Legal Notice - Francis

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Anetter Allwyn

Office: No.27/30, First Floor, Sahotharar Street, K.P.Road, Nagercoil 62 00!.

"#ail$ a%etter&2000'(

)ob$ 003*+*!*!*

To Mr.F.Francis Paulappan, S/o. Francis, East Street, Thittuvilai, Boothapan !, "an!a#u$ari District. Sir, %n er instructions an

Dt: 09.11.2010

on &ehal' o' $! client Mr.M.(.Moha$e

Mohi een, ( vocate, havin) o''ice at *oo$ +o.,, San#ar -o$ple., -ourt *oa , Boothapan !, "an!a#u$ari District, / issue this as repl! to !our notice 1.0 issue (t the ate 01.11.2010. $! client vehe$entl! enies the


aver$ents in !our notice as 'alse, 'rivolous an $ista#es co$$itte

ve.atious an para)raph

1ith $ala'i e intention as an atte$pt to cover up the &! !ou. 2our notice is not nu$&ere or enie or co$$ente . para)raphs constitute

1ise ho1ever accor in) to the unnu$&ere &! !ou the repl! is ans1ere 2.0 are 'rien 3.0 an

M! client vehe$entl! o' hi$.

enies the contention that !ou

The contention in para)raph 2 is un#no1n to $! client &! !ou.

a ne1 stor! &ein) reveale










partl! 'alse an 5.0 enie

un#no1n to $! client.

The contention in para)raph 4, 5, , 6 7 are vehe$entl! ve.atious. M! client has acte &elo1. as per !our

as 'alse an

instructions the clear 'acts are narrate ,.0 ho1ever

M! client states that !ou are casuall! #no1n to hi$ en! the relationship as 'rien . 2ou approache instructe $! $!

client see#in) his pro'essional services. 2ou ha -2client that one 8osu1a Dar1in has issue su$ &orro1e &! hi$ 'ro$ !ou an

three che9ues 'or the &e a1are that it

also sou)ht his assistance to

open an account to present the sa$e. 2ou shoul !ou. :o1ever at !our re9uest an Boothapan ! as $! client ha 7.0 sai as a ;oo

is not part o' his services to help !ou to open an account 'or Sa$aritan he helpe !ou to open a savin)s &an# account in State Ban# o' Travancore, an account there. presente the &! $!

M! client states that therea'ter !ou ha

three che9ues 1hich is a su&<ect $atter o' notice issue presente &! !ou )ot ishonoure i !ou instructe

$! client on 25.0=.2010 as per !our instructions. Since the che9ues client to issue notice to the sai ee s or reveale 8osu1a Dar1in the ra1er o' &! !ou in

che9ue. >hile instructin) $! client !ou para)raph 4 o' !our notice. =.0 2ou shoul

not )ive an! sale

o' an! such transaction as alle)e

&e a1are that !ou shoul

isclose all the a &i) &lun er 'aile to

truth &! all 'airness an

instruct !our la1!er accor in)l! 1hen

!ou see# his le)al services. 2ou havin) co$$itte

either &! !our i)norance or lac# o' a&ilit! to instruct or in the &elie' that !ou #no1 ever!thin) a&out la1 an stan &! the principle. 9.0 co$$itte M! client states that he cannot &e &la$e &! !ou. 'or !our &a

instruction an

$uch less shi't the &la$e on hi$ 'or the $ista#e

10.0 M! client has a vo1in) e.perience o' $ore than 15 !ears practicin) la1 at various -ourts in the "an!a#u$ari District. Fro$ !our notice $! client un erstan s that !ou have co$$itte a &i) &lun er o' concealin) actual 'acts ?i.e sale in or er to 'ill up such lacuna transaction0 to $! client an

!ou are atte$ptin) to shi't the &la$e on $! client. 11.0 Even 'ro$ a &are rea in) o' !our notice it is clear that !ou are t1istin) 'acts to !our tunes. 2ou are contra ictin) !our o1n state$ents in !our notice in para)raph 4 to ,. 2ou are also unclear o' !our stan an !our 'ault o' 1ron) instruction -3an !our atte$pt to cover up !our $ista#e is clear &! !our in para)raph 4. in para 4 that $! client enie to Bsen i not

contra ictor! stan

12.0 2ou have averre state$ent that $! client ()ain in para 7 !ou have notice postal receipt an i''erent 'acts an t1o

issue notice on @)enuine )roun A ho1ever !ou retract !our o1n notice to the sai 1ell #no1n to !ouC. 8osu1a Dar1in since he 1as an ( vocate an e$an e

to Bhan over the cop! o'

ac#. *eceiptC. There cannot &e t1o i''erent truths in a sa$e inci ent.

This re'lects !our in)enuiness. 13.0 /t appears that !ou are ill a vise an !our e.tre$e

step to cover up !our o1n $ista#e &! shi'tin) the &la$e on $! client is un1arrante . 2ou have alrea ! ta#en all the three returne che9ues an $e$os an $! client has no interest or notice ate 25.0=.2010 necessit! to 1ithhol or its receipt an the cop! o' issue

ac#no1le )$ent. 2ou $a! at an! ti$e collect ac#no1le )$ent. that 1ith ra1in) the

the sa$e on proper en orse$ent an 14.0 Further &e please &e


notice shoul

one onl! &! !ou i' !ou 'eel that !ou have a curative notice no &usiness to

1ron)l! instructe . Further !ou $a! also sen issue notice as per !our instructions has

or a notice $entionin) the erratu$ occurre . M! client havin) 1ith ra1 the sa$e i' !ou 1ish to recti'! the $ista#e co$$itte &! !our 1ron) instructions !ou are 'ree to other Da1!er an o so &! en)a)in) an! $! client has no o&<ections 'or the sa$e.

There'ore, on &ehal' o' $! client !ou are here&! calle the lacuna an 1oul &e $ista#e o' !our case an procee

upon to

esist 'ro$ $isa venture o' 1ron)l! &la$in) $! client to 'ill up acts. Despite this clear the sa$e shall &e $et costs an !our act repl! i' !ou 1oul le)all! to cover up !our $ista#e !ou

oin) so at !our o1n peril an

1ith $uch vehe$ence at !our o1n ris#s an

alone shall &e responsi&le 'or conse9uences thereo'.

(R.Anetter Allwyn)

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