Outlook Backup

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Step 1: Copy message files to a backup folder Step A: Locate the Store folder 1. Start Outlook Express. 2.

Click Tools, and then click Options. 3. On the Maintenance tab, click Store Folder. 4. n the Store !ocation dialo" box, cop# the store location. To do this, $ollo% these steps& '. (ut the )ouse pointer at one end o$ the box under the *our personal )essa"e store is located in the $ollo%in" $older box. +. (ress and hold the le$t )ouse button, and then dra" the )ouse pointer across the *our personal )essa"e store is located in the $ollo%in" $older box. ,. (ress CT-!.C to cop# the location. /. Click Cancel, and then click Cancel a"ain to close the dialo" box. Step B: Copy the contents of the Store folder 0. Click Start, click -un, press CT-!.1, and then click O2. 13. On the Edit )enu, click Select 4ll. 11. On the Edit )enu, click Cop#, and then close the %indo%. Step C: Create a backup folder 12. -i"ht5click an# e)pt# area on #our desktop, click 6e%, and then click Folder. 13. T#pe Mail 7ackup $or the $older na)e, and then press E6TE-. Step D: Paste the contents of the Store folder into the backup folder 14. 8ouble5click the Mail 7ackup $older to open it. 1'. -i"ht5click inside the Mail 7ackup $older %indo%, and then click (aste. Step 2: !port the Address Book to a "cs# file $mportant Make sure that #ou $ollo% this step i$ #ou use )ultiple identities in Outlook Express. Microso$t Outlook Express '.x and Microso$t Outlook Express +.3 use a 9indo%s 4ddress 7ook :.%ab; $ile to store 4ddress 7ook data. The indi<idual data $or each identit# is stored in a $older b# user na)e %ithin the .%ab $ile that is used. The onl# %a# to separate the 4ddress 7ook data $or di$$erent identities is to export the data to a .cs< $ile %hile #ou are lo""ed in as a speci$ic identit#. $ the .%ab $ile beco)es dissociated $ro) the user identities, the data can be exported onl# as one total. n this case, the data cannot be exported $older b# $older. There is another reason to export the .%ab $ile to a .cs< $ile. $ the .%ab $ile not exported

to a .cs< $ile, but the .%ab $ile is shared %ith Microso$t Outlook, the addresses are stored in the personal $olders :.pst; $ile in Outlook. 9hen #ou export the $ile to a .cs< $ile b# usin" the File )enu in Outlook Express, the correct contacts are exported. =o%e<er, i$ the 4ddress 7ook is shared %ith Outlook, #ou cannot use the File )enu option to export $ro) the 4ddress 7ook. This option is una<ailable. To export the 4ddress 7ook to a .cs< $ile, $ollo% these steps& 1+. On the File )enu, click Export, and then click 4ddress 7ook. 1,. Click Text File :Co))a Separated 1alues;, and then click Export. 1/. Click 7ro%se. 10. Select the Mail 7ackup $older that #ou created. 23. n the File 6a)e box, t#pe address book backup, and then click Sa<e. 21. Click 6ext. 22. Click to select the check boxes $or the $ields that #ou %ant to export, and then click Finish. 23. Click O2, and then click Close. Step %: !port the mail account to a file 24. On the Tools )enu, click 4ccounts. 2'. On the Mail tab, click the )ail account that #ou %ant to export, and then click Export. 2+. n the Sa<e n box, select the Mail 7ackup $older, and then click Sa<e. 2,. -epeat these steps $or each )ail account that #ou %ant to export. 2/. Click Close. Step &: !port the ne'sgroup account to a file 20. On the Tools )enu, click 4ccounts. 33. On the 6e%s tab, click the ne%s account that #ou %ant to export, and then click Export. 31. n the Sa<e n box, select the Mail 7ackup $older, and then click Sa<e. 32. -epeat these steps $or each ne%s account that #ou %ant to export. 33. Click Close.

(o' to restore )utlook !press items

*ote To restore ite)s %hen #ou use )ultiple identities in Outlook Express, #ou )a# ha<e to re5create the identities be$ore #ou $ollo% these steps. -epeat each step as needed $or each identit#. Step 1: $mport messages from the backup folder 34. On the File )enu, point to )port, and then click Messa"es. 3'. n the Select an e5)ail pro"ra) to i)port $ro) box, click Microso$t Outlook

Express ' or Microso$t Outlook Express +, and then click 6ext. 3+. Click )port )ail $ro) an OE' store director# or )port )ail $ro) an OE+ store director#, and then click O2. 3,. Click 7ro%se, and then click the Mail 7ackup $older. 3/. Click O2, and then click 6ext. 30. Click 4ll $olders, click 6ext, and then click Finish. Step 2: $mport the Address Book file 43. On the File )enu, click )port, and then click Other 4ddress 7ook. 41. Click Text File :Co))a Separated 1alues;, and then click )port. 42. Click 7ro%se. 43. Select the Mail 7ackup $older, click the address book backup.cs< $ile, and then click Open. 44. Click 6ext, and then click Finish. 4'. Click O2, and then click Close. Step %: $mport the mail account file 4+. On the Tools )enu, click 4ccounts. 4,. On the Mail tab, click )port. 4/. n the !ook n box, select the Mail 7ackup $older. 40. Click the )ail account that #ou %ant to i)port, and then click Open. '3. -epeat these steps $or each )ail account that #ou %ant to i)port. '1. Click Close. Step &: $mport the ne'sgroup account file '2. On the Tools )enu, click 4ccounts. '3. On the 6e%s tab, click )port. '4. n the !ook n box, select the Mail 7ackup $older. ''. Click the ne%s account that #ou %ant to i)port, and then click Open. '+. -epeat these steps $or each ne%s account that #ou %ant to i)port. ',. Click Close.

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