Ultra Fitness Mag 2014-04-05

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The ultimate: Body-Sculpting Metabolic-Revving Calorie-Killing Fat Loss Strategies P.72
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inside WorldMags.net
Assistant Editor Olivia says: I always knew African runners were extremely talented but after reading this it amazes me just how far ahead of the rest of the world they really are! Definitely a worthwhile read!

Advertising Executive Mat says: If youre looking for the latest fitness trends, products and go-to fitness businesses, look no further. The 2014 Australian Fitness & Health Expo is set to be huge!


Editor and Publisher Michael says: The Sandhill Warrior has decades of experience as a fitness professional, so if anyone knows the ethics PTs should have, its him! Whether you are a PT or youre looking for one, these tips are beneficial for all!

32 72 56 84 28



Write To Us & Win!>P10

Speed up fat loss with supersets.

How much do you really know about lactic acid?

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That is the question.


Become a fat-burning machine in just 30 minutes.


Become an expert on our second movement the lunge.


Whats the secret to East Africas marathon domination?

Looking for a new exercise high?

In Australia, as few as 3% of people reach their fitness goals how are you going with yours?


What scientific substance do supplements really have?



Why do some people have an Ill never be able to attitude while others never give up?

Simple, delicious recipes to keep you trim this autumn.

Running has taken Richard Bowles to unimaginable places, physically and mentally.


Do you tend to get the flu after intense exercise? We could have the answer.

Feel like there arent enough hours in the day? Time management is the key!


Natures most impressive superfood: Incha Inchi.

Weve put together 18 pages of the latest fitness trends, products and businesses for you to check out at the Australian Fitness & Health Expo in Melbourne.




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to head to the US and take in the latest at the IHRSA conference in San Diego as well as getting swept away by the craziness of the Arnold Classic in Ohio. I wont be the only Aussie there as these events attract their fair share of visitors including many fitness leaders from Down Under. Like many other firms across the globe, FITmedia (and now Muscle Up Media) has stretched its wings and joined the growth possible via the internet on a global scale. We now have six titles and with them we have tapped into the world scene by licensing international publications like Oxygen, Clean Eating and now The BOX. We have lured international visitors to our shores to be on our expo stands. We have signed overseas contributors where necessary and we now are exporting our Aussie brands both in print and digitally. Muscle Up just launched a mag called Mens Muscle and Health which goes headto-head with some well-known mens mags; however, ours is the only 100% Australian publication and it showcases why Aussies are doing so well on the international scene! I urge you to buy a copy, it really is world class. Looking at our social media reach we are continually delighted! Our Oxygen Facebook page grows at 3,000-4,000 likes every day! Same for our Clean Eating Facebook site! We can reach 500,000 people who opt in to our pages at the click of a button. Our combined website pages reach 100,000 regular visitors. Gone are

f you can excuse my corny play on words, I wanted to chat about what is going on globally in the wellness segment. I am about

the days when a publisher produced a great mag and then relaxed. We, like many firms, now manage print production, social networks, online promotions, video production, photography and design, and merging digital platforms! Oh, did I forget mobile devices, too? I get asked every week which is the best angle for reaching and creating clients? The answer is easy - print! And that is a whole story in itself! I have never had a fitness model or writer contact me and ask to be in our digital mag or on the cover of an iTunes version! But daily we have dozens of offers to get in our magazines especially on our print mag covers! If this ever changes I will let you know, but for now print is the preferred vehicle for good content in our industry - by a mile! Getting back to the wellness of wellness, I guess the point is that we are lucky to be part of an industry that is in growth. For our brands, that growth has to offer quality! The industry now has fewer barriers, and if you are a savvy business person it is easier than ever to create a brand and see if the world is ready. I see so many people attracted to this industry and launching businesses with some amazing successes along the way. I also see those chasing fame and a quick buck. They come and go, and some do a great deal of damage along the way. It seems everyone has an angle and a voice which only adds to the everyone talking and no one listening modality of social pages. I am encouraged, though, to be doing business with many firms that I met with 15 years ago when I got involved in Ultra FIT mag. Through good strategies and relationships, many small Aussie firms have grown and taken their ideas internationally with success. As we hit expo time again, these

players will dazzle us with new products and services and as the industry grows we will see some of the ideas boom. We have included pages of new products in the magazine and we are always thankful for the companies that support us with advertising and promotion. Our goal, however, remains to be the most reliable and well researched fitness magazine available! In Fitness Michael Henry CEO FITmedia
Photo: Dallas Olsen

8 AP R IL/ MA Y 20 1 4 | u lt rafi t ne ssm ag. c o m . au


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inbox WorldMags.net
Hello, I am writing to express my dismay and confusion at an article that completely contradicts the previous one and also your experts giving completely different advice: Your expert Jon Davie starts his interview by telling us we dont need to starve ourselves to be lean. And finally a clear explanation of metabolism is written which highlights the importance of regular food intake, especially breakfast. This is also supported by other journalists/specialists in this edition. Yet, Marcus Bondi (your other expert) claims that a glass of water and a small piece of fruit is enough for breakfast followed by regular lunch and dinner (no snacks mentioned). In his article regarding six packs he encourages no breakfast at all, which is surprising advice from an athlete. Given his inspiration is himself (his words), perhaps this is what works for him - and only him! As I dont know anyone that trains hard and sensibly that can exist on the meagre amount of calories he is suggesting. I humbly encourage you to have all your journos on the same (sensible) page. All it does is discredit your otherwise great magazine. Regards, Regular reader, sports fan and nutritionist Hi Regular Reader, We certainly thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and appreciate your point of view. To ensure we keep delivering the best health and fitness information, its crucial for us to hear regular readers thoughts. As Marcus Bondi stated in his six-pack feature, he performs at his best on little to no breakfast and as you have rightly pointed out this approach may not work for others. As we mentioned in the article, that approach works specifically for him and he has had undeniable success in his chosen discipline. No one body is the same so a great deal of the information provided about health and fitness and what works best is about learning what works best for you. Our biggest hope is that by providing our readers with a variety of options, it enables them to experiment with different foods and exercises at various times while paying particular attention to how their body reacts and feels. They are the best people to judge whether that approach is suited to them or not. As they become more familiar with their own bodies, the more they will understand what works best for them. For those who are not quite sure, we always recommend seeking the advice of a professional nutritionist such as yourself - or a dietician to help them understand what is right for them. Kind Regards, The UltraFITNESS Team
10 AP RI L/ MA Y 20 1 4 | u lt raf it ne ssm ag. c o m . au

Write to us & win

Its great getting so many letters from our readers. And were now rewarding you for your ideas and comments . If you send us your feedback, each issue well choose our favourite letter, and the winner will receive a Pulse QT Strapless HRM Pedometer.

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Hey UltraFITNESS team I am addicted to this mag. I relate to a lot of your articles and every page is just fantastic - I cant wait to turn the page but hate it when I get to the last one. Oh well, I will read it again. Can we make this great mag weekly? I read it on day one and have to wait two months! Seriously great work team, I will be mentioning you everywhere thanks! Dave Hey Dave, Its great to hear youre enjoying the mag. Weve got a new mag out called Mens Muscle and Health which comes out in alternative months to Ultra FITNESS. Maybe you could check that out to fill the void between issues. Keep up the great work!

2014 is going to be the next phase of transformation. I will fight this battle and be fitter and stronger because I am choosing to make my life a priority. Thank you for your amazing articles in every issue that keep me focused and challenge me to try something new... even if it frightens me. Fear does not live here any more! Manola Wow, Manola! What an awesome attitude! If you need anything to help you become more focused and or tips to help you kick butt in the next phase of your transformation, let us know and well see what we can do. Good luck!

What are you struggling with? Do you have an article youd love to read? Maybe you want more or less of something from us here at Ultra FITNESS. E-mail us at editorial@ultrafitnessmag.com.au - wed love to hear from you!


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anatomy WorldMags.net
ea ys to ave a w If you h time to find wa doesnt e at b h t T h . ig th m it p streng ends hand for rs ri g r u o ri pe ey increas shing your girlf ir of hand grip d up) an ru pa mean c stead, buy a aster ($19.95 ions: 3kg pm ty. In tens ri ri e G o e re ri h e th T p su d 5kg ne. le in anly) an e job do availab to get th gripper, that is eavy, or half-m p strength if tance, (h d nd resis gri is a han pansy), 4.5kg ld have great oast comfort a rove that r u b p (light, o eavy - you sho anufacturers strength and thods e (extra-h is easy). The m st and forearm two surefire m th se wri se you find d some hand, er yet, try the the gym and u so buil t a wuss. Bett r forearms in o e. ou youre n engthening y master at hom for str the Grip



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(opposite side)


Jean Hguy/photo, Molly Borman/illustration (anatomy); Jason Breeze (exercises)

12 APR I L/ MA Y 20 1 4 | u lt raf it ne ssm ag. c o m . au




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Getting to Know Our Experts WorldMags.net

AVERAGE CIRCULATION NUMBER OF 33300 PUBLISHER Michael Henry FITmedia michael@fitmedia.com.au EDITOR Michael Henry editor@ultrafitnessmag.com.au ASSISTANT EDITOR/ENQUIRIES Olivia Amourgis editorial@ultrafitnessmag.com.au ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY CONSULTANT Donal Carr www.placeofchi.com CREATIVE DIRECTOR Andy Quilty ADVERTISING EXECUTIVE Mathew Hambrook 0414 157 307 Direct (07) 5503 0202 adsales@fitmedia.com.au SUBSCRIPTION 6 issues (1 year) $40 NZ$59 12 issues (2 years) $80 NZ$109 Overseas airmail for 6 issues $99 Cheques payable to Ultra FITNESS mag PO Box 3223 Nerang BC QLD 4211 Subscribe online at www.ultrafitnessmag.com.au


At 43, Amanda Allen is a two-time CrossFit Games Athlete, including the 2013 CrossFit Games World Champion, 40-44. She is a health and performance coach, Level 1 CrossFit coach, Level 2 CHEK exercise and lifestyle coach, Level 2 sports coach, speaker, writer and soon-to-be author with her first book CrossFit The Time of My Life due for release soon. She has completed several courses, including Cert IV Holistic Psychology, Cert IV master trainer, Level 1 Hatha Yoga, Level 1 Reiki and a Diploma of massage. Whats more, Amanda also has a degree in marketing, and operations and logistics. For two decades Amanda has been achieving high-level sporting feats, including state and national titles in triathlon, cycling and canoeing. Her passion lies in helping others discover the magnificence of radiant health and optimal performance, of never settling for less than their highest potential. If you could only do one exercise, what would it be? That is the most impossible question! Doing CrossFit I do hundreds of movements and combinations of movements every month, and Im learning new things every week! I guess if I was only able to choose one it would have to be running for sheer freedom and pleasure of being outdoors and running with my dog Pepper. It is one of my most favourite things in the whole world; I would be lost without that joy in my life! What is the most important lesson youve learnt about health and fitness? Every one per cent counts. Positive change, progress and rewards come from working hard at everything in every moment of every day. They say an overnight success is 10 years in the making; I believe this is true in the attainment of extraordinary, lifelong health and fitness. The bottom line is: you have to believe youre worth putting the work into and then you have to do the work that others will not.

Richard Bowles is an Australian adventure runner, professional speaker and endurance coach and consultant. In 2012 he became the first person to run the entirety of the Australian Bicentennial National Trail. Over his five-and-a-half month journey he ran more than 5,300km - the equivalent of 126 marathons. Two weeks later he began New Zealands 3,054km Te Araroa Trail. When Richard is not running he is inspiring and educating others through his motivational speaking and distance coaching and consultations. To find out more visit www.richardbowles.com.au. If you could only do one exercise, what would it be? Run of course! Thats my job. If Im not running across a mountain range somewhere around the globe, then Im speaking about it to a mixture of corporate businesses, sports groups and schools. In between that Im helping others achieve their running goals. The best thing about the activity of running is that you can do it anytime of the day, anywhere in the world with no special equipment or team. You dont even need any special talent; anybody can do it. What is your pet hate? Excuses! People that moan and complain about life, yet do nothing to change it. YOU are the only one that can change ANYTHING in your life. STOP annoying me and do something about it. Otherwise zip it! What is the most important lesson youve learnt about health and fitness? I have learnt lots and continue to learn. What works for me one week doesnt necessarily work the next. The body is a complex thing; it continually adapts and needs different stimulations for operation through exercise, food and thought. The key to health and fitness is to not make it complex like the body - keep it simple. If I get too scientific in my approach to health, fitness and wellbeing, things never seem to work out. And the great thing about simplicity is you dont have to learn it.

SUBSCRIPTION & READER SERVICES Phone: 1300 80 75 80 Email: admin@ultrafitnessmag.com.au Ultra FITNESS mag is distributed by Network Services
Nothing in this magazine can be reproduced without the permission of the publisher. This magazine is intended to give general information only. It is not a substitute for professional or medical advice. All liability arising directly or indirectly from the use of, or for any omissions in the information given is expressly disclaimed. The opinions expressed by the authors do not necessarily reflect those of the editor or publisher. Cover price is recommended price only.

Ultra FITNESS mag 2014 Published by Australian Workout Publications Inc PO Box 880 Newport Beach NSW 2106. ABN 84 002 908 447. All rights reserved.

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16 AP RI L/ MA Y 20 1 4 | u lt raf it ne ssm ag. c o m . au


Photo: shutterstock

Like religion or politics, every adult has a perspective, a position, or even a forceful opinion. Even being agnostic or apolitical, one subscribes to a belief of not believing or of being wholly disinterested and distanced. Nutrition, diet, and supplements, as a group, have more divergent (and often aggressive and even violent) opinions than a Geneva Convention could align. What if you were horizontal on your lounge, ipping through the TV channels and you landed on a live show entitled, Supplements are Rubbish and Toxic. Would you change the channel or pack your esky with enough to last for two uninterrupted hours?
adies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to host our first of three episodes of a show we have received many requests for, the host announces. A show that pits two experts - one scientist who is pro-supplements, and another scientist who, lets say, doesnt fancy them - against one another. Their responses to live and virtual studio audience questions are aired [scientists are seated in chairs, silhouetted, faces unseen]. These two gurus have been chosen by a biomedical advisory board of esteemed scientists and doctors. Rather than waiting for our audience to wish me to belt up, says the host, lets start! [Lights begin to incrementally illuminate the faces of the scientists; audience begins to roar]. Our first question from Mr A Martin in Noosa, is: Do fat burners, such as green tea and bitter orange extracts, really work for fat loss? Okay. Dr. Grace Braun, lets have you respond first. Mr. Martin, thank you for framing your question as you did, Dr Grace Braun (anti-supplements) begins. Fat burners are ingredients and products that claim to increase the burning of fat in the body. Many make the leap of faith - and make a purchase while holding an evangelical burning candle of hope - that fat burning equals body fat loss. A number of companies in their advertising, promotions, labels, websites, and even in person state that these fat burners reduce body fat. Caffeine alone, and in brewed beverages like coffee and tea, when consumed in adequate amounts, has been shown in studies with women and men to increase the rate of calorie and fat burning for a period of a few hours (1,2). A few studies with dried bitter orange extract, also called Citrus aurantium - the fruit used to make traditional British orange marmalade - have also reported modest increases in metabolism over a period of a few hours. But you rightly asked for FAT LOSS. All of the placebo-controlled studies that have been performed to date with green tea extract (2) and bitter orange extract pills (3-5) have not shown significantly greater fat loss. Even one study (5) that was sponsored by the marketer of the leading bitter orange extract showed no

weight loss, granted that body fat measurements were not reported (5) . If caffeine alone was indeed a fat loss agent, would we not expect persons who receive and use a $100 gift card to a global caf chain to achieve a new svelteness after one month of imbibing a few cuppas every day? Caffeine does not reduce body fat, despite increasing calorie and fat burning over a few hours. Why care about a 3-4 hour fat burn if your waist size is locked onto 44cm after a month? Thank you, Dr Braun, the host exclaims. Dr Erica Hawley, we all are anxious for your reply er, rebuttal! Dr Braun offered an accurate overview of the evidence - or lack thereof, Dr Hawley responds, related to supplements containing bitter orange and green tea extracts. The only evidence that really supports any benefit of green tea extract supplements was a study performed in overweight Thai people over a period of 12 weeks (7). Significantly greater fat loss and waist circumference drops, relative to the placebo group, were seen after eight weeks - but disappeared by 12 weeks. Ive been emphasising the word supplement because - especially in the context of green tea extracts - journalists, marketers of brands, and even some of my scientific colleagues bundle studies using green tea BEVERAGES with studies testing green tea EXTRACTS in supplement form, like tablets or capsules.


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For whatever reason, green tea extract - the dry form found in pills - does not seem to be effective in producing fat loss, Dr Hawley continues, whereas green tea beverages enriched or fortified with a green tea extract DO. This is where a detailed review of studies yields jewels or rocks that are often overlooked, depending on ones perspective. Various studies have been conducted with green tea beverages and shown weight and fat loss, even targeted fat loss around the mid-section (8-10). One of the first studies to be conducted in Caucasians, and not Asians - who may have a different biological response to green tea ingredients, due to their millennial exposure to them - showed that a green tea beverage (one 500ml bottle/day) produced greater weight loss, and fat loss in the mid-section, compared to a flavoured and sweetened placebo beverage that contained the same amount of caffeine as the tea beverage (10). These persons were overweight and obese, and not engaged in an exercise program. Adding in exercise, the results appear to reverse, Dr Hawley

endures. A recent study showed that among lean and exercising males, drinking two cans of a green tea extract-enriched fruit beverage twice daily for seven days did NOT increase fat burning during exercise, despite the caffeine dose in the tea beverage being 120 milligrams (compared to 10 milligrams in the placebo beverage)(11). This was not a tea beverage, but rather a fruitflavoured and sweetened beverage to which a green tea extract was added. An earlier study by the same British University laboratory supplementing with green tea extract capsules showed a boost in fat burning during cycling exercise, relative to a placebo (12). I would offer to the audience here in the studio, and the virtual audience around the continent, that green tea beverages enriched with a green tea extract may offer modest help in losing fat weight, and that green tea extract capsules may help in fat burning during exercise. However, we do NOT know if either the beverage or the capsules would produce more vigorous reductions - compared to a caffeine placebo - in body fatness among persons who are not overweight but are exercising. Maybe one of the supplement or tea companies will sponsor such a study. I assert that the possible benefits of a proper green tea beverage or green tea extract merit further investigation and may be a dinky-di weapon of modest fat mass reduction.

Anthony L. Almada, MSc, FISSN is trained as a nutritional and exercise biochemist, obtaining his MSc from the University of California, Berkeley. He was the co-founder of EAS in 1993, a company that introduced creatine monohydrate and evidencebased sports nutrition to most of the world. He has been a coinvestigator on over 25 research publications, exploring nutritional supplementation and foods in healthy, diseased, and athletic populations. He is the CEO of Vitargo Global Sciences, LLC, marketers of a patented starch extract carbohydrate.
References 1. Acheson KJ, et al. Caffeine and coffee: their influence on metabolic rate and substrate utilization in normal weight and obese individuals. Am J Clin Nutr 1980; 33:989-97. 2. Hursel R and Westerterp-Plantenga M. Catechin- and caffeine-rich teas for control of body weight in humans. Am J Clin Nutr 2013;98:1682S-93S. 3. Stohs SJ, et al. A review of the human clinical studies involving Citrus aurantium (bitter orange) extract and its primary protoalkaloid p-synephrine. Int J Med Sci 2012;9:52738. 4. Ulbricht C, et al. An evidence-based systematic review of bitter orange (citrus aurantium) by the Natural Standard Research Collaboration. J Dietary Suppl 2013;10:391-431. 5. Kaats GR, et al. A 60 day double-blind, placebo-controlled safety study involving Citrus aurantium (bitter orange) extract. Food Chem Tox 2013;55:358-62. 6. Hodgson AB, et al. The effect of green tea extract on fat oxidation at rest and during exercise: evidence of efficacy and proposed mechanisms. Adv Nutr 2013;4: 129-40. 7. Auvichayapat P, et al. Effectiveness of green tea on weight reduction in obese Thais: A randomized, controlled trial. Physiol Behav 93;2008:48691. 8. Nagao T, et al. A green tea extract high in catechins reduces body fat and cardiovascular risks in humans. Obesity 2007;15:147383. 9. Nagao T, et al. Ingestion of a tea rich in catechins leads to a reduction in body fat and malondialdehyde-modified LDL in men. Am J Clin Nutr 2005;81:1229. 10. Maki KC, et al. Green tea catechin consumption enhances exercise-induced abdominal fat loss in overweight and obese adults. J Nutr 2009;139:264-70. 11. Randell RK, et al. No effect of 1 or 7 d of green tea extract ingestion on fat oxidation during exercise. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2013;45:883-91. 12. Venables MC, et al. Green tea extract ingestion, fat oxidation, and glucose tolerance in healthy humans. Am J Clin Nutr 2008;87:77884.

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Photo: shutterstock



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aas, cipato H n so rin By El abrina P and S

ts inevitable that continued consumption of McDonalds milk shakes can - and will - turn you into the Goodyear blimp. But theres no need to get as angry as Master Shake from Aqua Teen Hunger Force; you can still get your sweet-tooth fix with these four protein smoothies, courtesy of UltraFITNESS. Its not all about your sweet tooth, though; protein smoothies are a great way to get power-packed nutrition with relatively few calories. While youre probably used to whey protein, there are other options to increase your selection - and its wise to have more than one so you can rotate them. (This reduces your risk of developing food reactions.) You also

Makes 360-540ml 120ml orange juice 120ml water, ice or mix 1 medium banana 6 medium strawberries 1 tbsp axseed oil 2 tbsp protein powder (whey) Optional choices: Rice milk instead of juice, yoghurt if desired and various other fruits or juices.

CALORIES: 395 FAT: 15 grams CARBS: 48 grams SUGAR: 20 grams PROTEIN: 20 grams

20 AP RI L/ MA Y 20 1 4 | u lt ra f it ne ssm ag. c o m . au


Cory Sorensen

want to keep the sugar content in your shakes low and add some flaxseed oil or fats to the protein and carbs to slow the absorption of sugars. The base liquid can be water, milk or its variants (such as soy, rice, almond or oat) and orange, apple or other juices. Ideally, you also want some fresh fruit: bananas will make your drink rich and smooth, while berries (such as blueberries) -available organic and frozen year - round - offer lots of protective antioxidants with few calories. You can also use flaxseed or hempseed oil or freshly ground seeds, which are high in omega-3 fatty acids. Use additional water and/or ice to blend and achieve the thickness you like. These protein shakes can be incredibly palate-pleasing and filling yet light and energetic enough to support exercise and workouts. Gather up the ingredients you want - it literally takes a few minutes to make your drink up. The supplies you need to include are protein powders, some green powder (with various algaes that are rich in amino acids and nutrients) and the newer red powders (which are extracts of antioxidant fruits like blueberry, pomegranate, acai and goji berries, mangosteen and more). Enjoy the varied colours and tastes and make your power shakes a staple of your healthy diet. Currently available protein powders include whey, soy, rice, hemp and egg. Of course, use organic products as much as possible for juices, milks, fruits and powders. Here are four protein-based shakes to begin your smoothie magic. The amounts can be varied to make more or less. (Refer to optional choices for other substitution ideas.) Place all ingredients in a blender, cover and turn on; run until smooth. All of these recipes make 240 - 540ml drinks with varied amounts and options. Most protein powders have a proposed scoop amount for a 240ml smoothie, so you can use this or the recommended amount of two to four tablespoons.

Makes 300 - 480ml 240ml orange juice 1 medium banana 1 cup mango, fresh or frozen 1/2 cup pineapple, fresh or frozen chunks 1 orange, peeled (with seeds, if organic) 2 tbsp protein powder (whey) 1 tbsp axseed oil Optional choices: Coconut milk instead of juice and papaya or other tropical fruits.

Makes 240 - 360ml 120ml orange juice 60ml water or ice 1/2 cup blueberries, frozen 1/2 cup raspberries 2 tbsp protein powder (whey) 2 tbsp axseed meal Optional choices: Banana for thickness and other juices or in-season berries.

Makes 240 - 360ml 120ml chocolate soy milk 1 tbsp organic chocolate chips 1 medium banana 2 tbsp non-fat yoghurt, plain 2 tbsp protein powder (whey) or chocolate Optional choices: Carob powder instead of chocolate, 1/2 cup raspberries and added water.

CALORIES: 616 FAT: 16 grams CARBS: 113 grams SUGAR: 56 grams PROTEIN: 23 grams

CALORIES: 279 FAT: 5 grams CARBS: 35 grams SUGAR: 12 grams PROTEIN: 23 grams

CALORIES: 367 FAT: 7 grams CARBS: 51 grams SUGAR: 36 grams PROTEIN: 28 grams


u ltr af i tn e ssmag. c om. au | A P R IL/ M A Y 2014 21

wise words WorldMags.net

22 AP R I L/ MA Y 20 1 4 | u lt raf it ne ssm ag. c o m . au


Photo: Barry Alsop Eyes Wide Open Images

f o s d r o W wisdom s e f i l m fro s r e v e i h ac

Sharas father David repeatedly warned her that cycling is a tough sport, encouraging her to explore other athletic pursuits. But this Queenslanders heart lies where her fathers used to: on a bike, and there was no stopping her from following in his footsteps to become an Olympic cyclist.


t 20, it became a profession and just two years later she made her first appearance on an Australian team, finishing 8th in the time trial at the From there, she championships. road world has only improved. In 2009, in just her second professional year of the sport, Shara was second in the U23 time trial Australian road championship. And by 2010, the then-22-year-old was already etching her name in international competition, taking out third in the Overall Young Riders Classification at the prestigious Giro dItalia Internazionale Femminile. Shara - who is based in Italy for much of each year - currently holds the Australian time trial title and shares the Australian record of three in a row with Kathy Watt. In 2014, Shara aims to break that 20-year record by making it four on the trot. Once I start something, I want to finish it and do better at it, says Shara. Im very determined and dedicated, thats for sure! Through hard work and sheer determination, the 27-year-old is fiercely making her mark in cycling, guided by her coach of three years Martin Barras. When asked the most important lesson she has learned from her coach, her answer was simple: trust and respect, but more than anything, Shara believes a trainer needs to have passion.

Theyve got to have passion, says Shara. But it comes down to trust and respect. I think the way that he [Martin Barras] goes about the training and writing the program; he always gets so excited and hes so enthusiastic about the training that it spurs you on and actually makes you have belief in the program that hes done for you. Shara admits that at times she questions parts of her training, but only because she has come to understand her body so well due to time and experience. You are the only person that is going to know exactly how you feel on the day; whether you can push yourself any more or whether you need to back off, says Shara. Youve got to use your head a little bit as well in that respect. Shara is currently training for this years Commonwealth Games and world championships, and has her sights set on the 2016 Rio Olympic Games, so keep your eyes peeled for Shara Gillow in the individual cycling time trials and road races!

three eggs; a bowl of fruit with nuts, seeds and some plain yoghurt; and a bowl of porridge.


Breakfast: Two pieces of dark bread with two or

Snack: Energy bars and/or gels during training. Lunch: Carbohydrates: pasta with a salad, or two or
three salad sandwiches.

Snacks: Carrots, zucchini and fresh fruit cut up with

some rice crackers and nuts.

7pm: Carbohydrates and protein e.g. ribeye fillet with pasta or brown rice and lots of salad and/or vegetables.


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Age: 38 Occupation: Senior Sales Manager
My previous lifestyle consisted of frequent visits to the fast food drive-through; being on the road all day meant I tended to skip meals and get junk instead. At the beginning of 2013 I weighed 115kg and decided to make a change by running. It was a rather slow start and progressed through the year with some minor results. By teaming up with Matty Abel mid-way through the year, he helped me to focus more on achieving actual tangible results rather than just the ad hoc running that I was doing. Matty also had me focus on correct running technique, strength training, nutrition and recovery. Doing this saw me make some significant increases in my running ability and I lost weight a lot faster than the previous half of the year. I have changed both mentally and emotionally in the past few months in that I now enjoy every aspect of running completely. It is no longer a thing I have to do but more a passion that I cant wait to do. Losing 30kg has enabled me to regain some of my life. I believe I made the decision before it was too late; my eldest child is turning four and I am thankful to Matty as I can now run around with and keep up with the little tacker longer. Mattys training programs have given me more life and have also enabled me to be a lot more focused and ambitious at work. I can now use all of the extra energy that comes with continuous exercise and a healthy lifestyle.

OF US 2 22
Wayne came to me in mid-2013 for advice regarding a challenge he had set himself later that year: a 56km off-road trail run in Adelaide. As a successful trail runner and personal trainer, I took Wayne under my wing as I saw he had a lot of potential and passion. In September, we ran the Yurrebilla 56km race together after only a short three weeks of training. As most trail runners do, we endured many physical and mental challenges during the race which led us to the conclusion that we needed to sit down post-race and evaluate what needed to be done to make his next race a success. It was a 12-hour enduro running race in the first weekend of January, 2014. Firstly, I told Wayne that his lifestyle had to change if he wanted to commit to the challenge of being a race runner. I told him he had to drop weight, clean up his nutrition and start a structured training program. Sometimes as a personal trainer you have to be upfront with people. At the time it may not be what they want to hear but down the track they will be forever grateful. From that moment, Wayne started his training and nutrition program and to date has lost 30kg. He recently ran his enduro race in which he completed 99km in 12 hours; more importantly, hes inspired family members and fellow friends to change their lives for the better. Our journey together has been phenomenal! Wayne has given 100% of his energy, commitment and passion which, I believe, has played a major deciding factor in his outstanding race results. I am looking forward to seeing his achievements in 2014 as he inspires others to challenge themselves to do something they never thought was possible.



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t e e m e W Ellyse , y r r e P t s o m the e l b a t e mark n i e t e l ath a i l a r t Aus

Few in the mainstream media would have anticipated it, but a glimpse at her laundry list of achievements illustrates exactly why international magazine SportsPro has proclaimed Ellyse Perry the most marketable athlete in Australia.
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dual international status after being selected for a spot in the national soccer team. Since then, Ellyse has defied any and all notions that she should stick to one sport by continuously excelling at the highest level in both. This was demonstrated emphatically during a one-day international against England earlier this year where Ellyse guided Australia to victory from a seemingly hopeless position, making 90 not out from 95 balls (after taking a crucial wicket earlier in the day). Ultra FITNESS magazine discovers a humble but ambitious athlete, striving to improve her performance and continually looking to build on her successes. Discover why Ellyse Perry was always destined for a meteoric rise from the quintessential Australian girl-next-door to one of the brightest athletes in Australia. Tell us a little bit about your background were you always very sport-orientated growing up? The strongest recollections I have of my childhood are playing outdoors, whether it was in the backyard with my family, down at the park, around our neighbourhood or when I got a little older playing with my local sports club. My parents were both involved in a lot of sport and I think they transferred their enjoyment of activity to my brother and I. We tried every sport imaginable as kids; cricket, soccer, swimming, athletics, basketball, tennis, golf, squash, hockey and touch football. Did you naturally move into competing at a professional level or was it something that you had your eyes set on when you were younger? I never really actively set out to play either sport at the professional level. I just truly enjoyed being involved and so I would take every opportunity to try out for a new team or play in another tournament or competition. I think doing that - combined with some incredible support and coaching from various people - led me to a position where I was able to take something that I really love and turn it into a career. What were the challenges you had to overcome to become a professional athlete? I think everyone faces challenges, big or small, in their chosen careers. Mostly for me, those challenges have been associated with various parts of the sports I play - whether thats becoming better at a skill Im not particularly competent at, or adapting to the way an opponent is playing against you. Having said that, Ive been incredibly fortunate to have some wonderful support from people

t the age of 16, Ellyse became the youngest person to represent Australia at senior level in cricket. One month later and she had secured her

which has enabled me to continue to play two sports that I love. It certainly helped me in the early stages of my career making the decision to continue to play both. Ultimately, however, I think the biggest challenge is knowing exactly what you want to achieve and figuring out the best way to do that, especially when it is often quite a long road to get there. Ive found the best way to do that is to find enjoyment in the whole journey, rather than focusing specifically on an end goal. Just letting this play out and being able to adapt to things as circumstances change makes a lot of things easier to deal with. What has been the most challenging for you, cricket or soccer? Both sports are challenging, but they are challenging in a really enjoyable way. I dont think you ever reach the point where you are truly the best you can be. There is always something fresh to learn or experience and I think thats what makes it so great to be involved and provides the motivation to keep developing new skills. Throughout your sporting career, what has been your proudest moment? Having the opportunity to represent my country in two sports I absolutely love has been a huge highlight for me. I feel extremely fortunate!


Consistency - Keep working on your fitness and maintain it. Its important to build a base that you can work off, rather than trying to build up from scratch. Incidental exercise - I dont really have any evidence to support this, but I believe that choosing the stairs instead of using the lift; walking instead of driving; choosing active things to do with your friends etc. makes a big difference to your fitness. Variety - Doing a variety of training rather than just the same program all the time is really important for your mind as much as your body! Disappointments in life - and sport - are inevitable. How have you learnt to cope when things dont quite pan out the way you had hoped? Part of the reason I love being involved in team sports is that you share everything with your team-mates; the highs and the lows. When things dont go right I always find it helps to ease the disappointment and move on to the next task by going through things with team-mates and


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Breakfast - Bircher muesli with fresh fruit and green tea Lunch - Salad with protein Dinner Meat (fish/chicken/pork) with veggies Snacks - Fruit and yoghurt, protein balls or a shake, sushi, crackers with light cheese or natural peanut butter coaches. Then, most importantly, taking the things youve spoken about and want to improve, and working on them in training. Ive always found that going back to simply training hard and proving to yourself that you are capable of doing what you want to do is the easiest way to deal with disappointment. Putting things in perspective also helps. To me, playing sport is a joy and a privilege and whilst no one enjoys losing or a bad day at the office, there are far more important things in life. Both soccer and cricket are obviously team sports, what do you believe is the most important thing players need to remember when playing as a team? Its fairly simple; just knowing that each of your team-mates may experience or see things a little differently to you. Being open and receptive to their feelings and ideas is really important. Comparatively you can achieve a lot more working as a team than you can by yourself, but its important to have an environment that encourages everyone to contribute and express their opinions. During your training youve no doubt had coaches perhaps personal trainers as well what do you believe the most important values a coach/PT should possess? An understanding of the individual athlete is imperative; what their strengths/weaknesses are and also the most effective way to get the best out of them. Its really great when you come across a coach who you relate well with and you enjoy training with. It almost becomes a reciprocal relationship where you want to do well for them as much as you want to do well for yourself.

Cricket Season:
Monday - Skills (bat, bowl, field); gym/recovery Tuesday - Skills Wednesday - Skills, gym, running Thursday - Skills Friday - Skills, gym or a match Saturday - Match Sunday Match

Soccer Season:
Monday - Field session Tuesday - Field session plus extra running Wednesday - Field session plus extra running Thursday - Off Friday - Field session Saturday - Game Sunday - Recovery

I dont think you ever reach the point where you are truly the best you can be.

What advice do you have for athletes out there trying to make their mark in their preferred sport? Make the most of every opportunity you are presented with, even if you are unsure about it. Its amazing how often things you dont think much of make such a big difference to the way you see and do things. Fittingly, the young sportswoman is taking her own advice by making the most of an opportunity presented by Fox Sports. Recently, Ellyse has been discovering life on the other side of the camera, signing with the Australian media company to cover a variety of sports. Having hosted reality television show Football Stars of Tomorrow, Ellyse already has media personality on her list of accolades, and it is obvious shell have more to add over the coming years. She ensures us, though, that her sights are firmly set on continuing to represent Australia for a number of years to come in cricket and soccer, on and off the field. For the moment, Ellyses focus is on defending Australias cricket title at the T20 World Cup in March and April and continuing to enjoy every moment of what she does.

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Photos: Adidas


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workout WorldMags.net
Superset opposing muscle groups with this fast-paced workout to speed up fat loss. BY BILL GEIGER, MA
IF YOUVE GOT only 20 minutes to train and your goal is fat loss, the key is to keep things moving. Youll not only burn more overall calories and elevate your heart rate, which improves your cardiovascular health, but also get the added benefit of post-exercise afterburn: youll continue to burn more calories throughout the day because of the boost in your metabolism. To help speed your workout along, youll superset antagonist muscle pairs: chest/back, quads/ hamstrings and biceps/triceps. (Your front delts get worked in the chest press, and your rear delts are worked in the dumbbell row.) Each exercise pairing is done as a superset, meaning that you do an exercise for each body part in back-toback fashion with no rest until you complete both moves. One muscle group has time to recover while its antagonist is working. Whats more, research shows that a muscle is stronger when its stretched beforehand (meaning that by supersetting opposing muscle groups, youll actually be stronger than if youre doing straight sets). To keep you from having to race around the gym wasting time, each exercise pairing involves the same equipment, simplifying the superset process and ensuring that you keep rest intervals to a minimum. Choose a resistance in which you approach muscle failure at 12-15 reps, a target that not only builds a degree of muscle but also keeps your heart rate elevated, chewing up more calories via increased volume while inducing a deep muscle burn. Make sure that you keep your rest periods to a minimum after each supersetno more than 30 seconds, as each muscle group has already started the recovery process when youre working its antagonist.

Flat-Bench Dumbbell Press

1 Lie back squarely on a flat bench with your feet spread wide for balance. Hold a pair of dumbbells with a palms-forward grip just outside your shoulders. 2 Strongly press the weights up and together in a smooth motion just short of locking out your elbows. Lower the weights along the same path, being sure to not overstretch your shoulders.

1. Do the rst exercise, then immediately begin the second move in the pairing without resting between sets. Rest only after you do both exercises, then repeat two more times before moving on to the next superset. 2. Doesnt include warm-up set(s) if necessary. Do as many as you need, but never take warm-ups to muscle failure. 3. Choose a weight in which you reach muscle failure by the target rep. Ideally, youre doing the same weight with both moves of the superset, but if you have strength imbalances or the weight is too light on the second exercise, you may have to use another weight.
Note: The next time you do this workout, ip-op the exercises in each pairing to work the target muscles in a slightly different way.
Robert Reiff


Superset 3 Superset 2 Superset 1


3 3 3 3 3 3 12-15 12-15 12-15 12-15 12-15 12-15

Chest Back Quads/Glutes Hams/Glutes Biceps Triceps

Flat-Bench Dumbbell Press One-Arm Dumbbell Row Dumbbell Lunge Dumbbell Romanian Dead Lift Standing EZ-Bar Curl Skullcrusher

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WorldMags.net One-Arm

Dumbbell Row
1 Position one knee on a flat bench with your same-side hand supported at the top of the bench for stability. Grasp a dumbbell with a neutral grip and fully extend your arm, pushing the same-side foot back. Keep your back flat and head forward. 2 From a stretched position, strongly pull the weight into your side as you pull your elbow as far back behind the plane of your body as possible. Open up slightly at the shoulder while maintaining your bodys square position. Push the weight forward as you lower it. Do both sides for 12-15 reps. Then immediately go right into the flatbench dumbbell press.

Dumbbell Lunge
Stand erect, holding a pair of dumbbells by your sides with a palms-in grip with your chest out, back slightly arched, knees unlocked and feet fairly close together. 2 Take a fairly long stride as you step forward, then lower your body until your forward knee approaches a 90-degree knee bend. Your trailing knee should never touch the floor. Press strongly back up off your forward foot until youre standing again, then take a step with your opposite foot. After repeating the sequence for 12-15 reps, immediately do the dumbbell romanian deadlift.

Dumbbell Romanian Dead Lift

1 Stand erect, with your chest out, shoulders back, a slight arch in your back, knees unlocked and feet about hip-width apart. Grasp a pair of dumbbells and hold them at arms length, with a palms-down grip just outside your thighs. 2 Bend over at the hips, pushing your hips rearward as the weights travel down the front of your legs to about mid-shin level. Stop before your lower back starts to round, reverse direction and press your hips forward to rise back up. Do 12-15 reps.

1 Lie face-up on a at bench and take an overhand, shoulder-width grip on an EZ-bar, raising your arms so that theyre perpendicular to your torso. 2 With your upper arms locked in position as best you can, bend at the elbows to allow the bar to approach your forehead, making sure that you control the downward motion. Smoothly reverse direction and press back in to a full arm extension. Do 12 reps.

Standing EZ-Bar Curl

1 Grasp an EZ-bar with an underhand grip about shoulder-width apart, allowing it to hang at arms length in front of you. Stand erect, with your chest out and shoulders back, keeping a slight arch in your lower back and knees unlocked. Keep your elbows locked by your sides throughout the move. 2 Contract your biceps to curl the bar up to about shoulder height, ensuring that your elbows stay pinned by your sides. Lower with control just short of a full extension. Do 12-15 reps and go right into the skullcrusher.


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Love it or loathe it, chest training is essential, and having strong pecs is especially important for women. Not only are they a great support for your upper body, including your back, breast and shoulder girdle, your chest is also a very large muscle group, and building it up can actually have a huge impact on your metabolism.
Photo Credit: Dallas Olsen Model: Melissa Pegg Hair and Makeup: Stacey Hutson

hroughout this workout, weve incorporated the granddaddy of all chest moves the push-up with unique strength exercises for a fast-paced workout that shapes and strengthens your arms and shoulders, and of course, your chest. All the while, youre burning fat! Supersetting is a great way to change the shape of your body due to the stress it has on your muscles. Microscopic tears form in the fibres, but then the magic happens; your muscles rebuild themselves this time, stronger. Supersets essentially double the workload on the working muscles, giving you the opportunity to make your muscles twice as strong. Now, before you turn your nose up at the idea of doing a push-up, lets change your view of it from simply a chest-building exercise to a full-body one. You are working your body from head to toe: shoulders, chest and triceps work to move you; while your abs, glutes and hamstrings are activated to stabilise you. The more muscles you use at once, the more calories you will burn, and the higher your metabolism increase will be. So, remember, if you add muscle to your body, you need to fuel them with calories to maintain them and that high metabolism.
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Try this plan once a week for a month; youll come out of it a chest-training fan for sure! Do each pair of exercises with little to no rest in between before taking 60 seconds between supersets. When it comes to the strength moves, use a moderately heavy weight and do 8-12 reps. Push-ups should be pushed out until failure. All levels: Ensure you do a 10-minute dynamic stretching warm-up (bodyweight squats, arm swings etc.), or light cardio and light resistance warm-up. Afterwards, allow some time to cool down and stretch. Beginners: Do each superset once. Intermediate and advanced: Do each superset 2-3 times.


Foot-tap push-up Supported barbell press
TARGET MUSCLES: Pectoralis major, anterior deltoids, abdominals SET-UP: Get into a push-up position on the floor; your hands should be slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. TARGET MUSCLES: Pectoralis major, anterior deltoids, triceps brachii, abdominals, glutes SET-UP: Place your upper back on a broad bench. Your feet should be about hip-width apart on the floor with your hips lifted, squeezing your butt. Get a training partner or someone nearby to pass you the loaded barbell you prepped before you got into position. Hold the barbell over your chest with your hands directly above each shoulder and your arms bent.


Keep your hips as low as possible so you use your abs to bring your leg forward.

ACTION: Perform a push-up; as you extend your arms and push your body back up, bring your left knee towards your chest. Tap your foot with your right hand before returning to the start position. Repeat, swapping sides each time.

ACTION: Extend your arms up, pushing the barbell toward the ceiling. In a slow and controlled manner, lower the weight back to your chest, and repeat.


If youre using an EZ bar, widen your grip to make the movement more stable.


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Scorpion push-up
TARGET MUSCLES: Pectoralis major, anterior deltoids, abdominals, hamstrings, glutes SET-UP: Get into a push-up position with your hands slightly wider than your shoulders. Lift one foot off the floor.

Alternating stability-ball ye
TARGET MUSCLES: Pectoralis major, abdominals SET-UP: Place your upper back on a stability ball; your feet should be shoulder-width apart, your hips lifted and your feet firmly on the ground. In each hand, hold a light to medium dumbbell; spread your arms out straight to the side, but keep your elbows soft.

ACTION: Perform a push-up; as you do this, bring your heel toward your butt by bending your leg. Straighten your leg back out as you extend your arms. Repeat, alternating legs each time.


For F or m more support, push your toes up against a solid object or wall, or try doing the exercise with both arms moving together.
ACTION: Contract your core for support as you bring one weight above your chest in an arc-shaped movement. Your arm should remain straight with a slight bend in the elbow the whole time. Lower, and repeat with the other arm.


Turn your core on as much as possible to stop Turn your body from tipping with your leg in the air.

Keep yourself in perfect alignment: ensure your body is in a straight line from your head all the way down to your toes. Dont allow your hips to sag or rise. Contract your glutes and hamstrings for better stability. Keep your head and spine neutral by directing your eyes down and slightly forward. Tuck your tailbone under, just slightly. This will ease lower back strain and prevent a pelvic tilt. Exhale as you extend your arms, and inhale as you lower your body down.
Melissa Pegg This 25-year-old from country Victoria who now lives in Brisbane is currently completing a PhD in family psychology. Melissa has been working out for years but only started weight training in 2012. She competed in her rst tness modelling competition in September last year where she came rst in her division. Melissas tness goals for 2014 include joining the Army Reserves and going trekking in Nepal. She believes in balance and moderation in her diet, for a healthy mind and body. She doesnt cut food groups and loves her carbs for endless energy!

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Dumbbell push-up
TARGET MUSCLES: Pectoralis major, anterior deltoids, abdominals SET-UP: Get into a push-up position on the floor; in each hand you will need to have a dumbbell - ones with hexagon-shaped heads are ideal. Your hands should be slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and your bodyweight evenly supported between your toes and hands. ACTION: Perform a push-up; this time, keep your elbows tucked tightly to your body dont allow them to flare out. Extend your arms and repeat.




Enhance Enh nha this movement by placing your hands on two exercise steps and lowering your chest below the surface of the steps.

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Straight-arm dumbbell pullover

TARGET MUSCLES: Pectoralis major, latissimus dorsi SET-UP: Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. In each hand, hold a medium-weight dumbbell directly above your chest, palms facing in.




ACTION: Moving your shoulders only, lower the dumbbells over your head in an arc-shaped movement. If youre doing it correctly, you will feel a stretch in your back. Remember: dont lower the weights any further than what feels comfortable. Return to the start, and repeat.


If youre If yo new to this move, start with 5 or 7kg weights.


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Weve got another day covered for you with more simple, delicious recipes from Rocco Soraces cookbook Eat Your Way Slim. Youll be licking your lips and losing those hips this autumn!

Slim Pickings
38 A P R I L/ MA Y 20 1 4 | u lt r af it ne ssm ag. c o m . au


Breakfast Protein Oats
Serves 1

40g rolled oats and barley 50g organic low-fat yoghurt 1 tbsp natural vanilla whey protein 40g blueberries

1. 2. Place yoghurt in a bowl topped with oats and barley. Sprinkle on protein powder and berries.

Nutritional Information (per serving)

Energy 900 kJ (215 cal) Protein 15.2g Fat 4.8g (Saturated 1.2g) Carbohydrates 31.6g (Sugar 5.2g) Sodium 44mg

Snack Tip
Nuts: Remember portion control when snacking on nuts. A serving of nuts is about of a cup or 30g, for example 20 almonds or 20 hazelnuts.

Lunch Mushroom and Zucchini Frittata

Serves 2

1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil 1 onions, nely chopped 1 garlic clove 150g mushrooms, chopped 1 zucchini, nely chopped 4 organic eggs, lightly whisked 1 cup freshly mixed herbs (e.g. basil and parsley), chopped 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar 2 tbsp Parmesan cheese Pepper

1. Heat the olive oil in a heavy non-stick saucepan. Add onions and garlic, stirring over medium heat for one minute. Add the chopped mushrooms and zucchini and cook lightly. Whisk the eggs, herbs, vinegar, pepper and parmesan cheese in a bowl and add mixture to the fry pan. Cook over low heat with lid for 20-30 minutes. Serve with a salad of your choice.

2. 3. 4.

Nutritional Information (per serving)

Energy 624 kJ (149 cal) Protein 20.1g Fat 5.8g (Saturated 1.2g) Carbohydrates 2.4g (Sugar 2.2g) Sodium 293mg


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Dinner Basil and Chilli Thai Chicken Noodles
Serves 2

1 pack SlendierSlim wok-ready noodles Extra virgin olive oil spray 200g organic chicken breast, cut into small pieces 2 tsp green chilli paste cup spinach, chopped 1 bunch of broccoli cup red capsicum, chopped 2 spring onions 4 basil leaves, chopped

Dessert Cherry Baskets

Serves 4

2 mountain bread organic wraps 250g low-fat ricotta cheese 1 tsp vanilla essence 1 tbsp stevia Small handful of goji berries 5 cherries, chopped 1 lemon, zested 1 tbsp apricot jam, warmed A hint of hazelnut oil (optional) 2 large strawberries Mint leaves (optional)

1. 2. 3. 4. In a medium bowl prepare noodles, drain liquid, and rinse with hot water for one minute. Spray pan with oil and set over medium heat. Add chicken and stir in green curry paste. Stir fry until cooked. Add the vegetables, stir fry for a few more minutes. Turn off heat and garnish with basil and chilli. Serve and enjoy.

! Super Quick
This dessert takes only 5 minutes to prepare but has a wow factor when you plate it up.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Preheat oven to 180C Cut mountain bread into four rounds, insert into large muffin tin with the folds running up the edges, and bake for 3-4 minutes until crisp. Remove and cool. Mix low-fat ricotta, vanilla, stevia, goji berries, cherries, lemon zest and warm jam together. Add hazelnut oil if desired. Spread ricotta mixture on top of cooled rounds and top with sliced strawberries. Add one whole cherry and fresh mint for decoration and dust with a little icing sugar. Serve with some lowfat vanilla yoghurt.

Nutritional Information / per serving

Energy 812 kJ (194 cal) Protein 32.2g Fat 3.5g (Saturated 0.9g) Carbohydrates 1.9g (Sugar 1.6g) Sodium 235mg

Nutritional Information (per serving)

Energy 360 kJ (86 cal) Protein 7.9g Fat 3.8g (Saturated 2.4g) Carbohydrates 4.1g (Sugar 2.4g) Sodium 153mg
Rocco Sorace is an Australian-based inspirational Pilates tness trainer, DVD presenter, author and home cook. His work aims to help people understand that healthy eating can be convenient, simple, and most importantly taste great.

To T o win a copy of Rocco Soraces book Eat Your Way Slim, valued at $24.94, be the first to tell us how much a single serving of nuts is by writing to admin@ultrafitnessmag.com.au
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Strengthen Your Resolution Muscle

Wow! How time ies! Were almost four months into 2014 already, but what I want to know is how that New Years resolution of yours is going? If youve kept it up this far, congratulate yourself on your awesomeness. Now, stop congratulating yourself; because you still have a lot of training to complete to become even more awesome. You will not weaken. You will not fall under the resolution failure statistic; you will not take that one way trip to pity city!
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Photo: shutterstock

o succeed in your happy success journey, you must continue to challenge yourself and take real action in your life. Its a simple and effective process as long as you encourage your mind to commit to the prescribed actions. You can and you will do it. Your attitude controls your training discipline and results. And YOU CONTROL YOUR ATTITUDE! Okay, now that we are all on the same page here, lets examine some effective techniques to keep us going stronger, longer.

order for you to know when you have got there. Start a training blog so you can set goals and document your progress.


Accredited sports research has shown that athletes who visualise the details of their specific physical goals perform much better than those who dont! To really fortify and multiply your progress and achievement at every level, you must visualise every aspect of your training. The best time to do this is at night as you lie in bed before you go to sleep. Close your eyes and imagine yourself performing your favourite exercises in intricate detail. Actually visualise yourself doing many push-ups or squats see and feel every millimetre. It sounds simple, but it actually takes mental ability and dedication. Test how many push-ups (or any exercise) you can do in your mind before you lose focus. Always try to better your last performance. In training to break various world records I always graphically visualised every aspect of the task ahead of me, especially in regard to the most difficult elements which seemed beyond my physical

Size matters. You must be able to measure the progress you are making. Ask yourself: How am I progressing? Who else can you consider asking for feedback? Can you ask a friend or family member to check in with you? Listen to your instincts; what does your gut feeling tell you? How could you change the way you are working to ensure greater effectiveness? Remember, you must continuously assess and reassess your milestones.


Celebrate your training wins every day. Every step, every pushup, every completed session is a genuine win for your mind and your body. Especially if you do one more rep or finish one second quicker. Punch the air after your session and yell YES! You are also entitled to think very loudly in your mind I am so freakin awesome! You may also think this and even verbalise it in the shower every morning, so long as you stick to your plan! With each passing day of training success, praise yourself!

Go for gold, but dont go for the impossible! Ensure your goals are realistic and achievable. You may need to adjust the method you are using to work toward your goals. But be careful; this is not your excuse to water down your ambitions. Dont be timid, just check with yourself that your plan is possible.

capability at the time. But dont just take my word for it, simply watch any Olympic gymnast before they begin their floor routine; you can actually see them thinking and visualising every single element, move and technique they are about to perform. Of course, the truth is that they have already visualised it to perfection thousands of times before, creating rock hard psychological capital that will accurately inform their every muscle. Celebrate all your hard work so far by doing something special for yourself. Book in a massage or go have a spa or sauna. Do something you wouldnt ordinarily do so you will remember the moment.

By staying true to your dreams and completing your training program you will be the winner; you will make it happen. You will create genuine personal pride and self-esteem; this is priceless, but yours for the taking. Now go for it and discover how wonderful and satisfying life can be when you take control!
At 44 years old and 83kg, Marcus Bondi broke the Ofcial Guinness World Record for the 5m rope climb - 27.8 metres in 60 seconds. Marcus Bondis strength training techniques have been utilised by Olympic gymnasts and special forces units all over the world. His key training elements focus on extreme outdoor training with high intensity and high endurance tolerances. Marcus Bondi is an ambassador for Aussie Bodies and trains at the spectacular Bondi Beach cliffs with a top team of Olympic wrestlers, MMA ghters and boxers. For more information, www.marcusbondi.com

If you want to succeed in anything, being vague is never okay. You must be very precise about what you want to achieve. If you are too unclear when formulating your goals then it will be difficult to know when you are making achievements. Your goal should describe your desired end point. This needs to be very clear in


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Weve all felt it but do we really understand what it is?


hen it comes to lactic acid, a simple discussion with a friend, training partner or coach can become confusing, so its time to clear up some of the most common misconceptions.

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Photo: shutterstock

Lactic acid is not only present in our body but also in all dairy and wine. Its frequently used in food products as an additive (E270) or flavour enhancer, as well as in the medical industry. Unknown to many, it can rapidly stop pain due to buccal ulcers and it can be directly transfused into a patient during certain surgeries. In 2008, Swedish research(1) showed that lactic acid could not only be the most natural way to prevent cancer of the bladder, but also skin cancer.

Before we go any further into what exactly lactic acid is and what it does, lets get some common misconceptions out of the way: 1. Our muscles produce lactic acid during exercise - they do not. They do, however, produce a very similar substance called lactate.(2) 2. Lactate (as well call it from now on) is a waste product of anaerobic metabolism this is also false. Its actually an intermediate link between anaerobic and aerobic metabolism.




Lactate is responsible for muscle fatigue. Fatigue is the result of an exhaustion and failure from the energy production chain; the muscular fibre efficiency will decrease after many repetitions or intense tension; a diminution of different chemical reactions who furnish energy to the muscle - and from the nervous system which transmits order that becomes less effective. This combination provokes the sensation of fatigue.(4) Lactate doesnt create muscular acidosis. The burning sensation felt in intense efforts such as a 400m run or super-set during weight training is due to proton release. The accumulation of protons increases the acidosis and can affect the muscular contraction. The lactate production retards, not causes acidosis!(5) Lactate causes soreness. WRONG! It doesnt cause postworkout soreness; soreness comes from free radical damage, enzymatic unbalance, muscular micro-traumatism or inflammation.(6)

correlation between lactate and soreness.(12) Take the example of a marathon and a 5km run. The 5km run will produce a higher level of lactate in your body but you will most likely have more soreness, stiffness and muscle fatigue after a marathon. Give it a try! So, during your next session - when pain and acidosis appear - you know better than to blame lactic acid! It will not stop the burning sensation, make your sessions any easier or reduce the soreness the following day but its always good to know who the guilty party is and isnt.
References 1. Larsson, S.C, Andersson, S-O, Johansson, J-E & Wolk, A 2008, Cultured milk, yoghurt, and dairy intake in relation to bladder cancer risk in a prospective study of Swedish women and men, American Society for Clinical Nutrition, http://ajcn.nutrition.org/content/88/4/1083.full?sid=2b240dba4882-487b-b65d-0c2eda5bad0c 2. Robergs, R.A 2001, Exercise-Induced Metabolic Acidosis: Where do the Protons come from?, University of New Mexico, http://www.sportsci.org/ jour/0102/rar.htm 3. Chatham, J.C 2002, Lactate the forgotten fuel!, The Journal of Physiology, http://jp.physoc.org/content/542/2/333 4. Coyle, E. F. & Coggan A. R. Effectiveness of carbohydrate feeding in delaying fatigue during prolonged exercise, Sports Medicine. Davis J.M. and Bailey S.P. 1984, Possible mechanisms of central nervous system fatigue during exercise, Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 5. Robergs, R.A, Ghiasvand, F & Parker, D 2004, Biochemistry of exerciseinduced metabolic acidosis, The University of New Mexico, http://www. philippelefevre.com/downloads/basic_sciences_articles/acid-base/LacticAcidosis.pdf 6. Lieber, R.L & Friden, J 2002, Morphologic and Mechanical Basis of Delayed-Onset Muscle Soreness, University of California San Diego School of Medicine, www.jaaos.org/content/10/1/67.abstract 7. Lactic Acid Not Athletes Poisin, But An Energy Source and How To Use It 2006, University of California - Berkeley 8. Cazorla, G, Petibois, C, Bosquet, L & Leger, L 2001, Lactate et Exercise: Myths and Realities, STAPS, 54, pp.63-76 < http://www.preparationphysique.net/PDF/lactate_cazorla.pdf> 9. McKeena et al. 2006, The Journal of Physiology: pp 763-770, <http:// onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1113/jphysiol.2006.115352/full?doi=10.1 113%2Fjphysiol.2006.115352&simpleSearchError=Invalid+query+syntax %3A+Error+near+%222007%22&rightlinksUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fs100. copyright.com%2FAppDispatchServlet&ccaBaseUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fco chraneclinicalanswers.com&originUrl=%2Fadvanced%2Fsearch%2Fresults &searchTextForCCA=&queryText=McKeena+et+coll.%2C+2007%29> 10. Hakan Westerblad et al 2002: http://physiologyonline.physiology.org/ content/17/1/17.full 11. DOMS: Delayed-Onset Muscle Soreness, who appear between 8 and 72 hours after training. 12. Shwane and Al., Is lactic acid related to delayed-onset muscle soreness, Physician and Sportmedicin, vol 11, issue 3, pages 124-127; 130-131, Mars 1983.

So what exactly is this lactic acid or lactate as we now know it?

Strenuous exercise - from 30 seconds up to two minutes - uses an energy system called anaerobic glycolysis. It is during this process where the body transforms glucose into energy quickly - that lactate is produced. More precisely, the result is ATP + water + lactate. Thats why lactate is often considered waste because it arrives at the end of the production chain. But the lactate has a life after its production. Its used by different organs, including the heart and brain as energetic substrate (7). The liver can also transform it into glucose through the Cori cycle. Post-workout the lactate is eliminated from the body within two hours with a passive recovery and in 30 minutes with an active recovery such as a walk immediately post-exercise (8). The better your aerobic level, the better your recovery will be. Elite athletes workouts include sessions to delay and support the muscular acidosis, as well as to increase their capacity to recover and reproduce the same effort in a short time. Lactate is not dangerous for our body but it does accompany the muscular acidosis. To recreate a high intensity exercise, its recommended to have appropriate resting time between sets. In this case muscular fatigue and acidosis level have to be separated(9). The acidosis isnt the only factor that creates muscle fatigue, though. A depletion of phosphorylase and phosphofructokinase will provoke the failure of major energy production processes, glycogenolysis and glycolysis.(10) What about DOMS,(11) you ask? DOMS appears 8-24 hours post-workout. Its this uncomfortable soreness that makes you walk like a penguin after a leg session or when your PT pushes you out of your comfort zone for your sake! Again, there is no

Aurlien Apport is a French elite athlete and international judo competitor with over 25 years of practice. He has a black belt in Judo and Jujitsu and is a certied personal trainer and coach. Aurlien trains both general tness and high level athletes, and has been doing so in various countries around the world for 15 years. Now located in Bondi, Aurlien trains clients outside, at their homes or in the gym, specialising in martial arts, kickboxing, judo, ju-jitsu, weight loss, strength and conditioning, Olympic lifting, power lifting and tailored nutritional programs.


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To Stretch Or Not To St re t c h ?
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It has been a long-argued question, and there are countless anecdotal views for and against.

The right kind of warm-up and stretching can give you an edge. Research and experience shows that flexibility and warming up are essential components of all sporting performance and fitness programs. They offer the added benefit of injury prevention, performance optimisation and enhanced time to recovery. There is no question that athletes can benefit from nonspecific and specific warm-up to help improve athletic abilities and performance, reduce predisposition to injuries while simultaneously meeting the need for increased range of movement, speed, strength and explosive output. An active warm-up which includes intense exercises is an effective means for successfully executing speed-strength exercises and explosive exercises, in particular, author of Facts and Fallacies of Fitness Dr Mel C Siff said. Thus, it was found that women basketball players increased their jumps from 1-4.5cm; and long jumpers up to 10cm. The punching strength of boxers increased an average of 400-700 Newtons, and the striking time decreased by 0.02-0.04 seconds.

etting considerably stronger and staying that way is largely a matter of taking care of the details; training consistently, designing a program that fits your individual needs, eating wholesome foods, taking nutritional supplements and getting plenty of rest all fall into this category.

Through Dr Siffs research, she found that athletes performed their exercise significantly quicker when they undertook a warmup similar to the workout that followed. Most of all, warming up and stretching was found to enable muscles to execute power and speed, as well as endure heavy loads without injury. Dr Siff advises for the warm-up to include movements similar to the specific exercise that is going to be performed; both in coordination pattern and intensity.

Dr Melvin Williams book Ergogenic Aids in Sport outlines the facts on warming up:
Athletes in high-intensity, short duration events such as weightlifting and shot putting can improve performance by warming up. Vigorous warming up can decrease performance in endurance sports. Direct warm-ups (using activities directly related to or similar to that of the sport) of moderate intensity and duration before explosive sports enhances the performance of trained athletes, but not necessarily of untrained athletes. Indirect warm-ups (using activities not directly related to the sport, such as cycling and stretching) can often enhance performance if kept at a comfortable level. Strenuous, indirect warm-ups can interfere with sports requiring motor skill. Selection of a suitable warm-up depends on personal experimentation with various methods.


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A general warm-up uses a wide variety of actions to prepare the body as a whole for exercise, to increase muscle temperature, and to stimulate the right pre-exercise mood. A specific warm-up relies on the actual exercises of the training session performed easily with lighter loads. This provides a highly particular warm-up and neuromuscular preparatory phase; it is a case of moving through functional full ranges of movement where you are mobilising across a joint rather than stretching a muscle. There is the confusion about how warm-ups and stretching benefit the athlete. Many are of the opinion that if they do some stretching prior to a workout, they have also warmed it up - not true. Merely stretching your hamstrings before squatting is not enough. It may be sufficient preparation if someone is about to walk or go on a slow jog, but not even close when a 100kg squat is on the agenda. Because many stretching and warming-up movements are closely related, its often assumed that they do the same things for the body - another misconception. While both are useful for every athlete, they are two different activities and provide very different benefits.

There is the confusion about how warm-ups and stretching benet the athlete. Many are of the opinion that if they do some stretching prior to a workout, they have also warmed it up - not true.
In addition, a warm-up routine helps the body deliver more oxygen to the muscles. Haemoglobin is responsible for transporting oxygen to the working muscles, and its able to do the job more effectively when the muscle fibres are warm. A slightly higher temperature creates positive pressure between the muscles and bloodstream, allowing more oxygen to go where its needed. An elevated body temperature enhances the entire cardiovascular system by helping the arteries, veins and capillaries deliver nutrients and carry away waste products more expeditiously. After you finish your workout, it is the ideal time to focus on static stretching. It helps to alleviate muscle and attachment soreness, and facilitates recovery - one of the keys to making steady progress. With the muscles warm and flushed with blood, stretching right after a session is the perfect time for this discipline. Some recommend holding a static stretch for 20 seconds, but I believe longer is much more productive - 45 seconds to a full minute. Static stretching is done gently, never forced. That brings us to the stretch reflex. Its a built-in safeguard to keep you from doing harm to the muscles by overstretching them. Whenever someone forces a stretch, they activate the stretch reflex. If you experience pain during a stretch, thats the stretch reflex checking in and telling you to back off. Ease off a bit and allow the stretched muscle or muscles to relax, and then continue to hold in that more comfortable position for the desired count. Stretching should not be painful; it should be soothing. If any of your stretches hurt, youre doing it wrong and need to change your approach to the discipline. Obtaining a fuller range of motion by warming up and stretching appropriately will aid you in having a more productive workout, reduce the risk of injury to your muscles and joints, and facilitate recovery. Both warming up and stretching are free - all you have to do is supply time and energy.
Amanda is a peak performance and health coach, CrossFit coach, corporate speaker, and writer. She contributes articles to The RX Review, the online CrossFit newspaper, and also WOD Magazine. She is also a former state and national level triathlete, cyclist and canoeist. She has qualications as a CrossFit coach, Chek nutrition and lifestyle coach, yoga teacher, personal trainer and wholistic psychologist. She is an inspiring and motivating woman in a peak state of health and tness!

Obtaining a fuller range of motion by warming up and stretching appropriately will aid you in having a more productive workout, reduce the risk of injury to your muscles and joints, and facilitate recovery.
Warming up is just what the name implies: doing an exercise that helps to elevate your bodys core temperature. This needs to be done before anyone proceeds to more strenuous physical activities. An effective warm-up routine need not be complicated - the simpler the better. Warming up activates the enzymes responsible for the many chemical reactions that occur during physical exercise. The bodys energy system depends on those enzymes and, until theyre released, the energy system will not function properly. This is why an athlete feels sluggish at the beginning of a workout if they have failed to warm up properly.

Stretching should not be painful; it should be soothing. If any of your stretches hurt, youre doing it wrong and need to change your approach to the discipline.

Photo: Joel Vogler 48 AP R I L/ MA Y 20 1 4 | u lt ra f it ne ssm ag. c o m . au





Eat breakfast within 30 minutes of getting up, and space your meals every two or three hours after thatthis includes the snacks and shakes listed. Eat your last meal no later than two hours before bedtime. Your eating schedule may be different, but try to stay within these guidelines.
7a.m. 10a.m. 1p.m. 3p.m. 6p.m. 7:45p.m. Breakfast1or2 Snack1 Lunch1,2or3 Shake Dinner1,2or3 Snack2


Better food variety than ever before
ENVIABLE ABS - WE ALL WANT THEM, BUT AB EXERCISES ALONE WONT CARVE OUT THE DREAM SIX-PACK. This detailed plan has everything you need to fuel your gains. So grab a notepad, write down your grocery list, visit your local supermarket, buy your food and start your journey. Not only will you have abs to show off but you also wont be caught in the kitchen - theres a winwin for you!

INGREDIENTS: 34 cup shredded wheat 14 cup low-fat muesli 12 banana 14 cup raisins 1 cup non-fat milk INSTRUCTIONS: Combine all ingredients in a bowl and enjoy!









INGREDIENTS: 55g diced lean ham 12 cup chopped green or red capsicum 2 large whole eggs 1 tbsp non-fat milk 14 cup shredded low-fat cheddar cheese 1 slice whole wheat toast INSTRUCTIONS: Heat a pan sprayed with cooking oil over medium heat. Add ham and capsicum. Cook until capsicum are soft, about one minute; remove and set aside. Whip together eggs and milk; scramble in pan until nearly done. Add ham mixture and cheese; cook until cheese melts. Serve with whole wheat toast.


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Cory Sorensen


INGREDIENTS: 55g dry whole wheat rotini or corkscrew pasta 12 cup diced leftover turkey breast (from Dinner 1, page 52) 14 cup shredded low-fat cheddar cheese 14 cup each sliced carrots and celery 1 tbsp chopped walnuts 2 tbsp light Italian dressing 1 medium orange INSTRUCTIONS: Cook pasta according to package directions; drain and cool. Toss pasta with turkey, cheese, carrots, celery, walnuts and dressing. Have orange for dessert.

WorldMags.net SNACKS


INGREDIENTS: 55g water-packed tuna, drained 2 tsp light mayonnaise 2 slices whole wheat bread Lettuce leaf 1 medium plum INSTRUCTIONS: Combine tuna and mayonnaise; spread on bread and top with lettuce. Serve with plum. CALORIE COUNT: 300 PROTEIN: 22 GRAMS CARBS: 42 GRAMS FAT: 7 GRAMS SAT FAT: 1 GRAM TOTAL PREP TIME: 10 MINUTES SNACKSSNACKSSNACKS


INGREDIENTS: 1 packet instant tomato soup 2 slices whole wheat bread 2 tsp light mayonnaise 2 slices low-fat cheese 4 slices lean roast beef 1 medium pear 2 vanilla wafer cookies


INSTRUCTIONS: Prepare soup in microwave according to package directions. Spread bread with mayonnaise and layer with cheese and roast beef. Have pear and vanilla wafers for dessert.


INGREDIENTS: 2 cups lettuce, shredded 55g lean roast beef 13 cup canned black beans, drained and rinsed 14 cup each diced green capsicum, onion and tomato 14 cup low-fat cheddar cheese 14 cup each salsa and low-fat sour cream 4 baked tortilla chips, broken into small pieces 12 cup grapes INSTRUCTIONS: Toss lettuce with roast beef, beans, vegetables and cheese. Top with salsa, sour cream and tortilla chips. Have grapes for dessert.

INGREDIENTS: 1 cup light vanilla yoghurt 13 cup low-fat muesli 1 cup frozen blueberries, thawed INSTRUCTIONS: Stir together yoghurt, muesli and blueberries in a bowl. CALORIE COUNT: 300 PROTEIN: 12 GRAMS CARBS: 61 GRAMS FAT: 4 GRAMS SAT FAT: 0 GRAMS TOTAL PREP TIME: 5 MINUTES



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INGREDIENTS: 110g skinless roast turkey breast 13 cup salt-reduced chicken broth 2 tbsp chopped celery 1 tbsp chopped onion dash pepper 34 cup herb-bread stufng mix 1 cup green beans 1 medium apple, cored 1 tbsp raisins 14 tsp cinnamon



INGREDIENTS: 1 cup light cranberry juice cocktail 1 14 cups orange sections 1 cup light vanilla yoghurt 1 tbsp non-fat dry milk powder INSTRUCTIONS: Combine ingredients in a blender with ice and blend until smooth. CALORIE COUNT: 250 PROTEIN: 12 GRAMS CARBS: 53 GRAMS FAT: 0 GRAMS SAT FAT: 0 GRAMS SHAKESSHAKESSHAKES

INSTRUCTIONS: Cook turkey breast according to package directions. To prepare stufng, combine broth, celery, onion and pepper in a small saucepan; heat to a boil. Cover and cook for ve minutes; add stufng mix and toss lightly. Cook green beans in lightly salted, boiling water, about seven minutes. Drain. Place apple in a microwave-safe casserole dish. Fill centre with raisins and cinnamon. Cover and microwave until tender, 2-3 minutes.


INGREDIENTS: 14 cup uncooked brown rice 1 tsp vegetable oil 12 cup each chopped broccoli, carrots and yellow squash 110g raw prawns 1 whole wheat roll INSTRUCTIONS: Cook rice according to package instructions. Coat a pan with cooking spray and oil; heat over medium-high heat. Add vegetables and stir-fry, 2-3 minutes; add prawns and stir-fry for another 2-3 minutes or until prawns are pink. Serve over rice with a roll.



INGREDIENTS: 1 medium potato 12 tsp vegetable oil 110g boneless pork loin chop, 1cm thick 18 tsp each salt and pepper 1 tbsp honey 1 tsp Dijon mustard 2 cups raw spinach 2 tbsp chopped onion 1 tsp chopped almonds 2 tbsp light Italian dressing


INGREDIENTS: 1 cup non-fat milk 12 banana 1 tbsp peanut butter 1 tbsp sugar-free chocolate syrup 1 tbsp non-fat dry milk powder INSTRUCTIONS: Combine ingredients in a blender; blend until smooth. CALORIE COUNT: 250 PROTEIN: 15 GRAMS CARBS: 33 GRAMS FAT: 9 GRAMS SAT FAT: 2 GRAMS TOTAL PREP TIME: 5 MINUTES

INSTRUCTIONS: Pierce potato with fork and cook in microwave, 4-5 minutes. Trim fat from pork chop and cook in a pan, 3-4 minutes on each side, until browned. Combine honey and mustard in a pan and heat, about one minute; serve over pork chop. Combine spinach, onion and almonds; toss with dressing.


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Self-discipline by denition is action-oriented, powerful and inspired! Websters dictionary claries self-discipline and goal striving as the exertion of much effort or energy, to endeavour, and to struggle or ght forcefully, to contend. Think back to the circumstances of your life when youve known what you want and you took the steps necessary to get there. It certainly wasnt always easy; you competed with obstacles that threatened your ability and motivation to continue, and you may have questioned the reasons you were making the effort, but you were unwavering in your pursuit. Through suffering you dug deep enough each day and exerted whatever energy you could to stay positive and mentally tough. No matter how you got to your goal, you failed in some way along the course, but you kept going. In essence, when the doubt, negative emotions, and fatigue would have had you quit, you persisted.

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o what makes the difference between those individuals who adopt an Ill never be able to... attitude, or believe they just dont have what it takes versus the all-in folks? Do the individuals who achieve permanent

weight loss success - despite the fact that 98% of individuals who lose weight gain it back within 3-5 years - know some secret that deludes the rest of us? Who are the kids in our country who go on to uni, graduate, and start successful careers despite what would appear all odds being stacked against them, for example, coming from single parent homes, low incomes, and poor role modelling? The masters of self-discipline are the ones who struggle and keep going, who fall apart and pick up the pieces, look for alternatives, and move forward; they are the ones who dont expect to get something for nothing. The attachment theory states that kids need a nurturing relationship and environment to grow up in the early stages of development. Growing up is our prime time for learning how to self-soothe, delay gratification and develop a measure of emotional management skills. Each of these characteristics is a factor of self-discipline. Carol Dweck, a researcher at Stanford University, developed the theories of growth and fixed mindsets. Her studies demonstrate that children who believe their achievements come from hard work and effort - as opposed to being born with brains or without - expect to make mistakes and will persist longer at a given task before giving up.1 Repeatedly we see that its the work, time, effort, and perseverance toward the goal that makes the difference. These are the qualities of self-discipline. Yet, many people expect the journey toward their goals to be easy and believe that something must be wrong if they cant skate through the process without trips and stumbles. What if they anticipated the journey to be a roughand-tumble excursion? Would it make a difference in the level of persistence exerted? This is exactly what one researcher from the University of California has shown in his studies with children regarding teaching and learning.

Attainment is determined not by ability, but instead by hard work, fortitude, motivation, and selfdiscipline.
As a graduate student, Jim Stigler travelled to Japan to learn about their teaching methods. He was interested in comparing them to the approaches often implemented in the US. While there, he discovered how differently the children responded to the learning process. They expected to struggle! They understood struggling as an opportunity to test their mental mettle, and solving problems meant being able to withstand the emotional turmoil experienced during perseverance. Academics and intelligence are important, but if we focus only on academics, intelligence and the right answer versus what it takes to achieve the goal, arent we missing the boat? So what do you need to be the steadfast, determined, mentally tough, self-disciplined individual? Persistence when the task is boring, mundane, feels pointless, and is often unrewarding Delayed gratification Follow-through Self-control Behavioural flexibility Curiosity Perceiving hardships as opportunities for personal growth Anticipation and planning Emotional management skills Many of these traits are related. An individual who can manage his emotions can delay gratification in order to focus longer on one step toward the bigger goal. In turn, behavioural flexibility allows the dieter who has been exercising daily in a gym to anticipate how she might work out when on a business trip. Goals are the truest form of human aspiration that ignite the passion to discover a dream and do not happen on their own. Attainment is determined not by ability, but instead by hard work, fortitude, motivation, and self-discipline.
References 1. Dweck, C. (2006). Mindset- The New Psychology of Success: How We Can Learn to Fulfill our Potential. New York: Random House, Inc.

Growing up is our prime time for learning how to self-soothe, delay gratication and develop a measure of emotional management skills. Each of these characteristics is a factor of self-discipline.

Kori is best known as the Wellness Director of The Diet Doc, LLC and Dr. Joes Perfect Peaking; however, she is also a clinical mental health counsellor, certied personal trainer, health coach, and weight loss/nutrition consultant; motivational speaker, writer, author of the PeakofMind blog, managing editor of Alpha - The Evolution of Fitness; and WNBF professional gure, t body, and bodybuilding athlete. .
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The Surprising Link


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Photo: shutterstock

Do you nd that you come down with a cold following intense exercise? Or that your athletic performance is compromised by digestive issues or training in a new climate? If you answered yes to any of these questions, taking a specic probiotic blend may be worth looking into.

reviously, the school of thought has been that athletes experience reduced performance and fatigue simply due to overtraining. However, this is not always the case, as emerging research implies that poor gut integrity can also play a role. While you probably know that exercising in a warm climate can encourage dehydration and muscular issues, you may not be aware of the impact it can have on the digestive system. Heat stress can encourage inflammation and swelling of the intestinal lining, causing gaps to develop between the tight junctions (TJs), complex structures that lie between the epithelial cells of the intestines.1, 2 A potential result of this is gastrointestinal hyperpermeability, also known as leaky gut. Gastrointestinal hyper-permeability involves weakening of the gastrointestinal walls which consequently enables the harmful bacteria, bacterial toxins, or partially digested food particles to crossover from the digestive tract into the bloodstream. This can trigger an immune or inflammatory reaction, potentially disrupting the functioning of cells and organs, and activating a range of systems involved in cell signalling.

In the initial stage of damage to the intestinal walls, digestive enzyme production is compromised. Subsequently, incompletely digested food undergoes fermentation, providing a feeding ground for undesirable bacteria which can then proliferate and extend the degree of inflammation, alongside the first stage symptoms of leaky gut, which may include: Gas Bloating Constipation Diarrhoea Stomach cramps Indigestion Food sensitivities These digestive symptoms are often ignored; however, if treatment is not sought inflammation is likely to worsen. As intestinal permeability progresses into the advanced stages, the intestinal cells and TJs undergo degeneration, resulting in the formation of larger gaps in the intestinal lining. The symptoms stemming from this are hard to dismiss, and may include: Headaches Migraines More severe food allergies Worsening digestive problems Chronic fatigue Painful joints 40% humidity, in which participants ran on a treadmill at 80% of their ventilatory threshold. Remarkably, the runners on probiotic treatment had a decline in gastrointestinal permeability, immune markers and systemic inflammation. This was confirmed upon looking at intestinal permeability markers and the amount of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in the bloodstream, both of which indicate how much harmful bacteria have leaked from the GIT. Upon taking the multi-strain probiotic, levels of LPS post-exercise had declined. And if that were not enough, the probiotic treatment also seemed to improve heat tolerance. Athletes receiving probiotic treatment could run for 14% longer than placebo participants. Ideally, prior to competing in a hostile climate, you need one to two weeks of exposure to that climate; 100 minutes of daily exercise in the new climate is also required. However, this is not an opportunity of which we all have the luxury. Our athletic performance largely depends on good all-round health and a threshold for unfamiliar climates. A high quality probiotic may just be the solution we need for the digestive and immunosuppressive symptoms that can occur with high intensity exercise in the heat. Speak to your healthcare practitioner for more information about choosing the right probiotic. When taking supplements, make sure to always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist, see your healthcare practitioner.
Belinda Reynolds graduated with an Honours Degree in Nutrition and Dietetics in 2003. She has been involved in the complementary medicine industry for nearly 14 years - nine of these working for BioCeuticals, Australias leading provider of practitioner-only nutritional and therapeutic supplements, as a Practitioner Sales Consultant, Team Leader, Presenter, Educator and Writer, with an involvement in Marketing and Product Development. Outside of this Belinda has spent time working in hospitals and lectured at the Australasian College of Natural Therapies. Belindas greatest passion is assisting practitioners in developing their knowledge by presenting new research in the area of integrative medicine. Now a mother of two, pre- and postnatal, infant and child health have evolved as subjects particularly close to her heart. For more health articles, go to www.bioceuticals.com.au/education/articles
References: 1. Ulluwishewa D, Anderson RC, McNabb WC, et al. Regulation of tight junction permeability by intestinal bacteria and dietary components. J Nutr 2011;141(5):769-76. 2. Wells JM, Rossi O, Meijerink M, et al. Epithelial crosstalk at the microbiotamucosal interface. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2011;108 Suppl 1:4607-14. 3. Salminen S, Deighton MA, Benno Y, et al. Lactic acid bacteria in health and disease. In: Salminen S, von Wright A (Eds), Lactic acid bacteria: microbiology and functional aspects, 2nd ed (pp.211-53). New York: Marcel Dekker, 1998. 4. Allen SJ, Martinez EG, Gregorio GV et al. Probiotics for treating acute infectious diarrhoea. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2010;(11):CD003048. 5. Isolauri E, Sutas Y, Kankaanpaa P, et al. Probiotics: effects on immunity. Am J Clin Nutr 2001:73(2 Suppl):s444-50. 6. Corr SC, Hill C, Gahan CG. Understanding the mechanisms by which probiotics inhibit gastrointestinal pathogens. Adv Food Nutr Res 2009;56:115. 7. Shing CM, Peake JM, Briskey D, Lim F, Vitetta F. Response to exercise in the heat following a period of probiotics supplementation. School of Human Life Sciences. University of Tasmania, 2011 (unpublished report).

What can we do to reduce our risk of or potentially prevent leaky gut?

One important measure may be to take a high quality probiotic. Billions of microflora - the beneficial microbes of the gut - can play an important part in maintaining intestinal integrity. Groundbreaking research has revealed that not only may certain probiotics improve the general health of athletes, they also may improve their performance under hot conditions. When choosing a probiotic, the lactobacilli and bifidobacteria species are the ones to look out for as they encourage an acidic environment in the gastrointestinal tract via their production of short-chain fatty acid (SCFA). Probiotics can stimulate the immune system and synthesise bacteriocins, substances that serve as natural antibiotics.3,4,5,6 And due to their involvement in regulating pro- and antiinflammatory cytokines, gastrointestinal microflora also influence intestinal and systemic inflammatory processes. Recently, a high-quality Tasmanian study (with double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomised crossover methods) demonstrated the potential benefits of probiotics on athletic performance in 12 trained male runners.7 For one month, six of the runners were administered a daily probiotic consisting of nine strains and 45 billion colony forming units (CFUs). The remaining six runners were administered a placebo. This was followed by a three-week washout period (allowing for probiotic elimination in the treatment group), after which participants swapped treatments for another month. Before and after probiotic or placebo treatment, athletic performance was examined under conditions of 35C heat and


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To get the most from your physique - and your gym time - start taking your rest periods more seriously. UltraFITNESS has all the new research to show you how to break right.
By Eric Velazquez

as strict with your rest periods as you workout, they did five sets of 25 reps he A-Teams cigar-smoking are about your other workout variables. with the same rest protocols between leader, Colonel John So, if you want to see your physique sets. Both workouts were performed for Hannibal Smith, was a lover plan come together in a way worthy of a three weeks. What researchers found of completion. At the end of each victory cigar in the fastest time possible, was that subjects were able to complete episode of the long-running show, he read on. more total reps for both high- and lowwould simply say I love it when a rep ranges over five sets when resting plan comes together. Cue the theme for three minutes between sets, with REST FOR STRENGTH music. Hannibals military training two-minute rest periods offering similar taught him that if you fail to plan, you For those who are looking to get bigger results. and stronger, the history books on rest plan to fail, so he would meticulously Its easy to see how a set of 25 reps seem pretty straightforward: if youre plot each vigilante mission by leaving would require a longer rest period because lifting heavy, rest longer. The rationale nothing to chance. that many sets (five) and reps (25) tap into is that with each passing second, your Where are we going with this? Well, how much do you leave to chance when muscles can recover more completely from the last set, putting you in a it comes to your physique? If youre position to lift more weight on the next. a beginner, probably a lot; if youre But how much rest is an intermediate, enough and how much maybe a little less. Newer research on rest is too much? But advanced periods shows that you trainers know how stand to make more drastic Well, some tend important it is to improvements in strength to think its simply factor in as many and overall body composi- a matter of instinct, variables as possible tion if you are as strict with while others like to when setting goals wait just long enough your rest periods as you in the gym. Weight, are with your other workto catch their breath. volume, intensity, But in the interest out variables. exercise selection, of sharpening your exercise order, workout splits, cardio strength-and-mass approach, you should duration - the list goes on. But even aim for a certain time period: two or these iron-wielding colonels of the gym three minutes - no more, no less. routinely fail to take one big issue into Researchers at Arizona State consideration: rest. University conducted a study using Most people simply rest until they 16 trained male bodybuilders to test feel ready to get back under the bar, the impact that rest had on Rest for two or three figuring that their muscles will just let strength. During the first minutes between them know when theyre ready for the workout, subjects did five sets sets for strengthnext set. Newer research on rest periods, on the bench press using their mass training as though, shows that you stand to make eight-rep max (8RM), with with chest workouts, including moves like more drastic improvements in strength one, two or three minutes of the cable crossover and overall body composition if you are rest between sets. In a second

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Eric Blais (illustrations); Cory Sorensen (opposite page)



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creatine phosphate, anaerobic glycolysis and oxidative pathways, says Jimmy Pea, MS, CSCS. But in the strength or hypertrophy rep ranges, two or three minutes is plenty of time to recover and get in for your next set if you expect to get more reps, especially because volume is key to growth. Another hard-hitting study published in The American Journal of Sports Medicine showed that subjects training with loads at 50-90% of their 1RM using rest periods of 3-5 minutes between sets showed increases in greater absolute strength. Again, this hammers home the point that if strength is your main concern, its probably okay to linger a bit longer between sets. Basically, longer rest may equate to greater strength and more reps at a given weight, meaning more muscle on your frame. Thats probably not a foreign concept to you, but the next one may be.



It may go against everything youve ever come to know and love about moving big weight, but if body composition Shorter rep schemes have shown is also a goal of yours, an increase in you need to shorten your metabolism, especially in workouts that rest periods. include compound Not only do heavier movements like the dumbbell squat weight loads keep your muscles looking fuller and For those who are worried that they might rounder but they also have more of an not be able to lift as much weight on impact on overall metabolism than lighter successive sets, let us put your mind at ease. weight loads. Thats why youll rarely find Several studies have shown that shorterany Olympia competitors tinkering with rest protocols allow for a greater release of light high-rep sets, except for the quickBeing strict to your growth hormone, which puts you in a prime pump sets they get before striding on rest periods can be as important as any stage. position for gains in muscle and strength. other element of Plus, your bodys power-producing system A study performed at the your workout is perfectly primed to handle this type of Norwegian University of Sport and lifting without you losing much in the way Physical Education showed that 6RM of weight or volume. loads raised metabolism higher and for The creatine phosphate (CP) system, longer than 12RM sets. That means that heavier training, over the long haul, which is primarily responsible for moving a weight from A to B for reps, contributes to fat-burning more than light, high-rep sets, even if the latter can is rather quick to replenish, says Pea. This is similar to rest-pause training, burn more calories during a workout. GOAL: SIZE, STRENGTH which has been shown to promote both But that in-gym calorie difference IDEAL REST*: 2 or 3 minutes strength and size. You wont be able to can be equalised by observing a INCENTIVES: More total reps replenish CP fully if you string enough shorter rest period. In a study from Greater increase in total strength sets together, so you may fail a rep or The College of New Jersey, men who Leisurely workout pace two sooner, but this is a great way to rested just 30 seconds between sets keep burning calories while keeping on the bench burned over 50% more GOAL: STRENGTH, FAT LOSS calories than when they rested for three strength at a maximum. IDEAL REST*: 30 to 60 seconds So if your physiques appearance is minutes. Shorter rest increases the important to you - and if youre reading total work and time under tension, INCENTIVES: Greater release of growth hormone UltraFITNESS, were guessing it is - your which will absolutely burn more Greater increase in postbest bet may be to keep the weights heavy calories than someone who rests for workout metabolism (six- to eight-rep range) while using rest several minutes between the same Less time spent in the gym periods as close to 30 seconds as possible. number of sets, says Pea.
*Between sets

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It doesnt hurt you to rest longer in the gym. If youre mainly concerned with getting bigger and stronger, then its still the way to go. It may mean getting home from the gym a little bit later, but it certainly wont take away from your climb up the pounds pyramid or your quest for a longer stretch of the tape around your arms. But it can only help you cut your rest periods. The main reason most guys dont train that way is because they are worried about compromising strength. You may not get as strong as fast as longer-resting lifters, but if you train heavy with short rest periods, your body will respond with new muscle and less fat - ultimately giving you the physique youve always wanted. Rest shouldnt be an afterthought when it comes to constructing a serious workout plan. As intent as you are on reaching your training goals, doesnt it make sense to do everything within your power to reach them?

Lets TalkTurkey
The old saying goes that variety is the spice of life. So when looking to shake things up in the kitchen, there is no easier way to put a new spin on some old favourites than by using avoursome turkey meat. Depending on your personal preference, the slightly leaner breast meat or the rich and tender dark meat can be transformed into a number of different recipes. You will be surprised to know that the darker meat of turkey only contains a few more grams of fat per serve than the white meat, so when it comes to cooking with turkey, either choice is going to be good for you.

Greg James (dumbbell)


Creatine should be part of everyones supplement stack, but if youre interested in using shorter rest periods to sharpen your physique, it can be even more valuable. Since the power to bang out reps is explosive in nature, the primary fuel source for muscles is phosphagen - the collective name for adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and creatine phosphate (CP). As a set wears on, phosphagen falls off, depleting completely in about 20 seconds and sending your body on the hunt for glycogen to complete the set. But, luckily, this energy store replenishes very quickly - also in about 20 seconds. As you complete more sets, though, your phosphagen levels begin to wane. This is where creatine comes in. Supplementing with creatine keeps this fuel source peaked longer, meaning more power on successive short-rest sets. While any form of supplemental creatine will be beneficial, newer research is showing that creatine hydrochloride is absorbed much better by the body - about 50% better than creatine monohydrate - making you stronger for longer periods during each workout. With any form of creatine, you should aim for a dose that delivers 3-5 grams both pre- and post-workout.

As a white meat, turkey is easily enjoyed a number of ways and with a multitude of flavour combinations. To add to its culinary appeal, it is low in fat and full of vitamins and minerals, making it a beneficial choice for your health. And with the many cuts of turkey now available, the recipe options are many. Turkey breast can be marinated in herbs and spices and baked to be served with roast vegetables for a comforting and easy midweek meal. The versatile turkey mince can also be used for Asian-inspired meatballs, transformed into a tasty version of Chinese san choy bow, or made into a lean and mean version of bolognaise, with less fat and more taste. And if you are in a hurry, turkey steaks make for a quick and easy post-gym meal with some sweet potato mash and steamed green veggies. Its easy to see how the excellent taste of turkey can be incorporated into your weekly meal plan without hassle, even if you are not a master chef. So if its change you are after and health you are conscious of, turkey should be at the top of your shopping list next time your hit the shops. Eating healthy no longer means tasteless and boring thanks to turkey.
Harriet is a qualified nutritionist (BNtr.) about to complete a Masters Degree in Nutrition and Dietetics, and is a qualified PT and surf lifesaver. She is passionate about nutrition, fitness and wellbeing. When shes not in the gym, Harriet loves getting in the kitchen and experimenting with new recipes!

For lean and healthy recipe ideas you can share with your clients, visit steggles.com.au/turkey-recipes. Available now from Coles



Fat: Man v Nature

Over the past few decades, certain types of food have come in and out of fashion. Everyone was taking Vitamin C 20 years ago, then Vitamin E, and now its Vitamin D. When it comes to protein, soya protein was once touted as the best and now it seems to be whey protein. With carbohydrates, whole grains and breakfast cereals were the bees knees and now they are pass. And nally fats the controversy just doesnt seem to stop. We can get our fats from three main sources; animals, sh and plants. But is it polyunsaturated we should be eating, or monounsaturated? Are saturated fats bad, and what about the omega-3s and 6s? Should we be taking sh oil capsules for our EPA and DHA, and what should we eat for GLA and DHEA?
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Nat u res Mo st I mpress i ve Super fo o d I nca I nchi


Photo: shutterstock


s a nutritionist, its hard enough to keep up with all the latest food fads, so for someone who is not constantly checking the latest research it must be a nightmare to decipher what appears to be right and wrong. I find that if you have a philosophy about your food and nutrition then it will help you make the right decisions and not be swayed by marketing and advertising, but by common sense. Fats are very controversial at the moment, so lets take a look at what they are and where they come from. If we look back to a time before the mass production of animal, fish and plant products, the fat in our diet varied. For instance, in the summer when the herd animals were grazing on the sweet grasses, the fat surrounding and within the muscle meat was very high in saturated fat, then in the winter the meat would become very lean as the grass grew scarce and less sweet. How much fat in your fish depended on where you lived; cold water increases the fat (omega-3), while temperate waters decreased the fat and oil. Plants also varied in their fat content because they were seasonal. Avocados, nuts and seeds (polyunsaturated fat) were more a winter harvest. Fats were not constant in our diet but varied depending on the seasons. The Paleo food community believes saturated fats are the best and that some polyunsaturated fats cause inflammation in our bodies. Conversely the western world nutritional guidelines say that polyunsaturated fats are better and saturated fats should be avoided at all costs. But if we look at our natural diet, weve been eating both types of fats for thousands of years, and both are beneficial to our health. Having said that, there is a caveat. Fats made by nature are the healthy options; man-made, highly refined fats are the ones you need to stay away from, including margarine, hydrogenated vegetable oils and fats, refined and genetic modified oils like canola and soya, as well as highly purified and refined oils like rice bran and grape seed. Polyunsaturated fats, omega-3 and omega-6, are called essential fats. In other words, we must eat them in order to be healthy. These fats can be found in plants as well as animals. Inca Inchi is a Peruvian nut native to the Amazon. When cold pressed into oil, Inca Inchi contains the highest level of essential fats of any plant-based oil, with 86% essential fats, 48% of which is omega-3. Including this wonderful oil in the diet ensures that you are getting your essential fats every day. These fats have many roles in the body including cell structure, manufacturing of components that the body requires for communication, storage, and transport. They are also important in brain function and play a key role in decreasing inflammatory process and thereby decreasing the chance of disease. Fish also have omega-3s in the form of EPA and DHA, but these are not essential as the body can make them from the essential fats we consume. Fish oil has become the supplement of choice for many but it may not be as good as everyone thinks. The fish oil industry can be unsustainable and is often produced unethically. It takes 5kg of fish to produce just 1kg of fish oil. With fish stocks dwindling in many places, and the fact that much of our fish oil is extracted from farmed fish, the oil is often not of a good quality.

Fish oil is also expensive to produce and often other oils are added to maximise profits, thus diluting the quality further. The oil is also often put into gel caps that may contain dubious ingredients which are not regulated and often unlisted on ingredients lists. Flavours, artificial sweeteners and colours are also sometimes added to disguise the taste of the fish oil. The reason we eat fish oil is for the EPA and DHA; it has been touted as being anti-inflammatory, but with all the processing and additives the downfalls may outweigh the benefits. Eating a plant-based oil with essential fats like Inca Inchi oil along with a weekly portion of fish (calamari, salmon, prawns etc) and eggs which are high in DHA, give us all the omega-3, EPA and DHA the body requires. Even without fish, a diet rich in real foods means the body will make the EPA and DHA it requires for health. Diet is key when it comes to eating fats; its madness to eat a junk-food diet filled with inflammatory foods while consuming fish oil to dampen the bodys inflammation. Inca inchi has very little saturated fat - it is mainly unsaturated an oil that should not be heated. It should be kept in a dark bottle and a cool place so that it does not oxidise. When you heat this beautiful oil you destroy the fat-soluble vitamins as well as oxidise the omegas which cause inflammatory processes and free radicals to form, resulting in accelerated ageing. Inca inchi is perfect for making salad dressings, putting in smoothies, adding to pestos and making mayonnaise. It is a food, not a supplement. After all, it is food that should be our medicine. As for cooking, use a saturated fat as these are not light or heat sensitive and do not oxidise. Coconut oil, butter, ghee and lard are wonderful cooking fats. Visit www.changinghabits.com.au; they have both the inca inchi and coconut oil in stock to fill your cold and hot cooking needs.

Nutritionist Cyndi OMeara uses her knowledge and experience to better educate consumers on the prominent health issues within society today. The author of the bestselling book Changing Habits, Changing Lives encourages others to build healthier habits through a better understanding of health and nutrition. OMeara often raises the confronting issues of cancer, drugs and diseases, and emphasises the importance of understanding food labels, the effect of medication and avoiding diets. The passionate and down-to-earth speaker has completed a Bachelor of Science, majoring in nutrition, and postgraduate studies in areas such as human anatomy and physiology. She empowers her audience to overcome their health issues through simple changes to their lifestyle, enabling them to live healthier and happier lives.


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Photo: Dallas Olsen

In this article we are looking at the second of the six core exercises that make up the seven primal patterns. These patterns were identied by holistic practitioner and tness expert Paul Chek in his Primal Pattern Movement work.



Note on preliminary screening:
Although the lunge is a part of everyday life - when we pick things up from the ground were engaged in lunging it is also unfortunately common for people to have weakness and imbalances in their performance of them. This can lead to making compensations in form that can result in injury to the knees, hip and/or back. Therefore, I always screen my clients to see if they are capable of performing them correctly. If they have any core stabilisation problems, flexibility limitations, or back, hip or postural issues then we work on eliminating these first. I would then only allow them to do the squat and bend movements. After theyre proficient with these movements I then allow them do the lunge pattern. I start my clients off on a static lunge; just moving up and down or a single-leg reach or toe tap. Eventually, they move to stepping back into a lunge. Then, after a week of doing that they can start stepping forward and back (this is a great exercise for those clients who like to feel the burn in their legs). Only after doing this for a week do I move them to my favourite lunge; the multi-directional lunge that I am showing you today. From all of the above I think you can see why I must stress that it is important that you have a Chek exercise coach or a PT who knows how to screen the body, monitor you and make sure you are ready for this advanced lunge movement.

s we discovered in Part One, our bodies are a matrix of interconnected muscles, joints, bones, and other tissues and organs all working together. Exercise is really is all about

movement, and the movement were targeting in this article is the lunge.


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This exercise (shown to me by Paul Chek himself) works the muscles around the hips, pelvis, back and legs in all three planes. This means it is a very functional exercise accustoming the body to move in all the directions we do on a daily basis, including during sport. The multi-directional lunge is one of the best exercises for reshaping your glutes and legs, and this variation in particular is great for anyone who plays ball sports, sports with lateral movements and/or combative sports. THE MOVEMENT: The movement is like stepping your way around a compass. In this article we will only cover the left leg stepping through the five spots, but the same pattern is done for the right leg too, so when youre actually performing them always alternate (do the left 45 then the right 45 and so on). Do one set without weights to familiarise yourself with the movement before adding any weight. This also acts as a great warm-up. Note: Dont overstep your flexibility, so keep your step small the first few goes. It helps, too, if you start by standing in front of a mirror to check your form. Step Forward North Engage your pelvic floor and draw your navel in towards the spine. Step into the forward lunge position with your left leg, keeping your hips and shoulders parallel with the horizon. Think of the bar as an extension of your shoulders, making sure not to bring rotation or side flexion into the movement.

Training Tip:
The back, hip, knee and foot alignment is vital here so that you dont impact your joints and connective tissues. You may nd this movement far more difcult than a standard lunge as it requires a lot of stability in the core and lower back.

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Photo: Dallas Olsen

45 Degrees Forward - North-East Your left leg will go south - west and then the right will be in the centre of the compass; always step back to the centre. When stepping into this lunge at 45 degrees it is important that you use a mirror to watch your body alignment and avoid allowing the foot or knee to rotate inwards. Make sure you look at how the heel is up on the back foot and look at the rotation in the hips.

90 Degrees Side - West Your left leg steps to the side; make sure not to over-step your flexibility. As you can see in the photo, you keep your hips over your ankles and sit back - a bit like a squat. As before, keep the core on and work within your own levels when it comes to weight.

Back 45 Degrees South-East As you step back, you need to keep balanced. Do this by keeping most of your weight on your front leg and only reach your leg back to touch the floor. Keep your body alignment forward; facing north the whole time.

Photo: Dallas Olsen

Although the lunge is a part of everyday life it is also unfortunately common for people to have weakness and imbalances in their performance of them. This can lead to making compensations in form that can result in injury to the knees, hip and/or back.

Back - South In this one we just step back and keep the body upright as we reach our leg behind us. We then land on the ball of the foot. Dont put your heel down; keep the hips parallel with the horizon and, if using a bar, keep it level with the floor.


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THE MOVEMENT: The full name of this exercise is singleleg lunge with foot in loop and it is a sensational addition to the traditional weight-based lunges. Start by adjusting the strength straps length so that the loop is knee height when the strap is hanging straight down. Place one foot in your foot loop by reaching back from a lunge position. As you pull that leg towards the front leg, you push your front leg off the ground and hop up. On landing, reach back into the lunge again and repeat the movement with no pausing.

Donal Carr works with clients to achieve their goals with the C.H.E.K approach to rehab and sports conditioning. He has 22 years of PT experience and is the director of the Place of CHI. For information on Paul Cheks tour here in May 2014 please go to www.placeofchi.com. For more information on CHI3 Strength Straps contact donal@placeofchi.com

I recommend working towards 2-3 sets of 10-20 reps on each leg. This works best for most people, and if you master that you can add weight with a vest or even dumbbells.






ions oric Volcanic format Stand on the prehist ia plains of Tanzan View the wild African dream!! Achieve what many

Camp at the base of the o f the EVERE View the mo ST BEAST untain adven turers tackle Experience th th e summit. e Sherpa cultu re


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Howdoyoutrainfor extremeadventuretreks?
My PT has set a program that she thinks will do the job; however, she has never done anything like this. Whether you are trekking Mt Kilimanjaro, Kokoda or Everest Base Camp, it really requires a lot of specialist knowledge. Shane Goodwin, director of Escape Trekking Adventures, has been training for these types of treks for years.
hile you dont have to be an Olympic athlete to complete the adventures, you do require a strong cardiovascular system and endurance. A three-month training period is recommended. To start with, all of these adventures are based around walking up and down mountains; some at altitude. Walking over uneven ground up and down hills carrying a backpack should be the main content of your training.


This three-week stage requires you to build upon all of your combined training with 2-3 walks per week and 1-2 sessions of swimming to maintain your cardiovascular system. Your walks should be a minimum of one hour and increased to 3- to4-hour sessions. Your route should mainly consist of uphill and downhill sections. If these arent available to you, use stairs and lots of them!

Begin with just carrying 5 litres of water in your bag and progressively build up the weight in your pack by 1kg every four sessions, until you reach 12-15kg. If you are completing a cold weather trek, train during the coldest times of the day and vice versa for hot, humid treks. Another tip is to use hiking poles; they will take the strain off your muscles and joints, especially on steep descents.


The final three-week stage of intensification is based around hiking the steepest hills carrying the full load of 12-15kg. Each week should include at least one 5- to 7-hour walk, dont overextend yourself. You should also get used to intakes of short bursts of fluid while walking uphill to prevent dehydration which is the main issue many trekkers face.


The first stage of training, called the building blocks, should be done for three weeks. Start with 40-minute walks 3-4 times per week, and 1-2 longer walks on weekends of around 1-2 hours. Walk a little further each session and increase the pace a little each time.


The second three-week stage of the build-up should be based around HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) of 30 seconds flat out and one minute at a slow, resting pace. It also allows you to increase your training intensity without overtraining or burning out. But remember: choose something you enjoy, be it running, cycling or rowing. One weekly walking session of around an hour should also be maintained to keep up your pack fitness.

Resistance training specifically functional - is also required to enable your muscles (particularly legs) to cope with the pressure they must endure while trekking. Add 2-3 resistance training sessions to the first three stages of your training routine. Finally, in the week prior to your adventure you should do one slow, short walk with no pack. Just remember to train hard to enjoy your adventure and where the mind goes the body will follow!
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My Running, My Place
ible. From s s o p t h g u o th r e v e n I s ken me place ta y ll River ra e te e li tr s a in h a D g d in n te n s u fe R n -i e il d o al to the croc p e N f o s k a e p m 0 s of Israel to 0 e p ,0 a 6 c s d the n la rt e s e d d ri a ; across d in far North Queensland avalanche zones, but its taken me far beyone st, not in th xi e t n o d t a New Zealands mountain th s e c la p g ns. Im talkin o ti a n ti s e es I never d c l la a p ic e h p m o ra s g , o e e m g f o e id s ces on the in la P y. a w y f again. n o a s d th rl p o e w d e e id th ts in ou e b to it rs I cant wa e th o d n a to k c a b o g to want

In the rst PLACE

In my lifetime Ive travelled the globe extensively, but running has really outdone them all. Even in the early days it had me exploring my local suburb; I would regularly stumble upon places that I would have otherwise missed - I never would have made that coffee shop my local if I hadnt found it on a detour during a run. It all started with me not being happy with where I was in my life. I was a chubby, money-focused salesman, had no real life goals in life and was part of the system. I wanted something more. I didnt know what at the time, but something told me that running was going to take me to a new place.

PLACES around the globe

From my first 5km fun run to covering 5,330km along the worlds longest marked trail, running has always led me places. Lush rainforests in far north Queensland with their beautiful green ancient trees and exotic wildlife, Israels arid Negev desert with stretches of sand and rock as far as you can see and that sense of peace being in the holy land, snow thats waist deep upon the mountains of New Zealands gigantic peaks, biblical and historical places - through old cities and villages. Running takes me to events; places with a sense of community sharing a common goal of reaching the finish line, be it for a PB or for fun.

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Peoples PLACE
There are new places, old places, and where there are places there are people. New friends have been made, old friends inspired. There are running partners and their favourite places to run, invites to BBQ catch-ups, birthday parties and business events. Running has this huge knock-on effect whereby you run and meet more and more people. I met my girlfriend through running, and my best friend. The list goes on and the places it leads us are unlimited.

PLACES of beauty
I have seen the most beautiful sunsets painted with all manner of rich scarlet reds and ochre yellows to complete a days running, only to witness it all again with a sunrise that lights the sky in reverse for the next day of running. Light reflecting off rock formations, shadows from birds soaring overhead, leaves that glisten with raindrops, flowers that sway in the wind. From the bluest of blue skies to the richest green pastures, running takes you through it all. Running has opened up my eyes, but what it has really opened up is my heart, and thats a place where running has truly taken me, for better and worse.

Mental PLACE
Running has keys to the inner parts of me; the further I go, the more layers I can access in the deeper me. Thats why I love ultra-distance so much; it breaks down barriers that we put up for the rest of the world, walls that show others what we want them to see instead of the real us. It opens doors that on the surface I would rather keep shut, but through the simple act of putting one foot in front of the other I somehow let those inner demons go. Though its brutally painful at the time, it seems that through suffering I become a better person; more understanding, knowledgeable and strong. The flip side, however, is the spectrum of colourful happiness that running gives me. For every dark place I may visit through the relentless pounding of the ground, there is an equally contrasting bright place. These places are enhanced when rising above the plateaus of darkness. Its worth every painful step and memory to reach these extremes. There is always something to be learnt through running; I never know what it is at the time, but somehow it has improved me and Ive become a better contributor to this world because of it.

Running has keys to the inner parts of me; the further I go, the more layers I can access in the deeper me.

Put in my PLACE
And so, running brings me here. From running alone I sit here the man I am today from. I run; I run a business about running; I talk about running; I coach running; I write about running. You might say I live and breathe it. Either way, running has certainly helped me find my place in the world.

Richard Bowles is an Australian adventure runner, professional speaker and endurance coach and consultant. In 2012 he became the first person to run the entirety of the Australian Bicentennial National Trail. Over his five-and-ahalf month journey he ran more than 5,300km - the equivalent of 126 marathons. Two weeks later he began New Zealands 3,054km Te Araroa Trail. When Richard is not running he is inspiring and educating others through his motivational speaking and distance coaching and consultations. To find out more visit www.richardbowles.com.au


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Photo: Jessica Parker

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Three 30-minute cardio programs to help you burn more body fat for longer periods of time, whether you train at home, in the gym or outdoors By Steven Stiefel Photography by Cory Sorensen
You probably dont look forward to your cardio sessions. But if youre hoping to blast fat, improve your health or simply have a better-looking body, cardio is a necessity. Theres no substitution. Thats the simple part. How to make your cardio sessions more successful for your goals, however, is a little more scientific.
When you perform light- to moderate-cardio activities, your body burns energy. This means that many of the calories that youve recently taken in will be burned before they can be stored as body fat. In addition to your recent energy intake, your body will also burn stored body fat, says Angelo Palumbo, an IFAand ISSA-certified trainer, explaining that the body burns fuel in many different ways, depending on your cardiovascular needs. Taking in more calories before exercise can be beneficial for performance athletes who want to fuel activities for long periods - thats why you see marathoners and triathletes carb loading just before an event and sucking down Goo and Gatorade during the event. But most guys who are plodding away on a treadmill are trying to reduce their body fat, whether they have a little excess that obscures defined abs or a full-on belly, as well as maintain or add to their muscle mass. If thats the case for you, you should consider making some changes to your steadypace, easy-to-moderate cardio sessions.
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least, youll retain more of the muscle that might have been burned off from cardio. Having more muscle mass helps burn body fat over time. Having more muscle actually improves your rate of metabolic burn while at rest. When you perform resistance Cut the Carbs Before Your Cardio Workouts When you training as part of your cardio, emphasise reaching failure take in carbs, particularly in the form of sugars, they go with your cardiovascular system rather than with your directly into your bloodstream, making them immediately target muscles, suggests Palumbo. The available for use as energy, says RATE YOUR EFFORT weighted circuit moves in our workouts Palumbo. And your body will tend While tness levels vary widely from one person to should leave you huffing and puffing to burn off these calories first before another, the following ratings of perceived exertion rather than collapsing from the weight. it taps into your fat stores. To get to apply to all. As your tness level improves, youll be those fat stores much sooner, the key able to perform more-intense exercise to achieve the Include Interval Training Highis to avoid taking in carbs for up to same level of perceived exertion. To guide you, weve intensity cardio work can be hard two hours before you perform cardio given an activity that correlates to each level for to sustain for long periods of time. sessions - a technique that allows your most people. Note that you should have your doctors Thats why many exercisers back off, body to burn stored fat instead. approval before exercising at intense or very intense reducing their perceived exertion (see One of the best times of the day exertion levels. the Rate Your Effort sidebar,) left to burn body fat through cardio is during workouts. You may only be when you first wake up because you PERCEIVED EXERTION have little glucose in your system. 12, VERY LIGHT EXERTION You may feel a slight Intense cardio revs up Remember: you havent eaten since the increase in your heart rate over resting, but this night before, so your body is literally effort is sustainable for very long periods of time. A your bodys metabolic rate much higher for running on empty. Because of this, you casual walk. may need some calories to get through longer periods of time your workouts. If so, rely on protein 34 LIGHT EXERTION Your heart rate increases, but than steady-state cardio. with or without dietary fats. You you can still talk easily. A moderate to brisk walk. exercising up to levels 5-8 for sustained can have a no-carb protein shake or 56 MODERATE TO INTENSE EXERTION You can periods when you could be burning even consume whole foods like eggs, chicken feel your heart beating, but you should still be able to more body fat by taking it up to nine breast, fish or cottage cheese. Even a carry on a conversation. A good jogging pace. or 10 for short bursts of high-intensity tablespoon of natural peanut butter interval training (HIIT) in your cardio will do. 78 INTENSE EXERTION Your heart is pounding workouts. One technique for using But avoid drinking milk before your and this level of exertion isnt sustainable for longer HIIT is to go all out for 30-90 seconds, morning cardio. One 240ml glass of than 30-120 seconds. Eventually, you have to then back off significantly until your skim milk has 12.3 grams of carbs, reduce exertion to slow your heart rate and energy heart rate recovers, says Palumbo. Once which you dont need if youre trying to expenditure. Sprinting. youve maxed out at a perceived exertion drop some kilos through cardio. of 9-10, drop back to 3-5 until your 910 VERY INTENSE EXERTION This is your heart rate and breathing feel comfortable Make Your Cardio Sessions More absolute maximum effort. You wont be able to last and then take it back up to nine or 10 Intense The more intense your cardio long and we dont advise you push to this level with again. HIIT has been shown to really is, the more body fat youll ultimately any regularity. ramp up fat-burning for sustained burn. Over time, youll burn more body fat from more intense cardio than you will from longer periods - hours, in fact - following your workouts. sessions of leisurely steady-pace cardio, says Palumbo. Intense cardio revs up your bodys metabolic rate much PUTTING IT TOGETHER higher for longer periods of time than steady-state cardio. Now that you understand these key strategies for making And youll burn much more body fat in the hours after you sure that you maximise fat-burning, check out the three finish intense cardio than you will during the same time 30-minute cardio workouts - one each for the home, gym frame after performing leisurely cardio - that holds true even and outdoors - that implement these principles. Feel free if you perform leisurely cardio for a longer time. to mix and match these workouts (or individual exercises) to get even better benefits over time, performing cardio Add Resistance to Your Cardio A lot of people tend to circuits up to five days a week. You can also increase the think of weight training and cardiovascular workouts as two number of circuits that youre performing during each entirely separate forms of training. But Palumbo explains workout as you adapt to the intensity of the workouts. Just that by adding resistance to your intense cardio sessions, make sure that youre hitting - or working toward - the you can burn even more body fat. Not only will you get the recommended perceived exertion levels so that you get the benefit of sustained fat-burning but you will also encourage best fat-burning results from these short, intense workouts. enhanced strength and muscle growth - or, at the very When you implement the following strategies, your body will preferentially burn more body fat and spare muscle tissue.

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Photography by Cory Sorensen

This 30-minute workout is designed for someone who prefers to work out at home - or for days when you cant get to the gym. Weve assembled a minimalist workout, but it requires a piece of cardio equipment. If you have any of the equipment from the gym workout, feel free to add these moves to your home circuit, too. Allow up to about 30 seconds between sets in your circuit for your heart rate to recover. As your conditioning improves, shorten the length of time between sets within circuits. WHAT YOU NEED A jump rope and a piece of cardio equipment (treadmill, stationary bike, etc.) WARM-UP Do a 5-7-minute warm-up on your home cardio equipment at a perceived exertion level of 3-5.

Do three rounds of the following circuit. SPEED ROPE: Jumping rope is a great cardio move to perform at home because you get a lot out of a little space, says Palumbo. Jump rope as fast as you can for 30-90 seconds, depending on your conditioning level. Regardless, you should work up to a perceived exertion level of nine or 10, holding it for as long as you can. Rest for up to 30 seconds, then move on to the next exercise. CARDIO EQUIPMENT: Adjust your bike or treadmill at a level that allows you to reach a perceived exertion level of nine or 10 by the end of three minutes, says Palumbo. Then, hold this peak for as long as you can - your peak duration will vary with your conditioning, but it should last for at least 30 seconds. Rest for 30 seconds and move to the next exercise. BURPEE: Perform this classic military/sports drill for at least 10 reps, striving to complete each rep with good form (you can check out your positioning in a mirror if you have one available). To perform a burpee, Palumbo explains that you do the following: Start in standing position (1). Squat down, placing your hands on the ground (2), and jump your feet back until youre in the top of a push-up (3). Perform a push-up (4) and jump your feet back to their starting position (5). Jump up, stretching your hands overhead and holding your abdominals tight (6). Land in the starting position to complete the rep and complete the rest of your set.



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Sometimes its great to just get outside. With minimal equipment, you can perform an intense cardio session that employs the fat-burning strategies were recommending. With this circuit, you dont need to rest between sets because this workout builds in recovery with a fast-paced walk back to your starting place. WHAT YOU NEED A nice day and an extended incline or a long set of stairs WARM-UP Jog up the incline and walk or jog back down two or three times, taking a total of 5-7 minutes. Your perceived exertion should top out at about ve.

OUTDOOR CIRCUIT Perform the following circuit three times with no rest (other than the brisk walk back to your starting position from the top of the incline or the stairs).
INCLINE SPRINT: Run up the incline (or stairs) as fast as you can, making sure that you reach a perceived exertion rate of nine or 10. Make sure to focus more on your perceived exertion level than on making it to the top of the incline. Stop when you can n no longer maintain your peak exertion level. Walk back down the incline or the stairs. INCLINE BACK PEDAL: After walking back down to your starting place, run up the hill backward (or walk up the stairs backward). Focus on getting your exertion rate up to nine or 10 (making sure that you dont run into anything or fall). Walk back down. LEFT INCLINE SLIDE: Position your body so that its turned 90 degrees from facing uphill or stair top (your left shoulder in that direction). Step with your left (upper) foot out to the side, up the hill, bring your right (lower) foot close to your left and immediately step the left foot up the hill. Find a rhythm that allows you to move uphill or up the stairs as fast as safely possible, reaching a perceived exertion of nine or 10. Walk down the hill or steps normally. RIGHT INCLINE SLIDE: Return to the starting position, turn 180 degrees (your right shoulder facing in the direction of travel) and perform the same motion with the opposite side leading. Walk back down. INCLINE SPRINT INCLINE BACK PEDAL

access to a long staircase (50 steps or longer), perform the following circuit three times: 1) Walking single stair step, front of foot on the steps; 2) Walking double stair step, front of foot on the steps; 3) Walking single stair step, whole foot on the steps; 4) Walking double stair step, whole foot on the steps; 5) Running single stair step. Try to raise your perceived exertion to nine or 10 for as many sets as possible.

OPTIONAL OUTDOOR CIRCUIT: If you dont have access to a hill but have


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This 30-minute workout should include peaks and dips in exertion. For each move in the circuit, you should strive to hit a perceived exertion of nine or 10. Once that is no longer sustainable, end that exercise. Allow 30 seconds for your heart rate to recover before moving on to the next move in the circuit, striving to take your perceived exertion back up to nine or 10. While this workout uses weights, the goal is to push your cardiovascular system, not your target muscles. These moves should leave you hufng and pufng, not failing due to muscle fatigue. WHAT YOU NEED A gym with a weighted or regular jump rope (you can bring your own), a barbell rack, a set of dumbbells and a medicine ball WARM-UP Perform a 5-7-minute warm-up on a treadmill or stationary bike at a perceived exertion level of three to ve.


THE CIRCUIT Perform the following circuit three times, resting between sets for up to 30 seconds, as needed, to allow your heart rate to recover.
WEIGHTED JUMP ROPE: If your gym has a weighted 500g or 1kg rope, perform up to 50 revolutions, says Palumbo. If your gym doesnt have a weighted jump rope, perform three minutes with a regular rope, reaching a perceived exertion level of nine or 10 by the end of the set. DUMBBELL DEAD LIFT: Go with a weight that allows you to perform at least 15 reps with perfect form, says Palumbo. The goal of this move is to get your heart rate up to burn fat, not build muscle mass. To perform the move, place the dumbbells on the oor. Squat down and grab both dumbbells with an overhand grip. Using the power of your legs and maintaining the natural curve in your spine, drive upward until youre in the standing position. Return the weights to the ground. Dont rest between reps, performing them until you can no longer maintain an exertion level of nine or 10. WALKING LUNGE WITH BICEPS CURL: Palumbo says that you should use the same dumbbells for this move. Take one step forward and lower your body until your trailing knee is almost touching the ground. Your front knee should not extend beyond your front foot during this phase of the movement. You should curl the dumbbells in a standard biceps curl as you lunge forward. MEDICINE-BALL SLAM: With a wide stance, hold a medicine ball as if youre going to make a basketball pass. Slam the ball downward as hard as you can as you squat down, making sure to catch the ball as it bounces (usually only a few centimetres off the ground). Return to the standing position. Perform reps until you have reached and sustained a perceived exertion level of nine or 10 for as long as you can.


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9-OUT -OF-10
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Although Meatloaf thought the magic number was two-out-of-three, Im here to tell you that after extensive research, the number youre looking for is nine. Didnt know you were looking for a number at all? Well you are, and it is going to help you immensely, but well get to that in a moment.

f you are at all like me and have an interest in all things fitness, you would know that researching it on the net leads to an absolutely bewildering amount of information. For instance, try Googling fat loss; you will get no less than 172 million options in one-third of a second. Even if you refine it to hmm, lets say fat loss for men over 50, you still get 63 million! With all that material to sift through, how do you get information that you can trust, and not end up completely confused? And at the end of all the research, how do you give yourself a shot at actually using the information? Well, having immersed myself in a pet project for the past eight weeks, I have a couple of key ideas for you, one of which is - of course - about the number nine. (By the way - as regular readers know - I love using musical references and number nine actually has something else fascinating about it. The Beatles recorded themselves saying over and over number nine which when played backwards sounds exactly like turn me on dead man. There is more to that story, but perhaps another time). Okay, so the first idea to sift the good info from the rubbish is to note when a person or organisations name comes up in several different sites and forums. If theyre being quoted, requoted, used and discussed in many different places, there is a good chance that there is some substance to their message. This is a principle that applies whether we are talking law, theology or fitness. Im currently doing a personal training course (no free plugs, but the initials are PTA!) and - as it happens - one of the teachers is John Berardi. Coincidently, time and again Ive ended up stumbling across and reading articles by John as Ive researched IF, HIIT and other such protocols on the web. There are many others, of course, but I mention John as he fits the profile of a trustworthy source. But its what he said in one particular area that has really interested me and I think holds something important for all of us.

Photo: shutterstock

John says that with all the information out there and all the differing strategies - it is very difficult for anyone to make lasting changes. In Johns opinion, more than 98% of people who attempt fat loss without a coach fail. But there is one thing you can do to sway this terrible statistic substantially in your favour (this is not a ploy to get you to take on a personal trainer by the way, so I am specifically leaving that very sensible idea out). So what is this thing? Its simple: Choose only to make a change that you know you have a nine-out-of-10 chance of complying with, and do it for 30 days before making another change.

How big or small is the change? Only you can decide that because the idea is that you examine yourself and find out what you can really commit to. If, for instance, eating a good breakfast every day is something you think you may do, but are not nearly certain about, take it back a step. In fact, John often gets his clients to do no more than take fish oil and a multi-vitamin for three weeks with no other changes. Of course, you may be able to commit to a whole lot more, but that is the whole point - commit to whatever changes you know you will still be doing in 30 days. Oh, and let me know, wont you? Were all in this together; this journey to be the best we can be. Your feedback to me just might encourage someone else to make the change they need to make.
Martin Henry is a former editor of Ultra FITNESS and someone who has combined a lifelong passion for fitness with degrees in law, a business in retail and one-on-one coaching.


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Photo: shutterstock

If youre a tness enthusiast or trainer who has been searching for the best exercise program to t your needs, chances are youve tried many variations. Whether for sport or general tness, we all play with combinations of speed, strength, endurance and exibility training, not to mention changes in intensity and time. One factor that can be overlooked is environment and - despite changes to programs - most of us will still exercise within our regular park, gym or trail. Considering a change in environment may be the stimulus you need to enhance your current training program.
sed by elite athletes for many years, altitude training is becoming an accessible solution to realise physical improvements fast. And while many sports organisations still run altitude training camps abroad, it has become more convenient and far more cost-effective to use hypoxic (low oxygen) equipment that simulates real altitude. Several sporting organisations now take advantage of simulated altitude environments, including the Australian Institute of Sport, New South Wales Institute of Sport, Aspetar Sports Medicine Hospital and leading NRL and AFL clubs.


When the human body is in an oxygen-reduced environment (such as high altitude), it is stimulated to adapt by enhancing the ways it uses oxygen to produce energy. Altitude exposure triggers release of the protein Hypoxia Inducible Factor-1 (HIF-1), which can help to improve the bodys efficiency and have a positive impact on combating obesity at a cellular level. Consistent exposure to altitude training helps the body adapt and use energy more effectively the heart, lungs, muscles and other organs can all benefit. Typically, altitude training has been used to improve cardiovascular endurance and performance. Hence, it has been popular amongst cyclists and endurance runners. Dufour, Ponsot and others studied two groups of distance runners; one training at sea level, the other at 14.5% O2 (simulated 3,200m altitude). Training included lower and higher intensity sessions. The simulated altitude group increased VO2 max and time to fatigue at VO2 max velocity, with no such changes in the sea level group.1 More recently, there has been evidence for the benefits of altitude training to deliver significant strength and sprint ability gains. A 2013 published study on cyclists led by the University of Lausanne showed power increases of seven per cent plus a 38% improvement in number of repeat sprints completed at maximum workload after only eight simulated altitude training sessions at 3,000m.2 Perhaps the greatest use of altitude training and the largest opportunity is not simply related to sports performance. The ability

to provide people with an increased metabolic rate workout without heavy load or extreme effort may challenge your current thoughts on HIIT. No doubt high intensity training has earned its place, if not dominance in the current fitness market, but imagine if you could realise similar results by overlaying a different environment and removing the high intensity. Due to the increased metabolic effect of hypoxia, athletes can exercise at a lower intensity for a given stimulus.3 This can reduce the mechanical loading on the body. Altitude training then becomes hugely appealing to anyone who is sedentary, injured or after time-efficient results.


Altitude training equipment is not out of reach for any individual. You can purchase portable mask-based equipment for around the price of a quality treadmill. The mask system is certainly a tool that will have you training like a professional. Many of the OricaGreenEDGE cycling team use it abroad and its perfect for use with most ergos. Its important, though, not to confuse a portable low oxygen/ altitude generator with elevation masks. Such elevation masks have the appearance of biohazard gas masks and work on limiting the supply of air. This is very different to an altitude generator that provides a consistent flow of fresh hypoxic air through the mask allowing you to exercise safely without fear of carbon dioxide build-up.


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There are now a growing number of public fitness facilities that are taking this one step further with fully integrated altitude rooms. The room allows for training as normal without the need for a mask system, and for most feels like any other environment until you begin to work out. Expand your altitude training to strength or plyometric work and youll certainly challenge the body. Nishimura et al recorded significant muscle hypertrophy and muscle strength gains after a group completed four sets of arm curls at 70% 1RM in simulated altitude for six weeks.4 Again, no such changes were apparent in the group training at sea level. For those looking to train in this new environment, all public altitude facilities will initiate a baseline assessment to determine the right program for you. As with any fitness program there are at-risk groups who might require special protocols or GP approval before starting. Elevated heart rate is an immediate response when at altitude, and this is consistently measured in room along with your blood oxygen saturation level (typically expressed as SaO2 or SpO2). A typical workout could be anywhere between 2,000m and 3,500m simulated altitude. Expect this to be at a reasonably low intensity to begin with. For most, this low rate of exertion is enough to stimulate a drop in your SaO2 and initiate changes in the body. And while consistent exposure is best, many facilities offer trial packs to get you started. After an acclimatisation period you can expect to exercise with greater intensity and really challenge your body. So when youre next looking to step up results, a change of environment may be just as valuable as a change in program.
David Clarke is Director of Sales and Marketing at Altitude Training Systems. In addition to his commerce degree, David is a qualified personal trainer and altitude instructor. He has worked with elite sporting teams and organisations for many years through his involvement with both sports beverages and altitude training solutions. Contact David Clarke at education@ats-altitude.com
References 1. Dufour, S.P, Ponsot, E et al 2006, Exercise Training in Normobaric Hypoxia in Endurance Runners, J Appl Physiol 2. Faiss, R, Girard, O & Millet, GP 2013, Advancing hypoxic training in team sports: from intermittent hypoxic training to repeated sprint training in hypoxia, Br J Sports Med 3. Haufe, S, Wiesner, S, Engeli, S, Luft, FC & Jordan, J 2008, Influences of normobaric hypoxia training on metabolic risk marers in human subjects, Med Sci Sports Exerc 4. Nishimura, A, Sugita, M, Kato, Fukuda, A, Sudo, A & Uchida, A 2010, Hypoxia increases muscle hypertrophy induced by resistance training, Int J Sports Physiol Perform

Bringing the mountains to you.

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The Secrets Behind

Distance Running
African long distance runners seem a class above the rest of the world, but what exactly is the secret to their domination of all major long distance racing? In 2013 African runners dominated all six world major marathons with Kenyan and Ethiopian athletes winning the Tokyo, Boston, London, Berlin, Chicago and New York marathons. In fact, of all the top three male nishers (across all six races in 2013), 17 of the 18 are from Ethiopia or Kenya. It seems these two East African nations share more than a border.
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Photo: shutterstock

his amazing trend, however, is nothing new. The East African nations won all five world majors (before Tokyo was added) in 2012 and, remarkably, Kenyan athletes alone won all five world majors in 2011 in new course records. But it is much

more than a 21st century trend. East Africans began to rise to prominence in the 1980s after early trailblazers such as Ethiopians Abebe Bikila (gold in the 1960 and 1964 Olympic marathon); Mamo Walde (Olympic gold (marathon) and silver (10,000m) in 1968); and Miruts Yifter (dual Olympic gold in 1980 in 5000m and 10,000m) had Olympic success. These early stars of East African running spurred generations to come. The great runner Haile Gebrselassie recounts watching Yifter sprint to victory in the 1980 Moscow Olympics as a pivotal moment in his desire to run for his country. Despite terrible war and famine ravaging parts of Africa for decades, these two nations emerged stronger in athletics in the 1990s with superstars Paul Tergat (Ken) and Gebrselassie (Eth) dominating. Gebrselassie set 27 world records alone before his recent retirement. Many have speculated about genetic advantages, the long hill run, secret dietary nutrients or the advantages of altitude training but none of these fully explain their incredible success.


The answer is not simple and certainly not merely a single genetic advantage as many people would like to think. The amazing performances and dominance of East African runners is due to a culture of running; high altitude training adaptations; high performance training groups; opportunity and motivational factors; and most importantly hard work and training. Every runner - or athlete of any discipline - knows nothing can replace the hard work of training, especially in distance running. Much has been made of the culture of running in Africa - and for good reason. Not only is running a means of transportation for many rural school children but it is a strong source of pride for Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda and Eritrea on the international stage. A sporting culture has an amazing effect for future generations. The 2012 Olympic marathon and 2013 world championship marathons were won by Ugandan Stephen Kiprotich. Uganda borders Kenya and also shares high plateaus and mountainous areas ideal for high altitude training (and living). The fertile country supports 37 million people and the recent success of Kiprotich is certain to inspire a generation of runners. For many young Kenyans and Ethiopians, running dozens of kilometres to school or for general transport is a way of life and this does develop a large training base. While it provides a strong start, much more is needed to develop a world champion. High-altitude training (as highlighted on p80 of this issue) is a crucial element in elite running training. For many East Africans living in the Rift Valley (bordered by Ethiopia and Kenya), they are born at altitude, train at altitude and develop the high oxygencarrying capacity associated with high-altitude training. This is

replicated by athletes around the world with regular high-altitude training camps, even if only for short periods. However, simply training at altitude is not enough. The high performance training groups are a key to success that is replicated around the world but not with anywhere near the calibre of athlete. Large training groups of aspiring runners train alongside the established athletes, all wanting to prove themselves or beat the worlds best. This competitiveness draws the best out of all athletes but also serves as a platform for valuable lessons and expertise to be passed on to future generations of runners. A great example of the competitiveness that drives these athletes was in the 2012 Olympic marathon selections for Kenya. Only able to take three athletes to London, Kenya controversially selected Abel Kurui and Moses Mosop (both excellent) but left out the then world record holder Patrick Makau, Boston marathon winner Geoffrey Mutai and London marathon record holder Emmanuel Mutai. In London Australia only managed to fill all three mens and womens marathon spots for the first time since we hosted the Olympics in 2000. High levels of motivation are essential for any elite athlete but the potential life-changing opportunity a successful running career offers is huge for athletes in East Africa where monthly incomes average US$140 (Kenya) and could be as low as US$30 (Ethiopia). The prize money for the male winner of a world major is US$130,000. For those with some potential in running its certainly worth the investment in time and training for the chance to provide for family and community. In case you missed it earlier, the East Africans train hard, if not harder than every other athlete around the world. Imagine having a training group where 10 other athletes are within 0.5% of the world record in your event. I cant stress this point enough, as many people seemingly attempt to water down the amazing efforts of many East African runners with ill-informed comments such as Oh, but theyve got a genetic advantage over our athletes or other insensitive and insulting cultural comments that highlight their misguided embarrassment at being beaten by athletes from a developing nation. Regardless of whether or not theyve run daily to school or been fortunate enough to be born in running hotspots such as Eldoret or Iten in Kenya, these athletes have to work incredibly hard to make any impression in an amazing pool of talent.

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People are always jealous or suspicious of success - especially such a dominant reign in world sport. So studies are continually being undertaken to discover the secret advantage of the East African runners. After all, many highly developed nations with their highly technical sport science and sports development departments dont enjoy being beaten by a developing nation whose athletes train in seemingly rundown and outdated facilities. Current research is looking at biomechanical data, most specifically lower leg diameter, weight and muscularity to look for advantages in their stride. If only such efforts were put into studying the training methods of the Africans or, better still, developing the sport further in Africa to help promote improved health for the whole community. In fact, health promotion is desperately needed in most western countries to encourage children and adults to move more. Perhaps then our young non-elite athletes would develop further, increasing the pool of talent for potential future elite athletes, or a more active general population.


Its not often discussed due to their incredible success, but there are distinct disadvantages for many of the Africans. Any athletes travelling to a race away from home have the obvious logistical issues of flying, recovering, finding suitable food similar to what theyre used to and other cultural nuances that separate us all. Also, many elite African athletes spend many months a year away from home and family while training in Europe, America or Japan, which each present their own cultural barriers. Its impressive when you consider the imbalance of major events in developed countries and the continued success of these developing African nations. It would be scary to think how dominant the Africans would be if even one of the world marathon majors was held in Africa and/ or at altitude. The amazing dominance of East African runners is set to continue for generations to come as the strong culture of running, high performance training groups, growing expertise and experience, socio economic and motivational factors and, most importantly, hard work and training continues. Following this recipe, in terms of performance it looks like the skys the limit.

Wilson Kipsang (2:03:23) World record-holder Emmanuel Mutai (2:03:52) London Marathon record-holder Geoffrey Mutai (2:04:15) 2013 New York Marathon champion & 2011 Boston Marathon champion (2:03:02) Stanley Biwott (2:05:12) 2012 Paris Marathon champion Martin Mathathi (2:07:16) 2013 Fukuoka Marathon champion

Ayele Abshero (2:04:23) 2012 Dubai Marathon champion Feyisa Lilesa (2:04:32) Tsegaye Kebede (2:04:38) 2013 London Marathon champion Ibrahim Jeilan Debut, 2011 10,000m world champion

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International elites
Stephen Kiprotich (UGA), 2:07:20 World and Olympic marathon champion Samuel Tsegay (ERI), 2:07:28 Marilson dos Santos (BRA), 2:06:34 Twice New York Marathon champion Mo Farah (GBR), Debut, 5000m & 10,000m World and Olympic champion


London Marathon 2014
London is just around the corner, and with Mo Farah making his debut it could be one of the best marathons ever seen. With probably the finest marathon field yet assembled, Farah will join an amazing list of Ethiopian, Kenyan and Ugandan stars. Its amazing with such a strong mens field that much of the attention is on a debutant, unproven over the distance, but hes certainly not any debutant. Mo Farah is a dual Olympic gold medallist (5000m and 10,000m), dual world championship gold medallist (5000m and 10,000m) and hometown hero. Farah will line up for his first full marathon on 13th April against a field that contains the world record holder (Wilson Kipsang, 2:03:23), world champion and Olympic gold medallist (Stephen Kiprotich), London marathon course record holder (Emmanuel Mutai) and defending London marathon champion (Tsegaye Kebede). Add to this list Geoffrey Mutai, who has run the fastest marathon in history at Boston in 2011 (although its not recognised as a world record - only a world best due to the tailwind and net downhill course). The running talent on display in London in April is a dream come true for organisers, with many tipping the 29-year-old British marathon record of 2:07:13 to be in real danger. Mo Farah has played down expectations but his coach Alberto Salazar has strongly focused his training on the London marathon, since his half-marathon run in April last year. I gained a lot of valuable experience running part of the course alongside the top guys last year and cant wait to race over the full distance this April, Farah said. The London Marathon always attracts the worlds best runners to its elite fields and this year will be no different. I am expecting it to be one of my toughest races and a real learning experience. Those worlds best he is referring to includes the six runners who have run sub 2:05 marathons: Wilson Kipsang (WR 2:03:23), fellow Kenyans Emmanuel and Geoffrey Mutai as well as the Ethiopian trio of Ayele Abshero, Feyisa Lilesa and defending champion Tsegaye Kebede. The only notable absences from this amazing field are former world record holder Patrick Makau (Kenya), and Ethiopian superstar Kenenisa Bekele who will make his marathon debut in Paris on April 6th. Bekele is one of only a few runners who has beaten Farah in recent years, and it took an amazing run in the Great North Run (half-marathon) in September last year. The finish to the race is up on YouTube and well worth a look if you havent already seen it! Farah is an amazing runner, possibly developing into one of the bests of all time, but will he handle the step up to the marathon? Many think so, with betting agencies in the UK holding him a favourite ahead of his more proven elite competitors. One factor against him is the strong team environment and race tactics employed by the Kenyans and Ethiopians. Having two or three runners together in the final 10km to surge and countersurge could be a telling factor for the eventual winner. Aside from this, Salazar has been meticulous in every step of Farahs training from his cautious gradual build-up in training

volume, to his specific strength training regimes, high-altitude training camps in Kenya and many sacrifices along the way. In fact, Farah has opted out of the 2014 Glasgow Commonwealth Games (at this stage), instead wanting to focus on his new marathon career. They dont want to waste major championships with subpar performances or risk overtraining in pursuit of the ultimate goals. Exactly what that ultimate goal is remains a tightly guarded secret; however, should Farah put in a strong performance in London in April the possibilities are endless. Like Gebrselassie and Tergat - who transitioned from 10,000m champions to marathon world record holders - the pathway looks like major marathon wins and world record challenges. The future of elite marathon running is looking very bright. The world will be watching closely on the 13th April. Farah, however, is not the only debutant racing in London who will be a force for the future. Ethiopias Ibrahim Jeilan was 10,000m world champion (defeating Mo Farah) in 2011 and 10,000m silver medallist (behind Farah) in 2013. It will be very interesting to see how they both adapt to the longer road race.

Michael Hennessy is a marathon runner, Level 2 running coach, exercise specialist and the director of OUTFIT health + tness. He has 18 years experience in the tness industry and has completed an Exercise Science degree, Dip. Ed, Cert III & IV in tness, Athletics Australia coaching certications, and specialist training qualications. He has currently completed ve of the six World Major Marathons, and many Australian road and trail events. Follow Michael on twitter @OutFitHealth or contact him via www.outthealth.com.au or on 0412 316 916.


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inspire WorldMags.net

Make time for all the demands in your life
ITS RARELY THE little stuff that derails your entire day; its often a lot of little things that happen daily, like work, family or loved ones that you just dont set aside for a workout or meal when they demand your time. Add the constant distraction of calls, texts, emails, Facebook, Twitter and just about every imaginable mode of communication that makes you more accessible to everyone at any time and soon there is no time for anything else - at least thats how it feels. But you really do have all the time you need; it just doesnt feel like you do right now. You just need to break some bad habits that you probably dont even know you have. Number one: Break the bad habit of acting like you have an endless supply of time and energy. Yes, you are a busy man. So is the Prime Minister, but he still has time to eat, sleep, train and enjoy balance in his life. Yes, he has a massive staff to help, but he still has his job to do each and d every day, day and his d decisions have the potential to change the world. Treat every second and ounce of energy you have as precious commodities. Its carefully accounted for and allocated to those people and projects that are most important to your goals. Time management is about developing better habits and becoming more organised, and that is what the President and other successful men do to stay on track with respect to their goals. Tuck that in the back of your mind each day when youre faced with making a million little decisions about your time. So, you need some better habits, but the phone is still ringing and people still need you. You know its bad when you cant get through this article without having to stop and answer or check your phone, so if thats you, dont set the article down until its done. Its time to hit the big red button and stop the presses - you need a second to regroup. And, despite how it feels, the free world will not fall apart if you shut your phone off or ignore it for the next 30 minutes. If they can still call you or text you, they still have the ability to call 000 if it gets really bad. Now sit down, turn off the TV and anything else that k nois noise and take a deep, relaxing makes ill remember how. Grab breath - if you still rem an old-fashioned pen and piece of paper pap and write down the 10 most important things you want to achieve in your life; place them in order of priority from 1-10. If your fitness goals are not in the top 10, put this article down, pick up your phone and text someone that wants to go have pizza and beer with you - you dont have enough desire to make this happen. Once you have your list, you want to reflect on your day - or, better yet, all the days of the past week - and consider the following: How much time did you spend on things or people that were not on your list? Did you deal with those people when it was best for you and your schedule and goals for the day or did they dictate when and where you would give your time and energy to them? Were the things or people that you gave your time and energy to important, urgent and beneficial to you, or were they important, urgent and beneficial to those people or things? Did you spend your relaxation time today escaping from the world or recharging yourself with things you like that motivate and inspire you? When you spoke with others or thought to yourself, were you positive and upbeat, always looking for the good in every situation? Did you plan your time each day, or did you u just start the day and deal with it as it cam me at you?

+ + + + + +

Are the demands of the day too much for you?

88 AP R I L/ MA Y 20 1 4 | u lt raf it ne ssm ag. c o m . au


Michael Butler (man)

If you answered honestly and can tie your sh hoes without a spotter, you can probab bly see where you have some bad habits that are robbing you of your preciou us time and energy that could be better spent on you and your fitness goals. Now i its time to grab a fresh piece of paper, , make some promises to yourself and w write down a reasonable plan for tom morrow, taking into account your iorities. Be sure to plan time for pri ur meals and workout, clear your you nd of the days clutter and put your min kout in the cross hairs so that it gets work he attention it deserves and needs to all th be successful.

20 WorldMags.net EXPO GUIDE

Are you ready for what the 2014 Australian Fitness and Health Expo has in store? We are and we know youre going to love it!
n 2014, FILEX is embracing change and will provide you with the tools and knowledge you need to bring about real change in the lives of your clients, members, participants, and even yourself! Whether you own or manage a gym, run a personal training studio or teach fitness classes, you wont want to miss the launch of the latest fitness equipment and classes, along with the latest fashion and accessories. Plus, Ultra FITNESS will be announcing the winner of our Personal Trainer of the Year competition! So come along and take part in the fitness challenges, watch the live sporting competitions, meet the Ultra FITNESS team and check out everything the Australian fitness and health industry has to offer! Its time to learn, discover and grow.


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When: April 4-6; 9:30am 5:30pm daily Where: Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre Friday is open only to those who work within the tness and health industry and entry is free. For more information visit www.tnessexpo.com.au


20EXPO GUIDE WorldMags.net

Just as the fashion industry is notorious for trend-setting and aunting the newest must-have items for each season, similar tendencies are quickly being shaped in the tness world. In both worlds, a desire to purchase the latest clothing, adopt a particular attitude, or follow a specic regime is prevalent. We also see specic clientele willing to follow each new fad. I think its great that being t and healthy is gaining notoriety and importance, so much so that various streams of philosophy - categories and sub-categories are being created. It is denitely worthwhile trying many of the tness trends with proven results, but others are often just fads that arent worth too much time. So, in my opinion, be cautious when wading through the complicated world of tness. The good thing is there is something for everyone, whether you are a mover, groover or Zensearcher!


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Photo: shutterstock


High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
This is one of my favourite ways to train due to its short duration and great results. Thankfully, HIITs popularity is on the rise and slowly taking over from the long hours of steady-state cardio that were the norm over the past decade. HIIT can be done with both cardiovascular and strength training exercises and its duration can last as little as four minutes (Tabata style) or as long as 30 minutes. The idea is to work at 100% of your output for the work ratio (usually 20-60 seconds) and either stop or continue at a slower pace for the rest ratio. Ratios vary; however, a good starting point and popular work-to-rest ratio is 1:2. For example, if you are using a treadmill for sprints, you can sprint as fast as possible for 15 seconds and rest for 30 seconds. For strength exercises, you could squat with a lighter resistance (or body weight) for 30 seconds and rest for 60 seconds. The goal is to repeat these sets until failure. Research has shown a much more effective loss of adipose tissue for interval training as opposed to long hours of steady-state cardio.1 The EPOC (excess post-exercise oxygen consumption) is also greater, allowing your body to burn more calories in the 24 hours post-exercise while trying to return your body to its preexercise state.2 The HIIT mentality is used in many group classes such as spin and aerobic classes, as well as boot camps, and is picking up popularity due to the internationally successful online home workouts of BodyRock TV and The DailyHIIT. teams compete and place according to their performance. I have tried CrossFit a few times and, although I found it to be quite challenging and exciting, I prefer a more structured approach to resistance training where I can concentrate on proper movement, range of motion and recovery. The injury rate among CrossFitters is higher due to the emphasis of beating your time over proper form. Sessions usually include a selection of various movements put together for a kick-butt workout. I dont see this specific trend losing its followers any time soon, and I must say I like the fact that it is performance-based, as opposed to having a purely aesthetical goal, but urge people who are following this trend to watch form carefully.

Obstacle Course Racing


This ancient practice is not one that I would say is a trend, precisely because of its long history; however, yoga (and its spinoffs: including Bikram, Moksha, pre-natal, hot yoga, and so forth), has recently regained popularity. I believe that the welcoming nature of yoga has made its trendiness more appealing to all walks of life. There are different reasons to incorporate yoga into our lives: restoration, flexibility, agility, strength gains, meditation or simply inner peace. I decided to take up yoga more than three years ago to calm my type-A personality or - as a Yogi would say my pitta dosha. I find it to be the perfect balance between a more stress-induced body-building routine and the daily pressures of life, career, family and commitments. Yoga provides me with 60-75 minutes of dedicated time to focus, move and breathe with my body without the beeping and ringing of my mobile phone and away from the long list of daily chores. This is a trend that I believe will continue to grow at an incredibly fast rate.

Tough Mudders, navy seal courses and military-style races have become the rage in many countries. Having to compete against others in your age category and finishing on top with the satisfaction of the sweat, blood and tears (literally) on your shirt is something that a lot of humans crave. These races require weeks, months and years of training to gain the necessary endurance both physically and mentally in order to perform well. Although I have never tried this, I do find them intriguing and somehow unifying as a sport. Seeing pictures of the teams at the finish line with mud all over them and smiles across their faces makes me think of young children in the schoolyard. The outdoor aspect of these sports as well as the keen camaraderie are the things that make this trend so appealing to many, while the extreme nature of some of the obstacles (electrocution and wall climbing, for example) may turn many fitness enthusiasts away. Other trends such as body suspension (TRX), Pilates, pole dancing and plyometrics have also made a name for themselves amongst niche-fitness fans. I believe that no matter what your goal or current fad, just make sure you are doing something that you enjoy and can commit to for the long haul. Fitness should be fun, provide results and make your life better in general.
Rita Catolino is a certied personal trainer, online coach, motivational speaker, tness columnist and cover model. After ghting a family trend of obesity, she decided to make a positive change after giving birth to her daughter in 2007; transforming those obstacles into a positive philosophy shared with those who work with her. Ritas clientele ranges from beginners to athletes alike. Rita recently prepared New York Times bestseller and creator of the Eat Clean Diet, Tosca Reno, for her recent physique competition and subsequent win in 2013. Catolinos philosophies and ideas have been featured in top tness publications including Oxygen Magazine, Inside Fitness Magazine, and Strong Fitness Magazine. She is also a contributor to BodyRock TV and an Elite Sponsored Athlete with SixPack Fitness. She has recently started a weekly podcast Health, Optimized. The podcasts goal is to help women navigate through the daunting world of tness and wellness in a sustainable manner.

CrossFit is a hybrid of many different disciplines tied into one big workout. It incorporates flexibility, endurance, Olympic lifts, gymnastics and muscular movements in a timed manner. CrossFitters will complete a series of movements such as a clean and press or front squat, and couple that with box jumps, wall balls or skipping in between. There is a daily workout followed by all called a WOD (workout of the day) which is completed within a specified timeframe. The popularity of this sport and the gyms that cater to it are on the rise. Clothing (high socks, short shorts and cut up t-shirts), exercise terminology (thrusts, snatches, muscle-ups, wall balls) and basic equipment (kettlebells, bands, boxes, tyres, and ropes) are all aspects of the CrossFit lifestyle. There are also games or competitions where individuals or

References: 1. Trembblay A, Simoneau JA & Bouchard C, 1994, Impact of Exercise Intensity on Body Fatness and Skeletal Muscle Metabolism, 43(7): 814-818. 2. Impact of Exercise Intensity on Body Fatness and Skeletal Muscle Metabolism (As above) u lt r af i tn e ssmag. c om. au | A P R IL/ M A Y 2014 91


Photo: Paul Buceta

20EXPO GUIDE WorldMags.net


of club members belong to a 24-hour club - it s predicted grow in 2014.*


ant a high yield business, testimonia word of mouth are v ls and ital.*

W O RD OF MOUTH If you w


Fitness Educated, Certified and Experienced ldwide Survey of Professionals fell to #3 in the 2014 Wor years!** Fitness Trends, after sitting at #1 for six

34% of club members would choose a PT based on referral while 72% of clubs hire PTs based on experience.***

of sales are predicted to be generated while you sleep if you embr ace online membership sales in 2014 .*



Percentage of PTs who work in a privately owned single club, whereas 21% work in a franchise club and 13% in a PT/Club/CrossFit studio.***

92 A P RI L/ MA Y 20 1 4 | u ltr af it ne ssm ag. c o m . au


WorldMags.net Worldwide of clubs say members prefer to get extra motivation while working out with a PT, but 49% of members say Survey of their focus is fitness while training with a PT. *** Fitness Trends for 2014:**
1. High Intensity Interval Training 2. Body Weight Training 3. Educated, Certified and Experienced Fitness Professionals 4. Strength Training 5. Exercise and Weight Loss 6. Personal Training 7. Fitness Programs for Older Adults 8. Functional Fitness 9. Group Personal Training 10.Yoga 11.Children and Exercise for the Treatment/ Prevention of Obesity 12.Worksite Health Promotion 13.Core Training 14.Outdoor Activities 15.Circuit Training 16.Outcome Measurements 17. Wellness Coaching 18.Sport-Specific Training 19.Worker Incentive Programs 20.Boot Camp
*Fitness Trends 2014 Australian & New Zealand Fitness Industry Survey 2014 EZYPAY ** Worldwide Survey of Fitness Trends for 2014 - American College of Sports Medicine Health and Fitness Journal ***Personal Training - Australian & New Zealand Fitness Industry Survey 2013 - EZYPAY


After rapid growth from 2010-2013, Zumba has dropped out of the top 20 tness trends for 2014.**
CrossFit and other high intensity, go-hard-go-home type training facilities will continue to grow and get further mainstream exposure, Ryan Hogan, CEO Australian Fitness Network, predicts.*



Advice from group el rt M tness expehnology c e Tempest: T successful is key to a er heard of club. Nev nd virtual MYZONE a s about classes? It do!* time you


u ltr af i tn e ssmag. c om. au | A P R IL/ M A Y 2014 93

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Find us HERE!

Australian Fitness & Health Expo Melbourne Convention Exhibition Centre 4 - 6 April, 2014 Bays 7-18










* Mens Fitness

Crossfit H53

9m 9m



Athlete Chill Out Zone

Australian Powerlifting Championships

17.50m 17.50m

Sting Asia Pacific Boxing Championships




* Reserved





Cros fit



Nature's Way

9m 12m

Les Mills Stage





21m 9m 15m 6m


24m 3m 6m 3m 3m 3m
On Running

6m 9m






3m 3m 3m

Fitness Kicks / Cross Core

3m 3m 6m
Seeker Import

Whole Meal Cafe


BJJ Tournament
8m 8m

6m 6m

BJJ Tournament
8m 8m

6m 15m

Glanbia Performance Nutrition

15m 15m

Nutrition Systems

6m 15m

REP 100

Academy H35
Regent Sporting H33 Goods

3m 3m



3m 9m

3m 3m
Fly Active


Products K35



9m 9m

3m 3m 3m 3m
Austra ian ns itu e Of Kettlebells

3m 3m


6m 9m

GU Sports Gel


Tiger Fitness



MMA Zone

3m 3m

Moving Comfort

6m 6m



Merrell G30

3m 3m

Asics H30
Flexi Sports Austra ia




Cardio Tennis

3m 9m 6m

BJJ Tournament

8m 8m

BJJ Tournament

9m 8m 6m 9m

15m 3m 3m 3m
Superior Supplements

Super or Supplements

9m 9m

3m 3m

Create PT Wealth H29

Hoka OneOne 3m 3m




I28 Fitness

3m 6m 3m 3m


3m 3m 3m 6m





3m 6m



GNC Livewell D24

6m 9m



Alive Brands J26

Juice Plus+
Oui Fitness

Lorna Jane



9m 3m


BJJ Tournament

8m 8m

BJJ Tournament



RAPPD 'Strike First'

3m 3m

Lifespan G24 Fitness


3m 3m



Pearly's I24 Australia

3m 3m

3m 6m 3m

3m 3m



6m 6m 3.50m


Active Outthere


Techno Tan

3m 3m

Black & Blue

9m 6m 3m
Step into Life Victoria

6m 3m 3m
Activance Punch Equipment

Fitlink 3m I22Australia
6m 6m



Superior Supplements
Tabban Muscle & Body Shape

3m 6m 3m 3m
Ball Brands

3m 3m
Boot Camps Australia

3m 3m


9m 3m 3m 3m


BJJ Tournament

8m 8m

BJJ Tournament

2.50m 8m

First D18


2.50m 6m

3m 6m


Mani Sports & Fitness Austra ia

3m 3m


3m 6m


6m 3m





A16 B15
2m 5m


6m 9m

Spartan Sports F16

6m 9m

3m 3m

Skins Compression H16 Garments

9m 9m

Slim Secrets

6m 6m



3m 15m


Fit Media

6m 6m

F t B oCeuticals


P lar Heart Rate Monitors





nnovat ve Phys o



Power J14 Music

6m 6m

3m 3m


Continence Foundation of Australia

7m 2m 19m


Derrimut Cafe

3m 3m


9m 10m

Supps R Us

10m 6m 6m

Queenax Oceania

9m 9m

Flush Fitness
9m 3m 3m

9m 9m

Flush Fitness
9m 9m

9m 9m

Flush Fitness
15m 3m 3m
Iron Tanks Gym & Fitness

9m 6m

PT Academy

6m 6m


Australian Essentials Institute L9 of Vision Personal Personal Training Trainers



INBA Prep Zone

Main Stage

15m 9m 9m 6m 6m 3m
Koral Australia



3m 6m
Complete Online



9m 6m



6m 3m


de Been 100% Jiu Jitsu

3m 6m 3m






Everything F2 MMA

Tiger Nutrition

6m 6m

6m 6m

6m 6m

* Reserved

Marketing K3


Rock Wear






Yes! Fitness Music

3m 3m






Strength & Conditioning



Where to nd your favourite stands and all the amenities.

3m 3m 3m 3m 2.50m 3m 3m
Meet & N52 Greet
Power Mouthguards

6m 2.50m


12m 2.50m 2.50m







Swift Performance Equipment

3m 2.50m 5.50m 5.50m

Blue Monster Le SlenderSlim Muesli Pasta Desire L53D M51 M52 N51
3m 3m 3m 3m 3m 3m 6m 3m
Almond Board of Aus ra ia M48


* Blitz


* Reserved
15m 6m 3m 3m 6m 3m 3m


6m 9m



* S51 AFLA
3.50m 3m

Zenon U52
6m 3m


3m 3m
Kapai Puku N47
Hel oFresh

Piloxing O49
6m 9m

5.50m 3m



3m 14.50m 6m

3m 3m

6m 3m

Austra ian Avocados

Team Up Vic Health



3m 9m



12m 3m 12m 6m


3m 3m 3m

Amazonia M42
6m 3m 3m 6m



9m 3m
Blaupunkt Biofeedback Earphones


6m 3m 3m 3m 6m

The Healthy Chef




X Pole S40
Wedderburn Scales / Tanita



MuscleDriver Australia

Martin & Pleasance


The Team Food Coach Boom N43 n titute M44


9m 3m


Accomplice Accessories

Luv Sum P43 Raw Blend

Team Up Healthy Living & Endurance Stage


3m 6m

3m 6m 6m



XR Slide Q48 Q46

A1 Rubber
Ezideb t


Business Advice R46 Centre

6m 3m


3m 6m


Australian Fitness Supplies


3m 6m 3m

T grip Australia

True Blue

T48 T46
Gladstone MRM


Life & Fitness U47

FitPod Australia

3m 15m



Listen To Your Body


3m 3m


6m 6m 3m



3m 3m


3m 3m 6m 3m
Aerobic Microphones Australia AV Media Systems

Centaman Systems

Big Ass ans

12m 6m 6m
Uesaka Barbell Q31 Australia



Altitude Training Systems





12m 3m 3m

m Icon Trading Group

Vitality N37 Brands Dumbags Worldwide -


6m 6m







Flexi Group


U38 T36
15m 6m 3m
U First Fitness

Australian Fitness Academy

6m 3m

N35 Weights
3m 3m



Orbit Health & Fitness Solutions


6m 12m



3m 3m

Bounce M34Foods
6m 6m

3m 3m


Anytime O34Fitness

3m 6m

3m 3m

6m 3m 3m 3m

Les Mills

3m 12m 3m 3m 12m 3m
The Retention People



Body Bike Australia Q29

6m 12m

Inbody Austra ia

6m 6m





HART Sport


9m 3m


Soleus Running Austra ia

Interloc 9m Human Lockers & Kinetics Seating

12m 9m
Links 15m Modular Solutions

EYE Fitness



International Fitness
12m 12m


The Fitness Generation

12m 12m




Leisure Concepts Aust





9m 6m

Blue Fitness

9m 3m

HF Industries
12m 12m

6m 3m 12m 12m 6m
Platypus So twa e U26

Mobi Post




3m 3m
Duo Strength Training




Wyn Training

3m 3m

eDebit 6m

6m 3m 3m


3m 6m


3m 6m

3m 3m 3m 6m



Australian Barbell Company

Wor dw de Vend ng & Refrigeration







FIA Fitnation
6m 6m

6m 9m

VIRUS Australia

MMA 6m Fitness



18m 15m



Fernwood Women's M14 Health Clubs

Creative Fitness 6m Marketing 3m Australia N14






Gantner Technologies


Life Fitness Australia

12m 6m

3m 18m 18m
NC Fitness Gear



18m 18m







6m 3m 3m 6m 3m
Australian Fitness Network

Extreme Functional Fitness





3m 6m

12m 12m

12m 9m 12m

12m 6m

3m 3m


Eternal Cosmeceuticals
Marketing for Gyms & Personal Trainers

PulseTec Solutions

OneF tS op





OH Magazine


The College of Heal h & F tness

Australian Institute of Fitness


Nu leaf Naturopathic Weight & Health N5 Specialists

3m 3m

9m 6m







12m 12m

Concept 2 Rowing

Life Fitness Australia

12m 12m

Technogym Australia

12m 12m

6m 6m

Global Leisure Concepts N2



Synergy Physical Conditioning Systems




6m 6m

Blueant Wireless


12m 12m

Synergy Physical Conditioning Systems


6m PaySmart 6m





General Fitness

Commercial Equipment & Business Services


20EXPO GUIDE WorldMags.net

Whats Hot



Do you want to learn the how and why behind kettlebell training? The Australian Institute of Personal Trainers is offering a two-day kettlebell course, CEC-approved and worth 14 points! This course will be held in Sydney on March 8-9 for certified personal trainers to become qualified kettlebell instructors. This indepth course in kettlebell training is leading its field in education for fitness and sports performance. The course will focus on how to make your client perform and function better whilst advancing your technique and knowledge to give you an edge over other trainers. Ultimately, this knowledge will be used to boost your clients performance. The kettlebell instructor course has Fitness Australia accreditation and holds the OLFs Certification of EKI Kettlebell Instructor (EKI). Location: Camperdown CrossFit / Camperdown Fit, 166 Parramatta Rd, Camperdown NSW Course Details: 2-day kettlebell instructor course Includes: A 60-page instructor training manual Phone and email support Free downloadable kettlebell training programmes A free monthly newsletter CECs:14 Points Date: Saturday 8th & Sunday 9th of March Time: Saturday 10am-5pm / Sunday 9.30am 5pm Price: $495


A Diploma of Fitness with the Australian Institute of Personal Trainers will set you apart! Gain valuable, practical experience working alongside allied health professionals and understand the requirements of training clients from special populations or those with medical conditions. This unique industry-focused course combines comprehensive theory with hands-on practical experience, providing you with new opportunities and increasing your earning potential. Our Diploma of Fitness is VET FEE-HELP funding approved, allowing you to study now and pay later. To get started, visit www.aipt.edu.au/ultrafit.


Whether you are trekking Kilimanjaro, Kokoda or Everest Base Camp, it requires specialist knowledge. Of course its very easy for people to look on the internet and find tours, but it is a minefield out there. We run small group tours, but most importantly remember: it is the quality of the tour we offer. Kilimanjaro and Everest Base Camp are serious high-altitude mountain treks, while Kokoda is a remote and extreme trek that requires diligent guidance. Come trek with us and mention Ultra FITNESS Magazine to receive an expo special of $200 off our Australian led treks valid until April 30. www.escapetrekkingadventures.com.au


Sport strength bands are great for assisted chin-ups, attaching to bars and benches for increased resistance, power development, and stretching the upper or lower body. There are four differing resistance levels that cater for all ages and strength levels. The HART Sport strength bands are 105cm long and 4.5mm thick. Level 1 Yellow - $19.35 / Level 2 Green - $24.50 / Level 3 Red $34.50 / Level 4 Blue - $44.50 For more information, visit www.hartsport.com.au/products/12-199
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The Magnum Power Rack is a very versatile piece of equipment as it offers head-to-toe training, enough for the most powerful athletes in the world. Boasting 7-gauge steel uprights and 6mm thick frames, these fully featured racks are proven to last in the most rigorous lifting environments, including pro sports facilities. The Magnum Power Rack enables users to perform many exercises, such as squats and bench presses, to stimulate greater gains in strength and size. The Magnum Power Rack incorporates integrated foldaway spotter stands, adjustable safety bars, dual-grip chin bar and coloured locking pins to make bar level changes incredibly quick and easy. Multiple accessories are also available for this rack, adding variety and versatility to your strength area. Best of all, the Magnum Power Rack can be customised in a variety of ways to add and exclamation point to your statement.


BORN TO MOVE is a series of LES MILLS programs designed specifically for young people, from toddler to teen, fostering and cementing positive physical habits so theyre hardwired for a lifetime. BORN TO MOVE builds confidence and develops skills using simple moves, role playing, stories, games, team building, performance, problem solving and the magic of music. Backed by research, fuelled by science, in its essence BORN TO MOVE is about getting our young people moving. To get licensed or trained in the program, visit www.lesmills.com.au/borntomove or call 02 6282 812.

Incredibly beneficial for beginners and professional athletes alike, the Magnum Breaker Bench features an exclusive system that uses pivoting uprights to place the bar directly over the user, eliminating the need for assistance to break the bar and allowing users to get into the start position with less stress on their joints. Its moulded urethane guards protect Olympic bars from damage, reduce noise and provide a handrest for spotters. The Magnum Breaker Benchs greater comfort, easier take-offs and increased efficiency add up to a superior solution for all users in resistance training. www.johnsonfitness.com

Become a personal trainer with FIA Fitnation, the gold standard in fitness education, offering Certificate III, Certificate IV and Diploma in Fitness to get your career off to the best start possible with flexible online or on-campus delivery. Already qualified? Branch out and apply for advanced standing into our Diploma of Remedial Massage, available on Vet-Fee Help! Great FILEX specials available, ring us on 1300 136 362 with code word Expo or visit us on stand L14. www.fiafitnation.com.au

The 7xi console has been designed for multi-tasking gymgoers who like to be entertained and motivated while working out. Matrix 7xi utilises the best technology specifically designed for active users. Packed with advanced functionality, the 7xi combines a brilliant highdefinition display, myriad entertainment options and a responsive touchscreen interface with internet and social media access. Plus, it features something no other competitor offers: a true app interface built exclusively for the fitness environment. www.johnsonfitness.com


The new Matrix IC3 Indoor Cycle features the most geometrically advanced and stiffest frame ever, plus increased flywheel inertia, superior adjustment and handlebar ergonomics and the industryleading PolyV Belt drivetrain. Matrix IC3 Indoor Cycle is compatible with ANT+ console, enabling users to measure their performance providing the best fitness experience. www.johnsonfitness.com
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DoYouWantToBe AGREAT personaltrainer?

Punctuality: Clients are paying you for a specific time slot. Be professional by arriving on time. It is very frustrating waiting for an appointment. Role model: Practise what you preach. Lead a healthy lifestyle. Eat a healthy diet and get regular exercise. You cannot expect your clients to do this if youre not practising it yourself. Knowledge: Continually update your knowledge. Strive to absorb as much information as possible. Never stop reading, listening and learning. Subscribe to journals and publications, attend conferences and workshops, and listen to other professionals. This is your career; treat it as such or be left behind. Attention: Give your undivided attention to your client at all times. Remember that your client is paying for your time. You need to give them 100% attention for this. Honesty: Be honest towards your client. You will not know all the answers to your clients questions. If you do not know the answer to a question posed to you, admit it, and say that you will try to find out. Sometimes clients believe trainers possess infinite medical knowledge. It is always good to have a doctor you can call with such questions. Such an alliance will benefit you, the doctor and - most importantly - your client. Record keeping: Each session should be recorded with notes. This allows you to track your clients progress and ensure they get the results they want. This also becomes crucial when its time for them to renew their sessions. Print them up a certificate showing their improvements. Also make notes on important personal information such as birthdays, medications, injuries, goals etc. It is extremely important for his information to be at your fingertips.
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To be a great personal trainer is something you need to continually work on.

ere are 10 points all personal trainers need to consider, and then reconsider!

Listen: Most people like to talk about themselves and things they are interested in. In todays busy world, people very rarely get listened to. Dont talk about yourself; your role is to listen, not to get too involved or too personal. It is your clients time. Keep the relationship on a professional level and at an objective distance at all times. Gossip: Dont talk about your clients to others. Clients often tell their trainers extremely personal information, which should never be discussed with anybody. They should be comfortable knowing that what they tell you goes no further than the two of you. Respect their privacy. FUN! It is not uncommon to see a trainer with a client and the trainer looks like he/she would rather be anywhere but there. Who would want to pay hundreds of dollars to spend several hours a week with someone like this? Some clients dont want to go to the gym in the first place and they will definitely not want to pay to train someone they dont enjoy being around. Feedback: Ask yourself and your clients. What am I doing well? What could I improve? This process of constant feedback ensures that you are constantly improving.









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Queenax is a gym concept and system that turns your training space into its own training tool.

It doesnt matter how large or small your area, Queenax is modular and can be adapted to fit even the most challenging of spaces. The Queenax concept is an inclusive one. Queenax believes that everyone can train using the same space, and is dependant only on your clients needs. CrossFit, boxing; anti-gravity, yoga, suspension training, Olympic lifting, sports-specific conditioning, group exercise, circuit classes, obstacle courses, kids play games - the list goes on. Conventional thoughts might be to run a CrossFit session in an area that would normally be separated from the likes of anti-gravity yoga, but Queenax multiplies your space. The unique modular frame system means - if you so choose - you can do both and more in the same area to maximise class participation. Every form of suspension training is catered for and with the growth in popularity of obstacle racing you can set up monkey bar challenges unlike any other. Our monkey bars go up as well

ueenax intelligently uses the floor, walls, ceiling and surrounding space, in any facility - indoors or outdoors - to offer facility owners an amazing array of functional training options.

as across! You can take groups on top of the frame, maybe run confidence training for corporate team building or use it for kids to jump down from height, all with the knowledge that the Italian engineering is designed to cope with the stresses. In fact, the frame is so strong, you can build directly on top, maximising your space with another mezzanine floor if you want to take it to another level and take advantage of the large height space for aerial runways. The boxing system is on rails and fixed to the frame. It is fixed permanently, either inside or outside the frame. The boxing bags roll out on the rail system, where you lock them in place for the class; when finished you can slide them back against each end to use the space for another class. This takes seconds! This is just one example of clever design. The floor is part of the overarching theme, and we are proud of our association with Pavigym who offer Queenax clients a bespoke floor design to match your requirements. SAQ ladders, or logos printed on the floor, are just examples of how you can add colour and specific dynamic markings to challenge your clients.

There simply isnt another product in the market place like Queenax.

106 A P RI L/ MA Y 20 1 4 | u lt raf it ne ssm ag. c o m . au




Whats Hot
The iSport Victory headphones feature the super-comfortable and iconic iSport earhook design, as well as an Omnitip for maximum flexibility and fit. Fitness enthusiasts will discover intense levels of pulse-pounding audio that no other sport headphones can deliver. With their powerful Monster sound and superior noise isolation, users of the Victory headphones can stay focused on the most intense workouts and extreme outdoor sports without the risk of external distractions. Visit www.monsterproducts.com/headphones/isport/



Protein King Pure WPI is the ideal whey protein isolate supplement - a clean, junk-free product that supports lean muscle growth, recovery, strength and fat loss. Gluten-, lactose- and soy-free, naturally high in amino acids, including the vital BCAAs, Protein King Pure WPI should be a staple in every athletes arsenal! 11 flavours available | 1kg - $44.95 | 3kg - $129.95 Visit www.proteinking.com.au


It is the old adage and we have heard it a thousand times: Its whats on the inside that counts. Now there is a product that can help build the inside. The Elevation Training Mask stimulates the effects of high-altitude training, enabling conditioning and increased lung capacity by creating pulmonary resistance whilst strengthening the diaphragm and intercostal muscles. This makes breathing easier and more efficient. Its really simple science. The patent pending Training Mask helps to condition the lungs by creating pulmonary resistance and strengthening the diaphragm. By increasing resistance you are forced to take fuller, deeper breaths and as your body adapts, your lungs will be trained to utilise the available oxygen more efficiently, says Casey Danford, President Training Mask LLC. Ironman world champion Pete Jacobs was so excited about the effects he experienced with the Elevation Training Mask that he met with the developers in America and now has a financial interest in the company. He even wears the Training Mask while doing chores around home or replying to emails! He describes it as like training while not training. For further information visit www.ETmask.com.au

108 A P R I L/ MA Y 20 1 4 | u lt raf it ne ssm ag. c o m . au


Sometimes we feel lethargic, unhappy, fat and - despite numerous visits to the doctor - no one knows what is wrong. Jennifer Elliott understands this feeling of helplessness and she can help. With over 30 years of experience as a dietician, Jennifer believes that the public is being given the wrong message by the majority of major health platforms. For this reason she wrote Baby Boomers, Bellies & Blood Sugars to educate the public on why many people gain weight easily and the best way to manage diabetes, insulin resistance and weight gain. Baby Boomers, Bellies & Blood Sugars took four years to create and 1,000 scientific articles to understand the complexities of insulin resistance and weight gain. Jennifers book is easy to read and is a step-by-step guide on diabetes, insulin resistance, how to recognise the symptoms, manage the disease and treat it. The book also includes a diet plan and recipes to get you started on your new life. For more information, visit www.babyboomersandbellies.com


The A200 Silver Fox range features all the usual A200 compression benefits: SKINS scientifically proven engineered gradient compression, to enhance circulation and deliver more oxygen to working muscles, helping improve stamina and aid recovery. Increased circulation allows you to work out at a more intense level for longer and can reduce the risk of varicose veins and swollen ankles. SKINS engineered gradient compression also reduces muscle vibration during exercise, resulting in less soft tissue damage to help you recover faster from your workout. The SKINS A200 range offers a superior fit thanks to a unique BMI algorithm taking into account the wearers height, weight and chest measurements. This results in a comfortable fit and a flattering silhouette. The Silver Fox range includes the SKINS A200 Speed Crop print and violet ($59.99), Compression Tights ($124.99), Compression Long Tights ($124.99) and Hoodie ($79.99) and is available exclusively in independent sports stores.


The Mens A200 Fierce Red range is predominantly black in colour with eye-catching red highlights throughout the garment. SKINS A200 Fierce Red range is for men who train to keep themselves fit enough to do the activities that they love and look good. The range features all the benefits of the SKINS A200 series: SKINS scientifically proven engineered gradient compression enhances circulation and delivers more oxygen to working muscles to help improve stamina and aid recovery. Increased circulation allows you to work out at a more intense level for longer and reduces the build-up of blood lactate. Muscle wrapping, to reduce muscle vibration during exercise, resulting in less soft tissue damage and helping you recover faster from your workout. SKINS fabrics have a UV protection of 50+, which means you can get out and train harder without worrying about the sun related risks. The SKINS range offers a superior fit thanks to a unique BMI algorithm taking into account the wearers height, weight and chest measurements. SKINS Mens A200 Fierce Red range is available in: Compression Long Tights ($124.99), Compression Half Tights ($74.99), Compression Long Sleeve Top ($109.99) and Compression Short Sleeve Top ($84.99). For more information, visit www.skins.net
ul tr a f i tn e s s m a g . co m . a u | APR IL /M A Y 2 014 109


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Address State Phone Email SKINS400Seriesfeaturesthemostadvancedcompression technologyonthemarket,includingSKINSuniquedynamicgradient compression,400fitandMemoryMXFabric. SKINS developed a proprietary dynamic compression measuring device and used this to study athletes in motion. By catering so finely to the bodys needs during activity, SKINS was able to create a compression first: dynamic gradient compression. SKINS scientifically proven, engineered gradient compression increases oxygen delivery to active muscles and reduces blood lactate build-up, so you can train harder for longer and recover faster. SKINS gradient compression wraps key muscle groups to reduce vibration and maintain alignment. This stability and support results in reduced soft tissue damage and less postexercise soreness. SKINS biomechanically placed Memory MX fabric provides constant, controlled compression and unrestricted movement to help reduce the risk of injury. The SKINS 400 fit was developed after undertaking a 3D body scan study of hundreds of amateur and professional athletes. This resulted in SKINS identifying 400 key fitting points to form the basis of all its 400 Series garments. Perform better, recover faster with SKINS. www.skins.net WomensSkinsCompressionPack: 1x Womens A400 Long Tight (Black/Silver) RRP: $169.99 1x Womens A200 Speed Crop (Black or Hot Pink) RRP: $59.99 Total value: $229.98 RRP MensSkinsCompressionPack: 1x Mens A400 Half Tight RRP: $99.99 1x Mens A400 Short Sleeve Top RRP: $119.99 Total value: $219.98 RRP



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the BUSINESS of being fit



for PTs and the ultra t!

114 A Code of Ethics for Personal Trainers 118 Creating a Successful Online Fitness Business 120 Training Overweight and Obese Clients 122 PT of the Year 124 Beyond Fitness 126 Class of 2014 128 CEC Quiz


ul tr a f i tn e s s m a g . co m . a u | A PR IL /M A Y 2 014 113


A Code of Ethics for Personal Trainers

Cert IV achieved - check. Love of all things health and tness - check. Bundles of energy and enthusiasm - check. Client base begins to build - check. All the technical knowledge, passion and personal experience in training can never fully prepare you for the challenges and trials that will come with your job. The only thing that can prepare you for it is mentoring from someone with those years under their belt (and listening closely), or experiencing failures so you can ultimately learn the right way. Both will get you there eventually.

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Your tness solutions provider

eres my top list of ethics from my decades of experience the ones they dont tell you about! Take them as you will, Ive learnt them along the way. Most of my learnings have come from making mistakes - lots of them! But, I have learnt from them over my journey; I am older and wiser. Pinching someone elses client in short: DONT. Its inevitable that clients move around. Be respectful that we are all in this business to earn a living; your enemy is un-health and un-fitness, not other PTs. Its a relatively small industry, so avoid bad-mouthing and canvassing clients from other trainers. At arms length you are a PT, not a trained therapist. As with all service industries, when youre one-on-one with someone, you can end up seeing someone at their most vulnerable. It can become a very sticky, confused mess if you dont draw your lines very clearly. Be aware of your role; take an interest in their life, but dont become an emotional crutch. People have family, friends and paid therapists for that. I made the mistake once; inadvertently becoming a clients number one emotional support through a tough patch in their life. When I pulled back I was accused of not being there as a support. It was difficult - and nasty - and I should never have put myself in that position. Lesson learnt the hard way. Be upfront about financial costs there is nothing worse than souring a client relationship with an invoice dispute. At its worst, it will spell the end of the relationship; at best, it will be an uncomfortable conversation. Ensure everyone is accepting of all costs involved; GST, equipment hire etc. It is inevitable that there will be increases in price over time; put the increase in writing and state, with notice, when the price increase will start (not as of today!). Dont casually mention it at the end of a session, or worse still, say nothing and see if they say anything after receiving the next invoice. You must give your clients the opportunity to decline further sessions if it doesnt meet their financial situation. Be attentive Ive said it before: DO NOT answer your phone while you are in a session. Its my pet peeve; your clients are paying you for your time. Unless you are waiting to hear if your wife is in labour, there is absolutely no excuse for anyone else to be butting in. Dont talk, dont text, dont email. Dont have any conversation other than the one you are having with your client in the session. Reply, respond, react one of the difficulties with personal training is the accumulating stack of correspondence which occurs over the course of the day while you are in training sessions. It is imperative that you respond to all client enquiries with a simple voice message/text/email; a simple acknowledgement that the message has been received and will be attended to at your earliest convenience (within 24 hours) is fine. Have a stored text/email template that you can use to reply quickly between sessions. It could be the difference between a new client or not. After the initial acknowledgment, respond appropriately within 24 hours.

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Dress and act accordingly a no-brainer? Ive spent 20 years as a school teacher. If there was one thing I learnt, it was personal grooming and presentation. Due to my teaching background, Im fortunate enough to have a few schools as clients. I absolutely love taking the kids - its completely different to an adult client and a whole lot of fun. When I show up to take a school session I am not only neatly presented, I am clean shaven - irrespective of the time of day. I have an electric shaver in my car so that if it means having a second shave for the day to take an afternoon session, then so be it. If I have to jump in the harbour after taking a corporate lunchtime group to be presentable when I arrive at a school session, then it happens. And yes, in winter the water is cold! If time doesnt allow for even that, I have baby wipes in the car, and in the very least I will swipe the armpits for the next victim - sorry, client! The point is: while it might be passable to have a shadow at a 6pm weight session, its not okay to turn up to a school looking like Ive been pulled through a bush backwards - despite feeling like I have sometimes! Be respectful of your clients, present immaculately. Dont be creepy really. If you think there is any chance anything could be misinterpreted, then dont do/say/think it. For a long while it seemed like PTs were known as glorified womanisers (it wasnt that long ago when you couldnt find a female PT). Thankfully, weve shaken that tag for the most part. We do get to see people at their most vulnerable at times (see point two); dont mistake the cues. Just as in any job, keep it clear and keep it above board. Avoid any position that will make either of you uncomfortable.

Be aware of your role; take an interest in their life, but dont become an emotional crutch. People have family, friends and paid therapists for that.
Dont strive to be something you are not through training, reading and personal experience, you will have a little information that covers a lot of bases. You are a trained personal trainer; not a nutritionist; not a counsellor; not a physiotherapist; not a chiropractor. Dont be afraid to redirect a client. I have made a point of accumulating professional contacts that I trust and recommend. By all means, give your client your thoughts, but then instruct them to seek professional advice. Being ethical really comes down to common sense and making smart decisions that will serve you in the long run. We all make mistakes; just learn from them when you do. Lastly, remember its not a competition. Be respectful of other PTs were all in this together. I try to make a point of saying hello when I pass other PTs hope to see you out there! The Sandhill Warrior UFM

Unless you are waiting to hear if your wife is in labour, there is absolutely no excuse for anyone else to be butting in. Dont talk, dont text, dont email.
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Rob Rowland-Smith has been involved with the tness industry his whole life; before personal trainers even existed. As a teenager he was taking peers for training sessions on the beach and today has face-to-face contact with 800+ clients during summer. Rob has trained people all around the world and from all walks of life; world champions, people with disabilities, schoolboy athletes, corporate high-yers, cab drivers and high-security prison inmates. He believes that to be successful you have to truly love what you do and give others something to smile and laugh about. Quite simply, Rob believes he was put on this earth to be a mentor in this industry; he has built a business around tness, written books about it, and even spoken about it on radio and television. To learn more, visit www.sandhillwarrior.com/prole.php



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Creating a Successful Online Business


118 A P RI L/ MA Y 20 1 4 | u ltraf it ne ssm ag. c o m . au


Have a Unique Offering
At Oui Fitness we pride ourselves on superior online training, offering tried-and-true advice by a select group of high-profile personal trainers who have proven their success over time. Every client receives personalised training and eating programs as well as advice from their trainer - and we all have something different to offer! To achieve a successful business outcome, find a unique quality within your business to offer clients, and build your business on that. To ensure your business grows, it is critical to evolve and adapt to your clients needs. Also, be prepared to be the best example of what you do; live the lifestyle you would expect your clients to lead.

Balance Between Technology and Personal Touch

I believe Oui has been so successful because it offers online personal training that includes more than just a one-hour session. It offers clients a mentor and coach to guide them through those difficult situations we all encounter while training and working towards goals. If you find the perfect balance between technology and your own unique touch, you will succeed. Whats more, the thing I find that drives me most is when clients achieve their goals. They feel empowered, and it is endowing as a personal trainer to know that you can actually change someones life - and more importantly their health! Draw on that, its a powerful motivational tool!

Give your business a solid foundation by building an outstanding team full of people who are willing to continuously learn, genuinely love helping others, and have knowledge and success within the industry. This not only includes enthusiastic personal trainers and nutritionists; those behind the scenes who look after the bookwork, marketing and keeping things in line are equally as important. Provide your clients with programs from specialised trainers to suit individual situations. This means whether they are training at home, in a park or at a gym its always possible to achieve their dreams. Personalised programs mean your business can suit virtually anyone. No matter where they are in the world, what their daily routine is, what style of fitness they enjoy most, or what their budget is like; if they simply have access to the internet, their goals can be reached with your help. Its a fantastic feeling knowing youre bringing the clients favourite trainers into their lounge rooms, no matter if the client is on the other side of the world to the trainer. Oui Fitness has clients in New Zealand and California; city and country alike. People are incredibly strong and can adapt to many situations with the right training plan and encouragement. When I hear how some people have to pack the kids in the car to do a seven-hour drive to the shops - and in some cases even stay the night just to get food supplies its beyond belief. They actually do it just to maintain their healthy lifestyles!

Surround Yourself with Successful People

Have a Business Plan

Personalised Programs

Although it is so much fun, there is a more serious side to running a business it is vital to have a firm business plan in place to help track your progress and stay focused. My business partner David Hu is brilliant at business development, where I am much more hands-on with marketing and client relationship building, so we both have our separate roles. The business plan is what David describes as a road map and has been instrumental in helping us achieve our goals and objectives. A business plan will give you vision and a clear statement of your business mission which you will need to continuously check and update if need be. Occasionally Ill come up with spontaneous and new ideas which David tells me to put in the ideas box for qualification and prioritisation; this way we complete each task before moving on. I think its so important that you compliment and respect each other if you have a business partner you need that respect to be successful.

The Power of Advertising

Oui Fitness has taken a natural progression and has been growing steadily for the past twelve months. Part of the reason for our success is the power of advertising with magazines, including UltraFITNESS, which can help you reach your target audience. I dont think you realise how many people you reach until you actually advertise! Let others know you exist and put yourself out there!

It is vital to have a firm business plan in place to help track your progress and stay focused.

Flirtatious and fun-loving, Lesley redenes what it means to be over 50 and fabulous. A mother of three and author of Get the Body You Want, Lesley has more than 20 body-sculpting titles to her name and in 2009 won the Miss USA Figure Open World Title for INBF in New York. Lesley, who thinks of herself as ageless, believes the key to looking and feeling amazing is regular exercise, nutritious eating and a positive frame of mind. Anyone can do it and its never too late to start.I love feeling strong, healthy and, in short, fantastic. I have energy every day to live life to the fullest. Its not hard work; its a way of life. For more information, visit www.ouitness.com.au


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Photo: Andrew K


Top Tips for Trainers Training Overweight and Obese Clients

ut how do you get to that point? What are the most effective methods you can use to help your client, and help yourself understand your client? Lets start by saying that theres no easy way about it; we are all individuals with personal histories and more often than not its these histories that are the source for clients who have ongoing weight struggles. In order to effectively help your client, youre going to need to understand who they are, why they need your help and how you can assist them. Lets break it down into four stages: 1. Learn to identify your clients perspective 2. Listening 3. Learning to empathise - not sympathise 4. Start a cycle of change

As a personal trainer there can be nothing more satisfying than the success stories of your clients. The feeling that youve truly engaged and understood your client and helped them make a change that has a profound and hopefully long lasting impact on their lives.

Once you feel you can see things from your clients perspective its time to start empathising, in fact you can only begin to empathise once you are coming from a position of understanding. You will not be able to help your clients unless you can communicate to them that you understand what they are going through and are ready and willing to listen to them. Empathy is extremely important because it fosters trust from the client and the belief that you are able to help them. Dont mistake empathy for sympathy. While people often want your understanding, they rarely want your pity or to be made to feel that they are vulnerable and weak. Sympathy is feeling sorry for your client and this brings you into the picture when a session is a time for everything to be about them. This is the time to make them feel strong and supported so that they can start their weight loss journey with a little confidence in their trainer and themselves. But remember: draw clear lines with your clients your job is to help them achieve their weight loss and fitness goals. If there are issues that are out of your professional criteria, refer them to someone qualified in that field.

You may have very different opinions to your client; a different outlook on life, and almost certainly different life experiences, but none of this means that you arent capable of putting yourself in their shoes and imagining their point of view. In order to understand their weight struggle you have to understand the clients context; where they come from, what their struggles are, and how they relate to others. They might have identified their problem eating and exercise behaviours or they may not have, but its up to you to be intuitive and encouraging when trying to understanding a clients weight struggles. If you understand their perspective, a clients difficulties will seem more relatable and understandable even if initially you couldnt personally imagine the rationale behind their decision making. If you cant understand your client, you risk becoming frustrated and you also risk losing your client.

Saying: I know how you feel, that happened to me once/someone I know etc. Making the client feel sorry for you. (I.e. PT: When that happened to someone I knew, I found it really hard, Client: Thats awful, were you close?) Instead, try to reflect their emotions by repeating part of what theyve just said, or indicating that youve heard and understood. To be a good empathiser, you need to stay with your clients experience without shifting it onto your own. If something they

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say triggers some of your own issues, mentally put it on the shelf and go back to it at an appropriate time to reflect or talk it over with a friend. When a client is opening up to you, its important that you pay them full attention and concentrate on what they are saying without letting your mind drift. Also, avoid interrupting them with advice or information or something you think is important to say. Wait until they are finished, otherwise you risk making them feel unheard, dismissed or unimportant and they will shut down. Avoid listening with a critical ear or judgement as it is an obstacle to empathy. You must set aside your preconceptions if you are to empathise with anyone. Any hint that they are being negatively judged will shut them down and hinder their progress. Remember, they need to be supported and are hypersensitive to criticism; you dont want your client to feel alienated or judged by the person they have come to for help. Weve got five copies of psychologists Kate Swann and Kristina Mamrots book The Ultimate Guide to Training Overweight and Obese Clients to give away. Be one of the first five readers to answer the following question and a copy is yours! What are Kate and Kristinas four stages to effectively help your client? E-mail admin@ultrafitnessmag.com.au with your answers.

In order to understand their weight struggle you have to understand the clients context; where they come from, what their struggles are, and how they relate to others.
A lot of people find silence uncomfortable, but youre going to have to learn to leave a little silence when your client is talking. Theres nothing wrong with letting a pause unfold and seeing what happens, perhaps your client needs a moment to gather their thoughts, or something they have said bears reflecting on for a moment. Be silent but attentive by making eye contact and having positive body language. This will show your client that you are listening and let them know that this is their time to talk and you are paying attention. These people are used to being dismissed or rejected and will need extra sign posts that you are here to help and not shut them down or reinforce their negative behaviour or thinking patterns.

Support to solve your problems rather than coming up with solutions Dont relate everything you say to their own personal experience Are empathic Are genuinely curious about whats going on for you

Bad Listeners

Interrupt or change the subject Speak over you Are chronic advice givers Are problem solvers Shift their body impatiently Dont hold eye contact or glance around a lot Say Yes! That happened to me or I remember when

Ugly Listeners

Start a sentence with No offence but and then proceed to offend you Desert you to do something else or talk to someone else Finish your sentences Say I know exactly how you feel!


Making a major lifestyle change and committing to it doesnt come without some good reasoning behind it. Ask your client why now and not two years ago? What has led them to the course of action they are now taking? Dont assume you know what a client is thinking when they start something new. Knowing their personal reason is an important piece of information; reminding them what it is may be the only thing that helps them push through and keep going when it all gets too hard. It could be as simple as seeing themselves look fat in a photo or as serious as a medical warning. Whatever the reason, its important to keep the client focused on their reason and not let them forget why they made the commitment to exercise.


As you can tell by now we think listening is the key skill to maintaining a good and effective relationship with your clients. But how do we listen? More often than not we think we are being good listeners when we are not. Here are some key things to remember when you are trying to be a good listener:

Good Listeners

Are patient and dont jump in when someone is thinking Dont interrupt Give their full attention, including eye contact and posture Let you know theyre following you by prompting, nodding and asking you to explain something Dont judge or criticise

Kate Swann and Kristina Mamrot are psychologists and authors of The Ultimate Guide to Training Overweight and Obese Clients. For more information, visit www. YourWeightLossExperts.com


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Meet Your Competition for

PT of the
Who do you want to become? How do you want to be known or remembered? These are the questions 23-year-old Belinda Carusi puts to her personal training clients. Her priority is to help women embrace and love themselves for who they are; to establish their aspirations and motivations, all the while encouraging them to stop comparing themselves to others and do what is right for them. Belinda aspires to be known as someone with no excuses; someone who is willing to do whatever it takes to get results. She wants to live for herself, and she wants to spread and instil this attitude in her clients. If you dont feel good about yourself, how are you meant to have fun? Belinda says. Peoples mindsets need to change; they need to let go of the crap and accept themselves for who they are. The day that you let go of what everyone else thinks is wonderful you have to be a little selfish. The young woman never thought personal training would be a career, but she fell in love with helping others and hasnt looked back. Belinda strongly believes in practising what she preaches and wants to genuinely understand the essence of discipline and weight loss; to do this she began competing in fitness competitions, winning Fitness Model Novice at the INBA Female Classic Championships in June 2013. Today, Belinda continues to push herself and her clients at her boot camps in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne, offering her top three tips to everyone working towards a fitness goal: Make sure your mindset is right; focus on who you are and not everyone else around you. Quit with the excuses and just get organised. Give it your all every single workout if youre going to work out, you may as well make it a good one.
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For so many, the gift of transforming peoples lives is the most rewarding aspect of being a personal trainer, and it is no different for 26-year-old Sarah Trifogli. The owner of Balanced Health, Fitness & Wellbeing thrives on watching people change physically and emotionally with her guidance and support. It is very rewarding watching people grow and develop; push past their physical and mental roadblocks; and get to a place where they are happy and confident and ready to take on the world! Sarah says. I love being a part of that journey! The exercise scientist, personal trainer, strength and conditioning coach, and massage therapist encourages her clients to write down clear and concise goals regularly. She believes mapping out goals on paper makes you take the time to really break down what it is that you want; it cements that information in your mind. We all have a mental image of what we want and where we want to be, Sarah says. But it is so easy to lose sight of everything when it is all a thought in our minds reassessing everything on a regular basis also helps to identify when your priorities change and what goals become more important than others. As we all know, PTs work unconventional hours; from early in the morning to late in the evening. Getting the right balance between work and rest is something that Sarah often finds difficult. Her dedication to her work can result in her overdoing it, but she has learned to overcome this by taking a business management internship program to better understand how to cope with stressors and the importance of me time. UFM


FITmedia Trainer of the year award 2014. WorldMags.net Sponsored by Ultra FITNESS Magazine & FIAFitnation.


Be the rst ever ULTRA FITNESS Trainer of the year in 2014!

FITmedia are proud to announce this prestigious award for one Australian Registered Fitness Professional who will not only win a $50,000 prize pool but will go on to join our team of world-class professionals as a writer for Ultra FITNESS Mag! Ultra FITNESS Mag is looking for the best Fitness Trainer in the country! You will be judged by a panel of experts including our Editors, Fitness Professionals, educators and specialists.

The BEST are now looking for the BEST!!!!

If you are an accredited fitness coach/trainer, entries will be judged on the following criteria; Tell us what makes you the best Fitness Trainer in T Example: your application may include the country. the c details of client success/results, and/or your unique training approach, and/or your amazing support even your development of innovative products or training systems. Does this sound like you, your trainer/employee? D Enter En Ent ter at www.ultrafitnessmag.com.au or email us at admin@fitmedia.com.au for an entry pack! Plus you will win $50,000 in prizes and the chance to be on the cover of Ultra FITNESS Magazine! This is a dream package and we want you to enter.


1. 2. 3. 4. A Cash prize of $20,000+ FIAFitnation Gold Standard Fitness Specialist course. Coaching session with Shannan Ponton, Lindy Olsen and Jon Davie. Equipment prizes from premium suppliers of equipment shoes and supplements. Value $20,000. RRP

Plus you will be featured in a cover shoot opportunity & join the FITmedia editorial team in 2014 with your own writing column in Ultra FITNESS Mag! Good luck. Michael Henry CEO FITmedia Australia.




Everyone - from Olympians and runners to athletes and parents - has changed their lives for the better. Their own body knows the answer; it just needs to be unleashed.

Kinesiology and our Four Survival Systems

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are only looking at what they think is the most obvious cause. They see a sore calf muscle as just a sore muscle and miss many underlying neural connections that help make us the wonderful beings we truly are. In fact, there are numerous possibilities for the underlying causes of a sore calf. The body has many interlinking systems, not just physical systems, but neurological and energetic ones. An example of this, in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), is the bladder acupuncture meridian which runs directly through the calves. The energy that feeds the calves is the same energy that feeds the adrenal glands. An imbalance in either of these could be the cause. Then it is important to consider the surrounding structures such as the muscles of the foot, toes or knee joint that involves the same bones and tendons as the calves. A problem with any of these related muscles can put pressure on and restrict the movement of the calves, causing misalignments and stress. Circulation, lymphatics, neurological survival patterns and other systems all affect the functioning of our calves. Any one of these could be a major contributor to the problem, or a perpetuating factor. If your recovery from an injury or illness is slowed, or if you find it difficult to achieve your goals, there is another major underlying system that will be involved. Your nervous system is integral in developing the patterns that you have in your life, be it physical or behavioural. Your brain automatically activates a set of neurological circuits in response to a stimulus based on previous experiences. The more times you react or move in a certain way, the stronger the neurological circuit becomes, instilling these reactions into your behaviour; this is the basis of neuroplasticity. Most practitioners arent even aware of these neurological responses, let alone what they can do about them. In building these circuits we respond from one of four basic survival systems: fight or flight, reproduction, digestion or the limbic system. The limbic system is our primal brain that is important for forming memories and emotions. Whether it is something you do, hear, see, touch, taste or smell it will invoke one of these four neurological responses at varying levels of intensity. Since everything involves these responses then everything we do depends on them. They are our survival systems. If a previous experience involved some type of stress (emotional, physical, nutritional, environmental or other) then your initial automatic response is for the muscles to shut down for a split second while the brain deciphers whether it is an overworked muscle, too much thinking or something more severe such as a stroke or heart attack.

ave you ever wondered why some people take forever to recover from injury or ill health no matter how hard they try or what health professional they see? One reason may be that they

The body has many interlinking systems, not just physical systems, but neurological and energetic ones.
So what can be done to help these four survival systems?
Neural Organisation Therapy is an advanced type of kinesiology used in holistic medicine that works via muscle response to reactivate or retune these four basic survival systems by using neurological bio-feedback tests (muscle stress response). Advanced techniques are then used in a specific order to reset the four survival systems. Although quite involved, this treatment is relatively painless and only involves correcting the circuits that are imbalanced. Once the survival systems have been corrected some fine tuning of the specific problem (physical, emotional, digestive or other) can now be done. This may involve, for example, isolating the muscles in the area of an injury such as a calf muscle and testing the muscle with light pressure to see which ones have individual neurological circuitry problems. This will show which muscles, joints or ligaments are not working under stress. Once isolated, specific reflexes are stimulated and the problem is resolved. No more pain. The outcome is that the calf and surrounding muscles now function correctly with strength and without pain. As all of the involved systems and circuits have been addressed the body is no longer just trying to survive and will instead quickly recover leading to less chance of a recurring injury. Having worked with everyone from Olympians to babies and everything in between, I realised long ago the power of these basic reflexes in maintaining health and wellbeing. Without them we struggle. With them we prosper.

Danny Liddell is a multi-award winning kinesiologist and leads a team of specialist practitioners in Bracken Ridge on Brisbanes North and is the Principal at Kinesiology Schools Australias Brisbane Campus. Danny has been one of Australias leading specialised kinesiologists for more than 19 years and is a senior faculty member of the International College of Professional Kinesiology Practice and a neural organisation therapy instructor.


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Ride, Power or Step?

Muscle Activity and Energy Expenditure in Group Fitness Classes

Group tness classes remain a popular gym option throughout the world. More than four million Australians regularly undertake some form of group tness class, making it the second most popular physical recreational activity after walking, according to the Fitness Australia Industry Report 2012. They have grown to include the use of loaded barbells, stationary bikes, boxing techniques, dance moves and various interpretations of Pilates and yoga. Although popular, these classes have not been fully scrutinised as to what muscles they activate, and to what extent. Furthermore, the energy expenditure during these classes has not been scientically documented to give gym members an idea of expected heart rate intensity and caloric burn during a particular class type. With this type of information lacking - and with the importance of ensuring consumers make informed choices about the type of exercise that best suits their tness goals - we decided to compare the muscle activation and energy expenditure during three different types of group tness classes.

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WorldMags.net CLASS OF 2014

yself, and my two fourth-year Charles Sturt University physiotherapy honours students, Nick Mullen and Hollie Price, gathered data on 10 participants at Integra Health Club Orange. Participants each performed a Group Ride, a Group Power and a Group Step class; these classes derive from the Body Training Solutions group. Each participant

completed all three class types whilst their muscle activity was being monitored by 16 electromyographic (EMG) surface electrodes, and their caloric expenditure was recorded by an Actiheart monitor attached to their lower chest. The Trigno wireless EMG system enabled the natural bioelectrical activity, which muscles produce upon contraction, to be recorded without inhibiting movement. The Actiheart monitor recorded movement with an inbuilt accelerometer (like a motion sensor) and also recorded heart rate data, and used these two variables in an algorithm to give caloric expenditure. Well, what did we find? The results for the energy expenditure data showed that the step class burnt significantly (p<0.05) more overall calories than the ride or the power class, with a group mean of 500.4 calories. The ride class burnt 445.7 calories and the power class burnt the least amount at 326.7 calories. The highest caloric burn obtained for the Step class was 679 calories from a 91kg male participant, and the lowest was 292 calories from a 53kg female participant. The highest caloric burn from the Ride class was 584 calories, and from the Power class was 498 calories from an 87kg male. So, it seems like it may be time to dust off those leg warmers, don the headband and Lycra (maybe you already do that?) and get into a Step class. But before we get too carried away, when an analysis was performed on a calories/minute basis there was no significant difference between the ride and the step classes which burned 9.7 and 10 calories/minute respectively (the step and power class took 50 minutes, and the ride class took 45 minutes). Heart rate data showed a similar trend, with the ride class averaging 86.4% of predicted maximal heart rate (MHR) and step class averaging 85.8% MHR. This is definitely vigorous activity and shows the participants were probably exercising just shy of their lactate threshold, so there is no question that these classes are providing cardiorespiratory benefits. The power class had significantly lower heart rate values for participants at 73.7% MHR. Note that all participants were told to exercise as hard as possible before each class and none of them were a specialist at any one class type. Participants individual fitness levels werent confounding variables, since the study was of a comparative within subject type design.

What about the muscle activity, you say? Well, the step class dominated in the activation of the lower limb muscles. When grouping all the lower limb muscles together (gluteus maximus, biceps femoris, rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, gastrocnemius and tibialis anterior) the step class recorded a significantly higher percentage of its maximum force, or whats called the maximal voluntary contraction (MVC), than both the ride and power classes. Particularly evident was the high activity of the gastrocnemius (calf muscle) during the step class which averaged the highest of any muscle in any of the classes at 27% MVC. Other results showed that the vastus lateralis (lateral quadriceps muscle) worked the hardest in the ride class (20.62% MVC) and the power class (12.9% MVC), and was ranked second in the step class (18.8% MVC) behind gastrocnemius, so the quadriceps group get a workout no matter which class is done. The Group Power class came up trumps for upper limb muscle activity though, with high values recorded from the middle deltoid, trapezius and forearm flexors. What was also evident in the results was the low core activity (rectus abdominis, erector spinae and external oblique) in the ride class, probably due to the way the upper body was supported by the handlebars. It should be noted that muscle activity was averaged for the whole duration of the class, which would also include the breaks in between the different music tracks, and also when other muscles are being worked (like the shoulder track in the power class). In conclusion, if your goal was to burn calories and lose weight, you may want to consider a step class as it burnt the most absolute calories of the three classes and also recorded high muscle activation from the lower limbs. Furthermore, the high levels of intensity (HR) being recorded during the step, and also the ride class, are more than adequate to provide the stimulus for increases in cardiorespiratory fitness.
Dr James Wickham is a lecturer in Human Anatomy and Physiology in the School of Biomedical Sciences at Charles Sturt University (CSU) in Orange, having joined CSU in 2008. Prior to this James received a Bachelor of Sports Science (exercise science) from UNSW in 1992, and a Diploma of Education (physical education) in 1993 from the same institution. In 1995 he received a rst-class Honours degree from the University of Wollongong, and a PhD in 2002. From 1999-2008 James was employed as an Anatomy lecturer at La Trobe University in Melbourne. His research interests include muscle activation utilising electromyography, falls prevention and the measurement of energy expenditure. Dr Wickham is also a qualied tradesman (tter and turner) and has worked part-time as a personal trainer at Integra Health Club Orange for the past ve years.


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CEC QUIZ 14 - 2014

Name: Member Number: Email Contact: Phone Contact:

Q1. Consistent exposure to altitude training a. Helps the body use energy more efficiently b. Decreases cardiovascular endurance c. Triggers a lower level of HIF1 d. Dramatically decreases metabolic rate Q2. To stimulate real altitude, a gym must provide a. Training boot camps b. Hypoxia equipment c. Mechanical loading d. Elevation masks

Q6. Post-workout soreness is caused by a. Lactate b. Waste products of anaerobic metabolism c. Free radical damage and inflammation d. Fatigue


Q7. Post-workout stretching should consist of a. Static stretching b. Ballistic stretching c. Forced stretching d. Vigorous movement


Q10. The Masters of Self-Discipline are a. The ones who look for alternatives b. The ones who struggle and keep going c. The ones who fall apart and pick up the pieces d. All the above

Q3. True or False Lactic acid is present in wine and dairy. Q4. Lactate is an intermediate link between a. Waste products b. What our muscles produce c. Pre- and post-muscular acidosis d. Aerobic and anaerobic metabolism Q5. Swedish research shows lactic acid a. Prevents cancer of the bladder b. Prevents skin cancer c. Stops pain due to buccal ulcers d. All of the above


Q8. Our athletic performance largely depends on a. Levels of LPS b. Good all-round health c. The quality of probiotics we use d. Intestinal permeability

Note: Only Ultra FITNESS CEC Subscription members are able to submit quizzes for CEC points. Interested in joining? Go to www.ceconline.com.au Post completed form to: Ultra FITNESS PO Box 3223 Nerang BC QLD 4211 Prepared by Sharon Neish. Sharon Neish is a 13-year Fitness Professional working as a Personal Trainer, First Aid Provider, Les Mills Instructor and Online Blogger. www.sharonneishpt.com.au


Q9. Muscle activity activation of the lower limb is higher during a. Step class b. Power class c. Pilates and Yoga d. Ride class

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cec program WorldMags.net

If you subscribe to Ultra FITNESS for 2 years at a cost of $80 you get: The magazine delivered to your door Savings on the news stand price Never miss another copy
AND for an extra $80 you can join our amazing CEC membership program, giving you access to our online CEC website. On signup you will earn 2 CEC points immediately, and the remaining 6 points can be earned over the 2 year period of your subscription - each quiz you pass will gain you 1 CEC point. You can do all your quizzes online and print out your own certificates. This is the most convenient CEC program currently available in the industry.


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why I run WorldMags.net DR I was just over the hill having passed my 40th AILEEN birthday a couple of years ago, and the heaviest I had LIU ever been after the birth of
my second child when I decided to set myself a challenge. I wanted to get t with the ultimate goal of running the City2Surf. Being a busy mum of two and working part-time as a general practitioner, my rst challenge was where do I start? There was no money for a personal trainer or expensive gym membership, and the problem with running g clubs were the times did not necessarily suit my schedule e and most people in them were already very t.

o, I purchased my first copy of UltraFITNESS in April and have been addicted to the magazine ever since! You have the experts who give advice to those who have done nothing before (like myself!) to tips for those who are seasoned runners. I read as much as I could: from how to start out, how to avoid injuries, what to eat and when, and how to challenge yourself once you had reached a goal. Even though I was at my heaviest and wanted to get fit, the most inspirational reason for my efforts are because of my eldest son Jeremy. He was diagnosed with autism at the age of three and attends a special needs school in Gladesville (Sydney) called Giant Steps. I decided to set up a web page to raise money for the school when I ran the City2Surf. I had


set out to raise a few thousand dollars but the response from the community was overwhelming in the end we raised over $34,000 for Giant Steps. The pain of all the hills was nothing when I thought about Jeremy and his friends at Giant Steps - many of these children will face challenges for the rest of their lives. After running the City2Surf I have continued to train - I feel so much sharper and lighter! I think about Jeremy all the time and his disability makes me motivated to keep striving for the best. I hope to challenge myself next year by completing a half marathon. For me, its not about completing an event in the best time possible, its about setting a challenge and achieving it, and there is nothing more motivating than running for a cause that is close to your heart. UFM

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