Physics Questions

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Question 1.9: A system has two charges q A= 2.5 107C and q B= 2.5 107C located at points A !

!0" 0" 15 cm# and B !0" 0" $ 15 cm#" respecti%ely. &hat are the total charge and electric dipole moment o' the system( Answer Both the charges can )e located in a coordinate 'rame o' re'erence as shown in the gi%en 'ig*re.

At A" amo*nt o' charge" q A= 2.5 107C At B" amo*nt o' charge" q B= 2.5 107C +otal charge o' the system" q= qA$ qB = 2.5 107C 2.5 107C =0 ,istance )etween two charges at points A and B" d= 15 $ 15 = -0 cm = 0.- m .lectric dipole moment o' the system is gi%en )y" p= qA d = qB d = 2.5 107 0.= 7.5 10/ C m along positi%e 01a2is +here'ore" the electric dipole moment o' the system is 7.5 101/C m along positi%e 0a2is. Question 1.10: An electric dipole with dipole moment 3 104 C m is aligned at -05 with the direction o' a *ni'orm electric 'ield o' magnit*de 5 1036 C1. Calc*late the magnit*de o' the torq*e acting on the dipole. Answer .lectric dipole moment" p= 3 104C m Angle made )y p with a *ni'orm electric 'ield" 7= -05 .lectric 'ield" .= 5 136 C1 +orq*e acting on the dipole is gi%en )y the relation" 8 = p.sin7

+here'ore" the magnit*de o' the torq*e acting on the dipole is 1036 m.

Question 1.27: 9n a certain region o' space" electric 'ield is along the 01direction thro*gho*t. +he magnit*de o' electric 'ield is" howe%er" not constant )*t increases *ni'ormly along the positi%e 01direction" at the rate o' 1056C1per metre. &hat are the 'orce and torq*e e2perienced )y a system ha%ing a total dipole moment eq*al to 107Cm in the negati%e 01direction( Answer ,ipole moment o' the system" p= q dl = 107C m :ate o' increase o' electric 'ield per *nit length"

= 107 105 = 1026 +he 'orce is 102 6 in the negati%e 01direction i.e." opposite to the direction o' electric 'ield. ;ence" the angle )etween electric 'ield and dipole moment is 1/05. +orq*e !8# is gi%en )y the relation" 8 = p.sin1/05 =0 +here'ore" the torq*e e2perienced )y the system is 0ero Question 2.1: +wo charges 5 10/C and - 10/C are located 1< cm apart. At what point!s# on the line =oining the two charges is the electric potential 0ero( +a>e the potential at in'inity to )e 0ero. Answer +here are two charges"

,istance )etween the two charges" d= 1< cm = 0.1< m Consider a point ? on the line =oining the two charges" as shown in the gi%en 'ig*re

r= ,istance o' point ? 'rom charge q1 @et the electric potential !A# at point ? )e 0ero. ?otential at point ? is the s*m o' potentials ca*sed )y charges q1and q2respecti%ely.


+here'ore" the potential is 0ero at a distance o' 10 cm 'rom the positi%e charge )etween the charges. B*ppose point ? is o*tside the system o' two charges at a distance s 'rom the negati%e charge" where potential is 0ero" as shown in the 'ollowing 'ig*re.

Cor this arrangement" potential is gi%en )y,

+here'ore" the potential is 0ero at a distance o' 30 cm 'rom the positi%e charge o*tside the system o' charges Question 2.2: A reg*lar he2agon o' side 10 cm has a charge 5 DC at each o' its %ertices. Calc*late the potential at the centre o' the he2agon. Answer +he gi%en 'ig*re shows si2 eq*al amo*nt o' charges" q" at the %ertices o' a reg*lar he2agon.

&here" Charge" q= 5 DC = 5 10<C Bide o' the he2agon" l= AB = BC = C, = ,. = .C = CA = 10 cm ,istance o' each %erte2 'rom centre E" d= 10 cm .lectric potential at point E"

+here'ore" the potential at the centre o' the he2agon is 2.7 10<A. Question 2.3: +wo charges 2 DC and 2 DC are placed at points A and B < cm apart. !a#9denti'y an eq*ipotential s*r'ace o' the system. !)#&hat is the direction o' the electric 'ield at e%ery point on this s*r'ace( Answer !a# +he sit*ation is represented in the gi%en 'ig*re.

An eq*ipotential s*r'ace is the plane on which total potential is 0ero e%erywhere. +his plane is normal to line AB. +he plane is located at the mid1point o' line AB )eca*se the magnit*de o' charges is the same. !)# +he direction o' the electric 'ield at e%ery point on this s*r'ace is normal to the plane in the direction o' AB. Question 2.12: A charge o' / mC is located at the origin. Calc*late the wor> done in ta>ing a small charge o' 2 104C 'rom a point ? !0" 0" - cm# to a point F !0" 3 cm" 0#" %ia a point : !0" < cm" 4 cm#. Answer Charge located at the origin" q= / mC= / 10- C Gagnit*de o' a small charge" which is ta>en 'rom a point ? to point : to point F" q 1= 2 104 C All the points are represented in the gi%en 'ig*re.

?oint ? is at a distance" d1= - cm" 'rom the origin along 01a2is. ?oint F is at a distance" d2= 3 cm" 'rom the origin along y1a2is

Question 2.13: A c*)e o' side ) has a charge q at each o' its %ertices. ,etermine the potential and electric 'ield d*e to this charge array at the centre o' the c*)e. Answer @ength o' the side o' a c*)e = ) Charge at each o' its %ertices = q A c*)e o' side ) is shown in the 'ollowing 'ig*re

Ene o' the eight %ertices. +he electric potential !A# at the centre o' the c*)e is d*e to the presence o' eight charges at the %ertices.

+here'ore" the potential at the centre o' the c*)e is +he electric 'ield at the centre o' the c*)e" d*e to the eight charges" gets cancelled. +his is )eca*se the charges are distri)*ted symmetrically with respect to the centre o' the c*)e. ;ence" the electric 'ield is 0ero at the centre. Question 2.14: +wo tiny spheres carrying charges 1.5 DC and 2.5 DCare located -0 cm apart. Cind the potential and electric 'ield

!a#at the mid1point o' the line =oining the two charges" and Answer +wo charges placed at points A and B are represented in the gi%en 'ig*re. E is the midpoint o' the line =oining the two charges.

Gagnit*de o' charge located at A" q1= 1.5 DC Gagnit*de o' charge located at B" q2= 2.5 DC ,istance )etween the two charges" d= -0 cm = 0.- m !a# @et A1and . 1 are the electric potential and electric 'ield respecti%ely at E. A1= ?otential d*e to charge at A $ ?otential d*e to charge at B

&here" 0= ?ermitti%ity o' 'ree space

Question2.14 b !)# at a point 10 cm 'rom this midpoint in a plane normal to the line and passing thro*gh the mid1point. Answer Consider a point H s*ch that normal distance EH = 10cm = 0.1 m" as shown in the 'ollowing 'ig*re.

A2and .2 are the electric potential and electric 'ield respecti%ely at H. 9t can )e o)ser%ed 'rom the 'ig*re that distance" A2= .lectric potential d*e to A $ .lectric ?otential d*e to B

Question 2.18: 9n a hydrogen atom" the electron and proton are )o*nd at a distance o' a)o*t 0.5- I !a#.stimate the potential energy o' the system in eA" ta>ing the 0ero o' the potential energy at in'inite separation o' the electron 'rom proton. !)#&hat is the minim*m wor> req*ired to 'ree the electron" gi%en that its >inetic energy in the or)it is hal' the magnit*de o' potential energy o)tained in !a#( !c#&hat are the answers to !a# and !)# a)o%e i' the 0ero o' potential energy is ta>en at 1.0< I separation( Answer +he distance )etween electron1proton o' a hydrogen atom Charge on an electron" q1 = 1.< 1014 C Charge on a proton" q2 = $1.< 1014 C !a#?otential at in'inity is 0ero. ?otential energy o' the system" p1e = ?otential energy at in'inity ?otential energy at distance" d

&here" 0is the permitti%ity o' 'ree space

+here'ore" the potential energy o' the system is 27.2 eA. !)#Jinetic energy is hal' o' the magnit*de o' potential energy.

+otal energy = 1-.< 27.2 = 1-.< eA

+here'ore" the minim*m wor> req*ired to 'ree the electron is 1-.< eA. !c#&hen 0ero o' potential energy is ta>en" ?otential energy o' the system = ?otential energy at d1 ?otential energy at d

Question 2.19: 9' one o' the two electrons o' a ;2 molec*le is remo%ed" we get a hydrogen molec*lar ion . 9n the gro*nd state o' an " the two protons are separated )y ro*ghly 1.5 I" and the electron is ro*ghly 1 I 'rom each proton. ,etermine the potential energy o' the system. Bpeci'y yo*r choice o' the 0ero o' potential energy. Answer ?otential energy o' the system"

+here'ore" the potential energy o' the system is 14.2 eA. Question 2.21: +wo charges q and $q are located at points !0" 0" a# and !0" 0" a#" respecti%ely. !a#&hat is the electrostatic potential at the points( !)#E)tain the dependence o' potential on the distance r o' a point 'rom the origin when rKa LL 1.

!c#;ow m*ch wor> is done in mo%ing a small test charge 'rom the point !5" 0" 0# to !7" 0" 0# along the 21a2is( ,oes the answer change i' the path o' the test charge )etween the same points is not along the 21a2is( Answer !a# Hero at )oth the points Charge q is located at !0" 0" a# and charge $ qis located at !0" 0" a#. ;ence" they 'orm a dipole. ?oint !0" 0" 0# is on the a2is o' this dipole and point !2" y" 0# is normal to the a2is o' the dipole. ;ence" electrostatic potential at point !2" y" 0# is 0ero. .lectrostatic potential at point !0" 0" 0# is gi%en )y"

p= ,ipole moment o' the system o' two charges = 2qa !)#,istance r is m*ch greater than hal' o' the distance )etween the two charges. ;ence" the potential !A# at a distance ris in%ersely proportional to sq*are o' the distance

!c# Hero +he answer does not change i' the path o' the test is not along the 21a2is. A test charge is mo%ed 'rom point !5" 0" 0# to point !7" 0" 0# along the 21a2is. .lectrostatic potential !A1# at point !5" 0" 0# is gi%en )y"

;ence" no wor> is done in mo%ing a small test charge 'rom point !5" 0" 0# to point !7" 0" 0# along the 21a2is. +he answer does not change )eca*se wor> done )y the electrostatic 'ield in mo%ing a test charge )etween the two points is independent o' the path connecting the two points. Question 2.22: Cig*re shows a charge array >nown as an electric q*adr*pole. Cor a point on the a2is o' the q*adr*pole" o)tain the dependence o' potential on r 'or rKa LL 1" and contrast yo*r res*lts with that d*e to an electric dipole" and an electric monopole !i.e." a single charge#.

Answer Co*r charges o' same magnit*de are placed at points M" N" N" and H respecti%ely" as shown in the 'ollowing 'ig*re

A point is located at ?" which is r distance away 'rom point N. +he system o' charges 'orms an electric q*adr*pole. 9t can )e considered that the system o' the electric q*adr*pole has three charges Charge $q placed at point M Charge 2qplaced at point N Charge $q placed at point H MN = NH = a N? =r ?M = r$ a ?H = r a .lectrostatic potential ca*sed )y the system o' three charges at point ? is gi%en )y"

Question 2.34: ,escri)e schematically the eq*ipotential s*r'aces corresponding to !a#a constant electric 'ield in the 01direction" !)#a 'ield that *ni'ormly increases in magnit*de )*t remains in a constant !say" 0# direction" !c#a single positi%e charge at the origin" and !d#a *ni'orm grid consisting o' long eq*ally spaced parallel charged wires in a plane. Answer !a# .q*idistant planes parallel to the 21y plane are the eq*ipotential s*r'aces. !)# ?lanes parallel to the 21y plane are the eq*ipotential s*r'aces with the e2ception that when the planes get closer" the 'ield increases !c# Concentric spheres centered at the origin are eq*ipotential s*r'aces. !d# A periodically %arying shape near the gi%en grid is the eq*ipotential s*r'ace. +his shape grad*ally reaches the shape o' planes parallel to the grid at a larger distance. . Question 2.35: 9n a Aan de Oraa'' type generator a spherical metal shell is to )e a 15 10< A electrode. +he dielectric strength o' the gas s*rro*nding the electrode is 5 107 Am1. &hat is the minim*m radi*s o' the spherical shell req*ired( !No* will learn 'rom this e2ercise why one cannot

)*ild an electrostatic generator *sing a %ery small shell which req*ires a small charge to acq*ire a high potential.# Answer ?otential di''erence" A= 15 10<A ,ielectric strength o' the s*rro*nding gas = 5 107AKm .lectric 'ield intensity" .= ,ielectric strength = 5 107AKm Ginim*m radi*s o' the spherical shell req*ired 'or the p*rpose is gi%en )y"

;ence" the minim*m radi*s o' the spherical shell req*ired is -0 cm. Question 2.36: A small sphere o' radi*s r1and charge q 1is enclosed )y a spherical shell o' radi*s r2and charge q2. Bhow that i' q1is positi%e" charge will necessarily 'low 'rom the sphere to the shell !when the two are connected )y a wire# no matter what the charge q2on the shell is. Answer According to Oa*ssPs law" the electric 'ield )etween a sphere and a shell is determined )y the charge q1 on a small sphere. ;ence" the potential di''erence" A" )etween the sphere and the shell is independent o' charge q2. Cor positi%e charge q1" potential di''erence A is always positi%e.
Question 2.37:
Answer the following: (a) The top of the atmosphere is at about 400 kV with respect to the surface of the earth, corresponding to an electric field that decreases with altitude. ear the surface of the earth, the field is about !00 Vm"!. #h$ then do we not get an electric shock as we step out of our house into the open% (Assume the house to be a steel cage so there is no field inside&) (b) A man fi'es outside his house one e(ening a two metre high insulating slab carr$ing on its top a large aluminium sheet of area !m). #ill he get an electric shock if he touches the metal sheet ne't morning% (c) The discharging current in the atmosphere due to the small conducti(it$ of air is known to be !*00 A on an a(erage o(er the globe. #h$ then does the atmosphere not discharge itself completel$ in due course and become electricall$ neutral% +n other words, what keeps the atmosphere charged% Answer (a) #e do not get an electric shock as we step out of our house because the original e,uipotential surfaces of open air changes, keeping our bod$ and the ground at the same potential. (b) -es, the man will get an electric shock if he touches the metal slab ne't morning. The stead$ discharging current in the atmosphere charges up the aluminium sheet. As a result, its (oltage rises graduall$. The raise in the (oltage depends on the capacitance of the capacitor formed b$ the aluminium slab and the ground. (c) The occurrence of thunderstorms and lightning charges the atmosphere continuousl$. .ence, e(en with the presence of discharging current of !*00 A, the atmosphere is not discharged completel$. The two opposing currents are in e,uilibrium and the atmosphere remains electricall$ neutral.

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