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DEGREE INTERNAL EXAMINATIONS- II: SEPTEMBER 2011 B.E/B.TECH. DEGREE INTERNAL EXAMINATIONS- II: SEPTEMBER 2011 REGULATIONS: 2008 REGULATIONS: 2008 THIRD SEMESTER: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING THIRD SEMESTER: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 080190005 ENGINEERING THERMOD NAMICS 080190005 ENGINEERING THERMOD NAMICS DATE: 1!.09.2011 TIME: 09.30 "# $% 11.00 "# PART A *+&2 ,1! MAR-S. ANSE/R ALL 0UESTIONS 1. 1. 2. 3. !. 5. 1. +. Define Perpetual Motion Machine of II kind. Give some examples in Irreversible process. If Carnot engine efficiency is 5 !. "ind C#P of Carnot refrigerator $orking bet$een same temperatures. Define the term %ntropy. &tate the Clausius Ine'uality. Define the terms of source( sink and reservoir. %xplain the term )eversibility and Irreversibility. PART B PART B *3&12 ,31 MAR-S. ANSE/R AN THREE 0UESTIONS ANSE/R AN THREE 0UESTIONS 8. 8. .* +g of air at ,.5 bar and *- c is compressed to a pressure of ,5bar according to the la$ P.,.*5/Constant. Determine $ork done on or by air( heat flo$ to or from the air( increase or decrease in entropy. 9. 9. 0$o reversible heat engine 1 and 2 are arranged in series. 1 re3ecting the heat directly to 2( engine receives * k4 at a temperature of 5*, c from a hot source( $hile the engine 2 is in communication $ith a cold sink at a temperature of 5.5 c. If the $ork output of 1 is t$ice that of 2( find 0$o reversible heat engine 1 and 2 are arranged in series. 1 re3ecting the heat directly to 2( engine receives * k4 at a temperature of 5*, c from a hot source( $hile the engine 2 is in communication $ith a cold sink at a temperature of 5.5 c. If the $ork output of 1 is t$ice that of 2( find .* +g of air at ,.5 bar and *- c is compressed to a pressure of ,5bar according to the la$ P.,.*5/Constant. Determine $ork done on or by air( heat flo$ to or from the air( increase or decrease in entropy. *3&12 ,31 MAR-S. !. 5. 1. +. 2. 3. Define Perpetual Motion Machine of II kind. Give some examples in Irreversible process. If Carnot engine efficiency is 5 !. "ind C#P of Carnot refrigerator $orking bet$een same temperatures. Define the term %ntropy. &tate the Clausius Ine'uality. Define the terms of source( sink and reservoir. %xplain the term )eversibility and Irreversibility. ANSE/R ALL 0UESTIONS DATE: 1!.09.2011 TIME: 09.30 "# $% 11.00 "# M"&. M"'(): 50 PART A *+&2 ,1! MAR-S. M"&. M"'(): 50

i. ii. iii.

0he intermediate temperature bet$een 1 and 2 0he efficiency of each %ngine 0he heat re3ected to the cold sink

iv. v. vi.

0he intermediate temperature bet$een 1 and 2 0he efficiency of each %ngine 0he heat re3ected to the cold sink

10. Calculate the decrease in available energy $hen *5kg of $ater at 65 c mix $ith 75kg of $ater at 75 c( the pressure being taken as constant and the temperature of the surroundings being ,5 c 8Cp of $ater/5.*k49+gk:. 11. "ind the change in entropy of ,kg of ice $hich is heated from ;5 c to melts into $ater at maintained at , atm constant. <atent heat of fusion of ice/775.6=k49kg. 12. 1 single stage air turbine is to operate $ith air inlet pressure and temperature of , bar and = +.During the expansion the turbine losses are * k49kg to the +. "or I kg of mass flo$ rate surroundings $hich is at , bar and 7 c. It

10. Calculate the decrease in available energy $hen *5kg of $ater at 65 c mix $ith 75kg of $ater at 75 c( the pressure being taken as constant and the temperature of the surroundings being ,5 c 8Cp of $ater/5.*k49+gk:. 11. "ind the change in entropy of ,kg of ice $hich is heated from ;5 c to melts into $ater at maintained at , atm constant. <atent heat of fusion of ice/775.6=k49kg. 12. 1 single stage air turbine is to operate $ith air inlet pressure and temperature of , bar and = +.During the expansion the turbine losses are * k49kg to the +. "or I kg of mass flo$ rate surroundings $hich is at , bar and 7 c. It

c. Cp(ice/*. 67k49kg+. 0he pressure during heating is

c. Cp(ice/*. 67k49kg+. 0he pressure during heating is

determine i: Decrease in availability ii: Maximum $ork iii: 0he irreversibility.

determine i: Decrease in availability ii: Maximum $ork iii: 0he irreversibility.

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