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Central Organ of CPI(ML) Volume 10 November 2009 Issue 11 English Monthly

Maharashtra Election Results
T HE Maharashtra elections are over. Once again,
the results reflect that though people want a change,
there is really no alternative. We can sum up the results by
Already, within two days of the elections, prices have
started to rise in Maharashtra again and, there being no
elections for the next four years, either to the Lok Sabha or
saying that the BJP-SS combine failed even more than the the Assembly, we can expect unbridled burden being put
Congress. upon the common man, in the form of price rise, slum
The Maharashtra Navnirman Sena has won 13 seats. demolitions, etc.
Of these 6 were from Mumbai and 3 from Nashik, both major Our party put up two candidates in Maharashtra, one
urban centres. All these were traditionally Shiv Sena seats. from Naigaon constituency in Nanded district and another
Dadar, Mahim, Sewri were areas from where the Shiv Sena from Karanja constituency in Vashim district. Com. Laxman
had never lost in the last 30 years. Electing the MNS from Sontakke, member of the State Committee, who stood from
these areas was in the nature of a way for the electorate to Naigaon secured 6238 votes and Com. Sawke from Vashim
show their disgust against the Shiv Sena. This also reflects secured 2162. This was in spite of the fact that in Vashim,
how the Shiv Sena has moved from being a representative our work is very new and we have not even, to date, formed
of the petty bourgeois lumpen force to being a more any District Committee there. In both constituencies our
sanitised corporatised organisation seeking to represent candidates secured more votes than some national parties
the big bourgeoisie of this country. They no more appeal like the BSP. It was a marked improvement on our last attempt
to the petty bourgeoisie. That is why in the main urban in Maharashtra, in 2004, when we had put up only one
centres, they are losing their base to the MNS which is candidate and won less than 1000 votes.
using the fascistic rhetoric of the “Marathi manoos” more. The Maharashtra elections have to be seen in the
The third front, as we had stated, was a non-starter. 4 background of one of the lowest poll percentages in history.
seats were won by the SP, 4 by the Peasants and Workers There is a deep sense of disgust and apathy. The people
Party in their traditional areas of Pen and Raigad and the want change. They certainly did not re-elect the Congress
CPI(M) won in Dahanu on the basis of the 60 years old Government for the third time out of enthusiasm and for
Godavari Parulekar’s struggle there. With two other sundry their good governance. Farmers are still committing suicide,
winners, their tally stood at 11. factories are still closing down, hutments are still being
The Congress-NCP combine having won 144 seats, demolished and prices are rising like never before. In spite
does not require any support for forming the Government. of this, there is no viable alternative before the people. ●

CPI(M): Panic measure to

save its Bengal Government
A FTER Singur, Nandigram and Lalgarh followed
by the severe drubbing in Lok Sabha polls the CPI(M)
in W. Bengal is in panic. It has found that unless it repeats
Bengal to TMC, CPI(M) unconditionally supported the
Congress nominee and got her elected in the election to
the post.
its game of breaking the electoral unity of Trinamul It has seriously hurt Mamata Banarjee and her
Congress (TMC) with the Congress as it had successfully followers who are crying hoarse about the Congress
done in past polls, a combined TMC-Congress challenge betrayed. For few days CPI(M)’s game had succeeded to
in 2011 assembly elections will unseat it from power after create a division between TMC and Congress. But as the
35 years of uninterrupted rule. So the bhadralok, the petti central leadership of the Congress recognised the
bourgeoisie, leading CPI(M) are ready to go to any extent seriousness of the mistake of their local leaders, in spite of
to break TMC, Congress unity. all the arrogance of Mamata and her party, it has taken
This is what happened in the elections to the mayor’s steps for reconciliation. If it works out CPI(M)’s cunning
post in Siliguri Municipal Corporation Board. In the game will get shattered.
elections to the Board the TMC-Congress combine had The Siliguri incident shows how much the CPI(M) has
captured 30 out of 47 seats. But as both wanted mayorship degenerated, like any other ruling class party, in its bid to
the election to this post got postponed. It was at this time sustain its rule. It is ready to go to any vulgar extent for it,
the CPI(M) played a cunning game. Recognising that even while claiming to oppose the policies of the Congress-
Congress in not ready to surrender its domination in North led government at the centre. ●

2 RED STAR Platform for Communist Revolutionaries v November 2009

Make All India Special Contents

Conference of CPI(ML) ❖ Assimilate lessons of Great

October Socialist Revolution 4

a Great Success ❖ Boldly Confront the Challenge of

Ruling Reactionary System 4
❖ On Indian-born Scientist Sharing

W E are just on the eve of the All India Special conference of CPI(ML)
at Bhopal which is going to be a significant step forward in the
long history of the Indian communist movement. The Reception
Chemistry nobel
❖ Neo-Colonialism and the
Working Class 6

Committees at Bhopal led by new generation comrades and all the state
❖ CPI(ML) Orissa State
committees are giving final touches to the arrangements to make the Conference 10
conference a great success. After the 2009 January 21st CC meeting gave
❖ Kolkata: Seminar on “Neo-
the call to organize the Conference and the June CC meeting finalized the colonialism and the Left” 12
draft documents, from 1 st July the Conference process was started,
beginning with the Party branch conferences. It was followed by local, ❖ Kolkata: Seminar on “Neo-
colonialism and the Left” 12
area, district and state level conferences publishing the four basic draft
documents, along with the Political Organizational Report of the CC from ❖ Jharkhand State Conference14
2003 and the Political Resolution in different languages and involving all ❖ Karnataka State Conference 14
the Party membership in the process. When many of the organisations
❖ Kerala State Conference 15
calling themselves communist have abandoned or severely curtailed such
a process, this itself is a significant step forward.. ❖ Ecological questions come to
the fore 17
Besides, broadening the democratic process, all these drafts were
❖ Political Scene After Assembly
made available to the fraternal parties abroad, fraternal organisations in Election 18
India, to a large number of sympathizers and friends of the Party for their
❖ Jet Airways Pilot Strike 20
comments, suggestions and criticisms. Further a series of Seminars are
organized to discuss various aspects of neo colonisation in public, in ❖ The Winter of Our Austerity 23
order to broaden the understanding about the transformation of imperialist ❖ An Yellowish Mao is the Symbol
plunder from colonial to neo-colonial phase and its consequences. of Present China 24

Our country is presently going through a critical period when all the ❖ Two Tactics of Social Democracy
in the Democratic Revolution27
internal contradictions are unprecedentedly sharpening and the objective
conditions for people’s upsurges are ripening fast. At this juncture the ❖ Resurrecting The Old
Communist Party can be rebuilt uniting all the genuine communist forces Revisionism In A New Guise 34
and individuals on Bolshevik lines only by finding out the ideological,
political, organisational reasons for the decay that set in and the severe Our Web Site :
set backs suffered by the international and Indian communist movement
during the last five decades. This effort also includes the development of Edited, Printed,
the ideological-political line based on Marxist-Leninist teachings
according to present concrete conditions. This special conference is a Published & Owned by
significant step in that direction. It shall provide the basis for organizing K.N. Ramachandran
the Ninth Congress of the Party as early as possible, broadening the
present understanding and expanding the Party at all India level. R-8, Prathap Market
The Conference shall also discuss and develop the steps already taken
for initiating the reorganization of the Communist International uniting New Delhi - 110014
the Marxist-Leninist forces to unify, broaden and strengthen the struggles Phone : (011) 24370233
at international level against heinous, pernicious and barbarous moves
of US-led imperialist forces to impose neo-colonial slavery and hegemony
over the world people. Printed at Param Offestters,
We once again appeal to all democratic forces the left masses in the A-9 Okhla, Phase-I, New
country, to the working class and the peasantry, to all revolutionary classes Delhi-20
and sections to actively co-operate in the efforts of the Party to make the
Special Conference a great success.

RED STAR Platform for Communist Revolutionaries v November 2009 3

Assimilate lessons This is the task before the Indian proletariat and its
vanguard, the CPI(ML). On the occasion of the 92nd

of Great October anniversary of October Revolution let us pledge to

assimilate its lessons and march forward.

Socialist Revolution Boldly Confront the

O UR Party, CPI(ML), is beginning its historic
All India Special Conference at Bhopal with a
Challenge of Ruling
mass rally calling for assimilating the lessons of the
Great October Revolution on 7th November. Though
Reactionary System
the capitalist roaders in the Party succeeded to usurp
power utilizing the weakness that had emerged in
building socialism in the first socialist country in D URING the 19th century all the rulers of
Europe and the catholic church had united
against the “spectre of communism” which was
continuing to wage uncompromising struggle against
the barbarous imperialist system recognizing its haunting their exploitative ruling system. In spite of
transformation from colonial forms of plunder to neo- it, in spite of brutally suppressing Paris Commune,
colonial forms, and in developing proletarian October Revolution did happen in 1917, Soviet Union
democracy in its forms and content beyond the limits started advancing along socialist path and the
of bourgeois parliamentary democracy, though they Communist International took birth in 1919. By the
turned it in to a social imperialist power later leading time the World War II was over the socialist camp led
to its disintegration, the lessons of proletarian by Soviet Union and the national liberation
revolution under Lenin’s leadership and lessons of movements were advancing all over the world. The
socialist building in Soviet Union shall always inspire East Wind of socialist forces looked like prevailing over the
the revolutionary masses all over the world. West Wing of imperialism. Once again, in order to
That the US-led imperialist powers and their ostracize the “communist spectre”, under the
lackeys are still continuing their heinous attacks on leadership of US imperialism all the imperialist forces
Lenin and Stalin, and the Soviet experience shows how and their lackeys united transforming colonial plunder
much they dread the October Revolution, its leaders with neo-colonial one. As JF Dulles, US state secretary,
and its lessons to world people. Their attacks are on stated then, “if the West had attempted to perpetuate
the very essence of Marxism- Leninism itself. They are the status quo of colonialism, it would have made
afraid of Soviet Power, the slogan All Power to the violent revolutions inevitable and defeat inevitable”.
Soviets which means All power to the People. They Through neo-colonial offensive the US imperialist
know that once the people are aroused and they march led camp of world reaction not only succeeded in
for revolution and political power no force on the world degenerating the socialist countries to capitalist path,
can stop them. but also inflicted severe setback to the revolutionary
The enemy, the imperialist forces, especially US forces. By 1990s the US imperialists and their lackeys
imperialism, and their lackeys everywhere, very well declared “end of history”, and end of socialism. With
know that they could once again reassert their the CPI and later CPI(M) degenerating as apologists of
hegemony in spite of the great advances made by Soviet neo-colonialism and then implementing the ruling
Union, the socialist camp and national liberation class policies wherever they came to power, in India
movements, only because of their neo-colonial also all the reactionaries had declared that they have
offensive which created confusion and disarray among ostracised the ‘spectre of communism”. As the CPI(ML)
the socialist forces and led to their setback. The came under ‘left’ adventurist influence and
barbarians are imposing neo-colonialism with more disintegrated by 1970s, they were emboldened to assert
vehemence to further their dirty goals. that forces of revolution are dead and gone for ever.
So it is the task of the proletarian revolutionary But as imperialist globalisation was imposed in
forces to grasp lessons from the set backs during last 1991 to intensify neo-colonisation and as the working
half a century. Lenin’s teachings on imperialism, on class and oppressed masses came under more severe
proletarian revolution, on Soviet Power and on plunder and oppression, the situation has changed.
proletarian democracy should be grasped and The contradiction between the big capitalist-big
developed according to concrete conditions of today. landlord state serving the imperialist forces and the
Applying them and the lessons of Chinese revolution broad masses of people is intensifying. As a result, all
and all other revolutions the path of revolution should over India, in various forms, people are revolting.
be developed according to the conditions of each Numerous mass movements are coming up
country to lead the revolutionary movement forward. challenging the ruling classes. The communist

4 RED STAR Platform for Communist Revolutionaries v November 2009

revolutionaries are regrouping fast, recognising the
neo-colonial plunder and are becoming capable of On Indian-born
leading the people’s upsurge forward.
It is at this critical juncture, in the name of
Scientist Sharing
suppressing the small bands of ‘Maoists’ operating in
few packets of five to six states, the UPA government
Chemistry nobel
has deployed almost one lakh strong para-military
and police forces including commando sections. Prime
minister Manmohan Singh and home minister F OR a couple of days the government leaders and
the corporate-MNC media were celebrating the
sharing of nobel prize for chemistry by an Indian-born
Chidambaram are repeatedly stating that “Naxalism
is the main danger”. In fact, they have declared war scientist, Dr. Ramakrishnan. Though the Nobel prize
on the toiling masses in the country. committee is highly influenced by imperialist forces as
proved by its prizes for peace, economics and political
Any one acquainted with the Indian political sciences often going to Obama like imperialist masters
scene can understand that the “spectre of Maoists” or their think tanks repeatedly, its award to scientists
repeated by the ruling class leaders and the corporate- of different faculties are considered prestigious, very
MNC media is only a bogey to unleash a war against often leading scientists get it. So the receipt of this nobel
the toiling masses and oppressed classes and sections. prize by an Indian-born scientist should be lauded.
The statement of the prime minister and home minister, He should be congratulated for it. But the cardinal
and the corporate-MNC media that “Naxalism is the question is: what right the comprador rulers in the
main danger” is an open challenge against the country and the media which is working overtime for
communist revolutionary forces. The reactionary celebrating it as if they have done something great to
sections are even calling for deploying military and help Dr. Ramakrishnan like people to achieve it?
air force also in the so-called campaign against
The comprador ruling system in this country is so
‘Maoists’. The Dantewada district in Chhattisgarh is
reactionary that they have destroyed whatever little
made into the centre of military operations with even
facilities which were built up in 1950s and 1960s for
a military cantonment being constructed. It is similar
science education and research. Very little facilities
to the British colonialist constructing the Ramgarh
exist in this country for them now. A government and
cantonment in Jharkhand on the site of the trenches media which are specialising the promotion of
dug up to bury tens of thousands of adivasi rebels commercialising education and utilising it to prepare
following the Santhal revolt in the region. In skilled man power for export is consciously
suppressing the people’s movements the Manmohan discouraging education in pure science and social
government is following the foot steps of the past science. So any student who is interested to pursue
colonial masters. These repressive measures are taken these studies have to face many difficulties. Very little
in the name of suppressing ‘Maoists’ only for handing facilities exist for it as government is withdrawing from
over the resources, both human and natural, of this sector slowly and the Shylocks in the private sector
Chhattisgarh-Jharkhand-Odissa region to corporates are least interested in it as immediate and huge profit
and multinationals. These militarisation steps and is their only motive.
suppressive policies should be resisted.
The same is the fate of centre for higher education
We call upon the communist forces to continue in science and research centres with long term
their uncompromising struggle against both right perspective. As the comprador government and the
opportunist forces led by CPI(M) and anarchist forces corporate forces are interested only in the import of
of CPI(Maoist) in order to establish the correct technology and the MNCs specialise in importing the
ideological, political line and to establish the technology even for petty products, the science
leadership of the Party among the broad masses, education and research work are provided least
exposing and fighting against the challenge from the incentives. As a result those young boys and girls
prime minister and the ruling system. interested in them have only one option: go to Britain
Let the ruling classes and their political or US or any other imperialist country. Naturally, they
leadership tremble once again before the “spectre of become citizen of that country. This is what has
communism”. Let us confront the challenge posed happened in the case of Dr. Ramakrishnan also.
against the revolutionary forces and the left masses as Though he was born in India, his higher studies and
a whole, with the clarion call once again to the research work took place outside and he is a US citizen.
proletarian revolutionary forces to get mobilised, The way the nobel prize for him was celebrated
challenge the ruling system and advance along the by the government and the media is yet another smart
path of Indian Revolution. No body can cow down the attempt to hoodwink the masses about the ‘success
revolutionary forces. stories’ of this comprador ruling system.

RED STAR Platform for Communist Revolutionaries v November 2009 5

I N THE aftermath of the 2nd
World War, the world changed Neo-Colonialism and
the Working Class
quite dramatically. All the former
colonies were declared to be formally
independent. The old imperialist
powers like the UK and France lost
their pre-eminent positions and this Sanjay Singhvi
position was taken up by the USA.
The Bretton Woods institutions, the
IMF, the World Bank and what was to would be as it desired. In 1941, before Pearl Harbour, Roosevelt and Churchill
become the WTO were launched. The signed the Atlantic Charter. In this the UK agreed that after the war there would
former colonies were still enslaved but be no more colonies and that all imperialist countries would have an equal right
not by direct political control any more to exploit the raw materials and other resources of all countries. It was clear that
– they were enslaved through loans, the new world order would be one in which the US would try to replicate the
“aid” and other similar instruments of Latin American model all over the world.
economic exploitation. There was a This was, then, to be the new neo-colonial order that would be the mode of
sudden and sharp spurt in the growth imperialist exploitation and enslavement after the war. This required that there
of MNCs all over the world. The US should also be certain other important changes all over the world. If exploitation
also tied its so-called allies in various was to be based upon economics and the market, then there was a need to
economic and military pacts like regulate many markets all over the world.
In 1944, financial representatives of 44 countries from all over the world met
In short, we may say that the colonial
at the town of Bretton Woods in New Hampshire in the US. It was here that the
system was replaced by the neo-
agreement for the formation of the IMF and the World Bank (then known as the
colonial system.
IBRD or International Bank for Reconstruction and Development) was penned.
The US has a history of following Many decisions were taken here which would help the revival of the financial
a different method of imperialist market and which would also have far-reaching consequences on the whole
exploitation right since the end of the world in the near future. It was here that the norms for taking loans and giving
19th century. The Monroe doctrine had “aid” were worked out. It was here that the massive public sector in many
clearly stated that Latin America was countries was planned out since it was only Governments which could take
exclusively the playground of the US such large loans as were needed to build up the infrastructure of these countries
and other European powers were not – and that too, with a sovereign guarantee.
welcome there. The method that the
One of the Indian delegation at Bretton Woods was A. D. Shroff the Chairman
US had adopted in Latin America was
of the Central Bank as well as of the New India Assurance Company and the
never a colonial method. Having itself
financial adviser of the Tatas. It was the same A. D. Shroff who, in between the
been a colony and having broken out
two rounds of the Bretton Woods Conference, co-authored the “Bombay Plan”
of the colonial yoke by a revolution,
along with big industrialists like J.R.D. Tata, G.D. Birla, Purshottamdas Thakurdas,
the US developed its own imperialist
Kasturbhai Lalbhai and others. In keeping with the formula agreed to at Bretton
model in Latin America without making
Woods, the Bombay Plan called for many sectors of infrastructural industry,
them colony. especially those where the investment was to be massive, to be reserved for the
The US invested large sums in Government or the “public” sector. Though Nehru never officially accepted the
the Latin American countries, “Bombay Plan” or the “Tata plan” as it was also called, most analysts agree that
ruthlessly exploited their raw materials the first Industrial Policy Resolution of 1948 reflected the “Bombay Plan”. It
and effectively reduced them into also asked for the creation of a new “public” sector, more or less along the lines
“banana republics”. Large loans and of the “Bombay Plan”. It was pursuant to this Industrial Policy Resolution that
“aid” with numerous strings tied, the Industries (Regulation) Act of 1950 came to be enacted.
helped to further enslave these Fashioning the world’s economy so as to create markets and allow it to
countries. The US, with impunity, invest profitably all over the world for its own interests was not the only concern
engineered military and civilian coups of the US immediately after the war. The other main concern was to “contain”
and “revolutions” in these countries communism. It was to this end that the Truman Doctrine was addressed and the
to ensure that there was always a US started its old tactics of interfering – economically and militarily – into the
Government favourable to the US. internal affairs of various countries. Though the UN had, by then, been formed,
Even before it entered the 2 nd as a part of the neo-colonial plan, the US gave military and economic aid to
World War, the US made sure that the Greece and Turkey to suppress the communist revolutions which were flourishing
new world situation after the war there without reference to the UN.

6 RED STAR Platform for Communist Revolutionaries v November 2009

At the same time, massive national liberation movements had developed across industries. Craft unions or unit
during the period of colonialism all over Asia and Africa. Many of these unions were not recognised. The same
movements were led by bourgeois forces. Through a combination of delusion nature of recognition was provided for
and collusion, an impression was created that the neo-colonial system was more by the Bombay Industrial Relations
“democratic” and more “just”. This impression was propped up by the fact that Act, 1946, for much the same reasons.
the colonies had gained formal “freedom” and that basic human rights were now This was a measure for making it
being “guaranteed” all over the world. The newly formed UN, under the leadership difficult to dislodge the prevalent
of the US, published the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. One of union bosses who belonged to the
the recitals for this Declaration states clearly that if certain minimum rights are ruling parties. Significantly, the
not given to people, there will be revolution. It reads: INTUC, the Indian National Congress’s
answer to the Communist-led AITUC
“Whereas it is essential, if man is not to be compelled to have recourse, as
was also organised in 1947. Till then
a last resort, to rebellion against tyranny and oppression, that human
the Trade union movement had been
rights should be protected by the rule of law,”
totally unified irrespective of party
Such then was the state of affairs as the world stepped from the colonial affiliation, except for some minor
phase to the neo-colonial phase. The colonial form of exploitation had to give aberrations.
way to “open” markets, and the idea of socialism had to be contained by
The Bretton Woods system
continuing forms of the “welfare state” while protecting the right to private
called for the Government to become
property. It was in Keynesianism that imperialism found the perfect combination
the largest borrower of funds
of both these goals. Keynes called for Government intervention in the economy,
internationally. Keynesian economics
preferably in the form of welfare works, so as to “create demand”.
required the Govern-ment to spend
As a part of creating a “welfare” world as opposed to a communist world, large funds on investing in projects
neo-colonialism called for giving certain rights to the working class. In parallel and schemes which were not going to
to Keynes’ economic formulae and the financial direction given by Bretton give immediate returns. Inevitably, the
Woods, labour law was veering towards Government intervention in the contract Government needed more funds. A
of employment. Such intervention was aimed towards banning violent disruption clear source of such funds was social
of production as occasioned by strikes and lock-outs while at the same time security schemes. Undoubtedly, there
allowing a measure of hope to the worker that he could change his lot within the had been demands for social security
capitalist system. The trend had, once again, started much earlier in the US. The from the Indian working class since
enactment of the Wagner Act in 1930 had accepted many rights of the workers to long. Labour tribunals were regularly
collective bargaining, which was the most acceptable form for the market-driven passing demands for Provident Funds
democracy of the new system. Immediately after the war, these rights were trimmed and Pension Funds. Medical
and further defined by the Taft-Hartley Act of 1947. In the UK, the National insurance schemes were being
Health Service, providing free medical services to all had been set up in 1945. awarded in various industries. In this
situation it became logical for the
These changes in the world situation could not, and did not, leave India
Government to enact the Employees
unaffected. It is not coincidental that most of our labour laws were made in the
Provident Fund Act and the
period from 1946 to 1952. This was the period when the neo-colonial system was
Employees State Insurance Act in the
being developed and put into practice.
early 1950s. This gave a long pending
The whole of the thrust of labour law was to stop the organisation of demand to the workers, it afforded an
strikes at any cost. To regulate the labour market, it was first required that there illusion that the workers welfare could
should be a law against arbitrary termination of service. The contract of be achieved even in a capitalist
employment must itself be well defined. This was done in 1946, by the Industrial society and at the same time allowed
Employment (Standing Orders) Act. Some elementary labour laws like the for the accumulation of huge funds
Workmen’s Compensation Act of 1924, The Trade Unions Act of 1926, the earlier with the Government at low rates of
Factories Acts and the Trade Disputes Act of 1929 already existed. They were interest.
made more definitive. The Trade Disputes Act of 1929 had provisions for
Such “welfare” measures marked
conciliation and for prohibition of strikes and lock-outs in public utilities.
the Indian labour scene till the
However, there was no provision to adjudicate industrial disputes when
beginning of the 1970s. Some more
conciliation failed. During the war, disputes were being referred for adjudication
measures purporting to be “socialist”
under section 81A of the Defence of India Rules. Similar provisions for referring
in nature were also enacted. The
Industrial Disputes to adjudication were incorporated in that act which was re-
Industrial Policy Resolution of 1948
enacted as the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947.
and other succeeding Industrial Policy
The Taft-Hartley Act in the US had provided for recognition for unions Resolutions had all called for some

RED STAR Platform for Communist Revolutionaries v November 2009 7

form of “profit-sharing”. The Bonus pay Governments bills, let alone for Government investment. This was also the
that was given in wartime to boost period when Reagan became President of the USA and Margaret Thatcher was
production had been continued after the Prime Minister of the UK. The Keynesian prescription was replaced by a
the war, either as a practice or due to massive cut of Government subsidies. The new economic theories, variously
the demands and agitations of the called as “neo-liberal”, “monetarism”, Reagonomics or Thatcherism were brought
workers. In the 1950s, large strikes into force. This theory called for the Government to control minutely, not
came to be organised in Ahmedabad unemployment, as was the ultimate lever in Keynesian economics but to control
and in other places for Bonus. As a the flow of money and to curb inflation. Money was, therefore, no more available
result, the Government appointed the for welfare works. There was a cut in the welfare spending all over the world.
Bonus commission and, on the basis This was soon followed by privatisation and disinvestment by Governments all
of their report, enacted the Bonus Act over the world. Many countries all over the world tottered on either side of
of 1965. bankruptcy and the IMF started imposing this monetarist formula upon them in
In 1967 Justice Gajendra Gadkar the name of “structural adjustment plans”.
of the Supreme Court was appointed The Soviet bloc collapsed in 1990, due to their own economic problems
as the First Labour Commission. The caused by them too having moved to a capitalist market-based economy. At the
Report of the First Labour Commission same time, in 1994, the Dunkel draft was accepted by the GATT and the WTO
made many recommendations on the was born. With these changes, the path was now clear for what is today
lines of a welfare state. It sought the commonly called as Globalisation and Liberalisation.
abolition of Contract Labour, in line The cut in the rights to labour welfare given to the workers intensified with
with earlier judgements of tribunals, the growth of the crisis of imperialism and the advent of “Globalisation”. Since
in works of a perennial nature, 1972, not a single law of national and universal significance was enacted for the
whenever certain conditions were benefit of the workers. Since long various Governments have promised to make
satisfied. These same conditions were a comprehensive law to provide for the rights of agricultural labour. This law has
enacted in 1971 into the provisions of never seen the light of day. On the other hand, attempts have been made to
the Contract Labour (Regulation and water down the existing rights of the workers.
Abolition) Act, 1970. The Payment of
Gratuity Act was enacted in 1972. Since The amounts being allotted to social security were cut down. In 1996 the
the crisis of 1972 and the consequent Central Government enacted the amendment to the Provident Fund Act, creating
advent of monetarism did not reach the Employees Pension Fund. The rates of pension were so adjusted so as to
India till a few years later, the leave a large surplus in the hands of the Government. In the same year, the
emergency period also saw the Government also enacted the Building and Other Construction Workers Act,
passing of “welfare” measures to which would also put a large pool of money, ostensibly for the benefit of the
prohibit closures, retrenchments and workers in the hands of the Government. There was unbelievable tardiness in
lay-offs. bringing this act into force and even today, by Government’s own reckoning,
only 17 states have constituted the boards necessary for the act’s functioning.
By 1972-73, the imperialist world Even in these 17 states, the registration of the construction workers is, at most,
economy went into depression. Many sporadic and the collection of the cess from the builders is observed more in the
countries had taken large loans from breach.
the IMF and the World Bank, which
they could no longer afford to pay A further stage of dismantling the existing rights of the workers was reached
back. Inflation had touched staggering with the formation of SEZs. Under the SEZ Act of 2005, States were permitted to
heights in such countries, especially amend labour laws in their application to SEZs. Many states have enacted
in Latin America. The oil-producing subsidiary legislation substantially watering down the rights of workers under
nations reacted by massively hiking various labour laws in SEZs.
the price of oil and even the US The trade union movement has remained a largely mute and ineffective
suffered from the Nixon shock, where spectator to these developments. Year after year, the trade union movements are
President Nixon de-linked the price of growing ever more militant all over the world as workers seek to fight against the
the dollar from that of Gold and all injustices being meted out to them. The leadership of the movement has proved
currencies all over the world started impotent or unwilling to give a direction to the struggle.
to “free float”. After the 2 nd World War, the trade union movement largely started to wane.
In this crisis, from which the Massive struggles for basic changes in rights of workers were few and far
world has never really recovered till between. Compared to the massive struggles for DA, implementation of the
today, the Keynesian prescription of Factories Act and for Bonus that were carried out by the workers in our country
“demand creation” could no more be between the two world wars, the sixty years since have only seen two such large
resorted to. There was no money to struggles, the Railway strike of 1974 and the Mumbai textile strike of 1982.

8 RED STAR Platform for Communist Revolutionaries v November 2009

Immediately after 1947, the Communist Party of India, which was the main Therefore, what is required is a broad
guiding force behind the AITUC, the largest trade union centre then, floundered unity on the basis of the fight against
to find the correct line. The change from colonialism to neo-colonialism was imperialism in the current neo-colonial
never correctly understood or analysed. As a result, the lines in the CPI varied phase. Such a broad unity can be
from following the Chinese path as put forward by some votaries of the Telengana achieved by uniting the workers based
movement, to immediate all-round insurrection in the country-side and in the upon an uncompromising struggle
cities as put forward by the Calcutta Thesis of B. T. Ranadive in 1948 to accepting against imperialism and globalisation.
the role of the Congress as a progressive anti-imperialist force and strengthening Irrespective of party affiliations,
its rule. It was this latter line that finally prevailed. unions may come together on this
basis and form the core of such a
This ideological direction of the CPI affected the AITUC as well. The program
unity. Such a unity, alone, can be the
of the AITUC changed from one demanding revolution in India to one seeking
basis for the resurgence of the working
changes within the system. The formation of the CPI(M) in 1964 held out some
class struggle in India.
hopes for a revolutionary line. However, these hopes were belied when the
newly formed party took up a centrist line. Even the CPI(M) made no attempt to
make any concrete analysis of the neo-colonial system in India. By 1967,
communist revolutionaries within CPI(M) had organised the great Naxalbari Seminar on
struggle, where peasants forcibly took over lands that they had cropped, in
opposition to the absentee landlords. The CPI(M) was a part of the Government Neo-colonialism
in West Bengal where this struggle took place but opposed the movement and
opened fire on the peasants and workers. and the working
The communist revolutionaries within the CPI(M) therefore came out of
the CPI (M) and formed the CPI (ML). The CPI (ML) did put the question of
class at Mumbai
revolution back on the agenda. It correctly analysed the nature of the Indian
bourgeoisie as “comprador” - or being in a submissive relationship with A SEMINAR was held on
imperialism. However, under the influence of the sectarian line which was then “Neo-colonialism and the working
dominating the Chinese Communist Party, they did not pay attention to Trade class” under the banner of the
Unions. The CPI(ML) completely gave up work in Trade Unions and criticised CPI(ML) on 23rd October 2009 at
any person working in them. Mumbai at the BUJ hall. Com.
Sanjay Singhvi presented the
It neglected the importance of mass organisations altogether and, under paper on neo-colonialism and the
the influence of the “Chinese path” gave one-sided emphasis on organising in working class (separately
the country-side to the neglect of the cities. It concentrated its forces in some published in this issue on page
pockets, where “base areas” were to be formed and did not make any attempts to 6). There was a lively discussion
build up strong all-India movements in any section, leave alone in Trade Unions on the issue. Some pertinent
– which were referred to as “the highways of revisionism”. The CPI (ML) also points were raised that the role
did not understand or analyse the nature of neo-colonialism and adapt its of the media, including the
revolutionary strategy according to the concrete situation prevailing. electronic media must also be
The strategy adopted by the bourgeoisie after the 2nd World War in India seen in the context of neo-
was to divide the working class into fragments. There are numerous fragments colonialism and how they have
in India today based on party affiliation. As many commentators have stated, played a role in the orientation of
this is the single most important reason why the working class in India has not the working class struggle. It was
been able to exert an influence in this country commensurate with its strength. It also pointed out that the question
may also be the reason responsible why the trade union movement has not been of urban housing and of price rise
able to inspire the workers and the relative unionisation density among the were also features linked to neo-
Indian workers is actually falling. colonialism and which deeply
affected the working class. There
The answer, therefore, clearly lies in the unity of the working class. However, was also a mention of how NGOs
this can no more be a unity of despair. To hope for a trade union unity based were trying to move into the
upon the old revisionism or sectarian ideas is foolish and pointless. It was these working class movement. It was
ideas that led to the degeneration of the trade union movement in the first place. decided by all present that a
Therefore, what is required is a new strategy for the unity of the working class – forum be urgently formed for
a strategy based upon the concrete analysis of the concrete situation in neo- tackling the question of price rise
colonial India within a neo-colonial world system. in Mumbai.
On the other hand, we cannot compare the Trade union with the party.

RED STAR Platform for Communist Revolutionaries v November 2009 9

CPI(ML) Orissa comrades for the advances already made and called
for all out efforts to make the Bhopal rally and
conference a resounding success and new offensive in
State Conference all fields based on the theoretical positions put
forward. The conference concluded on 6th evening
with lowering of the red flag amidst singing of
T HE Orissa state conference of the Party was held
on 5th and 6th of October at Inquilab Bhavan, the
International and militant slogans.
state committee office. As the proposed Seminar on
Neo-colonialism and the Agrarian Revolution could not Bhubaneswar Area
be arranged due to rains and other technical problems, Conference Held
and as a number of delegates from interior areas of
Bhadrak, Puri, Khurda and some other places could BHUBANESWAR Area Conference of CPI(ML)
not reach due to continuing strike by the private bus is successfully held on16th October. As due to technical
owners, the Conference had to be re-scheduled. Com. reasons some area conferences and district conferences
KNR and Tuhin attended it representing the CC. were not held before, these conferences are continuing
The conference started on 5th afternoon with com. and it will complete before all india conference. The
KNR raising the red flag and paying homage to the drafts were passed by the delegates with some
martyrs. A panel of presidium, steering committee and suggestions and amendments. The previous area
minutes committee was adopted. Com Jaidev Nayak secretary com. Bijay Samal presented the
representing reception committee welcomed the CCM organisational report. The conference elected a 26
and the delegates and invitees. 25 delegates and members new area committe with Com Harihar Sahoo
invitees participated. Com. KNR inaugurated the as its new Secretary. The conference decided to mobilise
conference explaining the importance of the Bhopal a good number of people to Bhopal All India
conference and the theoretical offensive the Party has Conference. To make success the Bhopal conference
launched focusing on neo-colonialism. wall writing, street corner meetings, pasting of posters
Then the draft international document and the and distributing leaflets in Oriya are started.
draft on character of Indian state were presented by
com. KNR one after another followed by general Mass Demonstration
discussion and reply. They were adopted with few
suggestions to improve them. On 6th morning com.
Against Repression of
Tuhin presented the draft on principal contradiction. Kalinganagar Adivasis
After general discussion and reply it was adopted.
Following this com. KNR presented first the draft on IN THE NAME OF ‘development’ and rapid
path of revolution and then the political organisational industrialisation the anti-people Odisha govt. signed
report of the CC. Com. Tuhin presented the draft number of MoU with MNCs and corporate houses. To
political resolution. They were approved after general loot Odisha’s natural resources, mines, forests, water
discussion and reply. and cheap labour is the main interest of these
Com. Sivaram, the state secretary, presented the companies. The comprador bureaucrats and
state committee report which was adopted after government machinery is deployed to serve their
discussion. A panel of the new State Committee propose. Single window system is developed to make
members moved by com. Sivaram was also adopted their work faster. Despite all this when they tried to
unanimously by the conference. The new SC re-elected acquire land, every where they had to face severe mass
com. Sivaram as its secretary. Then panel of All India resistances by the affected common people, farmers,
Special Conference was elected. The conference adivasis and dalits.
adopted resolutions condemning the increasing state From Kashipur to Kalinga Nagar, Posco and
terror in the name of suppressing ‘Maoists’, Vedanta people are resisting. They are fighting against
condemning the bus owner’s strike and government’s forcible land grabbing and for defending their right of
inaction, supporting the ongoing struggles of the life and livelihood. They demand irrigation, proper
peasantry against displacement, against price-rise, procurement prices of agrarian and forest products,
unemployment, etc. education-healthcare for common people of all areas.
Addressing the conference com. Sivaram assured Rejecting the propaganda of ‘development’ these
that the new state committee shall strive hard to spread struggles are against displacement of lakhs of people
the organisation at state level winning over new forces from land, forest, water and from their traditional way
based on the ideological-political clarity provided by of living. They demand agri-based development, land
the documents. Com. Tuhin congratulated the reforms, distribution of lands to real tillers and forest

10 RED STAR Platform for Communist Revolutionaries v November 2009

rights to tribals. But the govt. do not heed the real repression by the govt. on 21st October CPI(ML) state
demands of people. So every where democratic mass secretary com Sivaram, leader of Posco Pratirodh
movements grow and thousands of people rally round Sangram Samiti com. Abhaya Sahu and other state
with these demands. Some movements started leaders of Lok Pakshya, Lok Shakti Abhiyan, CPI(ML)
spontaneously and in some places CPI(ML) like New Democracy, CPI(ML) Liberation adressed a press
revolutionary forces, who believe in real mass conference at Bhubaneswar. On 24th October a mass
movements, led the movements. CPI(ML) and all other demonstration organised by the revolutionary parties
revolutionary, progressive, patriotic and democratic and mass movements of Odisha including Basti
forces support these movements. Surakshya Mancha and Jeevan-Jeevika Surakshya
To repress them police acted as agents of these Samiti with the demands that the police and SOG forces
companies. Every where lathi charge, firing, sending should withdrawn from Masakhia and Baligotha and
number of people to jail in false cases, registered false other villages of Kalinganagar area. false cases against
cases against hundreds of activists and common innocent tribals be withdrawn and the proposed steel
people. In last 15years in anti-displacement and land plant project should be shelved to restore peace in
movement in Kashipur 3, Kalinganagar 16, Kalinganagar. On 31st october a massive protest will
Mandrabaju 8, Raigarh 5, Soran 5, Baijal 1, Posco 1 be organised at Kalinganagar Ambagadai, near martyrs
activists became martyr in police firing and company column. CPI(ML) and other revolutionary parties and
goondas attack. After Kalinganagar massacre on 2nd mass movements will particepate in protest meeting.
January 2006 displacement and land issue became a
centre question. All the common people of Odisha Korean President Visit
supported this movement and made 7th January 2006 Opposed by CPI(ML)
all Odisha bandh hundred percent spontaneous
success. Since Kalinganagar firing all over Odisha SINCE four and half years South Korean MNC
people are struggling or supporting the struggles to Posco’s mega steel plant is opposed by those affected
protect their life and livelihood. In posco since four by land acquisition, mining and plunder of water
and half years peoples are struggling and do not allow resources. Other struggling and revolutionary left
to acquire a single piece of land. Vedanta in Puri and democratic masses also stood behind the struggling
Lanjigada, Tata power plant in Naraj, Mittal plant and people who are fighting relentlessly against Posco. In
all other plants were resisted. No where Maoists are in spite all effort by Posco company and comprador state
the leadership of these people’s movements. But to govt. the company has not been able to take possession
repress all these mass movements the government of any land for the steel plant project so far.The MoU is
machinary, police and monopoly the media consciously in cold storage since june 2005. In January Korean
propagate the involvement and instigation of the president Lee Myung-Bak may come to Odisha to lay
Maoists. It is a pretext to repress the democratic the foundation stone at the earmarked proposed steel
movements. Now declaring Maoists are the enemy of plant of Posco-India at Jagatsinghpur dist. Posco
people, they want to deploy millitary and air force to Pratirodh Sangram Samiti and thousands of people
smash them. But the real motive behind them is to facing displacement would jointly oppose the Korean
supress and smash all the mass movements. president’s visit and would not allow him to lay the
Recently in Kalinganagar the state govt. and police foundation stone. CPI(ML) Odisha State Committee also
are acting like the agents of Tata Steel and harassing declared their support to the PPSS and started
the agitating tribals by falsely implicating them in a campaigning and preparation for not allowing Korean
case of murder. The police were acting against the president to lay the foundation stone.
members and harassing the leaders of the Bistapan
Birodhi Janamancha of Kalinganagar. In the name of Jeevan-Jeevika Suraskhya
arresting accused persons in the murder case in
question, the police had surrounded two villages
Samiti Formed in Puri
Mashakhia and Baligotha for the past several days. TO PROTECT the peasants, agricultural
The police and SOG forces conducted raids during workers, dalits rights and to mobise against the
night. To terrorise the villagers blank firing, rubber Vedanta company which is grabbing six thousand acres
bullet firing, smoke gas throwing is done. The demand of land in the name of Vedanta University Jeevan-
made by the Janamancha that the murder case should Jeevika Surskhya Samiti Puri District Committee is
be handed over to CBI has gone unheard. formed. It started campaigning taking various peoples
The central and state govts. is adopting new issues. A good number of comrades from JJSS, Puri
techniques to supress democratic movements at various will participate in the Bhopal rally on 7th november on
places. To oppose and resist the new tactics of the occassion of CPI(ML) all india conference.

RED STAR Platform for Communist Revolutionaries v November 2009 11

Kolkata: Seminar on leading to capitalist path gaining dominance in the
socialist countries and most of the communist parties.

“Neo-colonialism and Unless this grave theoretical weakness is rectified and

Marxist-Leninist understanding is developed

the Left”
according to the conditions created by the neo-colonial
offensive of imperialism, the ICM cannot overcome its
setbacks and cannot advance.

T HE Seminar on Neo-Colonialism and the Left

organised at George Hall, Maulali in Kolkata on
4th October evening, though participated by a small
With this introduction com. KNR explained the
basic features of neo-colonialism and how the colonial
India was transformed to a neo-colonial one, based on
number of progressive, revolutionary sections became the draft documents. Following the presentation,
a good launching of the discussion on imperialism in starting the discussion com. Babu Dutta criticised the
its neo-colonial phase. In the discussion presided by neo-colonial question from a position of negative
com. Sanjay Singhvi, com. KNR presenting the subject clarity. He could not differentiate himself basically
pointed out that this discussion is extremely from old semi-colonial thinking and used the various
significant in the context of two most important categories in an ecclectical manner. Refuting this
conjunctures: one, the emerging unprecedently approach com. Partha enlivened the debate by
favourable objective condition for outbreak of people’s explaining the post World War II approaches of
upsurges as a result of the consequences of the imperialism and how along with speculative capital,
imperialist melt-down which is intensifying the neo- the market system came to supreme dominance. In this
liberal raj; and two, the severe setback suffered by the connection he showed the significance of WTO in the
international communist movement during the last neo-colonial plunder. He called for further empirical
half a century from a position of great advances studies and provide data, as Lenin did in his work
challenging the imperialist camp to its present “Imperialism, the highest stage of capitalism”.
disorganised, weak position making subjective forces Intervening in the discussion com. Sramistha of
of revolution very weak. In such a critical situation CCR(ML) agreed that the post-War Soviet policies
development of the revolutionary theory based on should be viewed critically. But she wanted to link
evaluation of past experience assumes paramount these weaknesses to those that surfaced from 1930s
importance. The relevance of the theoretical debate itself. It was to combat the growing strength of the
launched by CPI(ML) focusing on neo-colonialism at socialist forces the imperialist camp led by US resorted
all India level as a part of preparation for its All India to various neo-colonial policies including land
Special Conference from 7 to 12 November at Bhopal reforms. She developed the debate based on a firm neo-
Should be seen in this context. colonial approach.
After the emergence of capitalist system, only Com. Shankar of CCR(ML) tried to explain the
when Marx and Engels put forward the Communist reasons for the failure of the ICM to address the neo-
Manifesto with a world outlook of scientific socialism, colonial onslaught by the imperialist camp. In this
the working class could come out of the mire of utopian context he referred to earlier mistakes of Soviet
socialism and advance. Similarly, when the Second leadership in dealing with the inner party struggle
International collapsed due to the class collaborationist democratically and in applying the concept of
line of its leadership, it was Lenin’s epoch-making democratic socialism. Further internationalism was
analysis of imperialism as the highest stage of replaced by nationalism by the Soviet leadership. He
capitalism, developing Marxism to higher stage, the tried to explain the FII-FDI flows and WTO dictates as
victory of October revolution based on the general line further steps to intensify neo-colonialism.
put forward by him, the formation of Soviet Union Com. Gautam felt happy that ‘Stalinism’ is under
along with its revolutionary advances and the criticism. His arguments based on Trotskyist position
reorganisation of the Second International in to the of permanent revolution, while criticising Stalin’s
Communist International providing a general line for position including ‘defence of fatherland’ slogan did
the ICM which inspired great revolutionary advances not extend to acceptance of imperialism resorting to
reaching a peak by 1950s. The severe setback suffered neo-colonialism. To him India is a capitalist country.
by the ICM should be seen in the context of the failure Com. KNR in his reply admitted that neo-
of the international and Indian communist movement colonialism need further substantiation including
to apply the Leninist teachings to evaluate the providing empirical data based studies. The feudal
imperialist offensive from the post-World War II years relations have undergone significant changes, so that
transforming its colonial domination with neo- feudalism is no more the social base of imperialism.
colonial offensive. There were serious weaknesses in This should be seen in the context of ‘land reforms’
understanding imperialism in its new incarnation, not only to blunt agrarian movements, but also to

12 RED STAR Platform for Communist Revolutionaries v November 2009

facilitate entry of imperialist capital, market forces to
agrarian sector. Of course the weakness of Soviet Delhi Seminar on
leadership in the 1940s should be seen as a
continuation of the weaknesses at other planes in “State Terror and
1930s. And these weaknesses helped the emergence of
Krushchovite revisionism. The development of Deng’s Neo-colonisation”
capitalist path in China can also be seen as a
consequence of not recognising the neo-colonial drive.
Com. Sanjay Singhvi, summing up the discussion
O N 26th September a seminar on ‘War on Terror’
at home Fascicisation of the State Under Neo-
colonisation was held at Gandhi Peace Foundation Hall
pointed out that it was a fruitful beginning of the as part of the seminars organized at various centres
discussion on neo-colonialism in Kolkata. He hoped on various aspects of neo-colonial plunder. Dr.
that it will be followed up by many more discussions Prempati who presided explained the significance of
of this kind to deepen the theoretical efforts to analyse exposing the intensification of the state terror in all
the neo-colonial phase of imperialism. spheres pin-pointing concrete instances. Com. KNR

Chennai “Tamil
presented the paper explaining how after the transfer
of power in 1947 under various pretexts consecutive

National Question in
governments went on intensifying the fascicisation of
the state which has reached a peak now under neo-

Sri Lanka”
liberal regime. To facilitate Neo-colonisation caste,
race, religions fundamentalism of all hues, decadent
feudal culture and reactionary imperialist cultural

A S PART OF the various seminars on different

aspects of neo-colonialism organized by the CPI
(ML) at an all India level as a background to the All
values are rampantly utilized to divert people’s
attention and to force their submission to the ruling
state. The NGOs and various organisations formed
India Special Conference, under the auspices of the on the basis of identity politics, along with various
Tamil Nadu State Committee of CPI (ML), a one-day reformist initiatives are utilised to weaken people’s
seminar on ‘Neo-colonialism and the Tamil National resistance against the above. They work hard to de-
Question in Sri Lanka’ was organized on October 4 at link the state terror from neo-colonisation. In the name
Chennai. In the seminar presided over by Com. PT of fighting Islamic fundamentalists – sponsored
Shanmuga Sundaram, State Secretary, Com. Vinda terrorists the Hindutua terrorists who are a bigger
Vedhan, State Committee member presented the State challenge are protected. In the name of putting down
Committee’s position from a Marxist historical the anarchist ‘Maoists’ all people’s movements and
perspective and an intense debate by the participants revolutionary forces are suppressed. Against these a
on the various aspects of the Tamil question followed. polarization of all progressive democratic forces is
Com. Kalan Dorai, in his paper vehemently attacked needed to expose and fight state terror as part of the
the bourgeois chauvinistic positions pursued by some struggle against neo-colonisation.
so called ML parties in Tamil Nadu and called for a Following the presentation there was an active
Marxist-Leninist approach to the national question. discussion in which all participants expressed their
In the afternoon, Com. PJ James presented the CPI views. Comrades Nandlal, Shivmangal Sidhatkar,
(ML) Central Committee’s position on the issue in his Thomas Mathew, Umakant and others put forward
paper entitled ‘Sri Lankan Tamil Question under valuable suggestions while expanding various aspects
conditions of Neocolonialism: The Marxist Approach’. of the subject under discussion. In the course of
The paper among other things argued that rather than discussion most of the participants upheld imperialist
opting for another neo-colonial comprador Tamil State plunder has transformed from colonial to neo-colonial
under the frame work of neo-colonialism, progressive phase that intensifying the contradictions. Based on
democratic forces should struggle for a people’s this ideological political line various aspects of state
democratic state in Sri Lanka overthrowing the present terror was discussed. The role of anti-caste movement
ruling system and lay the foundations for equal rights was stressed. The importance of mobilization of the
for Tamils in relation to the Sinhalese in Sri Lanka. oppressed classes and sections to fight against the
While the ruling classes, and self-professed Marxists reactionary Indian state was upheld by all the
and anarchists are whipping up chauvinistic national participants. Com. KNR concluded the discussion,
sentiments on the issue for their short-term goals, the once again stressing the critical situation in the country
perspectives put forward by CPI(ML) based on a class and the need to mobilize the working classes and all
approach has attracted the attention of several well oppressed people to put an end to state terror by
meaning people and progressive sections in TN. overthrowing the ruling system.

RED STAR Platform for Communist Revolutionaries v November 2009 13

Jharkhand State elected com Anjani Kumar Pandey as the state
secretary. A panel of 15 delegates and 15 invitees to

Conference of the All Special India conference was also adopted. The
Conference passed resolutions concerning state

CPI(ML) demanding the fulfilment of the demands of the

adivasis, on implementation of minimum wages, etc.

T HE Jharkhand state conference of the Party was

successfully held at Ramgarh in Shahid Birsa
Munda Hall (Sahu Bhavan Dharmasala) on 29-30
Com. Anjani Kumar in his concluding speech
called for intensifying the mass movement in all fields
to achieve the demands of adivasis and oppressed
September. Seventy five delegates including fifteen sections of the people. Com. KNR called for getting
women comrades from eight districts participated. It ready to make the Bhopal Conference a great success.
started with remembering martyrs at 1 PM followed The Party should be built up in the state with full
by election of presidium and steering committee. Com. vigour to carry forward the struggles against the
Anjani Kumar, state secretary welcomed the mounting attacks on people. The Conference
participants explaining the various struggles waged concluded with vote of thanks by the presidium and
by the Party at ideological, political and organisational with the singing of the International.
levels in the state. Then com. KNR inaugurated the
conference explaining the importance of the present
situation when the conference is held. The
Karnataka State
unprecedented price rise, unemployment, corruption
at all levels, criminalisation and Mafia raj have
intensified all contradictions creating objective
conditions for mighty people’s upsurge. We should
seize this opportunity by speeding up the building up
K ARNATAKa state committee had planned
to organize the 6 th State conference in a big way
at Bangalore with a seminar on Agrarian Revolution in
of the Party so as to make it capable of leading the the Context of Neo-colonisation on 9 th to 12th October.
emerging upsurge. But the severe floods in North Karnataka which called
Then the six draft documents of the CC were for active participation of the Party and class/mass
presented by com. KNR explaining their importance organisations in relief work forced cutting down the
followed by general discussion and reply. The programme to only delegates session at Raichur from
delegates supporting them. Many questions raised 9 th afternoon to 11 th evening. Still the militant
during discussion were replied. The discussion and conference with overwhelming number of the 121
approval of the CC documents continued till 10 AM delegates including 17 women from eight districts
on 30 September. It was followed by the presentation below 45 years age, reflected the growth of the Party
of the report of the SOC formed in February 2009 by in all fields from its first state
secretary com. Anjani Kumar. It was followed by active conference in 1994 at Shimoga
discussion in which comrades Kulchan Pahad, Madhi with about 20 activists who had
Munda, Baburam Gop, John Miran Munda, joined the party from the Dalit
Parameshwar Oran, Dulari Toppo, Sunita Oran and Sangharsh Samithi forming the
many others actively participated explaining the state unit.
situation in their areas and the struggles waged by After raising the red flag
them. The discussion on the state report brought and paying homage to
forward the extreme backwardness, repressive,
martyrs amidst revolutionary
reactionary situation existing in the state. Displacement
slogans and
of adivasis and other oppressed sections from their songs all the
land has taken serious turn. As the CPI-CPI(M)- delegates
Liberation opportunist alliance and the anarchist moved to the
‘Maoists’ are helping the ruling system, a
Jaycees Hall
revolutionary alternative can be built up only by
where the
intensifying the class struggle in all fields by building
up the CPI(ML). The report was adopted by the
was held.
conference with some suggestions to improve it.
The panel of
Following this a panel of 23 comrades including presidium,
4 women presented for the new state committee was steering
approved by the conference. The new SC members re- committee

14 RED STAR Platform for Communist Revolutionaries v November 2009

Kerala State
T HE Kerala State Conference of CPI (ML) was
held from October 16 to 19, 2009 at Com. Krishna
Pilla Nagar ( Panchayat Community Hall, Amballur)
Trissur as scheduled. The Conference process was
preceded by a press conference at the district
headquarters in the forenoon of October 16 led by Com.
KN Ramachandran, Central Secretary, CPI (ML)
followed by a public meeting in the evening in front of
the municipal corporation office, Trissur attended by
Com. Ramachandran and other state party leaders.
Delegates to Karnataka State Conference
This was followed by registration of the delegate
comrades who were elected from the fourteen district
and minutes committee presented by comrade conferences held during the entire month of September
Manasayya was adopted, and Com. Basavalingappa and the first week of October. Altogether 116 delegates
welcomed the delegates for the Reception Committee. from various parts of the State participated in the
Com. KNR inaugurated the conference explained the Conference. Senior most comrade, 85 year old AS
significance of this conference to be followed by the Narayana Pilla performed the flag hoisting and State
Bhopal conference which is going to take path breaking Secretary Com PJ James made the Martyrs’
decisions. Commemoration. Formal inauguration of the
Conference by com KN Ramachandran was preceded
Then the six documents of the CC were presented
by the election of the presidium composed of Comrades,
by comrades KNR, and CCMs R. Manasayya and
K Sivaraman, TC Subrahmanyan, VJ Joy, KS Sindhu,
Basavalingappa, followed by group discussion,
and Vasanthi and steering committee composed of
general discussion and reply. Many suggestions to
comrades PJ James, PN Provint, and MP Kunhikanaran
improve them were put forward by the delegates who
and minutes committee composed of Vinod
adopted all of them. It was followed by presentation
Ramantholi, MK Dasan, and PC Saju and the approval
of the state committee’s report by secretary com. R.
of the conference agenda by the delegates.
Manasayya which was adopted after an in-depth
discussion and reply accepting many of the suggestion In his inaugural speech which started at 10 AM,
of the delegates. on October 17, Com KNR briefly narrated the
international and national context of the All India
The panel of the new state committee of 21
Special Conference and emphasized the urgent task
members including five women was adopted. As Com.
before the proletariat of building a revolutionary
Manasayya has to take up higher responsibilities at
communist movement both at the international and
central level, Com. Rudrayya was elected the state
national level resolutely fighting the twin obstacles of
secretary. Fifty delegates and invitees for Bhopal
right opportunism and left sectarianism. He also
conference were also elected. The conference adopted
underlined the historical relevance of the four key
23 resolutions dealing with the severe floods in
documents drafted by the central committee, viz.,
Karnataka and AP, price rise, growing unemployment,
International Situation and Our Tasks, Character of the
worker’s plight under neo-liberal policies, agrarian
State, On Principal Contradiction and Path of Indian
question, commercialization of education and health-
Revolution. After his inaugural speech Com KNR
care, public distribution system, women’s movement,
presented the draft on International Situation and Our
adivasi question etc. were adopted. In his speech the
Tasks. Almost twenty delegates participated in the
newly elected secretary called for intensification of
general discussion that followed. On the basis of
efforts at all levels to strengthen the party and class/
KNR’s reply regarding the doubts and responses
mass organisations, and to intensify struggles.
including certain additions proposed by the delegates
In the concluding speech Com. KNR called for a during the three hour long intense discussion, the
vigorous effort to make Bhopal Conference a document was adopted by the delegate session to be
resounding success at all levels. The conference presented for final approval at the All India Special
concluded with the lowering of the Red Flag amidst Conference at Bhopal during November 7-12, 2009.
singing of the International and revolutionary slogans. This was followed by the presentation of the draft

RED STAR Platform for Communist Revolutionaries v November 2009 15

document on the Character of Indian State by Com PJ Organisational Report along with the audited accounts
James which evaluates the Indian State after the of the State Committee since the 7th state conference in
transfer of power as essentially neocolonial in 2007. The Report highlighted the specific problems of
character. Comrades who participated in the party building confronted by the State Committee in
discussion whole heartedly upheld the Central Karala which has become a ‘show case’ of
Committee’s position in this regard as it is in neocolonialism with all its concomitant decay and
conformity with the concrete historical conditions degeneration. After a marathon discussion spanning
prevailing today. Based on the reply to the doubts four hours, the State Report was approved by the
and suggestions by the delegates this document was Conference on the basis of the reply by the State
also adopted. In the evening, Com KNR presented the secretary. This was followed by the election of a
draft document on the Approach towards determining seventeen member State Committee including three
the Principal Contradiction in India. It explained the women comrades with Com. K Sivaraman as the
principal contradiction in India as between the Secretary. A seven member Executive Committee was
alliance of imperialism, comprador bureaucratic also elected. The State Conference also elected a forty
capital and landlordism on the one hand and the broad member delegation for the All India Special Conference
masses of people on the other. The document at Bhopal. Almost twenty five resolutions relating to
pinpointed that only such an understanding on state-specific and national issues were adopted by the
principal contradiction can enable the communist Conference. The Conference ended by about 6 O’clock
party to fulfill the twin task of national liberation and in the evening with the lowering of the Flag and
democratic revolution under neocolonialism. On the International. The success of the Conference including
basis of KNR’s reply regarding the concerns raised by its participation and level of discussion is a testimony
the delegates who participated in the discussion, the to the fact that the recent anti-party activities by a few
conference approved the draft document. people with the backing of bourgeois media has not at
On October 18, the third day of the conference, at all had any impact on the party structure in the State.
sharp 9 AM, Com. KNR presented the draft document
on Path of Indian Revolution for discussion and
approval by the delegates. The basic thrust of the
document was on the need for evolving an Indian path
of revolution in consonance with the neocolonial
phase of imperialism as against the mechanical
approach of advocating the erstwhile Chinese path of
protracted people’s war for India and other
neocolonial countries by various ML groups quite
contrary to the Leninist principle of concrete analysis
of concrete conditions. The document was subjected
to a four hour discussion by almost twenty five
delegates and Com. KNR replied to each of their queries
before its approval by the conference. This was
followed by the presentation of the Political
Organisational Report of the Central Committee during
the entire period since the 2003 All India Conference Rally at Raipur, Chhattisgarh Announcing
of erstwhile CPI (ML) Red Flag and the Vijayawada State Conference on 23rd September
Unity Conference in 2005. Explaining both the
challenges and prospects before the party, the Report
underscored the urgent need for building up the Party
on Bolshevik lines surrounded by class mass
organizations. Almost thirty comrades from various
districts participated in the discussion and it was
unanimously approved following the reply from com.
KNR. The day’s session ended with the approval of
the Political Resolution by the delegates, which was
presented by Com K. Sivaraman.
Semiar at Raipur on 25th September on
At 9.30 AM on October 19, Com PJ James, State
“Neo-Colonialism and the Left”
Secretary, CPI (ML) presented the Political

16 RED STAR Platform for Communist Revolutionaries v November 2009

Ecological questions countries like Russia and China
have joined hands with US-led

come to the fore

imperialists to fiddle like Nero when
Rome was burning, in this case
caring least to cut down their
vulgar life style even when global

F IRST an almost unprecedented drought with a large number of

the states receiving just half the average rainfall or less. As a result
the agriculture, the rabi crop, is affected seriously throwing tens of millions
warming is going to destroy this
beautiful earth. Even the neo-rich
led countries like India who have
of families to more miseries. Then the floods came following the depression joined the G-20 as junior partners
in Bay of Bengal. It has very seriously affected mostly the Krishna river of the imperialists are taking least
basin districts causing hundreds of deaths and miseries to many millions. interest to put pressure on the
The loss in Karnataka and AP is estimated as more than Rs. 20,000 crores imperialist vultures to save this
apart from the sufferings to the people. That the floods affected to maximum earth.
extent the worst drought affected regions has not provided any relief to
On the contrary, when US
these regions, but multiplied the miseries to the people. What happened
in Karnataka, AP and Kerala was repeated in Bihar and other Gangetic imperialists are dynamiting the
regions as well as the Brahmaputra basin areas of Northeast. As the moon’s surface in search of water
North and North east face these sufferings practically every year or more after criminally causing pollution
than once in an year, the media did not give much attention to them. and plunder of most of the
abundant fresh water resources on
The Corporate – MNC media is behind news that create sensation. this earth, their compradors or
For it miseries of millions of people is not of much interest. It fears that junior partners leading the Indian
more coverage of it may agitate people against its own lords, the Corporates government are spending huge
and MNCs, who cause ecological destruction leading to global warming amount in chandrayan like projects
that cause such frequent droughts and floods, much more than in the to initiate their masters. This is
past. A study of the climate changes including the increasing happening when there are tens of
disappearance of Himalayan glaziers during last ten years shows that thousands of villages who are not
these droughts and floods are not just what they used to be in the past. having drinking water facilities.
They are the result of the consequences of the ecological destruction. In
spite of it the central and state governments are showing least interest to Is Manmohan Singh
ecological questions. government going to supply
drinking water to these millions
At least till now the most important villains who caused the global from moon by spending thousands
warming are the imperialists, especially the US imperialists. In spite of of crores of rupees in search of
many studies establishing the fact, they are not ready to cut down their water particles there? The
fossil fuel consumption and carbon gas emissions. They are not ready imperialists and their compradors
even to sign the Kyoto Protocol which calls for some nominal, vastly alike have joined hands to
insufficient steps to cut down these ecological crimes in the next few ecologically destroy this planet. It
decades. In stead, similar to their efforts to transfer the burden of the is yet another of their heinous
consequences of the recent unprecedentedly serious imperialist meltdown crimes, which should be exposed
to the shoulders of the world people, they are trying to exempt themselves
and fought against without any let
from steps that lead to cut down of their fuel consumption and carbon
gas emissions which cause green house effects by transferring the burden
of saving the earth from global worming to the poor by purchasing ‘carbon
credits’ from the undeveloped countries. It means that let the imperialist
masters continue to enjoy more by prolonging their luxuries, while let
Varga Porattam
even what is happening in the undeveloped countries in the name of Organ of Tamilndu State
‘development’ be cut down further. Committee of CPI(ML)
In the field of global warming, ecological destruction, also the
Varga Porattam Monthly
barbarous nature of the imperialist system, especially of US imperialism
is becoming clearer day by day. Even the parliament of Maldives holding No. 10,
its session ‘under waters, in protest to show the fate of such areas which Gangai Konda Shozan Street
are destined to drown under sea waters if the global warming is allowed MGR Nagar
to intensify is not going to make the imperialist to rethink their demonish Chennai - 600 078
policies. All the imperialists including the ‘new generation’ imperialists

RED STAR Platform for Communist Revolutionaries v November 2009 17

T HE result of the elections to
the state assemblies in Political Scene After
Assembly Election
Maharashtra, Haryana and
Arunachal Pradesh are almost a
repetition of what happened in the
Lok Sabha elections. In the absence
of any meaningful alternative to the observer
ruling class policies within the
bourgeois parliamentary system,
Congress or Congress-led alliances committing suicide, people forced to migrate, destruction of ecology, ever-
have succeeded to retain power. It mounting corruption, commercialisation of education, health-care,
is not that there are burning issues transport and communication, mafia raj, communal fascism, caste-based
tormentig the people like price-rise, atrocities, attacks on women, criminalisation and above all the present
unemployment and state terror. devastating ‘development policy’, etc. have become untouchable subjects
These issues are becoming more during election campaign for the multi-billion election game played by
and more serious day by day. The the fast increasing number crorepati-candidates of these parties. The
people’s discontentment is people are left with the only option of voting one of these anti-people
growing as reflected in the many candidates in these de-politicised elections or keeping away from the
mass struggles against the ruling voting as large numbers did this time in Maharashtra.
class policies or the consequences
It was in the 1970s, the otherwise very much politicised decade, that
of the neo-liberal raj imposed. But
the electoral political scene started getting polarised between Congress
can a BJP-Shiv Sena combine or any
and Hindutva led forces, between soft and hard Hindutva forces,
other BJP-led alliances be trusted
competing to represent the big capitalist, bureaucratic, big landlord classes
to reverse these policies? From their
serving imperialism, especially US imperialism. The degeneration of
experiences people have found
erstwhile socialists parties and groups to the rightist camp of Hindutva
that BJP controlled by RSS cannot
forces in line with their ‘anti-Congressism’ played a role in this. But more
become an alternative to Congress,
than this, it was degeneration of CPI-CPI(M) to social democratic positions
as it only represents Congress
that made the left forces incapable of utilising the political space created
policies plus Hindutva fanaticism.
by the weakening of the Congress that provided opportunity for the
Every other political party in the
political forces led by RSS — first the Jan Sangh and later BJP — to utilise
election fray, except the few
candidates of the revolutionary left, this space and get strengthened. The deviation of CPI(ML) and other
represent the very same Congress- communist revolutionary forces to adventurist line, mechanically
led ruling class policies. This is the pursuing the Lin Biaoist adventurist line that emerged and started
case of the social democratic dominating the CPC, and their disintegration following state repression
CPI(M)-led Left Front also. All of making them incapable of advancing the revolutionary left alternative
them make the elections issue-less, also played a major part in this.
as none of them are for rejecting the But the six years rule of BJP-led NDA government at centre till 2004
imperialist globalisation policies during which, while speeding up the imperialist globalisation policies
which are intensifying neo- and strategic subservience to US imperialism, the Hindutva forces
colonisation, for kicking out neo- intensified communal fanaticism going to the extent of the genocide in
colonial development policy and Gujarat in 2002. Whatever sovereignty, secularism and democratic values
stand for a self-reliant, national, the country had were further eroded. It was in this situation the Congress
people-oriented development started recovering its position and CPI(M)-led Left Front got 62 seats in
policy. Lok Sabha while the BJP-led NDA was defeated. During the 2004-09 period
The corporate-MNC cont- when many people’s upsurges against the UPA government’s policies
rolled monopoly media play a took place BJP was in effect opposing them. The BJP-led state governments
major role in making the elections were pursuing its Hindutva fanatic policies. It was in this situation, in
‘issue-less’. They join hands with spite of growing people’s anger against the consequences of imperialist
the big or small or regional globalisation policies pursued by the UPA government, BJP-led NDA could
comprador political parties to keep not establish itself as an alternative, and in this vacuum the Congress and
the burning issues affecting the UPA could gain more seats and retain power.
people away from their reporting Earlier Jan Sangh and later BJP could expand their influence only
and ‘panel discussions’. So price- when it developed united front tactics and created the impression of coming
rise, unemployment, peasants out of RSS influence. But the RSS was always trying to impose its dictates

18 RED STAR Platform for Communist Revolutionaries v November 2009

over its political face, the BJP. As internal dissensions started becoming 1991 at centre, as all these parties
serious within BJP after the defeat in Lok Sabha elections, and the Jaswanth from rightist BJP to pseudo-left
Singh book affair further aggravated them, RSS started directly interfering CPI(M) in practice are pursuing the
and controlling BJP affairs more than ever. At the same time RSS also very same policies of Congress
bestowed its blessing on Congress leadership for its neo-liberal policies which are intensifying neo-
and strategic junior partnership with US and Israel. It was in this colonisation.
atmosphere the latest assembly elections including Maharshtra election In this situation the central
took place. and state governments are going to
That the BJP-Shiv Sena combine which has surrendered third time continue the policies which
before Congress-NCP combine not because of the virtues of the latter’s aggravate price rise, unemploy-
rule or just because of the votes and seats gained by Raj Thakeray’s ultra ment, displacement, corruption,
chauvinist MNS. BJP is defeated because it had nothing to say against the pauperisation of the masses and
reactionary policies pursued by Congress at the centre and the state, criminalisation. They will also
intensifying price rise, unemployment, corruption, criminalisation and aggravate the neo-colonial
communal-isation. The election was reduced to a farce more than ever as subordination to imperialist
both combines have no differences on any of the basic issues. Even the system, especially US imperialism.
‘Republican Left Democratic Front’ in spite of talking so much had no Only the revolutionary left can
credibility among the people because of the RPI groups and CPI(M) led LF throw up a challenge to the
parties have served the Congress band wagon for long. So, in the absence reactionary ruling system by
of any effective opposition, the Congress combine could win for a third putting forward fundamentally
time. different policies and developing a
The results of Lok Sabha elections and the elections to Maharashtra- revolutionary alternative utilising
Haryana-Arunachal Pradesh assemblies are going to weaken BJP further, all forms of struggles. For this the
reducing it to a regional party. The credibility of RPI, BSP, CPI(M) like parliamentary struggles should be
parties has also eroded further. It is the crisis faced by the bourgeois turned in to political struggle
parliamentary system with Congress almost retaining the supremacy it exposing the ruling system and
had till 1996 except for two brief brakes from 1977 to 1980 and 1988 to politicising the masses.

Leasing or Selling Pakistan

KARACHI, Oct 2: At a time when the Pakistan The meeting took a serious notice of a
People’s Party-led coalition government seems to devastating design under which the agricultural
be bent upon bartering away the strategic, political land would be sold or leased to foreign investors
and economic ownership in the name of boosting under the cover of bagging foreign investment, the
financial resources, pro-people and patriotic ultimate outcome of which would culminate into
political forces of Pakistan are perturbed over the losing the national grip of Pakistan’s ownership.
rationale of the so-called ruling elite devoid of This will not enhance agricultural production but
national interests and self-respect. is destined to be ominous for agricultural sector,
To resist the government’s latest move to lease jolting the very foundation of national sovereignty.
60 lakh acres of land to oil rich Saudi Arabia and A plan of action against the nefarious
one million acres to American and European government’s move was adopted and the modus
investors, an important meeting of the operandi to resist it would be finalized within a
representative of the National Workers Party, few days.
Communist Mazdoor Kissan Party Pakistan,
Communist Party of Pakistan and Awami Party Those attended the meeting included Akhtar
was held here at the residence of Yusuf Musti Hussain, Usman Baloch and Ishtiaq Azmi (NWP);
Khan, Vice President of the National Workers Mansoor Saeed & Dr. Mazhar Hyder (CPP);
Party. The meeting was presided over by General A.R.Arif & Zafar Aslam (CMKP); Ramzan Memon
Secretary, Communist Mazdoor Kissan Party Ejaz (AP); Zaheer Akhtar Bedri (writer & columnist) and
Ghani. others.

RED STAR Platform for Communist Revolutionaries v November 2009 19

T HE strike of the Jet airways
pilots has broken a long Jet Airways Pilot Strike
period without any prolonged
strikes, not only in the aviation
industry but in public utilities in
Sanjay Singhvi
general. It is an indication of the
times that even such relatively well-
restrictions. After hearing all parties, the new Flight Time and Flight Time
paid group of workers like pilots
restrictions were passed by the DGCA in 2007. However, at the behest of
are compelled to go on strike.
the Airline managements, the DGCA, unilaterally and suddenly, on 30th
Jet airways employs both May 2008, suspended the new formula and reverted back to the old
Indian and international pilots. formula. The pilots of Air India, Indian Airlines and Jet Airways
However, it pays almost double to immediately got together and challenged the change back to the old
international pilots than it pays to formula. At the very outset, the Mumbai High Court passed orders staying
Indian pilots. It accommodates the change and asking the airlines to go back to the 2007 formula. However,
them in superior quality of hotels the airlines made a false statement before the Supreme Court, that the
when they go abroad. They get managements of Indian Airlines and Jet Airways had not been heard and
higher allowances than Indian set aside the interim order of the Mumbai High Court and sent the matter
pilots. Most of these foreign pilots back to the Mumbai High Court to be heard. In August 2008, the Mumbai
are over the age of 60 and have High Court dismissed the petition of the pilots and upheld the change
passed the age of retirement in their made by the DGCA on the basis that it was only a temporary measure till
own countries. To accommodate new norms are fixed. The pilots have challenged this decision before the
the airline managements, the Supreme Court, where notice has been issued to the Respondents but the
DGCA (Director General of Civil matter is still pending. Thus there is a deep sense of injustice existing
Aviation) has, a few years ago, among the pilots.
increased the retirement age to 65. In December last year, the management of Jet Airways called upon all
When Indian pilots have to join a sections of the workmen to voluntarily accept a cut in wages and
foreign airline, they have to give 6 allowances. Many sections of the workers accepted. The pilots of Jet
months notice. Indian pilots with Airways were, at that time, organised into a society known as the Society
a foreign qualification have to for the Welfare of Indian Pilots (SWIP). SWIP communicated to the
undergo certification exams from management that the pilots would be ready to accept any reasonable cut
the DGCA. These conditions do in wages if the foreign pilots were removed. They called upon the
not apply for foreign pilots. For all management to meet them and address their grievances. The management,
these reasons, the pilots of Jet however, refused to have anything to do with SWIP claiming that they
airways have been fighting for were only a “welfare body” and not able to negotiate on behalf of the
parity with foreign pilots. pilots. It went ahead and cut the allowances of the pilots unilaterally,
There was also another resulting in a cut in allowances to the tune of up to 40% for pilots. In
irritant. The DGCA has fixed the response, the pilots decided to form a union.
Flight Time and Flight Duty Time This was not the first attempt to form a union by the pilots of Jet
restrictions in 1992. These Airways. In the past, one Cedric D’Silva, earlier President of SWIP had
restrictions are outdated. They tried to form a union but he was summarily dismissed. When he raised a
made no provisions for the ultra- dispute, the Govt. refused to refer the dispute on the grounds that he was
long-haul flights which are not a workman. Upon a Writ Petition being filed in the Mumbai High
becoming common today. They Court, the Government was asked to reconsider its decision not to refer
made no provisions for varying rest the matter since the matter of whether he was a workman could also be
time and sleep time taking into decided by the Industrial Tribunal. Once again the Government reached
account the different time zones the same conclusion. Upon this, Cedric D’Silva again approached the
that pilots have to pass through. High Court and this time the Mumbai High Court directed the Govt. to
There was no provision for the refer the matter to the Central Government Industrial Tribunal. However,
massive congestion that routinely the manage-ment of Jet Airways has challenged this order of the Mumbai
occurs near major airports like High Court before the Supreme Court where the order of the Mumbai
Mumbai and Delhi. Due to this, in High Court has been stayed. The matter is still pending in the Supreme
2007, the DGCA called for Court. The management and the Government insist that pilots are not
objections and suggestions for new workmen, though there have been numerous judgements of various courts
Flight Time and Flight Duty Time in the past where they have been held to be workmen.

20 RED STAR Platform for Communist Revolutionaries v November 2009

As the first of such judgements (of Justice Bind Basni Prasad sitting conveniently forgot its stand that
as the Industrial Tribunal) held, the job of the pilot is the same as that of a the pilots were not workmen and
bus driver, albeit with greater skill. Many courts since then have reached thus not amenable to industrial
a similar conclusion. law. The High Court, ex parte,
The pilots of Jet Airways held their first meeting for the formation of granted an interim order
a union during the course of a party called by SWIP. At this meeting, they restraining pilots from going on
passed the constitution of the union and other necessary resolutions for strike in violation of sections 22
the formation of a union. This meeting was held on 10th June 2009. In this and 23 of the Industrial Disputes
meeting around 115 pilots attended and signed the minutes book Act 1947.
indicating their acceptance of membership of the union and their On midnight of 7th September,
acceptance of the resolutions passed. pilots of Jet Airways, in a rare
On 13th July 2009, the application for membership was sent to the display of unity started reporting
Registrar of Trade Unions and on 23rd July 2009, the Deputy Registrar sick. The whole of the airlines
issued a letter calling upon the union to provide some documents. Since operations ground to a halt. After 5
the documents called for were all readily available, the pilots union (then days of total strike, the pilots signed
known as Indian National Aviators’ Guild) attended the office of the a settlement in which the four
Registrar of Trade Unions on 24th July 2009. After verifying all necessary dismissed pilots (two more had
documents, they were granted registration on 24th July 2009. been dismissed after the start of the
action) were reinstated. However,
The management soon came to know of the formation of the union the agreement also stated that the
and on 29th July 2009 summarily dismissed the General Secretary and the Registrar should review the
Joint Secretary of the union. Besides this, they went to the office of the registration and that the NAG
Registrar of Trade Unions and met him. On 6th August 2009, the registrar would not take any further steps in
of Trade Unions issued a show cause notice to the pilots union (now this matter.
renamed as National Aviators’ Guild since the office of the Registrar had
shown a notification disallowing the use of the word “Indian” in the On 5th September, the Registrar
name of any union). This show cause notice was frivolous. It did not issued a second show cause notice,
show that there was any mistake or fraud in the registration, which are purporting to be in continuation of
effectively the only two reasons for which registration could be cancelled. the first show cause notice wherein
The nature of objections was so trivial as to be laughable. One objection some new issues were also raised.
was that the General Secretary and the Joint Secretary were authorised to Again the issues raised were
make amendments in the application and other documents, while the frivolous and trivial. The NAG
amendment of the name (which had been done at the behest of the again replied to this show cause
Registrar) was done only by the Joint Secretary. Another was that the notice and again asked for a
signature of the person authorised to receive a copy of the registration hearing in the matter. However,
certificate was not upon the letter granting the authorisation. It was clear there was no response from the
that a political agenda was being followed to cancel the registration of the Registrar.
union by hook or by crook. The show cause notice did not even indicate On 5th October 2009, the NAG
what provision of law it was being issued under. The NAG replied to the moved the Mumbai High Court
notice by its letter dated 10th August 2009 pointing out the mistakes in the against any abrupt de-registration.
show cause notice and asked for a personal hearing in the matter. However, the Mumbai High Court
In the meantime, since the management was not willing to accept the held that the proceeding was
union, SWIP sent a letter to the management asking them to reconsider premature since there had been no
the summary dismissal of the two pilots on around 7th August. Though order passed by the Registrar. It also
SWIP had sought a reply within seven days, the pilots waited for over 14 refused to give any protection to the
days and finally, on 22nd August 2009 issued a strike notice to the NAG against abrupt de-
management that a strike was called for 7th September if the management registration citing the agreement
did not take back the dismissed pilots in the meantime. The Regional between NAG and the
Labour Commissioner called both parties for conciliation on around 30th management.
August but since the management was not willing to take back the Many issues arise from this
dismissed pilots, the next conciliation meeting was fixed for 14th September. matter. The first issue is whether
On 7 th September 2009, the management filed a Writ Petition before pilots must be considered to be
the Mumbai High Court asking that the pilots be restrained from going on workmen. Since many years they
strike while conciliation proceedings were still going on. The management are considered as workmen. All

RED STAR Platform for Communist Revolutionaries v November 2009 21

major airlines in the world have Registrar is not to serve as an appellate body for the management. Under
unions of pilots. Even Air India and the relevant Government notifications, the power to register is only with
Indian Airlines have such unions. the Deputy Registrar and the Registrar’s powers are only to superintend
How then, can pilots of Jet Airways and to direct. Here the Registrar has found frivolous reasons to intervene
be denied the basic constitutional and cancel the registration by hook or by crook.
right to form a union. This episode
Even when the Secretary of the Labour Department of the Government
only exposes the sordid role played
of Maharashtra was approached, she has suggested that the registration
by the Government and the courts
may be cancelled and then further action may be taken up. Such open
where they are unwilling to even
bias, in favour of Jet Airways, shows how the Government is controlled
protect the basic constitutional
by corporate interests.
rights of the pilots. This must be
seen as a part of the continuing The High Court also took cognizance of the fact that the pilots went
attack on the rights of the working on strike even after an order had been passed restraining them from going
class. on strike. When hearing the contempt matter, Justice Chandrachud said
that action would have to be taken against people who caused such
Secondly, never in the past
inconvenience to the public. This is a totally extraneous considera-tion in
history of India has a union been
a contempt matter. Secondly, the courts clearly do not see the management
registered by the Deputy Registrar
as causing this inconvenience to the public.
and where a show cause notice
has been issued by the Registrar The pilots also lost some control over their own agitation by involving
within one month of the politicians in the mix. Sanjay Nirupam was called to negotiate for the
registration. In this case, not one, pilots. This worked against the pilots and they finally had to agree to a
but two such show cause notices settlement whose wording they were not totally satisfied with. The pilots
were issued, clearly at the behest of of Jet Airways have still not given up hope and they will continue to fight
the management. The role of the for their constitutional right to form a union.

TN State Conference
T HE Fourth TN State Conference of the Party
reflected its significant political and
organizational growth from its very humble beginning
through postering, placing big boards at important
junctions and pamphletting. On 13th evening a militant
demonstration followed by a public meeting were
in 1996. When the chauvinist groups, individualism, organized. Com. KNR and SC members and Com.
dogmatism, influence of the sectarian line of erstwhile Kalan Dorai addressed the meeting explaining the
People’s War group etc. are dominant trends among the importance of the state conference.
so-called communist revolutionary groups in the state, The Conference started from 9 am on 14th October.
erstwhile CPI(ML) Red Flag had started its political After remembering the martyrs and inaugural speech
campaign and activities with com. S. Sundaran and a by com. KNR, the four basic draft documents followed
small section of young comrades taking the initiative. by the Political Organisational Report of the CC and
In the course of its development a small section who the Political Resolution were presented. Following
merged from the sectarian Bolshevik Group general discussion com. KNR replied to the discussion.
degenerated to rightist positions and left the Some valuable suggestions besides one amendment
organisation. Overcoming all these problems the was moved. After reply the delegates adopted the
activities of the Party has spread to nine districts: drafts.
Kanyakumari, Madurai, Dindigal, Arianellur, On 15th October after discussion and approval of
Coimbatore, Dharmapuri, Krishnagiri and North and the report of state committee presented by com. PT
South Chennai Districts. 29 delegates elected from five Shanmughasundaram, the resolution on merger of
district conferences and delegates from Revolutionary comrades of the Communist Revolutionary Group was
People’s Front of Chennai who attended as special moved and adopted. Following this a panel of 13 SC
invitees and merged in to the Party in the course of the members including two women plus com. S. Sundaram
Conference through a resolution, participated. During as invitee, due to his ill health, was moved and adopted.
the last six years after the Third Conference in 2003, a The newly elected SCMs elected com. PTS as the state
number of cadres from CPI(M), CPI(ML) Liberation secretary. The list of delegates to Bhopal conference
and TN MCC and new youth have joined the Party. were adopted. Resolutions on important issues were
The Coimbatore district Committee organized a adopted. The Conference concluded with the singing
very good political campaign preceding the Conference of the International and raising of slogans.

22 RED STAR Platform for Communist Revolutionaries v November 2009

The Winter of constitutional amendment
requiring every Indian to serve as
MLA for one term at least. It could
Our Austerity be the biggest poverty reduction
programme ever undertaken. (I
mean across all States.
P. Sainath Those who won the last time
and seek re-election have led by
example. The 388 per cent rise in
[The extracts of this commentary appeared in The Hindu on 8th October assets per MLA in Haryana is but
exposes the whole gamut of the bourgeois parliamentary elections and its an average. Break it up and you
so-called heroes in their true colour - Red Star] find some stirring success stories.
The top four MLAs clocking the best
“WE can hardly say we will shut our eyes to the salaries the CEOs are growth rates, all of them from the
going to take,” said Mr. Khurshid, hoping that companies would refrain Congress, saw their assets increase
from handing out vulgar salaries. by over 800 per cent. Imagine what
This time, the media were slow off the blocks in going after Mr. they might have achieved had there
Khurshid. After all, between Dr. Singh’s faux pas and Mr. Khurshid’s been no austerity drive. The numero
mild protest was a Great Recession. And to say “the Market will decide” uno in this list has a rags to riches
isn’t enough, any more. In 2008, the Market decided to jump off a cliff story. Starting from humble
taking much of the world with it. That didn’t stop CEOs in the United beginnings of less than a lakh, his
States from taking home billions in bonuses in a year they ran the globe wealth has risen 5,000 per cent.
into the ground. In fact, more CEOs got hikes rather than cuts in 2008, as Inspiring. And perhaps one of the
an AFL-CIO study pointed out in April this year. In India, while millions reasons — together with a love of
lost their jobs and livelihoods, CEOs didn’t fare too badly. (How can they, democracy — why far more have
in a country where the Union budget alone gives the corporate world been inspired to contest this time
subsidies of Rs.700 crore every day in tax write-offs and concessions? It in this State than five years ago. The
wasn’t the market which decided that $6 million of public money be gifted number of candidates is 20 per cent
to the corporate sector each hour on average, it was the government. The higher than it was in 2004.
government can though, with few qualms, cap the daily wage paid to Of 489 contestants 251 — 51
hungry workers at NREG sites at Rs.100. That, for 100 days only — and per cent, or every second candidate
those days to be shared by the members of each household. — was worth well over Rs.10
million. Though it must be
The clichés of the Market lack that warm, righteous glow they had
conceded that those at the lower
before the meltdown. But as big business re-asserts itself, the media will
end of the crorepati chain see their
find their voice. The two highest-paid CEOs in the country managed to
assets swollen by crazy real estate
save Dr. Singh’s previous government from falling in the July 2008 trust
rates. And as yet, these are just
vote. And only recently, much of a whole session of Parliament went to
candidates. The crorepati ratio will
discussing the fight between the same two CEOs. Mr. Khurshid’s
go up after the results, when much
comments, however, at least make for a debate on ‘austerity,’ its practice
of the plebeian element gets
by the political class and big business — and the ever-closer bonding
weeded out.
between the two.
In Maharashtra, compared to
Growing numbers of elected representatives fund their poll campaigns
2004, there has been a 60 per cent
with corporate backing. And growing numbers of people with a big
increase in political parties
business background have ventured directly into the electoral arena. The
contesting elections. Also, a 33 per
links get stronger, the reps get richer. And there is much entrepreneurial
cent increase in candidates. The
joy and success.
affidavits of 880 of over 3,500
While the CEOs top the charts by miles, the vulgarity Mr. Khurshid candidates seeking election to the
fears also consumes much of the political class. Take for instance, the 42 State legislature show that almost
MLAs re-contesting this time in Haryana’s polls. On average, their assets one in every four candidates is a
have increased by around Rs.48 million each since 2004. A nice 388 per multi-millionaire. NEW has so far
cent leap. That is to say, each of them added Rs.800,000 a month to their seen less than a third of candidate
wealth in their last term. Or over Rs.1,100 for every hour that they were affidavits — and already located
MLAs (for five years). A healthy rate of growth. Maybe we need a 212 crorepatis. Over half of these

RED STAR Platform for Communist Revolutionaries v November 2009 23

are from the four major parties, with
the Congress (42) heading the An Yellowish Mao is the
Symbol of Present China
austere list. The BJP, the Shiv Sena
and the NCP all have 29 each
among candidates surveyed. The
MNS (21) and the BSP (11) don’t
do too badly either. All these
numbers will swell when all their
affidavits are studied.
I N The State and Revolution, Lenin has started the first chapter and its
first section: Class Society and the State and The State — A Product of the
Irreconcilability of Class Antagonism with these words: “What is now
happening to Marx’s theory has, in the course of history, happened repeatedly
Around 52 per cent of
to the theories of revolutionary thinkers and leaders of oppressed classes
Haryana’s 90 sitting MLAs were
fighting for emancipation. During the lifetime of great revolutionaries, the
multi-millionaires. That beats rich
oppressing classes constantly hounded them, received their theories with the
Maharashtra where just over one
most savage malice, the most furious hatred and the most unscrupulous
in three (37 per cent) makes the cut.
campaigns of lies and slander. After their death, attempts are made to convert
But Maharashtra outclasses
them into harmless icons, to canonize them, so to say, and to hallow their
Haryana in the number of sitting names to a certain extent for the “consolation” of the oppressed classes and
MLAs with pending criminal with the object of duping the latter, while at the same time robbing the
records: 45 per cent to 31 per cent. revolutionary theory of its substance, blunting its revolutionary edge and
And finally, there are those vulgarizing it. Today, the bourgeoisie and the opportunists within the labor
who get elected to serve the CEO movement concur in this doctoring of Marxism. They omit, obscure, or distort
cause, bringing us back to the the revolutionary side of this theory, its revolutionary soul. They push to the
political class-corporate nexus. foreground and extol what is or seems acceptable to the bourgeoisie. All the
The present government of social-chauvinists are now “Marxists” (don’t laugh!). And more and more
Maharashtra, for instance, has frequently German bourgeois scholars, only yesterday specialists in the
handed over 5 airports (including annihilation of Marxism, are speaking of the “national-German” Marx, who,
601 hectares of land) for Rs.63 crore they claim, educated the labor unions which are so splendidly organized for
to a single corporation. A price so the purpose of waging a predatory war!”
low that even most of the State What this counter-revolutionary forces did to Marx was repeated
government’s own departments with more malice, hatred and ferociousness in the case of Lenin and later
opposed it. It would likely be in the case of Stalin and Mao. Today Hu Jintao and company lording over
difficult to get hectares in the desert imperialist China are doing the same in more vulgar forms to reduce him
for that sum. The government’s to a ‘harmless icon’, to cannonise him and to hallow his name to hoodwink
brilliant defence is that it has not the masses.
privatised an inch — just leased out Earlier, during the revolutionary years, Mao was attacked by the
the airports. Yup, for 95 years for imperialists, the Soviet social imperialists, the revisionists and imperialist
that pittance, to the Anil Ambani lackeys all over the world. Within China Deng Xiaoping and the capitalist
group. Work out the math roaders in the CPC had attacked him viciously spreading lies and slanders.
yourselves. I hope it doesn’t get any In order to over throw his revolutionary contributions it was necessary
more austere than this, though. for them to constantly hound him, attack his theories with savage malice
and with most furious hatred. In this way they succeeded in usurping the
leadership of the party and the state and turned socialist China in to its
Sakhav But this reactionary transformation of China once again intensified
the class contradictions there. If China is manufacturing the cheapest
Organ of Kerala State commodities and succeeding in capturing markets everywhere, it is
Committee of CPI(ML) because the labour is exploited to the maximum level, more than in any
other country, without which such cheap products cannot be
“Sakhav” Malayalam manufactured. The “iron rice bowl” of socialist days is replaced with the
theory “to get rich is great”. As exploitation intensified, as the billionaires
Fortnightly started parading their wealth arrogantly, and large sections are pushed
Nehru Road down to poverty, disenchantment against the current leaders is increasing.
Ayyappankavu People start thinking about the days when Mao was leading. It is to
Kochi - 18, Kerala hoodwink these people a new form of Mao mania is spread by the rulers

24 RED STAR Platform for Communist Revolutionaries v November 2009

Remembering Balagopal:
a Campaigner for the
Rights Movement
BALAGOPAl, the synonym for the human rights movement in AP, is no
more. He passed away suddenly on October 8th at 10.00 PM of peptic ulcer. His
death at the age of 57 has left everyone associated with human rights and
democratic movements in a state of shock. Rights activists and supporters of
the movement are still finding it difficult to accept the reality of his death.
In a short span of two days after his death, it is impossible to come to a
comprehensive assessment of his life, three decades of his rights activism and
its characteristics. Our attempt here is therefore a small one in that direction. He wherever a rights violation took place,
was the fifth child of Kandala Parthanatha Sarma and Nagamani. Due to his they would raise their voice against it.
father’s frequent transfers he studied at different places in A.P, from Nellore to Despite the murders of civil liberties
Srikakulam. He did his PUC in Kavali and B.Sc in Tirupathi. After completing leaders such as Gopi Rajanna, Dr.
M.Sc and Ph.D in Mathematics at the Regional Engineering College in Warangal, Ramanatham, Jaapa Lakshma Reddy
he joined Indian Statistical Institute at New Delhi for research. Dissatisfied with and Narra Prabhakar Reddy, he did not
life there, he came back to Warangal to be close to the democratic movements back off or slow down. Instead, he
and joined Andhra Pradesh Civil Liberties Committee. After joining Kakatiya tried to infuse courage among the
University as a lecturer in Maths, he started taking a much more active role in the activists. Even when he was directly
rights movement. subjected to repression, he remained
He was an exceptionally brilliant student. He was also an opening batsman unfazed. His response to attacks on
for the cricket team of Venkateswara University. While pursuing Ph.D he became his person exemplifies his democratic
a member of the editorial committee of a renowned international journal of temperament. When he was attacked
mathematics. His task was to review complex research in mathematics and explain by ABVP activists in 1984, kidnapped
the same to the readers in a simple style. by the Khammam police in 1989, was
He was elected to the post of the General Secretary of APCLC in 1985 and fatally attacked in Kottagudem in 1992
carried out that responsibility for 15 years. He took up the leadership of the and even got mauled in the presence
organization when the repression on the naxalite movement had just begun. In of National Human Rights Commission
the process of exposing fake encounters he visited every nook and corner of the in 1993, he refused to pause even for a
state. He expanded the organization from its confined location in a few cities to day. Arrested under TADA, he spent
every small town in the state. Inspired by his activist practice, numerous activists three months in Warangal prison but
were attracted to the organization. To reach out the rights perspective in the always believed that it is quite natural
muffasil areas he enabled the process of identifying issues that are specific for activists to be arrested or
issues to each district and working through them. By teaching the locals the imprisoned. After his release from his
practice of rights activism, he shaped the organization in such a way that kidnappers, he suggested to the media

Even before the 60th anniversary of Chinese Revolution, at the time of dilute Mao in to an yellowish icon
his 33rd death anniversary, conscious efforts were made to create this for the consolation of the masses of
new form of mania. Mao is reduced to an icon, a godly figure and millions oppressed classes, for duping the
are going to his village, Shaoshan, with worshipful eyes. The yellowish people. They are robbing his
CPC of today dish out propaganda promoting him as if he is a god to revolutionary theory of its
provide the younger generation something to believe in. The vendors substance. It is a counter-
selling Mao memorabilia shrug of ideological questions and present him revolutionary attack on Mao like
as a jovial man who worked for making China rich. In short, Mao is also the imperialists and lackeys attack
reduced to one among Deng, Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao, the capitalist all revolutionary leaders.
roaders who took over after 1976. Mao’s revolutionary thoughts are It is the task of the revolution-
vulgarised. They are presented as another version of capitalism, a Chinese ary forces to expose and defeat this
brand of capitalism. dirty campaign against Mao in the
It is in this way the Hu Jintao and company are trying to vilify and name of cannonising him.

RED STAR Platform for Communist Revolutionaries v November 2009 25

that they should focus more on the dominance. He believed that the task of the rights movement is to define the
repression of the rural youth, rather aspirations and demands articulated by these movements in the language of
than on him. rights so that they attain universal validity. He outlined the tasks of rights
He succeeded in making the Civil movements as follows: working for the institutionalization of existing rights,
Liberties Committee stand up and to struggling for the recognition of non-existent ones, and to cultivate democratic
stand by the people, especially in values and culture in the spheres of law, administration and societal thinking. He
opposing the repression unleashed by envisioned a broad based and autonomous rights movement which is accountable
the government in the name of to the people. Due to the difference of opinion emerging from this vision, he left
containing naxalism. His efforts APCLC to form Human Rights Forum with similar thinking colleagues. Over the
towards developing it into a pioneer last ten years, its growth from 32 member organization to an active and energetic
in opposing state violence in India are 300 member strong organization owes a lot to the untiring efforts of Balagopal.
unparalleled. Working relentlessly he His vision lay in creative alignment of human rights theory with practice and in
sought to extend the rights activism cultivating among common people a spirit of commitment to social responsibility
and practice from the confines of urban and faith in democratic values.
intellectual debates onto a much After joining the rights movement Balagopal wrote numerous analytical
broader basis. When Dalits were commentaries on every social and political phenomenon in Telugu society. In
attacked during the initial years of the last ten years, all the anonymous essays published in ten Human Rights
Telugu Desam regime, his was one of Bulletins were written by him. His book on D.D. Kosambi introducing Kosambi’s
the first democratic voices to be new thinking on history writing to Telugu readership remains a standard textbook
raised. During the anti-Mandal for Telugu medium students in History Departments till today. For intellectuals
agitation he wrote the first analytical outside Andhra Pradesh, his essays in Economic and Political Weekly remain
essay in support of reservations for the most important source to understand what is happening in the state. Many
backward castes from a rights economists of yesteryears remember his reviews of Cambridge University
perspective thereby widening the publications in economics. His essay on the Chintapalli incident where police
horizons the rights movements. burnt thousands of tribal houses in Visakhapatnam district won the national
Under Balagopal’s leadership award for journalism given by PUCL. He instituted Indian People’s Human Rights
both the perspective and practice of Commission along with Nandita Haksar and Sebastian to conduct public inquiries
rights movement grew to become into human rights violations all over the country. In a sense, it served as the
interdependent and began to draw basis for the establishment of the National Human Rights Commission. Balagopal
strength from each other. For him while is known to people of Kashmir, Manipur, Chattisgarh, Tamilnadu and Karnataka
the priorities and perspective needed which saw rampant violations of human rights violations in recent times. He
to be modified in the light of practice, visited these states many times with other civil liberties organizations and brought
practice definitely needed to be out several reports.
improved with changes in perspective. Despite rising to immense heights in the human rights movement he chose
In this process he came to recognize to live the simple life of an ordinary person. He practiced what he believed in his
that lack of rights did not arise solely everyday life. He did not have any life outside the movement. From 1981 till his
from class dominance but also arose last breath, he used his entire energy towards obtaining justice for poor people
in the context of many other modes of and protecting their rights. For rural people his name is synonymous with ‘rights’.
dominance and oppressive practices Intellectuals consider him as a thinker who proposed rights standards to measure
therein. He emphasized that all forms the democratic content of any social and political phenomena. He stood out as
of institutionalized dominance impede an intensely committed lawyer in a profession increasingly beset with corruption.
enjoyment of rights and thereby He not only provided a moral compass to peoples’ lives but effectively carried
cautioned the rights movement from out the task of warning them about impending threats to peoples’ interests.
choosing rights violations emerging Balagopal was deeply disturbed by the opportunism displayed by the state’s
from a single domain as its priority. He intellectuals in the aftermath of Y.S. Rajasekhar Reddy’s death. His warning to
also raised for critical discussion the the activists of Human Rights Forum on the eve of the third State conference on
issue of undemocratic activities of 2nd and 3rd October equally applies to these intellectuals, “This (Human Rights
various movements, arguing that a Forum) is a new experiment in the history of peoples’ movements in our state. If
human rights movement need not we do not sustain it, it is not only a blow to our efforts but to the democratic
support every action that other belief that values can bring people together. If we sustain it and if we successfully
movements do in the name of struggle. take it forward, we would have strengthened the spirit of democracy itself”.
He thought that there is a lot that His own words about Narendranath, the rights activist who passed away in
the rights movement could learn from July this year describe him too, “One should not rest as long as people have
every democratic movement being problems”. We invite all of you to work towards such a democratic initiative with
waged against different forms of his inspiration…..

26 RED STAR Platform for Communist Revolutionaries v November 2009

Two Tactics of Social Democracy
in the Democratic Revolution
V.I. Lenin

[While developing the Path of Revolution in present and the real aspirations of the peasantry, who, while being
concrete situation, Lenin’s Two Tactics of Social revolutionary in the bourgeois-democratic sense, harbour
Democracy in the Democratic Revolution wrote in 1905 not the idea of “socialisation,” but of a new class struggle
in then Russian conditions is very helpful. In the present between the peasant bourgeoisie and the rural proletariat.
international situation social democracy and social The old illusions of the old Narodism, which are so clearly
democrats should be read as communism and communist. visible, for instance, in the draft programme of the “Socialist-
Here we are reproducing the Preface, the first part: An Revolutionary Party” on the question of the development
Urgent Political Question and the conclusion: Dare to of capitalism in Russia, the question of the democratic
Win? This pamphlet written before the 1907 Mutiny in character of our “society” and the question of the
Battleship Potemkin at Odessa is an excellent example of significance of a complete victory of a peasant uprising—
Lenin’s evaluation of the revolutionary situation providing all these illusions will be mercilessly and completely blown
a correct orientation to the movement. This pamphlet which to the winds by the revolution. For the first time it will give
provided a clear cut perspective to develop the ideological- the various classes their real political baptism. These
political line of the Russian Social Democratic Labour classes will emerge from the revolution with a definite
Party, to build the party under working class leadership political physiognomy, for they will have revealed
uniting the peasantry and to lead the revolutionary struggle themselves, not only in the programs and tactical slogans
forward played the most significant role in Russian of their ideologists, but also in the open political action of
revolution, in the victory of October Revolution in 1917 the masses.
establishing proletarian political power, giving birth to Undoubtedly, the revolution will teach us, and will
Soviet Union. The communist movement in India has much teach the masses of the people. But the question that now
to learn from this great pamphlet of Lenin - Red Star] confronts a militant political party is: shall we be able to
teach the revolution anything? shall we be able to make
Preface use of the correctness of our Social-Democratic doctrine,
of our bond with the only thoroughly revolutionary class,

I N a revolutionary period it is very difficult to keep

abreast of events, which provide an astonishing amount
of new material for an evaluation of the tactical slogans of
the proletariat, to put a proletarian imprint on the revolution,
to carry the revolution to a real and decisive victory, not in
word but indeed, and to paralyse the instability, half-
revolutionary parties. The present pamphlet was written heartedness and treachery of the democratic bourgeoisie?
before the Odessa events. We have already pointed out in
the Proletary (No. 9—“Revolution Teaches”) that these It is to this end that we must direct all our efforts, and
events have forced even those Social-Democrats who the achievement of it will depend, on the one hand, on the
created the “uprising-as-a-process” theory and who accuracy of our appraisal of the political situation, on the
rejected propaganda for a provisional revolutionary correctness of our tactical slogans, and, on the other hand,
on whether these slogans will be backed by the real fighting
government actually to pass over, or begin to pass over, to
strength of the masses of the workers. All the usual, regular,
the side of their opponents. Revolution undoubtedly
current work of all the organisations and groups of our
teaches with a rapidity and thoroughness which appear
Party, the work of propaganda, agitation and organisation,
incredible in peaceful periods of political development. And,
is directed towards strengthening and expanding the ties
what is particularly important, it teaches not only the leaders,
with the masses. This work is always necessary; but in a
but the masses as well.
revolutionary period less than in any other can it be
There is not the slightest doubt that the revolution considered sufficient. At such a time the working class
will teach social-democratism to the masses of the workers feels an instinctive urge for open revolutionary action, and
in Russia. The revolution will confirm the program and tactics we must learn to set the aims of this action correctly, and
of Social-Democracy in actual practice, by demonstrating then make these aims as widely known and understood as
the true nature of the various classes of society, by possible. It must not be forgotten that the current pessimism
demonstrating the bourgeois character of our democracy about our ties with the masses very often serves as a screen

RED STAR Platform for Communist Revolutionaries v November 2009 27

for bourgeois ideas regarding the role of the proletariat in resolutions, in contradistinction to the opportunism of the
the revolution. Undoubtedly, we still have a great deal to democratic bourgeoisie of the Osvobozhdeniye and the
do to educate and organise the working class; but the whole revolutionary phrase-mongering of the Socialist-
question now is: where should the main political emphasis Revolutionaries, who only during the revolution suddenly
in this work of education and of organisation be placed? thought of coming for ward with a “draft” of a program and
On the trade unions and legally existing societies, or on of investigating for the first time whether it is a bourgeois
armed insurrection, on the work of creating a revolutionary revolution that is going on in front of their eyes.
army and a revolutionary government? Both serve to
That is why we think it a most urgent task of the
educate and organise the working class. Both are, of course,
revolutionary Social-Democrats to study carefully the
necessary. But the whole question now, in the present
tactical resolutions of the Third Congress of the Russian
revolution, amounts to this: what is to be emphasised in
Social-Democratic Labour Party and of the Conference, to
the work of educating and organising the working class,
define what deviations there are in them from the principles
the former or the latter?
of Marxism, and to get a clear understanding of the concrete
The outcome of the revolution depends on whether tasks of the Social-Democratic proletariat in a democratic
the working class will play the part of a subsidiary to the revolution. It is to this task that the present pamphlet is
bourgeoisie, a subsidiary that is powerful in the force of its devoted. The testing of our tactics from the standpoint of
onslaught against the autocracy but impotent politically, the principles of Marxism and of the lessons of the
or whether it will play the part of leader of the people’s revolution is also necessary for those who really desire to
revolution. The more intelligent representatives of the pave the way for unity of tactics as a basis for the future
bourgeoisie are perfectly aware of this. That is precisely complete unity of the whole Russian Social-Democratic
why the Osvobozhdeniye praises Akimovism, Economism Labour Party, and not to confine themselves solely to verbal
in Social-Democracy, the trend, which is now placing the admonitions.
trade unions and the legally existing societies in the
N. Lenin
forefront. That is precisely why Mr. Struve welcomes (in
July 1905
the Osvobozhdeniye, No. 72) the Akimovist trends in the
principles of the new Iskra. That is why he comes down so
heavily on the detested revolutionary narrowness of the
An Urgent Political Question
decisions of the Third Congress of the Russian Social-
Democratic Labour Party.
It is exceptionally important at the present time for
A T the present revolutionary juncture the question
of the convocation of a popular constituent
assembly is on the order of the day. Opinions are divided
Social-Democracy to have correct tactical slogans for on the point as to how this question should be solved.
leading the masses. There is nothing more dangerous in a Three political trends are to be observed. The tsarist
revolutionary period than belittling the importance of government admits the necessity of convening
tactical slogans that are sound in principle. For example, representatives of the people, but it does not want under
the [Menshevik] Iskra in No. 104, actually passes over to any circumstances to permit their assembly to be a popular
the side of its opponents in the Social-Democratic and a constituent assembly. It seems willing to agree, if we
movement, and yet, at the same time, disparages the are to believe the newspaper reports on the work of the
importance of slogans and tactical decisions that are in Bulygin Commission, to an advisory assembly, to be elected
front of the times and indicate the path along which the without freedom to conduct agitation, and on the basis of
movement is proceeding, with a number of failures, errors, restricted qualifications or a restricted class system. The
etc. On the contrary, the working out of correct tactical revolutionary proletariat, inasmuch as it is led by the Social-
decisions is of immense importance for a party which, in Democratic Party, demands complete transfer of power to a
the spirit of the sound principles of Marxism, desires to constituent assembly, and for this purpose strives to obtain
lead the proletariat and not merely to drag at the tail of not only universal suffrage and complete freedom to
events. In the resolutions of the Third Congress of the conduct agitation, but also the immediate overthrow of the
Russian Social-Democratic Labour Party and of the tsarist government and its replacement by a provisional
Conference of the section which has seceded from the Party, revolutionary government. Finally, the liberal bourgeoisie,
we have the most precise, most carefully thought-out, and expressing its wishes through the leaders of the so-called
most complete expression of tactical views—views not “Constitutional-Democratic Party”, does not demand the
casually expressed by individual writers, but accepted by overthrow of the tsarist government, does not advance the
the responsible representatives of the Social-Democratic slogan of a provisional government and does not insist on
proletariat. Our Party is in advance of all the others, for it real guarantees that the elections will be absolutely free
has a precise program, accepted by all. It must also set the and fair and that the assembly of representatives will be a
other parties an example of strict adherence to its tactical genuinely popular and a genuinely constituent assembly.

28 RED STAR Platform for Communist Revolutionaries v November 2009

As a matter of fact, the liberal bourgeoisie, the only serious revolutionary government; 3) the precise conditions of
social support of the Osvobozhdeniye trend, is striving to Social-Democratic participation in this government; 4) the
effect as peaceful a deal as possible between the tsar and conditions under which pressure is to be brought to bear
the revolutionary people, a deal, moreover, that would give on this government from below, i.e., in the event of there
a maximum of power to itself, the bourgeoisie, and a being no Social-Democrats in it. Only after all these
minimum to the revolutionary people—the proletariat and questions are made clear, will the political conduct of the
the peasantry. Party in this sphere be principled, clear and firm.
Such is the political situation at the present time. Such Let us now consider how the resolution of the Third
are the three main political trends, corresponding to the Congress of the Russian Social-Democratic Labour Party
three main social forces in contemporary Russia. We have answers these questions. The following is the full text of
already shown on more than one occasion (in the Proletary, the resolution:
Nos. 3, 4, 5) how the Osvobozhdentsi use pseudo-democratic
“Resolution on a Provisional Revolutionary
phrases to cover up their half-hearted, or, to put it more
bluntly and plainly, their treacherous, perfidious policy
towards the revolution. Let us now see how the Social- “Whereas:
Democrats appraise the tasks of the moment. Excellent “1) both the direct interests of the proletariat and the
material for this purpose is provided by the two resolutions interests of its struggle for the final aims of socialism require
that were passed quite recently by the Third Congress of the fullest possible measure of political liberty and,
the Russian Social-Democratic Labour Party and by the consequently, the replacement of the autocratic form of
“Conference” of the section which has seceded from the government by a democratic republic;
Party. The question as to which of these resolutions more
correctly appraises the political situation and more correctly “2) the establishment of a democratic republic in Russia
defines the tactics of the revolutionary proletariat is of is possible only as a result of a victorious popular
enormous importance, and every Social-Democrat who is insurrection whose organ will be a provisional revolutionary
anxious to fulfil his duties as a propagandist, agitator and government, which alone will be capable of ensuring
organiser intelligently, must study this question with the complete freedom of agitation during the election campaign
closest attention, leaving all irrelevant considerations and of convening a constituent assembly that will really
entirely aside. express the will of the people, an assembly elected on the
basis of universal and equal suffrage, direct elections and
By the Party’s tactics we mean the Party’s political secret ballot;
conduct, or the character, the direction and methods of its
political activity. Tactical resolutions are adopted by Party “3) under the present social and economic order this
congresses in order precisely to define the political conduct democratic revolution in Russia will not weaken, but
of the Party as a whole with regard to new tasks, or in view strengthen the rule of the bourgeoisie, which at a certain
of a new political situation. Such a new situation has been moment will inevitably try, stopping at nothing, to take
created by the revolution that has started in Russia, i.e., away from the Russian proletariat as many of the gains of
the complete, resolute and open rupture between the the revolutionary period as possible:
overwhelming majority of the people and the tsarist “The Third Congress of the Russian Social-Democratic
government. The new question concerns the practical Labour Party resolves that:
methods to be adopted in convening a genuinely popular
and genuinely constituent assembly (the theoretical “a) that it is necessary to disseminate among the
question concerning such an assembly was officially settled working class a concrete idea of the most probable course
by Social-Democracy long ago, before all other parties, in of the revolution and of the necessity, at a certain moment
its Party program). Since the people have broken with the in the revolution, for the appearance of a provisional
government, and the masses realise the necessity of setting revolutionary government, from which the proletariat will
up a new order, the party which set itself the object of demand the realisation of all the immediate political and
overthrowing the government must necessarily consider economic demands contained in our program (the minimum
what government to put up in place of the old, deposed program);
government. A new question concerning a provisional “b) that subject to the relation of forces, and other
revolutionary government arises. In order to give a complete factors which cannot be exactly determined beforehand,
answer to this question the Party of the class-conscious representatives of our Party may participate in the
proletariat must make clear: 1) the significance of a provisional revolutionary government for the purpose of
provisional revolutionary government in the revolution that relentless struggle against all counter-revolutionary
is now going on and in the entire struggle of the proletariat attempts and of the defence of the independent interests
in general; 2) its attitude towards a provisional of the working class;

RED STAR Platform for Communist Revolutionaries v November 2009 29

“c) that an indispensable condition for such currents in the movement and to the harmfulness of
participation is that the Party should exercise strict control extremes. One must know concretely what the given
over its representatives and that the independence of the movement is suffering from at the given time, what
Social-Democratic Party, which is striving for a complete constitutes the real political danger to the Party at the present
socialist revolution and, consequently, is irreconcilably time. Secondly, one must know what real political forces
hostile to all bourgeois parties, should be strictly are profiting by this or that tactical slogan—or perhaps by
maintained; the absence of this or that slogan. To listen to the new
Iskra-ists, one would arrive at the conclusion that the Social-
“d) that irrespective whether the participation of
Democratic Party is threatened with the danger of throwing
Social-Democrats in the provisional revolutionary
overboard propaganda and agitation, the economic struggle
government prove possible or not, we must propagate
and criticism of bourgeois democracy, of becoming
among the broadest masses of the proletariat the necessity
inordinately absorbed in military preparations, armed
for permanent pressure to be brought to bear upon the
attacks, the seizure of power, etc. Actually, however, real
provisional government by the armed proletariat, led by
danger is threatening the Party from an entirely different
the Social-Democratic Party, for the purpose of defending,
quarter. Anyone who is at all closely familiar with the state
consolidating and extending the gains of the revolution.”
of the movement, anyone who follows it carefully and
Conclusion. Dare We Win? thoughtfully, cannot fail to see the ridiculous side of the
new Iskra’s fears. The entire work of the Russian Social-
Democratic Labour Party has already been fully moulded
P EOPLE who are superficially acquainted with
the state of affairs in Russian Social-Democracy, or
who judge as mere onlookers without knowing the whole
into firm, immutable forms which absolutely guarantee that
our main attention will be fixed on propaganda and agitation,
history of our internal Party struggle since the days of impromptu and mass meetings, on the distribution of leaflets
Economism, very often also dismiss the disagreements on and pamphlets, assisting in the economic struggle and
tactics which have now become crystallised, especially after championing the slogans of that struggle. There is not a
the Third Congress, with the simple argument that there single Party committee, not a single district committee, not
are two natural, inevitable and quite reconcilable trends in a single central delegates’ meeting or a single factory group
every Social-Democratic movement. One side, they say, lays where ninety-nine per cent of all the attention, energy and
special emphasis on the ordinary, current, everyday work, time are not always and constantly devoted to these
on the necessity of developing propaganda and agitation, functions, which have become firmly established ever since
the middle of the ’nineties. Only those who are entirely
of preparing forces, deepening the movement, etc., while
unfamiliar with the movement are ignorant of this. Only
the other side lays emphasis on the militant, general
very naïve or ill-informed people can be taken in by the
political, revolutionary tasks of the movement, points to
new Iskra-ists’ repetition of stated truths when it is done
the necessity of armed insurrection, advances the slogans:
with an air of great importance.
for a revolutionary-democratic dictatorship, for a provisional
revolutionary government. Neither one side nor the other The fact is that not only is no excessive zeal displayed
should exaggerate, they say; extremes are bad, both here among us with regard to the tasks of insurrection, to the
and there (and, generally speaking, everywhere in the general political slogans and to the matter of leading the
world), etc., etc. entire popular revolution, but, on the contrary, it is
backwardness in this very respect that stands out most
The cheap truisms of worldly (and “political” in
strikingly, constitutes our weakest spot and a real danger
quotation marks) wisdom, which such arguments
to the movement, which may degenerate, and in some places
undoubtedly contain, too often cover up a failure to
is degenerating, from one that is revolutionary in deeds
understand the urgent and acute needs of the Party. Take
into one that is revolutionary in words. Among the many,
the differences on tactics that now exist among the Russian many hundreds of organisations, groups and circles that
Social-Democrats. Of course, the special emphasis laid on are conducting the work of the Party you will not find a
the everyday, routine aspect of the work, such as we single one which has not from its very inception conducted
observe in the new Iskra-ist arguments about tactics, could the kind of everyday work about which the wiseacres of
not in itself present any danger and could not give rise to the new Iskra now talk with the air of people who have
any divergence of opinion regarding tactical slogans. But discovered new truths. On the other hand, you will find
the moment you compare the resolutions of the Third only an insignificant percentage of groups and circles that
Congress of the Russian Social-Democratic Labour Party have understood the tasks an armed insurrection entails,
with the resolutions of the Conference this divergence which have begun to carry them out, and have realised the
becomes strikingly obvious. necessity of leading the entire popular revolution against
What, then, is the trouble? The trouble is that, in the tsarism, the necessity of advancing for that purpose certain
first place, it is not enough to point abstractly to the two definite progressive slogans and no other.

30 RED STAR Platform for Communist Revolutionaries v November 2009

We are incredibly behind in our progressive and of that resolution by the editors of the new Iskra, sums it
genuinely revolutionary tasks, in very many instances we all up politically in an unmistakable way: lest the bourgeoisie
have not even become conscious of them; here and there recoil if the proletariat takes part in a revolutionary-
we have failed to notice the strengthening of revolutionary democratic dictatorship! This puts it in a nutshell. This
bourgeois democracy owing to our backwardness in this gives the finishing touch to the transformation of the
respect. But the writers in the new Iskra, turning their backs proletariat into an appendage of the monarchist
on the course of events and on the requirements of the bourgeoisie. The political meaning of the khvostism of
times, keep repeating insistently: Don’t forget the old! Don’t the new Iskra is thereby proved in fact, not by a casual
let yourselves be carried away by the new! This is the declaration of some individual, but by a resolution
principal and unvarying leitmotif of all the important especially endorsed by a whole trend.
resolutions of the Conference; whereas in the Congress Anyone who ponders over these facts will understand
resolutions you just as unvaryingly read: while confirming the real significance of the stock reference to the two sides
the old (and without stopping to chew it over and over, for and the two trends in the Social-Democratic movement.
the very reason that it is old and has already been settled For a study of these trends on a large scale, take
and recorded in literature, in resolutions and by experience), Bernsteinism. The Bernsteinians have been dinning into
we put forward a new task, draw attention to it, issue a new our ears in exactly the same way that it is they who
slogan, and demand that the genuinely revolutionary Social- understand the true needs of the proletariat, the tasks
Democrats immediately set to work to put it into effect. connected with the growth of its forces, with rendering the
That is how matters really stand with regard to the entire activity more profound, with preparing the elements
question of the two trends in Social-Democratic tactics. of a new society, with propaganda and agitation! Bernstein
The revolutionary period has called forth new tasks, which says: we demand a frank recognition of what is, thus
only the totally blind can fail to see. And some Social- sanctifying a “movement” without “final aims,” sanctifying
Democrats unhesitatingly recognise these tasks and place defensive tactics only, preaching the tactics of fear “lest
them on the order of the day, declaring: the armed the bourgeoisie recoil.” The Bernsteinians also raised an
insurrection brooks no delay, prepare yourselves for it outcry against the “Jacobinism” of the revolutionary Social-
immediately and energetically, remember that it is Democrats, against the “publicists” who fail to understand
indispensable for a decisive victory, issue the slogans of a the “initiative of the workers,” etc., etc. In reality, as
republic, of a provisional government, of a revolutionary- everyone knows, the revolutionary Social-Democrats have
democratic dictatorship of the proletariat and the peasantry. never even thought of abandoning the everyday, petty
Others, however, draw back, mark time, write prefaces work, the mustering of forces, etc., etc. All they demanded
instead of giving slogans; instead of pointing to the new was a clear understanding of the final aim, a clear
while confirming the old, they chew this old tediously and presentation of the revolutionary tasks; they wanted to
at great length, inventing pretexts to avoid the new, unable raise the semi-proletarian and semi-petty-bourgeois strata
to determine the conditions for a decisive victory or to to the revolutionary level of the proletariat, not to reduce
issue the slogans which alone are in line with the striving this level to that of opportunist considerations such as
to attain complete victory. “lest the bourgeoisie recoil.” Perhaps the most vivid
The political result of this khvostism stares us in the expression of this rift between the intellectual opportunist
face. The fable about a rapprochement between the wing and the proletarian revolutionary wing of the Party
“majority” of the Russian Social-Democratic Labour Party was the question: durfen wir siegen? “Dare we win?” Is it
and the revolutionary bourgeois democracy remains a fable permissible for us to win? Would it not be dangerous for us
which has not been confirmed by a single political fact, by to win? Ought we to win? This question, which seems so
a single important resolution of the “Bolsheviks” or a single strange at first sight, was raised, however, and had to be
act of the Third Congress of the Russian Social-Democratic raised, because the opportunists were afraid of victory,
Labour Party. On the other hand, the opportunist, were frightening the proletariat away from it, were predicting
monarchist bourgeoisie, as represented by the that trouble would come of it, were ridiculing the slogans
Osvobozhdeniye, has long been welcoming the trends of that straightforwardly called for it.
the “principles” of new Iskra-ism and now it is actually The same fundamental division into an intellectual-
running its mill with their grist, is adopting their catchwords opportunist and proletarian-revolutionary trend exists also
and “ideas” directed against “secrecy” and “riots,” against among us, with the very material difference, however, that
exaggerating the “technical” side of the revolution, against here we are faced with the question of a democratic
openly proclaiming the slogan of armed insurrection, revolution, and not of a socialist revolution. The question
against the “revolutionism” of extreme demands, etc., etc. “dare we win?” which seems so absurd at first sight, has
The resolution of a whole conference of “Menshevik” been raised among us also. It was raised by Martynov in
Social-Democrats in the Caucasus, and the endorsement his Two Dictatorships, in which he prophesied dire

RED STAR Platform for Communist Revolutionaries v November 2009 31

misfortune if we prepare well for and carry out an rendering their work more profound, on the pretext of
insurrection quite successfully. The question has been rousing the initiative of the workers and pursuing a purely
raised in all the new Iskra literature dealing with a provisional class policy, the Economists were actually delivering the
revolutionary government, and all the time persistent working class into the hands of the liberal-bourgeois
though futile efforts have been made to liken Millerand’s politicians, i.e., were leading the Party along a path which
participation in a bourgeois-opportunist government to objectively meant exactly that. On the same pretexts, the
Varlin’s participation in a petty-bourgeois revolutionary new-Iskraists are actually betraying the interests of the
government. It is embodied in a resolution: “lest the proletariat in the democratic revolution to the bourgeoisie,
bourgeoisie recoil.” And although Kautsky, for instance, i.e., are leading the Party along a path which objectively
now tries to wax ironical and says that our dispute about a means exactly that. The Economists thought that leadership
provisional revolutionary government is like dividing the in the political struggle was no concern of the Social-
skin of a bear before the bear has been killed, this irony Democrats but properly the business of the liberals. The
only proves that even clever and revolutionary Social- new-Iskraists think that the active conduct of the democratic
Democrats are liable to put their foot in it when they talk revolution is no concern of the Social-Democrats but
about something they know of only by hearsay. German properly the business of the democratic bourgeoisie, for,
Social-Democracy is not yet so near to killing its bear they argue, if the proletariat takes the leading and pre-
(carrying out a socialist revolution), but the dispute as to eminent part it will “diminish the sweep” of the revolution.
whether we “dare” kill the bear was of enormous importance In short, the new-Iskraists are the epigones of
from the point of view of principles and of practical politics. Economism, not only in their origin at the Second Party
Russian Social-Democrats are not yet so near to being Congress, but also in the manner in which they now present
strong enough to “kill their bear” (to carry out a democratic the tactical tasks of the proletariat in the democratic
revolution), but the question as to whether we “dare” kill it revolution. They, too, constitute an intellectual-opportunist
is of extreme importance for the whole future of Russia and wing of the Party. In the sphere of organisation they made
for the future of Russian Social-Democracy. An army cannot their debut with the anarchist individualism of intellectuals
be energetically and successfully mustered and led unless and finished with “disorganisation-as-a-process,” fixing in
we are sure that we “dare” win. the “Rules” [The “Rules of Organisation” adopted at the
Take our old Economists. They too howled that their Geneva Menshevik Conference in 1905] adopted by the
opponents were conspirators, Jacobins (see the Rabocheye Conference the separation of the Party’s publishing
Dyelyo, especially No. 10, and Martynov’s speech in the activities from the Party organisation, an indirect and
debate on the program at the Second Congress), that by practically four-stage system of elections, a system of
plunging into politics they were divorcing themselves from Bonapartist plebiscites instead of democratic
the masses, that they were losing sight of the fundamentals representation, and finally the principle of “agreements”
of the working-class movement, ignoring the initiative of between the part and the whole. In Party tactics they
the workers, etc., etc. In reality these supporters of the continued to slide down the same inclined plane. In the
“initiative of the workers” were opportunist intellectuals “plan of the Zemstvo campaign” they declared that
who tried to foist on the workers their own narrow and speeches to Zemstvo-ists were “the highest type of
philistine conception of the tasks of the proletariat. In reality demonstration,” finding only two active forces on the
the opponents of Economism, as everyone can see from political scene (on the eve of January 9!) — the government
the old Iskra, did not neglect or push into the background and the democratic bourgeoisie. They made the pressing
any of the aspects of Social-Democratic work, nor did they problem of arming “more profound” by substituting for the
in the least forget the economic struggle; but they were direct and practical slogan of an appeal to arm, the slogan:
able at the same time to present the urgent and immediate arm the people with a burning desire to arm themselves.
political tasks in their full scope and they opposed the The tasks connected with an armed insurrection, with the
transformation of the workers’ party into an “economic” establishment of a provisional government and with a
appendage of the liberal bourgeoisie. revolutionary-democratic dictatorship have now been
The Economists had learned by rote that politics are distorted and blunted by them in their official resolutions.
based on economics and “understood” this to mean that “Lest the bourgeoisie recoil”—this final chord of their last
the political struggle should be reduced to the level of the resolution throws a glaring light on the question of where
economic struggle. The new-Iskraists have learned by rote their path is leading the Party.
that the economic basis of the democratic revolution is the The democratic revolution in Russia is a bourgeois
bourgeois revolution, and “understood” this to mean that revolution by reason of its social and economic content.
the democratic aims of the proletariat should be degraded But a mere repetition of this correct Marxian proposition is
to the level of bourgeois moderation, to the limits beyond not enough. It must be properly understood and properly
which “the bourgeoisie will recoil.” On the pretext of applied in political slogans. In general, all political liberties

32 RED STAR Platform for Communist Revolutionaries v November 2009

that are founded on present-day, i.e., capitalist, relations of path to real freedom for the proletariat and the peasantry,
production are bourgeois liberties. The demand for liberty than the path of bourgeois freedom and bourgeois progress.
expresses primarily the interests of the bourgeoisie. Its We must not forget that there is not, nor can there be, at the
representatives were the first to raise this demand. Its present time, any other means of bringing Socialism nearer,
supporters have everywhere used the liberty they acquired than complete political liberty, than a democratic republic,
like masters, reducing it to moderate and meticulous than the revolutionary-democratic dictatorship of the
bourgeois doses, combining it with the most subtle proletariat and the peasantry. As the representatives of the
methods of suppressing the revolutionary proletariat in advanced and only revolutionary class, revolutionary
peaceful times and with brutally cruel methods in stormy without reservations, doubts or looking back, we must
times. present to the whole of the people, as widely, as boldly and
with the utmost initiative possible, the tasks of the
But only the rebel Narodniks, the anarchists and the
democratic revolution. To degrade these tasks in theory
“Economists” could deduce from this that the struggle for
means making a travesty of Marxism, distorting it in
liberty should be rejected or disparaged. These intellectual- philistine fashion, while in practical politics it means
philistine doctrines could be foisted on the proletariat only delivering the cause of the revolution into the hands of the
for a time and against its will. The proletariat always realised bourgeoisie, which will inevitably recoil from the task of
instinctively that it needed political liberty, needed it more consistently carrying out the revolution. The difficulties
than anyone else, despite the fact that its immediate effect that lie on the road to the complete victory of the revolution
would be to strengthen and to organise the bourgeoisie. are very great. No one will be able to blame the
The proletariat expects to find its salvation not by avoiding representatives of the proletariat if, having done everything
the class struggle but by developing it, by widening it, in their power, their efforts are defeated by the resistance
increasing its consciousness, its organisation and of the reaction, the treachery of the bourgeoisie and the
determination. Whoever degrades the tasks of the political ignorance of the masses. But everybody and the class-
struggle transforms the Social-Democrat from a tribune of conscious proletariat above all, will condemn Social-
the people into a trade union secretary. Whoever degrades Democracy if it curtails the revolutionary energy of the
the proletarian tasks in a democratic bourgeois revolution democratic revolution and dampens revolutionary ardour
transforms the Social-Democrat from a leader of the people’s because it is afraid to win, because it is actuated by the
revolution into a leader of a free labour union. consideration: lest the bourgeoisie recoil.
Yes, the people’s revolution. Social-Democracy has Revolutions are the locomotives of history, said Marx.
fought, and is quite rightly fighting against the bourgeois- [In The Class Struggles in France] Revolutions are the
democratic abuse of the word “people.” It demands that festivals of the oppressed and the exploited. At no other
this word shall not be used to cover up failure to understand time are the masses of the people in a position to come
the class antagonisms within the people. It insists forward so actively as creators of a new social order as at a
categorically on the need for complete class independence time of revolution. At such times the people are capable of
for the party of the proletariat. But it divides the “people” performing miracles, if judged by the narrow, philistine scale
into “classes,” not in order that the advanced class may of gradual progress. But the leaders of the revolutionary
become shut up within itself, confine itself to narrow aims parties must also make their aims more comprehensive and
and emasculate its activity for fear that the economic rulers bold at such a time, so that their slogans shall always be in
of the world will recoil, but in order that the advanced class, advance of the revolutionary initiative of the masses, serve
which does not suffer from the halfheartedness, vacillation as a beacon, reveal to them our democratic and socialist
and indecision of the intermediate classes, may with all the ideal in all its magnitude and splendour and show them the
greater energy and enthusiasm fight for the cause of the shortest and most direct route to complete, absolute and
whole of the people, at the head of the whole of the people. decisive victory. Let us leave to the opportunists of the
Osvobozhdeniye bourgeoisie the task of inventing
That is what the present-day new-Iskraists so often
roundabout, circuitous paths of compromise out of fear of
fail to understand and why they substitute for active
the revolution and of the direct path. If we are compelled
political slogans in the democratic revolution a mere
by force to drag ourselves along such paths, we shall be
pedantic repetition of the word “class,” parsed in all genders
able to fulfil our duty in petty, everyday work also. But let
and cases!
ruthless struggle first decide the choice of the path. We
The democratic revolution is a bourgeois revolution. shall be traitors to and betrayers of the revolution if we do
The slogan of a Black Redistribution, or “land and liberty”— not use this festive energy of the masses and their
this most widespread slogan of the peasant masses, down revolutionary ardour to wage a ruthless and self-sacrificing
trodden and ignorant, yet passionately yearning for light struggle for the direct and decisive path. Let the bourgeois
and happiness—is a bourgeois slogan. But we Marxists opportunists contemplate the future reaction with craven
should know that there is not, nor can there be, any other fear. The workers will not be frightened either by the thought

RED STAR Platform for Communist Revolutionaries v November 2009 33

that the reaction promises to be terrible or by the thought
that the bourgeoisie proposes to recoil. The workers are Resurrecting The
Old Revisionism
not looking forward to striking bargains, are not asking for
sops; they are striving to crush the reactionary forces
without mercy, i.e., to set up the revolutionary-democratic
dictatorship of the proletariat and the peasantry.
Of course, greater dangers threaten the ship of our
In A New Guise
Party in stormy times than in periods of the smooth “sailing”
[What is reproduced below is the concluding part
of liberal progress, which means the painfully slow sweating
of the Fourth Comment on the open letter of the
of the working class by its exploiters. Of course, the tasks
Central Committee of the CPSU by the Central
of the revolutionary-democratic dictatorship are a thousand
times more difficult and more complicated than the tasks of Committee of the CPC, dated October 22, 1963:
an “extreme opposition” or of the exclusively parliamentary Apologists of Neo-colonialism. When US-led
struggle. But whoever can deliberately prefer smooth sailing imperialist camp resorted to neo-colonisation to
and the path of safe “opposition” in the present overcome the advances made by the socialist
revolutionary situation had better abandon Social- forces and national liberation movements,
Democratic work for a while, had better wait until the initially the Soviet leadership exposed its
revolution is over, until the festive days have passed, when weaknesses in confronting it. Many
humdrum everyday life starts again and his narrow routine compromises were made which were harmful for
standards no longer strike such an abominably discordant the revolutionary advances. After Stalin’s death,
note, or constitute such an ugly distortion of the tasks of these weaknesses turned into a deviation as the
the advanced class. capitalist roaders within the CPSU usurped the
At the head of the whole of the people, and particularly
party and state leadership. They became
of the peasantry—for complete freedom, for a consistent apologists of Neo-colonialism. All those parties
democratic revolution, for a republic! At the head of all the at international level including CPI and CPI(M)
toilers and the exploited—for Socialism! Such must in also became the same. Once Soviet Union
practice be the policy of the revolutionary proletariat, such transformed to a social imperialist power by the
is the class slogan which must permeate and determine the time Brezhnev took over in 1964, it started
solution of every tactical problem, every practical step of competing with US imperialism for neo-colonial
the workers’ party during the revolution. domination. These developments can be well
understood from the following excerpts. That the
capitalist roaders in China after the defeat of the
‘left’ adventurist line of Lin Biao in 1971 started
pursuing almost the same path finally
succeeding in usurping power there also is the
postscript to be added to it - Red Star]

T HE policy of the leadership of the CPSU on the

national-colonial question is identical with the
bankrupt policy of the revisionists of the Second
International. The only difference is that the latter served
the imperialists’ old colonialism, while the modern
revisionists serve the imperialists’ neo-colonialism.
The old revisionists sang to the tune of the old
colonialists, and Khrushchov sings to the tune of the neo-
The heroes of the Second International, represented
Bhopal: Revolutionary Youth Federation of India (RYFI)
by Bernstein and Kautsky, were apologists for the old
burnt an effigy depicting price-rise. Raising slogan
colonial rule of imperialism. They openly declared that
against UPA government, the RYFI activists
colonial rule was progressive, that it “brought a high
condemned increasing corruption in public distribution
civilization” to the colonies and “developed the productive
system, price-rise, hoarding, black marketing and future
forces” there. They even asserted that the “abolition of the
colonies would mean barbarism”.

34 RED STAR Platform for Communist Revolutionaries v November 2009

In this respect Khrushchov is somewhat different from the old revisionists in slandering the Bolsheviks. It is hard
the old revisionists. He is bold enough to denounce the to find any difference.
old colonial system.
It must be said that in serving the imperialists’ neo-
How is it that Khrushchov is so bold? Because the colonialism, Khrushchov is not a whit inferior to the old
imperialists have changed their tune. revisionists in their service of the imperialists’ old
After World War II, under the twin blows of the colonialism.
socialist revolution and the national liberation revolution, Lenin showed how the policy of imperialism caused
the imperialists were forced to recognize that “if the West the international workers’ movement to split into two
had attempted to perpetuate the status quo of colonialism, sections, the revolutionary and the opportunist. The
it would have made violent revolution inevitable and defeat revolutionary section sided with the oppressed nations and
inevitable”. The old colonialist forms of rule “on the opposed the imperialists and colonialists. On the other
contrary, ... are likely to prove ‘running sores’ which destroy hand, the opportunist section fed on crumbs from the spoils
both the economic and the moral vigour of a nation’s life”. which the imperialists and colonialists squeezed out of the
Thus it became necessary to change the form and practice people of the colonies and semi-colonies. It sided with the
neo-colonialism. imperialists and colonialists and opposed the revolution of
Thus, too, Khrushchov singing to the tune of the neo- the oppressed nations for liberation.
colonialist flaunts the “theory of the disappearance of The same kind of division between revolutionaries and
colonialism” in order to cover up the new colonialism. What opportunists in the international working-class movement
is more, he tries to induce the oppressed nations to embrace as that described by Lenin is now taking shape not only in
this new colonialism. He actively propagates the view that the working-class movement in capitalist countries but also
“peaceful coexistence” between the oppressed nations and in socialist countries where the proletariat wields state
civilized imperialism will make “the national economy grow power.
rapidly” and bring about an “uplift of their productive
forces”, enable the home market in the oppressed countries The experience of history shows that if the national
to “become incomparably greater” and “furnish more raw liberation movement is to achieve complete victory it must
materials, and various products and goods required by the form a solid alliance with the revolutionary working-class
economy of the industrially developed countries” and, at movement, draw a clear line of demarcation between itself
the same time will “considerably raise the living standard and the revisionists who serve the imperialists and
of the inhabitants in the highly developed capitalist colonialists, and firmly eradicate their influence.
countries”. The experience of history shows that if the working-
Nor has Khrushchov forgotten to collect certain worn- class movement of the capitalist countries in Western
out weapons from the arsenal of the revisionists of the Europe and North America is to achieve complete victory,
Second International. it must form a close alliance with the national liberation
movement in Asia, Africa and Latin America, draw a clear
Here are some examples. line of demarcation between itself and the revisionists, and
The old revisionists opposed wars of national firmly eradicate their influence.
liberation and held that the national question “can be settled
The revisionists are agents of imperialism who have
only through international agreements” and “advance in
hidden themselves among the ranks of the international
all the arts of peace”. On this question, Khrushchov has
working-class movement. Lenin said, “... the fight against
taken over the line of the revisionists of the Second
imperialism is a sham and humbug unless it is inseparably
International; he advocates a “quiet burial of the colonial
bound up with the fight against opportunism.” (Lenin,
Selected Works, Moscow, Vol. I, Part 2, p. 566.) Thus it is
The old revisionists attacked the revolutionary clear that the present fight against imperialism and old and
Marxists, hurling at them the slander that “Bolshevism is in new colonialism must be linked closely with the fight
essence a warlike type of socialism” and that “the against the apologists of neo-colonialism.
Communist International harbours the illusion that the
However hard the imperialists disguise their intentions
liberation of the workers can be achieved by means of the
and bestir themselves, however hard their apologists
bayonets of the victorious Red Army and that a new world
whitewash and help neo-colonialism, imperialism and
war is necessary for the world revolution”. They also spread
colonialism cannot escape their doom. The victory of the
the story that this position had “created the greatest danger
national liberation revolution is irresistible. Sooner or later
of a new world war”. The language Khrushchov uses today
the apologists of neo-colonialism will go bankrupt.
to slander the Chinese Communist Party and other fraternal
Marxist-Leninist Parties is exactly the language used by Workers of the world and the oppressed nations, unite! ●

RED STAR Platform for Communist Revolutionaries v November 2009 35

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What Is Soviet Power?

What is Soviet power? What is the essence of this new power, which people in most countries
still will not, or cannot, understand? The nature of this power, which is attracting larger and
larger numbers of workers in every country, is the following: in the past the country was, in
one way or another, governed by the rich, or by the capitalists, but now, for the first time, the
country is being governed by the classes, and moreover, by the masses of those classes,
which capitalism formerly oppressed. Even in the most democratic and freest republics, as
long as capital rules and the land remains private property, the government will always be in
the hands of a small minority, nine-tenths of which consist of capitalists, or rich men.
In this country, in Russia, for the first time in the world history, the government of the country
is so organised that only the workers and the working peasants, to the exclusion of the
exploiters, constitute those mass organisations known as Soviets, and these Soviets wield
all state power. That is why, in spite of the slander that the representatives of the bourgeoisie
in all countries spread about Russia, the word “Soviet” has now become not only intelligible
but popular all over the world, has become the favourite word of the workers, and of all
working people. And that is why, notwithstanding all the persecution to which the adherents
of communism in the different countries are subjected, Soviet power must necessarily,
inevitably, and in the not distant future, triumph all over the world.
We know very well that there are still many defects in the organisation of Soviet power in
this country. Soviet power is not a miracle-working talisman. It does not, overnight, heal all
the evils of the past- illiteracy, lack of culture, the consequences of a barbarous war, the
aftermath of predatory capitalism. But it does pave the way to socialism. It gives those who
were formerly oppressed the chance to straighten their backs and to an ever-increasing
degree to take the whole government of the country, the whole administration of the economy,
the whole management of production, into their own hands.
Soviet power is the road to socialism that was discovered by the masses of the working
people, and that is why it is the true road, that is why it is invincible.
End of March 1919

Demonstration of slum dwellers under the baner of Basti Surksha Manch,

Bhopal against Jawaharlal Nehru Urban Renewal Plan
36 RED STAR Platform for Communist Revolutionaries v November 2009

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