Unit Expansion Handouts

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Ms. Schranz Art Fundamentals th 8 Grade

Filippo Marinetti
Zang Tumb Tumb: Ottobre 1912: Parole in Libert

Italian, 1876-1944

Subjective Frame
1. How does the placement of

the words in Zang Zumb Zumb make you feel?

Structural Frame

2. What other meanings do we attach to a Swoosh (check mark) symbol? Filippo Marinetti was the founder of the futurist art movement in the early 1900s. He wrote a manifesto that encouraged a rejection of the past, and a celebration of speed, machinery, violence, youth and industry; it was also an avocation of the modernization and cultural rejuvenation of Italy. Zang Tumb Tumb is a sound poem, written in 1914. In sound poetry it is more important how words are pronounce than if they have a coherent message.

Cultural Frame 3. How can the meaning of the Swoosh symbol change in different context? Postmodern Frame

4. What influence has Filippo Marinettis work had on other designers? 5. How is this work by Marinetti similar to his sound poetry?

Key Vocabulary Line Logo Gestalt Principles Graphic Design: Sound Poem


Ms. Schranz Art Fundamentals th 8 Grade

Graphic Design
A logo is a symbol or other design adopted by an organization to identify its products. Logos are created by graphic designers. Before computers, designers hand cut and use the Gestalt principles to create unique designs for their customers. They have to keep in mind that their designs need to accommodate for their customers needs and wants. This requires graphic designers to be Carolyn Davidson flexible. Carolyn Davidson is a graphic designer best known for designing the Nike "swoosh" logo. Davidson designed the swoosh in 1971 while a graphic design student at Portland State University in Portland, Oregon. Phil Knight, who was teaching an accounting class at the university, noticed Davidson working on an assignment, and asked her to do some work for what was then Blue Ribbon Sports, Inc. Needing to choose a logo in order to meet looming production deadlines, Knight settled on the swoosh, after rejecting various other designs. At the time, he stated of the logo, "I don't love it, but it will grow on me."[1] For her services, she billed the company $35.[2] Davidson continued working for Blue Ribbon Sports (it officially became Nike, Inc. in 1978), until the design demands of the growing company were beyond one person's capacity. In 1976, the company hired its first external advertising agency, John Brown and Partners, and Davidson went on to work on other clients' needs. drew each of their designs out on paper. Now, many designers are trained in college to use Adobe programs like Illustrator, InDesign, and Photoshop. They also


Gestalt Principles .
In 1920s Germany, Max Wertheimer, Wolfgang Khler, and Kurt Koffka developed the Gestalt Theory of Visual Perception. In a study, these psychologists studied perceptual organization (how we see and interpret images). Their study showed that the human brain perceives images as one object instead of a grouping of several objects. Khler stated, The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. The Gestalt theorists came up with five principles of how our brains group objects: similarity, continuation, closure, proximity, and figure ground. When objects are similar we have a tendency to group them I our heads, must like the three groupings of text in this article. Continuation occurs when the eye s compelled to move through one object and into another. Closure occurs when an object is incomplete, but there is enough information that the viewer can still make out what it is. Proximity is how close objects are. Figure ground is when you switch the role of the background and foreground. This can best be seen with the vase/face on the left. Do you see a vace or a face first?


Ms. Schranz Art Fundamentals th 8 Grade

Gestalt Principles
similarity Continuation Closure Proximity

Can you find the right Gestalt principle?

Figure Ground





_______________ __________________________________________________________________________________

What are words that describe you? (Include definition and why you chose it.)
1._______________:_________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 2._______________:_________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 3.______________:__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 4._______________:_________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________

Ms. Schranz Art Fundamentals th 8 Grade

Zentangle is an easy way to create amazing art. It can be freeing and engrossing. All you need is a little bit of time and creativity. When you create a Zentangle you are repeating lines and shapes, making patterns. DIRECTIONS: It is important to never overlap your patterns. To avoid this, we will begin with a letter from your name.For example my name starts with an S. So, I am going to create a curvy S that meets all the sides of the paper. If your letter does not meet all four sides (like L) , you need to choose a different letter. Now that the line from your letter has touched the edges of the box, you should notice it acts as a warning line. You are going to fill in the shapes created from your letter and the box with patterns. You can cross over the line, but it is there to tell you to switch patterns.

Create pattern guide: 1. Straight diagonal lines 2. Reverse figure ground 3. Curves/ bubbles/ arches 4. Spiral 5. Geometric Shapes


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