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1. According to Webster's English dictionary, which is NOT an acceptable way to spell Hannu ah!" A. #. $. %. E. &. A. #. $. %. ,. A. #. $. %. 0. A. #. $. %. 1. A. #. $. %. 4. A. #. $. %.

Hannu ah Hanu ah Hanu ah $hanu ah $hanu ah Hannu ah lasts 'or how (any days" One )i*e +e*en Eight What is the Hannu ah candelabra called" -ar(ul ah .at es /ehorah .iberace How (any candles does the Hannu ah candelabra hold" One )i*e Eight Nine Who is the Hebrew Warrior that is co((e(orated in Hannu ah" 2ing %a*id 3udith 3udas /accabeus +a(son What Hannu ah ga(e is based on an old 5er(an ga(bling ga(e" %reidel +chaden'raude 5o )ish +h(endric

6. What traditional Hannu ah dish is the 3ewish *ersion o' 7otato 7anca es" A. #. $. %. Hal*ah #lint8es +a(osas .at es

1. When /usli(s 'ast during 9a(adan, they are not allowed to... A. #. $. %. Eat Eat or %rin %rin Alcohol %ri*e

&. %uring what ti(es o' the day do /usli(s 'ast during 9a(adan" A. #. $. %. )ro( )ro( )ro( )ro( 4 p( to 4 a( 4 a( to 4 p( +unrise to +unset (idday to (idnight

,. The word 9a(adan! re'ers to A. #. $. %. A (onth in the lunar calendar The na(e o' one o' /uha((ad's brothers The con:uest o' the city o' 9a(adan The Arabic word 'or 'asting!

0. The word ;'tar! re'ers to A. #. $. %. The The The The end end end end o' o' o' o' 9a(adan the day's 'asting (orning prayers the world was we now it, and ; 'eel 'ine

1. The ter( Eid al<)itr! re'ers to A. #. $. %. The The The The end end end end o' o' o' o' 9a(adan the day's 'asting (orning prayers the T= series How ; /et -our /other! place during 9a(adan"

4. What signi'icant e*ent too A. #. $. %. The The The The death o' /uha((ad con:uest o' 9a(adan re*elation o' the >u'ran rise o' power o' Ali

1. Tet ta es place on the 'irst day o' the... A. #. $. %. +olar .unar /onth /onth calendar calendar o' )ebruary o' 9a(adan

&. Tet is celebrated on the sa(e day as... A. #. $. %. Halloween $hrist(as To('s #irthday The $hinese New -ear

,. ;n the days leading up to Tet, =ietna(ese (en and wo(en will o'ten try to do this be'ore the New -ear. A. #. $. %. 7ay o'' their debts +tay awa e 'or &0 hours )ast during the dayti(e Tra*el to +aigon

0. #?nh $h'ung, a traditional =ietna(ese dish ser*ed during Tet, is (ade o'... A. #. $. %. $hic en, %uc , and Tur ey 9ice, #eans, and 7or Noodles, =egetables, and 7or $hildren

1. A =ietna(ese person would o'ten celebrate the 'irst day o' Tet with@ A. #. $. %. Their eAtended 'a(ily Their 'riends Their Nuclear 'a(ily Nature

4. 7eople set o' 'irecrac ers, bang dru(s, ring bells, and (a e as (uch noise as possible during Tet in order to... A. #. $. %. +how o' their wealth Ward o'' e*il spirits 7ro*e their courage +care o'' dangerous ani(als

1. This patron saint o' ;reland is nown (ost 'or dri*ing all o' the sna es out o' ;reland Balthough this is thought to be apocryphalC@ A. #. $. %. +t. +t. +t. +t. Andrew /atthew 7atric 3esus

&. This holiday is celebrated in the Dnited +tates and in the Western A'rican %iaspora, and honors A'rican culture. A. #. $. %. 2wan8aa 9osh Hashanah /aEi /aEi .uanda

,. #oAing %ay, celebrated on %ece(ber &4th, is traditionally a day when... A. #. $. %. E*eryone throws out their $hrist(as boAes Wor ers recei*e gi'ts in $hrist(as boAes! 'ro( their boss E*eryone goes out boAing The >ueen boAes a angaroo

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