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BUILDS, ED. 2.7.1

A Guide to the Equipment and Stats of
the NPCs in “Battle of the Builds”
Frank Perez (a.k.a. Elysius)
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................ 1
AN INCONVENIENT RANGER ......................................................................................... 5
ARMORED FIST OF THE FALLEN ..................................................................................... 9
BLACK DRAGON .......................................................................................................... 13
BLACK DRAGON SOUL ................................................................................................. 17
BLACKLOCK ................................................................................................................. 21
BLOOD SCHOLAR ........................................................................................................ 26
CLAW OF MALAR ........................................................................................................ 31
DIVINE BARD .............................................................................................................. 35
DIVINE DRAGON ......................................................................................................... 40
DIVINE RANGER .......................................................................................................... 44
DIVINE SOUL ............................................................................................................... 48
DIVINE STORM SOUL .................................................................................................. 53
DIVINE WARLOCK ....................................................................................................... 57
DRAGONMASTER NEGOTIATOR .................................................................................. 61
DROW FURY ............................................................................................................... 66
ELDRITCH BLADE ......................................................................................................... 70
ELDRITCH PALADIN OF CANDLEKEEP........................................................................... 75
EPIC ARCANE TRICKSTER ............................................................................................. 79
FALLEN ANGEL ............................................................................................................ 85
HALFLING NINJA ......................................................................................................... 89
HOLY DRAGON DERVISH ............................................................................................. 94
ILLUSIONARY BLADE ................................................................................................... 99
IMMORTAL TREANT .................................................................................................. 103
IRON SORCERER ........................................................................................................ 108
ITHIL’KYW THE UNDERDREAD................................................................................... 112
JOE AVERAGE............................................................................................................ 115
KAGE KAZE NO KAMA ............................................................................................... 119
KAZE NO KAMA ........................................................................................................ 123
KAZE NO KAMA DUELIST........................................................................................... 127

Meet the Power Builds Page i

LEFT FIST OF GOND ................................................................................................... 131
LORD OF THE MOUNTAIN ......................................................................................... 135
NECROMASTER ......................................................................................................... 139
OBSIDIAN SORCERER ................................................................................................ 144
POINTY STICK ............................................................................................................ 149
PROFANE DRAGON ................................................................................................... 153
RESTLESS SOUL ......................................................................................................... 157
RIGHT FIST OF GOND ................................................................................................ 162
SACRED SPEAR .......................................................................................................... 166
SHADOWBANE.......................................................................................................... 170
SWORD OF TYR ......................................................................................................... 175
TERRACOTTA SOLDIER .............................................................................................. 179
THUGGERNAUT ........................................................................................................ 183
VETERAN .................................................................................................................. 187
INDEX BY CLASS ........................................................................................................ 191

Meet the Power Builds Page ii

“heh it’d be amusing to have a PVP pit fight where all
these builds go at it. Unbuffed my char would last all of
two seconds against all these other builds. Buffed? I don’t
know much about PvP though I’m sure it wouldn’t be

Dark_hold_, “Epic Character Build Repository,” NWN2:

Players - Mask of The Betrayer Campaign (Spoilers

“Battle of the Builds” is a module that allows players to instantly raise their
PCs to level 30 and pit them in mortal combat against some of the finest power
builds from the Web. The module was created as a vehicle for safely testing
character build concepts that may be used in Player-versus-Player (PvP) games.
The module also serves as a showcase for demonstrating what each power build
is capable of doing and how well it would survive when pitted against other
power builds.
This document lists the statistics and equipment of the NPC power builds
found in version 1.23 of the module. It is intended for players who want to know
what items and spells each NPC in the module has. Players seeking inspiration
for their own character builds may find some good ideas in this document,
regardless of whether they intend to play the module.
The power builds in this document were adapted from write-ups found at a
couple of sites; namely, NWN2Wiki and Neverwinter Nights: Epic Character
Builders Part Deux. The original write-up on each build detailed the character’s
attributes and level progression. The characters’ equipment and known spells
are generally not listed, however. This is understandable, considering that
different campaigns, modules, and persistent worlds may call for a different set
of items and spells.
The equipment chosen for the NPCs in “Battle of the Builds” are based on the
items that may be crafted, looted, or bought in the Official Campaign of
Neverwinter Nights 2 and its expansion, Mask of the Betrayer. There are two
restrictions on items and enchantments that the module’s author (that is, I)
implemented in choosing what would be available to PCs and NPCs:
• No item may grant its user immunity of any sort, whether to critical
hits, mind-affecting spells, energy damage, or whatever.

Meet the Power Builds Page 1

• No item may apply a persistent Haste effect on its user while
These restrictions were imposed so as not to cancel or make irrelevant the
main advantages of some of the power builds. For example, one of the items that
was removed from the module was the Ring of Leeched Abjuration. This item
lowers the physical attributes of its wearer while granting complete immunity to
Evocation spells. This ring would have made all the wizards and sorcerers
powerless against anyone wearing it. Arcane spellcasters were given the kind of
damaging spells that cannot be saved against, and nearly all of them are
Evocation spells.

Testing Your Player Character

Since the release of version 1.10 of “Battle of the Builds,” players may change
a number of parameters that affect the course of the gladiatorial duels. Most of
these parameters are geared toward toning down the power of the gladiators’
equipped items. Through repeated playtesting, it was discovered that some
builds may perform dismally at particular settings but do well in others.
The outcome of duels involving your player characters may also depend on
the fight parameters that you choose. When testing your player character, try to
set the fight parameters to closely match the strength of available magical items
in the module or persistent world that you intend to send your PC to. By default,
magical items in “Battle of the Builds” are as powerful as those found in Mask of
the Betrayer. Items in other modules or persistent worlds may not be quite as
When testing your PC for the first time, you may want to try going against
Joe Average, a human level-30 fighter. Good power builds should be able to beat
Joe more often than they get beaten by him.
You may also test your build against other NPCs who are, more or less, Joe
Average’s equal. In previous editions of this document, the author boldly
identified who among the NPCs might be equally matched with Joe, as well as
who were weaker or stronger. Since the initial version of the module, however,
the AI of the NPCs has grown progressively stronger with each release. Many
characters whom Joe Average easily defeated in previous versions have now
turned the tables on him. The author makes a qualified judgment in stating that
when the default fight parameters are used, the Divine Ranger and Drow Fury
are probably equal to Joe Average in terms of fighting prowess. Nevertheless,
future releases of “Battle of the Builds” may find these same characters defeating
Joe handily.
If your PC cannot defeat these builds, you may try to explore your PC’s areas
for improvement by going against any of the less powerful builds. The
Inconvenient Ranger, Ithil’kyw the Underdread, and the Restless Soul are
relatively weak in the current version of the module. Other NPCs whose

Meet the Power Builds Page 2

performance may vary with your chosen fight parameters include the Profane
Dragon and the Sacred Spear.
If there is one tip that the author may impart, it is to ensure that your PC’s
defenses are strong. Do not sacrifice defense for offense. In general, a hard-
hitting character with low Armor Class will fall against a weaker opponent that
is very hard to hit. (There are exceptions to this rule, particularly when a build
has certain combos that put opponents in the defensive.) If your PC is a caster,
include spells that provide concealment, raise Armor Class, protect against
enemies’ spells, or create a Mirror Image effect.
For offense, you may want to choose spells that raise your PC’s damage
capability and chances to hit, as well as spells that weaken or destroy your
target’s defenses. Arcane spellcasters should also include spells that immobilize
or damage their targets without offering them a chance to make their saving
The usefulness of each skill mostly depends on the module or persistent
world that your character will be playing in. Spellcraft and Tumble are good
defensive skills for characters in any module. Taunt is useful against opponents
whose Will saves are not very high. Conversation skills such as Diplomacy or
Intimidate give added options for solving problems in the Official Campaign and
Mask of the Betrayer, but these skills may be useless in a PvP environment. Spot
is very important in PvP, especially against those who can hide in plain sight or
feint. Certain skills such as Parry or Survival are best left untouched.
If your PC manages to defeat Joe Average, you may try going against the
stronger builds. Thanks to the improved AI that the latest version of the module
has, all the NPCs that have not been mentioned above fall in this category. These
NPCs are the Armored Fist of the Fallen, Blacklock, Black Dragon, Black Dragon
Soul, Blood Scholar, Claw of Malar, Divine Bard, Divine Dragon, Divine Soul,
Divine Storm Soul, Divine Warlock, Dragonmaster Negotiator, Eldritch Blade,
Eldritch Paladin of Candlekeep, Epic Arcane Trickster, Fallen Angel, Halfling
Ninja, Holy Dragon Dervish, Illusionary Blade, Immortal Treant, Iron Sorcerer,
Kaze no Kama, Kaze no Kama Duelist, Left Fist of Gond, Lord of the Mountain,
Necromaster, Obsidian Sorcerer, Pointy Stick, Right Fist of Gond, Shadowbane,
Shadowblade, Sword of Tyr, Terracotta Soldier, Thuggernaut, and Veteran. The
supreme champion among them is Pointy Stick, who is capable of beating all the
other NPCs in one-on-one combat.
With the right tactics, perhaps a well-designed PC under the control of a
human player can beat most of the NPCs in this module. It is the author’s hope
that you, the player, will have fun trying to do so.

The author would like to acknowledge the following people for creating the
power builds featured in this module.

Meet the Power Builds Page 3

• adzaroo: The Epic Arcane Trickster
• Aekula: Ithil’kyw the Underdread
• chipzahoy: An Inconvenient Ranger
• Dark Eternal: Fallen Angel
• Dark_hold_ / Darkhold: Black Dragon Soul
• Dimeron: Eldritch Blade
• DirtyFinger: Illusionary Blade, Kage Kaze no Kama, Kaze no Kama
• Falconhurst: Drow Fury, Kaze no Kama Duelist
• Felexitus: Holy Dragon Dervish
• GT74: Claw of Malar
• jeminizero / JeminiZero: Armored Fist of the Fallen, Blood Scholar,
Divine Bard, Divine Ranger, Divine Soul, Divine Storm Soul, Divine
Warlock, Eldritch Paladin of Candlekeep, Halfling Ninja, Iron
Sorcerer, Obsidian Sorcerer
• lokigr: Lord of the Mountain
• Lorstaff: Sacred Spear
• Mithdradates and TyrTemplar: Terracotta Soldier
• rain4november: Restless Soul
• SchnaKe: Veteran
• steelsamurai: Pointy Stick, The Left Fist of Gond, The Right Fist of
• SushiSquid: Blacklock, Divine Dragon, Profane Dragon
• TopAceOfEarth: DragonMaster Negotiator
• TyrTemplar: Shadowbane, Sword of Tyr
• Weavols: Immortal Treant
• Xeorsos: NecroMaster
• Zhonn-vei'ay: Black Dragon, Joe Average, Thuggernaut

Meet the Power Builds Page 4

An Inconvenient Ranger
Wood Elf, Ranger 21/ Blackguard 3/ Frenzied Berserker
5/ Fighter 1
Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Statistics (Naked)
STR 22 DEX 14 CON 6 INT 8 WIS 8 CHA 22
AC 13 HP 238 BAB 30 Fort 25 Refl 22 Will 14

Favored Enemy: Elves, Power Attack, Two-Weapon Fighting (Combat Style:
Ranger), Cleave, Favored Enemy: Outsider, Great Cleave, Divine Might, Favored
Power Attack (Elves), Favored Power Attack (Outsider), Favored Enemy:
Human, Favored Power Attack (Human), Great Charisma (+1), Favored Enemy:
Gnomes, Epic Divine Might, Epic Prowess, Improved Power Attack, Favored
Enemy: Dwarves, Bane of Enemies, Armor Skin

Hide 24, Intimidate 9, Listen 24, Move Silently 24, Search 24, Spot 24

Prepared Spells
Level 1 Resist Energy × 4
Level 2 Barkskin, Curse of Impending Blades ×2, Protection from Energy
Level 3 Aid, Invisibility Purge, Mass Curse of Impending Blades × 2
Level 4 Cure Serious Wounds × 3

Item Properties
Head Watchman’s Helm Light: [Low (10 m)][Color: Blue]
Skill Bonus: Listen [+8]
Skill Bonus: Search [+8]
Skill Bonus: Spot [+8]
Chest Mithral Chain Shirt Bonus Hitpoints [+35]
(enhanced) Regeneration [+8]
Spell Resistance [28]

Meet the Power Builds Page 5

Item Properties
Boots Boots of Hardiness +3 Ability Bonus: Constitution [+9]
(enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
AC Bonus [+3]
Saving Throw Bonus: Reflex [+9]
Arms Bracers of Armor +10 AC Bonus [+10]
Right Alchemical Silver Enhancement Bonus [+8]
Hand Longsword Damage Bonus: Acid [5d6]
(enhanced) Damage Bonus: Electrical [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Fire [5d6]
Left Cold Iron Short Sword Enhancement Bonus [+8]
Hand (enhanced) Damage Bonus: Acid [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Cold [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Electrical [5d6]
Cloak Cloak of Movement Ability Bonus: Charisma [+9]
(enhanced) AC Bonus [+8]
Damage Resistance: Cold [25/-]
Freedom of Movement
Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+5]
Left Ring of Major Fire Damage Resistance: Fire [30/-]
Ring Resistance Saving Throw Bonus: Acid [+9]
(enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Electrical [+9]
Right Ring of Major Sonic Damage Resistance: Sonic [30/-]
Ring Resistance Saving Throw Bonus: Acid [+9]
(enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fire [+9]
Neck Amulet of Natural Ability Bonus: Wisdom [+9]
Armor +5 (enhanced) AC Bonus [+5]
Damage Resistance: Acid [40/-]
Damage Resistance: Electrical [40/-]
Belt Greater Swordsman’s Ability Bonus: Strength [+9]
Belt (enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
Damage Resistance: Slashing [20/-]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fortitude [+9]

Leveling Guide
Initial Attributes
STR 18 DEX 14 CON 6 INT 8 WIS 8 CHA 18

Level Progression
Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
1 Ra 1 Hi +4, Li +4, MS Favored Enemy: Power Attack
+4, Se +4, Sp +4 Elves

Meet the Power Builds Page 6

Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
2 Ra 2 Hi +1, Li +1, MS Two-Weapon
+1, Se +1, Sp +1 Fighting
(Combat Style:
3 Ra 3 Hi +1, Li +1, MS Cleave
+1, Se +1, Sp +1
4 Ra 4 STR + 1 Hi +1, Li +1, MS Animal
+1, Se +1, Sp +1 Companion:
5 Ra 5 Hi +1, Li +1, MS Favored Enemy:
+1, Se +1, Sp +1 Outsider
6 Ra 6 Hi +1, Li +1, MS Great Cleave
+1, Se +1, Sp +1
7 Bg 1 In +1
8 Bg 2 STR + 1 In +1
9 Bg 3 In +1 Divine Might
10 FB 1 In +1
11 FB 2 In +1
12 FB 3 STR + 1 In +1 Favored Power
Attack (Elves)
13 FB 4 In +1
14 FB 5 In +1
15 Ra 7 Hi +1, Li +1, MS Favored Power
+1, Se +1, Sp +1 Attack
16 Ra 8 CHA + 1 Hi +1, Li +1, MS
+1, Se +1, Sp +1
17 Ra 9 Hi +1, Li +1, MS
+1, Se +1, Sp +1
18 Ra 10 Hi +1, Li +1, MS Favored Enemy: Favored Power
+1, Se +1, Sp +1 Human Attack (Human)
19 Ra 11 Hi +1, Li +1, MS
+1, Se +1, Sp +1
20 Ra 12 CHA + 1 Hi +1, Li +1, MS
+1, Se +1, Sp +1
21 Ra 13 Hi +1, Li +1, MS Great Charisma
+1, Se +1, Sp +1 (+1)
22 Ra 14 Hi +1, Li +1, MS
+1, Se +1, Sp +1
23 Ra 15 Hi +1, Li +1, MS Favored Enemy: Epic Divine
+1, Se +1, Sp +1 Gnomes Might
24 Ra 16 CHA + 1 Hi +1, Li +1, MS
+1, Se +1, Sp +1
25 Ra 17 Hi +1, Li +1, MS Epic Prowess
+1, Se +1, Sp +1
26 Ra 18 Hi +1, Li +1, MS
+1, Se +1, Sp +1
27 Ra 19 Hi +1, Li +1, MS Improved
+1, Se +1, Sp +1 Power Attack

Meet the Power Builds Page 7

Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
28 Ra 20 STR + 1 Hi +1, Li +1, MS
+1, Se +1, Sp +1
29 Ra 21 Hi +1, Li +1, MS Favored Enemy: Bane of
+1, Se +1, Sp +1 Dwarves Enemies
30 F1 In +1 Armor Skin
Class: Bg = Blackguard, F = Fighter, FB = Frenzied Berserker, Ra = Ranger
Skill: Hi = Hide, In = Intimidate, Li = Listen, MS = Move Silently, Se = Search, Sp = Spot

chipzahoy, “An Inconvenient Ranger -Ra(21),BG(3),FB(5),M(1) or F(1),”
NWN2Wiki - a Wikia Wiki,

Meet the Power Builds Page 8

Armored Fist of the Fallen
Human, Favored Soul 15/ Monk 2/ Blackguard 3/ Sacred
Fist 10
Alignment: Lawful Evil

Deity: Ilmater/Malar

Statistics (Naked)
STR 21 DEX 12 CON 12 INT 12 WIS 8 CHA 21
AC 17 HP 276 BAB 25 Fort 29 Refl 26 Will 20

Able Learner, Power Attack, Cleave, Weapon Focus (Unarmed Strike), Extend
Spell, Practiced Spellcaster (Favored Soul), Combat Casting, Blind-Fight, Divine
Might, Persistent Spell, Great Strength (+1), Great Strength (+2), Great Charisma
(+1), Epic Divine Might

Concentration 33, Hide 5, Listen 17, Lore 8, Spellcraft 33, Spot 33, Tumble 33

Prepared Spells
Favored Soul
Level 0 Cure Minor Wounds, Inflict Minor Wounds, Light, Resistance, Virtue
Level 1 Bless, Divine Favor, Entropic Shield, Lesser Vigor, Protection from
Alignment, Shield of Faith
Level 2 Aid, Cure Moderate Wounds, Eagle’s Splendor, Lesser Restoration, Remove
Paralysis, Silence
Level 3 Blindsight, Cure Serious Wounds, Magic Vestment, Prayer, Remove Curse,
Level 4 Assay Resistance, Cure Critical Wounds, Death Ward, Divine Power,
Recitation, Restoration
Level 5 Battletide, Lesser Spell Mantle, Raise Dead, Righteous Might, Spell
Resistance, True Seeing
Level 6 Energy Immunity, Greater Dispel Magic, Heal, Mass Bull’s Strength, Stone
Body, Vigorous Cycle
Level 7 Ethereal Jaunt, Greater Restoration, Regenerate, Spell Mantle, Summon
Creature VII, Word of Faith
Level 8 Aura versus Alignment, Firestorm, Mass Death Ward, Summon Creature
VIII, Sunbeam

Meet the Power Builds Page 9

Favored Soul
Level 9 Energy Drain, Etherealness, Mass Heal, Undeath’s Eternal Foe

Item Properties
Head Watchman’s Helm Light: [Low (10 m)][Color: Blue]
Skill Bonus: Listen [+8]
Skill Bonus: Search [+8]
Skill Bonus: Spot [+8]
Chest Mithral Full Plate Bonus Hitpoints [+35]
(enhanced) Regeneration [+8]
Spell Resistance [28]
Boots Boots of the Sun Soul Ability Bonus: Constitution [+9]
+5 (enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
AC Bonus [+5]
Saving Throw Bonus: Reflex [+9]
Use Limitation: Class: Monk
Arms Cat Queen’s Claws Attack Bonus [+8]
(enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+9]
Cast Spell: Mass Charm (15) [3 Uses/Day]
Damage Bonus: Magical [1d12]
Decreased Saving Throw: Mind Affecting [-4]
Right (None)
Left Adamantine Heavy AC Bonus [+8]
Hand Shield (enhanced) Bonus Hitpoints [+35]
Regeneration [+8]
Cloak Cloak of Movement Ability Bonus: Charisma [+9]
(enhanced) AC Bonus [+8]
Damage Resistance: Cold [25/-]
Freedom of Movement
Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+5]
Left Ring of Major Fire Damage Resistance: Fire [30/-]
Ring Resistance Saving Throw Bonus: Acid [+9]
(enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Electrical [+9]
Right Ring of Major Sonic Damage Resistance: Sonic [30/-]
Ring Resistance Saving Throw Bonus: Acid [+9]
(enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fire [+9]
Neck Amulet of Natural AC Bonus [+5]
Armor +5 (enhanced) Damage Resistance: Acid [40/-]
Damage Resistance: Electrical [40/-]
Saving Throw Bonus: Universal [+7]
Belt Greater Swordsman’s Ability Bonus: Strength [+9]
Belt (enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
Damage Resistance: Slashing [20/-]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fortitude [+9]

Meet the Power Builds Page 10

Leveling Guide
Initial Attributes
STR 16 DEX 12 CON 12 INT 12 WIS 8 CHA 16

Level Progression
Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
1 M1 Co +4, Hi +4, Lo Able Learner,
+4, Sp +4, Tu +4 Power Attack
(Save 4)
2 FS 1 Co +1, Sc +5, Sp
+1, Tu +1
3 M2 Co +1, Hi +1, Lo Cleave
+2, Sc +1, Sp +1
4 FS 2 CHA + 1 Co +1, Lo +1, Sc
+1, Sp +1
5 FS 3 Co +1, Lo +1, Sc
+1, Sp +1
6 FS 4 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp Extend Spell
+1, Tu +1
7 FS 5 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp
+1, Tu +1
8 FS 6 CHA + 1 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp
+1, Tu +1
9 FS 7 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp Practiced
+1, Tu +1 Spellcaster
(Favored Soul)
10 FS 8 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp
+1, Tu +1
11 FS 9 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp
+1, Tu +1
12 FS 10 CHA + 1 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp Combat Casting
+1, Tu +1
13 FS 11 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp
+1, Tu +1
14 FS 12 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp
+1, Tu +1
15 SF 1 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp Blind-Fight
+1, Tu +1
16 BG 1 STR + 1 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp
+1, Tu +1
17 BG 2 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp
+1, Tu +1
18 BG 3 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp Divine Might
+1, Tu +1
19 SF 2 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp
+1, Tu +1
20 SF 3 STR + 1 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp
+1, Tu +1

Meet the Power Builds Page 11

Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
21 SF 4 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp Persistent Spell
+1, Tu +3
22 SF 5 Co +1, Li +1, Sc
+1, Sp +1, Tu +2
23 SF 6 Co +1, Li +2, Sc Great Strength
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1 (+1)
24 SF 7 STR + 1 Co +1, Li +2, Sc
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1
25 SF 8 Co +1, Li +2, Sc Great Strength
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1 (+2)
26 SF 9 Co +1, Li +2, Sc
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1
27 SF 10 Co +1, Li +2, Sc Great Charisma
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1 (+1)
28 FS 13 CHA + 1 Co +1, Li +2, Sc
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1
29 FS 14 Co +1, Li +2, Sc Epic Divine
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1 Might
30 FS 15 Co +1, Li +2, Sc
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1
Class: Bg = Blackguard, FS = Favored Soul, M = Monk, SF = Sacred Fist
Skill: Co = Concentration, Hi = Hide, Li = Listen, Lo = Lore, Sc = Spellcraft, Sp = Spot, Tu = Tumble

The build presented here is an evil variant of JeminiZero’s Armored Fist of
Ilmater. To gain free weapon feats for unarmed strike, the Armored Fist has to
serve a god whose favored weapon is unarmed. This makes Ilmater the only
choice for a deity. Since Ilmater is a good god, however, the Armored Fist has to
shift alignment between level 14 and level 15 to eventually be a Blackguard at
level 16.

JeminiZero, “Armored Fist of Ilmater- FS(12),M(4),Pal(4),SF(10),” NWN2Wiki - a
Wikia Wiki,

Meet the Power Builds Page 12

Black Dragon
Drow, Bard 16/ Red Dragon Disciple 10/ Blackguard 4
Alignment: Neutral Evil

Statistics (Naked)
STR 30 DEX 13 CON 10 INT 16 WIS 8 CHA 22
AC 18 HP 256 BAB 23 Fort 23 Refl 21 Will 23

Bully, Battle Caster, Knockdown, Disarm, Improved Disarm, Power Attack,
Cleave, Divine Shield, Extend Spell, Divine Might, Epic Divine Might, Curse Song,
Lingering Song

Concentration 33, Diplomacy 12, Hide 5, Listen 18, Lore 8, Move Silently 30,
Perform 25, Spellcraft 30, Spot 14, Tumble 30, Use Magic Device 20

Prepared Spells
Level 0 Cure Minor Wounds, Daze, Flare, Light, Resistance
Level 1 Amplify, Expeditious Retreat, Joyful Noise, Remove Fear, Tasha’s Hideous
Level 2 Curse of Impending Blades, Ghostly Visage, Mirror Image, Silence
Level 3 Displacement, Haste, Mass Curse of Impending Blades, See Invisibility
Level 4 Greater Invisibility, Hold Monster, Shout, War Cry
Level 5 Ethereal Visage, Greater Heroism, Mass Cure Light Wounds, Song of
Level 6 Energy Immunity, Superior Resistance

Item Properties
Head Watchman’s Helm Light: [Low (10 m)][Color: Blue]
Skill Bonus: Listen [+8]
Skill Bonus: Search [+8]
Skill Bonus: Spot [+8]

Meet the Power Builds Page 13

Item Properties
Chest Mithral Full Plate AC Bonus [+8]
(enhanced) Bonus Hitpoints [+35]
Regeneration [+8]
Boots Boots of Hardiness +3 Ability Bonus: Constitution [+9]
(enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
AC Bonus [+3]
Saving Throw Bonus: Reflex [+9]
Arms Bracers of Armor +10 AC Bonus [+10]
Right Cold Iron Scimitar Enhancement Bonus [+8]
Hand (enhanced) Damage Bonus: Acid [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Cold [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Electrical [5d6]
Left Mithral Heavy Shield Arcane Spell Failure [-15%]
Hand (enhanced) Base Item Weight Reduction [60% of Weight]
AC Bonus [+8]
Bonus Hitpoints [+35]
Regeneration [+8]
Cloak Cloak of Movement Ability Bonus: Charisma [+9]
(enhanced) AC Bonus [+8]
Damage Resistance: Cold [25/-]
Freedom of Movement
Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+5]
Left Ring of Major Sonic Damage Resistance: Sonic [30/-]
Ring Resistance Saving Throw Bonus: Acid [+9]
(enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Electrical [+9]
Right Mourningring Cast Spell: Create Greater Undead (18) [1 Use/Day]
Ring (enhanced) Cast Spell: Healing Circle (16) [2 Uses/Day]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fire [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Universal [+6]
Neck Amulet of Natural Ability Bonus: Wisdom [+9]
Armor +5 (enhanced) AC Bonus [+5]
Damage Resistance: Acid [40/-]
Damage Resistance: Electrical [40/-]
Belt Greater Swordsman’s Ability Bonus: Strength [+9]
Belt (enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
Damage Resistance: Slashing [20/-]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fortitude [+9]

Leveling Guide
Initial Attributes
STR 16 DEX 13 CON 8 INT 14 WIS 8 CHA 19

Meet the Power Builds Page 14

Level Progression
Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
1 Bd 1 Co +4, Hi +4, Li Bully Battle Caster
+4, Lo +4, MS
+4, Pe +4, Tu +4,
UMD +4
2 Bd 2 Co +1, Hi +1, Li
+1, Lo +1, MS
+1, Pe +1, Tu +1,
UMD +1
3 Bd 3 Co +1, Li +1, Lo Knockdown
+1, MS +1, Pe
+1, Tu +1, UMD
+1 (Save 1)
4 Bd 4 STR + 1 Co +1, Li +1, Lo
+1, MS +1, Pe
+1, Tu +1, UMD
+1 (Save 2)
5 Bd 5 Co +1, Li +1, Lo
+1, MS +1, Pe
+1, Tu +1, UMD
+1 (Save 3)
6 RDD 1 Co +1, Li +1, Sp Disarm
7 RDD 2 Co +1, Di +1, Li
+1, Sp +1
8 RDD 3 STR + 1 Di +1, Li +1, Sc
+1, Sp +1
9 RDD 4 Co +1, Di +1, Li Improved
+1, Sp +1 Disarm
10 RDD 5 Co +1, Li +1, Sc
+1, Sp +1
11 RDD 6 Co +1, Di +1, Li
+1, Sp +1
12 RDD 7 STR + 1 Co +1, Li +1, Sc Power Attack
+1, Sp +1
13 RDD 8 Co +1, Di +1, Li
+1, Sp +1
14 RDD 9 Co +1, Li +1, Sc
+2, Sp +1
15 RDD 10 Co +1, Di +1, Li Cleave
+1, Sc +1, Sp +1
16 Bg 1 CHA + 1 Co +1, Di +1
(Save 3)
17 Bg 2 Co +1, Di +2
(Save 5)
18 Bg 3 Co +2, Di +3 Divine Shield
(Save 5)

Meet the Power Builds Page 15

Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
19 Bd 6 Co +1, MS +1, Pe
+1, Sc +1, Tu +8,
UMD +2
20 Bd 7 STR + 1 Co +1, MS +5, Pe
+1, Sc +1, UMD
21 Bd 8 Co +1, MS +2, Pe Extend Spell
+1, Sc +1, Tu +1,
UMD +3
22 Bd 9 Co +1, MS +2, Pe
+1, Sc +1, Tu +1,
UMD +3
23 Bg 4 Co +1 (Save 4) Divine Might
24 Bd 10 STR + 1 Co +1, MS +1, Pe
+1, Sc +6, Tu +3,
UMD +1
25 Bd 11 Co +1, MS +1, Pe Epic Divine
+1, Sc +1, Tu +5 Might
26 Bd 12 Co +1, MS +1, Pe
+1, Sc +3, Tu +2,
UMD +1
27 Bd 13 Co +1, MS +1, Pe Curse Song
+1, Sc +5, Tu +1
28 Bd 14 STR + 1 Co +1, MS +1, Pe
+1, Sc +5, UMD
29 Bd 15 Co +1, MS +5, Pe Lingering Song
+2, Tu +1
30 Bd 16 Co +1, MS +2, Pe
Class: Bd = Bard, Bg = Blackguard, RDD = Red Dragon Disciple
Skill: Co = Concentration, Di = Diplomacy, Hi = Hide, Li = Listen, Lo = Lore, MS = Move Silently, Pe = Perform, Sc
= Spellcraft, Sp = Spot, Tu = Tumble, UMD = Use Magic Device

Zhonn-vei'ay, “Darkness: The Black Dragon ( Bard 14 / RDD 10 / Blackguard 5 /
Warlock 1 ),” Neverwinter Nights: Epic Character Builders Part Deux,

Meet the Power Builds Page 16

Black Dragon Soul
Human, Bard 1/ Favored Soul 16/ Blackguard 3/ Red
Dragon Disciple 10
Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Deity: Finder Wyvernspur

Statistics (Naked)
STR 26 DEX 12 CON 12 INT 10 WIS 8 CHA 28
AC 18 HP 314 BAB 22 Fort 30 Refl 26 Will 28

Able Learner, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (Bastard Sword), Cleave, Practiced
Spellcaster (Favored Soul), Improved Power Attack, Divine Might, Great Cleave,
Extend Spell, Resist Acid Energy, Epic Divine Might, Great Charisma (+1) , Resist
Electrical Energy, Great Charisma (+2), Persistent Spell, Resist Sonic Energy,
Great Strength (+1)

Concentration 24, Hide 5, Lore 8, Perform 1, Spellcraft 24, Tumble 30, Use Magic
Device 4

Prepared Spells
Favored Soul
Level 0 Cure Minor Wounds, Inflict Minor Wounds, Light, Resistance, Virtue
Level 1 Bless, Divine Favor, Entropic Shield, Lesser Vigor, Protection from
Alignment, Remove Fear
Level 2 Aid, Death Knell, Lesser Restoration, Remove Paralysis, Resist Energy,
Level 3 Blindsight, Invisibility Purge, Magic Circle against Alignment, Mass Aid,
Prayer, Vigor
Level 4 Death Ward, Divine Power, Hammer of the Gods, Least Spell Mantle,
Recitation, Restoration
Level 5 Battletide, Lesser Spell Mantle, Raise Dead, Righteous Might, Spell
Resistance, True Seeing
Level 6 Energy Immunity, Heal, Stone Body, Superior Resistance, Vigorous Cycle
Level 7 Ethereal Jaunt, Greater Restoration, Regenerate, Spell Mantle
Level 8 Aura versus Alignment, Mass Death Ward, Sunbeam

Meet the Power Builds Page 17

Level 0 Cure Minor Wounds, Flare, Light, Resistance

Item Properties
Head Watchman’s Helm Light: [Low (10 m)][Color: Blue]
Skill Bonus: Listen [+8]
Skill Bonus: Search [+8]
Skill Bonus: Spot [+8]
Chest Mithral Full Plate Bonus Hitpoints [+35]
(enhanced) Regeneration [+8]
Spell Resistance [28]
Boots Boots of Hardiness +3 Ability Bonus: Constitution [+9]
(enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
AC Bonus [+3]
Saving Throw Bonus: Reflex [+9]
Arms Bracers of Armor +10 AC Bonus [+10]
Right Cold Iron Bastard Enhancement Bonus [+8]
Hand Sword (enhanced) Damage Bonus: Acid [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Cold [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Electrical [5d6]
Left Adamantine Heavy AC Bonus [+8]
Hand Shield (enhanced) Bonus Hitpoints [+35]
Regeneration [+8]
Cloak Cloak of Movement Ability Bonus: Charisma [+9]
(enhanced) AC Bonus [+8]
Damage Resistance: Cold [25/-]
Freedom of Movement
Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+5]
Left Ring of Major Sonic Damage Resistance: Sonic [30/-]
Ring Resistance Saving Throw Bonus: Acid [+9]
(enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Electrical [+9]
Right Mourningring Cast Spell: Create Greater Undead (18) [1 Use/Day]
Ring (enhanced) Cast Spell: Healing Circle (16) [2 Uses/Day]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fire [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Universal [+6]
Neck Amulet of Natural AC Bonus [+5]
Armor +5 (enhanced) Damage Resistance: Acid [40/-]
Damage Resistance: Cold [40/-]
Damage Resistance: Electrical [40/-]
Belt Greater Swordsman’s Ability Bonus: Strength [+9]
Belt (enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
Damage Resistance: Slashing [20/-]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fortitude [+9]

Meet the Power Builds Page 18

Leveling Guide
Initial Attributes
STR 16 DEX 12 CON 10 INT 8 WIS 8 CHA 18

Level Progression
Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
1 Bd 1 Co +3, Hi +4, Lo Able Learner,
+4, Pe +1, Sc +4, Power Attack
Tu +4, UMD +4
2 FS 1 Hi +1, Lo +1
3 FS 2 Co +1, Lo +1 Cleave
4 FS 3 CHA + 1 Co +1, Lo +1
5 FS 4 Lo +1, Sc +1
6 RDD 1 Co +1, Sc +1 Practiced
(Favored Soul)
7 RDD 2 Tu +2
8 RDD 3 CHA + 1 Co +1, Sc +1
9 RDD 4 Tu +2 Improved
Power Attack
10 Bg 1 Tu +2
11 Bg 2 Co +1, Sc +1
12 Bg 3 CHA + 1 Co +1, Sc +1 Divine Might
13 RDD 5 Co +1, Sc +1
14 RDD 6 Tu +2
15 RDD 7 Tu +2 Great Cleave
16 RDD 8 CHA + 1 Tu +2
17 RDD 9 Tu +3
18 RDD 10 Co +1, Sc +1, Tu Extend Spell
19 FS 5 Co +1, Sc +1, Tu Resist Acid
+1 Energy
20 FS 6 CHA + 1 Co +1, Sc +1, Tu
21 FS 7 Co +1, Sc +1, Tu Epic Divine
+1 Might
22 FS 8 Co +1, Sc +1, Tu
23 FS 9 Co +1, Sc +1, Tu Great Charisma
+1 (+1)
24 FS 10 CHA + 1 Co +1, Sc +1, Tu Resist Electrical
+1 Energy
25 FS 11 Co +1, Sc +1, Tu Great Charisma
+1 (+2)
26 FS 12 Co +1, Sc +1, Tu
27 FS 13 Co +1, Sc +1, Tu Persistent Spell

Meet the Power Builds Page 19

Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
28 FS 14 STR + 1 Co +1, Sc +1, Tu
29 FS 15 Co +1, Sc +2 Resist Sonic Great Strength
Energy (+1)
30 FS 16 Co +2, Sc +1
Class: Bd = Bard, Bg = Blackguard, FS = Favored Soul, RDD = Red Dragon Disciple
Skill: Co = Concentration, Hi = Hide, Lo = Lore, Pe = Perform, Sc = Spellcraft, Tu = Tumble, UMD = Use Magic

With Favored Souls, the choice of deity has an impact on the weapon feats
that the characters gain. For the “Battle of the Builds” module, the deity chosen
for the Black Dragon Soul is Finder Wyvernspur, whose favored weapon is the
bastard sword. Nevertheless, the original write-up on this power build
recommended choosing a deity whose favored weapon is two-handed. Through
playtesting, it was found that the Black Dragon Soul stood a better chance of
surviving if he carried a shield. Hence, it was decided to let this character use a
bastard sword and heavy shield in combat.
The skills chosen for this character are also different from what the original
write-up recommended. In particular, Diplomacy and Use Magic Device were
sacrificed in favor of Concentration and Spellcraft.

Darkhold, “Black Dragon Soul - FS(16),Brd(1),BG(3),RDD(10),” NWN2Wiki - a
Wikia Wiki,

Meet the Power Builds Page 20

Drow, Warlock 26/ Blackguard 4
Alignment: Neutral Evil

Statistics (Naked)
STR 22 DEX 12 CON 10 INT 16 WIS 8 CHA 22
AC 12 HP 196 BAB 23 Fort 19 Refl 16 Will 21

Bully, Spellcasting Prodigy, Power Attack, Cleave, Battle Caster, Divine Might,
Resist Cold Energy, Resist Fire Energy, Weapon Focus (Longsword), Blind-Fight,
Eldritch Master, Great Charisma (+1), Great Charisma (+2), Epic Divine Might,
Epic Fiendish Resilience, Epic Eldritch Blast (+1d6), Great Charisma (+3)

Concentration 33, Heal 1, Hide 5, Intimidate 33, Spellcraft 30, Taunt 4, Tumble
10, Use Magic Device 33

Prepared Spells
Level 1 Entropic Warding, Hideous Blow, See the Unseen
Level 2 Curse of Despair, Eldritch Chain, Flee the Scene
Level 3 Eldritch Cone, Noxious Blast, Vitriolic Blast
Level 4 Eldritch Doom, Retributive Invisibility, Word of Changing

Item Properties
Head Watchman’s Helm Light: [Low (10 m)][Color: Blue]
Skill Bonus: Listen [+8]
Skill Bonus: Search [+8]
Skill Bonus: Spot [+8]
Chest Mithral Full Plate AC Bonus [+8]
(enhanced) Bonus Hitpoints [+35]
Regeneration [+8]

Meet the Power Builds Page 21

Item Properties
Boots Boots of the Sun Soul Ability Bonus: Constitution [+9]
+5 (enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
AC Bonus [+5]
Saving Throw Bonus: Reflex [+9]
Use Limitation: Class: Monk
Arms Bracers of Armor +10 AC Bonus [+10]
Right Alchemical Silver Enhancement Bonus [+8]
Hand Longsword Damage Bonus: Acid [5d6]
(enhanced) Damage Bonus: Electrical [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Fire [5d6]
Left Mithral Heavy Shield Arcane Spell Failure [-15%]
Hand (enhanced) Base Item Weight Reduction [60% of Weight]
AC Bonus [+8]
Bonus Hitpoints [+35]
Regeneration [+8]
Cloak Cloak of Movement Ability Bonus: Charisma [+9]
(enhanced) AC Bonus [+8]
Damage Resistance: Cold [25/-]
Freedom of Movement
Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+5]
Left Ring of Major Sonic Damage Resistance: Sonic [30/-]
Ring Resistance Saving Throw Bonus: Acid [+9]
(enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Electrical [+9]
Right Mourningring Cast Spell: Create Greater Undead (18) [1 Use/Day]
Ring (enhanced) Cast Spell: Healing Circle (16) [2 Uses/Day]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fire [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Universal [+6]
Neck Amulet of Natural AC Bonus [+5]
Armor +5 (enhanced) Damage Resistance: Acid [40/-]
Damage Resistance: Electrical [40/-]
Damage Resistance: Fire [40/-]
Belt Greater Swordsman’s Ability Bonus: Strength [+9]
Belt (enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
Damage Resistance: Slashing [20/-]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fortitude [+9]

Leveling Guide
Initial Attributes
STR 16 DEX 12 CON 10 INT 16 WIS 8 CHA 18

Meet the Power Builds Page 22

Level Progression
Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
1 Wa 1 Co +4, Hi +2, In Bully Spellcasting
+4, Sc +4, UMD Prodigy
2 Wa 2 Co +1, In +1, Sc
+1, UMD +1
(Save 1)
3 Wa 3 Co +1, Hi +1, In Power Attack
+1, Sc +1, UMD
4 Wa 4 STR + 1 Co +1, In +1, Sc
+1, UMD +1
(Save 1)
5 Wa 5 Co +1, Hi +1, In
+1, Sc +1, UMD
6 Wa 6 Co +1, In +1, Sc Cleave
+1, UMD +1
(Save 1)
7 Wa 7 Co +1, Hi +1, In
+1, Sc +1, UMD
8 Wa 8 STR + 1 Co +1, In +1, Sc
+1, UMD +1
(Save 1)
9 Wa 9 Co +1, In +1, Sc Battle Caster
+1, Tu +1, UMD
10 Bg 1 Co +1, In +1, Tu
+1 (Save 1)
11 Bg 2 Co +1, In +1, Tu
+1 (Save 2)
12 Bg 3 STR + 1 Co +1, In +1, Divine Might
(Save 5)
13 Wa 10 Co +1, In +1, Sc Resist Cold
+4, UMD +4 Energy, Resist
Fire Energy
14 Wa 11 Co +1, In +1, Sc
+1, UMD +1
(Save 1)
15 Wa 12 Co +1, In +1, Sc Weapon Focus
+1, Tu +1, UMD (Longsword)
16 Wa 13 STR + 1 Co +1, In +1, Sc
+1, UMD +1
(Save 1)

Meet the Power Builds Page 23

Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
17 Wa 14 Co +1, In +1, Sc
+1, Tu +1, UMD
18 Wa 15 Co +1, In +1, Sc Blind-Fight
+1, UMD +1
(Save 1)
19 Wa 16 Co +1, In +1, Sc
+1, Tu +1, UMD
20 Wa 17 STR + 1 Co +1, In +1, Sc
+1, UMD +1
(Save 1)
21 Wa 18 Co +1, In +1, Sc Eldritch Master
+1, Tu +1, UMD
22 Wa 19 Co +1, In +1, Sc
+1, UMD +1
(Save 1)
23 Wa 20 Co +1, In +1, Sc Great Charisma
+1, Tu +1, UMD (+1)
24 Wa 21 CHA + 1 Co +1, In +1, Sc
+1, UMD +1
(Save 1)
25 Wa 22 Co +1, In +1, Sc Great Charisma
+1, Tu +1, UMD (+2)
26 Wa 23 Co +1, In +1, Sc Epic Divine
+1, UMD +1 Might
(Save 1)
27 Wa 24 Co +1, In +1, Sc Epic Fiendish
+1, Tu +1, UMD Resilience
28 Wa 25 STR + 1 Co +1, In +1, Ta
2, UMD +1
29 Wa 26 Co +1, In +1, Ta Epic Eldritch Great Charisma
2, UMD +1 Blast (+3)
30 Bg 4 Co +1, He 1, In
+1, UMD +1
Class: Bg = Blackguard, Wa = Warlock
Skill: Co = Concentration, He = Heal, Hi = Hide, In = Intimidate, Sc = Spellcraft, Ta = Taunt, Tu = Tumble, UMD =
Use Magic Device

Playing the Blacklock at its full potential as a player character requires the
use of an add-on called the Warlock Buddy, which may be downloaded from the
Neverwinter Vault site. In “Battle of the Builds,” however, the Warlock Buddy

Meet the Power Builds Page 24

was not accommodated in the Blacklock’s AI since it cannot be assumed that all
players will want to download the add-on. Hence, the Blacklock’s performance
in this module may be less than stellar. This is not necessarily the case when the
Blacklock is played as a PC with the Warlock Buddy installed.

SushiSquid, “Blacklock - Wlk(26),BG(4),” NWN2Wiki - a Wikia Wiki,

Meet the Power Builds Page 25

Blood Scholar
Human, Bard 4/ Wizard 6/ Arcane Scholar of Candlekeep
10/ Red Wizard 10
Alignment: Neutral

Specialization: Evocation

Statistics (Naked)
STR 8 DEX 16 CON 14 INT 24 WIS 8 CHA 14
AC 16 HP 188 BAB 16 Fort 11 Refl 15 Will 22

Able Learner, Spellcasting Prodigy, Skill Focus (Concentration), Empower Spell,
Arcane Scholar Spellcasting (Wizard), Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Spell Penetration,
Greater Spell Penetration, Practiced Spellcaster (Wizard), Red Wizard
Spellcasting (Wizard), Practiced Spellcaster (Bard), Great Intelligence (+1), Still
Spell, Epic Spell Penetration, Automatic Still Spell (0 – 3), Extend Spell,
Automatic Still Spell (0 – 6), Automatic Still Spell (0 – 9)

Concentration 33, Hide 33, Listen 33, Lore 3, Move Silently 33, Perform 10,
Search 16, Spellcraft 33, Spot 16, Tumble 33, Use Magic Device 33

Prepared Spells
Level 0 Ray of Frost × 4
Level 1 Protection from Alignment × 2, Shield, True Strike × 5
Level 2 Blindsight × 2, Mirror Image × 6
Level 3 Displacement × 5, Ray of Enfeeblement × 2 (maximized), Spiderskin
Level 4 Assay Resistance, Clairaudience and Clairvoyance (extended),
Displacement (extended), True Strike (quickened) × 5
Level 5 Bigby’s Interposing Hand × 2, Isaac’s Lesser Missile Storm (empowered) ×
2, Least Spell Mantle (empowered) × 3
Level 6 Bigby’s Forceful Hand, Globe of Invulnerability, Greater Heroism, Greater
Spell Breach, Isaac’s Greater Missile Storm × 3
Level 7 Avasculate × 3, Energy Immunity, Isaac’s Greater Missile Storm
(empowered) × 3, Shadow Shield
Level 8 Iron Body, Isaac’s Greater Missile Storm (maximized) × 8

Meet the Power Builds Page 26

Level 9 Bigby’s Forceful Hand (quickened) × 4, Energy Drain, Greater Spell Breach
(quickened) × 2

Level 0 Cure Minor Wounds, Daze, Flare, Light, Resistance
Level 1 Amplify, Grease, Joyful Noise
Level 2 Curse of Impending Blades, Silence

Item Properties
Head Watchman’s Helm Light: [Low (10 m)][Color: Blue]
Skill Bonus: Listen [+8]
Skill Bonus: Search [+8]
Skill Bonus: Spot [+8]
Chest Mithral Breastplate Bonus Hitpoints [+35]
(enhanced) Regeneration [+8]
Spell Resistance [28]
Boots Boots of the Sun Soul Ability Bonus: Constitution [+9]
+5 (enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
AC Bonus [+5]
Saving Throw Bonus: Reflex [+9]
Use Limitation: Class: Monk
Arms Bracers of Armor +10 AC Bonus [+10]
Right Adamantine Rapier Enhancement Bonus [+8]
Hand (enhanced) Damage Bonus: Acid [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Cold [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Electrical [5d6]
Left Adamantine Heavy AC Bonus [+8]
Hand Shield (enhanced) Bonus Hitpoints [+35]
Regeneration [+8]
Cloak Cloak of Resistance +5 Ability Bonus: Charisma [+9]
(enhanced) AC Bonus [+8]
Damage Resistance: Cold [25/-]
Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+5]
Saving Throw Bonus: Universal [+5]
Left Ring of the Founder Ability Bonus: Intelligence [+8]
Ring Ability Bonus: Wisdom [+8]
Bonus Spell Slot: Wizard [Level 7]
Bonus Spell Slot: Wizard [Level 8]
Bonus Spell Slot: Wizard [Level 9]
Regeneration [+2]
Right Ring of Major Sonic Damage Resistance: Sonic [30/-]
Ring Resistance Saving Throw Bonus: Acid [+9]
(enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Electrical [+9]

Meet the Power Builds Page 27

Item Properties
Neck Amulet of Natural AC Bonus [+5]
Armor +5 (enhanced) Damage Resistance: Acid [40/-]
Damage Resistance: Electrical [40/-]
Damage Resistance: Fire [40/-]
Belt Greater Swordsman’s Ability Bonus: Strength [+9]
Belt (enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
Damage Resistance: Slashing [20/-]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fortitude [+9]

Leveling Guide
Initial Attributes
STR 8 DEX 16 CON 14 INT 16 WIS 8 CHA 14

Level Progression
Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
1 Bd 1 Co +4, Hi +4, Li Able Learner,
+4, Lo +3, MS Spellcasting
+4, Pe +4, Sc +4, Prodigy
UMD +4, Tu +4
(Save 5)
2 Wi 1 Co +1, Hi +1, Li
+1, MS +1, Sc
+1, Sp +2, UMD
+1, Tu +1 (Save
3 Wi 2 Co +1, Hi +1, Li Skill Focus
+1, MS +1, Sc (Concentration)
+1, Sp +1, UMD
+1, Tu +1
4 Wi 3 INT + 1 Co +1, Hi +1, Li
+1, Sc +1, UMD
+1, Tu +1
5 Wi 4 Co +1, Li +1, Sc
+1, Sp +1, UMD
+1, Tu +1
6 Wi 5 Co +1, Li +1, Sc Empower Spell Skill Focus
+1, UMD +1, Tu (Spellcraft)
+1 (Save 1)
7 ASC 1 Co +1, Li +1, MS Arcane Scholar
+1, Sc +1, Sp +1, Spellcasting
UMD +1, Tu +1 (Wizard)
8 ASC 2 INT + 1 Co +1, Hi +1, Li
+1, MS +1, Sc
+1, UMD +1, Tu

Meet the Power Builds Page 28

Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
9 ASC 3 Co +1, Hi +1, Li Spell
+1, Sc +1, Sp +1, Penetration
UMD +1, Tu +1
10 ASC 4 Co +1, Hi +1, Li
+1, MS +1, Sc
+1, UMD +1, Tu
11 ASC 5 Co +1, Li +1, MS
+1, Sc +1, Sp +1,
UMD +1, Tu +1
12 ASC 6 INT + 1 Co +1, Hi +1, Li Greater Spell
+1, MS +1, Sc Penetration
+1, UMD +1, Tu
13 ASC 7 Co +1, Hi +1, Li
+1, Sc +1, Sp +1,
UMD +1, Tu +1
14 ASC 8 Co +1, Hi +1, Li
+1, MS +1, Sc
+1, UMD +1, Tu
15 ASC 9 Co +1, Li +1, MS Practiced
+1, Sc +1, Sp +1, Spellcaster
UMD +1, Tu +1 (Wizard)
16 ASC 10 INT + 1 Co +1, Hi +2, Li
+1, MS +1, Sc
+1, UMD +1, Tu
17 Wi 6 Co +1, Hi +1, Li
+1, MS +1, Sc
+1, Sp +1, UMD
+1, Tu +1
18 RW 1 Co +1, Hi +1, Li Red Wizard Practiced
+1, MS +2, Sc Spellcasting Spellcaster
+1, UMD +1, Tu (Wizard) (Bard)
19 RW 2 Co +1, Hi +1, Li
+1, MS +1, Sc
+1, Sp +1, UMD
+1, Tu +1
20 RW 3 INT + 1 Co +1, Hi +2, Li
+1, MS +1, Sc
+1, UMD +1, Tu
21 RW 4 Co +1, Hi +1, Li Great
+1, MS +1, Sc Intelligence
+1, Sp +1, UMD (+1)
+1, Tu +1

Meet the Power Builds Page 29

Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
22 RW 5 Co +1, Hi +2, Li Still Spell
+1, MS +2, Sc
+1, UMD +1, Tu
23 RW 6 Co +1, Hi +1, Li Epic Spell
+1, MS +2, Sc Penetration
+1, Sp +1, UMD
+1, Tu +1
24 RW 7 INT + 1 Co +1, Hi +2, Li
+1, MS +2, Sc
+1, UMD +1, Tu
25 RW 8 Co +1, Hi +2, Li Automatic Still
+1, MS +1, Sc Spell (0 – 3)
+1, Sp +1, UMD
+1, Tu +1
26 RW 9 Co +1, Hi +1, Li
+1, MS +2, Sc
+1, UMD +1, Tu
+1 (Save 1)
27 RW 10 Co +1, Hi +1, Li Extend Spell Automatic Still
+1, MS +1, Se Spell (0 – 6)
+2, Sc +1, Sp +1,
UMD +1, Tu +1
28 Bd 2 INT + 1 Co +1, Hi +1, Li
+1, MS +1, Pe
+6, Se +1, Sc +1,
UMD +1, Tu +1
29 Bd 3 Co +1, Hi +1, Li Automatic Still
+1, MS +1, Se Spell (0 – 9)
+6, Sc +1, Sp +1,
UMD +1, Tu +1
30 Bd 4 Co +1, Hi +1, Li
+1, MS +1, Se
+7, Sc +1, UMD
+1, Tu +1
Class: ASC = Arcane Scholar of Candlekeep, Bg = Blackguard, Rg = Rogue, S = Sorcerer
Skill: Co = Concentration, Hi = Hide, Li = Listen, Lo = Lore, MS = Move Silently, Pe = Perform, Sc = Spellcraft, Se
= Search, Sp = Spot, Tu = Tumble, UMD = Use Magic Device

JeminiZero, “Blood Scholar - Wiz(6),Brd(4),ASC(10),RWT(10),” NWN2Wiki - a
Wikia Wiki,

Meet the Power Builds Page 30

Claw of Malar
Drow, Monk 12/ Fighter 12 / Shadowdancer 2/
Blackguard 4
Alignment: Lawful Evil

Statistics (Naked)
STR 22 DEX 14 CON 10 INT 14 WIS 8 CHA 22
AC 17 HP 272 BAB 26 Fort 26 Refl 24 Will 18

Wild Child, Blind-Fight, Weapon Focus (Unarmed Strike), Dodge, Disarm,
Mobility, Power Attack, Improved Disarm, Cleave, Divine Shield, Improved
Critical (Unarmed Strike), Divine Might, Crippling Strike, Great Charisma (+1),
Greater Weapon Focus (Unarmed Strike), Great Charisma (+2), Epic Divine
Might, Epic Prowess, Expose Weakness, Great Charisma (+3)

Hide 33, Listen 6, Move Silently 33, Spot 32, Tumble 30, Use Magic Device 14

Prepared Spells

Item Properties
Head Watchman’s Helm Light: [Low (10 m)][Color: Blue]
Skill Bonus: Listen [+8]
Skill Bonus: Search [+8]
Skill Bonus: Spot [+8]
Chest Swashbuckler’s Tunic AC Bonus [+8]
(enhanced) Bonus Hitpoints [+35]
Regeneration [+8]
Spell Resistance [28]
Boots Boots of the Sun Soul Ability Bonus: Constitution [+9]
+5 (enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
AC Bonus [+5]
Saving Throw Bonus: Reflex [+9]
Use Limitation: Class: Monk

Meet the Power Builds Page 31

Item Properties
Arms Cat Queen’s Claws Attack Bonus [+8]
(enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+9]
Cast Spell: Mass Charm (15) [3 Uses/Day]
Damage Bonus: Magical [1d12]
Decreased Saving Throw: Mind Affecting [-4]
Right (None)
Left (None)
Cloak Cloak of Movement Ability Bonus: Charisma [+9]
(enhanced) AC Bonus [+8]
Damage Resistance: Cold [25/-]
Freedom of Movement
Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+5]
Left Ring of Major Fire Damage Resistance: Fire [30/-]
Ring Resistance Saving Throw Bonus: Acid [+9]
(enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Electrical [+9]
Right Ring of Major Sonic Damage Resistance: Sonic [30/-]
Ring Resistance Saving Throw Bonus: Acid [+9]
(enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fire [+9]
Neck Amulet of Natural Ability Bonus: Wisdom [+9]
Armor +5 (enhanced) AC Bonus [+5]
Damage Resistance: Acid [40/-]
Damage Resistance: Electrical [40/-]
Belt Greater Swordsman’s Ability Bonus: Strength [+9]
Belt (enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
Damage Resistance: Slashing [20/-]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fortitude [+9]

Leveling Guide
Initial Attributes
STR 16 DEX 14 CON 10 INT 14 WIS 8 CHA 18

Level Progression
Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
1 M1 Hi +4, Li +4, MS Wild Child Blind-Fight
+4, Sp +4, Tu +4,
UMD +2
2 F1 (Save 4) Weapon Focus
3 F2 Tu +1, UMD +1 Dodge Disarm
(Save 4)

Meet the Power Builds Page 32

Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
4 M2 STR + 1 Hi +3, MS +3, Sp
+2, Tu +2
5 M3 Hi +1, Li +1, MS
+1, Sp +2, Tu +1
6 F3 UMD +1 (Save Mobility
7 M4 Hi +2, MS +2, Sp
+2, Tu +2
8 Sd 1 STR + 1 Hi +1, MS +1, Sp
+1, Tu +1, UMD
+1 (Save 2)
9 Sd 2 Hi +1, Li +1, MS Power Attack
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1
(Save 5)
10 F4 Tu +1, UMD +1 Improved
(Save 5) Disarm
11 M5 Hi +2, MS +2, Sp
+2, Tu +1 (Save
12 F5 STR + 1 Sp +1, UMD +1 Cleave
(Save 4)
13 Bg 1 Hi +2, Sp +1
(Save 4)
14 Bg 2 Hi +1, Tu +1,
UMD +1 (Save
15 Bg 3 Hi +1, Tu +1 Divine Shield
(Save 4)
16 M6 STR + 1 Hi +1, MS +3, Sp
+2, Tu +2, UMD
17 F6 (Save 4) Improved
18 Bg 4 Hi +2, UMD +1 Divine Might
(Save 4)
19 M7 Hi +1, MS +3, Sp Crippling Strike
+4, Tu +2
20 F7 CHA + 1 UMD +1 (Save
21 M8 Hi +2, MS +3, Sp Great Strength
+2, Tu +1 (+1)
22 F8 UMD +1 (Save Greater Weapon
2) Focus
23 M9 Hi +2, MS +3, Sp Great Charisma
+2, Tu +1 (+1)

Meet the Power Builds Page 33

Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
24 F9 CHA + 1 UMD +1 (Save
25 M 10 Hi +2, MS +1, Sp Epic Divine
+2, Tu +2 Might
26 F 10 UMD +1 (Save Epic Prowess
27 M 11 Hi +2, MS +2, Sp Expose
+2, Tu +2 Weakness
28 F 11 CHA + 1 Tu +1 (Save 2)
29 F 12 Tu +1 (Save 4) Great Strength
30 M 12 Hi +3, MS +3, Sp
+2, Tu +2
Class: Bg = Blackguard, F = Fighter, M = Monk, Sd = Shadowdancer
Skill: Hi = Hide, Li = Listen, MS = Move Silently, Sp = Spot, Tu = Tumble, UMD = Use Magic Device

GT74, “Claw of Malar (HiPS Version) - Monk 12/ Fighter 12/ Blackguard 4/ SD
2,” Neverwinter Nights: Epic Character Builders Part Deux,

Meet the Power Builds Page 34

Divine Bard
Human, Bard 26/ Cleric 1/ Blackguard 3
Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Domains: Darkness and Water

Statistics (Naked)
STR 21 DEX 10 CON 14 INT 12 WIS 8 CHA 21
AC 14 HP 254 BAB 22 Fort 22 Refl 22 Will 23

Luck of Heroes, Power Attack, Divine Shield, Battle Caster, Cleave, Curse Song,
Divine Might, Lingering Song, Chorus of Heroism, Great Charisma (+1), Song of
Requiem, Hymn of Requiem, Great Charisma (+2), Great Charisma (+3), Epic
Divine Might

Concentration 33, Hide 18, Listen 33, Perform 33, Spellcraft 33, Spot 16, Tumble
33, Use Magic Device 33

Prepared Spells
Level 0 Cure Minor Wounds, Daze, Flare, Light, Resistance
Level 1 Amplify, Balagarn’s Iron Horn, Grease, Joyful Noise, Lesser Dispel
Level 2 Cloud of Bewilderment, Curse of Impending Blades, Ghostly Visage, Mirror
Image, Silence
Level 3 Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Haste, Remove Curse, See Invisibility, Weapon
of Impact
Level 4 Cure Critical Wounds, Greater Invisibility, Greater Resistance, Shout, War
Level 5 Cacophonic Burst, Greater Dispel Magic, Greater Heroism, Mind Fog, Song
of Discord
Level 6 Dirge, Energy Immunity, Greater Shout, Ice Storm

Meet the Power Builds Page 35

Item Properties
Head Watchman’s Helm Light: [Low (10 m)][Color: Blue]
Skill Bonus: Listen [+8]
Skill Bonus: Search [+8]
Skill Bonus: Spot [+8]
Chest Mithral Full Plate AC Bonus [+8]
(enhanced) Bonus Hitpoints [+35]
Regeneration [+8]
Boots Boots of the Sun Soul Ability Bonus: Constitution [+9]
+5 (enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
AC Bonus [+5]
Saving Throw Bonus: Reflex [+9]
Use Limitation: Class: Monk
Arms Greater Gloves of the Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+9]
Minstrel (enhanced) Attack Bonus [+5]
Damage Bonus: Acid [3d6]
Skill Bonus: Perform [+6]
Use Limitation: Class: Bard
Right Cold Iron Warhammer Enhancement Bonus [+8]
Hand (enhanced) Damage Bonus: Acid [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Cold [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Electrical [5d6]
Left Mithral Heavy Shield Arcane Spell Failure [-15%]
Hand (enhanced) Base Item Weight Reduction [60% of Weight]
AC Bonus [+8]
Bonus Hitpoints [+35]
Regeneration [+8]
Cloak Cloak of Movement Ability Bonus: Charisma [+9]
(enhanced) AC Bonus [+8]
Damage Resistance: Cold [25/-]
Freedom of Movement
Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+5]
Left Ring of Major Fire Damage Resistance: Fire [30/-]
Ring Resistance Saving Throw Bonus: Acid [+9]
(enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Electrical [+9]
Right Ring of Major Sonic Damage Resistance: Sonic [30/-]
Ring Resistance Saving Throw Bonus: Acid [+9]
(enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fire [+9]
Neck Amulet of Natural Ability Bonus: Wisdom [+9]
Armor +5 (enhanced) AC Bonus [+5]
Damage Resistance: Acid [40/-]
Damage Resistance: Electrical [40/-]
Belt Greater Swordsman’s Ability Bonus: Strength [+9]
Belt (enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
Damage Resistance: Slashing [20/-]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fortitude [+9]

Meet the Power Builds Page 36

Leveling Guide
Initial Attributes
STR 16 DEX 10 CON 14 INT 12 WIS 8 CHA 16

Level Progression
Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
1 Bd 1 Co +4, Li +4, Pe Luck of Heroes,
+4, Sc +4, Sp +2, Power Attack
UMD +4, Tu +4
(Save 4)
2 Bd 2 Co +1, Hi +5, Li
+1, Pe +1, Sc +1,
UMD +1, Tu +1
(Save 1)
3 C1 Co +1, Sp +1 Divine Shield
(Save 2)
4 Bd 3 STR + 1 Co +1, Li +2, Pe
+2, Sc +2, UMD
+1, Tu +2
5 Bd 4 Co +1, Li +1, Pe
+1, Sc +1, UMD
+2, Tu +1 (Save
6 Bd 5 Co +1, Li +1, Pe Battle Caster
+1, Sc +1, , UMD
+2, Tu +1 (Save
7 Bd 6 Co +1, Li +1, Pe
+1, Sc +1, Sp +1,
UMD +1, Tu +1
(Save 1)
8 Bd 7 STR + 1 Co +1, Li +1, Pe
+1, Sc +1, UMD
+1, Tu +1 (Save
9 Bd 8 Co +1, Li +1, Pe Cleave
+1, Sc +1, Sp +1,
UMD +1, Tu +1
(Save 3)
10 Bg 1 Co +1, Li +1, Pe
+1, Sc +1, Sp +1,
UMD +1, Tu +1
(Save 3)
11 Bd 9 Co +1, Hi +1
(Save 5)
12 Bg 2 STR + 1 Co +1, Li +2, Pe Curse Song
+2, Sc +2, Sp +1,
UMD +2, Tu +2

Meet the Power Builds Page 37

Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
13 Bd 10 Co +1 (Save 3)
14 Bd 11 Co +1, Li +2, Pe
+2, Sc +2, UMD
+2, Tu +2
15 Bg 3 Co +1 (Save 3) Divine Might
16 Bd 12 STR + 1 Co +1, Li +2, Pe
+2, Sc +2, UMD
+2, Tu +2
17 Bd 13 Co +1, Li +1, Pe
+1, Sc +1, Sp +1,
UMD +1, Tu +1
18 Bd 14 Co +1, Li +1, Pe Lingering Song
+1, Sc +1, Sp +1,
UMD +1, Tu +1
19 Bd 15 Co +1, Li +1, Pe
+1, Sc +1, Sp +1,
UMD +1, Tu +1
20 Bd 16 STR + 1 Co +1, Li +1, Pe
+1, Sc +1, Sp +1,
UMD +1, Tu +1
21 Bd 17 Co +1, Li +1, Pe Chorus of
+1, Sc +1, UMD Heroism
+1, Tu +1 (Save
22 Bd 18 Co +1, Li +1, Pe
+1, Sc +1, Sp +1,
UMD +1, Tu +1
(Save 2)
23 Bd 19 Co +1, Li +1, Pe Great Charisma
+1, Sc +1, , UMD (+1)
+1, Tu +1 (Save
24 Bd 20 CHA + 1 Co +1, Li +1, Pe
+1, Sc +1, Sp +1,
UMD +1, Tu +1
(Save 4)
25 Bd 21 Co +1, Hi +1, Li Song of
+1, Pe +1, Sc +1, Requiem
UMD +1, Tu +1
(Save 5)
26 Bd 22 Co +1, Li +1, Pe
+1, Sc +1, Sp +1,
UMD +1, Tu +1
(Save 5)
27 Bd 23 Co +1, Li +1, Pe Hymn of Great Charisma
+1, Sc +1, Sp +1, Requiem (+2)
UMD +1, Tu +1
(Save 5)

Meet the Power Builds Page 38

Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
28 Bd 24 CHA + 1 Co +1, Hi +2, Li
+1, Pe +1, Sc +1,
UMD +1, Tu +1
(Save 5)
29 Bd 25 Co +1, Li +1, Pe Great Charisma
+1, Sc +1, Sp +1, (+3)
UMD +1, Tu +1
(Save 5)
30 Bd 26 Co +1, Hi +7, Li Epic Divine
+1, Pe +1, Sc +1, Might
UMD +1, Tu +1
Class: Bd = Bard, Bg = Blackguard, C = Cleric
Skill: Co = Concentration, Hi = Hide, Li = Listen, Pe = Perform, Sc = Spellcraft, Sp = Spot, Tu = Tumble, UMD =
Use Magic Device

JeminiZero, “Divine Bard - Brd(26),BG(3),Clr(1),” NWN2Wiki - a Wikia Wiki,

Meet the Power Builds Page 39

Divine Dragon
Aasimar, Paladin 9/ Sorcerer 1/ Red Dragon Disciple 10/
Divine Champion 10
Alignment: Lawful Good

Statistics (Naked)
STR 26 DEX 12 CON 16 INT 14 WIS 12 CHA 26
AC 18 HP 524 BAB 26 Fort 37 Refl 24 Will 30

Ladies’ Man, Luck of Heroes, Summon Familiar, Able Learner, Weapon Focus
(Longsword), Power Attack, Toughness, Divine Might, Divine Shield, Epic Divine
Might, Epic Toughness (+30), Epic Resilience, Epic Prowess, Great Charisma
(+1), Armor Skin, Great Charisma (+2), Epic Toughness (+60), Great Charisma
(+3), Epic Toughness (+90)

Diplomacy 33, Listen 33, Lore 8, Spellcraft 30, Tumble 12

Prepared Spells
Level 1 Bless, Bless Weapon

Level 0 Acid Splash, Flare, Ray of Frost, Resistance
Level 1 Protection from Alignment, True Strike

Item Properties
Head Watchman’s Helm Light: [Low (10 m)][Color: Blue]
Skill Bonus: Listen [+8]
Skill Bonus: Search [+8]
Skill Bonus: Spot [+8]

Meet the Power Builds Page 40

Item Properties
Chest Mithral Full Plate Bonus Hitpoints [+35]
(enhanced) Regeneration [+8]
Spell Resistance [28]
Boots Boots of Hardiness +3 Ability Bonus: Constitution [+9]
(enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
AC Bonus [+3]
Saving Throw Bonus: Reflex [+9]
Arms Bracers of Armor +10 AC Bonus [+10]
Right Cold Iron Longsword Enhancement Bonus [+8]
Hand (enhanced) Damage Bonus: Acid [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Cold [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Electrical [5d6]
Left Mithral Heavy Shield Arcane Spell Failure [-15%]
Hand (enhanced) Base Item Weight Reduction [60% of Weight]
AC Bonus [+8]
Bonus Hitpoints [+35]
Regeneration [+8]
Cloak Cloak of Movement Ability Bonus: Charisma [+9]
(enhanced) AC Bonus [+8]
Damage Resistance: Cold [25/-]
Freedom of Movement
Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+5]
Left Ring of Major Damage Resistance: Electrical [30/-]
Ring Electrical Resistance Saving Throw Bonus: Acid [+9]
(enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Electrical [+9]
Right Ring of Major Sonic Damage Resistance: Sonic [30/-]
Ring Resistance Saving Throw Bonus: Acid [+9]
(enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fire [+9]
Neck Amulet of Natural AC Bonus [+5]
Armor +5 (enhanced) Damage Resistance: Acid [40/-]
Damage Resistance: Cold [40/-]
Saving Throw Bonus: Universal [+7]
Belt Greater Swordsman’s Ability Bonus: Strength [+9]
Belt (enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
Damage Resistance: Slashing [20/-]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fortitude [+9]

Leveling Guide
Initial Attributes
STR 16 DEX 12 CON 14 INT 12 WIS 12 CHA 16

Meet the Power Builds Page 41

Level Progression
Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
1 P1 Di 4, Lo 4 (Save Ladies’ Man Luck of Heroes
2 S1 Lo +1, Sc +5 Summon
(Save 1) Familiar: Beetle
3 P2 Di +2, Lo +1 Able Learner
(Save 1)
4 P3 STR + 1 Di +1, Lo +1, Sc
5 P4 Di +1, Lo +1, Sc
6 RDD 1 Di +1, Sc +1, Tu Weapon Focus
+1 (Longsword)
7 RDD 2 Di +1, Sc +1, Tu
8 RDD 3 STR + 1 Di +1, Sc +1, Tu
9 RDD 4 Di +1, Sc +1, Tu Power Attack
10 RDD 5 Di +1, Sc +1, Tu
11 RDD 6 Di +1, Sc +1, Tu
12 RDD 7 CHA + 1 Di +1, Sc +1, Tu Toughness
13 RDD 8 Di +1, Sc +1, Tu
14 RDD 9 Di +1, Li +2, Sc
15 P5 Di +1, Li +1, Sc Divine Might
+1, Tu +1
16 RDD 10 CHA + 1 Di +1, Li +2, Sc
17 P6 Di +1, Li +1, Sc
+1, Tu +1
18 P7 Di +1, Li +2, Sc Divine Shield
19 P8 Di +1, Li +2, Sc
20 P9 CHA + 1 Di +1, Li +2, Sc
21 DC 1 Di +1, Li +2, Sc Epic Divine
+1 Might
22 DC 2 Di +1, Li +2, Sc Epic Toughness
+1 (+30)
23 DC 3 Di +1, Li +2, Sc Epic Resilience

Meet the Power Builds Page 42

Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
24 DC 4 CHA + 1 Di +1, Li +2, Sc Epic Prowess
25 DC 5 Di +1, Li +2, Sc Great Charisma
+1 (+1)
26 DC 6 Di +1, Li +2, Sc Armor Skin
27 DC 7 Di +1, Li +2, Sc Great Charisma
+1 (+2)
28 DC 8 CHA + 1 Di +1, Li +3 Epic Toughness
29 DC 9 Di +1, Li +3 Great Charisma
30 DC 10 Di +1, Li +1, Tu Epic Toughness
+2 (+90)
Class: DC = Divine Champion, P = Paladin, RDD = Red Dragon Disciple, S = Sorcerer
Skill: Di = Diplomacy, Li = Listen, Lo = Lore, Sc = Spellcraft, Tu = Tumble

SushiSquid, “Divine Dragon (P9/Src1/RDD10/DC10),” NWN2Wiki - a Wikia

Meet the Power Builds Page 43

Divine Ranger
Wood Elf, Ranger 21/ Bard 2/ Red Dragon Disciple 4/
Blackguard 3
Alignment: Neutral Evil

Statistics (Naked)
STR 22 DEX 14 CON 10 INT 12 WIS 14 CHA 22
AC 18 HP 288 BAB 28 Fort 26 Refl 26 Will 24

Luck of Heroes, Able Learner, Favored Enemy: Elves, Two-Weapon Fighting
(Combat Style: Ranger), Power Attack, Cleave, Favored Enemy: Dwarves, Divine
Might, Practiced Spellcaster (Ranger), Blind-Fight, Favored Enemy: Gnomes,
Great Charisma (+1), Favored Enemy: Outsiders, Epic Divine Might, Great
Charisma (+2), Favored Enemy: Humans, Bane of Enemies

Concentration 33, Hide 33, Lore 8, Move Silently 33, Perform 3, Spellcraft 30,
Tumble 30, Use Magic Device 33

Prepared Spells
Level 1 Camouflage × 3, Resist Energy × 2
Level 2 Barkskin × 2, Mass Camouflage, Curse of Impending Blades × 2
Level 3 Aid, Invisibility Purge, Mass Curse of Impending Blades × 2
Level 4 Cure Serious Wounds × 4

Level 0 Cure Minor Wounds, Daze, Flare, Light, Resistance
Level 1 Amplify, Joyful Noise

Meet the Power Builds Page 44

Item Properties
Head Watchman’s Helm Light: [Low (10 m)][Color: Blue]
Skill Bonus: Listen [+8]
Skill Bonus: Search [+8]
Skill Bonus: Spot [+8]
Chest Mithral Breastplate Bonus Hitpoints [+35]
(enhanced) Regeneration [+8]
Spell Resistance [28]
Boots Boots of the Sun Soul Ability Bonus: Constitution [+9]
+5 (enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
AC Bonus [+5]
Saving Throw Bonus: Reflex [+9]
Use Limitation: Class: Monk
Arms Bracers of Armor +10 AC Bonus [+10]
Right Alchemical Silver Enhancement Bonus [+8]
Hand Longsword Damage Bonus: Acid [5d6]
(enhanced) Damage Bonus: Electrical [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Fire [5d6]
Left Cold Iron Kukri Enhancement Bonus [+8]
Hand (enhanced) Damage Bonus: Acid [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Cold [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Electrical [5d6]
Cloak Cloak of Movement Ability Bonus: Charisma [+9]
(enhanced) AC Bonus [+8]
Damage Resistance: Cold [25/-]
Freedom of Movement
Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+5]
Left Ring of Major Fire Damage Resistance: Fire [30/-]
Ring Resistance Saving Throw Bonus: Acid [+9]
(enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Electrical [+9]
Right Ring of Major Sonic Damage Resistance: Sonic [30/-]
Ring Resistance Saving Throw Bonus: Acid [+9]
(enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fire [+9]
Neck Amulet of Natural AC Bonus [+5]
Armor +5 (enhanced) Damage Resistance: Acid [40/-]
Damage Resistance: Electrical [40/-]
Saving Throw Bonus: Universal [+7]
Belt Greater Swordsman’s Ability Bonus: Strength [+9]
Belt (enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
Damage Resistance: Slashing [20/-]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fortitude [+9]

Meet the Power Builds Page 45

Leveling Guide
Initial Attributes
STR 16 DEX 14 CON 10 INT 12 WIS 14 CHA 14

Level Progression
Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
1 Bd 1 Co +4, Hi +4, Lo Luck of Heroes
+4, MS +1, Pe
+3, Sc +4, Tu +4,
UMD +4
2 Ra 1 Co +1, Hi +1, Lo Favored Enemy:
+1, MS +4 Elves
3 Ra 2 Co +1, Hi +1, Lo Two-Weapon Able Learner
+1, MS +1 (Save Fighting
3) (Combat Style:
4 Ra 3 STR + 1 Co +1, Hi +1, Lo
+1, MS +1, Tu
+3, UMD +3
5 Ra 4 Co +1, Hi +1, Lo Animal
+1, MS +1, Sc Companion:
+1, Tu +1, UMD Panther
6 RDD 1 Hi +1, MS +1, Tu Power Attack
7 RDD 2 Hi +1, MS +1, Sc
8 RDD 3 CHA + 1 Hi +1, MS +1, Tu
9 RDD 4 Hi +1, MS +1, Sc Cleave
10 Bg 1 Sc +3
11 Bg 2 Co +2, UMD +1
12 Bg 3 CHA + 1 Hi +1, MS +1, Divine Might
UMD +1
13 Ra 5 Hi +3, MS +3, Tu Favored Enemy:
+1 Gnomes
14 Ra 6 Hi +1, MS +1, Sc
+1, Tu +4
15 Ra 7 Co +7 Practiced
16 Ra 8 CHA + 1 Co +2, Hi +2, MS
+2, UMD +1
17 Ra 9 Hi +1, MS +1, Tu
18 Ra 10 Co +1, Sc +6 Favored Enemy: Blind-Fight

Meet the Power Builds Page 46

Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
19 Ra 11 Sc +3, UMD +4
20 Ra 12 CHA + 1 Hi +3, MS +3,
UMD +1
21 Ra 13 Co +1, Hi +1, MS Great Charisma
+1, UMD +4 (+1)
22 Ra 14 Co +4, Hi +1, MS
+1, Sc +1
23 Ra 15 Co +1, Hi +1, MS Favored Enemy: Great Charisma
+1, Sc +4 Outsiders (+2)
24 Ra 16 CHA + 1 Tu +7
25 Ra 17 Co +2, Hi +2, MS Epic Divine
+2, Tu +1 Might
26 Ra 18 Co +1, Hi +1, MS
+1, Sc +3, Tu +1
27 Ra 19 Co +1, Hi +1, MS Great Charisma
+1, Sc +2, Tu +1, (+3)
UMD +1
28 Ra 20 STR + 1 Co +1, UMD +6 Favored Enemy:
29 Ra 21 Co +1, Hi +2, MS Bane of
+1, UMD +3 Enemies
30 Bd 2 Co +1, Hi +1, MS
+2, UMD +3
Class: Bd = Bard, Bg = Blackguard, Ra = Ranger, RDD = Red Dragon Disciple
Skill: Co = Concentration, Hi = Hide, Lo = Lore, MS = Move Silently, Pe = Perform, Sc = Spellcraft, Tu = Tumble,
UMD = Use Magic Device

JeminiZero, “Divine Ranger - Ra(21),Brd(2),RDD(4),BG(3),” NWN2Wiki - a Wikia

Meet the Power Builds Page 47

Divine Soul
Human, Monk 1/ Favored Soul 26/ Fighter 1 / Cleric 2
Alignment: Lawful Good

Deity: Ilmater

Cleric Domains: Darkness and Water

Statistics (Naked)
STR 21 DEX 12 CON 14 INT 14 WIS 8 CHA 21
AC 15 HP 302 BAB 21 Fort 25 Refl 19 Will 20

Farmer, Power Attack, Able Learner, Practiced Spellcaster (Favored Soul),
Disarm, Weapon Focus (Unarmed Strike), Divine Might, Resist Sonic Energy,
Extend Spell, Divine Shield, Resist Cold Energy, Improved Disarm, Weapon
Specialization (Unarmed Strike), Persistent Spell, Resist Acid Energy, Great
Strength (+1), Great Strength (+2), Damage Reduction 10/alchemical silver,
Great Strength (+3), Great Charisma (+1), Great Strength (+4), Epic Divine
Might, Epic Prowess

Concentration 33, Hide 5, Lore 3, Spellcraft 33, Spot 33, Tumble 33

Prepared Spells
Favored Soul
Level 0 Cure Minor Wounds, Inflict Minor Wounds, Light, Resistance, Virtue
Level 1 Bless, Divine Favor, Entropic Shield, Lesser Vigor, Protection from
Alignment, Shield of Faith
Level 2 Aid, Cure Moderate Wounds, Eagle’s Splendor, Lesser Restoration, Remove
Paralysis, Silence
Level 3 Cure Serious Wounds, Magic Vestment, Prayer, Remove Curse, Vigor,
Weapon of Impact
Level 4 Assay Resistance, Cure Critical Wounds, Divine Power, Least Spell Mantle,
Recitation, Restoration
Level 5 Battletide, Lesser Spell Mantle, Raise Dead, Righteous Might, Spell
Resistance, True Seeing
Level 6 Energy Immunity, Greater Dispel Magic, Heal, Mass Bull’s Strength, Stone
Body, Superior Resistance

Meet the Power Builds Page 48

Favored Soul
Level 7 Ethereal Jaunt, Greater Restoration, Regenerate, Spell Mantle, Summon
Creature VII, Word of Faith
Level 8 Fire Storm, Mass Death Ward, Summon Creature VIII, Sunbeam, Wall of
Greater Dispel Magic
Level 9 Energy Drain, Mass Heal, Storm of Vengeance, Undeath’s Eternal Foe

Item Properties
Head Watchman’s Helm Light: [Low (10 m)][Color: Blue]
Skill Bonus: Listen [+8]
Skill Bonus: Search [+8]
Skill Bonus: Spot [+8]
Chest Mithral Full Plate AC Bonus [+8]
(enhanced) Regeneration [+8]
Spell Resistance [28]
Boots Boots of the Sun Soul Ability Bonus: Constitution [+9]
+5 (enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
AC Bonus [+5]
Saving Throw Bonus: Reflex [+9]
Use Limitation: Class: Monk
Arms Cat Queen’s Claws Attack Bonus [+8]
(enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+9]
Cast Spell: Mass Charm (15) [3 Uses/Day]
Damage Bonus: Magical [1d12]
Decreased Saving Throw: Mind Affecting [-4]
Right (None)
Left Adamantine Tower AC Bonus [+8]
Hand Shield (enhanced) Bonus Hitpoints [+35]
Regeneration [+8]
Cloak Cloak of Movement Ability Bonus: Charisma [+9]
(enhanced) AC Bonus [+8]
Damage Resistance: Acid [25/-]
Freedom of Movement
Saving Throw Bonus: Acid [+5]
Left Ring of Major Sonic Damage Resistance: Sonic [30/-]
Ring Resistance Saving Throw Bonus: Acid [+9]
(enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fire [+9]
Right Ring of Major Damage Resistance: Electrical [30/-]
Ring Electrical Resistance Saving Throw Bonus: Acid [+9]
(enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Electrical [+9]
Neck Amulet of Natural AC Bonus [+5]
Armor +5 (enhanced) Damage Resistance: Cold [40/-]
Damage Resistance: Fire [40/-]
Saving Throw Bonus: Universal [+7]

Meet the Power Builds Page 49

Item Properties
Belt Greater Swordsman’s Ability Bonus: Strength [+9]
Belt (enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
Damage Resistance: Slashing [20/-]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fortitude [+9]

Leveling Guide
Initial Attributes
STR 14 DEX 12 CON 14 INT 14 WIS 8 CHA 16

Level Progression
Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
1 M1 Co +4, Li +4, Lo Farmer Power Attack,
+3, Sp +4, UMD Able Learner
+2, Tu +4 (Save
2 FS 1 Co +1, Li +1, Sc
+5, Sp +1, Tu +1
(Save 1)
3 FS 2 Co +1, Li +1, Sc Practiced
+1, Sp +1, UMD Spellcaster
+1, Tu +1 (Favored Soul)
4 F1 CHA + 1 Co +1, Li +1, Sc Disarm
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1
5 FS 3 Co +1, Li +1, Sc Weapon Focus
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1 (Unarmed
6 C1 Co +1, Li +1, Sc Divine Might
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1
7 FS 4 Co +1, Li +1, Sc
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1
8 FS 5 CHA + 1 Co +1, Li +1, Sc Resist Sonic
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1 Energy
9 FS 6 Co +1, Li +1, Sc Extend Spell
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1
10 FS 7 Co +1, Li +1, Sc
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1
11 FS 8 Co +1, Li +1, Sc
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1
12 C2 CHA + 1 Co +1, Li +1, Sc Divine Shield
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1
13 FS 9 Co +1, Li +1, Sc
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1
14 FS 10 Co +1, Li +1, Sc Resist Cold
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1 Energy

Meet the Power Builds Page 50

Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
15 FS 11 Co +1, Li +1, Sc Improved
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1 Disarm
16 FS 12 STR + 1 Co +1, Li +1, Sc Weapon
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1 Specialization
17 FS 13 Co +1, Li +1, Sc
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1
18 FS 14 Co +1, Li +1, Sc Persistent Spell
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1
19 FS 15 Co +1, Li +1, Sc Resist Acid
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1 Energy
20 FS 16 STR + 1 Co +1, Li +1, Sc
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1
21 FS 17 Co +1, Li +1, Sc Great Strength
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1 (+1)
22 FS 18 Co +1, Li +1, Sc
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1
23 FS 19 Co +1, Li +1, Sc Great Strength
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1 (+2)
24 FS 20 STR + 1 Co +1, Li +1, Sc Damage
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1 Reduction 10 /
25 FS 21 Co +1, Li +1, Sc Great Strength
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1 (+3)
26 FS 22 Co +1, Li +1, Sc
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1
27 FS 23 Co +1, Li +1, Sc Great Charisma
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1 (+1), Great
Strength (+4)
28 FS 24 CHA + 1 Co +1, Li +1, Sp
+1, UMD +2
29 FS 25 Co +1, Li +1, Sp Epic Divine
+1, UMD +2 Might
30 FS 26 Co +1, Li +1, Sp Epic Prowess
+1, UMD +2
Class: C = Cleric, FS = Favored Soul, F = Fighter, M = Monk
Skill: Co = Concentration, Hi = Hide, Lo = Lore, Sc = Spellcraft, Sp = Spot, Tu = Tumble

The build that is presented here is the good Divine Soul Version 3 that is
documented in the NWN2Wiki.

Meet the Power Builds Page 51

JeminiZero, “Divine Soul - FS(26),M(1),Clr(1),Pal(2) or BG(2),” NWN2Wiki - a
Wikia Wiki,

Meet the Power Builds Page 52

Divine Storm Soul
Human, Favored Soul 12/ Stormlord 10/ Fighter 4/
Paladin 4
Alignment: Lawful Good

Deity: Hoar

Statistics (Naked)
STR 21 DEX 12 CON 14 INT 10 WIS 8 CHA 21
AC 12 HP 346 BAB 24 Fort 33 Will 20 Refl 22

Luck of Heroes, Able Learner, Power Attack, Toughness, Cleave, Weapon Focus
(Spear), Resist Fire Energy, Practiced Spellcaster (Favored Soul), Extend Spell,
Blind-Fight, Divine Might, Monkey Grip, Persistent Spell, Great Charisma (+1),
Great Charisma (+2), Great Charisma (+3), Resist Sonic Energy, Epic Divine

Concentration 33, Listen 16, Spellcraft 30, Spot 16

Prepared Spells
Favored Soul
Level 0 Cure Minor Wounds, Inflict Minor Wounds, Light, Resistance, Virtue
Level 1 Bless, Divine Favor, Entropic Shield, Lesser Vigor, Protection from
Alignment, Remove Fear
Level 2 Bull’s Strength, Cure Moderate Wounds, Eagle’s Splendor, Lesser
Restoration, Remove Paralysis, Silence
Level 3 Blindsight, Invisibility Purge, Magic Circle against Alignment, Mass Aid,
Prayer, Vigor
Level 4 Death Ward, Divine Power, Hammer of the Gods, Least Spell Mantle,
Recitation, Restoration
Level 5 Battletide, Lesser Spell Mantle, Raise Dead, Righteous Might, Spell
Resistance, True Seeing
Level 6 Blade Barrier, Energy Immunity, Heal, Stone Body, Superior Resistance,
Vigorous Cycle
Level 7 Ethereal Jaunt, Greater Restoration, Regenerate, Resurrection, Spell Mantle,
Word of Faith
Level 8 Aura versus Alignment, Earthquake, Firestorm, Mass Death Ward, Sunbeam

Meet the Power Builds Page 53

Favored Soul
Level 9 Energy Drain, Etherealness, Mass Heal, Undeath’s Eternal Foe

Item Properties
Head Watchman’s Helm Light: [Low (10 m)][Color: Blue]
Skill Bonus: Listen [+8]
Skill Bonus: Search [+8]
Skill Bonus: Spot [+8]
Chest Mithral Full Plate Bonus Hitpoints [+35]
(enhanced) Regeneration [+8]
Spell Resistance [28]
Boots Boots of Hardiness +3 Ability Bonus: Constitution [+9]
(enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
AC Bonus [+3]
Saving Throw Bonus: Reflex [+9]
Arms Bracers of Armor +10 AC Bonus [+10]
Right Spear (enhanced) Enhancement Bonus [+8]
Hand Damage Bonus: Acid [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Cold [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Fire [5d6]
Left Adamantine Heavy AC Bonus [+8]
Hand Shield (enhanced) Bonus Hitpoints [+35]
Regeneration [+8]
Cloak Cloak of Movement Ability Bonus: Charisma [+9]
(enhanced) AC Bonus [+8]
Damage Resistance: Cold [25/-]
Freedom of Movement
Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+5]
Left Ring of Major Sonic Damage Resistance: Sonic [30/-]
Ring Resistance Saving Throw Bonus: Acid [+9]
(enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Electrical [+9]
Right Mourningring Cast Spell: Create Greater Undead (18) [1 Use/Day]
Ring (enhanced) Cast Spell: Healing Circle (16) [2 Uses/Day]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fire [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Universal [+6]
Neck Amulet of Natural Ability Bonus: Wisdom [+9]
Armor +5 (enhanced) AC Bonus [+5]
Damage Resistance: Acid [40/-]
Damage Resistance: Fire [40/-]
Belt Greater Swordsman’s Ability Bonus: Strength [+9]
Belt (enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
Damage Resistance: Slashing [20/-]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fortitude [+9]

Meet the Power Builds Page 54

Leveling Guide
Initial Attributes
STR 16 DEX 12 CON 14 INT 10 WIS 8 CHA 16

Level Progression
Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
1 FS 1 Co +4, Li +2, Sc Able Learner,
+4 Luck of Heroes
2 F1 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp Power Attack
3 F2 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp Cleave Toughness
4 FS 2 STR + 1 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp
5 FS 3 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp
6 FS 4 Co +1, Li +1, Sc Great Fortitude
7 FS 5 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp Resist Fire
+1 Energy
8 FS 6 STR + 1 Co +1, Li +1, Sc
9 P1 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp Practiced
+1 Spellcaster
(Favored Soul)
10 P2 Co +1, Li +1, Sc
11 P3 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp
12 Sl 1 STR + 1 Co +1, Li +1, Sc Stormlord Extend Spell
+1 Spellcasting
(Favored Soul)
13 F3 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp
14 F4 Co +1, Li +1, Sc Blind-Fight
15 P4 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp Divine Might
16 SL 2 STR + 1 Co +1, Li +1, Sc
17 SL 3 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp
18 SL 4 Co +1, Li +1, Sc Monkey Grip
19 SL 5 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp
20 SL 6 CHA + 1 Co +1, Li +1, Sc

Meet the Power Builds Page 55

Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
21 SL 7 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp Persistent Spell
22 SL 8 Co +1, Li +1, Sc
23 SL 9 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp Great Charisma
+1 (+1)
24 SL 10 CHA + 1 Co +1, Li +1, Sc
25 FS 7 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp Great Charisma
+1 (+2)
26 FS 8 Co +1, Li +1, Sc
27 FS 9 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp Great Charisma
+1 (+3)
28 FS 10 STR + 1 Co +1, Li +1, He Resist Sonic
+1 Energy
29 FS 11 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp Epic Divine
+1 Might
30 FS 12 Co +1, Li +2
Class: F = Fighter, FS = Favored Soul, P = Paladin, Sl = Stormlord
Skill: Co = Concentration, Li = Listen, Sc = Spellcraft, Sp = Spot

JeminiZero, “Divine Storm Soul - FS(12),SL(10),F(4),Pal(4) or BG(4),” NWN2Wiki
- a Wikia Wiki,

Meet the Power Builds Page 56

Divine Warlock
Human, Warlock 29/ Cleric 1
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Cleric Domains: Air and Water

Statistics (Naked)
STR 13 DEX 12 CON 14 INT 12 WIS 8 CHA 24
AC 12 HP 242 BAB 21 Fort 14 Refl 11 Will 18

Luck of Heroes, Spell Penetration, Power Attack, Divine Shield, Battle Caster,
Resist Acid Energy, Resist Electrical Energy, Blind Fight, Improved Critical
(Ranged Touch Attack), Greater Spell Penetration, Eldritch Master, Epic Fiendish
Resilience, Epic Eldritch Blast (+1d6), Epic Eldritch Blast (+2d6), Epic Eldritch
Blast (+3d6), Epic Eldritch Blast (+4d6), Epic Eldritch Blast (+5d6), Epic Eldritch
Blast (+6d6)

Concentration 33, Heal 6, Intimidate 33, Spellcraft 30, Use Magic Device 30

Prepared Spells
Level 1 Dark One’s Own Luck, Entropic Warding, See the Unseen
Level 2 Curse of Despair, Eldritch Chain, Flee the Scene
Level 3 Eldritch Cone, Noxious Blast, Vitriolic Blast
Level 4 Dark Foresight, Eldritch Doom, Retributive Invisibility

Level 0 Resistance × 3
Level 1 Bless, Lesser Vigor, Protection from Alignment

Meet the Power Builds Page 57

Item Properties
Head Watchman’s Helm Light: [Low (10 m)][Color: Blue]
Skill Bonus: Listen [+8]
Skill Bonus: Search [+8]
Skill Bonus: Spot [+8]
Chest Mithral Full Plate Bonus Hitpoints [+35]
(enhanced) Regeneration [+8]
Spell Resistance [28]
Boots Boots of the Sun Soul Ability Bonus: Constitution [+9]
+5 (enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
AC Bonus [+5]
Saving Throw Bonus: Reflex [+9]
Use Limitation: Class: Monk
Arms Bracers of Armor +10 AC Bonus [+10]
Right Cold Iron Morningstar Enhancement Bonus [+8]
Hand (enhanced) Damage Bonus: Acid [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Cold [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Electrical [5d6]
Left Mithral Heavy Shield Arcane Spell Failure [-15%]
Hand (enhanced) Base Item Weight Reduction [60% of Weight]
AC Bonus [+8]
Bonus Hitpoints [+35]
Regeneration [+8]
Cloak Cloak of Movement Ability Bonus: Charisma [+9]
(enhanced) AC Bonus [+8]
Damage Resistance: Cold [25/-]
Freedom of Movement
Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+5]
Left Ring of Major Fire Damage Resistance: Fire [30/-]
Ring Resistance Saving Throw Bonus: Acid [+9]
(enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Electrical [+9]
Right Ring of Major Sonic Damage Resistance: Sonic [30/-]
Ring Resistance Saving Throw Bonus: Acid [+9]
(enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fire [+9]
Neck Amulet of Natural Ability Bonus: Wisdom [+9]
Armor +5 (enhanced) AC Bonus [+5]
Damage Resistance: Acid [40/-]
Damage Resistance: Electrical [40/-]
Belt Greater Swordsman’s Ability Bonus: Strength [+9]
Belt (enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
Damage Resistance: Slashing [20/-]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fortitude [+9]

Meet the Power Builds Page 58

Leveling Guide
Initial Attributes
STR 13 DEX 12 CON 14 INT 12 WIS 8 CHA 17

Level Progression
Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
1 Wa 1 Co +4, In +4, Sc Luck of Heroes,
+4, UMD +4 Spell
2 Wa 2 Co +1, In +1, Sc
+1, UMD +1
3 Wa 3 Co +1, In +1, Sc Power Attack
+1, UMD +1
4 Wa 4 CHA + 1 Co +1, In +1, Sc
+1, UMD +1
5 Wa 5 Co +1, In +1, Sc
+1, UMD +1
6 C1 Co +1, Sc +1 Divine Shield
(Save 2)
7 Wa 6 Co +1, In +2, Sc
+1, UMD +2
8 Wa 7 CHA + 1 Co +1, In +1, Sc
+1, UMD +1
9 Wa 8 Co +1, In +1, Sc Battle Caster
+1, UMD +1
10 Wa 9 Co +1, In +1, Sc
+1, UMD +1
11 Wa 10 Co +1, In +1, Sc Resist Acid
+1, UMD +1 Energy, Resist
Sonic Energy
12 Wa 11 CHA + 1 Co +1, In +1, Sc Blind-Fight
+1, UMD +1
13 Wa 12 Co +1, In +1, Sc
+1, UMD +1
14 Wa 13 Co +1, In +1, Sc
+1, UMD +1
15 Wa 14 Co +1, In +1, Sc Improved
+1, UMD +1 Critical (Ranged
Touch Attack)
16 Wa 15 CHA + 1 Co +1, In +1, Sc
+1, UMD +1
17 Wa 16 Co +1, In +1, Sc
+1, UMD +1
18 Wa 17 Co +1, In +1, Sc Greater Spell
+1, UMD +1 Penetration
19 Wa 18 Co +1, In +1, Sc
+1, UMD +1

Meet the Power Builds Page 59

Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
20 Wa 19 CHA + 1 Co +1, In +1, Sc
+1, UMD +1
21 Wa 20 Co +1, In +1, Sc Resist Acid Eldritch Master
+1, UMD +1 Energy
Resist Sonic
22 Wa 21 Co +1, In +1, Sc
+1, UMD +1
23 Wa 22 Co +1, In +1, Sc Epic Fiendish
+1, UMD +1 Resilience
24 Wa 23 CHA + 1 Co +1, In +1, Sc Epic Eldritch
+1, UMD +1 Blast (+1d6)
25 Wa 24 Co +1, In +1, Sc Epic Eldritch
+1, UMD +1 Blast (+2d6)
26 Wa 25 Co +1, In +1, Sc
+1, UMD +1
27 Wa 26 Co +1, In +1, Sc Epic Eldritch
+1, UMD +1 Blast (+3d6),
Epic Eldritch
Blast (+4d6)
28 Wa 27 CHA + 1 Co +1, In +1, He
29 Wa 28 Co +1, In +1, He Epic Eldritch
+2 Blast (+5d6)
30 Wa 29 Co +1, In +1, He Epic Eldritch
+2 Blast (+6d6)
Class: C = Cleric, Wa = Warlock
Skill: Co = Concentration, He = Heal, In = Intimidate, Sc = Spellcraft, UMD = Use Magic Device

JeminiZero, “Divine Warlock - Wlk(29),Clr(1),” NWN2Wiki - a Wikia Wiki,

Meet the Power Builds Page 60

Dragonmaster Negotiator
Human, Fighter 12/ Bard 1/ Red Dragon Disciple 10/
Weapon Master 7
Alignment: Neutral

Statistics (Naked)
STR 34 DEX 14 CON 14 INT 16 WIS 8 CHA 10
AC 19 HP 376 BAB 26 Fort 20 Refl 16 Will 14

Bully, Dodge, Able Learner, Power Attack, Mobility, Weapon Focus (Falchion),
Cleave, Spring Attack, Combat Expertise, Whirlwind Attack, Improved Critical
(Falchion), Weapon of Choice (Falchion), Weapon Specialization (Falchion),
Great Strength (+1), Great Cleave, Power Critical (Falchion), Greater Weapon
Focus (Falchion), Overwhelming Critical (Falchion), Knockdown, Epic Weapon
Focus (Falchion) , Greater Weapon Specialization (Falchion), Epic Weapon
Specialization (Falchion)

Appraise 4, Intimidate 4, Lore 8, Perform 3, Spellcraft 33, Spot 33, Taunt 33,
Tumble 33, Use Magic Device 33

Prepared Spells
Level 0 Cure Minor Wounds, Flare, Light, Resistance

Item Properties
Head Watchman’s Helm Light: [Low (10 m)][Color: Blue]
Skill Bonus: Listen [+8]
Skill Bonus: Search [+8]
Skill Bonus: Spot [+8]
Chest Mithral Full Plate Bonus Hitpoints [+35]
(enhanced) Regeneration [+8]
Spell Resistance [28]

Meet the Power Builds Page 61

Item Properties
Boots Boots of the Sun Soul Ability Bonus: Constitution [+9]
+5 (enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
AC Bonus [+5]
Saving Throw Bonus: Reflex [+9]
Use Limitation: Class: Monk
Arms Bracers of Armor +10 AC Bonus [+10]
Right Alchemical Silver Enhancement Bonus [+8]
Hand Falchion (enhanced) Damage Bonus: Acid [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Cold [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Electrical [5d6]
Left (None)
Cloak Cloak of Movement Ability Bonus: Charisma [+9]
(enhanced) AC Bonus [+8]
Damage Resistance: Cold [25/-]
Freedom of Movement
Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+5]
Left Ring of Major Sonic Damage Resistance: Sonic [30/-]
Ring Resistance Saving Throw Bonus: Acid [+9]
(enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Electrical [+9]
Right Ring of Major Cold Damage Resistance: Cold [30/-]
Ring Resistance Saving Throw Bonus: Acid [+9]
(enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Electrical [+9]
Neck Amulet of Natural AC Bonus [+5]
Armor +5 (enhanced) Damage Resistance: Acid [40/-]
Damage Resistance: Electrical [40/-]
Saving Throw Bonus: Universal [+7]
Belt Greater Swordsman’s Ability Bonus: Strength [+9]
Belt (enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
Damage Resistance: Slashing [20/-]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fortitude [+9]

Leveling Guide
Initial Attributes
STR 18 DEX 14 CON 12 INT 14 WIS 8 CHA 8

Level Progression
Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
1 F1 Sp +1, In +1, Lo Bully, Dodge Able Learner,
+4, Sc +1, Ta +4 Power Attack
(Save 4)
2 Bd 1 Sp +4, Lo +1, Pe
+3, Sc +4, Ta +1

Meet the Power Builds Page 62

Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
3 F2 Lo +1, Sc +1, Sp Mobility Weapon Focus
+1, Ta +1, Tu +1 (Falchion)
4 F3 STR + 1 Lo +1, Sc +1, Sp
+1, Ta +1, Tu +1
5 F4 Lo +1, Sc +1, Sp Cleave
+1, Ta +1, Tu +1
6 RDD 1 Sc +1, Sp +1, Ta Spring Attack
+1, Tu +2
7 RDD 2 Sc +1, Sp +1, Ta
+1, Tu +2
8 RDD 3 STR + 1 Sc +1, Sp +1, Ta
+1, Tu +2
9 RDD 4 Sc +1, Sp +1, Ta Combat
+1, Tu +2 Expertise
10 RDD 5 Sc +1, Sp +1, Ta
+1, Tu +2
11 RDD 6 Sc +1, Sp +1, Ta
+1, Tu +1, UMD
12 RDD 7 STR + 1 Sc +1, Sp +1, Ta Whirlwind
+1, Tu +1, UMD Attack
13 RDD 8 Sc +1, Sp +1, Ta
+1, Tu +1, UMD
14 RDD 9 Sc +1, Sp +1, Ta
+1, Tu +1, UMD
15 RDD 10 Sc +1, Sp +1, Ta Improved
+1, Tu +1, UMD Critical
+2 (Falchion)
16 WM 1 STR + 1 Sc +1, Sp +1, Ta Weapon of
+1, Tu +1, UMD Choice
+2 (Falchion)
17 WM 2 Sc +1, Sp +1, Ta
+1, Tu +1, UMD
18 WM 3 Sc +1, Sp +1, Ta Weapon
+1, Tu +1, UMD Specialization
+2 (Falchion)
19 WM 4 Sc +1, Sp +1, Ta
+1, Tu +1, UMD
20 WM 5 STR + 1 Sc +1, Sp +1, Ta
+1, Tu +1, UMD
21 F5 Sc +1, Sp +1, Ta Great Strength
+1, Tu +1, UMD (+1)

Meet the Power Builds Page 63

Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
22 F6 Sc +1, Sp +1, Ta Great Cleave
+1, Tu +1, UMD
23 F7 Sc +1, Sp +1, Ta Power Critical
+1, Tu +1, UMD (Falchion)
24 F8 STR + 1 Sc +1, Sp +1, Ta Greater Weapon
+1, Tu +1, UMD Focus
+2 (Falchion)
25 F9 Sc +1, Sp +1, Ta Overwhelming
+1, Tu +1, UMD Critical
+2 (Falchion)
26 F 10 Sc +1, Sp +1, Ta Knockdown
+1, Tu +1, UMD
27 F 11 Sc +1, Sp +1, Ta Epic Weapon
+1, Tu +1, UMD Focus
+1 (Falchion)
28 F 12 STR + 1 Sc +1, Sp +1, Ta Greater Weapon
+1, Tu +1, UMD Specialization
+1 (Falchion)
29 WM 6 Sc +1, Sp +1, Ta Epic Weapon
+1, Tu +1, UMD Specialization
+1 (Falchion)
30 WM 7 Sc +1, Sp +1, Ta
+1, Tu +1, UMD
Class: Bd = Bard, F = Fighter, RDD = Red Dragon Disciple, WM = Weapon Master
Skill: Ap = Appraise, In = Intimidate, Lo = Lore, Pe = Perform, Sc = Spellcraft, Sp = Spot, Ta = Taunt, Tu =
Tumble, UMD = Use Magic Device

There have been several instances when the author has had to replace a
character build’s two-handed weapon (one that was recommended by the
build’s creator) with a one-handed weapon and shield. It was found that builds
seeking to exploit their high Strength by using large, two-handed weapons
inadvertently lowered their chances of survival. Almost all of the builds that
originally wielded two-handed weapons consistently lost to Joe Average, a
simple level-30 fighter. The only exception among them (prior to version 1.12 of
the module) was the Dragonmaster Negotiator, who was consequently allowed
to retain his two-handed weapon.
This is version 2.1 of the DragonMaster Negotiator that was conceptualized
by TopAceOfEarth. The PvP variant described in this document is more aptly
called the Dragonmaster Spotter because Diplomacy was exchanged for Spot.
The only difference between the revised writeup found at the Epic Character
Builders Part Deux guild and the one documented here is in the alignment. As

Meet the Power Builds Page 64

originally conceptualized, the DragonMaster Negotiator’s alignment is Neutral
Good. For “Battle of the Builds,” the author opted to change the alignment to
Neutral to prevent the Dragonmaster Negotiator from being the target of Smite
Good or Smite Evil.

TopAceOfEarth, “DragonMaster Negotiator v2.0 (PvP) -
F(12),Brd(1),RDD(10),WM(7),” Neverwinter Nights: Epic Character Builders
Part Deux,

TopAceOfEarth, “DragonMaster Negotiator - F(12),Brd(1),RDD(10),WM(7),”

NWN2Wiki - a Wikia Wiki,

TopAceOfEarth, “DragonMaster Negotiator (Fighter 12 / Bard 1 / RDD 10, WM

7),” Neverwinter Nights: Epic Character Builders Part Deux,

Meet the Power Builds Page 65

Drow Fury
Drow, Monk 11/ Fighter 12/ Invisible Blade 5/ Paladin 2
Alignment: Lawful Good

Statistics (Naked)
STR 8 DEX 26 CON 12 INT 18 WIS 14 CHA 10
AC 30 HP 288 BAB 27 Fort 21 Refl 24 Will 15

Luck of Heroes, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (Kama), Weapon Finesse,
Combat Expertise, Weapon Specialization (Kama), Improved Two-Weapon
Fighting, Feint, Weapon Focus (Kukri), Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, Blind-
Fight, Greater Weapon Focus (Kama), Epic Prowess, Combat Insight, Epic
Weapon Focus (Kama), Greater Weapon Specialization (Kama), Epic Weapon
Specialization (Kama), Great Dexterity (+1), Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting

Bluff 32, Diplomacy 24, Hide 31, Listen 31, Move Silently 31, Spot 31, Taunt 5,
Tumble 30

Prepared Spells

Item Properties
Head Headband of Intellect Ability Bonus: Intelligence [+9]
+8 (enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Will [+9]
Chest Swashbuckler’s AC Bonus [+8]
Tunic(enhanced) Bonus Hitpoints [+35]
Regeneration [+8]
Spell Resistance [28]
Boots Boots of the Sun Soul Ability Bonus: Constitution [+9]
+5 (enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
AC Bonus [+5]
Saving Throw Bonus: Reflex [+9]
Use Limitation: Class: Monk

Meet the Power Builds Page 66

Item Properties
Arms Cat Queen’s Claws Attack Bonus [+8]
(enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+9]
Cast Spell: Mass Charm (15) [3 Uses/Day]
Damage Bonus: Magical [1d12]
Decreased Saving Throw: Mind Affecting [-4]
Right Alchemical Silver Enhancement Bonus [+8]
Hand Kama (enhanced) Damage Bonus: Acid [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Fire [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Electrical [5d6]
Left Cold Iron Kama Enhancement Bonus [+8]
Hand (enhanced) Damage Bonus: Acid [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Cold [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Electrical [5d6]
Cloak Cloak of Movement Ability Bonus: Charisma [+9]
(enhanced) AC Bonus [+8]
Damage Resistance: Cold [25/-]
Freedom of Movement
Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+5]
Left Ring of Major Damage Resistance: Electrical [30/-]
Ring Electrical Resistance Saving Throw Bonus: Acid [+9]
(enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Electrical [+9]
Right Ring of Major Sonic Damage Resistance: Sonic [30/-]
Ring Resistance Saving Throw Bonus: Acid [+9]
(enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fire [+9]
Neck Amulet of Natural Ability Bonus: Wisdom [+9]
Armor +5 (enhanced) AC Bonus [+5]
Damage Resistance: Acid [40/-]
Damage Resistance: Fire [40/-]
Belt Greater Swordsman’s Ability Bonus: Strength [+9]
Belt (enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
Damage Resistance: Slashing [20/-]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fortitude [+9]

Leveling Guide
Initial Attributes
STR 8 DEX 18 CON 12 INT 18 WIS 14 CHA 10

Level Progression
Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
1 M1 Bl +2, Di +4, Hi Luck of Heroes
+4, Li +4, MS +4,
Sp +4, Tu +4
(Save 4)

Meet the Power Builds Page 67

Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
2 F1 Ta +5 (Save 5) Two-Weapon
3 M2 Di +2, Hi +2, Li Weapon Focus
+2, MS +2, Sp (Kama)
+2, Tu +2 (Save
4 F2 DEX + 1 Bl +1 (Save 5) Weapon Finesse
5 M3 Di +2, Hi +2, Li
+2, MS +2, Sp
+2, Tu +2 (Save
6 F3 Bl +1 (Save 5) Combat
7 M4 Di +2, Hi +2, Li
+2, MS +2, Sp
+2, Tu +2 (Save
8 F4 DEX + 1 Bl +1 (Save 5) Weapon
9 M5 Di +2, Hi +2, Li Improved Two-
+2, MS +2, Sp Weapon
+2, Tu +2 (Save Fighting
10 F5 Bl +1 (Save 5)
11 M6 Di +2, Hi +2, Li
+2, MS +2, Sp
+2, Tu +2 (Save
12 F6 DEX + 1 Bl +1 (Save 5) Weapon Focus Feint
13 M7 Di +2, Hi +2, Li
+2, MS +2, Sp
+2, Tu +2 (Save
14 F7 Bl +1 (Save 5)
15 M8 Di +2, Hi +2, Li Greater Two-
+2, MS +2, Sp Weapon
+2, Tu +2 (Save Fighting
16 F8 DEX + 1 Bl +1 (Save 5) Blind-Fight
17 M9 Di +2, Hi +2, Li
+2, MS +2, Sp
+2, Tu +2 (Save
18 F9 Bl +1 (Save 5) Greater Weapon
Focus (Kama)

Meet the Power Builds Page 68

Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
19 M 10 Di +2, Hi +2, Li
+2, MS +2, Sp
+2, Tu +2 (Save
20 IB 1 DEX + 1 Bl +4, Hi +1, Li
+1, MS +1, Sp
+1, Tu +1
21 F 10 Bl +1 (Save 4) Epic Prowess Combat Insight
22 M 11 Di +2, Hi +2, Li
+2, MS +2, Sp
+2, Tu +2
23 F 11 Bl +3 Epic Weapon
Focus (Kama)
24 F 12 DEX + 1 Bl +1 (Save 4) Greater Weapon
25 IB 2 Bl +2, Hi +2, Li Epic Weapon
+2, MS +2, Sp Specialization
+2, Tu +2 (Kama)
26 IB 3 Bl +3, Hi +1, Li
+1, MS +1, Sp
+1, Tu +1
27 IB 4 Bl +3, Hi +1, Li Great Dexterity
+1, MS +1, Sp (+1)
+1, Tu +1
28 IB 5 DEX + 1 Bl +3, Hi +1, Li
+1, MS +1, Sp
+1, Tu +1
29 P1 Hi +1, MS +1, Sp Perfect Two-
+1 Weapon
30 P2 Bl +2, Li +1
Class: F = Fighter, IB = Invisible Blade, M = Monk, P = Paladin
Skill: Bl = Bluff, Di = Diplomacy, Hi = Hide, Li = Listen, MS = Move Silently, Sp = Spot, Ta = Taunt, Tu = Tumble

DirtyFinger and Falconhurst, “Drow Fury (M11/F12/IB5/P2),” NWN2Wiki - a
Wikia Wiki,

Meet the Power Builds Page 69

Eldritch Blade
Air Genasi, Wizard 8/ Fighter 7/ Eldritch Knight 10/
Invisible Blade 5
Alignment: Neutral

Specialization: None

Statistics (Naked)
STR 8 DEX 26 CON 14 INT 19 WIS 6 CHA 6
AC 22 HP 252 BAB 26 Fort 18 Refl 20 Will 11

Luck of Heroes, Weapon Finesse, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (Kukri),
Combat Expertise, Weapon Specialization (Kukri), Extend Spell, Practiced
Spellcaster (Wizard), Feint, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Greater Two-
Weapon Fighting, Epic Prowess, Combat Insight, Blind-Fight, Perfect Two-
Weapon Fighting, Epic Spell: Vampiric Feast, Persistent Spell

Bluff 33, Concentration 33, Intimidate 1, Lore 4, Spellcraft 30, Spot 10, Tumble
30, Use Magic Device 16

Prepared Spells
Level 0 Resistance × 4
Level 1 Ray of Enfeeblement × 2, True Strike × 5
Level 2 Mirror Image × 4, Touch of Idiocy × 2
Level 3 Clairaudience and Clairvoyance, Displacement × 2, Heroism, Spiderskin × 2
Level 4 Isaac’s Lesser Missile Storm × 6
Level 5 Assay Resistance (extended) × 2, Enervation (extended) × 2, Greater
Invisibility (extended) × 2, Lesser Mind Blank
Level 6 Bigby’s Forceful Hand × 2, Greater Spell Breach, Isaac’s Greater Missile
Storm × 4
Level 7 Energy Immunity × 4, Greater Heroism (extended), Spell Mantle
Level 8 Blindsight (persistent), Curse of Impending Blades (persistent),
Premonition, Shadow Shield (extended)
Level 9 Greater Spell Mantle, Haste (persistent), Shadow Simulacrum

Meet the Power Builds Page 70

Item Properties
Head Headband of Intellect Ability Bonus: Intelligence [+9]
+8 (enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Will [+9]
Chest Robe of the Archmagi AC Bonus [+8]
(enhanced) Bonus Feat: Spell Penetration
Bonus Spell Slot: Sorcerer [Level 5]
Bonus Spell Slot: Sorcerer [Level 6]
Bonus Spell Slot: Sorcerer [Level 7]
Bonus Spell Slot: Wizard [Level 5]
Bonus Spell Slot: Wizard [Level 6]
Bonus Spell Slot: Wizard [Level 7]
Saving Throw Bonus: Universal [+3]
Spell Resistance [28]
Use Limitation: Class: Sorcerer
Use Limitation: Class: Wizard
Boots Boots of Hardiness +3 Ability Bonus: Constitution [+9]
(enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
AC Bonus [+3]
Saving Throw Bonus: Reflex [+9]
Arms Greater Gloves of Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+9]
Concentration Attack Bonus [+5]
(enhanced) Damage Bonus: Acid [3d6]
Skill Bonus: Concentration [+6]
Right Alchemical Silver Enhancement Bonus [+8]
Hand Kukri (enhanced) Damage Bonus: Acid [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Fire [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Electrical [5d6]
Left Cold Iron Kukri Enhancement Bonus [+8]
Hand (enhanced) Damage Bonus: Acid [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Cold [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Electrical [5d6]
Cloak Cloak of Movement Ability Bonus: Charisma [+9]
(enhanced) AC Bonus [+8]
Damage Resistance: Cold [25/-]
Freedom of Movement
Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+5]
Left Ring of the Founder Ability Bonus: Intelligence [+8]
Ring Ability Bonus: Wisdom [+8]
Bonus Spell Slot: Wizard [Level 7]
Bonus Spell Slot: Wizard [Level 8]
Bonus Spell Slot: Wizard [Level 9]
Regeneration [+2]
Right Ring of Major Sonic Bonus Spell Slot: Wizard [Level 6]
Ring Resistance Damage Resistance: Sonic [30/-]
(enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Acid [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fire [+9]

Meet the Power Builds Page 71

Item Properties
Neck Amulet of Natural AC Bonus [+5]
Armor +5 (enhanced) Damage Resistance: Acid [40/-]
Damage Resistance: Electrical [40/-]
Saving Throw Bonus: Universal [+7]
Belt Greater Swordsman’s Ability Bonus: Strength [+9]
Belt (enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
Damage Resistance: Slashing [20/-]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fortitude [+9]

Leveling Guide
Initial Attributes
STR 8 DEX 19 CON 14 INT 19 WIS 6 CHA 6

Level Progression
Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
1 Wi 1 Bl +2, Co + 4, Sc Luck of Heroes
+4, UMD +2, Tu
+2 (Save 4)
2 F1 Co + 1, In +1, Sc Weapon Finesse
+1 (Save 5)
3 Wi 2 Bl +1, Co +1, Sc Two-Weapon
+1, Tu +1, UMD Fighting
+1 (Save 3)
4 F2 DEX + 1 Co +1, Sc +1 Weapon Focus
(Save 5) (Kukri)
5 Wi 3 Bl +1, Co +1, Sc
+1, Tu +1, UMD
+1 (Save 3)
6 Wi 3 Co +1, Sc +1 Combat
(Save 5) Expertise
7 Wi 4 Bl +1, Co +1, Sc
+1, Tu +1, UMD
+1 (Save 3)
8 F4 DEX + 1 Co +1, Sc +1 Weapon
(Save 5) Specialization
9 Wi 5 Bl +1, Co +1, Sc Extend Spell Practiced
+1, UMD +1 Spellcaster
(Save 5) (Wizard)
10 EK 1 Co +1, Lo +2, Sc
+1, Tu +1 (Save
11 EK 2 Bl +1, Co +1, Sc
+1, Tu +1, UMD
+1 (Save 3)

Meet the Power Builds Page 72

Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
12 EK 3 DEX + 1 Co +1, Lo +2, Sc Feint
+1 (Save 5)
13 EK 4 Bl +1, Co +1, Sc
+1, Tu +1 (Save
14 IB 1 Bl +4, Tu +9
15 EK 5 Co +2, Sc +2 Improved Two-
(Save 2) Weapon
16 EK 6 DEX + 1 Co +1, Sc +1,
UMD +1 (Save
17 EK 7 Co +1, Sc +1,
UMD +2 (Save
18 IB 2 Bl +8, Tu +4 Greater Two-
19 EK 8 Co +2, Sc +2,
UMD +1
20 F5 DEX + 1 Bl +1 (Save 4)
21 F6 Bl +2, UMD +1 Epic Prowess Combat Insight
(Save 4)
22 EK 9 Co +3, Sc +3
(Save 4)
23 IB 3 Bl +5, Tu +5, Blind-Fight
UMD +1 (Save
24 Wi 6 DEX + 1 Co +2, Sc +2
(Save 4)
25 Wi 7 Co +1, Sc +1, Tu Perfect Two-
+1, UMD +1 Weapon
(Save 4) Fighting
26 EK 10 Bl +1, Co +1, Sc
+1, Tu +1 (Save
27 Wi 8 Bl +1, Co +1, Sc Epic Spell:
+1, UMD +1 Vampiric Feast
(Save 4)
28 IB 4 DEX + 1 Bl +3, Co +1, Tu
+2 (Save 5)
29 F7 Bl +1, Co +1, Persistent Spell
UMD +1 (Save
30 IB 5 Bl +1, Co +1, Sp
Class: EK = Eldritch Knight, F = Fighter, IB = Invisible Blade, Wi = Wizard
Skill: Bl = Bluff, Co = Concentration, In = Intimidate, Lo = Lore, Sc = Spellcraft, Sp = Spot, Tu = Tumble, UMD =
Use Magic Device

Meet the Power Builds Page 73

Dimeron, “Eldritch blade - Wiz(8),F(7),EK(10),IB(5),” NWN2Wiki - a Wikia Wiki,

Meet the Power Builds Page 74

Eldritch Paladin of Candlekeep
Aasimar, Paladin 4/ Sorcerer 6/ Eldritch Knight 10/
Arcane Scholar of Candlekeep 10
Alignment: Lawful Good

Statistics (Naked)
STR 14 DEX 12 CON 14 INT 14 WIS 10 CHA 26
AC 12 HP 224 BAB 22 Fort 26 Refl 18 Will 24

Spellcasting Prodigy, Able Learner, Power Attack, Divine Shield, Practiced
Spellcaster (Sorcerer), Empower Spell, Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Great Charisma
(+1), Still Spell, Automatic Still Spell (0 – 3), Automatic Still Spell (0 – 6),
Automatic Still Spell (0 – 9)

Concentration 33, Listen 16, Spellcraft 30, Spot 16, Tumble 16, Use Magic Device

Prepared Spells
Level 0 Acid Splash, Flare, Light, Ray of Frost, Resistance, Touch of Fatigue
Level 1 Magic Missile, Protection from Alignment, Ray of Enfeeblement, Shield,
True Strike
Level 2 Blindsight, Curse of Impending Blades, False Life, Mirror Image, Touch of
Level 3 Clairaudience and Clairvoyance, Displacement, Haste, Heroism, Protection
from Energy
Level 4 Assay Resistance, Enervation, Greater Invisibility, Isaac’s Lesser Missile
Level 5 Bigby’s Interposing Hand, Lesser Mind Blank, Lesser Spell Mantle, Vitriolic
Level 6 Bigby’s Forceful Hand, Greater Spell Breach, Isaac’s Greater Missile Storm
Level 7 Avasculate, Energy Immunity, Ethereal Jaunt
Level 8 Iron Body, Power Word Stun, Premonition
Level 9 Greater Spell Mantle, Mordenkainen’s Disjunction, Shadow Simulacrum

Meet the Power Builds Page 75

Item Properties
Head Shukenja Helm Bonus Spell Slot: Sorcerer [Level 0]
Bonus Spell Slot: Sorcerer [Level 1]
Bonus Spell Slot: Sorcerer [Level 2]
Bonus Spell Slot: Sorcerer [Level 3]
Skill Bonus: Concentration [+1]
Chest Mithral Full Plate Bonus Hitpoints [+35]
(enhanced) Regeneration [+8]
Spell Resistance [28]
Boots Boots of Hardiness +3 Ability Bonus: Constitution [+9]
(enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
AC Bonus [+3]
Saving Throw Bonus: Reflex [+9]
Arms Bracers of Armor +10 AC Bonus [+10]
Right Cold Iron Longsword Enhancement Bonus [+8]
Hand (enhanced) Damage Bonus: Acid [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Cold [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Electrical [5d6]
Left Adamantine Heavy AC Bonus [+8]
Hand Shield (enhanced) Bonus Hitpoints [+35]
Regeneration [+8]
Cloak Cloak of Resistance +5 Ability Bonus: Charisma [+9]
(enhanced) AC Bonus [+8]
Damage Resistance: Cold [25/-]
Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+5]
Saving Throw Bonus: Universal [+5]
Left Ring of Sorcerous Ability Bonus: Charisma [+2]
Ring Power Bonus Spell Slot: Sorcerer [Level 3]
Bonus Spell Slot: Sorcerer [Level 5]
Spell Resistance [10]
Use Limitation: Class: Sorcerer
Right Ring of Major Fire Damage Resistance: Fire [30/-]
Ring Resistance Saving Throw Bonus: Acid [+9]
(enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Electrical [+9]
Neck Amulet of Natural AC Bonus [+5]
Armor +5 (enhanced) Damage Resistance: Acid [40/-]
Damage Resistance: Electrical [40/-]
Saving Throw Bonus: Universal [+7]
Belt Greater Swordsman’s Ability Bonus: Strength [+9]
Belt (enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
Damage Resistance: Slashing [20/-]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fortitude [+9]

Meet the Power Builds Page 76

Leveling Guide
Initial Attributes
STR 14 DEX 12 CON 14 INT 14 WIS 10 CHA 18

Level Progression
Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
1 S1 Co +4, Sc +4, Sp Spellcasting
+2, (Save 4) Prodigy
2 P1 Co +1, Sc +1
(Save 5)
3 P2 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp Able Learner
+1 (Save 4)
4 P3 CHA + 1 Co +1, Sc +1, Tu
+3, UMD +3
5 S2 Co +1, Sc +1, Tu
+1, UMD +1
6 S3 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp Power Attack
+1 (Save 1)
7 S4 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp
+1, Tu +1, UMD
8 S5 CHA + 1 Co +1, Sc +1
(Save 2)
9 P4 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp Divine Shield
+1, Tu +1, UMD
+1 (Save 1)
10 S6 Co +1, Sc +1
(Save 3)
11 EK 1 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp Eldritch Knight
+1, Tu +1, UMD Spellcasting
+1 (Save 2) (Sorcerer)
12 EK 2 CHA + 1 Co +1, Sc +1 Skill Focus
(Save 4) (Spellcraft)
13 EK 3 Co +1, Li +2, Sc
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1,
UMD +1 (Save
14 EK 4 Co +1, Sc +1
(Save 3)
15 EK 5 Co +1, Li +2, Sc Empower Spell
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1,
UMD +1
16 ASC 1 CHA + 1 Co +1, Li +1, Sc Arcane Scholar
+1 (Save 1) Spellcasting
17 ASC 2 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp
+1, Tu +1, UMD

Meet the Power Builds Page 77

Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
18 ASC 3 Co +1, Li +1, Sc Practiced
+1 (Save 1) Spellcaster
19 ASC 4 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp
+1, Tu +1, UMD
20 ASC 5 CHA + 1 Co +1, Li +1, Sc
+1 (Save 1)
21 ASC 6 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp Great Charisma
+1, Tu +1, UMD (+1)
22 ASC7 Co +1, Li +1, Sc
+1 (Save 1)
23 ASC 8 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp Still Spell
+1, Tu +1, UMD
24 ASC 9 CHA + 1 Co +1, Li +1, Sc
+1 (Save 1)
25 ASC10 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp Automatic Still
+1, Tu +1, UMD Spell (0 – 3)
26 EK 6 Co +1, Li +1, Sc
+1 (Save 1)
27 EK 7 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp Automatic Still
+1, Tu +1, UMD Spell (0 – 6)
28 EK 8 CHA + 1 Co +1, Li +3
29 EK 9 Co +1, Li +2, Sp Automatic Still
+1 Spell (0 – 9)
30 EK 10 Co +1, Li +1,
UMD +1, Tu +1
Class: ASC = Arcane Scholar of Candlekeep, EK = Eldritch Knight, P = Paladin, S = Sorcerer
Skill: Co = Concentration, Li = Listen, Sc = Spellcraft, Sp = Spot, Tu = Tumble, UMD = Use Magic Device

The attributes, skill levels, and class progression of the Eldritch Paladin are
different from what is documented in the original write-up. In consultation with
JeminiZero, these stats have been changed to suit the Eldritch Paladin for PvP

JeminiZero, “Eldritch Paladin of Candlekeep (Pal 4 / Sor 6 / EK 10 / ASC 10),”
NWN2Wiki - a Wikia Wiki,

Meet the Power Builds Page 78

Epic Arcane Trickster
Drow, Rogue 10/ Wizard 7/ Arcane Trickster 10/
Neverwinter Nine 3
Alignment: Neutral

Specialization: None

Statistics (Naked)
STR 10 DEX 26 CON 10 INT 19 WIS 8 CHA 10
AC 21 HP 152 BAB 18 Fort 9 Refl 27 Will 17

Spellcasting Prodigy, Weapon Finesse, Two-Weapon Fighting, Extend Spell,
Practiced Spellcaster (Wizard), Arcane Trickster Spellcasting (Wizard),
Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Combat Expertise, Greater Two-Weapon
Fighting, Crippling Strike, Epic Precision, Epic Prowess, Perfect Two-Weapon
Fighting, Epic Spell: Vampiric Feast, Combat Insight

Concentration 33, Diplomacy 21, Disable Device 28, Hide 22, Lore 7, Move
Silently 28, Open Lock 28, Search 15, Spellcraft 30, Spot 15, Tumble 30, Use
Magic Device 30

Prepared Spells
Level 0 Resistance × 4
Level 1 Ray of Enfeeblement × 3, True Strike × 4
Level 2 Blindsight × 2, Curse of Impending Blades × 2, Mirror Image × 2, Touch of
Level 3 Clairaudience and Clairvoyance, Displacement, Haste, Heroism, Spiderskin,
Vampiric Touch
Level 4 Isaac’s Lesser Missile Storm × 6
Level 5 Assay Resistance (extended) × 2, Bigby’s Interposing Hand, Enervation
(extended) × 2, Greater Invisibility (extended) × 2
Level 6 Bigby’s Forceful Hand × 2, Greater Spell Breach × 2, Isaac’s Greater Missile
Storm × 4
Level 7 Avasculate, Energy Immunity × 4, Spell Mantle

Meet the Power Builds Page 79

Level 8 Mind Blank, Premonition, Shadow Shield (extended), Spell Mantle
Level 9 Greater Spell Mantle × 2, Power Word Kill

Item Properties
Head Headband of Intellect Ability Bonus: Intelligence [+9]
+8 (enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Will [+9]
Chest Robe of the Archmagi AC Bonus [+8]
(enhanced) Bonus Feat: Spell Penetration
Bonus Spell Slot: Sorcerer [Level 5]
Bonus Spell Slot: Sorcerer [Level 6]
Bonus Spell Slot: Sorcerer [Level 7]
Bonus Spell Slot: Wizard [Level 5]
Bonus Spell Slot: Wizard [Level 6]
Bonus Spell Slot: Wizard [Level 7]
Saving Throw Bonus: Universal [+3]
Spell Resistance [28]
Use Limitation: Class: Sorcerer
Use Limitation: Class: Wizard
Boots Boots of the Sun Soul Ability Bonus: Constitution [+9]
+5 (enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
AC Bonus [+5]
Saving Throw Bonus: Reflex [+9]
Use Limitation: Class: Monk
Arms Greater Gloves of Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+9]
Concentration Attack Bonus [+5]
(enhanced) Damage Bonus: Acid [3d6]
Skill Bonus: Concentration [+6]
Right Alchemical Silver Enhancement Bonus [+8]
Hand Short Sword Damage Bonus: Acid [5d6]
(enhanced) Damage Bonus: Fire [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Electrical [5d6]
Left Cold Iron Short Sword Enhancement Bonus [+8]
Hand (enhanced) Damage Bonus: Acid [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Cold [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Electrical [5d6]
Cloak Cloak of Movement Ability Bonus: Charisma [+9]
(enhanced) AC Bonus [+8]
Damage Resistance: Cold [25/-]
Freedom of Movement
Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+5]

Meet the Power Builds Page 80

Item Properties
Left Ring of the Founder Ability Bonus: Intelligence [+8]
Ring Ability Bonus: Wisdom [+8]
Bonus Spell Slot: Wizard [Level 7]
Bonus Spell Slot: Wizard [Level 8]
Bonus Spell Slot: Wizard [Level 9]
Regeneration [+2]
Right Ring of Major Sonic Bonus Spell Slot: Wizard [Level 6]
Ring Resistance Damage Resistance: Sonic [30/-]
(enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Acid [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fire [+9]
Neck Amulet of Natural AC Bonus [+5]
Armor +5 (enhanced) Damage Resistance: Acid [40/-]
Damage Resistance: Electrical [40/-]
Damage Resistance: Fire [40/-]
Belt Greater Swordsman’s Ability Bonus: Strength [+9]
Belt (enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
Damage Resistance: Slashing [20/-]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fortitude [+9]

Leveling Guide
Initial Attributes
STR 10 DEX 19 CON 10 INT 19 WIS 8 CHA 10

Level Progression
Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
1 Rg 1 Co +2, Di +3, DT Spellcasting
+4, Hi +4, Lo +4, Prodigy
MS +4, OL +4, Se
+4, Sp +4, Tu +4,
UMD +4 (Save
2 Wi 1 Co +3, Sc +5
(Save 3)
3 Rg 2 DT +2, Hi +2, Lo Weapon Finesse
+2, MS +2, OL
+2, Sp +1, Tu +2,
UMD +2
4 Wi 2 DEX + 1 Co +2, Sc +2
(Save 2)
5 Wi 3 Co +1, Sc +1,
UMD +1 (Save

Meet the Power Builds Page 81

Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
6 Rg 3 DT +3, Hi +1, Lo Two-Weapon
+1, MS +3, OL Fighting
+3, Tu +3, UMD
7 Wi 4 Co +2, Sc +2
(Save 2)
8 Wi 5 DEX + 1 Co +1, Sc +1, Extend Spell
UMD +1 (Save
9 Rg 4 DT +3, Hi +2, Practiced
MS +3, OL +3, Spellcaster
Tu +3, UMD +2 (Wizard)
10 Wi 6 Co +2, Sc +2
(Save 2)
11 AT 1 Co +1, DT +2, Hi Arcane
+3, OL +1, Sc +1, Trickster
Tu +2 Spellcasting
12 AT 2 DEX + 1 Co +1, DT +1, Hi Improved Two-
+1, MS +1, OL Weapon
+2, Sc +1, Tu +1 Fighting
13 Rg 5 DT +1, Hi +2,
MS +3, OL +1,
Tu +1, UMD +4
14 Rg 6 Di +5, DT +1, Hi
+2, MS +1, OL
+1, Tu +1, UMD
15 Rg 7 Di +6, DT +1, Hi Combat
+1, MS +1, OL Expertise
+1, Tu +1, UMD
16 Rg 8 DEX + 1 Di +5, DT +1, Hi
+1, MS +1, OL
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1,
UMD +1
17 Rg 9 Di +1, DT +1, Hi
+1, MS +1, OL
+1, Se +3, Sp +2,
Tu +1, UMD +1
18 Rg 10 Di +1, DT +1, Hi Crippling Strike Greater Two-
+1, MS +1, OL Weapon
+1, Se +4, Sp +3 Fighting
19 AT 3 Co +3, Sc +5
20 AT 4 DEX + 1 Co +5, Sc +3
21 AT 5 Co +1, DT +1, Epic Precision
OL +1, Sc +1, Tu

Meet the Power Builds Page 82

Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
22 AT 6 Co +1, DT +2,
MS +3, Sc +1, Tu
23 AT 7 Co +1, DT +2, Epic Prowess
OL +3, Sc +1, Tu
24 AT 8 DEX + 1 Co +1, DT +1,
MS +2, OL +2, Sc
+1, Tu +1
25 AT 9 Co +1, DT +1, Hi Perfect Two-
+1, MS +2, OL Weapon
+1, Sc +1, Tu +1 Fighting
26 AT 10 Co +1, Sc +1, Tu
+1 (Save 5)
27 Wi 7 Co +1, Sc +1, Tu Epic Spell:
+1, UMD +3 Vampiric Feast
(Save 1)
28 NN 1 DEX + 1 UMD +4 (Save
29 NN 2 Co +2, Sp +1, Combat Insight
UMD +3
30 NN 3 Co +1, Se +4, Sp
Class: AT = Arcane Trickster, NN = Neverwinter Nine, Rg = Rogue, Wi = Wizard
Skill: Co = Concentration, Di = Diplomacy, DT = Disable Trap, Hi = Hide, Lo = Lore, MS = Move Silently, OL =
Open Lock, Sc = Spellcraft, Se = Search, Sp = Spot, Tu = Tumble, UMD = Use Magic Device

The original write-up on the Epic Arcane Trickster recommended the use of
Reeron’s spell fix, which may be downloaded from the vault. For “Battle of the
Builds,” however, no spell fixes were applied. Hence, the Epic Arcane Trickster
may not play as well as what was originally intended.
Strangely, the creator of the Epic Arcane Trickster wrote, “I specialized in
Necromancy for the bonus spell that specialist get and because the Necromancy
touch spells work well with this build.” Further down the text, in the Spell
Suggestions section, he recommends that the Epic Arcane Trickster learn the
True Strike spell. Because this spell is from the school of Divination, it is not
possible for a Necromancy specialist to learn True Strike. For the Epic Arcane
Trickster’s implementation in “Battle of the Builds,” the spell was retained, but
the recommended specialization was not.

Meet the Power Builds Page 83

adzaroo, “The Epic Arcane Trickster - Ro(10),Wiz(7),AT(10),NN(3),” NWN2Wiki
- a Wikia Wiki,

adzaroo, “The Epic Arcane Trickster,” NWN2: Players - Mask of The Betrayer
Campaign (Spoilers Warning),

Meet the Power Builds Page 84

Fallen Angel
Aasimar, Favored Soul 7/ Stormlord 10/ Blackguard 7/
Fighter 6
Alignment: Neutral Evil

Deity: Talos

Statistics (Naked)
STR 30 DEX 8 CON 15 INT 8 WIS 10 CHA 17
AC 9 HP 446 BAB 25 Fort 29 Will 14 Refl 19

Great Fortitude, Toughness, Weapon Focus (Spear), Resist Sonic Energy, Power
Attack, Stormlord Spellcasting, Cleave, Monkey Grip, Divine Shield, Divine Might,
Great Strength (+1), Great Strength (+2), Epic Toughness (+30), Epic Toughness
(+60), Great Strength (+3), Weapon Specialization (Spear), Great Strength (+4),
Great Strength (+5), Epic Toughness (+90)

Concentration 22, Hide 5, Taunt 1

Prepared Spells
Favored Soul
Level 0 Cure Minor Wounds, Inflict Minor Wounds, Light, Resistance, Virtue
Level 1 Bless, Cure Light Wounds, Divine Favor, Entropic Shield, Lesser Vigor,
Remove Fear
Level 2 Bull’s Strength, Cure Moderate Wounds, Eagle’s Splendor, Lesser
Restoration, Remove Paralysis, Silence
Level 3 Blindsight, Invisibility Purge, Magic Circle against Alignment, Mass Aid,
Prayer, Vigor
Level 4 Death Ward, Divine Power, Hammer of the Gods, Least Spell Mantle,
Recitation, Restoration
Level 5 Battletide, Lesser Spell Mantle, Raise Dead, Righteous Might, Spell
Resistance, True Seeing
Level 6 Blade Barrier, Energy Immunity, Heal, Stone Body, Superior Resistance,
Vigorous Cycle
Level 7 Ethereal Jaunt, Greater Restoration, Regenerate, Resurrection, Spell Mantle,
Word of Faith
Level 8 Aura versus Alignment, Earthquake, Firestorm, Mass Death Ward, Sunbeam

Meet the Power Builds Page 85

Favored Soul
Level 9 Energy Drain, Etherealness, Mass Heal, Undeath’s Eternal Foe

Item Properties
Head Watchman’s Helm Light: [Low (10 m)][Color: Blue]
Skill Bonus: Listen [+8]
Skill Bonus: Search [+8]
Skill Bonus: Spot [+8]
Chest Mithral Full Plate Bonus Hitpoints [+35]
(enhanced) Regeneration [+8]
Spell Resistance [28]
Boots Boots of Hardiness +3 Ability Bonus: Constitution [+9]
(enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
AC Bonus [+3]
Saving Throw Bonus: Reflex [+9]
Arms Bracers of Armor +10 AC Bonus [+10]
Right Spear (enhanced) Enhancement Bonus [+8]
Hand Damage Bonus: Acid [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Cold [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Fire [5d6]
Left Adamantine Heavy AC Bonus [+8]
Hand Shield (enhanced) Bonus Hitpoints [+35]
Regeneration [+8]
Cloak Cloak of Movement Ability Bonus: Charisma [+9]
(enhanced) AC Bonus [+8]
Damage Resistance: Cold [25/-]
Freedom of Movement
Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+5]
Left Ring of Major Sonic Damage Resistance: Sonic [30/-]
Ring Resistance Saving Throw Bonus: Acid [+9]
(enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Electrical [+9]
Right Mourningring Cast Spell: Create Greater Undead (18) [1 Use/Day]
Ring (enhanced) Cast Spell: Healing Circle (16) [2 Uses/Day]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fire [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Universal [+6]
Neck Amulet of Natural Ability Bonus: Wisdom [+9]
Armor +5 (enhanced) AC Bonus [+5]
Damage Resistance: Acid [40/-]
Damage Resistance: Fire [40/-]
Belt Greater Swordsman’s Ability Bonus: Strength [+9]
Belt (enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
Damage Resistance: Slashing [20/-]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fortitude [+9]

Meet the Power Builds Page 86

Leveling Guide
Initial Attributes
STR 18 DEX 8 CON 15 INT 8 WIS 10 CHA 17

Level Progression
Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
1 FS 1 Hi +2 Great Fortitude
2 FS 2 (Save 1)
3 FS 3 Hi +1 Toughness
4 FS 4 STR + 1 (Save 1)
5 FS 5 Hi +1 Resist Sonic
6 FS 6 (Save 1) Power Attack
7 Sl 1 Hi +1 Stormlord
(Favored Soul)
8 SL 2 STR + 1 Co +1
9 SL 3 Co +1 Cleave
10 SL 4 Co +1
11 SL 5 Co +1
12 Bg 1 STR + 1 Co +1 Monkey Grip
13 Bg 2 Co +1
14 Bg 3 Co +1
15 Bg 4 Co +1 Divine Shield
16 Bg 5 STR + 1 Co +1
17 Bg 6 Co +1
18 Bg 7 Co +1 Divine Might
19 SL 6 Co +1
20 SL 7 STR + 1 Co +1
21 SL 8 Co +1 Great Strength
22 SL 9 Co +1
23 SL 10 Co +1 Great Strength
24 F1 STR + 1 (Save 1) Epic Toughness
25 F2 (Save 1) Epic Toughness Great Strength
(+60) (+3)
26 F3 (Save 1)
27 F4 (Save 1) Weapon Great Strength
Specialization (+4)
28 F5 STR + 1 (Save 1)
29 FS 7 Co +6 Great Strength
30 F6 Ta +1 Epic Toughness
Class: Bg = Blackguard, F = Fighter, FS = Favored Soul, Sl = Stormlord

Meet the Power Builds Page 87

Skill: Co = Concentration, Hi = Hide, Ta = Taunt

Dark Eternal, “Fallen Angel - FS (7), SL (10), BG (7), F (6),” NWN2Wiki - a Wikia

Meet the Power Builds Page 88

Halfling Ninja
Strongheart Halfling, Rogue 16/ Monk 1/ Assassin 8/
Invisible Blade 5
Alignment: Lawful Evil

Statistics (Naked)
STR 6 DEX 26 CON 14 INT 14 WIS 16 CHA 8
AC 28 HP 242 BAB 23 Fort 13 Refl 31 Will 14

Luck of Heroes, Weapon Finesse, Two-Weapon Fighting, Combat Expertise,
Feint, Weapon Focus (Dagger), Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Crippling
Strike, Epic Precision, Blind-Fight, Improved Evasion, Greater Two-Weapon
Fighting, Great Dexterity (+1), Defensive Roll, Epic Dodge

Bluff 33, Concentration 1, Hide 33, Listen 33, Move Silently 33, Search 12, Sleight
of Hand 33, Spellcraft 15, Spot 33, Tumble 32

Prepared Spells

Item Properties
Head Finch’s Finest Hat Ability Bonus: Charisma [+2]
Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+2]
Skill Bonus: Bluff [+8]
Skill Bonus: Diplomacy [+8]
Skill Bonus: Perform [+6]
Skill Bonus: Sleight of Hand [+6]
Chest Swashbuckler’s Tunic AC Bonus [+8]
(enhanced) Bonus Hitpoints [+35]
Regeneration [+8]
Spell Resistance [28]

Meet the Power Builds Page 89

Item Properties
Boots Boots of the Sun Soul Ability Bonus: Constitution [+9]
+5 (enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
AC Bonus [+5]
Saving Throw Bonus: Reflex [+9]
Use Limitation: Class: Monk
Arms Cat Queen’s Claws Attack Bonus [+8]
(enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+9]
Cast Spell: Mass Charm (15) [3 Uses/Day]
Damage Bonus: Magical [1d12]
Decreased Saving Throw: Mind Affecting [-4]
Right Alchemical Silver Enhancement Bonus [+8]
Hand Dagger (enhanced) Damage Bonus: Acid [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Fire [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Electrical [5d6]
Left Cold Iron Dagger Enhancement Bonus [+8]
Hand (enhanced) Damage Bonus: Acid [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Cold [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Electrical [5d6]
Cloak Cloak of Movement Ability Bonus: Charisma [+9]
(enhanced) AC Bonus [+8]
Damage Resistance: Cold [25/-]
Freedom of Movement
Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+5]
Left Ring of Major Fire Damage Resistance: Fire [30/-]
Ring Resistance Saving Throw Bonus: Acid [+9]
(enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Electrical [+9]
Right Ring of the Founder Ability Bonus: Intelligence [+8]
Ring Ability Bonus: Wisdom [+8]
Bonus Spell Slot: Wizard [Level 7]
Bonus Spell Slot: Wizard [Level 8]
Bonus Spell Slot: Wizard [Level 9]
Regeneration [+2]
Neck Amulet of Natural AC Bonus [+5]
Armor +5 (enhanced) Damage Resistance: Acid [40/-]
Damage Resistance: Electrical [40/-]
Saving Throw Bonus: Universal [+7]
Belt Greater Swordsman’s Ability Bonus: Strength [+9]
Belt (enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
Damage Resistance: Slashing [20/-]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fortitude [+9]

Leveling Guide
Initial Attributes
STR 6 DEX 18 CON 14 INT 14 WIS 16 CHA 8

Meet the Power Builds Page 90

Level Progression
Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
1 Rg 1 Hi +4, Li +4, MS Luck of Heroes
+4, Se +3, Sc +2,
Sp +4, SH +4, Tu
+4, Bl +4 (Save
2 M1 Co +1, Hi +1, Li
+1, MS +1, Sp
+1, Tu +1 (Save
3 Rg 2 Hi +1, Li +1, MS Weapon Finesse
+1, Sc +1, Sp +1,
SH +2, Tu +1, Bl
+2 (Save 4)
4 Rg 3 DEX + 1 Hi +1, Li +1, MS
+1, Se +2, Sp +1,
SH +1, Tu +1, Bl
+1 (Save 5)
5 Rg 4 Hi +1, Li +1, MS
+1, Se +1, Sc +1,
Sp +1, SH +1, Tu
+1, Bl +1 (Save
6 As 1 Hi +1, Li +1, MS Two-Weapon
+1, Sp +1, SH Fighting
+1, Tu +1, Bl +1
(Save 4)
7 As 2 Hi +1, Li +1, MS
+1, Sc +1, Sp +1,
SH +1, Tu +1, Bl
+1 (Save 1)
8 As 3 DEX + 1 Hi +1, Li +1, MS
+1, Sp +1, SH
+1, Tu +1, Bl +1
9 Rg 5 Hi +1, Li +1, MS Combat
+1, Sc +1, Sp +1, Expertise
SH +1, Tu +1, Bl
+1 (Save 1)
10 As 4 Hi +1, Li +1, MS
+1, Sp +1, SH
+1, Tu +1, Bl +1
11 Rg 6 Hi +1, Li +1, MS
+1, Sc +1, Sp +1,
SH +1, Tu +1, Bl
+1 (Save 1)

Meet the Power Builds Page 91

Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
12 Rg 7 DEX + 1 Hi +1, Li +1, MS Feint
+1, Sp +1, SH
+1, Tu +1, Bl +1
(Save 4)
13 IB 1 Hi +1, Li +1, MS
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1,
Bl +1 (Save 4)
14 Rg 8 Hi +1, Li +1, MS
+1, Sc +1, Sp +1,
SH +2, Tu +1, Bl
+1 (Save 4)
15 IB 2 Hi +1, Li +1, MS Weapon Focus
+1, Sc +1, Sp +1, (Dagger)
SH +1, Tu +1, Bl
16 IB 3 DEX + 1 Hi +1, Li +1, MS
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1,
Bl +1
17 Rg 9 Hi +1, Li +1, MS
+1, Sc +1, Sp +1,
SH +2, Tu +1, Bl
18 IB 4 Hi +1, Li +1, MS Improved Two-
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1, Weapon
Bl +1 Fighting
19 Rg 10 Hi +1, Li +1, MS Crippling Strike
+1, Sc +1, Sp +1,
SH +2, Tu +1, Bl
20 IB 5 DEX + 1 Hi +1, Li +1, MS
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1,
Bl +1
21 Rg 11 Hi +1, Li +1, MS Epic Precision
+1, Sc +1, Sp +1,
SH +2, Tu +1, Bl
22 Rg 12 Hi +1, Li +1, MS
+1, Sp +1, SH
+1, Tu +1, Bl +1
(Save 3)
23 Rg 13 Hi +1, Li +1, MS Improved Blind Fight
+1, Sc +1, Sp +1, Evasion
SH +1, Tu +1, Bl
+1 (Save 4)
24 Rg 14 DEX + 1 Hi +1, Li +1, MS
+1, Se +2, Sp +1,
SH +1, Tu +1, Bl
+1 (Save 5)

Meet the Power Builds Page 92

Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
25 Rg 15 Hi +1, Li +1, MS Greater Two-
+1, Se +1, Sc +1, Weapon
Sp +1, SH +1, Tu Fighting
+1, Bl +1 (Save
26 Rg 16 Hi +1, Li +1, MS Defensive Roll
+1, Se +3, Sp +1,
SH +1, Tu +1, Bl
+1 (Save 5)
27 As 5 Hi +1, Li +1, MS Great Dexterity
+1, Sc +1, Sp +1, (+1)
SH +1, Tu +1, Bl
+1 (Save 2)
28 As 6 DEX + 1 Hi +1, Li +1, MS
+1, Sp +1, SH
+1, Bl +1 (Save
29 As 7 Hi +1, Li +1, MS Epic Dodge
+1, Sp +1, SH
+1, Bl +1 (Save
30 As 8 Hi +1, Li +1, MS
+1, Sp +1, SH
+1, Tu +2, Bl +1
Class: As = Assassin, IB = Invisible Blade, M = Monk, Rg = Rogue
Skill: Bl = Bluff, Co = Concentration, Hi = Hide, Li = Listen, MS = Move Silently, Sc = Spellcraft, Se = Search, SH =
Sleight of Hand, Sp = Spot, Tu = Tumble

The level progression as outlined in this document is different from what is
given at the NWN2Wiki. What is given here is based on data from a BIC file that
JeminiZero created and sent to the author. This BIC file was of the Halfling Ninja
as a player character.

JeminiZero, “Ninja - Ro(16),M(1),IB(5),Asn(8),” NWN2Wiki - a Wikia Wiki,

Meet the Power Builds Page 93

Holy Dragon Dervish
Drow, Bard 1/ Cleric 9/ Stormlord 10/ Red Dragon
Disciple 10
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Cleric Domains: Earth and War

Deity: Talos

Statistics (Naked)
STR 21 DEX 25 CON 8 INT 14 WIS 13 CHA 21
AC 24 HP 278 BAB 20 Fort 21 Refl 18 Will 23

Power Attack, Divine Might, Divine Shield, Extend Spell, Great Fortitude, Monkey
Grip, Stormlord Spellcasting (Cleric), Two-Weapon Fighting, Epic Divine Might,
Great Dexterity (+1), Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Greater Two-Weapon
Fighting, Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting

Concentration 30, Lore 8, Perform 1, Sleight of Hand 2, Spellcraft 30, Tumble 30,
Use Magic Device 4

Prepared Spells
Level 0 Resistance × 6, Virtue
Level 1 Bless × 3, Divine Favor × 3, Entropic Shield × 3
Level 2 Bear’s Endurance, Bull’s Strength, Eagle’s Splendor, Owl’s Wisdom, Silence
Level 3 Blindsight × 2, Invisibility Purge, Magic Circle against Alignment, Mass Aid,
Prayer, Vigor × 2
Level 4 Death Ward, Divine Power × 6, Least Spell Mantle
Level 5 Energy Immunity × 2, Lesser Spell Mantle × 3, Recitation (extended) × 3
Level 6 Battletide (extended) × 2 , Heal × 3, Righteous Might (extended) × 2
Level 7 Ethereal Jaunt, Greater Restoration × 3, Spell Mantle × 2
Level 8 Aura versus Alignment × 2, Power Word Stun, Sunbeam × 2
Level 9 Mass Heal × 4

Meet the Power Builds Page 94

Level 0 Cure Minor Wounds, Flare, Light, Resistance

Item Properties
Head Watchman’s Helm Light: [Low (10 m)][Color: Blue]
Skill Bonus: Listen [+8]
Skill Bonus: Search [+8]
Skill Bonus: Spot [+8]
Chest Mithral Full Plate AC Bonus [+8]
(enhanced) Bonus Hitpoints [+35]
Regeneration [+8]
Boots Boots of Hardiness +3 Ability Bonus: Constitution [+9]
(enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
AC Bonus [+3]
Saving Throw Bonus: Reflex [+9]
Arms Bracers of Armor +10 AC Bonus [+10]
Right Spear (enhanced) Enhancement Bonus [+8]
Hand Damage Bonus: Acid [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Electrical [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Fire [5d6]
Left Spear (enhanced) Enhancement Bonus [+8]
Hand Damage Bonus: Acid [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Cold [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Electrical [5d6]
Cloak Cloak of Movement Ability Bonus: Charisma [+9]
(enhanced) AC Bonus [+8]
Damage Resistance: Cold [25/-]
Freedom of Movement
Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+5]
Left Ring of Holiness Bonus Spell Slot: Cleric [Level 0]
Ring Bonus Spell Slot: Cleric [Level 1]
Bonus Spell Slot: Cleric [Level 2]
Bonus Spell Slot: Cleric [Level 3]
Bonus Spell Slot: Cleric [Level 4]
Use Limitation: Class: Cleric
Right Ring of Major Sonic Bonus Spell Slot: Cleric [Level 8]
Ring Resistance Damage Resistance: Sonic [30/-]
(enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Acid [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+9]
Neck Amulet of Natural Ability Bonus: Wisdom [+9]
Armor +5 (enhanced) AC Bonus [+5]
Damage Resistance: Acid [40/-]
Saving Throw Bonus: Universal [+7]

Meet the Power Builds Page 95

Item Properties
Belt Girdle of Holy Might Ability Bonus: Strength [+9]
(enhanced) Bonus Spell Slot: Cleric [Level 5]
Bonus Spell Slot: Cleric [Level 6]
Bonus Spell Slot: Cleric [Level 7]
Use Limitation: Class: Cleric

Leveling Guide
Initial Attributes
STR 13 DEX 18 CON 6 INT 12 WIS 13 CHA 18

Level Progression
Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
1 Bd 1 Co +4, Lo +4, Pe Power Attack
+1, Sc +4, SH +2,
Tu +4, UMD +4
(Save 5)
2 C1 Co +1, Lo +1, Sc
+1, Tu +1 (Save
3 C2 Co +1, Lo +1, Sc Divine Might
+1, Tu +1 (Save
4 C3 CHA + 1 Co +1, Lo +1, Sc
+1 (Save 1)
5 C4 Co +1, Lo +1, Sc
+1 (Save 1)
6 C5 Co +1, Sc +1, Tu Divine Shield
7 RDD 1 Co +1, Sc +1
(Save 1)
8 RDD 2 DEX + 1 Co +1, Sc +1, Tu
9 RDD 3 Co +1, Sc +1 Extend Spell
(Save 1)
10 RDD 4 Co +1, Sc +1, Tu
11 RDD 5 Co +1, Sc +1
(Save 1)
12 RDD 6 DEX + 1 Co +1, Sc +1, Tu Great Fortitude
13 RDD 7 Co +1, Sc +1
(Save 1)
14 RDD 8 Co +1, Sc +1, Tu

Meet the Power Builds Page 96

Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
15 RDD 9 Co +1, Sc +1, Tu Monkey Grip
16 RDD 10 DEX + 1 Co +1, Sc +1, Tu
17 Sl 1 Co +1, Tu +1 Stormlord
(Save 1) Spellcasting
18 Sl 2 Co +1, Tu +2 Two-Weapon
19 Sl 3 Co +1, Tu +1
(Save 1)
20 Sl 4 DEX + 1 Co +1, Tu +2
21 Sl 5 Co +1, Tu +1 Epic Divine
(Save 1) Might
22 Sl 6 Co +1, Tu +2
23 Sl 7 Co +1, Tu +1 Great Dexterity
(Save 1) (+1)
24 Sl 8 DEX + 1 Co +1, Tu +2
25 Sl 9 Co +1, Tu +1 Improved Two-
(Save 1) Weapon
26 Sl 10 Co +1, Tu +2
27 C6 Co +1, Sc +1, Tu Greater Two-
+1 Weapon
28 C7 DEX + 1 Sc +2, Tu +1
29 C8 Sc +4 Perfect Two-
30 C9 Sc +4
Class: Bd = Bard, C = Cleric, RDD = Red Dragon Disciple, Sl = Stormlord
Skill: Co = Concentration, Lo = Lore, Pe = Perform, Sc = Spellcraft, SH = Sleight of Hand, Tu = Tumble, UMD =
Use Magic Device

As in the case of Favored Souls, the choice of deity for a cleric of the War
domain is relevant. The Holy Dragon Dervish must serve a deity whose favored
weapon is a spear to get the Weapon Focus (Spear) feat for free.
It should be noted that the Holy Dragon Dervish needs a magic item that
boosts Wisdom by at least 6 to be able to cast spells of levels 4 to 9.

Felexitus, “Holy Dragon Dervish - Brd(1),Clr(9),RDD(10),SL(10),” NWN2Wiki - a
Wikia Wiki,

Meet the Power Builds Page 97

Felexitus, “Holy Dragon Dervish - Brd(1), Clr(9), RDD(10), SL(10),” Neverwinter
Nights: Epic Character Builders Part Deux,

Meet the Power Builds Page 98

Illusionary Blade
Tiefling, Monk 11/ Fighter 12/ Invisible Blade 5/
Warlock 2
Alignment: Lawful Evil

Statistics (Naked)
STR 8 DEX 25 CON 12 INT 16 WIS 14 CHA 12
AC 27 HP 280 BAB 26 Fort 17 Refl 22 Will 17

Tale Teller, Silver Palm, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Kama), Two-Weapon
Fighting, Combat Expertise, Weapon Specialization (Kama), Improved Two-
Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (Kukri), Feint, Greater Two-Weapon Fighting,
Greater Weapon Focus (Kama), Blind-Fight, Epic Prowess, Combat Insight, Epic
Weapon Focus (Kama), Greater Weapon Specialization (Kama), Epic Weapon
Specialization (Kama), Skill Focus (Bluff), Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting,

Bluff 33, Diplomacy 22, Spellcraft 20, Spot 33, Taunt 33, Tumble 30

Prepared Spells

Item Properties
Head Finch’s Finest Hat Ability Bonus: Charisma [+2]
Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+2]
Skill Bonus: Bluff [+8]
Skill Bonus: Diplomacy [+8]
Skill Bonus: Perform [+6]
Skill Bonus: Sleight of Hand [+6]
Chest Swashbuckler’s Tunic AC Bonus [+8]
(enhanced) Bonus Hitpoints [+35]
Regeneration [+8]
Spell Resistance [28]

Meet the Power Builds Page 99

Item Properties
Boots Boots of the Sun Soul Ability Bonus: Constitution [+9]
+5 (enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
AC Bonus [+5]
Saving Throw Bonus: Reflex [+9]
Use Limitation: Class: Monk
Arms Cat Queen’s Claws Attack Bonus [+8]
(enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+9]
Cast Spell: Mass Charm (15) [3 Uses/Day]
Damage Bonus: Magical [1d12]
Decreased Saving Throw: Mind Affecting [-4]
Right Alchemical Silver Enhancement Bonus [+8]
Hand Kama (enhanced) Damage Bonus: Acid [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Fire [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Electrical [5d6]
Left Cold Iron Kama Enhancement Bonus [+8]
Hand (enhanced) Damage Bonus: Acid [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Cold [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Electrical [5d6]
Cloak Cloak of Movement Ability Bonus: Charisma [+9]
(enhanced) AC Bonus [+8]
Damage Resistance: Cold [25/-]
Freedom of Movement
Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+5]
Left Ring of Major Fire Damage Resistance: Fire [30/-]
Ring Resistance Saving Throw Bonus: Acid [+9]
(enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Electrical [+9]
Right Ring of the Founder Ability Bonus: Intelligence [+8]
Ring Ability Bonus: Wisdom [+8]
Bonus Spell Slot: Wizard [Level 7]
Bonus Spell Slot: Wizard [Level 8]
Bonus Spell Slot: Wizard [Level 9]
Regeneration [+2]
Neck Amulet of Natural Ability Bonus: Wisdom [+9]
Armor +5 (enhanced) AC Bonus [+5]
Damage Resistance: Acid [40/-]
Damage Resistance: Electrical [40/-]
Belt Greater Swordsman’s Ability Bonus: Strength [+9]
Belt (enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
Damage Resistance: Slashing [20/-]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fortitude [+9]

Leveling Guide
Initial Attributes
STR 8 DEX 18 CON 12 INT 16 WIS 14 CHA 12

Meet the Power Builds Page 100

Level Progression
Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
1 M1 Di +4, Sc +2, Sp Tale Teller Silver Palm
+4, Ta +2, Tu
+4, Bl +2 (Save
2 F1 Di +1, Sp +1, Ta Weapon Finesse
+3, Tu +1
3 M2 Di +1, Sc +1, Sp Weapon Focus
+1, Tu +1, Bl +1 (Kama)
4 F2 DEX + 1 Ta +2 (Save 3) Two-Weapon
5 M3 Di +2, Sc +1, Sp
+2, Tu +2, Bl +1
6 F3 Ta +2 (Save 3) Combat
7 M4 Di +2, Sc +1, Sp
+2, Tu +2, Bl +1
8 F4 DEX + 1 Ta +2 (Save 3) Weapon
9 M5 Di +2, Sc +1, Sp Improved Two-
+2, Tu +2, Bl +1 Weapon
10 F5 Ta +2 (Save 3)
11 M6 Di +2, Sc +1, Sp
+2, Tu +2, Bl +1
12 F6 DEX + 1 Ta +2 (Save 3) Weapon Focus Feint
13 M7 Di +2, Sc +1, Sp
+2, Tu +2, Bl +1
14 IB 1 Bl +7
15 F7 Ta +2 (Save 3) Greater Two-
16 M8 DEX + 1 Di +3, Sp +3, Tu
+3 (Save 1)
17 F8 Sc +2, Ta +2 Greater Weapon
Focus (Kama)
18 M9 Di +2, Sp +2, Tu Blind-Fight
+2 (Save 1)
19 IB 2 Sp +1, Bl +7
20 F9 DEX + 1 Ta +4 (Save 1)
21 F 10 Sc +2, Ta +1 Epic Prowess Combat Insight
22 M 10 Di +1, Sp +3, Tu
23 F 11 Sc +1, Ta +2 Epic Weapon
(Save 1) Focus (Kama)
24 M 11 DEX + 1 Sp +2, Tu +2

Meet the Power Builds Page 101

Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
25 F 12 Sc +1, Ta +2 Greater Weapon Epic Weapon
(Save 5) Specialization Specialization
(Kama) (Kama)
26 IB 3 Sp +2, Tu +2, Bl
+7 (Save 1)
27 IB 4 Sc +1, Sp +1, Tu Skill Focus
+1, Bl +1 (Save (Bluff)
28 IB 5 DEX + 1 Sp +1, Ta +2, Bl
+1 (Save 4)
29 Wa 1 Sp +1, Ta +2, Bl Perfect Two-
+1 (Save 4) Weapon
30 Wa 2 Sc +5, Sp +1, Ta
+1, Bl +1
Class: F = Fighter, IB = Invisible Blade, M = Monk, Wa = Warlock
Skill: Bl = Bluff, Di = Diplomacy, Sc = Spellcraft, Sp = Spot, Ta = Taunt, Tu = Tumble

At the NWN2Wiki, this build is referred to as “Con Kaze no Kama -
Warlock(2) aka Illusionary Blade.” It is the latter name that the author of “Battle
of the Builds” has chosen for this character.

DirtyFinger, “Kaze no Kama - M(11),F(12),IB(5),DC(2),” NWN2Wiki - a Wikia

Meet the Power Builds Page 102

Immortal Treant
Human, Druid 12/ Monk 2/ Sacred Fist 10/ Duelist 6
Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Statistics (Naked)
STR 10 DEX 13 CON 10 INT 16 WIS 27 CHA 8
AC 30 HP 252 BAB 26 Fort 21 Refl 23 Will 25

Luck of Heroes, Able Learner, Dodge, Natural Spell, Combat Casting, Mobility,
Weapon Finesse, Combat Expertise, Great Wisdom (+1), Great Wisdom (+2),
Great Wisdom (+3), Improved Combat Expertise, Armor Skin

Concentration 33, Diplomacy 33, Heal 33, Listen 33, Lore 8, Parry 5, Spellcraft
30, Spot 33, Taunt 26, Tumble 30

Prepared Spells
Level 0 Resistance × 3, Virtue × 3
Level 1 Foundation of Stone × 6, Lesser Vigor × 3
Level 2 Barkskin × 2, Body of the Sun × 6
Level 3 Blindsight × 2, Protection from Energy, Spiderskin × 3, Vigor × 2
Level 4 Moonbolt × 2, Stoneskin × 6
Level 5 Death Ward, Rejuvenation Cocoon × 5, Spell Resistance × 2
Level 6 Energy Immunity × 4, Tortoise Shell × 2
Level 7 Heal × 6
Level 8 Premonition × 2, Storm Avatar × 4
Level 9 Elemental Swarm× 4, Mass Death Ward × 2

Item Properties
Head Headband of Intellect Ability Bonus: Intelligence [+9]
+8 (enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Will [+9]

Meet the Power Builds Page 103

Item Properties
Chest Swashbuckler’s Tunic AC Bonus [+8]
(enhanced) Bonus Hitpoints [+35]
Regeneration [+8]
Spell Resistance [28]
Boots Boots of the Sun Soul Ability Bonus: Constitution [+9]
+5 (enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
AC Bonus [+5]
Saving Throw Bonus: Reflex [+9]
Use Limitation: Class: Monk
Arms Cat Queen’s Claws Attack Bonus [+8]
(enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+9]
Cast Spell: Mass Charm (15) [3 Uses/Day]
Damage Bonus: Magical [1d12]
Decreased Saving Throw: Mind Affecting [-4]
Right (None)
Left (None)
Cloak Cloak of Movement Ability Bonus: Charisma [+9]
(enhanced) AC Bonus [+8]
Damage Resistance: Cold [25/-]
Freedom of Movement
Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+5]
Left Ring of Major Fire Damage Resistance: Fire [30/-]
Ring Resistance Saving Throw Bonus: Acid [+9]
(enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Electrical [+9]
Right Ring of Major Sonic Damage Resistance: Sonic [30/-]
Ring Resistance Saving Throw Bonus: Acid [+9]
(enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fire [+9]
Neck Amulet of Natural Ability Bonus: Wisdom [+9]
Armor +5 (enhanced) AC Bonus [+5]
Damage Resistance: Acid [40/-]
Damage Resistance: Electrical [40/-]
Belt Greater Swordsman’s Ability Bonus: Strength [+9]
Belt (enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
Damage Resistance: Slashing [20/-]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fortitude [+9]

Leveling Guide
Initial Attributes
STR 10 DEX 13 CON 10 INT 16 WIS 17 CHA 8

Meet the Power Builds Page 104

Level Progression
Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
1 D1 Co +4, He +3, Li Able Learner,
+4, Pa +4, Sc +4, Luck of Heroes
Sp +4 (Save 5)
2 M1 Co +1, He +2, Li
+1, Lo +1, Pa +1,
Sc +1, Sp +1, Tu
3 D2 Co +1, Di +1, He Dodge
+1, Li +1, Lo +1,
Sc +1, Sp +1, Tu
4 D3 WIS + 1 Co +1, Di +2, Li
+1, Lo +1, Sc +1,
Sp +1, Tu +1
5 D4 Co +1, Di +2, Li
+1, Lo +1, Sc +1,
Sp +1, Tu +1
6 D5 Co +1, Di +3, Li Natural Spell
+1, Sc +1, Sp +1,
Tu +1
7 D6 Co +1, Di +2, He
+1, Li +1, Sc +1,
Sp +1, Tu +1
8 D7 WIS + 1 Co +1, Di +1, He
+2, Li +1, Sc +1,
Sp +1, Tu +1
9 D8 Co +1, Di +1, He Combat Casting
+2, Li +1, Sc +1,
Sp +1, Tu +1
10 D9 Co +1, Di +1, He
+2, Li +1, Sc +1,
Sp +1, Tu +1
11 D 10 Co +1, Di +1, He
+1, Li +1, Sc +1,
Sp +1, Ta +1, Tu
12 D 11 WIS + 1 Co +1, Di +1, He Mobility
+2, Li +1, Sc +1,
Sp +1, Tu +1
13 D 12 Co +1, Di +1, He
+2, Li +1, Sc +1,
Sp +1, Tu +1
14 SF 1 Co +1, Di +1, He Sacred Fist
+2, Li +1, Sc +1, Spellcasting
Sp +1, Tu +1 Class (Druid)

Meet the Power Builds Page 105

Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
15 SF 2 Co +1, Di +1, He Weapon Finesse
+2, Li +1, Sc +1,
Sp +1, Tu +1
16 SF 3 WIS + 1 Co +1, Di +1, He
+2, Li +1, Sc +1,
Sp +1, Tu +1
17 SF 4 Co +1, Di +1, He
+1, Li +1, Sc +1,
Sp +1, Ta +1, Tu
18 SF 5 Co +1, Di +1, He Combat
+1, Li +1, Sc +1, Expertise
Sp +1, Ta +1, Tu
19 SF 6 Co +1, Di +1, He
+1, Li +1, Sc +1,
Sp +1, Ta +1, Tu
20 SF 7 WIS + 1 Co +1, Di +1, He
+1, Li +1, Sc +1,
Sp +1, Ta +1, Tu
21 SF 8 Co +1, Di +1, He Great Wisdom
+1, Li +1, Sc +1, (+1)
Sp +1, Ta +1, Tu
22 SF 9 Co +1, Di +1, He
+1, Li +1, Sc +1,
Sp +1, Ta +1, Tu
23 SF 10 Co +1, Di +1, He Great Wisdom
+1, Li +1, Sc +1, (+2)
Sp +1, Tu +1
(Save 1)
24 M2 WIS + 1 Co +1, Di +1, He
+1, Li +1, Sc +1,
Sp +1, Ta +1, Tu
+1 (Save 1)
25 Du 1 Co +1, Di +1, He Great Wisdom
+1, Li +1, Sc +1, (+3)
Sp +1, Ta +2, Tu
26 Du 2 Co +1, Di +1, He
+1, Li +1, Sc +1,
Sp +1, Ta +1, Tu

Meet the Power Builds Page 106

Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
27 Du 3 Co +1, Di +1, He Improved
+1, Li +1, Sc +1, Combat
Sp +1, Ta +1, Tu Expertise
28 Du 4 WIS + 1 Co +1, Di +1, He
+1, Li +1, Sp +1,
Ta +3
29 Du 5 Co +1, Di +1, He Armor Skin
+1, Li +1, Sp +1,
Ta +3
30 Du 6 Co +1, Di +1, He
+1, Li +1, Sp +1,
Ta +3
Class: D = Druid, Du = Duelist, M = Monk, SF = Sacred Fist
Skill: Co = Concentration, Di = Diplomacy, He = Heal, Li = Listen, Lo = Lore, Pa = Parry, Pe = Perform, Sc =
Spellcraft, Sp = Spot, Ta = Taunt, Tu = Tumble

The Immortal Treant was originally envisioned to transform into a treant
during combat by activating the Plant Wild Shape feat. This character build was
intended to exploit a peculiarity of the transformation process; specifically, that
the equipped magical armor and shield disappear during the druid’s
transformation, but the items’ AC bonus accrues to the Immortal Treant’s total
Armor Class. Unfortunately, the Immortal Treant loses the AC bonuses of all
other equipped items in the process. In a high magic setting, like in Mask of the
Betrayer, the Immortal Treant is usually better off not transforming.
Nevertheless, there is one situation where transforming into plant form may
be slightly advantageous for the Immortal Treant. When fighting opponents that
can cast Bigby’s Forceful Hand, druids in general cannot be affected by this spell
if they transform into their Plant Wild Shape and if they have either Foundation
of Stone or Storm Avatar cast on themselves. (Kudos to JeminiZero and
Mithdradates for revealing this clever use of Plant Wild Shape.)

Weavols, “Immortal Treant (D12/M2/SF10/Dls6),” NWN2Wiki - a Wikia Wiki,

Meet the Power Builds Page 107

Iron Sorcerer
Human, Monk 2/ Sorcerer 16/ Arcane Scholar of
Candlekeep 10/ Cleric 2
Alignment: Lawful Good

Domains: Earth, Luck

Statistics (Naked)
STR 13 DEX 10 CON 14 INT 14 WIS 8 CHA 24
AC 14 HP 226 BAB 15 Fort 18 Refl 12 Will 23

Bully, Spellcasting Prodigy, Able Learner, Skill Focus (Concentration), Empower
Spell, Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Power Attack, Divine Shield, Practiced Spellcaster
(Sorcerer), Tower Shield Proficiency, Still Spell, Automatic Still Spell (0 – 3),
Automatic Still Spell (0 – 6), Automatic Still Spell (0 – 9)

Concentration 33, Listen 33, Lore 3, Spellcraft 30, Spot 33, Tumble 30, Use Magic
Device 11

Prepared Spells
Level 0 Acid Splash, Flare, Light, Ray of Frost, Resistance, Touch of Fatigue
Level 1 Expeditious Retreat, Magic Missile, Protection from Alignment, Ray of
Enfeeblement, True Strike
Level 2 Blindsight, Death Armor, False Life, Mirror Image, Touch of Idiocy
Level 3 Clairaudience and Clairvoyance, Displacement, Heroism, Protection from
Level 4 Assay Resistance, Enervation, Greater Invisibility, Isaac’s Lesser Missile
Level 5 Bigby’s Interposing Hand, Lesser Mind Blank, Lesser Spell Mantle, Vitriolic
Level 6 Bigby’s Forceful Hand, Greater Spell Breach, Isaac’s Greater Missile Storm
Level 7 Avasculate, Energy Immunity, Shadow Shield
Level 8 Iron Body, Polar Ray, Power Word Petrify
Level 9 Bigby’s Crushing Hand, Greater Spell Mantle, Shadow Simulacrum

Meet the Power Builds Page 108

Item Properties
Head Shukenja Helm Bonus Spell Slot: Sorcerer [Level 0]
Bonus Spell Slot: Sorcerer [Level 1]
Bonus Spell Slot: Sorcerer [Level 2]
Bonus Spell Slot: Sorcerer [Level 3]
Skill Bonus: Concentration [+1]
Chest Mithral Full Plate Bonus Hitpoints [+35]
(enhanced) Regeneration [+8]
Spell Resistance [28]
Boots Boots of the Sun Soul Ability Bonus: Constitution [+9]
+5 (enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
AC Bonus [+5]
Saving Throw Bonus: Reflex [+9]
Use Limitation: Class: Monk
Arms Bracers of Armor +10 AC Bonus [+10]
Right Alchemical Silver Enhancement Bonus [+8]
Hand Morningstar Damage Bonus: Acid [5d6]
(enhanced) Damage Bonus: Cold [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Electrical [5d6]
Left Adamantine Heavy AC Bonus [+8]
Hand Shield (enhanced) Bonus Hitpoints [+35]
Regeneration [+8]
Cloak Cloak of Resistance +5 Ability Bonus: Charisma [+9]
(enhanced) AC Bonus [+8]
Damage Resistance: Cold [25/-]
Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+5]
Saving Throw Bonus: Universal [+5]
Left The Nomad’s Ring Bonus Spell Slot: Sorcerer [Level 1]
Ring Bonus Spell Slot: Sorcerer [Level 2]
Bonus Spell Slot: Sorcerer [Level 3]
Bonus Spell Slot: Sorcerer [Level 4]
Light [Bright (20 m)]
Right Ring of Major Fire Damage Resistance: Fire [30/-]
Ring Resistance Saving Throw Bonus: Acid [+9]
(enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Electrical [+9]
Neck Amulet of Natural AC Bonus [+5]
Armor +5 (enhanced) Damage Resistance: Acid [40/-]
Damage Resistance: Electrical [40/-]
Saving Throw Bonus: Universal [+7]
Belt Greater Swordsman’s Ability Bonus: Strength [+9]
Belt (enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
Damage Resistance: Slashing [20/-]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fortitude [+9]

Meet the Power Builds Page 109

Leveling Guide
Initial Attributes
STR 13 DEX 10 CON 14 INT 14 WIS 8 CHA 17

Level Progression
Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
1 M1 Co +4, Li +4, Lo Bully Able Learner,
+3, Sp +4, Tu +4, Spellcasting
UMD +2 (Save Prodigy
2 S1 Co +1, Li +1, Sc
+5, Sp +1, Tu +1
(Save 1)
3 S2 Co +1, Li +1, Sc Skill Focus
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1, (Concentration)
UMD +1
4 S3 CHA + 1 Co +1, Li +1, Sc
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1
5 S4 Co +1, Li +1, Sc
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1
6 S5 Co +1, Li +1, Sc Empower Spell
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1
7 S6 Co +1, Li +1, Sc
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1
8 S7 CHA + 1 Co +1, Li +1, Sc
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1
9 S8 Co +1, Li +1, Sc Skill Focus
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1 (Spellcraft)
10 ASC 1 Co +1, Li +1, Sc
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1
11 ASC 2 Co +1, Li +1, Sc
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1
12 ASC 3 CHA + 1 Co +1, Li +1, Sc Power Attack
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1
13 ASC 4 Co +1, Li +1, Sc
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1
14 ASC 5 Co +1, Li +1, Sc
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1
15 C1 Co +1, Li +1, Sc Divine Shield
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1
16 ASC 6 CHA + 1 Co +1, Li +1, Sc
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1
17 ASC 7 Co +1, Li +1, Sc
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1
18 ASC 8 Co +1, Li +1, Sc Practiced
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1 Spellcaster

Meet the Power Builds Page 110

Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
19 ASC 9 Co +1, Li +1, Sc
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1
20 ASC 10 CHA + 1 Co +1, Li +1, Sc
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1
21 S9 Co +1, Li +1, Sc Tower Shield
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1 Proficiency
22 S 10 Co +1, Li +1, Sc
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1
23 M2 Co +1, Li +1, Sc Still Spell
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1,
UMD +2
24 C2 CHA + 1 Co +1, Li +1, Sc
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1
25 S 11 Co +1, Li +1, Sc Automatic Still
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1 Spell (0 – 3)
26 S 12 Co +1, Li +1, Sc
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1
27 S 13 Co +1, Li +1, Sc Automatic Still
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1 Spell (0 – 6)
28 S 14 CHA + 1 Co +1, Li +1, Sp
+1, UMD +2
29 S 15 Co +1, Li +1, Sp Automatic Still
+1, UMD +2 Spell (0 – 9)
30 S 16 Co +1, Li +1, Sp
+1, UMD +2
Class: ASC = Arcane Scholar of Candlekeep, C = Cleric, M = Monk, S = Sorcerer
Skill: Co = Concentration, Li = Listen, Lo = Lore, Sc = Spellcraft, Sp = Spot, Tu = Tumble, UMD = Use Magic

JeminiZero, “Iron Sorcerer - Sor(16),ASC(10),Clr(2),M(2),” NWN2Wiki - a Wikia

Meet the Power Builds Page 111

Ithil’kyw the Underdread
Drow, Fighter 14 / Weapon Master 7 / Frenzied
Berserker 7 / Blackguard 4
Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Statistics (Naked)
STR 22 DEX 13 CON 6 INT 13 WIS 8 CHA 22
AC 12 HP 280 BAB 30 Fort 23 Refl 18 Will 13

Cleave, Power Attack, Dodge, Mobility, Great Cleave, Combat Expertise, Spring
Attack, Weapon Focus (Scythe), Divine Might, Whirlwind Attack, Weapon of
Choice (Scythe), Divine Shield, Great Charisma (+1), Epic Divine Might,
Improved Power Attack, Disarm, Improved Critical (Scythe), Epic Prowess,
Greater Weapon Focus (Scythe), Epic Weapon Focus (Scythe), Blind-Fight

Hide 5, Intimidate 5, Spellcraft 15, Spot 1, Tumble 10, Use Magic Device 16

Prepared Spells

Item Properties
Head Watchman’s Helm Light: [Low (10 m)][Color: Blue]
Skill Bonus: Listen [+8]
Skill Bonus: Search [+8]
Skill Bonus: Spot [+8]
Chest Mithral Full Plate AC Bonus [+8]
(enhanced) Bonus Hitpoints [+35]
Regeneration [+8]
Boots Boots of Hardiness +3 Ability Bonus: Constitution [+9]
(enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
AC Bonus [+3]
Saving Throw Bonus: Reflex [+9]
Arms Bracers of Armor +10 AC Bonus [+10]

Meet the Power Builds Page 112

Item Properties
Right Cold Iron Scythe Enhancement Bonus [+8]
Hand (enhanced) Damage Bonus: Acid [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Cold [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Electrical [5d6]
Left (None)
Cloak Cloak of Movement Ability Bonus: Charisma [+9]
(enhanced) AC Bonus [+8]
Damage Resistance: Cold [25/-]
Freedom of Movement
Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+5]
Left Ring of Major Fire Damage Resistance: Fire [30/-]
Ring Resistance Saving Throw Bonus: Acid [+9]
(enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Electrical [+9]
Right Ring of Major Sonic Damage Resistance: Sonic [30/-]
Ring Resistance Saving Throw Bonus: Acid [+9]
(enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fire [+9]
Neck Amulet of Natural AC Bonus [+5]
Armor +5 (enhanced) Damage Resistance: Acid [40/-]
Damage Resistance: Cold [40/-]
Damage Resistance: Electrical [40/-]
Belt Greater Swordsman’s Ability Bonus: Strength [+9]
Belt (enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
Damage Resistance: Slashing [20/-]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fortitude [+9]

Leveling Guide
Initial Attributes
STR 16 DEX 13 CON 6 INT 13 WIS 8 CHA 20

Level Progression
Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
1 F1 Hi +2, In +4, Tu Power Attack Cleave
2 F2 (Save 3) Dodge
3 F3 Hi +1, Sc +1, Tu Mobility
4 F4 STR + 1 (Save 3) Great Cleave
5 F5 Hi +1, Sc +1, Tu
6 F6 Sc +1 (Save 1) Combat Spring Attack
7 FB 1 Hi +1, Tu +1

Meet the Power Builds Page 113

Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
8 Bg 1 STR + 1 Sc +1 (Save 1)
9 Bg 2 Sc +1, Tu +1 Weapon Focus
10 FB 2 Sc +1 (Save 1)
11 FB 3 Sc +1, Tu +1
12 Bg 3 STR + 1 (Save 3) Divine Might
13 FB 4 Sc +1, Tu +1
(Save 2)
14 FB 5 (Save 5)
15 F7 Sc +1, Tu +1, Whirlwind
UMD +2 Attack
16 WM 1 STR + 1 UMD +1 (Save Weapon of
1) Choice (Scythe)
17 WM 2 Sc +1, Tu +1
18 Bg 4 UMD +1 (Save Divine Shield
19 WM 3 UMD +2
20 WM 4 STR + 1 UMD +1 (Save
21 WM 5 UMD +2 Great Charisma
22 WM 6 UMD +1 (Save
23 WM 7 UMD +2 Epic Divine
24 F8 CHA + 1 UMD +1 (Save Improved
1) Power Attack
25 F9 Sc +1, UMD +1 Disarm
26 F 10 Sc +1 (Save 1) Improved
Critical (Scythe)
27 F 11 Sc +1, UMD +1 Epic Prowess
28 F 12 STR + 1 Sc +1 (Save 1) Greater Weapon
Focus (Scythe)
29 F 13 Sc +1, UMD +1 Epic Weapon
Focus (Scythe)
30 F 14 In +1, Sp +1 Blind-Fight
Class: Bg = Blackguard, F = Fighter, FB = Frenzied Berserker, WM = Weapon Master
Skill: Hi = Hide, In = Intimidate, Sc = Spellcraft, Sp = Spot, Tu = Tumble, UMD = Use Magic Device

Aekula, “Ithil'kyw, the Underdread (F 14, WP 7, FB 5, BG 4),” Neverwinter Nights:
Epic Character Builders Part Deux,

Meet the Power Builds Page 114

Joe Average
Human, Fighter 30
Alignment: Neutral

Statistics (Naked)
STR 28 DEX 14 CON 14 INT 14 WIS 10 CHA 10
AC 15 HP 420 BAB 30 Fort 23 Refl 13 Will 13

Bully, Luck of Heroes, Able Learner, Weapon Focus (Longsword), Knockdown,
Blind-Fight, Weapon Specialization (Longsword), Toughness, Disarm, Greater
Weapon Focus (Longsword), Improved Knockdown, Improved Critical
(Longsword), Power Critical (Longsword), Greater Weapon Specialization
(Longsword), Improved Disarm, Iron Will, Power Attack, Great Fortitude,
Cleave, Great Cleave, Great Strength (+1), Epic Weapon Focus (Longsword),
Great Strength (+2), Epic Weapon Specialization (Longsword), Great Strength
(+3), Epic Prowess, Great Strength (+4), Armor Skin, Great Strength (+5), Epic
Toughness (+30)

Craft Armor 21, Craft Weapon 21, Intimidate 33, Spellcraft 15, Spot 16, Taunt 33,
Tumble 10, Use Magic Device 16

Prepared Spells

Item Properties
Head Watchman’s Helm Light: [Low (10 m)][Color: Blue]
Skill Bonus: Listen [+8]
Skill Bonus: Search [+8]
Skill Bonus: Spot [+8]
Chest Mithral Full Plate Bonus Hitpoints [+35]
(enhanced) Regeneration [+8]
Spell Resistance [28]

Meet the Power Builds Page 115

Item Properties
Boots Boots of Hardiness +3 Ability Bonus: Constitution [+9]
(enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
AC Bonus [+3]
Saving Throw Bonus: Reflex [+9]
Arms Bracers of Armor +10 AC Bonus [+10]
Right Alchemical Silver Enhancement Bonus [+8]
Hand Longsword Damage Bonus: Acid [5d6]
(enhanced) Damage Bonus: Electrical [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Fire [5d6]
Left Adamantine Tower AC Bonus [+8]
Hand Shield (enhanced) Bonus Hitpoints [+35]
Regeneration [+8]
Cloak Cloak of Movement Ability Bonus: Charisma [+9]
(enhanced) AC Bonus [+8]
Damage Resistance: Cold [25/-]
Freedom of Movement
Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+5]
Left Ring of Major Sonic Damage Resistance: Sonic [30/-]
Ring Resistance Saving Throw Bonus: Acid [+9]
(enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Electrical [+9]
Right Mourningring Cast Spell: Create Greater Undead (18) [1 Use/Day]
Ring (enhanced) Cast Spell: Healing Circle (16) [2 Uses/Day]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fire [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Universal [+6]
Neck Amulet of Natural AC Bonus [+5]
Armor +5 (enhanced) Damage Resistance: Acid [40/-]
Damage Resistance: Electrical [40/-]
Damage Resistance: Fire [40/-]
Belt Greater Swordsman’s Ability Bonus: Strength [+9]
Belt (enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
Damage Resistance: Slashing [20/-]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fortitude [+9]

Leveling Guide
Initial Attributes
STR 16 DEX 14 CON 14 INT 14 WIS 10 CHA 10

Level Progression
Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
1 F1 CAr +4, CW +4, Background: Able Learner,
In +4, Ta +4 Bully, Weapon Luck of Heroes
(Save 4) Focus

Meet the Power Builds Page 116

Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
2 F2 In +1, Sc +2, Sp Knockdown
+1, Ta +1, Tu
+2, UMD +2
3 F3 CAr +1, CW +1, Blind-Fight
In +1, Sp +1, Ta
4 F4 STR + 1 CAr +1, In +1, Sc Weapon
+1, Ta +1, UMD Specialization
+1 (Longsword)
5 F5 CAr +1, CW +1,
In +1, Sp +1, Ta
6 F6 CW +1, In +1, Sc Disarm Toughness
+1, Ta +1, UMD
7 F7 In +1, Sp +1, Ta
+1, Tu +1, UMD
8 F8 STR + 1 In +1, Sc +1, Sp Greater Weapon
+1, Ta +1, Tu +1 Focus
9 F9 In +1, Sp +1, Ta Improved
+1, Tu +1, UMD Knockdown
10 F 10 CAr +1, CW +1, Improved
In +1, Sc +1, Ta Critical
+1 (Longsword)
11 F 11 In +1, Sp +1, Ta
+1, Tu +1, UMD
12 F 12 STR + 1 CAr +1, CW +1, Power Critical Greater Weapon
In +1, Sc +1, Ta (Longsword) Specialization
+1 (Longsword)
13 F 13 In +1, Sp +1, Ta
+1, Tu +1, UMD
14 F 14 CAr +1, CW +1, Improved
In +1, Sc +1, Ta Disarm
15 F 15 In +1, Sp +1, Ta Iron Will
+1, Tu +1, UMD
16 F 16 STR + 1 CAr +1, CW +1, Power Attack
In +1, Sc +1, Ta
17 F 17 In +1, Sp +1, Ta
+1, Tu +1, UMD

Meet the Power Builds Page 117

Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
18 F 18 CAr +1, CW +1, Cleave Great Fortitude
In +1, Sc +1, Ta
19 F 19 CAr +1, In +1,
Sp +1, Ta +1, Tu
20 F 20 STR + 1 CAr +1, CW +1, Great Cleave
In +1, Sc +1, Ta
21 F 21 CW +1, In +1, Sp Great Strength
+1, Ta +1, UMD (+1)
22 F 22 CAr +1, CW +1, Epic Weapon
In +1, Sc +1, Ta Focus
+1 (Longsword)
23 F 23 CAr +1, In +1, Great Strength
Sp +1, Ta +1, (+2)
UMD +1
24 F 24 STR + 1 CAr +1, CW +1, Epic Weapon
In +1, Sc +1, Ta Specialization
+1 (Longsword)
25 F 25 CW +1, In +1, Sp Great Strength
+1, Ta +1, UMD (+3)
26 F 26 CAr +1, CW +1, Epic Prowess
In +1, Sc +1, Ta
27 F 27 CAr +1, In +1, Great Strength
Sp +1, Ta +1, (+4)
UMD +1
28 F 28 STR + 1 CAr +1, CW +1, Armor Skin
In +1, Sc +1, Ta
29 F 29 In +1, Sp +1, Ta Great Strength
+1, UMD +2 (+5)
30 F 30 CAr +1, CW +2, Epic Toughness
In +1, Ta +1
Class: F = Fighter
Skill: CAr = Craft Armor, CW = Craft Weapon, In = Intimidate, Sc = Spellcraft, Sp = Spot, Ta = Taunt, Tu =
Tumble, UMD = Use Magic Device

Zhonn-vei'ay, “[Yardstick Build] Joe Average, Fighter ( Fighter 30 ),” Neverwinter
Nights: Epic Character Builders Part Deux,

Meet the Power Builds Page 118

Kage Kaze no Kama
Drow, Monk 11/ Fighter 12/ Invisible Blade 5/
Shadowdancer 2
Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Statistics (Naked)
STR 8 DEX 25 CON 12 INT 16 WIS 14 CHA 14
AC 27 HP 284 BAB 26 Fort 17 Refl 25 Will 14

Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Kama), Combat
Expertise, Weapon Specialization (Kama), Improved Two-Weapon Fighting,
Feint, Mobility, Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, Greater Weapon Focus (Kama),
Weapon Focus (Kukri), Combat Insight, Epic Prowess, Expose Weakness, Epic
Weapon Focus (Kama), Greater Weapon Specialization (Kama), Perfect Two-
Weapon Fighting, Epic Weapon Specialization (Kama)

Bluff 33, Diplomacy 15, Hide 33, Move Silently 33, Spellcraft 15, Spot 30, Tumble

Prepared Spells

Item Properties
Head Finch’s Finest Hat Ability Bonus: Charisma [+2]
Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+2]
Skill Bonus: Bluff [+8]
Skill Bonus: Diplomacy [+8]
Skill Bonus: Perform [+6]
Skill Bonus: Sleight of Hand [+6]
Chest Swashbuckler’s Tunic AC Bonus [+8]
(enhanced) Bonus Hitpoints [+35]
Regeneration [+8]
Spell Resistance [28]

Meet the Power Builds Page 119

Item Properties
Boots Boots of the Sun Soul Ability Bonus: Constitution [+9]
+5 (enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
AC Bonus [+5]
Saving Throw Bonus: Reflex [+9]
Use Limitation: Class: Monk
Arms Cat Queen’s Claws Attack Bonus [+8]
(enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+9]
Cast Spell: Mass Charm (15) [3 Uses/Day]
Damage Bonus: Magical [1d12]
Decreased Saving Throw: Mind Affecting [-4]
Right Alchemical Silver Enhancement Bonus [+8]
Hand Kama (enhanced) Damage Bonus: Acid [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Fire [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Electrical [5d6]
Left Cold Iron Kama Enhancement Bonus [+8]
Hand (enhanced) Damage Bonus: Acid [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Cold [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Electrical [5d6]
Cloak Cloak of Movement Ability Bonus: Charisma [+9]
(enhanced) AC Bonus [+8]
Damage Resistance: Cold [25/-]
Freedom of Movement
Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+5]
Left Ring of Major Fire Damage Resistance: Fire [30/-]
Ring Resistance Saving Throw Bonus: Acid [+9]
(enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Electrical [+9]
Right Ring of the Founder Ability Bonus: Intelligence [+8]
Ring Ability Bonus: Wisdom [+8]
Bonus Spell Slot: Wizard [Level 7]
Bonus Spell Slot: Wizard [Level 8]
Bonus Spell Slot: Wizard [Level 9]
Regeneration [+2]
Neck Amulet of Natural AC Bonus [+5]
Armor +5 (enhanced) Damage Resistance: Acid [40/-]
Damage Resistance: Electrical [40/-]
Saving Throw Bonus: Universal [+7]
Belt Greater Swordsman’s Ability Bonus: Strength [+9]
Belt (enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
Damage Resistance: Slashing [20/-]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fortitude [+9]

Leveling Guide
Initial Attributes
STR 8 DEX 18 CON 12 INT 16 WIS 14 CHA 14

Meet the Power Builds Page 120

Level Progression
Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
1 M1 Di +4, Hi +4, MS Two-Weapon
+4, Sc +2, Sp +4, Fighting
Tu +4 (Save 4)
2 F1 Bl +2 (Save 5) Weapon Finesse
3 M2 Di +2, Hi +2, MS Weapon Focus
+2, Sc +1, Sp +2, (Kama)
Tu +2
4 F2 DEX + 1 Bl +1 (Save 3) Dodge
5 M3 Di +2, Hi +2, MS
+2, Sp +2, Tu +2
6 F3 Bl +1, Sc +1 Combat
(Save 1) Expertise
7 M4 Hi +2, MS +2, Sp
+2, Tu +2
8 F4 DEX + 1 Bl +1, Sc +1 Weapon
(Save 1) Specialization
9 M5 Hi +2, MS +2, Sp Improved Two-
+2, Tu +2 Weapon
10 F5 Bl +1, Sc +1
(Save 1)
11 M6 Hi +2, MS +2, Sp
+2, Tu +2
12 F6 DEX + 1 (Save 5) Mobility Feint
13 M7 Hi +2, MS +2, Sp
+2, Tu +2 (Save
14 F7 Bl +1, Sc +1
(Save 5)
15 Sd 1 Bl +11, Hi +1, Greater Two-
MS +1, Tu +1 Weapon
16 F8 DEX + 1 (Save 5) Greater Weapon
Focus (Kama)
17 M8 Hi +3, MS +3, Sp
+3, Tu +3
18 F9 (Save 5) Weapon Focus
19 IB 1 Bl +4, Hi +2, MS
+2, Tu +2, Sp +2
20 M9 DEX + 1 Di +2, Hi +1, MS
+1, Sp +2, Tu +1
21 F 10 Sc +2 (Save 1) Epic Prowess Combat Insight
22 M 10 Hi +2, MS +2, Sp
+2, Tu +2

Meet the Power Builds Page 121

Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
23 F 11 Sc +2 (Save 1) Expose
24 M 11 DEX + 1 Hi +2, MS +2, Sp
+2, Tu +2
25 F 12 Sc +2 (Save 1) Epic Weapon Greater Weapon
Focus (Kama) Specialization
26 Sd 2 Di +5, MS +1, Sc
+1 (Save 2)
27 IB 2 Bl +7, Sc +1 Epic Weapon
28 IB 3 DEX + 1 Bl +1, Hi +1, MS
+1, Sp +1, Tu +3
29 IB 4 Bl +2, Hi +2, MS Perfect Two-
+1, Sp +2 Weapon
30 IB 5 Bl +1, Hi +3, MS
Class: DC = Divine Champion, F = Fighter, IB = Invisible Blade, M = Monk
Skill: Bl = Bluff, Di = Diplomacy, Hi = Hide, MS = Move Silently, Sc = Spellcraft, Sp = Spot, Tu = Tumble

DirtyFinger, “Kaze no Kama - M(11),F(12),IB(5),DC(2),” NWN2Wiki - a Wikia

DirtyFinger, “‘Drow/Tiefling Shadow-Fury’ M5/F18/IB5/SD2 test build,” NWN2:

General discussion forums for NWN2 (No Spoilers Allowed),

Meet the Power Builds Page 122

Kaze no Kama
Deep Gnome, Monk 11/ Fighter 12/ Invisible Blade 5/
Divine Champion 2
Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Statistics (Naked)
STR 6 DEX 26 CON 14 INT 14 WIS 18 CHA 4
AC 36 HP 318 BAB 27 Fort 25 Refl 27 Will 20

Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Kama), Combat
Expertise, Feint, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (Kukri),
Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Specialization (Kama), Blind-Fight, Epic
Prowess, Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting, Greater Weapon Focus (Kama), Epic
Weapon Focus (Kama), Combat Insight, Two-Weapon Defense, Improved Two-
Weapon Defense, Greater Weapon Specialization (Kama), Epic Weapon
Specialization (Kama), Armor Skin

Bluff 33, Diplomacy 28, Intimidate 27, Spot 33, Tumble 30

Prepared Spells

Item Properties
Head Headband of Intellect Ability Bonus: Intelligence [+9]
+8 (enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Will [+9]
Chest Swashbuckler’s Tunic AC Bonus [+8]
(enhanced) Bonus Hitpoints [+35]
Regeneration [+8]
Spell Resistance [28]
Boots Boots of the Sun Soul Ability Bonus: Constitution [+9]
+5 (enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
AC Bonus [+5]
Saving Throw Bonus: Reflex [+9]
Use Limitation: Class: Monk

Meet the Power Builds Page 123

Item Properties
Arms Cat Queen’s Claws Attack Bonus [+8]
(enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+9]
Cast Spell: Mass Charm (15) [3 Uses/Day]
Damage Bonus: Magical [1d12]
Decreased Saving Throw: Mind Affecting [-4]
Right Alchemical Silver Enhancement Bonus [+8]
Hand Kama (enhanced) Damage Bonus: Acid [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Fire [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Electrical [5d6]
Left Cold Iron Kama Enhancement Bonus [+8]
Hand (enhanced) Damage Bonus: Acid [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Cold [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Electrical [5d6]
Cloak Cloak of Movement Ability Bonus: Charisma [+9]
(enhanced) AC Bonus [+8]
Damage Resistance: Cold [25/-]
Freedom of Movement
Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+5]
Left Ring of Major Fire Damage Resistance: Fire [30/-]
Ring Resistance Saving Throw Bonus: Acid [+9]
(enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Electrical [+9]
Right Ring of Major Sonic Damage Resistance: Sonic [30/-]
Ring Resistance Saving Throw Bonus: Acid [+9]
(enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fire [+9]
Neck Amulet of Natural Ability Bonus: Wisdom [+9]
Armor +5 (enhanced) AC Bonus [+5]
Damage Resistance: Acid [40/-]
Damage Resistance: Electrical [40/-]
Belt Greater Swordsman’s Ability Bonus: Strength [+9]
Belt (enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
Damage Resistance: Slashing [20/-]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fortitude [+9]

Leveling Guide
Initial Attributes
STR 6 DEX 18 CON 14 INT 14 WIS 18 CHA 4

Level Progression
Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
1 M1 Bl +2, Di +4, In Luck of Heroes
+2, Sp +4, Tu +4
(Save 4)
2 F1 In +3 (Save 5) Weapon Finesse

Meet the Power Builds Page 124

Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
3 M2 Bl +1, Di +2, Sp Two-Weapon
+2, Tu +2 (Save Fighting
4 F2 DEX + 1 In +2 (Save 5) Weapon Focus
5 M3 Di +2, Sp +2, Tu
+2 (Save 5)
6 F3 Bl +1, In +2 Blind-Fight
(Save 5)
7 M4 Di +2, Sp +2, Tu
+2 (Save 5)
8 F4 DEX + 1 Bl +1, In +2 Weapon
(Save 5) Specialization
9 M5 Di +2, Sp +2, Tu Improved Two-
+2 (Save 5) Weapon
10 F5 Bl +1, In +2
(Save 5)
11 M6 Di +2, Sp +2, Tu
+2 (Save 5)
12 F6 DEX + 1 Bl +1, In +2 Combat Feint
(Save 5) Expertise
13 M7 Di +2, Sp +2, Tu
+2 (Save 5)
14 F7 Bl +1, In +2
(Save 5)
15 M8 Di +2, Sp +2, Tu Greater Two-
+2 (Save 5) Weapon
16 F8 DEX + 1 Bl +1, In +2 Greater Weapon
(Save 5) Focus (Kama)
17 M9 Di +2, Sp +2, Tu
+2 (Save 5)
18 F9 Bl +1, In +2 Weapon Focus
(Save 5) (Kukri)
19 M 10 Di +2, Sp +2, Tu
+2 (Save 5)
20 IB 1 DEX + 1 Bl +10, Sp +1
21 F 10 In +2 (Save 2) Epic Prowess Combat Insight
22 M 11 Di +3, Sp +2, Tu
23 F 11 In +3 (Save 1) Great Dexterity
24 F 12 DEX + 1 In +1 (Save 4) Greater Weapon

Meet the Power Builds Page 125

Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
25 IB 2 Bl +4, Sp +3, Tu Perfect Two-
+3 Weapon
26 IB 3 Bl +4, Sp +1, Tu
27 IB 4 Bl +2, Di +1, Sp Epic Weapon
+1, Tu +1 Focus (Kama)
28 IB 5 DEX + 1 Bl +1, Di +2, Sp
29 DC 1 Bl +1, Sp +1 Epic Weapon
30 DC 2 Bl +1, Sp +1 Armor Skin
Class: DC = Divine Champion, F = Fighter, IB = Invisible Blade, M = Monk
Skill: Bl = Bluff, Di = Diplomacy, In = Intimidate, Sp = Spot, Tu = Tumble

At the NWN2Wiki, two versions of the Kaze no Kama were originally
described. The “normal build” was an air genasi, and the “power build” was a
deep gnome. Both versions were tested during the development of “Battle of the
Builds.” The deep gnome version was found to be much more powerful than the
air genasi version, and it is the former that wound up in the completed module.

DirtyFinger, “Kaze no Kama - M(11),F(12),IB(5),DC(2),” NWN2Wiki - a Wikia

DirtyFinger, “Kaze no Kama - Monk(11) Fighter(12) iBlade(5) DC/Pa/BG(2),”

Neverwinter Nights: Epic Character Builders Part Deux,

Meet the Power Builds Page 126

Kaze no Kama Duelist
Deep Gnome, Monk 11/ Fighter 12/ Duelist 7
Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Statistics (Naked)
STR 6 DEX 26 CON 14 INT 16 WIS 16 CHA 4
AC 35 HP 338 BAB 27 Fort 22 Refl 29 Will 19

Luck of Heroes, Weapon Finesse, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (Kama),
Dodge, Weapon Specialization (Kama), Improved Two-Weapon Fighting,
Mobility, Combat Expertise, Blind-Fight, Greater Weapon Focus (Kama), Greater
Two-Weapon Fighting, Combat Insight, Epic Prowess, Great Dexterity (+1),
Greater Weapon Specialization (Kama), Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting, Epic
Weapon Focus (Kama), Epic Weapon Specialization (Kama)

Diplomacy 33, Intimidate 33, Parry 5, Spellcraft 15, Spot 33, Tumble 30, Use
Magic Device 14

Prepared Spells

Item Properties
Head Headband of Intellect Ability Bonus: Intelligence [+9]
+8 (enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Will [+9]
Chest Swashbuckler’s Tunic AC Bonus [+8]
(enhanced) Bonus Hitpoints [+35]
Regeneration [+8]
Spell Resistance [28]
Boots Boots of the Sun Soul Ability Bonus: Constitution [+9]
+5 (enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
AC Bonus [+5]
Saving Throw Bonus: Reflex [+9]
Use Limitation: Class: Monk

Meet the Power Builds Page 127

Item Properties
Arms Cat Queen’s Claws Attack Bonus [+8]
(enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+9]
Cast Spell: Mass Charm (15) [3 Uses/Day]
Damage Bonus: Magical [1d12]
Decreased Saving Throw: Mind Affecting [-4]
Right Alchemical Silver Enhancement Bonus [+8]
Hand Kama (enhanced) Damage Bonus: Acid [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Fire [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Electrical [5d6]
Left Cold Iron Kama Enhancement Bonus [+8]
Hand (enhanced) Damage Bonus: Acid [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Cold [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Electrical [5d6]
Cloak Cloak of Movement Ability Bonus: Charisma [+9]
(enhanced) AC Bonus [+8]
Damage Resistance: Cold [25/-]
Freedom of Movement
Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+5]
Left Ring of Major Fire Damage Resistance: Fire [30/-]
Ring Resistance Saving Throw Bonus: Acid [+9]
(enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Electrical [+9]
Right Ring of Major Sonic Damage Resistance: Sonic [30/-]
Ring Resistance Saving Throw Bonus: Acid [+9]
(enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fire [+9]
Neck Amulet of Natural Ability Bonus: Wisdom [+9]
Armor +5 (enhanced) AC Bonus [+5]
Damage Resistance: Acid [40/-]
Damage Resistance: Electrical [40/-]
Belt Greater Swordsman’s Ability Bonus: Strength [+9]
Belt (enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
Damage Resistance: Slashing [20/-]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fortitude [+9]

Leveling Guide
Initial Attributes
STR 6 DEX 18 CON 14 INT 16 WIS 16 CHA 4

Level Progression
Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
1 M1 Di +4, Pa +4, Sc Luck of Heroes
+2, Sp +4, Tu +4,
UMD +2 (Save

Meet the Power Builds Page 128

Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
2 F1 In +5, Pa +1 Weapon Finesse
(Save 3)
3 M2 Di +2, Sc +1, Sp Two-Weapon
+2, Tu +2, UMD Fighting
4 F2 DEX + 1 In +2 (Save 3) Weapon Focus
5 M3 Di +2, Sc +1, Sp
+2, Tu +2, UMD
6 F3 In +2 (Save 3) Dodge
7 M4 Di +2, Sc +1, Sp
+2, Tu +2, UMD
8 F4 DEX + 1 In +2 (Save 3) Weapon
9 M5 Di +2, Sc +1, Sp Improved Two-
+2, Tu +2, UMD Weapon
+1 Fighting
10 F5 In +2 (Save 3)
11 M6 Di +2, Sc +1, Sp
+2, Tu +2, UMD
12 F6 DEX + 1 In +2 (Save 3) Mobility Combat
13 M7 Di +2, Sc +1, Sp
+2, Tu +2, UMD
14 F7 In +2 (Save 3)
15 M8 Di +2, Sc +1, Sp Blind-Fight
+2, Tu +2, UMD
16 F8 DEX + 1 In +2 (Save 3) Greater Weapon
Focus (Kama)
17 M9 Di +2, Sc +1, Sp
+2, Tu +2, UMD
18 F9 In +2 (Save 3) Greater Two-
19 M 10 Di +2, Sc +1, Sp
+2, Tu +2, UMD
20 Du 1 DEX + 1 Sp +1, Tu +1
(Save 5)
21 F 10 In +3, Sc +1, Epic Prowess Combat Insight
UMD +1 (Save

Meet the Power Builds Page 129

Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
22 M 11 Di +3, Sp +2, Tu
+1 (Save 4)
23 F 11 Di +1, In +2, Sc Great Dexterity
+1, UMD +1 (+1)
(Save 1)
24 F 12 DEX + 1 Di +1, In +1 Greater Weapon
(Save 3) Specialization
25 Du 2 Sc +1, Sp +2, Tu Perfect Two-
+3, UMD +1 Weapon
(Save 1) Fighting
26 Du 3 Di +1, In +1, Sp
+2, Tu +1
27 Du 4 Di +1, In +1, Sc Epic Weapon
+1, Tu +1 Focus (Kama)
28 Du 5 DEX + 1 Di +2, In +1, Sp
29 Du 6 Di +1, In +2, Sp Epic Weapon
+1 Specialization
30 Du 7 Di +1, In +1, Sp
Class: Du = Duelist, F = Fighter, M = Monk
Skill: Di = Diplomacy, In = Intimidate, Pa = Parry, Sc = Spellcraft, Sp = Spot, Tu = Tumble, UMD = Use Magic

There are some subtle differences between the skill progression as shown in
this document and the one found in the original write-up at the NWN2Wiki site.
In particular, the Tumble skill rank was not allowed to go beyond 30 since there
is no real advantage to raising it beyond that level.

DirtyFinger and Falconhurst, “Kaze no Kama Duelist - M(11),F(12),Dls(7),”
NWN2Wiki - a Wikia Wiki,

Meet the Power Builds Page 130

Left Fist of Gond
Aasimar, Fighter 10/ Cleric 13/ Weapon Master 7
Alignment: Neutral

Cleric Domains: Fury and War

Deity: Gond

Statistics (Naked)
STR 23 DEX 13 CON 8 INT 14 WIS 11 CHA 21
AC 13 HP 244 BAB 26 Fort 17 Refl 14 Will 15

Devout, Dodge, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (Warhammer), Divine Might,
Combat Expertise, Divine Shield, Mobility, Spring Attack, Whirlwind Attack,
Power Critical (Warhammer), Weapon of Choice (Warhammer), Disarm, Extend
Spell, Great Charisma (+1), Greater Weapon Focus (Warhammer), Great
Charisma (+2), Epic Prowess, Epic Weapon Focus (Warhammer), Epic Divine

Concentration 33, Intimidate 4, Listen 5, Spellcraft 30, Spot 16, Tumble 16

Prepared Spells
Level 0 Resistance × 6
Level 1 Bless, Divine Favor × 2, Enlarge Person × 2, Entropic Shield × 2, Protection
from Alignment
Level 2 Aid, Divine Favor (extended) × 2, Lesser Restoration × 3
Level 3 Blindsight, Prayer × 3, Remove Blindness/Deafness, Remove Curse
Level 4 Death Ward, Divine Power, Least Spell Mantle × 4, Recitation
Level 5 Battletide, Divine Power (extended), Lesser Spell Mantle × 4, Recitation
Level 6 Battletide (extended), Lesser Spell Mantle × 4 (extended)
Level 7 Spell Mantle × 2, Word of Faith × 3

Meet the Power Builds Page 131

Item Properties
Head Watchman’s Helm Light: [Low (10 m)][Color: Blue]
Skill Bonus: Listen [+8]
Skill Bonus: Search [+8]
Skill Bonus: Spot [+8]
Chest Mithral Full Plate AC Bonus [+8]
(enhanced) Bonus Hitpoints [+35]
Regeneration [+8]
Boots Boots of Hardiness +3 Ability Bonus: Constitution [+9]
(enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
AC Bonus [+3]
Saving Throw Bonus: Reflex [+9]
Arms Bracers of Armor +10 AC Bonus [+10]
Right Cold Iron Warhammer Enhancement Bonus [+8]
Hand (enhanced) Damage Bonus: Electrical [5d6]
Regeneration: Vampiric [+7]
Left Adamantine Heavy AC Bonus [+8]
Hand Shield (enhanced) Bonus Hitpoints [+35]
Regeneration [+8]
Cloak Cloak of Movement Ability Bonus: Charisma [+9]
(enhanced) AC Bonus [+8]
Damage Resistance: Acid [25/-]
Freedom of Movement
Saving Throw Bonus: Acid [+5]
Left Ring of Major Sonic Bonus Spell Slot: Cleric [Level 7]
Ring Resistance Damage Resistance: Sonic [30/-]
(enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Fire [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Electrical [+9]
Right Ring of Major Cold Bonus Spell Slot: Cleric [Level 7]
Ring Resistance Damage Resistance: Cold [30/-]
(enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Acid [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+9]
Neck Amulet of Natural Ability Bonus: Wisdom [+9]
Armor +5 (enhanced) AC Bonus [+5]
Damage Resistance: Acid [40/-]
Saving Throw Bonus: Universal [+7]
Belt Girdle of Holy Might Ability Bonus: Strength [+9]
(enhanced) Bonus Spell Slot: Cleric [Level 5]
Bonus Spell Slot: Cleric [Level 6]
Bonus Spell Slot: Cleric [Level 7]
Use Limitation: Class: Cleric

Meet the Power Builds Page 132

Leveling Guide
Initial Attributes
STR 16 DEX 13 CON 8 INT 14 WIS 11 CHA 18

Level Progression
Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
1 F1 In +4, Sp +2, Tu Devout, Dodge Power Attack
+2 (Save 4)
2 C1 Co +5, Sc +3 Weapon Focus
3 C2 Co +1, Sc +3 Divine Might
4 F2 STR + 1 Sp +1, Tu +1 Combat
5 F3 Sp +1, Tu +1
6 C3 Co +3, Sc +1 Divine Shield
7 C4 Co +1, Sc +3
8 F4 STR + 1 Sp +1, Tu +1 Mobility
9 F5 Sp +1, Tu +1 Spring Attack
10 C5 Co +1, Sc +3
11 C6 Co +3, Sc +1
12 F6 STR + 1 Sp +1, Tu +1 Whirlwind Power Critical
Attack (Warhammer)
13 WM 1 Sp +1, Tu +1 Weapon of
14 WM 2 (Save 4)
15 C7 Co +4, Sc +4 Disarm
16 WM 3 STR + 1 Sp +1, Tu +1
17 WM 4 Sp +1, Tu +1
18 WM 5 (Save 4) Extend Spell
19 WM 6 Sp +1, Tu +1
(Save 4)
20 C8 STR + 1 Co +5, Sc +2
(Save 1)
21 F7 Sp +1, Tu +1 Great Charisma
(Save 1) (+1)
22 WM 7 (Save 5)
23 F8 Sp +1, Tu +1 Greater Weapon Great Strength
(Save 5) Focus (+1)
24 C9 CHA + 1 Co +4 (Save 5)
25 F9 Co +1, Sp +1 Great Strength
(Save 5) (+2)
26 C 10 Co +1, Li +2
(Save 4)
27 C 11 Co +1, Sp +1 Epic Prowess
(Save 5)

Meet the Power Builds Page 133

Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
28 F 10 CHA + 1 Li +2 (Save 5) Epic Weapon
29 C 12 Co +2, Sp +1 Epic Divine
(Save 5) Might
30 C 13 Co +1, Li +1, Tu
Class: C = Cleric, F = Fighter, WM = Weapon Master
Skill: Co = Concentration, In = Intimidate, Li = Listen, Sc = Spellcraft, Sp = Spot, Tu = Tumble

As in the case of Favored Souls, the choice of deity for a cleric of the War
domain is relevant. The Left Fist of Gond must serve a deity whose favored
weapon is a warhammer to get the Weapon Focus (Warhammer) feat for free.
It should be noted that the Left Fist of Gond needs a magic item that boosts
Wisdom by at least 6 to be able to cast cleric spells of levels 2 to 7.
The Left Fist of Gond’s AI routine in “Battle of the Builds” was developed by

steelsamurai, “The Left Fist of Gond - F(10), C(13), WM(7),” NWN2Wiki - a Wikia

Meet the Power Builds Page 134

Lord of the Mountain
Gold Dwarf, Bard 4/ Paladin 6/ Red Dragon Disciple 10/
Dwarven Defender 10
Alignment: Lawful Good

Statistics (Naked)
STR 22 DEX 13 CON 18 INT 16 WIS 8 CHA 24
AC 22 HP 504 BAB 26 Fort 32 Refl 21 Will 27

Luck of Heroes, Toughness, Power Attack, Dodge, Improved Critical (Dwarven
Waraxe), Divine Shield, Divine Might, Epic Divine Might, Epic Toughness (+30),
Epic Resilience, Great Charisma (+1), Epic Prowess

Concentration 30, Diplomacy 4, Lore 8, Perform 3, Spellcraft 30, Spot 33, Taunt
7, Tumble 20, Use Magic Device 7

Prepared Spells
Level 0 Cure Minor Wounds, Daze, Flare, Light, Resistance
Level 1 Cure Light Wounds, Expeditious Retreat, Joyful Noise
Level 2 Heroism, Mirror Image

Level 1 Bless, Bless Weapon

Item Properties
Head Watchman’s Helm Light: [Low (10 m)][Color: Blue]
Skill Bonus: Listen [+8]
Skill Bonus: Search [+8]
Skill Bonus: Spot [+8]

Meet the Power Builds Page 135

Item Properties
Chest Mithral Full Plate AC Bonus [+8]
(enhanced) Bonus Hitpoints [+35]
Regeneration [+8]
Boots Boots of Hardiness +3 Ability Bonus: Constitution [+9]
(enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
AC Bonus [+3]
Saving Throw Bonus: Reflex [+9]
Arms Cat Queen’s Claws Attack Bonus [+8]
(enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+9]
Cast Spell: Mass Charm (15) [3 Uses/Day]
Damage Bonus: Magical [1d12]
Decreased Saving Throw: Mind Affecting [-4]
Right Alchemical Silver Enhancement Bonus [+8]
Hand Dwarven Waraxe Damage Bonus: Acid [5d6]
(enhanced) Damage Bonus: Electrical [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Fire [5d6]
Left Mithral Heavy Shield Arcane Spell Failure [-15%]
Hand (enhanced) Base Item Weight Reduction [60% of Weight]
AC Bonus [+8]
Bonus Hitpoints [+35]
Regeneration [+8]
Cloak Cloak of Movement Ability Bonus: Charisma [+9]
(enhanced) AC Bonus [+8]
Damage Resistance: Cold [25/-]
Freedom of Movement
Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+5]
Left Ring of Major Sonic Damage Resistance: Sonic [30/-]
Ring Resistance Saving Throw Bonus: Acid [+9]
(enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Electrical [+9]
Right Mourningring Cast Spell: Create Greater Undead (18) [1 Use/Day]
Ring (enhanced) Cast Spell: Healing Circle (16) [2 Uses/Day]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fire [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Universal [+6]
Neck Amulet of Natural Ability Bonus: Wisdom [+9]
Armor +5 (enhanced) AC Bonus [+5]
Damage Resistance: Acid [40/-]
Damage Resistance: Electrical [40/-]
Belt Greater Swordsman’s Ability Bonus: Strength [+9]
Belt (enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
Damage Resistance: Slashing [20/-]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fortitude [+9]

Leveling Guide
Initial Attributes
STR 14 DEX 12 CON 16 INT 14 WIS 8 CHA 15

Meet the Power Builds Page 136

Level Progression
Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
1 Bd 1 Co +4, Di +1, Lo Luck of Heroes
+4, Pe +3, Sc +4,
Sp +2, Ta +4, Tu
+4, UMD +4
2 Bd 2 Co +1, Di +2, Lo
+1, Sc +1, Ta +1,
Tu +1, UMD +1
3 Bd 3 Co +1, Lo +1, Sc Toughness
+1, Sp +1, Ta +1,
Tu +1, UMD +1
4 Bd 4 DEX + 1 Co +1, Lo +1, Sc
+1, Ta +1, Tu
+1, UMD +1
(Save 2)
5 P1 Co +1, Sp +1
(Save 3)
6 P2 Co +1, Di +1 Power Attack
(Save 5)
7 P3 Co +1, Lo +1, Sp
+1 (Save 5)
8 RDD 1 CHA + 1 Co +1, Sc +2, Sp
9 RDD 2 Co +1, Sc +2, Sp Dodge
10 RDD 3 Co +1, Sc +2, Sp
11 RDD 4 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp
+1 (Save 1)
12 RDD 5 CHA + 1 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp Improved
+1, Tu +1 Critical
13 RDD 6 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp
+1 (Save 1)
14 RDD 7 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp
+1, Tu +1
15 P4 Co +1, Tu +1 Divine Shield
(Save 1)
16 RDD 8 CHA + 1 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp
+1, Tu +1
17 RDD 9 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp
+1, Tu +1
18 P5 Co +1, Tu +1 Divine Might
(Save 1)
19 RDD 10 Co +1, Sc +3, Sp
20 DD 1 CHA + 1 Sp +1, Tu +2
21 DD 2 Sp +1, Tu +2 Epic Divine

Meet the Power Builds Page 137

Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
22 DD 3 Sp +1, Tu +2
23 DD 4 Sc +1, Sp +1, Tu Epic Toughness
24 DD 5 CHA + 1 Sc +2, Sp +1
25 DD 6 Sc +2, Sp +1 Epic Resilience
26 DD 7 Sc +2, Sp +1
27 DD 8 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp Great Charisma
+1 (+1)
28 DD 9 CHA + 1 Co +2, Sc +1
29 DD 10 Co +2, Sc +1 Epic Prowess
30 P6 Co +3, Sc +1
Class: Bd = Bard, DD = Dwarven Defender, P = Paladin, RDD = Red Dragon Disciple
Skill: Co = Concentration, Di = Diplomacy, Lo = Lore, Pe = Perform, Sc = Spellcraft, Sp = Spot, Ta = Taunt, Tu =
Tumble, UMD = Use Magic Device

The skill levels of the Lord of the Mountain as implemented in “Battle of the
Builds” are different from what is recommended at NWN2Wiki. In particular,
Concentration, Spot, and Tumble were increased at the expense of Diplomacy,
Lore, and Use Magic Device for better combat effectiveness.

lokigr, “Lord of the Mountain (Brd4/P6/RDD10/DD10),” NWN2Wiki - a Wikia

lokigr, “Super high defense build,” NWN2: Players - Mask of The Betrayer
Campaign (Spoilers Warning),

Meet the Power Builds Page 138

Sun Elf, Wizard 26/ Arcane Scholar of Candlekeep 3/ Pale
Master 1
Alignment: Neutral

Specialization: Illusion

Statistics (Naked)
STR 8 DEX 12 CON 14 INT 30 WIS 10 CHA 8
AC 14 HP 212 BAB 14 Fort 11 Refl 10 Will 20

Spellcasting Prodigy, Skill Focus (Concentration), Empower Spell, Skill Focus
(Spellcraft), Extend Spell, Spell Focus (Necromancy), Greater Spell Focus
(Necromancy), Persistent Spell, Toughness, Spell Penetration, Epic Spell Focus
(Necromancy), Great Intelligence (+1), Epic Spell: Vampiric Feast, Great
Intelligence (+2), Great Intelligence (+3), Epic Spell: Epic Gate, Greater Spell
Penetration, Epic Spell Penetration

Concentration 33, Craft Alchemy 14, Diplomacy 23, Listen 16, Lore 33, Spellcraft
33, Spot 16, Tumble 16, Use Magic Device 16

Prepared Spells
Level 0 Resistance × 2, Touch of Fatigue × 2
Level 1 True Strike × 9
Level 2 False Life , Mirror Image × 8
Level 3 Displacement × 4, Magic Circle against Alignment, Spiderskin × 2, Vampiric
Touch × 2
Level 4 Assay Resistance × 2, Greater Invisibility × 2, Ray of Enfeeblement
(maximized) × 3, Stoneskin
Level 5 Bigby’s Interposing Hand × 2, Lesser Mind Blank × 2, Lesser Spell Mantle,
Isaac’s Lesser Missile Storm (empowered) × 4
Level 6 Bigby’s Forceful Hand × 3, Globe of Invulnerability, Greater Spell Breach ×
2, Isaac’s Greater Missile Storm × 3
Level 7 Avasculate × 2, Energy Immunity × 3, Enervation (maximized), Isaac’s
Greater Missile Storm (empowered) × 2, Shadow Shield, Spell Mantle

Meet the Power Builds Page 139

Level 8 Bigby’s Grasping Hand (extended) × 2, Blindsight (persistent), Death Armor
(persistent), Energy Immunity (extended) × 2, Premonition × 2, Spell
Mantle (empowered)
Level 9 Clairaudience and Clairvoyance (persistent), Haste (persistent), Isaac’s
Greater Missile Storm (maximized) × 5, Shadow Simulacrum

Item Properties
Head Headband of Intellect Ability Bonus: Intelligence [+9]
+8 (enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Will [+9]
Chest Robe of the Archmagi AC Bonus [+8]
(enhanced) Bonus Feat: Spell Penetration
Bonus Spell Slot: Sorcerer [Level 5]
Bonus Spell Slot: Sorcerer [Level 6]
Bonus Spell Slot: Sorcerer [Level 7]
Bonus Spell Slot: Wizard [Level 5]
Bonus Spell Slot: Wizard [Level 6]
Bonus Spell Slot: Wizard [Level 7]
Saving Throw Bonus: Universal [+3]
Spell Resistance [28]
Use Limitation: Class: Sorcerer
Use Limitation: Class: Wizard
Boots Boots of Hardiness +3 Ability Bonus: Constitution [+9]
(enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
AC Bonus [+3]
Saving Throw Bonus: Reflex [+9]
Arms Greater Gloves of Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+9]
Concentration Attack Bonus [+5]
(enhanced) Damage Bonus: Acid [3d6]
Skill Bonus: Concentration [+6]
Right Cold Iron Dagger Enhancement Bonus [+8]
Hand (enhanced) Damage Bonus: Acid [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Cold [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Electrical [5d6]
Left (None)
Cloak Cloak of Movement Ability Bonus: Charisma [+9]
(enhanced) AC Bonus [+8]
Damage Resistance: Cold [25/-]
Freedom of Movement
Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+5]
Left Ring of the Founder Ability Bonus: Intelligence [+8]
Ring Ability Bonus: Wisdom [+8]
Bonus Spell Slot: Wizard [Level 7]
Bonus Spell Slot: Wizard [Level 8]
Bonus Spell Slot: Wizard [Level 9]
Regeneration [+2]

Meet the Power Builds Page 140

Item Properties
Right Ring of Major Acid Bonus Spell Slot: Wizard [Level 8]
Ring Resistance Damage Resistance: Acid [30/-]
(enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Acid [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Electrical [+9]
Neck Amulet of Natural AC Bonus [+5]
Armor +5 (enhanced) Damage Resistance: Electrical [40/-]
Damage Resistance: Fire [40/-]
Saving Throw Bonus: Universal [+7]
Belt Greater Swordsman’s Ability Bonus: Strength [+9]
Belt (enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
Damage Resistance: Slashing [20/-]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fortitude [+9]

Leveling Guide
Initial Attributes
STR 8 DEX 12 CON 14 INT 20 WIS 10 CHA 8

Level Progression
Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
1 Wi 1 Co +4, Li +2, Lo Spellcasting
+4, Sc +4, Sp +2, Prodigy
Tu +2, UMD +2
2 Wi 2 Co +1, Lo +1, Sc
+1 (Save 4)
3 Wi 3 Co +1, Li +1, Lo Skill Focus
+1, Sc +1, Sp +1, (Concentration)
Tu +1, UMD +1
4 Wi 4 INT + 1 Co +1, Lo +1, Sc
+1 (Save 4)
5 Wi 5 Co +1, Li +1, Lo Empower Spell
+1, Sc +1, Sp +1,
Tu +1, UMD +1
6 Wi 6 Co +1, Lo +1, Sc Skill Focus
+1 (Save 4) (Spellcraft)
7 ASC 1 Co +1, Li +1, Lo Arcane Scholar
+1, Sc +1, Sp +1, Spellcasting
Tu +1, UMD +1 (Wizard)
8 ASC 2 INT + 1 Co +1, Lo +1, Sc
+1 (Save 4)
9 ASC 3 Co +1, Di +2, Li Extend Spell
+1, Lo +1, Sc +1,
Sp +1, Tu +1,
UMD +1

Meet the Power Builds Page 141

Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
10 PM 1 Co +1, Di +1, Lo Pale Master
+1, Sc +1 (Save Spellcasting
4) (Wizard)
11 Wi 7 Co +1, Li +1, Sc
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1,
UMD +1 (Save
12 Wi 8 INT + 1 Co +1, Di +1, Lo Spell Focus
+1, Sc +1 (Save (Necromancy)
13 Wi 9 Co +1, Li +1, Sc
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1,
UMD +1 (Save
14 Wi 10 Co +1, Di +1, Lo Greater Spell
+1, Sc +1 (Save Focus
4) (Necromancy)
15 Wi 11 Co +1, Li +1, Sc Persistent Spell
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1,
UMD +1 (Save
16 Wi 12 INT + 1 Co +1, Di +1, Lo
+1, Sc +1 (Save
17 Wi 13 CAl +1, Co +1, Di
+1, Li +1, Sc +1,
Sp +1, Tu +1,
UMD +1
18 Wi 14 CAl +1, Co +1, Toughness
Lo +1, Sc +1
(Save 5)
19 Wi 15 CAl +2, Co +1, Di Spell
+1, Li +1, Sc +1, Penetration
Sp +1, Tu +1,
UMD +1
20 Wi 16 INT + 1 Co +1, Lo +2, Sc
+1 (Save 5)
21 Wi 17 CAl +1, Co +1, Di Epic Spell Focus
+1, Li +1, Lo +1, (Necromancy)
Sc +1, Sp +1, Tu
+1, UMD +1
22 Wi 18 Co +1, Di +1Lo
+1, Sc +1 (Save
23 Wi 19 Co +1, Di +1, Li Great
+1, Lo +1, Sc +1, Intelligence
Sp +1, Tu +1, (+1)
UMD +1

Meet the Power Builds Page 142

Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
24 Wi 20 INT + 1 CAl +1, Co +1, Di Epic Spell:
+1, Lo +1, Sc +1 Vampiric Feast
(Save 4)
25 Wi 21 CAl +1, Co +1, Di Great
+1, Li +1, Lo +1, Intelligence
Sc +1, Sp +1, Tu (+2)
+1, UMD +1
26 Wi 22 CAl +2, Co +1, Di
+1, Lo +1, Sc +1
(Save 4)
27 Wi 23 CAl +1, Co +1, Di Epic Spell: Epic Great
+1, Li +1, Lo +1, Gate Intelligence
Sc +1, Sp +1, Tu (+3)
+1, UMD +1
28 Wi 24 INT + 1 CAl +1, Co +1, Di
+2, Lo +1, Sc +1
(Save 4)
29 Wi 25 CAl +1, Co +1, Di Greater Spell
+2, Li +1, Lo +1, Penetration
Sc +1, Sp +1, Tu
+1, UMD +1
30 Wi 26 CAl +1, Co +1, Di Epic Spell
+4, Sc +1, Lo +1 Penetration
Class: ASC = Arcane Scholar of Candlekeep, PM = Pale Master, Wi = Wizard
Skill: CAl = Craft Alchemy, Co = Concentration, Di = Diplomacy, Li = Listen, Lo = Lore, Sc = Spellcraft, Sp = Spot,
Tu = Tumble, UMD = Use Magic Device

Considering that the Energy Immunity spell lasts 24 hours, the only reason
for the Necromaster to memorize it with the Extend Spell metamagic is to free
up some valuable 7th-level slots for empowered Isaac’s Greater Missile Storm

Xeorsos, “NecroMaster - Wiz(26), ASC(3), PM(1),” NWN2Wiki - a Wikia Wiki,

Meet the Power Builds Page 143

Obsidian Sorcerer
Human, Sorcerer 16/ Arcane Scholar of Candlekeep 10/
Rogue 1/ Blackguard 3
Alignment: Neutral Evil

Statistics (Naked)
STR 13 DEX 10 CON 14 INT 14 WIS 8 CHA 24
AC 13 HP 200 BAB 16 Fort 20 Refl 18 Will 24

Spellcasting Prodigy, Able Learner, Power Attack, Cleave, Empower Spell, Skill
Focus (Concentration), Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Divine Shield, Practiced
Spellcaster (Sorcerer), Still Spell, Automatic Still Spell (0 – 3), Automatic Still
Spell (0 – 6), Automatic Still Spell (0 – 9)

Appraise 4, Bluff 6, Concentration 33, Diplomacy 4, Hide 5, Intimidate 9,
Spellcraft 30, Spot 33, Tumble 30, Use Magic Device 33

Prepared Spells
Level 0 Acid Splash, Flare, Light, Ray of Frost, Resistance, Touch of Fatigue
Level 1 Expeditious Retreat, Magic Missile, Protection from Alignment, Ray of
Enfeeblement, True Strike
Level 2 Blindsight, Death Armor, False Life, Mirror Image, Touch of Idiocy
Level 3 Clairaudience and Clairvoyance, Displacement, Heroism, Vampiric Touch,
Protection from Energy
Level 4 Assay Resistance, Enervation, Greater Invisibility, Isaac’s Lesser Missile
Level 5 Bigby’s Interposing Hand, Lesser Mind Blank, Lesser Spell Mantle, Power
Word Disable, Vitriolic Sphere
Level 6 Bigby’s Forceful Hand, Greater Spell Breach, Isaac’s Greater Missile Storm
Level 7 Avasculate, Energy Immunity, Shadow Shield
Level 8 Iron Body, Polar Ray, Power Word Petrify
Level 9 Bigby’s Crushing Hand, Greater Spell Mantle, Shadow Simulacrum

Meet the Power Builds Page 144

Item Properties
Head Shukenja Helm Bonus Spell Slot: Sorcerer [Level 0]
Bonus Spell Slot: Sorcerer [Level 1]
Bonus Spell Slot: Sorcerer [Level 2]
Bonus Spell Slot: Sorcerer [Level 3]
Skill Bonus: Concentration [+1]
Chest Mithral Full Plate Bonus Hitpoints [+35]
(enhanced) Regeneration [+8]
Spell Resistance [28]
Boots Boots of the Sun Soul Ability Bonus: Constitution [+9]
+5 (enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
AC Bonus [+5]
Saving Throw Bonus: Reflex [+9]
Use Limitation: Class: Monk
Arms Bracers of Armor +10 AC Bonus [+10]
Right Alchemical Silver Enhancement Bonus [+8]
Hand Longsword Damage Bonus: Acid [5d6]
(enhanced) Damage Bonus: Cold [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Electrical [5d6]
Left Adamantine Heavy AC Bonus [+8]
Hand Shield (enhanced) Bonus Hitpoints [+35]
Regeneration [+8]
Cloak Cloak of Resistance +5 Ability Bonus: Charisma [+9]
(enhanced) AC Bonus [+8]
Damage Resistance: Cold [25/-]
Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+5]
Saving Throw Bonus: Universal [+5]
Left The Nomad’s Ring Bonus Spell Slot: Sorcerer [Level 1]
Ring Bonus Spell Slot: Sorcerer [Level 2]
Bonus Spell Slot: Sorcerer [Level 3]
Bonus Spell Slot: Sorcerer [Level 4]
Light [Bright (20 m)]
Right Ring of Major Fire Damage Resistance: Fire [30/-]
Ring Resistance Saving Throw Bonus: Acid [+9]
(enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Electrical [+9]
Neck Amulet of Natural AC Bonus [+5]
Armor +5 (enhanced) Damage Resistance: Acid [40/-]
Damage Resistance: Electrical [40/-]
Saving Throw Bonus: Universal [+7]
Belt Greater Swordsman’s Ability Bonus: Strength [+9]
Belt (enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
Damage Resistance: Slashing [20/-]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fortitude [+9]

Meet the Power Builds Page 145

Leveling Guide
Initial Attributes
STR 13 DEX 10 CON 14 INT 14 WIS 8 CHA 17

Level Progression
Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
1 Rg 1 Ap +4, Bl +4, Co Able Learner,
+2, Di +4, Hi +4, Spellcasting
In +4, Sc +2, Sp Prodigy
+4, Tu +4, UMD
+4 (Save 4)
2 S1 Co +3, Hi +1, Sc
+3, Sp +1, Tu +1
3 S2 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp Power Attack
+1, Tu +1, UMD
4 S3 CHA + 1 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp
+1, Tu +1, UMD
5 S4 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp
+1, Tu +1, UMD
6 S5 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp Cleave
+1, Tu +1, UMD
7 S6 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp
+1, Tu +1, UMD
8 S7 CHA + 1 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp
+1, Tu +1, UMD
9 S8 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp Empower Spell
+1, Tu +1, UMD
10 S9 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp
+1, Tu +1, UMD
11 S 10 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp
+1, Tu +1, UMD
12 S 11 CHA + 1 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp Skill Focus
+1, Tu +1, UMD (Concentration)
13 S 12 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp
+1, Tu +1, UMD

Meet the Power Builds Page 146

Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
14 Bg 1 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp
+1, Tu +1, UMD
15 Bg 2 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp Skill Focus
+1, Tu +1, UMD (Spellcraft)
16 ASC 1 CHA + 1 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp
+1, Tu +1, UMD
17 ASC 2 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp
+1, Tu +1, UMD
18 Bg 3 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp Divine Shield
+1, Tu +1, UMD
19 ASC 3 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp
+1, Tu +1, UMD
20 ASC 4 CHA + 1 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp
+1, Tu +1, UMD
21 ASC 5 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp Practiced
+1, Tu +1, UMD Spellcaster
+1 (Sorcerer)
22 ASC 6 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp
+1, Tu +1, UMD
23 ASC 7 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp Still Spell
+1, Tu +1, UMD
24 ASC 8 CHA + 1 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp
+1, Tu +1, UMD
25 ASC 9 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp Automatic Still
+1, Tu +1, UMD Spell (0 – 3)
26 ASC 10 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp
+1, Tu +1, UMD
27 S 13 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp Automatic Still
+1, Tu +1, UMD Spell (0 – 6)
28 S 14 CHA + 1 Co +1, In +1, Sp
+1, UMD +2
29 S 15 Co +1, In +2, Sp Automatic Still
+1, UMD +1 Spell (0 – 9)
30 S 16 Co +1, In +2, Sp
+1, UMD +1
Class: ASC = Arcane Scholar of Candlekeep, Bg = Blackguard, Rg = Rogue, S = Sorcerer

Meet the Power Builds Page 147

Skill: Ap = Appraise, Bl = Bluff, Co = Concentration, Di = Diplomacy, Hi = Hide, In = Intimidate, Sc = Spellcraft,
Sp = Spot, Tu = Tumble, UMD = Use Magic Device

JeminiZero, “Obsidian Sorcerer - Sor(16),ASC(10),Ro(1),BG(3),” NWN2Wiki - a
Wikia Wiki,

Meet the Power Builds Page 148

Pointy Stick
Human, Bard 1/ Cleric 9/ Red Dragon Disciple 10/
Stormlord 10
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Cleric Domains: Earth and Fury

Deity: Lurue

Statistics (Naked)
STR 23 DEX 8 CON 11 INT 14 WIS 11 CHA 29
AC 16 HP 308 BAB 20 Fort 22 Refl 10 Will 23

Devout, Power Attack, Able Learner, Divine Might, Divine Shield, Great
Fortitude, Weapon Focus (Spear), Power Critical (Spear), Stormlord Spellcasting
(Cleric), Extend Spell, Great Charisma (+1) , Epic Divine Might, Great Charisma
(+2), Persistent Spell, Practiced Spellcaster (Cleric)

Concentration 33, Intimidate 4, Listen 5, Spellcraft 30, Spot 16, Tumble 16

Prepared Spells
Level 0 Resistance × 6
Level 1 Bless × 3, Enlarge Person × 2, Entropic Shield × 2, Protection from
Alignment × 2
Level 2 Aid × 2, Lesser Restoration × 4, Protection from Alignment (extended) × 2
Level 3 Blindsight × 2, Prayer, Remove Blindness/Deafness × 2, Remove Curse × 3
Level 4 Death Ward, Least Spell Mantle × 5, Restoration
Level 5 Divine Power (extended) × 2, Lesser Spell Mantle × 3, Recitation (extended)
Level 6 Battletide (extended) × 2 , Energy Immunity, Lesser Spell Mantle
(extended) × 4, Stone Body
Level 7 Divine Favor (persistent), Greater Restoration, Spell Mantle, Word of Faith
Level 8 Regenerate (extended), Spell Mantle (extended) × 4
Level 9 Aura versus Alignment (extended) × 3, Prayer (persistent)

Meet the Power Builds Page 149

Level 0 Cure Minor Wounds, Daze, Flare, Light

Item Properties
Head Watchman’s Helm Light: [Low (10 m)][Color: Blue]
Skill Bonus: Listen [+8]
Skill Bonus: Search [+8]
Skill Bonus: Spot [+8]
Chest Mithral Full Plate AC Bonus [+8]
(enhanced) Bonus Hitpoints [+35]
Regeneration [+8]
Boots Boots of the Sun Soul Ability Bonus: Constitution [+9]
+5 (enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
AC Bonus [+5]
Saving Throw Bonus: Reflex [+9]
Use Limitation: Class: Monk
Arms Cat Queen’s Claws Attack Bonus [+8]
(enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+9]
Cast Spell: Mass Charm (15) [3 Uses/Day]
Damage Bonus: Magical [1d12]
Decreased Saving Throw: Mind Affecting [-4]
Right Zalantar Spear Damage Bonus: Magical [1]
Hand (enhanced) Enhancement Bonus [+8]
Regeneration: Vampiric [+7]
Left (None)
Cloak Cloak of Movement Ability Bonus: Charisma [+9]
(enhanced) AC Bonus [+8]
Damage Resistance: Acid [25/-]
Freedom of Movement
Saving Throw Bonus: Acid [+5]
Left Ring of Regeneration Bonus Spell Slot: Cleric [Level 7]
Ring (enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Acid [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+9]
Regeneration [+4]
Right Ring of the Founder Ability Bonus: Intelligence [+8]
Ring Ability Bonus: Wisdom [+8]
Bonus Spell Slot: Wizard [Level 7]
Bonus Spell Slot: Wizard [Level 8]
Bonus Spell Slot: Wizard [Level 9]
Regeneration [+2]
Neck Amulet of Natural Ability Bonus: Wisdom [+9]
Armor +5 (enhanced) AC Bonus [+5]
Damage Resistance: Cold [40/-]
Saving Throw Bonus: Universal [+7]

Meet the Power Builds Page 150

Item Properties
Belt Girdle of Holy Might Ability Bonus: Strength [+9]
(enhanced) Bonus Spell Slot: Cleric [Level 5]
Bonus Spell Slot: Cleric [Level 6]
Bonus Spell Slot: Cleric [Level 7]
Use Limitation: Class: Cleric

Leveling Guide
Initial Attributes
STR 15 DEX 8 CON 9 INT 12 WIS 11 CHA 18

Level Progression
Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
1 Bd 1 Co +4, Li +4, Lo Devout, Power Able Learner
+4, Pe +3, Sc +4, Attack
UMD +4, Tu +4
(Save 5)
2 C1 Co +1, Lo +1, Sc
+1, UMD +1, Tu
+1 (Save 4)
3 C2 Co +1, Sc +1, Divine Might
UMD +1, Tu +1
(Save 4)
4 C3 CHA + 1 Sc +1, UMD +1,
Tu +1 (Save 5)
5 C4 Lo +3, Sc +1, Tu
+1 (Save 4)
6 C5 Co +1, Sc +1, Divine Shield
UMD +2, Tu +1
(Save 3)
7 RDD 1 Sp +7
8 RDD 2 CHA + 1 (Save 4)
9 RDD 3 Sc +3 (Save 5) Great Fortitude
10 RDD 4 UMD +4, Tu +4
(Save 1)
11 RDD 5 (Save 5)
12 RDD 6 CHA + 1 Sc +3, UMD +2, Weapon Focus
Tu +2 (Save 2) (Spear)
13 RDD 7 Sp +6
14 RDD 8 (Save 4)
15 RDD 9 Co +9 Power Critical
16 RDD 10 CHA + 1 (Save 5)
17 Sl 1 UMD +5, Tu +5 Stormlord

Meet the Power Builds Page 151

Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
18 Sl 2 Co +5 Extend Spell
19 Sl 3 (Save 5)
20 Sl 4 CHA + 1 Co +2, UMD +3
(Save 5)
21 Sl 5 Co +1, Sp +9 Great Charisma
22 Sl 6 (Save 5)
23 Sl 7 Sc +5 (Save 5) Epic Divine
24 Sl 8 CHA + 1 Co +3, Sp +5
(Save 2)
25 Sl 9 Tu +7 Great Charisma
26 Sl 10 Co +2, Tu +2
(Save 1)
27 C6 Tu +1 (Save 5) Persistent Spell
28 C7 CHA + 1 Co +2, Sp +4, Tu
+1 (Save 3)
29 C8 Co +1, Sp +1, Tu Practiced
+1 (Save 5) Spellcaster
30 C9 Co +1, Li +7, Sp
+1, Tu +1
Class: Bd = Bard, C = Cleric, RDD = Red Dragon Disciple, Sl = Stormlord
Skill: Co = Concentration, Li = Listen, Lo = Lore, Pe = Perform, Sc = Spellcraft, Sp = Spot, Tu = Tumble, UMD =
Use Magic Device

As of this writing, this document is the sole reference to Pointy Stick’s stats
and leveling guide.
Pointy Stick carries another enhanced Zalantar spear in his inventory in case
he gets disarmed. This spear is identical to the one he has equipped.
It should be noted that Pointy Stick needs a magic item that boosts Wisdom
by at least 8 to be able to cast cleric spells of levels 2 to 9.
Pointy Stick’s AI routine in “Battle of the Builds” was developed by
steelsamurai, the creator of this character.

Meet the Power Builds Page 152

Profane Dragon
Human, Bard 1/ Fighter 16/ Red Dragon Disciple 10/
Blackguard 3
Alignment: Neutral Evil

Statistics (Naked)
STR 28 DEX 12 CON 14 INT 16 WIS 8 CHA 22
AC 19 HP 436 BAB 26 Fort 28 Refl 19 Will 21

Able Learner, Luck of Heroes, Wizard’s Apprentice, Weapon Focus (Longsword),
Power Attack, Cleave, Weapon Specialization (Longsword), Toughness,
Knockdown, Improved Knockdown, Great Cleave, Divine Might, Power Critical
(Longsword), Epic Divine Might, Greater Weapon Focus (Longsword), Epic
Weapon Focus (Longsword), Epic Toughness (+30), Epic Resilience, Greater
Weapon Specialization (Longsword), Great Strength (+1), Epic Weapon
Specialization (Longsword), Great Strength (+2), Epic Prowess

Diplomacy 30, Hide 5, Intimidate 30, Listen 32, Lore 8, Perform 3, Spellcraft 30,
Tumble 30, Use Magic Device 30

Prepared Spells
Level 0 Cure Minor Wounds, Flare, Light, Resistance

Item Properties
Head Watchman’s Helm Light: [Low (10 m)][Color: Blue]
Skill Bonus: Listen [+8]
Skill Bonus: Search [+8]
Skill Bonus: Spot [+8]
Chest Mithral Full Plate AC Bonus [+8]
(enhanced) Bonus Hitpoints [+35]
Regeneration [+8]

Meet the Power Builds Page 153

Item Properties
Boots Boots of the Sun Soul Ability Bonus: Constitution [+9]
+5 (enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
AC Bonus [+5]
Saving Throw Bonus: Reflex [+9]
Use Limitation: Class: Monk
Arms Greater Gloves of the Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+9]
Minstrel (enhanced) Attack Bonus [+5]
Damage Bonus: Acid [3d6]
Skill Bonus: Perform [+6]
Use Limitation: Class: Bard
Right Cold Iron Longsword Enhancement Bonus [+8]
Hand (enhanced) Damage Bonus: Acid [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Cold [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Electrical [5d6]
Left Adamantine Tower AC Bonus [+8]
Hand Shield (enhanced) Bonus Hitpoints [+35]
Regeneration [+8]
Cloak Cloak of Movement Ability Bonus: Charisma [+9]
(enhanced) AC Bonus [+8]
Damage Resistance: Cold [25/-]
Freedom of Movement
Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+5]
Left Ring of Major Sonic Damage Resistance: Sonic [30/-]
Ring Resistance Saving Throw Bonus: Acid [+9]
(enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Electrical [+9]
Right Mourningring Cast Spell: Create Greater Undead (18) [1 Use/Day]
Ring (enhanced) Cast Spell: Healing Circle (16) [2 Uses/Day]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fire [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Universal [+6]
Neck Amulet of Natural Ability Bonus: Wisdom [+9]
Armor +5 (enhanced) AC Bonus [+5]
Damage Resistance: Acid [40/-]
Damage Resistance: Electrical [40/-]
Belt Greater Swordsman’s Ability Bonus: Strength [+9]
Belt (enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
Damage Resistance: Slashing [20/-]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fortitude [+9]

Leveling Guide
Initial Attributes
STR 16 DEX 12 CON 12 INT 14 WIS 8 CHA 15

Meet the Power Builds Page 154

Level Progression
Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
1 Bd 1 Di +4, Hi +4, Li Wizard’s Able Learner,
+4, Lo +4, Pe +3, Apprentice Luck of Heroes
Sc +4, Tu +4,
UMD +4 (Save
2 F1 Hi +1, In +5, Lo Weapon Focus
+1, Sc +1, Tu +1, (Longsword)
UMD +1
3 F2 Di +1, In +1, Li Power Attack Cleave
+1, Lo +1, UMD
4 F3 CHA + 1 Lo +1, Sc +2, Tu
5 F4 Di +2, In +2, Lo Weapon
+1 Specialization
6 RDD 1 Sc +2, Tu +2, Toughness
UMD +1
7 RDD 2 Di +1, Sc +1, Tu
8 RDD 3 CHA + 1 Di +1, In +1, Li
+2, UMD +3
9 RDD 4 Di +1, In +1, Li Knockdown
10 RDD 5 Tu +2, UMD +3
11 RDD 6 Sc +2, Tu +2,
UMD +1
12 RDD 7 CHA + 1 Sc +3, Tu +1, Improved
UMD +1 Knockdown
13 RDD 8 Di +2, In +3
14 RDD 9 Di +2, In +1, Li
15 RDD 10 Di +1, In +1, Li Great Cleave
+2, Tu +2
16 Bg 1 CHA + 1 Sc +2, Tu +1,
UMD +3
17 Bg 2 Sc +3, Tu +2,
UMD +1
18 Bg 3 Di +2, In +2, Li Divine Might
+1, UMD +1
19 F5 Di +3, In +3
20 F6 CHA + 1 Sc +3, UMD +3 Power Critical
21 F7 Di +1, In +1, Li Epic Divine
+4 Might

Meet the Power Builds Page 155

Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
22 F8 Di +1, In +1, Sc Greater Weapon
+2, UMD +2 Focus
23 F9 Tu +6 Epic Weapon
24 F 10 STR + 1 Di +3, In +3 Epic Toughness
25 F 11 Sc +3, UMD +3 Epic Resilience
26 F 12 Li +1, Sc +1, Tu Greater Weapon
+3, UMD +1 Specialization
27 F 13 Di +1, In +1, Li Great Strength
+1, Sc +1, Tu +1, (+1)
UMD +1
28 F 14 STR + 1 Di +2, In +2, Li Epic Weapon
+2 Specialization
29 F 15 Di +2, In +2, Li Great Strength
+2 (+2)
30 F 16 Li +6 Epic Prowess
Class: Bd = Bard, Bg = Blackguard, F = Fighter, RDD = Red Dragon Disciple
Skill: Di = Diplomacy, Hi = Hide, In = Intimidate, Li = Listen, Lo = Lore, Pe = Perform, Sc = Spellcraft, Tu =
Tumble, UMD = Use Magic Device

The original write-up on the Profane Dragon recommended the use of
greatsword-based weapon feats. The Profane Damage deals a lot more damage
with a two-handed weapon than when wielding a weapon one handed. During
playtesting, however, the Profane Dragon consistently lost to Joe Average, a
level-30 fighter. This is because the Profane Dragon had no shield to raise Armor
Class with while Joe Average had a tower shield to protect him. Subsequently,
the weapon feats and corresponding equipment of the Profane Dragon were
changed for the use of a longsword instead, and the Profane Dragon was
provided a tower shield as well.

SushiSquid, “Profane Dragon - F(16),Brd(1),RDD(10),BG(3),” NWN2Wiki - a
Wikia Wiki,

SushiSquid, “Need help finishing a power-build idea,” NWN2: Players - Mask of

The Betrayer Campaign (Spoilers Warning),

Meet the Power Builds Page 156

Restless Soul
Aasimar, Favored Soul 8/ Rogue 8/ Warpriest 6/ Divine
Champion 8
Alignment: Neutral Good

Deity: Lathander

Statistics (Naked)
STR 12 DEX 20 CON 14 INT 12 WIS 16 CHA 18
AC 19 HP 402 BAB 26 Fort 26 Refl 26 Will 20

Flirt, Luck of Heroes, Able Learner, Weapon Focus (Mace), Combat Casting,
Weapon Finesse, Resist Fire Energy, Two-Weapon Fighting, Two-Weapon
Defense, Warpriest Spellcasting (Favored Soul), Toughness, Improved Two-
Weapon Fighting, Improved Two-Weapon Defense, Epic Prowess, Great
Dexterity (+1), Blind-Fight, Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, Epic Toughness
(+30), Epic Resilience, Epic Toughness (+60)

Concentration 33, Diplomacy 19, Spellcraft 30, Spot 10, Tumble 30, Use Magic
Device 25

Prepared Spells
Favored Soul
Level 0 Cure Minor Wounds, Inflict Minor Wounds, Light, Resistance, Virtue
Level 1 Bless, Divine Favor, Entropic Shield, Lesser Vigor, Protection from
Alignment, Remove Fear
Level 2 Aid, Bull’s Strength, Lesser Restoration, Remove Paralysis, Resist Energy,
Level 3 Blindsight, Magic Circle against Alignment, Prayer, Vigor, Weapon of Impact
Level 4 Death Ward, Divine Power, Least Spell Mantle, Recitation
Level 5 Battletide, Righteous Might, Spell Resistance

Meet the Power Builds Page 157

Item Properties
Head Watchman’s Helm Light: [Low (10 m)][Color: Blue]
Skill Bonus: Listen [+8]
Skill Bonus: Search [+8]
Skill Bonus: Spot [+8]
Chest Mithral Full Plate Bonus Hitpoints [+35]
(enhanced) Regeneration [+8]
Spell Resistance [28]
Boots Boots of Hardiness +3 Ability Bonus: Constitution [+9]
(enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
AC Bonus [+3]
Saving Throw Bonus: Reflex [+9]
Arms Bracers of Armor +10 AC Bonus [+10]
Right Cold Iron Short Sword Enhancement Bonus [+8]
Hand (enhanced) Damage Bonus: Acid [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Cold [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Electrical [5d6]
Left Alchemical Silver Enhancement Bonus [+8]
Hand Short Sword Damage Bonus: Acid [5d6]
(enhanced) Damage Bonus: Fire [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Electrical [5d6]
Cloak Cloak of Movement Ability Bonus: Charisma [+9]
(enhanced) AC Bonus [+8]
Damage Resistance: Cold [25/-]
Freedom of Movement
Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+5]
Left Ring of Major Fire Damage Resistance: Fire [30/-]
Ring Resistance Saving Throw Bonus: Acid [+9]
(enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Electrical [+9]
Right Ring of Major Sonic Damage Resistance: Sonic [30/-]
Ring Resistance Saving Throw Bonus: Acid [+9]
(enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fire [+9]
Neck Amulet of Natural AC Bonus [+5]
Armor +5 (enhanced) Damage Resistance: Acid [40/-]
Damage Resistance: Cold [40/-]
Damage Resistance: Electrical [40/-]
Belt Greater Swordsman’s Ability Bonus: Strength [+9]
Belt (enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
Damage Resistance: Slashing [20/-]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fortitude [+9]

Meet the Power Builds Page 158

Leveling Guide
Initial Attributes
STR 12 DEX 14 CON 14 INT 12 WIS 16 CHA 16

Level Progression
Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
1 FS 1 Di +4, Sc +4 Flirt Luck of Heroes
(Save 4)
2 Rg 1 Sp +5, Tu +4,
UMD +4
3 FS 2 Di +3 Able Learner
4 Rg 2 CHA + 1 Di +4, Tu +3,
UMD +2
5 FS 3 Co +1, Di +1, Sc Weapon Focus
+1 (Mace)
6 Rg 3 Co +2, Sc +2, Tu Combat Casting
+2, UMD +3
7 FS 4 Co +1, Sc +1, Tu
8 Rg 4 CHA + 1 Co +3, Sc +3, Tu
+1, UMD +2
9 FS 5 Co +1, Sc +1, Tu Resist Fire Weapon Finesse
+1 Energy
10 Rg 5 Co +1, Di +4, Sc
+1, Tu +1, UMD
11 FS 6 Co +1, Sc +1, Tu
12 Rg 6 DEX + 1 Co +1, Di +3, Sc Two-Weapon
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1, Fighting
UMD +2
13 FS 7 Co +1, Sc +1, Tu
14 Rg 7 Co +1, Di +2, Sc
+1, Sp +2, Tu +1,
UMD +2
15 FS 8 Co +1, Sc +1, Tu Two-Weapon
+1 Defense
16 Rg 8 DEX + 1 Co +1, Di +2, Sc
+1, Sp +2, Tu +1,
UMD +2
17 Wp 1 Co +1, Sc +1, Tu Warpriest
+1 Spellcasting
(Favored Soul)
18 Wp 2 Co +1, Sc +1, Tu Toughness
19 Wp 3 Co +1, Sc +1, Tu

Meet the Power Builds Page 159

Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
20 Wp 4 DEX + 1 Co +1, Sc +1, Tu
21 Wp 5 Co +1, Sc +1, Tu Improved Two-
+1 Weapon
22 Wp 6 Co +1, Sc +1, Tu
23 DC 1 Co +1, Sc +1, Tu Improved Two-
+1 Weapon
24 DC 2 DEX + 1 Co +1, Sc +1, Tu Epic Prowess
25 DC 3 Co +1, Sc +1, Tu Great Dexterity
+1 (+1)
26 DC 4 Co +1, Sc +1, Tu Blind-Fight
27 DC 5 Co +1, Sc +1, Tu Greater Two-
+1 Weapon
28 DC 6 DEX + 1 Co +1, UMD +2 Epic Toughness
29 DC 7 Co +1, UMD +2 Epic Resilience
30 DC 8 Co +1, UMD +2 Epic Toughness
Class: DC = Divine Champion, FS = Favored Soul, Rg = Rogue, Wp = Warpriest
Skill: Co = Concentration, Di = Diplomacy, Sc = Spellcraft, Sp = Spot, Tu = Tumble, UMD = Use Magic Device

Originally, the Restless Soul was supposed to have the feat Weapon Focus
(Scimitars), which seems to be an odd choice for a dual-wielding character. It
should be recalled, however, that around the time that the Restless Soul build
was first posted at the NWN2Wiki (on October 31, 2007, to be exact), there was
a bug in the game that caused scimitars to be treated as light weapons. This bug
has since been fixed, and the Restless Soul can no longer wield two scimitars
without serious penalties. In version 1.13 of “Battle of the Builds,” this feat was
changed to Weapon Focus (Mace), and the Restless Soul’s weapons were
changed accordingly. As an added bonus, using a blunt weapon allows the
Restless Soul to benefit from the Weapon of Impact spell. It is necessary that this
character be a follower of Lathander to get the appropriate weapon focus feat
for free.
The write-up at the NWN2Wiki was edited on January 23, 2008 to change
the Restless Soul’s weapon focus to rapiers. (Whoever did this forgot to change
the deity to Milil or Valkur.) Nevertheless, rapiers are not light weapons and
may not be dual-wielded without penalties. Alternatively, the Restless Soul may
wield a rapier in the main hand and a light weapon in the off hand, but doing so

Meet the Power Builds Page 160

would underutilize the weapon focus feat. For this reason, the author of “Battle
of the Builds” prefers to let the Restless Soul get weapon focus on maces instead
of rapiers.
The skill progression as documented here is completely different from what
the version found at the NWN2Wiki. In particular, skills such as Concentration
and Tumble were favored over Diplomacy and Lore.

rain4november, “Restless Soul (8 FS / 8 RO / 6 WP / 8 DC),” NWN2Wiki - a
Wikia Wiki,

rain4november, “The Epic Character Build Repository,” NWN2: Players - Mask of

The Betrayer Campaign (Spoilers Warning),

Meet the Power Builds Page 161

Right Fist of Gond
Aasimar, Cleric 7/ Fighter 8/ Divine Champion 8 /
Weapon Master 7
Alignment: Neutral

Cleric Domains: Time and War

Deity: Gond

Statistics (Naked)
STR 23 DEX 13 CON 8 INT 14 WIS 11 CHA 21
AC 12 HP 256 BAB 28 Fort 22 Refl 16 Will 16

Devout, Weapon Focus (Warhammer), Practiced Spellcaster (Cleric), Divine
Might, Disarm, Divine Shield, Weapon Specialization (Warhammer), Power
Critical (Warhammer), Dodge, Mobility, Combat Expertise, Spring Attack,
Whirlwind Attack, Extend Spell, Weapon of Choice (Warhammer), Great
Charisma (+1), Great Charisma (+2), Greater Weapon Focus (Warhammer), Epic
Divine Might, Great Strength (+1), Epic Weapon Focus (Warhammer), Extra
Smiting, Epic Prowess

Concentration 33, Intimidate 4, Listen 3, Spellcraft 30, Spot 16, Tumble 12

Prepared Spells
Level 0 Resistance × 6
Level 1 Bless, Divine Favor × 2, Entropic Shield, Protection from Alignment
Level 2 Aid, Divine Favor (extended) × 3, Lesser Restoration
Level 3 Blindsight, Haste × 2, Prayer × 2, Remove Blindness/Deafness
Level 4 Death Ward, Divine Power, Haste (extended), Recitation

Meet the Power Builds Page 162

Item Properties
Head Watchman’s Helm Light: [Low (10 m)][Color: Blue]
Skill Bonus: Listen [+8]
Skill Bonus: Search [+8]
Skill Bonus: Spot [+8]
Chest Mithral Full Plate Bonus Hitpoints [+35]
(enhanced) Regeneration [+8]
Spell Resistance [28]
Boots Boots of Hardiness +3 Ability Bonus: Constitution [+9]
(enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
AC Bonus [+3]
Saving Throw Bonus: Reflex [+9]
Arms Bracers of Armor +10 AC Bonus [+10]
Right Cold Iron Warhammer Enhancement Bonus [+8]
Hand (enhanced) Damage Bonus: Electrical [5d6]
Regeneration: Vampiric [+7]
Left Adamantine Heavy AC Bonus [+8]
Hand Shield (enhanced) Bonus Hitpoints [+35]
Regeneration [+8]
Cloak Cloak of Movement Ability Bonus: Charisma [+9]
(enhanced) AC Bonus [+8]
Damage Resistance: Acid [25/-]
Freedom of Movement
Saving Throw Bonus: Acid [+5]
Left Ring of Major Sonic Bonus Spell Slot: Cleric [Level 4]
Ring Resistance Damage Resistance: Sonic [30/-]
(enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Fire [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Electrical [+9]
Right Ring of Major Cold Bonus Spell Slot: Cleric [Level 4]
Ring Resistance Damage Resistance: Cold [30/-]
(enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Acid [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+9]
Neck Amulet of Natural Ability Bonus: Wisdom [+9]
Armor +5 (enhanced) AC Bonus [+5]
Damage Resistance: Electrical [40/-]
Damage Resistance: Fire [40/-]
Belt Greater Swordsman’s Ability Bonus: Strength [+9]
Belt (enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
Damage Resistance: Slashing [20/-]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fortitude [+9]

Leveling Guide
Initial Attributes
STR 16 DEX 13 CON 8 INT 14 WIS 11 CHA 18

Meet the Power Builds Page 163

Level Progression
Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
1 C1 Co +4, Sc +4, Tu Devout, Practiced
+2 (Save 4) Weapon Focus Spellcaster
(Warhammer) (Cleric)
2 F1 Sp +2 (Save 4) Power Attack
3 C2 Co +2, Sc +2 Divine Might
(Save 4)
4 F2 STR + 1 Sp +1, Tu +1 Disarm
(Save 4)
5 F3 Sp +1, Tu +1
(Save 4)
6 C3 Co +3, Sc +3 Divine Shield
(Save 2)
7 C4 Co +1, Sc +1
(Save 4)
8 F4 STR + 1 Sp +1, Tu +1 Weapon
(Save 4) Specialization
9 DC 1 Sp +1, Tu +1 Power Critical
(Save 4) (Warhammer)
10 C5 Co +3, Sc +3
(Save 2)
11 F5 Sp +1, Tu +1
(Save 2)
12 DC 2 STR + 1 Li +1 (Save 4) Dodge Mobility
13 DC 3 Sp +1, Tu +1
(Save 4)
14 C6 Co +4, Sc +4
15 DC 4 Sp +1, Tu +1 Combat Spring Attack
16 F6 STR + 1 (Save 4) Whirlwind
17 C7 Co +3, Sc +3
(Save 2)
18 F7 In +4 (Save 2) Extend Spell
19 WM 1 Sp +2, Tu +1 Weapon of
20 WM 2 STR + 1 Co +1, Tu +1
21 WM 3 (Save 4) Great Charisma
22 WM 4 Co +4
23 WM 5 Sp +2 Great Charisma
24 F8 CHA + 1 (Save 4) Greater Weapon

Meet the Power Builds Page 164

Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
25 DC 5 Co +3, Sp +1 Epic Divine
26 WM 6 Co +1 (Save 2)
27 WM 7 Sp +1 (Save 4) Great Strength
28 DC 6 STR + 1 Co +2, Li +1, Tu Epic Weapon
+1 Focus
29 DC 7 Co +1, Sp +1 Extra Smiting
30 DC 8 Co +1, Li +1 Epic Prowess
Class: C = Cleric, DC = Divine Champion, F = Fighter, WM = Weapon Master
Skill: Co = Concentration, In = Intimidate, Li = Listen, Sc = Spellcraft, Sp = Spot, Tu = Tumble

As in the case of Favored Souls, the choice of deity for a cleric of the War
domain is relevant. The Right Fist of Gond must serve a deity whose favored
weapon is a warhammer to get the Weapon Focus (Warhammer) feat for free.
It should be noted that the Right Fist of Gond needs a magic item that boosts
Wisdom by at least 3 to be able to cast cleric spells of levels 2 to 4.
The Right Fist of Gond’s AI routine in “Battle of the Builds” was developed by

steelsamurai, “The Right Fist of Gond - F(8), DC(8), WM(7), C(7),” NWN2Wiki - a
Wikia Wiki,

Meet the Power Builds Page 165

Sacred Spear
Human, Cleric 8/ Warpriest 7/ Stormlord 8/ Weapon
Master 7
Alignment: Lawful Good

Cleric Domains: Time and War

Deity: Hoar

Statistics (Naked)
STR 18 DEX 13 CON 14 INT 13 WIS 19 CHA 8
AC 12 HP 358 BAB 26 Fort 23 Refl 12 Will 20

Weapon Focus (Spear), Great Fortitude, Toughness, Combat Casting, Dodge,
Warpriest Spellcasting (Cleric), Mobility, Spring Attack, Combat Expertise,
Whirlwind Attack, Extend Spell, Persistent Spell, Weapon of Choice (Spear),
Monkey Grip, Practiced Spellcaster (Cleric), Blind-Fight

Concentration 33, Diplomacy 8, Intimidate 4, Spellcraft 30, Spot 9, Tumble 10

Prepared Spells
Level 0 Resistance × 4, Virtue × 3
Level 1 Protection from Alignment × 4, Remove Fear × 3, Shield of Faith × 3
Level 2 Bless (extended), Entropic Shield (extended), Silence × 7
Level 3 Aid (extended), Invisibility Purge × 2, Magic Circle against Alignment × 2,
Searing Light × 4
Level 4 Blindsight (extended), Death Ward, Invisibility Purge (extended), Least
Spell Mantle × 6
Level 5 Battletide, Divine Power (extended) × 4, Recitation (extended) × 4,
Righteous Might
Level 6 Battletide (extended) × 2, Energy Immunity × 3, Righteous Might
(extended) × 2
Level 7 Divine Favor (persistent), Ethereal Jaunt, Greater Restoration × 3, Lesser
Vigor (persistent), Premonition
Level 8 Aura versus Alignment, Mass Death Ward, Power Word Stun, Regenerate
(extended) × 2

Meet the Power Builds Page 166

Level 9 Haste(persistent), Mass Heal, Prayer (persistent), Undeath’s Eternal Foe,
Vigor (persistent)

Item Properties
Head Watchman’s Helm Light: [Low (10 m)][Color: Blue]
Skill Bonus: Listen [+8]
Skill Bonus: Search [+8]
Skill Bonus: Spot [+8]
Chest Mithral Full Plate Bonus Hitpoints [+35]
(enhanced) Regeneration [+8]
Spell Resistance [28]
Boots Boots of Hardiness +3 Ability Bonus: Constitution [+9]
(enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
AC Bonus [+3]
Saving Throw Bonus: Reflex [+9]
Arms Bracers of Armor +10 AC Bonus [+10]
Right Spear (enhanced) Enhancement Bonus [+8]
Hand Damage Bonus: Acid [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Cold [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Fire [5d6]
Left Adamantine Tower AC Bonus [+8]
Hand Shield (enhanced) Bonus Hitpoints [+35]
Regeneration [+8]
Cloak Cloak of Resistance +5 Ability Bonus: Charisma [+9]
(enhanced) AC Bonus [+8]
Damage Resistance: Cold [25/-]
Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+5]
Saving Throw Bonus: Universal [+5]
Left Ring of Holiness Bonus Spell Slot: Cleric [Level 0]
Ring Bonus Spell Slot: Cleric [Level 1]
Bonus Spell Slot: Cleric [Level 2]
Bonus Spell Slot: Cleric [Level 3]
Bonus Spell Slot: Cleric [Level 4]
Use Limitation: Class: Cleric
Right Mourningring Bonus Spell Slot: Cleric [Level 5]
Ring (enhanced) Cast Spell: Create Greater Undead (18) [1 Use/Day]
Cast Spell: Healing Circle (16) [2 Uses/Day]
Saving Throw Bonus: Universal [+6]
Neck Amulet of Natural Ability Bonus: Wisdom [+9]
Armor +5 (enhanced) AC Bonus [+5]
Damage Resistance: Acid [40/-]
Damage Resistance: Fire [40/-]
Belt Girdle of Holy Might Ability Bonus: Strength [+9]
(enhanced) Bonus Spell Slot: Cleric [Level 5]
Bonus Spell Slot: Cleric [Level 6]
Bonus Spell Slot: Cleric [Level 7]

Meet the Power Builds Page 167

Leveling Guide
Initial Attributes
STR 14 DEX 13 CON 14 INT 13 WIS 16 CHA 8

Level Progression
Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
1 C1 Co +4, Di +4, Sc Great Fortitude,
+4, Sp +2 Toughness
2 C2 Co +1, Di +1, Sc
+1 (Save 1)
3 C3 Co +1, Di +1, Sc Combat Casting
+1, Sp +1
4 C4 WIS + 1 Co +1, Di +1, Sc
+1 (Save 1)
5 C5 Co +1, Di +1, Sc
+1, Sp +1
6 C6 Co +1, Sc +1, Tu Dodge
7 C7 Co +1, Sc +1, Tu
8 C8 WIS + 1 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp
9 Wp 1 Co +1, Sc +1, Tu Warpriest Mobility
+1 Spellcasting
10 Wp 2 Co +1, Sc +1, Tu
11 Wp 3 Co +1, Sc +1, Tu
12 Wp 4 WIS + 1 Co +1, Sc +1, Tu Spring Attack
13 Wp 5 Co +1, Sc +1, Tu
14 Wp 6 Co +1, Sc +1, Tu
15 Wp 7 Co +1, Sc +1, Tu Combat
+1 Expertise
16 Sl 1 STR + 1 Co +1, Sc +1 Stormlord
(Save 1) Spellcasting
17 Sl 2 Co +1, Sc +1, Tu
18 Sl 3 Co +1, Sc +1 Whirlwind
(Save 1) Attack
19 Sl 4 Co +1, Sc +1, Sp
20 Sl 5 STR + 1 Co +1, In +1, Sc

Meet the Power Builds Page 168

Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
21 Sl 6 Co +1, In +1, Sc Extend Spell
22 Sl 7 Co +1, In +1, Sc
23 Sl 8 Co +1, In +1, Sc Persistent Spell
24 WM 1 STR + 1 Co +1, Sc +1 Weapon of
Choice (Spear)
25 WM 2 Co +1, Sc +1 Monkey Grip
26 WM 3 Co +1, Sc +1
27 WM 4 Co +1, Sc +1 Practiced
28 WM 5 STR + 1 Co +1, Sp +1
29 WM 6 Co +1, Sp +1 Blind-Fight
30 WM 7 Co +1, Sp +1
Class: C = Cleric, Sl = Stormlord, WM = Weapon Master, Wp = Warpriest
Skill: Co = Concentration, Di = Diplomacy, In = Intimidate, Sc = Spellcraft, Sp = Spot, Tu = Tumble

Lorstaff, “Sacred Spear (C8/WP7/SL8/WM7),” NWN2Wiki - a Wikia Wiki,

Lorstaff, “A humble request for aid in Stormlord building,” NWN2: Players - Mask
of The Betrayer Campaign (Spoilers Warning),

Meet the Power Builds Page 169

Air Genasi, Ranger 26/ Fighter 4
Alignment: Neutral

Statistics (Naked)
STR 10 DEX 30 CON 14 INT 13 WIS 13 CHA 6
AC 22 HP 338 BAB 30 Fort 22 Refl 27 Will 11

Wild Child, Luck of Heroes, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Kukri), Weapon
Focus (Rapier), Two-Weapon Fighting (Combat Style: Ranger), Weapon
Specialization (Kukri), Blind-Fight, Favored Enemy: Dwarves, Disarm, Favored
Enemy: Outsiders, Improved Disarm, Skill Focus (Move Silently), Favored
Enemy: Elves, Epic Prowess, Expose Weakness, Favored Enemy: Halflings, Bane
of Enemies, Great Dexterity (+1), Great Dexterity (+2), Great Dexterity (+3),
Favored Enemy: Gnomes, Great Dexterity (+4)

Disable Device 1, Hide 33, Move Silently 33, Search 1, Set Trap 23, Spellcraft 15,
Spot 33, Survival 8, Tumble 10, Use Magic Device 16

Prepared Spells
Level 1 Camouflage × 4, Resist Energy
Level 2 Barkskin × 2, Curse of Impending Blades, Mass Camouflage × 2
Level 3 Aid, Mass Curse of Impending Blades × 3
Level 4 Cure Serious Wounds × 4

Item Properties
Head Watchman’s Helm Light: [Low (10 m)][Color: Blue]
Skill Bonus: Listen [+8]
Skill Bonus: Search [+8]
Skill Bonus: Spot [+8]
Chest Mithral Chain Shirt Bonus Hitpoints [+35]
(enhanced) Regeneration [+8]
Spell Resistance [28]

Meet the Power Builds Page 170

Item Properties
Boots Kitten Slippers Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+6]
Cast Spell: Haste (10) [4 Uses/Day]
Cast Spell: Power Word Petrify [1 Use/Day]
Freedom of Movement
Skill Bonus: Move Silently [+16]
Arms Bracers of Armor +10 AC Bonus [+10]
Right Adamantine Rapier Damage Bonus: Acid [5d6]
Hand (enhanced) Damage Bonus: Magical [2]
Enhancement Bonus [+8]
Left Adamantine Kukri Damage Bonus: Electrical [5d6]
Hand (enhanced) Damage Bonus: Magical [2]
Enhancement Bonus [+8]
Cloak Cloak of Movement Ability Bonus: Charisma [+9]
(enhanced) AC Bonus [+8]
Damage Resistance: Cold [25/-]
Freedom of Movement
Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+5]
Left Ring of Major Fire Damage Resistance: Fire [30/-]
Ring Resistance Saving Throw Bonus: Acid [+9]
(enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Electrical [+9]
Right Ring of Major Sonic Damage Resistance: Sonic [30/-]
Ring Resistance Saving Throw Bonus: Acid [+9]
(enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fire [+9]
Neck Amulet of Natural Ability Bonus: Wisdom [+9]
Armor +5 (enhanced) AC Bonus [+5]
Damage Resistance: Acid [40/-]
Damage Resistance: Electrical [40/-]
Belt Greater Swordsman’s Ability Bonus: Strength [+9]
Belt (enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
Damage Resistance: Slashing [20/-]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fortitude [+9]

Leveling Guide
Initial Attributes
STR 10 DEX 19 CON 14 INT 13 WIS 13 CHA 6

Meet the Power Builds Page 171

Level Progression
Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
1 Ra 1 DD +1, Hi +4, Wild Child, Luck of Heroes
MS +4, Se +1, Sc Favored Enemy:
+1, Sp +4, ST +2, Humans
Su +4, Tu +1,
UMD +1 (Save
2 F1 (Save 4) Weapon Finesse
3 F2 Sc +1 (Save 5) Weapon Focus Weapon Focus
(Kukri) (Rapier)
4 Ra 2 DEX + 1 Hi +3, MS +3, Su Two-Weapon
+2, Tu +1, UMD Fighting
+1 (Combat Style:
5 F3 Sc +1 (Save 1)
6 F4 (Save 4) Weapon Weapon
Specialization Specialization
(Kukri) (Rapier)
7 Ra 3 Hi +2, MS +2, Sp
+2, Su +1, Tu +1,
UMD +1
8 Ra 4 DEX + 1 Hi +1, MS +1, ST
+1, Sp +1, Su +1
(Save 2)
9 Ra 5 Hi +1, MS +1, ST Favored Enemy: Blind-Fight
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1, Dwarves
UMD +1 (Save
10 Ra 6 Hi +1, MS +1, ST
+1, Sc +1, Sp +1
(Save 2)
11 Ra 7 Hi +1, MS +1, ST
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1,
UMD +1 (Save
12 Ra 8 DEX + 1 Hi +1, MS +1, ST Disarm
+1, Sc +1, Sp +1
(Save 2)
13 Ra 9 Hi +1, MS +1, ST
+1, Tu +1, UMD
+1 (Save 2)
14 Ra 10 Hi +1, MS +1, ST Favored Enemy:
+1, Sc +1, Sp +2 Outsiders
(Save 2)
15 Ra 11 Hi +1, MS +1, ST Improved
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1, Disarm
UMD +1 (Save

Meet the Power Builds Page 172

Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
16 Ra 12 DEX + 1 Hi +1, MS +1, ST
+1, Sp +1 (Save
17 Ra 13 Hi +1, MS +1, ST
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1,
UMD +1 (Save
18 Ra 14 Hi +1, MS +1, ST Skill Focus
+1, Sp +3, Tu +1 (Move Silently)
(Save 2)
19 Ra 15 Hi +1, MS +1, ST Favored Enemy:
+1, Sp +1, Tu +1, Elves
UMD +1 (Save
20 Ra 16 DEX + 1 Hi +2, MS +2, ST
+1, Sp +1, UMD
21 Ra 17 Hi +1, MS +1, ST Epic Prowess
+1, Sp +2, UMD
22 Ra 18 Hi +1, MS +1, ST
+1, Sp +1, UMD
+1 (Save 1)
23 Ra 19 Hi +1, MS +1, ST Expose
+1, Sc +1, Sp +1 Weakness
(Save 2)
24 Ra 20 DEX + 1 Hi +1, MS +1, ST Favored Enemy:
+1, Sc +1, Sp +1, Halflings
UMD +1 (Save
25 Ra 21 Hi +1, MS +1, ST Bane of
+1, Sc +1, Sp +1, Enemies
UMD +1
26 Ra 22 Hi +1, MS +1, ST
+1, Sc +1, Sp +1
(Save 1)
27 Ra 23 Hi +1, MS +1, ST Great Dexterity
+1, Sc +1, Sp +1, (+1), Great
UMD +1 Dexterity (+2)
28 Ra 24 DEX + 1 Hi +1, MS +1, ST
+1, Sc +1, Sp +1
(Save 1)
29 Ra 25 Hi +1, MS +1, Sc Favored Enemy: Great Dexterity
+1, Sp +1, UMD Gnomes (+3)
+1 (Save 1)
30 Ra 26 Hi +1, MS +1, Sc Great Dexterity
+2, Sp +2 (+4)
Class: F = Fighter, Ra = Ranger

Meet the Power Builds Page 173

Skill: DD = Disable Device, Hi = Hide, MS = Move Silently, Se = Search, Sc = Spellcraft, Sp = Spot, ST = Set Trap,
Su = Survival, Tu = Tumble, UMD = Use Magic Device

TyrTemplar, “Shadowbane (the Bounty Hunter) Ranger 26, Fighter 4,”
Neverwinter Nights: Epic Character Builders Part Deux,

Meet the Power Builds Page 174

Sword of Tyr
Aasimar, Paladin 15/ Divine Champion 10/ Bard 1/ Red
Dragon Disciple 4
Alignment: Lawful Good

Statistics (Naked)
STR 22 DEX 8 CON 10 INT 8 WIS 14 CHA 25
AC 12 HP 304 BAB 28 Fort 32 Refl 22 Will 28

Farmer, Able Learner, Weapon Focus (Scimitar), Power Attack, Blind-Fight,
Divine Might, Divine Shield, Practiced Spellcaster (Paladin), Great Smiting I,
Great Smiting II, Great Smiting III, Great Smiting IV, Great Smiting, V, Great
Smiting VI, Great Smiting VII, Great Smiting VIII, Epic Divine Might, Great
Smiting IX

Lore 8, Perform 1, Spellcraft 4, Spot 20, Tumble 15

Prepared Spells
Level 0 Cure Minor Wounds, Flare, Light, Resistance

Level 1 Bless, Bless Weapon, Divine Favor × 2
Level 2 Aid, Aura of Glory, Resist Energy
Level 3 Magic Circle against Alignment, Prayer
Level 4 Holy Sword, Death Ward

Item Properties
Head Watchman’s Helm Light: [Low (10 m)][Color: Blue]
Skill Bonus: Listen [+8]
Skill Bonus: Search [+8]
Skill Bonus: Spot [+8]

Meet the Power Builds Page 175

Item Properties
Chest Mithral Full Plate AC Bonus [+8]
(enhanced) Bonus Hitpoints [+35]
Regeneration [+8]
Boots Boots of Hardiness +3 Ability Bonus: Constitution [+9]
(enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
AC Bonus [+3]
Saving Throw Bonus: Reflex [+9]
Arms Cat Queen’s Claws Attack Bonus [+8]
(enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+9]
Cast Spell: Mass Charm (15) [3 Uses/Day]
Damage Bonus: Magical [1d12]
Decreased Saving Throw: Mind Affecting [-4]
Right Cold Iron Scimitar Enhancement Bonus [+8]
Hand (enhanced) Damage Bonus: Acid [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Cold [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Electrical [5d6]
Left Mithral Tower Shield AC Bonus [+8]
Hand (enhanced) Bonus Hitpoints [+35]
Regeneration [+8]
Cloak Cloak of Movement Ability Bonus: Charisma [+9]
(enhanced) AC Bonus [+8]
Damage Resistance: Cold [25/-]
Freedom of Movement
Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+5]
Left Ring of Major Acid Damage Resistance: Acid [30/-]
Ring Resistance Saving Throw Bonus: Acid [+9]
(enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Electrical [+9]
Right Ring of Major Sonic Damage Resistance: Sonic [30/-]
Ring Resistance Saving Throw Bonus: Acid [+9]
(enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fire [+9]
Neck Amulet of Natural Ability Bonus: Wisdom [+9]
Armor +5 (enhanced) AC Bonus [+5]
Damage Resistance: Electrical [40/-]
Damage Resistance: Fire [40/-]
Belt Greater Swordsman’s Ability Bonus: Strength [+9]
Belt (enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
Damage Resistance: Slashing [20/-]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fortitude [+9]

Leveling Guide
Initial Attributes
STR 16 DEX 8 CON 10 INT 8 WIS 14 CHA 20

Meet the Power Builds Page 176

Level Progression
Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
1 Bd 1 Lo +4, Pe +1, Sc Farmer Able Learner
+4, Sp +1, Tu +4
(Save 5)
2 P1 Lo +1, Sp +1, Tu
+1 (Save 3)
3 P2 Lo +1, Sp +1, Tu Weapon Focus
+1 (Save 1) (Scimitar)
4 P3 CHA + 1 Lo +1, Tu +1
5 P4 Lo +1
6 RDD 1 Tu +1 Power Attack
7 RDD 2 Tu +1
8 RDD 3 CHA + 1 Tu +1
9 RDD 4 Tu +1 Blind-Fight
10 P5 Tu +1
11 P6 Tu +1
12 P7 CHA + 1 Tu +1 Divine Might
13 P8 Sp +1
14 P9 Tu +1
15 P 10 Sp +1 Divine Shield
16 P 11 CHA + 1 Sp +1
17 P 12 Sp +1
18 P 13 Sp +1 Extra Smiting
19 P 14 Sp +1
20 P 15 CHA + 1 Sp +1
21 DC 1 Sp +1 Great Smiting I
22 DC 2 Sp +1 Great Smiting II
23 DC 3 Sp +1 Great Smiting
24 DC 4 STR + 1 Sp +1 Great Smiting IV
25 DC 5 Sp +1 Great Smiting V
26 DC 6 Sp +1 Great Smiting VI
27 DC 7 Sp +1 Great Smiting
28 DC 8 STR + 1 Sp +1 Great Smiting
29 DC 9 Sp +1 Epic Divine
30 DC 10 Sp +1 Great Smiting IX
Class: Bd = Bard, DC = Divine Champion, P = Paladin, RDD = Red Dragon Disciple
Skill: Lo = Lore, Pe = Perform, Sc = Spellcraft, Sp = Spot, Tu = Tumble

It should be noted that some time before the Sword of Tyr reaches level 2,
the alignment of this character should have changed to Lawful Good. This will
allow the Sword of Tyr to then take paladin levels. To make the change easier, it
is recommended that the initial alignment of this character be Neutral Good.

Meet the Power Builds Page 177

The statistics and level progression as presented in this document differ
from what is found in the original write up. These statistics were suggested by
the creator of this build, TyrTemplar, in a series of messages to the author.

TyrTemplar, “Sword of Tyr (Celestial Smiter) Paladin 15, Divine Champion 10.
RDD 4, Bard 1 (or Sorc 1),” Neverwinter Nights: Epic Character Builders Part

Meet the Power Builds Page 178

Terracotta Soldier
Earth Genasi, Fighter 12/ Bard 1/ Red Dragon Disciple
10/ Weapon Master 7
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Statistics (Naked)
STR 40 DEX 14 CON 16 INT 16 WIS 6 CHA 8
AC 19 HP 406 BAB 26 Fort 21 Refl 16 Will 13

Bully, Weapon Focus (Scimitar), Improved Unarmed Strike, Combat Expertise,
Able Learner, Weapon Specialization (Scimitar), Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack,
Whirlwind Attack, Weapon of Choice (Scimitar), Disarm, Improved Disarm, Epic
Prowess, Great Strength (+1), Greater Weapon Focus (Scimitar), Great Strength
(+2), Epic Weapon Focus (Scimitar), Greater Weapon Specialization (Scythe) ,
Great Strength (+3), Great Strength (+4), Great Strength (+5)

Intimidate 4, Lore 8, Perform 5, Spellcraft 30, Spot 33, Taunt 12, Tumble 30, Use
Magic Device 31

Prepared Spells
Level 0 Cure Minor Wounds, Flare, Light, Resistance

Item Properties
Head Watchman’s Helm Light: [Low (10 m)][Color: Blue]
Skill Bonus: Listen [+8]
Skill Bonus: Search [+8]
Skill Bonus: Spot [+8]
Chest Mithral Full Plate AC Bonus [+8]
(enhanced) Bonus Hitpoints [+35]
Regeneration [+8]

Meet the Power Builds Page 179

Item Properties
Boots Boots of the Sun Soul Ability Bonus: Constitution [+9]
+5 (enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
AC Bonus [+5]
Saving Throw Bonus: Reflex [+9]
Use Limitation: Class: Monk
Arms Cat Queen’s Claws Attack Bonus [+8]
(enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+9]
Cast Spell: Mass Charm (15) [3 Uses/Day]
Damage Bonus: Magical [1d12]
Decreased Saving Throw: Mind Affecting [-4]
Right Adamantine Scimitar Damage Bonus: Cold [5d6]
Hand (enhanced) Damage Bonus: Magical [2]
Enhancement Bonus [+8]
Left Adamantine Tower AC Bonus [+8]
Hand Shield (enhanced) Bonus Hitpoints [+35]
Regeneration [+8]
Cloak Cloak of Movement Ability Bonus: Charisma [+9]
(enhanced) AC Bonus [+8]
Damage Resistance: Cold [25/-]
Freedom of Movement
Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+5]
Left Ring of Major Sonic Damage Resistance: Sonic [30/-]
Ring Resistance Saving Throw Bonus: Acid [+9]
(enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Electrical [+9]
Right Ring of Major Damage Resistance: Electrical [30/-]
Ring Electrical Resistance Saving Throw Bonus: Acid [+9]
(enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Electrical [+9]
Neck Amulet of Natural Ability Bonus: Wisdom [+9]
Armor +5 (enhanced) AC Bonus [+5]
Damage Resistance: Acid [40/-]
Saving Throw Bonus: Universal [+7]
Belt Greater Swordsman’s Ability Bonus: Strength [+9]
Belt (enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
Damage Resistance: Slashing [20/-]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fortitude [+9]

Leveling Guide
Initial Attributes
STR 20 DEX 14 CON 14 INT 14 WIS 6 CHA 6

Meet the Power Builds Page 180

Level Progression
Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
1 F1 Lo +4, Ta +4, In Bully, Weapon Improved
+4 (Save 4) Focus Unarmed Strike
2 Bd 1 Lo +1, Pe +5, Sc
+5, UMD +1
3 F2 Lo +1 (Save 3) Combat Able Learner
4 F3 STR + 1 Lo +1, Sc +2, Tu
5 F4 Lo +1, Sc +1, Tu Weapon
+2 Specialization
6 RDD 1 Sc +1, Tu +2 Dodge
(Save 1)
7 RDD 2 Sc +1, Tu +1,
UMD +3
8 RDD 3 STR + 1 Tu +1, UMD +3
9 RDD 4 Sc +1, UMD +3 Mobility
10 RDD 5 Sc +1, UMD +2,
Tu +1
11 RDD 6 Sc +1, Tu +2,
UMD +1
12 RDD 7 STR + 1 Sc +2, Tu +2 Spring Attack
13 RDD 8 Sc +1, Tu +1,
UMD +2
14 RDD 9 Sc +1, Sp +2, Tu
+1, UMD +1
15 RDD 10 Sc +1, Sp +2, Tu Whirlwind
+1 (Save 1) Attack
16 WM 1 STR + 1 Sc +1, Sp +1, Weapon of
UMD +3, Tu +1 Choice
17 F5 Sc +1, Sp +2, Tu
+1, UMD +1
18 WM 2 Sc +1, Sp +3, Tu Disarm
19 F6 Sc +1, Sp +1, Tu Improved
+1, UMD +2 Disarm
20 F7 STR + 1 Sc +1, Sp +2, Tu
+1, UMD +1
21 F8 Sc +1, Sp +2, Tu Epic Prowess Great Strength
+1, UMD +1 (+1)
22 F9 Sc +1, Sp +2, Tu
+1, UMD +1
23 F 10 Sc +1, Sp +2, Tu Greater Weapon Great Strength
+1, UMD +1 Focus (+2)

Meet the Power Builds Page 181

Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
24 F 11 STR + 1 Sc +1, Sp +2, Tu
+1, UMD +1
25 F 12 Sc +1, Sp +2, Tu Epic Weapon Great Strength
+1, UMD +1 Focus (scimitar) (+3)
26 WM 3 Sc +1, Sp +2, Tu
+1, UMD +1
27 WM 4 Sc +1, Sp +2, Tu Great Strength
+1, UMD +1 (+4)
28 WM 5 STR + 1 Sp +4, UMD +1
29 WM 6 Sp +1, Ta +4 Great Strength
30 WM 7 Sp +1, Ta +4
Class: Bd = Bard, F = Fighter, RDD = Red Dragon Disciple, WM = Weapon Master
Skill: In = Intimidate, Lo = Lore, Pe = Perform, Sc = Spellcraft, Sp = Spot, Ta = Taunt, Tu = Tumble, UMD = Use
Magic Device

TyrTemplar and Mithdradates, “Terracotta Soldier (Dragon Blade) (Fighter 12,
Weapon Master 7, RDD 10, Bard 1),” Neverwinter Nights: Epic Character
Builders Part Deux,

Meet the Power Builds Page 182

Earth Genasi, Fighter 18/ Bard 1/ Barbarian 1 / Red
Dragon Disciple 10
Alignment: Neutral

Statistics (Naked)
STR 40 DEX 14 CON 18 INT 14 WIS 6 CHA 8
AC 20 HP 438 BAB 26 Fort 25 Refl 13 Will 13

Bully, Able Learner, Weapon Focus (Scythe), Monkey Grip, Knockdown, Weapon
Specialization (Scythe), Extend Rage, Extra Rage, Improved Critical (Scythe),
Disarm, Combat Expertise, Improved Knockdown, Greater Weapon Focus
(Scythe), Great Strength (+1), Epic Weapon Focus (Scythe), Great Strength (+2),
Greater Weapon Specialization (Scythe) , Great Strength (+3), Epic Weapon
Specialization (Scythe) , Great Strength (+4), Armor Skin, Great Strength (+5),
Improved Combat Expertise

Lore 8, Perform 5, Spellcraft 30, Spot 13, Tumble 30, Use Magic Device 33

Prepared Spells
Level 0 Cure Minor Wounds, Flare, Light, Resistance

Item Properties
Head Watchman’s Helm Light: [Low (10 m)][Color: Blue]
Skill Bonus: Listen [+8]
Skill Bonus: Search [+8]
Skill Bonus: Spot [+8]
Chest Mithral Full Plate Bonus Hitpoints [+35]
(enhanced) Regeneration [+8]
Spell Resistance [28]

Meet the Power Builds Page 183

Item Properties
Boots Boots of the Sun Soul Ability Bonus: Constitution [+9]
+5 (enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
AC Bonus [+5]
Saving Throw Bonus: Reflex [+9]
Use Limitation: Class: Monk
Arms Bracers of Armor +10 AC Bonus [+10]
Right Cold Iron Scythe Enhancement Bonus [+8]
Hand (enhanced) Damage Bonus: Acid [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Cold [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Electrical [5d6]
Left Adamantine Tower AC Bonus [+8]
Hand Shield (enhanced) Bonus Hitpoints [+35]
Regeneration [+8]
Cloak Cloak of Movement Ability Bonus: Charisma [+9]
(enhanced) AC Bonus [+8]
Damage Resistance: Cold [25/-]
Freedom of Movement
Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+5]
Left Ring of Major Sonic Damage Resistance: Sonic [30/-]
Ring Resistance Saving Throw Bonus: Acid [+9]
(enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Electrical [+9]
Right Mourningring Cast Spell: Create Greater Undead (18) [1 Use/Day]
Ring (enhanced) Cast Spell: Healing Circle (16) [2 Uses/Day]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fire [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Universal [+6]
Neck Amulet of Natural Ability Bonus: Wisdom [+9]
Armor +5 (enhanced) AC Bonus [+5]
Damage Resistance: Acid [40/-]
Damage Resistance: Electrical [40/-]
Belt Greater Swordsman’s Ability Bonus: Strength [+9]
Belt (enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
Damage Resistance: Slashing [20/-]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fortitude [+9]

Leveling Guide
Initial Attributes
STR 20 DEX 14 CON 16 INT 12 WIS 6 CHA 6

Level Progression
Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
1 F1 Lo +4, Sc +2 Bully, Weapon Able Learner
(Save 2) Focus (Scythe)
2 Bd 1 Lo +1, Pe +5, Sc
+1, Tu +4

Meet the Power Builds Page 184

Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
3 F2 Lo +1, Sc +1, Tu Knockdown Monkey Grip
4 F3 STR + 1 Lo +1, Sc +1, Tu
5 F4 Lo +1, Sc +1, Tu Weapon
+1 Specialization
6 Bb 1 Sc +1, Tu +1, Extend Rage
UMD +3
7 RDD 1 Sc +1, Tu +1,
UMD +1
8 RDD 2 STR + 1 Sc +1, Tu +1,
UMD +1
9 RDD 3 Sc +1, Tu +1, Extra Rage
UMD +1
10 RDD 4 Sc +1, Tu +1,
UMD +1
11 RDD 5 Sc +1, Tu +1,
UMD +1
12 RDD 6 STR + 1 Sc +1, Tu +1, Improved
UMD +1 Critical (Scythe)
13 RDD 7 Sc +1, Tu +1,
UMD +1
14 RDD 8 Sc +1, Tu +1,
UMD +1
15 RDD 9 Sc +1, Tu +1, Disarm
UMD +1 (Save
16 RDD 10 STR + 1 Sc +3, Tu +1,
UMD +1
17 F5 Sc +1, Sp +1, Tu
+1, UMD +1
18 F6 Sc +1, Sp +1, Tu Improved Combat
+1, UMD +1 Knockdown Expertise
19 F7 Sc +1, Sp +1, Tu
+1, UMD +1
20 F8 STR + 1 Sc +1, Sp +1, Tu Greater Weapon
+1, UMD +1 Focus (Scythe)
21 F9 Sc +1, Sp +1, Tu Great Strength
+1, UMD +1 (+1)
22 F 10 Sc +1, Sp +1, Tu Epic Weapon
+1, UMD +1 Focus (Scythe)
23 F 11 Sc +1, Sp +1, Tu Great Strength
+1, UMD +1 (+2)
24 F 12 STR + 1 Sc +1, Sp +1, Tu Greater Weapon
+1, UMD +1 Specialization
25 F 13 Sc +1, Sp +1, Tu Great Strength
+1, UMD +1 (+3)

Meet the Power Builds Page 185

Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
26 F 14 Sc +1, Tu +1, Epic Weapon
UMD +2 Specialization
27 F 15 Sc +1, Tu +1, Great Strength
UMD +2 (+4)
28 F 16 STR + 1 Sp +1, Tu +1, Armor Skin
UMD +1
29 F 17 Sp +2, UMD +2 Great Strength
30 F 18 UMD +4 Improved
Class: Bb = Barbarian, Bd = Bard, F = Fighter, RDD = Red Dragon Disciple
Skill: Lo = Lore, Pe = Perform, Sc = Spellcraft, Sp = Spot, Tu = Tumble, UMD = Use Magic Device

Zhonn-vei'ay, “Thuggernaut (Fighter 18 / Bard 1 / RDD 10 / Barbarian 1),”
Neverwinter Nights: Epic Character Builders Part Deux,

Meet the Power Builds Page 186

Human, Fighter 16 / Warlock 2/ Weapon Master 7 /
Shadowdancer 5
Alignment: Lawful Evil

Statistics (Naked)
STR 24 DEX 14 CON 8 INT 14 WIS 8 CHA 16
AC 14 HP 252 BAB 27 Fort 12 Refl 16 Will 10

Tale Teller, Able Learner, Silver Palm, Mobility, Combat Expertise, Spring Attack,
Whirlwind Attack, Weapon Focus (Falchion), Weapon of Choice (Falchion),
Knockdown, Skill Focus (Bluff), Feint, Improved Knockdown, Blind-Fight, Epic
Prowess, Expose Weakness, Disarm, Epic Weapon Focus (Falchion), Great
Strength (+1), Improved Critical (Falchion), Weapon Specialization (Falchion),
Epic Specialization (Falchion), Negotiator

Bluff 33, Hide 33, Intimidate 4, Move Silently 33, Spellcraft 25, Taunt 33, Tumble

Prepared Spells
Level 1 Beguiling Influence, Dark One’s Own Luck

Item Properties
Head Finch’s Finest Hat Ability Bonus: Charisma [+2]
Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+2]
Skill Bonus: Bluff [+8]
Skill Bonus: Diplomacy [+8]
Skill Bonus: Perform [+6]
Skill Bonus: Sleight of Hand [+6]
Chest Mithral Chain Shirt Bonus Hitpoints [+35]
(enhanced) Regeneration [+8]
Spell Resistance [28]

Meet the Power Builds Page 187

Item Properties
Boots Boots of Hardiness +3 Ability Bonus: Constitution [+9]
(enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
AC Bonus [+3]
Saving Throw Bonus: Reflex [+9]
Arms Bracers of Armor +10 AC Bonus [+10]
Right Alchemical Silver Enhancement Bonus [+8]
Hand Falchion (enhanced) Damage Bonus: Acid [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Cold [5d6]
Damage Bonus: Electrical [5d6]
Left (None)
Cloak Cloak of Movement Ability Bonus: Charisma [+9]
(enhanced) AC Bonus [+8]
Damage Resistance: Cold [25/-]
Freedom of Movement
Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+5]
Left Ring of Major Fire Damage Resistance: Fire [30/-]
Ring Resistance Saving Throw Bonus: Acid [+9]
(enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Electrical [+9]
Right Ring of Major Sonic Damage Resistance: Sonic [30/-]
Ring Resistance Saving Throw Bonus: Acid [+9]
(enhanced) Saving Throw Bonus: Cold [+9]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fire [+9]
Neck Amulet of Natural AC Bonus [+5]
Armor +5 (enhanced) Damage Resistance: Acid [40/-]
Damage Resistance: Cold [40/-]
Damage Resistance: Electrical [40/-]
Belt Greater Swordsman’s Ability Bonus: Strength [+9]
Belt (enhanced) Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+8]
Damage Resistance: Slashing [20/-]
Saving Throw Bonus: Fortitude [+9]

Leveling Guide
Initial Attributes
STR 16 DEX 14 CON 8 INT 14 WIS 8 CHA 16

Level Progression
Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
1 F1 Hi +2, In +4, MS Tale Teller Able Learner,
+2, Ta +4 (Save Silver Palm
2 Wa 1 Bl +5, Ta +1, Tu
+2 (Save 1)

Meet the Power Builds Page 188

Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
3 Wa 2 Bl +1, Hi +1, MS Mobility
+1, Ta +1, Tu +1
(Save 1)
4 F2 STR + 1 Bl +1, Sc +4, Ta Combat
+1 Expertise
5 F3 Bl +1, Sc +1, Ta
+1, Tu +1 (Save
6 F4 Bl +1, Hi +1, MS Spring Attack Whirlwind
+1, Ta +1 (Save Attack
7 F5 Bl +1, Hi +1, MS
+1, Ta +1, Tu +1
(Save 2)
8 F6 STR + 1 Bl +1, Sc +5, Ta Weapon Focus
+1 (Falchion)
9 WM 1 Bl +1, Hi +1, MS Weapon of Knockdown
+1, Ta +1, Tu +1 Choice
10 WM 2 Bl +1, Ta +1
(Save 3)
11 WM 3 Bl +1, Hi +1, MS
+1, Ta +1, Tu +1
(Save 3)
12 WM 4 STR + 1 Bl +1, Sc +5, Tu Skill Focus
+1 (Save 1) (Bluff)
13 WM 5 Bl +1, Hi +1, MS
+1, Ta +1, Tu +1
(Save 1)
14 WM 6 Bl +1, Ta +1
(Save 4)
15 WM 7 Bl +1, Hi +1, MS Feint
+1, Sc +1, Ta +1,
Tu +1 (Save 1)
16 F7 STR + 1 Bl +1, Sc +1, Ta
+1 (Save 3)
17 F8 Bl +1, Hi +1, MS Improved
+1, Sc +1, Ta +1, Knockdown
Tu +1 (Save 2)
18 Sd 1 Bl +1, Hi +5, MS Blind-Fight
19 Sd 2 Bl +1, Hi +3, MS
+3, Ta +2
20 F9 STR + 1 Bl +1, Hi +1, MS
+1, Ta +1 (Save
21 F 10 Bl +1, Hi +2, MS Epic Prowess Expose
+2, Ta +1 Weakness

Meet the Power Builds Page 189

Level Class Attribute Skills Bonus Feats Feats
22 F 11 Bl +1, Hi +1, MS
+1, Ta +1 (Save
23 F 12 Bl +1, Hi +2, MS Disarm Epic Weapon
+2, Ta +1 Focus
24 F 13 STR + 1 Bl +1, Hi +1, MS
+1, Ta +1 (Save
25 F 14 Bl +1, Hi +2, MS Great Strength Improved
+2, Ta +1 (+1) Critical
26 F 15 Bl +1, Hi +1, MS
+1, Ta +1 (Save
27 F 16 Bl +1, Hi +2, MS Weapon Epic Weapon
+2, Ta +1 Specialization Specialization
(Falchion) (Falchion)
28 Sd 3 STR + 1 Bl +1, Hi +1, MS
+1, Ta +1 (Save
29 Sd 4 Bl +1, Hi +1, MS Negotiator
+1, Ta +1, Tu
30 Sd 5 Bl +1, Hi +1, MS
+1, Sc +5, Ta +1
Class: Bg = Blackguard, Fi = Fighter, Wa = Warlock, WM = Weapon Master
Skill: Bl = Bluff, Hi = Hide, In = Intimidate, MS = Move Silently, Sc = Spellcraft, Ta = Taunt, Tu = Tumble

SchnaKe, “The Veteran (Fighter 16/Warlock 5/Shadowdancer 2/Weapon
Master 7),” Neverwinter Nights: Epic Character Builders Part Deux,

Meet the Power Builds Page 190

Index by Class
Arcane Scholar of Candlekeep 26, 75, 108, 139,
144 Monk 9, 31, 48, 66, 89, 99, 103, 108, 119, 123,
Arcane Trickster ........................................... 79 127
Assassin ........................................................ 89
B Neverwinter Nine ......................................... 79
Bard ...13, 17, 26, 35, 44, 61, 94, 135, 153, 175,
179, 183
Blackguard .5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 31, 35, 44, 85, 112,
144, 153 Paladin ......................... 40, 53, 66, 75, 135, 175
Pale Master ................................................ 139
Cleric ... 35, 48, 57, 94, 108, 131, 149, 162, 166
Ranger ...............................................5, 44, 170
Red Dragon Disciple 13, 17, 40, 44, 61, 94, 135,
D 149, 153, 175, 179, 183
Divine Champion ........... 40, 123, 157, 162, 175 Red Wizard ................................................... 26
Druid........................................................... 103 Rogue ......................................79, 89, 144, 157
Duelist .................................................103, 127
Dwarven Defender ..................................... 135
Sacred Fist .............................................. 9, 103
E Shadowdancer ...............................31, 119, 187
Eldritch Knight .........................................70, 75 Sorcerer ...................................40, 75, 108, 144
Stormlord .......................... 53, 85, 94, 149, 166
Favored Soul .................... 9, 17, 48, 53, 85, 157
Fighter .....5, 31, 48, 53, 61, 66, 70, 85, 99, 112, Warlock .....................................21, 57, 99, 187
115, 119, 123, 127, 131, 153, 162, 170, 179, Warpriest ............................................ 157, 166
183, 187 Weapon Master .... 61, 112, 131, 162, 166, 179,
Frenzied Berserker ..................................5, 112 187
Wizard .......................................26, 70, 79, 139
Invisible Blade ............. 66, 70, 89, 99, 119, 123

Meet the Power Builds Page 191

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