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Instituto de Educacin Superior Pedaggico Pblico INDOAMRICA

I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. INSTITUTION: 2. PERIO : ". $RE$: '. $(TI&IT) /. $TE 1. 2EN3T4: 5. TE$(4ER: II. SEQUENCE: CONTENT Pronunciation 090* 0%0 Starting: :oti-ation: ;ocus on t%e sound +ictures and elicit t%e 9ords and sounds: 9itc% 090* %ouse 0%0 Pre-ious ,no9ledge: ;ocus on t%e 9ords in t%e 7o<. (on=lict: Students %a-e t9o minutes to +ut t%e 9ords in t%e rig%t column ESTRATEGIES MATERIALS AND RESOURCES Teac%er (o+ies :ultimedia +ro>ector Note7oo,s LENGTH 1/? TOOL Students o7ser-ation list Indoamrica Pedagogical Institute 2!1"#2 Englis% I& Pronunciation* S+ea,ing and Reading acti-it. 1102/02!1" 1!! minutes )ur. Nell. 6riones Torres

Instituto de Educacin Superior Pedaggico Pblico INDOAMRICA

Activities to eve!o" 6uilding learning: # Students listen and +ractice t%e 9ords in grou+s. # T%e. loo, at t%e t.+ical s+ellings =or t%ese sounds. Pronunciation Notes Practicall. all 9ords t%at 7egin 9it% h are +ronounced 0%0. T%ere are -er. =e9 e<ce+tions: hour and honest. T%e onl. ot%er consonant com7ination t%at is +ronounced 0%0 is wh, and again t%ere are: know who, whose, and whole. @ AB -o9elC at t%e 7eginning o= a 9ord is al9a.s +ronounced 090 e<ce+t =or t%e e<ce+tions a7o-e. Wr is +ronounced 0r0 $++lication: Students listen to t%e 9%ole trac, once and ne<t t%e. listen and 9rite t%e Duestions. $ssessing: (%ec, students? ans9ers :oti-ation: SS 9or, in +airs* $ and 6 sit =ace to =ace. Pre-ious ,no9ledge: SS 9rite t%e Duestions a7out +o+ music in t%eir note7oo,s using t%e ga+s gi-en. 6uilding learning: SS as, Duestions to +artner correctl. $ssessing: SS c%ec, ans9ers. :onitor intonation and +ronunciation :oti-ation: ;ocus on t%e +%oto and as, 9%o t%e +eo+le are AGo%n 2ennon and )o,o OnoC Pre-ious ,no9ledge: $s, t%e students i= t%e. ,no9 an.t%ing a7out t%em 6uilding learning: 3i-e SS t%ree minutes to read t%e te<t. $++lication: # # SS mar, t%e sentences SS order t%e sentences Students Teac%er (o+ies Note7oo, Students o7ser-ation list 1/?

SPE$EIN3 RE$ IN3: @%o 9rote ImagineF

Starting: Students Teac%er (o+ies Note7oo, 1/? Students o7ser-ation list 1/?

Activities to eve!o" co#"etence



Activities to eve!o"


Instituto de Educacin Superior Pedaggico Pblico INDOAMRICA

$ssessing: (%ec, ans9ers. SS do t%e acti-ities in t%eir s%eet and t%en c%ec, 9it% t%e teac%er SS listen and sing t%e song SS do t%e :etacognition acti-ities (o+ies recording

En c!osing activities: 2!? Students o7ser-ation list

III. 2E$RNIN3 $SSESS:ENT (RITERI$S Oral +roduction SS as, and tal, 9it% natural intonation SS distinguis% true and =alse sentences @ritten (om+re%ension SS order t%e e-ents in t%e order t%e. %a++ened 2earning attitude SS s%o9 commitment and engagement in class Student o7ser-ation list IN I($TORS SS +ronounce t%e sounds correctl. $SSESSIN3 TOO2S

I&. 6I62IO3R$P4)

# #

6en>amin 6loom. Blooms Taxonomy of Learning Domains. (li-e O<endenH (%ristina 2at%am#EoenigH Paul Seligson. New English File Pre interme!iate. O<=ord Uni-ersit. Press. 2!!I irecciJn de EducaciJn PedagJgica Krea de ;ormaciJn Inicial ocente. "istema !e E#alua$i%n Do$ente +ara ser $+licada a los iseLos (urriculares 6Ksicos Nacionales. Setiem7re 2!1!.

Instituto de Educacin Superior Pedaggico Pblico INDOAMRICA


(RITERI$S Oral +roduction $. 6. (. . E. IN I($TORS SS +ronounce t%e sounds correctl. SS as, and tal, 9it% natural intonation SS distinguis% true and =alse sentences SS order t%e e-ents in t%e order t%e. %a++ened SS s%o9 commitment and engagement in class 1 M more 9or, needed 2 M acce+ta7le " M good ' M -er. good S(ORE

@ritten (om+re%ension 2earning attitude

NN !1 !2 !" !' !/ !1 !5 !I !Q 1! 11 12 1" 1' 1/ $3RE $ E @IN




6$OPN O23$2I I$ (OR$2 IRIS ;ERN$N EO $2I(I$ 3$2&EO 2I 3I6E2I 2UGPN S$RIT$ :$RTE2 OU2EN) :EN OO$ RE6E($ PURIO$3$ E2IO$6ET4 RUIPUS(O$ I$N$ $&I


Instituto de Educacin Superior Pedaggico Pblico INDOAMRICA

11 15 )NTI 2OUR ES O$&$2ET$ E INSON

Instituto de Educacin Superior Pedaggico Pblico INDOAMRICA

Instituto de Educacin Superior Pedaggico Pblico INDOAMRICA

Instituto de Educacin Superior Pedaggico Pblico INDOAMRICA

What are these?

@RITE IN T4E (ORRE(T (O2U:N: @4$T @4O @4EN @4ERE 4O@ @4I(4 @4) @4OSE

Music Quiz
STU ENT $ 1. @%ic% singer AP2$)C =oot7all =or Real :adridF a.Gulio Iglesias 7.EnriDue Iglesias c.PlKcido 2. @%ic% grou+ 6e.onc ASIN3C inF a. estinit.?s c%ild 7.T%e S+ice 3irls c.$tomic Eitten ". @%o ASIN3C P%iladel+%ia in t%e =ilm o= t%e same nameF a.P%il (ollins 7.3eorge :ic%ael c.6ruce S+ringsteen omigo STU ENT 6 1. @%ic% song (eline ion ASIN3C in t%e =ilm TitanicF a.I 9ill al9a.s lo-e .ou 7.:. %eart 9ill go on 2. @%o ASEN C a :essage in a 6ottle in 1Q5QF a.T%e 6eac% 6o.s 7. ire Straits c.T%e Police ". @%o A@RITEC t%e song Not%ing com+ares 2UF a.Prince 7.Sinead OSonnor c.6ono

Instituto de Educacin Superior Pedaggico Pblico INDOAMRICA




01 02 03 0" 0$ 0' 0( 0+ 0. 10

He sido puntual al ingresar a mi clase He trado mis materiales S cual ha sido el prop!sito de la clase #rest atenci!n todo el tiempo Solicit a%uda a la pro&esora cuando no entenda #uedo agregar ideas a lo entendido )e he in*olucrado en la clase participando S lo ,ue debo hacer para me-orar /sto% dispuesto a hacerlo0a1 inmediatamente 2o *o% a hacer

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