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APRIL 23, 2014

NR # 3445B

Installation of e-speed limiter in buses and cargo trucks sought

A lawmaker has proposed the installation of a speed limiter in every public bus and cargo truck to address the wanton disregard of traffic laws, especially the prescribed speed limit by public bus and cargo drivers, which has resulted to traffic accidents and death of motorists. Rep. Eric L. Olivarez !st "istrict, #ara$a%ue &ity' filed (ouse )ill *+,- that mandates the installation of electronic speed limiters in all public utility buses and multi. wheeler cargo trucks for the protection of the riding public. Olivarez said a significant portion of traffic accidents recorded this year was caused by violations of the speed limit. /0n fact two incidents have been recorded within 1ust a span of less than two months, "ecember !2, ,3!* 4 5ebruary 6, ,3!-, which resulted in the death of several bus passengers,7 Olivarez said. Olivarez said by installing a speed limiter in every public bus and multi.wheeler cargo truck, every driver will be forced to run under a calibrated8calculated speed and necessarily, speed.related accidents will surely be diminished. /9his bill represents the vigilance of our government with respect to preserving the right of its people to life and property,7 Olivarez said. :nder the bill, a speed limiter with a programmed ma;imum speed limit of <3 kilometers per hour shall be installed in every public utility bus traversing any route in the country. Likewise, a speed limiter with a programmed ma;imum speed limit of =3 kilometers per hour shall be installed in every multi.wheeler truck regardless of the weight of cargoes they carry, or of whether or not they are empty. 9he bill re%uires all applicants of a franchise and8or license to operate public utility buses and8or multi.wheeler cargo trucks, or the renewal thereof as the case may be, to install the speed limiters as provided. 5ailure to comply with this re%uirement shall be a sufficient ground for the denial of the application. A fine of #,33,333 and suspension or revocation of franchise and8or &ertificate of Registration of buses and cargo trucks shall be imposed upon bus operators or truck owners who fail to install and maintain accurately programmed and untampered speed limiters.

9he bill further states that any person found to have deliberately tampered with the speed limiters as provided under this Act shall be imprisoned for a period of not less than one year but not more than five years and shall pay a fine of not less than #!3,333 up to #=3,333 at the discretion of the court of appropriate 1urisdiction. 5or those public utility buses and8or multi.wheeler cargo trucks which met any kind of vehicular accident and which was later found out to have tampered or had no speed limiters installed when the said accident happened, the driver shall suffer the penalty of five years of imprisonment for violation of this Act without pre1udice to the filing of a separate criminal case of Reckless 0mprudence or other %uasi.offenses against him. On the other hand, the bus or truck operator or proprietor shall be fined in the amount of not less than #,33,333, separate from and in addition to the fine imposed for failure to install speed limiters. *3' mvip

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