Pickford Press - August 2007

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Press AUGUST 2007
Marketing Challenges and How to
Overcome Them
A ll marketers face
challenges, and real
estate marketing is no
channel or tactic by studying
what others have done. Then
get out there and do it for
And even when you can't
find user-friendly technology
to help you with a certain
different. But sometimes we yourself. Sure, you'll make marketing task, you can bet
have a way of letting our mistakes. We all do. But that's there's a vendor willing to step
challenges grow "too big for part of the learning process. in.
their britches." Marketing Challenge #2 - I When researching
In our minds, hurdles can don't know where to start. technology, break the process
become impossibilities, when If you're new to the world down into simple parts. First,
in reality they're anything but of real estate marketing, start refer back to your goals from
impossible. with the basics. First Challenge #2 above. What
To overcome a real estate determine your goals. This will technology can help you
marketing challenge, you make the entire process achieve those goals? Once
simply have to look at it with a easier. Too often, I see people you've answered this question,
fresh perspective, ask the define marketing goals that you'll have taken an ocean of
right questions, and then are overly vague. "I want to technological possibilities and
charge ahead. grow my business," is not a narrowed them down to a
With that in mind, here are marketing goal -- it's channel that best applies to
some of the common something we all want. you.
marketing challenges I've Of course you want to grow And always remember:
heard real estate agents your business. But to gain any technology can deliver the
express over the years, as well direction from this step, you message, but it can't create
as ways to overcome those have to get specific. For the message. It can help you
challenges: instance: show the value of your
Marketing Challenge #1 - I "I want to create an services, but it can't create
don't know anything about educational website with free that value in the first place.
marketing. downloads and reports, and That's your job.
Every marketer promote the site with direct Marketing Challenge #4 - I
approaches their first project mail. Using this system, I want don't have time for
with little or no practical to capture 20 new leads per marketing.
experience. Practical month." This one is simply a matter
experience comes from, well, Now that's a goal -- of priorities. If your marketing
practical experience. So in specific, measurable and is a top priority, then you can
your real estate marketing directional. make time for it. Here's an
endeavors, start by gaining a Marketing Challenge #3 - I easy way to do just that:
knowledge base through don't know anything about Start small, with just an
reading and research. Then technology. hour a day. Spend 15 minutes
build on that base through Technology. The word alone reading up on a particular
actual experimentation. scares people. But in truth, marketing tactic, and 45
"Analysis paralysis" affects marketing technology has minutes actually practicing it.
a lot of would-be marketers. evolved to a point of user- The 15 minutes of research
This is the condition where friendliness that it never had also helps reduce Challenge
every element of a marketing before. #1 (not knowing anything
campaign is analyzed, Today's marketing tools -- about marketing).
scrutinized and conceptualized from website creation to list Marketing Challenge #5 -
-- to the point that nothing management -- are more I'm new to real estate.
actually gets done. usable than ever, even by Every expert from every
Learn as much as you can people with little to no industry was the new guy or
about a particular marketing technical skill. gal at some point. They

managed, and so can you.

Even if you're new to real
estate, you're still a
professional, right? You'll find CALLING ALL
that people judge you by your
personal behavior as much as BUYER’S
your credentials.
When it comes to your AGENTS…
marketing message, this
means being knowledgeable
and professional. Proper
spelling, relevant information,
professional design and
delivery -- these factors add
up, and they'll help you make PHIL CLARK
a strong impression regardless
of how long you've been AND
practicing real estate.
Reprinted from Pickford Escrow Company,
www.armingyour farming.com,
article by Brandon Cornett
25909 Pala Drive, #150
Mission Viejo, CA 92691
Phone: (949) 586-2700
Fax: (949) 206-1259 Today’s market provides
E-Mail: you the rare occasion to
pclark@pickfordescrow.co be able to ASK FOR
m SERVICES when you’re
or representing a Buyer in
their pursuit of the
Real Estate Tax Tips for Sale of American Dream.
Residence With the current state of
INCLUDEPICTURE MERGEFORMATINET ending on the date of the sale,
"http://www.theshockzone.com/ima youthe marketplace
must have:
geload.php?site=2&filename=mon pronouncing
• Owned the that thefor at
ey6.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET Buyer has the control,
least two years (the
INCLUDEPICTURE they’re now provided
ownership test)
"http://www.theshockzone.com/ima with the uncommon
• Lived in the home as
geload.php?site=2&filename=mon ability to main
your dictate services
home for at
ey3.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET that least
havetwo customarily
years (the
INCLUDEPICTURE beenuse chosen
test) by the
"http://images.google.com/url?q Gain
Listing Agent or Seller.
=http://www.fotosearch.com/co If you
With have
this, youa gain
have from
Y ou may qualify to exclude
from your income all or
part of any gain from the sale
sale of your main
given the PERFECT home,
may be able to exclude up to
$250,000 of the gain from

JEu_M8F2UNaeIg" \* of your main home. Your main

utilize your in-house
your income ($500,000 on a
home is the one in which you escrow
joint returncompany on
in most cases).
live most of the time. purchases,
• If you can thus ensuring
exclude all of
Ownership and Use Tests the level
the gain, you do that
of service not
To claim the exclusion, you you’veneedcome to know
to report the sale
must meet the ownership and and trust.
on yourThe tax next
use tests. This means that you’re
• If youpreparing
have gainan that
during the 5-year period offer,cannot
remember to write
be excluded, it
CLARK” in Section
Press AUGUST 2007
is taxable. Report it on home that you have used for
Schedule D (Form business or to produce rental
1040) income. But you must meet
Loss the ownership and use tests.
You cannot deduct a loss Example:
from the sale of your main On May 30, 1997, Amy
home. bought a house. She moved in
Worksheets on that date and lived in it
Worksheets are included in until May 31, 1999, when she
Publication 523, Selling Your moved out of the house and
Home, to help you figure the: put it up for rent. The house
• Adjusted basis of the was rented from June 1, 1999,
home you sold to March 31, 2001. Amy
• Gain (or loss) on the moved back into the house on
sale April 1, 2001, and lived there
• Gain that you can until she sold it on January 31,
exclude 2003. During the 5-year period
Reporting the Sale ending on the date of the sale
Do not report the sale of (February 1, 1998 - January
your main home on your tax 31, 2003), Amy owned and
return unless you have a gain lived in the house for more
and at least part of it is than 2 years as shown in the
taxable. Report any taxable table.
gain on Schedule D (Form Amy can exclude gain up
1040). to $250,000. However, she
More Than One Home cannot exclude the part of the
If you have more than one gain equal to the depreciation
home, you can exclude gain she claimed for renting the
only from the sale of your house.
main home. You must pay tax Information taken from the
on the gain from selling any Internal Revenue Service
other home. If you have two website, www.irs.gov
homes and live in both of
them, your main home is
ordinarily the one you live in
most of the time.
Example One:
You own and live in a
house in the city. You also own
a beach house, which you use
during the summer months.
The house in the city is your
main home; the beach house
is not.
Example Two:
You own a house, but you
live in another house that you
rent. The rented house is your
main home.
Business Use or Rental of
You may be able to exclude
your gain from the sale of a
Fi ve Yea r Perio d Us ed a s Ho me Use d as R en tal
2/1/98-5/31/99 16 months
6/1/99-3/31/01 22 months
4/1/01-1/31/03 22 months

TOTAL: 38 months 22 months

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