JavaPractice 3

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Java Practice Session 3 Java Collections Framework and Generics

Duration: 3 days Software: J2SDK 1.5, IntelliJ IDEA

In this session you will ractice Java !ollections API and learn a"out #enerics.

1. $. %a&talin, Ph. 'adler. Java Generics and Collections. ()*eilly, 2++, 2. htt -../ava.sun.co0./2se.1.5. d&.1enerics2tutorial. d&

3o ic 1- Data structures
Goal: 4nderstand the need &or collections. 4nderstand co00on data structures. Tasks: 1. !reate an Array class that will e0ulate the "ehavior o& an array o& values. !lass 0ust i0 le0ent &ollowin1 0ethodspublic class Array { public Array(int size) {} //constructor public int getSize() {} //returns size public Object getElement(int index){} //i returns null public boolean setElement(int index$ Object element){}# //i } index is !it"in array boundary$ places speci ied Element at# alse speci ied position and returns true$ ot"er!ise returns index is !it"in# array boundary$ returns Element at speci ied index$ ot"er!ise#

2. !reate a %ector class to e0ulate "ehavior o& 5ector. !lass 0ust i0 le0ent &ollowin1 0ethodspublic class %ector { public %ector(int initial&apacity) {} //creates a %ector !it"# speci ied initial capacity public int get&urrentSize() {} //returns current number o in t"is %ector public 'oid addElement(Object element) {} //adds an element to t"e# end o t"is %ector$ increasing %ector(s capacity i needed public boolean remo'eAt(int index) {} //i boundary$ remo'es element at speci ied index public boolean insertAt(int index$ Object element) {} //i index is# !it"in array boundary$ inserts an element at speci ied index and returns# Version 2.0 index is !it"in array# elements#

Java Practice Session 6- Java Collections Framework

StarSoft Develo 0ent 7a"s, Inc.

true$ ot"er!ise returns

alsa index is !it"in#

public Object getElement(int index){} //i returns null

array boundary$ returns Element at speci ied index$ ot"er!ise# public boolean setElement(int index$ Object element){} # //i } index is !it"in array boundary$ places speci ied Element at# alse speci ied position and returns true$ ot"er!ise returns

3. !reate a )in*ed)ist class to e0ulate "ehavior o& 7in8ed 7ist. !lass 0ust i0 le0ent &ollowin1 0ethodspublic class )in*ed)ist { public 'oid add)ast(Object element) {} //adds an element at t"e end# o t"is )ist public 'oid add+irst(Object element) {} //adds an element at t"e# beginning o t"is )ist irst Element o t"e )ist i # public Object get+irst() {} //returns

Hint: 9or e&&icient i0 le0entation o& lin8ed list, create a nested class that would re resent ele0ent o& the list.

t"e )ist is not empty$ ot"er!ise returns null public Object get)ast() {} //returns last Element o t"e )ist is not empty$ ot"er!ise returns null public boolean remo'eAt(int index) {} //i boundary$ remo'es element at speci ied index public boolean insertAt(int index$ Object element) {} //i true$ ot"er!ise returns alse index is !it"in# index is# !it"in array boundary$ inserts an element at speci ied index and returns# public Object getElement(int index){} //i returns null public boolean setElement(int index$ Object element){} # //i index is !it"in array boundary$ places speci ied Element at# alse public %ector to%ector() {} //returns a %ector containing# elements o } t"is )ist speci ied position and returns true$ ot"er!ise returns index is !it"in array# t"e )ist i #

array boundary$ returns Element at speci ied index$ ot"er!ise#

6. !reate a Stac* class to e0ulate "ehavior o& Stac8. !lass 0ust i0 le0ent &ollowin1 0ethodspublic class Stac* { public 'oid pus"(Object element) {} //adds an element at t"e top# o t"is Stac* public Object pop() {} //i element o returns null public Object pee*() {} //i topmost# element o } t"e Stac*$ ot"er!ise returns null Stac* is not empty$ returns t"e Stac* is not empty$ returns t"e topmost# rom t"e Stac*$ ot"er!ise# t"e Stac* and remo'es it

Java Practice Session 6- Java Collections Framework

StarSoft Develo 0ent 7a"s, Inc.

5. !reate a ,ueue class to e0ulate "ehavior o& :ueue. !lass 0ust i0 le0ent &ollowin1 0ethodspublic class ,ueue { public 'oid put(Object element) {} //puts an element at t"e end# o t"is ,ueue public Object get() {} //i element element } public Object pee*() {} //i t"e ,ueue is not empty$ gets t"e t"e ,ueue is not empty$ gets t"e irst# irst# rom t"is ,ueue and remo'es it$ ot"er!ise returns null rom t"is ,ueue$ ot"er!ise returns null

,. !reate an A%)-ree class to e0ulate "ehavior o& Sel&2"alancin1 ;inary Search 3ree usin1 <Adelson25els8y and 7andis= al1orith0. !lass 0ust i0 le0ent &ollowin1 0ethodspublic class A%)-ree { public 'oid put(Object element) {} //puts an element# into t"e -ree$ maintaing order and "eig"t conditions public %ector to%ector() {} //returns a %ector containing# elements o } t"is -ree in t"eir searc" order

>. !reate a .as"table class to e0ulate "ehavior o& ?ashta"le with chained con&lict resolution. !lass 0ust i0 le0ent &ollowin1 0ethodspublic class .as"table { public Object put(Object *ey$ Object 'alue) {} //associates# a speci ied 'alue !it" speci ied *ey$ i t"e *ey !as pre'iously# associated !it" anot"er 'alue$ returns it$ ot"er!ise returns null public Object get(Object *ey) {} //gets a 'alue$ associated !it"# speci ied *ey$ returns null i *ey is not associated !it" any 'alue t"e# public Object remo'e(Object *ey) {} //remo'es association o speci ied *ey$ and returns pre'iously associated 'alue or null i # *ey !as not associated !it" any 'alue }

Java Practice Session 6- Java Collections Framework

StarSoft Develo 0ent 7a"s, Inc.

3o ic 2- Understanding Generics
Goal: ;eco0e &a0iliari@ed with /enerics eading: A1B Part 1, A2B Tasks: 1. #eneric 0ethoda. In your Array class create a 1eneric utility random CstaticD, which, &or any ty e - eEtracts ele0ent &ro0 an array. ". %ow test your 1eneric 0ethod in main 0ethod Array class F create an array o& 0ntegers eEtract rando0 ele0ent. %ote that ty e or returned &ro0 the 0ethod is 0nteger. 2. #eneric classHint: Java 1enerics are si0ilar to te0 lates in !HH, however, Java 1enerics are de&ined "y erasure, whereas !HH te0 lates are de&ined "y eE ansion. In !HH te0 lates, each instance o& a te0 late at a new ty e is co0 iled se arately. I& you use a list o& inte1ers, a list o& strin1s, and a list o& lists o& strin1, there will "e three versions o& the code. I& you use lists o& a hundred di&&erent ty es, there will "e a hundred versions o& the code F a ro"le0 8nown as code "loat. In Java, no 0atter how 0any ty es o& lists you use, there is always one version o& the code, so "loat does not occur.

0ethod rando0 o& and value

a. !reate class .older that would hold the value &or any 1iven ty e -. 3he class 0ust contain a value o& ty e -G have a constructor that ta8es an o"/ect o& ty e - and a get%alue 0ethod that returns value o& ty e -. ". !reate class 1in1ax+inder that will "e a"le to &ind 0ini0u0 and 0aEi0u0 value in an array. 3his class 0ust contain an array o& .older o"/ects Cinitiali@ed throu1h constructor F use varar1s &eature hereD. !reate 0ethods min() and max() that will deter0ine 0ini0u0 and 0aEi0u0 "y co0 arin1 values o& the array ele0ents Cuse get%alue() 0ethod o& class .olderD. %ote that values contained in the array 0ust i0 le0ent ja'a2lang2&omparable inter&ace to allow this. 3. *e&actor your classes &ro0 3o ic 1 to su ort #enerics &eature.

Java Practice Session 6- Java Collections Framework

StarSoft Develo 0ent 7a"s, Inc.

3o ic 3- !orking wit" Sets

Goal: ;eco0e &a0iliari@ed with ja'a2util2Set API. Tasks: 1. In your 0ain 0ethoda. !reate a Set instance o& ty e .as"Set with initial ca acity o& 1+ ele0ents ". Add 1+ instances o& class .older30nteger4 to your Set, with .older2'alue runnin1 &ro0 + to I c. !hec8 the si@e o& your Set

d. (ut ut your Set to see i& it reserves the order or ele0ents Cit should notD

e. !reate another Set instance and add 1+ instances o& class .older30nteger4 to it, where .older2'alue runs &ro0 1 to 1+ &. 4nite the two Sets Cdisjunction o erationD

1. !hec8 the si@e o& the united Set and out ut its contents. Does it 0atch your eE ectationJ I& no, why notJ h. !lear contents o& the "oth Sets and reinitiali@e the0, re eatin1 ste s a e a"ove. i. /. 8. l. $odi&y .older class so that Set can correctly do lo1ical o erations *e eat ste s f and g

throu1h your resultin1 union Set, out uttin1 its ele0ents

In a si0ilar way 0a8e a conjunction o& your two sets Cchec8 si@e and contents a&ter thatD

0. In a si0ilar way 0a8e a difference o& your sets Cchec8 si@e and contents a&ter thatD 2. In your 0ain 0ethoda. !reate a Set instance o& ty e -reeSet Cthis is used to contain ordered set o& ele0entsD ". Add 1+ instances o& class .older30nteger4 to your Set, with .older2'alue runnin1 &ro0 + to I c. $odi&y .older class to 0a8e -reeSet wor8in1 and re eat ste b

d. Iterate throu1h your Set to "e sure ele0ents are 8e t in correct order

Java Practice Session 6- Java Collections Framework

StarSoft Develo 0ent 7a"s, Inc.

3o ic 6- !orking wit" #ists

Goal: ;eco0e &a0iliari@ed with ja'a2util2)ist API. Tasks: 1. In your 0ain 0ethod a. !reate a )ist instance o& ty e Array)ist with initial ca acity o& 1+ ele0ents. !hec8 list)s si@e to note that initially it is eKuals to @ero ". Add 1+ instances o& class .older30nteger4 with .older2'alue initiali@ed "y rando0 nu0"er within ran1e 125. (ut ut values as you add the0 c. (ut ut your )ist and note that ele0ents are stored in )ist in order they were added

d. Sort your )ist in ascendin1 order and out ut the results. 3his can "e done with a sin1le call to one o& the utility 0ethods in class ja'a2util2&ollections e. Sort your )ist ele0ents in a descendin1 order and out ut the results &. !reate an array o& 1+ .older instances. !onvert this array into )ist usin1 a sin1le call to one o& utility 0ethods o& Arrays class

Java Practice Session 6- Java Collections Framework

StarSoft Develo 0ent 7a"s, Inc.

3o ic 5- !orking wit" $aps

Goal: ;eco0e &a0iliari@ed with ja'a2util21ap API. Tasks: 1. In your 0ain 0ethod 1. !reate a 1ap instance o& ty e .as"1ap with initial ca acity o& 1+ ele0ents

h. Associate 1+ instances o& class .older Cwith .older2'alue initiali@ed "y rando0 nu0"er within ran1e 122+D usin1 sKuared value o& .older2'alue as 1ap)s entry value i.

Iterate throu1h nu0"ers 1 to 2+ and chec8 eEistence o& corres ondin1 1ap entry usin1 "oth get(Object *ey) and contains5ey(Object *ey)


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