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The potential of using B.I.M. in Architecture

Ana Leticia Zenere Rodrigues Michael Angel Gonzalez Building Information Modeling (B.I.M) University of New Mexico, 12 February, 2014

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The architectural drawing is present since the creation of humanity, as in the primitive way, and is in constant development. In the last years, the professionals related to construction and design has seeing the creation and progress of new strategies that go along the years according to the needs. Nowadays, the increase necessity of projecting more and more complex buildings has resulting on the development of new technologies able to support these desires.

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The potential of using B.I.M in Architecture

The necessity of producing complex projects, extremely detailed in a more and more short period of time requires a high data precision and a high velocity of information exchange. Thus, the B.I.M concept became an effective implement to the resolution of these problems. Building Information modeling is a collaborative platform that involves all the professionals on different stages of the project, such as, project conception, planning, structuring, management, and construction. The necessity of developing a technique that simplify the life of all stakeholders is a problem that coexist since the beginning of construction and projecting, is present in our life nowadays, and itll be present in the next years. Since the Renaissance, the physical models were used as a tool to communicate the purpose of the construction and for guidance to who would execute it [figure 1]. To support the physical models, the Architectural drawings was largely used as contract documents of the building or as historical records, such as, plans views, elevations views and perspective views [figure 2]. Because of the time spent drawing all these views of a building, this practice became toilsome for who works on the building concept. Since the hand drawings became hard to handle and storage, new techniques and more efficient methods of architectural drawings was needed. In the late 1980s, the widespread adoption of microcomputers provided a solution, and computeraided drafting (CAD) transformed the building industry. (BIM Curriculum, Autodesk. 2013) The development of computer-aided drafting software was used to increase the productivity of the designer, improve the quality of design, improve communications through documentation, and to create a database for manufacturing (Narayan, K. Lalit (2008), The CAD

Zenere Rodrigues 4 system upgraded significantly the efficiency of architectural drawings, as a result, emerged a new age of architectural drawings, when architects, engineers and designers could use the benefits of improvement or/and modifications in their drawings without the necessity of redraw it, and reuse projects creating new structures in less time than before [figure 3]. While the production of architectural drawings using CAD tools is very efficient, there is no inherent coordination between drawings, conflict checking, or change propagation. CAD drawings can be interlinked or cross-referenced, but each one remains an essentially separate element (BIM Curriculum, Autodesk. 2013). In the same time that the CAD concept brings to the professionals a new and efficient way to design, the projects became more and more complex. As a result, the CAD system do not offer to the professionals the ability of make changes in a collaborative way. Furthermore, the traditional CAD drawings are constituted by abstract representations and isolated units, for example, lines, arches and polygons. These representations have significant importance, but they enclose few useful information to quantify and classify constructive elements because they cannot be computed by the graphic program. This kind of digital model dont contain inherent information for the constructive elements, such as doors, windows, and slaps (Florio, Wilson (2007). In order to solve this issues and increase the productivity, efficiency, and sustainability, as well as, reduce lifecycle costs, lead times and duplications, the BIM concept brings to the stakeholders the opportunity of a parametrical project via effective collaboration and communication between professionals in construction projects. The parametric variations allow to create alternatives in the same main project, and can vary in dimensions, proportions and form (Florio, Wilson. 2007). In addition, in BIM modeling, the constructive elements also are

Zenere Rodrigues 5 parametric, interconnected and integrated. It can result in a possibility of modification and management in components already modeled and get instant updates that affects the entire project. The consequences of these facts are the diminution of conflicts beside constructive elements, simplification in revisions and increase of productivity. As a result, the comprehensive characteristic of BIM also allows for collaboration between all parts involved in a project with lesser environmental impact to the industry. The properties of each object are used to create intelligent models based on relationships to facilitate re-sizing or capacity of changing while maintaining engineering and industry standards. Building Information Modelling seeks to integrate processes throughout the entire lifecycle (Aouad and Arayici, 2010). BIM is also constituted by a database that store all the information of the project and display the geometry of constructive elements in three dimensions [figure 4], resulting in more spread information than the CAD models. In conclusion, Building Information Modeling is emerging as an innovative way to manage projects. As consequence of the necessity of buildings more sustainable, and more awareness by the society about the importance of green buildings, for instance, BIM has an important function reducing design time, in consequence reducing the use of energy, and waste of materials. Building performance and predictability of outcomes are greatly improved by adopting BIM. As the use of BIM accelerates, collaboration within project teams should increase, which will lead to improved profitability, reduced costs, better time management and improved customer relationships. I personally believe that the BIM system can become the DNA of the future construction, especially because of the efficiency in connecting and answer to all the necessities that the modern and complex buildings require, whether in architectural, structural or construction management aspects.

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A reconstruction model of the original form of the Saint Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv.

2. Peruzzis drawings (1481-1536) of the Pantheon (preserved in the Biblioteca Comunale Ariostea, MS Class I, no. 217)



House Project-AutoCAD Architecture 2013

4. Building Projected with BIM system



Zenere Rodrigues 7 References

Salman Azhar, Michael Hein and Blake Sketo. Building Information Modeling (BIM): Benefits, Risks and Challenges. Auburn, Alabama. 2008. Florio, Wilson. Contribuies do Building Information Modeling no processo de projeto em arquitetura. So Paulo, Brazil. 2007. Narayan, K. Lalit. Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing. New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India. 2008. Y. Arayici, P. Coates, L. Koskela & M. Kagioglou. BIM Adoption and Implementation for Architectural Practices. Greater Manchester, UK. Retrieved Feb, 12. 2014 Retrieved Feb, 12. 2014 Becerik - Gerber, Burcin and Kensek, Karen. Building information modeling in architecture, engineering, and construction: emerging research directions and trends. 2010 Retrieved Feb, 11. 2014 Retrieved Feb, 11. 2014 Retrieved Feb, 12, 2014

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