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Grammar Practice_1

I Yesterday you met a friend of yours, Steve. You hadnt seen him for a long time. Here are
some of the things Steve said to you. Later that day you tell another friend what Steve said. Use
reported speech.

1. Im living in London.
2. My father isnt very well.
3. Rachel and Mark are getting married next month.
4. My sister has had a baby.
5. I dont know what Frank is doing.
6. I saw Helen at a party in June and she seemed fine.
7. I havent seen Diane recently.
8. Im not enjoying my job very much.
9. You can come and stay at my place if youre ever in London.
10. My car was stolen a few days ago.

II Rewrite the following sentences in reported speech:

1. Ill come and see on Friday if thats all right. (She said)
2. The conference will be spending a considerable time discussing the world debt crisis. (He said)
3. The shops closing in half an hour. (She explained)
4. Hes planning to set up his own business. (Gareth tells me)
5. Were going to have to make quite a few cutbacks. (The managing director said)
6. The police have been investigating new allegations of fraud. (A spokesperson said)
7. When the project first started, there was a lot of interest in it. (She explained)
8. Its pouring with rain down here. (She told me)
9. Ill have finished writing the report by the time you get here. (She promised me)
10. My new computer has made a lot of difference to me. (She says)

11. The 8.45 train from Waterloo will be arriving in approximately five minutes. (The station
announcer has just said)
12. When we were setting up the organization, we had very little money. (They told me)
13. The club lost quite a lot of money last month. (The treasurer told the meeting)
14. It will be a very difficult time for all of us. (He agreed)
15. You work too hard. You should take more time off. (He told me)

III Put the following statements into indirect speech:

1. Im going out now, but Ill be in by nine, he said.
2. Im working in a restaurant, and dont much care for it, she said.
3. I cant live on my basic salary said Peter. Ill have to offer to do overtime.

4. My young brother wants to be a tax inspector, said Mary. I cant think why. None of my family
has ever been a tax inspector.
5. Were waiting for the school bus, said the children. Its late again.
6. Ive made a terrible mistake! said Peter. Youre always making terrible mistakes, I said. You
should be used to it by now.
7. We make $450 a week, said one of the men, and send most of it home to our wives.
8. Theres been an accident and the road is blocked said the policeman. It wont be clear for some
time. Youd better go round the other way.
9. I was thinking of going by bus, said Paul. I shouldnt go by bus (if I were you), said his aunt.
Its an awfully bad service.
10. Youd better take sleeping bags; you may have to sleep out, he warned us.
11. Nothing ever happens in the village, she said. Its like a dead village. All the young people
have drifted away to the towns.

12.Ive missed my train, said Bill. Now Ill be late for work and my boss will be furious.
13. Well wait for you if youre late, they said.
14. They are supposed to be landing at London airport, I said. But if the fog gets any thicker the
plane may be diverted.
15. If you lend me the chainsaw, said Mary, Ill bring it back the day after tomorrow.
16. I hate getting up on dark mornings, grumbled Peter. It is horrible, agreed his wife, but the
mornings will be lighter soon and then it wont be quite so bad.
17. The sales are starting tomorrow, said the typist. As soon as we finish work the whole typing
pool is going to make a dash for the shops.

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