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Scoala: Liceul Teoretic Panait Cerna Aria curriculara: Limba si Comunicare Disciplina: Limba Engleza Clasa: !

" A #L$% #& '(sapt)% Profil: *ate+ !nfo

Profesor: Stoian Giorgiana Sef catedra: izat:

PLANIFICARE CALENDARISTIC GOLD INTERMEDIATE 2009- 2010 Coninuturi al unit!ii " #n$!ar % detalieri tematice elemente de construc1ie a comunic0rii func1ii comunicati/e

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-nitatea de .n/01are

Competen1e specifice /izate

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*odalit01i de e/aluare Test Systematic observation Homework

2bser/a1ii #amendamente%

4e/ision -,!T $: A 8uestion of famil9 $)$: $)5: $);: &)$ &)&: &)<: <)$: <)&: <)< =uestion >ords and direct 8uestions !ndirect 8uestions ?amil9 and friends Tal@ing about li@es Completing a 8uestionnaire Present simple and continuous ?ree time acti/itiesgi/ing interesting details !nformal letter: describing 9our routine Gerunds Gerunds and infiniti/es SuffiBes to ma@e nouns Describing a p'otograp' !nformal letter: describing a film or a pla9


$5) 36)+ &7) 36) &A) 36)+ 36) $3)




-,!T &: Time out

$)$: $)<: $)5: $)7 &)$: <)$: <)<


$&) $3)+ &<) $3)

Systematic observation Homework Project Systematic observation Homework Project


-,!T <: T'e senses

$)5: &)$: 5)5: $)&:$)5: &)$:<)$ &)<: <)&


&;) $3)+ 3;) $$)


-,!TS $+< Past simple and past continuous Past perfect simple -sing a dictionar9 Ad/erbs of manner Describing a p'otograp' Stor9: from a title 4eported speec'+ statements 4eported speec'+ 8uestions !ntroduction to p'rasal /erbs Gi/ing opinions: agreeing and disagreeing Stor9: from first sentence -sing a /ariet9 of sentence t9pes Hill and going to for decisions and predictions Present simple and present continuous for future Collocations: adIecti/e Jpreposition Ha9s of tal@ing about t'e future *essages and notes -,!TS 5+; 2bligation+ must: mustnKt: 'a/e to: donKt 'a/e to 4e8uests >it' can: could and >ould Ha9s of eBercising !nformal letter: in/itation


36) $$)+ $<) $$) Systematic observation Homework


-,!T 5: Practice ma@es perfectE

$)5: &)$:5)5: $)&: $)5: &)$: <)$: &)< <)&


36) $$)+ &F)$$)

-,!T 7: Ge'ind t'e mas@

$)$: $)&: $)<: &)$ <)$: <)&: 5)$: 5)<


&F) $$)+ $$)$&)

Systematic observation Homework Project

-,!T ; H'ate/er neBtE

$)$: $)<: $)5: $)7 &)$: <)$: <)<


$$) $&)+ 3A) 3$) &3$3

Systematic observation Homework

P42G4ESS CCECD F -,!T F God9 >or@s $)5: &)$:<)$: &)< <)&


$$) 3$)+ $7) 3$) $7) 3$)+ &6) 3$) Systematic observation Homework Project


-,!T A Lifest9le

$)5: &)$:5)5: $)&: $)5: &)$: <)$: &)< <)&

Present perfect for indefinite past Present perfect #unfinis'ed past% Hord formation: adIecti/es ending Led and Ling Prepositional p'rases of place Transactional letter Defining relati/e clause ,on+ defining relati/e clause *a@ing suggestions and negotiating 2rganising a discursi/e composition -,!TS F+ 6


3A) 3&)+ $6) 3&)

Systematic observation Homework Project Systematic observation Homework Project

-,!T 6 *ore t'an >ords P42G4ESS CCECD

$)$: $)<: $)5: $)7 &)$: <)$: <)<


&&) 3&)+ 37) 3<) 3A) 3<)+ $&) 3<) 3A) 3<)+ &;) 3<)



-,!T $3: Animal >orld

$)<: &)$: <)$: <)& 5)$: 5)<: 5)5


-,!T $$ DangerM

$)&: <)$: <)&: <)<: 5) $)

Conditional #zero: first: second% Conditionals #t'ird% Stor9telling de/ices *a@ing a decision and gi/ing reasons 4eport >riting *a@ing comparisons Gi/ing ad/ice: s'ould: oug't to Describing Iobs and 8ualiries needed for Iobs Gi/ing ad/ice !nformal letter: about a frig'tening or a dramatic eBperience Can, could, be able to Used to #past 'abits and states% ,egati/e prefiBes Ha9s of comparing and contrasting Stor9: from first sentence -,!TS $3+$&


Systematic observation Homework Project


&;) 3<)+ $;) 35)

Systematic observation Homework Project


-,!T $& Do 9ou rememberE P42G4ESS CCECD

$)5: &)$:$)&: <)$ &)<: <)&


$;) 35)+ <3) 35) &;) 35)+ <3) 35)

Systematic observation Homework Project



-,!T $< Do>n under

$)<: &)$: <)$: <)& 5)$: 5)<: 5)5


-,!T $5 Elements of nature

$)5: &)$:$)&: <)$ &)<: <)&

Like+-ing, would like, like as preposition So, neither, nor Comparing p'otograp's Article >riting: for a tra/el magazine Countable and uncountable nouns Articles Transactional letter: planning a >ee@+ end Passi/es #past and present% Causati/e have Gu9ing and selling 4e/ie> of suggestions: decisions: pausing and as@ing for opinions 4eport: food preferences -,!T $<+$7


3<) 37)+ $5) 37)

Systematic observation Homework Systematic observation Homework


$5) 37)+ &A) 37)


-,!T $7 T'e business of food P42G4ESS CCECD

$)<: &)$: <)$: <)& 5)$: 5)<: 5)5


&A) 37)+ $$) 3;) 3F)3;+ $$) 3;) &3$3

Systematic observation Homework Cumulative evaluation


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