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Prosperity for the Poor

Cards in your hand: Village School Scout Public Feeling The stacks contain the following cards: Event cards: Insurrection (2x) Taxation (2x) Action cards: Artwork: Epic Artwork: Sculpture Artwork: Fountain Bera the Insur ent Bri itta the !ise !o"an (3x) Court Astrolo er Feedin the Poor (2x) #endicants #erchant #erchant Caravan (2x) Prosperity $einer the %erald $elocation $e ion expansions: A&&ey Brewery Thieves' %ideout Settle"ent(city expansions: Co""on )and Toll Brid e City expansions: A*ueduct Builders' %ut City Palace %ospital #onu"ent to the Prince (2x) Prince Theater $oad co"ple"ents: #ercenaries S"all #arket Town #arker cards: Pu&lic Feelin

%ow to play the deck: This deck places e phasis on the Public Feeling and the use of the cards fro The e Set# The !ra of Prosperit"

$hange the default starting regions so that pasture and fields are on the left or right side# %f "ou forgot to do so& "ou can later change the 'ia (elocation if need be# )uild "our first road between these two regions& and when building "our first settle ent& choose fields and pasture 'ia the Scout# %f "ou started with fields*+,pasture*-& choose fields*-,pasture*+& and if "ou started with fields* .,pasture*/& choose fields*-,pasture*. or fields*3,pasture*.& so "ou can use )rigitta in an opti al fashion# 0fterwards& upgrade this settle ent to "our first cit"& pro'ide it with )uilders1 2ut& Prince& and 03ueduct& and then build the 2ospital there# The deck onl" contains 2 strength points& which is wh" "ou can onl" obtain the strength ad'antage if "ou can take o'er one or two of "our opponent1s units b" eans of the 4onu ent to the Prince cards and then build these units# 0nother 2 strength points can be obtained 'ia the 0bbe" )rewer"#

Since there are onl" 2 co erce points in the deck& it also beco es difficult to obtain the trade ad'antage against a trade deck# 0 4onu ent to the Prince and,or the 0bbe" )rewer" can help "ou here too# 5ithout the two ad'antages& "ou need to upgrade a total of four settle ents to cities# To obtain the resources re3uired for these upgrades& "ou should also use the Thie'es1 2ideout# The $it" Palace should pri aril" be used to rec"cle )rigitta# 6sing all of the deck1s possibilities re3uires a 'er" focused attention# 0lwa"s ake sure that on each turn the 2ospital is used to obtain either a resource or a star& and don1t forget the $o on 7and and the S all 4arket Town# Since 2 of the e'ents are %nsurrections& at least - star should alwa"s re ain on a Public Feeling at the end of the turn# %n the following list& all cards are sorted b" sets# Since the cards in the stacks have different backs, you can use this list as a guide. The names appear in the color of the text boxes on the respective cards. Basic cards: Bri itta the !ise !o"an (2x) #erchant Caravan (2x) Scout $elocation Toll Brid e The Era of Intri ue: A&&ey Brewery The Era of #erchant Princes: #endicants The Era of Pro ress: Bri itta the !ise !o"an The Era of +old: #erchant $einer the %erald The Era of Prosperity: A*ueduct Artwork: Epic Artwork: Sculpture Artwork: Fountain Bera the Insur ent Builders' %ut City Palace Co""on )and Court Astrolo er Feedin the Poor (2x) %ospital #ercenaries #onu"ent to the Prince (2x) Prince Prosperity Pu&lic Feelin S"all #arket Town Theater Thieves' %ideout ,illa e School

,ariations: 8ne possibilit" is to include sages and& in particular& the 9ro'e of 9reat Foresight and the 9ro'e of Vigilance& to ar "ourself against trade decks and decks containing other unfa'orable e'ents# :ou could also ai for the strength ad'antage b" including strong heroes * or for the trade ad'antage b" including ore cards with co erce points * so as to be able to use action cards that allow "ou to bother "our opponent# 0t the beginning& the deck gi'es little attention to skill; onl" b" building the )uilders1 2ut "ou recei'e at least - star in case of a $elebration& and after building the Theater "ou ha'e 2 skill points# 2owe'er& when the <$elebration< e'ent occurs& initiall" "ou will onl" recei'e - resource if "our opponent doesn1t ha'e cards with skill points either# :ou can a'oid this situation b" including %nga& for exa ple& who pro'ides "ou with 3 skill points; ost of the ti e& this allows "ou to be the onl"

one to profit fro

the $elebration#

%nstead of the 4ercenaries and the S all 4arket Town& the Tra'eling Theater can also be useful# =eedless to sa" that other co binations are possible too# Therefore& after the first few ga es "ou should do "our own experi ents to find a deck that atches "our personal st"le#

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