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The radio spectrum is one of the most important resources for communications. So spectrum detection is essential for wireless communication, which is the key issue in Cognitive Radio.


What is cognitive radio?

Cognitive Radio is generic term used to describe a radio that is aware of the surrounding environment and can accordingly adapts it transmission. Moreover Cognitive radio is a exible system as it can change the communication parameter according to the condition.



The purpose of cognitive radio Spectrum sensing plays a main role in CR because its important to avoid interference with PU and guarantee a good quality of service of the PU. Its predicted that CR identies portions of unused spectrum to transmits in it to avoid interferences with others users. The cognitive radio basically detects the unused spectrum and transmits the information to the fusion center whether the user is present is or not. Now our aim is to check whether the primary user is present or not.So for that we will perform hypothesis testing : 1. Simple hypothesis testing 2. Composite hypothesis testing. For simple hypothesis testing there is : 1. Binary hypothesis testing. 2. Bayesian hypothesis testing. Let us study about Bayesian hypothesis testing in detail.

Bayesian Binary Hypothesis Testing.

In Bayesian Binary Hypothesis Testing we just select from two hypothesis, H0 and H1 based on the observation on random vector Y . Here we consider the domain Y . From this we consider, H0 = Y f (y/H0 ) & H1 = Y f (y/H1 ) If we consider as a discrete case then, H0 = P (y/H0 ) H1 = P (y/H1 ) So from given Y we will decide whether H0 or H1 is true.This can be accomplished using a function called (y) which is also called a decision function which takes values (0,1). Hence, (y ) = 1; ifH1 holds and (y ) = 0; ifH0 holds. On the basis of decision function we have a disjoint set which is given by Y0 & Y1 where, Y0 = {y : (y ) = 0} Y1 = {y : (y ) = 1} The Hypothesis has prior probabilities which are : (1)

0 = P (H0 ) & 1 = P (H1 ). with 0 + 1 = 1. Now there exist a Cost function which can be given by Cij i.e it states that cost incurred on selecting Hi when Hj holds. On the basis of the cost function, the Bayes Risk can be given as follows :

R(/Hj ) =

Cij P [Yi /Hj ]


Therefore the average Bayes Risk is


R( ) =

R(/Hj )j


Hence the optimum Bayes Decision rule B is obtained by reducing the risk given over here i.e,
n n

R ( ) =
i=0 j =0

Cij P [Yi /Hj ]j


Now as the Y and Y are disjoint sets,we can write as P (Y1 /Hj ) + P (Y0 )/Hj ) = 1 so for j=0,1 we can get
1 1


R( ) =
j =0 1

C0j j +
j =0 1

(C1j C0j )P [Y1 /Hj ]


R ( ) =
j =0

C 0 j j +
Y1 j =0

(C1j C0j )f (y/Hj ), dy


Hence by reducing the Y1 we can minimize the Risk.


Y 1 = {y R :
j =0

(C1j C0j )f (y/Hj )}


Now for j=1,we can see that taking H1 and H1 holds is lest costly then the selecting H0 H1 holds i.e.(C11 C01 ) In order to make a correct a decision we introduce a likelihood ratio which takes the values of vector Y,given as L(y ) = f (y/H1 ) f (y/H0 ) (9)

This can be given as if L(y ) then H0 is present and if L(y ) thenH1 is present. (C10 C 00) = (10) (C01 C 11) Then under the condition C11 < C01 as optimum bayesian decision rule can be written as , 1 if L(y) B = (11) 0 if L(y) From this we can derive equation for Minimum Probability of error . 3


Minimum Probability of Error

Taking Cij =0 for i=j and Cij =1 for i = j The Cost is incurred only when the error occurs i.e when H1 is true when H0 holds and H0 is true when H1 holds. R(/H1 ) = P [E/H0 ] R(/H0 ) = P [E/H1 ] Hence, P [E ] = P [E/H0 ] + P [E/H1 ] and consequently the =
0 1

Neyman-Pearson Test

In Bayesian hypothesis Testing it would require the knowledge of cost functions and prior probabilities 0 &1 . In Neyman-Pearson Testing the aim is to design the decision function in such a way the it maximizes the probability of Detection PD by bounding the Probability of false alarm PF to . D = { : PF ( ) } N P = arg maxPD ( )

(12) (13)

The optimization problem can be solved by using Lagrangian Optimization , L(, ) = PD ( ) + ( PF ( )) (14) A Test will be optimal if it maximizes L(, )& satises KKT condition ( PF ( )) = 0 Now PD ( ) =


f (y/H1 ) dy f (y/H0 ) dy

PF ( ) = The Lagrangian can be written as, L(, ) =


f (y/H1 ) dy + (

f (y/H0 ) dy )

L(, ) =

(f (y/H1 ) f (y/H0 )) dy +


To maximize L(, ), (y ) should be chosen such that f (y/H1 ) f (y/H0 ) 0 f (y/H1 ) f (y/H0 ) L(y ) Thus the (y ) can be written as 1 0 or 1 (y ) = 0

if L(y ) > if L(Y)= if L(y ) <


Bayesian Sequential Hypothesis Testing

The standard Hypothesis problem involves xed number of observation.On the other hand in sequential Hypothesis testing Problem, the number of observation are not xed .Depending the observed samples decision may be taken after just few samples or large number of samples are observed if the decision is not concluded.We consider innite number of I.I.D (independant identically Distributed ) observations { YK :K 1} are available.By using this a sequential decision rule can be formed by a pair (, ),where = {n , n N } a sampling plan or stopping rule and = {n , n N } denotes the terminal decision rule. The function n (Y1 , Y2 , ......Yn ) maps Yn into {0,1}.After observing YK (for 1 K n) we have, n (Y1 , Y2 , ....., Yn ) = 0indicates we should take one more sample till the decision is made ,and if at the same we have n (Y1 , Y2 , ....., Yn ) = 1 one should stop sampling and make a decision. The terminal decision function n (Y1 , Y2 , ....., Yn ) takes the values in 0,1 where n (Y1 , Y2 , ....., Yn )= 0 or 1 depending on whether H0 or H1 holds,more over n (Y1 , Y2 , ....., Yn ) can be dened only if we have decided to stop sampling. n (Y1 , Y2 , ....., Yn ) = B = 1 0 for n=N for n = N (18) (19)

undened for n = N n (Y1 , Y2 , ....., Yn ) for n=N

Now we associate cost for decision in order to determine the sequential decision rule(, ) in the Bayesian setting.To compute Bayes Risk for a sequential 5

decision rule (, ) as R(, ) one needs to rst compute Conditional Bayes risk for each of the hypothesis. R(, /H0 ) = conditional bayes risk of (, ) under H0 R(, /H1 ) = conditional bayes risk of (, ) under H1 Proir probabilities are given by 0 = P[H0 ] & 1 = P[H1 ]. Let CM =the cost corresponding to a miss,i.e. choosing H0 when H1 is true. and CF =the cost corresponding to a false alarm,i.e. choosing H1 when H0 is true. Unlike in the case of xed sample size hypothesis testing problem ,here we also assume that each observation incurs a cost denoted by D,i.e. strictly positive (D>0). In the absence of this cost for each observation D, one can collect an innite number of observations, which would ensure that the decision is error-free. With this one can express the conditional Bayes Risk for H0 as R(, /H0 ) = CF P [N (Y1 , Y2 , ....., YN ) = 1/H0 ] + DE [N/H0 ] (20)

where N denotes the random stopping time. The Conditional Bayes risk for H1 given by , R(, /H1 ) = CM P [N (Y1 , Y2 , ....., YN ) = 0/H1 ] + DE [N/H0 ] (21)

Therefore the average Bayes Risk for the sequential decision rule(, ) is given by ,

R(, ) =
j =0

R(, /Hj )j


Our aim is to choose a decision rule (, ),so that the Bayes Risk can be minimized i.e if (B , B )denotes the optimum Bayesian Sequential decision rule , then R(B , B ) = minR(, ) = V (0 ) (23)
(, )

Next we want to divide the set of all sequential decision rules into the following two categories: S = {(, ) : 0 = 0}and{(0 = 1, 0 = 1) (0 = 1, 0 = 0)} (24)

S here corresponds to the case of a sequential decision rule set,where one sample is taken to decide between H0 and H1 . While {(0 = 1, 0 = 1) (0 = 1, 0 = 0)} corresponds to the case when one doesnt take further more sample. Let J (0 ) = min R(, ) (25)
(, )S

Note that since N 1 for all rules in S therefore we have E[N/H0 ] or E[N/H1 ]is greater than or equal to 1. Thus we have , R(, ) D min R(, ) D
(, )S

J ( 0 ) D Also note that for 0 =1 and 0 =0,the P [N (Y1 , Y2 , ......YN ) = 1/H0 ]and[P [N (Y1 , Y2 , ......YN ) = 0/H1 ]are equal to zero Therefore, for 0 = 1, R(, = DE [N/H0 ] = D. Thus J(1)=D.Similarly for 0 = 0,J(0)=D. Next we compute the Bayes risk for the following two cases of sequential decision rules, when no sample is taken implying 0 = 1. When (0 = 1, 0 = 1) since no samples is taken during this , we have E [N/H0 ]=0.This implies R(, /H0 ) = CF P [N (Y1 , Y2 , ......YN ) = 1/H0 ] = CF and R(, /H1 ) = 0 as P [N (Y1 , Y2 , ......YN ) = 1/H1 ] = 0 R(, ) = CF 0 . Similarly for (0 = 1, 0 = 0),this implies R(, ) = CM (1 0 ) . Therefore the minimum Bayes risk for sequential decision rule that do not take any sample which correspondsto ( the rules ( = 1, = 1)&( = 1, = 0) is therefore given by the piecewise linear function, T (0 ) = min{CF 0 , CM (1 0 )} T ( 0 ) = CF 0 CF (1 0 ) for0 < for0 >
CM (CF +CM ) CM (CF +CM )



(28) (29)

Since the Bayes risk obtained by any of other strategies,should lie between J (0 ) and T (0 ),therefore,we have V (0 ) = min(T {0 ), J (0 )} 7 (30)

The sketch of V (0 ) vs 0 is shown in the gure given below, Depending on the fact that whether fact whether J (0 ) always remain above T (0 ) or whether it intersects T (0 )at 2 pts as shown in gure above two cases are possible, In the First case, when J (0 ) remains above T (0 ), the optimum decision rule is to make a decision immediately i.e. 0 =1 and 0 is given as follows : 0 = 1 0 if0 if0
CM (CF +CM ) CM (CF +CM )


In the second case the optimum decision is 0 = 1, 0 = 1f or0 L 0 = 1, 0 = 0f or0 U and 0 = 0 for L < 0 < U Thus sequential decision rule can be summarized as follows: Decide H1 or H0 if 0 falls below a low threshold L or above high threshold U repectively. We keep on taking one sample when L < 0 < U . Now next we want to get what one should do in case when L < 0 < U for that what is to be done by taking one sample Y1 = y1 .It is the same situation what we are having at rst stage that we have CF and CM and D which are same.However with knowledge of observation, y1 one can update ones prior probability 0 as follows using Bayes rule: 0 (y1 ) = P r[H0 /Y1 = y1 ] = P r[Y1 = y1 /H0 ]P r[H0 ] j = 01 P r[Y1 = y1 /Hj ]P r[Hj ]

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