Holy Spirit Investment Club Notes:: HSIC April 12, 2014

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HSIC April 12, 2014: http://youtu.


Holy Spirit Investment Club Notes:

Market Wrap (8:15) This week we're celebrating the death and resurrection of Jesus. Because of Him, we can come boldly to the throne of grace and hear from God. Our goal in this club is to gather the revelation God's people are getting, sort it and test it. S&P 500

We're still in an upward channel. We were watching to see if it would fall below the 200 day moving average, but it bounced back up above the 50 day moving average. Will the next high be higher than the last one? The money masters can manipulate the markets to make it go up so their "friends and family" can accumulate wealth. The Fed is storing $2.5B in reserves for the banks. If they even release just a little bit and banks loaned it out, it would multiply by a factor of 10 because of fractional banking.

Many Americans and companies have savings and foreign assets that could be put in the economy, but are being held for safety and to push up their own stock price. There are also millions of dollars in foreign banks that companies dont want to bring back to the US because they dont want to pay taxes on it. There may be way more money in the world in private markets than there is in the public market. The Rothschilds and Vanderbuilts somehow never make it on the lists of the world's most wealthy. One could reason within the little economic box that they money masters present to the public, but we need to think outside the box to see what's really going on. Mike Goforth prophetically saw war in Ukraine; we believe it'll probably be a proxy war. DOW

The DOW is still in an upward trend. Gold

Gold has been in a general downward trend. It went up when the crisis in Ukraine came about, and fell back when it became evident that the crisis wasnt major.

Russian Oil (16:35)

Per capita income in Russia is at an all-time high. The chart shows that Russia's income is primarily from oil. They're putting together new energy deals with Iran, India, and China. The Russian ruble has fallen 30% because of the crisis in Ukraine. Russia will barter oil with Iran so that they will have the right to sell oil in rubles to create a demand for the ruble. They want to keep the crisis level up to keep the price of oil up. When the price of oil falls, Islamic nations give money to their extremist friends to keep the "fear premium" up. Obama has delayed the Keystone Pipeline again. It'd be a great deal if we could pay Canada for their oil and charge them to refine it. The facilities in Texas and Louisiana are the only places that can process that heavy crude oil. It would be a great deal for the US and Canada; we would love for the US to be able to export many different refined products. There are powers in the world that want to destroy America. They know that if they can keep a nation from using its own resources and energy that they could destroy its prosperity. Those powers don't want America to frack and gain energy independence, so they may fund environmentalist groups that oppose fracking. We want to protect the environment, but we need to use our own energy responsibly. This is part of the economic warfare going on in the world. The US caused the overthrow of the pro-Russian regime in Ukraine under the guise that their pro-Russian elected government was "undemocratic," but it's really about the oil pipelines in Ukraine.

The top 5% of the world own 72% of the wealth. The rich keep getting richer because they hold the power and make the laws and policies that get them richer. The Specter of War (32:45) MoneyandMarkets: The True Specter Haunting the World Right Now http://www.moneyandmarkets.com/the-true-specter-haunting-the-world-right-now-60109 Im talking about a series of cascading regional wars that are about to break out overseas. About hundreds of millions of people in the Middle East, Europe, Asia and South America who are going to revolt against the economic misery imposed by their authoritarian governments First, they are going to unleash the full fury of heavily armed, increasingly authoritarian governments new Big Brother states all over the world that now track nearly everything we write, say, buy or even think CONFLICT #1: A MAJOR war in the Middle East, possibly among Israel, Syria, Lebanon, the United States and Iran, that could make the Iraq War look like a minor skirmish CONFLICT #2: A war between China and Japan over the South China Sea, dragging in Vietnam, Malaysia, the Philippines and possibly even the United States CONFLICT #3: The North Korea wild card that could trigger World War III

CONFLICT #4: Europe is about to break in two split between rich countries at the core and bankrupt countries on the periphery CONFLICT #5. Egypt is once again on the verge of civil war. Worse, some of the richest oil countries in the world are now at each others throats because they each support opposing sides in Egypt CONFLICT #6. Nuclear-armed Pakistan is descending into chaos, with the Taliban gaining strength in the Northwest and ethnic warfare spreading in the South CONFLICT #7. Ethnic warfare is spreading in two other oil producing countries Iraq and Nigeria. Larry Edelson observes the war cycles in the world. We see this evident in North Africa and Syria, etc. already. A lot of these conflicts are money based, partly because of the US exporting its inflation around the world. Big Brother can take all the electronic information about anyone and profile them with staggering accuracy. The rich European countries don't want to have to pay for the poor ones. As the US pulls out of Afghanistan, Pakistan becomes more of a threat; they have a hundreds of nuclear weapons. The elements that cause the cycles of war are here. Russia is trying to expand its empire, but nations are fracturing at the same time. Those pushing for a new world order want the large nations fractionalized. They don't want any one nation to be more powerful than another or especially more powerful than the global organization. They don't want people to be patriots of their nations, but patriots of the world. The kingdoms of this world are toppling, but the Kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ will reign forevermore. Believers in Syria are trying to celebrate the Resurrection, but their celebration was mixed with mourning as one of their patriarchs was murdered. IMF Reforms Update (40:25) CNBC: IMF Reforms Hit Dead-End: G20 Official http://www.cnbc.com/id/101579127
Reforms to the International Monetary Fund have hit a deadlock despite a declaration from global financial chiefs that they would move forward without the United States if it fails to ratify the changes by year-end, a G20 official said on Sunday. The inability to proceed with giving emerging markets a more powerful voice at the IMF and shoring up the lender's resources appeared the most contentious issue for officials from the Group of 20 leading economies and the representatives for all IMF member nations who met over the weekend. In a final communique, G20 finance ministers and central bankers said they were "deeply disappointed" with the U.S. delay. "Some said that we need to give the U.S. more space," the official, who participated in the G20 talks and spoke on conditions of anonymity, said. "I say we are at a dead end."

Any attempt to break the package of reforms, proposed by the G20 in 2010, would be disastrous not only for the United States, but for the whole group, he said, because most countries have already gone through the ratification procedures. "If you pull the 2010 package apart, you will have to start anew," the official said. "And this factor cannot be overcome. How to overcome it? Nobody wants to go again through this process for the second time." There could be some ad hoc measures taken to achieve at least some of the governance overhaul for the global lender without formal U.S. approval. Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said developing nations may demand changes to the IMF's emergency borrowing mechanism if the United States does not approve the overhaul. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said President Barack Obama's administration would do its best to push IMF quota reforms through the U.S. Congress this year But the prospects are not promising, the G20 official said. "It is impossible to defend national interests, and we are all forced to do so, and not offer a breakthrough solution that would respond to current needs," he said. "At a time when the world has become multi-polar, why should one country should have the veto power?"

It's a very difficult thing to get all these nations to approve these reforms, and they have approval from everyone but the US. The US is not approving them because they're trying to save the reserve status of the dollar.

The voting rights and quota that each nation has in the IMF is based on its GDP, which is why the US has such a high share and veto rights. Under the new reforms, the IMF will revalue a nation's GDP in SDRs, not on reported figures in the nation's own currency. If they can't get these reforms through, Jack Lew may announce that the US will not exercise its veto rights. The signs seem to point towards January 2015 for these events to transpire.

Spain (47:30) Terry Bennett saw prophetically that Spain would go to civil war over the withdrawing of the Catalonians and in the Basque region. CNBC: Black Gold Could Boost this Crisis-hit Country http://www.cnbc.com/id/101534304 Spain could drill and frack its way out of sky-high unemployment and a struggling economy, according to a report this week by consultancy Deloitte. The Iberian country holds hefty natural gas reserves, including shale gas, which could open up a 44 billion-euro industry ($60 billion), according to the report. "The development of oil and gas exploration and production in Spain would have a significant impact on the national economy in terms of gross domestic product, employment creation and the balance of trade," said Deloitte in its report on the impact of hydrocarbon production on Spain. In common with other peripheral euro zone countries like Greece and Ireland, Spain has been hard-hit by the region's sovereign debt crisis. While the rate of contraction in the Spanish economy slowed in 2013, to 1.2 percent, unemployment has continued to rise, hitting a record 26.4 percent Eighty percent of Spain's natural gas reserves are found in shale rock, according to industry group Shale Gas Europe. Most exploration projects are currently located in the Basque-Cantabrian basin in the north of Spain, in Alava, Burgos and Cantabria. They've found incredible shale oil deposits. This is good news for the nation in trouble, but could also likely create an even stronger push for a cessationist movement. Catalonia is one of the most prosperous regions in Spain; they've been paying for most of the financial trouble of the rest of the nation. The people in Catalonia have their own culture and language as well, so the people don't see themselves as Spanish. The Bible spoke of "ethnos against ethnos" - we see this fractioning within nations, even the US - Native Americans, Texans, etc. ZeroHedge: Ron Paul Explains Why Aid for Ukraine is a Bad Deal for All http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-03-31/ron-paul-explains-why-aid-ukraine-bad-deal-all Last week Congress overwhelmingly passed a bill approving a billion dollars in aid to Ukraine and more sanctions on Russia. The bill will likely receive the presidents signature within days. If you think this is the last time US citizens will

have their money sent to Ukraine, you should think again. This is only the beginning. This $1 billion for Ukraine is a rip-off for the America taxpayer, but it is also a bad deal for Ukrainians. Not a single needy Ukrainian will see a penny of this money, as it will be used to bail out international banks who hold Ukrainian government debt. According to the terms of the International Monetary Fund (IMF)-designed plan for Ukraine, life is about to get much more difficult for average Ukrainians. The government will freeze some wage increases, significantly raise taxes, and increase energy prices by a considerable margin. But the bankers will get paid and the IMF will get control over the Ukrainian economy. The bill also authorizes more US taxpayer money for government-funded democracy promotion NGOs, and more money to broadcast US government propaganda into Ukraine via Radio Free Europe and Voice of America. It also includes some saber-rattling, directing the US Secretary of State to provide enhanced security cooperation with Central and Eastern European NATO member states. Washington does not want to talk about its own actions that led to the coup, instead focusing on attacking the Russian reaction to US-instigated unrest next door to them Those of us who are less than gung-ho about sanctions, manipulating elections, and sending our troops overseas are criticized as somehow being unpatriotic. It happened before when so many of us were opposed to the Iraq war, the US attack on Libya, and elsewhere. And it is happening again to those of us not eager to get in another cold -- or hot -- war with Russia over a small peninsula that means absolutely nothing to the US or its security. ZeroHedge: 12 Largest Banks Sued by Public Retirement Funds for Conspiring to Rig Global FX Markets http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-04-01/12-largest-banks-sued-public-retirement-fundsconspiring-rig-global-fx-markets Wall Street Journal Reports: The class-action lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court in the Southern District of New York late Monday, was from a group of investors across the U.S. and Caribbean, including city and state pension plans. They accused the banks of communicating with one another, including in chat rooms, via instant messages, and by emails, to carry out their conspiracy, and for rigging foreign-exchange rates as far back as January 2003, the lawsuit said. The bank sued are BofA, Barclays, BNP, Citi, Credit Suisse, Deutsche, Goldman, HSBC, JPM, Morgan Stanley, RBS and UBS, or, in other words, everyone. And certainly all the Too Big To Prosecute banks. So best of luck there, even though the plaintiffs include some very recognizable public investment funds: In the complaint, the investors accused the banks of controlling foreign-exchange rates via a "small and close-knit group of traders." They alleged it became

possible for banks to rig the market because the traders "have strong ties formed by working with one another in prior trading positions" and by in many cases living "in the same neighborhoods in the Essex countryside just northeast of London's financial district." "They belong to the same social clubs, golf together, dine together and sit on many of the same charity boards," the complaint adds. Essentially, these bankers hang out together and conspire how to fix the FOREX markets. If they get caught, they get a slap on the wrist and a billion dollar fine - just a fraction of the money they made. Some key figures in these big banks are dying in what look like suicides, but they could be witnesses taking the fall for this criminal activity. Dollar Conspiracy Timeline (1:01:15) The following are things we have some knowledge of but cant prove, and are based on JC Collins The G33 and the Planned Economy of the Future The US government has many different departments; most people think that these departments are run by the President and his cabinet. However, a little-known fact is that they are run by a service organization called the MITRE Corporation. Wikipedia: MITRE Corporation http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitre_Corporation The MITRE Corporation (stylized as MITRE) is an American not-for-profit organization based in Bedford, Massachusetts and McLean, Virginia. It manages Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs) supporting the Department of Defense (DOD), the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts on behalf of the Federal Judiciary, and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). They are the designers of all the systems for these departments and are the ones who maintain them. MITRE Corporation was set up by (and may stand for) MIT Research & Engineering. MIT people staff this corporation, and MIT economists staff the Fed. The DOD formed DARPA which does all the high-tech research and development. DARPA put together a group called the JASONS who act as consultants to MITRE Corporation and DARPA. Wikipedia: JASON (advisory group) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JASON_%28advisory_group%29 JASON is an independent group of scientists which advises the United States government on matters of science and technology. The group was first created as a way to get a younger generation of scientiststhat is, not the older Los Alamos and MIT Radiation Laboratory alumniinvolved in advising the government. It was established in 1960 and has somewhere between 30 and 60 members.

For administrative purposes, JASON's activities are run through the MITRE Corporation, a non-profit corporation in McLean, Virginia, which contracts with the Defense Department. JASON typically performs most of its work during an annual summer study. Its sponsors include the Department of Defense, the Department of Energy, and the U.S. Intelligence Community. Most of the resulting JASON reports are classified. The name "JASON" is sometimes explained as an acronym, standing either for "July August September October November", the months in which the group would typically meet; or, tongue in cheek, for "Junior Achiever, Somewhat Older Now". However, neither explanation is correct; in fact, the name is not an acronym at all. It is a reference to Jason, a character from Greek mythology. JASON members all have security clearances, and they include physicists, biologists, chemists, oceanographers, mathematicians, and computer scientists. They are selected for their scientific brilliance, and, over the years, have included eleven Nobel Prize laureates and several dozen members of the United States National Academy of Sciences. These are the scientifically brilliant people who created the internet, weather control sciences, Genome project, and much more. Ken believes they've been enhanced themselves - the first class in trans-humanism. Many of our military are chemically enhanced. Fighter pilots have needles in their bloodstream to monitor them. They are injected with chemicals to withstand twice the gforces they could otherwise handle before blacking out. Some scientific research has shown that when certain areas of the brain are stimulated, a person can remember word-for-word a book they read 20 years ago. Also in the mix are many people who are working for a new world order. If these things are true, here is a hypothetical timeline:


9/10/2001 9/11/2001

Donald Rumsfeld held a press conference where he announced that there was $2.3 Trillion missing from the defense fund that they could not account for. An attack on the financial capital of the world and on the USD. WTC 1, 2&7 were pre-damaged before the attack. Columns were damaged and had explosives planted on them. Collins' theory was that the JASONS wanted a more equitable financial system not based on the USD, and that they were building this system in the WTC buildings. B4 JC Collins' theory was that the JASONS wanted a more equitable financial system not based on the USD, and that they were building this system in the WTC buildings. Many people aren't even aware that WTC 7 collapsed later in the day on 9/11. This would have been impossible without explosives inside the building. The 9/11 attacks could have been a response to the JASONS' work. Funding for the JASONS was canceled. It could be that the JASONS tried to destroy the economy. The War on Terror may have been a war on the JASONS with Moslem terrorists as collateral damage. The IMF Reforms in Seoul Korea is essentially what the JASONS were working towards. The Reforms are essentially a peace treaty between the JASONS and the money masters of the world Funding for the JASONS was restored. The IMF system is a much more fair system for the world. It will hurt the US, but will be fair for the world. Malaysian Flight MH370 disappears. A US General announced that Boeing who keeps track of all their planes said the last ping from that plane was on the ground in Pakistan. The new WTC building scheduled to be completed. Possible implementation of the IMF 2010 Reforms. 11

2002 2008 2001 - 10 2010



Dec 2014 Jan 2015

BRICS bank established.

President Obama said, "I don't worry about that; I worry about a nuclear weapon going off in NYC." It looks like theres a peace treaty, but one side may be preparing for a strike. Darren Hibbs had a revelation that when the new WTC building is finished, America will face judgment if she doesn't repent. The name of the new WTC building was changed from WTC1 to "One world Trade Center." This is basically a battle between unilateralism and multilateralism. Ken believes there were some in the Pentagon who were supporting the JASONS. There has been a purge in the Pentagon - whoever gained authority may have purged the other side. The Up-side of a Global Financial Reset (1:39:35) The world has buried itself in debt. The IMF Reforms and the SDR system would be a jubilee and debt-cancellation. JC COllins: The New Industrialization of America http://philosophyofmetrics.com/2014/04/09/the-new-industrialization-of-america/ Once the US dollar is devalued and its international debt consolidated within the SDR system, the remaining valuation of the continental dollar, so to speak, will lead to the re-industrialization of America as the export business explodes. When the dollar falls, America will again become an export nation. White House Fact Sheet: President Obama Lays Out Vision for 21st Century Transportation Infrastructure http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2014/02/26/fact-sheet-president-obama-lays-outvision-21st-century-transportation-i On February 26th, the President will speak at station in Saint Paul, Minnesota, where he will million in competitive transportation funding and in Americas infrastructure with a $302 transportation reauthorization proposal. the historic Union Depot train launch a competition for $600 outline his vision for investing billion, four year surface

Obama has put together a big works project to get the transportation system fixed. Jane Hamon Prophetic Word: 2014 Quantum Leap (1:43:45) http://www.elijahlist.com/words/display_word.html?ID=13097 At the beginning of this year, as I was seeking the Lord regarding the season we are in, I distinctly heard Him say this would be the "Year of the Quantum Leap!" I had of course heard this term before, but I didn't fully understand the meaning of it in regards to what God desires to do in and through His Church. Webster's defines "Quantum Leap" as follows: "a sudden and significant change or increase; something sudden, spectacular and vitally important, a sudden highly significant advance...breakthrough!" Wow! Am I ever ready for this! Aren't you? Quantum Leap Freedom!

This is what happens when we have an encounter with Jesus...BAM! Everything changes! Like the children of Israel coming out of Egypt after Passover, BAM! One minute they were slaves, the next moment they were declared free. The number 14 is tied to the concept of Passover since it is celebrated on the 14th day of the first Hebraic month. So when we encounter Jesus our Passover Lamb, BAM! A lifetime of slavery, bondage, addiction, fear, and sin is destroyed in a moment. We make a quantum leap out of the kingdom of darkness in to the Kingdom of God's Son, the Kingdom of Light! This will be a year of quantum leap freedom as God's people experience and appropriate the power of the Cross on a whole new level. One moment you may be sick, then BAM! You are suddenly healed! One moment you may be bound by darkness and oppression, then BAM! The light of God's love makes you free, full of joy, full of light! One moment you are poor with nothing working for you, then BAM! God turns things around releasing His divine favor and opening new doors of opportunity and blessing! This is a year for God's people to build up excitement and energy through releasing our faith, dreaming bigger dreams, and praying in the Holy Spirit, then BAM! Leaping from glory to glory, from faith to faith, and from strength to strength. This will be a time of "exponential" increase for the Body of Christ! As the darkness grows and strengthens, God is strengthening His people even more. 2 Kings 6:12, "The prophet hears what the king says in his bedroom." We're trying to see as the prophets saw, so that we can see what's really going on and act accordingly. There are many conspiracy theories and tin-foil hats. Some may be totally off, but some theories may have more elements of truth than we know. We don't want to focus on conspiracy theories, but on the Lord and what He's saying. We also don't want to beat the air aimlessly. Just as in sports, we need to know what our opponent is doing to effectively fight him. Companies Updates (1:52:00) Williston Basin companies are doing well with the rising price of oil. (see watchlist here: http://investingwithinsight.kajabi.com/posts/iwi-williston-basin-bakken-three-forks-watchlist-10-2013--2) Some medical and biotech stocks have fallen with the market, but are coming back, some at 15 20% a day. We're in an up and down market now - a market that could turn over at any time. It's possible that the powers that want to push the US into signing the IMF Reforms could create crises that would cause the market to fall. Even if/when the Reforms are signed, it will take time to implement. Were Approaching Apple Blossom Time We're eagerly anticipating a breakthrough for the Body of Christ in fulfillment of Bob Jones' last prophetic word regarding the apple blossom (http://www.bobjones.org/Docs/Words%20of%202014/2014-01_ComingPromise.htm)

Chat Log kenstor: Good morning and welcome to the meeting. billinny: If Russia invades Ukraine wouldn't that cause a market disruption and if Russia, a major oil exporter, were to orchestrate and oil price rise with the aid of Russia's ally Iran, wouldn't that cause a huge oil spike and disrupt financial markets worldwide and cause stocks to fall? Please have Ken comment on this scenario. carol: Where can I find a copy of Tracy's declaration? kenstor: Carol, could you send me an email at info@investingwithinsight.com? I'll post it on the website and reply to you when it's available. carol: Great! Thanks. kenstor: sure! Consistent: Please ask? Can the our Congress over rule our Pres. ruling on the pipeline? Consistent: Thanks drmike1940: what is the date of Jane Hammonds prophetic word? kenstor: Feb 7, 2014 drmike1940: thanks Eva kenstor: you're welcome! carol: With China's financial stability in question, does Ken still feel the yuan is the place to be? kenstor: stay tuned, Ken's answering after the meeting kenstor: Bless you all! Have a great week! carol: I heard you begin to ask Ken my question, but the session was cut off. Please let me know his response. Thanks so much. kenstor: Oh, sorry - he said yes because the yuan is still so undervalued. The Chinese govt has been keeping itartificially low for so long carol: THANK YOU! These notes are very basic and include links to the primary news, charts and graphs used in our discussions and news releases by companies on our many Watch Lists. They are best used in conjunction with listening to our MP3s or viewing the video. Please see our web site for the full disclaimer. https://www.investingwithinsight.com/termsofuse.php Notice: This analysis and forecast is for the exclusive use of Investing with Insight's paid members and should be considered private and confidential. It is for the personal use of members only. The forecasts are those that are used by our Chief Market Analyst, Ken Storey, for his personal investing and should not be considered financial advice. Please see our disclaimer below. You can also post on www.Facebook.com/investingwithinsight Join Other Members of Our Community on a Live Prayer Call: Jocelyn Carson is the prayer coordinator each week. Please join her and the community in praying for investing revelation, our companies, our nation, etc. Date: Mondays @ 12:00 PM EDT Dial: (724) 444-7444 Enter: 64627 # (Call ID) Enter: 1 # or your PIN You can also join the call from your computer. Please email Jocelyn at jcinv@rocketmail.com for instructions.

As always, we wish you Godspeed on your investment journey. Blessings,

Ken Storey CEO, Investing With Insight

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