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Test I. True or False ____________1. The issue of quality and actions should still be continuously to be addressed. ____________2.

Agenda is what project for society CSR conforms to. ____________3. CSR must be a long-term commitment. ____________4. If we had to sum up the matter of how to manage CSR, we ought to single out three points: What topics, what processes and how it is integrated into management. ____________5. Accountability is the aspect related to information transparency. ____________6. Agenda is the variety of practices, measures and proposals that come under the term CSR. ____________7. CSR must be a short term commitment. ____________8. CSR can become one of the courses of business innovation and cohesion. ____________9. Environment: aspects related to information, transparency, and how the company accounts for itself. ____________10. CSR is a process in which the most important thing is the trajectory and the direction that sustain it. ____________11. The European Commission in (2001) defines CSR as " a concept whereby companies integrate social environmental concerns in their interaction with stakeholders on a voluntary basis." ____________12. The criterion of allocating tasks and responsibilities is not established on the basis of the public or private nature of the organizations taking part, but rather on the basis of their ability to meet to a particular social need most appropriately and effectively. ____________13. The methodology of the relational model was initially developed by Mendoza. ____________14. The Agora Model refers to the Mediterranean countries: Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain. ____________15. The Relational Model refers to the Mediterranean countries: Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain. ____________16. The vision of CSR is linked to sustainable economic growth. ____________17. In Asia, the concept of CSR is linked to sustainability and governance. ____________18. Each country defines CSR according to its economic context and its historical tradition. ____________19. Legislation on CSR can only cover a very narrow range of the spectrum of possible policies. ____________20. The CSR Analysis model was developed by Vilanova. ____________21. The first approach deals with the themes and instruments used by governments in their initiatives to promote CSR ____________22.The CSR model was developed by Vilanova (2003) ____________23. The methodology of the relational model was initially developed by Mendoza (1991-1996) ____________24. The relational state locates the relations between the public and private sphere- between the state and society- in the field of co-responsibility. ____________25. The governments have not employed soft intervention policies to apply CSR measures. ____________26. The CSR debate highlights the fact that, in a globalized world, it is not just products and services that compete but also business models, management models, and governance models. ____________27. We consider that the most innovative countries regarding CSR are those that lend it to revision of globalization process. ____________28. CSR policies have been defined in some countries on the basis of social issues, thus allowing CSR to be incorporated into the national sustainability policy. ____________29. The CSR model was developed by Villanueva. ____________30. Agora model refers to the Mediterranean countries: Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain. ____________31. There are 3 main approaches in the analysis of government action on CSR. ____________32.The construction of the analytical framework is comprised of 3 distinct stages. ____________33. The CSR analysis model was developed by Vilanova. ____________34.The CSR analysis model includes 5 aspects. ____________35.The partenership model groups together the countries of northern Europe and takes into account their approach to CSR public policies. ____________36. Partnership model refers to groups together the countries of northern Europe and takes into account their approach to CSR public policies. ____________37. The business in the community model refers to the Anglo-Saxon countries. ____________38. The sustainability and citizenship model prevail in continental Europe.

____________39. The agora model refers to the Mediterranean countries. ____________40. The agora model refers to the Anglo-Saxon countries. ____________41. CSR must be a long-term commitment. ____________42. CSR is a new vision of the corporate world to society ____________43. CSR is about how companies and countries differentiate themselves in an interdependent world. ____________44. When CSR is conceived as a process, several dimensions have to be considered. One is the Tacit- which is the element that formalize and objective CSR. ____________45. CSR constitutes a vision of how relationships are carried on with the various players involved in business activity. ___________46. CSR is a process in which the most important thing is the trajectory and the direction that sustain it and the ongoing commitment that gives it structure. ___________47. Stakeholders aspects related to the interaction bet. the company and society, especially through all the stakeholders who are affected by its activities. ___________48. By applying relational model of CSR policies, it is possible to reorder the material generated by identifying themes and instruments. ___________49. the relationship between the business enterprise and its customers carries a number of seldom explicitly stated but nonetheless existent expectations. ___________50.Business must not have to ensure that terms of contracts with suppliers be clearly stated and honored in full.

Test II. Multiple Choice 1. GCSR Means: a. Government and Corporate Social Responsibility b. Government and Corporation Social Responsibility c. Government and Continuous Self-Responsibility d. Government and Corollary Self-Responsibility 2. What are the three aspects that we should make distinction in discussing about GCSR? a. Agenda, Mission and Goal b. Vision, Mission and Objectives c. Understanding, Agenda and Vision d. Objectives, Vision and Agenda 3. The aspects related to the interaction between company and society. a. Stakeholders b. Vision and Mission c. Environment d. Work 4. According to Fox, work from the idea of the public sector adopting four roles, except: a. Endorsing b. Partnering c. Mandating d. Controlling 5. It is defined in some countries on basis of social issues, thus allowing CSR to be incorporated into the national sustainability of policy. a. CSR Issues b. CSR Policies c. CSR Environment d. CSR Vision 6. This model refers to the Anglo-Saxon countries: Ireland and the UK. a. Partnership b. Business in the Community c. Agora d. Sustainability and Citizenship

7. This model refers to the Mediterranean countries: Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain. a. Partnership b. Business in the Community c. Agora d. Sustainability and Citizenship 8. The methodology of the relational model was initially developed by ____________. a. Vilanova b. Roome c. Mendoza d. Fox 9. What project for society CSR conforms to. a. Vision b. Mission c. Agenda d. Understanding 10. The variety of practices, meneared and proposals that come under the te CSR. a. Understanding b. Mission c. Vision d. Agenda 11. Social players involved in CSR: a. Government b. Social Climbers c. Elite 12. Importance is also attached to _____________ action in developing countries. A. Public Agent B. Judicial C. Public Sector 13. This made an impressive entry on the economic, business, political and social scene. A. Government Accounting B. Government and Corporate Social Responsibility C. Government Owned and Controlled Corporations 14. The European commission tackles CSR with two aspects: A. What and Why B. Why and How C. What and How 15. This model groups together the countries of northern Europe and takes into account their approach to CSR public Policies. A. Corporation Model B. Sole Proprietor Model C. Partnership Model 16. Which is not one of the three main approaches in the analysis of government action on CSR? a) themes and instruments b.) relational and strategic aspects. c.) human resources and application. d.) players and contexts. 17. CSR model developed by Vilanova includes: a.) works b) affiliate c.) resources d.) facility

18. Methodology of the relational model was initially developed by: a.) Eugenio b.) Mendoza c.) Banadera d.) Smith 19. This concept wants to focus on the new role of the state in advanced societies in confronting the crisis of the welfare state in the face of globalization and the internalization of the economy. a.) relational model b.) relational state c.) relational idea d.) relational welfare. 20. PPP means? a.) public-private partnership b.) public-personnel partners c.) private- public partnership d.) personnel-private partnership 21. Roome (2005) stated that, in the approach taken to CSR in every country, several elements were included, such as: a. Political and Institutional Structure b.Social Structure c.Historical Traditions d.All of the above 22.The time has come to expound openly that CSR constitutes one of the great opportunities of all of the following, except a.Innovation b.Observation c.Differentiation d.Legitimation 23.Which of the following are included in the roles in the public sector in relation to CSR? a.Mandating b.Facilitating c.Partnering d.All of the above 24.The CSR analysis model includes the following aspects, except a.Vision-mission-values b.Stakeholders c.Works d.None of the above 25. This model groups together the countries of Northern Europe and takes into account their approach to CSR public policies. a.Partnership model b.Business in the community model c.The sustainability and citizenship model d.Agora model 26.The Agora model refers to the Medeterranean countries : a. Greece b. Italy c. Spain d. All of the above.

27.This is the model that refers to the Anglo-Saxon countries. a. Partnership model b. Agora model c. Business in community model D. none of the above. 28.The Sustainability and Citizenship model was divided into ___ models. a. 3 b. 2 c. 4 d. 6 29. The stage 1 in the construction of the analytical framework is: a. Applying the CSR matrix to government action. b. Developing the analysis model for government profiles of CSR. c. Analysis of cultural contexts. d. none of the above. 30. The following are models of Government Action except: a. Partnership model b.Agora model c. Business in the Community model d. Commercial model 31. According to Albareda, Lozano, Mauricio, Rocher and Yu there are three distinction aspects, which of the following is not an aspects? a. Agenda b. Mission c. Vision d. Understanding 32. The characteristic of this model is as a shared strategy among sectors for meeting socioemployment challenges? a. Business in the community b. Sustainability c. Partnership d. Agora 33.Its characteristic is a soft intervention policies to encourage company involvement in governance challenges affecting the community. a. Agora b. Sustainability and citizenship c. Business in the community d. Partnership 34. It is an updated version of the existing social agreement and emphasis on a strategy of sustainable development. a. Agora b. Sustainability and Citizenship c. Business in the community d. partnership 35.It is a regulatory creation of discussion groups for the different social actors to achieve public consensus on CSR. a. Agora b. Sustainability and citizenship c. Business in the community d. Partnership 36. Those intangible elements that make uo the concrete manifestations of CSR in each company. (17) a. Explicit b. Tacit

c. Negative aspects d. Propositional aspects 37. Those approaches involve n CSR, have a component of enquiry, facilitating innovation or improving management. (18) a. explicit b. tacit c. negative aspects d. propositional aspects 38. Deals with the themes and instruments used by governments in their initiatives to promote CSR. (50) a. fist approach b. 2nd approach c. 3rd approach 39.. Deals with the relational and strategic aspects. (51) a. 1st approach b. 2nd approach c. 3rd approach 40. Stage of the construction of the analytical framework that apply the relational governance approach to the analysis of CSR public policies. (51) a. stage 1 b. stage 2 c. stage 3

From number 41-50 choose your answer in the following choices: a. Vision b. CSR c. Stakeholder d. Market e. The Tacit f. Vision and mission g. Environment h. Business in the community model i. Agora model j. Partnership model 41. ________ brings us to ask ourselves whether our country is capable in its economic and social aspects. 42. It is the aspect related to the interaction between the company and society. 43. ______ aspects of CSR related to the activities of the company with regard to products, services, and market strategies. 44.. It is what project for society CST conforms to. 45. Those intangible elements that make up the concrete manifestations of CSR in each company. 46.. This model groups together the countries of northern Europe and takes into account their approach to CSR public policies. 47. Its articulation with corporate values, the explication and formulation of those values and how the are integrated into the strategy and governance of the organization. 48. It deals with the impact the company's activities have on the environment. 49. This model refers to the Anglo-Saxon countries:Ireland and the UK. 50. Most of these governments are currently engaged in developing and designing public strategies and policies for CSR.

Key Answers: Test I. True or False 1. True (page 3) 2. False (page 3) 3. True (page 4) 4. True (page 13) 5. True (page 14) 6. True (page 3) 7. False (page 4) 8. True (page 12) 9. False (page 14) 10. True (page 16) 11. True (page 40) 12. True (page 55) 13. True (page 54) 14. True (page 68) 15. False (page 68) 16. True (page 30) 17. False (page 30) 18. True (page 44) 19. True (page 60) 20. True (page 52) 21. True (page 50) 22. True (page 52) 23. True (page 54) 24. True (page 54) 25. False (page 67) 26. False (page 6) 27. True (page 7) 28. True (page 43) 29. False (page 52) 30. True (page 68) 31. True (page 50) 32. True (page 51) 33. True (page 52) 34. False (page 52) 35. True (page 65) 36. True (page 65) 37. True (page 67) 38. True (page 67) 39. True (page 68) 40. False (page 68) 41. True (page 4) 42. True (page 6) 43. True (page 8) 44. False (page 17) 45. True (page 17) 46. True (page 16) 47. True (page 13) 48. True (page 57) 49. True (page 76) 50. False (page 70)

Test II. Multiple Choice 1. A (page 3) 2. C (page 3) 3. A (page 14) 4. D (page 35) 5. B (page 43) 6. B (page 67) 7. C (page 68)

8. C (page 54) 9. A (page 3) 10. D (page 3) 11. A (page 37) 12. C (page 36) 13. B (page 3) 14. C (page 5) 15. C (page 65) 16. C (page 50) 17. A (page 52) 18. B (page 54) 19. B (page 54) 20. A (page 56) 21. D (page 6) 22. B (page 9) 23. D (page 35) 24. D (page 52) 25. A (page 65) 26. D (page 68) 27. C (page 67) 28. B (page 67) 29. A (page 51) 30. D (page 66) 31. B (page 3) 32. C (page 66) 33. C (page 66) 34. B (page 66) 35. A (page 66) 36. B (page 17) 37. D (page 18) 38. A (page 50) 39. C (page 51) 40. B (page 51) 41. B (page 8) 42. C (page 13) 43. D (page 14) 44. A (page 3) 45. E (page 17) 46. J (page 65) 47. F (page 13) 48. G (page 14) 49. H (page 67) 50. I (page 68)

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