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Expanding Your Principality and Collecting Resources

Cards in your hand: Abbey Scout Storehouse The stacks contain the following cards: Event cards: Invention (2x) Year of lenty (2x) Action cards: Arsonist !en"a#in the Traveling Scholar !rigitta the $ise $o#an (%x) &octor 'olds#ith 'ustav the (ibrarian )endicants )erchant )erchant *aravan (2x) +elocation Scout Traitor

Settlement/city expansions: Austin !rick ,actory 'rain )ill -arald Ir#gard. /ee0er of the (ight Iron ,oundry (u#ber *a#0 Toll !ridge Storehouse (2x) $ainwright City expansions: !ath -ouse -edge Tavern (ibrary har#acy (2x) Secret !rotherhood

How to play the dec : This deck 0laces e#0hasis on 0roducing resources via 0roduction die and event die1 You should be able to build at least 2 settle#ents that way1 $ith % co##erce 0oints and % strength 0oints. you can obtain the trade advantage or. res0ectively. the strength advantage only if your o00onent isn3t #aking too great an effort to get those advantages for hi#self1 &o not change the default starting regions1 !uild the Abbey and the Storehouse between brick4wool and lu#ber4gold1 !uild the first road between lu#ber and brick1 $hen drawing cards. exchange cards until the (u#ber *a#0 and the !rick ,actory are in your hand1 If need be. use excess gold to search for the cards1 If you draw Austin. -arald. or Ir#gard. you can also 0lace the# on free s0aces1 The sa#e a00lies to the two Storehouses. the $ainwright. and the Toll !ridge1 5x0ansion should have 0riority though1

!uild the 2nd road between ore and grain and use the 2nd Scout to find an ore region and a fields region. which is where you build the other two resource6doubling cards1 If your o00onent also ex0ands. it #akes #ore sense to use the resources for building the next settle#ent or road than into looking for the Scout1 In a 0inch. you can use the +elocation card to o0ti#i7e your set6u01 If you do not need to o0ti#i7e your set6u0. you can also sell the Scout or the +elocation to the Secret !rotherhood1 The heroes you can3t build because your o00onent built the# first would also end u0 with the Secret !rotherhood1 You should build the two additional Storehouses in such a way that the robbers can3t see the resources you receive #ost1 In the following list. all cards included in the stacks are sorted by sets1 Since the cards in the stacks have different backs. you can use this list as a guide1 The na#es a00ear in the color of the text boxes on the res0ective cards1 !asic cards: Austin !rick ,actory !rigitta the "ise "oman (2x) #oldsmith 'rain )ill -arald Iron ,oundry (u#ber *a#0 $erchant Caravan (2x) Relocation Scout Storehouse Toll !ridge %he Era o& !ar'arians: Secret !rotherhood %he Era o& #old: $erchant Storehouse ,ariations: A si#0le #odification can be introduced by exchanging the heroes1 ,or exa#0le. you can re0lace Austin with 'odfrey or Siward. or you can re0lace -arald with 8s#und or -einrich1 You can also re0lace the two har#acies with !ath -ouses. in which case you don3t receive resources if a lague occurs but 0otentially #ay suffer fewer losses1 You can also take a Trading ost instead of the $ainwright1 %he Era o& Progress: !ath -ouse !en(amin the %raveling Scholar !rigitta the "ise "oman )octor #ustav the *i'rarian (ibrary har#acy (2x) %he Era o& +ntrigue: ilgri#age Site %he Era o& $erchant Princes: $endicants $ainwright %he Era o& %urmoil: Arsonist -edge Tavern Ir#gard. /ee0er of the (ight %raitor

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