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Jessica Bukkhegyi, Danielle Tritt, Adrianna Holbrook Mrs.

Raymond English 1102 17 March 2014 Twitter Project Proposal For our semester long project, we chose to research the effects of twitter on teenagers. We will look into how it affects teenagers social lives, their schoolwork, and intimate relationships. Also, we will examine how drama occurs on twitter and what effects that has on teenagers as well. We will start off by doing research online and in the library though books and databases. Also, we plan on conducting a survey to our classmates as well as students around campus to gain more information to include in our project. The modes we intend to use are aural, gestural, visual, and linguistic. For the aural portion we will use subtle music throughout the presentation on different slides. During the gestural part, our body language and hand movements will come into play. They will change depending on what part of the project we are talking about. When we make our PowerPoint, visuals will be a major factor. Through the pictures we use and how we set up our slides, it will all have to make sense in order to convey the information appropriately. Lastly, the linguistic portion will include us speaking clearly when we are presenting, using correctly spelled words on our PowerPoint, and how we speak about our topic. For our final product, we will create a PowerPoint presentation. The presentation will include key words in our research as well as pictures and videos. The words we choose to display will be limited because we will talk in detail about our research findings. The pictures we use

will aid us in our explanations. They must be important and actually have some meaning to what we are discussing at that point in time. The same goes for the videos. Everything we incorporate into our project, will be useful to help us discuss our project. Our plan is appropriate and effective for our topic because we will need some actual teenager input in our research. Therefore, a survey is a great idea. It will allow us to get real data to incorporate into our project. Also, a PowerPoint will be the best idea for a final project because we will have a lot of information to discuss and a PowerPoint will allow us to make notes and add music, pictures, and videos to help display all of the information. The roles are responsibilities for the both of us. We will both do some online research as well as research using books and databases. Also we will both conduct the surveys to students around campus and even other teenagers that do not attend UNC Charlotte. Then, we will both put together a PowerPoint presentation for our final project. We have already set up times and dates to accomplish these tasks.
Our timeline: March 17: complete proposal together March 24-28: start online research on the effects of Twitter; on our own/together April 1-4: create a survey to have students complete; complete together April 7-11: hand out surveys to 100 students/teenagers; on our own/together April 14-18: meet together to complete our PowerPoint presentation April 20-21: practice our presentation together and prepare to present to class

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