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Mary Baker 1/17/13 5th hour Friar Is Responsible This essay is about whos fault it is for Romeo and

Juliet deaths. ho fault as it for Romeo and Juliet death in this lo!e "lay. This "lay took "la#e in the 1$%%s in &erona 'taly. 'f you want to know whose fault it was it was (riar )awren#e fault. The first reason is be#ause (riar *hould ha!e talked some sense into Romeo. Romeo was youn+ and fell in lo!e too fast and (riar should ha!e told him that. (riar should ha!e told him who Juliet was and he didn,t lo!e her truly be#ause he was -ust in lo!e with Rosaline. (riar knew what #ould ha""en if Romeo fell in lo!e with Juliet and he knew that their families were feudin+. (riar should ha!e told Romeo that them bein+ in lo!e would brin+ hell into &erona. By (riar bein+ the adult and bein+ wise he knew what was ri+ht. .e #ould ha!e sa#rifi#ed his -ob and his loyalty. (riar was a fool and now is stu#k in a sti#ky situation be#ause he didn,t sto" Romo from fallin+ in lo!e with Juliet. The se#ond reason is he married them and thou+ht that the Monta+ues and /a"ulets would sto" feudin+. (riar "lan ba#kfired before his "lan worked and then it was way too late. (riar told Romeo 0 isely and slow1they stumble that run fast2 3"+ 4575.

(riar should ha!e stu#k with that instead sended into a world of trouble. (riar should ha!e told Romeo he not ready and dont know Juliet well. 'f (riar would ha!e Told Romeo no both Romeo and Juliet would not ha!e died so youn+. (riar should ha!e +otten their "arents #onsent e!en if they would ha!e said no. (riar was bein+ !ery sneaky and should ha!e married them. 6!en Thou+h Romeo thou+ht he was in lo!e it was wron+.

The third and last reason (riar should ha!e deli!ered the messa+e himself or made sure it was deli!ered. 7fter (riar knew what ha""ened between Romeo and Tybalt he should ha!e #ame u" with a "lan. 't would ha!e been better if (riar told the whole truth they mi+ht ha!e been in a lot of trouble but they wouldn,t be dead. 'f he ne!er +a!e Juliet the "otion Romeo would ha!e been hurt. Juliet should ha!e been safe in the #hur#h after she had the "otion. 'f the letter would ha!e been sent and Romeo didn,t rea#t so fast the endin+ would ha!e been lo!ely. This whole #atastro"he was most of (riar )awren#e fault. Romeo and Juliet should ha!e taken it slow. 'f (riar was by both of their sides the whole time Romeo and Juliet would ha!e li!ed lon+ and ha""y to+ether. 't was really messed u" that two teens had to die. 7ll this mess was friar lawren#e fault and #ould ha!e been "re!ented.

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