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Sailesh Kumar Mishra

In various time period it comes to listen about the Time Machine from various persons. What is your view on it? Do you think, it is possible? Can we travel to our past and future? To know the fact and to stay away from false humors, it is essential to know about the concept of Time Machine and its functionality. Also it is essential to know about the deference between Moving/Flying Object and Time Machine. According to my present state of conscious of my mind, I am going to mention about the concept and function of Time Machine through an example. Suppose that I am standing in the front side of the Bus near the driver and the Bus is moving forward. Now due to some reason I require to go to the back seat of the Bus. Then how can I go there? Ans.1. Very simple, by walking there. But there is a other way also and I am going to explain it. Bus is moving forward and I am inside the Bus. So I am also moving forward with the Bus. Ans.2. So, if somehow I shall stop moving with the Bus for a little while then also I shall arrive to the back seat of the Bus without walking. Because of Bus is moving forward and where now is the back seat of the bus, little while ago the front side of the Bus was there, where I was standing before.

Its means, now I am in the past place of the Bus, but the Bus is no more there. One more thing, in such way I only can go to the past place of the Bus, where Bus is no more there; but in such way I cannot go to that place now, where the Bus will arrive in future. Again in such way I cannot come return to the previous position. One more thing, this process will work only when the Bus is moving. This process will not work, when the Bus is not moving. So the fact according to the present state of conscious of my mind is, Time Machine functions like Ans.2, and only can move to the past place only. It cannot move to past time or future time. One more thing, if anything will come in between, then it cannot go to past place and will hit that thing. Again, I am on the surface of the Earth and I am moving with the Earth due to Earth gravitation. So I can move to the space station in two ways. 1. By flying with the help of Rocket or Byom Yan. 2. Another way is by stop moving with the Earth for a little while, so that the Earth will go away from that place and the space will come to that place. This is only possible, when I shall stop being effected of gravitation. Time Machine helps not to be effected of gravitation. So when Time Machine will not be affected of Earth gravitation,

then it will not move with the Earth and will come out from the Earth circumstance. Again when Time Machine will not be affected of the gravitation of the Solar System, it will not move with the Solar System and will come out from the Solar System. Again when Time Machine will not be affected of the gravitation of the Milky Way Galaxy, it will not move with the Milky Way Galaxy and will come out from the Milky Way Galaxy without moving. If what I explained above is called Time Machine, then I have developed the Time Machine theoretically. Otherwise I have developed a new concept of traveling in the Space. I have nothing to hide and I am going to explain about the theory of that Time Machine. Because of nothing will be in humors and everybody can study, understand and can give their opinion. If you have gone through my Innovation Byom Yan, then you can know that, I have developed Byom Yan in 6 stages. Stage-1 and Stage-2 are based on the logic of the function of Byom Yan. Stage-4, Stage-5 and Stage-6 are based on and are the extension of Stage-1. Till I have not extended the logic of Byom Yan, Stage-2. Here the extension of Byom Yan, Stage-2, which will help to make Time Machine and I have given its name Byom Machine. For the refreshment of Byom Yan, Stage-2, on which the Byom Machine is based, I am repeating it again.

ANTI GRAVITATIONAL CIRCLE:In stage-1 rotator (moving element) was producing tension on its axis throw which axis was observing the gravitational weight of static elements of BYOM YAN. But in stage-2 rotator (moving element) will be without axis and will produce and increase friction on the peripheral wall of the BYOM YAN which will observe the gravitational weight of the static elements of the BYOM YAN. It can be better understand through the example of a moving motor cycle inside a cylindrical chamber mentioned bellow.

Now like stage-1 when motor cycle will reach to the speed in which it can move in a circular way on the inner side of the cylindrical chamber then at that time it will divert its 1G from vertical line to horizontal line. Now if the motor cycle require minimum 60 KPH to move in a circular way, then when it will reach to the speed of 120 KPH, at that time it will bear 2G pressure and same way it can increase more and can divert the gravitational weight of static elements of BYOM YAN accordingly. In above mentioned way BYOM YAN will observe all its gravitational weight. At that time just by applying a little force BYOM YAN will start flying up, down, forward and backward easily. Here also two ANTI GRAVITATIONAL CIRCLE will be attached to balance the circular movement. Inner balls will move by producing electro-magnetic field inside the circle.


In BYOM YAN, Stage-2, the shape of BYOM YAN will be like flying disk. Here two equal size of circular chambers will be attached. Both will carry equal weight of counter weight in the shape of cycle ball. Now, when electromagnetic field will be produced in both circular chambers, the counter weight will start moving in a circular way in both circular chambers in opposite direction. When they will come to a particular speed, at that time their weight will be reduced from the weight of BYOM YAN. Again when they will increase their speed as per the weight of BYOM YAN, at that time BYOM YAN will transfer its weight to counter weight, but counter weight will not transfer that weight to the earth, but will observe all the weight of BYOM YAN. So now BYOM YAN can stay in air and will not fall down. But it cannot fly. So a fan will be attached to fly the BYOM YAN, Stage-2.

From Byom Yan, Stage-2, we came to know that when counter weight will move inside the circular chamber and after a particular speed it will not more effected of the gravitation of the earth. In other words it will not be affected more by any attraction from down side and from up side. In such way when it will not be affected from any effect from any direction, at that time it will disassociate itself from every effect and will convert into Byom Machine (Time Machine). Therefore to make Byom Machine, three pair of circular chamber will be attached in such a manner that the diameter of every pair of circular chamber will be deferent, but their centre will be common as mentioned in the image billow.

Byom Machine will work more effectively when Byom Wheel also will be attached in it. Because of where there will be a obstacle, there it can move itself with the help of Byom Wheel and also will able to come back. Sailesh Kumar Mishra

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