Info Pack: Democracy Lab No.1: Youth Movement For Democracy!

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Thisprojecthasbeenfundedwithsupport fromtheEuropeanCommission.Thispublication [communication]reflectstheviewsonlyofthe author,andtheCommissioncannotbeheld responsibleforanyusewhichmaybemadeof theinformationcontainedtherein.


4thApril12thApril2014 Struga,Macedonia

This Youth Exchange will include young people coming from different countries and backgrounds with a purpose to increase their knowledge about the most common political systems today and in the past, in order to promote democracy andtheruleoflawinthecivil society. Furthermore, the 7day Youth Exchange will include 36 participants coming from Macedonia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Romania and Turkey, hostedinStruga,Macedoniaby United Youth. The main aim of the project is to provide an opportunity for young people to understand bettertheconceptofdemocracythrough analyzingdifferentpoliticalsystemsand to spread that knowledge in order to make positive contribution in their communities. Furthermore, the goal of this project isto work in partnership withinternationalorganizations with a purpose to involve youngsters from different backgrounds to share their ideas and opinionsabouttheadvantagesanddisadvantagesofdifferentpoliticalsystemsandbythat,to put an accent on the importance of understanding thebenefitsandopportunitiesoflivingina democratic society. Therefore, through nonformal educational methods, such asroleplays, open discussions, skillsdevelopment workshops, etc., this project will enableparticipantsto gain knowledge about the proposed political systems in order to realize the differences between them, which aims to better understanding of democracy as the most common political system used in theEuropeancountries.Moreover,themethodologywillbebasedon short presentations, practical exercises, opportunities for experiential learning and possibilities to reflect on the applicability of the introduced ideas,as well as on participants knowledgeandunderstandingon theprojectstheme.Thus,duringthisprojectallparticipants will have an opportunity to discuss and share opinions about the essential features of different political systems, and will be encouraged to express their views about the political systems that exist in their countriesin order to ensure their active participation inthe whole process.

Topromoteactiveparticipationandinclusion To raise awareness on democracy among young people from different European countries To orient participants in an intellectualtraditionofunderstandinghowdifferentpolitical systems work and to give them resources which will allow them to appreciate and criticizeitscontemporarystatus To find practical examples of different political systems in order to improve and promotethedemocracysituation To provide participants practical tools to be used in their societies in promoting democracyintheircommunitiesandcountries To acknowledge the importance of realizing, improvingandimplementingdemocratic approach intheirownlivesandsocietiesforthefutureof Europebetweenparticipants fromEUandnonEUcountries.

NOTE:TheYouthExchangewillstartat4thofAprilwithdinerat19.00handwillfinishon 12thAprilwithbreakfast.

The main focus of the project is involving participants in action. Thus, using practical approach we are aiming to teach participants about the structure, advantages and disadvantages of different political systems and by that, togainknowledgeaboutdemocracy and their role in it. In that sense, the whole training approach is defined according to the uniqueness of the training topics, the overall goal and learning objectives of the Youth exchange, as well as, of the needs and characteristics of the target group. Therefore, the training methodology will be based on nonformal educational methods such as, short presentations, practical exercises, group activities, open discussions, role plays, skillsdevelopment workshops on cultural awareness, selfassessment, improvement ofkey competences, sharing ideas, cultural presentations and outdoor activities which will encourageparticipantstodiscussandshareviewsandopinionsabouttheprojectstopic.


All youth workers, representative of NGOs, youth activists, volunteers who are motivated to share their experiences and work practices on democracy are welcomed to join this Youth Exchange! The participants should be 18 25 years old except for the group leader, i.e. there is no age limit for the group leader. Also to be able to communicate in English and fill in the application form until the deadline28thofMarch2014! NOTE: In case your organization has any problem to find the requested number of participants,pleaseletusknowassoonaspossible.


The YouthExchangewill be held inthe cityof Struga,atownand popular touristdestination situatedin the southwestern regionof theRepublicof Macedonia,lying on theshore ofLakeOhrid. Thetownof Struga is the seat of Struga Municipality.Strugaisalsoaplace ofimportantculturalsignificance inthe Republic of Macedonia,as itisthebirthplaceofthepoetsKonstantin andDimitarMiladinov.The main event of the cultural life in Struga is the world's largest poetry gathering, Struga Poetry Evenings, whose laureates have included several Nobel Prize for Literature winners such as Joseph Brodsky, Eugenio Montale, Pablo Neruda, Seamus Heaney, Fazl HsnDalarca andmany otherssince1966. There are several cultural monuments in Struga and in its vicinity such astheMonasteryofKalita,a few kilometersaway fromthetowncenter, lyingonthe shoreof Lake Ohrid.It is believedthatitdates from the 16th century, with frescoes from the 14th and the 15th centuries. Another rock church is present in the neighbouring village of Radoda with frescoes from the 13th and 14th centuries. The Church Sveta Bogorodica (St. Mary) in the village of Vranita, is believed to be the one where Tsar Samuel was crowned. Next, the participants will be accommodated in a fully equipped guest house situatedneartheEurotelHotelinStruga.MoreaboutStruga

The project is organized with support of Youth in Action Programme thus meals and accommodationisfullycovered.


The duration of the APV will be 3 days from 4th to 6th March 2014 (travel days included), organized bythehostorganizationUnitedYouthinSkopje,Macedoniaanditwillbemonitored byoneleaderpereachgroup.DuringtheAPVwewillreflecton: Day1: Establishingexpectationsoftheprojectandeachother Confirmingtheagendaoftheplannedactivities Discoveringthegroupsandtheirbackground Agreeingonrulesduringactivities Practical arrangements (venue, transfers,accommodations,supportmaterial andlinguistic support) Day2: EstablishingmainactivitiesandworkingmethodsoftheExchangeprogram DecidingonYouthpassandnonformallearning Legalrequirements Informationnecessaryfortheevaluationandreporting Divisionoftherolesandtasksintheteamofgroupleadersandbetweenpartners Communicationagreementsandtoolsafterthemeeting. NOTE:Travelcosts,accommodationandfoodwillbe100%coveredfortheAPV.

We will reimburse 70% of the travel costs, from your home city to the Struga, Macedonia, following the guidelines of the YiA programme. The travel back must be realised by the participants on direct way. YoucanarriveinMacedoniaupto 2daysinadvanceandleaveup to 2 days later. The stay for additional days is not covered by the project budget. In case of longer stays or indirect travelling (holiday travel etc.) there isno chanceofreimbursementof travelcosts.Missingticketswillnotbereimbursed.

Themaximumamountseligibleperparticipantareasfollows: Country
Bulgaria Croatia Estonia Macedonia Romania Turkey

300Euros 450Euros 550Euros 15Euros 350Euros 500Euros

210Euros 315Euros 385Euros 10.5Euros 245Euros 350Euros


Each ticket has to beapproved byusbeforethepurchaseotherwisewereservetherightnot to reimburse. You have to receive a written confirmation (email) from us that we approve your travel route. Ifyou are travelingtoSkopjebyplain,thanyoucantakeabusattheSkopje Airport tothe InternationalBusStationinSkopjeandfromthereyoucantakeabustotheBus Station in Struga. If you are traveling by train or bus to Skopje, than you can also takeabus from the International Bus Station from Skopje to Struga (NOTE: the Train Station in Skopje and the International Bus Station in Skopje are at thesame location). Thefirstbusthatgoes from Skopje to Strugais at 05.30 AM and thelastitis at20.00 PM,andbetweenthosetimes the bus operates almostevery hour from Skopje to Struga. When yougettotheBusStation in Struga contact Elenaon +389(0)76210979 and we willorganizeatransportationforyouto takeyoutotheplaceofvenue.Pleaserememberthatthetaxibillswillnotbereimbursed. NOTE: Please check out the following link for buses that go from the Skopje Airport to the International Bus Station in Skopje (which is the 2nd stop that the bus makes in Skopje), by clicking on the link Direction: AIRPORT SKOPJE:

Reimbursement of travel costs will only be made upon full attendance in the project programme and presentation of the original tickets with boarding passes and receipt/invoices. ReimbursementwillbemadeinEURO,regardlessofthecurrency indicated onyourticketsandreceipt/invoice. Please note ifyoubuyyourticketsinacurrencyotherthan EUROs, wewill convertto EUROs according to the exchange rates from the official European Commission website Please make copies of your tickets and invoices before you come to the Training course. Please make sure you have return tickets for all stages of your travel (return plane tickets, return bus or train tickets, etc.). Reimbursement will be given only on the basisofanexistingticket.Noadvancereimbursementforfutureticketswillbegiven. If you plan to travel outside the official project dates (4th12thApril)thisshouldnotbe a problem but please let us know NOTE! we will not pay for expenses incurred beforeorafterthesedates,especiallyaccommodation.







6(six)participantsincludingtheLeaderofthegroup Estonia







Health insurance will not be provided or reimbursed by the organisers. All participants are required to purchase health insurance individually. Costs ofhealth insurance under 10 EUR will be fully covered. If you live in an EU country and use a nationalhealthinsurancesystem there,pleaseapplyforaFREEEuropeanHealthInsuranceCard:

Intercultural evening all participants will have the chance to present their country and culture. Please bring with you some music, food and drinks representing your country or cultureforalltoshare.

Shouldtherebeanyfurtherquestions,pleasedonothesitateto CONTACT

Str.DrezdenskaNo.52/71 1000Skopje,Macedonia Tel.+389(0)26149253


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