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University of Stuttgart Institute of Industrial Automation and Software Engineering

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h. c. P. Ghner


Master Thesis

Himanshu Kevadiya

2576 MT

Design of Multi-core Application with TwinCAT 3 and Real-time Linux

Supervisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h. c. Peter Ghner Prof. Dr.-Ing.Michael Weyrich Dipl.-Ing. Michael Abel (ISWUniversitt Stuttgart)

Table of Contents
Table of Figures ............................................................................................................................. ii Table of Tables ............................................................................................................................. iii Abbreviations................................................................................................................................ iv Terminology ................................................................................................................................... v Zusammenfassung ........................................................................................................................ vi Abstract ........................................................................................................................................ vii 1 2 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 8 State of the Art and Basics .................................................................................................... 9 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 State of the current Research .......................................................................................... 9 Introduction to Application Model ................................................................................. 9 Multi-core Processor..................................................................................................... 10 Operating Systems ........................................................................................................ 12 2.4.1 Processes and Threads ...................................................................................... 12 2.4.2 Scheduling ........................................................................................................ 13 2.4.3 Synchronization ................................................................................................ 16 2.4.4 Memory Management ....................................................................................... 16 2.5 Introduction to TwinCAT 3 .......................................................................................... 21 2.5.1 Extended Automation Architecture .................................................................. 22 2.5.2 Extended Automation Engineering ................................................................... 22 2.5.3 Extended Automation Runtime ........................................................................ 23 2.5.4 Extended Automation Performance .................................................................. 24 Literature Formatvorlage 1Ohne Nummer (aber im Verzeichnis) ........................................... 26


Table of Figures
Figure 2.1: Application Model ...................................................................................................... 10 Figure 2.2: Submodel Operations ................................................................................................. 10 Figure 2.3: Multi-core Processor ................................................................................................... 11 Figure 2.4: Parallelism on Multi-core Processor........................................................................... 11 Figure 2.5: Operating System Placement ...................................................................................... 12 Figure 2.6: Processes and Threads ................................................................................................ 13 Figure 2.7: Fixed Partitioning of 64-MB Memory........................................................................ 17 Figure 2.8: Dynamic Partitioning .................................................................................................. 18 Figure 2.9: Memory Paging .......................................................................................................... 19 Figure 2.10: Memory Paging ........................................................................................................ 19 Figure 2.11: Memory Segmetation ............................................................................................... 20 Figure 2.12 Finding a Segment in Memory .................................................................................. 20 Figure 2.13 Page Fault and Address-Translation Scheme ............................................................ 21 Figure 2.14: TwinCAT extended Automation Architecture ......................................................... 22 Figure 2.15: TwinCAT Extended Automation Runtime ............................................................... 23 Figure 2.16 Extended Automation Runtime ................................................................................. 23 Figure 2.17: Extended Automation Multi-core Performance ....................................................... 24


Table of Tables
Table 2.1: Tabellenbeschriftung (Formatvorlage: Tabellenbeschriftung)Error! Bookmark not defined.


FCFS CNC I/O VS CPU PC PTP NC OS MS EDF RMS RAM MB LRU PLC First Come First Serve Computer Numerical Control Input Output Visual Studio Central Processing Unit Personal Computer Point to Point Numeric Control Operating Systems Microseconds Earliest Deadline First Rate Monotonic Scheduling Random Access Memory Mega Byte Least Recently Used

Aktor Einheit zur Umsetzung von Stellinformation tragenden Signalen geringer Leistung in leistungsbehaftete Signale einer zur Prozessbeeinflussung notwendigen Energieform Synchronization Internal fragmentation


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State of the Art and Basics

This chapter illustrates the state of current research of multi-core simulation with TwinCAT and real-time Linux. A detailed explanation on fundamentals of operating systems real time Linux and TwinCAT 3 is illustrated. The terms CPU and core are used interchangeably throughout the discussion.

2.1 State of the current Research

Real-time simulation needs to perform computations in available time slot. Simulations are already being performed with real-time Linux on multi-core platform. The system performance with real-time Linux is considerably efficient and optimum. Beckhoff Automation GmbH introduced a PC-based automation Technology in the form of TwinCAT 3 automation suite [beck21]. TwinCAT 3 supports real-time capabilities. Application and simulation tasks can be distributed among several CPUs to take full advantage of the multi-core platform in TwinCAT 3. As far as real-time applications are concerned on multi-core platform, no research has been done to analyze system behavior, execution load and latencies of the tasks to compare with realtime Linux.

2.2 Introduction to Application Model

To take full advantage multi-core core platform based real-time systems, an application model is designed with multiple operations. Figure 2.1 shows the application model with several submodels. Application model has multiple submodels like rectangular signal generator, adder, integrator, multiplier etc. Rectangular signal generator generates a rectangular signal with specific cycle period and writes it to a memory location known as signal2. In the same way, adder adds two signals, integrator integrates the signal and multiplier multiplies the two signals. Sig2, sig3 and so on are the memory locations in global memory. Calculated data are written to and data is read from these signal locations. Several submodels are created like this in a final model two take the advantage of multi-core based real-time system. Submodels perform three operations as shown in figure 2.2. Initially it writes data to signals by executing write data operation, then data is executed in execute data operation and at last new state of the submodel is calculated in calculate new state operation. These operations are repeated cyclically. Moreover, another possibility of the sequence of operation can also be like the operation execute data is performed first and then calculate new state and at last write data operation. Theoretical analysis shows that, with cycle time of 1ms, all the three operations of each submodel are executed in the 10s or 100s of microseconds depending on the number of other operating systems task running at that moment. A detailed discussion about the execution concept of application model is discussed under the chapter-4 conception.


Figure 2.1: Application Model

Figure 2.2: Submodel Operations

2.3 Multi-core Processor

Processor is a unit or component in an operating system that read the program instructions and executes them. Multi-core processor is a processor with multiple cores. On a single core processor, only one instruction can be executed at a time that is known as uniprogramming. In real-time simulation, there is a specific time slot available in which number of instructions/tasks must be executed. Also, because of heat up of the chip in a processor and transmission delays, single core processor cannot be speed up above certain frequencies. Hence, multi-core processors are used.


Figure 2.3: Multi-core Processor

Figure 2.4: Parallelism on Multi-core Processor Figure 2.3[mcore21] shows a multi-core based processor with 4 cores. Depending on the processor type, there are varied number cores available on a processor. Multiple tasks/threads can be executed on different cores at the same time that is known as multi-programming. Several factors need to be considered while designing a multi-core based program like data dependencies, synchronization and several other factors of parallel programming that will be

12 discussed in chapter 3. Each core in Figure 2.3 is having its own individual memory. Global memory is shared among all the cores as shown. Other off-chip components and I/O devices can be connected using bus interface. Figure 2.4[mcore22] shows execution of tasks on a single-core processor and multi-core processor. On single-core processor, only one thread can be executed at a time and hence task1 to task4 are executed sequentially and that can consume many number of CPU cycles. On the other hand on a multi-core processor system, four cores executing task1 to task4 and as can be seen, in a short duration of time with less number of cycles as compared to single-core processor, all the tasks can be executed. Hence multi-core processor is used for the time-critical tasks.

2.4 Operating Systems

Operating system is a program that interacts directly with computer hardware to provide computer functionalities and services. As shown in Figure 2.5, operating system acts as an interface between application software and hardware of the system. Without operating systems, user requests and other application software cannot interact with hardware and computer system becomes meaningless. Operating system manages hardware devices such as monitor, mouse, keyboard and other peripherals as per the application software, device drivers, user requests etc. In this section, the operating system concepts like processes and threads, scheduling, synchronization, memory management etc are discussed.

Figure 2.5: Operating System Placement

2.4.1 Processes and Threads

Process is a program in execution. Examples of process are www-browser, OS kernel, OS shell etc. Operating system manages the processes. Operating system allocates processor, main memory, I/O modules, timers etc to process. Process scheduling mechanism, Interprocess communication, synchronization between different processes, watch for processor utilization

13 and many other mechanisms of a process are managed by operating system. Process has resource ownership that is virtual address space to hold the process image of program, data, stack and attribute. Once resource is allocated, operating system shields processes from interfering with other resources. Threads are lightweight processes. A process has minimum one thread. Figure 2.5 shows that it is possible to have multiple threads per process. Thread is a unit of dispatching. Thread has an execution state, stack and context that are saved when thread is not running. Threads have access to the memory and resources of its process. Moreover, all the threads under same process share memory and resources of a process. Therefore it requires less time to create and terminate a thread than a process and also switch between two threads within the same process is fast. Communication between threads does not involve kernel.

Figure 2.6: Processes and Threads Figure 2.6[OS22] shows one thread per process that is known as single threading. Multiple threads within a single process is known as multithreading. Therefore multiple threads can be distributed among several processor cores and independent tasks can be executed in parallel to support parallel programming.

2.4.2 Scheduling
Resource constraint is the main reason because of which operating system selects only one process in ready state for the execution on a single core system. This concept is known as scheduling. In this section, uniprocessor scheduling, real-time scheduling and multiprocessor scheduling are discussed.

14 Uniprocessor Scheduling Operating systems allocates resources to a process for execution based on scheduling criteria and optimization goals as described below. CPU utilization to keep CPU as busy as possible. To maximize number of processes that complete their execution per unit time that is to increase the throughput. Response time to minimize the amount to time from submission of request until the first response. That is to minimize total time taken for execution and waiting time in ready queue. Turnaround time to minimize the total time taken by a process for execution including all the waiting time. Fairness execution as per the priorities of the processes and to avoid starvation. Schedular efficiency to keep minimum overhead, fast context switch and calculation of priorities.

Decision Mode Decision modes for the scheduling are of two types. Preemptive - In this mode, operating system can may interrupt the currently running process and move it to the ready state. The advantage in this mode is that a single process cannot monopolize the processor for very long. Non-preemptive Operating system cannot interrupt running process until it finishes its execution or blocks itself for I/O.

Scheduling Methods Operating system schedules the the process to run based on the scheduling method. There are several scheduling methods and some of them are described here. First-Come-First-Serve (FCFS) scheduling method is the simple and easy to implement. As the name suggests, first incoming task is executed first followed by the tasks ub the ready queue. It is a not-preemptive scheduling method. Round-Robin is advanced version of FCFS as it allows a process to run only for a specified time slice or quantum. Premeption is based on quantum that is generally 10-100 ms. Shortest process first scheduling method allows process with shortest execution first. It is non-preemptive scheduling method. In priority scgeduling method, process with heighest priority is allowed to be executed first. Some of the priority scheduling methods are highest response ratio next and fair-share scheduling. Real-time Scheduling When the correctness of result of a system is dependent on functional as well as timethat the result is delivered is known as real-time systems. In real-time scheduling, processes must be scheduled as per the time requirements otherwise the delivered result may be not useful. Time constraints in real-time scheduling may be hard or soft depending on requirement.

15 Soft constraints Single time failure may be accepted, however this may reduce the usefulness of the computation. For example, in video streaming, if some frames are missed then it does not entirely affect the result but affects the video streaming continuation. In the same way, online ticket reservation system is the example of soft constrains of real-time systems. Hard constraints Single time failure makes the computation results useless. In critical real-time systems, system can not continue to function. Safety critical are the systems in which serious damage or loss of life may happen. Non crotical system functions with limited performance.

A process is said to be schedulabe on a real-time system with one processor if processor utilization does not exceed 1 as mentioned in following criteria:

Where m stands for number of periodic tasks; C is the computation time of the task; T is the time period of the task. Earliest Dealine First - EDF is a method of real-time scheduling. In EDF, a task with earliest deadline is scheduled first. Highest priority of a task is defined by deadline. It is optimal for dynamic set of prioroties on uniprocessor platform. Rate Monotonic Scheduling RM schedules tasks with shortest period first. It is optimal for static assignment of priorities on uniprocessor platform. There are several other methods available for the real-time scheduling. Multi-processor Scheduling Schduling of tasks on a system with multiple processor cores sharing full or limited access to a common RAM is known as multi-processor scheduling. Complex design issues need to be addressed to achieve multi-processor scheduling. In per-processor ready-queues, a process is permanenetaly assigned to a processor. Whenever a process is assigned to the same processor, it is executed faster because first level cache preserves locality. However the disadvantage is there may be an idle processor while another processor has a backlog. Gang scheduling uses concept of pre-processor ready queues to assign threads to a particular processor. In global ready queues, a process can be assigned to any available processor. However, if there is a single process running on multi-processor system then it adds process migration time because of no availability of locality of cache and hence inefficient design may result in bottleneck. Load sharing uses global ready queues concept for the migration of process/threads dynamically.


2.4.3 Synchronization
Many processes/threads interact via shared memory or message passing. In this kind os situation, result of interactions is not guaranteed to be deterministic. Moreoften, processes write to the same addresses concurrently. Hence final result depends on the order of the operations. A coordination mechnisam between multiple processes/threads to access the data structures, shared memory and to ensure consistency is called as Synchronization. Mutual Exclusion (Critical-Section) Problem When multiple processes compete to use some shared data or resources then concept of mutual exclusion needs to be addressed. Generally, each process has a code segment known as critical section in which shared data is excessed. Synchronization concept should ensure that never two processes are allowed to execute in theis critical section at the same time. Access to the critical section must be an atomic action. Solution to critical-section problem is mutual exclusion. When only one process is allowed to execute in its critical section is known as mutual exclusion. Another criterion that should be satisfied is no process can be prevented forever from entering critical-section. Synchronization Concepts There are various concepts to achieve synchronization. Popular concepts are using semaphore, condition variables, mutex variables, locks, message passing, synchronization barriers etc. Semaphores are the signal variables that can take 0 or positive integer value. There are two operations V(S) and P(S). Operation V(S) increases the value of semaphore variable S by one and operation P(S) decreases the samphore variable value S by one. The sequence of operations should be used in processes in such a way that synchronization is achieved. In the same way mutex variables and condition variables are used to ensure synchronization. Synchronization barriers are the functions that can be used that act as a barrier for all the threads/processes to wait for one another at the barrier. Once all the processes/threads arrive at the barrier then execution continues.

2.4.4 Memory Management

In software development, ideal memory is large, fast and non volatile. Cache is a small, fast and expensive memory. Main memory is of medium size and speed whereas disk storage is of gigabytes with slow transfer of data and low price. Requirements for memory management are Relocation - Change of physical placement of a process. Protection - Access to the physical memory should be restricted bseed on requirement.

17 Sharing Allow processes to share memory location based on requirement. Logical organization - Support to organize the computer programs. Physical Organization - Support to efficient utilization of hardware. Memory allocation schemes This section discusses memory allocation schemes such as fixed partitioning, dynamic prtitioning, paging and segmentation. Fixed Partition Any program occupies entire partition of memory irrespective of its size is fixed partitionning. Figure 2.7 shows fixed partitioning of entire 64 MB size memory with operating systems taking 8MB. It is clearly observed that allocated memory can be larger than the requested memory and that can not be utilized by other processes. Because of this internal fragmentation occurs.

Figure 2.7: Fixed Partitioning of 64-MB Memory Dynamic Partition Dynamic partitioning allocats as much memory as required by the process as in Figure 2.7[OS23] to solve the problem of internal fragmentation in fixed partitioning. However, there can be small segments of memory that can not be sufficient enough for the biger size programs even if total free memory is more than the site of programs. Because of this, danymic partitioning introduces the problem of external fragmentation. Memory manager must use compaction to shift the processes for defragmentation.


Figure 2.8: Dynamic Partitioning

Paging External fragmentation is solved by the paging of memory. In paging, entire memory is partioned into small equal-size frames. Also, each process is divided into the same size pages or chunks as indiacted in Figure 2.9. Operating system maintains page table for each process that contains frame location for each page in the process and memory address that is page number and offset within page. Allocation of frames for process A, B, C and D is shown in figure 2.10. In first step, processs A and B are already loaded and then process C is loaded. In the second setp, Process B is swap out. Loading of the process D with higer memory requirement occupies emptied memory of process B plus available memory after process C. In this way, it prevents external fragmentation. Program references to a memory more than one time. Program contains virtual address that is translated into physical address with the help of paging mechanism. There is alos two-level paging mechanism to obtain large linear address space without having to buy more physical address.


Figure 2.9: Memory Paging

Figure 2.10: Memory Paging Segmentation Segmentation is a memory management scheme that supports user view of memory/program that is a collection of segments. A segment is a logical unit such as main program, function, procedure, common block, local and global variable, stack etc as in Figure 2.11. Figure 2.12 illustrates how segmentation mechanism finds a segment in mai memory. Basically, virtuall address in a program contains segment number and segment offset. With the help of segment number, segment table gives length and base to calculate final segment in the main memory. Total address space can exceed the size of physical memory. Another advantage of segmentation is that the tables whose size fluctuates can be accommodated easily. Thus segmentation allows breaking of data and programs into logically independent address spaces and to aid sharing and protection.


Figure 2.11: Memory Segmetation

Figure 2.12 Finding a Segment in Memory Virtual Memory Memory management mechnisam that is virtual memory maps virtual addresses into physical addresses present in main memory. Generally, operating system brings a few pieces of the program into main memory. The protion of memory that is in main memory is known as Resident set.

21 Whenever an address that is needed is not in the main memory, page-fault interrupt is generated. In such case, OS place the process in blocking state and issues a disk I/O request. And then another process is dispatched. With each page-table entry a valid-invalid bit is associated. 1 if page is in memory and 0 if page is not in memory. During address translation, if valid-invalid bit in page table entry is 0 then page fault interrupts to OS. As shown in Figure 2.13, whenever page fault interrupts OS then OS must get empty frame. Swape in that page into the frame and reset the validation bit in tables. After this the instruction is restarted.

Figure 2.13 Page Fault and Address-Translation Scheme Some page replacement stratagies such as FIFO replacement algorithm, optimal replacement algorithm, LRU replacement algorithm which results in minimum number of page faults. Here, page fault forces to remove the page or to make room for incoming page. Generally oftern used page is not choosen for replacement as probability of bringning it back is higher.

2.5 Introduction to TwinCAT 3

TwinCAT 3 is a PC-based automation control technology introduced by Beckhoff Automation. It supports modular and flexible software architecture for the effiecient engineering. TwinCAT 3 is used to turn a PC-based system into real-time control system with multiple NC, CNC, PLC etc. All kind of control applications can be realized with TwinCAT 3. It is integrated into Visual Studio to provide one software programming and configuration tool. It supports multiple programming languages like C/C++ for real-time applications, PLC programming and link to Matlab/Simulink. TwinCAT 3 also supports multi-core applications and 64-bit systems. Some of the features of TwinCAT 3 are discussed here in detail as following.


2.5.1 Extended Automation Architecture

TwinCAT 3 supports extended automation architecture as shown in Figure 2.14[beck22]. With support to 32/64 bit windows environment, TwinCAT 3 is completely integrated into visual studio to take advantage of well-known system manager for configuration and usage of different programming languages as mentioned earlier. TwinCAT 3 has its own real-time kernel that supports real-time capabilities to give higher priority to real-time tasks. As shown, it also supports to modules from different programming envirionment and provides capabilities of linkage to Matlab/Simulink.

Figure 2.14: TwinCAT extended Automation Architecture

2.5.2 Extended Automation Engineering

TwinCAT 3 engineering environment is based on visual studio that supports third party programming tools. The various modules in this environment can exchange information and can call each other independent in which programming language they are written. The generated modules can be linked to rich set of toolboxes of Matlab/Simulink. This feature advantages of automatic code generation, building of control circuits, simulation and optimization of modules. Non-real time and real-time obect oriented programming makes it easy to use under single platform. It provides extended support for debugging of C++ programs that run in real-time with use of breakpoints, watch lists and call stacks. Therefore it is an extended automation engineering technology as can be seen in Figure 2.15[beck22].


Figure 2.15: TwinCAT Extended Automation Runtime

2.5.3 Extended Automation Runtime

Figure 2.16 Extended Automation Runtime

24 Extended runtime support is provided in TwinCAT 3. As in Figure 2.16[beck22], real-time tasks call the the generated modules cyclically and other modules can be called from these associated modules. Another advantage is that the generated modules from different programming environment can be compiled with different compilers and can be completely independent of one another.

2.5.4 Extended Automation Performance

Multi-core support with real-time capabilities makes TwinCAT 3 a useful PC-based automation tool. As shown in Figure 2.17[beck22], there are multiple cores those can be associated to different tasks in TwinCAT 3. Each task running on different core makes the tool ideal for complete utilization of available resources. Hence it gives all the advantages of parallel execution for better performance.

Figure 2.17: Extended Automation Multi-core Performance

2.6 Real-time Linux



Literature Formatvorlage 1Ohne Nummer (aber im Verzeichnis)

1 Autor: 2 Autoren: 3 Autoren: 4 Autoren: >4 Autoren: mehr als eine Verffentlichung pro Jahr 4 Buchstaben Name Jahreszahl 2 Stellen: Ring00 2 Buchstaben pro Name Jahreszahl 2 Stellen: RiFl00 erster Buchstabe pro Name Jahreszahl 2 Stellen: RFD00 erster Buchstabe pro Name Jahreszahl 2 Stellen: RFDB00 erster Buchstabe der ersten 3 Namen + Jahreszahl 2 Stellen: RFD+00 Ring00a, Ring00b

[beck21] [beck22]

Beckhoff Automation: Beckhoff Automation: 042012_e.pdf

[beck03] [mcore21] [OS22] [OS23]

Beckhoff Automation: Washington University in St. Louis: Cardiff School of Computer Science & Informatics: University of Western Australia:



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