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File 11 9 10

Tab 1 - TAG
File 11 9 10

Tab 2 - TAG Historical

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File 11 9 10

Tab 3 - Emerging Issues

Any future cases may be closed
on merit if applicable. EOT
determif)ed these appncations
These cases involve a commingled pension trust holding title to a high dollar qUalify under 501 (c)(2). A referral
note receivable secured by real estate. The application appear to be prepared was completed to address any EP
2 501'(c)(2) from a template. The fund manager is usual x x concerns. closed .

Any cases should be sent to

Group 7822.(b) (6) is
coordinating. These cases are
These case involve various local organizations in the Tea Party movement are currently being coordinated with
3 Tea Party applying for exemption under 501(c 3) or 501(c)(4). EI-1 x EOT. 0 n
File 11 9 10

Tab 4 - Coordinated Processing

File 11 9 10

Tab 5 - Watch List


A B C' D E F

These organizations are requesting ei~er 501 (c)(3) or

501 (c){6) exemption in order: to conaboratively dev'e1op new
software. The members of these organizations are usually
the for-profit business or for-profit support technicians ofth The is no specific guidance at this point If
2 0 Source Software software. . 1x you see a case, elevate it to r er~ Open

Organization's setup to electronically eXchange healthcare

data. called Region3l Health Information OrganiZations
3 RHIO's· {RHIOs • are requesting exemption under 501 (c 2x These cases should be transferred to EDT. Open

Following the breakup of AGO tfyou see these cases:'"they should be sent
4 ACORNsuccessors 3x the TAG Grou • 0

er(b) (6) emall dated AprD 20,2010. cases impacted

by the Patient Prorection and Alfo!<lahle Care ~ (public
Law 111-148) (pPACA) and the Health Gare and Education New applications are subject to secondciry .
Reconalialion tv;! of2010 (Pubic Law 111-152) (HCERA) screening in Group 7821. (b) (6) is
5 Healthcaie I istation are being coordinated with EOT. '. 42010-#1 the coordinator. en-4l2Ol10
Medical Forward <:ases to processing who will forward Open-7-1&-
8 Marijuana 72010-#1 the cases to (b) (6) group 7888 10
Email dated 8J6l10. Applications deal with disputed territories
in the Middle East Examples may be organizations named or
connected wi XXXX (XXXX
= a particular city),
Occupied . ~i!!i~~~~:Applications may be inflammatory, advocate
Territory a one sided point of view and promotional materials may If you see these cases, please forward to the
12 Advocacy signifY propa 'ilnda. 112010-#1 TAG Group, 7830. Open- 81611 0

. Email dated 8/12110. An AGO is a an entity created by the •

Affordable care Act These consist of groups of healthcare
providers (hospitals and doctors) who have entered into an
agreement with Medicare to have Medicare patients assigned
to them. The'amounts charged to Medicare for the ACO's
patients are compared to certain benchmark levels Set by

Medicare. Medicare pays the ACO a percentage difference of
the difference as incentive to cost savings. ACO's are not .
reqUired to be tax exempt 132010-#1
These cases should be forwarded-to Group
7821 .

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