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October 2009
This material is based on information from web pages and
forums carrying statements attributed to the Taliban,
Taliban spokespersons or supporters of the Taliban, or
analysis thereof. Posting of this material neither confirms
nor endorses any of its content - it is shared for
information only. When material translated into English is
not available, Google Translate is used to translate the
original (indicated by "GoogEng") - this is only a machine
translation, NOT an official one. is not
responsible for the contents or reliability of any linked

Reports of Canadian Casualties in Taliban Statements

October 2008-October 2009




Rep Dead
40 Cfm Dead
38 38 Tanks Dest
33 33


20 20


8 7
5 4
2 2 2 2 2
0 0 0 0 0
OC-08 NV-08 DC-08 JA-09 FB-09 MR-09 AP-09 MY-09 JU-09 JL-09 AG-09 SP-09 OC-09

 Taliban statements monitored during October 2009 claimed responsibility for
at up to 44 Canadian deaths. Canada announced the death of 2 soldiers
during this period.
 Six (6) Taliban announcements were monitored mentioning Canadian
personnel or casualties in October 2009, compared to an average of 8.42
such reports per month since October 2008.
 Since October 2008, the Taliban have claimed 12.89 Canadian casualties
for every one officially announced by the Government of Canada (464
alleged by Taliban vs. 36 reported by Canada).

Date Location CA Pers Tanks Ref

Killed Destroyed
6 Oct 09 “Armandaw manda area in 10 2 (1) (2)
Arghandab district of
Kandahar province”
9 Oct 09 “in the air Lahore 5 (3)
Department Arghandab in
Kandahar” (Google
13 Oct 09 “a checkpoint in the village 19 (killed (4)
of Bala de Zkhan Dnd and
Department of Kandahar injured)
province” (Google
13 Oct 09 “Zarki ghondi area in 5 1 (5) (2)
Speen boldak district of
Kandahar province”
16 Oct 09 “an area near a market not (6)
Grgian Panjwayj specified
Directorate in Kandahar”
(Google English)
18 Oct 09 “Ashegho area in Zari 5 1 (7) (2)
district of Kandahar
October 2009

(1) "2 tanks of the Canadian invading Forces blown up Kandahar." Voice of Jihad via anti- forums, retrived 6 Oct 09 at http://www.anti- ;
Arabic & English version (PDF) at non-terrorist site here - English: "Tuesday
morning 06-10-2009 around 10 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
with remote controlled landmines blew up two tanks of the Canadian invading army in Armandaw
manda area in Arghandab district of Kandahar province. In the blasts both enemy tanks were
destroyed and all the Canadian invading terrorists in them were killed. Reported by Qari
Muhammad Yousuf" Arabic - "‫للقوات الكندية بعبوات ناسفة في مديرية أرغنداب‬

‫ تفجير دبابتين‬- ‫قاري‬/ ‫ يوسف احمدي‬- 06 ) ‫للقوات الكندية المحتلة في مديرية‬
‫ في دبابتين عسكرية‬10‫ناسفتين في الساعة العاشرة تقريبا من صباح اليوم‬
‫ ( يفيد مجاهدو اإلمارة اإلسالمية من والية قندهار بأنهم فجروا عبوتين‬2009 .‫قندهار‬
‫ أرغنداب بوالية‬.‫حسب النبأ‬: ‫بشكل كامل وقتل جميع من بداخلها من الجنود الكنديين‬
‫ أسفر اإلنفجارين المتتاليين عن تدمير كال الدبابتين للعدو‬.‫وبقول سكان المنطقة‬:
‫المذكورة بالعدو حينما كانوا في حالة العبور من منطقة دارمنداو مانده بالمديرية المذكورة‬
‫ لحقت الخسائر‬.‫العدو ال زالوا في محاولة نقل دباباتهم المدمرة في المنطقة إلى مراكزهم‬
‫ كما أن جنود‬٬‫"وبعد اإلنفجارات تم نقل جثث الجنود القتلى بالمروحيات إلى مراكزهم‬
(2) Previous Taliban references to number of crew members in Canadian “tanks” have ranged
from four to six. Therefore, any reference to “all on board” allegedly being killed will be counted as
an average of five.
(3) "Five Canadian soldiers were killed in the Directorate of Arghandab," Voice of Jihad, retrieved
10 Oct 09 at , Google English translation
retrieved at , PDF of Arabic and Google English translation at non-terrorist site . Arabic: " ‫ةيريدم يف نييدنك دونج ةسمخ لتقم‬
‫ بادنغرا‬- ‫يراق‬/ ‫ يدمحا فسوي‬- ‫ ( مويلا رهظ نم ةدحاولا ةعاسلا يف‬2009-10-09 ) ‫ودهاجم لتق‬
‫يف ودعلل ةلجار ةيرودل بوصنم نيمك ةجيتن نييدنك دونج ةسمخ ةيمالسإلا ةرامإلا‬
‫راهدنق ةيالوب بادنغرا ةيريدمب روهال يوج ةقطنم‬. ‫نويلحملا نودهاجملا لوقي‬: ‫( بيصأ‬3)
‫نييندملا ىلع ةيئاوشع ةيران ةريعأ ودعلا قلطأ مث نمو موجهلا لالخ نيرخآ دونج‬
‫نامرلا نونجي اوناك نيحالفلا‬٬ ‫نيرخأ نينثا ةباصإو عرازم داهشتسا نع رفسأ ام‬. ‫هللو‬
‫ "رئاسخلا نم عون يأ نيدهاجملاب قحلي مل دمحلا‬Google English: "Continental / Yousuf
Ahmadi - Per hour of noon today ( 2009-10-09) killed ujahideen of Islamic Emirate of five
Canadian soldiers mounted an ambush as a result of a foot patrol of the enemy in the air Lahore
Department Arghandab in Kandahar. Say local Mujahideen: Three (3) other soldiers were
wounded during the attack and then the enemy fired gunshots indiscriminately at civilians,
peasants were reaping the pomegranate, which resulted in the death of a farmer and wounding
two others. Praise the Mujahideen did not suffer any kind of losses."
(4) "Strong explosion kills, injures Nineteen Canadian soldiers have occupied," Voice of Jihad,
retrieved 13 Oct 09 at , Google English
translation retrieved at . Arabic: " ‫ةعست بيصيو لتقي ديدش راجفنإ‬
‫ التحم ايدنك ايدنج رشع‬- ‫يراق‬/ ‫ يدمحا فسوي‬- ‫أبنلا بسح‬٬ ‫رشع ةعست بيصأو لتق‬
‫ ( مويلا حابص نم ةعساتلا ةعاسلا يف ايدنك ايدنج‬2009-10-13 ) ‫ةرامإلا ودهاجم رجف امنيح‬
‫ةيالوب دند ةيريدمب ناخلز الاب هد ةيرقب زجاح دنع مهيف ةعورزم ةفسان تاوبع ةيمالسإلا‬
‫راهدنق‬. ‫أبنلا فيضي‬٬ ‫ةديدشلا تاراجفنإلا دعب‬٬ ‫رفسأ امم ودعلا تاوق ىلع حلسم موجه مت‬
‫ودعلا دونج نم رخآ ددع ةباصإو لتقم نع‬. ‫ثداحلا دعبو‬٬ ‫تايحورم تلصوو ةقطنملا ودعلا رصاح‬
‫ةقطنملا ىلإ نيلتحملل ةريثك‬٬ ‫نآلا ىتح اينمأ قوطم راجفنإلا ناكم لاز الو‬." Google
English: "Strong explosion kills, injures Nineteen Canadian soldiers have occupied - Continental /
Yousuf Ahmadi - According to the report, was killed and nineteen wounded Canadian soldier in
the ninth hour of the morning (2009-10-13), when a Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of bombs
planted in them at a checkpoint in the village of Bala de Zkhan Dnd Department of Kandahar
province. Adds the report, after heavy explosions, it was an armed attack on enemy forces,
killing and wounding a number of other enemy soldiers. After the incident, the enemy surrounded
the area and helicopters arrived at many of the occupiers to the region, site of the explosion is still
hooped security so far."
(5) "Canadian invaders tank blown up in Kandahar," Voice of Jihad, Arabic version retrieved 13
Oct 09 at , Google English translation
retrieved at , Official English version retrieved at . Arabic:
" ‫ كدلوب ةيريدم يف ةفسان ةوبعب نيلتحملل ةبابد ريجفت‬- ‫يراق‬/ ‫ يدمحا فسوي‬- ‫رجف‬
‫ ( مويلا رهظ نم ةرشاعلا ةعاسلا يف ةيمالسإلا ةرامإلا ودهاجم‬2009-10-13 ) ‫ةفسان ةوبع‬
‫زكرم برق يكرز ةبضه ةقطنم يف ةلتحملا ةيدنكلا تاوقلل ةيركسع ةبابد يف ةعورزم‬
‫راهدنق ةيالوب كدلوب ةيريدم‬٬ ‫ةقطنملا يف ةيرودلاب موقت ودعلا ةلفاق تناك امنيح‬.
‫أبنلا بسح‬٬ ‫دعب نع مكحتلا ةلآ ةطساوب مت يذلا ديدشلا راجفنإلا رفسأ‬٬ ‫ةبابد ريمدت نع‬
‫نييدنكلا اهدونج عيمج لتقو لماك لكشب ودعلا‬. ‫ةقطنملا يف ودعلا ةبابد ماطح لاز الو‬
‫نآلا رهظ ىتح‬."Official English: "Tuesday morning 13-10-2009 around 10 am local time,
Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with a remote controlled landmine blew up a

tank of the Canadian invaders in Zarki ghondi area in Speen boldak district of Kandahar province,
in the blast the tank was destroyed and all the terrorists in it where killed. Reported by Qari
Muhammad Yousuf." Google English translation: "The bombing of a tank for the occupiers to an
improvised explosive device in the Directorate of Buldak - Continental / Yousuf Ahmadi -
Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of dawn at the tenth of the afternoon (2009-10-13) an explosive
device planted in a military tank of Canadian troops in the occupied Golan Zrki near the center of
the Directorate of Boldak in Kandahar, when the enemy convoy was patrolling in the region.
According to the report, resulting in a powerful bomb blast which is made by machine remote
control, the destruction of the enemy tank is full and kill all the soldiers Canadians. It is still the
wreckage of enemy tanks in the area until noon now."
(6) "Attack on patrol of Canadian invaders in Panjwai, Kandahar," Voice of Jihad via forum.tak- forums, retrieved 21 Oct 09 at , Google
English translation retrieved at . Google English translation: "Attack on a patrol
near the Canadian Forces Directorate Panjwayj - Zabihollah / Mujahid - Mujahideen of Islamic
Emirate attacked at seven o'clock Morocco yesterday (2009-10-16) armed attack on a joint patrol
of the enemy in an area near a market Grgian Panjwayj Directorate in Kandahar. According to
the report, was attacked in an ambush on a car was hit by Ranger of the enemy anti-tank and
killed and wounded on board. After the attack, the enemy helicopters arrived to the area and
cordoned off the surrounding villages of the region, and cited one of the civilians, where he was
leading prayers at the mosque. And thankfully did not fall in the ranks of the mujahideen any
losses." Arabic: "‫يياوجنب ةيريدم برق ةيدنكلا تاوقلل ةيرود ىلع موجه‬
‫ هللا حيبذ‬/ ‫ دهاجم‬- ‫( سمأ موي برغم نم ةعباسلا ةعاسلا يف ةيمالسإلا ةرامإلا ودهاجم مجاه‬
2009-10-16 ) ‫ةيريدم قوس برق نايجرغ ةقطنم يف ودعلل ةكرتشم ةيرود ىلع احلسم اموجه‬
‫راهدنق ةيالوب يياوجنب‬. ‫أبنلا بسح‬٬ ‫رجنير ةرايس هلالخ فدهتسأ نيمك نمض موجهلا مت‬
‫اهنتم ىلع ناك نم بيصأو لتقو تاعردملل ةداضم ةفيذقب ودعلل‬. ‫تلصو موجهلا دعبو‬
‫ةقطنملل ةرواجملا ىرقلا تقوطو ةقطنملا ىلإ ودعلا تايحورم‬٬ ‫نييندملا دحأ تدهشتسا امك‬
‫دجسملا يف ةالصلا يدؤي ناك ثيح‬."
(7) "Canadian invader army tank blown up in Kandahar," Voice of Jihad, retrieved 19 Oct 09 at , PDF
available at non-terrorist site here . "Sunday afternoon 18-10-2009 at around 3
pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with a remote controlled
landmine blew up a tank of the Canadian invaders in Ashegho area in Zari district of Kandahar
province, in the blast the tank was destroyed and all the terrorists inside it were killed. Reported
by Qari Muhammad Yousuf"

Compiled 1 November 2009

Tony Prudori,

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