Summary of The Latest Pattern of Civil Services (Mains) Examination

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Summary of the Latest Pattern of Civil Services (Mains) Examination

Paper1 Essay - 250 Marks Can be written in the medium or language of the candidate's choice Paper - II Language -300 Marks Candidate can take any Modern ndian language but this !a!er is of "ualifying nature Paper - III English -300 Marks #his !a!er is of "ualifying nature Paper-IV $eneral %tudies- 250 Marks & ndian 'eritage and Culture( 'istory and $eogra!hy of the )orld and %ociety* Paper-V $eneral %tudies - + 250 Marks &$o,ernance( Constitution( -olity( %ocial .ustice and nternational relations* Paper-VI $eneral %tudies 250 Marks &#echnology( Economic /e,elo!ment( 0io-di,ersity( En,ironment( %ecurity and /isaster Management* Paper-VII $eneral %tudies - 1 250 Marks &Ethics( ntegrity and 2!titude* Marks carried by $eneral %tudies was 34 25056000 Paper-VIII 7!tional %ub8ect - -a!er 6 -250 Marks Paper-IX 7!tional %ub8ect - -a!er

-250 Marks

Candidate is allowed to take u! literature as an o!tional sub8ect 9without the conditionality of ha,ing to do his:her

graduation in that language's literature; Sub Total (Written test) 2350 Marks Marks of English and Language will not be counted so total marks for )ritten e<am will be 2350 M =>% ?00 5 6@50 Marks Intervie !Personalit" Test - 2#5 $arks %ran& Total 2025 Marks 2 candidate is allowed to use any one language from the Eighth %chedule of the Constitution or English as the medium of writing the e<amination; The written examination will consist of the following papers: Paper A - English -300 marks - Qualifying nature - Marks not counted- Passing mandatory The aim of the paper is to test the candidates' ability to read and understand serious discursi e prose! and to e"press his ideas clearly and correctly! in English and #ndian $anguage concerned% The pattern of &uestions 'ould be broadly as follo's()i* +omprehension of gi en passages )ii* Precis ,riting )iii* -sage and .ocabulary )i * /hort Essay% Paper 0 - A - Modern #ndian language 300 Marks - Qualifying nature - Marks not counted Passing mandatory)i* +omprehension of gi en passages% )ii* Precis ,riting )iii* -sage and .ocabulary% )i * /hort Essay ) * Translation from English to the #ndian language and ice- ersa% ote !: The Papers on #ndian $anguages and English 'ill be of Matriculation or e&ui alent standard and 'ill be of &ualifying nature only% The marks obtained in these papers 'ill not be counted for ranking%

ote " : The candidates 'ill ha e to ans'er the English and #ndian $anguages papers in English and the respecti e #ndian language )e"cept 'here translation is in ol ed*% Paper-# Essay - 120 Marks - To be 'ritten in the medium or language of the candidate's choice +andidates 'ill be re&uired to 'rite an essay on a specific topic% The choice of sub3ects 'ill be gi en% They 'ill be e"pected to keep closely to the sub3ect of the essay to arrange their ideas in orderly fashion! and to 'rite concisely% +redit 'ill be gi en for effecti e and e"act e"pression% Paper-## 4eneral /tudies-# 120Marks )#ndian 5eritage and +ulture! 5istory and 4eography of the ,orld and /ociety* #ndian culture 'ill co er the salient aspects of Art 6orms! $iterature and Architecture from ancient to modern times% Modern #ndian history from about the middle of the eighteenth century until the presentsignificant e ents! personalities! issues The 6reedom /truggle - its arious stages and important contributors 7contributions from different parts of the country% Post-independence consolidation and reorgani8ation 'ithin the country% 5istory of the 'orld 'ill include e ents from 9:th century such as industrial re olution! 'orld 'ars! redra'al of national boundaries! coloni8ation! decoloni8ation! political philosophies like communism! capitalism! socialism etc%- their forms and effect on the society% /alient features of #ndian /ociety! ;i ersity of #ndia% <ole of 'omen and 'omen's organi8ation! population and associated issues! po erty and de elopmental issues! urbani8ation! their problems and their remedies% Effects of globali8ation on #ndian society /ocial empo'erment! communalism! regionalism = secularism% /alient features of 'orld's physical geography% ;istribution of key natural resources across the 'orld )including /outh Asia and the #ndian subcontinent*> factors responsible for the location of primary! secondary! and tertiary sector industries in arious parts of the 'orld )including #ndia* #mportant 4eophysical phenomena such as earth&uakes! Tsunami! .olcanic acti ity! cyclone etc%! geographical features and their location- changes in critical geographical features )including 'ater-bodies and ice-caps* and in flora and fauna and the effects of such changes% Paper-###

4eneral /tudies -##( 120 Marks )4o ernance! +onstitution! Polity! /ocial ?ustice and #nternational relations* #ndian +onstitution- historical underpinnings! e olution! features! amendments! significant pro isions and basic structure% 6unctions and responsibilities of the -nion and the /tates! issues and challenges pertaining to the federal structure! de olution of po'ers and finances up to local le els and challenges therein% /eparation of po'ers bet'een arious organs dispute redressal mechanisms and institutions% +omparison of the #ndian constitutional scheme 'ith that of other countries Parliament and /tate $egislatures - structure! functioning! conduct of business! po'ers = pri ileges and issues arising out of these% /tructure! organi8ation and functioning of the E"ecuti e and the ?udiciary Ministries and ;epartments of the 4o ernment> pressure groups and formal7informal associations and their role in the Polity% /alient features of the <epresentation of People's Act% Appointment to arious +onstitutional posts! po'ers! functions and responsibilities of arious +onstitutional 0odies% /tatutory! regulatory and arious &uasi-3udicial bodies 4o ernment policies and inter entions for de elopment in arious sectors and issues arising out of their design and implementation% ;e elopment processes and the de elopment industry the role of @4As! /54s! arious groups and associations! donors! charities! institutional and other stakeholders ,elfare schemes for ulnerable sections of the population by the +entre and /tates and the performance of these schemes> mechanisms! la's! institutions and 0odies constituted for the protection and betterment of these ulnerable sections% #ssues relating to de elopment and management of /ocial /ector7/er ices relating to 5ealth! Education! 5uman <esources% #ssues relating to po erty and hunger% #mportant aspects of go ernance! transparency and accountability! e-go ernance- applications! models! successes! limitations! and potential> citi8ens charters! transparency = accountability and institutional and other measures% <ole of ci il ser ices in a democracy%

#ndia and its neighborhood- relations% 0ilateral! regional and global groupings and agreements in ol ing #ndia and7or affecting #ndia's interests Effect of policies and politics of de eloped and de eloping countries on #ndia's interests! #ndian diaspora% #mportant #nternational institutions! agencies and fora! their structure! mandate% PAPE<-#. 4eneral /tudies -### 120 Marks )Technology! Economic ;e elopment! 0io-di ersity! En ironment! /ecurity and ;isaster Management* ;e elopment! 0io di ersity! En ironment! /ecurity and ;isaster Management% #ndian Economy and issues relating to planning! mobili8ation of resources! gro'th! de elopment and employment% #nclusi e gro'th and issues arising from it% 4o ernment 0udgeting% Ma3or crops cropping patterns in arious parts of the country! different types of irrigation and irrigation systems storage! transport and marketing of agricultural produce and issues and related constraints> e-technology in the aid of farmers #ssues related to direct and indirect farm subsidies and minimum support prices> Public ;istribution /ystem ob3ecti es! functioning! limitations! re amping> issues of buffer stocks and food security> Technology missions> economics of animal-rearing% 6ood processing and related industries in #ndia- scope and significance! location! upstream and do'nstream re&uirements! supply chain management% $and reforms in #ndia% Effects of liberali8ation on the economy! changes in industrial policy and their effects on industrial gro'th% #nfrastructure( Energy! Ports! <oads! Airports! <ail'ays etc% #n estment models% /cience and Technology- de elopments and their applications and effects in e eryday life Achie ements of #ndians in science = technology>

indigeni8ation of technology and de eloping ne' technology% A'areness in the fields of #T! /pace! +omputers! robotics! nano-technology! bio-technology and issues relating to intellectual property rights% +onser ation! en ironmental pollution and degradation! en ironmental impact assessment ;isaster and disaster management% $inkages bet'een de elopment and spread of e"tremism% <ole of e"ternal state and non-state actors in creating challenges to internal security% +hallenges to internal security through communication net'orks! role of media and social net'orking sites in internal security challenges! basics of cyber security> money-laundering and its pre ention /ecurity challenges and their management in border areas> linkages of organi8ed crime 'ith terrorism .arious /ecurity forces and agencies and their mandate Paper-. 4eneral /tudies -#. 120 Marks )Ethics! #ntegrity and Aptitude* This paper 'ill include &uestions to test the candidates' attitude and approach to issues relating to integrity! probity in public life and his problem sol ing approach to arious issues and conflicts faced by him in dealing 'ith society% Questions may utilise the case study approach to determine these aspects% The follo'ing broad areas 'ill be co ered% Ethics and 5uman #nterface( Essence! determinants and conse&uences of Ethics in human actions> dimensions of ethics> ethics in pri ate and public relationships% 5uman .alues - lessons from the li es and teachings of great leaders! reformers and administrators> role of family! society and educational institutions in inculcating alues% Attitude( content! structure! function> its influence and relation 'ith thought and beha iour> moral and political attitudes> social influence and persuasion% Aptitude and foundational alues for +i il /er ice ! integrity! impartiality and non-partisanship! ob3ecti ity! dedication to public ser ice! empathy! tolerance and compassion to'ards the 'eakersections% Emotional intelligence-concepts! and their utilities and application in administration and go ernance% +ontributions of moral thinkers and philosophers from #ndia and 'orld% Public7+i il ser ice alues and Ethics in Public administration( /tatus and problems> ethical concerns and dilemmas in go ernment and pri ate institutions> la's! rules! regulations and

conscience as sources of ethical guidance> accountability and ethical go ernance> strengthening of ethical and moral alues in go ernance> ethical issues in international relations and funding> corporate go ernance% Probity in 4o ernance( +oncept of public ser ice> Philosophical basis of go ernance and probity> #nformation sharing and transparency in go ernment! <ight to #nformation! +odes of Ethics! +odes of +onduct! +iti8en's +harters! ,ork culture! Quality of ser ice deli ery! -tili8ation of public funds! challenges of corruption% +ase /tudies on abo e issues% Paper-.# Aptional /ub3ect - Paper # -120 Marks Paper-.## Aptional /ub3ect - Paper ## -120 Marks B+andidates may choose any optional sub3ect from amongst the list of sub3ects gi en in para 1 belo' )4roup !)# $TE:

)i* Marks obtained by the candidates for all papers EC+EPT PAPE< A = 0 'ill be counted for merit ranking% 5o'e er! the +ommission 'ill ha e the discretion to fi" &ualifying marks in any or all papers of the e"amination Aspirants can log on to -P/+'s official 'ebsite )'''%upsc%go %in* to see the detailed notification%

Part B - Main Examination - Optional Subjects

General Studies Essay English Qualifying ndian !anguages Agriculture Main Syllabus Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science Botany Main Syllabus Chemistry Main Syllabus Bengali Main Syllabus Chinese Main Syllabus English Main Syllabus French Main Syllabus German Main Syllabus Gujarati Main Syllabus Hindi Main Syllabus annada Main Syllabus

Ci!il Engineering Main Syllabus Commerce Main Syllabus Economics Main Syllabus Electrical Engineering Main Syllabus Geogra"hy Main Syllabus Geology Main Syllabus #ndian History Main Syllabus $a% Main Syllabus Mathematics Main Syllabus Mechanical Engineering Main Syllabus Medical Science Main Syllabus &hiloso"hy Main Syllabus &hysics Main Syllabus &olitical Science Main Syllabus &sychology Main Syllabus &ublic Administration Main Syllabus Sociology Main Syllabus Statistics Main Syllabus 'oology Main Syllabus Anthro"ology Main Syllabus Arabic Main Syllabus Assamese Main Syllabus

ashmiri Main Syllabus on(ani Main Syllabus Malayalam Main Syllabus Mani"uri Main Syllabus Marathi Main Syllabus )e"ali Main Syllabus *riya Main Syllabus &ali Main Syllabus &ersian Main Syllabus &unjabi Main Syllabus +ussian Main Syllabus Sans(rit Main Syllabus Sindhi Main Syllabus ,amil Main Syllabus ,elugu Main Syllabus -rdu Main Syllabus Management Main Sylla

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