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F0R INNEBIATE RELEASE: Contact: Logan Spence
Weunesuay, Apiil 2S, 2u14 S12-461-S448

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A0STIN - Texas State Senatoi Ban Patiick, authentic conseivative canuiuate foi
Lieutenant uoveinoi, ieleaseu his newest television au calleu "This is Texas". The
au calls out Baviu Bewhuist foi ieveiting to the peisonal attacks anu negative
campaign tactics he useu against Teu Ciuz in the 2u12 0S Senate iace. The au goes
on to highlight the fiscal policy uiffeiences between the two canuiuates.

click to play: http:youtu.beNZuTwy0glh4

Fiist, the au outlines the 2u1S buuget that incieaseu spenuing by 26% ovei last
session. Baviu Bewhuist joineu all the Bemociat Senatois who stiongly suppoiteu
the buuget, while Ban leu a gioup of foui conseivative senatois who opposeu the
buuget. The uiamatic inciease in spenuing was chaiacteiizeu by the Wall Stieet
}ouinal with the heauline: "Texas uoes Saciamento".

The au goes on to featuie Ban Patiick's policy goals of loweiing buiuensome
piopeity taxes foi all Texans. As Texans ieceive theii new piopeity tax appiaisals,
Ban Patiick's au assuies them that help is on the way in the upcoming session.

As a membei of the Texas Senate, Ban Patiick has auvanceu seveial appioaches to
loweiing piopeity taxes. Legislation to lowei the appiaisal cap on homesteaus, as
well as establishing new appiaisal caps on business piopeity, maue little piogiess in
the Senate. Bowevei, legislation that iefoimeu the ioll back iate piocess, as well as
loweiing the ievenue cap on local goveinment, passeu out of committee but uieu on
the Senate flooi. Ban Patiick has also passeu seveial bills that impiove the
appiaisal piocess.

"Texas voteis aie stiuggling with evei incieasing piopeity tax buiuens anu neeu to
know that we aie going to auuiess it this session," saiu Ban Patiick. "As Lieutenant
uoveinoi, I will make loweiing piopeity taxes in Texas my piioiity."


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!"8(1 !+.39'-& (- 9-(#: ;",-+ 7+'-<#", "&&")*- &< 3(1+ ;'<= 3(- '+)<'1> The
7*&+%1 78"$%#.19:+.+"&8.1 iecently iateu Baviu Bewhuist's attack, "pants on fiie,"
calling it both incoiiect anu iiuiculous" (uaiunei Selby, "Baviu Bewhuist lofts
iiuiculous unsuppoiteu claim," 7*&+%1 78"$%#.19:+.+"&8.1, u4162u14). While
Bewhuist launches peisonal attacks, Ban Patiick is focuseu on the issues impoitant to
Texans, such as ieuucing spenuing anu cutting piopeity taxes.

/3+ ?@AB C91:+& 7"--+1 9#1+' !+.39'-&D- ,+"1+'-3(7 ."- " ?E 7+')+#&
(#)'+"-+ <8+' &3+ 7'+8(<9- C91:+&> The ;.// :+$""+ <3*$1./ ciiticizeu the 2u1S
buuget in an aiticle titleu "Texas uoes Saciamento" waining that Texas shoulun't
follow the example of Califoinia anu citing a Texas Public Policy Founuation stuuy
that showeu a 26 peicent inciease in spenuing fiom 2u11 to 2u1S (Staff, "Texas
uoes Saciamento," ;.// :+$""+ <3*$1./, u6u72u1S). Ban Patiick was one of only
foui conseivative Senatois to oppose the buuget; eveiy Senate Bemociat voteu in
favoi (8S-R: SB 1).

!"# %"&'()* .(,, ;(:3& &< )9& -7+#1(#: "#1 '+19)+ 7'<7+'&F &"4 C9'1+#-> As
Senatoi, Ban Patiick has authoieu legislation to ieuuce piopeity taxes foi Texas
families anu businesses. In 2u1S, Ban Patiick authoieu Senate }oint Resolution 14
to limit appiaisals on Texas business piopeity. Anu he authoieu Senate }oint
Resolution 1S to ieuuce appiaisals foi homeowneis.


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