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File 081210

Tab 1 - TAG
File 081210
Tab 2 - TAG Historical
File 081210
Tab 3 - Emerging Issues

My fulure cases may be cbsed

on merit if applicable. EDT
detelTT1lned Ihese appllcatlons
These cases involve a commingled pension trust holding title to a high dollar qualify under 501(c)(2). A referral
nole receivable secured by real estate. The application a pear to be prepared was completed to address any EP
2 501(c) 2) from a tern late._"! manager Is usual bank. concerns.
Any·ca$es shoul(:l be sent to
.. ------
Group 7822. (b) (6) Is
coordinating. These cases are

3 Tea Pa
These case Involve variouslocat organizations In the Tea Party movement are
a I 'n lor exem lion under 501 c 3 or 501 c 4. EI-1 , currently being coordinated with
EDT. 0 n
File 081210
Tab 4 - Coordinated Processing
File 081210
Tab 5 - BOLO List

These organizations are requesting either 501(0)(3) Of

501(c)(6) exemption in order to collabiJrativefy develop new
Open sOftware. The memben;: of these organizations are usually
Source the for-profit business or for-protit support technicians of the The is no sp~c guidance at this point if you
2 Software soIlware. "1 X se:e a case, i!levate it to your mana er. Open

Organization's setup to electronically exchange hea!Ulcare

data. called" Regional Health InfonnaoonOrganizations
3 RHIO's (RHIOs), are requesting exemption under 501(e) 3). X These cases should be transferred to EOT. Open

ACORN Following the breakup of ACO If you see these cases, they should be sent to
4 3x _ the TAG Group. '":. 0 n
(b) (6)
New;apprtcalions are subject!? secondaly
screening in Group 7821. (b) (6) is tf:1e Open-
4X cOordinator. 4/20/10

Medical EmaJi dated 7/15110. "LookfOf"cases involVing Medical

8 Marijuana uana (b) (6)

Email dated 6/12/10. An ACO Is a an entltycreeted by the

Affordable Care Act. These consist of groups of healthcare
providers (hospitals and doctors) who have entered Into an
agreement with Medicare to have Medicare patIents assIgned
to them. The amounts charged to Medicare for the ACO's
patlenls are compared to certain benchmark levels set by
Care Medicare. Medicare pays the ACO a percentage difference of
OfllanlQltlon the difference as incentive to cost savings. ACO's are not Alert #3 These cases should be forwarded to Group Open-
14 (ACOj re ulredio be tax exem l. 138f12/1Q 7821 8f12110

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