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Maintenance Engineering

Egyptian Tomb : Ra-En-Ka 2600-1700BC Sledge a! "!ed to tran!port mon"ment

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Arivoli.N Asst Prof DFT NIFT Bangalore

Maintenance i! t#e ro"tine and rec"rring proce!! o$ %eeping a partic"lar mac#ine or a!!et in it! normal operating condition !o t#at it can deli&er it! e'pected per$ormance or !er&ice it#o"t ca"!ing any lo!! o$ time on acco"nt o$ accidental damage or brea%do n

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Arivoli.N Asst Prof DFT NIFT Bangalore

*$ not maintained +
, poorly maintained Steam Boiler may ca"!e a !erio"! accident -ail"re o$ Rope o$ a inder "!ed in mine! Co!tly .o n Time! /rod"ction .elay!- 0ead Time e'ten!ion

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Arivoli.N Asst Prof DFT NIFT Bangalore

Maintenance Engineering consists of knowledge and skills aimed at reducing the cost of maintenance and increase system productivity and safety.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Arivoli.N Asst Prof DFT NIFT Bangalore

Maintenance Engineering i! t#e di!cipline and pro$e!!ion o$ applying Engineering concept! to t#e optimi1ation o$ e2"ipment3 proced"re!3 and departmental b"dget! to ac#ie&e better Reliability, Availability and Maintainability o$ e2"ipment4 (RCM)
Tuesday, February 12, 2013 Arivoli.N Asst Prof DFT NIFT Bangalore 6

, Maintenance Engineer !#all po!!e!! !igni$icant %no ledge o$ Stati!tic!3 /robability and 0ogi!tic!3 and additionally in t#e $"ndamental! o$ t#e operation o$ t#e e2"ipment and mac#inery #e or !#e i! re!pon!ible $or4

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Arivoli.N Asst Prof DFT NIFT Bangalore

Maintenance 5b6ecti&e!(SKS)
To maintain /lant 7 e2"ipment at it! ma'im"m operating e$$iciency 3 en!"ring operational !a$ety and red"cing .o n time To !a$e g"ard in&e!tment! by minimi1ing rate o$ deterioration To #elp Mgmnt in ta%ing deci!ion! on replacement! or ne in&e!tment!
Tuesday, February 12, 2013 Arivoli.N Asst Prof DFT NIFT Bangalore 8

Maintenance 5b6ecti&e!
To acti&ely participate in !peci$ication preparation3 8endor 9E2"ipment !election3 Rating3 *mport S"b!tit"tion3 E 7C Standardi1ation o$ Spare! and con!"mable! a! per :ational or *nternational Std! R"nning o$ Centrali1ed !er&ice! li%e Steam ;eneration3 <ater S"pply3 ,ir S"pply and -"el S"pply etc Repair and Reconditioning
Tuesday, February 12, 2013 Arivoli.N Asst Prof DFT NIFT Bangalore 9

Maintenance 5b6ecti&e! (RCM)

Improving Productivity thru Maximum Availability at Optimum Cost

Mo!t *mportant 5b6ecti&e: Ma'imi1ation o$ t#e a&ailability o$ e2"ipment or -acilitie! To e!tabli!# Sa$e or%ing condition! bot# $or 5perating and maintenance per!onnel
Arivoli.N Asst Prof DFT NIFT Bangalore

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Elimination o$ $"t"re de$ect! /re&ent brea%do n d"ring operation En!"re !a$ety d"ring operation Ma'imi1e operational e$$iciency Red"ce idle #o"r! d"e to component mal$"nctioning En#ance /er$ormance le&el

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Arivoli.N Asst Prof DFT NIFT Bangalore


Brea% .o n ,naly!i!

Brea%do n




/oor /ractice!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Arivoli.N Asst Prof DFT NIFT Bangalore


Maintenance ,pproac#e!

/lanned Mntc

Brea% .o n Mntc

/re&enti&e Mntc

/redicti&e Mntc ,nn"al S#"t .o n

Correcti&e Mntc MR5 ,MC M5



Sc#ed"led Maintenance
Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Arivoli.N Asst Prof DFT NIFT Bangalore

Sy!tem! approac# to Maintenance

*denti$ication o$ Mntc need! ,naly1ing and /rioriti1ing t#e re2"irement! .etermining t#e -"nctional proced"re! $or Maintenance Ta!% Selection3 <or% /lanning and Sc#ed"ling3 <or% 5rder /roce!!ing 5"tlining a Reporting and Controlling /roced"re! .e&elopment o$ S"pporting -acilitie! and *n$ra!tr"ct"re .etermining Co!t ,cco"nting /roced"re! ,dopting a /olicy $or Training and ="ality ,!!"rance
Tuesday, February 12, 2013 Arivoli.N Asst Prof DFT NIFT Bangalore 14

Brea%do n Maintenance
:o mntc or% i! done "ntil an e2"ipment $ail! or become! inoperati&e E2"ipment i! allo ed to r"n till it !top! or%ing and no e$$ort! made in ad&ance to pre&ent t#e $ail"re o$ part! ."ring t#e repair time 3 no proper care i! ta%en to %no t#e real ca"!e o$ t#e brea%do n3 #ic# may lead to !imilar $re2"ent $ail"re!
Tuesday, February 12, 2013 Arivoli.N Asst Prof DFT NIFT Bangalore 15

/lanned Maintenance
,n organi1ed type o$ maintenance <#en <#at by <#om E2"ipment !peci$ic : nat"re o$ e2"ipment and it! or%ing condition! /re&enti&e3 /redicti&e3 Correcti&e3 CBM3 RCM
Tuesday, February 12, 2013 Arivoli.N Asst Prof DFT NIFT Bangalore 16

Sc#ed"led Maintenance
,ct"al Maintenance /rogramme i! !c#ed"led in con!"ltation it# t#e /rod"ction .epartment /redetermined Mntc acti&ity !o a! to "tili1e idle time o$ t#e Mac#ine e$$ecti&ely E$$ecti&e "tili1ation o$ Manpo er En#ance! ,&ailability and Reliability

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Arivoli.N Asst Prof DFT NIFT Bangalore


Correcti&e Mntc
-oc"!!ed on reg"lar planned Ta!%! t#at ill maintain all critical mac#inery and !y!tem in optim"m operating condition! ,ll repair! are ell planned and implemented by properly trained people Cycle co!t o$ critical e2"ipment i! con!idered 5b6ecti&e!:
Eliminate B9.!3 "nne!!ary repair! 7 de&iation! $rom 5ptim"m operating Cond3 optimi1e all critical plant !y!tem!
Arivoli.N Asst Prof DFT NIFT Bangalore

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


/re&enti&e Mntc
*! t#e "tili1ation o$ planned and coordinated in!pection!3 ad6"!tment! and minor repair! in maintaining plant *t i! de!igned $or day-to day mntc li%e cleaning3 in!pection3 l"brication3 retig#tening to retain #ealt#y condition o$ e2"ipment! Ro"tine ,ttention3 Ro"tine E'amination and /re&enti&e Replacement! o$ Minor part!
Tuesday, February 12, 2013 Arivoli.N Asst Prof DFT NIFT Bangalore 19

/redicti&e Maintenance
Reg"lar E&al"ation o$ t#e act"al operating condition! o$ /lant E2"ipment and prod"ction !y!tem! /redicting t#e $ail"re! ba!ed on t#e pa!t data or $rom t#e 5EM !"pplier and replacing i$ re2"ired /ro&ide! timely $act"al data t#at !tate! t#e operating condition! o$ critical prod"ction !y!tem! and e$$ecti&ene!! o$ critical plant $"nction !"c# a! p"rc#a!ing3 Engineering and prod"ction
Tuesday, February 12, 2013 Arivoli.N Asst Prof DFT NIFT Bangalore 20

CBM Condition Ba!ed Mntc

Carried o"t in re!pon!e to a !igni$icant deterioration in a "nit or !y!tem a! indicated by a c#ange in a monitored parameter Mo!t !"ited $or #ig# capital co!t e2"ipment and comple' replaceable item! 8ibration3 temperat"re3 noi!e -ail"re .ata nece!!ary Condition monitoring: 5nline 7 5$$line
Tuesday, February 12, 2013 Arivoli.N Asst Prof DFT NIFT Bangalore 21

RCM Reliability Centered Mntc

To identi$y t#e mntc re2"irmnt! o$ e2"ipmnt E!tabli!#e! -"nctional Re2"irement! and t#e de!ired per$ormce Std! o$ E2"ipmnt and t#en relate! to de!ign and in#erent reliability parameter! o$ t#e m9c -ME, -T,

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Arivoli.N Asst Prof DFT NIFT Bangalore


Computerized Maintenance Management System CMMS

, comp"teri1ed maintenance management !y!tem ill contain a n"mber o$ integrated program! or mod"le! to impro&e t#e e$$iciency and e$$ecti&ene!! o$ t#e mntc $"nc4 Preventive maintenance
Asset register Maintenance stores system Purchasing Work order planning and control Plant history and analysis
Arivoli.N Asst Prof DFT NIFT Bangalore 23

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

otal Productive Maintenance
*ntrod"ced in ;E3 >S, 1?60 /rod"cti&e Mntc T/M- :ippon .en!o Co4 @apan3 1?71 :ationali!ed in 1?AB by @*/M @apane!e *n!t o$ /lant Maintenance

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Arivoli.N Asst Prof DFT NIFT Bangalore


Terotec#nolgy- >K 1?70! C Dero Concept E0F Brea% .o n E0F -a"lt E0F .elay! E0F Stoc%5"t! E0F /aper or% RBM9RCM Reliability Centered Mntc Creati&e Maintenance
Tuesday, February 12, 2013 Arivoli.N Asst Prof DFT NIFT Bangalore 25

5rgan1ation !tr"c o$ a ;arment ind

<#ere doe! Mntc .ept !tandG

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Arivoli.N Asst Prof DFT NIFT Bangalore


,dmin Str"ct"re o$ M:TC .ept

Senior Mntc Engr

<or% /lanning Engineer

Mntc S"perintendent

Mntc Engr Mec#3 Elect

/lanning -oreman
Tuesday, February 12, 2013


-oreman 1 -oreman 2 /re&enti&e Mntc -oreman


Arivoli.N Asst Prof DFT NIFT Bangalore

Maintenance S"perintendant

Engineering ,!!i!tant

-acilitie! -oreman

-oreman S#op! Mntc Mntc Repair 0"rication Con!tr"ctn

-oreman /lanng 7 Mntc <r% order /lanng 7 E!tmn Sc#ed"lg Bac%log ctrl /er$ormnce Report!

-oremn Engg

-ield -oreman

Steam /o er <ater ,ir

Engg .e!ign

B"ildng! Hard! -ire protctn <a!te .i!po!al

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Arivoli.N Asst Prof DFT NIFT Bangalore


C#allenge! in Maintenance
Rapid gro t# o$ Tec#nology- 5b!ole!cence ,d&ent o$ :e diagno!tic tool!3rapid repair !y!tem! Re2"irement o$ %eeping bot# old and modern mac#ine! Coping "p it# di$$erent tool!- 0ean3 Kai1en3 @*T3 ="ality circle!3CS3T/S3T/M EMS 5ISI,S E$$ecti&e R7. M*MS3 E'pert Sy!tem! Arivoli.N Asst Prof DFT NIFT Tuesday, February 12, 2013 29 Bangalore Co!t Control

Tradeo$$ Bet een Repair! and /M

Annual Cost Minimum Total Maintenance Cost

Minimum Level of Preventive Maintenance

Total Maintenance Costs Preventive Maintenance Cost Breakdown and Repair Cost

Degree of Preventive Maintenance

Tuesday, February 12, 2013 Arivoli.N Asst Prof DFT NIFT Bangalore 30

Re!pon!ibilitie! o$ Mntc dept

/er!onnel Management- S%ill *n&entory-IR/ Sync#roni1e it# /rod"ction .ept- Target! @ob .i!trib"tion and S"per&i!ion -eedbac% and Control -inance Mgmt-B"dgeting Mntc -"nd!-/roper ,llocation *n&entory Management-,BC analy!i!-Sparepart! Cla!!i$ication Maintaining .ata- Man"al!3 Repair 7 .T Ii!tory3 >pdating o$ Mntc ,cti&itie! /reparing Maintenance C#ec%li!t! and identi$ying Arivoli.N Asst Prof DFT NIFT Tuesday, February 12, 2013 /oint! Mntc C#ec% Bangalore


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