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what is the difference b/w pap and chap,and give comand to configure pap cahp on two router r1 and r2,

Ran k

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Question Submitted By :: Jitenderakumar Sinha I also faced this Question!! Answer Pap is a two way hand shaking. the password is
sent clear text, where as the password is hide chap configuration on r1 G#enable secrete passwordname G#username r2 password passwordname G#ints0 G#encap ppp G#ppp anthentication CHAP configuration on r2 G#enable secrete passwordname G#username r1 password passwordname G#int s0 G#encap ppp G#ppp anthentication CHAP ALL Interview .com

Chandrakan th

Questio WHAT IS SERIAL TRANSMISSIONS,PARALLELL TRANSMISSION n Question Submitted By :: Guest This Interview Question Asked @ ASD-Lab I also faced this Question!! Answer In serial Transmission date goes one by one but
in parallel transmission we can send date simin.....

Ran k

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Answer The difference is that serial transmissions only

use 2 wires for transmitting and receiving data, and only 1 for sending or receiving, and can only send one bit at a time. Parallel cables use several wires for data transmission and is much faster than serial thus 8 or more wires are carrying data *parallel* to each other to it's destination.


In Serial Transmission, Data goes out one by one bit basis at a time. Ex - 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 > out In Parallal Transmission, Data goes out group of bits (Basically 1 byte) basis at a time. Ex 1 > out 0 > out 0 > out 1 > out 0 > out 1 > out 0 > out 1 > out Hope u can understand little from this topic. Mark it & let me knw the feedback. Thnx & Regards Shahin

Questio what is LAPB n Question Submitted By :: Guest This Interview Question Asked @ ASD-Lab I also faced this Question!! Answer Link Access Procedure, Balanced (LAPB) is a data
link layer protocol used to manage communication and packet framing between data terminal equipment (DTE) and the data circuit-terminating equipment (DCE) devices in the X.25 protocol stack. LAPB, a bit-oriented protocol derived from HDLC, LAPB makes sure that frames are error free and properly sequenced. LAPB cause trmoundes amount of overhead becoz of its strict timeout and windowing techniques. it is a connection-oriented protocol.

Ran k

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ALL Interview .com


Questio what is burst rate n Question Submitted By :: Jitendera Kuamr Sinha This Interview Question Asked @ ASD-Lab I also faced this Question!! Answer when aceess rate is grtaer then commted rate
then this is called brust rate jitenderakuar sinha

Ran k

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Jitendera Kuamr Sinha

Questio what is the difference between hdlc and ppp protocol n Question Submitted By :: Jitendera Kumar Sinha This Interview Question Asked @ ASD-Lab , HCL I also faced this Question!! Answer HDLC and PPP are the protocols used in Leased
lines and also in ISDN.HDLC-High Level Data Control,PPPPoint To Point Protocol. mainly HDLC is cisco proprietary protocol and PPP is OSI protocol.PPP checks for authorization.It inter=grates with 2 protocols PAP and CHAP. PPP supports compression and HDLC doesnt support compression.

Ran k

Answer Posted By

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Pavan Kumar

Answer sejirej sern

Answer HDLC and PPP are technologies that works with

leased line means dedicated line and also in ISDN.HDLC-High Level Data link Control,PPP-Point To Point Protocol. mainly HDLC is cisco proprietary protocol and


PPP is OSI protocol.PPP It inter=grates with 2 protocols PAP and CHAP. PPP supports compression and HDLC doesnt support compression.

Answer ppp point to point is used in frame relay tech.

HDLC is a cisco made protocol used in leased line (WAN connection)i.e in local loop.

Durgesh Singh Rajput

How many subnets can be gained by subnetting

Questio into a /27 mask, and how many usable n Question Submitted By :: Zhandan8207

host addresses will there be per subnet?

Ran k

Answer Posted By

I also faced this Question!! Answer There is 16 subnet being made when we extend /23
to /27. Because we are using 4 bits from host bits. 2*2*2*2 = 16 so the subnets are : to Thanks

ALL Interview .com

Devender Chauhan

Answer There is 16 subnet being made when we extend /23

to /27. Because we are using 4 bits from host bits. 2*2*2*2 = 16 so the subnets are : to and the total number of host is 16x255 =4080 host

Devender Chauhan

Answer There is 16 subnet being made when we extend /23

to /27. Because we are using 4 bits from host bits. 2*2*2*2 = 16 so the subnets are : to to and continue...with 32 IPs per subnet...

Devender Chauhan


mask of that ip is sunated in the sunating of 4 bit total number of n/w 2^4-2=14(according to cisco) now taol nomber of valabe bit for host is 1611=5 so taotal nomber of avilable host is 2^5-2=30 note**(why eleven is redused from 16.ans becoz this is a xlass b adress and it have 16 bit for n/w and 16 bit for host but we have the mask of 27 then we have taken 11 bit from host for n/ we redused that eleven bit from the 16) now now hat is the mask of that ip 255.255.128+64+32+16+8+4+2+1.128+64+32 i.e mask is so the block size is 256-224=32 so the n/w is .32------------------------------.63 and so on

Jitendera Kumar Sinha

Answer into a /27 how mant subnet?


n=23-27=4 total no subnet mask =2^n - 2=2^4-2=14 where n is the no host host =2^n-2=14 subnet =2^n=2^4=16

Answer Dealing with a 172 IP places you into the Class

B Network. The default subnet mask is However, with the classless identifiers, or 'prefix length', of /23 and /27 your subnet masks will be as follows: /23 /27

Robert Davenport

Which is broken down into binary as follows: Default 11111111.11111111.00000000.00000000 /23 11111111.11111111.11111110.00000000 /27 11111111.11111111.11111111.11100000 If you'll notice there are 23 ones in the second subnet mask and 27 in the third. Hence the /23 and /27. Pay attention to the 'overlap' (area where the default reads 0 and the prefix length reads a 1. In this case the last two octets) For the /23 there are 7 and the /27 there are 11. Remember these as they will come up later. Note: There is a but I don't remember it proper term for the 'overlap'

Beginning at the right of the binary version of the /23 subnet mask. Start with the number 1 and double it for every '0' you have, stopping ON the first '1'. i.g. 512 256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 /23 11111111.11111111.111111 1 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 /27 11111111.11111111.111111 1 1. 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 As you can see for the /23 subnet mask, 512 is the TOTAL number of hosts you can have per subnet. You'll have to

subtract 2 hosts for the network and broadcast addresses leaving you with 510 USABLE hosts per subnet. So, both look like this: Prefix Length /23 /27 TOTAL Subnets 512 32 USABLE Subnets 510 30 if not

Remember the 'overlap' areas from above? I'll give them to you again: /23 /27 7 11

This number will be used to find out the number of subnets by using the following formula: 2^n Where n is the the 'overlap'. So... 2^7= 2x2x2x2x2x2x2=128 or 2x2=4x2=8x2=16x2=32x2=64x2=128 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2^11= 2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2=2048 or 2x2=4x2=8x2=16x2=32x2=64x2=128x2=256x2=512x2=102 8x2=2048 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Like with the TOTAL hosts, we have to remove 2 from the TOTAL subnets for network and broadcast ranges. Now we know: Prefix Length /23 /27 TOTAL Subnets 128 2048 USABLE Subnets 126 2046

Lets compile everything: Prefix Network Length HOSTS /23 64,260 /27 61,380 USABLE Subnets 126 2046 USABLE Hosts 510 30 We lose Total

So, even though we gain 1920 subnets.

480 hosts per subnet. Which means we will lose a total potential of 2880 hosts.

Answer I have one bit of clarification on my answer.

As the IP address of,, was given that will reduce the amount of subnets. The third octet (.32.) has restricted us to one subnet on the /23 prefix. so that will change the total subnets for the /27, see the following: Prefix Hosts per Length Subnet /23 /27 Subnets in Range Given 1 14 510 30

Robert Davenport

So, the Subnets will increase by 13 and the hosts will drop to 420 (14x30). Hope I got it this time.

Answer Hi all i read all answers and in every answer

you have some mistake.IT ask how many subnets and how many hosts have per subnet not how many host have totally! So here is the most logical and easy understanding of sub-netting with out need to convert to binary we all know to make binary no. from the regular number. 23 subnet mask = 27 subnet mask = it ask for 27 how many subnets will have and how many hosts so we start we all should know that totally in subnet mask have 32-bits here first 27 are taken for the subnet mask so we left 5 bits for host 32-27=5 number of the host we get from formula 2^n-2=No of host per subnet so we get 2^5-2=32-2=30 we take 2 address for the broadcast and subnet thats why is 2^n-2 We finish with the hosts no lets get the no. of subnets first given was /23 bits and the second was /27-

Metodija Pankovski

bits we just do this 27-23=4 no. of subnet is 2^n we don`t have here -2!!! some one make mistake in the answers so remember you don`t take minus 2 when you solve no. of subnets thats for hosts!! so 27-23=4 2^4=16 ANSWER OF THE QUESTION IS: Subnets 16 HOST 30 per subnet address range like this first subnet last one I hope i help to some of you:) THIS IS TE REAL ANSWER!

are the Timer of RIP, IGRP, EIGRP and OSPF Questio What Routing n Protocol?

Ran k

Answer Posted By

Question Submitted By :: Kapilasdhir This Interview Question Asked @ IBM I also faced this Question!! Answer RIP-It sends complete routing table to all its
active interface in evert 30 seconds.Hold down Timer:it is a time during the destination hop is unreachable=240 seconds.. IGRP:-Timer 90 seconds ALL Interview .com

Ajay Kumar

Answer rip

igrp 30sec none

eigrp 6osec

ospf 10se

Dveashish Kumar Gupta [Pioneer]

Answer 180 se

Rajesh Tiwari [Pioneer]

Answer rip-30 sec

igrp-90 sec eigrp-5 sec ospf- 10 sec

Vivek Singh [Pioneer]

Answer rip

120 igrp 90 eigrp 90 ospf 110

Chetan [Pioneer]

Answer RIP

30 Sec(Update) 180 Sec(Timeout) 120 Sec(Remove) IGRP 90 Sec(Update) 3*Update(Invalid) 3*Update+10(Hold_down) 7*Update(Flashtime) EIGRP For LAN 5 Sec(Hello) 3*Hello(hold-timer) For WAN 60 Sec(Hello) 3*Hello(hold-timer) OSPF 10 Sec(Hello)

Aruna [Pioneer]


Answer rip-30 sec

igrp-90 sec eigrp-5 sec ospf- 10 sec

Upendr Kushwaha [Pioneer]

Answer rip-30 sec

igrp-90 sec eigrp-60 sec ospf- 10 sec

Raja Imran [Pioneer]

Answer 0

100 110 90

Shainu [Pioneer]

Answer RIP-30 Sec Periodically

IGRP-90 Sec Periodically EIGRP-Only if there is a change in network structure.No periodically OSPF-Only Either if there is a change in network structure or 30 Min Whichever is earliar.

Navdeep Manchanda [Pioneer]

Answer RIP,15 seconds.

(RIP Send routing table to all connected routers) IGRP,60 seconds. (IGRP Send routing table to all connected routers) EIGRP, (After it well converged than If there is a change in network structure it will send its routing table to all

Irfan [Pioneer]

connected routers) OSPF, It is same as EIGRP. (After it well converged than If there is a change in network structure it will send its routing table to all connected routers)

Answer The correct RIP timers as per cisco doc

Hellow interval 30 second dead interval 180 hold down timers 180 second n flush timers 240 seconds the eigrp timers hellow send every 5 second dead 15 second in point to point in nbma is 60 hellow interval and dead is 180 in ospf ppp hellow 10 dead 40 brodcast same but in point to multipoing hellow is 30 secon n dead is 120 second point multipoint brodcast same point to multipoint non brodcast

Rutuja [Pioneer]

Answer Timer given below:RIP (Routing Information Protocol):-Route update Timer 30Sec, 2 Route Invalid n Holdown timer 180 Sec 3 Flush Out =240 Sec IGRP (Interior gateway routing protocol):-Route Update 90 Sec. 2Route Invalid =270 Sec 3 holdown timer = 280 Sec 4 Flush out timer = 680 Sec EIGRP (Enhance Interior gateway routing protocol):-For 1.updatation used HELLO Protocol 2. Toplology used Dual All path entry

Bhisham [Pioneer]

3. Routing Table Best path OSPF (Open Shortest path First):1. For updation we used HEllo Protocol 2. LSA Table Best path in N/w

Answer rip:-

update 30 sec timeout 180 sec flush timer 120 sec

Ayesha Anwar [Pioneer]

igrp:update timer 90 sec

Answer RIP = 30 sec

OSPF = (When there is update it send the update part of routing) IGRP = 90 sec EIGRP = 30 sec Proved during simulation.

Majid [Pioneer]

Questio What is the 5-4-3-2-1 rule of network design? n Question Submitted By :: Kapilasdhir I also faced this Question!! Answer this is the ring topologies method.

Ran k

Answer Posted By

ALL Interview .com


Answer he 5-4-3-2-1 rule embodies a simple recipe for

network design. It may not be easy to find examples in practice, but this rule neatly ties together several important elements of design theory. To understand this rule, it's first necessary to

Tushar [Pioneer]

understand the concepts of collision domains and propagation delay. Collision domains are portions of a network. When a network packet is transmitted over Ethernet, for example, it is possible for another packet from a different source to be transmitted close enough in time to the first packet to cause a collision on the wire. The total range over which a packet can travel and potentially collide with another is its collision domain. Propagation delays are a property of the physical medium (e.g., Ethernet). Propagation delays help determine how much of a time difference between the sending of two packets on a collision domain is "close enough" to actually cause a collision. The greater the propagation delay, the increased likelihood of collisons. The 5-4-3-2-1 rule limits the range of a collision domain by limiting the propagation delay to a "reasonable" amount of time. The rule breaks down as follows: 5 - the number of network segments 4 - the number of repeaters needed to join the segments into one collision domain 3 - the number of network segments that have active (transmitting) devices attached 2 - the number of segments that do not have active devices attached 1 - the number of collision domains Because the last two elements of the recipe follow naturally from the others, this rule is sometimes also known as the "5-4-3" rule for short.

Answer Ethernet and IEEE 802.3 implement a rule, known

as the 5-43 rule is also known as the IEEE way, for the number of repeaters and segments on shared access Ethernet backbones in a tree topology. The 5-4-3 rule divides the network into two types of physical segments: populated (user) segments, and unpopulated (link) segments. The 5-4-3 rule is also known as the IEEE way and is sometimes compared to the Ethernet way which is having 2 repeaters on the single network without having any hosts connected to a repeater. 5 Segments

Jitendera Kumar Sinha [Pioneer]

4 3 2 1

Repeaters Populated Segments Unpopulated Segments Collision Domain

Questio n

10. Which STP state populates the MAC address table but doesn't forward data frames? A. Blocking B. Listening C. Learning D. Forwarding

Ran k

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Question Submitted By :: Kapilasdhir This Interview Question Asked @ Cisco I also faced this Question!! Answer C.
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Answer c

it will learn the node who broadcast it

M.thangadu rai [Pioneer]

Answer Answer: C
The purpose of the blocking state is to prevent the use of looped paths. A port in listening state prepares toforward data frames without populating the MAC address table. A port in learning state populates the MAC address table but doesn't forward data frames. The forwarding port sends and receives all data frames on the bridged port. Lastly, A port in the disabled state is virtually nonoperational

Kapilasdhir [Pioneer]

Questio 9. Which STP state prevents the use of looped



paths? A. Blocking B. Listening C. Learning D. Forwarding

Posted By

Question Submitted By :: Kapilasdhir I also faced this Question!! Answer a

ALL Interview .com


Answer Answer: A
The purpose of the blocking state is to prevent the use of looped paths. A port in listening state prepares to forward data frames without populating the MAC address table. A port in learning state populates the MACaddress table but doesn't forward data frames. The forwarding port sends and receives all data frames on the bridged port. Lastly, A port in the disabled state is virtually nonoperational.

Kapilasdhir [Pioneer]

Questio n

8. When is Frame Tagging used? A. When you install repeaters in your network B. When you install bridges in your network C. When you install routers in your network D. When you use Switches configured with multiple VLANS

Ran k

Answer Posted By

Question Submitted By :: Kapilasdhir I also faced this Question!! Answer answer is d

frame tagging methods are used in VLAN to commnunicate between different VLANs ALL Interview .com


Answer ans d

ram has write the wright answer but explanation is

Jitendera Kuamr

wrong.frmae taging is not used for communication b/w vlan.if frame tagging is used for intervaltion comunication then what the need of router thats called intervlan communications ok the wright expalnation is that when we trunk the two or more then two switch then the comunication bewwwen same vlan which are plased at diffrent vlan frme taging is used this is the wright explanation of franetaging.

Sinha [Pioneer]

Answer if i am wrong that frame tagging is v-lan

identification method then what is frame taging if farme tagging is used for comunication in diffrent vlan then plz tell me what is the need of implement router for intervlan routing.some one marke my answer wrong i just reqto him plz make the right naswer. plz with humble request jitendera kuamr sinha

Jitendera Kumar Sinha [Pioneer]

Answer Yes Dear Jitendera Kumar Sinha is right

Answer: D Frame tagging is used to uniquely identify a frame as it traverses the switch fabric on a VLAN

Kapilasdhir [Pioneer]

Questio n

7. What is an advantage to using switches in your network? A. Addressing of hosts by DHCP B. Ease of administration C. Stops broadcast storms D. Works like a repeater

Ran k

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Question Submitted By :: Kapilasdhir

This Interview Question Asked @ iGate I also faced this Question!! Answer d
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Answer Answer: B

Switches filter by MAC address and, by default, are typically easy to administrate. B is the "best" answer

Kapilasdhir [Pioneer]

Questio n

6. Which device can create smaller networks and stop broadcast storms by default? A. Repeater B. Bridge C. Router D. Gateway

Ran k

Answer Posted By

Question Submitted By :: Kapilasdhir I also faced this Question!! Answer bridge

ALL Interview .com


Answer Sorry Dear Sudha the answer is :-Answer: C Routers can create internetworks and filter by logical address (IP) address, which can stop broadcaststorms

Kapilasdhir [Pioneer]

Answer yeah sudaha is write but i think explanation is

partially coreect the explanation is scince rputer cretae dectase brodcast domain at each enterface so it create smaller network and sriop bradcast dpmain

Jitendera Kumar Sinha [Pioneer]

Answer i have just suppose that sudah gives the answer

router.but she answersed bridges. router is the answer becoz router create the seprtae broadcast domain per inerface so it stop broadcast strom by default. this is the answer. jitendera kuar sinha

Jitendera Kuamr Sinha [Pioneer]

Questio n

5. What is an advantage of using routers in your network? (Choose all that apply) A. Stops broadcast storms B. Reduces downtime on your network C. Creates internetworks D. Can filter by logical address

Ran k

Answer Posted By

Question Submitted By :: Kapilasdhir I also faced this Question!! Answer B. & D.

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Arijit Mondal

Answer A.

Arijit Mondal [Pioneer]

Answer A, C, D - these are basic features of a router.

B. Downtime on of your network will not be reduced just because you have a router. Any properly configured device will reduce downtime.

Ray [Pioneer]

Answer a b c d

Yogeeshin [Pioneer]

Answer Answer: A, C, D
Routers can stop broadcast storms, create smaller networks and filter by logical (IP) addresses.

Kapilasdhir [Pioneer]

Answer a b c d

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