Gerund or Inf

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Gerunds and infinitives

The gerund (verb in the present form + 'ing') is used: 1. After prepositions and adverbs. 2. After certain verbs. 3. As subject or object of a sentence. 4. After some expressions and verbs which are followed by the preposition 'to'. The infinitive ('to' + the present form of the verb) is used: 1. After certain verbs. 2. After some verbs followed by an object (sb sth!. 3. After some certain adjectives. 4. "o express purpose. #. After $uestions words (how% where etc.! and compounds of 'some' and 'any' (somebody% nothin& etc.! Infinitive without 'to' (present form of the verb) is used: 1. After modal and auxiliary verbs. 2. After 'ma'e' and 'let' Gerunds and infinitives - Special ases ! "egin# continue and start

These verbs can be followed b$ both gerund and infinitive e%cept in the present continuous form# where the infinitive must be used (t started rainin&. (t started to rain. )oo'* (t's startin& to rain* Stop Stop + Gerund & 'inish one action +he's an&ry with me and has stopped tal'in& to me. Stop + Infinitive & Stop one action and start another ( saw ,ane and she stopped to tal' to me. (she stopped wal'in& and we started chattin&! or

Tr$ Tr$ + Gerund & (hat $ou do to get what $ou want) ( wanted to improve my -n&lish so ( tried havin& private classes. Tr$ + Infinitive & *our ob+ective# what $ou want to do) ( tried to learn -n&lish but ( didn't have enou&h time to study properly. In the continuous tenses# the infinitive is used .e's been tryin& to learn the piano. ,elp (sb) and as- (sb) ,elp + sb) can be followed b$ infinitive or infinitive without 'to' .e helped me tidy up the room. .e helped me to tidy up the room. If there is no direct ob+ect (sb) then infinitive without 'to' is more natural) .e helped tidy up the room. .emember / forget .emember 0 forget + Gerund & Sth which happened before or in the past) ( remember havin& to wa'e up very early when ( was at school ('ll never for&et arrivin& at wor' for the first time. .emember 0 forget + Infinitive & Sth which happened after or will happen in the future) /lease remember to buy some more su&ar when you &o to the supermar'et 0on't for&et to pay the electricity bill tomorrow. 1 2eed If a person is the sub+ect of the sentence# the infinitive is used: ,ohn needs to ta'e his cat to the vet's. If a thing is the sub+ect of the sentence# the gerund is more common) "he &rass needs cuttin&. or

3erb patterns
.ere is a list of the verbs and expressions and the form which any verb which follows them should ta'e1 .ere are examples of the three forms usin& the verb 'to do'. 2erund 3 doin& 2-4560 4repositions and adverbs) after before 3erbs be&in< continue< hate enjoy finish li'e love prefer remember <# start< stop<< try<<< 8%pressions and 3erb + 'to' can't stand don't doesn't mind loo' forward to would sb mind 3erb as sub+ect or ob+ect of a sentence Swimming is healthy ( li'e swimming 3erbs a&ree decide for&et<# hope learn mana&e promise refuse remember <4 stop<< try<<< as' (sb.!<<<< need (sb! <= want (sb! would li'e (sb! would love (sb! 3erb + ob+ect allow sb expect sb. help sb.<<<< invite sb. tell sb. (nfinitive 3 to do (67(6("(85d+ectives be easy be hard be important be impossible be lovely be pleased be surprised be unusual 7uestion words how what when where who (nfinitive without 'to' 3 do (67(6("(89(".:5" '":' 6odal and au%iliar$ verbs sth. sb. doesn't 0oes sth. sb; 0oesn't sth. sb.; sth. sb. didn't 0id sth. sb.; 0idn't sth. sb.; can can't could couldn't will won't would wouldn't should shouldn't must mustn't may may not mi&ht mi&ht not

ompounds of some and an$ anybody everywhere nothin& somethin&

3erbs help sb.<<<< let sb. ma'e sb.

Gerunds and infinitives e%ercises

5nswer these 9uestions using the verbs given: -xample1 screen. 9hy does "om &o to the cinema so often; .e li'es watchin& films on a bi&

9hy does Ann watch tv so often; (enjoy! +he >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 9hy does ,ac' ta'e so many photos; (li'e! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 9hy don't you wor' in the evenin&s; (hate! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4ut the verb into the correct form using a gerund or infinitive -xample1 ( enjoy bein& (be! alone. 9ould you li'e to come (come! to a party;

(t shouldn't be difficult to tal' to ,ohn. .ave you tried >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (phone! him at home; ( wouldn't li'e >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (live! here. "here's nothin& >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (do! at ni&ht* ?y boss always expects me >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (arrive! at wor' early. 9ould you mind >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (open! the window; (t's very hot in here. Ann be&an >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (wash! up after she'd finished >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (coo'! ( can't stand people >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (tell! me what to do when ('m drivin&. 0id you for&et >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (post! my letter; ('m loo'in& forward to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (&o! to @ahia. 9hen >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (wor'! at home% ( need >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (have! complete silence. 9e tried >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (put! the fire out but we weren't successful. "hat's stran&e* ( don't remember >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (lend! you my noteboo'.

6a-e $our own sentences using one of the verbs below in each sentence) be surprised sb can't stand let sb (don't! li'e ma'e

(A >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>> (A >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>> (A >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>> ?y mother >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ?y teacher >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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