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Madhya Pradesh State Planning Commission

Sectoral Distribution Of State Resources

Chapter - I Introduction & Overview

The State of Madhya Pradesh is centrally located and is often called as the "Heart of India". The State is home to a rich cultural heritage and has practically everything; innumerable monuments, large plateau, spectacular mountain ranges, meandering rivers and miles and miles of dense forests offering a unique and exciting panorama of wildlife in sylvan surroundings. Its capital is Bhopal, and the largest city is Indore. Nicknamed the "heart of India" due to its geographical location in India, Madhya Pradesh is the second largest state in the country by area. With over 75 million inhabitants, it is the sixth largest state in India by population. It borders the states of Uttar Pradesh to the northeast, Chhattisgarh to the southeast, Maharashtra to the south, Gujarat to the west, and Rajasthan to the northwest. Madhya Pradesh, in its present form, came into existence on November 1,2000 following its bifurcation to create a new state of Chhattisgarh. The undivided Madhya Pradesh was founded on November 1, 1956.Madhya Pradesh, because of its central location in India, has remained a crucible of historical currents from North, South, East and West. Madhya Pradesh is the second largest Indian state in size with an area of 308,000 sq. kms. Madhya Pradesh is home to a large tribal population, who have been largely cut-off from the mainstream development. This makes Madhya Pradesh one of the least developed states in India, with an HDI (Human Development Index) value of 0.375 (2011), which is well below the national average.[3] The state's per-capita gross state domestic product (nominal GDP) is the fourth lowest in the country (201011). MP is also the lowest-ranked state on the India State Hunger Index. In recent years, the state's GDP growth has been above the national average. Rich in mineral resources, MP has the largest reserves of diamond and copper in India. More than 30% of its area is under the forest cover. Its tourism industry has seen considerable growth, with the state topping the National Tourism Awards in 201011.

1.1 Main Objectives

The fundamental objectives of this study are as follows:
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Madhya Pradesh State Planning Commission

Sectoral Distribution Of State Resources

What percentages of state resources are being utilized by different departments and sectors for last two plan periods Determining how much state financial resources are being demand/approved by the various sector/department in terms of percentage (%) Comparative Study of 10th & 11th Five Year Plan are envisaged through the detailed comparison of both the five year plans approved outlay, expenditures, achievements, targets & objectives. Financial Analysis of the last two five year plan are obtained by noticing the key issues to the achievements & then in context of same the extract the result. Also, the justifications for every achievement are focused. Physical Analysis can be obtained by the comparing the physical achievements, expenditures & justification for every of it for both the five year plan. It determines that amongst both the plan, which one incurred the utilization of resources efficiently. Departments & sectors demanding the resources can be focused by comparative study of plans by considering the set goals & extent of ability to resolve. Considering the Objectives & targets of both the plan separately then track its completion, progress & result obtained after completion. Issues & problems are obtained from the above analysis, then by self perception & evaluation the optimized recommendations & requirements for addressing the issue has been discussed.

1.2 Approaches to Objectives

For accomplishment of above describing objectives & outcomes, the approach to that, go through many junctions & every study of it need analytical approach to understand where & how the investments are done. Apart from the approval outlay how much is actually invested & investment under which project/schemes have to be determined. Then, it has to be justify that, is the expenditure made is genuine & how much effective/utilizing for the development of state growth? First, consider any two Five Year Plans along which has been studied thoroughly. Here, the last five year plans are considered, viz. 10th Five Year Plan & 11th Five Year Plan, respectively. In the report 10th & 11th five year plans are shown briefly & then the sectoral distribution of the financial resources are lined-up. In which the approved outlay & expenditures are drafted in the means of statistics, tabulations & piecharts (as percentage). Then, case study of both them has been
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Madhya Pradesh State Planning Commission

Sectoral Distribution Of State Resources

incorporated by physical analysis & comparative study between both plans. Physical (achievements) analysis in contrasts of the expenditures has also been discussed. Benefits by the public & organisations gained. In context of that the above described strategies of outcomes & objectives has been approached, following to that problems & difficulties to be faced. Addressing for resolving the problems, recommendations, expectations, cautions & resolutions to be initiated has been discussed.

1.3 Literature Review

This report is again a kind of review of tenth & eleventh five year plan, which broadly focuses on the approved outlay & expenditures of them. Certainly, the expenditures are justified corresponding to the sector & departments. Formerly, the conventional routines ,schemes, plans & projects are revised & modified, also many new departments are introduced which are discussed in this report. Lastly the energy sector was specially considered to checkout every parameters, expenses on every penny, resources distribution on new & current schemes/projects are then discussed. The contents in this report was majorly referred from the M.P. State Planning Commission official websites, & the home portal of the state Then the energy sectors are sited throught he followings sites: & Many other assisted references have been discussed in references.

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Madhya Pradesh State Planning Commission

Sectoral Distribution Of State Resources

Chapter - II Comparative Study

This chapter holds the comparison of the two consider plans, i.e. tenth five year plan(2002-07) & eleventh five year plan(2007-12). In this section basically the sectoral distribution outlay for both the plans has been presented. Also, the percentage of resources bagged by every sector has been discussed & for every financial allocation justification is stated. The main aim is "What percentages of state resources are being utilized by different departments and sectors for last two plan periods". Here, the same has been described as following through the Sectoral distribution of all the departments for the two consecutive plan years, i.e., 10th five year plan (2002-07) & 11th five year plan (2007-12). From the earlier chapters it has been acknowledge that the main target of the M.P. state govt. is the social development, upgradation of the infrastructure in means of energy, transportation & industrialisation & lastly to the components of the primary sectors. Apart from the allocation of state resources, the percentage sharing of the approved outlay has been witnessed. The table shown below is the outlay for the tenth & eleventh five year plan, which gives rise the sectoral distribution amongst the administrative departments.
(Rs. in Crores)

S.No. Departments 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Agriculture and Allied Activities Rural Development Special Area Development Irrigation and Flood Control Energy

Tenth Plan (2002-2007) 1,908.64 4,760.42 0.00 7,260.57 5,020.93

Eleventh Plan (2007-2012) 3,389.63 8457.87 3132.04 15102.61 9392.96

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Madhya Pradesh State Planning Commission

Sectoral Distribution Of State Resources

6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Industry & Mining Transport Science, Technology Environment General Economic Services Social Services General Services

279.11 3,360.84 & 121.81 820.24 9,801.54 390.86

581.05 7,893.90 173.78 1529.90 20,019.86 114.40

From the table above it has been sighted that one newly sector has been introduced from the eleventh five year plan session & before that there is no existence of it. If the comparison is done on the basis of the resources allocation to both the plans, then it is clearly observed that every sector has upgraded in means of amount of the resources. Every sector got more resource allocation in the eleventh plan more than the tenth plan except the third sector which has been introduced from eleventh session only. Science & Technology sector & General services has allotted less than the double resource mobilization for these both sectors. From the amount of resource mobilization from tenth to eleventh plan it has been concluded that the aims/objectives were targeted more than ever for the standardization of the state, basically by the means of education, security to the children & women, assuring many policies for their fooding & lodging. Then the concerned sector was infrastructure of the state, because any of the state is known for its infrastructure including the capacity to availing energy to the industries for the manufacturation process, water abundance for every minute daily needs, whether it is for manufacturing, agriculture, domestic purposes or for plantation. The state always put all its efforts to make the social aspect upgraded which competes all its classes with all the globalized norms. Now, the above table has been plotted in the statistical manner which visualize the difference in the resources allocation from the tenth to the eleventh plan. Here the blue bars showing the resources allotted to that particular sector during the tenth plan, but the red bars showing the same the eleventh plan.

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Madhya Pradesh State Planning Commission

Sectoral Distribution Of State Resources

Sectoral Resources Distribution for 10th & 11th Plan

25,000.00 20,000.00 Tenth Plan (2002-2007) 15,000.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 Eleventh Plan (2007-2012)

Again, it is clearly seen from the above graph that basically state planning commission has targeted to the four sectors, viz. Social Services, Irrigation & Flood Control, Energy & Transport. These four sectors only had allocated above Rs 5000 Crores & two sectors Social Services & Irrigation & Flood Control reaches above the Rs. 10000 Crores of state resources. Also, its pondering fact from the above graph that three sectors had allotted least resources assistance thorough both the plans. These three sectors Industry & Mining, Science , Technology & Environment had allotted less than Rs.400 crores. This caused because in these sectors state has efficient success & utilized status. All the factors & elements in these sectors are always need to be maintained & which need less investment. It is worthmentioning to be noted that state has very much rich in the minerals & mining area, which directly proportional to the Industry & Energy sectors and for the evolution & experimentation Science, Technology & Environment sector earned revolutionary features. Rest of the department always needs to be upgradation & various aspects like education, food , child & women development, also their security, etc. Thus, the journey of the state is somewhat struggling in the tenth plan & its gradually rise to withstand all the problems aroused, which create failure issues earlier. The table depicted below shows the sectoral distribution of tenth five year plan & later on eleventh five year plans in the percentage mode.

2.1 Sectoral Percentage Distribution of 10th Five Year Plan

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Sectoral Distribution Of State Resources Tenth Plan (2002-2007) as % 05.66 14.12 00.00 21.53 14.88 00.83 09.97 00.36 02.43 29.06 01.16

S.No. Departments
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Agriculture and Allied Activities Rural Development Special Area Development Irrigation and Flood Control Energy Industry & Mining Transport Science, Technology & Environment General Economic Services Social Services General Services

Sectoral Distribution for Tenth Plan (2002-2007) as %

1% 6% 29% 14% 0% Agriculture and Allied Activities Rural Development Special Area Development Irrigation and Flood Control Energy 22% 10% 2% 0% 1% 15% Industry & Mining Transport Science, Technology & Environment General Economic Services Social Services General Services

2.2 Sectoral Percentage Distribution of 11th Five Year Plan

S.No. Departments 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Agriculture and Allied Activities Rural Development Special Area Development Irrigation and Flood Control Energy Industry & Mining Transport Science, Technology & Environment Eleventh Plan (20072012) 04.86 12.12 04.49 21.64 13.46 00.83 11.31 00.25

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9. 10. 11.

General Economic Services Social Services General Services

02.19 28.69 00.16

2.3 Sectoral Distribution Comparison

In this section all the sectors of the administrative departments are compared in means of statistical graph & scattered graph which shows the real difference & benefits with progress in resources distribution between tenth & eleventh plan.

S.No. Departments 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Agriculture and Allied Activities Rural Development Special Area Development Irrigation and Flood Control Energy Industry & Mining Transport Science, Technology & Environment General Economic Services Social Services General Services

Tenth Plan Eleventh Plan (2002-2007) as (2007-2012) as % % 05.66 14.12 00.00 21.53 14.88 00.83 09.97 00.36 02.43 29.06 01.16

04.86 12.12 04.49 21.64 13.46 00.83 11.31 00.25 02.19 28.69 00.16

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Sectoral Distribution Of State Resources

Statistical Comparison of 10th & 11th Plan

30 25 20 15 10 5 0 14.12 12.12 5.66 4.86 0 4.49 21.64 21.53 14.88 13.46 11.31 9.97 2.43 2.19 29.06 28.69

0.83 0.83

0.36 0.25

1.16 0.16

Tenth Plan (2002-2007) as %

Eleventh Plan (2007-2012) as %

In these both the graph it is important to mention that the percentage data shows are the calculated from the part of the grand total, that how much allocations are allotted by the respective department. So the wondered fact to be noticed that Industry & Mining Department got the same percentage sharing form the grand total approved on tenth & eleventh five years plan, i.e. 0.83%.Now below are some facts about the sectoral distribution which signifies the comparison between the tenth & eleventh plan: Agriculture & Allied Activities bags less resources, as in the tenth plan it get 5.66% of the total allocations. But in the eleventh plan it get reduced to 4.86% resulting to the decrement of 0.8%. The allocation in the Rural Development sector initially got 14.12% & later reduced to 12.12 created the difference of 2%. Then turning to the newly department Special Area Development which is introduced in the eleventh five year plan outlayed to 4.49%. Irrigation & Flood Control Department is the most consistent sector which allotted always maximum resources. In the tenth plan 21.53% approved but in the eleventh plan it raised by 0.11% adds up to 21.64%. Energy sector approved 14.88% & 13.46% in the tenth & eleventh plan respectively which entails the reduction of 1.42% of resources allocation.
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Sectoral Distribution Of State Resources

The Industrialization in M.P. state got same percentage of shares from the grand total of approved resources of 0.83% for whole ten years(10th & 11th Five Year Plan). Transport increment its demand from the past plan sessions, because whole country connection are assured by this particular department, which helps in transportation, mobilization, placing/receiving orders. Tenth plan approves 9.97 which later on increased to 11.31%, which arouse the financial assistance of 1.34%. Also, transport sector got the highest increment amongst all the sectors if the Special Area Development is neglected.

Graphical Comparison of 10th & 11th Plan as %

70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 4.86 5.66 12.12 21.53 14.12 4.49 0 14.88 0.83 0.83 9.97 0.36 0.25 2.43 2.19 1.16 0.16 13.46 11.31 29.06 21.64 28.69

Eleventh Plan (2007-2012) as % Tenth Plan (2002-2007) as %

Science, Technology & Environment sector got 0.25% in the tenth five year plan & in the eleventh five year plan to 0.36% creates the increment of 0.11%. General Economic Services bags 2.19% and 2.43% of the total allotted resources in the tenth & eleventh plan rises the progress in the outlay of 0.24%. Social & Community Services always bags highest resources from the total resources available for that particular plan. In the tenth plan it had 29.06% but in the eleventh plan reduced to 28.69% as a reduction of 0.37%.
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Sectoral Distribution Of State Resources

At last the very least resource allotted sector General Services approved 0.16 in the tenth plan & 1.16% in the eleventh plan, increment of 1% approved.

Chapter - III Financial Analysis

In this chapter, the approved outlay & the expenditures reported by the respective sectors by their departments under various sechemes/projects/programme are comapred & determine the result that how of the resources had been utilized during the tenth five year plan & eleventh five year plan. Starting from the tenth five year plan, its tabulated data & then the statistical demonstration is presented.

3.1 Outlay v/s Expenditure as Percentage for 10th Five Year Plan
S.No. Departments 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Agriculture and Allied Activities Rural Development Irrigation and Flood Control Energy Industry & Mining Transport Science, Technology & Environment General Economic Services Social Services General Services Approved Expenditure Outlay as as % % 05.65 05.13 14.11 12.95 21.52 19.95 14.88 18.10 00.82 01.13 09.96 08.87 00.36 02.43 29.00 01.15 04.20 02.64 30.28 00.42

Now, according to the above data some outcomes are lined up below sequentially on the order of department: The very first section comes under the primary sector, that is Agriculture & Allied Services outlayed to Rs.1908.64 Crore & out of that

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Rs.1741.10 Crore, so if we calculate the expenditure done on the underlying schemes, then 0.52% balance remain after the expenditure. Rural Development department outlayed to Rs.4760.42 Crores, but 1.16% of that remained after the expenses. 21.52% of total resources had allotted to the Irrigation & & Flood Control sector, out of that Rs.6759.37 Crores had been invested rest 1.57% are remained. Energy sector plays inverted role in this session, it invested excess of 5.07% of the approved outlay of Rs.5020.93 Crores. 0.31% excess of resources has been capitalized under various projects/schemes of Rs.386.26 Crores for industry & Mining sector.

10th Five Year Plan(2002-07)

35.00 30.28 30.00 25.00 20.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 0.00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5.65 5.13 1.13 0.82 14.11 12.95 29.00 21.52 19.95 18.10 14.88 9.96 8.87 4.20 0.36 2.64 2.43 1.15 0.42 Approved Outlay Expenditure

Transport secured the expenditure of Rs.3004.92 Crores out of Rs.3360.84 Crores, which creates the balance of 1.09% of the approved resources. Science, Technology & Environment sector expends maximum percentage of the resources than the approved outlay of 3.84% amongst all the department. Social & Community Services always approved highest assistance, which expends 1.28% extra than the allotted amount of Rs.9801.54 Crores. The most diminished allotted resources goes to the General Services, where it remained 0.73% as Rs. 142.92 Crores.

3.2 Outlay v/s Expenditure as Percentage for 11th Five Year Plan
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Sectoral Distribution Of State Resources

(Figures in %)

S.No. Departments 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Agriculture and Allied Activities Rural Development Special Area Development Irrigation and Flood Control Energy Industry & Mining Transport Science, Technology & Environment General Economic Services Social Services General Services

Approved Expenditure Outlay 04.85 07.33 11.29 08.88 04.45 04.33 21.47 15.75 13.50 10.39 00.85 01.39 12.19 13.72 00.27 02.18 28.73 00.22 00.37 01.87 35.24 00.73

The eleventh five year plan(2007-12) approved Rs.69,788.00 Crores which exceeds from the tenth five year plan (2002-07) allocations of Rs..33724.96 Crores by approximately 48% , now discussing about sectoral distribution as follows: This department comes under the primary sector, that is Agriculture & Allied Services outlayed to Rs.340818.64 Crore & out of that Rs. 605709.69 Crore, so if we calculate the expenditure done on the underlying schemes, then 2.48% exceeding after the expenditure. Rural Development department outlayed to Rs. 794007.9 Crores, but 2.41% of that expense-out after expenditures. Newly constructed sector Special Area Development balancing of 0.12%.

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11th Five Year Plan(2007-12)

40 35.24 35 28.73


25 21.47 20 15.75 15 11.29 10 8.88 7.33 4.85 5 4.45 4.33 1.39 0.85 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2.18 1.87 0.37 0.27 0.73 0.22 13.5 10.39 13.72 12.19 Approved Outlay Expenditure

21.47% of total resources had allotted to the Irrigation & & Flood Control sector, out of that Rs.1301419.46 Crores had been invested rest 5.72% are remained. Energy sector plays inverted role in this session, it balanced of 3.11% of the approved outlay of Rs. 949178.39 Crores. 0.54% excess of resources has been capitalized under various projects/schemes of Rs. 114565.94 Crores for industry & Mining sector. Transport secured the expenditure of Rs. 1133625.77 Crores out of Rs. 857483.6 Crores, which creates the excess of 1.53% of the approved resources. Science, Technology & Environment sector expends the resources than the approved outlay of 0.10% amongst all the department. Social & Community Services always approved highest assistance, which expends 6.51% extra than the allotted amount of Rs.9801.54 Crores, which is maximum amongst all the sectors for this session The most diminished allotted resources goes to the General Services, where it exceeding 0.53% as Rs. 60174.78 Crores.

3.3 Success Story of 10th Five Year Plan

In this section we compares the objectives of the tenth five year plan and then its respective result on which comes from the investment allotted in
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context of that we concluded that how much expenditures & investments are utilized in the proper direction. (i) to achieve an overall growth rate of 7% p.a. Sector Primary Secondary Tertiary Overall Tenth Plan(200207) 7.40% 8.04% 5.30% 6.57%

From the above table it is concluded that the objective to achieve an overall growth rate of 7% per annum was not fulfilled. Reason: This fall is mainly attributed low growth to Agriculture including Animal Husbandry and forestry sub-sectors. Due to uncertainties of monsoons in a largely rain fed area in the state, absence of any major technical breakthrough in the crops being sown in the state, and multiple factors involved in agricultural activity and due to faster growth in Industry and Service sector, the contribution of agriculture (including animal husbandry) came down from 39.98 percent to 28.42 percent and that of the forestry sector from 2.85 percent to 2.62 percent during last decade in the state.

(ii) To reduce poverty through income and employment generating programmes. Before: It was estimated that 42.5 per cent of the State's population was living below the poverty line in 1993-94, as against 36.0 per cent for the country as a whole. The State was the third poorest among 14 non-Special Category States in that year, the worst being Bihar with 55.0 per cent, followed by Orissa with 48.6 per cent and then Madhya Pradesh with 42.5 per cent of the population living below poverty line in 1993-94.The work participation rate in the State at 42.82. After: The State had fourth highest percentage of poor households among 15 non-special category states in the year 2004-05, next only to Orissa, Bihar and Chhattisgarh. In 2004-05 the percentage of population living below poverty line in rural areas was 53.6 as against 35.1 for urban areas. The overall poverty in the
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state has increased from 44.6 % in 1993-94 to 48.6 % in 2004-05. Recent press release of Government of India on Poverty Estimates for 2009-10, based on 66th Round NSS (2009-10), reveals that All India HCR (Head count Ratio) has declined by 7.3 percentage points from 37.2% in 2004-05 to 29.8% in 2009-10, with rural poverty declining by 8.0 percentage points from 41.8% to33.8% and urban poverty declined by 4.8 percentage points from25.7 to 20.9%. While in case of Madhya Pradesh, overall poverty has declined by 11.9 percentage points from 48.6% in 2004-05 to 36.7% in 2009-10, rural poverty declining by 11.6 percentage points from 53.6% to42.0% and urban poverty declined by 12.2 percentage points from35.1 to 22.9%. The rate of decline in poverty in the state is higher than that of nation. Work participation rate in the State is 42.74. During the period 2005-06, employment in the state government (regular) declined by 3.08%. The number of persons on the live registers of Employment Exchanges in the state was 21.39 lakh on 31st November, 2006. The number of government employees as on 31st March 2007 was 7.33 lakh. Result: The state has significant progress in the reduction in poverty at later stage, i.e. after the tenth plan (2009-10) but the above outcomes states that the state had fails to achieve the target in due time but was able to initiate the employment generating programmes. In the subsequent tenth & eleventh plan state had just slipped from third poorest state to fourth as Chhattisgarh was formed as a new state which was earlier the poorest region of the Madhya Pradesh.

(iii) To improve the health parameters by reducing the birth rate, death rate, and infant mortality rate, to reduce the gap between the state and national average. Before: The life expectancy (1991-95) in State was 54.7 years for males and 54.6 years for females, as against 59.7 years and 60.9 years respectively for India as a whole. Data for 1997 shows that the crude birth rate in the State is 31.9, as against the all-India average of 27.2; whereas the crude death rate in the State is 11.0, as against the all-India average of 8.9. Similarly, the infant mortality rate at 94 in the State is higher than the all-India average of 71. YEAR INDIA BIRTH RATE
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Sectoral Distribution Of State Resources

1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-01 2001-02 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-01 2001-02 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-01 2001-02 1997-98 2004-06 1994 1997 1999 2003 2006

27.4 27.2 26.5 26.1 25.8 25.4 DEATH RATE 8.9 8.9 9.0 9.4 8.5 8.4 72 71 72 70 68 66 407 254 3.5 3.3 3.2 3.0 2.7

32.4 31.9 30.7 31.1 30.7 31.1 11.1 11.0 11.2 10.4 10.3 10.1 97 94 98 90 87 86 498 335 4.2 4.0 3.9 3.8 3.1




After: Life expectancy at birth in the state as per SRS during 2006-07 is 62.5 years for males and 63.3 years for females, against 65.8 years and 68.1 years respectively at national level. In the year 2007, the crude birth
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rate was 28.5 as against the all India average of 23.1, whereas the crude death rate was 8.7 as against the all India average of 7.4. The Infant Mortality Rate at 72 is significantly higher than the all India average of 55. YEAR INDIA BIRTH RATE 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 1997-98 2004-06 1994 1997 1999 2003 25.0 24.8 24.1 23.8 23.5 DEATH RATE 8.7 8.0 7.5 7.6 7.5 64 60 58 58 57 407 254 3.5 3.3 3.2 3.0 9.7 9.8 9.2 9.0 8.9 85 82 79 76 74 498 335 4.2 4.0 3.9 3.8 30.3 30.2 29.8 29.4 29.1 MADHYA PRADESH




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Result: From the above data it can be resulted as that the gap between the state & national average of all the health parameters like birth & death rate, infant mortality has been reduced gradually to significant extent. now, if we consider the case study of after & before or the decadal improvement then the life expectancy for male had been increased by 14.25% & for female it was 15.93% in the state against 10.21% & 11.82% respectively at national level. The crude birth rate was reduced to 11.92% in the state against India of 17.74%; whereas crude death rate in the state was reduced by 26.43% against the nation 20.27%. The Infant Mortality Rate for state was significantly lowers to 30.55% against nation data 29.09%. Now, if we highlighted to the above tables of the ninth five year plan & tenth five year plan then it could be sighted that birth rate was reduced to 4.50% in the state against the India 8.08%, whereas death rate in the state was reduced to 13.73% but nationwide to 12.46%. Infant Mortality Rate in the state was reduced to 14.89% against nation 16.83%. MMR has been reduced to 48.65% in the state against the India overall as 60.23%. TFR for the state reduced to 16.81% against the nation as 16.84%. (iv) To bring down the population growth rate to 1.62 percent by 2011 INDIA, POPULATION 1991 RURAL URBAN PERSONS MALES FEMALES 628,691,676 217,611,012 846,302,688 439,230,258 407,072,230

Before: According to the 1991 Census, the State has a population of 661.81 lakhs. The decadal growth of population during the period 198191 at 26.8 per cent. After: According to Census 2011, the state had a population of 725.98 lakh (Of total population, 376.13 lakhs are males and 349.85 lakhs are females) as compare to 603.48 lakhs of 2001 registering decadal growth of 20.3% which is lower by 1 percentage point than that of All India. State Population is about 6 percent of the country's total population. MADHYA PRADESH, POPULATION

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1991 RURAL URBAN PERSONS MALES FEMALES 50,842,333 15,338,837 66,181,170 34,267,293 31,913,877

Population of India & Madhya Pradesh since 1901 to 2011

*Source : General Population Tables, India, States and Union Territories, Part-1, 2001.

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Result: During tenth five year plan the average population growth rate was 11.67. The decadal growth rate of population in the State during the period 2001-11 is 20.3 percent, which is significantly higher than the allIndia rate of 17.64 per cent in the same period. In other words, state population has grown1.87% per annum during 2001-11 against 1.64% per annum of nation. So the objective has not accomplished, reason for the same is already discussed in the above objective, as after the year 2000, the IMR, MMR, Birth Rate, Death Rate & TFR has improved in their respective area. (v) To ensure social, economic and political empowerment of the weaker sections of the society. Education schemes in Madhya Pradesh are being implemented through three departments viz. School Education, Tribal Welfare Department and Scheduled Caste Welfare Department. During the Tenth Five Year Plan period, free text books were supplied to 80,000 SC students and 1.40 lakh to ST Students. For the preservation and growth of literature and arts in Madhya Pradesh carrying out their developmental activities to fulfilaims and objectives for grants were made during the 10th Five year plan period like Adivasi Lok Kala Parishad Sindhi Akademi, Kulhind Allamina Iqbal Adabi Marquaza. For SC Outlay of Rs. 61,834.00 lakhs was approved for the tenth plan period. An actual expenditure of Rs. 75,867.46 lakh was incurred during first four years of plan period. An outlay of Rs. 30,448.23 lakhs was approved for
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the Annual Plan 2006-07 against which an expenditure of Rs. 33,791.40 lakhs. During Tenth Plan period the pre-matric scholarship was distributed to 2.05 lakh students whose parents are engaged in unclean occupations. 12.07 lakh uniforms were distributed to SC Girls and 175 Buildings were constructed for Hostels and Ashrams. Under the secondary education the department has distributed State Scholarship to 47.23 lakh, Post-Matric scholarship to 3.60 lakh, girls incentive for 2.64 lakh girls, Free bicycles distributed to 33,041 girls. During the Tenth Plan period 168 couples promoted in intercaste marriage. For ST Outlay approved during Tenth Five Year Plan was Rs. 1,19,690.05 lakh. During Tenth Plan period, the expenditure was incurred of Rs.20,074.19 lakhs in 2002-03, Rs. 31,582.55 lakh in 2003-04, Rs.32,452.71 lakh in 2004-05 and Rs. 44,557.46 lakh in 2005-06. the outlay of Annual Plan 2006-07 was Rs. 44,685.90 lakh, an expenditure of Rs. 41,927.31. Some Physical achievements gained: Maintenance of Ashram Schools :1600 Uniform to girls : 9.16 lakhs Mid day meal:80.87. lakh Construction of hostels secondary Schools : 654 State scholarships to girls of Class I to Vth : 33.57lakh Girls to Class VI to X : 1.9 lakh Boys and girls : 9.18 lakh (vi) To increase agricultural production through extensive and intensive cultivation Net area sown in the state in 2007-08 was 147.90 lakh hectares of which 57.29 Lakh Hectare was double crop area. The two important food grain crops of the state are rice and wheat, which contribute about 66.81 percent of the total food grain production. In 2007-2008, the production of rice and wheat was 20.53 and 78.48 lakh metric tons respectively. Pulses collectively contribute about 28.53 percent of the total food grain production. Their output in 2006-07 was estimated as 33.52 lakh metric tons. Among non-food crops, oilseeds particularly Soyabean has played the leading role. Soyabean production was 47.89 lakh metric tons. Average Yield of Principal Crops during tenth five year plan (Kg. Per Hectare):
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Rice : 4578 Wheat:13595 Jawar : 5053 Maize : 7976 Gram : 3604 Tuar : 4328 Soyabean : 4673 Cotton : 2436 Sugarcane : 20677 To expand the existing irrigation conservation of water resources facilities and ensure

The ten major rivers offer an availability of 81523 million cubic meter & about 23.55 MAF of ground water is also available. The State has developed an irrigation potential of about 25.74 lakh hectares through Water Resources Department. Out of water available from rivers, about 69.74 percent of water available in the rivers for irrigation purposes. The underground water potential is yet to be realized fully as merely 50 percent could be utilized for irrigation purposes. Present utilization level of irrigation potential of 25.74 lakh hectares is developed by the Government. The net irrigated area in the State including all sources of irrigation in the year 2007-2008 was 64.18 lakh hectares, which was 43.40 percent of the net sown area. (viii) To provide good physical infra-structure with continuous power and good roads. Energy: The installed capacity of MPSEB as on 31.3.2008 was 3780.45 MW comprising of 2857.5 MW Thermal and 922.95 MW Hydel capacities. Further, State has a share of 2040.5 MW in the Central Sector Projects. Apart from the above, 1,000 MW from Indira Sagar HEP and 826.5 MW (57% share) from Sardar Sarovar HEP (Inter State) and 10 MW from Bargi LBC is also available. The percentage of villages electrified to total inhabited villages was 97.43 percent as on 31st March 2008. The number of pump-sets and tube wells was 11.35 lakh in 2007-08. Roads: Roads are another very important constituent of developmental infrastructure, particularly when rail facilities are insufficient. The total
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road length maintained by PWD in the State was 73.31 thousand kms, as on March 2008. Of the total road length, bitumen surfaced road is 64.81 thousand kms while 8.5 thousand is unsurfaced. The national average for all types of road network is 81.22 km/100 sq. km., whereas in M.P. it is only 53.68 km/100 sq. kms. This is not only an indicator of the backwardness of the state but also the cause of its backwardness. (ix) To develop information technology and bio-technology. Bio technology: State Government had recently constituted separate Department of Biotechnology with the intention to focus attention on sustainable use of the State's rich and diverse bio-resources and promote the use of application in biotechnology for deriving benefits in a wide range of sectors such as forestry, environment, agriculture, animal husbandry, fisheries, human health etc. The State Government had constituted M.P. Bio-Technology Council. It was established under M.P Societies Registration Act-1973 respectively. The activities of Bio Technology Council had started only from this financial year. State Bio-diversity Board has prepared the documentation of Flora and Fauna in various ecoregions of the State. During the year, publicity, workshops, conferences were organized. Works on Biodiversity parks in the 5 cites of the state is under progress. Establishment of Bio-Technology park and incubation centre, Institute of Life Sciences & Technology is under progress. Research Projects related to Biodiversity and Biotechnology is also under progress. Information Technology: State government brought out its state policy and initiation on information technology' in 1999. An outlay of Rs. 400 lakh was approved for 2002-07. The activities taken up are grant-in-aid to MAPIT Project studies, organizing workshop and participation in exhibition. In addition, department has taken up e-tendering system is developed under BOOT scheme for works department, training and capacity building under National e-Governance programme, Development of Software Technology Park at Indore, Bhopal, Gwalior, and Jabalpur state wide area Net working block level. Expenditure incurred during each year of Tenth Plan was Rs. 49.06 lakh, Rs. 71.00 lakh, Rs. 74.10 lakh, Rs. 3,465.99 lakh and Rs.92.42 lakh during 2002-03, 2003-04, 2004-05, 2005-06 & 2006-07 respectively. Few important IT related major project carried out by the department is detailed below:
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e-Tender Development of MP Online portal Establishment of Software Technology Park Establishment of Common Service Centre State Wide Area Network (SWAN) E-District E-Krishi Vipanan Computerization of Treasury & Accounts Smart Card Project in Transport Department Video conferencing studio Establishment of centre for excellence in Govt. Engineering. College

3.4 Success Story of 11th Five Year Plan (i) To achieve an overall growth rate of 7.8%.
Sector Primary Secondary Tertiary Overall Eleventh Plan 07.17 09.66 11.70 10.20

From the table it can be noticed that thorough the all sectors & through the years of eleventh plan the growth rate was above 7%. During XI Plan Period, State GSDP has grown at faster rate as compare to that of X Plan Period in all the sectors. During XI plan, state economy grew at the rate of 9.94% per annum, while growth rate, for primary, secondary and tertiary sector is 7.95%, 9.99% and 10.94% respectively which are significantly higher than that of X Plan Period. Primary sector registered negative growth in 2000-01, 02-03, 04-05, 07-08 and 10-11 during 1999-2000 to 2012-13. In long term primary sector has registered growth of 4.80% during 1999-2000 to 2012-13 and 7.40 % during X plan period while 7.95% annual growth has been observed during XI plan period at constant prices of 2004-05. Gross product of both Secondary and Tertiary sector have grown at the rate of 7.71 % and 7.07 % at constant prices during 1999-00 to 2012-13. During X plan period (200203 to 2006-07), secondary sector have registered the higher growth rate of 8.04% while tertiary sector growth was 5.30 % per annum. Both secondary and tertiary sectors have performed better in real terms with growth of 9.99% and 10.94% per annum during XI plan period and had impacted growth of all sectors in long term perspectives.
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(ii) To reduce poverty levels from 38% to 25% In 2004-05 the percentage of population living below poverty line in rural areas was 53.6 as against 35.1 for urban areas. The overall poverty in the state has increased from 44.6 % in 1993-94 to 48.6 % in 2004-05. Recent press release of Government of India on Poverty Estimates for 2009-10, based on 66th Round NSS (2009-10), reveals that All India HCR (Head count Ratio) has declined by 7.3 percentage points from 37.2% in 2004-05 to 29.8% in 2009-10, with rural poverty declining by 8.0 percentage points from 41.8% to33.8% and urban poverty declined by 4.8 percentage points from25.7 to 20.9%. While in case of Madhya Pradesh, overall poverty has declined by 11.9 percentage points from 48.6% in 2004-05 to 36.7% in 2009-10, rural poverty declining by 11.6 percentage points from 53.6% to42.0% and urban poverty declined by 12.2 percentage points from35.1 to 22.9%. The rate of decline in poverty in the state is higher than that of nation. The comparative picture is depicted below in figure. Only astonishing fact is that monthly per capita expenditure for the persons living below the poverty line in 2009-10 has estimated lowered as compare to that of 2004-05 at current price. In other words this means that same consumable basket for a person cost less 2009-10 as compare to that in 2004-05 and this is not true. Social Classes Scheduled Tribe Scheduled Caste Other Classes General All 22.89 14.56 53.59 35.06 18.79 48.59 Rural Urban All 80.02 42.60 62.55 59.65 77.02 61.88 45.26

Backward 44.68 46.95

The cost of education and health services has up moving trends during the period. In case of Madhya Pradesh, overall poverty has declined by 11.9 percentage points from 48.6% in 2004-05 to 36.7% in 2009-10, rural poverty declining by 11.6 percentage points from 53.6% to 42.0% and urban poverty declined by 12.2 percentage points from35.1 to 22.9%.

(iii) To achieve the literacy rate of 84% by the end of the Plan period and reduce gender gap in literacy to 14%.
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INDIA YEARS PERSONS MALE FEMALE RURAL URBAN 1991 52.21 64.13 39.29 2001 64.83 75.26 53.67 58.70 79.90 2011 74.04 82.14 65.46 68.90 85.00 MADHYA PRADESH 1991 44.7 58.5 29.4 2001 63.7 76.1 50.3 57.8 79.4 2011 70.6 80.5 60.0 65.3 84.1 The literacy rate in the State, as per 2011 census, is 70.6 percent as against 74.0% at the National level. The literacy rate among female and male is 60.0% and 80.5% respectively. The literacy rate in rural and urban area of the state is 57.8% and 79.4%. Male Female gap in literacy in the state is 4.2 percentage. The literacy rate has registered increase of 9.2 percentage points during last decade at national level while states literacy rate witnessed 6.9 percentage points increase. Madhya Pradesh was positioned 24th among the state on literacy rate in 2001 and has slipped to 28th position in 2011. As per the above table it can be concluded as the state could not achieve the target of achieving literacy rate of 84% by due time but the gender gap in literacy rate was reaches near by the objective at 17.66% against the nationwide as 25.48% but ultimately it was not fulfilled upto 14%.

(iv) To achieve education in dropout rate from 46.8% in 2003-04 to 20% by 2011-12 and eliminate gender disparity in elementary education. The average dropout rate observed in 2006-07 was 8.57 which had dropped to 6.55 in 2007-08 and again increased to 8.20 in 2008-09 and further increased to 8.61 in 2010-11. Gap in literacy MaleFemale is 20.5 percentage points in 2011 as compare to 25.8 percentage points in 2001. The reduction in gap in literacy Male Female in the state is higher as compare to country as whole. There were 34 districts in 2001 having literacy rate between 50 to70%, the number of such districts has reduced to 21 in 2011. Percentage of girls' enrolment in the total enrolment is increasing consistently during past three years and had risen from 48.3% to 49.20% during 2008-09 to 2010-11 in primary classes (class i-v) and in case of upper primary classes (VI-VIII) girls' enrolment has increased from 46.49% to 49.44% during same period and hence increasing gender parity index (enrolment). The state could not achieve the targets but have moved ahead in narrowing the gap.
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Hence, the education in dropout rate from 46.8% in 2003-04 to 20% by 2011-12 has not been achieved but the elimination gender disparity had improved by 5.3% in 2011.

(v) To bring down population growth rate to 1.62% by 2012 According to Census 2011, the state had a population of 725.98 lakh (of total population, 376.13 lakhs are males and 349.85 lakhs are females) as compare to 603.48 lakhs of 2001 registering decadal growth of 20.3% which is lower by 1 percentage point than that of All India. State Population is about 6 percent of the country's total population. The decadal growth rate of population in the State during the period 2001-11 is 20.3 percent, which is significantly higher than the all-India rate of 17.64 per cent in the same period. In other words, state population has grown1.87% per annum during 2001-11 against 1.64% per annum of nation. INDIA, POPULATION 1991 2001 2011 628,691,676 741,660,293 833,087,662 217,611,012 285,354,954 377,105,760 846,302,688 1,027,015,247 1,210,193,422 439,230,258 531,277,078 623,724,248 407,072,230 495,738,169 586,469,174 MADHYA PRADESH POPULATION 50,842,333 44,282,528 52,537,899 15,338,837 16,102,590 20,059,666 66,181,170 60,385,118 72,597,565 34,267,293 31,456,873 37,612,920 31,913,877 28,928,245 34,984,645


Hence, the objective for bring down the growth rate of population to 1.62% by 2012 has not been achieved and lags to the target.

(vi) To improve health parameters-reduce Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR) to 125, IMR to 40 and TFR to 2.4 so as to bring them near the all India level. In the year 2010, the crude birth rate in the state was 27.3 as against the all India average of 22.1 whereas the crude death rate in the state was 8.3 as against the all India average of 7.2. State is ranked 33 in case of crude birth rate while it ranked 34 in case of crude death rate among states and union territories of the country. Thus natural growth rate of the state (19.0) was higher than the national (14.9) i.e. around four more child
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births per 1000 population occurred in the state in 2010as per latest SRS bulletin. IMR: The data pertaining to IMR as per SRS Bulletins show that annual drop in IMR has increased to 5 point during 2010 as compare to that of 2009, which is highest among all the states. Further drop of 3 points has been registered in 2011, with IMR of 59 as per SRS Bulletins, October 2012. This is a positive sign of improvement but still IMR is highest among the states of the country and is a matter of great concern. MMR: Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR) in the state was 335 during 2004-06 against national average of 254. Target to reduce MMR to 125 by the end of XI plan has been fixed by the state. This increase in percentage in institutional delivery during past few years will result in reducing MMR significantly. It is found that during 2009-10, overall stood at 80.7% for lactating mothers while in urban project area it was 88.6% followed by rural project areas with 86.2%. In Tribal projects institutional delivery was 65.3 percent for this group. In case of mothers of children in age group of 6 months to 3 years, institutional delivery observed was 70.5, 86.2, 74.0 and 56.8 percent in all project areas, urban project area, rural project area and tribal project areas respectively showing significant change in institutional delivery. MMR has been reduced to 48.65% in the state against the India overall as 60.23%. TFR: State has high total fertility rate of 3.5 in 2006 and aimed at reducing to 2.4 during current plan period. In urban areas TFR is 2.4 which are close to the target but matter of worry is rural area where it is 3.9. TFR for the state reduced to 16.81% against the nation as 16.84%.



MADHYA PRADESH 30.3 30.2 29.8 29.4 29.1

2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07

25.0 24.8 24.1 23.8 23.5 DEATH RATE

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2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 1997-98 2004-06 1994 1997 1999 2003 2006

8.7 8.0 7.5 7.6 7.5 64 60 58 58 57 407 254 3.5 3.3 3.2 3.0 2.7

9.7 9.8 9.2 9.0 8.9 85 82 79 76 74 498 335 4.2 4.0 3.9 3.8 3.1




(vii) To improve the sex ratio (06 years) to 950 females per 1000 males. SEX RATIO YEARS 1991 2001 2011 MADHYA PRADESH 912 919 930 INDIA 927 923 940

The sex ratio of the state during 1901 census was 972 and it started declining thereafter and lowest of 912 was in 1991 census. During last two censuses increasing trend has been noticed. As per 2011 census, the
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overall sex ratio of the state is 930 registering an increase of 11 female per 1000 male over 2001. At the national level with increase of 7 female per 1000 male over 2001, sex ratio in 2011 is 940. Sex ratio among 06 years age group is showing declining trend. The sex ratio (06 years) was 941 and 932 in 1991 and 2001 in the state which has fallen to 912 in 2011. The similar trend is observed at national level also, it has came down from 945 in 1991 to 927 in 2001 and further dropped to 914 in 2011. This reducing sex ratio is the matter of concern for both the state and central governments. Desired results in improving sex ratio in 06 years age group could not be achieved in spite of various initiatives taken by state government, such as Ladli Laxmi, free education and discouraging killing of female fetus etc. Thus the set the goal to bring sex ratio to 950 females per 1000 males during XI plan period could not meet. The reason behind this is very clear as the superstitious demand of boy instead of girl in the rural areas of the state, & the govt. introduces many such plans to overcome such problems, some of them are described in thebelow objective.

(viii) To empower women through their socio-economic development and increased participation in decision making on matters that directly affect them. The department planned for improvement of educational, socio-economic status of girl child by introducing scheme Ladli Laxmi Yojana. Approximately Rs.30,000/- had been deposited in five equal instalment of Rs.6,000/- each in NSCs or any other similar instrument in the name of a girl child. The scheme was available up to maximum two children. After completion of 21 years of age, the lump sum amount will be paid to her when she gets admission in 6th 9th and 11th class. Approximately Rs. 2,400 lakh has been spent under this scheme during 11th five year plan. 6 new Bal Bhawan had been opened at Divisional Offices other than Bhopal to provide facilities for skill development of children. Approximately Rs. 285 lakh per annum had been spent on this. A provision of Rs. 157217.00 lakh was approved for Eleventh Five year Plan. During 2007-08, 2008-09, 2009-10 and 2010-11 an expenditure of Rs. 24641.98 lakh, Rs. 44195.21 lakh, 74319.63 and Rs. 105328.18 lakh respectively was incurred. Rs. 149706.23 lakh was spent during 2011-12 against the outlay of Rs. 152004.97 lakh. (ix) To strengthen social, economic and political empowerment of weaker sections of the society through welfare of SCs/STs, OBCs, minorities and poor.
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For Scheduled Caste:

(Rs. in Lakh)

S. No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Total

Year 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12

Outlay 30590.60 36086.52 43039.19 46695.75 52955.65 209367.71

Expenditure 25006.69 34433.36 40414.25 45236.82 52883.53 197974.65

For Ghumakkar & Vimukta Jati: With a view to provide adequate attention to the welfare and upliftment of Ghumakkar and Ardha Ghumakkar Caste, this department has been recently created. Earlier, it was the part of the department of the Welfare of Scheduled Caste. This newly created department has retained the same schemes of Annual Plan of 2011-12. For Scheduled Tribes: The outlay approved during Eleventh Five Year Plan was Rs. 344765.00 lakhs. During 11th Plan period, the expenditure was incurred of Rs. 76189.94 lakh in 2007-08, Rs. 85022.67 lakhs in 2008-09, Rs. 81143.34 lakh in 2009-10, and Rs. 112755.93 lakh in 201011 and Rs. 141344.61 lakhs for the year 2011-12. As against the outlay of Annual Plan 2011-12 was Rs. 108962.45 lakh, an expenditure of Rs. 141260.61 lakhs. (x) To expand present irrigation facilities at least by 10.61 lakh hectares through conservation, efficient utilization and development of water resources. After 10th plan: The State has developed an irrigation potential of about 24 lakh ha. From various sources of Water Resources Department, against which the utilisation is only about 50 per cent. After 11th plan: The state has developed an irrigation potential of about 28.901 lakh ha. upto 03/2012. From the sources of Water Resources Department. as against this, the utilization is about 16.35 lakh ha. Result: Hence, from the above data it can be easily conclude that the objective to expand the irrigation facilities at least by 10.61 hectares is not achieved. Only expansion of 4.901 hectares has been achieved. Because the storage operation during the rainy season was not
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appropriate, state govt. haven't made any such policies of pre-monsoon to store the water & increase the potential of the same. (xi) To develop strong infrastructure of power to provide adequate and improved quality of power to all the villages and meet the peak demand. Shortage Total Unrestricted Availability YEAR Requirement (MU) (Excluding Auxiliary MU) 200708 200809 200910 201011 201112 (Load Shedding & Frequency Correction) (MU) 41605.74 42624.56 43766.79 48571.01 51324.00 36072.84 35502.64 35562.72 38751.05 42931.00 5532.9 7121.92 8204.07 9819.96 8393.96 13.30% 16.71% 18.74% 20.22% 16.35% 6501 7019 6215 8331 8546 7132 7593 7309 8758 8946 Shortage (in %) Maximum Demand Met (MW) Maximum Unrestricted Demand (MW)

After 10th Plan: The installed capacity of MPSEB as on 31.3.2008 was 3780.45 MW comprising of 2857.5 MW Thermal and 922.95 MW Hydel capacities. Further, State has a share of 2040.5 MW in the Central Sector Projects. Apart from the above, 1,000 MW from Indira Sagar HEP and 826.5 MW (57% share) from Sardar Sarovar HEP (Inter State) and 10 MW from Bargi LBC is also available. After 11thPlan: During 31.3.2006 to 31.3.2012 period 3033.7 MW capacity could be added which accounts for around 48 % of planned installed capacity. The net addition in installed capacity of the state consists of 734.25 MW (660MW from thermal and 74.25 from Hydel projects) is added by Madhya Pradesh Power Generation Company. Share in Central Sector projects has increased by 1274.45 MW, 659 MW in Joint
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Venture Hydel project during same period. Balance increase of 366 MW in generation capacity is contributed by Private sector and other sectors during from 31.3.2006 to 31.3.2012. (xii) To encourage use of information and communication technologies to bridge digital divide, generate employment, have e-governance and prepare the state to be a knowledge economy. Project Progress Implementation of e-District project in the five pilot districts, namely, Indore, Guna, Gwalior, Shivpuri & Sagar Establishment of 9178 Common Services Centers against the target of 9232 Twenty departments connected with state level Call Center and about more than 19 lakhs calls received Developemnt of MP Online portal which is providing about 130 services through its 6000 kiosks 90% of work of IT Park Gwalior completed TCS is to establish its set up in Indore State of the art IT Labs to be established across five engineering colleges of the state and Rs. 20.00 lakhs per college disbursed for this purpose The project of State Wide Area Network envisages setting up a broad band network up to all block headquarters while establishing similar connectivity at all divisional and district headquarters. The proposed network would cater for the exclusive data/voice communication traffic of government departments/agencies. The project of State Wide Area Network envisages setting up a broad band network up to all block headquarters while establishing similar connectivity at all divisional and district headquarters. The proposed network would cater for the exclusive data/voice communication
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S. No.




Attracting IT Industry IT Education



State of the art IT Labs to be established across five engineering colleges of the state and Rs. 20.00 lakhs per college disbursed for this purpose

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traffic government agencies.




The project of State Wide Area Network envisages setting up a broad band network up to all block headquarters while establishing similar connectivity at all divisional and district headquarters. The proposed network would cater for the exclusive data/voice communication traffic of government departments/ agencies. More than 7500 tenders of 48 departments/offices have been processed online till now

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Chapter - IV Physical Analysis

In this section we describe and compare the physical achievements of the tenth & eleventh five year plan, which will entail us the growth in that respective department, even the utilization of demanded/approved outlay. By comparison the increment in the resources by the respective department on various programme & schemes which has been introduced/presently exists. Apart from that the table below also helps to determine many other facts as like the abundance of sources, populations, shares from the central govt., contribution to the nation, comparison of state v/s nation statistics. S.No. Tenth Five Year Plan (200207) Eleventh Five Year Plan (200712) According to Census 2011, the state had a population of 725.98 lakh as compare to 603.48 lakhs of 2001 registering decadal growth of 20.3% which was lowered by 1 percentage point than that of all India. State Population was about 6 percent of the country's total population. The population density was 236 persons per sq. km registering increase of 40 persons over population density of 196 of census 2001. Population density was still lower than that of all India average of 383 persons per sq. km. The sex ratio for the State was 930, which was low as compared to 940 at the national level. However, the sex ratio in 0-6 age group was 912 as against national average of 914.
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Population: According to Census 2001, the state had a population of 603.48 lakhs, which was about 6 percent of the country's total population. The population density was 196 persons per sq. km. compared to the all India average of 313 persons per


Sex Ratio: The sex ratio for the State comes to 919, which was low as compared to the national level 933. However, the sex ratio in 0-6 age group is 932

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as against national average of Overall sex ratio for the state 927. had improved during the decade but the sex ratio in 0-6 age group had declined at faster rate as compare to all India. In the year 2010, the crude birth rate in the state was 27.3 as against the all India average of 22.1 whereas the crude death Birth/Death Rate & IMR: rate in the state was 8.3 as Life expectancy at birth in the against the all India average of state as per SRS during 2006- 7.2. 07 is 62.5 years for males and Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR) 63.3 years for females, against in the state was 335 during against national 65.8 years and 68.1 years 2004-06 respectively at national level. average of 254. Target to reduce In the year 2007, the crude MMR to 125 by the end of XI birth rate was 28.5 as against plan has been fixed by the state. the all India average of 23.1, This increase in percentage in whereas the crude death rate institutional delivery during was 8.7 as against the all India past few years will result in average of 7.4. The Infant reducing MMR significantly. Mortality Rate at 72 is State has high total fertility rate significantly higher than the of 3.5 in 2006 and aimed at all India average of 55. reducing to 2.4 during current plan period. In urban areas TFR is 2.4 which are close to the target but matter of worry is rural area where it is 3.9. Literacy: The literacy rate in the State, as According to the 2001 census, per 2011 census, was 70.6 the literacy in the State for percent as against 74.0 percent population aged 7 years and at the National level. The above was 63.7 percent as literacy rate among female and against 64.8 percent at the male is 60.0% and 80.5% National level. The female respectively and is lower than literacy rate (50.30 percent) literacy rates of 65.5% among was lower compared to the female and 82.1% among male male literacy rate (76.10 at all India level. The literacy percent) and all India female rate in rural and urban area of literacy rates of 53.70 the state was 57.8% and 79.4% percent. The rural and urban against 58.7% and 79.9% literacy rate in the State was respectively at the national 57.8 and 79.4 percent against level. Urban Rural gap in 58.7 percent and 79.90 literacy was almost at par with
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percent respectively at the national level. The male literacy rate was 76.1 percent which is higher than the all India percentage of 75.30. Education: There are 95,517 primary schools in Madhya Pradesh, which includes 13,221 private and 961 aided schools. There are 24,293 Government middle schools, 11,236 private and 370 aided. Besides these, 878 Ashram Shalas (elementary level) are run in the State. There are 8,465 high and higher secondary schools being run by different agencies in the state. The enrolment of students was 111.43 lakhs at the Pre primary / Primary level, Rs. 44.63 lakhs at the middle level and Rs. 21.95 lakhs at the secondary level in 2006. The percentage of girls in these categories was 47.51, 44.70 and 35.79 respectively.47.29 respectively. Poverty: As per Planning Commission estimates (61st round of NSSO), the incidence of poverty in the State has decreased from 42.5 percent (including Chhattisgarh) in 1993-94 to 38.30 percent in 2004-05 as against 36.0 and 27.5 percent for the country as a whole. The State had third highest percentage of poor households among 15 non-special Category States in the year 2004-05, next only to Orissa and Bihar. The incidence of poverty in rural areas was lower than that of

national level. Male Female gap in literacy in the state was 4.2 percentage points more than that of country as whole. In Madhya Pradesh there were 96797 primary schools during 2009-10, which include 83412 governments, 12533 private schools and 852 aided schools. Similarly, there were 43662 middle schools comprising 28479 Government, 14773 private and 410 government aided schools. Besides these, around a thousand of Ashram Shalas (residential schools at elementary level) are functioning in tribal areas of the state to serve the children of the area. There were 12121 high and higher secondary schools being run by various agencies in the state.

Recent press release of Government of India on Poverty Estimates for 2009-10, based on 66th Round NSS (2009-10), reveals that All India HCR (Head count Ratio) has declined by 7.3 percentage points from 37.2% in 2004-05 to 29.8% in 2009-10, with rural poverty declining by 8.0 percentage points from 41.8% to 33.8% and urban poverty declined by 4.8 percentage points from25.7 to 20.9%. Overall poverty had declined by 11.9 percentage
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urban areas. In 2004-05 the percentage of population living below poverty line in rural areas was 38.4 as against 39.3 for urban areas. The census of families living below poverty line was conducted by the state Government in the year 2003-04 as per the procedure laid down by Government of India. Employment/Unemployment:

points from 48.6% in 2004-05 to 36.7% in 2009-10, rural poverty declining by 11.6 percentage points from 53.6% to 42.0% and urban poverty declined by 12.2 percentage points from 35.1 to 22.9%.



The data of total worker till 2012 is not available; the data In 2001, the number of total of 2001 is continued. The workers was 257.94 lakh. number of government During the period 2005-06, employees as on 31st March employment in the state 2007 was 7.33 lakh which has government (regular) declined increased to 7.99 lakh on 31st by 3.08 percent. The number March 2011, thus registering the of persons on the live growth of 2.29 % over the base registers of Employment year. The number of persons on Exchanges in the state was the live registers of Employment 21.39 lakh on 31st November, Exchanges as on June 2010 was 2006. Out of which, the 19.54 lakh, of which, the number of educated job- number of educated job-seekers seekers were 17.07 Lakh. were 15.21 lakh. The number of persons on the live registers as on June 2011 was 20.02 lakh and the number of educated job-seekers was 15.66 lakh. Thus the proportion of educated job seekers had increased from 77.8% in 2010 to 78.2% in 2011. Natural Resources Land Use Pattern: 150.17 lakh hectares was the The state has a geographical net area sown in 2011-12. area of 307.56 lakh hectares. Cultivable waste land was 10.56 Out of this 147.90 lakh lakh hectares. Area not available hectares was the net area for cultivation was 34.6 lakh sown in 2007-08, 13.52 lakh hectares was under hectares. It should be noted that permanent pastures, grazing area under the forest was about lands and miscellaneous tree 94.69 lakh hectare as per forest
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crops. Another 14.33 lakh department. hectares was current and old fallow land. The cultivable waste land was 11.70 lakh hectares. The area under reserved and protected forests is about 94.69 lakh hectares. Area not available for cultivation is 33.92 lakh hectares, which is either barren or uncultivable or put to non-agricultural uses. The estimated annual run-off in the state from these rivers was about 81523 MCM of which about 56857 MCM can be harnessed for irrigation purpose and it was possible to irrigate about 69.74 lakh hectares from surface water. Around 52 lakh hectares can be irrigated through ground water. Thus the state had ultimate irrigation potential of about 112.9 lakh hectare. Exploitation of ground water had to be undertaken cautiously. The net irrigated area in the State during 2011-12 was 78.80 lakh hectares, which accounted for 52.47 percent of the net area sown. The major source of irrigation is Wells & Tube-wells accounting for around two third of net irrigated area while canals(surface water) contributes for 17 percent of net irrigated area and remaining 17 percent is being contributed by other sources. State had developed an irrigation potential of about 29.20 lakh through Water Resources
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Water Resources: The ten major rivers of the state, namely, Mahi, Narmada, Tapti, Chambal, Betwa, Sone, Wainganga, Ken, Sindh and Pench offer an availability of 56.85 MAF of water. About 69.74 % could be harnessed for irrigation purposes. About 23.55 MAF ground water was also available, of which 50 percent could be utilised for irrigation purposes. The net irrigated area in the State in the year 2005-2006 was 56.81 lakh hectares, which was 37.69 percent of the net area sown. The State had developed irrigation potential of 24 lakh hectares through Water Resources Department, against which the utilisation was only about 50 per cent. Besides this, NVDA has developed a potential of 2.3 lakh ha.

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Madhya Pradesh State Planning Commission

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Department, against which the utilisation was 16.34 lakh hectares, accounting for 55.29 per cent of potential created. Agriculture: Average size of holding has During 2006-07 year of X five declined from 2.22 hectare to year plan production of food 2.02 hectare between two grains and oilseeds were agricultural censuses of 200025.80 lakh metric tons & 01 and 2005-06. Total number 30.01 lakh metric tons of holdings has increased to respectively. The two 79.08 from 73.59 lakh while important foodgrain crops of total area of holdings has the state are rice and wheat, decreased to 159.94 from which contribute about 60.78 163.72 lakh hectare during percent of the total foodgrain same period. During 2011-12, production in the state. In the net cropped area is about 2005-2006 the production of 150.17 lakh hectare. Due to rice and wheat was 24.84 and increase in area under 62.0 lakh metric tons irrigation, cropping intensity respectively. Pulses has reached 144.87. During collectively contribute about 2010-11, 37 districts were 22.89 percent of the total affected by drought but foodgrain production in the production of food grains and state. Their output in 2005-06 oilseeds was highest as 166.46 was estimated at 32.72 lakh lakh metric ton and 80.35 lakh metric tons. Among major metric tons respectively, which non-food grain crops oilseeds, was more than by 15.3% and particularly Soybean has 37.35% over the year 2006-07 played a leading role in the last year of X five year plan and agriculture sector having ever highest production since production of 48.14 Lakh 1999-2000. During 2011-12, metric tons in the State. food grains production of 215.60 lakh metric tons is estimated, which is highest so far. Industry Factories: The number of registered Number of registered factories factories in the state is in the year 2005 was 8,352 consistently increasing since which increased to 8,452 in 2005. The number of registered August, 2006. The average factories was 8,352 in 2005 daily employment in factories which has increased to 8539,
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during 2005 was 3.91 lakhs 8730, 9204, 9460, 9710 in which decreased to 3.85 lakh subsequent years and finally in August, 2006. rose to 9998 in 2011(as on December 2011). During 2007 to 2011, number of factories have observed growth rate of 3.3% per annum. During 2007 to 2011, average daily employment in factories have observed growth rate of 5.04 per annum. Infrastructure Power: The installed capacity of The installed capacity of Madhya Pradesh Power MPSEB as on 31.3.2008 was Generation Company as on 3780.45 MW comprising of 31.3.2012 was 3724.7 MW 2857.5 MW Thermal and comprising of 2807.5 MW 922.95 MW Hydel capacities. Further, State has a share of Thermal and 917.2 MW State 2040.5 MW in the Central Hydel projects. In addition, Sector Projects. Apart from state had shared 2426.5 MW the above, 1,000 MW from from hydel projects in joint Indira Sagar HEP and 826.5 venture and 2640.3 MW in the MW (57% share) from Sardar Central Sector Projects. Apart Sarovar HEP (Inter State) and from the above, state has 10 MW from Bargi LBC is also installed capacity of 361 MW available. Private and NonThe percentage of villages from sources. Thus electrified to total inhabited conventional villages was 97.43 percent as total installed capacity of on 31st March 2008. The 9452.8 MW was available with number of pump-sets and state as on 31.3.2012. tube wells was 11.35 lakh in The percentage of villages 2007-08. electrified to total inhabited villages had increased from 65.20 percent in 2010 to 71.00 percent by March 2012 as per new definition of electrified village. Under RGVVY, the work was in progress for all sanctioned plans. 121 Villages have been electrified through solar lights. The number of tube wells and pump-sets in the state were
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Roads: Roads are another very important constituent of developmental infrastructure, particularly when rail facilities are insufficient. The total road length maintained by PWD in the State was 73.31 thousand kms, as on March 2008. Of the total road length, bitumen surfaced road is 64.81 thousand kms while 8.5 thousand is unsurfaced. The national average for all types of road network is 81.22 km/100 sq. km., whereas in M.P. it is only 53.68 km/100 sq. kms.


Postal & Telephone services: There were 8323 post offices in the State in 2007-08 serving a population of 8409 on an average. The penetration of telephone connections (including WLL and Cellular) in the state has increased over a period of time.

progressively increased and reached to 13.20 lakh in 201011. As per available statistics for the year 2011, the road density of state was 64.01kms/ 100 sq. kms against national average of 115.30Km./ 100 sq. Kms excluding roads constructed under JRY. In case of total road net work during 2009-11 was 3.02 percent which is equivalent to national annual growth rate. While in case of surfaced roads annual growth rate observed for the Madhya Pradesh, during 2009-11 was 7.22 percent which is higher than national annual growth rate of 4.57 percent. The distribution of National Highways, as on 31st March 2011, in the state shows that standard single lane accounts for 30.87 % of total highways, standard double lane and standard multi- lane accounts for 53.15% and 15.97% respectively. Numbers of post offices were 8,335 in 2005-06 has reduced to 8310 post offices in 2010-11. Thus population served per 19 post office have increased from 7,951 in 2005-06 to 8713 in 2010-11. Telephone connections (including WLL and Cellular) in the state increased from 1,878 thousand in 2005-06 to 4566 thousand during 2010-11 and has grown 2.4 times during this period. Penetration of telephone connections (including WLL and
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Registered Vehicles: The number of vehicles registered rose to 55.23 lakh in 2007-08. The highest increase has been in the number of motorcycles, scooters and mopeds in the Eleventh Plan period. The number of commercial vehicles like taxi cabs and three wheelers, buses and trucks increased substantially during this period. The combined number of these three types of vehicles was 5.98 lakhs in 2007-08, constituting about 10.83 per cent of the total registered vehicles.


Health: The State had 50 District Hospitals, 333 Community Health Centers, 1155 Primary Health Centers, 56 Urban Civil Hospitals, 96 Civil Dispensaries, 313 Rural and 96 Urban Family Welfare Centers, 7 T-B Hospitals and 8860 Sub-health Centers, along with facilities of Indian System of Medicine. The state has five Government Medical Colleges and has sanctioned one more Medical College at Sagar. Besides these, there are 4 private sector Medical and 12 Dental colleges.

Cellular) per thousand of population has increased from 28 in 2005-06 to 63 per in 201011. The total number of vehicles registered was 55.23 lakh in 2007-08 and increased to 80.70 lakh in 2011-12 registering the growth of 10.08 percent per annum during the period. Of the total registered vehicles, commercial vehicles account 5.77%, Motorcycles /scooters/moped 79.44%, personal cars 5.25 in 2011-12. Tractors and others accounts for 9.53%f total vehicle population. Growth in motor cycles/scooters/moped etc. is 10.64% per annum followed by commercial vehicles i.e. good vehicles (9.74%), taxi/three wheeler (9.65%) and passenger bus (9.38%). Tractors and others have grown at the rate of 5.17% per annum. 50 District Hospitals, 333 Community Health Centres, 1155 Primary Health Centres, 56 Urban Civil Hospitals, 96 Civil Dispensaries, 313 Rural and 96 Urban Family Welfare Centres, 7 T-B Hospitals and 8860 Subhealth Centres, along with facilities of Indian System of Medicine. During eleventh plan infrastructure was not enough to meet the requirement of its subjects. Five Government Medical Colleges and one more Medical College at Sagar was coming up. Besides these, 4
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private sector Medical colleges and 12 Dental colleges were functioning in the state. 7 Government Ayurvedic colleges and both Homoeopathic and Unani stream had one college each. The services in these stream was being provided by 28 Ayurvedic hospitals, 1429 Ayurvedic dispensaries, 4 Homoeopathic hospitals, 146 Homoeopathic dispensaries, 01 Unani Hospital and 50 Unani dispensaries.

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Chapter - V Obstacles & Advocacy

5.1 Overall Issues & Problems:

Scarcity of Funds for the capitalization & investments in the existing & new projects Lack to favourable sites, agency & contraction for the commissioning of new projects & expansions Inappropriate promotion and popularisation for utilization of schemes, programme & projects Major deficient found in the Power, Transport, Population, Literacy, Education & Efficient use of Water Resources for irrigation & other utilities. So govt. has to keenly pay attention on these sectors. Deficiency of R&D department & followed strategy for Energy, Agriculture, Industry, Science & Technology Lagging of coordination between state govt. & central govt. Lack in adoption of new technologies & development Inadequate training & marketing tactics Loosen progression in development of rural area; reason estimated as; far location, lack of mobilization & abundance of materials due to introduction of new advanced materials, which are quite foreign for technician due to above described point. Habit of old conventional techniques & devices lead to the low awareness of the utilization of new & efficient devices. Paucity of encouragement for the conservation of energy. Less adoption of FACTS devices & Thyristor based devices for the Upgradation of electricity & lessen the losses

5.2 Recommended Advocacy & Suggestions:

First of all, the coordination between the central & state govt. should be abridged such that they should not lead to the insufficient funds. Also, the development of nation should be untouched with the corruptions & politics. Madhya Pradesh State Electricity Commission should approach to the technologies such as FACTS devices & Thyristor Based devices whose operations are quick to obtain the efficient result
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MPERC can also induce a new scheme thorough the education which can encourage all the Science & Technology Colleges, they can put a open competition amongst the students to make the additional & advanced devices or techniques for saving time, power & investment. At later stage after a standard process in which the model or the project will be considered deeply & meet the requisite requirement. Then the R&D department work on the same in commercial aspect. The MPERC should facilitate that group or particular scholar for his effort & offer him the opportunity for his/her career with them. The commission & REC should work together to make the electrification of the rural area effortless & make the aware of the degeneration & non-conventional technologies which are user friendly. Commission should arrange seminars on the non-conventional technologies which should be delivering by the professors, research scholars who are deeply studied that area. Apart from seminars & group discussions adequate training & marketing should envisaged by the professionals for apprehension. To secure the electricity, transient free & to ensure the loss free supply the security system should be fast the fault clearing time of the same should be less as possible, so commission should see after that & replace the faulted area which are leads to losses in the transmission of electricity Solar Plates instead of glass in the high rise building should be adopted which will provide electricity to the building as well as it will protect from heat. Solar Panel should be used above the canals to protection of water from the evaporation, it also lead to multitasking operation which will parallely generate the electricity. Solar panels equipped with the wind plates as generation of electricity from the wind adopted at the roof top of the high rise building where wind can pass by. Government should not only encourage for the utilization of renewable energy, also felicitate them for using & adopting for the daily needs on behalf of them. Smart devices which can be programmed & also, the user friendly software should be used to make the network acknowledge to them. It also, helps to know the occurrence of fault in the network DC-DC Transmission should in context of HVDC transmission I the power system should be expanded, as its losses are very negligible which will help to loss free transmission. Water management should be execute from the Hydroelectricity Plants in the state.
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Rural development projects & schemes should be monitored in such a way that no new schemes or projects are necessary to introduce. Intelligence should be adopted in this particular sector.


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