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Case Study of Drug Dependency

Oishee Rahman is a seventeen year old Olevel student, who become the headline of all news sources by all Police Station Dhaka. She accepted that she stabbed her mother 11 times and 2 times to her father killing to death. And the leading reasons according to many newspapers are her bad influences, her drug dependence and recent severe parenting.

Social Cause
When someone takes drugs, he/she is generally looking for a benefit or a reward. The motivators behind the initial drug use can lead to addiction. There are several social and emotional factors that increase the chances of developing a drug addiction. If you think a friend or family member may be addicted to drugs, encourage that person to seek help through therapy, a drug rehabilitation program or a support group. There are many treatment options available. One of the social causes of drug addiction is easy access to drugs. Although drugs can be found almost anywhere, certain places have more drugs than others. If a family member or friend uses drugs, this can also allow easy access. Particularly in teens, peer pressure can have an effect on drug use. According to the Drug Addiction Support website, because some people want to be accepted by their friends and considered cool, they sometimes try drugs to fit in with others. Now a days a group of high class peoples are so much addicted to many drugs like Yaba, Fencidil, Weed, whiskey, other alcohols. Because of high necessity those drugs availability is also fluent. As it is near to hand students are attracted by these.

Familial Cause
Oishee Rahman is a 17 years old young girl. She is not forced by a society, at that age a girl should be interested in computer games, movies, songs but she is from a high society here is no place for all these activities. They are interested in drugs, night out, night party and other irrational activities. Now in our society is distinguished in many different types. Lots of higher class peoples drinks alcohols in home and does many things when they are untrue because of drinking much. At that time the children of this home is also get derailed. Parents are the main creator of a childs mind. If parents are failure to construct their childs mind itll be harmful for the next generation. Now a days peoples are more conscious about their career, when both of the parents are in job its really intimidating to overlook their childrens daily life. Napoleon said Give me a good mother I will give you a good nation . It proves that a childs future is also depends on his/her mother. Oishees family never tried to reveal why her results was downgrading and why her school attendance was so poor. It can easily say that her family never tried to keep her on track. They just switch the schools and at last admitted him to sit on exam on private.

Educational Cause
In 2002 and after completing class five she got admitted into Motijheel Ideal School. Iftekhar, who was used to live with Oishees family on the same flat, said Oishee was a very decent and polite girl during her childhood and she had never seen her losing temper or doing badly in school

examinations. As this correspondent went to Motijheel Ideal School to collect information about her education life the authorities declined to talk about her saying that her case was sub-judice. Later, this correspondent contacted Oxford International School authorities who said Oishee took admission when she was in class eight. After getting promotion to class nine in 2009 Oishee began to show negligence in her education and her attendance was poor. She totally stopped attending classes in the beginning of 2011 and for that reasons the school authorities cancelled her registration. Bilkis Akter, an aunt of Oishee, said as she lost interest in school education Oishees parents registered her with British Council as a private O-level examinee. But it contributed nothing to her education life; she did not attend the exams either, said Bilkis. Officials of the intelligence department and Oxford school said Oishee started taking drugs when she was in class eight at the instigation of her close school friend Rocky. Shahidul Alam Manzur, head of the development and function affairs of Oxford International School, said Oishee continued her education with Oxford school for a very short period of time and she was often found absent. We used to call her parents every month and counsel Oishee, he said. He also said the school found her very intelligent and meritorious and she herself never confessed of doing drugs. She was promoted to class nine after passing in all subjects. In 2011 we contacted Oishees parents several times but they did not respond to our calls,. Its proven that because of some school going guys girls like Oishee get derailed and committed to crimes.

Who are Responsible

Oishee got derailed and done a crime who is responsible, answer is her bad company and parents. Oxford International School authority said In 2011 we contacted Oishees parents several times but they did not respond to our calls. Her parents never care for her where is is going and why? Oishee got derailed because of getting maximum independence. Obviously a family should be careful about their child so childs derailleur is the parents and other members of family. Bad companions are also responsible. A school going girl should have some school going girls and guys but if she joins with some bad companions really itll be harmful for her and other student of the school and class, A proverb Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm. As much as family person to companion are equally responsible for the crime and losing track of the girl.

Mode of Transmission
Last few years its very easier to get drugs from the dealers. Those who are addicted by a mutual addict know the dealers very much. Now a days this poison is spread like a virus and school going students to higher level people. Oishee had some bad companion those are the main supplier of the drug, her family giving her a good amount of money for his daily needs and she just wasted the money for drugs, she is interested to cultural activities and got admitted to a dance club where she made some friend and they were addicted to drug. Here she became friends with Bakir who was a
yaba addict. Gradually the friendship morphed into a love affair. Oishee became addicted to yaba under Bakirs influence. At that point she lost all control of her life. She even sold yaba to others with her friend Rony. In our society yaba became a grade of high class, from school going students to Officials are also addicted to this drug which is very much awful to keep on track of a generation.

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