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In support of my application I submit the following statement in respect of my claims against the selection criteria for the subject positions. 1. Demonst !te" !#$%$t& !n" 'omm$tment to t(e ) o*$s$on o+ ! ($,( st!n"! " o+ '-stome se *$'e.

Throughout my entire career I have occupied positions that were required to provide a service and I know first hand the importance/impact of being client focused. To this end, I have approached my work with the view that a combination of client satisfaction and friendly, efficient service always wins repeat business. Within the public sector we are all obligated to provide a quality service and react in some way to our clients be they internal or e ternal to the !"#. $n joining %&'# I quickly established who were my clients and of what service I was e pected to supply. %y capacity to work e peditiously while giving thorough attention to %&'# clients (being, members and e )members of the !*+, has resulted in an improved and qualitative service. I have always embraced this attitude and while working with -aval .ealth 'ecords, *efence, my services were constantly sought by the area/s clients (being medical personnel, naval and e )naval staff, 0eterans !ffairs and %ilitary &ompensation,. !s the office manager at *r. 1ones/ surgery I was responsible for handling all incoming calls and patient/s arrivals and dismissals. This would involve making sure that their needs were met in an environment where questions were often put to me regarding all aspects of their treatment. !n ability to provide qualitative responses, patient instructions and accurate accounts management was of course paramount to me with regard to the e ecution of my duties. %y people orientation was not limited to e ternal clients and included staff in the office in respect of my personnel management/.' functions of pays, recruitment and training. I believe, nevertheless, that I established and recognised the value of a quality service very early in my working life in both the retail and catering industries. I am confident, therefore, that my broad e perience in being client focused has and will easily be e tended to this %&'# role. .. Demonst !te" !#$%$t& to o)e !te $n ! te!m en*$ onment/ $n'%-"$n, 0e%%1 "e*e%o)e" o ,!n$s!t$on!% s2$%%s/ 0$t( t(e !#$%$t& to est!#%$s( !n" o ,!n$se 0o 2%o!"s !n" m!$nt!$n ! ($,( %e*e% o+ 0o 2 o-t)-t !n" !''- !'&.

Throughout my career I have worked individually and as a team member and consider myself both a reliable self)starter and a team player. %y current function involves being productive as a member of a dedicated team and my referee will attest that I do not hesitate to show initiative in taking on the teams/ work (with a view to realising shared goals,. I have long been an advocate of the benefits of synergistic team based arrangements and, wherever possible, have promoted participatory practices and team

ownership of the decision)making process. 2iven the above, I have no doubts that I can value add to both the operation and efficacy of any team that I might belong. I pride myself on my ability to prioritise my workload and deal with une pected demands put on me. I establish first thing what needs to be done on a particular day and set out to achieve my self imposed goals and deadlines. I regularly review priorities and follow up on outstanding matters at my own behest and can quickly locate work and respond to requests for information or updates about my tasks. %y supervisor would agree that my outlook is always positive and that work is completed according to priorities and fle ibility as required with a commitment to all clients. %&'# is a high volume work area that requires constant dedication to service clients in a timely manner. It is necessary to incorporate some fle ibility into the work practices to enable the realisation of significant workloads. It has involved for e ample e tended hours, increased efforts and variations to standard operating arrangements. The ability to consistently e amine data with complete accuracy essentially constitutes one of the key competencies required for my e isting work at %&'#. 2enerally speaking, e amining information for detail relating to a compensation claim composes a significant part of my workload and it is necessary that it be carried out in a qualitative fashion. *eciding on the determination of a claim, for e ample, always requires meticulous scrutiny to the details provided to assure that a correct decision is made. !n inability to undertake these functions in a precise manner compromises the compensation claim for an individual that in turn could prevent him/her from access to compensation or rehabilitation. 'outine or otherwise, my referee will confirm that this is a responsibility that I do not take lightly. While at -avy .ealth 'ecords, *efence I was often allocated additional and more comple responsibilities as a result of my judgement, the ability to initiate action and to constantly prioritise. This included, among other things, the investigation of previously unknown archival procedures, the preparation of instructions and user problem solving associated with a new computerised management system3 and the management of some long forgotten (and often onerous, archival backlogs whilst maintaining my regular responsibilities. 4ssentially, I am keen to get my duties completed in a timely and qualitative manner with a high degree of accuracy and am happy to work in a demanding or high pressure environment. I am confident that I have met this challenge and can significantly contribute, in an eminently positive way, to the %ilitary &ompensation and 'ehabilitation team. 3. Demonst !te" !#$%$t& to $nte ) et !n" !))%& e%e*!nt %e,$s%!t$on/ $nst -'t$ons !n" ,-$"e%$nes $n !ssess$n, 'om)%e4 '%!$ms !n" m!2e so-n" o#5e't$*e 5-",ements (!*$n, e,! " to !*!$%!#%e e*$"en'e.

%y current role at %&'# involves the assessment of comple claims. In order to judge these claims fairly it is necessary to have an understanding of the rights and obligations of both employees and the (&ommonwealth, employer and the processes to be observed with the submission, investigation and determination of claims for compensation or review. I am confident that I have been able to e amine all available evidence for each claim with regard to the relevant legislation, instructions and guidelines making objective decisions to either accept or deny (or recommend to accept

or deny, the request. +or e ample, it is essential that the evidence prove a claimant/s injury/disease has been properly diagnosed and that their %ilitary employment caused or aggravated the condition for initial liability to be accepted. It is important to understand and apply the various sections of the #'& !ct to determine the validity of claims. !s an e ample, #ection 5 describes the definitions of terminology used throughout the !ct, #ection 6 establishes what constitutes 7arising out of, or in the course of employment7 and #ection 86 covers the details for payment of medical e penses. The *efence *elegation #chedule outlines the powers held by compensation employees and what the limits are for each. +or e ample, delegation level 5 (relevant to this position, includes all previous powers but can also consider medical treatment of a quasi)medical nature. There are many other instructions and guidelines which are valuable tools when making decisions on the validity of a claim such as the *efence &ompensation Instructions (*&I/s,. *&I no.89 (for instance, outlines the policy concerning claims for &hronic +atigue #yndrome. I am very conscious of the consequences of making an improper/inaccurate decision. This can vary from preventing a client from receiving just compensation (if denied on an inappropriate basis, to causing unnecessary and often costly payments to a client if initial liability has not been well thought through and defined properly and/or not doing suitable reviews on clients who receive ongoing benefits indefinitely. #ince joining %&'#, I have actively pursued a consummate knowledge of all necessary legislation/instructions so as to ensure considered and informed objectivity in the e ecution of my duties. %y ability to perform the work of the subject positions is therefore sourced in practical e perience. 4. Demonst !te" ($,( st!n"! " o+ 'omm-n$'!t$on !n" $nte )e son!% s2$%%s/ 0$t( t(e !#$%$t& to e++e't$*e%& %$!$se !n" ne,ot$!te 0$t( st!++ !n" '%$ents. P o*en !#$%$t& $n t(e ) e)! !t$on o+ 'o es)on"en'e to ! ($,( st!n"! ".

I believe that it is essential to not only listen carefully to any instructions, information and issues of concern but to clearly e press my thoughts, messages or information in a format that is well understood. In my current %&'# claims management role, I feel that my particular skills have helped facilitate the transfer of information in a professional and effective manner. In performing my duties I regularly liaise with members of the public, other &ommonwealth !gencies, medical staff and officers of most ranks in respect of military compensation claims. Invariably, this function could not be undertaken without an appreciation of medical matters and the ability to work in accordance with *0! protocol, confidentiality and security requirements. I believe that I carry out my duties in a friendly, discrete and proficient manner and that I am often a point of consultation given my dental, theatre and pharmaceutical handling e perience. !s can be gathered from my &urriculum 0itae, I also dealt with people from all walks of life on a variety of matters throughout my dental career (whether it was the provision of dental advice, settling payment difficulties of patients or bargaining for the provision of dental supplies,. This ability to liaise in varying circumstances has afforded me a certain confidence in dealing with people no matter what the situation.

%y records management role at -aval .ealth 'ecords, *efence had involved the training of new staff (and, as required, colleagues,. In this capacity, I remained cognisant of my responsibility to clearly articulate to my trainees any job requirements and e pectations, provide feedback/re)enforcement as well as motivating, appraising and mentoring those individuals. ! large part of my e isting work involves the preparation of correspondence to other &ommonwealth !gencies, clients and doctors. This could be in the form of a request for further information to determine a client/s claim/request, a formal determination to a client or asking for a report from a doctor to name a few. It is most important to maintain a high standard in writing these letters in order to correctly articulate the required information to avoid a misunderstanding once it is received and/or avoid receiving an inaccurate/incomplete reply from a requested source. I believe I carry out these tasks skillfully with regard to the necessary details for effective communication. %y advanced writing skills were also recognised at the *epartment of *efence where I was tasked with the development of -aval .ealth archive guidelines and instructions. %y correspondence skills have been further enhanced by my attendance at "olicy *evelopment (8::9, and Writing for a "urpose (8::;, courses. In summary, therefore, I am confident that my e tensive client based service and training contributes significantly to my level of communication and correspondence skills. 6. 7no0%e",e o+ o t(e !#$%$t& to 8-$'2%& !'8-$ e 2no0%e",e o+ t(e e%e*!nt 'om)ens!t$on %e,$s%!t$on/ De)! tment!% )o%$'$es !n" t(e F$n!n'e s&stems. Goo" -n"e st!n"$n, o+ t(e ) $n'$)%es !n" !))%$'!t$on o+ 0o 2e s 'om)ens!t$on !n" e(!#$%$t!t$on %e,$s%!t$on.

#ince -ovember 8::: I have been performing a total claims management role in %&'# which has enabled me to develop more than a solid understanding of the relevant compensation legislation, *epartmental policies and the +inance systems. This knowledge has been gained through practical means by way of handling and considering military compensation claims and requests. %y understanding was further entrenched by attending %&'#, 04!, *efmis and "%<eys training. I am aware, for e ample, that the #'& !ct establishes &omcare as the predominant administering authority for the !ct and how compensation for relevant employees is to be decided. Inasmuch as the !ustralian *efence +orces (including e )members, make claims for compensation and rehabilitation in accordance with the #'& !ct, %&'# currently manages/administers these compensation claims. There are many *epartmental policies to draw on as a reference for required information when dealing with %&'# claims. ! few e amples include the *efence &ompensation Instructions (*&I/s,, &&"# medical research library, standard operating procedures (#ops, used to establish liability under the 04! and 0I4W (the *isability &ompensation =ranch/s database of their claimants,. I have acquired training and e perience with the *efmis and "%<ey finance systems presently used by %&'# for the processing of payments to and on behalf of their clients. This includes the inputting/monitoring of correct details of the payee as well as all steps involved to make payments be they medical accounts, permanent impairment lump sum payments or incapacity payments to a client.

!s discussed at criterion >, I am able to e tract the necessary information from the #'& !ct for whatever issue needs resolving. !nother e ample of my capacity in this regard is when determining compensation for injuries resulting in incapacity payments, #ection 8: of the !ct deals with the varying circumstances of an employee (who is not in receipt of a pension under a superannuation scheme, and the formula for their payment. If they are receiving a superannuation pension, #ection ?@ would then apply. %y understanding of the #'& !ct, *epartmental policies and the +inance systems premised in practical application, ensures therefore that I more than adequately meet the requirements of this criterion. 9. A 2no0%e",e o+/ !n" "emonst !te" 'omm$tment to/ t(e ) $n'$)%es !n" ) !'t$'es o+ :o 2)%!'e D$*e s$t&/ In"-st $!% Demo' !'&/ OH;S/ P $*!'& Iss-es !n" t(e APS Co"e o+ Con"-'t !n" t(e !#$%$t& to !))%& t(em to st!++ m!n!,ement !n" 0o 2 ) !'t$'es.

In both the public and private sectors, I have developed a sincere commitment to the principles and practice of Workplace *iversity, Industrial *emocracy, $.A#, "rivacy Issues and, since joining the public service in 8::B, the !"# &ode of &onduct. I am cognisant of how Workplace *iversity legislation/principles are designed to protect designated community groups, remove discrimination, encourage a workforce composition representative of the community and allow all persons to compete equally in the workplace (on the basis of merit,. !s far as I am concerned, this mirrors my personal philosophy of fairness for all irrespective of heritage, gender or disability. In my role as a trainer/mentor of new staff at -aval .ealth 'ecords, *efence, I was active in raising their awareness of basic conditions of service including Workplace *iversity. Importantly, I have also kept an eye out for any form of discrimination or harassment with a view to ensuring a non)threatening working environment. In terms of industrial democracy, I appreciate the inherent value of having strategies in place that allow everyone to have a say in how an area is to be run. !n ability to tap into a collective knowledge, whether it be through focus groups, staff meetings, unions or consultative councils, will regularly add to a safer, happier and more effective workplace. I have always had a role to play at staff meetings in my various positions and currently share the chairing and minute taking of our fortnightly meetings. $n this basis I endeavour to value add to any decision making associated with %&'# staff meetings. It is important to me that all members of a team have a real influence over decisions that affect their working lives. !s a supervisor or as a team member, therefore, I like to think that I have (and would continue to, pursue a more participative style of decision making. %ost certainly from an $.A# point of view, I understand better than most the requirement for a safe and healthy working environment (having spent most of my working life in organisations that value hygiene control and adherence to safety standards/procedures,. Within the office environment too, I am aware of my obligations to observe the statutory requirements of $.A# legislation as it relates to both my colleagues and myself. To this end, I completed an $.A# for #upervisors course to further my knowledge in this area. !s a result I suggested and effected some changes at -aval .ealth given my $.A# concerns. The trainees in my care particularly benefited from my intervention with regard to the rotation of their duties, the arrangement

of their office furniture/accessories and the body movements required to perform their duties in a safe way. Throughout my entire career I have occupied positions that involved the handling of sensitive client information. In performing my %&'# claims management responsibilities, I am constantly aware of the requirement to maintain the confidentiality of those records in accordance with administrative law requirements. #pecifically, I know that the "rivacy !ct 8:;; contains provisions associated with the collection, storage, use and disclosure of personal information and that these provisions are defined in the Information "rivacy "rinciples (to be found in #ection 85 of the !ct,. The !"# &ode of &onduct outlines the requirements of an employee/s behaviour with regard to proper ethics and values. These include, but are not limited to, behaving honestly and with integrity, complying with all applicable !ustralian laws and avoiding any conflict of interest with !"# employment. I am confident that I am always aware of and observe the principles outlined in the !"# &ode of &onduct.

%y claims for position @@@5 have been discussed above. I have qualified my skills, ability and potential in relation to each criterion and this will be further substantiated by my referee. I am proud to state that I consider myself a self)starter who is motivated to succeed. I enjoy hard work and a challenge and believe that my past e perience (together with my work ethic, would allow me to perform the duties of the subject position in a highly satisfactory and professional manner. +urther, I am always keen to learn and better myself. +or these reasons, I seek a challenging and dynamic work environment. 2iven the opportunity, therefore, I look forward to further discussing my claims for the position.

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