Seminar Report: Kurukshetra Institute of Technology & Management

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Seminar Report

Submitted To: Er. Varun Mehta Lecturer

Submitted By: Deep Arora ECE(B-1) Roll No- 2907213 B.Tech (4th r)


1. Introduction . !i"tory 3. Ste$ano$rap%y &" 'rypto$rap%y ). De*inition" #. Ba"ic met%od be%ind "te$ano$rap%y -. Ste$ano$rap%y Tec%ni.ue -.A Ste$ano$rap%y in ima$e" -.B Ste$ano$rap%y in audio -.' Ste$ano$rap%y in &ideo /. Detectin$ "te$ano$rap%y (. Application" o* "te$ano$rap%y +. Biblio$rap%y

3 # ( + 1, 11 11 1+ , 1

1. Introduction
Steganography co!e" #ro! the $ree% an& '(tera'' !ean") "Covered writing". *t (" one o# +ar(ou" &ata h(&(n, techn(-ue") .h(ch a(!" at tran"!(tt(n, a !e""a,e on a channe' .here "o!e other %(n& o# (n#or!at(on (" a'rea& "te,ano,raph /et.een t.o ent(t(e" that .ere unconnecte& /e#ore. The ,oa' o# "te,ano,raph (" to h(&e !e""a,e" (n"(&e other 0har!'e""1 !e""a,e" (n a .a that &oe" not a''o. an 0ene! 1 to e+en &etect that there (" a "econ& "ecret !e""a,e pre"ent. The on' !(""(n, (n#or!at(on #or the 0ene! 1 (" the "hort ea"(' e2chan,ea/'e ran&o! nu!/er "e-uence) the "ecret %e ) .(thout the "ecret %e ) the 0ene! 1 "hou'& not ha+e the "'(,hte"t chance o# e+en /eco!(n, "u"p(c(ou" that on an o/"er+e& co!!un(cat(on channe') h(&&en co!!un(cat(on !(,ht ta%e p'ace. 3te,ano,raph (" c'o"e' re'ate& to the pro/'e! o# 0h(&&en channe'"1 n "ecure operat(n, " "te! &e"(,n) a ter! .h(ch re#er" to a'' co!!un(cat(on path" that cannot ea"(' /e re"tr(cte& / acce"" contro' !echan("!". *n an (&ea' .or'& .e .ou'& a'' /e a/'e to "ent open' encr pte& !a(' or #('e" to each other .(th no #ear o# repr("a'". 4o.e+er there are o#ten ca"e" .hen th(" (" po""(/'e) e(ther /ecau"e the .or%(n, co!pan &oe" not a''o. encr pte& e!a(' or the 'oca' ,o+ern!ent &oe" not appro+e o# encr pt co!!un(cat(on (a rea'(t (n "o!e part" o# the .or'&). Th(" (" .here "te,ano,raph can co!e (nto p'a . Data h(&(n, techn(-ue" can a'"o /e c'a""(#(e& .(th re"pect to the e2tract(on proce""5 Cover Escrow !etho&" nee& /oth the or(,(na' p(ece o# (n#or!at(on an& the enco&e& one (n or&er to e2tract the e!/e&&e& &ata. Blind or Oblivious "che!e" can reco+er the h(&&en !e""a,e / !ean" on' o# the enco&e& &ata. 3te,ano,raph ha" &e+e'ope& a 'ot (n recent ear") /ecau"e &(,(ta' techn(-ue" a''o. ne. .a " o# h(&(n, (n#or!at(on" (n"(&e other (n#or!at(on") an& th(" can /e +a'ua/'e (n a 'ot o#

/e(n, tran"!(tte&. Th(" &("t(n,u("he"

#ro! co+ert channe' techn(-ue") .h(ch (n"tea& o# tr (n, to tran"!(t &ata

"(tuat(on". The #(r"t to e!p'o h(&&en co!!un(cat(on" techn(-ue" -.(th ra&(o tran"!(""(on" .ere the ar!(e") /ecau"e o# the "trate,(c (!portance o# "ecure co!!un(cat(on an& the nee& to concea' the "ource a" !uch a" po""(/'e. 6o.a&a ") ne. con"tra(nt" (n u"(n, "tron, encr pt(on #or !e""a,e" are a&&e& / (nternat(ona' 'a.") "o (# t.o peer" .ant to u"e (t) the can re"ort (n h(&(n, the co!!un(cat(on (nto ca"ua' 'oo%(n, &ata. Th(" pro/'e! ha" /eco!e !ore an& !ore (!portant 7u"t (n the"e &a ") a#ter the (nternat(ona' 8a""enaar a,ree!ent) .(th .h(ch aroun& th(rt o# the !a7or .(th re"pect to techno'o, - countr(e" (n the .or'& &ec(&e& to app' re"tr(ct(on" (n cr pto,raph e2port "(!('ar to the 93:" one". Another app'(cat(on o# "te,ano,raph (" the protect(on o# "en"(t(+e &ata. A #('e " "te! can /e h(&&en (n ran&o! 'oo%(n, #('e" (n a har& &("%) nee&(n, a %e to e2tract the or(,(na' #('e". Th(" can protect #ro! ph "(ca' attac%" to peop'e (n or&er to ,et the(r pa"".or&") /ecau"e !a /e the attac%er can:t e+en %no. that "o!e #('e" are (n that &("%. The !a7or concern o# "te,ano,raph (" "tea'th) /ecau"e (# an attac%er) e(ther pa""(+e or act(+e) can &etect the pre"ence o# the 3te,ano,raph - 3ee(n, the 9n"een !e""a,e) #ro! that po(nt he can tr to e2tract (t an&) (# encr pte&) to &ecr pt (t. The re"("tance to atte!pt at &e"truct(on or no("e (" not re-u(re&) "(nce .e con"(&er the "en&er an& the rece(+er e-ua'' (ntere"te& (n e2chan,(n, !e""a,e") "o that the .('' tr to tran"!(t the "te,o-!e&(u! (n the /e"t .a the can. *# the "te,o-&ata can /e tran"!(tte& o+er the "e'ecte& channe') an& th(" (" u"ua'' the ca"e .(th a'' the !e&(a that are u"e&) '(%e (!a,e" or "oun&") then the e!/e&&e& &ata .('' /e pre"er+e& a'on, .(th the!. Thu") &ata h(&(n, techn(-ue" #or "te,ano,raph !u"t #ocu" on the !a2(!u! "tren,th a,a(n"t &etect(on an& e2tract(on.

. !i"tory
Throu,hout h("tor ) a !u't(tu&e o# !etho&" an& +ar(at(on" ha+e /een u"e& to h(&e (n#or!at(on. Da+(& ;ahn<" The Codebreakers pro+(&e" an e2ce''ent account(n, o# th(" h("tor . Bruce 6or!an recount" nu!erou" ta'e" o# cr pto,raph an& "te,ano,raph &ur(n, t(!e" o# .ar (n Secret Warfare The Battle of Codes and Ciphers. =ne o# the #(r"t &ocu!ent" &e"cr(/(n, "te,ano,raph (" #ro! the 4("tor(e" o# 4ero&otu". *n anc(ent $reece) te2t .a" .r(tten on .a2 co+ere& ta/'et". *n one "tor De!eratu" .ante& to not(# 3parta that >er2e" (nten&e& to (n+a&e $reece. To a+o(& capture) he "crape& the .a2 o## o# the ta/'et" an& .rote a !e""a,e on the un&er' (n, .oo&. 4e then co+ere& the ta/'et" .(th .a2 a,a(n. The ta/'et" appeare& to /e /'an% an& unu"e& "o the pa""e& (n"pect(on / "entr(e" .(thout -ue"t(on. Another (n,en(ou" !etho& .a" to "ha+e the hea& o# a !e""en,er an& tattoo a !e""a,e or (!a,e on the !e""en,er" hea&. A#ter a''o.(n, h(" ha(r to ,ro.) the !e""a,e .ou'& /e un&etecte& unt(' the hea& .a" "ha+e& a,a(n. Another co!!on #or! o# (n+("(/'e .r(t(n, (" throu,h the u"e o# *n+("(/'e (n%". 3uch (n%" .ere u"e& .(th !uch "ucce"" a" recent' a" 88**. An (nnocent 'etter !a conta(n a +er &(##erent !e""a,e .r(tten /et.een the '(ne". Ear' (n 88** "te,ano,raph(c techno'o, con"("te& a'!o"t e2c'u"(+e' o# (n+("(/'e (n%". Co!!on "ource" #or (n+("(/'e (n%" are !('%) +(ne,ar) #ru(t 7u(ce" an& ur(ne. A'' o# the"e &ar%en .hen heate&. 8(th the (!pro+e!ent o# techno'o, an& the ea"e a" to the &eco&(n, o# the"e (n+("(/'e (n%") !ore "oph("t(cate& (n%" .ere &e+e'ope& .h(ch react to +ar(ou" che!(ca'". 3o!e !e""a,e" ha& to /e ?&e+e'ope&? !uch a" photo,raph" are &e+e'ope& .(th a nu!/er o# che!(ca'" (n proce""(n, 'a/". 6u'' c(pher" (unencr pte& !e""a,e") .ere a'"o u"e&. The rea' !e""a,e (" ?ca!ou#'a,e&? (n an (nnocent "oun&(n, !e""a,e. Due to the ?"oun&? o# !an open co&e& !e""a,e") the "u"pect co!!un(cat(on" .ere &etecte& / !a(' #('ter". 4o.e+er ?(nnocent? !e""a,e" .ere a''o.e& to #'o. throu,h. An e2a!p'e o# a !e""a,e conta(n(n, "uch a nu'' c(pher ("5

@("h(n, #re"h.ater /en&" an& "a't.ater coa"t"" an one #ee'(n, "tre""e&. Ae"ource#u' an,'er" u"ua'' #(n& !a"ter#u' 'eaper" #un an& a&!(t ".or&#("h ran% o+er.he'!(n, an &a . B ta%(n, the th(r& 'etter (n each .or&) the #o''o.(n, !e""a,e e!er,e"5 3en& La. er") $un") an& Mone .

The #o''o.(n, !e""a,e .a" actua'' "ent / a $er!an 3p (n 88** 5 Apparent' neutra'<" prote"t (" thorou,h' &("counte& an& (,nore&. *"!an har& h(t. B'oc%a&e (""ue a##ect" prete2t #or e!/ar,o on / pro&uct") e7ect(n, "uet" an& +e,eta/'e o('".

Ta%(n, the "econ& 'etter (n each .or& the #o''o.(n, !e""a,e e!er,e"5 Ber"h(n, "a('" #ro! 6C Dune 1.

A" !e""a,e &etect(on (!pro+e&) ne. techno'o,(e" .ere &e+e'ope& .h(ch cou'& pa"" !ore (n#or!at(on an& /e e+en 'e"" con"p(cuou". The $er!an" &e+e'ope& !(cro&ot techno'o, .h(ch @B* D(rector D. E&,ar 4oo+er re#erre& to a" ?the ene! <" !a"terp(ece o# e"p(ona,e.? M(cro&ot" are photo,raph" the "(Ee o# a pr(nte& per(o& ha+(n, the c'ar(t o# "tan&ar&-"(Ee& t pe.r(tten pa,e". The #(r"t !(cro&ot" .ere &("co+ere& !a"-uera&(n, a" a per(o& on a t pe& en+e'ope carr(e& / a $er!an a,ent (n 1941. The !e""a,e .a" not h(&&en) nor encr pte&. *t .a" 7u"t "o "!a'' a" to not &ra. attent(on to (t"e'# (#or a .h('e). Be"(&e" /e(n, "o "!a'') !(cro&ot" per!(tte& the tran"!(""(on o# 'ar,e a!ount" o# &ata (nc'u&(n, &ra.(n," an& photo,raph".

8(th !an !etho&" /e(n, &("co+ere& an& (ntercepte&) the =##(ce o# Cen"or"h(p too% e2tre!e act(on" "uch a" /ann(n, #' &e'(+er(e" .h(ch conta(ne& &e'(+er &ate") cro"".or& puEE'e" an& e+en report car&" a" the can a'' conta(n "ecret !e""a,e". Cen"or" e+en .ent a" #ar a" re.or&(n, 'etter" an& rep'ac(n, "ta!p" on en+e'ope". 8(th e+er &("co+er o# a !e""a,e h(&&en u"(n, an e2("t(n, app'(cat(on) a ne.

"te,ano,raph(c app'(cat(on (" /e(n, &e+("e&. There are e+en ne. t.("t" to o'& !etho&". Dra.(n," ha+e o#ten /een u"e& to concea' or re+ea' (n#or!at(on. *t (" "(!p'e to enco&e a !e""a,e / +ar (n, '(ne") co'or" or other e'e!ent" (n p(cture". Co!puter" ta%e "uch a !etho& to ne. &(!en"(on".

3. Ste$ano$rap%y &" 'rypto$rap%y

3te,ano,raph an& cr pto,raph are cou"(n" (n "p -cra#t #a!(' . Cr pto,raph "cra!/'e" a !e""a,e "o (t cannot /e un&er"too&. 3te,ano,raph h(&e" the !e""a,e "o (t cannot /e "een. A !e""a,e (n c(pher te2t #or (n"tance !(,ht arou"e "u"p(c(on on the part o# the rec(p(ent .h('e an 0(n+("(/'e1 !e""a,e create& .(th "te,ano,raph(c !etho&" .('' not. The a&+anta,e o# "te,ano,raph ) o+er cr pto,raph a'one) (" that !e""a,e" &o not attract attent(on to the!"e'+e". B'a(n' +("(/'e encr pte& !e""a,e"F no !atter ho. un/rea%a/'e F .('' arou"e "u"p(c(on) an& !a (n the!"e'+e" /e (ncr(!(nat(n, (n countr(e" .here encr pt(on (" (''e,a'. There#ore) .herea" cr pto,raph protect" the content" o# a !e""a,e) "te,ano,raph can /e "a(& to protect /oth !e""a,e" an& co!!un(cat(n, part(e". *n th(" .a ) .e can "a that "te,ano,raph co!p'ete" cr pto,raph ) an& actua'' there are u"ua'' t.o c(pher" to /rea% .hen tr (n, to e2tract the e!/e&&e& !e""a,e5 one (" the one .(th .h(ch the !e""a,e .a" e!/e&&e&) an& the other (" the one .(th .h(ch the !e""a,e .a" enc(phere&.

). De*inition"
8e ,(+e "o!e &e#(n(t(on" co!!on to the "te,ano,raph #(e'&5 Cover medium: Th(" (" the !e&(u! (n .h(ch .e .ant to h(&e &ata) (t can /e an (nnocent 'oo%(n, p(ece o# (n#or!at(on #or "te,ano,raph ) or "o!e (!portant !e&(u! that !u"t /e protecte& #or cop r(,ht or (nte,r(t rea"on". Embedded message: Th(" (" the h(&&en !e""a,e .e .ant to put (n the co+er. *t can /e "o!e &ata #or "te,ano,raph an& "o!e cop r(,ht (n#or!at(on" or a&&e& content #or &(,(ta' .ater!ar%(n,. Stegokey: Th(" (" repre"ente& / "o!e "ecret (n#or!at(on) .h(ch (" nee&e& (n or&er to e2tract the e!/e&&e& !e""a,e #ro! the "te,o!e&(u!. Stego-message: Th(" (" the #(na' p(ece o# (n#or!at(on that the ca"ua' o/"er+er can "ee. 8e can &e#(ne th(" "(!p'e #or!u'a5 Cover!"ediu" # e"bedded!"essage $ stego!"essage

Carrier File

Carrier File with Hidden Message

#. Ba"ic 0et%od be%ind Ste$ano$rap%y

The /a"(c !etho& /eh(n& "te,ano,raph (" &ep(cte& (n the #o''o.(n, #(,ure5

The (te! to /e h(&&en (" co!/(ne& .(th the co+er !e&(u! / a "te,ano,raph(c too' / (ncorporat(n, a "ecret or h(&&en %e . Th(" "te,o-!e&(a (" then tran"!(tte& .(thout ra("(n, an "u"p(c(on.


-. Ste$ano$rap%y Tec%ni.ue
There are nu!erou" !etho&" u"e& to h(&e (n#or!at(on (n"(&e o# B(cture) Au&(o an& V(&eo #('e".

Ima$e o* a tree

Ima$e e1tracted *rom pre&iou"

-.A. Ste$ano$rap%y in Ima$e"

To a co!puter) an (!a,e (" an arra o# nu!/er" that repre"ent '(,ht (nten"(t(e" at +ar(ou" po(nt" or p(2e'". The"e p(2e'" !a%e up the (!a,e:" ra"ter &ata. A co!!on (!a,e "(Ee (" G40 H 4I0 an& 2JG co'or" (or I /(t" per p(2e'). 3uch an (!a,e cou'& conta(n a/out 300 %/ o# &ata.

D(,(ta' (!a,e" are t p(ca'' "tore& a" e(ther 24-/(t or I-/(t #('e". A 24-/(t (!a,e pro+(&e" the !o"t "pace #or h(&(n, (n#or!at(on) ho.e+er) (t can /e -u(te 'ar,e (e2cept #or the DBE$ (!a,e"). A 24-/(t (!a,e o# 1)024 p(2e'" .(&th an& 7GI p(2e'" he(,ht ha" !ore than t.o !(''(on p(2e'") each ha+(n, 24-/(t") .h(ch .ou'& pro&uce a #('e e2cee&(n, 2 Me,a / te". 3uch a #('e .ou'& attract attent(on &ur(n, tran"!(""(on. @('e co!pre""(on .ou'& thu" /e /ene#(c(a') (# not nece""ar ) to tran"!(t "uch a #('e.

2ile compre""ion
There are t.o t pe" o# #('e co!pre""(on !etho&"- 'o""'e"" an& 'o"" . Both !etho&" "a+e "tora,e "pace /ut ha+e &(##erent re"u't") (nter#er(n, .(th the h(&&en (n#or!at(on) .hen (n#or!at(on (" unco!pre""e&. Lo""'e"" co!pre""(on 'et" u" recon"truct the or(,(na' !e""a,e e2act' K there#ore (t (" pre#erre& .hen the or(,(na' (n#or!at(on !u"t re!a(n (ntact (a" .(th "te,ano,raph(c (!a,e"). Lo"" co!pre""(on) on the other han&) "a+e" "pace /ut !a not !a(nta(n the or(,(na' (!a,e:" co!pre""(on

(nte,r(t . Th(" !etho& t p(#(e" (!a,e" "a+e& a" DBE$. Due to the 'o""

a',or(th!) .h(ch .e &("cu"" 'ater) the DBE$ #or!at" pro+(&e c'o"e appro2(!at(on" to h(,h-ua'(t &(,(ta' photo,raph" /ut not an e2act &up'(cate. 4ence the ter! 0'o"" co!pre""(on1.

Embeddin$ data
E!/e&&(n, &ata) .h(ch (" to /e h(&&en) (nto an (!a,e re-u(re" t.o #('e". The #(r"t (" the (nnocent 'oo%(n, (!a,e that .('' ho'& the h(&&en (n#or!at(on) ca''e& the cover i"age. The "econ& #('e (" the !e""a,e- the (n#or!at(on to /e h(&&en. A !e""a,e !a /e p'a(n te2t) c(pher te2t) other (!a,e") or an th(n, that can /e e!/e&&e& (n a /(t "trea!) .hen co!/(ne&) the co+er (!a,e an& the e!/e&&e& !e""a,e !a%e a stego- i"age. A stego!key (a t pe o# pa"".or&) !a a'"o /e u"e& to h(&e) an& then 'ater &eco&e) the !e""a,e. Mo"t "te,ano,raph(c "o#t.are ne(ther "upport" not reco!!en&" u"(n, DBE$ !a,e". But reco!!en&" (n"tea& the u"e o# 'o""'e"" 24-/(t (!a,e" "uch a" BMB. The ne2t /e"t a'ternat(+e to 24-/(t (!a,e" (" 2JG- co'or or ,ra "ca'e (!a,e". The !o"t co!!on o# the"e #oun& on the *nternet are $*@ #('e".

*n I-/(t co'or (!a,e" "uch a" $*@ #('e") each p(2e' (" repre"ente& / a "(n,'e / te) an& each p(2e' near' po(nt" to a co'or (n&e2 ta/'e (a pa'ette) .(th 2JG po""(/'e co'or". The p(2e'" +a'ue (" /et.een 0 an& 2JJ. The "o#t.are "(!p' pa(nt" the (n&(cate& co'or on the "creen at the "e'ecte& p(2e' po"(t(on. Man "te,ano,raph e2pert" reco!!en& the u"e o# (!a,e" #eatur(n, 2JG "ha&e" o# ,ra . $ra the can h(&e (n#or!at(on. 8hen con"(&er(n, an (!a,e (n .h(ch to h(&e (n#or!at(on) ou !u"t con"(&er the (!a,e a" .e'' a" the pa'ette. =/+(ou"' ) an (!a,e .(th 'ar,e area" o# "o'(& co'or" (" a poor cho(ce) a" +ar(ance" create& #ro! the e!/e&&e& !a""a,e .('' /e not(cea/'e (n the "o'(& area". "ca'e (!a,e" are pre#erre& /ecau"e the "ha&e" chan,e +er ,ra&ua'' #ro! / te to / te) an& the 'e"" the +a'ue chan,e" /et.een pa'ette entr(e") the /etter

'oncealment in Di$ital Ima$e"

*n#or!at(on can /e h(&&en / !an &(##erent .a " (n (!a,e". To h(&e (n#or!at(on) "tra(,ht !e""a,e (n"ert(on !a enco&e e+er /(t o# (n#or!at(on (n the !e""a,e or "e'ect(+e' e!/e& the !e""a,e (n 0no(" 1 area" that &ra. 'e"" attent(on- tho"e area" .here there (" a ,reat &ea' o# natura' co'or +ar(at(on. The !e""a,e !a a'"o /e "cattere& ran&o!' (!a,e. A nu!/er o# .a " e2("t to h(&e (n#or!at(on (n &(,(ta' (!a,e". Co!!on approache" (nc'u&e5 1. Lea"t "(,n(#(cant /(t (L3B) (n"ert(on. 2. Ma"%(n, an& #('ter(n,. 3. A',or(th!" an& tran"#or!at(on". throu,hout the

1. 3ea"t Si$ni*icant Bit 43SB5 In"ertion

Lea"t "(,n(#(cant B(t (n"ert(on (" a co!!on) "(!p'e approach to e!/e&&(n, (n#or!at(on (n a co+er #('e. To h(&e an (!a,e (n the L3B" o# each / te o# a 24-/(t (!a,e) ou can "tore 3 /(t" (n each p(2e'. A 1)024 H 7GI (!a,e ha" the potent(a' to h(&e a tota' o# 2)3J9)29G /(t" o# (n#or!at(on. *# ou co!pre"" the !e""a,e to /e h(&&en /e#ore ou e!/e& (t) ou can h(&e a


'ar,e a!ount o# (n#or!at(on. To the hu!an e e) the re"u't(n, "te,o-(!a,e .('' 'oo% (&ent(ca' to the co+er (!a,e. Tec%ni.ue Ba"ic" To&a ) .hen con+ert(n, an ana'o, (!a,e to &(,(ta' #or!at) .e u"ua'' choo"e /et.een three &(##erent .a " o# repre"ent(n, co'or"5 )-bit color5 e+er p(2e' can ha+e one (n 2L24 co'or") an& the"e are repre"ente& a" &(##erent -uant(t(e" o# three /a"(c co'or"5 re& (A)) ,reen ($)) /'ue (B)) ,(+en / I /(t" (2JG +a'ue") each. (-bit color5 e+er p(2e' can ha+e one (n 2JG (2LI) co'or") cho"en #ro! a pa'ette) or a ta/'e o# co'or". (-bit $ray-"cale5 e+er p(2e' can ha+e one (n 2JG (2LI) "ha&e" o# ,ra . L3B (n"ert(on !o&(#(e" the L3B" o# each co'or (n 24-/(t (!a,e") or the L3B" o# the I-/(t +a'ue #or I-/(t (!a,e". Data Rate The !o"t /a"(c o# L3B" (n"ert(on #or 24-/(t p(cture" (n"ert" 3 /(t"Mp(2e'. 3(nce e+er p(2e' (" 24 /(t") .e can h(&e % hidden!bits&pi'el & () data!bits&pi'el $ *&+ hidden!bits&databits. 3o #or th(" ca"e .e h(&e 1 /(t o# the e!/e&&e& !e""a,e #or e+er I /(t" o# the co+er (!a,e. *# .e pu"he& the (n"ert(on to (nc'u&e the "econ& L3B") the #or!u'a .ou'& chan,e to5 , hidden!bits&pi'el & () data!bits&pi'el $ (&+ hidden!bits&databits An& .e .ou'& h(&e 2 /(t" o# the e!/e&&e& !e""a,e #or e+er I /(t" o# the co+er (!a,e. A&&(n, a th(r&-/(t (n"ert(on) .e .ou'& ,et5


- hidden!bits&pi'el & () data!bits&pi'el $ %&+ hidden!bits&databits Ac-u(r(n, a &ata rate o# 3 e!/e&&e& /(t" e+er I /(t" o# the (!a,e. The &ata rate #or (n"ert(on (n I-/(t (!a,e" (" ana'o,ou" to the 1 L3B (n"ert(on (n 24-/(t (!a,e") or 1 e!/e&&e& /(t e+er I co+er /(t". 8e can "ee the pro/'e! (n another '(,ht) an& a"% ho. !an co+er / te" are nee&e& to "en& an e!/e&&e& / te. @or 1-L3B (n"ert(on (n 24-/(t (!a,e" or (n I-/(t (!a,e" th(" +a'ue .ou'& /e IM1HI N I B te". @or 2-L3B" (n"ert(on (n 24-/(t p(cture" (t .ou'& /e IM2HI N 4 B te") #or 3-L3B" (n"ert(on (t .ou'& /e IM3HI N 21.33 B te". Robu"tne"" L3B (n"ert(on (" +er +u'nera/'e to a 'ot o# tran"#or!at(on") e+en the !o"t har!'e"" an& u"ua' one". Lo"" co!pre""(on) e.,. DBE$) (" +er '(%e' to &e"tro (t co!p'ete' . The pro/'e! (" that the ?ho'e"? (n the 4u!an V("ua' 3 "te! that L3B (n"ert(on tr(e" to e2p'o(t O '(tt'e "en"(t(+(t to a&&e& no("e - are the "a!e that 'o"" co!pre""(on a',or(th!" re' on to /e a/'e to re&uce the &ata rate o# (!a,e". $eo!etr(ca' tran"#or!at(on") !o+(n, the p(2e'" aroun& an& e"pec(a'' &("p'ac(n, the! #ro! the or(,(na' ,r(&) are '(%e' to &e"tro the e!/e&&e& !e""a,e) an& the on' one that cou'& a''o. reco+er (" a "(!p'e tran"'at(on. An other %(n& o# p(cture tran"#or!at(on) '(%e /'urr(n, or other e##ect") u"ua'' .('' &e"tro the h(&&en &ata. A'' (n a'') L3B (n"ert(on (" a +er '(tt'e ro/u"t techn(-ue #or &ata h(&(n,. Ea"e o* detection6e1traction There (" no theoret(ca' out"tan&(n, !ar% o# L3B (n"ert(on) (# not a '(tt'e (ncrea"e o# /ac%,roun& no("e. *t:" +er ea" ) (n"tea&) to e2tract L3B" e+en .(th "(!p'e pro,ra!") an& to chec% the! 'ater to #(n& (# the !ean "o!eth(n, or not. Suitability *or "te$ano$rap%y or 7atermar8in$


@(r"t o# a'') "(nce (t (" a "o +u'nera/'e techn(-ue e+en #or "(!p'e proce""(n,) L3B (n"ert(on (" a'!o"t u"e'e"" #or &(,(ta' .ater!ar%(n,) .here (t !u"t #ace !a'(c(ou" atte!pt" at (t" &e"truct(on) p'u" nor!a' tran"#or!at(on" '(%e co!pre""(onM&eco!pre""(on or con+er"(on to ana'o, (pr(nt(n, or +("ua'(Eat(on)Mcon+er"(on to &(,(ta' ("cann(n,). *t" co!parat(+e' h(,h &ata rate can po(nt (t a" a ,oo& techn(-ue #or "te,ano,raph ) .here ro/u"tne"" (" not "uch an (!portant con"tra(nt. 9roblem" and po""ible "olution" 4a+(n, "tate& that L3B (n"ert(on (" ,oo& #or "te,ano,raph ) .e can tr to (!pro+e one o# (t" !a7or &ra./ac%"5 the ea"e o# e2tract(on. 8e &on:t .ant that a !a'(c(ou" attac%er /e a/'e to rea& e+er th(n, .e are "en&(n,. Th(" (" u"ua'' acco!p'("he& .(th t.o co!p'e!entar techn(-ue"5 Encr pt(on o# the !e""a,e) "o that .ho e2tract" (t !u"t a'"o &ecr pt (t /e#ore (t !a%e" "en"e. Aan&o!(E(n, the p'ace!ent o# the /(t" u"(n, a cr pto,raph(ca' ran&o! #unct(on ("catter(n,)) "o that (t:" a'!o"t (!po""(/'e to re/u('& the !e""a,e .(thout %no.(n, the "ee& #or the ran&o! #unct(on. *n th(" .a ) the !e""a,e (" protecte& / t.o &(##erent %e ") ac-u(r(n, !uch !ore con#(&ent(a'(t than /e#ore. Th(" approach protect" a'"o the (nte,r(t o# the !e""a,e) /e(n, !uch !ore &(##(cu't (.e cou'& "a at 'ea"t co!putat(ona'' (n#ea"(/'e) to counter#e(t the !e""a,e. An .a ) "(nce .e &on:t .ant our !e""a,e to /e on' an encr pte& an& "cra!/'e& !e""a,e) .e !u"t ,o /ac% to the purpo"e o# !a%(n, the co!!un(cat(on h(&&en. The t.o !o"t (!portant (""ue" (n th(" pro/'e! are5 The cho(ce o# (!a,e" The cho(ce o# the #or!at (24-/(t or I-/(t) co!pre""e& or not)


The co+er (!a,e #(r"t o# a'' !u"t "ee! ca"ua') "o (t !u"t /e cho"en /et.een a "et o# "u/7ect" that can ha+e a rea"on to /e e2chan,e& /et.een the "ource an& the rece(+er. Then (t !u"t ha+e -u(te +ar (n, co'or") (t !u"t /e ?no(" ?) "o that the a&&e& no("e (" ,o(n, to /e co+ere& / the a'rea& pre"ent one. 8(&e "o'(&-co'or area" !a,n(# +er !uch an '(tt'e a!ount o# no("e a&&e& to the!. 3econ&) there (" a pro/'e! .(th the #('e "(Ee) .h(ch (n+o'+e" the cho(ce o# the #or!at. 9nu"ua'' /(, #('e" e2chan,e& /et.een t.o peer") (n #act) are '(%e' to ar("e "u"p(c(on. To "o'+e th(" pro/'e!) (t ha" /een "tu&(e& a !o&(#(cat(on to the DBE$ a',or(th! that (n"ert" L3B" (n "o!e o# the 'o""'e"" "ta,e" or p('ot" the roun&(n, o# the coe##(c(ent" o# the DCT u"e& to co!pre"" the (!a,e to enco&e the /(t". 3(nce .e nee& to ha+e "!a'' (!a,e #('e "(Ee") .e "hou'& re"ort (n u"(n, I-/(t (!a,e" (# .e .ant to co!!un(cate u"(n, L3B (n"ert(on) /ecau"e the(r "(Ee (" !ore '(%e' to /e con"(&ere& a" nor!a'. The pro/'e! .(th 2JG co'or" (!a,e" (" that the !a%e u"e o# an (n&e2e& pa'ette) an& chan,(n, a L3B !ean" that .e ".(tch a p(2e' #ro! a po"(t(on to an a&7acent one. *# there are a&7acent contra"t(n, co'or" (n the pa'ette) (t can happen that a p(2e' (n the (!a,e chan,e" (t" co'or a/rupt' an& the h(&&en !e""a,e /eco!e" +("(/'e. To "o'+e th(" pro/'e! &(##erent !etho&" ha+e /een "tu&(e&) '(%e rearran,(n, the pa'ette "o that a&7acent co'or" &on:t contra"t "o !uch) or e+en re&uc(n, the pa'ette to a "!a''er nu!/er o# co'or" an& rep'(cat(n, the "a!e entr (n the ta/'e (n a&7acent po"(t(on") "o that the &(##erence a#ter the e!/e&&(n, o# the !e""a,e (" not +("(/'e at a''. Moreo+er #or !o"t (!a,e" the re&uct(on o# co'or" #ro!) #or (n"tance) 2JG to 32 (" har&' +("(/'e. Mo"t o# the e2pert") an .a ) a&+("e to u"e I-/(t ,ra "ca'e (!a,e") "(nce the(r pa'ette (" !uch 'e"" +ar (n, than the co'or one) "o L3B (n"ert(on (" ,o(n, to /e +er har& to &etect / the hu!an e e.

. 0a"8in$ and 2ilterin$


Ma"%(n, an& #('ter(n, techn(-ue") u"ua'' re"tr(cte& to 24-/(t an& ,ra -"ca'e (!a,e") h(&e (n#or!at(on / !ar%(n, an (!a,e) (n a !anner "(!('ar to paper .ater!ar%". 8ater!ar%(n, techn(-ue" !a /e app'(e& .(thout #ear o# (!a,e &e"truct(on &ue to 'o"" co!pre""(on /ecau"e the are !ore (nte,rate& (nto the (!a,e. V("(/'e .ater!ar%" are not "te,ano,raph / &e#(n(t(on. The &(##erence (" pr(!ar(' one o# (ntent. Tra&(t(ona' "te,ano,raph concea'" (n#or!at(onK .ater!ar%" e2ten& (n#or!at(on an& /eco!e an attr(/ute o# the co+er (!a,e. D(,(ta' .ater!ar%" !a (nc'u&e "uch (n#or!at(on a" cop r(,ht) o.ner"h(p) or '(cen"e. *n "te,ano,raph ) the o/7ect o# co!!un(cat(on (" the h(&&en !e""a,e. *n &(,(ta' .ater!ar%(n,) the o/7ect o# co!!un(cat(on (" the co+er. To create a .ater!ar%e& (!a,e) .e (ncrea"e the 'u!(nance o# the !a"%e& area / 1J percent. *# .e .ere to chan,e the 'u!(nance / a "!a''er percenta,e) the !a"% .ou'& /e un&etecte& / the hu!an e e. 6o. .e can u"e the .ater!ar%e& (!a,e to h(&e p'a(nte2t or enco&e& (n#or!at(on. Ma"%(n, (" !ore ro/u"t than L3B (n"ert(on .(th re"pect to co!pre""(on) cropp(n, an& "o!e (!a,e proce""(n,. Ma"%(n, techn(-ue" e!/e& (n#or!at(on (n !ore "(,n(#(cant area" "o that the h(&&en !e""a,e (" !ore (nte,ra' to the co+er (!a,e than 7u"t h(&(n, (t (n the 0no("e1 'e+e'. Th(" !a%e" (t !ore "u(ta/'e than L3B .(th 'o"" DBE$ (!a,e".

3. Al$orit%m" and Tran"*ormation"

L3B !an(pu'at(on (" a -u(c% an& ea" .a to h(&e (n#or!at(on /ut (" +u'nera/'e to "!a'' chan,e" re"u't(n, #ro! (!a,e proce""(n, or 'o"" co!pre""(on. 3uch co!pre""(on (" a %e a&+anta,e that DBE$ (!a,e" ha+e o+er other #or!at". 4(,h -ua'(t (!a,e" can /e "tore& (n re'at(+e' "!a'' #('e" u"(n, DBE$ co!pre""(on !etho&. =ne "te,ano,raph(c !etho& that (nte,rate" the co!pre""(on a',or(th! #or h(&(n, the (n#or!at(on (" Dpe,-D"te,. Dpe,-D"te, create" a DBE$ "te,o (!a,e #ro! the (nput o# a !e""a,e to /e h(&&en an& a 'o""'e"" co+er !a,e.


Another !etho& u"e& (n .atchwork an& "(!('ar techn(-ue" (" the redundant pattern encoding. 4ere the h(&&en (n#or!at(on (" "cattere& throu,hout the co+er !a,e. The"e approache" !a he'p protect a,a(n"t (!a,e proce""(n, "uch a" cropp(n, an& rotat(on" an& the h(&e (n#or!at(on !ore thorou,h' than / "(!p' !a"%(n,. The a'"o "upport (!a,e !an(pu'at(on !ore rea&(' than too'" that re' on L3B. *n u"(n, redundant pattern encoding) ou !u"t tra&e o## !e""a,e "(Ee a,a(n"t ro/u"tne"". A 'ar,e !e""a,e !a /e e!/e&&e& on' once /ecau"e (t .ou'& occup a !uch ,reater port(on o# the (!a,e area. =ther techn(-ue" encrypt and scatter the h(&&en &ata throu,hout an (!a,e. 3catter(n, the !e""a,e !a%e" (t appear !ore '(%e no("e. Broponent" o# th(" approach a""u!e that e+en (# the !e""a,e /(t" are e2tracte&) the .('' /e u"e'e"" .(thout the a',or(th! an& "te,o-%e to &eco&e the!. 3catter(n, an& encr pt(on he'p" protect a,a(n"t h(&&en !e""a,e e2tract(on /ut not a,a(n"t !e""a,e &e"truct(on throu,h (!a,e proce""(n,. A "cattere& !e""a,e (n the (!a,e:" L3B" (" "t('' a" +u'nera/'e to &e"truct(on #ro! 'o"" co!pre""(on an& !a,e proce""(n,) a" (" a c'ear te2t !e""a,e (n"erte& (n the L3B".

-.B. Ste$ano$rap%y in Audio

8hen h(&(n, (n#or!at(on (n"(&e Au&(o #('e" the techn(-ue u"ua'' u"e& (" 'o. /(t enco&(n, .h(ch (" "o!e.hat "(!('ar to L3B that (" ,enera'' u"e& (n *!a,e". The pro/'e! .(th 'o. /(t enco&(n, (" that (t (" u"ua'' not(cea/'e to the hu!an ear) "o (t (" a rather r("% !etho& #or "o!eone to u"e (# the are tr (n, to !a"% (n#or!at(on (n"(&e o# an au&(o #('e. 3prea& 3pectru! (" another !etho& u"e& to concea' (n#or!at(on (n"(&e o# an au&(o #('e. Th(" !etho& .or%" / a&&(n, ran&o! no("e" to the "(,na' the (n#or!at(on (" concea' (n"(&e a carr(er an& "prea& acro"" the #re-uenc "pectru!. Ec%o data %idin$ (" et another !etho& o# h(&(n, (n#or!at(on (n"(&e an au&(o #('e. Th(" !etho& u"e" the echoe" (n "oun& #('e" (n or&er to tr an& h(&e (n#or!at(on. B "(!p' a&&(n, e2tra "oun& to an echo (n"(&e an au&(o #('e) (n#or!at(on can /e concea'e& The th(n, that !a%e" th(" !etho& o# concea'(n, (n#or!at(on (n"(&e o# au&(o #('e" /etter than other !etho&" (" that (t can actua'' (!pro+e the "oun& o# the au&(o (n"(&e an au&(o #('e.


-.'. Ste$ano$rap%y In :ideo

8hen (n#or!at(on (" h(&&en (n"(&e +(&eo the pro,ra! or per"on h(&(n, the (n#or!at(on .('' u"ua'' u"e the DCT (D("crete Co"(ne Tran"#or!) !etho&. DCT .or%" / "'(,ht' chan,(n, the each o# the (!a,e" (n the +(&eo) on' "o !uch thou,h "o (t:" ("n:t not(cea/'e / the hu!an e e. To /e !ore prec("e a/out ho. DCT .or%") DCT a'ter" +a'ue" o# certa(n part" o# the (!a,e") (t u"ua'' roun&" the! up. @or e2a!p'e (# part o# an (!a,e ha" a +a'ue o# G.GG7 (t .('' roun& (t up to 7. 3te,ano,raph (n V(&eo" (" "(!('ar to that o# 3te,ano,raph (n *!a,e") apart #ro! (n#or!at(on (" h(&&en (n each #ra!e o# +(&eo. 8hen on' /eco!e. a "!a'' a!ount o# (n#or!at(on (" h(&&en (n"(&e o# +(&eo (t ,enera'' ("n:t

not(cea/'e at a'') ho.e+er the !ore (n#or!at(on that (" h(&&en the !ore not(cea/'e (t .(''


/. Detectin$ Ste$ano$rap%y
The art o# &etect(n, 3te,ano,raph (" re#erre& to a" Ste$analy"i". To put (t "(!p'

3te,ana' "(" (n+o'+e" &etect(n, the u"e o# 3te,ano,raph (n"(&e o# a #('e. 3te,ana' "(" &oe" not &ea' .(th tr (n, to &ecr pt the h(&&en (n#or!at(on (n"(&e o# a #('e) 7u"t &("co+er(n, (t. There are !an !etho&" that can /e u"e& to &etect 3te,ano,raph "uch a"5 HV(e.(n, the #('e an& co!par(n, (t to another cop o# the #('e #oun& on the *nternet (B(cture @('e.) - There are u"ua'' !u't(p'e cop(e" o# (!a,e" on the *nternet) "o ou !a .ant to 'oo% #or "e+era' o# the! an& tr an& co!pare the "u"pect #('e to the!. @or e2a!p'e (# ou &o.n'oa& a DBE$ an& our "u"pect #('e (" a'"o a DBE$ an& the t.o #('e" 'oo% a'!o"t (&ent(ca' apart #ro! the #act that one (" 'ar,er than the other) (t (" !o"t pro/a/'e our "u"pect #('e ha" h(&&en (n#or!at(on (n"(&e o# (t. HL("ten(n, to the #('e. Th(" (" "(!('ar to the a/o+e !etho& u"e& #or tr (n, to !anua'' &etect 3te,ano,raph (n p(cture #('e". *# ou are tr (n, to &etect h(&&en (n#or!at(on (n"(&e o# a MB3 au&(o #('e ou .('' nee& to #(n& an au&(o #('e to co!pare (t to that u"e" the "a!e co!pre""(on (MB3.) The "a!e app'(e" to #(n&(n, h(&&en (n#or!at(on (n"(&e p(cture #('e".


(. Application" o* Ste$ano$rap%y
3te,ano,raph (" app'(ca/'e to) /ut not '(!(te& to) the #o''o.(n, area". 1) Con#(&ent(a' co!!un(cat(on an& "ecret &ata "tor(n, 2) Brotect(on o# &ata a'terat(on 3) Acce"" contro' " "te! #or &(,(ta' content &("tr(/ut(on 4) Me&(a Data/a"e " "te!" 1. 'on*idential communication and "ecret data "torin$ The ?"ecrec ? o# the e!/e&&e& &ata (" e""ent(a' (n th(" area. 4("tor(ca'' ) "te,ano,raph ha+e /een approache& (n th(" area. 3te,ano,raph pro+(&e" u" .(th5 (A) Botent(a' capa/('(t to h(&e the e2("tence o# con#(&ent(a' &ata (B) 4ar&ne"" o# &etect(n, the h(&&en ((.e.) e!/e&&e&) &ata (C) 3tren,then(n, o# the "ecrec o# the encr pte& &ata *n pract(ce) .hen ou u"e "o!e "te,ano,raph ) ou !u"t #(r"t "e'ect a +e""e' &ata accor&(n, to the "(Ee o# the e!/e&&(n, &ata. The +e""e' "hou'& /e (nnocuou". Then) ou e!/e& the con#(&ent(a' &ata / u"(n, an e!/e&&(n, pro,ra! (.h(ch (" one co!ponent o# the "te,ano,raph "o#t.are) to,ether .(th "o!e %e . 8hen e2tract(n,) ou (or our part ) u"e an e2tract(n, pro,ra! (another co!ponent) to reco+er the e!/e&&e& &ata / the "a!e %e ( ?co!!on %e ? (n ter!" o# cr pto,raph ). . 9rotection o* data alteration 8e ta%e a&+anta,e o# the #ra,('(t o# the e!/e&&e& &ata (n th(" app'(cat(on area. ?The e!/e&&e& &ata can rather /e #ra,('e than /e +er ro/u"t.? Actua'' ) e!/e&&e& &ata are #ra,('e (n !o"t "te,ano,raph pro,ra!". 3. Acce"" control "y"tem *or di$ital content di"tribution *n th(" area e!/e&&e& &ata (" ?h(&&en?) /ut (" ?e2p'a(ne&? to pu/'(c(Ee the content. To&a ) &(,(ta' content" are ,ett(n, !ore an& !ore co!!on' &("tr(/ute& / *nternet than e+er

/e#ore. @or e2a!p'e) !u"(c co!pan(e" re'ea"e ne. a'/u!" on the(r 8e/pa,e (n a #ree or char,e& !anner. 4o.e+er) (n th(" ca"e) a'' the content" are e-ua'' &("tr(/ute& to the peop'e .ho acce""e& the pa,e. 3o) an or&(nar 8e/ &("tr(/ut(on "che!e (" not "u(te& #or a ?ca"e-/ ca"e? an& ?"e'ect(+e? &("tr(/ut(on. =# cour"e (t (" a'.a " po""(/'e to attach &(,(ta' content to e-!a(' !e""a,e" an& "en& to the cu"to!er". But (t .('' ta%e" a 'ot o# co"t (n t(!e an& 'a/or. ). 0edia Databa"e "y"tem" *n th(" app'(cat(on area o# "te,ano,raph "ecrec (" not (!portant) /ut uni*yin$ t7o type" o* data into one (" the !o"t (!portant. Me&(a &ata (photo p(cture) !o+(e) !u"(c) etc.) ha+e "o!e a""oc(at(on .(th other (n#or!at(on. A photo p(cture) #or (n"tance) !a ha+e the #o''o.(n,. (1) The t(t'e o# the p(cture an& "o!e ph "(ca' o/7ect (n#or!at(on (2) The &ate an& the t(!e .hen the p(cture .a" ta%en (3) The ca!era an& the photo,rapher<" (n#or!at(on


+. Biblio$rap%y








9n(+er"(t )


Steganography Seeing the /nseen") *EEE Co!puter") @e/ruar 199I) pp. 2G-34 8. Ben&er) D. $ruh') 6. Mor(!oto) A. Lu) "Techni0ues for 1ata 2iding" *BM 3 "te!" Dourna') Vo'. 3J Ao"" An&er"on) Ao,er 6ee&ha!) A&( 3ha!(r) "The Steganographic 3ile Syste"") 2n& *n#or!at(on 4(&(n, 8or%"hop) 199I Ao"" D. An&er"on) @a/(en A.B. Bet(tco'a") "On the li"its of steganography" http5MM!oEa(-.or, http://chacs. r!. a"#.mi!/pu$!icatio s/%&'%(/2000/2000mos)o*it+,stego.pdf

http5MM....&ata!!Mpu/'(cat(on"M"te,ano,raph .p&#


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