieB I$ is +ni2ied $hr&+gh a hegem&ni' #r&Ge'$ in'&r#&ra$ing #&li$i'al3 ide&l&gi'al and e'&n&mi' as#e'$s whi'h legi$imise $he d&minan'e &2 $he 'a#i$alis$ 'lass3 &r m&re li!ely &ne 2ra'$i&n &2 i$3 &?er &$her s&'ial 2&r'esB Ni$hin s+'h $he&rising $here e8is$s a $ensi&n be$ween3 &n $he &ne hand3 re'&gnising $he #&ssibili$y &2 a '&rrela$i&n be$ween an e22e'$i?e a''+m+la$i&n s$ra$egy and a s+''ess2+l hegem&ni' #r&Ge'$3 and &n $he &$her hand3 $he $he&re$i'al need $& K+es$i&n $he li!elih&&d &2 s+'h an &''+rren'e3 gi?en $he mass &2 '&n$radi'$i&ns am&ng #&ssible s$ra$egi' &#$i&ns and $he na$+re &2 s$ra$egi' '&nd+'$ in?&l?ed in $he &#era$i&n &2 'a#i$alismB >?en s& Jess&#Hs #rimary '&n'ern is wi$h em#iri'al reg+lari$y3 in?&l?ing a '&rres#&nden'e be$ween an e22e'$i?e a''+m+la$i&n s$ra$egy and a s+''ess2+l hegem&ni' #r&Ge'$B As $he #re?i&+s remar!s im#ly3 $here 'an be n& ma'r&@ne'essi$y in s&'ial rela$i&ns and as a res+l$ we m+s$ reGe'$ &n #rin'i#le $he n&$i&n $ha$ s&meh&w $here is a $&$ali$y H&+$ $hereH whi'h remains 2i8ed and '&ns$an$B Jess&# reGe'$s $he #&ssibili$y &2 any '&m#rehensi?e &r '&m#le$e s$ra$egy3 2&r $his w&+ld #res+##&se ei$her $he #resen'e &2 a gl&bal s+bGe'$3 &mni#resen$ and &mni#&$en$3 &r s&me 2&rm &2 s+#er@de$ermina$i&nB There is ne?er G+s$ a single 'al'+la$ing s+bGe'$3 ra$her we are 2a'ed wi$h a #l+rali$y &2 'al'+la$ing s+bGe'$s and a #le$h&ra &2 '&m#e$ing and '&n$radi'$&ry s$ra$egiesB The $&$ali$y is $h+s '&n'e#$+alised as #&ssessing n& de$ermining 'en$re &r inner essen'eB There are n& +ni?ersal &r +ni2ying s$ra$egiesB S$ra$egies are always #ar$i'+lar3 rela$i&nal3 rela$i?e and '&nG+n'$+ralB They #resen$ $hemsel?es &nly as #&ssible me$h&ds in whi'h $& &rganise and ar$i'+la$e a n+mber &2 smaller si$es &2 #&wer and/&r agen$s C( Jess&#3 DEQE4B E %&n$em#&rary ?arian$s &2 $he 7ar8is$ $he&ry &2 $he S$a$e ha?e3 $here2&re3 n&$ g&ne +n'ri$i'isedB A+$h&rs 2r&m a wide ?arie$y &2 #ers#e'$i?es ha?e arg+ed $ha$ $he $rans2&rma$i&n &2 $he #&s$@war e'&n&mies3 $he en$ren'hmen$ &2 $he wel2are S$a$e and $he $hrea$ #&sed by en?ir&nmen$al degrada$i&n ha?e all K+es$i&ned $he #i?&$al r&le a''&rded $& $he '&n'e#$ &2 'lass wi$hin $he 7ar8is$ 2ramew&r!B The remaining se'$i&ns &2 $his 'ha#$er brie2ly e8#l&re $he '&re $hemes &2 s+'h 'ri$i'al #&s$+res3 2&'+sing +#&n $he '&n$en$i&+s iss+e &2 S$a$e a+$&n&my and $he 'hallenge #resen$ed by $he en?ir&nmen$alis$ and 2eminis$ $radi$i&nsB 6red (l&'! and Theda S!&'#&l, (ringing $he S$a$e (a'! InB E6&r reas&ns &2 bre?i$y i$ is n&$ #&ssible $& dis'+ss Jess&#Hs re'en$ embra'e &2 a m&di2ied

2&rm &2 "eg+la$i&n $he&ryB 6&r 'ri$i'al '&men$s &n $his see N (&ne2ield CDEQQ4 and S %lar!e CDEQQ4B As $he $i$le $& S!&'#&lHs ar$i'le s+gges$s3DJ $he a''en$ wi$hin re'en$ Ameri'an #&li$i'al $he&ry has been $& 2&'+s +#&n $he s#e'i2i'i$y &2 $he S$a$e3 i$s ins$i$+$i&nal a+$&n&my and i$s 'a#a'i$y as an a'$&r $& realise #&li'y g&alsB The &bGe'$i?e wi$hin $his #ar$i'+lar ?arian$ &2 S$a$e $he&ry has been been $& reGe'$ $he HgrandH $he&rising &2 s$r+'$+ralism and #r&d+'e Rs&lidly gr&+nded and analy$i'ally shar# +nders$andings &2 $he 'a+sal reg+lari$ies $ha$ +nderlie $he his$&ries &2 S$a$esR CS!&'#&l3 DEQP3 #FQ4B Th+s3 S!&'#&l arg+es $ha$ $he S$a$e sh&+ld be seen as b&$h an &rganisa$i&n $hr&+gh whi'h an &22i'ial '&lle'$i?i$y may #+rs+e dis$in'$i?e g&als and as a se$ &2 ins$i$+$i&ns whi'h in2l+en'e $he meanings and me$h&ds &2 #&li$i'sB %&nseK+en$ly3 s$r+'$+ralism is 'harged wi$h $he 2ail+re $& address adeK+a$ely $he idea &2 S$a$e a+$&n&my and $he im#&r$an'e &2 S$a$e a'$&rs in realising s#e'i2i' #&li'y g&als CS!&'#&l3 DEQP3 #FQ4B (l&'!Hs #ar$i'+lar &bGe'$i&n $& s$r+'$+ralis$ $he&ries &2 $he S$a$e is $ha$ by +sing $he '&n'e#$ &2 rela$i?e a+$&n&my $hey ass+me $ha$ $he r+ling 'lass m+s$ ha?e Rs&me degree &2 #&li$i'al '&hesi&n3 an +nders$anding &2 i$s general in$eres$s3 and a high degree &2 #&li$i'al s&#his$i'a$i&nR C(l&'!3 DEII3 #lO4B Ins$ead3 (l&'! s+gges$s $ha$ $he s$ar$ing #&in$ 2&r analysis sh&+ld be $he di?isi&n &2 lab&+r be$ween $h&se wh& a''+m+la$e 'a#i$al and $h&se wh& manage $he S$a$e a##ara$+sB Ni$hin $his di?isi&n &2 lab&+r (l&'! '&n$ends $ha$ 'a#i$alis$s are &nly '&ns'i&+s &2 $he s#e'i2i' sh&r$@$erm e'&n&mi' in$eres$s &2 $heir 2irms and are +naware &2 h&w $& ens+re $he re#r&d+'$i&n &2 $he s&'ial &rderB A''&rdingly3 a$$en$i&n needs $& be di?er$ed $&wards $he 'r+'ial 2+n'$i&n &2 S$a$e managers C'al'+la$ing s+bGe'$s4 in re#r&d+'ing $he '&ndi$i&ns 2&r s+s$ained e'&n&mi' gr&w$hB In $his '&n$e8$ $here are $w& $hemes whi'h need $& be addressedB 6irs$3 we need $& e8#lain $he s$r+'$+ral '&ns$rain$s whi'h red+'e $he li!elih&&d $ha$ S$a$e managers will &##&se $he in$eres$s &2 b+sinessB Se'&nd3 i$ is ne'essary $& e8#lain why S$a$e managers may a'$+ally e8$end S$a$e #&wer3 e?en in $he 2a'e &2 'a#i$alis$ resis$an'e C(l&'!3 DEII3 #I4B DJSee T S!&'#&lHs &#ening essay in 1 >?ans3 "+es'hemeyer and T S!&'#&l Ceds4 CDEQP4 (ringing $he S$a$e (a'! In3 %ambridge Uni?ersi$y 1ress3 New .&r!B 6&r a 'ri$i'al re?iew &2 $his a##r&a'h see 1 %amma'! CDEQE4 R(ringing $he S$a$e (a'! InVR (ri$ish J&+rnal &2 1&li$i'al S'ien'eB ##FOD@EJ Ni$hin (l&'!Hs $he&re$i'al #&si$i&n $he 'a#a'i$y &2 'a#i$alism $& ra$i&nalise i$sel2 is n& l&nger ?iewed as $he s&le res#&nsibili$y &2 $he 'a#i$alis$ 'lass3 b+$ is $he &+$'&me &2 a '&n2li'$ be$ween $he 'a#i$alis$ 'lass3 $he managers &2 $he S$a$e a##ara$+s and $he w&r!ing 'lassB 6&r (l&'!3 $he #r&blem is &ne &2 h&w $& e8#lain $he $enden'y &2 $he S$a$e $& ser?e $he in$eres$s &2

$he d&minan$ 'lass wi$h&+$ s+''+mbing $& $he #r&blems &2 ins$r+men$alis$ &r 2+n'$i&nalis$ 2&rms &2 e8#lana$i&nB (l&'!Hs res#&nse is $& s+gges$ $ha$ $he #la'emen$ &2 members &2 $he d&minan$ 'lass in !ey #&si$i&ns wi$hin $he S$a$e is an ins+22i'ien$ basis 2&r re#r&d+'ing 'a#i$alism be'a+se, 2&r &ne $hing3 r+ling 'lass members wh& de?&$e s+bs$an$ial energy $& #&li'y 2&rma$i&n be'&me a$y#i'al &2 $heir 'lass3 sin'e $hey are 2&r'ed $& l&&! a$ $he w&rld 2r&m $he #ers#e'$i?e &2 managersB They are K+i$e li!ely $& di?erge 2r&m r+ling 'lass &#ini&n C(l&'! DEII3 #lS4B (l&'!Hs #re2eren'e is $& ?iew S$a$e managers as '&lle'$i?ely sel2@in$eres$ed ma8imisers wh& ha?e in$eres$s whi'h are lin!ed $& $he s#e'i2i' needs &2 '&n$in+ed e'&n&mi' gr&w$hB In &$her w&rds3 S$a$e managers re#r&d+'e 'a#i$alis$ rela$i&ns n&$ be'a+se $hey are dire'$ly answerable $& $he b&+rge&isie b+$ &n a''&+n$ &2 $he need $& de?el&# a dynami' e'&n&my +#&n whi'h res$s $he legi$ima'y &2 $he S$a$eB DD 6&r (l&'!3 $a8a$i&n3 re@ele'$i&n and #&li$i'al #&#+lari$y are all 2ea$+res &2 #&li$i'al li2e whi'h are +l$ima$ely de#enden$ +#&n a s+''ess2+l e'&n&myB 7&re in$eres$ing3 #erha#s3 is $he manner in whi'h 'lass s$r+ggle en$ers (l&'!Hs w&r!B A''&rding $& (l&'!3 in'reased S$a$e in$er?en$i&n has $a!en #la'e m&re ra#idly in #eri&ds &2 de#ressi&n and war3 be'a+se &2 $he s$r+ggle be$ween S$a$e managers3 $he w&r!ing 'lass and 'a#i$alis$sB 1&li$i'al re2&rm &r ra$i&nalisa$i&n3 $here2&re3 re2er R#rimarily $& $he +se &2 $he S$a$e in new ways $& &?er'&me e'&n&mi' '&n$radi'$i&ns and $& 2a'ili$a$e $he n&n@re#ressi?e in$egra$i&n &2 $he w&r!ing 'lassR C(l&'!3 DEII3 #I4B This d&es n&$ ass+me $ha$ S$a$e managers are 'a#able &2 res&l?ing $he #r&blems &2 'a#i$alism3 &r #r&d+'ing $he m&s$ 2a?&+rable D H2&r an in$eres$ing 'ase s$+dy in $his $radi$i&n see T S!&'#&l CDEQD4 R1&li$i'al "es#&nse $& %a#i$alis$ %risis, Ne&@7ar8is$ The&ries &2 $he S$a$e and $he %ase &2 $he New and S&'ie$yB DJ ##lPP@FJDB res#&nses $& 'risisM ra$her i$ '&n?eys $he idea $ha$ $he a'$i&ns &2 S$a$e managers are $a!en wi$hin $he '&ns$rain$s im#&sed by #&li$i'al reali$ies and e'&n&mi' &r$h&d&8iesB (r&ad %h+r'hes and "ainb&w Allian'es, The %hallenge &2 6eminism and >n?ir&nmen$alismB 6&r 7ar8is$s3 $he a##eal &2 $he '&n'e#$ &2 'lass res$s &n $he d+al 2+n'$i&n i$ #er2&rms as b&$h a des'ri#$i?e 'a$eg&ry and an e8#lana$&ry ?ariableB In $his sense i$ is #&ssible b&$h $& assign #e&#le $& a #ar$i'+lar 'lass Cb&+rgei&sie/#r&le$aria$4 and $& s+gges$ $ha$ $his will in2l+en'e a #ar$i'+lar 2&rm &2 #&li$i'al beha?i&+rB S+'h arg+men$s ha?e3 &2 la$e3 been r&+ndly '&ndemned by elemen$s wi$hin b&$h $he 2eminis$ and en?ir&nmen$alis$ $radi$i&ns &n $he gr&+nds $ha$ $hey are ei$her Hse8 blindH &r negle'$ '&nsidera$i&n &2 $he m&s$ #ressing #r&blem 2a'ing s&'ie$y, en?ir&nmen$al degrada$i&nB DF ealRB 1&li$i's

6&r a+$h&rs s+'h a Har$mann3 re'en$ a$$em#$s $& in$egra$e 7ar8ism and 6eminism ha?e #r&?ed +nsa$is2a'$&ry be'a+se $hey ha?e s+bs+med $he 2eminis$ s$r+ggle in$& $he larger s$r+ggle agains$ 'a#i$al CHar$mann3 DEEF4B %&nseK+en$ly3 many &2 $he wea!nesses in 7ar8ism3 s+'h as e'&n&mism &r $he way in whi'h i$ has h&m&genised 'lass in$eres$s3 has #re?en$ed i$ 2r&m $he&rising adeK+a$ely $he #&si$i&n &2 w&men and &$her n&n@'lass &##ressi&ns CSegal3 DEED3 #FQT4B Here $he #rin'i#al &bGe'$i&n is $ha$ 7ar8is$ 'a$eg&ries are r&&$ed in rela$i&ns &2 a##r&#ria$i&n and e8#l&i$a$i&n whi'h 2ail $& '&nsider $he #ar$i'+lar gender &2 $he e8#l&i$ers and $h&se wh&se lab&+r is a##r&#ria$ed C(arre$$3 DEEF4B In '&n$ras$3 a grea$ deal &2 '&n$em#&rary radi'al 6eminism n&w '&n'en$ra$es +#&n $he R#ar$i'+lari$ies &2 w&menHs li?esR &r $he s#e'i2i' iden$i$y ar&+nd whi'h a 2eminis$ s$r+ggle 'an be s+s$ained CSegal3 DEED3 #FQJ4B I$ is a #&si$i&n whi'h re#la'es $he 'en$ral r&le a''&rded $& $he Hrela$i&ns &2 #r&d+'$i&nH wi$hin mar8is$ $he&ry wi$h an e8#l&ra$i&n &2 '&ns'i&+sness raising &r3 as 7a'!inn&n #re2ers3 $he R'&lle'$i?e 'ri$i'al re'&ns$i$+$i&n DF I$ is im#&r$an$ $& a'!n&wledge a n+mber &2 di22eren$ #&si$i&ns wi$hin b&$h $he en?ir&nmen$alis$ and 2eminis$ $radi$i&nsB 6&r m&re de$ail see 7 H+mm CDEEF4 6eminisms, A "eaderB Har?es$er Nhea$shea2 3 " T&ng CDEEF4 6eminis$ Th&+gh$B "&+$ledgeB On $he $he rela$i&nshi# be$ween 7ar8ism and >n?ir&nmen$alism see " >'!ersley CDEEF4 >n?ir&nmen$alism and 1&li$i'al The&ryB U%L 1ress &r ee# >'&l&gy $& S&'ial J+s$i'eB "&+$ledgeB &2 $he meaning &2 w&menHs s&'ial e8#erien'e3 as w&men li?e $hr&+gh i$R C7a'!inn&n3 DEEF3 #llE4B 6&r $he m&re radi'al ?arian$s &2 6eminism3 $hen3 7ar8is$ 'a$eg&ries are ina##r&#ria$e $& an adeK+a$e +nders$anding &2 $he ide&l&gy &2 2amilialism3 #ar$i'+lar 2&rms &2 h&+seh&ld &rganisa$i&n3 se8+ali$y and male #&wer whi'h are 'r+'ial $& $he s+bG+ga$i&n &2 w&men +nder 'a#i$alismB In a similar 2ashi&n3 $he en?ir&nmen$alis$ m&?emen$ has s&+gh$ $& 'hallenge $he e'&n&mi' &r$h&d&8y &2 7ar8is$ $he&ry, $he all@#er?asi?e r&le &2 'lass s$r+ggle3 i$s relian'e +#&n a #r&d+'$i?is$ e$h&s and $he '&n$in+ed d&mina$i&n &2 na$+re by h+mani$yB A''&rdingly3 7ar8is$ $he&ry is 'harged wi$h #&ssessing an in$elle'$+al lega'y whi'h is in'&m#a$ible wi$h '+rren$ en?ir&nmen$al '&n'erns C>'!ersly3 DEEF3 #II4B 6&r a+$h&rs s+'h as G&rL3 $he #r&blem is n&$ $ha$ $he 'en$ral '&n2li'$ &?er $he e8$en$ and limi$s &2 e'&n&mi' ra$i&nali$y has l&s$ any &2 i$s shar#ness &r his$&ri'al signi2i'an'e3 ra$her $ha$ $he R'&n're$e his$&ri'al '&n$en$s as well as $he a'$&rs &2 $he 'en$ral '&n2li'$ ha?e 'hangedR CG&rL3 DEQE3 #FQE4B In G&rLHs &#ini&n3 $here are n&w a myriad &2 an$ag&nisms whi'h are s+#erim#&sed +#&n $he '&n$radi'$i&n be$ween 'a#i$al and lab&+rB I$ is $here2&re n& 1e##er CDEES4 >'&@S&'ialism, 6r&m

l&nger #&ssible $& answer $he K+es$i&n &2 wh& will #er2&rm $he 'r+'ial 2+n'$i&n &2 'arrying &+$ $he s&'ialis$ re?&l+$i&n by means &2 $radi$i&nal 'lass analysis CG&rL3 DEED3 #FQE4B %&nseK+en$ly3 G&rL reGe'$s $he lin! be$ween $he Rde?el&#men$ &2 $he #r&d+'$i?e 2&r'es and $he gr&w$h &2 'lass an$ag&nismR whi'h has3 in his &#ini&n3 been irre?&'ably br&!en CG&rL3 DEQF3 #lT4B Ni$hin G&rLHs 'ri$iK+e &2 7ar8ism $w& $hemes are sy$hesised, a reGe'$i&n &2 $he r&le a''&rded $& $he w&r!ing 'lass in $he s&'ialis$ #r&Ge'$ and $he need $& embra'e an en?ir&nmen$ally in2&rmed ?isi&n &2 s&'ie$y whi'h em#hasises $he limi$a$i&ns $& e'&n&mi' gr&w$h CG&rL3 DEQJ3 DEQF4B DS 6&r G&rL3 $he s+bGe'$ &2 a s&'ialis$ #r&Ge'$ 'an n& l&nger be 2&+nd in $he 'a#i$alis$/wage lab&+r ne8+s b+$ m+s$ be l&'a$ed in $he w&r!er as C'i$iLen4 wh& is '&n2r&n$ed by $he im#er2e'$i&ns &2 DS 6&r a 'ri$iK+e &2 Andre G&rL see 7+rray (&&!'hin CDEQJ4 T&ward and >'&l&gi'al S&'ie$yB ##FQE@SSJB m&dern 'a#i$alism CG&rL3 DEQF4B Th+s3 G&rL S$a$es $ha$ where s&'ialism +nders$ands i$sel2 as $he R#lanned de?el&#men$ &2 n&$ ye$ e8is$ing e'&n&mi' s$r+'$+resBBBi$ re'&ns$r+'$s a s&'ie$y s& $ha$ i$ is de?&$ed $& $he e'&n&mi' de?el&#men$ &2 'a#i$al a''+m+la$i&nR CG&rL3 DEED3 #FQE4B The m&s$ #ressing #r&blem 2&r 7ar8ism3 $hen3 is $ha$ i$ is +l$ima$ely r&&$ed in a '&n'e#$i&n &2 s&'ie$y whi'h negle'$s '&nsidera$i&n &2 $he m&s$ seri&+s #r&blem 2a'ing s&'ie$yM e'&l&gi'al degrada$i&nB A$ $he '&re &2 any #ar$i'+lar ?arian$ &2 $he 7ar8is$ $he&ry &2 $he S$a$e is a #re&''+#a$i&n wi$h $he rela$i&nshi# be$ween $he e'&n&mi' and #&li$i'al s#heres &r3 i2 y&+ #re2er3 $he me$h&ds by whi'h $he S$a$e ens+res $he re#r&d+'$i&n &2 $he e8is$ing rela$i&ns &2 #r&d+'$i&nB A''&rdingly3 2r&m a 7ar8is$ #ers#e'$i?e $he a'$i&ns &2 $he S$a$e 'an be +nders$&&d &nly wi$hin $he '&n$e8$ &2 $he '&ns$rain$s im#&sed by $he m&de &2 e'&n&mi' #r&d+'$i&n and i$s a$$endan$ 'lass s$r+'$+reB In s$ar! '&n$ras$3 $he #l+ralis$ $radi$i&n remains &?er$ly #&li$i'is$B I$s #rimary 2&'+s is +#&n $he #&li$i'al 2&rms whi'h ens+re re#resen$a$i&n and #ar$i'i#a$i&n be$ween $he #+bli' and #ri?a$e realm3 $he rela$i&nshi# be$ween legisla$&rs and $he legisla$ed and be$ween #&li$i'ians and #ri?a$e in$eres$ gr&+#sB Ni$hin $his $he&re$i'al $radi$i&n gr&+#s3 ra$her $han 'lasses3 are seen as $he #rimary agen$ &2 '&lle'$i?e #&li$i'al a'$i&nB A''&rding $& #l+ralis$s3 $he e8is$en'e &2 an &?erla##ing membershi# am&ng #ress+re gr&+#s demands $ha$ gr&+# '&m#r&mise3 ra$her $han 'lass '&n2li'$3 sh&+ld be $he #rin'i#al 2&'+s &2 '&n$em#&rary #&li$i'al analysisB I$ is n&$ $ha$ #l+ralis$s deny $he im#&r$an'e &2 'lass3 ra$her $hey asser$ $ha$ i$ is sim#ly &ne &2 a n+mber &2 ?ariables whi'h need $& be e8aminedB C ahl3 DEID4

La$er w&r!s wi$hin $his $radi$i&n3 m&s$ n&$ably $ha$ &2

ahl and Lindbl&m3 ha?e

a'!n&wledged $he in'reasingly d&minan$ #&si$i&n &2 &ne #ar$i'+lar #ress+re gr&+#3 b+sinessB H&we?er3 $here remains a dis'ernible $enden'y $& d&wn#lay $he e8$en$ &2 di?isi&ns CineK+ali$y4 wi$hin s&'ie$y be'a+se #l+ralis$s se#ara$e $he #&li$i'al sys$em 2r&m $he s&'ial s$r+'$+re3 a22&rding $he 2&rmer a ne+$ral s$a$+s C7'lennan3 DEQE3 #FT4B As 7'Lennan &bser?es3 $he s$andard $e8$s are re#le$e wi$h me$a#h&rs whi'h '&n?ey $he im#ressi&n $ha$ $he S$a$e is a ne+$ral b&dy3 a se$ &2 ins$i$+$i&ns whi'h res#&nds $& $he #ress+re &2 &rganised in$eres$ gr&+#sB C7'Lennan3 DEQE4 I$ is n&$ +n'&mm&n3 2&r e8am#le3 $& 2ind $he S$a$e re2erred $& as a H'i#herH3 Hbr&!erH &r Hwea$her?aneH3 all &2 whi'h rein2&r'e $he ?iew $ha$ $he S$a$e is a se$ &2 ins$i$+$i&ns designed #rimarily $& a'hie?e #&li$i'al balan'eB In i$s &##&si$i&n $& $his #&si$i&n3 7ar8ism 'hallenges $he #l+ralis$ ?iew $ha$ $he S$a$e 'an be +nders$&&d as an im#ar$ial ins$i$+$i&nal arrangemen$ whi'h res#&nds $& $he #ress+res &2 '&n2li'$ing gr&+#sB 6&r 7ar8is$s3 $he 2&rm and 2+n'$i&n &2 $he S$a$e 'ann&$ be +nders$&&d sim#ly in $erms &2 #&li$i'al re#resen$a$i&n and ele'$&ral '&m#e$i$i&n b+$ ra$her in $erms &2 $he +nderlying s$r+'$+res and 'a+sal me'hanisms &2 s&'ie$y3 Csee 7anley3 DEQS and 7'lennan3 DEQE4 6&r 7ar8is$s3 'a#i$alism as a #&li$i'al e'&n&my is 'hara'$erised by di?isi&ns3 $he r&&$s &2 whi'h 'an be &bGe'$i?ely l&'a$ed in $he &wnershi# and '&n$r&l &2 'a#i$alB The S$a$eHs #rimary 2+n'$i&n3 $here2&re3 is $& ens+re $he '&n$in+ed re#r&d+'$i&n &2 s+'h +neK+al rela$i&nsB This3 as 7anley n&$es3 is wha$ a R'lass analysis means when i$ asser$s $ha$ $he S$a$e is n&$ merely a S$a$e in 'a#i$alis$ s&'ie$y3 s&me s&r$ &2 s+#ers$r+'$+re ab&?e $he 2ray3 b+$ is ra$her a 'a#i$alis$ s$a$eBR C7anley3 DEQS3 #SIT4 Al$h&+gh i$s #er'e#$i&n &2 $he S$a$e as a ne+$ral se$ &2 ins$i$+$i&ns is $he m&s$ signi2i'an$ wea!ness in $he #l+ralis$ $radi$i&n i$ is s$ill #&ssible $& iden$i2y a$ leas$ $w& 2+r$her #r&blemsB 6irs$3 and in '&n$ras$ $& $he 7ar8is$ $radi$i&n3 $he S$a$e as a '&n'e#$ wi$hin #l+ralis$ $h&+gh$ remains rela$i?ely negle'$edB All $&& &2$en #l+ralis$s ass+me $ha$ all seri&+s in$eres$s 'an be a''&m&da$ed wi$hin a s$able dem&'ra$i' '&nsens+sB C7'Lennan3 DEQE4 Se'&nd3 i$ $ends $& d&wn#lay $he &rganised #&wer &2 $he S$a$e and $he inheren$ '&n2li'$ &2 in$eres$s wi$hin #ar$i'+lar 2ra'$i&ns &2 $he S$a$e a##ara$+sB H&we?er3 while s+'h 'ri$i'isms are #er$inen$ $& many #l+ralis$ a+$h&rs i$ is im#&r$an$ $& n&$e $ha$3 as a $he&re$i'al $radi$i&n3 #l+ralism has n&$ remained s$a$i'B In i$s la$es$3 'ri$i'al g+ise a+$h&rs s+'h as Lindbl&m and ahl a##ear m&re in$eres$ed in s&'ial di?isi&n ra$her $han #&li$i'al '&nsens+sB C ahl3 DEQJ3 Lindbl&m3 DEII4 7&re&?er3 $heir w&r! n&w s$resses a #ri?ileged r&le 2&r b+siness3 &ne in whi'h i$ e22e'$i?ely e8er'ises a ?e$& &n $he en$ire #&li$i'al sys$emB 1&li'y is n& l&nger #resen$ed as $he &+$'&me &2 neg&$ia$i&n be$ween '&m#e$ing

in$eres$ gr&+#s and $he S$a$e b+$ ra$her is H2ramedH by a m&re general s$r+'$+ral im#era$i?e whi'h re'&gnises $he +niK+e #&si$i&n &2 b+sinessB Th+s3 ahl and Lindbl&m s$a$e $ha$ $he Rrela$i&n be$ween g&?ernmen$ and b+siness is +nli!e $he rela$i&n be$ween g&?ernmen$ and any &$her in$eres$ gr&+# in s&'ie$yBR C ahl and Lindbl&m3DEIO3 888?ii4B This re#resen$s an im#&r$an$ '&n'e#$+al shi2$ wi$hin #l+ralis$ $h&+gh$ sin'e i$ im#lies $ha$ #l+ralis$ me$h&d&l&gy is n& l&nger r&&$ed wi$hin $he em#iri'is$ s&'i&l&gy &2 $he DEPJs and DEOJs3 a '&n'ern limi$ed $& $he &bser?able &+$'&mes &2 neg&$ia$i&ns be$ween '&m#e$ing in$eres$ gr&+#s and $he S$a$eB 1l+ralism3 #ar$i'+larly in $he ?arian$ es#&+sed by Lindbl&m3 n&w see!s $& K+es$i&n whe$her dem&'ra'y w&r!s in 2a?&+r &2 'a#i$alism be'a+se i$ Rgi?es $he a##earan'e Cb+$ n&$ $he reali$y4 &2 #l+ralis$ #ar$i'i#a$i&nRB C7'Lennan3 DEQE3 #PD4DT 6+r$her 'reden'e $& $he ?iew $ha$ 7ar8is$ and #l+ralis$ analyses &2 $he S$a$e ha?e beg+n $& '&n?erge 'an be gleaned 2r&m $he 2a'$ $ha$3 while a grea$ deal &2 '&n$em#&rary 7ar8is$ $he&ry &2 $he S$a$e has a$$em#$ed $& gra##le wi$h $he rela$i&nshi# be$ween $he e'&n&mi' and $he #&li$i'al regi&ns i$ has3 m&re re'en$ly3 beg+n $& a'!n&wledge $he in'reasing #r&minen'e &2 &$her s&'ial 2&r'es Ce$hni'i$y3 gender and $he en?ir&nmen$4 and a##re'ia$e $he im#&r$an$ &bser?a$i&ns &2 S$a$is$ #ers#e'$i?esB %&n'l+si&n Am&ng $h&se a+$h&rs wh& re$ain allegian'e $& $he Le2$ i$ has be'&me an a''e#$ed #ra'$i'e $& re#la'e $he r&le &2 'lass s$r+ggle wi$h an amalgam &2 me$a#h&rs designed $& in?&!e a wider3 m&re 2le8ible a##re'ia$i&n &2 $he dis#ara$e elemen$s in?&l?ed wi$hin $he s&'ialis$ #r&Ge'$B I$ is n&w m&re '&mm&n#la'e3 2&r e8am#le3 $& arg+e in $erms &2 Hal$erna$i?e si$es &2 s$r+ggleH &r $& em#hasise $he im#&r$an'e &2 s&'ial m&?emen$sB This $rend3 whi'h is n&w 2irmly en$ren'hed3 has &''+rred largely DT2&r m&re de$ail &n #l+ralis$ #er'e#$i&ns &2 #&wer and me$h&d&l&gy see S L+!es CDEID4 1&wer, A "adi'al :iewB L&nd&n, 7a'millanB P6&r m&re de$ail &n $his see 7 %arn&y CDEQT4B as a res+l$ &2 a sys$ema$i' a$$em#$ $& rid 7ar8ism &2 essen$ialis$ &r red+'$i&nis$ 2&rms &2 e8#lana$i&n in 2a?&+r &2 '&n'e#$s whi'h s$ress $he #ar$ially '&n$ingen$ na$+re &2 s&'ial reali$yB This re#resen$s a 'r+'ial de#ar$+re sin'e i$ als& reGe'$s $he ?iew $ha$ s&'ie$y ine?i$ably 2&ll&ws a #ar$i'+lar #a$h3 and $ha$ 'lass s$r+ggle ine?i$ably leads $& $he RendR &2 his$&ry3 '&mm+nismB S+'h $he&re$i'al de?el&#men$s ha?e been in2l+en'ed by ra#id 'hanges $a!ing #la'e wi$hin 'a#i$alism, $he $rans2&rma$i&n &2 w&r! rela$i&ns3 $he gr&w$h &2 $he Weynesian Nel2are S$a$e and $he de'line &2 $rade +ni&n #&wer3 all &2 whi'h a##ear $& ha?e s&+nded $he dea$h !nell 2&r 'lass #&li$i's3 ens+ring $ha$ $he 'en$ral r&le 2&r $he w&r!ing 'lass in $he s$r+ggle 2&r s&'ialism 'an n& l&nger be g+aran$eedB Ni$hin s+'h w&r! $he rise &2 $he en?ir&nmen$al and 2eminis$

#r&$es$ gr&+#s re#resen$s a #&$en$ial new s&+r'e ar&+nd whi'h $& 2&rm a #&li$i'al s$r+ggle3 &ne in whi'h a Hbr&ad 'h+r'hH &r Hrainb&w '&ali$i&nH &2 e'&@2eminis$@s&'ialis$ gr&+#s has $he #&$en$ial $& $rans2&rm s&'ie$yB S+'h de?el&#men$s ha?e had an im#&r$an$ bearing +#&n '&n$em#&rary 7ar8is$ $he&ry &2 $he S$a$eB 6ew a+$h&rs are n&w willing $& de2end a +ni?ersal $he&ry &2 $he S$a$e, ra$her $hey #r&#&se s#e'i2i' his$&ri'al analysis wi$hin a +ni?ersalis$i' '&n'e#$i&n &2 $he rela$i&nshi# be$ween $he S$a$e and e'&n&myB The ins$r+men$alis$ '&n'ern wi$h wh& r+les $he S$a$e has been 2irmly aband&ned in 2a?&+r &2 an a##r&a'h whi'h arg+es ei$her $ha$ $he 'lass na$+re &2 $he S$a$e is e8#ressed $hr&+gh $he Hs$r+'$+reH &2 'a#i$alis$ de?el&#men$ &r $ha$ $he S$a$e is a #&li$i'al a##ara$+s $hr&+gh whi'h '&n$r&l is '&n$es$ed be$ween $he d&minan$/s+b&rdina$e 'lasses and s&'ial m&?emen$sBDP

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