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IT Project: Glogster Lesson Plan

Endorsement Subject Class Unit Lesson Resources Standard Introduction 6th Grade Social Studies American History U.S. Presidents President Poster Project Print (textbook, notes) and non-print (videos, websites) materials SS 8.4.1 (US) Students will analyze how major past and current US events are chronologically connected, and evaluate their impact(s) upon one another. Each student will be assigned a president to create an online poster (Glogster). The students will implement an image, video, include text of important dates and events concerning their president. The students will also include five facts about them from credible sources. From this project, students should remember the dates in which their assigned president was in office, their party, and important events they partook in. Students will create the online Glog on a computer, specifically Glogster and youtube, and other credited websites to obtain facts. Objective 1. Gain knowledge on past and present president(s) and chronology. Objective 2. Enhance creativity and interaction with technology. Objective 3. Present projects in chronological order in order to teach time sequence. Objective 4. Include two credible sources that support factual information. In order for the student to complete this project they must first be assigned a president. They will have prior lessons taught on each president. They will be given access to a computer and internet sources to complete the project. Assessments of Student Learning (formative and summative/individual and group; Blooms Taxonomy) The project will be completed individually. Pertaining to Blooms Taxonomy, the following categories will be utilized: Knowledge, locate factual statements of their president and record information on the Glog; Understand, describe important events during their presidents office years; Apply, report information found; Analyze, explain why having knowledge of the American presidents is important; Evaluate, support information with credible sources; Create, design a Glog that presents the obtained information. 1. Present review of information taught in previous classes on the U.S. Presidents. 2. Set aside one class period to teach students how to use Glogster. 3. Assign each student a president to complete project on. 4. Research and include on Glog: When were they born? Pass? When was the president in office? What party were they a member? Any important events they were involved in? State five interesting facts 5. Provide at least one video 6. Provide at least two images of the president 7. Utilize Glogster to enhance creativity of the project 8. Present projects in order to enhance time concept skills.

Technology Uses/Materials Needed Objectives

Preparing the Student Assessment of Student Learning

Lesson Sequence

Measurement of Success

In order to measure the students success, they will be evaluated on their ability to complete the project in full, specifically answering each lesson question with credible source; learning how to research and cite credible sources; including at least one video, two images, five facts. The level of cognition will be limited to providing and presenting information. This project can be applied to future lessons in history, such as specific time periods and events that could relate back to the researched president.

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