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Excessive sweating
Almost everyone sweats more than usual when exercising or in hot weather, but some people generally sweat too much. Excessive sweating is common in adolescence but can continue throughout life. It can cause body odor and affect work and social relationships. People who sweat excessively are also more prone to fungal skin infections. Although some people are naturally susceptible to this problem, other factors, such as stress and anxiety, may have a significant role. Excessive sweating sometimes occurs in women around the time of menopause, or as a feature of conditions such as an overactive thyroid gland.
See also Athletes foot and jock itch, p.44.

See your doctor first

Make an appointment to see your doctor if:

DRUG REMEDIES Antiperspirants and deodorants

Antiperspirants block the pores that produce sweat, while deodorants attack the skin bacteria that cause body odor. Many products contain a combination of the two. Apply them daily after washing. If you develop skin irritation, use a hypoallergenic product. Absorbent, deodorizing foot powders are available for feet.

The sweating is prolonged or unusual You are losing weight

What you can do yourself

There are some useful home treatments that help reduce sweating and body odor. Bathe or shower at least once daily in warm (but not hot) water. Dry yourself thoroughly afterward.
G G Use an antiperspirant or an antiperspirant combined with a deodorant. If an ordinary product does not work, try a stronger preparation containing aluminum chloride (see DRUG REMEDIES, right).

Aluminum chloride preparations

treat excessive sweating. Available as a roll-on applied to dry skin at nighttime. You can wash or shower the next day. One application can prevent sweating for 3 days or longer. Dont use on broken or irritated skin or near eyes, or if you have recently shaved or used depilatories.
Using aluminum chloride Wash thoroughly and make sure that your skin is completely dry before you apply the antiperspirant.

Wear clean underwear and clothes every day. Choose natural fabrics, such as cotton, particularly next to your skin. Avoid tight clothes.
G G If your feet get sweaty, wear leather shoes and cotton socks, and change both regularly. Go barefoot or wear sandals whenever possible. G Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, to replace lost body fluids. Cut down on alcohol and drinks containing caffeine, particularly hot drinks. G Avoid spicy foods, which are likely to make you sweat, and onions and garlic, because of the odor.

Seek further medical advice

Arrange to see your doctor if: You are still troubled by excessive sweating or body odor after following the advice described here G You have any other symptoms associated with the excessive sweating

If you sweat when you are anxious, try practical techniques that reduce stress (see pp.2021).

If you are overweight, try to lose some weight.



Itching is often a minor problem, but continual scratching may damage your skin and make the problem worse. A small area of itching may be caused by an insect bite or occur with a rash as a reaction to plants, metals, chemicals, or cosmetics. Larger areas may be due to dry skin, heat rash, hives, infections such as ringworm or scabies, or skin diseases such as eczema and psoriasis. Itching all over the body can be due to disorders such as diabetes, liver problems, or drug reactions. Stress and anxiety may cause or aggravate itching.
See also Scabies, p.35; Urticaria, p.36; Eczema, p.38; Psoriasis, p.39; Dry skin, p.41; Heat rash, p.46;

Ringworm, p.48; Insect bites and stings, p.158.

See your doctor first

Consult your doctor if you think itching may be caused by a prescribed medicine.

DRUG REMEDIES Calamine lotion (see p.179) has a cooling

and soothing effect on irritated skin. You can apply calamine lotion to itchy areas as often as you need to. Dab it on with cotton balls and let it dry.

What you can do yourself

There are several measures that you can take to help relieve itching.
G Try to resist scratching, and keep your fingernails short to limit any damage.

Hydrocortisone cream (see p.184)

reduces itching and redness and is useful for treating allergic skin reactions and insect stings. Dont use it on children under 2 without medical advice.

Antihistamines (see p.178) such as

diphenhydramine can be taken orally to relieve itching. They make you feel drowsy, so they will also help you sleep.

Apply a cold compress. Soak a clean washcloth in cold water, wring it out, then place it on the itchy area. Repeat as necessary.
G G Apply a soothing preparation such as calamine lotion (see DRUG REMEDIES, right).

Try a mild hydrocortisone cream (see DRUG REMEDIES, right) for a localized area of red, itchy skin caused by an irritant, such as a cleaning product or metal jewelry. The cream is also helpful for insect bites and stings.

PREVENTION Avoiding triggers for itching Once itching is under control, try to identify what causes it or makes it worse, if this isnt already obvious.

Take antihistamine pills to relieve itching that keeps you awake at night (see DRUG REMEDIES, right). Antihistamine cream can be used to relieve insect bites and stings.

Keep a diary, noting when you feel itchy and which products you use on your skin or clothing. If you suspect itching is due to a skin product, switch to a mild, unperfumed brand. If the cause is a laundry soap, use a nonallergenic one and an extra rinse.

Moisturize and protect dry skin (see p.41).

G If stress aggravates itching, try some deep breathing exercises and muscle relaxation techniques (see PRACTICAL TECHNIQUES, pp.2021). G G

Seek further medical advice

Arrange to see your doctor if:

If possible, avoid hot or humid environments.

Wear loose-fitting clothes made from natural fibers, but avoid wearing wool next to your skin.

Itching does not subside after about a week You develop other symptoms, such as jaundice or weight loss

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