Saravali: by Kalyana Varma Chapter-1. Birth of Horāśāstra

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By Kalyana Varma Chapter-1. Birth of Horstra

1. Glory to the Sun-God, whose very breathing causes Creation in this world, with whose rising all the animals (living beings) wake up ( rom the sleep o their ignorance), whose state at the head (!enith) accentuates all activities (throws the brightest light on one"s wisdom) and whose setting (absence, weakness) causes all to sleep. Such Sun-God has his e icacy spread (all over). #-$. %araha &ihira in his 'or()(stra, i.e. *+hat ,ataka, stated brie ly the essence o the teachings o the learned sages vi!. ten divisions o the -odiacal Sign, .a/a 0ogas, longevity, e ects o planetary periods etc. 1his could not be done elaborately by him and hence 2 am conveying in this work such use ul essence, as called out rom 0avanas etc., re/ecting other unuse ul portions, which may be appended to the said *rihat ,ataka. 3. 2, 4alyana %arma, whose ame on account o patroni!ing Gods and administering villages and cities is brilliant, like that o a emale swan in the cage o the universe, who is the king o %yagrapada region, present this Saravali, an astrological treatise, with a chaste heart. 5. Saravali is a river with chilly water, which has taken its birth in the mountain called 4alyana %arma, to ward o the thirst or astrology o those interested . 1hus ends the 1st Ch. *irth o 'or()(stra in 4alyana %arma"s S(raval6

Chapter- 2.

eanin! of Hor

1-3. 1he Creator *rahma has written on the oreheads o all living beings their ates, which are deciphered by the astrologers through their pure insight. 1he irst and last letters in the word 7hor(tra are removed and the word 'or( is thus born and has come to e8ist. 1he -odiac and the planets are therein, as discussed. Some scholars say 'or()(stra is indicative o e ects o one"s 4arma, i.e. ate. Some call 9agna, or hal o a .()i, as 'or(. 2n practice the science relating to horoscope is called 'or()(stra. 'or( is capable o analy!ing the destiny. *arring this 'or()(stra there is no device to help one earn money, to help, as a boat, to cross the ocean o une8pected situations and to serve, as an advisor in /ourney. 1hus ends the #nd Ch. &eaning o 'or( in 4alyana %arma"s S(raval6

Chapter- ". Ri #es$ription

1-#. 7t the time o :ralaya (;estruction) the <niverse plunged into darkness and was looded with water, when all o a sudden the Sun-God with his brilliant rays appeared in the <niverse. 'e created all the planets and the 1# months. =-$. ;escription o the 1# .()is. 1he names o the 1# .()is are 7ries, 1aurus, Gemini, Cancer, 9eo, %irgo, 9ibra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, 7>uarius and :isces. 1he Sign 7>uarius resembles a man holding a pot, while Gemini is compared to a couple holding %eena and mace. 7 pair o ish is the imagination about :isces. Sagittarius is compared to a man having a hip, like that o a horse and holding an arch in his hands. ;eer- aced Sign is Capricorn. %irgo resembles a virgin sitting in a boat with a lamp in her hands. 7 male holding Scales in his hand represents 9ibra. 1he other Signs are identical with their names . 3-5. 1he 9imbs o 4ala:urusha and their <se. 1he Signs 7ries etc. represent the limbs o 4alapurusha, as under? 7ries head, 1aurus ace, Gemini arms, Cancer heart, 9eo stomach, %irgo hip, 9ibra space below navel and private parts, Scorpio private parts, Sagittarius thighs, Capricorn knees, 7>uarius ankles, :isces eet. 2 at birth one has bene ic planet in a particular Sign, the particular limb will be strong. 7 male ic makes such a limb weak . @. Synonyms o .()is. 4riya, 1avuru, ,utuma, 4ulira, 9eya, :athona, ,ook, 4aurpika, 1auksha, 7kokera, 'ridaya .oga and 7nthya are the other names given, respectively, to .()is rom 7ries onwards. A. Synonyms or 'ouses. .iksha, .()i, 4shetra, *ha and *havana are identical names given to a 'ouse by the sages. B-1C. -odiacal 'alves, their 9ords and D ects. 1he .()i Chakra with 1# .()is is called *hagana. Si8 Signs counted rom 9eo to Capricorn consist o Solar 'al and the Sun rules this 'al --odiac. Si8 Signs in the reverse order rom Cancer to 7>uarius are 9unar 'al and ruled by the &oon. *arring Cancer and 9eo, planets rom &ars to Saturn get one .()i each in each 'al . 2 at birth more planets occupy the Solar 'al , the native is brilliant and, i more planets are in 9unar 'al , he is so t, good and lucky. 11. 1he .ulers o .()is and Eav(F)as. &ars, %enus, &ercury, &oon, Sun, &ercury, %enus, &ars, ,upiter, Saturn, Saturn and ,upiter are the 9ords, respectively, o 7ries to :isces. 1he Eav(F)as or these .()is are calculated rom 7ries, Capricorn, 9ibra and Cancer in their order. 1#. Sub-;ivisions Dssential. 1he e ects o a horoscope should be predicted according to the divisions o 'ouses. Githout knowing the strength o such 9ords, one cannot lay even a step orward in the direction o astrology. 1=. %argothamamsa. 1he irst Eav(F)a o a &ovable .()i, the 3th one in a Hi8ed .()i and the Bth one in a Common (;ual) .()i are called %argothamamsa. Should the natal 9agna be in such %argothama Eav(F)a, the native becomes an important person in his circle. 1he rulers o ;wadasamasas start rom that .()i itsel . 1$. 9ords o ;ecanates and 'oras. 1he 9ords o decanates are irst 9ord o the same .()i, second 9ord o the 3th .()i there rom and third 9ord o the Bth rom the .()i in >uestion. 1he irst 'ora o an odd .()i belongs to the Sun, while the second one is ruled by the &oon. 2n the case o an even .()i the irst 'ora is ruled by the &oon and the second by the Sun. 13. 9ords o 1rimsamsas. 2n odd Signs 3, 3, A, @ and 3 degrees are 1rimsamsas o &ars, Saturn, ,upiter, &ercury and %enus, respectively, while the arrangement is reverse in even Signs. 15. 9ords o Sapthamsas. 1he Sapthamsas or the 1# .()is rom 7ries onwards are, respectively, counted rom 7ries, Scorpio, Gemini, Capricorn, 9eo, :isces, 9ibra, 1aurus, Sagittarius, Cancer, 7>uarius and %irgo. 1he 9ords thereo are those, in whose .()is they all.

l@. 1he total o the number o 'oras and that o decanates is si8ty (#$I=5) in the entire -odiac. 1he igure is increased by @#, i the total o 'oras I Eav(F)as is re>uired, i.e. 5CI@#J#$I1CAJ1=#. Dach .()i has 1ACC 4alas (=CK, each o 5C"). 1A. ;i erent %argas. 1o know any kind o %arga ('ora, Eav(F)a, ;rekkana etc.) adopt the ollowing method. Convert the longitude into minutes o arc and multiply by the %arga igure concerned. ;ivide the product by 1ACC. 1he resultant igure will reveal the re>uired %arga. 1B. 1he male ic and bene ic e ects o such %argas are e8plained in detail in the Eashta ,ataka chapters (at the end). #C-#1. .()is *ene ic and &ale ic, Gandanta and its D ects. Hrom 7ries onwards alternatively the .()is are known, as male ic and bene ic on the one hand and male and emale on the other hand. 1hese are also classi ied, as Chara (&ovable), Sthira (Hi8ed, 2mmovable) and ;visva*hava (<bhaya, ;ual, Common) .()is. 1he ending portions o Cancer, Scorpio and :isces are called Gandanta. 2t is said, that one born in Gandanta will not survive. 'e will either lose his mother, or he will end the dynasty, i.e. he is the last o his descent and will not have any children. 2 , however, he survives, he becomes a king with many elephants and horses. ##. ;irections o .()is. 1he our .()is rom 7ries onwards indicate Dast, South, Gest and Eorth, while the remaining .()is repeat in the same way. 7 /ourney undertaken by a person towards the direction indicated by the 9agna, or the &oon (at the commencement o /ourney) yields ruit ul results. #=. ;ig*ala and 4ala*ala. 'uman Signs, >uadruped Signs, Scorpio and watery Signs are, respectively, strong in the directions commencing rom the Dast. Hurther during night-time >uadruped Signs, day-time human, or biped Signs and the second hal o Capricorn, Scorpio, Cancer and :isces are strong at the time o daybreak and o night all. #$. Gemini, Cancer, Capricorn 7ries, 1aurus and Sagittarius are night Signs. 9eo, 9ibra, Scorpio, 7>uarius, :isces and %irgo are day Signs. 1he Signs Cancer, Capricorn, 7ries, Sagittarius and 1aurus are called :rishtodaya, which rise with hind part. S6rshodaya Signs (rising with head) are 9eo, 9ibra, Scorpio, %irgo, 7>uarius and Gemini. 1he Sign :isces is <bhayodaya (rises with both head and hind part). #3. Strength o .()i. 2 a .()i is aspected by its 9ord, or by a planet, that is riendly to its 9ord, or by &ercury, or by ,upiter, it is said to be strong. :lanets other than the above do not lend strength by aspect. #5-#@. Synonyms o 1# *havas. 9agna 1hanu and Sakthi, Second 7rtha and ;hana, 1hird Saha/a and :arakrama, Hourth *andhava and Griha, Hi th :utra and :ratibha, Si8th 7ri and %rana, Seventh Stri and 4ama, Dighth %inasa and ;ehavivara, Einth :unya and Guru, 1enth 4arma and &ana, Dleventh 7ya and *hava, 1wel th %yaya. #A-=1. 7dditional Synonyms. 1he $th (%e)ma) and the Ath are called, as Catura)ra 'ouses. 1he Bth is known, as 1apa, i.e. penance. 1he $th has names, like Sukha (happiness), ,ala (water), :atala (nether-world), *andhu (relatives) and 'ibuka. 1he other names given to the 1Cth 'ouse are 4arma (deed), 7gna (command), Gagana (sky, !enith) and &eshurana. 1he 3th and Bth are 1rines. 1he 3th is the only 'ouse connected with ;h6, while the Bth is 1ritrikona, the 1rine o 1rine. 1he @th 'ouse is called ;yuna, 7stha (setting), ,(ya and ,amitra. 1he 5th is Shatkona, =rd is ;uschikya and 1#th .ippha. 4utumba is the #nd. =#. 4endra, 7poklima and :anaphara, D ects thereo . 1he ad/oining 'ouses with re erence to 7ngles (4endras) are :anaphara. 1he 'ouses ne8t to :anapharas are 7poklimas. 1he planets in 7ngles give e ects in one"s boyhood. 1he e ects o planets in :anapharas are elt in the middle age, while the planets in 7poklima give result at the conclusion o the native"s li e. ==. <pachaya and 7nupachaya. 1he 5th, 1Cth 11th and =rd are called <pachaya 'ouses, while the 1st, #nd, $th, 3th, @th, Ath, Bth and 1#th are 7nupachayas.

=$. &oolatrikonas o :lanets. 9eo, 1aurus, 7ries, %irgo, Sagittarius, 9ibra and 7>uarius are the respective &oolatrikonas or the planets rom the Sun onwards. =3-=5. D8altation and Hall. 7ries, 1aurus, Capricorn, %irgo, Cancer, :isces and 9ibra, respectively, are the Signs o e8altation or the Sun, &oon, &ars, &ercury, ,upiter, %enus and Saturn. 1hese are deeply e8alted at 1C, =, #A, 13, 3, #@ and #C ;egrees in the respective .()is. 1he .()is opposite e8altation are the places o debilitation or the planets concerned. 7nd the respective degrees are o deep all. =@-=A. 9ong, &edium and Short 7scensions o Signs. :isces, 1aurus, 7ries and 7>uarius are Signs L short ascension. Gemini, Sagittarius, Cancer and Capricorn are o medium ascension. 1he long ascension Signs are Scorpio, %irgo, 9eo and 9ibra. 1he head and other organs o the native will be similar to the Sign ascending at birth and other relative Signs. 1he planets occupying such 'ouses will also in luence the orm and shape o the various organs. =B. Havourable ;irections or ,ourneys. 1he direction ruled by the 9ord o a .()i becomes :lava direction or that .()i. 1his is 0avana"s school o thought. 2 the king undertakes his /ourney towards such direction, indicated by the .()i concerned, he attains >uick success. $C-$l. Colours o .()is. Hrom 7ries onwards the ollowing 1# colours are allotted to the various .()is, respectively, red, white, green, pink, brown, gray, variegated, black, golden, yellow, deep-brown and white. 2 an idol o the 9ord o the 7scendant is made in the colour allotted and is worshipped, the native will destroy his enemies, /ust as 9ord 2ndra destroyed the demons. 1hus ends the =rd Ch. .()i ;escription o 4alyana %arma"s Saravali

Chapter - %. &lanetary Chara$ters

1-#. 4alapurusha"s Soul etc. and their <se. 1he Sun is the soul o the -odiac personi ied, the &oon mind, &ars strength, &ercury speech (voice), ,upiter intelligence, %enus com orts, .ahu ego and Saturn grie . 2 at birth planets indicative o soul etc. are strong, these signi ications will e>ually be strong. 2 these planets are weak, the e ects are only meager. *ut in the case o Saturn it is di erent. =-5. 1he counting o limbs according to the decanate rising at birth should be identi ied, as under. 2 the irst decanate rises, count rom head. 2 second, rom neck and, i =rd, rom pelvis. 1he 5 .()is backwards rom the 7scendant denote the le t side o the body, while the 5 orward .()is rom 9agna indicate the right side o the body. Should the irst decanate o a Sign ascend, the lapsed part o the 7scendant denotes le t side o the head and the part to rise yet indicates the right side o the head, the #nd and 1#th denote right and le t eyes, respectively, =rd and 11th right and le t ears, $th and 1Cth right and le t nose, 3th and Bth right and le t cheeks, 5th and Ath right and le t chins and the @th le t side o the ace (area yet to rise) and the @th right side o the ace (portion already descended). 2 the #nd decanate rises, neck, shoulder, arms, side, heart, stomach and navel are to be understood in the same order. Should the third decanate rise, pelvis, anus, penis, testicle, thigh, knee, cal and eet will be counted in the same order. 1he decanates occupied by male ics denote wounds etc., while the ones by bene ics indicate marks (moles) on the limbs concerned. Should these planets be in their own .()i, or 7msa at birth, then the wound, or mole are right rom birth. Ltherwise these will be caused later on (in appropriate periods). @. :lanetary :ort olios and their <se. 1he Sun and the &oon are said to be the kings. &ercury is the prince, &ars 7rmy chie , ,upiter and %enus ministers, while Saturn is servant. 1he native ac>uires such >ualities, as o the strongest planet. A. :lanetary ;irections. 1he Sun, %enus, &ars, .ahu, Saturn, the &oon, &ercury and ,upiter are, respectively, the 9ords o the directions commencing rom the Dast. B. :lanetary Eature. ,upiter, &ercury and %enus are bene ics in nature. Saturn, &ars and the Sun are natural male ics. &ercury in the company o male ics and the waning &oon are also considered male ics. 1C-11. Synonyms o :lanets. 'eli and *hanu are the other names given to the Sun. 1he &oon is called Sasi. 4rMradrik, *homisuta, Nra, .akta and %akra are indicative o &ars. 'emna, %id, Gna and *odhana denote &ercury. Odya, 2/ya, 7ngira and ,iva are the ,upiter"s names. Nsphu/it, Sita and *hrigu means %enus. &anda, 4ona, 0ama and 4rishna are Saturn"s synonyms. Hor these planets there are various other names, which should be elicited rom other te8ts. 1#-1=. :lanetary Colours, ;eities and their <se. Hrom the Sun onwards the respective hues o the planets are copper-red, white, blood-red, green, yellow, variegated and black. 1he deities or these planets are, respectively, Hire, Gater, 4artikeya, %ishnu, 2ndra, Sachi ;evi and *rahma. 1he planets rom the Sun onward should be worshipped by the &antras concerned and, i trips to the respective directions are undertaken one can gain gold, gems, elephants etc. 1$. Se8, Caste and Dlements. 1he &oon and %enus are emales. &ercury and Saturn rule neutrals. &ales are ,upiter, the Sun and &ars. *rahmins are ruled by ,upiter and %enus. 1he Sun and &ars preside over the royal lot. 1he &oon rules %aisyas. Saturn rules those o mi8ed breed, while &ercury presides over Sudras. 1he ive primordial compounds, vi!. Hire, Darth, Dther, Gater and 7ir are, respectively, ruled by planets rom &ars onwards. 13. :lanetary 1astes and 7bodes. 1he planets rom the Sun on are attributed tastes, as acrid, saline, bitter, mi8ed, sweet, sour (acidulous) and astringent. 1heir abodes, respectively, are temples, water resorts, ire houses, sports ground, treasury, bed-room and dirty places. 15. :lanetary .obes and Substances. Hrom the Sun onwards the apparels attributed are coarse, new, burnt, water-soaked, neither new nor old i.e. recent, durable and a rag. Similarly copper, gem (P), gold (P), metal allay, silver (P), pearl (P) and iron are in their order denoted by the Sun etc., ending with Saturn.

1@. :eriods and .itus o :lanets. 7yana, &uhurta, 7horatna, .itu (season), month, ortnight and year are, respectively, ruled by the planets rom the Sun to Saturn. 1he seasons, vi!. Sisira, %asanta, Grishma, %arsha, Sarat and 'emanta are, respectively, ruled by Saturn, %enus, &ars, &oon, &ercury and ,upiter. 1A. <se o these. 2n the matter o winning enemies, delivery o child, or such >uestions materiali!ation o the ob/ective concerned will be, as per the period allotted to the 9agna 9ord. 1his should be understood according to the 7scendant passed. 1B-#C. 9ords o %edas and Gorlds. ,upiter rules .ig %eda, %enus 0a/ur %eda, &ars Sama %eda and &ercury 7tharva %eda. ,upiter denotes the 'eavens, the &oon and %enus the world o the &anes, the Sun and &ars the Gorld o mortals and &ercury and Saturn 'ell. #1. ;escription and Eature o the Sun. 1he Sun has curly hair, sharp mind, prominent appearance, ma/estic voice and is not very tall. 'is eyes are honey-coloured. 'e is courageous, steady and o a comple8ion, which has a mi8 o red and green. 'is eet are not conspicuous (small in si!e). 'e is bilious and has sturdy bones. 'e is great and ma/estic. 'e has iery rays and s>uare body and wears sa ron-coloured apparels. ##. ;escription and Eature o the &oon. She has an auspicious appearance. 'er eyes are beauti ul. She has melli luous voice. She is air in comple8ion, has an emaciated body, is youth ul, tall, curly and short hair, is learned, so t, o Sattvik disposition, beauti ul, phlegmatic, amicable to riends, has pure (e8cellent) blood, is kind, ond o old ladies, ickle-minded, very ortunate and wears clean apparels. #=. ;escription and Eature o &ars. 1he planet &ars is short, his eyes are reddish-brown in colour. 'e has a strong body. 'e is as bright, as burning ire. 'e is not steady in disposition. 'e has marrow in bones and lesh. 'e wears red-coloured apparels. 'e is more intelligent and is courageous. 'e is an accomplished speaker. 'e causes in/ury. 'e has short and shining hair. 'e is bilious in disposition and is 1amasic. 'e is adventurous and wrath ul and is skill ul in hurting. 'e is blood-red in appearance. #$. ;escription and Eature o &ercury. &ercury"s eyes are reddish and broad. 'e speaks sweetly. 'is comple8ion is o green grass. 'e has strong skin. 'e is an e8tremely .a/asic planet. 'e is clear in his speech and is pure. 'e has a mi8ture o the three humours, i.e. phlegm, bile and wind. 'e remains delighted and has moderate beauty. 'e is skill ul and sinewy. 'e is agreeable to all in dressing and speech and wears green robes. #3. ;escription and Eature o ,upiter. 1he eyes o ,upiter are somewhat reddish-brown. 'e is learned in %edas. 'is voice resembles that o a lion. 'e is irm and prominently Sattvik. 'is physical comple8ion is akin to pure yellow metal. 'e has broad and prominent chest. 'e is always ond o virtues and is modest. 'e has irm and large eyes and is o orgiving disposition. 'e wears yellow apparels, is phlegmatic, at and pre-eminent. #5. ;escription and Eature o %enus. 1he planet %enus is beauti ul, has long hands, broad chest and ace, is very seminal, splendourous, has dark, short and e8tended hair, is o comple8ion, which is a mi8 o yellow and green, is sensuous, windy and phlegmatic, very ortunate, wears multi-coloured apparels, is o .a/asic disposition, sportive, intelligent, broad-eyed and has prominent shoulders. #@. ;escription and Eature o Saturn. Saturn has red and depressed eyes, emaciated body, prominent veins, is indolent, black-bodied and windy in temperament. 'e is a talebearer. 'e is muscular, unkind, oolish, has large nails and teeth, is very dirty, impure, 1amasic in disposition, ierce, short-tempered and old (worn out). 'e adores black apparels. #A-#B. Eatural Hriendship, Eeutrality and Dnmity between :lanets. 1he Sun"s riends are ,upiter, &ars and the &oon. 1he &oon"s riends are the Sun and &ercury. 1he Sun, the &oon and ,upiter are riendly to &ars. %enus and the Sun are &ercury"s riends. 1he Sun, &oon and &ars are riendly disposed to ,upiter. Saturn and &ercury are riends o %enus. &ercury and %enus are Saturn"s riends. 1he Sun"s enemies are %enus and Saturn. 1he &oon has no enemies. &ercury is inimical to &ars, while the &oon is &ercury"s enemy. %enus and &ercury are the enemies o ,upiter. 1he &oon

and the Sun are enemies o %enus. Saturn"s enemies are the Sun, the &oon and &ars. 2 a planet is neither a riend, nor an enemy o another one, there e8ists neutrality among them. =C. 1emporary Hriendship and Dnmity between :lanets. 2 a planet is in the 1#th, $th, #nd, 1Cth, 11th and =rd rom another planet, then there is temporary riendship between the two. 2 the position is in the 5th, @th, Ath, 1st, 3th, or the Bth, then there is temporary enmity among them. (1his may be applied to a birth horoscope, horary horoscope, or any such other conte8t) =1. Hive 4inds o Considerations o .elationship. Should there be temporary riendship and natural riendship between two planets, then they become e8tremely riendly. 2 there is natural neutrality and temporary riendship, there e8ists only riendship between two planets. 2 there is natural enmity and temporary riendship, they are neutral in relationship. Should they be naturally neutral and temporarily inimical, they are only inimical. 2 there is enmity both naturally and temporarily, then they are greatly inimical to each other. =#-==. :lanetary 7spects. :lanets lend Q aspect on the =rd and 1Cth, hal aspect on the $th and Ath, R aspect on 3th and Bth and ull aspect on the @th rom their positions. Saturn has special ull aspect on the =rd and 1Cth, ,upiter on the 3th and the Bth and &ars on the $th and Ath. 7ll planets aspect the @th ully. =$. :lanetary Strengths. 1o assess the auspicious and inauspicious e ects o a planet, its directional, positional, temporal and motional strengths are important, or without these it is considered to be weak. =3. ;irectional and :ositional Strengths. ,upiter and &ercury have directional strength, while in the 7scendant (Dast), the Sun and &ars in the 1Cth (South), Saturn in the @th (Gest) and the &oon and %enus in the $th (Eorth). 2 a planet is in e8altation, &ulatrikona, own 'ouse, riendly 'ouse, or own Eav(F)a and aspected by a bene ic, it assumes strength. 1he &oon and %enus are strong in even .()is, while the rest are so in odd .()is. 1his is called positional strength. =5. 1emporal and &otional Strengths. 1he Sun, ,upiter and %enus ac>uire strength during day-time, while Saturn, the &oon and &ars become strong during night-time. &ercury ac>uires vigour at all times. 1he 'ora *ala goes to 'ora 9ord, &asa *ala (&asa - month) to the 9ord o the month, ;ina *ala to the 9ord o the week-day o birth and 7bda (year) *ala is credited to the 9ord o the year o birth. &ale ics get strength in ;ark 'al , while bene ics become strong in *right 'al . 1he planet, that is victorious in war, that is in its retrograde motion, or, that is not combust become strong. 1he 9uminaries get strength in northern course. 1his is how Satyacharya detailed motional strength. =@. 7yana *ala. %enus, &ars, the Sun and ,upiter are strong in <ttarayana, while the &oon and Saturn are strong in ;akshinayana. &ercury is strong in both the cases. 1his is called 7yana *ala. =A. ;rekkana *ala. &ale planets are strong in the irst decanate, emale planets in the third decanate and neutral planets in the second decanate o a .()i. :lanets are strong, only when they are away rom the Sun, as per 0avanas. =B. 1ribhaga *ala, or 1riamsa *ala. 1he &oon, %enus and &ars get this strength in the irst, second and third parts o the night, respectively. 1his is similarly en/oyed by &ercury, the Sun and Saturn in day-time, while ,upiter has it always, irrespective o day, or night. $C. Eaisargika *ala (Eatural Strength). Saturn, &ars, &ercury, ,upiter, %enus, &oon and Sun are stronger than the other in the ascending order. Should there be similarity in other strengths, then the one with greater natural strength prevails. 1hus ends the $th Ch. :lanetary Characters o 4alyana %arma"s Saravali




1. 7 ter discussing the Ch. .()i :rabheda (Ch. =) and Graha 0oni *heda, or Graha Gunadhyaya (Ch. $) 2 now e8plain &israkadhyaya (&iscellaneous Ch.), which is the most supreme o all. #-$. 7vasthas, or States o :lanets. :lanets have nine states o being, vi!. ;6pta (radiant), Svastha (con ident), &udita (re/oiced), Santa (peace ul), Sakta (strong), Eip6dita (oppressed), *hita (alarmed), %ikala (mutilated) and 4hala. 7 planet in its e8altation is said to be in ;6ptavastha. 2n its own 'ouse, it is in Svasthavastha, riendly 'ouse &uditavastha, in bene icial %argas Santavastha, with bright rays Saktavastha, in combustion %ikalavastha, i de eated in planetary war, Eip6dita, in male ic %argas 4halavastha and, i in all, in *hitavastha. Eotes. 1here are #@ Graha Samayas, i.e. planetary conditions. 1hese will help us know, as to what a planet is doing at a particular moment with re erence to either birth, or >uery. Such positions reveal speci ic results. 'ow to calculate these positions and the e ects thereo are noted below. Hind out the number o Signs rom 7ries to 7scendant. 7gain ind out in what number o Sign is the planet, or which (Samaya) is re>uired, counted rom 7ries. &ultiply these igures mutually and again the latest product be multiplied by the total number o ;asa period years o the planet, as per %imsottari ;asha scheme. ;ivide this by #@ and the remainder indicates Graha Samaya (some scholars, however, advise, that the planet"s position is to be counted rom 9agna instead o 7ries. 2t is wrong counting the planet"s position rom 9agna, as the Sloka clearly says, vide ,yotisharnava Eavan6tam). 9et us assume, that in %irgo 9agna chart the &oon is in Sagittarius. 'ence we count si8 Signs rom 7ries through %irgo 7scendant and get 5. 7gain rom 7ries to Sagittarius we get B. &ultiply B by 5 to get 3$. 1he ;asha period o the &oon is 1C. Ghen we multiply 3$ by 1C, we get 3$C. 1his, when divided by #@, yields no balance and hence the #@th Samaya is denoted. Eow the scheme o Samayas and their e ects (1-#@). Snana? good amily, children, respect, success and position. %astradharana? precious stones, money, position and clothes. :undradharana? dear to people, gains in oreign countries, hard work and honour. <padesa? lands, conveyances and happiness. Siva :M/a? ond o lands, royal wrath, e8penses and litigations. Nposana? wealth, ond o wicked people. %ishnvarchana? bile, grie , highly learned. %ipraradhana? ortune, gains rom lands, success over enemies, rich relatives. Eamaskara? so t-spoken, conveyances and capability to speak on either side in arguments. 7dri :radakshina? bilious diseases, dysentery, litigations and penalties. %aisyadeva? position with king, good amily, perennial progress. 7thithi Satkara? cheat, /imminks and monetary gains. *ho/ana? sick, dismissed rom the circle, cheating. 7mbhapana? bad meal, bad acts. 7hamkara? egoism and enmity with people. 1ambMla? good position, high learning, money and ame o high order. Eripalapa? respect, pious disposition, diviee cows. 4ir6tadharana? big position in 7rmy, learned, wealthy. Dkanta Sambhashana? la!y, so t-spoken. Nlasya? abundant education, la!y, careless. Sayana? very short-tempered, sick, disputes in amily. 7mritapana? oolish, harm ul, blaming elders, destruction (some te8ts prescribe good results, which only seem to be sensible). &adhupana? health, good children, beauti ul wi e, rich ood. ;hanar/ana? respect, much wealth, skil ul. *hikshatana? loss, bad teaching. Eidra? long-lasting diseases, drunkard. Sambhoga? attached to base women, cunning and revenge ul. 3. D ects o a .adiant :lanet. Should a planet be in ;6pta state at birth, the native burns his enemies with the ire o his valour. 'e gathers all kinds o wealth. 'is (band o ) elephants soak the sur ace o the earth with the /uice, or ichor e8uding rom their temples. (1hat is the native will own a large number o elephants. See the simultaneous literary ability o 4alyana %arma. 7 number o such comparisons can be ound in this work) 5. D ects o a Con ident :lanet. Should a planet be in Svastha state at birth, the native ac>uires gold, amily etc. 'e will be a /ustice in a king"s employ. 'e will own houses and will amass grains. 'is amily will prosper. @. D ects o a .e/oicing :lanet. 2 a planet is in &udita state at birth, the native will be pleasingly disposed, will have wi e, gold, diamonds etc., will win the entire band o his oes and will en/oy all kinds o com orts in li e. A. D ects o a :eace ul :lanet. 2 a planet is in Santa, or peace ul state at birth, the native will have peace ul mind, com ort and wealth. 'e will be a king"s minister, will be learned, help ul to others, religious and ortunate.

B. D ects o a Sakta :lanet. 2 a planet is in Sakta state at birth, the native will have wi e, clothes, scents, garlands etc. 'e will be amous, liked by all and have his name spread all-over. 1C. D ects o a 'urt :lanet. 2 a planet is in :6dita (hurt, oppressed) state at birth, the native will be sub/ected to grie and sickness and will have enemies. 'e will be deprived o his own people and wander rom one country to the other. 11. D ects o an 7larmed :lanet. Should a planet be in *hita state at birth, the native, even, i he were a king with varied paraphernalia, will be troubled by enemies. 'e will lose his men. 'e will be de eated and will become poor. 1#. D ects o a &utilated :lanet. 2 a planet is in %ikala state at birth, the native will be deprived o his place, or position, dirty-hearted, poor and will wander here and there. 'e will be rightened by his enemies. 1=. D ects o a :lanet in 4halavastha. Should a planet be in 4halavastha, the native will grieve in sorrow, due to maintaining his wi e (the native cannot maintain even his wi e), will lose all his wealth, will have an impure mind and be never ree rom miseries. 1$. .etrogression in D8altation. 2 a planet is retrograde, while in e8altation, it produces no e ect (nothing good will happen). 1his is the view held by some. Dven, i it is in e8altation by its entry in retrograde motion rom the ne8t Sign ( or e8ample ,upiter entering Cancer rom 9eo), the e ect is same, or it takes unduly long time in such traversion. 13. ;i erent D ects. 7 planet in e8altation is considered highly strong. 2t is medium in strength in its &ulatrikona .()i, or own 'ouse. 2ts strength is only nominal, i it be aspected by a riendly planet, or be in a riendly .()i. 15-1@. 1he elders among 0avanas say, that the &oon is o medium strength or ten days commencing rom Sukla :adyami, i.e. irst o *right 9unar 'al . ;uring the ollowing ten days ( rom the 11th day, or Dkadasi o *right 9unar 'al through the 3th day, or :anchami o ;ark 9unar 'al , or 4rishna :aksha) she is e8ceedingly strong. 7nd during the third ten-day period ( rom the 5th day, or Shashti o ;ark 9unar 'al through the Eew &oon day, or 7mavasya) she has very little strength. 2 at birth the &oon has brilliant rays, is bright circled and ull, it makes the native an unencounterable king. 1A. Good .esults in &id-9i e. 2 at birth the 9ord o &oon Sign, or the 9ord o the 7scendant, or ,upiter be in 4endra, the native is happy in the middle o his li e. 1B-#C. 1he e ects revealed by various .()is will correspond to the strengths o their 9ords. Should two planets have identical strength, the one with higher Eaisarga *ala will prevail. 7ccording to Chudamani 7charya the 7scendant"s strength e>uals that o its 9ord. #1-#$. Swakshetra, &ulatrikona etc. 2n 9eo up to #CK, it is the Sun"s and the rest is his own 'ouse. 1he &oon"s e8altation !one is the irst =K o 1aurus, with the remaining portion being her &ulatrikona. <p to 1#K in 7ries &ars is in &ulatrikona, the rest is his own 'ouse. &ercury in %irgo has the irst 13K, as e8altation, the ne8t 3 (13K1"-#CK), as &ulatrikona and the remaining portion is termed, as own 'ouse. 2n Sagittarius irst 1CK is ,upiter"s &ulatrikona, with the rest being own 'ouse. 1he irst 3K in 9ibra is &ulatrikona o %enus and the balance his own 'ouse. 7>uarius is &ulatrikona or Saturn in the initial #CK portion and the last 1CK in 7>uarius is his own 'ouse. #3. D ects o D8alted :lanets etc. 2 a planet is e8alted, it gives auspicious results to ull e8tent. 2t is utile, i in debilitation. 1he results are limited in an enemy"s camp. 1he auspicious e ects given by a planet are Q in a riendly 'ouse, T in own 'ouse and R in &ulatrikona .()i. #5. 2nauspiciousness o :lanets. 7 planet is ully inauspicious, i it is in its debilitationU it is somewhat better in inimical 'ouse. 2ts inauspicious e ects are nil, i it is e8alted, R in riendly 'ouse, T in own 'ouse and Q in &ulatrikona .()i.

#@. 1he planetary combination, that produces <tpata, the planet, that is combust by the Sun, with less brilliance, which is in debilitation, in enemy"s camp, or, that is de eated in planetary war? such a planet not only loses its potence to be auspicious, but also becomes capable o bestowing male ic e ects in ull. #A-=C. D ects 7ccording to D8altation etc. 7 planet in e8altation gives all kinds o wealth. 2t con ers ministership, or leadership over 7rmy, i in &ulatrikona .()i. 2 it is in own 'ouse, it gives happiness, money, grains, wealth etc. 2n a riendly 'ouse, it gives ame, splendour, abundant good ortune, longlasting wealth and also wealth through king. 7 planet, that is in its own 'ora, makes one courageous. =1-==. 7 planet in its own decanate con ers virtues, while the one in own Eav(F)a makes one amous. Courage, wealth and ame are bestowed by a planet occupying its own Sapthamsa. Lne becomes devout and help ul, i a planet is in its own ;vadasamsa. 7 planet in own 1rimsamsa gives happiness and good >ualities. Ghen a planet is aspected by a bene ic planet, the native becomes wealthy, amous, ortunate, chie o all, beauti ul and happy. =$-=3. 2 a planet is with L/ha, or 0ugma *ala (strength by being in male, or emale .()is), the native is worshipped by the public, e8pert in arts, pleased, immune to sickness and prone to ear o other Gorlds. 7 planet with positional strength gives perennial happiness, riendship, courage, i8ity o mind and independent pro ession, or work. =5-=A. 7 planet with directional strength takes the native to the direction ruled by it and gives clothes, /ewels, conveyances etc. 7nd the native is happy in such a direction. 7 planet with 7yana *ala similarly takes the native to its direction and con ers various kinds o wealth apart rom ame. 2n both the cases, the planets should not be combust, or debilitated. 2 a planet has Cheshta *ala, it sometimes gives kingdom, sometimes respect, sometimes money and yet sometimes increases the ame o the native. =B. D ects o .etrograde :lanets. 7 bene ic, i retrograde, is strong and is capable o con erring kingdom. 2 a male ic is retrograde, it causes grie and purposeless wandering. $C. 7uspicious :lanets. 7 planet with clear rays, or, that is con/unct with the &oon, or, that has won in a planetary war, is capable o bestowing complete happiness and kingdom, that cannot be sei!ed. $1. ;iva *ala and .atri *ala. 7 planet, that has ;iva *ala, or .atri *ala, is capable o con erring lands, elephants etc. Such a native de eats his enemies with courage and achieves kingdom and wealth. $#. D ects o 9ord o 0ear etc. 1he 9ords o the year, month, week and 'ora improve two- old in their ;asas happiness, wealth and ame. 1hat is the 9ord o the month gives two- old results, as against year 9ord, the week 9ord two- old o month 9ord and the 'ora 9ord two- old o week 9ord. $=. D ects o :aksha *ala. 7 planet with :aksha *ala destroys enemies and con ers diamonds, robes, conveyances, wi e, gold, land and ame. $$. D ects o a :lanet with all Sources o Strengths. Should a planet have all kinds o strengths stated so ar and be bright with unobscured rays, it con ers kingdom e8ceeding the desires o the native. $3. *ene ic :lanets with all-round Strength. 2 at birth bene ic planets possess all-round strength, the native will have good habits, be truth ul, upright, beauti ul, splendourous and be an e8pert in all deeds, respect ul towards the wise and Gods and will be blessed with scents, garlands, robes, ornaments etc. $5. &ale ics with all-round Strength. Should male ics be with such all-round strength at birth, the native will be a miser, will do bad acts, be sel ish, /ealous o virtuous people, intent on promoting >uarrels, wicked, torturous, dirty, ungrate ul, slanderous and ugly. $@-3C. :lanetary Stages and D ects thereo . 2t is boyhood, i a planet is in its own 'ouse, or riendly 'ouse. 2n &ulatrikona .()i, it is in youth and in adolescence in e8altation. 2t is said to be in old stage, i it occupies an inimical 'ouse. 7 planet in debilitation is in e8trimis. 1he corresponding e ects are

elt in the respective planetary ;ashas, i.e. periods. 1he results or such stages are, respectively, happiness, virtue, kingdom, sickness with debts and death, or e8penses. 31-3#. D ects o :lanets in Ldd and Dven .()is. 7 planet in odd .()i with strength makes the native courageous and a warrior. 2 it is weak in odd .()i, the native is cruel and dull-witted. 7 planet in even .()i gives so t nature, ear or >uarrels, love or water, lowers and clothes, good ortune, health and protection o own men. 1hus ends the 3th Ch. &iscellaneous &atters in 4alyana %arma"s Saravali

Chapter - ). *+o!a, Kara-as

1. 4araka :lanets. :lanets posited in own 'ouse, &ulatrikona, or e8altation and simultaneously in 7ngles become mutual 4arakas, or signi icators. Such kind o 0oga 4arakas (co-workers) are counted only in regard to 9agna"s 7ngles. 1his view is held by 7charya 'ari. #. Hor e8ample Saturn in 9ibra, while Cancer 7scendant containing ,upiter and the &oon and &ars with the Sun in 7ries become mutual 4arakas. =. :lanets posited in e8altation, riendly .()i, own .()i, or 7msa also become 4arakas. 1he Sun in the 1Cth, as above, becomes greatly signi icant. 1his is Chanakya"s opinion. $. :lanets though not in %argas, like own 'ouse, become 4arakas, i they are in 9agna, $th, 1Cth, or even the 11th. *ut this view is not acceptable to great sages. 3-5. D ects o 4arakas. Dven though a person may be born in base strata, he will become chie , i he has 4araka Grahas. Lne born in royal amily without doubt becomes a king in such a case. Ghile analy!ing the 0ogas, such 4arakatwas are along important and e ects should be declared only on that basis. 1hus ends the 5th Ch. entitled 4arakadhyaya in 4alyana %arma"s Saravali

Chapter - .. &lanetary In/i$ations

1. 9ord o Geek-;ay etc. 1he Sun, the &oon, &ars, &ercury, ,upiter, %enus and Saturn rule the week-days etc. Ghichever planet becomes the 9ord o the irst week-day in the month o 7swina in the year o 7swina, will become the 9ord o month and year. #-=. 1he ourth planet counted rom the 9ord o the irst year rules the second year. Similar counting o ourth 9ords or the subse>uent years should be made to know the 9ords thereo . 1here are #$ 'oras (planetary hours) in each day ( rom one Sun-rise to the ne8t). 1he irst 'ora is ruled by the 9ord o the week day, while the subse>uent ones are ruled by the 9ords o the si8th week-days thereo . 1hirty (Savana) days make one (Savana) month. 1o know the 9ord o the week-day in particular month, the months past should be multiplied by =C, increased by one and divided by @. 1he remainder represents the 9ord o the week-day counted rom the earlier week-day 9ord. $. 7 Savana month has =C days and each month, vi!. Chaitra, %aisakha etc., commences with the irst day o *right hal and ends with the =Cth 1hiti (7mavasya). 3-5. *hava D ects. 1he good e ects relating to a *hava can be better reaped, i an enterprise relating to that *hava is started in an 7scendant ruled by the 9ord o that *hava, or, when the 9ord thereo is in an <pachaya 'ouse, or on the week-day, 'ora, year, or month ruled by that *hava 9ord. 1he good e ects will be #3V by year 9ord, 3CV by month 9ord, @3V by 9ord o week and 1CCV by 'ora 9ord. @-1=. :lanet"s .ulerships. 1he Sun rules snakes, wool, hills, gold, weapons, poison, ire, medicines, kings, 7ryas ( oreigners in general), river banks, orest, wood and &antras. 1he &oon indicates poets, lowers, eatables, beads, silver, conch, salt, water, arrow, robes, ornaments, emales, Gh6, sesamum, oil and sleep. &ars rules blood, copper, 7rmy, red cloth. &ercury minerals, earth, king, destruction, swooning, bile and thieves. &ercury rules %eda, writing, sculpture, medicines, e8pertise, ministership, speech, /okes, birds, couples, ame, %anaspathi (a large orest tree, which bears ruit apparently without any blossoms) and gold. ,upiter rules auspiciousness, virtue, physical stoutness, prowess, preceptorship, deputation, city, state (province), gold, bed, conveyance, position, grains, residence and sons. %enus rules diamonds, ornaments, marriage, scents, riends, wreaths, emales, cow dung, diagnosis (apart rom meaning diagnosis also indicates end, purity, rope to tying up a cal etc.), education, se8ual en/oyment and gold. Saturn is 4araka or lead, !inc, black metals, in erior grains, dead relatives, ools, servants, mean women, salable goods, poor people and sel -restraint (apart rom meaning sel -restraint also means investing with sacred thread, which is in vogue to give Wsecond birthX to *rahmins). 1$-13. :lanetary :laces. 1he Sun rules 4alinga (a Coromandel district), the &oon 0avana (Greek, &ohamedan, or Duropean countries), %enus plain river banks, ,upiter Sindhu (2ndus), &ercury &agadha (southern part o *ihar), Saturn Saurashtra (Gu/arat), &ars <//ain and the nodes ;ravida country ( ive tribes? ;ravida, 4arnataka, GMr/ara, &aharashtra and 1ailanga). 1hus ends the @th Ch. entitled 4arakadhyaya in 4alyana %arma"s Saravali

Chapter - 0. Con$eption
1-=. 7 Hemale &enstruation. Githout the knowledge o conception time one cannot understand the e ects o the various divisions, like .()i. 1hat is why 2 e8plain below about conception, which is the cause o births o all animals. 7s a result o &oon"s transit in 7nupachaya .()is and in aspect o &ars, a emale obtains her menses. 1he &oon is water and &ars is ire. Gater produces blood and ire produces bile. Ghen blood is enraged by bile, the women gets her menstruation. $-@. 1he menstruation so caused makes the emale capable o conception. 2 the &oon is in <pachaya, it makes the menses de unct or conception. 'owever, i the &oon in <pachaya is aspected by ,upiter, or her riends, or especially %enus, the woman a ectionately cohabits with the male. 2 the &oon is aspected by &ars, the emale unites with a person other than husband. 1he Sun, i aspecting the &oon, indicates a king, while Saturn aspecting denotes a servant. Similar in erences should be made, i the &oon is aspected by male ics only, without aspect o bene ics. 2 the &oon is aspected by male ics, like &ars, then the emale gives up her home and becomes a prostitute. A-1C. 1he @th 'ouse rom 9agna at the time o copulation indicates the disposition o the couple. 2 there is a male ic"s aspect to the 9agna at the time o copulation, the couple unites angrily and with >uarrel. Should it be bene ic"s aspect, then the se8ual en/oyment will be (pleasing), as enumerated by %atasyayana &ah(+Yi. 2 there be both male ic and bene ic aspects on the @th, the se8ual act is mi8ed in nature. 7ccording to one"s past deeds, to ripe its ruits the semen enters the womb and conception ensues. 11-1#. Lccurrence o :regnancy. 2 the transit Sun and %enus be in <pachaya .()is with strength with re erence to the male partner"s nativity and occupy even Eavamsas, there is scope o pregnancy to be caused by the particular intercourse. Similar e ects ollow, i strong &oon and strong &ars be in <pachaya .()is in transit with re erence to the emale"s horoscope and be in even Eavamsas. 7lternatively %enus, Sun, &ars and &oon should be in <pachaya 'ouses in own 7msas, or ,upiter be in 9agna, 3th, or Bth with strength to cause pregnancy. 1=. ;isposition o Hetus. 1he child in the womb will be according to the mental disposition o the couple and their desires and according to 1ridoshas (bile, phlegm and wind) prevailing. 1$-13. Se8 o the Child. Should 9agna, &oon, ,upiter and the Sun be strong and be in male .()is and male Eavamsas, birth o a male child be predicted. 2 they are in even .()is and even 7msas, predict emale child. 2 strong ,upiter and Sun be in male .()is, male child will be born. Hemale child should be e8pected, i %enus, &oon and &ars are in even .()is. 15. 1win *irth. 2 the Sun and ,upiter be in Gemini, or Sagittarius in aspect to &ercury, birth o two male children be predicted. 1wo emale children will be born, i %enus, &ars and the &oon be in :isces, or %irgo in aspect (o ) &ercury. 1@. &ale *irth. 2 Saturn is in odd 'ouse other than 9agna, a male child will be born. Such 0ogas and strengths at the time o 7dhana should be properly assessed to predict birth o male, or emale child. 1A-#C. *irth o 'ermaphrodite. *irth o a hermaphrodite should be declared, i the Sun and the &oon be in odd .()is and be in mutual aspect, or, i &ercury and Saturn be in mutual aspect rom odd .()is, or, i &ars aspects the Sun, who is in an even .()i, or, i the &oon is in 9agna in odd .()i. 1hese are the views o sages. 2 &ars aspects &ercury in odd .()i and simultaneously the &oon in even .()i, same e ect ollows. 7lternatively i 9agna, &oon and &ercury be in odd .()i and odd Eav(F)a and aspected by %enus and Saturn, eunuch birth is indicated. #1-##. Lne &ale Child and Lne Hemale Child to be *orn. Should 9agna and &oon be in even .()is and be aspected by a strong planet, then there are twins in the womb (one male child and one emale child). Similar results ollow, i the &oon and %enus are in even .()is, or Common Signs and be strong. #=-#5. *irth o 1riplets. 1he ollowing 0ogas prevailing at the time o 7dhana lead to births o triplets. &ercury remaining in Gemini Eav(F)a aspecting a planet, who also alls in Common Eav(F)a (a),

&ercury remaining in Gemini Eav(F)a aspecting a Sign, which ascends (b), &ercury in %irgo Eav(F)a aspecting a planet alling in Common Eav(F)a (c), &ercury in %irgo Eav(F)a aspecting a Common Sign, which ascends (d), &ercury in Gemini 7msa aspecting a planet in Gemini 7msa, or Sagittarius 7msa (e), &ercury in Gemini Eav(F)a aspecting the 9agna, which alls in Gemini Eav(F)a, or Sagittarius Eav(F)a ( ), &ercury in @th aspecting a planet in 4anya, or &eena Eav(F)a, or aspecting such 9agna Eav(F)a (g). Combinations (a) and (b) lead to birth o triplets - one emale and two males. Combinations (c) and (d) cause birth o triplets consisting o two emales and one male. Combinations at (e) and ( ) cause three male children, while the ones at (g) indicate three emale children. #@. &other, Hather, etc. 2 births take place in day-time, %enus indicates mother, while the Sun indicates ather. 2n the case o nights the &oon and Saturn, respectively, play these roles. Similarly the &oon denotes mother"s sister and Saturn paternal uncle or day-time births, while %enus and the Sun take over these port olios, respectively, in the case o night births. #A. D ects o such :lanets. 2 the planets denoting ather and paternal uncle are in odd *havas, their well-being is assured. 2 the planets denoting mother and maternal aunt are in even *havas, their wellbeing is to be predicted. #B-=1. :rocess o Growth o Dmbryo and 9ords thereo . 1he embryo in the womb improves, as under. Hirst month coagulated blood, second mass o lesh, third limbs, ourth bones, i th skin, si8th hair, seventh movement, eighth eeling o hunger and thirst, ninth e8citement and tenth riped, like a ruit and ready or coming out o the womb. 1hese ten months are ruled, respectively, by %enus, &ars, ,upiter, the Sun, the &oon, Saturn, &ercury, 9ord o Eisheka 9agna, the &oon and the Sun. 1he dispositions o these 9ords indicate good, or bad o the respective processes. =#-==. &iscarriage. Should a planet be a ected by celestial portents, or de eat by male ic at the time o intercourse, miscarriage may take place in the month ruled by the planet concerned. 1he 7scendant ruling at the time o intercourse can also become cause o miscarriage. 2 Saturn and &ars be in the said 7scendant, or the &oon be in a 'ouse o &ars, or Saturn, the results mentioned will come to pass. =$. Com ortable Carrying. Should the 7dhana 7scendant be occupied by &oon, or should there be bene ics in the 3th, Bth, @th, #nd, 1Cth, $th and male ics relegated to =rd and 11th aspected by the Sun, the carrying emale is sa e. =3-$1. 7dversities to the :regnant Goman. 2 at the time o 7dhana the Sun and the &oon are hemmed between two male ics, while the 7scendant has no bene ic aspect, the emale concerned dies. 1he same e ect prevails, i the said 7scendant and the @th are occupied by male ics and be without bene ic aspect, or, i the said 7scendant is occupied by Saturn and weak &oon aspected by &ars. 7gain similar e ects shall come to pass, i weak &oon and the Sun are in 1#th, &ars in $th, while %enus is between two male ics. *oth the child in the womb and its mother leave this world, i male ics occupy the $th rom the said 7scendant, or rom the &oon, while &ars is in the @th, or 9agna. 1he same result ollows, i &ars is in $th, Sun in 1#th and the &oon be decreasing and be with male ic aspect. 2 the Sun is in 9agna, while the &oon is weak, or, i &ars is in 9agna, while male ics are in 1#th and #nd without bene ics" aspect, death occurs o the mother along with child. 1he Sun in the @th at 7dhana, while &ars is in 9agna, takes away the child along with its mother through instruments. $#-$=. :rogress o :regnancy. Should there be aspects rom &ercury, ,upiter, %enus, or the Sun to the 9agna, the process o pregnancy goes on well. 1he embryo develops according to the state o the 9ords o various months (in transit). 2n the third month the pregnant woman develops tastes to eat various things according to the disposition o the various monthly 9ords and 9agna 9ord and the 0ogas caused to them. $$-$3. 1ime o ;elivery. 2 at the time o Eisheka (i.e. 7dhana) the Sun is in a &ovable Sign, delivery takes place in the 1Cth month, i he is in a Hi8ed Sign, delivery in 11th month is indicated and in a ;ual Sign it is in 1#th month. 2 a &ovable .()i ascends at 7dhana, delivery takes place in 1Cth month, a Hi8ed 11th and ;ual 1#th. $5-$@. 1he matter o delivery can be guessed through the %argas o Eisheka 9agna. 1he natal &oon can be in the 1Cth rom 7dhana &oon. 1his view is held by many 7charyas. 7ccording to *adarayana the natal 7scendant will be in the @th rom 7dhana 9agna and natal &oon will be in the @th rom 7dhana &oon. Since there are several views on this, 2 e8plain

below a view, which is acceptable to all. $A. %iew 7cceptable to all about Eatal &oon. Eote the ;wadasamsa o the &oon at the time o 7dhana. Ghen &oon is so many Signs away rom her 7dhana position (in a month, when delivery is normally possible), delivery will take place. $B. Should a Eav(F)a o Saturn rule the Eisheka 9agna and Saturn be in the @th, the delivery takes place a ter three years. 2 Cancer be the Eav(F)a 9agna with the &oon in the @th ( rom .()i 9agna), delivery occurs a ter twelve years. 3C. Hraction o ;ay, or Eight or ;elivery. 7ccording to Eisheka 9agna being a day Sign, or night Sign, delivery will be a ter so much o raction o night, or day having passed. 31-3#. 1hus should be understood the possible time o birth in day, or night and the 9agna at birth. 2n similar manner the di erence between sunrise and birth, i.e. natal 7scendant and (week)day, ortnight, &uhurta month etc. should be guessed. Such details relating to birth should irst be ascertained and then predictions should be issued with re erence to nativity by astrologers. 3=-33. 0ogas or Dye ;e ects. 2 at the time o 7dhana (or at birth) the Sun and &oon are in 9eo identical with 9agna, the child born will be blind. 1here should be aspect o &ars and Saturn on 9eo. 7 bubble on the eye should be predicted, i &ars and &ercury aspect the said Sun and &oon in 9eo 9agna. 2 shall urther e8plain 0ogas a ecting the eyes. Should the 1#th be occupied by waning &oon, le t eye is destroyed and, i by the Sun, it is the right eye. 2 , however, bene ics aspect (the said 1#th and the SunZ&oon), then by (suitable) e orts the eye can be repaired. 35. 2 male ics are in .()i Sandhi and the &oon is in 1aurus aspected by &ars, Saturn and the Sun, the native born will be dumb. 2 , however, there is bene ic"s aspect, the person speaks later on. 3@. 2 male ic planets are in .()i Sandhis, while there is no bene ic aspect on the &oon, the native born is dullwitted. Should Saturn and &ars be in a Eav(F)a o &ercury, the birth is with teeth. 3A. Should &ercury be in 3th, or Bth rom the 7scendant, while all other planets are devoid o strength, the child has # aces, $ hands and $ legs. 3B. 2 the last portion o Capricorn rises with aspect rom Saturn and the 9uminaries, the native is short-statured. 1he same e ect prevails, i the &oon is in Cancer identical with 7scendant and aspected by &ars and Saturn. 5C. 2 :isces rises at birth with aspect rom &ars, Saturn and the &oon, the child born is lame. 2 there is a bene ic"s aspect to the said combination, then relie can be e8pected a ter making e orts. 51. Should &ars be in the 7scendant and all in the ascendental decanate, or a trinal decanate, receiving the aspect o male ics, while bene ics are devoid o strength, the child in the womb develops no head, no legs and no hands, respectively. 5#. Ghatever is stated in this Ch., should be suitably applied to natal 7scendant, i applicable. 7nd the rules stated elsewhere in regard to nativity may be used with re erence to Ndh(na also, i need be. 1hus ends the Ath Ch. entitled Ndh(n(dhy(ya in Saravali o 4alyana %arma.

Chapter - 1. Con/itions at Birth

1. 1o know the time o delivery 2 have e8plained the Ndh(na Ch. Eow 2 e8plain the natal Ch., as below. #. 2 natal 9agna is in S6rshodaya .()i, birth is with head oremost and a :rishtodaya .()i at birth indicates birth with legs oremost. 1he birth is with hands in such a position, i an <bhayodaya .()i ascends. Should 9agna en/oy bene ic aspect, delivery would have been com ortable, otherwise di icult. =-$. 1he place o delivery will correspond to the .()i 9agna, or Eav(F)a 9agna at birth. 2 it is a ;ual .()i, or Eav(F)a, delivery will be on the way. 7 Hi8ed .()iZ7F)a indicates delivery in one"s own place. Should the Eav(F)a be o the same .()i, the delivery is in one"s own house, otherwise it is otherwise. 1he delivery will be in the house o ather, or mother according to the indicator concerned being strong. 3-@. 2 bene ic planets are in ull, then the birth is in an enclosed place, under a tree, or on the banks o a river. Should all planets be together and not aspect 9agna, or the &oon, then the birth is in a thick orest. 2 a watery Sign is on the 7scendant and aspected by Hull &oon rom a watery Sign being $th, or 1Cth, birth is in water (river etc.) and similar results be predicted, i 9agna and $th are occupied by bene ics and Hull &oon is in watery Sign, or in own 'ouse. A-11. 2 Scorpio, or Cancer ascends with Saturn and is aspected by &oon, birth is in a deep place. 1his view is held by 0avanas and &aniththa. Should Saturn be in watery .()i rising and aspected by &ercury, birth is in playground. 2 the planet aspecting is the Sun, it is temple and the &oon aspecting indicates barren lands. Should an 7ranya .()i ( or e8ample 9eo) be on the 9agna, the birth is in hills, orest, ortress etc. Should a human .()i be ascending and is aspected by &ars, it is burial ground, i by &ercury, sculpture home and, i by the Sun, cowshed, royal palace, or temple. 2 the aspect is rom %enus and &ercury, it indicates pleasing location and, i rom %enus and ,upiter, it is *rahmins" place, or where sacred rites are per ormed. 1#. Should ,upiter be e8alted in 1Cth (9ibra 9agna), delivery is in a #-, =-, or $-storied building. 2 bene ic planets are in Saturn"s .()i, or Eav(F)a, coinciding with the $th, or 1Cth, the delivery is in a veranda, or balcony. 1=. 1o know the direction o the delivery room proceed thus. Lne o the ;ual Signs ascending denotes the >uarter (o the direction), in which the room is situated. 1he other Signs rom 7ries on indicate the directions o the room. 1$. Should there be a (strong) planet in the 7ngle o a Sign, the direction, represented by that Sign will prevail. 2 Sagittarius ascends with strength, it is =-storied building, while Capricorn denotes a spacious house. 13. 2 %enus is strong at birth, it is a new and painted house. ,upiter in strength denotes a strong house, while &ars indicates a burnt house. 1he Sun stands or house constructed o wood. 2t is a new house, i the &oon is strong. Saturn in strength indicates an old house. 15-1@. 1he direction o the planet occupying an 7ngle denotes the direction o entry or the lying-inchamber. 1he planet, that is con/unct with the planet denoting house o birth, indicates the direction, in which another house related to delivery is located. 1he Sun indicates temples, the &oon watery places, &ars ire-houses, ,upiter treasury, %enus parks etc., Saturn ilthy corner and &ercury bedroom etc. 1A-#C. Eow e8plained is the situation o the cot, on which the delivery took place. 1he =rd, 5th, Bth and 1#th indicate the our legs o cot. 1he irst two relate to southern side legs and the other two denote the northern side legs. 2 the 7scendant is aspected by a bene ic, the kind o cloth relating to that bene ic was spread on the delivery cot. 1he 7scendant leads to know the direction, in which the mother was having her head. 1he depression in the cot corresponds to the Common Sign occupied by male ics.

#1-#=. 2 the &oon is in her debilitation Sign identical with the $th, or 7scendant, the birth is on the ground. 1he number o attendants can be known by the number o planets posited between the &oon and 9agna. 1he number o attendants inside the chamber is known by the number o planets posited in the invisible hal and the number o attendants outside the chamber will correspond to the number o planets in the visible hal . 2 the concerned planets are bene ic, the attendant ladies are with attractive eatures, beauti ul and bedecked with ornaments. &ale ics similarly indicate, that such emales are ugly, un ortunate and dirty. 2 the planets are o mi8ed disposition, but with strength, the attending women are in between the said two accounts. 7ll these should be accordingly understood. #$-#3. Lut o the 1# .()is the one occupied by the Sun will indicate the portion o the delivery chamber, where light is kept. 2 it is Hi8ed Sign, the light burns steadily and, i it is a &oving Sign, it is unsteady. 1he portion, that e8pired in 9agna is indicative o the content, to which the wick has burnt already. 1he >uantity o oil in the lamp will correspond to the wa8ing, or waning state o the &oon. #5-#@. 1here were many lights, i the Sun is aspected by &ars. Should other planets be all weak, light was obtained by burning grass. Should the &oon be in a Eav(F)a o Saturn, or be in watery Eav(F)a, or in the $th 'ouse and be in aspect to, or in the company o Saturn, delivery was in a place o darkness. 1here is no doubt about this. #A-=C. Should the 7scendant be without the aspect o the &oon, the birth is behind the ather, i.e. the ather was absent rom the place. 2 the Sun is in the Bth identical with a &ovable .()i, the ather was in a oreign place. 1he Sun in the case o day birth and Saturn in the case o night birth, i aspected by &ars, delivery is out o ather"s sight. 2 the said Sun, or Saturn be in a &ovable Sign, death o ather (in a distant place) should be declared. 2 the 3th, 5th and @th rom the Sun are aspected, or occupied by male ics, the ather was under con inement. &ovable, Hi8ed and Common Signs here indicate con inement, respectively, in oreign place, own place and on the way. =1. Should the @th 'ouse and the 1rines be occupied by male ics, the delivery is not without trouble. *ene ics in 1Cth and $th cause easy delivery in a large room apart rom giving wealth. =#-==. 1he ollowing lead to birth outside wedlock? &oon, or 9agna sans ,upiter"s aspectU 9uminaries being together without ,upiter"s aspectU 9uminaries along with male ics not receiving the aspect o ,upiterU Sun, &oon and ,upiter simultaneously in all, while Saturn is in 9agna and 9agna, &oon and %enus not being in aspect to ,upiter. =$-=5. 2 the &oon is in $th, or @th along with male ics, it is evil to mother. 1he native"s mother dies (immediately a ter delivery), i there are male ics in @th rom &oon and aspected by &ars. Sun in 1Cth rom the &oon along with male ics indicate death o the mother. 1he same e ect prevails, i Sun is in 3th, or Bth rom %enus (P) and with Saturn"s company, or aspect. 2 birth takes place during night-time, while Saturn occupies 3th, or Bth rom the &oon, the mother soon leaves the world. Hor a day birth, i &ars is 3th, or Bth rom %enus and aspected by male ics, the mother dies (early). =@-$C. 2 &ars and Saturn /oin in 3th, or Bth rom 7scendant, while the &oon is in @th, the child is orsaken by the mother. ,upiter"s aspect in that case bestows happiness and long li e. 1he child given up dies, i the &oon is in 9agna and &ars in @th in aspect to male ics. &ars and Saturn in 11th bring similar e ects. Should a bene ic aspect such combinations, the child is rescued by the respective relative. *oth male ics and bene ics aspecting indicate death in the hands o others. Saturn and &ars /oining in the same 7F)a indicate, that the child will be orsaken by the mother. &ars in @th rom the 7scendant in aspect to Saturn produces similar e ects. $1. 1he child ac>uires the >ualities corresponding to the bene ic"s aspects. Should the Sun be strong, it resembles the ather. 2 the &oon be so, resemblance is that o the mother. $#. Ghen 9eo, 7ries, or 1aurus rises with &ars, or Saturn, there will be coil around the limb, as indicated by the Eav(F)a 9agna .()i. $=-$$. 2 the 9agna alls in a decanate o &ars, or Saturn, while male ics, or &oon occupy 9agna, with bene ics relegated to #nd, or 11th denote, that the child was born with navel cord coiled around. Should the Sun be in a [uadruped Sign, while others with strength remain in ;ual Signs, it indicates,

that twins were born coiled by same navel cord. $3-$5. 1he physical appearance will correspond to the Eav(F)a 9agna, or the strongest o planets. 2t may also correspond to the 9ord o the Eav(F)a occupied by the &oon. 2 many are strong, appearance and comple8ion will be mi8ed. .ace, caste and country o birth should be considered, while estimating eatures and character o a person. $@. Sages say, that the nature o the native will correspond to the 1rims(F)a occupied by the Sun at birth. $A. Lther in ormation must be understood according to the riendship, enmity and debilitation, e8altation, or placement in between o the planets at birth. $B. 2 weak &oon be with male ics, mother"s death takes place, while the Sun being so causes ather"s death. 1hese planets indicate sickness (to the concerned parent), i aspected by both bene ics and male ics. *ene ics, however, cause auspiciousness. 3C. 1he &oon, being bright, i be in her e8altation .()i, or in her own .()i along with ,upiter and %enus in aspect to &ercury, or the &oon in 3th is capable o giving e8treme auspiciousness in respect o the native"s mother. 1he Sun so placed proves auspicious or ather. 1hus ends the Bth Ch. entitled ,anma %idhan(dhy(ya o 4alyana %arma"s S7.7%792

Chapter - 12. 34ils at Birth

1. 2n the absence o knowledge o longevity, attempts to know other in ormation are utile. So 2 e8plain below 7rishtas (evils) in order to determine longevity. #. &ale planets are strong in odd .()is, bright lunar hal and day-time. Hemale planets are strong in even .()is, dark lunar hal and night-time. =. 1here are three kinds o evils, e8plained by astrological e8pounders. 1hese are preordained, accidental and 0oga/a (arising o planetary combinations). 1he third kind is dealt with below, while others are e8plained later on. $. Should ,upiter be in Ath and in a 'ouse o &ars and aspected by Sun, &oon, &ars and Saturn, the child dies in = years. 3. 2 Saturn is retrograde in a 'ouse o &ars, while &oon is in 5th, Ath, or an 7ngle and aspect &ars, the child born lives or two years. 5-@. 2 Saturn /oins Sun and &oon at birth, the li e-span is only nine years, according to *rahmasaunda. Should &ars, Sun and Saturn be in 1aurus identical with Ath, the native lives or one month even though 9ord 0ama may try to save him. A-B. Dven, i there be a single male ic in Ath 'ouse, owned by %enus and aspected by other male ics, the native lives or one year only in spite o the act, that he may drink nectar. 2 %enus is in 1#th, 5th, or Ath, owned by Sun, or &oon and is aspected by all bene ics, the li e-span is si8 years. 1C-11. 2 &ercury occupies Cancer identical with 5th, or Ath rom 7scendant and is aspected by the &oon, li e is only up to $. 1he e icacious .a/a 0ogas e8pounded by 0avanas may produce persons o high descent. Dven such children are sub/ect to premature end in this case. 1#-1=. 2 the birth star is identical with the one, in which 4etu rises, the native lives only or two months. Should the Sun be in 1Cth 'ouse identical with that o &ars, or Saturn and aspected by strong male ic, the native aces immediate death. 1$-13. Should the 7scendant all in Eigala, Sarpa, :akshi, or :asa decanate and be occupied by male ic planets, without the aspect o the decanate 9ord concerned, the native lives up to @ years only. 2 .ahu is in an 7ngle and aspected by male ics, the longevity is only 1C, while, according to some, it is 15. 15-1@. 2 male ics are 7ngles and 1rines, while bene ics are relegated to 5th, Ath and 1#th, one born at the time o sunrise dies at once. 2 the three planets, vi!. the 9ords o Eav(F)a 9agna, &oon Sign and natal 7scendant, are combust, the person lives /ust or a ew years. 1A. 2 the 5th is occupied by the 7scendant 9ord, death occurs in the year corresponding to .()i concerned. 2 the occupant is the 9ord o rising decanate, death occurs in the month corresponding to .()i concerned and, i it is 9ord o Eav(F)a 9agna, the .()i concerned causes death in so many days. 1B. 2 Saturn is in the 7scendant in aspect to male ics, longevity is only 15 days. 2 Saturn in the 7scendant is in the company o male ics, death occurs in a month and, i he is alone in the 7scendant without male ic connections, the child lives or one year. #C-##. 2 weak &oon is in the 7scendant e8cepting Cancer, 1aurus and 7ries and is aspected by male ics, the child passes away (soon). 1he &oon in 5th, or Ath, i aspected by male ics, causes death in one year, while, when aspected by bene ics, she kills in the Ath year. Should the aspect be rom both bene ics and male ics, the li e-span is only $. 1his should be decided according to the strength o such bodies. #=-#$. Should bene ics be in 5th, or Ath and be aspected, or con/oined with retrograde male ic,

without the aspect o bene ic, the child lives only or one month. 2 male ics are in 1#th, #nd, 5th and Ath, without connection o bene ics, the child dies in 5, or A months. #3-#5. 2 the 9ords o 9agna and the &oon Sign are together in 5th, Ath, or 1#th and be combust, the child dies in the year corresponding to the .()i. Should the 9ord o the 7scendant be in @th, de eated by a male ic and be without a bene ic"s aspect, death occurs in a month. Similar clues should be drawn rom &oon and her dispositor. #@-#A. 2 &oon is con/oined with &ars and Sun and be in #nd, or 3th unaspected by bene ics, the child doubtlessly dies in the Bth year. Sages declare, that, i the 7scendant 9ord is in Ath in aspect to all the male ics, who are with strength, the child dies in the ourth month. #B-=C. 2 the 9ord o &oon Sign, the Sun and his son are in Ath, the child dies in the year corresponding to the .()i concerned. Should the &oon be with male ics, be in 1#th, Ath, 5th, or 7scendant and be not aspected by bene ics, while bene ics are non-angular, the child dies at once. =1-=#. 2 male ics are in the oriental hal o the -odiac ( rom 1Cth to $th *hava &adhya) with bene ics relegated to the occidental hal , birth in Scorpio 7scendant causes what is %a/ra &ushti 0oga. Lne born in such a 0oga does hardly live. 7ccording to 0avanas, i weak &oon is in 9agna, while male ics are angular, or in Ath, (instant) death is caused. ==-=$. Lne born in twilight does not live long, i the 7scendant alls in lunar 'ora, while male ics are posited in the end o the .()is, which are angular, along with the &oon. Should the &oon be amidst two male ics and be in @th, $th, or Ath, even Gods cannot save one rom (instant) death. =3-=5. 2 the &oon is hemmed between two male ics, be in the 7scendant, @th, or Ath and be in aspect to weak bene ics, (in ant) death ollows. Should male ics be in @th and Ath and be aspected by male ics, the child dies along with its mother. 2 there be aspect rom bene ics in such a case, the mother becomes sick (there will not be immediate death). =@-=A. 2 the &oon be eclipsed and be in the 7scendant along with male ics, while &ars is in Ath, the child >uits the world along with its mother. 1he mother dies o weapons along with the child, i it be a solar eclipse with Sun and male ics in the 7scendant, while &ars is in Ath. Should weak &oon be in the 7scendant and male ics be angular, or in Ath, without bene ic"s aspect, death is imminent. 1his view is o Saty(c(rya. =B-$C. 1he undermentioned combinations cause death soon. Sun in @th, while Saturn, or &ars is in 7scendant. Sun in 7scendant, while Saturn, or &ars is in @th. Saturn, or &ars /oining &oon and she not aspected by bene ics. &ale ics in 7scendant, Ath, @th, $th and 1Cth, the &oon be decreasing in 1#th. $1-$#. &oon, Sun, Saturn and &ars are capable o in licting in ant death, i they are together in 7scendant, 1#th, Bth, or Ath, unaspected by ,upiter. 2 7scendant is tenanted by Sun, or &oon, while male ics are in 1rines, or Ath and be not aspected by, or con/oined with bene ics, according to 0avanas, in ant death is caused. $=-$$. %enus /oining the Sun and Saturn causes instant death. 1his combination doubtlessly gives death in the Bth year, i aspected by ,upiter. ;eath in childhood occurs, i &oon is con/oined with &ars, Sun and Saturn, provided unaspected by bene ic planets. $3-$5. 2 Sun is aspected by &ars and Saturn in the case o a day birth, it soon leads to death o the ather. 1he Sun /oining male ics ( or day birth) also indicates the same e ect. 1he child"s ather and paternal grand ather will ace early death, i Sun is in 7scendant along with &ars and Saturn, but unrelated to &ercury, ,upiter and %enus. $@-$A. 2 Sun is hemmed between two male ics, or is con/oined with male ics, one born during daytime loses his ather early without any doubt. 1he child"s ather at once >uits the world, i planet Sun has &ars and Saturn in Ath rom him unaspected by bene ics. $B-3C. 2 at birth Sun is in a &ovable .()i along with male ics, the ather o the child dies o poison,

weapons etc. &ale ics (or even a male ic) in Ath, Bth, or @th rom &oon can cause death o the child along with its mother. 31-3#. 1he ather o the child was away at the time o birth, i Sun is in a &ovable Sign, in case o day birth and aspected by &ars. Saturn in a &ovable .()i and in aspect to the Sun in the case o night birth denotes same results. 3=-3$. 2n the case o night birth, i Saturn is in a &ovable Sign along with &ars, the ather undoubtedly dies in a distant place. 2 Sun /oins &ars and Saturn in any .()i, the ather dies be ore the birth o the native. 33-35. 2 male ics are disposed in 7scendant, Ath, @th, 5th and 1#th, the child dies along with its mother. 1here is no doubt in it. Should only 5th and Ath be occupied by male ics, the mother does not die, but the child dies. 1he reverse is true, i male ics are in 7scendant, Ath and @th. 3@-5@. &ars, or Saturn in 1#th can deprive the native o his eyes. Saturn right and &ars le t eye. 1he native becomes blind, i Sun and &oon are in 1#th, while 5th and Ath are occupied by male ics. Dven, i one among the Sun and the &oon is in 1#th, damage to eye is indicated (Sun a ects the right eye, while &oon a ects the le t one). 2 .ahu is in 7scendant, while Sun is in @th, the native is blind by birth. Should #nd and 1#th be occupied by &oon and Sun, while male ics are in Ath and 5th, the person born is blind. 2 &oon is in 5th, Sun in Ath, Saturn in Bth and &ars in #nd, simultaneously, the native is blind. Should &oon be in the company o &ars and Saturn and be posited in Ath, or 5th, the native looses his eyesight due to bilious and phlegmatic imbalances. Should the said &oon be con/unct other male ics, apart rom &ars and Saturn, in this combination, i the 'ouse involving &oon is the Ath, the damage is to the right eye and, i it be the 5th, the le t eye is damaged. Should, however, this combination be aspected by bene ics, the damage is not at birth, but will be later on. 2 &oon is in Ath, or 1#th along with Saturn and be aspected by male ics, eyesight is lost due to windy and phlegmatic complaints (here also Ath indicates right, while 1#th the le t eye). 7nd, i bene ics aspect the said &oon in AthZ1#th, the loss is not at birth, but in the course o time. 2 &oon is thus associated with Saturn and Sun (in several ways), damage to eyes is to be predicted. 5A-@C. 0LG7S 7;%D.SD HL. D7.S. &oon in 11th, =rd, or 7scendant along with male ics causes de ects o the ears. 2 she is aspected by male ics, the e ect is along with birth (i.e. immediate). Should Bth and 3th be aspected, or occupied by male ics, ear de ects at the time o birth e8ist. &ale ics in Bth a ect the right ear, while in 3th they damage the le t ear. *ene ics aspecting, or occupying these 'ouses cause on the other hand good in respect o ears. @1-@=. Ghatever .()i is indicative o a disease shall be treated, as the limb to be a licted by such disease. 1he &oon Sign can also be similarly considered. *ene ics cause birth marks on the right, or le t side o the body, according to their occupation. Should male ics aspect these bene ics, loss o concerned limb should be e8pected. &ale ics and bene ics according to their association with &oon and the visible and invisible halves (counted rom 9agna) cause bad and good results in this respect. @$-@5. ;D71' 2E HDG ;70S. 1he Sun and the &oon in the =rd 'ouse identical with :isces cause illness rom birth and the child lives only or three days. 2 the &oon is in the 1Cth rom the 7scendant, while the Sun singly, or with all others is in the =rd asterism rom that occupied by the &oon, the child lives only or one night. 1he li e span is /ust one week, i the Sun and &ars are in the @th rom the &oon. @@-A#. DHHDC1S LH 12&D LH S17.12EG LH ;2SD7SDS. 1he ollowing combinations prevailing at the time o a disease cause death in so many days, as indicated? 1) &ale ics in $th and Ath rom 9agna-1C days. #) &ale ics in #nd and 1#th rom 9agna1C days. =) 1he Sun in 3th, while &oon is in Bth rom the 7scendant1# days. $) 1he &oon in 7ngle, while the Sun is in $th, or Ath = nights. 3) 1he &oon in the $th, while the Sun is in the 5th 1A days. 5) 1he Sun in the 3th, or Bth rom the &oon#C days. @) 1he Sun in the 7scendant, or the Ath and in aspect to Saturn and &ars will inally in lict death on the patient. A=-AA. &ars in 9agna, or other 7ngles, while ,upiter is not so causes death. 1he Sun in 9agna, ,upiter non angular and male ics in the Ath cause immediate death. Similar results should be predicted, i the &oon is in the 7scendant, while ,upiter is in a place other than 7ngles and male ics are in the Ath.

&ale ics in the @th rom the rising decanate, while the &oon is in the 7scendant will also cause death at birth. (2n this case, the &oon shall be in the rising decanate, while male ics shall occupy the lBth decanate). 7 ma/ority o planets in the Athprimarily male icsindicate longevity ranging rom seven days to one month. 7 dead child is born, i Saturn is in the 7scendant, while &ars is in the Ath, with ,upiter being not in an 7ngle. AB-BL. &79DH2CS 2E .2S2EG ;DC7E71D 7E; 1.2EDS 1'D.DLH. Saturn in the rising decanate, while a male ic is in the 3th and another in the Bththe latter two should be e8actly on trinal decanates, as Saturn isindicates disease. &ars in the place o Saturn in the said combination denotes (in ant) death, while the Sun so placed indicates disease, de ormity, or death. B1. ;D71'. 2 at birth &ars is in the 7scendant, while %enus is in an 7ngle, &ars causes death, when he resumes the same point in the ne8t round in his transit. B#. 2 ,upiter is in a 1rine, 7scendant 9ord in the 7scendant and &ars in an 7ngle to one o them, it can cause immediate death. B=-B@. D\CDD;2EG90 9LEG 92HD. 1he native lives or 1CA years, i the Ath 'ouse is not occupied, while 7scendant is ree rom male ic residence and ,upiter is in an 7ngle. 7 span o over 1CA years is granted, i ,upiter and %enus are in an 7ngle, while there are no male ics in 1rines and the Ath. :redict 1#C years o li e, i %enus is in the 7scendant, ,upiter is in an 7ngle other than the 7scendant and the Ath 'ouse is not occupied by male ics. Similar span o li e is given, i ,upiter is in Cancer 7scendant along with %enus, or the &oon, while the Ath 'ouse is not occupied. 2 7ngles, 1rines and the Ath 'ouse are not occupied by male ics, one"s longevity is comparable to that o Gods. BA. D97:SD; 9LEGD%210. Geak &oon along with male ics, i posited in the Ath, @th, 1#th, 1st, 3th, or Bth and unaspected by bene ics will only grant elapsed longevity, i.e. immediate death. BB. 12&2EG 2EH7E1 ;D71'. Ghen the child with power ul in ant mortal combinations is in its irst year, death will come to pass, i the &oon with strength passes over the natal position o another >uali ied planet, or on its own natal position (i.e. ,anma .()i), or natal 7scendant. 2n all these cases, the &oon should be aspected by male ics. 1CC-1C=. ;D71' 2E C'29;'LL;. 7ny one group o the ollowing planets /oining in one 'ouse will cause death in ive years? d) 1he Sun, the &oon, &ars and ,upiter, #) &ars, ,upiter, Saturn and the &oon, =) 1he Sun, Saturn, &ars and the &oon. Dven, i a child is on the God"s laps, it will die in 11th year, i the Sun con/unct &ercury is aspected by male ics. ;eath within @ years o age will occur, i the Sun is in the 7scendant along with &ars and Saturn, while declining &oon is in the @th 'ouse in a 'ouse owned by %enus, provided this combination is not aspected by ,upiter. Should the Sun and the declining &oon be in 7ngles and be con/unct with, or in aspect to &ars and Saturn, the child has a longevity o only $ years. 2n these cases, i.e., where child mortality is indicated, there is no use o making any calculations. 1C$. ;D71' 2E 1'2.; 0D7.. 2 waning &oon, or 9agna 9ord be in the &arana :ada and aspected by all the male ics, but not bene ics, the length o li e is only = years. Eotes? &arana :ada has been interpreted, as Ath 'ouse by some. *ut it actually means the .()i counted so many Signs away rom the .()i, in which the Ath 9ord is, as he is away rom the Ath. Eote how many Signs away the Ath 9ord is rom the Ath. So many .()is away rom the Ath 9ord"s .()i is &arana :ada. 1C3-1C@. 2 all bene ic planets are in the visible hal o the -odiac, while male ics are relegated the invisible hal .ahu be speci ically in the 7scendantat the time o birth, the longevity is only = years. Should .ahu be in the @th 'ouse in e8clusive aspect to the 9uminaries and be unaspected by others, death be ore the age o 1# is denoted. 1CA-11C. 2 .ahu is in 7>uarius, 9eo, or Scorpio identical with the 7scendant and is aspected by male ics, the li e span is only @. 2 ;huma 4etu rises ollowed by all o meteor and strong gale and, i birth occurs in .audra &uhurta, or Sarpa &uhurta, the sub/ect invites early death. 111-11$. H71DH<9 ;DG.DDS LH 1'D &LLE. 1he &oon is capable o in licting death, i she is in

any o the ollowing degrees at birth? 7>uarius #1, 9eo 3, 1aurus B, Scorpio #=, 7ries A, Cancer 1#, 9ibra $, Capricorn #C, %irgo 1, Sagittarius 1A, :isces 1C and Gemini ##. 2 the &oon is in such degrees at birth, death is indicated in the corresponding year and the native cannot be protected by even God 0ama. 113-11A. 7ssess the strengths o 7scendant, 7ngles etc., at birth. ,upiter is li e spirit o all natives. 1he time o death should be known through ,upiter. 2 he is in the =rd, $th, 3th, @th, Bth, 1Cth and 11th, or 7scendant, he proves atal at the age o 3 1C, $5, #C. =C, $C and 3C, respectively. 1hus ends the 1Cth Ch. entitled Dvils at *irth in 4alyana %arma"s S7.7%792

Chapter - 11. 34ils an/ the


1-#. 2 now e8plain the combinations, that are capable o nulli ying the said evils, or these are important in the Science o 'oroscopy and initially e8plained below are the 0ogas to counteract the evils emanating rom, or a licting the &oon, as done by e8pounders, like 9ord *rahma. =-$. 2 the &oon is Hull and is aspected by all heavenly bodies, all evils are countered, /ust as lawbreakers are destroyed by the king. %enus aspecting the Hull &oon, while the latter is in riendly divisions is capable o obstructing evils, /ust as abdominal remedies are able to cure windy diseases. 3-5. Should the &oon be in her deep e8altation and be aspected by %enus, evils are countered, /ust as phlegm and bile are controlled by induced vomiting. 2 the &oon be in the divisions o bene ic planets and be aspected by bene ics, she will not prove evil though she may be waning, /ust as nutmeg bark treats dysentery. @-A. *ene ics in the @th, Ath and 5th rom the &oon remove all adversities, /ust as madness is removed by 4alyana Grita. Same is the case, i the &oon is con/unct bene ics and be in the decanates owned by bene ics, /ust as saline water controls ear diseases. B-1C. Should the ull &oon be in a bene ic"s ;wadasamsa, all evils are removed, /ust as butter-milk checks piles. 2 the &oon occupies a bene ic"s .()i and receives the 9agna 9ord"s aspect, adversities or short-li e are counteracted, as even a noble housewi e can destroy the ame o the descent, i she seeks union with other men. 11-1#. Dven though the &oon may be in a 'ouse owned by a male ic, or in such %argas, she does not prove evil, i aspected by her dispositor. 1his is comparable-to a miser protecting his money. 2 the dispositor o the &oon is strong and be in aspect to bene ics, or riendly planets, the &oon is not capable o harming, in comparison to a timid person, who cannot ace others even though he may be in war ield. 1=-1$. 2 the 9ord o the &oon Sign is in 9agna and is aspected by all planets, all evils are removed, /ust as the ointment o holy ig and bamboo bark removes whiteness. 1he &oon in her e8altation, own, riendly, or bene ic %argas, aspected by bene ics, but not male ics counteracts all-evils, as the Sun does remove og. 13. ,ust as >uartan ever is removed by inhaling 7gashya lower, all evils are checked by &ercury and %enus in the 1#th o &oon, male ics in the 11th and ,upiter in the 1Cth. 15-1@. Should the &oon be in the 5th, =rd, 1Cth, 11th, or $th rom the natal 7scendant and be aspected by bene ics, evils are removed, as though a king destroys his opponents. 1he 9ord o the &oon Sign is singly capable o removing all evils, i he is with ull strength and aspected by bene ics, similar to an inebriated tiger throwing away a thousand deer. 1hus ends the 11th Ch., entitled WDvils and the &oonX in 4alyana %arma"s Saravali.

Chapter - 12. 34ils Can$elle/ at Birth

1. 7 very brilliant ,upiter (i.e. not being devoid o rays) is capable o counteracting all evils, i he is in the 7scendant, /ust as a single sincere :rostration be ore 9ord %ishnu, the wearer o Sudarshana Chakra, relieves one o the greatest sins. #. *ene ics with strength and male ics without it remove all evils, i 7scendant alls in a bene ic"s 'ouse and is aspected by bene ics, /ust as those, who worship planets will have no sins le t to their liability. =-3. 2 male ics occupy the .()is and 7msas o bene ics (i.e. such bene ic divisions) and be in aspect to bene ics, evils are removed, /ust as a de/ected lady remains away rom her husband. Should .ahu be in the =rd, 5th, or 11th rom the 7scendant and be aspected by bene ics all evils are destroyed, as though wind carries away a heap o cotton with it. 2 all planets be in direct motion and in Seershodaya Signs, all blemishes are removed, /ust as ghee is burnt out in ire. 5-@. 7 bene ic planet victorious in planetary war at birth and essentially aspected by another bene ic, destroys all evils, /ust as a gale can uproot trees. 2 a planet has a halo (in the sky) and is aspected by a male ic, evils are countered, /ust as the solar eclipse day bath in 4urukshetra does. A-B. 2 there is a pleasant bree!e at the time o birth and the sky is with pleasing clouds and the heavenly bodies be with splendour, the evils disappear in a illip, /ust as rains settle dust. 2 birth takes place, when 7gasthya and others o Saptharshis (7l a Carini, or Great *ear) rise, all evils are destroyed, /ust as darkness disappears, when the Sun rises. 1C-11. .ahu in the 7scendant identical with 7ries, 1aurus, or Cancer protects the native rom the clutches o all evils, /ust as a pleased king orgives the crimes o a person. 2 all the planets (not o course the nodes) arc in their own decanates, all evils are removed, /ust as the Sun removes darkness. 1#. 2 at birth many planets are capable o giving bene ic results, even then there is no blemish, /ust as the king gets success in /ourney undertaken, when the &oon is in a 1rine to the Sun. 1=. Should ,upiter and %enus be in 7ngles, evils arising out o the various .()is (i.e. *havas) and o the &oon are countered. 7nd the native lives or hundred years. 1$. 2 ,upiter and the &oon be in Cancer, identical with $th, 1Cth, or the 7scendant, &ercury and Saturn be in 9ibra, while others are in the 11th, =rd and 5th, one has illimitable longevity. 13. 2 have thus e8plained the 0ogas, that are capable o countering the evils, as laid down by our great ancestors &ay the astrologers please the king with the knowledge o these. 1hus ends the 1#th Ch. entitled WCancellation o evils at birthX in 4alyana %arma"s Saravali.

Chapter - 1". L(nar +o!as

1. S<E7:'7, 7E7:'7 7E; ;<.<;'<.7 0LG7S. D8cepting the Sun, any other planet in the #nd rom the &oon causes Sunapha 0oga, in the 1#th 7napha 0oga and in both the #nd and the 1#th ;urudhura 0oga. #. 4D&7;.<&7 0LG7. 4emadruma 0oga is ormed, i at least one o the said three 0ogas (vi!. Sunapha, 7napha and ;urudhura 0ogas) is not present, or, i the &oon"s 7ngles are devoid o planets, or, i she is unaspected by all the planets. Such 0oga causes e8treme di iculties. =. ;2HHD.DE1 :D.&<1712LES. *y all possible permutations and transmutations, one can see =C kinds o Sunapha 0oga, =C kinds o 7napha 0oga and 1AC kinds o ;urudhura 0oga. $. DHHDC1S LH S<E7:'7 0LG7. Lne born with Sunapha 0oga will be wealthy, will have sel -made prowess (or will reach an e8alted position o his own e orts), be very virtuous, be learned in Shastras and their meanings, be very amous, virtuous (like 9ord .ama), be peace ully disposed, happy, be a king, or a minister and be highly intelligent. 3. DHHDC1S LH 7E7:'7 0LG7. Lne born in 7napha 0oga will be elo>uent in speech, magnanimous, virtuous, will en/oy ood, drink, lowers, robes and emales, will be amous, calm in disposition, happy, pleased and will possess a beauti ul body. 5. DHHDC1S LH ;<.<;'<.7 0LG7. Lne born in ;urudhura 0oga will be amous on the earth or his speech, wisdom, valour and virtues. 'e will en/oy reedom, com orts, wealth and conveyances. 'e will be liberal, but will come to grie by maintaining his amily members. 'e will have good behavior. @. DHHDC1S LH 4D&7;.<&7 0LG7. 1he native with 4emadruma 0oga will be deprived o li e, drinks, ood, residence, robes and riends, though he may belong to regal scion. 'e will su er rom poverty, grie , sickness and be dirty. 'e will live by hard labor, be wicked and be inimically disposed to one and all. A-B. L1'D. 42E; LH S<E7:'7 D1C. 1he kind o Sunapha 0oga etc. arising rom the &oon"s 7ngles are (also) important. 1hese 0ogas give e ects according to the state o the &oon (i.e. depending on her rays, being Hull, Eew etc.). 1he strength o the planets, vi!. &ars etc., causing these 0ogas, native"s country and the race he belongs to must be properly understood be ore evaluating Sunapha etc. 1C-11. .DS<91S LH S<C' 0LG7S C7<SD; *0 &7.S D1C. 2 Sunapha 0oga is caused by &ars (by being in the #nd o the &oon), the native will be valorous, wealthy, cruel in speech, be an 7rmy chie , will be ierce, torturous, proud and inimical. 2 &ercury be the cause o Sunapha 0oga, the native will be e8pert in %edas, Shastras and music. 'e will be virtuous and a poet. 'e will be highminded, intent on thinking o good or all and will possess a brilliant physi>ue. 1#-1$. Should ,upiter cause Sunapha 0oga, a person so born will have high learning, will be amous and himsel be a king, or dear to a king. 'e will have a good amily and have plenty o wealth. %enus will give wi e, lands, wealth, prowess, >uadrupeds and valour. 1he native will urther be honoured by king and will also be courageous. Should Saturn be in the #nd o the &oon causing Sunapha 0oga, the native will be skill ul, be worshipped by the people in his village and city and will have wealth galore. 'e will be devoted to his work and be brave. 13-1B. 7E7:'7 0LG7"S DHHDC1S G2%DE *0 &7.S D1C. 2 7napha 0oga is caused by &ars-being in the 1#th rom the &oonthe native will head a band o thieves, will be arrogant in disposition, be honoured, ond o war, given to anger, good, praiseworthy, good-bodied and proud. 2 by &ercury, the native will be an e8pert in singing, dancing and writing, will be a poet and an able orator. 'e will be con erred honours by tile ruler. will have a brilliant body and will per orm amous deeds. Should the 0oga be caused by ,upiter, the native will be ma/estic, strong, intelligent, ond o assembly, amous through a king and will be a poet. %enus causing this 0oga gives an e8ceedingly great liking or women. 1he native will be dear to the king and will en/oy pleasures. 'e will be splendourous, amous and will have abundant gold. 2 Saturn causes this 0oga, the sub/ect will be broad-shouldered, be a

leader, be indired to keep up his commitments, be rich with >uadrupeds, devoted to an in amous lady and be virtuous. #C. DHHDC1S LH ;<.<;'<.7 0LG7 C7<SD; *0 &7.S D1C. 2 ;urudhura 0oga is caused by the pair o &ars and &ercury, the native will be a liar, be very wealthy, e8pert, very wicked, greatly miserly, addicted to an old lady and be chie in his race. #1. 2 durudhura 0oga is caused by &ars and ,upiter, one will be amous by his deeds, be mighty (or wealthy), inimically disposed to many and disposed to anger, will protect his men and will gather money. ##. 2 the &oon has %enus and &ars on either side, the native will have a virtuous wi e, will be ortunate, argumentative, pure, skill ul, will like doing e8ercises and be bold in war. #=. 2 Saturn and &ars plank the &oon, the native will be the husband o a bad lady. 'e will save a lot o money. 'e will have vices. 'e will be given to anger and be a tale bearer. 'e will win over his enemies. #$. Should ,upiter and &ercury be on either side o the &oon, the native will be virtuous, learned in Shastras, garrulous, be a good poet, be wealthy, capable o making sacri ices and be amous. #3. 2 ;urudhura 0oga is caused by &ercury and %enus, the person will be a sweet speaker, be ortunate, splendourous, beauti ul, be ond o dance, singing etc., be served, valiant and be a minister. #5. 2 &ercury and Saturn plank the &oon, the native will move rom one country to the other to earn money. 'e will not be much educated, will be worshipped by others, but be inimical to his own men. #@. Should ,upiter and %enus cause this 0oga, by being on either side o the &oon, the native will be courageous, intelligent, will have political wisdom, will possess gold and gems, will be amous and be in the employ o a king. #A.1 ,upiter and Saturn be such planets, as to cause ;urudhura 0oga the native will be happy, will have knowledge o politics, will be sweet in speech, learned, peace ul, wealthy and good looking. #B. Lne, who has ;urudhura 0oga caused by %enus and Saturn will conduct himsel , like an old man (i.e. so mature), be chie in his race, skill ul, dear to women and will have plenty o money. 'e will be honoured by the king and gather abundant wealth. =C. 9<E7. 0LG7S H.L& 1'D S<E. 2 the &oon is in an 7ngle rom the Sun, little e ects will be elt in regard to money, wisdom, skill, learning and modesty. 1hese are medium, i the &oon be in :anaphara (i.e. #nd 3th, Ath and 11th) and e8ceedingly good in 7poklima (i.e. =rd, 5th. Bth and 1#th). =1. &LLE 2E %2S2*9D 7E; 2E%2S2*9D '79%DS. 2n the case o a night birth, i the &oon is with :arivesha (halo) and be declining in the invisible hal o the -odiac (i.e. being posited between 9agna *hava &adhya and the center o the descendant@th 'ouse), or declining &oon in day time be in the visible hal (i.e. between the centres o the descendant and the 7scendant), even results will be elt in respect o ear, grie etc., (that is these positions con er bad results). 1he Hull &oon gives kingdom, i she be contrarily posited. =#. ;'7E7 0LG7S. 2 all bene ics are posited in <pachayas i.e. =, 5, 1C and 11, the native will ac>uire much wealth. 1wo bene ics con er moderate wealth, while one con ers little wealth in the said <pachaya. 1hese can be deduced rom the &oon also. ==. 1here are other .a/a 0ogas, like 7dhi 0oga arising rom the &oon. 2 have not dealt with them here which 2 have done in ra. 1hus ends the 1=th Ch. entitled W0ogas rom the &oonX in 4alyana %arma"s Saravali.

Chapter - 1%. +o!as from the S(n

1. %7S2, %DS2, <*'707C'7.2 0LG7S H.L& 1'D S<E. D8cluding the &oon (and nodes) a planet in the 1#th rom the Sun causes %asi 0oga, in the #nd %esi 0oga and in both the 1#th and the #nd <bhayachari 0oga. #. .DS<91S LH %DS2 0LG7. Lne born in %esi 0oga will be weak-sighted, irm in his word, be hard working and will have a bent body. So say 0avanas. =-3. DHHDC1S LH %DS2 0LG7 C7<SD; *0 ;2HHD.DE1 :97ED1S. Should ,upiter cause %esi 0oga, the native will accumulate money, be learned and be good-hearted. 2 %enus produces this 0oga, the person will be timid, will ace obstacles in his missions, will have pleasant (or swi t) movements and will be de eated. &ercury causing this 0oga indicates, that the native will be a servant, will su er penury, be so t-spoken and be modest. 'e will be bash ul. &ars denotes, that the native will resort to base means, but be help ul to others. 2 it is Saturn, that causes %esi 0oga, one will /oin others" wives, be wicked, will resemble an old person in appearance,-be raudulent in disposition and be contemptuous. 'e will, however, have wealth. 5. DHHDC1S LH %7S2 0LG7. Lne born in %asi 0oga will possess e8cellent speech (voice), good memory, be employed, will have looks towards, sideways, will possess a strong physi>ue about the waist, will be e>ual to a king and be a genuine person. @-B. DHHDC1S LH %7S2 0LG7 *0 ;2HHD.DE1 :97ED1S. 2 ,upiter should cause %asi 0oga, the native will possess courage, strength and wisdom. 'e will keep up his word. 2n the case o %enus, the person will be valorous, amous, virtuous and reputed. &ercury emanating this 0oga will make one speak sweetly, be beauti ul and obey others" orders. 1he %asi 0oga caused by &ars indicates, that the sub/ect will be victorious in war, amous and will live with his own ortunes. 2 by Saturn, the native will be a businessman, wicked, will steal others" money, will hate elders and will be the husband o a pious lady. 1C. 1he strength o the planet Sun and that o the planets causing these 0ogas and their association with various .()is and 7msas should be understood and all results be declared accordingly. 11. DHHDC1S LH <*'707C'7.2 0LG7. Lne born under <bhayachari 0oga will have orebearance, will be very ortunate, even bodied, irm, pro oundly strong, not very tall, ull o everything, learned, happy, will have many servants, will protect his relatives, be e>ual to a king, ever enthusiastic and will en/oy all pleasures. 1hus ends the 1$th Ch. entitled W0ogas rom the SunX in 4alyana %arma"s Saravali.

Chapter - 13. Con/unctions o 1wo :lanets

1. 2E1.L;<C12LE 1L 1GL-:97ED17.0 0LG7S. %riddha 0avanas have stated the e ects o combinations o two planets (in one 'ouse). 2 state those below without ego. #. S<E-&LLE 0LG7. Lne, who has the Sun and &oon together will be at the disposal o his wi e (or emales), immodest, be a metallurgist (can be interpreted also, as Wable to deceiveX), will be >uite wealthy and be an e8pert in sale o into8icants. =. S<E-&7.S 0LG7. Should the Sun and &ars be in one 'ouse the native will be splendourous, valorous, dull witted, strong, be a liar, be sin ul, disposed to kill (or torture) and be ierce. $. S<E-&D.C<.0 0LG7. 2 the Sun and &ercury are in one 'ouse, the native will be in service, will have unsteady wealth, be sweet in speech, will have ame and money, be noble, dear to king and good people and will possess strength, beauty and learning. 3. S<E-,<:21D. 0LG7. 2 the Sun and ,upiter be together, one will be virtuous, be a minister o king, will gain through riends, be with good mind" and be a preceptor. 5. S<E-%DE<S 0LG7. 2 the Sun and %enus be together, one will be skill ul in use o weapons, be mighty, weak-sighted in old age, will be able to amuse the public and will have abundant money earned through women. @. S<E-S71<.E 0LG7. 2 the Sun and Saturn are together, the native will be a metallurgist, be virtuous, mind ul o his own duties, will lose his wi e and son, will have the >ualities suitable to his race, will be pure, but not so upright. A. &LLE-&7.S 0LG7. Lne, who has the &oon and &ars together, will be valorous, brave in war, be a bo8er, will su er bloody imbalances, or diseases, will manu acture articles o mud, skin and minerals and will be an artisan and a metallurgist. B. &LLE-&D.C<.0 0LG7. Lne, who has the &oon &ercury combination will be e8pert in poems and ables, be wealthy, amiable to his wi e, beauti ul, smiling- aced and will be endowed with distinct virtues. 1C. ,<:21D.-&LLE 0LG7. Lne with ,upiter and the &oon together will be irm in riendship, modest, respect ul towards his relatives, wealthy, virtuous and regard ul o Gods and the wise. 11. &LLE-%DE<S 0LG7. Should the &oon and %enus be together, the native will be endowed with lowers, incense and clothes, will know to per orm duties (kriya also means rites), be dear to his race, very la!y and e8pert in buying and selling. 1#. &LLE-S71<.E 0LG7. Should the &oon and Saturn be together, the native will possess a decayed wi e, be dear to public, will breed elephants and horses, be devoid o virtues, be under the control o others, unwealthy and de eated. 1=. &7.S-&D.C<.0 0LG7. 2 &ars and &ercury are together at birth, the native will have unlucky wi e, little wealth, will work with gold and iron, be an architect, will keep a wicked widow and be e8pert in making medicines. 1$. &7.S-,<:21D. 0LG7. 2 &ars and ,upiter be together at birth, the native will be an artisan, %edic e8pert, intelligent, e8pert in speech, wise and ond o using weapons. 13. &7.S-%DE<S 0LG7. Lne, who had &ars and %enus together at birth will be worshipped, be chie among his men, be a mathematician (or an astrologer) and be ond o gambling, untruth etc. 15. &7.S-S71<.E 0LG7. 2 &ars and Saturn be together, one will be a metallurgist. be e8pert in /ugglery, be deceit ul, skill ul in thieving, troubled by weapons and poison and be ond o >uarrels.

1@. &D.C<.0-,<:21D. 0LG7. Lne, who has &ercury and ,upiter together will be a noted dancer, scholar, singer and instrumentalist. 'e will be wise and happy. 1A. &D.C<.0-%DE<S 0LG7. Should &ercury and %enus be together at birth, the native will be abundantly rich, a politician, an artisan, will study %edas, be good in speech, will know to sing, make un and like scents and lowers. 1B. &D.C<.0-S71<.E 0LG7. Lne, who has &ercury and Saturn together at birth, will contract debts, be proud, deceiving, an able poet, intent on moving, e8pert and will possess auspicious speech. #C. ,<:21D.-%DE<S 0LG7. Lne, who has ,upiter and %enus together at birth will live by education and arguments, will ollow a highly virtuous path, will have accurate conception, or notion (o things) and will have a supreme wi e. #1. ,<:21D.-S71<.E 0LG7. 7 native, who has ,upiter and Saturn together at birth will be heroic, will have plenty o wealth, will be chie o the city (mayor etc.), amous and will be the head o an assembly, a village, or an association. ##. %DE<S-S71<.E 0LG7. 2 %enus and Saturn are together at birth, one will be e8pert in breaking wood, be a barber, painter, or sculptor, bo8er, be intent on wandering and be owner o >uadrupeds. #=. Ghatever results have been stated, as above are likely to become increased, or decreased according to mutual good, or bad %argas occupied by the planets in >uestion. 1hus ends the 13th Ch. entitled WCon/unction o two planetsX in 4alyana %arma"s Saravali.

Chapter - 15. Con/unctions o = :lanets

1. S<E-&LLE-&7.S 0LG7. Should the Sun, the &oon and &ars be together at birth, the native will be bere t o shame, be sin ul, will have knowledge o machinery, will destroy enemies, be brave and will be e8pert in any kind o work. #. S<E-&LLE-&D.C<.0 0LG7. 2 the Sun, &oon and &ercury are together, the native will be splendourous, very intelligent, will be ond o arts, assembly and drinks, be in royal service and bold. =. S<E-&LLE-,<:21D. 0LG7. Should the Sun, &oon and ,upiter be in one 'ouseU the native will be given to anger, be cunning, e8pert in service, intent on going to oreign places, be intelligent and ickle minded. $. S<E-&LLE-%DE<S 0LG7. Should the Sun, &oon and %enus be in one 'ouse at birth, the native will steal others" money, will be a debaucher and be e8pert in Shastras. 3. S<E-&LLE-S71<.E 0LG7. 2 the Sun, &oon and Saturn be together in one 'ouse, the native will be lust ul, be e8pert in arguments, be a dunce, be at the disposal o others and be poor. 5. S<E-&7.S-&D.C<.0 0LG7. 2 the Sun, &ars and &ercury are in one 'ouse at birth, the native will be amous, hard-hearted, shameless and be devoid o wealth, sons and wi e. @. S<E-,<:21D.-&7.S 0LG7. Should &ars, ,upiter and the Sun be together at birth, the native will be an e8pert speaker, very wealthy, either a kings minister, or even a king himsel , be truth ul and ierce. A. %DE<S-&7.S-S<E 0LG7. Lne, who has %enus, &ars and the Sun in one 'ouse, will be sub/ected to eye diseases, belongs to a good race, will be ortunate, harsh and wealthy. B. &7.S-S<E-S71<.E 0LG7. Should &ars, Saturn and the Sun be together, the native will have de ormed limbs, be without wealth, always sick, without his people and be a big ool. 1C. ,<:21D.-&D.C<.0-S<E 0LG7. 2 ,upiter, &ercury and the Sun be together at birth, the native will be sub/ected to eye-diseases, be very wealthy, be interested in Shastras, ables, poetry, meetings and stonework and will become a good writer. 11. &D.C<.0-S<E-%DE<S 0LG7. 2 &ercury, Sun and %enus be together, the native will be insatiable, talkative, intent on wandering and sub/ected to grie on account o women. 1#. S71<.E-S<E-&D.C<.0 0LG7. Lne, who has Saturn, the Sun and &ercury in one 'ouse will be a neuter, will hate others and will be given up by his relatives. 1=. %DE<S-,<:21D.-S<E 0LG7. Should %enus, ,upiter and the Sun be together at birth, the native will be weak-sighted, bold, intelligent, indigent, be a minister and be devoted to others" /obs. 1$. ,<:21D.-S71<.E-S<E 0LG7. 2 ,upiter, Saturn and the Sun be together at birth. the native will not have a prominent physi>ue, will be worshipped, will hate his own men, will have good wi e, children and riends, be dear to the king and be earless. 13. %DE<S-S71<.E-S<E 0LG7. Lne, who has %enus, Saturn and the Sun together at birth will be emotionally upset due to ear rom enemies, will be devoid o honour and knowledge o arts and poetry, will have a mean history and will su er rom 9eprosy. 15. &LLE-&D.C<.0-&7.S 0LG7. Should the &oon &ercury and &ars be together at birth, the native will be sin ul, mean in habits and conduct and devoid o riends and relatives throughout li e. 1@. &7.S-&LLE-,<:21D. 0LG7. 7 native, who has &ars, the &oon and ,upiter together at birth will have an even body, be addicted to women, be a thie , be splendourous, dear to women and given to anger.

1A. &7.S-%DE<S-&LLE 0LG7. Lne, who has &ars, %enus and the &oon together at birth is the son o a bad woman and also will wed such a lady. 'e will be o wandering disposition and will have ear rom cold. 1B. &7.S-&LLE-S71<.E. 2 &ars, &oon and Saturn /oin at birth, the person concerned will lose his mother in boyhood, be mean, wicked and inimical to people. #C. &D.C<.0-&LLE-,<:21D. 0LG7. Should &ercury, &oon and ,upiter be together, the native will be wealthy, skill ul, elo>uent in speech, bright, amous and will have many sons and brothers. #1. &D.C<.0-%DE<S-&LLE 0LG7. Lne, who has &ercury, %enus and &oon together at birth, will be mean in conduct in spite o his being learned and cultured. be ,ealous and miserly. ##. S71<.E-&LLE-&D.C<.0 0LG7. 2 Saturn, &oon and &ercury be together, the person concerned will be dependent, de ormed, learned, be an able speaker and respected by the king. #=. %DE<S-,<:21D.-&LLE 0LG7. Should %enus, ,upiter and the &oon be in one 'ouse at birth, the native will be a chaste woman"s son, be a scholar, will have knowledge o arts and many Shastras, be virtuous and beauti ul. #$. &LLE-,<:21D.-S71<.E 0LG7. Lne, who has &oon, ,upiter and Saturn combination at birth will know the inner meaning o Shastras, will seek union with aged women, be devoid o shame and be the head o a village and people. #3. &LLE-%DE<S-S71<.E 0LG7. 2 the &oon, %enus and Saturn are in combination at birth, one will be a writer, reader o books, :urohita ( amily guru), will have to his credit merits o past birth and be an astrologer. #5. &D.C<.0-,<:21D.-&7.S 0LG7. Lne, who has &ercury, ,upiter and &ars together will be a good poet, 9ord o a group, will marry a virtuous lady, be intent on helping others and an e8pert singer. #@. &7.S-&D.C<.0-%DE<S 0LG7. Should &ars, &ercury and %enus be together at birth, the native will give up his caste, be de ormed, ickle-minded, wicked and garrulous. #A. &D.C<.0-S71<.E-&7.S 0LG7. Should &ercury, Saturn and &ars be together at birth, one will be a servant, will have dark eyes, be intent on living in oreign places, will have acial diseases and will be witty. #B. %DE<S-,<:21D.-&7.S 0LG7. Lne, who has %enus, ,upiter and &ars together at birth will be dear to king, will have good sons and en/oy pleasures through women. 'e will please all persons. =C. ,<:21D.-&7.S-S71<.E 0LG7. 2 ,upiter, &ars and Saturn be together at birth, the native will be honoured by the king, will have wounds on the body, be mean and blamed by riends. 'e will also be unkind. =1. S71<.E-&7.S-%DE<S 0LG7. 2 Saturn, &ars and %enus are in one 'ouse at birth, the native is born to an immoral lady, will marry such a lady, will be devoid o happiness and will be intent on wandering in distant places. =#. &D.C<.0-,<:21D.-%DE<S. Should &ercury, ,upiter and %enus be together, the native will have good physi>ue, be success ul over his enemies, be a king, ortunate, widely amous and truth ully disposed. ==. &D.C<.0-S71<.E-,<:21D.. Ghen &ercury, Saturn and ,upiter are together at birth, it denotes, that the native will en/oy honour, wealth and sovereignty, be learned, will have abundant pleasures, be attached to his wi e, be courageous and ortunate. =$. &D.C<.0-%DE<S-S71<.E. Lne, who has &ercury, %enus and Saturn together at birth will be scurrilous in speech, raudulent, be a liar, addicted to other women, vehement, (WvishamaX has several

other meanings, vi!., irregular, uneven, mysterious, inaccessible, rough, pain ul, troublesome etc.), will have knowledge o arts and be attached to his own country. =3. ,<:21D.-%DE<S-S71<.E. Should ,upiter, %enus and Saturn be in one 'ouse at birth one will become a king even though he might be o mean natal order, will be very amous and be a repository o virtues. =5. :7.DE1S. 2 the &oon is in the company o male ics, it is detrimental to the mother o the native. :redict similar results regarding the ather o the native, i the Sun /oins male ics at birth. *ene ics in the place o male ics in the said 0ogas will prove auspicious to the respective parent. 2 the planets /oining be o mi8ed nature (i.e. one bene ic and another male ic), the e ects are medium. =@-=A. *DEDH2CS 2E CLE,<EC12LE 7E; &79DH2CS 2E CLE,<EC12LE. 2 bene ics are in con/unction at birth, the native will en/oy wealth, sovereignty and ame. Such a combination produces an emperor capable o ruling the earth. Should three male ics /oin at birth, the native will be unlucky, indigent, grie -stricken, ugly and immodest. 1hus ends the 15th Ch. entitled W= planets in combinationX in 4alyana %arma"s Saravali.

Chapter - 1@. Hour :lanets in Con/unction

1. S<E-&LLE-&7.S-&D.C<.0 0LG7. Should these our planets be together at birth. the native will be a writer, a thie and be scurrilous in speech. 'e will be sickly, cunning and be capable o deceiving others. #. &LLE-&7.S-,<:21D.-S<E 0LG7. one, who has these our planets in one 'ouse at birth, will be wealthy, dear to women, splendourous, will maintain decorum, be ree rom grie and e8pert in work. =. &LLE-&7.S-%DE<S-S<E 0LG7. 2 these our planets /oin at birth, one will speak and conduct himsel , as a great person, be happy, e8pert, intent on gathering money and will have learning, sons and wi e. $. S<E-&LLE-&7.S-S71<.E 0LG7. Lne, who has these our planets together at birth, will have uneven physi>ue, be short in stature, be unwealthy and will collect ood by begging and be a proven dunce. 3. &LLE-&D.C<.0-,<:21D.-S<E 0LG7. 2 these our planets are in one 'ouse, the native will be a goldsmith (or a gold dealer etc.), be long eyed, be a sculptor, be very wealthy, bold and beauti ul bodied. 5. S<E-&LLE-&D.C<.0-%DE<S 0LG7. 1he native, who has these our planets together at birth, will be de ormed, lucky, short-statured and dear to king. @. S<E-&LLE-&D.C<.0-S71<.E 0LG7. 2 these our planets are together at birth, the native will lose his parents in childhood, be devoid o money and happiness, be wandering, will earn ood by begging and will be a liar. A. %DE<S-,<:21D.-&LLE 0LG7. Should these planets be in one 'ouse at birth, the sub/ect concerned will be head o water, animals and orests (i.e. his livelihood may be through such sources), will be happy, honoured by the king and be an e8pert. B. S<E-,<:21D.-&LLE-S71<.E 0LG7. 2 the said planets /oin at birth, the native will be darkeyed, ierce, will have many sons, be wealthy and ortunate through women. 1C. S<E-&LLE-%DE<S-S71<.E 0LG7. Should one have a combination o these planets in one 'ouse at birth, the native will have habits, like a emale, be very weak, desirous o coming up and timid at all times. 11. S<E-,<:21D.-&7.S-&D.C<.0 0LG7. 1hese our planets together at birth indicate, that the sub/ect will be brave, be a composer o Shastras, or a ruler o province, will lose his wi e and money, be undesirable and will wander. 1#. S<E-%DE<S-&7.S-&D.C<.0 0LG7. 2 these our planets be together at birth, the native will be addicted to other women, be a thie , will have uneven limbs, will be a bad person and will be bere t o energy. 1=. &D.C<.0-S<E-&7.S-S71<.E 0LG7. 2 these our planets are together at birth, the sub/ect will be a warrior, scholar, be ierce, will be meanly disposed, be chie among poets and be a minister, or a king. 1$. S<E-&7.S-,<:21D.-%DE<S 0LG7. with the con/unction o these our planets, one will be ortunate, worth worship by the people, be wealthy, dear to king and amous. 13. S<E-&7.S-,<:21D.-S71<.E 0LG7. Should these /oin at birth, one will be rash, prime among his group, will have cherished desires, will be endowed with relatives and riends and dear to king.

15. S<E-&7.S-%DE<S-S71<.E 0LG7. Lne, who has these our planets together at birth, will be de ormed, mean in conduct, obli>ue-sighted, will hate his relatives and will always be insulted. 1@. S<E-&D.C<.0-%DE<S 0LG7. Gith these planets in one 'ouse, one will be wealthy, happy, chie , will have cherished desires, will have relatives and be noble. 1A. S71<.E-S<E-&D.C<.0-,<:21D. 0LG7. Lne, who has these our planets together at birth, will have a neuter"s habits, be prestigious, ond o >uarrels, will have brothers, or sisters and be not enthusiastic. 1B. S<E-&D.C<.0-%DE<S-S71<.E 0LG7. Should these our planets be in con/unction at birth, one will be scurrilous in speech, ortunate, learned, so t spoken, happy, energetic, pure, wealthy, bold and help ul to riends. #C. S<E-S71<.E-%DE<S-,<:21D. 0LG7. 1hese our planets in con/unction at birth will make the person a miser, a poet, chie , leader o sculptors and mean. #1. &LLE-&7.S-&D.C<.0-,<:21D. 0LG7. Lne, who has the con/unction o these our planets at birth, will be an e8pert in Shastras, be a king, or a great minister and be e8tremely intelligent. ##. &LLE-&7.S-&D.C<.0-%DE<S 0LG7. 2 these our planets are together at birth, one will be ond o >uarrels, will sleep much, be mean, will marry an unchaste lady, be ortunate, will hate his relatives and be not happy. #=. &LLE-&D.C<.0-&7.S-S71<.E 0LG7. Lne, who has these our planets together will be bold, be without parents, is rom an ignoble race, will have many wives, riends and sons and will have good conduct. #$. &LLE-&7.S-,<:21D.-S71<.E 0LG7. 2 these our planets are together at birth, one will be de ormed, will have a good wi e, be highly tolerant, be sel -respected, learned will have many riends and be happy. #3. &7.S-&LLE-S71<.E-,<:21D. 0LG7. Lne, who has these our planets con/unct at birth will be dea , wealthy, bold, rash in speech, irm in nature, wise and liberal. #5. &7.S-&LLE-S71<.E-%DE<S 0LG7. 2 these our planets are together, one will marry an unchaste lady, will be proud, will have eyes resembling that o a snake and will be always emotional. 1his is certain. #@. &D.C<.0-,<:21D.-&LLE-%DE<S 0LG7. Lne, who has these our planets together will be learned, be devoid o parents, good looking, wealthy, very lucky and be without enemies. #A. &LLE-&D.C<.0-,<:21D.-S71<.E 0LG7. Should these be con/unct one will be virtuous, amous, noble and splendourous, ond o relatives, wise, be a kings minister and be a chie poet. #B. &LLE-&D.C<.0-S71<.E-%DE<S 0LG7. 2 these planets are together at birth, the native will be intent on seeking se8ual pleasures with others" wives, will have an unchaste wi e, be devoid o relatives, learned and will hate people. =C. &LLE-,<:21D.-%DE<S-S71<.E 0LG7. 1he native with these our planets con/unct will be devoid o mother, be lucky, will su er rom skin diseases, will be sub/ected to grie , be intent on roaming, will know many languages and will be truth ul. =1. &D.C<.0-&7.S-,<:21D.-%DE<S 0LG7. 2 these our planets are in one 'ouse, the sub/ect will be ond o picking up >uarrels with his wi e, will be wealthy, worshipped by the people, will possess good >ualities and be ree rom sickness. =#. &7.S-&D.C<.0-,<:21D.-S71<.E 0LG7. Lne, who has these our planets in one 'ouse at birth, will be brave, learned, be a good speaker, be without wealth, truth ul and will have good habits. 'e will be able to argue and endure. 'e will be intelligent.

==. &D.C<.0-&7.S-S71<.E-%DE<S 0LG7. 2 these our planets are together at birth, the native will be an e8pert bo8er, will depend on others, will have coarse body, will possess pride o war, be amous and will breed dogs. =$. &7.S-,<:21D.-%DE<S-S71<.E 0LG7. 2 these our planets are together at birth, the native will be splendourous, wealthy, addicted to other women, ond o bravery, ickle-minded and illdisposed. =3. &D.C<.0-,<:21D.-%DE<S-S71<.E 0LG7. Should these be together at birth, the native will be intelligent, interested in Shastras, be a debaucher and an obedient servant. 1hus ends the 1@th Ch. entitled WD ects o our planets in con/unction W in 4alyana %arma"s Saravali.

Chapter - 1A. D ects o Con/unction o Hive :lanets

1. S<E-&LLE-&7.S-,<:21D.-&D.C<.0 0LG7. 2 these ive planets are together at birth, the native will be sub/ected to grie , will be cunning, be bereaved o wi e and will e8perience physical distresses. #. S<E-&LLE-&7.S-%DE<S-&D.C<.0 0LG7. 2 these ive planets /oin at birth, the native will be intent on doing others" /obs, will lose his strength, or courage through his relatives and riends and will be riend a neuter. =. S71<.E-S<E-&D.C<.0-&LLE-&7.S 0LG7. Should these be con/unct at birth, the native will be short lived, imprisoned and be devoid o every kind o happiness, wi e, sons and money. $. &7.S-&LLE-,<:21D.-%DE<S-S<E 0LG7. Should these ive planets /oin at birth, the native will be blind by birth, sub/ected to much grie , be devoid o parents, always de/ected in mood and ond o singing. 3. S71<.E-&LLE-&7.S-,<:21D.-S<E 0LG7. 2 there be a combination o these planets in one 'ouse, the native will be all e8pert warrior, will steal others" money, give trouble to others, be a talebearer and ickle-minded. 5. S<E-&LLE-%DE<S-S71<.E-&7.S 0LG7. Should the said ive planets /oin in one 'ouse, the native will be devoid o respect, money and prosperity, will have dirty conduct and be addicted to women. @. &D.C<.0-&LLE-,<:21D.-S<E-S71<.E 0LG7. Lne with the con/unction o these planets will be a machinist, will en/oy great prosperity, be a king"s minister, be a /udge and be amous. A. &D.C<.0-&LLE-,<:21D.-S<E-S71<.E 0LG7. Gith these ive planets in one 'ouse, the native will be timid, be deprived o people dear to him, e8pert in cheating, given to anger and will depend on others or ood. B. S<E-&LLE-&D.C<.0-S71<.E-%DE<S 0LG7. Lne, who has the said ive planets together at birth will be tall in stature, will have a hairy body and be not endowed with happiness, money and sons. 1C. S<E-&LLE-,<:21D.-%DE<S-S71<.E 0LG7. Lne with these ive planets together at birth, will indulge in /ugglery, be ickle-minded, be liked by women, be learned, will have many enemies and be earless. 11. &D.C<.0-&7.S-S<E-,<:21D.-%DE<S 0LG7. 2 these planets /oin at birth, the native will be sensuous, will have a leet o horses, will do good acts, be an 7rmy chie , be dear to king, very ortunate and ree rom grie . 1#. S<E-&7.S-&D.C<.0-,<:21D.-S71<.E 0LG7. Should a native have these planets con/unct, he will be emotional, sick, will earn ood by begging going rom 'ouse to 'ouse and will live in dilapidated 'ouses. 1=. &7.S-&LLE-&D.C<.0-%DE<S-S71<.E 0LG7. Lne with these ive planets together at birth will be troubled by wounds, imprisonment and diseases, be learned, honoured by the people, be poor and de ormed. 1$. &7.S-S71<.E-S<E-%DE<S-&D.C<.0 0LG7. Lne with the said ive planets together will be troubled by diseases and enemies, be deprived o position, sub/ected to much grie and will roam out o agony. 13. &LLE-&7.S-,<:21D.-%DE<S-S71<.E 0LG7. 2 these ive planets are together, one will be a messenger, a dunce, a neuter, will possess dirty habits, be very un ortunate, de ormed and bere t o money.

15. S<E-&7.S-,<:21D.-%DE<S-S71<.E 0LG7. Should there be a con/unction o these ive planets, at birth, one will be e8pert in dealing with e>uipment and machinery related to water, minerals, mercury and such other chemicals and will achieve some ame in these lines. 1@. S<E-%DE<S-S71<.E-&D.C<.0-,<:21D. 0LG7. Lne with these planets in con/unction will be learned in many Shastras, will help riends, be dear to elders, virtuous and merci ul. 1A. &D.C<.0-&LLE-,<:21D.-&7.S-%DE<S 0LG7. Should these planets be in con/unction at birth, one will be humble, ree rom sickness, endowed with learning, wealth, truth and happiness, be help ul to relatives and will have many riends. 1B. &7.S-S71<.E-&D.C<.0-,<:21D.-&LLE 0LG7. Lne with the con/unction o these ive planets will be night blind, penniless, dependent on others or ood, miserable and will bring discredit to his relatives. #C. &D.C<.0-&LLE-&7.S-%DE<S-S71<.E 0LG7. with these planets in con/unction, one will have a number o enemies and riends as well, be help ul to others, wicked and highly regarded. #1. &LLE-&D.C<.0-%DE<S-,<:21D.-S71<.E 0LG7. 2 these planets are together at birth in a nativity, the sub/ect will be a kings minister, be e>ual to a king, chie o the people and be worshipped by all people. ##. &7.S-,<:21D.-&D.C<.0-%DE<S-S71<.E 0LG7. 2 these ive planets be con/unct, the native will be good-hearted, rash (considered to be one o the == subordinate eelings), dear to king, ree rom grie , addicted to e8cessive sleep and be indigent. 1hus ends the 1Ath Ch., entitled WD ects o ive planets in con/unctionX, 2n 4alyana %arma"s Saravali.

Chapter - 1B. D ects o 5 :lanets in Con/unction

1. &D.C<.0-&LLE-S<E-&7.S-,<:21D.-%DE<S 0LG7. 2 these si8 planets /oin together, the native will be learned, virtuous, will have an emaciated body, be ac>uainted with many languages and will have distinguished knowledge. #. S<E-&LLE-&7.S-&D.C<.0-,<:21D.-S71<.E 0LG7. Should these planets be together, the native will be liberal, help ul to others, ickle minded, o Sattvik disposition and will grati y his se8ual desires in lonely places. =. &D.C<.0-&LLE-S<E-&7.S-S71<.E-%DE<S 0LG7. Should these si8 planets /oin in one 'ouse, the native will be a thie , be addicted to others" women, sub/ected to leprosy, discarded by his own men, be a dunce, deprived o position and be issueless. $. %DE<S-&LLE-S<E-&7.S-,<:21D.-S71<.E 0LG7. 2 these si8 planets are together, the native will be mean, will do others" /obs, su er rom tuberculosis, breathing and snee!ing troubles (i.e. snee!ing etc.) and will be blamed by his relatives. 3. S<E-&LLE-&D.C<.0-,<:21D.-%DE<S-S71<.E 0LG7. Lne with this si8-planetary con/unction will be a king"s minister, ortunate, patient and will su er rom grie . 'e will have no wi e and wealth. 5. &D.C<.0-&7.S-S71<.E-,<:21D.-%DE<S-S<E 0LG7. 2 the said si8 planets are together the sub/ect will always wander in shrines, be deprived o issues and wealth and will live in orests and hills. @. &7.S-S71<.E-%DE<S-&LLE-&D.C<.0-,<:21D. 0LG7. Lne with these si8 planets will be pure at all times, valorous, will seek se8ual union with many women, be dear to king, be a minister and be endowed with wealth, issues and happiness. A. :97ED17.0 CLE,<EC12LES. 2 3, or 5 planets /oin at birth, normally such natives will be penniless, sub/ected to grie and be dull-witted. Dven aspects among such planets will yield similar results according to 4andalas. 1hus ends the 1Bth Ch., entitled WD ects o si8 planet combinationsX in 4alyana %arma"s Saravali.

Chapter - #C. Combinations Hor .enunciation

1. %arious sages have e8plained widely the combinations o our, or more planets producing an ascetic. 2 now e8plain below such o the 0ogas. #. Lne born with the con/unction o the Sun, the &oon, %enus, ,upiter and &arsU or the 9uminaries, &ercury and &arsU or the Sun, &ars, Saturn, &ercury and %enus becomes an ascetic. =. 1he native having the combination o &ars, the 9uminaries (i.e. the Sun and the &oon), &ercury and ,upiterU or the 9uminaries, Saturn and &ercuryU or the 9uminaries, &ars and Saturn takes to renunciation and become a mendicant. $. 1he Sun, ,upiter, Saturn and &ercury-being together, or &ars, the Sun, &ercury and ,upiter /oining denotes a mendicant. 3. Should %enus, the Sun, &ars and SaturnU or ,upiter, &ars, the Sun and SaturnU or &ars, the &oon, ,upiter and Saturn with strength be in con/unction at birth, native takes to asceticism. 5. Lne will be initiated into a religious vow, i anyone o the ollowing group o planets be ound together at birth? d) &ars. Saturn, &ercury and ,upiterU #) &ars, Saturn &ercury, the Sun and %enusU =) the 9uminaries, &ars Saturn and %enus. @. Lne becomes a mendicant to live in orests and hilly areas, i the planets group themselves in con/unction at birth, as under? 1) %enus, &ars, Saturn, ,upiter and the SunU #) &ars, the &oon, ,upiter, &ercury and SaturnU =) %enus, &ercury, Saturn, the &oon and &ars. A. 1he native will become a sage, giving up (even) his ood and be honoured by the people, i the heavenly bodies orm con/unction, as under? 1) 1he &oon, &ercury, &ars, ,upiter and the SunU #) 1he 9uminaries, &ercury, %enus and &ars. B. 1he native will be initiated into a religious vow, i 1) the 9uminaries, &ars, &ercury, ,upiter and Saturn, or #) 1he &oon, &ars, Saturn, &ercury, ,upiter and the Sun, or =) &ars, the 9uminaries, Saturn, %enus and &ercury, /oin together at birth. 1C. 7 amous sage is indicated by the combination o 1) the 9uminaries, ,upiter, Saturn and %enus, or #) %enus, the 9uminaries, ,upiter, Saturn and &ercury. 11. Eote the con/unction o the ollowing planets? 1) &ars, &ercury, ,upiter, %enus, Saturn and the Sun. #) %enus, the 9uminaries, Saturn, ,upiter and &ercury. 2t indicates an ascetic. 1#. 2 con/unction is ound among the planetary group, vi!. 1) the 9uminaries, ,upiter and SaturnU #) Saturn, the 9uminaries and %enusU =) Sun, &ercury, &ars and ,upiter, the native will become an ascetic living on roots and ruits. 1=. 1he native will become an ascetic with bark garments, i &ars, the Sun, &ercury and %enus are ound together at birth. 1he same e ect ollows the con/unction o &ars, the &oon, ,upiter and &ercury. 1$. 7 patient ascetic (awaiting the blessing o the Supreme) is indicated by either the combination o the &oon, &ercury, &ars and Saturn, or o &ercury, &ars, ,upiter and Saturn. 13. 7 sage living only by eating ruits is denoted by the combination o the 9uminaries, %enus and &ercuryU or &ars, &ercury, %enus and SaturnU or Saturn, the &oon, ,upiter and %enus. 15. 7n ascetic, who will be highly honourable, living in orests, is denoted by each o the under mentioned planetary con/unctions? 1) 1he Sun, &ars, the &oon and %enus, #) the 9uminaries, &ars and &ercury, =) ,upiter, %enus, Saturn and the Sun, $) %enus, ,upiter, the &oon and &ars.

1@. Hind the planets together in individual groups, as under 1) %enus, &oon, &ars, ,upiter and Saturn, #) the &oon, &ercury, &ars, ,upiter and %enus, =) 1he 9uminaries, &ars, &ercury and ,upiter. 1he result is, that the ascetic will be sorrow ul (<nsuccess ul mendicant). 1A. &ars, Saturn, ,upiter, %enus and &ercury with strength, or Saturn, the Sun, &ercury, the &oon and &ars with strength in con/unction produce one with clotted hair and bark-garments. 1B. 1he 9uminaries, &ercury, &ars and %enus, or the 9uminaries, &ars, ,upiter, %enus, i be together, the native certainly will become an ascetic. #C. 2 the Sun denotes asceticism (i.e. being the strongest in the 0oga), there will only be aith in the religious order, while competence (to ul ill the order) will lack. 2 the planet, contributing to such order is overpowered by another planet (i.e. in eclipse, planetary war etc.) the native will give up the order a ter being initiated into it. Should many planets denote such an order, there may be many kinds o religious orders, but these will depend on the order o the planet. #1. 2 the planet indicating asceticism is combust in the Sun, or is aspected by another heavenly body, the native will only have an earnest desire to be initiated into the religious order, but will not attain ruition o his aim. So say 0avanas. ##. 1he native will attain religious order, i the &oon, posited in a decanate o Saturn, is aspected by &ars and Saturn. 1he same e ect is produced, i the &oon occupies the Eav(F)a o 7riesZScorpio in aspect to Saturn. #=. 2 the 9ord o the &oon Sign receives the sole aspect o Saturn (i.e. unaspected by others than Saturn), one will enter religious order. Dven in this conte8t, the earlier 0ogas, i present will only prevail. #$. 2 the 9ord o the &oon Sign, bright with rays, lends his aspect to Saturn, while Saturn is in an 7ngle, the native will lose his ortunes only to enter into a religious order. #3. 2 one among the Sun, the &oon and ,upiter be devoid o strength and occupy the 7scendant, or the 1Cth, or the 1#th in aspect to strong Saturn, the native will become distressed ascetic. #5. Should the &oon with strength be in the 1Cth, alling in a bene ic"s Eav(F)a, while others occupy their e8altation marks and all being in aspect to strong Saturn, the native will become the 9ord o the earth to only become an ascetic. #@. 2 wa8ing &oon, with superior strength, aspects the 7scendant 9ord, the latter being bere t o strength and being alone (in that .()i), the native will be devoid o wealth and own men, be miserable, sorrow ul, will take to asceticism and will obtain his ood with great inconvenience. #A. Lne will become a religious mendicant, i Saturn occupying a bene ic"s Eav(F)a aspects others including the &oon. 1he &oon in this case should only be in 7>uarius Eav(F)a. #B. 2 the 9ord o the &oon Sign aspects all the other planets, while these are all together in one .()i, the native will become an ascetic. =C. 1he Sun rules the ascetics o the ollowing orders? 1hose, who worship the Hire God in orests, or on river banks, those, who worship (the omnipotent) Sun-God, Dlephant- aced Ganesa and 'is benevolent mother :arvati, those, who recite the hymns o Gayatri (which are very sacred), those, who are vowed to bathe in the sacred Ganges everyday and those, who maintain (absolute) celibacy. =1. 1he religious order belonging to the &oon attracts the ollowing various persons? 1hose disciples, who smear their bodies with sacred ashes, those, who worship the Heet o 9ord Shiva, those, who are abandoned by the society, those, who are devoted to *hagavati, those, who give up company o others, those, who take to Soma Siddhanta and those, who carry bowls in their hands ( or begging alms).

=#. 1he *uddhist monks, the tonsured, those, who wear white apparels, those, who beg wearing good robes, those, who wear blood-red clothes and those, that have con>uered their ive senses-all these mendicants are ruled by &ars. ==. &ercury denotes an alm-seeker, a con/urer, a snake poison curer and one, who eats the lesh o a peacock. =$. 1he ascetics ruled by ,upiter are? those, who hold a single scepter (or mace), those, who hold three scepters, those, who wear red coloured apparels, those, who are in the third stage o their religious li e, those, who pull on their lives with ruits and water (alone), those, who still are attached to amily ties, those, who maintain celibacy and those, who take to visiting shrines etc. =3. %enus rules the mendicants o Saivite and %aish-navite sects. =5. .eligious hypocrites, bare mendicants and the ascetics, who sit under shadowy trees in orests are ruled by Saturn. =@. Should .a/a 0ogas be simultaneously present along with the above ascetic 0ogas, all the evil results are nulli ied and the native will become very virtuous, will be adorned by all the kings. himsel becoming a king and will take to religious order. 1hus ends the #Cth Ch., entitled ]Combinations or .enunciation" in 4alyana %arma"s Saravali.

Chapter - #1. Eabhasa 0ogas

1. E7*'7S7 0LG7S. 0avanas have e8plained 1ACC kinds o Eabhasa 0ogas, out o which 2 detail below =#. #-$. 42E;S LH E7*'7S7 0LG7. 1he ollowing are the =# Eabhasa 0ogas Eau, Chatra, 4oota, Chaapa, Sringataka, %a/ra, ;amini, :asa, %eena, 4amala, &usala, %api, 'ala, Sara, Samudra, Chakra, &aala. Sarpa, 7rdha Chandra, 0ava, 4edara, Gada, :akshi, 0upa, 0uga, Sakata, Soola, ;anda, .a//u, Sakthi, Eala and Gola. 1he 7sraya 0ogas, vi!. &usala, .a//u and Eala are dealt with by 7charya &anitha. 3-5. Gola, 0uga, Soola, :asa, %eena (%allaki), 4edara and ;amini arc the seven Sankhya 0ogas. 1he two ;ala 0ogas vi!. Sarpa (*hu/anga) and &ala are e8plained by :arasara &aharishi. Savitracharya dealt with remaining #C 0ogas. @. Lne born with an 7sraya will obtain the good e ects, vi!., happiness, advantages and >ualities, provided there is no other kind o (Eabhasa) 0oga present in the horoscope. 2 other (Eabhasa) 0oga is present in addition to an 7sraya 0oga, then the e ects o 7sraya 0oga do not come to pass, but the other (Eabhasa) 0oga prevails. A-1C. DHHDC1 LH 74.212, S7E4'07 7E; ;797 0LG7S. Lne born in 7kriti 0oga will be satis ied with his own ortunes, will earn through a king, be dear to king and be amous. Should there be a Sankhya 0oga, the native will be happy only with others" wealth, will live only through others help and be always not peace ul. 7 native with ;ala 0oga will sometimes en/oy his own ortune, yet sometimes that o others, will pick up the ruits thrown on the ground by others, be sometimes happy and sometimes sorrow ul. 11. E7<47, 4LL17, C'71.7 7E; C'7:7 0LG7S. 2 the seven planets occupy continuous 'ouses starting rom the 7scendant and the other three 7ngles, 0ogas called Eauka, 4oota, Chatra and Chapa are, respectively, ormed. 1#. 0<:7, S7.7, S741'2 7E; ;7E;7 0LG7S. 2 the seven planets occupy or continuous 'ouses counted rom the 7scendant and its 7ngles, the resultant 0ogas are known, as 0upa, Sara (or 2shuarrow), Sakthi and ;anda, respectively. 1=. 7.;'7 C'7E;.7 7E; G7;7 0LG7S. 2 the seven planets occupy continuously seven 'ouses commencing rom a 'ouse, which is not angular to the 7scendant, the 0oga produced is known, as 7rdha Chandra (7rdha Sasi) 0oga. Gada 0oga orms, when all the seven planets occupy two successive 7ngles rom the 7scendant. 1$. %7,.7, 07%7, :7;&7 7E; %7:2 0LG7S. 2 bene ics occupy the 9agna and @th, while male ics are in the $th and 1Cth %a/ra 0oga is ormed. Conversely, i male ics are in the 9agna and @th, while $th and 1Cth are occupied by bene ics, 0ava 0oga is produced. 2 all the planets are disposed in our kendras, :adma (4amala) 0oga is ormed. Should the seven planets be relegated either to 7poklima 'ouses (=, 5, B and 1#th), or to :anapharas (#, 3, A and 11 'ouses), %api 0oga is ormed. 13. S74717, %2'7G7, '797 7E; S.2EG71747 0LG7S. 2 all planets occupy only the 7scendant and the @th 'ouse, Sakata 0oga is ormed. Similar participation o all the planets in the $th and 1Cth 'ouses constitutes %ihaga (:akshi) 0oga. Should all the planets be in mutual 1rines, avoiding the 7scendant, 'ala 0oga is ormed. 7ll planets relegated only to the 7scendant and its 1rines give rise to Sringataka 0oga. 15. C'74.7 7E; S7&<;.7 0LG7S. Should all the planets occupy alternative .()is commencing rom the 9agna, Chakra 0oga is ormed. 2 these occupy alternative .()is rom the #nd onwards, Samudra 0oga is ormed. 1@. 1hus, 2 have e8plained the twenty di erent 7kriti 0ogas. Eow, 2 e8plain the 7sraya 0ogas, as per the schools o thought o senior Garga etc.

1A. 7S.707 7E; ;797 0LG7S. Should all the planets be in ;ual .()is, Eala 0oga is ormed. Similarly, i these are in Hi8ed .()is, &usala 0oga takes place and in &ovable .()is .a//u 0oga is ormed. 7ll 7ngles occupied e8clusively by bene ics cause &aala 0oga, while male ics in all 7ngles produce Sarpa 0oga. 1hese two are ;ala 0ogas. 1B. S7E4'07 0LG7S. 2 all the seven planets occupy one .()i, Gola 0oga is ormed. Similarly in # .()is-0uga 0oga, 2n = .()is-Sula 0oga, in $ .()is-4edara 0oga, in 3 .()is-:asa 0oga, in 5 .()is;amini and in @ .()is-%eena (%allaki) 0oga. #C-#1. DHHDC1S LH E7*'7S7 0LG7S. E7< 0LG7. 1he native"s livelihood will be through waterU he will have many gains, will be very amous, be pleased, mean, strong and stingy. 1his and other 0ogas are e ective at all times independant o ;asas. ##. 4LL17 0LG7. 1he native with 4oota 0oga will be a liar, be cra ty, be a /ailer, be poor, wicked, cruel and will always live in hills and ortresses. #=. C''71.7 0LG7. 1he native with Chhatra 0oga will help his own men, be kind, liberal, dear to king, very intelligent and will en/oy happiness in boyhood and at the end. #$. C'7:7 0LG7. (47.&<47 0LG7). 1he native with Chapa 0oga will be a liar, /ailer, thie and will live in orests. 'e will not have wealth in the middle o his li e. #3. 7.;'7 C'7E;.7 0LG7. Lne born with 7rdha Chandra 0oga will be ortunate, be an 7rmy chie , be brilliant bodied, dear to king and strong. 'e will possess gems, gold and ornaments. #5. %7,.7 0LG7. Lne born with %a/ra 0oga will be happy at the beginning and end o his li e, bold, beauti ul, ree rom sickness, un ortunate and be inimical to his own people. #@. 07%7 0LG7 Lne born with 0ava 0oga will observe asts and other religious rules, be intent on doing auspicious acts, be happy in the middle o li e, be liberal and will have lasting wealth. #A. 47&797 0LG7. Lne born with 4amala 0oga will be highly amous, very virtuous, assuredly long living, very rich, very bright in appearance and will be the 9ord o the earth. #B. %7:2 0LG7. Lne born with %api 0oga will be skill ul in amassing wealth, will en/oy lasting riches and happiness, be beauti ul and will be endowed with happiness rom sons. =C. S74717 0LG7. Lne born with Sakata 0oga will be troubled by diseases, will have a bad wi e, will be a dunce, will live by pulling carts, will be poor and be without relatives and riends. =1. %2'7G7 0LG7. (:74S'2 0LG7). 1he native with this 0oga will be intent on wandering, will have mean habits, will be a messenger, will live through se8ual dealings, shameless and ond o >uarrels. =#. G7;7 0LG7. Lne born with this 0oga, will always care or honour and money, will per orm yagnas etc., will be e8pert in Sastras and music and will be endowed with money, gold, /ewels and wealth. ==. S.2EG71747 0LG7. Lne born with this 0oga will be ond o >uarrels, be a warrior, be happy, dear to king, will have a ortunate wi e, be rich and will hate the air se8. =$. '797 0LG7. 1he native o this 0oga will eat in plenty, will be indigent, will have agricultural pro ession, will be sub/ected to grie , be emotional, be orsaken by relatives and riends and will be a servant. =3. C'74.7 0LG7. Lne born in this 0oga will be a king at whose eet will be the heads o the other prostrating kings adoring diamond-studded crowns. (1hat is, the subordinate kings, wearing diamondstudded crowns will honour a Chakra 0oga native, who will be the chie o such kings) =5. S7&<;.7 0LG7. Should a person be born under this 0oga, he will have abundant wealth and precious stones, will be a king, be endowed with pleasures, be dear to people, will have steady mind

and be truth ul in disposition (WSattvavantaX). =@. 0<:7 0LG7. 1he native with this 0oga will have sel -protection, be charitable, be endowed with riches and happiness and will observe religious astings and vows. 'e will be a distinguished person. =A. S7.7 0LG7. 1he native with sara 0oga will manu acture arrows (arms etc. in modern conte8t), will catch hold o thieves ( or e8ample, be a police o icer), will live in orests to hunt animals, will be e>ual to a mad person, will torture and be ond o mean handiworks. =B. S7412 0LG7. Lne born with this 0oga will be devoid o wealth, de ormed, sub/ected to grie , mean, la!y short-lived, e8pert in war and be beauti ul. $C. ;7E;7 0LG7. 1he native with this 0oga will lose his wi e and sons, will be poor, discarded by all people, be out o the men o his circle, be grieved, mean and will be servant. $1. &7797 0LG7. Lne born with maala 0oga will always be happy, be endowed with conveyances, robes, wealth and pleasures, splendourous and will have plurality o wives. $#. S7.:7 0LG7. 1he native born under this 0oga will be crooked in disposition, pitiless, always be a sub/ect o grie , poor and will live in other"s 'ouse and eat their ood. $=. .7,,< 0LG7. 1he sub/ect with this 0oga will be ond o wandering, attractive in appearance, will earn money in oreign countries, be cruel and mischievously disposed. $$. &<S797 0LG7. Lne born under this 0oga will be endowed with honour, wealth and wisdom, be attached to his duty, be liked by king, be amous. steady-minded and bold. $3. E797 0LG7. Lne born with nala 0oga will have uneven physi>ue (i.e. some limbs long and some short), will gather money, be skill ul, be help ul to his relatives and be attractive in appearance. $5. GL97 0LG7. Lne born in this 0oga will be indigent, indolent, devoid o learning and honour, dirty and always grieved. $@. 0<G7 0LG7. Lne born with this 0oga will be a religious hypocrite, be bere t o wealth, orsaken by people and devoid o sons, honour and virtues. $A. S<97 0LG7. 1he native with sula 0oga will be harsh, indolent, poor, torturous, become a prohibited person, bold, success ul in war and ear ul. $B. 4D;7.7 0LG7. Lne born under this 0oga will be use ul to many, will have agricultural pro ession, be truth ully disposed, ickle minded and wealthy. 3C. :7S7 0LG7. Lne born with pasa 0oga will be bonded, be attached to work, worldly in disposition, will talk too much, will not have good >ualities and will have many servants. 31. ;7&2E2 0LG7. Lne born with this 0oga will be help ul, will have cattle, be 9ord o money, be oolish, will have many sons and /ewels, be bold and learned. 3#. %DDE7 0LG7. Lne born with this combination will have riends, be elo>uent, interested in Sastras, musical instruments and singing. 'e will be happy, will have many servants and be amous. 1hus ends the #1st Ch., entitled WEabhasa 0ogasX in 4alyana %arma"s Saravali.

Chapter - ##. D ects o the Sun

1. 1he e ects o the planets and the !odiacal Signs accrue to all and at all times. 2 now attempt to e8plain these according to the teachings o the rest o the preceptors. #-=. 1'D S<E 2E 7.2DS. Lne, who has the Sun in 7ries will comment on the meanings o Shastras, be amous in arts, ond o war, ierce, attached to his duty, ond o roaming, will have strong bones, be good in deeds, will do valorous acts, will be sub/ected to bilious and bloody disorders, be splendourous and strong. 1he native will also become a king. $-B. S<E 2E 7 S2GE LH &7.S 2E 7S:DC1 1L L1'D.S. Should the Sun be in a Sign o &ars (i.e. either in 7ries, or in Scorpio) and be aspected by the &oon, the native will be interested in giving away gi ts, will have many servants, be charming, be dear to air se8 and will have a so t physi>ue. Should the Sun be in a Sign o &ars and be aspected by &ars, the native will display his courage in battle, be cruel, will possess eyes, hands and legs o blood-red colour, be splendourous and strong. Should the Sun be in a Sign o &ars and be aspected by &ercury, the sub/ect will be a servant, will do others" /obs, will not have much wealth, be devoid o strength, be sub/ected to much grie and will possess a dirty body. Should the Sun be in a Sign o &ars and ,upiter aspects the said Sun, the native will have plenty o money, will donate, be a king"s minister, a /udge and a supreme person. 2 %enus aspects the Sun posited in a 'ouse o &ars, the native will be the husband o a bad woman, will have many enemies, but ew relatives (or not well-placed relatives), be poor and will su er rom leprosy. 2n case Saturn aspects the Sun in a Sign o &ars, the native will be sub/ected to grie on account o physical ailments, will have intense passion in his undertaking, be dull-witted and a dunce. 1C-11. 1he position o the Sun in the Sign 1aurus indicates, that the native will have troubles rom disease o ace and eyes, will endure di iculties, will have an emaciated body, will not have many sons, will be beauti ul (also means ortunate, nice, handsome etc.), will possess decorum, be wise, will hate barren (or con ined) women, be endowed with eatables, garlands, robes and scents, will have knowledge o singing, playing musical instruments and dancing and will ace risk rom water. 1#-1@. S<E 2E 7 S2GE LH %DE<S 2E 7S:DC1 1L L1'D.S. Lne, who has the Sun in a .()i o %enus aspected by the &oon will be addicted to prostitutes, will be so t spoken, will have many women, as dependents and will derive livelihood through water. 2 &ars is aspecting the Sun in a Sign o %enus, the sub/ect will be brave, ond o battle, bright in appearance, will earn wealth and ame out o his valor and will be de ormed. Should it be &ercury, that aspects the Sun in a Sign o %enus, one will be skill ul in drawing, writing, poetry, authorship, singing etc. and will possess a good physi>ue. 2 ,upiter should lend his aspect to the Sun in 9ibra, or 1aurus, the sub/ect will have many oes and riends, be a king"s minister, will have beauti ul eyes, be splendourous and will be a pleased ruler. Ghen %enus aspects the Sun in 9ibra, or 1aurus, one will be a king, or a king"s minister, be endowed with wi e, wealth and pleasure galore, be wise and timid. Saturn aspecting the Sun in all, or in 1aurus denotes, that the native will be mean, indolent, will cohabit with aged women, will be wicked and will be troubled by diseases. 1A-1B. Lne who has the Sun in Gemini will be a scholar, be sweet in speech, a ectionate (particularly to one"s o spring), will have good conduct, be e8pert in pro ane knowledge and also in S(stras, be e8ceedingly a luent, liberal, skill ul, be an astrologer, be mediocre in appearance, will have two mothers, be ortunate and modest. #C-#3. S<E 2E GD&2E2 2E 7S:DC1 1L L1'D.S. Should the Sun be in Gemini, or %irgo be aspected by the &oon, the native will be put to troubles by enemies and relatives, will be distressed by visits to oreign countries. and will in general be wailing. 1he Sun in a 'ouse o &ercury and in aspect to &ars denotes, that the sub/ect will have ear rom enemies, will be encountered by >uarrels, will be grieved on account o loss in a war, be poor and bash ul. Should &ercury aspect the Sun posited in Gemini, or %irgo, the sub/ect will have a history akin to that o a king, will be amous, be endowed with relatives, ree rom enemies, but will encounter eye

diseases. ,upiter aspecting the Sun in a Sign o &ercury oretells, that the native will have knowledge o many Shastras, be a king"s messenger (or representative), will go to oreign countries, be ierce and be always bewildered. 2 %enus aspects the Sun, posited in Sign o &ercury, the native will be endowed with money, wi e and sons, will make less riends, be ree rom sickness, be happy and ickle minded. Should Saturn aspect the Sun in Gemini, or %irgo, the native will have many servants, be an8ious (as or an absent lover), will maintain many relatives, will remain delighted and will be cra ty. #5-#@. 1he Sun in Cancer indicates, that the native will not be steady in mind in respect o his undertakings, will be amous by virtue o his royal >ualities, will hate his own men, be un ortunate in respect o wi e (have an ugly wi e), will be good-looking himsel , be troubled due to imbalances o phlegm and bile, be distressed on account o labour (hard work), will like into8icants, ollow virtuous principles, be honourable, will be elo>uent, will be a geographer and a scientist in the matter o atmosphereZspace, will be very steady and will hate people rom paternal side. #A-==. 7S:DC1S 1L S<E 2E C7ECD.. 2 the Sun in Cancer is aspected by the &oon, the person will be a king, or e>ual to a king, will become rich by business through water and be cruel. Should &ars throw his aspect on the Sun in Cancer, one will contract pulmonary consumption and istula in the anus, or pudendum, be de/ected on account o his relatives and be a slanderer. 2 &ercury aspects the Sun in Cancer, the native will be amous or his learning and honour, be dear to the king, skill ul and will destroy enemies. Should ,upiter throw his aspect in Cancer occupied by the Sun, the native will be pre-eminent, a king, a minister, or an 7rmy chie , be very amous and learned in arts. 2 %enus aspects the Sun in Cancer, the native will subordinate his wi e (or women), will have money through his wi e, be help ul to others, ierce in battle and will speak sweetly. Saturn"s aspect on the Sun in Cancer, denotes, that the person will su er rom phlegmatic and windy disorders, be wicked and be a tale-bearer. =$-=3. 2 the Sun occupies 9eo, the native will destroy his enemies, be given to anger, will per orm notable acts, will wander in orests, hills and ortresses, be enthusiastic, valorous, bright in appearance, will eat meat, lesh etc. and will be ormidable. 'e will be restive, strong in a lasting measure, talkative, be a king, be plenti ul in wealth and amous. =5-$1. 7S:DC1S 1L 1'D S<E 2E 9DL. 2 the Sun occupying 9eo is aspected by the &oon, the native will be a scholar, will have a good wi e, will su er rom phlegmatic disorders and will be dear to king. 2 &ars aspects the Sun in 9eo, the native will be interested in others" wives, be courageous, valorous, revolutionary, ormidable and chie . 2 &ercury aspects the Sun in 9eo, the person will be a scholar, a writer (or an e8ponent), a gambler, be wandering-natured, mean and be endowed with great strength. 2 the Sun in 9eo is aspected by ,upiter, the person will construct temples, gardens and tanksU will have predominant strength, will like loneliness and be highly intelligent. %enus aspecting the Sun in 9eo will make one earn bad name, in amous. Such a person will be troubled by leprosy, be unkind and shameless. Should Saturn aspect the Sun in 9eo, the person will be skill ul in creating obstacles, will be a eunuch and will cause grie to others. $#-$=. Should the Sun be in %irgo at birth, the person will possess a physi>ue akin to that o a emale, be a scholar, be weak, be an e8pert writer, be learned and will render service to Gods and elders. 'e will be e8pert in repairs o driven vehicles, will be skill ul in %edas, songs and playing instruments and will speak so tly and kindly. $$-$3. 2 the Sun is in 9ibra at birth, the native will ace rustration, destruction and heavy e8penditure, will be intent on living in oreign places (out o distress), be wicked, mean, be devoid o a ection, will live by selling gold and other metals, be /ealous, ond o doing others" /obs, will co-habit with others" wives, be dirty, will incur royal contempt and be shameless. $5-$@. 1he native with the Sun in Scorpio will have an incombatible lust or war, be away rom %edic (religious) path, be a liar, a dunce, will have a base, wicked wi e (can also mean loss o wi e), be cruel

and be attached to mean women. 'e will be irascible, will ollow bad course, be a miser, be ond o promoting >uarrels, be troubled by weapons, ire and poison and be un ortunate in respect o parents. $A-$B. 2 the Sun at birth is in Sagittarius, one will be endowed with wealth, be dear to king, learned, will respect Gods and *rahmins, be skill ul in rendering training in use o weapons and arrows and breeding o elephants, be it to deal with, be honourable, be always peace ul, be rich, will possess a broad and beauti ul physi>ue, be help ul to relatives and be energetic. 3C-33. S<E 2E S7G2117.2<SZ:2SCDS 7E; 7S:DC1D; *0 L1'D.S. Should the Sun at birth be in a .()i o ,upiter and be aspected by the &oon, the native will be endowed with elo>uent speech, wisdom, wealth and sons. 'e will be e>ual to a king and be devoid o misery. 'e will also possess a pleasing body. Should &ars lend aspect to the Sun in a .()i o ,upiter, the sub/ect will earn ame through battle, be endowed with clarity o speech, money and happiness and be short-tempered. &ercury aspecting the said Sun denotes, that the native will possess sweet speech and will have knowledge o writing, literature, arts, assembly, ,ourney and minerals. 2 ,upiter aspects the Sun in :iscesZSagittarius, the person will move in royal palaces, or be a king himsel , will possess elephants, horses and wealth and be ever a ter learning. Should %enus aspect the Sun in ,upiter"s 'ouse, one will en/oy women o superior class, be endowed with scents and garlands and be peace ul. 2 Saturn aspects the Sun in :isces, or Sagittarius, the native will be unclean, will eat other"s ood, will /oin bad men and will breed animals. 35-3@. Lne who has the Sun in Capricorn will be base, interested in bad women, be greedy, will advance with mean /obs, be endowed with various deeds, be timid, devoid o relatives, ickle-minded, ond o wandering, weak, will lose everything due to con licts with his relatives and will be a voracious eater. 3A-5=. S<E 2E C7:.2CL.EZ7[<7.2<S, 7S:DC1D; *0 L1'D.S. 2 the &oon aspects the Sun in a .()i o Saturn, the native will be highly cunning in disposition and will lose his wealth and happiness on account o his be riending emales. &ars aspecting the Sun in Capricorn, or 7>uarius denotes, that the native will be troubled by diseases and enemies, will be wounded by weapons on account o >uarreling with others and be de ormed. 2 &ercury aspects the Sun in Capricorn, or 7>uarius, the person will be brave, will have a eunuch"s nature, will steal other"s wealth and will have all limbs devoid o strength. Should ,upiter aspect the Sun in Capricorn, or 7>uarius, one will undertake to do auspicious deeds, be wise, will patroni!e all, widely amous and intelligent. 2 %enus aspects the Sun in a .()i o Saturn, the native will deal with conch, coral and ruby, will derive abundant wealth through prostitutes and emales and be happy. 2 Saturn aspects the Sun posited in Capricorn, or 7>uarius, the person will destroy his enemies and will prosper due to royal honours. 5$-53. S<E 2E 7[<7.2<S. 2 the Sun is in 7>uarius at birth, one will su er rom heart diseases, will have enormous strength (courage), be very short-tempered, be ortunate through other housewives, be hated by the learned, be irm in his activities, be miserable, will have little wealth, be raudulent, be not irm in riendship, will have dirty body and be a miser. 55-5@. 2 the Sun is in :isces at birth, one will be riendly, will have tendency to amass, be ond o women and happy, be learned, will destroy many enemies and be wealthy and rich. 'e will be endowed with wi e, good sons and servants, will have wealth on account o transactions via seaZriver, be an elo>uent speaker, but a liar, will su er rom diseases o the private parts and will have many a co-born. 1hus ends the ##nd Ch. entitled D ects o the Sun in %arious .()is in 4alyana %arma"s Saravali

Chapter - #=. D ects o &oon in %arious .()is

1. 1'D &LLE 2E 7.2DS. Should the &oon be in 7ries, the native will have a golden coloured body, will be endowed with lasting wealth, be devoid o co-born, be valorous, sel -respected, auspicious, prosperous, libidinous, will have weak legs, ugly nails and little hair, be ickle-minded, will consider honour, as wealth, will possess hands and legs, like the lotus, (i.e. these will be lotus-red), will have more sons, round eyes, be riendly, be a raid o getting into watery places, like river, well etc.), will have wounds on the head and be won over by emales. #-@. 1'D &LLE 2E 7.2DS 2E 7S:DC1 1L L1'D.S. 2 the &oon is in 7ries at birth and be in aspect to the Sun, the native will be >uite irascible, be honoured by the king, be so t, be valorous and ond o war. 2 the &oon in 7ries is aspected by &ars, the person will su er rom diseases o eyes and teeth, will have wounds caused by arrows (or horseZcow etc.) and will su er windy diseases and urinary disorders. Should &ercury aspect the &oon in 7ries, the native will teach various disciplines, will possess good speech, will achieve his desires, be a great poet and be widely amous. 2 ,upiter aspects the &oon in 7ries, the person will be endowed with servants and abundant riches and be a king, or a kings minister. %enus aspecting the &oon in 7ries denotes, that the sub/ect will be lucky, be endowed with sons and wealth, will own (i.e. marry) a supreme lady and costly ornaments and will not eat much. 1he &oon in 7ries aspected by Saturn indicates, that the native will be /ealous, miserable to a great e8tent, be very poor, dirty and untruth ul. A. 2 the &oon be in 1aurus at birth, the native will be large-hearted, highly charitable, short-haired, libidinous, amous, brilliant, will have (more) daughters, will possess eyes resembling that o a bull, be in a position to di erentiate between good and bad, be happy during middle and concluding parts o his li e, will have strong waist, eet, shoulders, ace etc., will have (some) identity on the side and back o the body, will walk beauti ully and be endowed with orbearance. B-1$. Should the &oon be in 1aurus and be in aspect to the Sun, the native will be a armer, be very industrious, be very rich with servants and >uadrupeds and will lend money on usury. 2 &ars aspects the &oon in 1aurus, the sub/ect will be highly libidinous, will lose his wi e and riends on account o another lady, will steal the heart o the air se8 and will prove adverse or the mother. Should the said &oon be in aspect to &ercury, the native will be highly learned, will know the code o speech, be o pleasing disposition, be dear to everyone and will uncomparably be o good >ualities. 2 ,upiter aspects the &oon in 1aurus, the native will have long living wi e and children and lasting wealth, be respect ully disposed to his parents, be virtuous and very amous. Should %enus aspect the &oon in 1aurus, one will be endowed with ornaments, conveyances and houses and will possess com orts o sleeping and sitting, scents, robes, garlands etc. 2 it is Saturn, that aspects the &oon in 1aurus, one will be devoid o wealth, be inauspicious or mother and wi e and will be endowed with sons, riends and relatives. 13. Should the &oon be in the irst hal o 1aurus, the mother o the native is not long-lived. Similarly the ather is short-lived, i the &oon occupies the second hal o 1aurus. 15. 2 the &oon is in Gemini at birth, one will have prominent nose and dark eyes, will be skill ul in the art o love, poetry etc., will en/oy se8ual pleasures, will have lines o ish in the palm, will be ond o worldly en/oyments, will be sinewy, be very intelligent, splendourous, be endowed with happiness, /ocular disposition and elo>uent speech, be won over by the emales, will have a long body, will be riend neuters and will have two mothers. 1@-##. 2 the &oon is in Gemini at birth and is aspected by the Sun, the native will be >uite learned, be splendourous, very beauti ul, be charitable, be very miserable and be not rich. 2 &ars lends aspect to the &oon in Gemini, the person will be very valorous, very learned, be endowed with happiness, conveyances, wealth and beauty. 1his is certain. 1he &oon in Gemini aspected by &ercury makes one skill ul in producing money, always success ul and inviolable king. 2 ,upiter aspects the &oon in Gemini, one will be a teacher o Shastras, be amous, truth ul, very

beauti ul, honourable and be an elo>uent speaker. 2 %enus aspects the &oon in Gemini, the person will be endowed with the company o supreme emales, garlands, robes, conveyances, ornaments and /ewels and will be sportive. Should Saturn aspect the &oon in Gemini, the sub/ect will be devoid o relatives, wi e, happiness and wealth and will be inimical to the public. #=. 2 the &oon is in Cancer at birth, the native will be ortunate, valorous, be endowed with residence, riends, /ourneys and astrological knowledge, be sensuous, grate ul, be a minister, be truth ul, will live abroad, be passionate, hairy-bodied, ond o water and lowers, interested in construction o houses, wells etc. and will have a prominent neck. #$-#B. 1'D &LLE 2E C7ECD. 2E 7S:DC1 1L L1'D.S. Should the &oon be in her 'ouse at birth and be aspected by the Sun, the native will be in the employ o king, be not rich, be a letter-bearer and will protect orts (i.e. will be a security o icer in royal service). 2 the &oon in Cancer is aspected by &ars, the sub/ect will be valorous, be de ormed, will prove ominous to his mother and be skill ul in his /obs. Should &ercury lend his aspect to the &oon in Cancer, he will be spirited in disposition, be endowed with political wisdom, wealth, wi e and sons, will be a kings minister and be happy. ,upiter aspecting the &oon in her own 'ouse indicates, that the person will be a king, be endowed with royal >ualities, be happy, will have a good wi e, will behave well, be modest and valorous. 2 %enus aspects the &oon in Cancer, the sub/ect will be endowed with money, gold, wi e, robes and /ewels, be head o prostitutes and be splendourous. Should Saturn aspect the Cancer-posited &oon, he will be o wandering disposition, be miserable, very poor, be a liar, a sinner and be mean. =C. 2 the &oon is in 9eo, one will have sturdy bones, sparse hair, wide ace, small and yellowish eyes, will hate women, will su er rom hunger and thirst, will incur stomach disorders and tooth-decay, will eat lesh, be charitable, harsh, will have ew sons, will seek se8ual union in orests and hills, be respect ully disposed to his mother, will have broad chest, be valorous, duti ul and will have ma/estic looks. =1-=5. Should the &oon be in 9eo in aspect to the Sun, the native will be e>ual to a king, will have e8cellent >ualities and ma/estic voice, will be valorous, be ond o into8icants and be widely amous. 2 &ars aspects the &oon in 9eo he will be an 7rmy chie , will have e8cellent wi e, sons, wealth and conveyances and be superior among people. Should &ercury aspect the &oon in 9eo one will be endowed with the characteristics o a emale and also the grace akin to that o a emale, will be in the custody o emales, will serve emales and will en/oy money, happiness and pleasures. 2 ,upiter aspects the &oon in 9eo, one will be e8cellent among his caste-men, be wide- amed, highly virtuous and will e>ual a king. Should %enus aspect the &oon in 9eo, one will possess a wi e, wealth and high knowledge, be sickly disposed, will be a emale"s servant and be skill ul in se8ual union. 2 the &oon in 9eo is aspected by Saturn, the person will be an agriculturist, be not wealthy, be a liar, will protect orts, be devoid o happiness rom wi e and be mean. =@. 2 the &oon occupies %irgo at birth, one will be addicted to women, will have long hands, attractive body and ace, beauti ul teeth, eyes and ears, be learned, be a religious preceptor (teaching %edas etc.), be an elo>uent speaker, be truth ul and pure, valorous, be kind to living beings, be interested in others" a airs, be o orgiving disposition, be ortunate, will have more daughters, but not many sons. =A-$=. 2 the &oon occupies %irgo at birth and is aspected by the Sun, the native will be in charge o royal wealth, be amous, will keep up his word and per orm distinguished acts. 2 &ars aspects the &oon posited in %irgo, the sub/ect will be skill ul in mechanical, or ine arts (o 5$ kinds), be amous, a luent, disciplined, courageous and will be inauspicious or mother. Should it be &ercury, that lends aspect to the &oon in %irgo, the native will be e8pert in astrology and literature, be success ul in disputesZ>uarrels and be highly skill ul to a surprising e8tent. ,upiter aspecting the &oon in %irgo indicates, that the native will be supreme among his relatives, be happy, will carry out royal duties, will keep up his word and will be endowed with wealth. 2 %enus aspects the &oon in %irgo, the person will have many wives, be endowed with many kinds o makeups, pleasures and wealth and will always be blessed with ortunes.

1he &oon in %irgo aspected by Saturn indicates, that the native will not have irm memory, will su er rom poverty, will not have happiness, will be bere t o mother, will be at the disposal o women (or be controlled by them) and will derive wealth through emales. $$. 2 the &oon is posited in 9ibra at birth, the native will have elevated nose, broad eyes, will have weak (not prominent) ace and emaciated body, will have many wives, many bulls (cattle) and abundant landed property, be valorous, will have testicles resembling that o an o8, be skill ul in work, will honour Gods and the wise, be endowed with various kinds o wealth, will be con>uered by emales, will have an emaciated body (this is a repetition), will donate corns, will not be irm in disposition and will be help ul to his relatives. $3-3C. &LLE 2E 92*.7 2E 7S:DC1 1L L1'D.S. 2 the &oon is in 9ibra and is aspected by the Sun, the person will be bere t o wealth, be diseased, will wander here and there, be insulted, be bere t o en/oyment, sons and strength. 2 &ars aspects the &oon in 9ibra, the person will be sharp, be a thie , be mean, adulterous, will en/oy scents and garlands, be wise and will su er rom eye diseases. 2 &ercury aspects the &oon in 9ibra, the sub/ect will be skill ul in arts, will have abundant riches and grains, will be an auspicious speaker, be highly learned and be amous in his country. Should ,upiter aspect the &oon in 9ibra, the person will be always worshipped and be skill ul in sales and purchases o gems etc. 2 %enus lends his aspect to the &oon in 9ibra, one will be beauti ul, be ree rom sickness, ortunate, strong bodied, be learned and will have knowledge o many means. Should Saturn aspect the &oon in 9ibra, the native will be very a luent, be sweet in speech, be endowed with conveyances, be very much interested in se8ual a airs, be devoid o happiness and be avourable to his mother. 31. Should the &oon be in Scorpio at birth, one will be a miser, will have round (well grown) thighs, coarse physi>ue and nose, will be cruel in acts, be a thie , be sick in childhood, will have spoiled chin and nails, but beauti ul eyes, will be plenti ul, industrious, skill ul, ond o others" housewives, devoid o relatives, insane (or in atuated with passion), valorous, will lose wealth due to royal wrath and will have a big abdomen and a big head. 3#-3@. &LLE 2E SCL.:2L 2E 7S:DC1 1L L1'D.S. 2 the &oon at birth is in Scorpio and aspected by the Sun, the native will hate people (i.e. will not be riendly with others), be learned, wandering nature and rich, but be not happy. Should &ars aspect the &oon in Scorpio, the native will have incomparable courage, be e>ual to a king, be endowed with wealth, be valorous, uncon>uerable in battle and be a voracious eater. 2 &ercury aspects the &oon in Scorpio, the person will not be skill ul, be hard in speech, will obtain twins, be tricky, will produce ictitious things and be an e8pert singer. 2 ,upiter lends aspect to the &oon in Scorpio, the native will be interested in per orming his duties, will be biased towards people, be wealthy and be beauti ul. 2 %enus aspects the &oon in Scorpio, the native will be highly intelligent, be ortunate, be endowed with riches, conveyances and beauty and will lose strength on account o women. 2 Saturn aspects the &oon in Scorpio, the native will have base sons, be a talebearer, be sick, poor and untruth ul. 3A. 2 the &oon is in Sagittarius at birth, the native will be dwar ish, will have round eyes, big heart, waist and hands, be a good speaker, will have prominent shoulders and neck, will live near watery !one, will have knowledge o arts and secret a airs, be courageous, will possess strong bones, be very strong, will have strong neck and lips, be attached to his relatives, be grate ul and distinguished. 'is legs will not be wider, when in position. 3B-5$. 2 the &oon in Sagittarius is aspected by the Sun, the person will be a king, be a luent, valorous, amous and will have incomparable happiness and conveyances. Should &ars aspect the &oon in Sagittarius, the person will be an 7rmy chie , will be very rich, ortunate, amous or his valor and will have a large working orce. 2 the &oon in Sagittarius is aspected by &ercury, one will have many servants, will be an e8pert astrologer and artist and be a skill ul dancer. 2 ,upiter aspects the &oon in Sagittarius, one will possess very attractive physi>ue, be a king"s minister and will be endowed with wealth, virtues and happiness.

Should %enus aspect the &oon in Sagittarius, the native will be happy, beauti ul and ortunate, be endowed with sons, wealth and se8ual desires and will have good riends and wi e. 2 Saturn aspects the &oon in Sagittarius, the person will be sweet in speech, will speak good words, will have wide knowledge o Shastras, be truth ul, so t and be a kings man. 53. &LLE 2E C7:.2CL.E. 2 the &oon at birth be in Capricorn, the native will be a singer, will be averse to cold articles (or season), will have stout body, will be ond o truth and charity, be distinguished, amous, less irascible, be libidinous, unkind and shamelessU will possess beauti ul eyes and emaciated body, will violate teacher"s bed, be a poet, will have round thighs, be not very enthusiastic, be very miserly and will have long neck and ears. 55-@1. &LLE 2E C7:.2CL.E 2E 7S:DC1 1L L1'D.S. Should the &oon in Capricorn be aspected by the Sun at birth, one will be penniless, miserable, wandering-nature, interested in others" work, dirty and clever. 2 &ars aspects the &oon in Capricorn, one will en/oy abundant riches, be highly liberal, be ortunate, wealthy, will have conveyances and be brave. 2 &ercury aspects the &oon in Capricorn, one will be dunce, be interested in living in other places, be bere t o wi e, be ickle minded and be devoid o happiness and money. Should ,upiter aspect the &oon in Capricorn at birth, the native will be a king, be incomparably brave, will have royal >ualities and will possess many wives, children and riends. 2 %enus aspects the &oon in Capricorn, one will /oin others" wives, be endowed with wealth, ornaments, conveyances, garlands etc., be blameworthy and be issueless. 2 Saturn aspects the &oon in Capricorn one will be indolent, dirty, be endowed with money, be troubled by se8ual eelings, will /oin others" housewives and be untruth ul. @#. 2 the &oon is in 7>uarius at birth, the person will have elevated nose, rough, or uneven body and stout hands and legs, will be addicted to into8icants, will be averse to the virtuous, be not himsel virtuous, will obtain illegal sons, will have stout head, uglyZdiseased eyes, bright ace and prominent waist, be an artisan, will have bad mentality, be miserable and will be very poor. @=-@A. Should the &oon at birth be in 7>uarius and be aspected by the Sun, one will be very dirty in disposition, be valorous, will be like a king in guise, be virtuous and be an agriculturist. 2 &ars aspects the &oon in 7>uarius, one will be >uite truth ul, will not inherit money rom mother and elders, be indolent and mysterious and interested in others" work. 2 &ercury aspects the &oon in 7>uarius, the native will be skill ul in treating others well, while hosting them, will be pro icient in music, will be liked by the air se8 and will possess less money and less happiness. Should ,upiter aspect the &oon in 7>uarius, the native will own villages, agriculture lands and trees, be endowed with superior castles and superior ladies and will be devoted to (sensual) en/oyment (*hogi also means rich person, or a king) 2 %enus aspects the &oon in 7>uarius, the person will be base, issueless, riendless, timid, be censured by preceptors, be sin ul, will have a bad wi e and will be least happy. Should the &oon in 7>uarius have Saturn"s aspect, the native will have (prominent) nails and hair, be dirty, will seek union with other women, be a dunce, be irreligious and be rich possessing many immovables. @B. &LLE 2E :2SCDS. 2 the &oon is in :isces, the native will be e8pert in ine arts, be capable o winning even un avourable people, be learned in Shastras, beauti ul bodied, pro icient in music, very religious, will cohabit with many women, be a polite speaker, will serve the king, be somewhat irascible, will have a big head, be endowed with happiness and wealth, will be won over by the air se8, be virtuous, be interested in sailing and be liberal. AC-A3. &LLE 2E :2SCDS 2E 7S:DC1 1L L1'D.S. 2 the &oon posited in :isces is aspected by the Sun, the native will be highly libidinous, be happy, be an 7rmy chie , be very a luent and will have delighted wi e. 2 &ars aspects the &oon in :isces, the person will be insulted, be devoid o happiness, is an unchaste woman"s son, will be interested in sins and will be valorous. 'e will be a king, i the &oon in :isces is aspected by &ercuryU will be highly intelligent, be happy and will be surrounded by supreme emales and be controlled by them. 2 ,upiter aspects the &oon in :isces, he will be beauti ul, ierce, head o a district, be very a luent,

beauti ul and will be surrounded by many women. A5-A@. 2 %enus aspects the &oon in :isces, he will be skill ul in coition, interested in dance, instrumental music and songs and will steal the hearts o the air se8. Should Saturn aspect the &oon in :isces, he will be de ormed, be un avourable to mother, be se8ually distressed, be devoid o sons, wi e and intelligence and will be attached to mean and ugly emales. AA. S72; .DS<91S 1L &71<.D. 2 the 9ord o the &oon Sign, the &oon Sign itsel and the &oon are all endowed with strength, the said e ects (due to &oon"s position, as laid down in this Ch.) will ully come to pass. 1he e ects will vary according to positions, like debilitation, e8altation etc. (o the dispositor and the aspecting planet). 1hus ends the #=rd Ch. in Saravali, entitled WD ects arising out o the &oonX.

Ch. #$. D ects o &oon in %arious Eav(F)as

1-=. &LLE 2E E7%N^S7 LH &7.S 7S:DC1D; *0 L1'D.S. 2 the &oon is in the Eav(F)a o &ars aspected by &ars himsel , one will win over his enemies and will be valorous. 2 the &oon is in the Eav(F)a o &ars aspected by Saturn, one will be very cunning, deceiving and tri ling. 2 the &oon is in the Eav(F)a o &ars aspected by the Sun, one will be a thie , sometimes cruel and sometimes protecting and be courageous. 2 the &oon is in the Eav(F)a o &ars aspected by ,upiter, the person will be a king, be amous and honoured by the learned. 2 the &oon is in the Eav(F)a o &ars aspected by %enus, one will be a kings minister, be wealthy and be ond o women and cosmetics. 2 the &oon is in the Eav(F)a o &ars aspected by &ercury, one will be a ast speaker and be ickleminded. $-5. &LLE 2E E7%N^S7 LH %DE<S 2E 7S:DC1 1L L1'D.S. 2 the &oon is in 1aurusZ9ibra Eav(F)a and is aspected by %enus, the person will be happy in regard to wi e, robes, ood and drinks. 2 the &oon is in 1aurusZ9ibra Eav(F)a and is aspected by &ercury the person will have knowledge o playing musical instruments and be interested in dance and music. 2 the &oon is in 1aurusZ9ibra Eav(F)a and is aspected by ,upiter, the person will be a great poet, be highly skill ul in the branch o /ustice (or politics), be a king"s minister, will en/oy sight o others" housewives, be libidinous and will have many a servant. 2 the &oon is in 1aurusZ9ibra Eav(F)a and is aspected by the Sun, the person will be a great stupid, will possess a beauti ul ace and will always en/oy ood and drinks. 2 the &oon is in 1aurusZ9ibra Eav(F)a and is aspected by Saturn, the person will resemble a carpenter in disposition (i.e. he will be a carpenter by pro ession). @-B. &LLE 2E &D.C<.0"S E7%N^S7 7E; 2E 7S:DC1 1L L1'D.S. 2 the &oon is in the Eav(F)a o &ercury, (i.e. GeminiZ%irgo Eav(F)a) and is aspected by &ercury, the native will be skill ul in mechanical, or ine arts (o 5$ kinds) and be a poet. 2 the &oon is in the Eav(F)a o &ercury and is aspected by %enus, he will have a broad physi>ue, be an e8pert musician and will have rich knowledge o sacred passages (_ C Shastra vachnam, Sruti vachanam and Samriti %achanam). 2 the &oon is in the Eav(F)a o &ercury and is aspected by ,upiter, he will be a king"s minister, be a repository o good >ualities, be amous and splendourous. 2 the &oon is in the Eav(F)a o &ercury and is aspected by &ars, he will be a notorious thie , be skill ul in arguments and be ierce. 2 the &oon is in the Eav(F)a o &ercury and is aspected by Saturn, he will be skill ul in Shastras and poetry, be learned in arts and be intelligent. 2 the &oon is in the Eav(F)a o &ercury and is aspected by the Sun, he will be success ul in war and be amous. 1C-1#. &LLE 2E C7ECD. E7%N^S7 7E; 2E 7S:DC1 1L L1'D.S. 2 the &oon is in her Eav(F)a at birth and is aspected by the Sun, the sub/ect will have an emaciated body, but be ree rom diseases. 2 the &oon is in Cancer and is aspected by &ars, the person will be skill ul in stealing others" money and be a miser. 2 the &oon is in Cancer and is aspected by Saturn, the person will indulge in prohibited acts and will incur grie due to imprisonment, litigations and destruction. 2 the &oon is in Cancer and is aspected by %enus, the person will be inimical to the air se8 and will resemble a eunuch. 2 the &oon is in Cancer and is aspected by ,upiter, the person will be a king"s minister, or be a king himsel . 2 the &oon is in Cancer and is aspected by &ercury, the person will be not virtuous, will sleep much and will wander at all times. 1=-13. &LLE 2E 9DL E7%N^S7 2E 7S:DC1 1L L1'D.S. 2 the &oon is in 9eo Eav(F)a at birth and is aspected by the Sun himsel , the native will be short-tempered, amous and wealthy.

2 the &oon is in 9eo Eav(F)a at birth and is aspected by Saturn, the native will be sin ul, unkind and will kill living beings. 2 the &oon is in 9eo Eav(F)a at birth and is aspected by &ars, the native will possess gold, wealth and ame, will be honoured by the king and be >uite valorous. 2 the &oon is in 9eo Eav(F)a at birth and is aspected by ,upiter the native will be either an 7rmy chie , or a king. 2 the &oon is in 9eo Eav(F)a at birth and is aspected by %enus, the native will (only) desire to have children and will have (only) dead children (i.e. will have no living children). 2 the &oon is in 9eo Eav(F)a at birth and is aspected by &ercury, the native will be an astrologer, be ond o heroic history (such, as &ahabharata) and will be very a luent. 15-1A. &LLE 2E ,<:21D.S E7%N^S7 2E 7S:DC1 1L L1'D.S. 2 the &oon is in the Eav(F)a o SagittariusZ:isces and aspected by ,upiter, the native will be beauti ul (or spotless), be liked by the king and be widely amous. 2 the &oon is in the Eav(F)a o SagittariusZ:isces and aspected by %enus, the native will be endowed with con/ugal happiness. 2 the &oon is in the Eav(F)a o SagittariusZ:isces and aspected by &ercury, the native will be /ocular, be dear to the king and be an 7rmy chie . 2 the &oon is in the Eav(F)a o SagittariusZ:isces and aspected by &ars the native will be skill ul in use o weapons and be very amous. 2 the &oon is in the Eav(F)a o SagittariusZ:isces and aspected by the Sun the native will have many blemishes, be amous and be sub/ected to accidentsZcalamities. 2 the &oon is in the Eav(F)a o SagittariusZ:isces and aspected by Saturn the native will be akin to old men, be neglected by mighty men and be base. 1B-#1. &LLE 2E S71<.E"S E7%N^S7 2E 7S:DC1 1L L1'D.S. 2 the &oon is in CapricornZ7>uarius Eav(F)a and is aspected by Saturn, the native will be miserly, sickly and will have dead children. 2 the &oon is in CapricornZ7>uarius Eav(F)a and is aspected by the Sun, the native will have a ew children, be miserable with diseases and be ugly. 2 the &oon is in CapricornZ7>uarius Eav(F)a and is aspected by &ars, the native will be e>ual to a king, be very rich, happy, but un ortunate in regard to wi e. 2 the &oon is in CapricornZ7>uarius Eav(F)a and is aspected by %enus, he will be o crooked disposition, be attached to women and be valorous. 2 the &oon is in CapricornZ7>uarius Eav(F)a and is aspected by &ercury, the native will be interested in li>uors and will have bad history. 2 the &oon is in CapricornZ7>uarius Eav(F)a and is aspected by ,upiter, the native will be devoted to his own work and be great. ##-#$. SCL:D LH DHHDC1S. 2 the &oon is in %argothama Eav(F)a, own Eav(F)a, or other"s Eav(F)a, the e ects will be ull, medium and minor, respectively. 1his does not apply to evil e ects, so to say these will be reverse. 2 the Eav(F)a 9ord is stronger than the .()i 9ord, then only the e ects due to Eav(F)a 9ord will come to pass, i.e., the Eav(F)a e ects due to the &oon will be elt, as against that o her .()i position. So say %riddha 0avanas. 1hus ends the #$th Ch. in 4alyana %arma"s Saravali entitled ]D ects arising out o &oon"s position in %arious Eav(F)as".

Chapter - #3. D ects o &ars in %arious .()is

1-#. &7.S 2E 7.2DS. 2 &ars at birth occupies 7ries, the native will be splendourous, truth ul, valorous, be a king, be ond o war, interested in adventurous acts, be an 7rmy chie , or head o a village, or a bandU be delighted, charitable be endowed with a number o cows, goats etc. and grains, be ierce and will /oin many women. =-$. 2 &ars is in 1aurus in a nativity, the person will break the vows o chaste women, will eat voraciously, will have little wealth and ew sons, be /ealous, will maintain many people, will not trust others, will play violently, will speak very harshly, be ond o music, be sin ul, be inimical to relatives and will bring in amy to his amily. 3-5. &7.S 2E GD&2E2. Should &ars be in Gemini, the native will be splendourous, be capable o enduring miseries, be very learned, be well versed with poetical rules, skill ul in various kinds o ine arts, ond o going to oreign countries, virtuously disposed, highly intelligent, avourably disposed to his sons and riends and will devote to various kinds o assignments. @-A. &7.S 2E C7ECD.. 2 &ars is in Cancer at birth, the sub/ect will like living in others" houses, be de ormed, sick, will attain riches through agriculture, will en/oy royal ood and robes during childhood, will eat ood in others" houses, will become wealthy through the source o water, be repeatedly anguished and be always distressed. B-1C. &7.S 2E 9DL. 2 &ars is in 9eo in a nativity, the native will be impatient, be valorous, intent upon grabbing others" money and children, will like to live in orests, be ond o eating cow"s lesh (or bee etc.), will lose his irst wi e, will kill snakes and animals, will be bere t o children, be devoid o charitable acts and be always active in his /obs. 11-1#. &7.S 2E %2.GL. Should &ars occupy %irgo at birth, the sub/ect will be worthy o honour, be never rich, be very ond o se8ual union and music, be so t and sweet spoken, will have various kinds o e8penses, be not much valorous, be learned, will have ribs in their advanced position, will ear enemies very much, be skill ul in Shastras and ine arts, be ond o bathing, make-up etc. and be splendourous. 1=-1$. 2 &ars occupies 9ibra in a nativity, the person will be liable to wandering, will indulge in bad business, be an able speaker, be ortunate, de ormed in respect o some limb, will have ew relatives, be ond o wars, will lose his irst wi e, will deal in li>uors and will earn through prostitutes to only lose. 13-15. &7.S 2E SCL.:2L. 2 &ars occupies Scorpio at birth, the native will be attached to trade, will be interested in %edic knowledge, be leader o thieves, skill ul in his duties, be interested in wars, be highly sin ul, will do big crimes, will be per idious towards his enemies, will betray, be disposed towards killing, be unhelp ul, be a talebearer, will be endowed with lands, sons and wi e and be troubled by poison, ire, weapons and wounds. 1@-1A. &7.S 2E S7G2117.2<S. Should &ars be in Sagittarius, the native will have many wounds, be emaciated, be harsh in speech, cra ty, alienated, be a warrior endowed with chariots, elephants and 7rmy men, will pass arrows on other"s 7rmy rom his chariot, be happy with hard work, will lose his happiness and money due to anger and will not honour elders. 1B-#C. 2 &ars is posited in Capricorn at birth, one will be wealthy ( ortunate), be endowed with happiness and pleasures, be wealthy, will have an e8cellent disposition, be amous, be an 7rmy chie , or a king, will possess a good wi e, be success ul in war, will live in his own country, be independent, be a protector, be virtuous and will be interested in various procedures. #1-##. 2 &ars is posited in 7>uarius at the time o one"s birth, he will be devoid o both a ection and purity, will look like an old person, will die a bad death, will have spite, /ealousy, untruth ul disposition, a licted speech and lost wealth, will be ugly, will have (abundant) hair on the body, will lose money in gambling, will be unsightly, will have miserable pro ession, be ond o li>uor and be un ortunate.

#=-#$. &7.S 2E :2SCDS. Should &ars be in :isces at the time o one"s birth, the person will be troubled by diseases, will have indi erent children, will live in oreign countries, be insulted by his own relatives, will lose all his wealth by his cunning and cheating disposition, will be depressed in spirits, be very miserable, will disrespect elders and *rahmins, be unkind, will conceive (other"s) desires, be ond o praises and be amous. #3-=C. &7.S 2E LGE .7S'2 7E; 2E 7S:DC1 1L L1'D.S. Should &ars at birth be in 7riesZScorpio and be aspected by the Sun, the person will possess wealth, wi e and children, be a kings minister, be a /ustice, be amous and be a charitable king. Should &ars at birth be in 7riesZScorpio and be aspected by the &oon, the native will be bere t o mother, will have a wounded body, will hate his own people, will not have riends, be /ealous and will have emale children. Should &ars at birth be in 7riesZScorpio and be aspected by &ercury, the sub/ect will be an e8pert in stealing others" money, be a liar, be devoted to &anmatha (i.e. highly libidinous), be hostile and will re>uently visit prostitutes. Should &ars at birth be in 7riesZScorpio and be aspected by ,upiter, the native will be learned, sweetspoken, ortunate, dear to parents, be very a luent and will be a king par e8cellence. Should &ars at birth be in 7riesZScorpio and be aspected by %enus, the native will be imprisoned due to emales and will be deprived o his money on account o emales, more than once. Should &ars at birth be in 7riesZScorpio and be aspected by Saturn, the native will be capable o hindering thieves in spite o his being not valorous, will be devoid o his men and will maintain another woman. =1-=5. &7.S 2E 7 'L<SD LH %DE<S 7E; 7S:DC1D; *0 L1'D.S. 2 &ars is in 1aurusZ9ibra, with the aspect o the Sun, the person will seek to move in orests and hills, will hate women, will have many enemies, will have ierce appearance and be courageous. 2 &ars is in 1aurusZ9ibra with the aspect o the &oon, the native will not honour his mother, be wicked, will lord many women and be dear to them and will ear war. 2 &ars is in 1aurusZ9ibra with the aspect o &ercury, the native will promote >uarrels, will speak much, will have a so t body, will possess (indi erent or) ew sons and little wealth and will be learned in Shastras. 2 &ars is in 1aurusZ9ibra with the aspect o ,upiter, the sub/ect will be skill ul in music and in play o musical instruments, be ortunate, be dear to his relatives and will be pure. 2 &ars is in 1aurusZ9ibra with the aspect o %enus, the person will be a kings minister, be liked by the king, be an 7rmy chie , will have amous name (i.e. titles etc.) and will be happy. 2 &ars is in 1aurusZ9ibra with the aspect o Saturn, the native will be happy, amous, wealthy, be endowed with riends and own men, be learned and will be head o a group o villagesZtowns, or group o men. =@-$#. &7.S 2E &D.C<.0"S .7S'2 7E; 2E 7S:DC1 1L L1'D.S. 2 at birth &ars be in GeminiZ%irgo and in aspect to the Sun, the native will be blessed with learning, wealth and courage, be ond o hills, orests and ortresses and be highly strong. 2 &ars is in GeminiZ%irgo and is aspected by the &oon, the person will be happy, wealthy, splendourous, will guard women"s apartments, will be endowed with women and will manage the kings residence. 2 &ars is in GeminiZ%irgo and is aspected by &ercury, one will be skill ul in the art o writing, in mathematics and in poetry, be garrulous, be liar, be a sweet speaker, be a messenger (or an ambassador) and will endure lot o misery. 2 &ars is in GeminiZ%irgo and is aspected by ,upiter, the native will be a kings representative, be bright, will go to oreign countries, as an ambassador, be skill ul in all doings and be a leader. 2 &ars is in GeminiZ%irgo and is aspected by %enus, the person will do the /obs o emales, be very ortunate and will en/oy ood and robes. 2 &ars is in GeminiZ%irgo and is aspected by Saturn, the person will be interested in wandering in mines (i.e. places beneath sur ace), hills and orests, will have husbandry, as his livelihood, be highly miserable, be very valorous, dirty and be devoid o wealth. $=-$A. &7.S 2E C7ECD. 2E 7S:DC1 1L L1'D.S. 2 &ars be in Cancer at birth and is aspected by the Sun, the native will be sub/ected to bilious diseases, be splendourous, be a /ustice in position and be valorous. 2 the &oon aspects &ars in Cancer, the person will be troubled by various diseases, will have mean

conduct, will possess an unsightly body and be miserable. 2 &ercury aspects &ars in Cancer, the person will be dirty, sin ul, will possess a mean amily, will be re/ected by his own men and be shameless. 2 &ars in Cancer is aspected by ,upiter, the native will be amous, be king"s minister, be learned, charitable, wealthy and be bere t o carnal pleasures. 2 %enus aspects &ars in Cancer, the sub/ect will be grieved on account o women"s company, be insulted by women and will lose wealth on account o women. Should Saturn aspect &ars in Cancer, the native will ac>uire money through /ourney in water, be e>ual to a king, be sportive in his acts and be always bright. $B-3$. &7.S 2E 9DL 2E 7S:DC1 1L L1'D.S. 2 &ars is in 9eo and is aspected by the Sun, the native will be humble, help ul to riends, be endowed with own men and be ond o wandering in cowhouses, orests and hills. 2 the &oon aspects &ars in 9eo, the native will be ominous or his mother, be intelligent, will possess a hard body, be widely amous and will obtain money through women. 2 &ercury aspects &ars in 9eo, the native will be clever in many arts, be a miser, be skill ul in poetry and ine arts and be wicked. 2 ,upiter aspects &ars in 9eo, the person will be close to the king, be highly learned, be o pure mentality and be an 7rmy chie . Should %enus aspect &ars in 9eo, the person will have union with many women, be ortunate in respect o his wi e and will be ever /uvenile. Saturn aspecting &ars in 9eo denotes, that the person will look, like an old man, be poor, will wander in others" housesZbe miserable. 33-5C. &7.S 2E ,<:21D."S 'L<SD 2E 7S:DC1 1L L1'D.S. 2 &ars occupies Sagittarius, or :isces at birth and is aspected by the Sun, the sub/ect will be world honoured, be ortunate, will live in orests, hills and ortresses and be cruel. 2 &ars is in Sagittarius, or :isces and is aspected by the &oon, the person will be de ormed, belligerent, learned and be always inimical to the king. 2 &ars is in Sagittarius, or :isces and is aspected by &ercury, the person will be a scholar, be skill ul, learned in ine arts and be highly learned in general. 2 &ars is in Sagittarius, or :isces and is aspected by ,upiter, the person will be devoid o wi e and happiness, will be beyond the reach o enemies, be wealthy and be ond o e8ercises. 2 &ars is in Sagittarius, or :isces and is aspected by %enus, the person will be very much dear to women, be interested in cosmetics, makeup etc., be charitable, be libidinous and be ortunate. 2 &ars is in Sagittarius, or :isces and is aspected by Saturn, the person will have de ective body, be sin ul, wandering-nature, devoid o happiness and interested in others" religion. 51-55. &7.S 2E S71<.E"S 'L<SD 7E; 7S:DC1D; *0 L1'D.S. Should &ars be in Capricorn, or 7>uarius and be aspected by the Sun, the sub/ect will have very dark body, be courageous, will have many wives, sons and abundant wealth and be very sharp. Should &ars be in Capricorn, or 7>uarius and be aspected by the &oon, one will be ickle minded, be not well disposed towards his mother, be ond o beauti ication, be charitable, be not irm in riendship and be rich. Should &ars be in Capricorn, or 7>uarius and be aspected by &ercury, the sub/ect will walk very slowly, be not rich, will not have any pro ession, be not strong, be not outspoken and be not virtuous. Should &ars be in Capricorn, or 7>uarius and be aspected by ,upiter, the native will be very beauti ul, will possess kingly >ualities, will ul ill his undertakings, be long-lived and be endowed with relatives. Should &ars be in Capricorn, or 7>uarius and be aspected by %enus, one will be endowed with various kinds o (carnal) pleasures, be interested in ostering women and be belligerent. Should &ars be in Capricorn, or 7>uarius and be aspected by Saturn, the person will be a king, be very a luent, will hate women, will possess many children, be learned, be devoid, o happiness and be timid in war. 1hus ends the #3th Ch. entitled WD ects o &ars in %arious .()isX in Saravali o 4alyana %arma.

Chapter - #5. D ects o &ercury in %arious .()is

1-#. &D.C<.0 2E 7.2DS. 2 &ercury is in 7ries at the time o one"s birth, the native will be ond o battles (be uncompromising), be very learned, wicked, emaciated, interested in music and dance, be untruth ul, be attached to se8ual pleasures, be a writer, will produce ictitious things, will eat much, will lose hard-earned money, will incur debts and imprisonment re>uently and will be sometimes ickle minded and yet sometimes irm in disposition. =-$. Should &ercury be in 1aurus, the native will be skill ul, eminently liberal, be amous, will have knowledge o %edas and S(stras, be ond o e8ercises, robes, ornaments and garlands, be irm in disposition, will have sincerely earned wealth, will possess a chaste wi e, will be a so t and sweet speaker and be a ter se8ual satis action. 3-5. 2 &ercury occupies Gemini at birth, the sub/ect will have an auspicious appearance, will speak sweetly, be very a luent, be an able speaker, be honourable, will give up his happiness, will cohabit less, will have two wives, be ond o arguments, will be learned in %edas, S(stras etc., be a poet, be independent, dear, very muni icent, pro icient in work and will have many sons and riends. @-A. Lne born with &ercury in Cancer will be learned, will be ond o living in other countries, be interested in cohabiting with women and also in music, be ickle-minded, prattling, inimical to his own relatives, will be ond o arguments, will lose wealth on account o enmity with women, be o bad disposition, be interested in many /obs, be a good poet and will be popular on account o the ame o his ancestors. B-1C. Should the planet &ercury occupy 9eo at one"s birth, the native will not possess even bit o wisdom (4ala ` bit, hence Gnanakala interpreted thus), be amous in the world, be not truth ul, will possess a weak memory, be wealthy, be not strong, will indulge in ratricide, be un ortunate in respect o wi e, be independent, mean in conduct, be a servant, be devoid o children, be against his own race, but be avourable to others. 11-1#. 2 &ercury occupies his e8altation Sign at the time o one"s birth, the native will be >uite virtuous, elo>uent, skill ul, will have knowledge o writing (be an e8ponent) and poetry, be learned in ineZmechanical arts, be sweet in disposition, be liked by women, be not much virile, be the eldest son o amily, be honoured by virtuous, be disposed to serve others, modest, argumentative, amous, charitable and strong. 1=-1$. 2 &ercury alls in 9ibra at the time o one"s birth, the native will possess knowledge o arts, be intent upon arguments, be an able speaker, will spend money lavishly, will have business in various directions, will honour wise men, guests, Gods and preceptors (elders), be skill ul in pretending to serve others, be amiable, devoted to Gods, raudulent, ickle-minded and sometimes short-tempered and yet sometimes (notably) peace ul. 13-15. &D.C<.0 2E SCL.:2L. 2 &ercury is posited in Scorpio, one will e8perience troubles, grie and evils, will hate the virtuous, will be devoid o truth, religion and shame, be a dunce, be not virtuous, be a miser, will cohabit with wicked women, be ond o giving cruel punishments, be not out spoken, be interested in blameworthy /obs, will incur debts, will /oin base men and will steel other"s properties. 1@-1A. Should &ercury be in Sagittarius, the native will be amous, liberal, will have knowledge o %edas and S(stras, be valorous, will practice abstract meditation, be a minister, or amily priest, be chie among his race-men, will be very rich, be interested in per orming 0a/aas and teaching (%edas etc.), be a skill ul speaker, be charitable and be an e8pert in writing and ine arts. 1B-#C. &D.C<.0 2E C7:.2CL.E. 2 &ercury is in Capricorn at birth, the native will be mean, dull, impotent, will do others" work, be devoid o virtues, be sub/ected to various kinds o miseries, will dream, wander etc., be a tale bearer, be untruth ul, devoid o relatives, dirty and timid. #1-##. &D.C<.0 2E 7[<7.2<S. Should &ercury be in 7>uarius at birth, the sub/ect will be bere t o good disposition and good deeds, be attached to many religious acts, will give up doing worthy things, be insulted by others, be impure, be not virtuous, be very wicked, be inimical to wi e, be devoid o carnal pleasures, be very un ortunate, very timid, impotent, dirty and modest.

#=-#$. Should &ercury be in :isces, one will be ond o good conduct and purity, will live in oreign countries, be issueless, poor, will have a chaste wi e, be virtuous, ortunate, be devoid o religion, be skill ul in stitching etc. and be devoid o pro ane knowledge, ac>uaintance with S(stras and ine arts, will be pro icient in bagging other"s wealth and will be devoid o wealth. #3-=C. &D.C<.0 2E 7.2DSZSCL.:2L 7E; 7S:DC1D; *0 L1'D.S. Should &ercury occupy a Sign o &ars at birth and be aspected by the Sun, the person will be truth ul, be very happy, be honoured by the king and be patiently disposed. 2 &ercury is in a Sign o &ars and is aspected by the &oon, the native will steal the hearts o the air se8, will serve others, be dirty and be bere t o virtues. 2 &ercury is in a Sign o &ars and is aspected by &ars, one will be a liar, a sweet speaker, will promote >uarrels, be learned, a luent, dear to king and valorous. 2 &ercury is in a Sign o &ars and is aspected by ,upiter, one will be happy, will possess a glossy and hairy physi>ue, will have attractive hair, will be very rich, will command others and be sin ul. 2 &ercury is in a Sign o &ars and is aspected by %enus, the sub/ect will be in royal service, be ortunate, principal among men, or in his town, will speak skill ully, be trustworthy and will be endowed with a wi e. 2 &ercury is in a Sign o &ars and is aspected by Saturn, the person will e8perience miseries, be ierce, be intent upon doing cruel activities and be devoid o his own men. =1-=5. &D.C<.0 2E 17<.<SZ92*.7 2E 7S:DC1 1L L1'D.S. Should &ercury be in a 'ouse o %enus and be aspected by the Sun, the sub/ect will su er rom penury and acute grie , will have a sick physi>ue, be interested in serving others and will be censured. Should &ercury be in a 'ouse o %enus and be aspected by the &oon, the native will be trustworthy, a luent, irmly pious, devoid o sickness, will have lasting amily ties, be amous and be a kings minister. Should &ercury be in a 'ouse o %enus and be aspected by &ars, the native will be troubled by diseases and enemies, be distressed, will incur royal insult and will be deprived o all worldly ob/ects. Should &ercury be in a 'ouse o %enus and be aspected by ,upiter, the native will be highly learned, will ul ill his promise, will be leader o a countryZcityZgroup o men and be amous. Should &ercury be in a 'ouse o %enus and be aspected by %enus, the person will be ortunate, so t in disposition, be happy, will en/oy good robes make up etc. and will steal the hearts o the air se8. 2 Saturn throws his aspect on &ercury in a 'ouse o %enus, the sub/ect will be devoid o happiness, be dirty, will e8perience many diseases and evils, will be sub/ected to grie on account o his relatives and be distressed. =@-$#. &D.C<.0 2E LGE 'L<SD 7E; 2E 7S:DC1 1L L1'D.S. Should &ercury be in GeminiZ%irgo and be aspected by the Sun, the native will speak truth, be ortunate, dear to king, be a 9ord himsel , be polite in his activities and be liked by all. Should &ercury be in his own 'ouse and receive the aspect o the &oon, the person will be sweet in disposition, garrulous, will promote >uarrels, be interested in ac>uiring sastric knowledge, irm and will succeed in all his undertakings. Should &ercury be in his own 'ouse and receive the aspect o &ars, the person will have an in/ured body, be dirty, be a genius, will serve the king and be dear to him. Should &ercury be in his own 'ouse and receive the aspect o ,upiter, one will be a king"s minister, be e8cellent, be beauti ul, charitable, rich, be endowed with his own men and be courageous. Should &ercury be in his own 'ouse and receive the aspect o %enus, the native will be highly learned be a royal employee, be a messenger, will honour riendship and will be interested in base women. Should &ercury be in his own 'ouse and receive the aspect o Saturn, one will be progressiveminded, be modest, will achieve success in undertakings started by him and will be wealthy with money and clothes. $=-$A. &D.C<.0 2E C7ECD. 2E 7S:DC1 1L L1'D.S. Should &ercury be in Cancer, in aspect to the Sun, one will be a dhoby, or a gardener, or a house-builder, or gem smith. 2 the &oon aspects &ercury in Cancer, one will be deprived o wealth (or energy o the physi>ue) on account o women and will be miserable or the same reason. 2 &ars lends his aspect to &ercury in Cancer, he will not have much learning, be garrulous, be a great liar, will produce ictitious things, be a thie and will be a ectionate in speech. 2 ,upiter aspects &ercury in Cancer, one will be a great scholar, very dear (to all), be ortunate, dear

to the king and will cross the boundaries o learning. Should %enus aspect &ercury in Cancer, one will be e>ual to Cupid in appearance, will possess attractive physi>ue, be well-versed in the art o singing and in playing musical instruments, be ortunate and so tly disposed. 2 Saturn aspects &ercury in Cancer, one will be ond o vanity, be sin ul, will ace imprisonment, be devoid o virtues and will hate co-born and elders. $B-3$. &D.C<.0 2E 9DL 2E 7S:DC1 1L L1'D.S. 2 &ercury occupies 9eo at birth and is aspected by the Sun, the native will be /ealous, rich, virtuous, cruel, mean, ickle-minded and shameless. 2 the &oon aspects &ercury in 9eo, one will be very beauti ul, very skill ul, be interested in poetry, ine arts, music and dance, be wealthy and virtuous. 2 &ars lends his aspect to &ercury in 9eo, one will be base, miserable, physically in/ured, unskill ul and impotent. 2 ,upiter aspects &ercury in 9eo, one will be beauti ul, very learned, be a gi ted speaker, be very amous and be endowed with attendants and conveyances. 2 %enus aspects &ercury in 9eo, one will possess unparalleled beauty, be so tly disposed, will have an attractive ace, will have many conveyances, be very courageous and be a minister. 2 Saturn aspects &ercury in 9eo, one will be tall in stature, be splendourless, be ugly, will emanate bad smell rom body out o sweat and be miserable. 33-5C. &D.C<.0 2E ,<:21D."S 'L<SD 2E 7S:DC1 1L L1'D.S. Should &ercury be in SagittariusZ:isces and aspected by the Sun, one will su er rom urinary diseases and epilepsy and be peace ul in disposition. 2 the &oon aspects &ercury in SagittariusZ:isces, the native will be a writer, be beauti ul par e8cellence, be very a luent, trustworthy, amiable and happy. 2 &ars aspects &ercury in SagittariusZ:isces, the native will be a leader o townsmen, or thieves, will reside in orests and will be a amous writer. Should ,upiter aspect &ercury in SagittariusZ:isces, the native will be rich by memory, intelligence and descendency, be beauti ul, noble and knowledgeable, be a kings minister, or his treasurer and be a writer. 2 %enus aspect &ercury in SagittariusZ:isces, the native will educate boys and girls, be wealthy, so t in disposition and brave. 2 Saturn aspect &ercury in SagittariusZ:isces, the native will be intent upon living in orests, will eat much, be wicked, dirty and will be unsuccess ul in all his undertakings. 51-55. &D.C<.0 2E S71<.E"S 'L<SD 2E 7S:DC1 1L L1'D.S. 2 &ercury be in a 'ouse o Saturn and is aspected by the Sun, one will be a bo8er, be very strong, one will eat abundantly, be censured, will speak sweetly and be amous. 2 &ercury be in a 'ouse o Saturn and is aspected by the &oon, one will derive his livelihood through water, be plenti ul will sell lowers, li>uor and bulbs (vegetables), will have ierce appearance and be irm (i.e. not moving much). 2 &ercury be in a 'ouse o Saturn and is aspected by &ars, one will be in irm in speech, be calm in disposition, bash ul and happy. 2 &ercury be in a 'ouse o Saturn and is aspected by ,upiter, one will be endowed with abundant money and grains, be honoured in his villageZtown and by his men, be happy and be amous. 2 &ercury be in a 'ouse o Saturn and is aspected by %enus, one will be the husband o a base woman, be ugly, be unintelligible, be troubled by se8ual passion and will have many sons. 2 &ercury be in a 'ouse o Saturn and is aspected by Saturn, one will be sin ul, very poor, miserable and mean. 1hus ends the #5th Ch., entitled ]D ects o &ercury" in 4alyana %arma"s Saravali.

Chapter - #@. D ects o ,upiter in %arious Signs 1-#. ,<:21D. 2E 7.2DS. 2 ,upiter is posited in 7ries at birth, one will be argumentative in disposition, will ac>uire precious stones and ornaments out o his e orts, will be endowed with strength, sons and wealth, will have eminent and amous pro ession, be splendourous, will have many enemies, much e8penses and an in/ured body and will con er ierce and cruel punishments. =-$. Should ,upiter be in 1aurus, one will be endowed with a broad body, be corpulent, will honour *rahmins and Gods, be splendourous, ortunate, attached to his wi e, be endowed with good appearance, pro ession, cows and abundant wealthU will possess good articles and ornaments, be distinguished in speech, intelligence and skillU will have political Z /udicial wisdom, be modest, be endowed with medical accomplishments and be skill ul in e8periments. 3-5. Should ,upiter be in Gemini, the native will be a luent, scholarly, pro icient, will possess attractive eyes, be elo>uent, courteous, skill ul, virtuous, will honour elders and relatives, will be able to utter Wbe/eweledX words (be literally rich in words), which are benevolent in nature, be devoted to his duties and be a good poet. @-A. 2 ,upiter be in Cancer at birth, the native will be a scholar, be beauti ul, be highly learned, charitable, good-natured, be very strong, be amous, will possess abundant grains and riches, be endowed with truth and penance, will have long-living sons, be honoured by all, will be a king, will have a distinguished pro ession and will be attached to his riends. B-1C. Should ,upiter be in 9eo at the time o birth, the native will be lastingly inimical, be strong, courageous, will show abundant riendship, be learned, rich, will have eminent relatives, be a king, will have heroism akin to that o a king, will be recogni!able in an assembly, will destroy the entire band o his enemies, will possess a strong physi>ue and will live in hills, ortresses, orests and temples. 11-1#. 2 ,upiter occupies %irgo at birth, one will be a scholar, be virtuous, be skill ul in his work, be ond o scents, robes and lowers, will irmly gain in undertakings, will have rich e8perience in S(stras and ine arts, be a luent, charitable, pure-hearted, skill ul and wonder ully learned. 1=-1$. 2 ,upiter occupies 9ibra at birth, one will be a scholar, will have many sons, be endowed with oreign assignments, will be very a luent, interested in ornaments, modest, will earn money through dance and drama, be pleasing in appearance, be splendourous, learned in S(stras, be superior among his colleague-businessmen, will honour Gods and guests and be very learned. 13-15. Should ,upiter at the time o one"s birth be in Scorpio, he will be e8pert in S(stras, be a king, will be a commentator o many *h(Yyas (a commentary, which e8plains SMtras word by word with comments o its own, or e8ample, on %edas), be skill ul, will construct temples and towns, will have many wives, but ew sons, be troubled by diseases, will undergo many di iculties, be very ierce, be ostentatious in his per ormance, be virtuous and will indulge in contemptuous acts. 1@-1A. 2 ,upiter occupies Sagittarius at birth, one will be a preceptor, will conduct religious vows, initiations, sacri ices etc., will have lasting wealth, be charitable, be riendly to his own men, be ond o helping others, interested in Shastras, be the head o a !one, or a minister, will live in many countries, will pre er loneliness and be interested in visiting shrines. 1B-#C. ,<:21D. 2E C7:.2CL.E. ,upiter in Capricorn denotes, that the native will be less virile, will e8perience much grie and di iculties, will be mean in conduct, be a dunce, will meet a bad end, will su er rom penury, will serve others, will be bere t o auspiciousness, mercy, purity, a ection to his relatives and o religion, will have an emaciated body, be timid, interested in living in other countries and be depressed o spirits. #1-##. ,<:21D. 2E 7[<7.2<S. 2 ,upiter alls in 7>uarius at the time o birth, one will be a talebearer, be ill disposed, interested in evil /obs, be chie among his racemen, be always attached to base men, be malicious, miserly, will su er rom diseases, will lose wealth on account his own utterances, be devoid o intelligence and virtues and will violate elder"s beds.

#=-#$. ,<:21D. 2E :2SCDS. 2 ,upiter is in :isces at birth, one will be e8pert in knowing the meanings o %edas and other Shastras, will be honoured by riends and virtuous people, will be a headsman in the king"s employ, be praiseworthy, uncon>uerable, rich, devoid o ear, be proud, irm in undertakings, be a king, be skill ul in policies, training, behavior and war tactics, be amous and will be calm in his doings. #3-=C. ,<:21D. 2E 7.lDSZSCL.:2L 2E 7S:DC1 1L L1'D.S. 2 ,upiter occupies 7riesZScorpio at birth and is aspected by the Sun, the native will be charitable, will be truth ul, will have amous sons, be very ortunate and will have abundant hair on the body. 2 ,upiter occupies 7riesZScorpio and is aspected by the &oon, the native will be a historical and poetical writer, will be endowed with many precious stones, be dear to women, be a king and be highly learned. 2 ,upiter occupies 7riesZScorpio and is aspected by &ars, one is o royal scion, will be valorous, ierce, endowed with knowledge o politics, be modest, a luent and will have a disobedient wi e and disobedient servants. 2 ,upiter occupies 7riesZScorpio and is aspected by &ercury, the native will be a liar, be cra ty, sin ul, will be skill ul in detecting other"s de ects, will serve others, be grate ul, be modest and be not outspoken. 2 ,upiter occupies 7riesZScorpio and is aspected by %enus, one will be very happy in respect o residences, sleeping com orts, robes, scents, garlands, ornaments and wi e and be very timid. 2 ,upiter occupies 7riesZScorpio and is aspected by Saturn, the sub/ect will be dirty, miserly, sharp, adventurous, amiable, amous and will not have lasting children and riendship. =1-=5. ,<:21D. 2E 17<.<SZ92*.7 2E 7S:DC1 1L L1'D.S. 2 ,upiter occupies a 'ouse o %enus at birth and is aspected by the Sun, one will be endowed with attendants and >uadrupeds. will wander verily, will have a long body, be learned and be a king"s minister. 2 ,upiter occupies a 'ouse o %enus and is aspected by the &oon, the native will be abundantly rich, be very calm, Sweet, be dear to mother and wi e and will en/oy much pleasures. 2 ,upiter occupies a 'ouse o %enus and is aspected by &ars, the native will be dear to the air se8, be learned, courageous, a luent, happy and be o royal Scion. 2 ,upiter occupies a 'ouse o %enus and is aspected by &ercury, the native will be learned, Skill ul, sweet, ortunate, endowed with riches, be highly virtuous and be splendourous. 2 ,upiter occupies a 'ouse o %enus and is aspected by %enus, the native will be very attractive, a luent, will wear e8cellent ornaments, be merci ul and will en/oy e8cellent sleeping com orts and e8cellent robes. 2 ,upiter occupies a 'ouse o %enus and is aspected by Saturn, the native will be a scholar, will be endowed with abundant wealth and corns, be e8cellent among the people o his villageZtown, be dirty, ugly and be devoid o wi e. =@-$#. ,<:21D. 2E &D.C<.0S 'L<SD 7E; 2E 7S:DC1 1L L1'D.S. 2 ,upiter occupies GeminiZ%irgo and is aspected by the Sun at birth, one will be great, important in his village be a householder and will be endowed with wi e, sons and money. 2 ,upiter occupies GeminiZ%irgo and is aspected by the &oon, the native will be a luent, dear to mother, ortunate, happy, will have wi e and sons and be incomparable. 2 ,upiter occupies GeminiZ%irgo and is aspected by &ars, one will be easily success ul at all times, be ugly, rich and be amiable to all. 2 ,upiter occupies GeminiZ%irgo and is aspected by &ercury, one will be a skill ul astrologer, will have many children and wives and will be e8ponent o many aphorisms and precepts and speak with great e8cellence. 2 ,upiter occupies GeminiZ%irgo and is aspected by %enus, the native will undertake acts o temple construction, will visit prostitutes and will win women"s hearts. 2 ,upiter occupies GeminiZ%irgo and is aspected by Saturn, the native will be the head o a group, state, or village and be beauti ul. $=-$A. ,<:21D. 2E C7ECD. 2E 7S:DC1 1L L1'D.S. 2 ,upiter occupies Cancer at birth and is aspected by the Sun, native will be amous, be ahead o others and will (in the beginning) be devoid o happiness, wealth and wi e, all o which will be ac>uired by him later. 2 ,upiter occupies GeminiZ%irgo and is aspected by the &oon, the native will be very rich, splendourous, be a king, will en/oy abundant wealth and conveyances and will have e8cellent wi e and sons.

2 ,upiter occupies GeminiZ%irgo and is aspected by &ars, one will marry in the boyhood itsel , will be endowed with gold and ornaments, be learned, valorous and will have a wounded physi>ue. 2 ,upiter occupies GeminiZ%irgo and is aspected by &ercury, one will be endowed with relatives and riends, be rich, will promote >uarrels, be bere t o sins, be a minister and be trustworthy. 2 ,upiter occupies GeminiZ%irgo and is aspected by %enus, one will have many wives, e8traordinary riches, various ornaments, be happy and ortunate. 2 ,upiter occupies GeminiZ%irgo and is aspected by Saturn, one will be important in his village, or in the 7rmy, or in his town, be talkative, be very a luent, garrulous and will en/oy pleasures in old age. $B-3$. ,<:21D. 2E 9DL 7S:DC1D; *0 L1'D.S. 2 at birth ,upiter is in 9eo and is aspected by the Sun, one will be dear to good men, be amous, be a king, be e8tremely a luent and virtuous. 2 ,upiter is in 9eo and is aspected by the &oon, the native will be very beauti ul, dirty, will be very rich through the ortunes o his wi e and will con>uer his ive senses. 2 ,upiter is in 9eo and is aspected by &ars, the native will honour elders at all times, will per orm distinguished acts, be very skill ul, pure, adventurous and cruel. 2 ,upiter is in 9eo and is aspected by &ercury, the native will have knowledge o civil works o building construction, will be endowed with pro ane knowledge, be virtuous, be a sweet speaker, be a minister and be highly learned. 2 ,upiter is in 9eo and is aspected by %enus, the native will be dear to emales, be ortunate, will receive royal honours and be very strong. 2 ,upiter is in 9eo and is aspected by Saturn, one will be garrulous, be an elo>uent speaker, be devoid o happiness, be sharp and will have mean children and mean wi e. 33-5C. ,<:21D. 2E LGE 'L<SD 7E; 2E 7S:DC1 1L L1'D.S. 2 ,upiter is posited in SagittariusZ:isces at birth and is aspected by the Sun, the native will be inimical to the king and will be miserable being bere t o wealth and relatives. 2 ,upiter is posited in SagittariusZ:isces and is aspected by the &oon, the native will en/oy many kinds o happiness, be very ortunate in respect o wi e and will have the pride o honour, wealth and possessions. 2 ,upiter is posited in SagittariusZ:isces and is aspected by &ars, one will be in/ured in war, be cruel, will cause torture, will harm others and will lose children. 2 ,upiter is posited in SagittariusZ:isces and is aspected by &ercury, the native will be a minister, or a king, will be happy with wealth, ortunes and progeny and will en/oy all kinds o delights. 2 ,upiter is posited in SagittariusZ:isces and is aspected by %enus, the native will be happy, learned, be devoid o blemishes, be long-lived, ortunate and will be blessed by Goddess 9akshmi. 2 ,upiter is posited in SagittariusZ:isces and is aspected by Saturn, the native will be dirty, will be ear-stricken, be neglected by the people o his villageZtown and be devoid o happiness, pleasures and virtues. 51-55. ,<:21D. 2E 7 'L<SD LH S71<.E 2E 7S:DC1 1L L1'D.S. 2 ,upiter is in a 'ouse o Saturn at birth and is aspected by the Sun, one will be learned, be a king, be rich by birth, will en/oy various kinds o pleasures and be very courageous. 2 ,upiter is in a 'ouse o Saturn and is aspected by the &oon, the native will be devoted to his parents, be superior by birth, be learned rich, virtuous and very charitable. 2 ,upiter is in a 'ouse o Saturn and is aspected by &ars, one will be valorous, be an 7rmy chie with the king, splendourous, well-dressed, amous and honoured. 2 ,upiter is in a 'ouse o Saturn and is aspected by &ercury, one will be highly libidinous, important among his olk, rich by conveyances and wealth, amous and will have many riends. 2 ,upiter is in a 'ouse o Saturn and is aspected by %enus, the native will be endowed with ood, drinks, e8cellent residence, sleeping com orts, wealth, conveyances, e8cellent wi e, ornaments and robes. 2 ,upiter is in a 'ouse o Saturn and is aspected by Saturn, the native will be endowed with incomparable learning, be supreme, be a king o his country, be rich with attendants and >uadrupeds and will en/oy pleasures. 1hus ends the #@th Ch. entitled D ects o ,upiter in %arious Signs in 4alyana %arma"s Saraval6

Chapter - #A. D ects o %enus in %arious Signs

1-#. Should %enus be in 7ries at birth, one will be night-blind, will have many blemishes, be inimical, will /oin other housewives, will visit whores, will move in orests and hills, will be imprisoned on account o women, be base, hard in disposition, be an 7rmy chie , or chie o men, be not reliable and be eminent. =-$. %DE<S 2E 17<.<S. Should %enus at birth be in 1aurus, one will be endowed with many wives and gems, be an agriculturist, will possess scents, garlands and robes, will live on account o cows, be charitable, will maintain his relatives, will have good appearance, will be learned in many branches, will give away many things, will help the living beings and be a principal person. 3-5. Should %enus occupy Gemini at birth, one will be amous in sciences and S(stras, be beauti ul, libidinous, be skill ul in writing and in poetry, be dear to good people, will derive wealth through music and dances, will have many riends, will honour Gods and *rahmins and be irm in riendship. @-A. 2 %enus occupies Cancer at the time o one"s birth, he will be wise, virtuous, learned, strong, so t, chie among men, will have desired happiness and wealth, be good-looking, /ust, very much troubled on account o women and wine and will be miserable with amily troubles. B-1C. 2 %enus occupies 9eo at birth, the native will respect women, will en/oy wealth and happiness, will have less virility, be dear to relatives, be miserable in spite o his happiness, will help others, will respect *rahmins, elders and preceptors and will be devoid o much discrimination. 11-1#. Should %enus be in %irgo, the native will not be >uite discriminative, be so t in disposition, be skill ul, will be help ul to others, will speak sweetly, will earn money through several sources, will cohabit with bad women, be mean, be devoid o happiness and pleasures, will beget more daughters and less sons, will visit shrines and be a scholar in an assembly. 1=-1$. %DE<S 2E 92*.7. 2 %enus occupies 9ibra, the native will ac>uire hard-earned money, be valorous, endowed with superior robes etc., interested in living in oreign countries, will protect his own people, be skill ul in his duties, rich, meritorious, amous by honouring Gods and *rahmins, be a scholar and be ortunate. 13-15. 2 %enus occupies Scorpio, the sub/ect will be /ealous, be very malicious, be not religious, be argumentative, be cra ty, be not attached to brothers, be not ortunate, will be troubled by enemies, be distressed, will be inimical to unchaste women, be skill ul in killing, will incur heavy debts, will su er penury, be proud and will contract venereal diseases. 1@-1A. Lne, who has %enus in Sagittarius will be endowed with good results accruing out o virtues, duti ulness and wealth, be dear to all people, be splendourous, be an e8cellent personage, will shine like the Sun be ore his amily members, be a scholar, will be endowed with cows, be ond o decoration, will en/oy wealth, wi e and ortunes, be a king"s minister, be skill ul, will have a stout and long physi>ue and be respected by all. 1B-#C. %DE<S 2E C7:.2CL.E. 2 %enus occupies Capricorn at birth, one will be miserable due to heavy e8penses, will have an emaciated body, will be ond o aged women, will su er rom heart diseases, be miserly in the matter o money, be a liar, be skill ul in cheating, be a eunuch, be devoid o (good) acts, interested in others" work, very distressed, be a dunce and will, however, endure misery. #1-##. Should %enus be in 7>uarius, one will su er rom ear and e8citement, be not success ul in undertakings, will go to other women, be not virtuous, be inimical to elders and to his children, be bere t o ablutions, like bathing and will not be endowed with (good) robes, ornaments etc. and be dirty. #=-#$. %DE<S 2E :2SCDS. 2 %enus is posited in :isces at birth, one will be courteous, liberal, virtuous, very wealthy, will destroy enemies, be amous in the world, e8cellent, distinguished, dear to king, be endowed with good speech and wisdom, be liberal, will derive wealth and respect rom the

virtuous, will keep up his promise, will maintain his amily members and be endowed with knowledge. #3-=C. %DE<S 2E 7.2DS L. SCL.:2L 2E 7S:DC1 1L L1'D.S. Should %enus occupy 7riesZScorpio at birth and is in aspect to the Sun, one will be miserable on account o women and will lose wealth and happiness on account o them, will be a king and be learned. 2 %enus is in 7ries, or Scorpio and is aspected by the &oon, one will be imprisoned, very ickleminded, be libidinous, will marry a base lady and will be bere t o children. 2 %enus is in 7ries, or Scorpio and is aspected by &ars, one will be devoid o wealth, honour and happiness, will do others" /obs and will per orm dirty /obs. 2 %enus is in 7ries, or Scorpio and is aspected by &ercury, one will be oolish, pro ligate, unworthy, be not in good terms with his own relatives, be immodest, thievish, mean and cruel. 2 %enus is in 7ries, or Scorpio and is aspected by ,upiter, one will be endowed with beauti ul eyes, will have a charitable wi e, will possess a beauti ul and long body and will have many sons. 2 %enus is in 7ries, or Scorpio and is aspected by Saturn, one will be very dirty, la!y and wanderingnatured, will serve others and be a thie . =1-=5. %DE<S 2E LGE 'L<SD 2E 7S:DC1 1L L1'D.S. Should %enus at birth occupy 1aurusZ9ibra and is aspected by the Sun, the person will ac>uire an e8cellent wi e and abundant wealth, will become a great man and will be subdued by women. 2 %enus is in 1aurus, or 9ibra and is aspected by the &oon, it indicates, that one is born o an e8cellent mother, will be endowed with happiness, wealth, respect and sons, will have e8cellence and be splendourous. 2 %enus is in 1aurus, or 9ibra and is aspected by &ars, one will marry a bad emale, will lose home and wealth on account o emales and be sensuous. 2 %enus is in 1aurus, or 9ibra and is aspected by &ercury, one will be splendourous, sweet, ortunate, happy, bold, wise and virtuous and will possess distinguished strength. 2 %enus is in 1aurus, or 9ibra and is aspected by ,upiter, one will be endowed with wi e, sons, abodes, conveyances, riches etc. and will achieve desired ob/ects. 2 %enus is in 1aurus, or 9ibra and is aspected by Saturn, one will have little happiness, little wealth, will be reprobate, will marry a mean lady and will su er rom diseases. =@-$#. %DE<S 2E GD&2E2Z%2.GL 2E 7S:DC1 1L L1'D.S. 2 %enus is in GeminiZ%irgo and aspected by the Sun, one will be well disposed towards the king, his own mother and wi e, be learned and rich. 2 %enus is in Gemini, or %irgo and is aspected by the &oon, one will have dark eyes, beauti ul hair, be endowed with sleeping com orts, conveyances etc., be splendourous, beauti ul in appearance and be ortunate. 2 %enus is in Gemini, or %irgo and is aspected by &ars, one will be highly sensuous, be ortunate and will destroy his wealth through women. 2 %enus is in Gemini, or %irgo and is aspected by &ercury, one will be learned, sweet in disposition, wealthy and endowed with conveyances and children, be ortunate and be leader o men, or be a king. 2 %enus is in Gemini, or %irgo and is aspected by ,upiter, one will be highly happy, be radiant, courageous, learned and be a preceptor. 2 %enus is in Gemini, or %irgo and is aspected by Saturn, one will be very miserable, insulted, ickleminded, green-eyed and be a dunce. $=-$A. %DE<S 2E C7ECD. 2E 7S:DC1 1L L1'D.S. 2 %enus is in Cancer and aspected by the Sun, the native"s wi e will be attached to her duties, will possess a spotless body, will be a king"s daughter, (i.e. she will be o a rich heritage), one short-tempered and will be endowed with wealth. 2 %enus is in Cancer and is aspected by the &oon, one will keep his step-mother happy, will have a daughter irst and later on many sons, be happy, ortunate and beauti ul. 2 %enus is in Cancer and is aspected by &ars, one will be skill ul in arts, be very rich, will su er on account o women, be ortunate and will promote the cause o his relatives. 2 %enus is in Cancer and is aspected by &ercury, one will marry a learned woman, will su er miseries on account o his relatives, will wander, be wealthy and learned. 2 %enus is in Cancer and is aspected by ,upiter, one will be endowed with many servants, sons, happiness, relatives and riends and be dear to king. 2 %enus is in Cancer and is aspected by Saturn, one will be subdued by women, be poor, base, ugly,

ickle-minded and unhappy. $B-3$. %DE<S 2E 9DL 2E 7S:DC1 1L L1'D.S. 2 %enus occupies 9eo at the time o birth and is aspected by the Sun, one will be /ealous, be dear to the air se8, libidinous will ac>uire money through women and will possess elephants. 2 %enus is in 9eo and is aspected by the &oon, one will present obse>uial water to his step mother, will be miserable on account o women, be rich and will have various kinds o mental disposition (i.e. be in irm in disposition). 2 %enus is in 9eo and is aspected by &ars, one will be a royal person, be amous, dear to women, be a luent, ortunate and be attached to other"s wives. 2 %enus is in 9eo and is aspected by &ercury, one will be ever engaged in earning, be miserly in disposition, be addicted to women, will /oin other"s wives, be courageous, cra ty, alse and wealthy. 2 %enus is in 9eo and is aspected by ,upiter, one will be endowed with conveyances, wealth and servants, will marry many women and be a king"s minister. 2 %enus is in 9eo and is aspected by Saturn, one will be a king, or e>ual to a king, be amous, will have abundant wealth and conveyances, will marry a prostitute (or a widow), be beauti ul in appearance and be miserable. 33-5C. %DE<S 2E S7G2117.2<SZ:2SCDS 2E 7S:DC1 1L L1'D.S. 2 %enus occupies SagittariusZ:isces at birth and aspected by the Sun, one will be very short tempered, learned, wealthy, be liked by all and will go to oreign countries. 2 %enus is in Sagittarius, or :isces and is aspected by the &oon, one will be amous, be kingly, will eat rich ood, be distinguished and will possess incomparable strength. 2 %enus is in Sagittarius, or :isces and is aspected by &ars, one will be very much ill-disposed towards women, will be both happy and miserable, be rich and will possess cows. 2 %enus is in Sagittarius, or :isces and is aspected by &ercury, one will be endowed with all kinds o robes, ornaments, oods and drinks and will possess plenty o money and horses and cows, will possess many wives and many sons, be happy and be very wealthy. 2 %enus is in Sagittarius, or :isces and is aspected by Saturn, one will be always amassing inancial gains, be happy, will en/oy pleasures and abundant wealth and be ortunate. 51-55. %DE<S 2E S71<.E"S 'L<SD 2E 7S:DC1S 1L L1'D.S. Should %enus be in CapricornZ7>uarius and be in aspect to the Sun, the native will be irm, very dear to emales, very wealthy, very happy and truth ul and be courageous. 2 %enus is in Capricorn, or 7>uarius and is aspected by the &oon, one will be very splenderous, very valorous, very a luent and ortunate. 2 %enus is in Capricorn, or 7>uarius and is aspected by &ars, one will lose his spouse, will su er many evils and diseases, will undergo di iculties and later on be happy. 2 %enus is in Capricorn, or 7>uarius and is aspected by &ercury, one will be learned, rich, skill ul in sacred precepts, highly scholastic, truth ul and happy. 2 %enus is in Capricorn, or 7>uarius and is aspected by ,upiter, one will en/oy robes and garlands, be beauti ul, will be skill ul in music and musical instruments and will posses a good wi e. 2 %enus is in Capricorn, or 7>uarius and is aspected by Saturn, one will be endowed with servants, conveyances and wealth, be dirty and will possess a black, beauti ul and broad physi>ue. 1hus ends the #Ath Ch. entitled D ects o %enus in %arious Signs in 4alyana %arma"s Saravali

Chapter - #B. D ects o Saturn in %arious .()is

1-#. S71<.E 2E 7.2DS. 2 Saturn occupies 7ries at the time o one"s birth one will be miserable due to his vices and hard labor, be deceit ul will hate his relatives, be blameworthy, garrulous, reprobated, poor, bad in appearance, ill-tempered, inimical to his people, will do base acts, be /ealous and sin ul. =-$. 2 Saturn occupies 1aurus at the time o one"s birth, he will be bere t o wealth, be a servant, will speak undesirable words, be untruth ul, will win the hearts o old women, will have bad riends, will be addicted to women, will serve other women, be not outspoken, will have strong sight, be related to numerous assignments and be a ool. 3-5. 2 Saturn occupies Gemini, one will contract debts and imprisonments, will toil, will have vanity in disposition will consecrate by hymns and prayers, be bere t o virtues, be always in hide-out, be libidinous, cunning, wicked and ond o wandering and o sports. @-A. S71<.E 2E C7ECD.. 2 Saturn is in Cancer, one will possess a beloved wi e, be devoid o wealth in boyhood, will su er many diseases, be learned, motherless, so t-spoken, distinguished in acts, will always contract diseases, will trouble others, be inimical to relatives, crooked, be kingly in his mid-li e and will en/oy growing pleasures. B-1C. S71<.E 2E 9DL. 2 Saturn occupies 9eo, one will be interested in writing and reading, be skill ul, be disdained, devoid o virtues and wi e, will live by servitude, be devoid o his own men and happiness, be interested in doing base acts, ill-tempered, be mad with (undue) desires, will carry loads, will toil hard and will have a wrinkled body. 11-1#. S71<.E 2E %2.GL. 2 Saturn occupies %irgo at birth the sub/ect will resemble a eunuch, be very cra ty, will depend on others or ood, be addicted to prostitutes, will have a ew riends, be unac>uainted with arts, be desirous o indulging in ugly acts, will possess sons and wealth, be indolent, help ul to others, will intent upon spoiling virgins and be cautious in his actions. 1=-1$. Saturn posited in 9ibra at birth indicates, that the sub/ect will be rich, so t-spoken, will earn money and honours rom oreign countries, be a king, or a scholar, will have his wealth protected by his relatives, be senior in the circle, will attain a high status owing to his gracious speech in an assemblage, be good and will /oin corrupt emale dancers and prostitutes. 13-15. S71<.E 2E SCL.:2L. 2 Saturn occupies Scorpio at birth, the native will be hostile, be crooked, a ected by poison and weapons, very ill-tempered, miserly, egoistic, rich, capable o stealing others" money, averse to instruments played on estive occasions, malicious, very miserable and will ace destruction, misery and diseases. 1@-1A. S71<.E 2E S7G2117.2<S. 2 Saturn occupies Sagittarius, one will be skill ul in behavior, teaching, %edic meanings, learning and denotation, (i.e. he will be best placed in these respects), be amous due to virtuous children, amily pro ession and his own virtues, will en/oy e8cellent a luence in his old age, will speak less, will have many names and be so t in disposition. 1B-#C. 2 Saturn is posited at birth in Capricorn, the native will lord over the lands o others" emales, will be endowed with %edic knowledge, virtues and knowledge o many branches o ine arts, be e8cellent among his caste-men, be honourable, will respect others, be amous, be interested in bathing and decoration, will be skill ul in per ormance, will live in oreign places, be courageous and be polite in behavior. #1-##. 2 Saturn is in 7>uarius, the native will be a great liar, be eminent, be addicted to women and wine, be wicked, cra ty, will all prey to evil riendship, be very ill-tempered, be averse to knowledge, conversation and traditional law, be addicted to other women, be harsh in speech and will attempt at many undertakings. #=-#$. S71<.E 2E :2SCDS. 2 Saturn occupies :isces at birth, one will be ond o Sacri ices and arts, be chie among his relatives and riends, be calm, will have increasing wealth, be skill ul in policy-

making, be capable o diamond testing, be virtuous, modest and will later on ac>uire an authoritative position. #3-=C. S71<.E 2E 7.2DSZSCL.:2L 2E 7S:DC1 1L L1'D.S. 2 Saturn occupies a .()i o &ars and is aspected by the Sun, one will be interested in agriculture, be very a luent, be endowed with cows, bu aloes and horses, be ortunate and industrious. 2 Saturn is in 7ries, or Scorpio and is aspected by the &oon, one will be ickle minded, base, will /oin mean and ugly women and be devoid o happiness and wealth. 2 Saturn is in 7ries, or Scorpio and is aspected by &ars, one will kill animals, be base, be a leader o robbers, be amous and be ond o (/oining other) women, meat and wine. 2 Saturn is in 7ries, or Scorpio and is aspected by &ercury, one will be untruth ul, not virtuous, will eat much, be a amous thie and be devoid o happiness and riches. 2 Saturn is in 7ries, or Scorpio and is aspected by ,upiter, one will be endowed with happiness, wealth and ortune, be a king"s minister and be chie . 2 Saturn is in 7ries, or Scorpio and is aspected by %enus, one will be >uite unsteady in disposition, very ugly, will /oin other women and courtesans and be bere t o pleasures. =1-=5. S71<.E 2E 17<.<SZ92*.7 2E 7S:DC1 1L L1'D.S. Should Saturn be in a Sign o %enus and is aspected by the Sun, the native will be clear in speech, will lose wealth, be a scholar, will eat in other"s houses and be weak in constitution. 2 Saturn is in 1aurus, or 9ibra and is aspected by the &oon, one will gain wealth through women, will be honoured by ministers o kings, be dear to women and be endowed with amily. 2 Saturn is in 1aurus, or 9ibra and is aspected by &ars, one will be skill ul in war preparations, but will be away rom war, will speak much and be endowed with wealth and amily. 2 Saturn is in 1aurus, or 9ibra and is aspected by &ercury one will always be /ocularly disposed, be e>ual to a neuter, will serve emales and be base. 2 Saturn is in 1aurus, or 9ibra and is aspected by ,upiter, one will share happiness and misery o others, will do others" /obs, be dear to people, charitable and industrious. 2 Saturn is in 1aurus, or 9ibra and is aspected by %enus, one will be happy on account o women and wine (i.e. will en/oy these), be endowed with gems, be very strong and be dear to the king. =@-$#. S71<.E 2E GD&2E2Z%2.GL 7E; 2E 7S:DC1 1L L1'D.S. 2 Saturn occupies a .()i o &ercury at birth and is aspected by the Sun, the native will be devoid o happiness and wealth, be virtuous, bere t o anger, will endure di iculties and be valorous. 2 Saturn is in Gemini, or %irgo and is aspected by the &oon, one will be e>ual to a king, will possess a bright physi>ue, will earn wealth and honour through women and will do women"s /obs. 2 Saturn is in Gemini, or %irgo and is aspected by &ars, one will be a amous bo8er, be stupe ied, will carry heavy loads and will possess an ugly body. 2 Saturn is in Gemini, or %irgo and is aspected by &ercury, one will be rich, skill ul in war, be a dance master, a skill ul singer and an e8pert in arts. 2 Saturn is in Gemini, or %irgo and is aspected by ,upiter, one will be trustworthy in the king"s circle, will possess all kinds o (good) >ualities, be liked by good men and will earn wealth through his virtues. 2 Saturn is in Gemini, or %irgo and is aspected by %enus, one will be skill ul in beauti ying women, be a teacher o 0ogas, or a saint and be dear to the air se8. $=-$A. S71<.E 2E C7ECD. 2E 7S:DC1 1L L1'D.S. 2 Saturn occupies Cancer at birth and is aspected by the Sun, the native will lose his ather in his very boyhood be bere t o wealth, wi e and happiness, will eat bad ood and be sin ul. 2 Saturn is in Cancer and is aspected by the &oon, one will be a source o evil to his mother, be wealthy and will be troubled by his co-born. 2 Saturn is in Cancer and is aspected by &ars, one will en/oy king"s wealth, be de ective bodied, will possess gold and gems, be endowed with a amily and will have a bad group o relatives and wi e. 2 Saturn is in Cancer and is aspected by &ercury, one will be hard-hearted, garrulous, will con>uer his enemies, will show vanity and will do noble acts. 2 Saturn is in Cancer and is aspected by ,upiter, one will be endowed with lands, houses, riends, sons, wealth, gems and wi e. 2 Saturn is in Cancer and is aspected by %enus, one is o a noble descent, but will be bere t o beauty, grace and happiness.

$B-3$. S71<.E 2E 9DL 2E 7S:DC1 1L L1'D.S. 2 Saturn occupies the Sun-owned .()i and is aspected by the Sun himsel , the native will be devoid o wealth, happiness and nobility, will be a liar and a drunkard, will possess a bad physi>ue, be a servant and be very miserable. 2 Saturn is in 9eo and is aspected by the &oon, one will en/oy abundant wealth, precious stones and women, be widely amous and be dear to the king. 2 Saturn is in 9eo and is aspected by &ars, one will everyday move rom place to place, be un ortunate, will live in ortresses and hills, be base and be bere t o wi e and sons. 2 Saturn is in 9eo and is aspected by &ercury, one will not be outspoken, be la!y, poor, will do emales" /obs, be dirty and miserable. 2 Saturn is in 9eo and is aspected by ,upiter, one will be chie and rich in his town, or among his men, will be endowed with progeny and be trustworthy. 2 Saturn is in 9eo and is aspected by %enus, one will be averse to women, be splendourous, slow (or tardy), happy, rich and will attain a good end. 33-5C. S71<.E 2E ,<:21D."S .7S'2 7E; 2E 7S:DC1 1L L1'D.S. 2 Saturn occupies Sagittarius, or :isces at birth, in aspect to the Sun the native will be the ather o others" children and through these children he will attain wealth, name, ame and honour. 2 Saturn is in Sagittarius, or :isces and is aspected by the &oon, one will be bere t o mother, will have two names and be endowed with wi e, children and wealth. 2 Saturn is in Sagittarius, or :isces and is aspected by &ars, one will be troubled by windy diseases, will dislike people, be sin ul, mean, blameworthy etc. 2 Saturn is in Sagittarius, or :isces and is aspected by &ercury, one will be e>ual to a king, be happy, be a preceptor, be honourable, rich and ortunate. 2 Saturn is in Sagittarius, or :isces and is aspected by ,upiter, one will be a king, or e>ual to a king, or a minister, or an 7rmy chie and be ree rom all kinds o danger. 2 Saturn is in Sagittarius, or :isces and is aspected by %enus, one will have two mothers and two athers, will live in orests and hills, will be unsteady and be endowed with many kinds o assignments. 51-55. S71<.E 2E LGE 'L<SD 2E 7S:DC1 1L L1'D.S. 2 Saturn is in CapricornZ7>uarius and is aspected by the Sun, he will be sick, will have an ugly wi e, will eat other"s ood, be miserable, wandering in nature and will carry loads. 2 Saturn is in Capricorn, or 7>uarius and is aspected by the &oon, one will be ickle-minded, untruth ul, sin ul, will not have good terms with his mother, be rich and be sorrow ul due to wandering. 2 Saturn is in Capricorn, or 7>uarius and is aspected by &ars, one will be very valorous, amous, be superior among great men and sharp. 2 Saturn is in Capricorn, or 7>uarius and is aspected by &ercury, he will carry loads, be clouded in mentality (or 1amasik in disposition), be good-looking, wandering-natured, learned, be not >uite wealthy and be ortunate. 2 Saturn is in Capricorn, or 7>uarius and is aspected by ,upiter, one will be amous or his good >ualities, be a king, or be o royal scion, long-lived and be ree rom diseases. 2 Saturn is in Capricorn, or 7>uarius and is aspected by %enus, one will be rich, addicted to other women, ortunate, happy and will en/oy ood and drinks. 1hus ends the #Bth Ch. entitled D ects o Saturn in %arious .()is in 4alyana %arma"s Saravali.

Chapter - =C. D ects o :lanets in *havas

1. 2n order, that the e ects o physi>ue etc. or the various human beings are understood, 2 e8plain below things relating to (various) *havas (o a horoscope) in a special manner. #. 1he Sun in the 7scendant denotes, that the native will have less hair (on the head), be la!y in unction, given to anger, will have prominent personality, be honourable, will have weak sight and coarse physi>ue, be courageous, impatient and unkind. 2 the 7scendant is Cancer and is occupied by the Sun, the native will have swollen eyes, i it be 7ries with Sun therein, his sight will be weak and in 9eo the Sun makes him night-blind. Lne su ers poverty and loss o children, i the Sun occupies 9ibra. =. S<E 2E #nd. 2 the Sun is in the #nd *hava, the native will be endowed with servants and >uadrupeds, will su er acial diseases, will be deprived o happiness and wealth and will lose money through royal displeasure, or through thieves. $. Should the Sun be in =rd, the native will be valorous, strong, will lose co-born, be dear to people, good-looking, very learned and will con>uer his enemies. 3. Should the Sun be in $th, the native will be devoid o conveyances and relatives, will su er heart diseases, will destroy paternal house and wealth and will serve a bad king. 5. 2 the Sun occupies the 3th, the native will be bere t o happiness, sons and wealth, will live by husbandry, will move in hills and ortresses, be ickle-minded, scholarly, devoid o strength and be short-lived. @. 2 the Sun is in 5th, the native will be very libidinous, will have power ul digestive ire (capable o digesting ast), be strong, a luent, amous or virtues and be either a king, or an 7rmy chie . A. 2 the Sun is posited in @th, the native will be poor, insulted, will su er bodily diseases, royal displeasures and imprisonment, will take to bad ways and will not be well-disposed to his wi e. B. 2 the Sun occupies the Ath, the native will have de ormed eyes, be devoid o wealth and happiness, be short-lived and will su er separation rom his relatives. 1C. 2 the Sun occupies the Bth, the native will be endowed with wealth, children and riends, will be very interested in worshipping Gods and *rahmins, will not be well-disposed towards his ather and wi e and be not calm. 11. Should the Sun be in 1Cth, the native will be e8tremely intelligent, rich, strong and will be endowed with conveyances, relatives and sons, will succeed in his undertakings, be valorous, uncon>uerable and great. 1#. Should the Sun be in 11th, one will be interested in gathering money, be strong, will hate others, be devoid o servants, be himsel a servant, be devoid o a ection, be modest and will be success ul in undertakings. 1=. 2 the Sun is in 1#th at birth, he will have a de ormed physi>ue, be one-eyed, allen (morally), will marry a barren lady, be inimical to his ather, weak and mean. 1$. 1he &oon in the 7scendant identical with Cancer, 1aurus, or 7ries indicates, that the native will be liberal, beauti ul, rich and en/oying pleasures greatly. 1he &oon in the 7scendant identical with other Signs indicates, that the native will be intensely passionate, base, dea , distressed, dumb and will decline (in prosperity). 13. Should the &oon be in #nd, the native will en/oy incomparable happiness and riends and be wealthy. 2 the said &oon be Hull, the native will be very a luent and will speak less.

15. Should the &oon be in =rd, the native will protect his co-born, be always delighted, valorous and will be endowed with learning, robes and ood. 1@. 2 the &oon be in $th, the native will be endowed with relatives, paraphernalia and conveyances, be charitable, ond o travelling by water and will neither be very happy nor be miserable. 1A. Should the &oon be in 3th, the native will be timid in disposition, will earn learning, clothes and ood, will have many sons and riends, be a scholar and be passionate. 1B. 2 the &oon be in 5th, the native will su er stomachial diseases. 2 it be the weak &oon, he will be short-lived. #C. 2 the &oon is in @th, the native will be amiable, happy, will possess a good physi>ue and be sensuously disposed. 2 the weak &oon is in @th, the native will be pitiable and weak. #1. 2 the &oon is in Ath, the native will be very intelligent, very splendourous and will su er rom diseases. 2 the &oon be weak, he will be short-lived. ##. 2 the &oon is in Bth, the native will be devoted to divine and paternal assignments, will be endowed with happiness, wealth, intelligence and sons and will attract the air se8. #=. 2 the &oon occupies the 1Cth, the native will not su er grie , be duti ul, success ul in his undertakings, a luent, pure, very strong, valorous and charitable. #$. Should the &oon occupy the 11th, the native will be wealthy, will have many sons, be long-lived, will have attendants to serve, be intelligent, sharp, valorous and splendourous. #3. 2 the &oon occupies the 1#th, the native will be odious, allen in moral sense, mean, will su er eye diseases, be indolent, distressed (de ormed), is born o other"s loins and will be insulted at all times. #5. 2 &ars occupies the 7scendant, the native will be cruel, adventurous, dull-witted, short-lived, honourable, courageous, will have an in/ured physi>ue, be attractive in appearance and ickleminded. #@. 2 &ars occupies the #nd, the native will be poor, will eat bad ood, will possess an ugly ace, will /oin bad men and be bere t o learning. #A. 2 &ars be in =rd, the native will be courageous, uncon>uerable, bere t o co-born, be delighted, will have all virtues and be amous. #B. 2 &ars is posited in $th, the native will be devoid o relatives, paraphernalia and conveyances, be very miserable, will live in others" houses and be distressed. =C. 2 &ars occupies the 3th, the native will be devoid o happiness, wealth and sons, be ickleminded, be a talebearer, will incur evils, be wicked, distressed and mean. =1. 2 &ars occupies the 5th, the native will be highly libidinous, will have power ul digestive ire, be beauti ul, tall, strong and great among his relatives. =#. 2 &ars is posited in @th, the native will lose his wi e, will su er rom diseases, will take to bad ways, be miserable, sin ul, devoid o wealth, distressed and emaciated. ==. 2 &ars occupies the Ath, the native will su er rom diseases, be short-lived, will possess an ugly, or de ormed body, will do base acts and will su er grie . =$. 2 &ars occupies the Bth, the native will not be skill ul in acts, be odious, will kill living beings, be not virtuous, be very sin ul and honoured by the king. =3. 2 &ars occupies the 1Cth, the native will be pro icient in his acts, be valorous, uncon>uerable, will serve important people, be endowed with sons and happiness and be very courageous.

=5. 2 &ars occupies the 11th, the native will be virtuous, happy, courageous, endowed with wealth, grains and sons and be devoid o sorrow. =@. Should &ars be in 1#th, the native will have diseased eyes, will all in moral sense, will kill his wi e, be a talebearer, be ierce and will contract humility and imprisonment. =A. Should &ercury occupy the 7scendant, the native will have a lawless physi>ue, be intelligent, will know proper (bene icial) place and time, be well-versed in poetry and mathematics, be a skill ul and sweet speaker and be long-lived. =B. 2 &ercury is in the #nd, the native will earn wealth through his own wisdom, will en/oy ood and drinks, be auspicious in speech and will have good course o conduct. $C. 2 &ercury occupies the =rd, the native will always toil hard, be devoid o near and dear, skill ul, endowed with co-born, very cunning and ickle-minded. $1. 2 &ercury is in $th, the native will be endowed with money and relatives, be ortunate, will have conveyances, all paraphernalia and relatives and be very learned. $#. 2 &ercury occupies the 3th, the native will be an e8pert in &antras (sacred spells) and 7bhic(ra (malevolent spells), will have many sons, be endowed with learning, happiness and e icacy and be delighted. $=. 2 &ercury occupies the 5th, the native will always be success ul in litigations and disputes, will contract diseases, be indolent, not given to anger, be harsh in speech and much insulted. $$. 2 &ercury is in @th, the native"s wi e will be very learned, beauti ul in appearance, will not be o good descent, will promote >uarrels and be very a luent. 1he native himsel will be very great. $3. 2 &ercury occupies the Ath, the native will win amous names (titles), be strong, long-lived, will support his amily and be e>ual to a king, or will become a /ustice. $5. 2 &ercury occupies the Bth, the native will be very a luent, scholarly, o good conductZhabits, be elo>uent in speech, skill ul o a great order and be virtuous. $@. 2 &ercury occupies the 1Cth, the native will possess distinguished intelligence, will per orm distinguished acts, will attain ruition in undertakings, be very learned, courageous, strong and will be endowed with various kinds o ornaments. $A. 2 &ercury occupies the 11th, the native will be rich, be an amicable worker, be learned, happy and endowed with wide en/oyments, be long-lived and amous. $B. Should &ercury be in the 1#th, the native will be able to keep up his promise, be indolent, be humiliated, be a good speaker, be learned, pitiable and cruel. 3C. 2 ,upiter occupies the 1st, the native will be attractive in appearance, energetic, long-lived, will act a ter assessing conse>uences, be learned, courageous and great. 31. ,upiter in the #nd. 2 ,upiter occupies the #nd, the native will be rich, will en/oy good ood, be an elo>uent speaker, be ortunate, be charitable and will have a beauti ul body and ace. 3#. 2 ,upiter occupies the =rd, the native will be greatly humiliated, be vile, ever success ul, will have digestive de iciencies, be de eated by women and be sin ul in acts. 3=. 2 ,upiter occupies the $th, the native will be endowed with relatives, paraphernalia, conveyance, happiness, intelligence, pleasures and wealth, be great and be a source o misery to his enemies. 3$. 2 ,upiter occupies the 3th, the native will have abundant happiness, many sons and riends, be learned, courageous, wealthy and will always be happy.

33. 2 ,upiter is in the 5th, the native will lack digestive ire and masculine virile, be humiliated, weak, indolent, will become amous on account o emales, will destroy his enemies and be widely amous. 35. 2 ,upiter occupies the @th, the native will be charming, will ac>uire a beauti ul wi e, be greater than his ather, be an elo>uent speaker, a poet, a superior person and be learned and amous. 3@. 2 ,upiter occupies the Ath, the native will be insulted, long-lived, be a servant, will serve his own people, be pitiable and will have union with dirty women. 3A. 2 ,upiter is in Bth, the native will be attached to divine and paternal duties, be learned, ortunate, be a king"s minister, or a leader and be chie . 3B. 2 ,upiter occupies the 1Cth, the native will attain success ul beginning in his undertaking, be honourable, e ort ul and will be endowed with abundant wel are, happiness, wealth, relatives, conveyances and ame. 5C. 2 ,upiter occupies the 11th, the native will en/oy many gains, many conveyances and many servants, be virtuous, but will have limited education and ew sons. 51. 2 ,upiter occupies the 1#th, the native will be indolent, odious, be devoid o speech and luck and will be in all probability in servitude. 5#. 2 %enus is in 7scendant, the native will possess beauti ul eyes, ace and physi>ue, be happy, long-lived, timid and attractive to emales. 5=. 2 %enus is in the #nd, the native will en/oy abundant ood, drinks and wealth, will derive e8cellent pleasures, be endowed with good speech and will amass great wealth. 5$. 2 %enus occupies the =rd, the native will be happy, rich, con>uered by women, be vile, little enthusiastic and will be bere t o luck and paraphernalia. 53. 2 %enus occupies the $th, the native will be endowed with relatives, riends and happiness, be splendourous, will have conveyances and paraphernalia, be beauti ul, rich and ortunate. 55. 2 %enus is posited in the 3th, the native will be endowed with happiness, sons and riends, be ond o se8ual union, be very a luent, ull o everything and be a minister, or a /ustice. 5@. 2 %enus occupies the 5th, the native will greatly dislike his wi e, will have many oes, be devoid o wealth, be very much startled and be mean. 5A. 2 %enus occupies the @th, the native will be very beauti ul, be happy with his wi e, will en/oy great riches, be devoid o >uarrels and be ortunate. 5B. 2 %enus is in the Ath, the native will be long-lived, will en/oy incomparable happiness, be very rich, be e>ual to a king and moment a ter moment will eel delighted. @C. 2 %enus occupies the Bth, the native will possess a spotless and broad physi>ue, be endowed with wealth, charitable, wi e, se8ual pleasures and riendship and will honour Gods, guests and preceptorsZelders. @1. Should %enus occupy the 1Cth, the native will earn success in litigations and will be endowed with happiness, se8ual unions, honour, wealth, ame and great wisdom. @#. 2 %enus is positioned in 11th, the native will have obedient servants, be bere t o all kinds o misery and will gain abundantly. @=. Should %enus be in 1#th, the native will be indolent, happy, corpulent, allen in moral sense, will eat cleansed ood, will be skill ul in providing sleeping com orts and attendants and will be won over by women.

@$. 2 Saturn happens to be in the 7scendant identical with e8altation, or own 'ouse, the native will e>ual a king in status, or will head a country, or city. 2 Saturn is in the 7scendant in other .()is, then his own, or e8altation .()i, the planet will give misery in boyhood, dirty disposition and indolence. @3. 2 Saturn occupies the #nd, the native will have an ugly ace, will en/oy worldly prosperity, be devoid o his own men, will render /ustice, will later on (in the course o his li e) go to other countries and will earn money and conveyances. @5. 2 Saturn occupies the =rd, the native will be dark in comple8ion, will maintain physical cleanliness, be base, will have indolent attendants, be courageous, charitable and will have great intelligence. @@. S71<.E 2E 1'D $th. 2 Saturn occupies the $th *hava, the native will su er heart disease, or be broken-hearted, be devoid o relatives, conveyances, wealth, intelligence and happiness, will su er sickness in boyhood and will have (prominent) nails and hair. @A. S71<.E 2E 1'D 3th. Should Saturn occupy the 3th *hava, the native will be bere t o happiness, sons, riends, intelligence and kindness, be agitated and be poor. @B. 2 Saturn occupies the 5th, the native will be very licentious, be beauti ul, courageous, will eat abundantly, be crooked and will con>uer many o his enemies. AC. 2 Saturn is posited in the @th, the native will always be sub/ected to ill health, will lose his wi e, be bere t o wealth, will present himsel ugly, be sin ul and will do very mean acts. A1. 2 Saturn occupies the Ath, the native will su er rom leprosy and istula in the anus, or pudendum, will have short li e and will ail in his undertakings. A#. 2 Saturn occupies the Bth, the native will be devoid o religious merits, will not have much wealth, be bere t o co-born, sons and happiness and will cause sorrow to others. A=. 2 Saturn occupies the 1Cth, the native will be wealthy, learned, valorous and be a minister, or a /ustice, or be the leader o a group, city, or village. A$. 2 Saturn occupies the 11th, the native will be long-lived, endowed with lasting riches, be courageous, will have knowledge o arts, be devoid o sickness and be endowed with money, people and wealth. A3. 2 Saturn occupies the 1#th, the native will be distressed, allen in moral sense, talkative, will have de ective eyesight, be unkind, shameless, will spend much and be insulted. A5-A1. 2 male ics occupy various *havas (other than 5th, Ath and 1#th), they bring harm to the *havas, while bene ics increase their potence. &ale ics are auspicious in evil 'ouses, i.e. 5th, Ath and 1#th, while bene ics prove adverse in these *havas. 7ccording the strength o 0ogakaraka planets, their bene icial relationship, riendlyZinimical aspects etc. and position in e8altationZdebilitation, the (good, or bad) results o *havas can vary (i.e. be ma8imum, medium, or nil). 1hus ends the =Cth Ch. entitled D ects o :lanets in *havas in 4alyana %arma"s Saravali.

Chapter - =1. 1wo :lanets in 7ngles

1. Eow e8plained are e ects o two planet con/unctions in the 7scendant, the $th, the @th and the 1Cth. #-3. S<E-&LLE CLE,<EC12LE 2E 7EG9DS. 2 the Sun and &oon occupy the 7scendant, the native will su er grie regarding parents, will be devoid o honour, sons and wealth, be insulted and miserable. 2 the Sun and &oon /oin in the $th *hava, the native will be deprived o relatives, happiness and sons, will su er penury and will be a great dunce. 2 the Sun and &oon /oin in the @th *hava, he will be devoid o riends and sons and be insulted by emales. 2 the Sun and &oon /oin in the 1Cth *hava, he will possess a beauti ul physi>ue, be an 7rmy chie , be endowed with the >uality o .a/as, or passion, be unkind, crooked and will destroy his enemies. 5-B. S<E-&7.S CLE,<EC12LE 2E 7EG9DS. 2 the Sun and &ars /oin in the 7scendant, the person will be bilious, be bold in war, short-tempered, will have in/ured body, be cruel, cra ty and harsh. 2 the Sun and &ars /oin in the $th, he will be devoid o relatives and wealth, be bere t o all kinds o happiness and be agitated. 2 the Sun and &ars /oin in the @th, he will su er rom separation rom his wi e, be insulted on account o emales and will be ond o moving in oreign places. 2 the Sun and &ars /oin in the 1Cth, the native will ace ailure in his undertakings, be a servant, be emotional, be a principal employee with the king and be always distressed. 1C-1=. S<E-&D.C<.0 CLE,<EC12LE 2E 7EG9DS. 2 the Sun and &ercury are in the 7scendant, the native will be very learned and garrulous, will have hard limbs, be ond o adventures, be wise and be long-lived. 2 the Sun and &ercury are in the $th, the native will be e>ual to a king, be amous, will keep up his promise, will be endowed with riches e>ual to that o 4ubera (the God o Gealth in 'indu &ythology) and will have a corpulent body and crooked nose. 2 the Sun and &ercury are in the @th, the native will meet his death due to murder, or imprisonment, will not keep up his word, be a great miser, bere t o se8ual pleasures and be a thie . 2 the Sun and &ercury are in the 1Cth, he will be amous in the entire world, will own elephants and horses and be a king, provided none o these two is in debilitation. 1$-1@. S<E-,<:21D. CLE,<EC12LE 2E 7EG9DS. 2 the Sun and ,upiter /oin in the 7scendant, the native will be virtuous, be a minister, or an 7rmy chie , or be sagely in disposition and will be endowed with learning, wealth, pleasures and ame. 2 the Sun and ,upiter /oin in the $th, he will be interested in %edas, ,ustice and poetry, be elo>uent, virtuous, ortunate and will be endowed with servants. 2 the Sun and ,upiter /oin in the @th, he will subdue to women out o se8ual passion, will dislike his ather, be endowed with gold, ruby, silver and pearls and will possess a de ect- ree body. 2 the Sun and ,upiter /oin in the 1Cth, he will be endowed with ame, happiness, honour and wealth and will become a king though belonging to a base lineage. 1A-#1. S<E-%DE<S CLE,<EC12LE 2E 7EG9DS. 2 the Sun and %enus /oin in the 7scendant, the native will be ond o >uarrels, be immodest, will take to bad conduct, be sorrow ul, mean and be devoid o wealth and women. 2 the Sun and %enus /oin in the $th, one will serve others, be sorrow ul, will ill himsel with hatred towards others and will su er penury. Lne will be insulted by women, be devoid o wealth, will have a corpulent body, will wander in hills and orests, i the Sun be in the @th along with %enus. 2 the Sun and %enus /oin in the 1Cth, he will be engaged in trade, be a king"s minister, be skill ul in Shastras, arts etc. and will en/oy happiness o wealth and conveyances. ##-#3. S<E-S71<.E CLE,<EC12LE 2E 7EG9DS. Should the Sun and Saturn be together in the 7scendant at birth, the native is born o a blameworthy mother, will have blameworthy conduct, or pro ession, will always be o dirty disposition and be sin ul. Should the Sun and Saturn be together in the $th 'ouse, the native will be base in disposition, will be

synonym o penury and poverty and will be humiliated among his relatives. Should the Sun and Saturn be together in the @th 'ouse, the native will be inactive (WmandaX has other meanings, like stupid, oolish, tardy, indi erent, weak-brained, addicted to drinking, de ective etc.), indolent, un ortunate, devoid o a emale and o wealth, will hunt animals and be highly dullwitted. Should the Sun and Saturn be together in the 1Cth, one will serve in low position in oreign countries (i.e. places not o his own), will earn wealth through kings sometimes, but will lose the same in the t and be always poor. #5-#B. &LLE-&7.S CLE,<EC12LE 2E 7EG9DS. 1he native, who has the &oon and &ars together in the 7scendant will have de ects o blood, digestive ire and bile, will be a king (i.e. will be wealthy) and will be harsh. 1he native, who has the &oon and &ars together in the $th 'ouse, the native will incur grie , be devoid o wealth, happiness, progeny and relatives and be de ective o some limb. 1he &oon and &ars together in the @th denotes, that the person concerned will be base, be a ter others" money, be garrulous, untruth ul and /ealous. 1he &oon and &ars together in the 1Cth will make the person possess the wealth o 7rmy consisting o horses, elephants and bipeds and brave. =C-==. &LLE-&D.C<.0 CLE,<EC12LE 2E 7EG9DS. Should the &oon and &ercury be together in the 7scendant, the native will possess happiness, intelligence, strength, ortune and splendour, be talkative and very skill ul. Should the &oon and &ercury be together in the $th, one will be endowed with relatives, riends, progeny, happiness, valour, gold and precious stones and be ortunate. Should the &oon and &ercury be together in the @th, one will be valorous, be dear to king, or be a king himsel , be amous, be a great poet and be so t in disposition. Should the &oon and &ercury be together in the 1Cth, the sub/ect will be honourable, be wealthy and very amous, be a royal minister, will grieve during the last leg o his li e and be devoid o relatives. =$-=@. &LLE-,<:21D. CLE,<EC12LE 2E 7EG9DS. 2 the &oon /oins ,upiter in the 7scendant, the person concerned will be a king, will possess large and broad chest, will have many sons, riends and wives and will be endowed with a good physi>ue and with relatives. 2 the &oon /oins ,upiter in the $th indicate, that one will be a minister, or be o royal status, be endowed with happiness, relatives and great riches (or prowess) and will master many Shastras. 2 the &oon /oins ,upiter in the @th will make one very learned, kingly, an e8pert in arts, a good businessman, dear to king, wealthy and prosperous. 2 the &oon /oins ,upiter in the 1Cth this con/unction gives learning, charitable disposition, wealth, honour and ame. Hurther he will be so t, will possess long arms and will be revered by all. =A-$1. 1'D &LLE-%DE<S CLE,<EC12LE 2E 7EG9DS. 2 the &oon and %enus /oin in the 7scendant, the native will derive happiness through association with courtesans, be splendourous, be agreeable to elders and will possess garlands, clothes and scents. 2 the &oon and %enus /oin in the $th will make one derive happiness through emales, earn wealth through water, dear to people and en/oy abundant pleasures. 2 the &oon and %enus /oin in the @th, one will /oin many women, will not have much wealth and not many sons, be an intellectual and will leave a royal history behind. 2 the &oon and %enus /oin in the 1Cth will be endowed with honour, command and riches, be a king, or a minister, be amous and will be endowed with many people. $#-$3. 1'D &LLE-S71<.E CLE,<EC12LE 2E 7EG9DS. 2 the &oon and Saturn /oin in the 7scendant, the native will be in servitude, be base, given to anger, be miserly, sleepy, la!y and sin ul. 2 the &oon and Saturn /oin in the $th, one will earn through water, pearls and boats, be engaged in e8cavation (or in mines etc.), be e8cellent and agreeable to others. 2 the &oon and Saturn /oin in the @th, the sub/ect will be devoid o wi e, be supreme among his townsmen and be honoured by the king. 2 the &oon and Saturn /oin in the 1Cth, the person concerned will win the enemies with his 7rmy o horses, be amous, is a bad woman"s son and will be head o men. $5. ;2S:LS212LE LH 1'D &LLE. 2 the &oon is con/unct bene ics she will always prove bene icial. 2 the &oon /oins &arsZSaturn, she is always inauspiciousU this does not apply to her /oining

&arsZSaturn in the 1Cth so, that the native becomes an 7rmy chie . $@-3C. &7.S-&D.C<.0 CLE,<EC12LE 2E 7EG9DS. Lne, who has &ars and &ercury in con/unction in the 7scendant will be murderous (or cruel, or mischievous), be skill ul in dealing with /obs related to ire, be a metallurgistZmineralogist, be industrious, be an ambassador (or a messenger) and will en/oy concealedZsecret properties. 2 &ars and &ercury are con/unct in the $th, one will be devoid o relatives, but endowed with riends, wealth, ood, pleasures and conveyances and will be discarded by his own people. 2 &ars and &ercury are con/unct in the @th, one will wander rom country to country (aimlessly), will serve base people, be skill ul in arguments and will lose his irst wi e. 2 &ars and &ercury are con/unct in the 1Cth denotes, that the person will be an 7rmy chie , be valorous, cra ty, very cruel, dear to king and courageous. 31-3$. &7.S-,<:21D. CLE,<EC12LE 2E 7EG9DS. 2 &ars and ,upiter are in con/unction in the 7scendant, one will be a minister, will possess prime virtues, become amous in the ront o charity and will be ever enthusiastic. 2 &ars and ,upiter are in con/unction in the $th, one will be endowed with relatives and riends, will have irm wealth, be happy, will serve the king and be devoted to the 7lmighty and elders. 2 &ars and ,upiter are in con/unction in the @th, one will be inclined to wander in hills, orts, waterresorts and orests, will have good relatives, be valorous and will be devoid o spouse. 2 &ars and ,upiter are in con/unction in the 1Cth will con er kinghood, wide ame, abundant wealth and attendants and e8treme skill at work. 33-3A. &7.S-%DE<S CLE,<EC12LE 2E 7EG9DS. Should &ars and %enus /oin in the 7scendant the native will be addicted to prostitutes, will indulge in bad acts, will lose wealth on account o emales and will not live long. 2 the con/unction o %enus and &ars occur in the $th, he will be bere t o relatives, riends and progeny, will be tortured by mental pressures and will be very miserable. Should &ars and %enus /oin in the @th denotes, that he will wander a ter women, will have a bad history, will e8perience abundant grie on account o emales and will posses mean conduct. Should &ars and %enus /oin in the 1Cth, one will be a master o archery, be intelligent, be endowed with learning, wealth, robes and lowers, be amous and be a king"s minister. 3B-5#. &7.S-S71<.E CLE,<EC12LE 2E 7EG9DS. 2 &ars and Saturn are together in the 7scendant, one will be success ul in wars, will hate his mother and will ace curtailed longevity and declining ortunes. 2 &ars and Saturn are together in the $th, one will be bere t o ood, drinks and happiness, be given up by his own men, be devoid o riends and be sin ul. 2 &ars and Saturn are together in the @th indicates, that the native will be devoid o con/ugal happiness and progeny, be indigent, sick, will house vices in him, be insulted by people and be a tale bearer. 2 &ars and Saturn are together in the 1Cth, one will ac>uire wealth through king, but be punished or a great crime and be a liar. 5=-55. &D.C<.0-,<:21D. 2E 7EG9DS 2E CLE,<EC12LE. 2 &ercury and ,upiter be together in the 7scendant, one will have an auspicious (pleasing) appearance, will be endowed with auspicious (e8cellent) >ualities, be learned, honoured by the king, will con>uer his ive senses and will en/oy conveyances, happiness and pleasures. 2 &ercury and ,upiter be together in the $th, one will be blessed with relatives, riends, happiness, emales, ortune, wealth, royal avour and skill. 2 &ercury and ,upiter be together in the @th denotes, that one will obtain a virtuous wi e, will destroy his enemies, will be endowed with many riends, people, wealth and prowess and will be amous on account o his ather. 2 &ercury and ,upiter be together in the 1Cth, these two planets together will make one a minister, or a king, honourable, commanding, amous, modest and interested in %edas. 5@-@C. &D.C<.0-%DE<S 2E CLE,<EC12LE 2E 7EG9DS. 2 &ercury and %enus /oin in the 7scendant, one will have a good physi>ue (i.e. beauti ul physi>ue), be learned, always ortunate, be honoured by the king, be very wealthy, pious o *rahmins and 7lmighty and be amous. 2 &ercury and %enus /oin in the $th, he will be endowed with sons, riends and relatives, be ortunate,

be a minister, or a king and be endowed with happiness. (4alyana apart rom meaning happiness, indicates e8cellence, ortune, auspiciousness etc.) 2 &ercury and %enus /oin in the @th, he will be surrounded with many good women, be endowed with pleasures, money and sovereignty, be happy and be dear to king. 2 &ercury and %enus /oin in the 1Cth, he will be endowed with knowledge o the science o ethics, (or :olicy, or :olitics), be a king, be virtuous, will not patroni!e base men, be wealthy, will attain good beginning in his undertakings and be skill ul. @1-@$. &D.C<.0-S71<.E 2E 7EG9DS 2E CLE,<EC12LE. 2 &ercury and Saturn be in con/unction in the 7scendant, one will have a dirty body, be sin ul, be bere t o learning, wealth and vehicles, be short-lived and will have declining ortunes. 2 &ercury and Saturn be in con/unction in the $th, he will be devoid o drinks, ood and relatives, be re/ected by his own people, be oolish, devoid o riends and be sin ul. 2 &ercury and Saturn be in con/unction in the @th indicates, that he will be the servant o a rich person, be oolish, will harm others, be not virtuous, be very dirty and be not truth ul. 2 &ercury and Saturn be in con/unction in the 1Cth, he will con>uer the entire band o his enemies, will be endowed with relatives, riends, conveyances and wealth and will honour the 7lmighty and *rahmins. @3-@A. ,<:21D.-%DE<S 2E 7EG9DS 2E CLE,<EC12LE. Gith ,upiter and %enus in the 7scendant, the native even though a *rahmin by birth will on account o his preceptor"s teaching become a king, or e>ual to a king. Gith ,upiter and %enus in the $th the native will win all his enemies, will be endowed with relatives, riends, conveyances, wealth and will honour the 7lmighty and *rahmins. Gith ,upiter and %enus in the @th, one will ac>uire a virtuous emale, be endowed with precious stones and riches, will ac>uire happiness, ame and emale issue and will procure e8cellent conveyances and en/oy pleasures. Gith ,upiter and %enus in the 1Cth, he will widely command, be widely honoured and endowed, wide riches, be a king, will have many servants and be virtuous. @B-A#. ,<:21D.-S71<.E 2E CLE,<EC12LE 2E 7EG9DS. 2 Saturn and ,upiter are together in the 7scendant at birth, the native will be languid with passion (or into8ication), hard-hearted, is o a noble descent, learned, rich, will have limited happiness and be wicked. 2 Saturn and ,upiter are together in the $th, he will be a king"s minister, be bere t o diseases, be success ul, be endowed with relatives and riends, will have the wealth o a ection (i.e. e8tremely a ectionate) and be happy. 2 Saturn and ,upiter are together in the @th, he will lose wealth due to enmity with emales, be courageous, will possess vices, be cra ty, will not be endowed with pleasing appearance, will be greedy o paternal property and be oolish. 2 Saturn and ,upiter are together in the 1Cth, he will be dear to the king, be a king himsel , will have limited progeny, be in transitory (or steady) and will possess >uadrupeds and conveyances. A=-A5. %DE<S-S71<.E 2E CLE,<EC12LE 2E 7EG9DS. 2 %enus and Saturn /oin together in the 7scendant, one will be seeking union with all women (i.e. he will en/oy many women), will possess a splendourous body, be endowed with happiness, pleasures and wealth, will have many servants and be highly bereaved. 2 %enus and Saturn /oin together in the $th, he will gain abundantly through riends, be highly honoured by his relatives and will be close to the king. 2 %enus and Saturn /oin together in the @th denotes, that the native will be bestowed with women, precious stones, wealth, ame and se8ual pleasures. 2 %enus and Saturn /oin together in the 1Cth, he will be devoid o all duals (i.e. good and bad, grie and happiness, poverty and wealth etc.), will per orm e8cellent acts and be a amous minister. A@. DHHDC1S LH &L.D E<&*D. LH :97ED1S. Similarly the e ects o con/unctions o =, $, 3, or 5 planets in 7ngles should be suitably understood. 1hus ends the =1st Ch. entitled WDHHDC1S LH 1GL :97ED1S 2E 7EG9DSX in 4alyana %arma"s Saravali.

Chapter - =#. Einth 'ouse 7nd D ects 1hereo

1. 9eaving aside all the other 'ouses, one should irst analy!e the 'ouse o ortune (or *hagyasthana) or a native can not obtain bene ic results without ortune. So narrated below is an account in this direction.

#. *hagyasthana ('ouse o ortune) is that, which is the Bth counted rom the 7scendant, or rom the &oon. D ects o the Bth counted rom the stronger o the 7scendant and the &oon will come to pass.

=. 1he 'ouse occupied by the 9ord o the Bth and the planet occupying the Bth will have a say on one"s ortune. 1heir strength, or weakness will indicate the ortunes.

$. 2 the Bth 'ouse is aspected, or occupied by its own 9ord, the native will make his ortunes in his own country. 2 others aspect, or /oin the 'ouse in >uestion, the dawn o ortune will be elsewhere.

3. 1he native will be e8tremely lucky, i a planet lends ull aspect to the Bth rom the =rd, 3th, or 7scendant. 1he planet in >uestion should be strong in the process.

5-@. ,<:21D. 2E 1'D Bth 7E; 7S:DC1S 1'D.D1L. 2 ,upiter is placed in the Bth, the native will become a minister. 2 ,upiter is in the Bth and is aspected by the Sun, one will be e>ual to a king. 2 ,upiter is in the Bth and is aspected by the &oon one will be splendourous and will en/oy pleasures. 2 ,upiter is in the Bth and is aspected by &ars, he will be endowed with gold. 2 ,upiter is in the Bth and is aspected by &ercury one will be a luent. 2 ,upiter is in the Bth and is aspected by %enus one will have >uadrupeds, conveyances and wealth. 2 ,upiter is in the Bth and is aspected by Saturn one will possess immovable properties, asses and bu aloes.

A-1#. ,<:21D. 2E 1'D Bth 2E 7S:DC1 1L 1GL :97ED1S. 2 the Bth 'ouse is occupied by ,upiter and aspected by both the Sun and &ars, the native will be endowed with sovereignty, precious stones, gold, courage, e8cellence, strength, conveyances and servants. 2 the Bth 'ouse is occupied by ,upiter and aspected by both the Sun and the &oon, he will be blessed with plenti ulness (o all things), be devoted to his parents, be amous, be e>ual to a king and will have plurality o wives. 2 the Sun and &ercury /ointly aspect the ,upiter in the Bth, he will be grace ul,

splendourous, ortunate, be endowed with an e8cellent wi e, ornaments and wealth and will be e8pert in poetry and arts. 2 the Bth 'ouse is occupied by ,upiter and aspected by both the Sun and %enus, one will be estive in disposition, will have (wide) social activities and will be endowed with cows, bu aloes, elephants etc. 2 the Sun and Saturn aspect ,upiter in the Bth, one will be head o a country, town, or group, be amous, learned, virtuous, a luent and will have a tendency o accumulating.

1=-15. ,<:21D. 2E 1'D B1' 2E 7S:DC1S 1L 1GL :97ED1S (continued). 2 ,upiter occupies the Bth in aspect to both &ars and the &oon, one will be an 7rmy chie , or a minister and be endowed with various kinds o happiness. 2 ,upiter occupies the Bth in aspect to both &ercury and the &oon, he will en/oy e8cellent houses, sleeping com orts and pleasures, be splendourous, patient and very intelligent. 2 ,upiter occupies the Bth in aspect to both the &oon and %enus, he will be very rich, duti ul, valorous, attached to others" wives and be devoid o sons. 2 ,upiter occupies the Bth in aspect to both the &oon and Saturn, he will be very lascivious, endowed with permanent livelihood, will live in oreign places, be argumentative, be a liar and be not virtuous.

1@-##. ,<:21D. 2E 1'D Bth 2E 7S:DC1 1L 1GL :97ED1S (continued). 2 ,upiter is in the Bth and is in aspect to both &ars and &ercury, one will be highly learned, very virtuous, will keep up his word and will have a pleasing appearance. 2 &ars and %enus /ointly aspect ,upiter in the Bth, one will be wealthy, learned, will live in oreign countries, be sincere, very skill ul and cruel. 2 &ars and Saturn /ointly aspect ,upiter in the Bth, the native will be base, tale bearing, spite ul, living in oreign places and will be in the company o unsteady people. 2 &ercury and %enus /ointly aspect ,upiter in the Bth, one will be an artisan, be very virtuous, learned, ortunate, will keep up his promise and will possess a pleasing appearance. 2 &ercury and Saturn /ointly aspect ,upiter in the Bth, the native will be ortunate, learned, elo>uent in speech, pleasing, courageous, happy and modest.

#=. ,upiter in the Bth in aspect to Bth 9ord will make one a king. 1he e ects stated in connection with ,upiter"s position in the Bth and aspects thereo are valid, only when no other planets (than the mentioned) aspect.

#$. 2 all the planets aspect ,upiter posited in the Bth, the native will possess e8cellent guise, virtues, splendour, sovereignty and abundant riches.

#3. 2 the Bth is occupied by a strong bene ic, it con ers kingdom, according to the wise, in addition to movable properties, wealth, grains, righteousness and increased longevity.

#5. 7HH92C12LE 1L 1'D Bth. 2 the Bth 'ouse gives place to a debilitated planet, or a combust planet, or a male ic planet and be without a bene ic"s aspect, the native will be devoid o (moral) strength, wealth and ame and be dirty.

#@. 2 the male ic in the Bth is the owner o that 'ouse, then it proves auspicious. 7nd with a bene ic"s aspect it is more auspicious.

#A. 2 Hull &oon is in the Bth, while &ars, Saturn and &ercury are strong the native is born to a king.

#B. 2 a planet is e8alted in the Bth, an e8cellent person is born with plenti ulness o wealth and gold. 7nd, i a bene ic aspects the e8alted planet in >uestion, the native will be a supreme ruler, destroyer o the band o his enemies, will possess divine splendour and great ame.

=C-=3. DHHDC1S LH L1'D. :97ED1S 2E CLE,<EC12LE G21' 1'D S<E 2E 1'D Bth 'L<SD. 2 the Sun and the &oon are together in the Bth, the native will have a short li e, will be a licted by eye diseases, be rich ortunate and ond o >uarrels. 2 &ars and the Sun be together in the Bth, the native will e8perience many kinds o miseries, be ond o >uarrels, be ierce, courageous, dear to king and be skill ul. 2 &ercury and the Sun are together in the Bth, one will be skill ul, miserable, will have many enemies and su er rom many diseases. 2 ,upiter and the Sun be in con/unction in the Bth, the native will be endowed with wealth, will obtain abundant paternal wealth, be long-lived, very courageous and be a worthy person. Should %enus and the Sun be together, in the Bth, he will incur diseases and will be endowed with scents, garlands, ornaments, robes and decorative articles. 2 Saturn and the Sun be so placed one will be rich, will su er rom eye diseases, be ond o >uarrels and be short-lived.

=5-$C. DHHDC1S LH L1'D.S ,L2E2EG 1'D &LLE 2E 1'D Bth. 2 &ars /oins the &oon in the Bth, one will be devoid o mother (i.e. will lose his mother early), will have a de ormed body and with ulcers and be wealthy. 2 &ercury /oins the &oon in the Bth, he will have knowledge o Shastras, be scholarly, will have some physical de ormity, will be e8cellent among men, will talk much and be amous.

2 ,upiter /oins the &oon, he will be distinguished, will be ortunate, will be endowed with abundant riches, will be always happy and be courageous. 2 %enus be the accompanying planet, he will su er rom diseases, will marry an unchaste lady, be plenti ul, will have a step-mother and will be in a minister"s custody (i.e. will serve a signi icant person). Should Saturn /oin the &oon in the Bth, he will be devoid o moral merits, be sin ul and will have a allen mother.

$1-$$. DHHDC1S LH &7.S ,L2E2EG L1'D.S 2E 1'D Bth. 2 &ars be in the company o &ercury in the Bth, one will be chie o men, will be always emotional, be ortunate, will en/oy pleasures and be skill ul in Shastras. 2 it is ,upiter with whom &ars is con/unct in the Bth, one will be endowed with wealth and grains, be honourable, be troubled by sickness and will be pained with bodily wounds. 2 %enus is /oining &ars in the Bth, one will live in oreign places, be argumentative, cruel, will hate women, be ungrate ul and will indulge in alsehood. 2 Saturn is with &ars in the Bth, one will be sin ul, will be o dirty conduct, be interested in other housewives, be deprived o wealth and happiness and will not be with his own men.

$3-$@. &D.C<.0 2E CLE,<EC12LE G21' L1'D.S 2E 1'D Bth. 2 &ercury is with ,upiter in the Bth, one will be learned in Shastras, be a scholar, be wealthy, will speak sweetly, be an artisan and an e icacious and e8cellent person. %enus and &ercury in the Bth denotes, that one will be amous, very learned, valorous, ortunate, skill ul in speech and be ond o songs. 2 Saturn and &ercury are in the Bth in con/unction, he will su er rom diseases, be very rich, be endowed with dear and near, be skill ul, envious and be garrulous.

$A-$B. ,<:21D. ,L2E2EG L1'D.S 2E 1'D Bth. 2 %enus and ,upiter be together in the Bth, one will be a leader o men, be long-lived, elo>uent and will be endowed with many kinds o happiness and wealth. 2 ,upiter and Saturn are in the Bth, the native will en/oy wealth and gems, be honourable, will have diseases to trouble him and be devoid o his own men.

3C. %DE<S-S71<.E CLE,<EC12LE 2E 1'D Bth. 1his con/unction denotes, that the native will be sickly, will have many sons, be dear to king, amous and virtuous.

31. 2n analy!ing the said e ects, the Signs and aspects involved should be skill ully understood according to Shastras and results declared accordingly, so say the learned.

3#. DHHDC1S LH = :97ED1S 2E CLE,<EC12LE 2E Bth. 2 the Sun, &oon and &ars are together in the Bth, one will lose his parents in his very boyhood, be base, odious and hurt ul.

3=. 2 the Sun, &oon and &ercury /oin in the Bth, the native will be a eunuch in appearance, be miserable, will hate all people and be valorous and truth ul.

3$. 2 the Sun, the &oon and ,upiter /oin in the Bth, one will be e8cellent and will possess conveyances, wealth and happiness.

33. 2 %enus, the &oon and the Sun be together in the Bth, one will lose all his happiness and wealth due to >uarrels with emales, be dear to king, will have knowledge o politics and will be an elo>uent speaker.

35. 2 the Sun, the &oon and Saturn /oin in the Bth, one will be very strong, will have cruel conduct, will serve others and will hate others.

3@. 2 the Sun, &ars and &ercury be in the Bth, one will be an elo>uent speaker, be akin to a snake, when in anger, be ond o >uarrels, be hard-hearted and will be interested in living in oreign countries.

3A. 2 the Sun, ,upiter and &ars are together in the Bth, one will be always diligent, be intent on worshipping his ather and God, will have an a luent wi e and be virtuous.

3B. 2 the Sun, &ars and %enus be together in the Bth, one will be ond o >uarrels, is o a high descent, will spoil virgins, be ickle-minded and be odious.

5C. 2 &ars, Saturn and the Sun /oin in the Bth, one will be valorous, very mean, will hate people, be ond o speaking lies, be cruel and be atherless rom boyhood.

51. Should the Sun, &ercury and ,upiter /oin in the Bth, one will be endowed with ortunes, wealth and happiness, be dear to king, be appealing in appearance and be courageous.

5#. Should %enus /oin the Sun and &ercury in the Bth, one will be splendourous, amous, will destroy his enemies, be e>ual to a king and be rich.

5=. Should the Sun, &ercury and Saturn /oin in the Bth, one will be ond o others" women, be a sinner, be interested in living in oreign places, be skill ul, be a pro ligate,

be a liar and be un ortunate.

5$. Should the Sun, %enus and ,upiter /oin in the Bth, one will be very learned, splendourous, will know many things and be intelligent.

53. 1he con/unction o the Sun, ,upiter and Saturn in the Bth is indicative, that the native will be highly valorous, be a king, be wealthy, virtuous and plenti ul.

55. 2 the Sun, %enus and Saturn be together in the Bth, one will be devoid o splendour, be dirty, punished by the king, be devoid o riches and be oolish.

5@. 1he company ormed by the &oon, &ercury and &ars in the Bth denotes, that the sub/ect will en/oy wealth, gold and gems and will be miserable throughout his boyhood.

5A. 2 the &oon, &ars and ,upiter /oin in the Bth, one will con>uer his ive senses, be learned, will honour elders and Gods and will be endowed with learning and wealth and be ortunate.

5B. 2 %enus, &oon and &ars are together in the Bth, one will have a wounded body, be ugly, will eat a lot, be ond o women, be at their disposal and will lose his strength (or wealth) through them.

@C. Should Saturn, &ars and the &oon be in the Bth, one will not possess a good maternal history, be base, be given up by his mother in boyhood and will be mean among men.

@1. 2 the &oon, &ercury and ,upiter are together in the Bth one will bring credit to his descent, will be a preceptor, will possess many riends and will be a king endowed with many things.

@#. 2 the &oon, &ercury and %enus be together in the Bth, one will have a stepmother, be endowed with delight and honour, will have many riends and will be gentle, or paci ic.

@=. 2 the &oon, &ercury and Saturn are together in the Bth, one will be bad in conduct, be courageous, dirty, be averse to war and be poor. @$. 2 the &oon, ,upiter and %enus be in the Bth, one will be e>ual to a king and be a king.

@3. 2 ,upiter, Saturn and the &oon be in the Bth one will speak sweetly, be truth ul, virtuous, amous and skill ul in all Shastras.

@5. 2 %enus, the &oon and Saturn /oin in the Bth, one will be in agricultural pro ession, be interested in women, will not indulge in sin ul acts, will accomplish his ob/ects (4ritakritya) and be world- amous.

@@. 2 &ars, &ercury and ,upiter /oin in the Bth, one will be splendourous, devoid o grie , be learned, irm in his word, amous and be head o a !one.

@A. 2 &ars, &ercury and %enus are con/unct in the Bth, one will head many provinces, or a airs, be amous, honoured by the king, the ierce and be always !ealous.

@B. 2 &ars, &ercury and Saturn /oin in the Bth, one will be skill ul in cheating others, will be highly gloomy, will not be in a position to understand Shastras (i.e. be not so learned) and cannot understand others" notions.

AC. 2 &ercury, ,upiter and %enus be together in the Bth one will be e>ual to God, be spotless, amous, kingly, learned and virtuous.

A1. Should &ercury, %enus and Saturn /oin in the Bth, one will be intelligent, splendourous, elo>uent and happy.

A#. Lne with Saturn, %enus and ,upiter in the Bth, will have plenty o ood, drinks and riches, be ortunate, happy and beauti ul. HL<. :97ED1S 2E CLE,<EC12LE 2E Bth. A=. 2 the Sun, the &oon, &ars and &ercury /oin in the Bth, one will be rich, learned, ortunate and dear to king.

A$. 2 %enus, &oon, Sun and &ars are together in the Bth, one will be cunning, will be happy with his wi e and will indulge in many mean acts.

A3. Lne, who has the &oon, ,upiter, &ercury and the Sun in the Bth, will be principle, steady, honoured by the king and be delighted.

A5. Lne with the &oon, %enus, &ercury and Sun in the Bth, will be a 9ord o wealth, morally meritorious, plenti ul, elo>uent in speech and be calm. A@. 2 the Sun, &ercury, &oon and Saturn be together in the Bth, one will be rich, splendourous, kingly, will have many >uadrupeds and will possess rich >ualities.

AA. Lne with the Sun, ,upiter, &ercury and %enus will honour God and ather, will have a rich wi e and be virtuous.

AB. 2 %enus, &ars, &ercury and the Sun /oin together in the Bth, one will be hardhearted, beauti ul, interested in valorous acts, be not wealthy and will lose his wealth through his enemies.

BC. 2 the Sun, &ars, &ercury and Saturn be together in the Bth, one will be interested in others" wives, will incur loss o wealth and be always pitiable.

B1. Lne with the Sun, %enus, &ars and ,upiter in the Bth, will hate people, be troubled by thirst, will spoil virgins and be ickle-minded.

B#. 2 the Sun, &ars, ,upiter and Saturn are in the Bth at birth, one will be devoid o happiness, be diligent, ierce and courageous.

B=. 2 the Sun, ,upiter, %enus and &ercury are in the Bth, one will be an e8cellent person endowed with wealth, gold and sovereignty.

B$. 2 the Sun, &ercury, ,upiter and Saturn are together in the Bth, one will be devoid o wealth, be sin ul, be interested in other housewives, spite ul and will indulge in mean acts.

B3. Should the Sun, &ercury, %enus and Saturn be in Bth, one will be ortunate, wealthy, truth ul and world- amous.

B5. Gith the Sun, ,upiter, %enus and Saturn in the Bth, one will be truth ul, elo>uent and will honour elders, *rahmins and guests.

B@. 2 the &oon, &ars, &ercury and ,upiter are in the Bth, one will have plenty o robes, will lose his mother in boyhood and be wealthy.

BA. Gith &ars, %enus, &ercury and the &oon in the Bth, one will practice penance, be amous, be a good speaker, be very charitable, ultra-mundane in disposition and be very learned.

BB. 2 Saturn, &ercury, &oon and &ars are together in the Bth, one will be de/ected, poor, base, cunning and interested in others" wives.

1CC. 2 &ars, &oon, %enus and Saturn, are together in the Bth, one is born in a royal amily. 'e will be a principle person, be valorous, will be endowed with plenty o learning and money, be amous and dear to people.

1C1. Lne with &oon, &ars, Saturn and ,upiter in the Bth, will be troubled by thirst, be ond o promoting >uarrels and be plenti ul in the matter o luck and robes.

1C#. 2 the &oon, &ars, Saturn and %enus are together in the Bth, one will be hardhearted, sin ul, cunning and be bere t o cleanliness and behavior.

1C=. 2 %enus, ,upiter, &ercury and &oon are together in the Bth, one will be wealthy, be endowed with moral merits and be amous in arts.

1C$. Lne with Saturn, &ercury, ,upiter and &oon in the Bth, will be knowledgeable in politics and ethics and be pleasing in appearance.

1C3. Gith Saturn, %enus, &ercury and the &oon in the Bth, the native will be intelligent, ierce, will be an e8pert in democratic matters and be ortunate.

1C5. Lne with &oon, Saturn, %enus and ,upiter in the Bth, will be cunning, ierce, uncon>uerable and bold.

1C@. 2 &ars, &ercury, ,upiter and Saturn be together in the Bth, one will destroy his enemies, be ierce in battle and bold.

1CA. 2 &ars, &ercury, %enus and Saturn /oin together in the Bth, one will be virtuous, wealthy and pious.

1CB. 2 &ars, ,upiter, %enus and Saturn are in the Bth, one will be devoid o wealth, be base, unkind and weak.

11C. S:DC279 DHHDC1S. 2 including &ercury there are = to @ planets in the Bth, the native will be trustworthy, wealthy and be a king.

111. 2 the Bth is occupied by other planets, without the company o &ercury, or ,upiter, the native will be sickly, ugly, void o relatives, be troubled by imprisonments and will su er penury.

11#. :receptors, like *adalayana, have e8plained still detailed results arising out o

con/unction, or aspects relating to the Bth 'ouse. Lne should understand these also and declare e ects a ter using his wisdom.

1hus ends the =#nd Ch. entitled WE2E1' 'L<SD 7E; DHHDC1S 1'D.DLHX in 4alyana %arma"s Saravali.

Chapter - ==. 1enth 'ouse 7nd D ects 1hereo

1. Sages have e8plained e ects relating to the Signs coinciding with the 1Cth 'ouse, planets posited therein and planets aspecting the 1Cth 'ouse. 2 shall now e8plain those results.

#. 1he 1Cth 'ouse counted rom the stronger among the 7scendant and the &oon, is called 4armasthana and, i the 9ord o that (1Cth) 'ouse is with strength, the e ects in regard to 4arma will prosper. Ltherwise, the same will decline.

=-5. 1he e ects relating to the 1Cth 'ouse will depend on the nature o the Sign, vi!. watery, biped, 7ranya (like 9eo), or ,angala (Centiped), the orm o such Sign and the places indicated by such Sign. 1he 1Cth 'ouse should be care ully e8amined on these lines. 1he occupant o the 1Cth 'ouse counted rom the &oon, or rom the 7scendant will in luence the livelihood o the native according to his (i.e. planet"s) nature and disposition.

@. 2n a previous Ch., results o placements o planets in the 1Cth 'ouse rom the 7scendant have been e8plained, while dealing with angular positions o various planets. Eow specially e8plained are with re erence to the &oon.

A-1=. DHHDC1S LH :97ED1S 2E 1'D 1C1' H.L& 1'D &LLE. 2 the Sun occupies the 1Cth rom the &oon, the native will be success ul in his undertakings, be very wealthy, very strong, be a king, will patroni!e others and be healthy in physi>ue. &ars so placed denotes, that the native will be interested in valorous deeds, will live in oreign places will long or sensual en/oyments, be cruel and will be akin to an outcast in conduct. 2 &ercury occupies the 1Cth rom the &oon, one will be learned, rich, will have abundant knowledge o sacred a airs, like %eda etc.), be dear to king, amous, a>uainted with many an art and be intelligent. 2 it is ,upiter, that occupies the 1Cth counted rom the &oon, the native will be success ul in achieving his desires, righteous, a luent, will have e8cellent history among men, be a king"s minister and be amous. 2 %enus occupies the 1Cth rom the &oon, one will be ortunate, beauti ul, amous, will be success ul in his undertakings, be rich and be honoured by king. Should Saturn occupy the 1Cth with re erence to the &oon, the native will have physical diseases, be poor, grieved, bere t o children and be always emotional.

1$-1A. DHHDC1S LH 1'D S<E ,L2E2EG 7EL1'D. :97ED1 G'DE 2E 1'D 1DE1' H.L& 1'D &LLE. Should the Sun be with &ars, while being in the 1Cth counted rom the &oon, the native will be a labourer (karmakaran), will su er severely rom cough and pulmonary consumption, or consumption in general, be an astrologer and will be an e8pert in the science o marks and Signs and also in logic. Should the Sun be with &ercury in the 1Cth rom the &oon, one will en/oy robes and ornaments, be a trader and will live through the means o water. 2 the Sun is con/unct ,upiter being in the 1Cth rom the &oon, he will be success ul in his

undertakings, be honoured by the king, brave and amous. 2 the Sun is con/unct %enus in the 1Cth rom the &oon, the sub/ect will patroni!e his people, be ortunate, dear to the king and will increase his possessions through the help o his wi e (or women). 1he Sun and Saturn being together in the 1Cth rom the &oon will make one liable to imprisonment, a servant, poor, wretched (or miserly), lose to thieves and prattle.

1B-##. DHHDC1S LH &7.S ,L2E2EG 7EL1'D. :97ED1 2E 1'D 1Cth H.L& 1'D &LLE. Ghen &ars gets the company o &ercury being in the 1Cth rom the &oon, one will have many an enemy, be skill ul in archery and be very valorous. 2 ,upiter be with &ars in the 1Cth o the &oon, one will be a mighty leader, will gain wealth via riends, will live thereby and be ortunate. %enus and &ars being in the 1Cth rom the &oon indicates, that the native will be interested in living in oreign places, will trade in gold, precious stones etc. and will progress through women. Saturn and &ars con/unct in the 1Cth rom the &oon, indicates, that the native will be adventurous, base and will su er rom diseases.

#=-#3. DHHDC1S LH &D.C<.0 ,L2E2EG 7EL1'D. :97ED1 2E 1'D 1C1' H.L& 1'D &LLE. 2 ,upiter and &ercury be together in the 1Cth rom the &oon, the sub/ect will be rich, honoured by the king, righteous, be leader o men and be amous. 2 %enus and &ercury are con/unct in the 1Cth counted rom the &oon, one will be endowed with riends, learning, wi e, wealth and happiness, be a king"s minister and a provincial head. 2 &ercury is con/unct Saturn being posited in the 1Cth rom the &oon, the person concerned will be a potter, be amous, imparter o learning and be an author o books.

#5-#@. DHHDC1S LH ,<:21D. ,L2E2EG 7EL1'D. :97ED1 2E 1'D 1Cth H.L& 1'D &LLE. 2 ,upiter /oins %enus in being in 1Cth rom the &oon, one will serve a superior king, will head *rahmins, be devoid o grie , be an imparter o learning and be skill ul. Saturn and ,upiter in the 1Cth rom the &oon denote, that one will be base, will cause grie to others, will act, like an aged person, will have a irm residence and will success ully begin his undertakings.

#A. DHHDC1S LH %DE<S-S71<.E CLE,<EC12LE 2E 1'D 1Cth H.L& 1'D &LLE. Lne with %enus and Saturn in the 1Cth rom the &oon will be an artist, will trade in scents, be a doctor and will deal in black-salt and camphor. Eotes? WEeelamX apart meaning black-salt also indicates poison, antimony, sapphire etc., while Churna means apart rom camphor lour, chalk, lime etc.

#B-$A. DHHDC1S LH 1'.DD :97ED1S 2E CLE,<EC12LE 2E 1'D 1Cth H.L& 1'D &LLE. 2 the Sun, &ars and &ercury are in the 1Cth rom the &oon, one will be ortunate, e8cellent among men, e>ual to king and be honoured by all. 1he Sun, &ars and ,upiter in the 1Cth o the &oon denote, that he will be ortunate, will destroy his enemies and will be plenti ul. 1he Sun, &ars and %enus in the 1Cth o the &oon will make one cruel, adventurous, steal others" wealth and highly skill ul. &ars, Saturn and the Sun posited in the 1Cth o the &oon denote, that he will be intent on doing cruel acts, be oolish, sin ul and bad in conduct. 1he Sun, &ercury and ,upiter in the 1Cth o the &oon indicate, that he will be learned, beauti ul, righteous and be dear to his relatives. Hamous, righteous, devoid o anger, uncon>uerable, ortunes and plenty o robesthese are the e ects produced by the con/unction o &ercury, the Sun and %enus, in the 1Cth o the &oon. Ghen one has the Sun, &ercury and Saturn in the 1Cth o the &oon, one will be cruel, ickle minded, be not virtuous and will be a licted by weapons and ire. 2 the Sun, %enus and ,upiter be together in the 1Cth o the &oon, one will be ortunate, will earn by learning, be righteous and will always en/oy pleasures. Saturn, the Sun and ,upiter in con/unction in the 1Cth counted rom the &oon will make one devoid o (worthy) history, still honourable and valorous. %enus, Sun and Saturn in con/unction in the 1Cth counted rom the &oon will make one miserly, ickle minded and prohibited by all. 2 &ars, &ercury and ,upiter are in the 1Cth counted rom the &oon, one will be righteous, will have a large amily and many children and will be learned and wealthy. &ercury, &ars and %enus in the 1Cth o the &oon will make one interested in ine arts, a dealer o garlands, goldsmith and dear to all. Saturn, &ars and &ercury in the 1Cth o the &oon will make one righteous, addicted to sleep, wicked and dirty. 2 at the time o birth one has &ars, %enus and ,upiter in the 1Cth rom his ,anma .()i, he will be wealthy, valorous and be interested in honouring Gods and *rahmins. 2 Saturn, ,upiter and &ars are in the 1Cth counted rom the &oon, one will be bere t o learning, wealth and near and dear, be mean, bere t o happiness and be de ormed (or distressed). &ars, %enus and Saturn in the 1Cth counted rom the &oon denote, that one will be a minister, or an e8cellent personage, interested in others" religions, wealthy and have many pro essions. &ercury, %enus and ,upiter in the 1Cth (with re erence to the &oon) identical with 1aurusZ9ibra denote, that all his desires will be ul illed (i.e. he will be happy in all respects).

&ercury, %enus and ,upiter in the 1Cth (with re erence to the &oon) in Signs other, then 1aurusZ9ibra denote, that one will su er rom diseases. &ercury, ,upiter and Saturn in the 1Cth o the &oon denote, that one will be interested in authorship and literature, be wealthy, be a very modest servant, be ond o wandering and be beauti ul. 2 Saturn, &ercury and %enus be together in con/unction in the 1Cth counted rom the &oon one will be endowed with wisdom, be a bo8er, be interested in living" in oreign countries, diligent and tamed (like an elephant). 2 ,upiter, Saturn and %enus /oin in the 1Cth rom the &oon, one will be learned, righteous, kind and truth ul.

$B. 1hose are the results o planets up to = in number /oining in the 1Cth rom the &oon. ;i erent results will be e8perienced, i more than = planets /oin in the 1Cth o the &oon, as e8plained below.

3C-51. DHHDC1S LH $ :97ED1S ,L2E2EG 2E 1'D 1Cth H.L& 1'D &LLE. 2 the Sun, &ars, &ercury and ,upiter be in the 1Cth rom the &oon, one will be valorous, physically hurt, charitable and interested in all deeds. Gith &ars, Sun, %enus and &ercury in the 1Cth rom the &oon one will be a garland dealer, writer, or an artist. Gith &ars, Sun, Saturn and &ercury in the 1Cth rom the &oon one will be endowed with wealth, conveyances and elephants. 1he Sun, &ercury, ,upiter and %enus in the 1Cth rom the &oon denote, that even though one will have a mean pro ession, he will be e8cellent, will have sons and will have agricultural living. 1he Sun, &ercury, ,upiter and Saturn in the 1Cth rom the &oon denote, that one will be skill ully cunning, cruel and will cheat others. 1he Sun, &ercury, %enus and Saturn being in the 1Cth o the &oon, will make one hardhearted, ortunate, elo>uent and interested in agriculture. 1he Sun, ,upiter, %enus and Saturn being in the 1Cth o the &oon, will make one interested in oreign places and have many an acts to do. 2 &ars, %enus, &ercury and ,upiter are in the 1Cth rom the &oon, he will be skill ul courageous and uncon>uerable in battle. 2 &ars, Saturn, &ercury and ,upiter are in the 1Cth rom the &oon, one will be dirty, ever longing or war and will destroy enemies. Should &ars, &ercury, %enus and Saturn /oin in the 1Cth o the &oon, one will have abundant learning, be valorous and will be broad-bodied. Should &ars, ,upiter, %enus and Saturn /oin in the 1Cth o the &oon, one will be courageous and endowed with amily and wealth. 2 &ercury, ,upiter, %enus and Saturn are placed in the 1Cth rom ,anma .()i, one will

be calmly disposed, intelligent and dear to people.

5#. &79DH2CS 2E 1'D 1C1' H.L& 1'D &LLE. 2 &ale ics occupy the 1Cth 'ouse counted rom the &oon and aspected by bene ics, one will be a doctor, :urohit (a religious guide), an astrologer, or will be interested in cheating others.

5=. Ghatever e ects have been ascribed so ar in this Ch. will specially reveal bene icially, i bene ics aspect the 1Cth 'ouse rom the &oon. 2 male ics aspect, the bene ic results may not be there.

5$. &79DH2CS 7E; DHHDC1S. &ale ics in the =rd, or in the 5th with re erence to either the 7scendant, or the &oon will prove avourable, while in the Ath, 1#th, or the 7scendant they are inauspiciousmore so in the 7scendant.

53. 92%D92'LL;. Lne"s livelihood should be predicted based on the 1Cth rom the &oon, or rom the 7scendantU whichever is stronger will prevail. 1he earnings (livelihood) will also be indicated by the stronger o the 9ords o the 1Cth counted rom the &oon, or rom the 7scendant.

55-AC. S2GES 7E; :.LHDSS2LES. 2 7ries, or many o its divisions be in the 1Cth, one will live through gardens, intelligence, service, agriculture, trading in /uices (.asa has other meanings, like li>uor, poison, mercury, mineralZmetallic salt etc.), or be an envoy. Gith 1aurus, or a ma/ority o its divisions in the 1Cth, one will live through carts, >uadrupeds, birds, wild animals and by gathering grains. Similarly Gemini denotes trading through water, precious stones, vessels, conch, writing, accountancy etc. Cancer in this conte8t means weapons, golden ornaments, arrows and hunting. 9eo on the 1Cth, or many o 9eo divisions related to the 1Cth denote livelihood through precious stones, gold, stones (like construction material) agriculture, cows and the like and grains. Gealth comes through vehicles, gems, gold, scents, music, arts and writing, i %irgo eatures, as above. 9ibra in similar condition indicates livelihood through teaching, dealing in gold, many ways and means, riends, cows, bu aloes, many salable articles, things emanating rom water, grains, ruits, agriculture and arts. Similarly Scorpio denotes livelihood through emale association, agriculture, thieving, serving the king, sin ul acts, rendering physical treatments (i.e. medical pro ession), blacksmithy and grains. &inistership under a king, protection o orts, cattle, horses, irewood, indicating omens, machinery, mathematics, medical treatment etc., are denoted by Sagittarius in a similar manner. Capricorn in similar condition denotes livelihood through cots, gardening, chemicals etc. and abundant income through waterborne items. 7>uarius indicates weapons, burning, separation (or creating inimical relationship between two), thieving, carrying headloads and through physical stamina. :isces in similar manner denotes living through weapons,

waterborne items, sale o horses etc.

A1. :97ED1S 2E 1'D 1Cth 7E; 1'D2. DHHDC1S. 1he Sun in the 1Cth indicates income through ather, the &oon mother, &ars enemies, &ercury riends, ,upiter brothers, %enus emales and Saturn servants.

A#. 1here will be gains in many ways, i the 7scendant, the #nd and the 11th are, respectively, occupied by strong ( avourable) planets, so say the preceptors.

1hus ends the ==rd Ch. entitled W1Cth 'L<SD 7E; DHHDC1S 1'D.DLHX in 4alyana %arma"s Saravali.

Chapter - =$. ;i erent 'ouses and Gorldly 7 airs

1-@. DHHDC1S LH SD%D.79 :97ED1S 7S:DC12EG 1'D 7SCDE;7E1. 2 the Sun aspects the 7scendant, the native will be valorous, will be irascible with emales, be cruel, will gain wealth rom paternal side and will serve the king. 2 the &oon aspects the 7scendant, he will be under the control o women, ortunate, be very courteous, be very wealthy, so tly disposed and will gain by dealing in water-born articles.

2 &ars lends his aspect to the 7scendant, one will be ond o valorous acts and battles, irascible, will have severed relationship, be very righteous and will have a long penis. Should &ercury aspect the 7scendant, the native will have rich knowledge o arts and will thereby gain and be >uite intelligent, amous and honourable. 2 ,upiter be the aspecting planet with re erence to the 7scendant one will be interested in religious observations, be honoured by the king, be amous and will be endowed with (the company o ) virtuous people, elders and guests. %enus aspecting the 7scendant denotes, that he will be addicted to many prostitutes, be youth ul, will have happiness o wealth and pleasure and will be beauti ul in appearance. 2 Saturn aspects the 7scendant one will be troubled by heavy loads, travels and diseases, be irascible, will be attached to aged women (i.e. will be ond o seeking union with aged emales), be devoid o happiness, be dirty and oolish.

A. GDED.79 7S:DC1S 1L 7SCDE;7E1. 2 a planet (whether natural bene ic, or natural male ic) aspects the 7scendant identical with its own Sign, that con ers happiness and wealth, apart rom close relationship with the king. 2 the 7scendant is not owned by the aspecting planet, a bene ic then con ers auspicious e ects and a male ic evil results.

B. <E7S:DC1D; 7SCDE;7E1. Should the ascending Sign be not in aspect to even one planet, the native will be devoid o (other) >ualities and will ac>uire e8clusive >ualities o the Sign concerned.

1C-11. S:DC279 DHHDC1S. 2 two, or more planets aspect the 7scendant, the native ac>uires happiness and wealth. Dven one bene ic aspecting the 7scendant is auspicious, while a male ic so aspecting is inauspicious. 2 the 7scendant is aspected by all the planets one rules over the earth. Should all the planets be endowed with strength, he will en/oy all kinds o happiness, be ree rom ear and be long-lived.

1#. :97ED1S CLE,<EC1 2E 1'D 7SCDE;7E1. 2 three planets are together in the 7scendant, the native will be devoid o miseries and will lord over the earth. *ut, i these are (e8clusively) male ics, he will be distressed due to ear, grie etc., will eat much and will be disregarded by one and all.

1=. 7;'2 0LG7 H.L& 7SCDE;7E1. 2 bene ics e8clusively occupy the 5th, @th and Ath, without the company o male ics, 9agnadhi 0oga is caused. 1his 0oga con ers ministership, leadership over 7rmy (/usticeship) and kingship, lordship over many women, long li e, reedom rom diseases and miseries, possession o virtues and happiness. So say 0avana kings.

1$. 7 planet in own Sign, or in e8altationZ riendly Sign, according to sages, con ers its e ects ully. 2 it is in all, or is inimically placed, it is incapable o giving the results (due to the above mentioned 0oga).

13-#C. :.2EC2:9DS .D971D; 1L 1'D #E; 'L<SD. 2 &ars, Saturn and the Sun occupy the #nd 'ouse, the native"s wealth is destroyed. 2 weak &oon aspects the #nd 'ouse, such e ects are more pronounced. &ars and the Sun in the #nd cause a lictions to skin apart rom causing poverty. 2 Saturn, posited alone in this 'ouse, is aspected by &ercury, he will be greatly rich. Dven, i the Sun is posited in the #nd 'ouse in aspect to Saturn, without aspect o others, pennilessness will come to pass. *ene ics in the #nd 'ouse cause advent o money in many ways. *ut, i ,upiter posited in the #nd 'ouse remains under &ercury"s aspect, or &ercury so posited in the #nd 'ouse in aspect to the &oon, the entire wealth earned by the native will be deprived. Geak &oon in the #nd 'ouse in &ercury"s aspect denotes, that even the ancestral property will be destroyedU not only this, other sources o income will also be hindered. Should the #nd 'ouse b rom thec &oon be aspected by %enus, plenty o wealth will be earned. Same is the result by aspect o another bene ic (i.e. ,upiter).

#1-#$. :.2EC2:9DS .D971D; 1L 1'D =rd 'L<SD. Ghen the =rd 'ouse is owned by a male ic and is occupied by a male ic, the co-born are destroyed. Conversely, a bene ic"s Sign being the =rd and occupation o bene ics therein will cause happiness thereo . Eow e8plained below is the method to ascertain the number o co-born. 1he number o Eav(F)as past in the =rd 'ouse denotes the number o brothers ollowing the native. 2 other planets aspect the =rd 'ouse, the said number (caused by Eav(F)as) stands increased. Saturn placed in the =rd in aspect to &ars causes destruction o coborn. *ut %enus in the =rd and in aspect to ,upiter increases happiness thereo . &ercury placed in the =rd 'ouse, in aspect to &ars (or in aspect to the Sun, as some te8ts read ]*haskara ;rishtah" instead o ]7ngaraka ;rishtah"), the native"s riends are destroyed. .est (relating to the $th 'ouse) may be understood rom *havadhyaya (Ch. =C). #3-#5. 7*L<1 1'D 3th 'L<SD. 2 the 3th 'ouse contains a bene ic, or is aspected by a bene ic, or be a bene ic"s .()i, the native will surely beget children. 2 it is di erent, he will not obtain progeny. 2 the 3th 'ouse counted rom the &oon, or the 7scendant, the stronger prevailing, has at least one ,upiter"s division in the various %arga calculations, or has a bene ic"s .()i in it and is aspected by a bene ic, the native will have legitimate issue.

#@. E<&*D. LH C'29;.DE. 2 the Eav(F)a o the 3th alls in a bene ic"s .()i the

number o children e>uals the number o Eav(F)as past in the 3th 'ouse. 1he aspect o a bene ic on the 3th *hava doubles the number, while male ic .()i, as 3th 'ouse Eav(F)a and the said 'ouse receiving a male ic"s aspect con ers progeny with di iculty.

#A. 7<1'L.2-2EG L1'D. 42ES&7E 1L .72SD :.LGDE0 HL. 1'D E712%D. 2 the 3th 'ouse alls in the divisions (like .()i, Eav(F)a, drekkana etc.) o Saturn and be with &ercury"s aspect, but without that o ,upiterZ&arsZSun, the native obtains progeny by authori!ing his kinsman to raise the same or him rom his (the native"s) wi e. Similar result prevails, i &ercury"s .()i be in the 3th 'ouse containing &ercury in it and is in aspect to Saturn, but without the aspect o the others, as cited above.

#B. 7;L:1D; L. *L<G'1 :.LGDE0. 2 the 3th 'ouse belongs to Saturn and be occupied by Saturn himsel with the aspect o the &oon, one procures a child by adoption, or by an act o purchase. 2dentical e ect ollows the position o &ercury in the 3th 'ouse owned by him receiving the &oon"s aspect.

=C. 7;L:12LE S7ES CLESDE1. Should the 3th 'ouse contain Saturn unaspected by others and all in a Sapthamsa owned by &ars, the native will adopt a grown up child without the consent o its natural parents.

=1-=#. *7SD C'29;.DE. 2 the 3th 'ouse contains the Sun and alls in the divisions o Saturn receiving the aspect o &ars, the children so obtained will be ab/ect. Should the &oon be in the 3th 'ouse and receive e8clusively Saturn"s aspect, while the 3th 'ouse alls in a Eav(F)a o &ars, even then the progeny will be oolish and base.

==. 2 the 3th 'ouse is occupied by &ars alling in many o Saturn"s divisions and be in aspect to the Sun, one will obtain a son, that is adopted by a stranger a ter its being cast o by its original parents, so says sage 4aruna.

=$. 2SS<D *0 7 .D&7..2D; G2;LG. Should the 3th 'ouse all in Saturn"s %argas and contain both the &oon and Saturn therein, in aspect to both the Sun and %enus, progeny will be begotten by a widow given to the native in remarriage.

=3. :.LGDE0 *0 7 %2.G2E. Should the &oon be in the @th along with the Sun, or the &oon being in the 3th in aspect to, or in the company o the Sun, one will obtain issue through an unmarried girl.

=5. :.LGDE0 *0 7 GL&7E :.DGE7E1 71 &7..27GD. 2 the 3th 'ouse alls in the divisions o the 9uminaries and contains the &oon and the Sun in aspect to %enus only,

one will have progeny by a woman, who will already be pregnant at the time o marriage.

=@. 2SS<D9DSSEDSS. 2 the 3th 'ouse alls in a male ic"s Sign and be occupied by strong male ics without bene ic"s aspect, the native will be childless.

=A. :.LGDE0 *0 7 HD&79D S97%D. 2 the 3th 'ouse be in a Eav(F)a o %enus and be aspected by %enus, one will beget progeny by a emale servant. Some scholars opine, that even, i the &oon"s Eav(F)a and the &oon so come in the picture, the said e ects will come to pass.

Chapter - =3. .a/a 0ogas

1. 1his science is mainly use ul to rulers. 'ence 2 e8plain in this Ch. the con igurations, that make one a king. #. 42EG90ZGD791'0 0LG7S. Lne born in a royal scion will become a ruler, i =, or $ planets, with strength, occupy their e8altationZ&ulatrikona Signs at birth. 2 3, or 5 planets be so placed, even a person o mean birth will attain rulership. 2 one, or two heavenly bodies be so, the native will only be rich, being e>ual to a king, but not really be a king. =. 7ccording to 0avanas, i only male ics are e8alted, the native will become a king indulging, in cruel deeds. *ut, as per ,eevasarma, such planets will make one valorous, but not a king. Lne with such a 0oga (according to 4alyanavarma) will be honoured and will become the head o a region. $. D8plained below are the 0ogas, that will make even a person o base birth a king, according to Shastras. 3. 2 all the our o the Sun, &ars, Saturn and ,upiter, or three o them, be e8alted and one o them be simultaneously in the 7scendant, a total o 15 kinds o .a/a 0ogas are ormed. Lne born even in a mean caste with such a 0oga will become a ruler. 7gain a di erent group o 15 .a/a 0ogas are ormed, i one, or two out o the above our planets are in e8altation, while one o the e8alted planets occupies the 7scendant, as the &oon remains in Cancer. 7ccording to great sages, these =# 0ogas will make one a ruler, who reigns the whole earth, as though it is /ust a garden. 5. 2 at the time o birth either the 7scendant, or the &oon be in %argothama Eav(F)a and be in aspect to 3, or 5 planets other than the &oon (when the 7scendant being considered) one will become a king in spite o his having taken birth in a mean amily. @. 2 at birth 7ries be the 7scendant containing the &oon, &ars and ,upiter one will become an emperor o the whole earth encircled by the seas and the <dayagiri (i.e. the mountain, rom which the Sun etc. are supposed to rise) and will roaringly destroy his enemies. A. Should ,upiter be in Cancer, while &ars occupies 7ries identical with the 7scendant, or should both ,upiter and &ars be in 7ries 7scendant, the native will become a ruler whose enemies dare not approach him, while his minister will be avourable to him. B. Should the &oon be in the 11th 'ouse along with %enus and ,upiter, while 7ries, Capricorn and %irgo are occupied by their 9ords, one born in %irgo 7scendant will doubtlessly become a very knowledgeable king. 1C. 2 Cancer 7scendant contain the &oon with ull bright rays, while the @th, 5th, $th, 1Cth and =rd are, respectively, occupied by &ercury, Sun, %enus, ,upiter and Saturn, the native will become a ruler. Simultaneously &ars should be con/unct Saturn. 11. Should 1aurus ascend at birth with the Hull &oon, as 7>uarius, 9eo and Scorpio are tenanted, respectively, by Saturn, the Sun and ,upiter, the native will become a king with abundant riches and with conveyances. 1#. 2 Capricorn 7scendant birth along with Saturn, while :isces, Gemini, %irgo and Sagittarius are, respectively, occupied by the &oon, &ars, &ercury and ,upiter, one will become a ruler e>ual to 2ndra, 9ord o the 9ords. 1=. 2 the &oon is in :isces identical with 7scendant, while Capricorn, 7>uarius and 9eo are in their order occupied by &ars, Saturn and the Sun, one will become a ruler well versed in all arts. 1$. Lne will become an uncon>uerable king, with knowledge o the %edas, i he takes birth in Capricorn 7scendant with e8alted &ars, i it opposed by Hull &oon in Cancer.

13. 2 e8alted Sun is in the 7scendant along with the &oon, the native will become a ruler, who will be endowed with pleasing appearance and with whose very reminiscence the enemies will shed tears and will sparkle ire o grie in their hearts. 15. Should %enus, &ars and ,upiter by respectivecy placed in 7>uarius, 7ries and Cancer, one born so will become a king spreading his ame to all the directions. 1@. 2 the planet ,upiter, with the splendour o heated yellow metal, be in Cancer identical with 7scendant, while the Sun is in the 1Cth in 7ries and the &oon, &ercury and %enus are in 1aurus (in the 11th), one will con>uer the entire earth with his own prowess. 1A. 1he native will become a king, i the &oon occupies Sagittarius along with ,upiter, while &ars occupies Capricorn and &ercury in %irgo in 7scendant. 1B. 2 the 9uminaries occupy the irst hal o Sagittarius, while Saturn is e8alted, with e8ceeding strength, in 9ibra 7scendant and &ars is in Capricorn, one will become a ruler whose valour will provoke only honour rom his oes. #C-#1. C'7E;.7;'2 0LG7. 7dhi 0oga is caused by all bene ics being in the 5th, @th and Ath rom the &oon. 1hese 'ouses should e8clude the Sun and not receive any aspect rom male ics. Lne born with this 0oga will become a king possessing a kingdom boundaried by seas whose band o into8icated elephants will eke out ichor, which the black orest bees will drink (mistaking the ichor to be lower"s honey). Such a native will be immune to senescence and sickness, be bere t o ear rom enemies, be valorous, ortunate and happy. ##. &ercury in e8altation in the 7scendant, the &oon and ,upiter in :isces, &ars and Saturn in Capricorn, while %enus is in Gemini? this con iguration will produce a ruler destroying his enemies. 1he dust ormed by the movements o his elephant 7rmy will darken the entire earth. #=. Lne will become a king with the ollowing planetary con iguration prevailing at the time o birth? 1he Sun and ,upiter in 9eo, Saturn in 7>uarius, the &oon in 1aurus, &ars in Scorpio and the 7scendant in 7ries. #$. 7 amous king will be produced, i 7ries be the 7scendant at birth along with the Sun therein, ,upiter be in Sagittarius and the &oon with Saturn is in 9ibra. #3. 2 the three planets, vi!. ,upiter, &ercury and %enus occupy such .()is, which are angular to their respective own .()is and be in the process con/unct Saturn, &ars and the Sun, while the &oon is in 1aurus, the native will become a king puri ying the ( our) directions with his unstained ame. 1he native born in 7ries 7scendant with the Sun in deep e8altation will rule the earth boundaried by the seas. #5. Should the &oon be in the $th 'ouse simultaneously alling in a watery Eav(F)a and be with all her splendour, while a bene ic is in its own 'ouse identical with the 7scendant and male ics are away rom 7ngles, a king is born. #@. 1he &oon in the state o her Hullness, i be in aspect to %enus, ,upiter and &ercury, while the 9ord o the 7scendant is endowed with strength, one so born will become a king. 1he 7scendant in >uestion should be in a ;ual Sign and be in %argothamamsa. #A. 1he native, who has three, or our bene ic planets in %argothamamsa will become a king. 1hese planets should be in 7ngles, not combust, be not weak and be ree rom the company o male ics. #B. Dven, i a single bene ic is in %argothamamsa, the native will become a king, provided the planet in >uestion is strong and be in aspect to a riendly planet. =C. 1he Hull &oon in Cancer 7scendant not alling in inimical subdivisions, will make one a king endowed with gems elephants and horses, provided he has a bene ics aspect, while all the other planets occupy Seershodya Signs.

=1. 2 the dispositor o the &oon is in the =rd, 5th, 1Cth, or 11th counted rom the &oon hersel , one born so will become a ruler comparable to 9ord 2ndra provided male ics are bere t o strength and bene ics be in 7ngles identical with .()is owned by bene ics. 7lternatively, these bene ics instead o alling in such .()is may be in such Eav(F)as ruled by bene ics. =#. 1he native will become such a valorous king whose 7rmy"s very roaring will >uake the earth, i in his radi8 all planets, being strong, occupy their respective deep e8altation points in aspect to riendly planets and without inimical aspects. ==. Should the &oon be in her deep e8altation degree in aspect to %enus, while all male ics are relegated to =rd, 5th, Bh and 1#th 'ouses, one will become a king. =$. 2 the 7scendant 9ord and the &oon Sign 9ord are together in an 7ngle at birth, in aspect to auspicious and riendly planets, unaspected by male ics and not being de eated by enemies, the native will become a plenti ul king. 7lternatively the &oon should be in 9agna and the 9agna 9ord in the Bth thereo . 1he black orest bees consuming the ichor o his 7rmy elephants will sing the glory o such native in all directions. =3. Hind out, i the 7scendant is the e8altation Sign o any planet. 2 the planet in >uestion is aspected by a bene ic rom an 7ngle a king is born. 'owever, the irst mentioned planet should be in own Eav(F)a, or riendly Eav(F)a, or e8altation Eav(F)a. =5. Saturn with strength, the Sun, &ars, the &oon, %enus and &ercury, respectively, positioned in the second hal o Capricorn, 9eo, 7ries, Cancer, 9ibra and %irgo will make one an emperor, who will be endowed with spotless ame protecting his population. =@. 2 all the planets are in %argothamamsa and are radiant the native will become an emperor o the whole earth subduing all his enemies. =A. 1he sub/ect will become a ruler, i the 7scendant 9ord is in an 7ngle in aspect to a riendly planet, while the 7scendant is tenanted by a bene ic. =B. Should ,upiter and the &oon be in 1aurus identical with the 7scendant, while its 9ord (%enus), is in his &oolatrikona (or in a 1rine rom the 7scendant) unaspected by the Sun, Saturn and &ars, the native will be a amous ruler controlling all his oes. $C. 2 at birth all planets, avoiding inimical and debilitational divisions, occupy their own, or riendly divisions in aspect to riendly planets, while the &oon is Hull with her rays, the native will become a ruler. $1. 2 the Hull &oon is e8alted and is in %argothamamsa, in aspect to a bene ic planet, the person so born will become a amous ruler in the ;asa o the bene ic planet in >uestion. 1here should not be a strong male ic in an 7ngle in the said 0oga. $#. 2 the 9ord o the 7scendant and the &oon Sign 9ord with strength are together in an 7ngle, while the &oon occupies a watery Sign identical with a 1rine, the native will become a king. $=. Should all the planets at birth be in their own .()is and in riendly Eav(F)as, or vice versa, the sub/ect will become an emperor. $$. Should all the other planets be in their deep e8altation points, while &ercury is in his e8altation 7msa, the native will rule over the three worlds, receiving honours rom Gods and ;emons. $3. Lne will become an emperor devoid o any oes, i the $th, 1st, @th and the 1Cth are, respectively, occupied by %asishta (one o the Saptharishis), ,upiter, %enus and 7gasthya (again one o the Saptharishis). $5. 2 the Hull &oon is in her e8altation .()i, or in own .()i, or in own Eav(F)a, while ,upiter posited in an 7ngle is in aspect to %enus, the native becomes a great emperor provided the Sun is in the 7scendant with strength identical with his own 'ouse.

$@. Should the Hull &oon receive the aspect o all the planets the native will live long and will not be sub/ected to adverse results, that may be caused by 4emadruma and such other 0ogas.

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