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History of McDonalds.

McDonald's has come a long way ever since its beginning in 1955. Here are a few milestones of the McDonald's journey ...
1955 195 Ray Kroc opens his first restaurant in 19$" Des Plaines, Illinois and the McDonald's Corporation is created. Quality, Service, Cleanliness and Value QSC! V" #eco$es the co$pany $otto. %he &''th McDonald's opens in 19$# Chica(o. )a$#ur(er *niversity opens in +l, -rove, near Chica(o. .ne #illion ha$#ur(ers sold. Ronald McDonald $a,es his de#ut. /ilet0.0/ish sand1ich is introduced. 19$9 McDonald's Corporation (oes pu#lic. %he first restaurants outside of the *S2 open in Canada and Puerto Rico. 199& %he 3i( Mac is introduced. %he &,'''th restaurant opens in Des 199" Plaines, Illinois. 2 ne1 McDonald's restaurant opens every day. %he Quarter Pounder is introduced. 199# +(( McMuffin is introduced. %he first Ronald McDonald )ouse opens in Philadelphia. %he )appy Meal is launched. Chic,en Mc4u((ets is introduced. 4e1 )a$#ur(er *niversity ca$pus opens in .a, 3roo,, Illinois. Set in 5' 1ooded acres. %rainin( is provided for every level of McDonald's $ana(e$ent 1orld1ide. 6' #illionth ha$#ur(er sold. Ronald McDonald Children's Charities is founded in Ray Kroc7s $e$ory to raise funds in support of child 1elfare. McDonald's is listed on the /ran,furt, Munich, Paris and %o,yo stoc, e8chan(es. McDonald's opens in Push,in S9uare and -or,y Street, Mosco1. %he first McDonald's at sea opens a#oard the Sil:a +uropa, the 1orld's lar(est ferry sailin( #et1een Stoc,hol$ and )elsin,i. Restaurants open in 3ahrain, 3ul(aria, +(ypt, Ku1ait, ;atvia, .$an, 4e1 Caledonia, %rinidad and *nited 2ra# +$irates, #rin(in( the total to over &6,''' in <= countries

1959 19!1 19!" 19!# 19!5 19! 19!$

19 %

19 " 19 #


on > continents. McDonald's opens in India ? the =6th country.


McDonald's ' ( )lobal *henomenon.

McDonald's opened its doors in India in .cto#er &==>. +ver since then, our fa$ily restaurants in Mu$#ai, Delhi, Pune, 2h$eda#ad, Vadodara, ;udhiana, @aipur, 4oida /arida#ad, Doraha, Manesar and -ur(aon have proceeded to de$onstrate, $uch to the deli(ht of all our custo$ers, 1hat the McDonald's e8perience is all a#out. .ur first restaurant opened on &6th 2pril &=66 in Des Plaines, Illinois, *.S.2. 2l$ost 6' years do1n the line, 1e are the 1orld's lar(est food service syste$ 1ith $ore than A',''' restaurants in &'' countries, servin( $ore than B> $illion custo$ers every day. Clic, here for $ore infor$ation on the history of McDonald7s.

+ocally ,wned.
McDonald7s in India is a 6'06' :oint venture partnership #et1een McDonald7s Corporation C*S2D and t1o Indian #usiness$en. 2$it @atia7s co$pany )ardcastle Restaurants Pvt. ;td. o1ns and operates McDonald's restaurants in Eestern India. Ehile Connau(ht PlaFa Restaurants Pvt. ;td headed #y Vi,ra$ 3a,shi o1ns and operates the 4orthern operations. 2$it @atia and Vi,ra$ 3a,shi are li,e0$inded visionaries 1ho share McDonald's co$plete co$$it$ent to Quality, Service, Cleanliness and Value QSC!V". )avin( si(ned their :oint0venture a(ree$ents 1ith McDonald's in 2pril &==6, they trained e8tensively, alon( 1ith their Indian $ana(e$ent tea$, in McDonald's restaurants in Indonesia and the *.S.2. #efore openin( the first McDonald7s restaurant in India.

-es.ect for local culture.

McDonald's India has developed a special $enu 1ith ve(etarian selections to suit Indian tastes and preferences. McDonald's does not offer any #eef or por, ite$s in India. .nly the freshest chic,en, fish and ve(eta#le products find their 1ay into our Indian restaurants. In addition, 1e've re0for$ulated so$e of our products usin( spices favoured #y Indians. 2$on( these are McVe((ieG #ur(er, Mc2loo %i,,iG #ur(er, Ve(. PiFFa McPuffG and Chic,en Mc-rillG #ur(er. Ee've also created e((less sand1ich sauces for our ve(etarian custo$ers. +ven our soft serves and McSha,esG are e((0less, offerin( a lar(er variety to our ve(etarian consu$ers.

/nternational 0tandards.
McDonald's India's local suppliers provide us 1ith the hi(hest 9uality, freshest in(redients. Co$plete adherence to the Indian -overn$ent re(ulations on food, health and hy(iene is ensured, 1hile $aintainin( our o1n reco(niFed international standards. /ast, friendly service 0 the hall$ar, of McDonald's restaurants the 1orld over is the $antra 1e a#ide #y. Strin(ent cleanin( standards ensure that all ta#les, chairs, hi(hchairs and trays are sanitised several ti$es each hour. Such $eticulous attention to cleanliness e8tends #eyond the lo##y and ,itchen to even the pave$ent and i$$ediate areas outside the restaurant.

,ur *hiloso.hy.
HEe ta,e the #ur(er #usiness $ore seriously than anyone else.H Ehen McDonald's founder, Ray Kroc $ade that $e$ora#le state$ent, he 1as lettin( the 1orld in on the philosophy and secret #ehind McDonald's pheno$enal success. .ur vision to #e India7s H#estH 9uic, service restaurant e8perience is supported #y a set of principles and core values CMcDonald7s EayD

1he .rinci.les that guide us 2

Quality, Service, Cleanliness ! Value 0 It is an unflinchin( McDonald's ideolo(y that our custo$ers $ust al1ays (et 9uality products, served 9uic,ly and 1ith a s$ile, in a clean and pleasant environ$entI and all at a fair price Ee are co$$itted to e8ceedin( our custo$ers' e8pectations in every restaurant every ti$e. Ee have a passion and a responsi#ility for enhancin( and protectin( the McDonald's #rand. Ee #elieve in a colla#orative $ana(e$ent approach, e$ployin( a $utually respectful #usiness philosophy,

Ee 1ill seiFe every opportunity to innovate and lead the industry on #ehalf of our custo$ers.

Supply Chain. 3hain


3old 3hain



Did you ,no1 that every year, Rs. 6',''' crore 1orth of food produce is 1asted in IndiaJ %his is $ainly #ecause of the lac, of proper infrastructure for stora(e and transportation under controlled conditions. McDonald's is co$$itted to providin( 9uality products 1hile supportin( other Indian #usinesses. 2nd so, 1e spent a fe1 years settin( up a uni9ue Supply Chain, even #efore 1e opened our first restaurant in India. 2 Supply Chain is a net1or, of facilities includin( 0 $aterial flo1 fro$ suppliers and their Hupstrea$H suppliers at all levels, transfor$ation of $aterials into se$i0 finished and finished products, and distri#ution of products to custo$ers and their Hdo1nstrea$H custo$ers at all levels. So, ra1 $aterial flo1s as follo1sK supplier 0 $anufacturer ? distri#utor ? retailer ? consu$er. Infor$ation and $oney flo1s in the reverse direction. %he #alance #et1een these A flo1s is 1hat a Supply Chain is all a#out. Ehen there is a #alance in the finished product orderin(, the Supply Chain operates at its #est. 2ny $a:or fluctuation in the product orderin( pattern causes e8cess L fluctuatin( inventories, shorta(es L stoc, outs, lon(er lead ti$es, hi(her transportation and $anufacturin( costs, and $istrust #et1een supply chain partners. %his is called the 3ull1hip +ffect. Dependin( on the situation, the Supply Chain $ay include $a:or product ele$ents, various suppliers, (eo(raphically dispersed activities, and #oth upstrea$ and do1nstrea$ activities. It is critical to (o #eyond one7s i$$ediate suppliers and

custo$ers to enco$pass the entire chain, since hidden value often e$er(es once the entire chain is visualiFed. /or e8a$ple, a diesel en(ine $anufacturer $ay #e a#le to inte(rate a -PS locator syste$ into its en(ine control syste$. Its i$$ediate custo$er, a heavy truc, $anufacturer, $ay see no need for this functionality. )o1ever, the do1nstrea$ custo$er, a truc,in( co$pany 1ith a lar(e fleet, $ay #e very interested in a locator syste$. *nderstandin( the value to the do1nstrea$ custo$er is part of the supply chain $ana(e$ent process.

Cold Chain.
%he Cold Chain is necessary to $aintain the inte(rity of food products and retain their freshness and nutritional value. %he Cold Chain is an inte(ral part of the Supply Chain Settin( up the Cold Chain has involved the transfer of state0of0the0art food processin( technolo(y #y McDonald's and its international suppliers to pioneerin( Indian entrepreneurs, 1ho have no1 #eco$e an inte(ral part of the Cold Chain. %he ter$ Cold Chain descri#es the net1or, for the procure$ent, 1arehousin(, transportation and retailin( of food products under controlled te$peratures. McDonald7s restaurants store products to #e used on a daily #asis, 1ithin a te$perature ran(e of ?&5MC to BMC. 2#out 6NO of our food products need to #e stored under these conditions #efore they are used.

Local Sourcing.
McDonald's has al1ays #een co$$itted to sourcin( its re9uire$ents fro$ local suppliers and far$ers. %his assurance is rooted in the philosophy of our co$pany's founder, Ray Kroc. )e fir$ly #elieved in $utual #enefits arisin( fro$ a partnership #et1een McDonald's and the local #usinesses, thus ensurin( that McDonald's co$$it$ent to (ro1th 1as $irrored #y that of its partners. In ,eepin( 1ith this #elief, 1e have carefully identified local Indian #usinesses that ta,e pride in satisfyin( custo$ers #y presentin( the$ 1ith the hi(hest 9uality products. 2dherence to Indian -overn$ent re(ulations on food, health and hy(iene 1ere a top priority. McDonald's India today purchases $ore than =>O of its products and supplies fro$ Indian suppliers. +ven our restaurants are constructed usin( local architects, contractors, la#our and $a8i$u$ local content in $aterials. %he relationship #et1een McDonald's and its Indian suppliers is $utually #eneficial. 2s McDonald's e8pands in India, the supplier (ets the opportunity to e8pand his

#usiness, have access to the latest in food technolo(y, (et e8posure to advanced a(ricultural practices and the a#ility to (ro1 or to e8port. %here are $any cases of local suppliers operatin( out of s$all to1ns 1ho have #enefited fro$ their association 1ith McDonald's India.

Vital Links in our Cold Chain.

2ll suppliers adhere to Indian (overn$ent re(ulations on food, health and hy(iene 1hile continuously $aintainin( McDonald's reco(nised standards. 2s the in(redients $ove fro$ far$s to processin( plants to the restaurant, McDonald's Quality Inspection Pro(ra$$e QIP" carries out 9uality chec,s at over N' different points in the Cold Chain syste$. Settin( up of the Cold Chain has also ena#led us to cut do1n on operational 1asta(e )aFard 2nalysis Critical Control Point )2CCP" is a syste$atic approach to food safety that e$phasiFes prevention of illness or presence of $icro#iolo(ical data 1ithin our suppliers' facilities and our restaurants rather than its detection throu(h inspection. 3ased on )2CCP (uidelines, control points and critical control points for all McDonald's $a:or food processin( plants and restaurants in India have #een identified. %he )2CCP verification is done at least t1ice in a year and certified.

Trikaya Agriculture - Supplier of

Iceberg Lettuce.
successfully grows speciality crops like iceberg lettuce, special herbs and many oriental
vegetables. Farm infrastructure features:

2 specialiFed nursery 1ith a tea$

of a(ricultural e8perts. Drip and sprin,ler irri(ation in raised far$ #eds 1ith fertiliFer $i8in( plant. Pre0coolin( roo$ and a lar(e cold roo$ for post harvest handlin(. 2 lar(e cold roo$ and a refri(erated van for transportation 1here the te$perature and the relative hu$idity of this crop is $aintained #et1een &M C and BM C and =6O respectively.

Vista Processed Foods Pvt. Ltd. - Supplier of Chicke a d Vegetable ra ge of products.

2 :oint venture 1ith .SI Industries Inc., *S2, and McDonald's India Pvt. ;td. Vista Processed /oods Pvt. ;td. produces a ran(e of froFen chic,en and ve(eta#le foods. 2 1orld class infrastructure at its plant at %alo:a, Maharashtra, hasK
Separate processin( lines for chic,en and ve(eta#le foods. Capa#ility to produce froFen foods at te$perature as lo1 as 0A6 De(ree

Celsius to retain total freshness. International standards, procedures and support services.

!y a"i# !iary - Supplier of Cheese.

Dyna$i8 has #rou(ht i$$ense #enefits to far$ers in 3ara$ati, Maharashtra #y settin( up a net1or, of $il, collection centres e9uipped 1ith #ul, coolers. +asy accessi#ility has ena#led far$ers au($ent their inco$e #y findin( a ne1 $ar,et for surplus $il,. %he factory hasK
/ully auto$atic international standard processin( facility. Capa#ility to convert $il, into cheese, #utterL(hee,

s,i$$ed $il, po1der, lactose, casein ! 1hey protein and hu$anised #a#y food. Strin(ent 9uality control $easures and continuous Research ! Develop$ent.

A"rit Food - Supplier of lo g life $%T &ilk a d &ilk Products for Fro'e !esserts.

2$rit /ood, an IS. =''' co$pany, $anufactures 1idely popular #rands 0 -a(an Mil, and 4andan -hee at its factory at -haFia#ad, *ttar Pradesh. Its plant hasK
State0of0the0art fully auto$atic $achinery re9uirin( no hu$an contact

1ith product, for total hy(iene. Installed capacity of >''' litres L hour for producin( ho$o(enised *)% *ltra )i(h %e$perature" processed $il, and $il, products. Strict 9uality control supported #y a fully e9uipped 9uality control la#oratory.

(adhakrish a Foodla d - !istributio Ce tre.

2n inte(ral part of the Radha,rishna -roup, /oodland specialises in handlin( lar(e volu$es, providin( the entire ran(e of services includin( procure$ent, 9uality inspection, stora(e, inventory $ana(e$ent, deliveries, data collection, recordin( and reportin(. Salient stren(ths areK
2 one0stop shop for all distri#ution $ana(e$ent services. Dry and cold stora(e facility to store and transport

perisha#le products at te$peratures up to 0 NN De(rees

Celsius. +ffective process control for $ini$u$ distri#ution cost.

Bi liography!


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