Dictator Ship IN Pakistan: Group Members

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Group Members:



In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful

Welcome to this presentation on Dictatorship in Pakistan which is a humble effort of this group

To clarify audience the reasons of dictatorship in Pakistan and telling them the facts about dictatorship

Topics include
Introduction Dictatorship of Ayub han Dictatorship of !ahya han Dictatorship of "ia ul #a$ Dictatorship of Per%e& Musharraf 'onclusion

Dictatorial ruling is based on absolute individual sovereign power without any inspection and invasion where the democracy defined by Abraham Lincoln i.e. government of the people, by the people and for the people remain suspended till the winds of revolutionary change restore democracy. Its a loss of freedom of expressions, centralization of authoritarian power, paralytic government establishment, surrender of rights responsibilities where survival of democracy becomes impediment to handle. Dictatorships are one party political systems that are ruled by one leader or an elite group of people under the principle of authoritarianism. !ome feel that dictatorships are the most effective form of government because decisions are made "uic#ly and nationalism benefits the military and economy. $hese individuals value order, nationalism, and authority. %owever, these systems often result in violence, repression of the public. Democracies are political systems that rest on the principle of rule by the people. &ost people that live in democracies have civil liberties and political rights. Individuals who feel that democratic systems are the best government value e"uality, accountability, and freedom. 'ations that have multiparty political systems will meet the needs of the public better through the means of political e"uality, a higher standard of living and civil liberties. Dictatorships often occur when a nation is economically and politically unstable. An example of this is 'apoleons era in (rance. In a system of authoritarian rule decisions are made efficiently because very few people are involved in the decision ma#ing process. $he leader or elite group at the head of the government decides on new policies and economic measures, then ma#es sure that the public abides by them by using tactics of force and indoctrination Dictatorship is one of the oldest forms of government. Despite the enormous success of democracy there is no sign that dictatorship is vanishing as a form of governance today and in future. )hile the number of democratic countries increased significantly during *+th century, there are also a significant number of emerging dictatorships, especially in countries of the former !oviet ,nion. If in countries li#e -uba, .urma, /gypt, Libya, 'orth 0orea, and 1imbabwe regimes have already reached some sort of maturity, the situation is very di2erent in the newly emerging dictatorships in post3soviet countries such as $ur#menistan, ,zbe#istan, and .elarus

Dictatorship of Ayub 0han

After the establishment of 4a#istan, the rulers did not give any opportunity to people of 4a#istan to participate in government affairs. If we consider basic definition of democracy, the type of govt. in these years was not democratic. It was tenure of bureaucracy, in which power was in the hands of governor general, governor and bureaucracy.

In 5677, !i#andar &irza who was a bureaucrat became 8overnor 8eneral. .ut due to political instability and disorganized political parties, the change of government became a practice9 from 567: to 567;, government changed four times. $he only method to remove political uncertainty and instability was elections. In the tenure of !i#andar &irza, elections were demanded many times but !i#andar &irza went on delaying it. At last he promised to conduct elections in march 5676. $he situation made him realized that he could no longer remain president after the elections. $his was not acceptable to him as he wanted to remain in power at every cost. !o he conspired with 8en. Ayub 0han and martial law was announced on ; <ctober 567;.

$enure of Ayub 0han

8en. Ayub 0han compelled !i#andar &irza to separate from rule after only *+ days of martial law and too# the seat of presidency himself. Ayub 0han introduced the concept of basic democracy in which the word =democracy was nominally. In this system of basic democracy, a limited people were given authority to vote in election and thus to decide about the future of the whole nation. <n instructions from Ayub 0han, a constitution was made in which presidential system was introduced. $his constitution was neither presented for referendum nor did it have peoples support. .y the end of 56:;, people started protesting against dictatorship of Ayub 0han and soon it became a agitating movement. )hen Ayub 0han recognized the situation, he resigned and transferred power to 8en. >ahya 0han. In the reign of Ayub 0han, there was tremendous improvement in industry and economy, and the historical war of 56:7 was also fought in his tenure. %is policies brought westernization in the country and at the end of his rule, the economic growth slowed down. All these factors caused resentment amongst the people of both wing of 4a#istan.

Dictatorship of >ahya 0han

After the resignation of Ayub 0han, >ahya 0han issued orders of martial law. %e restored the provinces 4un?ab, !indh, ')(4 and .alochistan and announced the principle of =one man, one vote for the election. In dec 56@+ the first general election too# place. In this election, Awami League gained 5:@ seats that all were from east 4a#istan9 on the other hand 4a#istan 4eoples 4arty A444Bappeared as the most ma?or party in )est 4a#istan by gaining ;: seats. After the separation of /ast 4a#istan, >ahya 0han transferred rule to the chairman of 444 1ulif"ar Ali .hutto in December 56@5. >ahya 0han inherited the problems of /ast 4a#istan due to un?ust division of rights. $his resulted in the resistance against the state. 'eighbouring india also incited the population to rebel.yahya #han used the army to "uell the rebellion but this caused an increase in the

resentment. During this crisis, 4a#istan had to face many challenges both externally and internally.

Dictatorship of 1ia ul %a"

.A-08C<,'D In the election of 56@+, 444 appeared to be a ma?or party in )est 4a#istan but its controversial steps soon revealed that it did not practically believe in democracy. In 56@@s election, the party tic#ets were distributed among feudalists so that they could win the election by force. In these elections unfair means were used on a very large scale and when people saw the unexpected election results, they refused to accept them. $hey demanded to transfer power to real representatives but .hutto, somehow, failed to do so. $/',C/ <( 1IA ,L %AD $he legacy of dictatorship of continued and again martial law was imposed in 56@@ to the miserable people of 4a#istan by 8en. 1ia ul %a" due to continuous disturbances and political instability. %e promised for general elections within 6+ days but he could not fulfill it. In 56;E 1ia became president of 4a#istan by a so called referendum, and in (eb. 56;7 election was carried out on no party basis. .efore transferring power to elected government, 1ia made several amendments in constitution by which he gained more authority9 and thus the elected government was formed in the presence of martial law. In the result of efforts of this elected government, the largest martial law in the history of pa#istan was ended in December 56;7. <n &ay, *6 56;;, the president 1ia ul %a" bro#e the 'ational Assembly by using 7;3*.. In his era the foreign policy ma#ers wanted to crush !oveit union and their intention was beautifully imposed to vague thin#ing of our people again Islamization was intentionally brought to 4a#istan. <nce the foreign rulers had obtained their ob?ectives and supposed that &u?ahideen and 1ia himself. 1ia himself became a threat and headache for themselves. $hey let 1ia to his ultimate ?ourney.

Dictatorship of 4ervez &usharaf

<n <ctober 5*, 5666 while exercising military invasions over political environment on regularity basis country was once again dragged under the fourth military ruling favored by plane conspiracy. $he toppled government of 'awaz !hariff from lost opportunity of contesting elections to imprisonment and then to exile forced 8eneral &usharaff to restore democracy. !econd time in the history of 4a#istan referendum was held and won by 8eneral &usharaff. Later under severe pressure of western super powers in particular and international media in general, elections were held in *++*. Although both the democratic leaders were deprived of contest elections on allegation of corruptions but outcome was contradictory.

<n 'ovember F, *++@, only days before a bench of the !upreme -ourt of 4a#istan was to decide on a petition challenging the constitutional validity of his re3election as president in the controversial <ctober *++@ elections, he, as -hief of Army !taff, suspended the constitution, ?ailed several ?ustices and lawyers of the supreme court including -hief Gustice Ifti#har &uhammad -haudhry, ordered the arrest of political dissidents and human rights activists, and shut down all private television channels. HFI <n 'ovember F, *++@, &usharraf declared a state of emergency in 4a#istan which lasted until December 57, *++@. During this time, the constitution of the country was suspended.HE <n Ganuary 5*, *++*, &usharraf gave a landmar# speech against Islamic extremism. %e une"uivocally condemned all acts of terrorism and pledged to combat Islamic extremism and lawlessness within 4a#istan itself. According to a survey by $ransparency International, 4a#istani public opinion perceived the first and second terms of &usharrafJs administration as respectively more corrupt than the first and second terms of previous administrations led by .hutto and !harif, respectively. HEFIHEE

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